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Im so sorry. Turner is just thankful the issue is being talked about and recognized. Im not mad. Im more sad than anything. I love football. You know, as much as probably anybody, but i just want to see if it can be made safer. So turner is urging parents o not let their kids play football until they get into high school. Hes also hoping in the week of is this study spend more money addressing the problem here. In boston, steve cooper, 7news. Also on 7, a fiery finish after a wild wreck. Now police are investigating. You can see what happened here. 7s Nicole Oliverio has the stoy from lester. An suv bursts into flames after the driver swerves to avod hitting a deer and ends up second guessing himself. He made a spur of the moment decision and hes alive. It happened on balanced win win baldwin street. The car immediately burst into flames. But the man behind the wheel managed to escape. A witness driving by called 911. Very calm. Very composed. Told us immediately that the car was on fire, and that the gentleman had already gotten ou. Remains, but the chief says a truck can be replaced. That driver fortunately walkd away with a couple of bruises ad only a broken wont. In lester, Nicole Oliverio, 7news. State police are now investigating after an 18yearold woman of was hit bya car late last night in dorchester. The victim is in critical condition. Investigators are determined in derry bullets were fired 2 different homes. People were inside both tomorros at the same time but no one was hurt. A man facing charges and tama bay to the hospital after crashing his car during a police chase in cohasset. Police say the 21yearold was trying to get away from police when he lost control of a vehice and he suffered minor injuries. People gathering in boston to call for just after a Deadly Police shooting in the south en. Boston Police Officers shot and killed Terrence Coleman on sundy after they say he attacked officend his mother says he does not have a knife and she originally calld police to take her mentally ill son to the hospital. People said they wanted to show support for this family and to speak out against the Police Shootings happening all across the country. They killed this man unnecessarily, and thats at the heart of it, and thats what weve been fighting for in the city and around the country. Its horrible that we have to be have support. The officers involved in the shooting were not wearing body cameras. And theres more news today. Violence erupting at the u. S. Senate debate in new orleans. Police forced to pepper spray te massive crowd of protesters at n all black college. They were there to speak out against david duke, a former kkk leader who was one of the candidates debating. The crowd grew angry when they were not allowed into the colleges auditorium. Officialshi vandalized it with pro donald trump graffiti. Investigators say they do hae a person of interest. Congressman Anthony Weiner is reportedly in rehab for sexting addiction. According to the new york post, weiners treatment reportedly prohibits cell phones and separates patients by gender. Experts say he will likely face oneonone therapy to talk about how sexting has impacted his at least one involving a minor. A new york man is dead after Police Officers use a stun gun n him. Police say he threatened with a glass bottle. The sergeant took out his stun gun and used it. The 49yearold man had a heart attack. He was taken to a hospital where he later died. A new mother is accused of killing her toddler then sending video of his lifeless body to hs father. 21yearold Christian Clarke was argument with the father. Clarke sent a video showing the young boy face down on an air mattress with his face in a comforter. Clarke is also accused of trying to suffocate her 2yearold daughter. She is now charged with criminal homicide and attempted homicide. A kentucky woman who hit and killed a mans dog now claims he owes her money for car damages. The accident happened when the German Shepherd ran into the rod while chasing a deer. Nine weeks after the accident te nearly 1,000 to fix her vehicl. The owner has refused to pay and now the issue is going to court. I was absolutely astonished. I was stunned that a lady that had killed my dog, that she may not have know that she had killed, would ask me for money for damages to a vehicle. He is at fault. Bureau he can three laws that day. If we dont up holiday the laws then were going to lose respect in the community. The dogs owner says the dog was a therapy animal. The controversial Dakota Access pipeline project is now facing a new problem after a cultural site was found along te route. The building building the pipeline saw the site but waited 10 to say anything about it. The contract says they notify ad recruit the pipeline to presearh these sites. I was really extremely disappointed that the company when it happened. This trust