Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20160101 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20160101

the came turning out to be unbearable. the canadiens got off to a hot start and shut down the b's 5-1. the crowd was fired but but montreal wouldn't be stopped. leading the charge for the canadiens their goalie massachusetts native mike condon. let's go out to our sports director joe amorosino who is live at gillette with the highlights. joe? >> all right, i'm joined by familiar nhl, 14 year veteran, shawn. as we look at this bruins game, the bruins were in trouble right from the jump. they're playing without david, who is injured, they're playing without brad marshon. on the other side montreal gets back maybe their most gifted goal scourers, and brendan gallagher and of course he comes out and scores a fantastic goal to put them up 3-0. it didn't take long for montreal to jump all over the bruins here today. >> i think both teams should have should have been desperate. boston did not come out with any they have to be aware that montreal has a very fast team and a very skilled team and it was almost like they sat back instead of getting in the zone. and usually their strength, which is being a little bigger than montreal to play the physical game. >> you're playing on this huge stage. national, international stage today and this most featured game of the regular sewn, i know the bruins are disappointed they didn't get more. this is the word from inside the bruins dressing room right after the game. >> we didn't have our legs. we weren't moving. they came out hard and then we weren't making any plays. we got surprised all over the ice out there. they got the first goal and i think that may have delayed us even more. first two pairs it was just -- i haven't seen us play so bad in a while. it was -- it was -- it was bad. >> at the end of the day it's one it's two points. they were a big two points, but we have to look at this as a great experience. we move on and try to get ready for the rest of the season. >> showdown, we did see a little bit of spark from the bruins in the end. jimmy hayes gets into a -- this is jimmy hayes right after the game. >> sticking to our system and our structure. >> it's really disappointing. playing in a big time atmosphere and big time venue you want to come out on top. >> the end result, a 5-1 bruins loss to the canadiens. canadiens. they remain in third place while montreal jumps into third place. florida in second now in the atlantic device. we'll have much more on the bruins post game coverage from the bruins hour. joe amorosino, 7news. >> other news. also on 7 today, kingston's town hall opening up, helping a man and woman get the new year off to a great start. >> the woman is about to head out to sea and her fiance didn't want to wait any long to her tie the knot. kimberly bookman man has their story. >> don't ever lose sight of the fact you're perfect for one another. >> the bride wore den im. the time they have together as husband ask wife. >> i love him. i just wanted to be hardy. >> you see dakota is stationed with the navy in san diego and about to be deployed. she had a mere nine days home in plymouth with her fiance but didn't know if that would be enough time to tie the knot. her mom went to the kingston clerk for guidance and got a whole lot more. >> i said if they can come in here on the 29th we'll do it on january 1st. kingston's clerk was concerned to he got them a wedding license, made sure they waited the three days after to seal the deal, then opened town hall on new year's day and initiate the whole thing. -- we're standing next here to the military chair of honor which is for those missing in action that didn't come home. we try to make sure that our service members make sure that they know there's love for them to come back. >> the 23 year olds said i do. >> you may kiss your bride. >> the newly mr. and mrs. rose were gifted a weekend honeymoon in boston before going in separate directions. >> it's just nice to know you have that support back home. you know, i have this big family, both sides that support me, and i just wanted the family to be complete. >> congratulations from kingston, kimberly bookman man, 7news. >> congratulations indeed. firefighters from several towns were called into battle a barn fire that happened in spencer. the flames spread to a nearby house on main street last night. the homeowner tells the worcester cause. police are investigating a dorchester shooting. this happened on fairmont street this morning. detectives say one woman was shot in the arm but she is expected to recover. police have not made any arrests so ongoing. >> camile cosby will have to give a deposition to lawyers regarding 7 sexual assault against her husband. 