Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 430 PM 20151005 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 430 PM 20151005

that same law also beened any cell phone use for junior operators but everyone else can still hold a phone to their ear in the car. reporting live from beacon hill, janet wu, 7 news. he said he just shot four people and he were in his closet. >> anchor: i addition turning discovery a pelham, new hampshire apartment collection when police responding to a reported shooting find an arsenal of weapons. police say it all started what when that man fired several shots and said he thought someone was breaking into his apartment . >> anchor: the man as taken to mass general for evaluation. jennifer eagan has more . >> reporter: 10,000 rounds of ofal in addition and 7 guns found at this apartment in pelham, new hampshire. police say they discovered the arsenal after neighbors called 9 911, alarmed by what the man inside was telling them. he said she shot four example and they were in the closet . >> reporter: the 67-year-old said there were people in the closet because he believed people were trying to break in there. police say that wasn't the case but he did fire a gun. they didn't penetrate the walls luckily it did not go into . he might have just snap. i saw him bringing this. out and he just didn't, he . the man's neighbors fright creptened by the number of weapons sitting beyond this door. hopefully they get him the help he needs. >> anchor: we are following more news today of a nearby riot outside a club in worcester has the club management defending them selves. five people were arrested friday night when a crowd outside the their management said they didn't plan the event they say was responsible for what they called the disorderly crowd. police in ipswich arrest a machine in connection with an alleged illegal marijuana growing operation in his home. police executed a search warrant last friday. they had received an anonymous tip that led the department to conduct their investigation and officers sized 78 plants that they estimate to be worth about $100,000. stabbing in dorchester that happened around 2:30 this morning on paxton street officials say a man walked up to the victim asking him for money. when he said he didn't have any the attacker pulled out a knife and stabbed him twice. the victim is being treated for non-life-threatening injuries. >> anchor: a dunkin' donuts employees facing backlash in the state of connecticut after reportedly refusing toer is of a police officer. police say the officer went into a dunkin' donuts in west hartford and waited in line and there was a female work their looked at him and said we don't serve cops here. well, a manager approached, apologized and said it was a joke but people who live in that . it's disrespectful i think to someone who is willing to put on a uniform and car ia gun and try and protect me and my town and keep it safe . >> anchor: in a statement dunkin' donuts said it's aware of what happened and does in the condone the work's behavior . >> anchor: a dangerousen counter off the coast of florida florida. a teen recovering after bing a tacked about i a shark. officials say the shark wit his happened. the teen then 3 punched the shark in the nose and managed to get back to shore i'm similar attack happened at the same beach two weeks ago. people there is a they are on alert when driving in the waves. i'm not really scared about sharks. but now i know that it could happen to anyone no matter what. you are never safe. >> anchor: that teen is expect expected to make a full recoveri recoveriment. surfers refer to the bench as . the secret service scandal washington, d.c. federal officials are reopening agency. recent reports say the secret service director reportedly tried to discredit a utah congressman by looking embarrass embarrassing information as retaliation. homeland security secretary jay johnson reits dated his apology to congressman jason chavez. the u.s. military under investigation in afghanistan. doctors without borders says air strikes on a hospital should be treats a war crime and they have also announced they are leaving that city. 22 people died in what the organization said was a sustained bombing of their trauma center. u.s. and afghan ledders say they are both working to figure out this is a tragic loss of life. your hearts can only go out to innocent people who were caught up in this kind of violence. doctors without borders is calling for an independent investigation into the bombings . a tent book publisher called out after a student questioned how one section was written. the textbook trouble started when he noticed african slaves were referred to as workers and immigrants in the book and now the company said it has work to do. it's a new world geography textbook and last week kobe was about to read chapter five in his 9th grid class when we came across this reference to early immigration to the u.s. it had africans and african-americans as the slave trade as workers implying pay as if we had come here willingly and were paid to do our job . his response a text picture to his mom . with a sarcastic comment saying we were real hard workers weren't we? it was a little troubling . >> anchor: she posted a video flipping through the book detailing what it did and didn't include . there is no mention of africans working as slaves or being slaves. >> anchor: it's been shared across the country and got the attention