Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 11 PM 20161005 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WHDH 7News At 11 PM 20161005

the first shot. >> from from sky seven hd you could see police in body armor going door to door in roslindale. as you can see, you know, it was a long search. with k-9 units and helicopter covering the area. tactical units and officers blocking the street. they were looking for this man, 25-year-old arick gonzales. he is has knob arrested along with one other suspect. >> just before 5, on tuesday. undeov police officers were conducting a joint investigation at home on new berg street. they encountered the suspect. the suspect opened fire on the officers. the chaos then spilled outside and on to the street with police and suspects firing gunshots back and forth. >> some shell casings still on the street. we're going to process that. but, again, clearly, there was an exchange of gunfire here. charged with assault with intent to murder. very sear ours charges. lucky, lucky nobody was hurt. and again this area is clear now. with both suspects in custody. live in roslindale, john cuoco, 7 news night team. the second suspect a force people into their homes a police went door to door looking for him. brandon gunnoe live in roslindale tonight with scary moments for people there, brandon. >> brian, that's right police were going through neighbors back yards checking unlocked garages or sheds. neighbors say they were locking themselves inside their homes they didn't know what was going on they told me that was their biggest concern, the unknown. most of neighbors say they didn't hear the shots but the large police presence and sirens all around them they didn't know what was happening. what i saw first, and heard first is all ambulance and sirens, then i seen the helicopters in sky time to talk a walk. we turned on our radio shack was going on. all of sudden, all police it was very frightening situation. i just told my parents, lock down house police started gluing neighborhood back resident of this home says he looked out back window and saw police officer checking her garden shed. >> they came into our backyard, the gun ready, you know the guy had gun by his side it was just flung open our shed door to see if someone inside and there wasn't. homeowner said she was glad other neighbors say waiting to hear more weren't sure if they were safe inside their own homes. i'm definitely nervous. i feel like make maybe i should escape tonight and go somewhere else. again i just want to thank the public here in roslindale. i apologize to some of this kind of doesn't surprise me. something was always bound to happen eventually somewhere. i mean especially way today's world you never know what's going to happen. now some streets are going as you heard commissioner say. but neighbors tell me they are just happy to hear that second suspect has sh arrested. live in roslindale, brandon gunnoe, 7 news night team. >> and we're tracking hurricane matthew tonight. right now that hurricane is moving through tip of cuba with its sights set on the bahamas. still packing a powerful punch as it makes its way north. and again the tip of cuba is getting hit right now. matthew has on deadly path churning to the caribbean this morning. so far, the for at least 11 deaths and still threatening strong storm nm decade in atlanta. heading northerly direction right now path of storm still unclear here in u.s. but florida and carolinas are getting ready for worse. in fact down there they are evacuating people along coast as to remember moves closer. so let's find out about matthew. i know you've got new information. >> yes 11 o'clock ad have i a category 4, powerful hurricane moving knot at eight miles an hour brand new forecast track from the national hurricane center. not much has changed from next couple of days. still anticipated to barrel through bombs tomorrow and tomorrow night. and winds around 130 miles per hour and right over nassau. and from there, right up the east coast of florida. probably never making land fall. but still close enough to coastline where it's going to be a tough go for couple of days as well as georgia and south in forecast track. earlier this evening it was just south of new england. the cone of uncertainty was in new england. but they have shifted that track significantly to the south. much farther to the south of new england. a track like this takes new england out of the ball game for matthew. but there may be some rain along a cool front that comes through new england out ahead of matthew. saturday night and sunday morning. we'll talk more about that and matthew in few minutes. hurricane matthew bearing down oh caribbean all day. now it's moved north to cuba heavy wind and torrential rain. now just miles away from florida. jadiann thompson is in newsroom with more on the damage the storm has already caused. ryan, people from florida to carolinas are bracing themselves for hurricane matthew. and south carolina declaring a state of emergency but in haiti it has already brought severe damage. hurricane matthew and category 4 packing one 45 mile per hour winds tuesday. it is strongest storm to make land fall in haiti in 40 years. hardest hit the rural surgeon peninsula. ville annual and communication have been cut off after a key bridge is washed away. around port au prince at threat of mud slides authorities right to to the people out of hardest hit areas but many refused to leave. >> this man explains his entire garden is gone. nothing was spared. jamaica also battered by flash ships carrying relief supplies to area hardest hit. as people from florida to carolinas are stocking up and preparing for the worst >> preparing buying rain gear and flashlights pie came to pick up generator and extra if you will tanks. peep are getting lumber, groceries gas and water. south carolina's governor is urging people to evacuate from coastal communities starting wednesday. this is not something that we bant to play with. if you don't get out in time, yo i think that's worse case scenario is to be stuck on the coast. parts of florida already under a hurricane watch. >> storm surge is coming. we won't take any chances. so the storm is heading for the bahamas. they are already starting to evacuate near charlton, south carolina. officials are urge people to have three days worth of food and water. in newsroom jadiann thompson stay with everyone is snooze hurricane matthew pushes north you can track storm any time at or by using or vice presidential candidates getting their only chance to debate this campaign. they didn't hold back tonight in this small town show down just outside of richmond, virginia. democrat tim kaine going head to head with republican mike pence. defending statements