Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20161005 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20161005

about some brief heavy rain possible than anything else. i don't think there will be a storm surge or devastating wind like the bahamas and florida. >> forecasters don't expect to hit until thursday afternoon. declared a state of emergency. we're live in davey to see how people are getting ready. >> a lot of people from new england have vacation homes and second homes here in south florida. talked to a gal earlier today picking up plywood at this home depot in davey, florida, said he's ready to board up his house. we hope he's getting storm ready at this hour. as we expect here at the 5:00 hour, seeing another rush. this has been open since 6:00 in the morning. a lot of hurricane supplies flying off store shelves as you can imagine and the temporary hurricane supply aisle right here has been here for several days and as soon as employees can stock this aisle with batteries and flashlights and coolers, the items are out the door. people here across south florida getting storm ready before hurricane matthew. >> reporter: a look at crowd at the home depot in davey, from batteries to water, plywood and grills, this hardware store trying to keep up with the demand. >> we do have centers within the southeast area, that they -- we work with our vendors, our supply chains in order to get that product out to the stores as quickly as possible to help our communities. >> reporter: you can see a long line right here, people stocking up on plywood to put over windows and doors, at homes across south florida. you can hear that table saw going here behind me. they're cutting some of these boards down. let's talk about the aluminum shutters, as well. what's the stock like on those, and are you ordering more for this location in davey? begin to resupply again with the right amount per storm. they will concentrate on where the storm will hit the most. >> we got a few of shutters around the house but this is mainly for the sliding glass door. >> you feel pretty prepared overall. >> yeah, i've been through all the storms here growing up, so this is just another one to put on the list. >> reporter: lines are long all over and home depot has extra cashiers on staff working to get people in and out quick. >> they have no people fighting for parking spots, traffic, i waded through about five light cycles just to pull in. it's rough. >> and just like those storm preps before you get ready for a snowstorm up in new england, you know, in the final hours before the storm supplies start to run low, that's what we're seeing all across south florida, at grocery stores and hardware stores. again, this is the hurricane supply aisle right here, no d batteries, just brought in the flameless candles not too long ago and also working with their distribution centers all across the state, in georgia, northern florida and south florida, as well, trying to stock up and get ready as hurricane matthew turns north in the atlantic, and at this hour question tell you at this location and locations all across south florida, they do expect to go past the closing hour of 10:00 tonight. they want to make sure that everybody is ready to go before this hurricane hits. we're live in davey, florida at a home d 7news. thank you so much, jeff. stay with 7news as hurricane matthew pushes north towards the east coast of the united states. you can track the storm anytime at or by using our mobile and tablet apps. >> also on 7, dining wall workers at harvard sending a message after workers failed to reach a contract agreement with administrators. the group marched outside the school early this morning. >> they are protesting a proposed increase in healthcare costs. kelli o'hara has the story from outside the cafeterias that they serve at. more than 750 dining hall employees protesting across campus against the university. workers say harvard wants to increase the costs of their healthcare. >> we're saying enough is enough. >> reporter: the university says healthcare costs across the country are on the rise, and they're proposing modest changes. however, workers say the costs are just too much. the union president says negotiations have stalled. >> harvard is being disingenuous, a modest increase isn't going from a 0 copayme >> reporter: in a statement to 7news, a spokesperson for the university says, quote, harvard deeply values the contributions of its dining service employees as evidenced by the fact that they've received some of the most generous hourly wages and benefits and we hope union representatives will continue to filed creative workable solutions at the negotiable tail, they've been unwilling to do so. protestors say they will be out here picketing until their demands are met. no word when both sides will head back to the negotiation table. keli o'hara , a 7news. aaron hernandez is back in court today. asking for a hearing about witnesses identifying hands during the try trial saying their testimony could be biased. hernandez is charged with 2 counts of first-degree murder and witness intimidation. he's accused of killer furtado he's pleaded not guilty to the charges and hernandez is already serving a life sentence for the murder of odin lloyd. >> an alarming report out says that the tech giant yahoo secretly spied on millions of its users' emails. the story is now reigniting concerns over cyber privacy. 