demands an exchange n full and prompt disclosure of ky information. Now the Public Service commission has instructed a staf there to file a complaint penalties could lead up to fines of 10,000 per day of construction. A crazy crash caught on camea in texas. A bus crashing into a house. The bus was tboned by a pickup truck which sent it out of control and then right into the building and that bus driver mame was left staring at the inside f someone elses home. The bus stop moved just a little too close to this house. Watch as the 59yearold bus driver hangs on for dear life after colliding with a pickup truck. Then as he slams into the house, gingerly he sits up and looks around the inside of someone elses home. I can see that he yeah, it kind of stirred him up a little bit. Hes going, like, what in the world was that. And a former city bus driver in san antonio, texas. I had an accident while i was driving the bus once before and it was just like that. Came out of nowhere. Carter is on the receiving ed of this crash too, but as a homeowner. After it hits the bus in the video, the pickup smashed into his fence. Surveillance video from the bus shows two people get out of the passenger side of the truck. The first runs off and then doubles back to the truck before walking out of frame. By the end of the only appears to be one person waiting with the truck. Thats really weird the two would leo the scene like that. Police werent aware of anyoe else be in the truck beside the driver, but they say its only the dryer who cant leave the scene of a crash. Despite the unexpected detour te bus driver was able to make his way out the back. The 18yearold driver of the pickup truck was charged with driving without a license and nt having liability insurance. The bus driver went into a hospital to get his shoulder this is pretty scary here. An ecigarette explosion caught on camera in france. Sparks flying out of a mans pocket after his device came in contact with some coins. One of his friends helped put te fire out. The man suffered Second Degree burns on one of his hands and on his hips. Police in tampa searching fr a burglar with a unique fashion sense. The man was caught in a a tutu. Once inside the man drank soda and decided to leave. While wearing a tutu. Still ahead, moving on, on 7news, thirsty for success. Well introduce you to some pint sized ceos. The trial of a Police Officer underway in South Carolina as te defense tries to keep a key piee of evidence out of the hands of the jury. And were on the home stretc. Trail. Well be right back. . At Blue Cross Blue Shield of massachusetts, we offer a variety of medicare plans to fit your budget and your lifestyle. 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Hurry, this is the final week to get our best offer ever. Only from fios. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Donald trump i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldnt lose any voters, okay . And you can tell them to go f themselves blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. You gotta see this guy. Ahh, i dont know what i said, ahh. I dont remember. On a task beyond their years. They came company to make a special produt marketed just for kids. These twins thought who better o make a product designed for kids than kids themselves. Sarah french has the story. Who are the ceos of the company . Me. Me and him. Wait. You guys are ceos . Yes. Brazil and princeton are twins. Between class work, homework and play dates they decide to do build a business based on a subject they know well. What kids like. At the age of 7, these siblings company. Its called water to kids. Its currently on sale in 17 small stores. We made it because kids dont drink a lot of water because thy dont see it in the store just for them. So far the success feels goo. What was it like the first time you walked into a store and you see water to kids, what was that like . I was happy. Brazil and princeton chief officer, and home says theres quite a process to get the water in the stores. We have a bottler and our bottler is in up state new york. It comes from the natural sprins of the mountains and it gets bottle and had it gets shipped and then we distribute it to the stores. We want the kids to try to chooe their habit a little bit. Get the water instead of a soda. Eight years old, ceos, got the first store to stock watr to kids is right across from princeton and brazils school. They say business is great. In the newsroom, im sarah french, 7news. A little rainwater this afternoon. Now we dry things out overnight tonight and heading in the weekend. Ahead on 7news at 5 00, no longer cubs win. Cubs win. Plus getting in the holidaye, it takes money away from the regular Public Schools from students like mine. Massachusetts schools already lose 400 million a year to charters and question two means well lose even more. Attend a charter school. If you believe every child deserves a great