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Arrested. In quincy, steve cooper, 7news. Boston police are investigating after a late night shooting in roxbury, officers were called to the scene just before 11 00 last night. Thats when police say they foud a man who had been shot. He was taken to the hospital wih lifethreatening. No arrests have been made. A car up in flames on route nine. Officials say the fire started late last night and the road was closed until the early hours ths morning. No word on what caused the fire. In chelsea a telephone pole came tumbling down this morning after you can see right there. Its unclear why the driver lost control. No one was hurt. Also on 7, a stranger does some heavy lifting to save a life. Police say a bicyclist was pinnd under a car in worst and someone passing by had the perfect tool to help. Police say a 20yearold man was riding his bicycle when he was hit by this car, pinning him underneath it. Just before 4 00 in worst. The driver was exciting a driveway when she hit the bicyclist. Joseph was driving home from work when he saw the young man completely under the car unable to move. Thats when joseph and another man started to jack the car up. With the weight of the car on tp of him. Firefighters and the police were on scene in just a few minutes. Police say the young man was under observation at the hospitl but should make a full recovery. Brandon gunnoe, 7news. Recovery after a frightening fall in wakefield. The bus was leaving the school when it hit a bump. The child on the bus was tossed out of the last row into the door. The door opened and the kid fell right on to the street. Officials say the child is scraped up but was alert and responsive when help arrived there. Students say theyre shocked. Not sure how he could have fallen o i was kind of nervous. I obviously really hope hes oky and that it wasnt a major injury. But it was kind of scary to thik it could have been anyone. The School District is investigating. The bus monday store immediately notified the driver. The company had no comment about the accident. A firefighter is being hailed a hero following a massive natural gas explosion. The gas ripping buildings apart and throwing debris and people o the ground. Today that firefighter is talkig action. Sarah french explains. A lot of debris has been removed from the site of the building. Battalion chief scott myers had walked up and down the stret making sure shops were closed ad employees were out. He then reached him. I just came up to the door to check it and it was locked and this was holding on to, and thats when i heard something happening behind me and all of a sudden is the explosion occurred and it just pushed me right over the tp of that door into the center of the room there. I didnt feel like i was hurt and i started hearing the may dy call, so i got back up and came back out here to see what i was going to look at. May day. May day. Across the street byers saw two firefighters hurt after the force of the blast threw them thats where the firefighters, s i came out of the building were up against that and thats where they were tending to them. Then byers and another firefighters saw something they could hardly believe. A woman standing on top a pile f burning rubble where just secons before a building had stood. Couldnt wait for the ladder. We just needed to get to her. We just started climbing up the pile to her and waved her down t the same time. Three firefighters, two polie officers and three other theyre all expected to be okay. In the newsroom, im sarah french, 7news. Environmental activists fear recent flooding in north carolia may have released a dangerous spill into a river. A portion of the river is next o three cool pits filled with ash from a nearby steam plant. The area flooded after Hurricane Matthew and an official believes the pits were compromised and its responsible for ash in the trees and in the water. I think what this shows us is store cool ash in unlined pits n the flood zones of major rivers. A spokesman for the Energy Company responsible for that col ash says he bullies the substane is not ash, but the company is testing that. In texas a family survives a plunge off the bridge into a river. The mother was driving when she saw traffic ahead and slammed on the brakes swerving right over the side of the bridge. The mom and her four children will be okay. Caught on camera. Two thieves in an oklahoma right into a store and steal an atm. They smashed the wall, a man hos out and pulls an atm into the back of the truck. Police found the vehicle on the side of the road about 20 minuts after the robbery but are still searching for the suspects. A bald eagle is caught on camer. The eagle flew into the path ofa jeep on the highway, hit the windshield and was pretty stunned. A trooper then pulls over when e sees the bird struggling. The eagle is now recovering. Apple may refresh its mac computers. Among the ideas, a lighter and faster macbook laptop. As well as an up took for at least one model of the macbook air. Tesla ceo says they will now come with hardware to make them fully selfdriving. That is once government regulations allow for it. Sl showing the car driving through town and eventually parking all on its own. Were following more news today. An iconic beer with the new england name is coming back hom. Naraganset with a long history. It will be getting back to is ocean state roots. Christa delcamp explains. Took place on a barstool in 200. He didnt like the choices to a guy at the end of the bar said. Give the kid a ganset. It was just amazing. The stories that were told about the history of this great beer. That started a whole process in his mind. Out of work from a Juice Company to bring the brew back. It just became a mission. Like something that had to be done. After years of bought the name. Naraganset is so far one of the two that will be making beer at the under construction Mill Facility in pawtucket which will be open to the public. The nurture small craft breweris through growing pain. Capital issues, Human Resource issues. Really what weve become is a its such a rich history. To be able to do that here is just there could be nothing better. Right now to help build the excitement a total of 250 retro cans hidden within cases of the beer have golden stickers that when