7 are suing bill cosby in federal court in springfield. because his wife doubles as his business manager she has information relevant to the lawsuits. >> the 78-year-old comedian was charged with sexual assault for the first time this week. cosby appeared in a pennsylvania courtroom answer to go a felony charge of aggravated indecent assault. a preliminary hearing is scheduled for january 14th. and cosby is speaking out for the first time since his arrest last night. he tweeted friends and fans, thank you. >> a large cloud of smoke rising today after a massive fire at a sky scrape in dubai. behind me. the 63 story hotel went up in flames as people were gathering for display. tonight investigators are still looking for whatever sparked this heated situation. dubai usa defense just hours before dubai was set to bring in the new year this skyscraper, being very close to the world's tallest building, the center point of the fireworks display in dubai. however, the show did go on after authorities there were able to bring the fire under control. >> we were really shocked because it was burning right up the building all the way and we came to see it and the lights were turned off so we went back to the flat. we were scared. there were explosions and we didn't know what was happening. >> authorities there saying 14 people suffered from minor injuries. one person is described as person they said suffered from a heart attack, but no one was killed. >> and an investigation is now under way to figure out what caused that fire in the first place. officials say they will publicly make this information available once their investigation is completed. >> missouri and the rest of the midwest drying out after historic flooding. interstates and roadways now reopening, providing a way back home fore vac wees. some towns are still under water and the weather left a trail of destruction. at least 20 people have died between missouri and illinois. missouri governor jay nixon has called in the national guard to help with the recovery. >> also tonight a startling moment for an oklahoma city news anchor. >> we're having another earthquake right now. the studio lights are shaking as we speak. >> gentlemen just had a big -- >> an earthquake rumbling through parts of oklahoma gave her a bit of a shock. you can imagine, right? both anchors were okay. researchers say the quake was 4.2 in magnitude. i guess that would be your first instinct if things started shaking to look up because there's a lot of lights. >> you don't want that equipment falling. it could do some serious dang. >> it seems like an earthquake in oklahoma is pretty rare. no reports of any major damage. still much more to come on 7news at 5:30. coming up next. a special delivery. what a 4-year-old brought police during an intense stand off. >> new at 6:00. we'll head back out to gillette where the canadiens stood tall beating the b's. what both are saying about today's big game. that's all coming everything nature's promise is so wholesome... and it doesn't take the whole paycheck. stop & shop's exclusive nature's promise. eat well for less. my stop & shop. shop with ease at use code: tv2016 it's the holidays, which means a house full of people, who all want to get online. so hurry and get verizon fios. only fios has the fastest internet and wi-fi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, for only $79.99 a month online, you get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year. plus, with a 2-year agreement, fios gives you $400 back, and all the premium movie channels for a year. so go online or call now for this great offer. everything nature's promise is so wholesome... stop & shop's exclusive nature's promise. eat well for less. my stop & shop. a special delivery by this young boy warming the hearts of police out in oklahoma. so the boy showing his support for law enforcement during a really tense stand off. he's only four years old, but his big heart showed a respect and admiration far beyond his years. >> it took a lot of help to end a stand off in oklahoma yesterday. the police, the sheriff, the swat officer colt vincent. >> a 4-year-old who where's his badges with pride as he brings the bad guys to justice. >> you're under arrest. >> you don't want your kids to be scared of a police officer, and it's really cool that he can go up to one and just think of him as a friend instead of an enemy. >> something his parents have always taught him so maybe we wouldn't be surprised as what colt did when he rode past the scene tuesday. >> they needed coffee and pizza. >> mom called the local domino's which pitched in five pies. down the street, 7-eleven contributed 52 cups of coffee for a little warmth. >> that's why we gave them that. >> i told him thank you. >> small. really, thank you from the bottom of all of our hearts. >> but hardly insignificant for oklahoma city's finest. >> we live in a great city and the people of the city really support law enforcement and that's a really good feeling in today's time. it's really, really nice to know that maybe wants to grow up and be a police officer just like we are. >> a day later colts doesn't feel like playing cops. >> he just wants to be a superhero, which he is. >> not that there's much of a difference in his mind. >> now, as for the stand off, the suspect was arrested wednesday morning. he had