of the publisher in in mcgraw hill and said it was re revamp references to state african slaves arrived as a forced migration and work as slave labor. a step but not adequate for ronnie . many schools don't use digital version and we know this textbook will sit in schools for 8 to ten years. she speaks with authority because she is a former teacher and now a phd candidate specializing in education curriculum and should the state need someone with her schedule to vet school textbooks she said she would relish the chance . all of these stories i am really wondering how they are being told outside of world re reography. this is the first step in high school history so what's the u.s. history book look like? >> anchor: mcgraw hill said it also changed questionable language in the book's next to recall the book right away. olympic fallout in russia . >> anchor: just a year and a half after the city hoped the winter games the olympic village is bling. rows and rows of apartment build buildings used to house athletes and media now vandalized and looters are gutting the build buildings. many are calling that whole area an eye sore now. the olympics cost more than $50 billion. >> anchor: a scary smog situation. dangerous levels of air pollution prompting infant evacuations. thick smoke is being fueled by crop burnings all babies under the age of six months are being evacuated to a safer region . >> anchor: how about this? one of the most famous streets in london turned into a pasture this morning. it's covered with grass. closed to traffic. this is britain's national wool week. that heard of sheep came to meet the crowds able to graze and after a decade of shrinking sales british royals enjoying a insurgence because of the rising >> anchor: from sheep to pandas thousands flashed to china to catch a glimpse of the in addition's newest panda cubs. staff members at the research base set up a viewing window there for tourists to check out the panda's. how adorable are they . >> anchor: those a big i didn't didn't. they are all sleeping. look at the bottom of his feet . >> anchor: going to be big. >> anchor: wow. still to come, making strides against breast cancer. tens of thousands of you showed up to help strike out that dead deadly disease . >> anchor: a big blast caught on camera when a ymca building comes crashing down . >> anchor: coming up, just ahead at 5:00 it's patrick kennedy speaking out opening up in a book and an interview about the dark history of the kennedy family. ifrench bulldog standing its ground when several bears show up. mom this is hugely important. is there anywhere in your house i can get a good signal? anyway, you were saying. it's a tragic love story. i love tragedy. what is that noise? what? i'm on set. what movie? i'm shooting a movie about laundry. leave slow internet behind. a movie about laundry? yeah the 100% fiber optics network gives you the fastest wi-fi available when you need it the most. hello! my name is phil zietlow. i work on the cheerios team and it's always bugged me that we couldn't say that, " cheerios are gluten free" . you know, cheerios are made from oats which are naturally gluten-free but sometimes grains that contain gluten get mixed in. so we came up with a way to remove them. which means now, cheerios can be enjoyed by everyone! just original cheerios? honey nut cheerios too, buzz. sweet! is anything bugging you now? >> anchor: bragging news in waltham. there has been a crash offer river street. live pictures over the scene here. that van hot a car. it actuay was on top of the car and ended up crushing it. there you see on the left hand side the car that was under the van at one point. the van is over there in someone someone's front yard. no one in the car that was crushed. that is good news. there is a report of someone in this situation having a minor injuries so we're checking it out and we'll have more as we learn about it. massachusetts. tens of thousands of walkers getting out for a good cause. the annual event raising million of dollars to help strike out breast cancer. >> anchor: everyone there has a some supporting friends and family. others fighting their own battle nancy chen helps me tell the story. >> reporter: ing strides to help finish the fight against breast cancer. raising 2.5 million. all going to fund breast cancer research right here in massachusetts. i am here today because this is a wonderful event and i love the fact that we're bringing awareness to such a devastating disease. >> reporter: breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women. the walk is really about fighting and surviving. joe an is walking to fight the disease and inspire others to never give up . you have to keep up the fight. friends and family . >> reporter: the walk was sponsored by wicked local, magic 106.7 and our team here at 7 news . >> reporter: thank you to all gorgeous day . . . >> reporter: the walk was a success with a generous donation all going to find a cure. so the key is oh find them as early as we can, get the treatment to all patients because we can cure most with this disease. >> anchor: you missed it if you didn't show up and there is always next year. making strides supporters have raised nearly $700 million nationwide. that money goes to supporting people like the hope lodge where patients stay but also yesterday i spoke on stage to a researcher from mass general and it was really amazing to hear they are shaking strides. research money from american cancer society which is making the difference for him . >> anchor: so many families affect bid this . >> anchor: everybody knows somebody unfortunately. things are getting better . >> anchor: you lucked out with the weather . >> anchor: we had a great time. it was really great. 