7's sarah french has the story. >> reporter: according to a report from the reuters news than to fight a u.s. government directive to have its own computer scan all incoming email messages last year, looking for a specific term that had intelligence agencies on the lookout. the company says just this... yahoo is a law abiding company and supplies with the laws of the united states. ceo mare said at a tech conference three years ago that yahoo does fight some government dmappedz. >> upon requests, we review it, on a lot. >> privacy matters. >> reporter: three years ago edward snowden's leaks revealed that the national security agency tapped into email traffic so its computers could search for specific terms to stope and investigate potential terrorists. last year yahoo began encrypting its emails making it impossible for the government to scan them. reuters says yahoo itself was doing the searching last year in realtime on millions of incoming messages looking for a term >> when you take your user data and turn it over to the government, what you're doing, of course, is exposing your users to criminal investigation. >> reporter: yahoo itself has been scanning user email content for years, looking for terms it can use to tailor ads to individual users. the web site's user policy is explicit, quote, yahoo analyzes and stores content from incoming and outgoing email. >> both google, the world's largest email provider and performed such scans of email traffic for the government. twitter says if it ever got such a request, it would take it to court. in the newsroom, i'm sarah french, 7news. a smash and grab caught on camera. take a look as the truck rams the doors of a gas station in albuquerque, then you see two men get out of the truck and take off with an atm. police found the empty atm the next day in a ditch. they're hoping the video will help lead them to the people responsible. >> hurricane matthew ruining a a carnival cruise. the ship left from baltimore sunday, destined for the turks and caicos but due to a storm ended new new york city. carnival planned an alternative trip north to canada but that was also canceled. the ship is sailing home tomorrow leaving passengers frustrated. >> i want my money back. i want my money back, to be clear of this. and that's -- if you cannot provide the service, you need to provide the funds that we paid you back. >> pse receiving a $250 ship board credit and a 50% future cruise discount. ahead here on 7news at 5:30, ticket trouble in massachusetts. a concert postponed. no new date expet no refund. tonight hank investigates. >> and new at 6:00, a medical miracle, a marine gets a life-changing surgery. and four local students diagnosed with mrsa. how local schools are preventing the spread. it's all coming up right here on 7news. in new hampshire, d jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. kelly ayotte's not working for us. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. special interests that oppose question 2 that's "absurd," says the boston herald. "outright lies," reports the lowell sun. charter schools "don't siphon off state dollars" from traditional schools, says the boston globe. in fact, public schools get more money. the truth is question 2 will give parents more choices and result in more funding for public education. please vote yes on question 2. ed. we're all janet's age so we all thought this was going to be great. >> reporter: in peabody carla lso scooped up tickets from a dealership online reseller, figuring she and her friends were ready for the escapades. >> we were really excite. >> reporter: and in boston lisa and her g rhythm nation with these tickets she bought from another site. >> it was $600 for the four seats. >> reporter: but then their idol tweeted some life-changing news. >> my husband and i are planning our family. >> reporter: the concert was postponed and no new date was set. now here's the real show-stopper. janet jackson's web site says refunds are available. and the official sellers of tickets for this concert, ticketmaster and the td garden from online third party resellers, which buy and resell people's tickets. when they all asked for refunds, they were told no way. all 33 web sites have the same bottomline -- all three web sites have the same bottomline, no refunds for postponed events. since the concert wasn't completely canceled, they were out of luck. >> very frustrating. >> i was really angry. >> very disappointing to get the answers that we got. >> reporter: we contacted all threees come on, it sure seems unfair to be stuck with tickets to a concert that's indefinitely postponed. and soon after, cathy and paula were given refunds, and lisa's seller is looking into it. now state officials are too. >> money should be refunded. >> and officials say they're exploring twice make that happen. >> do you think he'll take a look at this? absolutely. >> so here's the bottomline. if you're holding tickets to the consumer affairs office wants to hear from you. check our web site for all the info. in the newsroom, i'm hank phillippi ryan. all right, coming up here on 7news, a new business venture hoping to take off, ?eak peek at how a pilot overseas is making strides in the personal transportation business. ed. >> we are talking about a hurricane and we'll show you where it's going as well as your holiday weekend forecast up next. >> and tom bra the pats' quarterback taking to the practice field today. what gronk is saying about most banks are all the same... capital one isn't most banks. it's a relaxed place with helpful people focused on you, not trying to sell you things