barricaded himself in a garage after a bail bondsman tried to serve him with a warrant. >> tracking some snow showers and this is the best block of all. it's like candy cane lane. i know. oohhh. oh, holiday ferris wheel. i kind of love it. look at those reindeer. jeffrey, you're awfully quiet back there. maybe it's time we finish and head back to the dealership? that is so jeffrey... soooo jeffrey... so jeffrey... oh. elves.. it's practically yours. but we still need nthen drive event. p zero due at signing, p p p p on a new passat now 7 weather with meteorologist jeremy reiner. >> all right. happy new year. dry weekend shaping up. some flurries and snow showers right now. cold blast of air. arctic shot of air on the way for monday and tuesday of next week. year, the first of the month, average high is 37. average low, 24. sunrise this morning, 7:13. going down at 4:22 if there's any good news in the month of january it's that we pick up almost an hour of daylight, about 50 minutes of daylight picked up. temps, that's another story. it's the coldest month of the year typically. record high, 75. record low 13 below. and normally you average about 13 inches of snow in the month of january. although at this time nothing significant. i say that and then i stand in front of a blue blob here. we have some scattered flurries and a few snow showers. most of this is not reaching the ground. gater near, fitchburg, working towards shirley. this will hid right now towards route two. when it comes through a quick coating of snow possible, but nothing significant. from a little weather system that's england. this is not the start of a storm or anything like that. temps at this time, middle and upper 30ing. we'll hold on to the clouds. we will get rid of the flurries i think about 8:00, 9:00 tonight. temps between 27 and 32. for tomorrow like today a lot of clouds, a few peaks of sunshine. could be an afternoon flurry, although i don't think it will be as pronounced as what we're seeing now. boston around 41 tomorrow afternoon. the south coast lower 40s. north of town upper 30s into the lower 40s. fitchburg around 38 and on to the cape and islands, provincetown 44. here comes that cold blast of air on man. that monday. reality bites on that one. back to work. back to school. better winter with temperatures monday falling into the teens by monday night. tuesday lots of sunshine. we start in the single numbers. temps only in the low 20s. see you at 6:00. >> as we welcome 2016 we also reflect on 2015 by remembering some of the bright stars we lost. legends they all left their marks. kim casey looks back in today's 7's top 7. >> born in 1931 and raised in boston's west end, leonard nemoy moved to california in his teens to pursue a career in acting. he found enough work in secondary roles to continue for a decade, but got his biggest break land being the role of mr. spac for the show star trek in 1984. the show became a sensation on the silver screen and in as i understand indication. there were other shows and other roles, but his popularity made nemoy one of the most recognized actors on the planet earth. >> live long and prosper. he died in march at age 83. >> mr. president, you ought to know that this nation is more a tale of two cities than it is just the shining city on a hill. >> mario cuemo served as governor 1983 through 1984. in his 1984 democratic convention speech he challenged president ronald reagan and that started several years of speculation and encouragement for him to run for president. ultimately he decided against that. he passed away in january at 82. >> yogi berra rose to family in the 1940s as one of the best catchers of baseball history. but he may be better remembered for his wise words to seemed to lack logic. baseball is 90% mental, he once said, the other half is physical. he was fient 90. >> cnn stewart scott battled cancer from 2007 until it took his life in january at age 49. scott was known for his pop culture field delivery style. he didn't just push the envelope said one espn anchor. he bull dozed it. he commented on his cancer fight last year while receiving an award. that you lose to cancer. you beat cancer. by how you live while you live and in the manner in which you live. >> the simpsons cocreature some simon died in march at age 59. he was credited with being the create ty source behind the show and became a generous philanthropist for animal rights. wes craven redefined the 1983 nightmare on elm street. he revitalist scary movies a second team with the movie scream. >> he died at age 76. >> maureen o'hara ra was one of the last surviving stars of the golden age of hollywood. she was known as the queen of technical color. five with john wayne. o'hara a was 95. >> in early december stone temple pilots front man scott weiland died of an overdose. he struggled with addiction since 1993. during the acts from the 19 new york giants. stp sold more than 40 million albums worldwide. he was just 48. >> and musical region end bb king inspired a generation of electric blues guitarists and singers. >> king and