public education, vote no on question two. Massachusetts newspapers rarely agree, but they do on question 2. They agree opponents have run a campaign of misinformation to spread fear through white, affluent neighborhoods. They agree in the suburbs question 2 will have and their children. They agree it will provide vital choices for urban parents and help reduce the achievement gap. Question 2 is a kids civil right. Join leading newspapers and governor baker interviewer what would stop you from voting this november . Woman 1 working late. Man 1 lines i hate long lines. Woman 2 no babysitter. William f. Galvin for the First Time Ever we have early voting. If youre registered, you can vote any day between man 1 wow, that helps William F Galvin early voting is easy voting. Interviewer so what do you think . Woman 2 it a timesaver. I love it. William f. Galvin its easier than ever for you to vote. Learn more at massearlyvote. Com ats youre paying more forou . Prescription medicines. Kelly ayotte blocked lower cost generic drugs. Youre paying high Interest Rates on college loans. Ayotte voted against letting you refinance at lower rates. Fees while ayotte voted for special breaks to wall street executives. Kelly ayotte. Shes siding with corporate special interests and thats costing you. Shes not working for New Hampshire. I think were going to take a look outside. Yeah, because its supposed o be a very cool shot. What it looks like. Look at that. The rain is moving out. I was kind of thinking earlir today, you can tell me if you agree or not. What we lost in sunshine for the bigger part of the day we gained in some temperatures. It was very comfortable out there. We had some rain move through. Its obviously going through right now and i understand thins will change for tomorrow when j. R. Will be leaving. We get more sunshine tomorro, but not quite as warm as where e were today. Even with that said,er this afternoon. Temps tomorrow mid 50s which is actually where we should be for this time of year. West, northwesterly winds around the metro and up through southen New Hampshire, you can see the actual front on the radar. Just pregnancying through route nine. There it is right there, the rib lone of light rain shower activity. Then as you look up across northern new england, Northern New York state, still a lot of clouds but nothing in the way of through, less than a tenth of an inch of rain, one of my twitter friends tweeted me four100th of an inch. 50s and 60s. Warmest conditions still down along the south coast and south shore. Theyre the area of soap and the associated cold front. Well have an edge of cool air, but not bitterly cold. Up in southern can dark the tems are in the 40s and low 50s, but as this air comes out of southern canada into southern new england it wil modify a little bit. So it will be cooler tomorrow, less humid, but pretty close to where we should be for this time of year. So tonight compared to last nigt certainly cooler. 44 to 47 with a lot of clouds ot there. For tomorrow, early clouds. Otherwise the sunshine does return. Cool breeze, temps between 51 ad 56. Again, for the city the normal high is 56. I think thats pretty much where were going to be. Then down through portions of mid and upper 50s. Merrimack valley, the sea coast, cape ann and up through southern New Hampshire, temps in the lowr 50s. You could make the case its a little bit cool up there for you folk. Worcester hills, partly sunny, low 50s. Not out on the cape and islands, northwest wind dries out the ai. Temps in the mid and upper 50s. Theres the weather map for tomorrow. Then as we work into the weekend we get rid of the breeze and its a little bit cooler tomorrow wih temperatures on saturday in the upper 40s to the low 50s w its a weak little weather systm that drops out of canada and it may actually be close enough to the cape where we have a spot shower or sprinkles on the cape, but i think for the rest of us n sunday, were dry, but it will e cool both weekend. Upper 40s to the lower 50s for both saturday and again on sunday. 7 on 7 forecast. Lots of sunshine next week. Right now, election day, lots of the upper 50s. And our next chance of any rain middle of next week. See you at 5 00. Thanks. See you then. Matt fitzgerald is watching the roads. On 128 south we have a minor crash over on the lefthand side break down lane you can see its really tied up. Youll be heavy down to 24 in randolph and moving well after that. The northbound side, you cant see it, but it is moving well. Route 16 up to route six inre lane break down. Most of the of the way on the southbound side of route one is moving as well. Crawling on the expressway southbound this apalachicola, jammed right out of the oh oh neal tunnel to the braintree split a 27 minute drive. Hey, ive got to talk about something, because we cant pawk about the patriots. They are on a bye week who else are we to going to talk abou . Another