redeemed will win you a fre vip fewer of the new facility. Christa delcamp, 7news. Still ahead, a little duck taking flight. And what experts say is the most commonly transmitted disease and whats happening. And at 5 00, a chelsea teen hit by a stray bullet right inside his home and now police are trying to track down the gunman. Plus the shooting of two Boston Police officers sparking change. The new process now under revie. I just want whats best for my kids. When i hear arguments that massachusetts needs more charter schools, i think what about the students in all of our schools . Every new charter takes away more money from the existing public schools. Thats 400 million dollars, just last year. We cant afford to drain even more money from our kids schools because theyre already losing so much. Urs, too. Please join me in voting no on question 2. Capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. So capital one reimagined banking. . With a place that feels nothing like a bank. And helpful people that talk to you. Not sell to you. With free checking accounts that are actually free. No minimums. No fees. And a toprated app, lets you bank right here. Andrew crossley New Hampshire has a senator who works just as hard as we do. Gerardine ferlins kelly ayotte believes in the potential of New Hampshire, and wants to unleash that potential. Ron goguen shes out there fighting for goodpaying jobs. Andrew crossley kelly introduced bipartisan training initiatives to make sure we have the skills for the 21st century. Sue winter shes fought against Workplace Discrimination and for equal pay. Claude poisson shes working for the little guy im the little guy. Barb fredette we need kelly fighting for good New Hampshire jobs so our kids can raise their families here. Sue martin kelly is a powerful voice kelly ayotte im kelly ayotte commercial flight. This is danielle. He wheres red shoes and he grabbed a seat on the flight to north carolina. Enjoying the view there. Passengers on board of course snapping tons of pictures. And by the time they alexanderred danielle was a social media star. When they spotted a duck occupying a window seat on a flight from charlotte to north carolina. What is his full name . Danielle turducken stinker butt. Without danielle, i would sty home for the rest of my life. I would never leave the house because i cant. Her horse and carriage were hit by a car. They know that im not just o wacko that is bringing her duck with her just because. It went viral when there were photos, including one of the duk gazing out the windows. He wheres bright red shoes to protect his tender webbed feet. And hes used to showering, wearing diapers. Hes wearing his captain america under pants. And eating macaroni and cheese. Danll breed of duck that cannot fly. Or maybe he was just dreaming of mack and cheese. Passengers g his tail the entire time. A sign his owner says hes happ. That story is pretty funny when you look at all of it and having a duck on your flight. You have to laugh a little bit. Turducken. I want a middle name like that. Much more ahead here on 7, including the catch of lifetime for some bermuda fishermen. How many pounds this lobster weighs in at. Tracking clouds overnight tonight and a few showers for tomorrow. Ill show you how much rain is n the way. Look at this. Teenagers taking thousands of dollars worth of iphones. The local mall police say they targeted. Donald trump refusing to accept electionul what he said at a rally today. You know me. Thats New Hampshire kelly ayotte. This is washington kelly ayotte. She voted for 20 billion dollars in tax breaks for the big oil companies. But she voted against letting you refinance your student loans. Ayotte voted to give a huge tax breaks to millionaires. While 95 of us. Got nothing. Kelly ayotte. You need to know in washington. Shes not working for New Hampshire. Dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. Im here in bristol, virginia. And now. Im in bristol, is virginia. And on this side its tennessee. No matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on Car Insurance by switching to geico. Look, im in virginia. Im in tennessee. Virginia. Tennessee. And now im in virginessee. See how much you could save on Car Insurance. Or am i in tennaginia . Hmmm. Spent 21 years in the navy, defending america. If i only showed up half of the time, id have been courtmartialed. Kelly ayotte did. She missed nearly half of her Homeland Security hearings. Vo on critical Homeland Security hearings, ayotte was mia. Even missing a hearing the same day she went to a washington fundraiser. For ayotte collecting Campaign Cash comes first. Bob hillery when it comes to fighting terrorism, fifty percent doesnt cut it. Afscme is responsible for a massive catch for two fishermn in bermuda. They caught this giant lobster weighing 14 pounds. The surf from hurricane nicole brought it closer to shore. They took these photos for bragging rights and then let the lobster go free. No dinner for that lobster. Thats good. For the lobster. Well let j. R. Take over with i cant top that. So i wont even try. We were talking about the lobster before we came back from break. What you would do with it. I do not know. I didnt say that. Youre trying to put lobster in my mouth. Okay, a few showers possible tonight, but i think a better chance of showers tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow evening. I love lobster. Windy weekend. This is behind the storm system tomorrow evening. A lot of wind coming into new england saturday and again on sunday. And then we have a blustery weekend. Chilly next week. Upper 50s and low 60s right now. City at 59. Fitchburg. It tries to come back into new england, but it wont make it ad so that fight thats going on, the cool air and then the warm air winning back and forth, clouds for us right now. Plans this evening, other than a few sprinkles, i think thats about it. There has been steady rain through western and Northern New England and thats where this chunk of rain will pass off to the north of us tonight, but eventually it will be this bag f rain that works up into new england tomorrow afternoon as well as tomorrow evening. As that storm system passes up through the. Then actually rising to the low to mid 60s tomorrow morning. Through the day tomorrow, mild and muggy out there with