his six string sidekick, a guitar named lucille started in 1951 and kept on rocking right up until his death in may in may. >> if you missed any of our 7's top 7 lists you can find them on and we will be right back after up next, we'll head back to gillette where the bruins lose a tough one to the canadiens were tonight what the players are saying after getting hit hard outdoors. >> for one canadiens today it was a dream come true. what mike condon is saying after some close saves. what they did before the big game to cheer on the bruins. mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit >> we hope you're having a great new year so far and we hope you can stay right there. another half hour of 7news comes up next. i'm adam williams. i'm elizabeth noreika. 7news starts now. >> 7news at 6:00 starts now. on 7. the bruins facing off against a familiar foe and taking things outside. >> we're going to have more and there's going to be a scrum here. >> montreal freezing out the b's. >> the highs and lows after a winter classic. stadium the bruins were sacked there. you're looking live at foxbourough where the stadium has cleared out now. the new year starting on a sour note for bruins fans. >> it was a new england native leaving bruins fans with the new year's hangover. canadiens goal it will mike condon making some spectacular saves in front of his home crowd. the stadium was packed and rocking as if the pats were on the field. >> the big crowd wasn't enough to propel the beasts to a win outdoors. we have team 7 coverage of the winter classic starting with sports director joe amorosino live with the highlights. joe? >> the atmosphere and conditions were fantastic for this year's winter classic featuring hockey's most better rivalry between the bruins and canadiens. unfortunately the canadiens with a lot more to play for after coming out of a slump in december. they were desperate to get the wheels turning. they had a whole lot more jump than the bruins.

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New York , United States , Springfield , Pennsylvania , Dubai , Dubayy , United Arab Emirates , Missouri , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Illinois , California , San Diego , Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , Worcester , Hollywood , Montreal , Quebec , Canada , Kingston Town Hall , Provincetown , Fitchburg , Brendan Gallagher , Stewart Scott , Jimmy Hayes , Adam Williams , Ronald Reagan , Scott Weiland , John Wayne , Jay Nixon , Kimberly Bookman , Mike Condon , Kim Casey , Jeremy Reiner ,

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Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20160101 :

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 530 PM 20160101

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the came turning out to be unbearable. the canadiens got off to a hot start and shut down the b's 5-1. the crowd was fired but but montreal wouldn't be stopped. leading the charge for the canadiens their goalie massachusetts native mike condon. let's go out to our sports director joe amorosino who is live at gillette with the highlights. joe? >> all right, i'm joined by familiar nhl, 14 year veteran, shawn. as we look at this bruins game, the bruins were in trouble right from the jump. they're playing without david, who is injured, they're playing without brad marshon. on the other side montreal gets back maybe their most gifted goal scourers, and brendan gallagher and of course he comes out and scores a fantastic goal to put them up 3-0. it didn't take long for montreal to jump all over the bruins here today. >> i think both teams should have should have been desperate. boston did not come out with any they have to be aware that montreal has a very fast team and a very skilled team and it was almost like they sat back instead of getting in the zone. and usually their strength, which is being a little bigger than montreal to play the physical game. >> you're playing on this huge stage. national, international stage today and this most featured game of the regular sewn, i know the bruins are disappointed they didn't get more. this is the word from inside the bruins dressing room right after the game. >> we didn't have our legs. we weren't moving. they came out hard and then we weren't making any plays. we got surprised all over the ice out there. they got the first goal and i think that may have delayed us even more. first two pairs it was just -- i haven't seen us play so bad in a while. it was -- it was -- it was bad. >> at the end of the day it's one it's two points. they were a big two points, but we have to look at this as a great experience. we move on and try to get ready for the rest of the season. >> showdown, we did see a little bit of spark from the bruins in the end. jimmy hayes gets into a -- this is jimmy hayes right after the game. >> sticking to our system and our structure. >> it's really disappointing. playing in a big time atmosphere and big time venue you want to come out on top. >> the end result, a 5-1 bruins loss to the