matchup, the chiefs and the jaguars. Chiefs playing at home. Really tough team home. They have some problems with the running backs. Both will probably not play. Andrew west will be a huge pickup. Crashed it last year. Jacksonville 27th against the run. Lets talk about thursday night football. Falcons, a little bit of a surprise in the league right no. Just coming off a big win now on the road. Im feeling the energy there. Youve got to like the energy from the falcons right now. You want to hitch your wagon to matt line. Overturned 40 yards in every 194 touchdown ratio. Good week one. Coming back right now. Tampa is a great matchup. Weve also got a matchup, first place in the afc west. Broncos, raiders. What do you want to do . Hard to say that the Oakland Raiders have a chance to be in first place. That denver defense just too good. That team, two seasons, keeps te chris. All right, every one. Get set your line up. Ahead on 7news. A look at Country Musics hottet kate my mom and i love shooting hoops. But you know what she could still learn a few things from me just like ive learned a lot from her. And she even fought to put bad guys in jail. Now, mom helps make laws that help people especially when they need it most. Im really proud of her. And shes taught me that with hard work i can do. Anything. Kelly im kelly ayotte, kate and im kate. Kelly kate and we approved this message. Hillary clinton im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Vo in times of crisis america depends on steady leadership. Donald trump knock the crap out of them, would you . Seriously. Vo clear thinking. Donald trump i know vo and calm judgment. Donald trump and you can tell them to go fu k themselves. Vo because all it takes is one wrong move. Donald trump audio only i would bomb the sh t out of them. Vo just one. Joanne shes not fooling me. Britt kelly ayotte sides with the special interests. Vivian now, shes even playing politic games with medicare. While protecting tax breaks for the wall street banks and Big Oil Companies that fund her campaign. Fred kelly ayotte sold us out. Britt with kelly ayotte, its all politics. Joanne shes not looking out for New Hampshire anymore. Vo Senate Majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. It was a big night for Country Music at the 50th cma awards. Stars fromhe present were there. Also some guests. . How about that . Thats beyonce performing her song daddy 11s with the dixie chicks who covered the song on tour. Brad paisley and Carrie Underwod hosted for the ninth year in a row. Entertainer of the year, this taylor swift went back to her roots to 20 the award to him. A local song writer also winning a cma. He won the award for song of the year for humble and kind, that song sung by tim mcgraw. Did you say humble and kind . Did you do a Little Country twang . Sorry about that. Ill work on that. I like i did it on purpose. Much more to come here in the next nine minutes. Im jadiann thompson. 7news starts right now. Heading into the home stretch for the race for the white hous. Boots on the ground in battleground states. Donald trumps daughter rallying supporters in new england while Hillary Clinton gets some supporters from the commander in chief in florida. Also get ready for a major demolition. Plans to close part of a busy highway. Rain tied to a cool front ths afternoon. Cooler for tomorrow. And a celebration cubs fans have waited a century for conditions in chicago. 7news at 5 00 starts now. Were down to the wire in the race for the white house. Just five days to go and the candidates will be nonstop from now until election day. The campaign is focusing heavily on those socalled swing states. Both Hillary Clinton and donald trump in North Carolina this afternoon. Trumps family members ao rallies in pennsylvania and New Hampshire and thats where we find 7s dan hausle in nashua with the latest from the trump campaign. Well, ivanka trump was here today. Donald trump here tomorrow. That tells you a couple of thin. One, New Hampshire is monitor to them. Two, that New Hampshire is close enough they believe they can win here. Today on the campaign trail it wasnt just donald trump but the rallying the troops in nashua as the candidate makes the Campaign Home stretch a family affair. Wife melania giving a rare speeh herself this afternoon in battleground, pennsylvania. This is not an ordinary campaign. It is a movement. A movement in which people feel included, inspired and involved. Donald trump today in the battleground states carolina and florida. In jacksonville trump warning voters of new reports suggesting fbi investigations into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation could follow hillary well past election day. Trump warning of a possible constitutional crisis if hillary becomes president. It was reported that an avalanche of information is coming in. The fbi agents say their

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