you don't want. and free checking accounts that are actually free. no minimums. no fees. no nonsense. capital one even has a top-rated app that lets you bank wherever you are. that's banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? interviewer: what would you do with woman 1 : uh, probably post a pic. woman 2: text a friend. interviewer: how about register to vote? man: really? galvin: you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts driver's license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to register to vote m-a dot com. it's that easy. woman 2: done. i just registered. man: that was easy. galvin: register by october 19th. kelly: you know me. not from thousands of false, negative ads- but as your first female attorney general- as your senator, i'm fighting for equal pay and against workplace discrimination, to expand access to birth control, strengthen and preserve medicare, and i reached across the aisle to protect access to mammograms. i approve this message because after all the false, negative ads, i'm still the kelly ayotte you know- fifteen million sold in just the last 10 years and we're saying thanks during buy one get one half off your favorite products. we love our customers and we're showing it. blinds to go. blinds for life. another beautiful day out there, really was gorgeous. >> oh, my gosh. we could just cut, copy and paste. as you see the sun setting there, a live look over natick as people start to make their nice weather on tap, as well. >> did you notice the foliage coming on strong the last few days. the big holiday weekend. fall foliage, grajted not ideal because of the drop but leaves will still do their thing and change color. so ready the cameras and head north and west with a bag of apples. there may be a couple of showers in new england saturday evening overnight saturday night, but matthew, no threat to us here in major threat, though, in the bahamas as well as florida category 3 storm will parallel the east coast of florida late tomorrow night through the day on friday and do the same thing parallelling the georgia as well as south carolina coastline. category iv storm, and then it does loop back around, and so it's never gonna make it north of cape hatteras, north carolina. usually when that happens, then we get put on high alert in new england, but huge area of high bother us here in southern new england. worcester, 62. fitchburg at 66. area of high pressure, a different one, not the same one that will save us from matthew but with us at this time. it doesn't move all that much, tonight and through the day tomorrow, mostly clear tonight, patchy fog. cool, wide range in temps, generally upper 30s to the tomorrow, a pleasant day. coolest at the coastline, mid-60s. the city around 66 and the southshore. upper 60s. i think you'll see more sun tomorrow in plymouth as well as the south coast and out on to the cape. merrimack valley another day with sunshine, low 70s. out on the cape and islands a mix of clouds and sun. for friday, we're talking mostly sunny skies, a few clouds around. as high pressure against to slowly drift southeast of new england and then here comes a cool front that will race out of the great lakes states saturday afternoon, and you see the band of rain right here out ahead of the cool front, that will sweep across new england saturday night and some of that moisture actually being drawn out of hurricane matthew. here's the hurricane down here on saturday. and again, it never makes any northward advancement because of various players in the jetstream and cool front and high pressure, it blocks between the cool front as well as matthew itself. so it's going to draw some rainshower activity up into new england late saturday night and sunday morning, but i think most of us less than half an inch of rain. so with that said, heading up north to the lakes region, could be a couple of showers mid saturday afternoon, mid-60s. sunday and monday a mix of clouds and sunshine. temperatures each of those days upper 50s to around 60. and the foliage is peaking in vermont and northern new hampshire and up through coastline and city of boston, some color in the trees, and that will obviously advantages rapidly over the next couple of weeks. after the shower threat saturday night, dry. well, the future is now. the united kingdom's first jet pack taking off over the water. it's in london, the jet pack got about 100 feet in the air at its highest and the pilot has done about 400 test flights and hopes to make jet packs commercially next here on 7news at 5:30, a world war ii veteran celebrating a major milestone birthday with friends and family. >> good evening, everybody. i'm kim khazei with a look at some of what we're working on for 7news at 6:00. we're following breaking news, westford academy dealing with mrsa. a hard to treat infection, and there are four confirmed cases. so what is the school doing to protect students now? plus, brady finally back on the practice field. we have team 7 coverage ads pats and incredible, a life-changing surgery for this war hero. he is talking about the obstacles he overcame to get to this moment. we'll tell you what happened, those stories and more coming up at 6:00. >> ahead tonight, we're covering the scramble to get out of hurricane matthew's line of fire as it takes aim at the southeast. al roker will have the latest. samsung feeling the heat after a smoking galaxy note 7 phone trigger as plane evacuation, plus why some health inss commonly used drugs. on no one's nightly news. joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician is responsible for the content of this advertising. i just want what's best for my kids. when i hear arguments that massachusetts needs more charter schools, i think: what about the students in all of our schools? every new charter takes away more money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million dollars, just last year. we can't afford to drain even more money from our kids' schools because they're already losing so much. i'm not just standing up for my own kids; please join me in voting no on question 2. ? ? what? is he gone?? finally, i thought he'd never leave... tv character: why are you texting my man at 2 a.m.? no... if you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like you're sleeping. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, it's what you do. tv character: taking selfies in the kitchen well, a lot has changed over the past century, and this veteran celebrated his 100th birthday in colorado with friend and family. >> and a birthday wouldn't be complete without there. ? happy birthday to you. >> born in 1916, victor nelson has made a few friends along the way. >> he never met a stranger. >> come and get your cake. >> reporter: and after 100 years he's seen a few things, too, sliced bread in 1928. the first super bowl in 1967. >> i got married on $9.18 a week. and i bought her a ring, $25. things were a lot different back even though he was assigned to the engine room he had a special surprise for the ship's captain. >> reporter: i made him a birthday cake. we gotta cut the cake now. >> he was in charge. >> well, -- >> even after a century. >> it's been a good 100-year ride. >> reporter: there are things he still wants to do. >> if i decide to sky dive are you gonna come out? >> reporter: something his he wants to keep him as healthy as possible. >> i've only had him for five years, so he's survived all the other 95. >> and how has he stayed so long? >> we don't eat all that junk food you guys eat. >> reporter: so put down the pizza but nelson says grab another piece of pecan pie. >> you don't make it like i do. >> he hung up his keys just to be safe, but still has his driver's license until 2018. >> i loved him. wainlts to meet him in person. 7news straight ahead, everyone. >> 7news at 6:00 starts right now. >> a health scare at a local school, the infection that forced a deep cleaning. >> quiet here in new england but we continue to track hurricane matthew. >> how he is personally feeling, that's something i can't answer. >> reporter: tom brady looks like he's feeling good. see his first day on the practice field suns the end of his suspension. and a medical miracle, of a local hospital that's helping this war hero live out his dreams. >> f i at 6:00, we are, tracking matthew. that category 3 hurricane, now honing in on florida with winds at 120 miles per hour. florida's governor already declaring a state of emergency. >> but we begin with breaking news out of westford. four students at westford academy have been diagnosed with mrsa, an infection caused by a mrsa is resistant to most bacterias. kelli o'hara has the breaking details. >> yes, the school superintendent hopes it doesn't spread anymore. >> it's not pleasant? it's scary. it's a scary thing. you know, you don't hear about it all the time, especially around here. >> reporter: parents alarmed about the outbreak of staph and mrsa infections at wes ford academy. four students football players and one other teen got sick. >> we have to street it responsibly, quickly and aggressively to make sure that the bacteria does not spread. >> reporter: there won't be any school on wednesday. westford academy already a superintendent day off so they're bringing in extra staff to make sure the violence doesn't spread anymore. >> we're focused on locker rooms, locker room surfaces, gym mats, we have instructed students also with any towels or gym clothing that they are school, to thoroughly launder those and to launder their uniforms. so again the school will be scrubbed down from top to bottom here tomorrow. as you can see, there are school activities going on. there is a game going on behind us. the school superintendent says they're also working with the local health board and following cdc guidelines to make sure this doesn't spread anymore. kelli o'hara, 7news. >> at least 11 peopl hurricane. >> now threatening the u.s. >> our goal is to be prepared. >> and forcing people to scramble. >> you never know, we may have to evacuate. >> reporter: tonight we're tracking handwritten matthew. >> a huge storm is expected to be near florida's cost by tomorrow evening. it's packing powerful 120 mile-per-hour winds and there's potential it could strengthen. jeremy reiner is tracking matthew. >> here he is right here moving over the eastern tip of cuba last night, weaken the a little

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Canada , Georgia , New Hampshire , North Carolina , Washington , Vermont , Turkey , Boston , Massachusetts , Westford Academy , Bahamas , The , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Titusville , Worcester , Westford , South Carolina , Colorado , Natick , Freeport , West Grand Bahama , Cuba , Nassau , New Providence , Orlando , Fitchburg , Turks , Peabody Carla , Edward Snowden , Aaron Hernandez , Odin Lloyd , Al Roker , Janet Jackson , Lowell Sun , Victor Nelson , Sarah French , Tom Brady , Jeremy Reiner , Kelly Ayotte ,

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