canadiens. canadiens. they remain in third place while montreal jumps into third place. florida in second now in the atlantic device. we'll have much more on the bruins post game coverage from the bruins hour. joe amorosino, 7news. >> other news. also on 7 today, kingston's town hall opening up, helping a man and woman get the new year off to a great start. >> the woman is about to head out to sea and her fiance didn't want to wait any long to her tie the knot. kimberly bookman man has their story. >> don't ever lose sight of the fact you're perfect for one another. >> the bride wore den im. the time they have together as husband ask wife. >> i love him. i just wanted to be hardy. >> you see dakota is stationed with the navy in san diego and about to be deployed. she had a mere nine days home in plymouth with her fiance but didn't know if that would be enough time to tie the knot. her mom went to the kingston clerk for guidance and got a whole lot more. >> i said if they can come in here on the 29th we'll do it on january 1st. kingston's clerk was concerned to he got them a wedding license, made sure they waited the three days after to seal the deal, then opened town hall on new year's day and initiate the whole thing. -- we're standing next here to the military chair of honor which is for those missing in action that didn't come home. we try to make sure that our service members make sure that they know there's love for them to come back. >> the 23 year olds said i do. >> you may kiss your bride. >> the newly mr. and mrs. rose were gifted a weekend honeymoon in boston before going in separate directions. >> it's just nice to know you have that support back home. you know, i have this big family, both sides that support me, and i just wanted the family to be complete. >> congratulations from kingston, kimberly bookman man, 7news. >> congratulations indeed. firefighters from several towns were called into battle a barn fire that happened in spencer. the flames spread to a nearby house on main street last night. the homeowner tells the worcester cause. police are investigating a dorchester shooting. this happened on fairmont street this morning. detectives say one woman was shot in the arm but she is expected to recover. police have not made any arrests so ongoing. >> camile cosby will have to give a deposition to lawyers regarding 7 sexual assault against her husband. 7 are suing bill cosby in federal court in springfield. because his wife doubles as his business manager she has information relevant to the lawsuits. >> the 78-year-old comedian was charged with sexual assault for the first time this week. cosby appeared in a pennsylvania courtroom answer to go a felony charge of aggravated indecent assault. a preliminary hearing is scheduled for january 14th. and cosby is speaking out for the first time since his arrest last night. he tweeted friends and fans, thank you. >> a large cloud of smoke rising today after a massive fire at a sky scrape in dubai. behind me. the 63 story hotel went up in flames as people were gathering for display. tonight investigators are still looking for whatever sparked this heated situation. dubai usa defense just hours before dubai was set to bring in the new year this skyscraper, being very close to the world's tallest building, the center point of the fireworks display in dubai. however, the show did go on after authorities there were able to bring the fire under control. >> we were really shocked because it was burning right up the building all the way and we came to see it and the lights were turned off so we went back to the flat. we were scared. there were explosions and we didn't know what was happening. >> authorities there saying 14 people suffered from minor injuries. one person is described as person they said suffered from a heart attack, but no one was killed. >> and an investigation is now under way to figure out what caused that fire in the first place. officials say they will publicly make this information available once their investigation is completed. >> missouri and the rest of the midwest drying out after historic flooding. interstates and roadways now reopening, providing a way back home fore vac wees. some towns are still under water and the weather left a trail of destruction. at least 20 people have died between missouri and illinois. missouri governor jay nixon has called in the national guard to help with the recovery. >> also tonight a startling moment for an oklahoma city news anchor. >> we're having another earthquake right now. the studio lights are shaking as we speak. >> gentlemen just had a big -- >> an earthquake rumbling through parts of oklahoma gave her a bit of a shock. you can imagine, right? both anchors were okay. researchers say the quake was 4.2 in magnitude. i guess that would be your first instinct if things started shaking to look up because there's a lot of lights. >> you don't want that equipment falling. it could do some serious dang. >> it seems like an earthquake in oklahoma is pretty rare. no reports of any major damage. still much more