40,000 of you came. it was wonderful ump know if you were there . >> anchor: good stuff. coming up, off the ground and through the trees, how the growing trend of zip lining could be leading to more injuries. >> anchor: that was a great time, kim. our forecast looks good. most of this week in fact. details are ahead . >> anchor: coming up all new at 5:00 a shooting that's left neighbors shaken in winthrop. this whole scene unfolding while a music class is being held next door. we'll explain . >> anchor: it's hillary and carlly fiorina in the granite state. the two women running for oval office rallying votes in new hampshire . >> anchor: patrick kennedy open opening up sharing dark history about the kennedy family name. if you work hard, and you do your part, you should be able to get ahead and stay ahead. but the republicans... v they want to go back to letting v the super wealthy call the shots. they don't stand up for equal pay for women. they don't support paid family leave. they don't even really support refinancing student debt. we've got to get this economy working for the vast majority of americans, not just for those at the top. that's what i intend to do as president. i'm hillary clinton and is big blast brings down the historic ymca in downtown des moines. look at it crews rigged building for a controlled demoltion. they actually ended upsetting off explosion about 15 minutes ahead of schedule. everything went smoothly now the say is still debating on what to put up in its place . >> anchor: so our weekend was filled with fall like temperatures for sure but now things seem to be warning up. warmer temperatures possibly? >> anchor: looks like tuesday into wednesday our temperatures will close in on 70 degrees once again. 61 for the high today in boston. 59 on the north shore. 60 plymouth. 62 in norwood. we had some cool morning and we will see another cool morning will coming up with our upper ease to some 40's in the suburbs. those upper 30's the egg exception many of us will be in the lower 40's tomorrow morning. our current readings now in the upper 50's to near 60 degrees. we have a lot of clouds holding on right now. you can see these on the satellite them feed up from this notorious hurricane that has been spinning through the bahamas and near bermuda as well but now not much of a consequence to anyone as it heads over to the shipping lanes then goes into the north atlantic but this plume of clouds kind of just flared up today. part of the whole clouds structure right around joaquin. now tomorrow there may be more clouds that come on to the cape but it doesn't look like this is going to be a huge deal already the model are kind of backing off on the idea of a mostly cloudy sky. elsewhere what a day. love the looks of this. tons of sunshine, foliage is coming on, all right right across northern new england so far. it hasslow this year. about a week behind some are saying i would concur with that too. i will have your foliage report coming up at 5:00. beautiful day tore tomorrow and it looks like even into wednesday we'll have a lot of sunshine. 65 for a high in boston. we're seeing a sea breeze better known as on shore wind that will come in through beverly and plymouth too. it will cool us off whereas we keep warming through lexington, bedford and framingham and back into dedham too where we make 70 degrees even up through lawrence it's a possibility to make 70. lowell too. that's when the sun is doing for tomorrow. 63 hyannis. next two days upper 60's and then low 70's. it will peek on wednesday, the warmup then peel back a little bit on thursday. the temperatures are a little bit all over the lace as we go through most of the workweek. owing to the in a being we have frontal passages then on shore breezing so that's sometimes what happens in autumn. 38 to 50. big temperature range. not just covering myself. it will be that kind of a range tonight. mostly sunny for tomorrow. 66 to 70. a milder day. there is your 7 on 7 forecast maybe a shower threat on friday. another front goes through to cool us off saturday but i don't think this warmup is going to be denied early next week too. could be more significant. could last for a couple days this time rather than just one day or so. i will see you at 5:00 . >> anchor: right now lets go outside and check out that traffic on a monday. here is joe staple ton . >> reporter: taking a look right now 128 northbound and southbound we like what we see out here. dedham needham area cruising just about at the speed limit and both corrections. in fat 128 even back by 24 at route 95 not moving all that bad badly. mass pike westbound though unfortunately not the case here but at least a little good news. the earlier crash we had out on the west newton area has been cleared. hopefully some of the backup now stretching back into the allston area should start to disappear for us a bit. downtown boston along route 93 on the right hand side moving a long very well. the storrow drive up ramp getting slower though on the way up toward the tobin bridge. route 93 northbound momentary delays here in somerville. there is a crash though 93 route 495 in andover. joe staple ton, 7 news. >> anchor: now to today's "healthcast" we're talking about zip lines. there are a lot of fun but they come with risk. they have become common at camps and at rope courses . >> anchor: some families have installed them in the home version in their backyards for kids but this new trend has led to a major increase in injuries. you can see it from this bird's eye view why zip lining's popularity has soared. at the same time the number of injuries sustained on zip lines has also sky rotted. >> anchor: up things that struck us about this study is how serious the injuries were . >> anchor: tracy and colleagues at a children's hospital report there were nearly 17,000 zip line related trips to an emergency room between 1997 and 2012. most of those occurred since 20 2090 and most were kids who fell or collided with trees or structures and ended up with broken bones . >> anchor: it's like lie due to the fact they either were not using a harness or that they don't have the upper body strength to hole on the entire way down the zip lines . i hit the tree then i fell on a rock . >> anchor: 13-year-old sol brownstone is recalling the time when he fell from the zip line that used to be in his family's backyard. the result a fractured skull and bleeding in his brain . it got very serious for us and the doctor said that we were very, very lucky. >> anchor: he recovered and advises others to learn from his biggest mistake . i would definitely have put a helmet on because that was pretty stupid . >> anchor: according it a course challenge company 18 states seen here in red have laws regulating commercial zip line safety. in other states safety standards are voluntary. so families are encouraged to ask about safety training and whether they follow safety standards. >> anchor: coming up actress kate hudson hosting a game night over the weekend when a blast from the past shows up to crash her party. party.. >> anchor: check us out on facebook. log on and check for 7 news. mom this is hugely important. is there anywhere in your house i can get a good signal? anyway, you were saying. it's a tragic love story. i love tragedy. what is that noise? what? i'm on set. what movie? i'm shooting a movie about laundry. leave slow internet behind. a movie about laundry? network gives you the you need it the most. get out of the past. get fios. >> anchor: britt fee spears becomes party crabber over the weekend . >> anchor: the pop star surpris surprised one of her a list friends. spears instagraming this felt oh with kate hudson. she made an appearance at her game night. the two stars reportedly went out afterwards and hung out with several friends . >> anchor: a felt oh of macel more taking a nap. he is not shy about expressing his feelings for his three months old girl. he released a with her in ought. she is so content. i want that thing . >> anchor: blake shelton said he is moving on. he told fans he is in a good place after his divorce from lambert. they announced they were splitting new july after four . >> anchor: i thought he was moving on from the voice . . >> anchor: former teen idol david cassidy facing charges this evening. florida police say the 65 65-year-old sideswiped a truck and they say he didn't stop. he will be in court later this month. >> anchor: taylor swift enjoy enjoying a perfect reunion, pop star had not seen her for several days. the photo has more than two million likes on instagram and i love saying perfect . >> anchor: this has been a perfectly good newscast and would have much more to come in the next 90 minutes. 7 news at 5:00 starts right now. >> anchor: developing tonight. searching for survivors. the coast guard renewing to give up hope for those on board a cargo ship that sank during the hurricane. >> anchor: also following a developing story out of vermont where an amtrak train derailed. passengers rushed to the hospital. the threat investigators say they now need to check out . >> anchor: also tonight hit hard. historic flooding turning deadly in south carolina. what the state is considering . >> anchor: clouds around but no we're watching temperatures warm a little bit this week. >> anchor: hillary clinton talking gun control as a republican vial to gain ground in new hampshire. >> anchor: patrick kennedy open opening up. what he says about his father's battle with alcohol abuse. >> anchor: we begin with break breaking news out of waltham where an accident ended with a van on top of a car. pretty wild scene out there. >> anchor: crews are there try trying to work to clear that accident. here is what we know. sky 7 hd with this overhead look look. police believe the drivers of the van crashed into a parked car. the impact wedging that van right on top of the car. police tell us one person was hurt but the injury is not serious. in fat, the person didn't even go to the hospital. we of course will continue to follow this breaking news and bring you the very latest as son as it comes in . >> anchor: now it a developing story. coast guard crews discover a healthy damaged lifeboat from that missing cargo ship that disappeared in hurricane joaquin joaquin. authorities do say they have given up searching for the ship but they are not ready to abandon hope there may be survivors out there somewhere and so far they have only locat located one person who they pulled from the water . >> anchor: tonight we have learned that two members of the crew are from massachusetts. steve cooper live at mass

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