cloudy skies. There may be a few peeks of sun, but grab the rain gear because i think there will be a few showers, more so seeing the showers in the afternoon versus the morning hours, and then wel have rain tomorrow evening with most towns at least a half an inch. If you get one or two downpours over the same community or more you may have up wards of an inch of beneficial rain which of course weve been getting rain weeks, but we still have a ways to go to chew away at the drought. Still in the extreme category. Obviously you dont want to do t in one weekend or one afternoon. You kind of have to chip away at it. The storm lives up into Northern New England saturday morning. So well have showers tomorrow and tomorrow night. A windy weekend with gusts per hour. Temps saturday morning in the 60s and then settling back into the 50s after noontime, and then sunday lots of sun, but blustery and cool, mid 50s and even cooler next week with high temperatures tuesday and wednesday and in the upper 40s. Lets go to Matt Fitzgerald to see how the roads are shaping up this afternoon. Sullivans square right into the southbound oneill tunnel. The northbound side moving okay out of the tunnel. A little further up by the upper deck most of the way up to 128. Its crawling on both sides. Tough going on the pike out of town. The newton corner, then again ot of the weston tolls. The eastbound side of the pike s moving well from the weston tols all the way into downtown bosto. Heavy from the tunnel down past the bay shopping center. Split. The northbound is jammed. The oneill tunnel to the braintree split just under a haf hour. From the braintree split to roue 24. 16 minutes. Im Matt Fitzgerald, 7news. Turning to our health cast. The cdc says preteens now only need two doses of the hpv vaccie instead of three. They can also be spread a yer apart instead of a shorter timeframe. This comes after recent studies show that two doses are experts say these guidelines wil make it easier for parents to gt their children vaccinated. There were more cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the u. S. Last year than ever before. A new report from the cdc reveas thecla that clamidia was the most. Leaving fewer places for people bringing just a ton of smiles. How her fight against cancer is imagine if your child were trapped in a failing school. Imagine if your child couldnt read or write at grade level. Imagine if your child were stuck on a waiting list. 32,000 kids want to go to a public charter school. But they cant. If you like your public school, question 2 wont affect you. But for kids stuck in failing School Districts, question 2 will let parents choose Something Better and give all our kids hope. Uh, first of all, i plan to vote for donald trump. When it served her purpose, ayotte buddied up to trump, even calling him a role model. Would you tell a child to aspire to be like donald trump . Oh absolutely, i would do that. But she kept playing politics and flip flopping around. Ayotte is running away from trump as quickly as she can. To keep something she values. I know. Kelly ayotte. The politician. Looking out for herself. Independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. Becoming a Team Favorite in new mexico. 5yearold emma is battling cancer and her favorite thing to do is hang out with the womens soccer team at the university of new mexico. And now shes got a pretty name. At a lot of home games for the university of new mexicos womens soccer team its someone on the sidelines getting all the attention. 5yearold emma davis is now the unofficial captain of the team. That sound, that sight brings tears to her mothers eyes. Theres really no words as a parent to see your child be a child and not s tubes and medicines and toxins being pumped into her. Emma has been gratefully tackling her battle with leukema since january. Shes finally reached a point where she can get out and have some fun again and her favorite place to be is anywhere these soccer players are. The second we leave she says, oh, i guess my gills. Thats how she says girls. I miss my soccer gills. Cancer a hat or a beanie. Shes happy to share the tite with emma. She says seeing her on the sidelines inspires them to pusha little harder, but what theyre giving to emma is priceless. Just seeing her run around with a smile and laughing and playing, its probably a bigger gift to us as parents than even by her bedside and wopped her just sleep and be sick for so long that this is more than we could have given her. Very sweet story there. We have much more to come, everyone in the next 990 minute. Thanks for joining, im jadiann thompson. Im ryan schulteis, the news begins now. Donald trump clarifies his comments. He wants a clean election. What hes now saying about accepting the outcome of the we track showers on the way. Mbta union works taking their demands to the steps of the statehouse fighting to prevent privatization. Bullets fly into a boys bedroom in chelsea where the search stands for a gunman and the latest on the childs condition. Caught on camera, alligator take a big bite out after an apple store. The bruins hosting tonight. 7news at 5 00 starts now. I will results of this great and historic president ial election f i win. Donald trump doubling down today on a controversial answer from last nights debate. Trump left voters in suspense when asked if he would concede that i lost to hillary clinton. And today he clarified his statement saying he just wants a sides. Brandon gunnoe is live in the control home and has more on the latest. Lets use trumps words. He says hell accept the results if he wins. If you agree with him or not, or what side of the aisle you land on. I will totally accept the results of this great and historic prent i win. [ cheering ] donald trump doubling down on last nights claims that he may not accept the results of the president ial election. Do you make the same commitment that you will absolutely sir, that you will absolutely accept the result of this election. I will look at it at the tim. Im not looking at anything now. Ill look at it at the time. Ill keep you in suspense. Senator tim kaine weighed in on trumps comments whether hel accept the results. Obviously donald that is not accepting results. You have to accept the results f

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