to come on 7news at 5:30. coming up next. a special delivery. what a 4-year-old brought police during an intense stand off. >> new at 6:00. we'll head back out to gillette where the canadiens stood tall beating the b's. what both are saying about today's big game. that's all coming everything nature's promise is so wholesome... and it doesn't take the whole paycheck. stop & shop's exclusive nature's promise. eat well for less. my stop & shop. shop with ease at use code: tv2016 it's the holidays, which means a house full of people, who all want to get online. so hurry and get verizon fios. only fios has the fastest internet and wi-fi available, with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, for only $79.99 a month online, you get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for your first year. plus, with a 2-year agreement, fios gives you $400 back, and all the premium movie channels for a year. so go online or call now for this great offer. everything nature's promise is so wholesome... stop & shop's exclusive nature's promise. eat well for less. my stop & shop. a special delivery by this young boy warming the hearts of police out in oklahoma. so the boy showing his support for law enforcement during a really tense stand off. he's only four years old, but his big heart showed a respect and admiration far beyond his years. >> it took a lot of help to end a stand off in oklahoma yesterday. the police, the sheriff, the swat officer colt vincent. >> a 4-year-old who where's his badges with pride as he brings the bad guys to justice. >> you're under arrest. >> you don't want your kids to be scared of a police officer, and it's really cool that he can go up to one and just think of him as a friend instead of an enemy. >> something his parents have always taught him so maybe we wouldn't be surprised as what colt did when he rode past the scene tuesday. >> they needed coffee and pizza. >> mom called the local domino's which pitched in five pies. down the street, 7-eleven contributed 52 cups of coffee for a little warmth. >> that's why we gave them that. >> i told him thank you. >> small. really, thank you from the bottom of all of our hearts. >> but hardly insignificant for oklahoma city's finest. >> we live in a great city and the people of the city really support law enforcement and that's a really good feeling in today's time. it's really, really nice to know that maybe wants to grow up and be a police officer just like we are. >> a day later colts doesn't feel like playing cops. >> he just wants to be a superhero, which he is. >> not that there's much of a difference in his mind. >> now, as for the stand off, the suspect was arrested wednesday morning. he had barricaded himself in a garage after a bail bondsman tried to serve him with a warrant. >> tracking some snow showers and this is the best block of all. it's like candy cane lane. i know. oohhh. oh, holiday ferris wheel. i kind of love it. look at those reindeer. jeffrey, you're awfully quiet back there. maybe it's time we finish and head back to the dealership? that is so jeffrey... soooo jeffrey... so jeffrey... oh. elves.. it's practically yours. but we still need nthen drive event. p zero due at signing, p p p p on a new passat now 7 weather with meteorologist jeremy reiner. >> all right. happy new year. dry weekend shaping up. some flurries and snow showers right now. cold blast of air. arctic shot of air on the way for monday and tuesday of next week. year, the first of the month, average high is 37. average low, 24. sunrise this morning, 7:13. going down at 4:22 if there's any good news in the month of january it's that we pick up almost an hour of daylight, about 50 minutes of daylight picked up. temps, that's another story. it's the coldest month of the year typically. record high, 75. record low 13 below. and normally you average about 13 inches of snow in the month of january. although at this time nothing significant. i say that and then i stand in front of a blue blob here. we have some scattered flurries and a few snow showers. most of this is not reaching the ground. gater near, fitchburg, working towards shirley. this will hid right now towards route two. when it comes through a quick coating of snow possible, but nothing significant. from a little weather system that's england. this is not the start of a storm or anything like that. temps at this time, middle and upper 30ing. we'll hold on to the clouds. we will get rid of the flurries i think about 8:00, 9:00 tonight. temps between 27 and 32. for tomorrow like today a lot of clouds, a few peaks of sunshine. could be an afternoon flurry, although i don't think it will be as pronounced as what we're seeing now. boston around 41 tomorrow afternoon. the south coast lower 40s. north of town upper 30s into the lower 40s. fitchburg around 38 and on to the cape and islands, provincetown 44. here comes that cold blast of air on man. that monday. reality bites on that one. back to work. back to school. better winter with temperatures monday falling into the teens by monday night. tuesday lots of sunshine. we start in the single numbers. temps only in the low 20s. see you at 6:00. >> as we welcome 2016 we also reflect on 2015 by remembering some of the bright stars we lost. legends they all left their marks. kim casey looks back in today's 7's top 7. >> born in 1931 and raised in boston's west end, leonard nemoy moved to california in his teens to pursue a career in acting. he found enough work in secondary roles to continue for a decade, but got his biggest break land being the role of mr. spac for the show star trek in 1984. the show became a sensation on the silver screen and in as i understand indication. there were other shows and other roles, but his popularity made nemoy one of the most recognized actors on the planet earth. >> live long and prosper. he died in march at age 83. >> mr. president, you ought to know that this nation is more a tale of two cities than it is just the shining city on a hill. >> mario cuemo served as governor 1983 through 1984. in his 1984 democratic convention speech he challenged president ronald reagan and that started several years of speculation and encouragement for him to run for president. ultimately he decided against that. he passed away in january at 82. >> yogi berra rose to family in the 1940s as one of the best catchers of baseball history. but he may be better remembered for his wise words to seemed to lack logic. baseball is 90% mental, he once said, the other half is physical. he was fient 90. >> cnn stewart scott battled cancer from 2007 until it took his life in january at age 49. scott was known for his pop culture field delivery style. he didn't just push the envelope said one espn anchor. he bull dozed it. he commented on his cancer fight last year while receiving an award. that you lose to cancer. you beat cancer. by how you live while you live and in the manner in which you live. >> the simpsons cocreature some simon died in march at age 59. he was credited with being the create ty source behind the show and became a generous philanthropist for animal rights. wes craven redefined the 1983 nightmare on elm street. he revitalist scary movies a second team with the movie scream. >> he died at age 76. >> maureen o'hara ra was one of the last surviving stars of the golden age of hollywood. she was known as the queen of technical color. five with john wayne. o'hara a was 95. >> in early december stone temple pilots front man scott weiland died of an overdose. he struggled with addiction since 1993. during the acts from the 19 new york giants. stp sold more than 40 million albums worldwide. he was just 48. >> and musical region end bb king inspired a generation of electric blues guitarists and singers. >> king and his six string sidekick, a guitar named lucille started in 1951 and kept on rocking right up until his death in may in may. >> if you missed any of our 7's top 7 lists you can find them on and we will be right back after up next, we'll head back to gillette where the bruins lose a tough one to the canadiens were tonight what the players are saying after getting hit hard outdoors. >> for one canadiens today it was a dream come true. what mike condon is saying after some close saves. what they did before the big game to cheer on the bruins. mornings. wonderful, crazy mornings. we figure you probably don't have time to wait on hold. that's why at xfinity we're hard at work, building new apps like this one that lets you choose a time for us to call you. so instead of waiting on hold, we'll call you when things are just as wonderful... [phone ringing] but a little less crazy. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit >> we hope you're having a great new year so far and we hope you can stay right there. another half hour of 7news comes up next. i'm adam williams. i'm elizabeth noreika. 7news starts now. >> 7news at 6:00 starts now. on 7. the bruins facing off against a familiar foe and taking things outside. >> we're going to have more and there's going to be a scrum here. >> montreal freezing out the b's. >> the highs and lows after a winter classic. stadium the bruins were sacked there. you're looking live at foxbourough where the stadium has cleared out now. the new year starting on a sour note for bruins fans. >> it was a new england native leaving bruins fans with the new year's hangover. canadiens goal it will mike condon making some spectacular saves in front of his home crowd. the stadium was packed and rocking as if the pats were on the field. >> the big crowd wasn't enough to propel the beasts to a win outdoors. we have team 7 coverage of the winter classic starting with sports director joe amorosino live with the highlights. joe? >> the atmosphere and conditions were fantastic for this year's winter classic featuring hockey's most better rivalry between the bruins and canadiens. unfortunately the canadiens with a lot more to play for after coming out of a slump in december. they were desperate to get the wheels turning. they had a whole lot more jump than the bruins.

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