and the focus on where their running mates stand on issues. jonathan hall in farmville, wisconsin with look at back and forth from tonight's debate. clinton and trump step aside for one night >> people at home cannot understand either one of you when you speak over each other. kaine and pence taking center stage the tone had both sides taking aim. i can't imagine how governor pence can an insul driven selfish me style of donald trump. senator this insult driven campaign that's small potatoes deplorable. home game for hilary clinton virginia senator tim kaine. he played the traditional role of attack dog. you want to hire a president or do you want fired president in donald trump. donald trump is created tens of thousands of jobs and he's paid payroll. senator i'm going give you about 30 seconds. two also sparring on law enforcement. donald trump recently said we need to do more stock and frisk around the country. that would be a big mistake. because it relationship between police and the community. >> we ought to stop seizing on these moments of tragedy. we ought to assure public we will full and complete and transparent investigation when ever there's a loss of life because of police action. >> things go fiery again between two number 2s clashed over which campaign uses insults most often. i was listening to the avalanche of insults coming out senator kaine a minute ago. second. he says, i forgive you. he said that half of our supporters were a basket of deplorables. did donald trump apologize for calling women slobs, pigs, dogs, disgusting? >> well donald trump was live tweeting during this whole thing and it might not surprise you bit to know that he tweeted kaine is awful. and mike pence won big. live tonight in farmville, virginia. jonathan hall, seven news n so candidates getting their shot on main stage tonight. so did either one do their candidate any good? >> political editor andy hiller. vice-presidents are traditionally attack dogs. tasked with fighting candidates at the top tonight we saw two well prepare ood tack dogs with very different styles. what i was looking for was, which one of them could blend offense and defense and win over some of the voters their running mates haven't yet. targeting undecided voters. unlike trump he was patient and professional. unlike trump, he was conversational and not confrontational. and i think he may have connected with some voters who are still uncertain. >> before you email or call to complain that i was watching a different debate then you were. let me tell you why i thought tim kaine lost. kaine's strategy was to criticize trump more than to defend clinton. but id didn't take at debate. he looked as if he couldn't wait to interrupt which made him sound a bit like donald trump. >> the vice presidential debate is now in his rebooks i don't think it will change history in anyway or this election. but maybe it should. because tonight, pence and kaine showed their running mates how to have a presidential level debate. live in newsroom i'm andy hiller that's my instinct. light at all right, win, dance and repeat. right into october for the red sox. a position they've been in before going from worst to force. for another shot at the world series. today the team talked about the road ahead. sports director joe amorosino in our newsroom with what the sox are saying. >> red sox flying out to cleveland set for game one of their american league division series with indians on thursday night. the sox don't have to submit their final roster but one big decision has already been made. clay buchholz will follow rick porcello and david price as the sox game three starter in boston on sunday. buchholz working out with his teammates a fenway today says pitching from the stretch has really simplified his delivery and he's a lot more comfortable now. but both the red sox and indians sound very comfortable with their rosters going into this series. we've got a good group. that i've been on here you know, everybody has different personalities. we have got a lot of good young players and a veteran guys compliment them well. but, it's one group. you know, we try to, we try to make sure we have everybody's back every day and play together. >> i would be excited to play anybody anywhere. it's play-offs. i do think that way this year i think we're a worthy opponent. i think we will hold our own and the idea is to win one more game then them. we will see if we're good enough. >> like dustin pedroia terry francona speaks from experience. tito winning two world series titles here in boston in 2004 and 2007. reporting live in the newsroom, joe amorosino, seven news night team. up next a concert cancels. people with tickets to the show couldn't get refunds. you know know about hurricane matthew. wednesday forecast coming up after the break. most banks are all the same... capital one isn't most banks. not trying to sell you things you don't want. and free checking accounts that are actually free. no minimums. no fees. no nonsense. capital one even has a top-rated app that lets you bank wherever you are. that's banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? (foot steps) ? (crickets chirping) ? (jet engine) ? ? (water splashing) (rain drops) (engine revving) (tires on wet road) ? lease the exhilarating 2017 lincoln mkz for $349 a month ready for night out instead getting a ticket snub when show was postponed they were promise ad refund. instead they were told no way. so when the show didn't go on why didn't they get their money back? >> hank investigates. >> when kathy and her pals i was coming to town, they said we're all for you. >> and they just had to get tickets. so they went online, found seats at ticket reseller and couldn't wait to be, you know, together again. we're all janet's age we thought this was going to be break. in peabody carla also scooped up tickets from different online reseller figuring she and her escapades. we're really excited. and in boston, lisa and her girls wanted to rock to rhythm nation with these tickets she bought from another site. it was $600 for the four seats. >> but then their idol tweeted some life changing news. >> my husband and i are planning our family. the concert was postponed and no new date was set. now here's the real show stopper. janet jackson's website says refunds are available. and the official sellers of tickets for ticketmaster td garden box office are giving refunds. but kathy, paula and lisa bought from online third party resellers which buy and resale people's tickets. when they all asked for refunds, they were told no way. >> all three websites have the same bottom line in their terms and conditions. no refunds for postponed events. since the concert wasn't completely cancelled, they were out of luck. really angry. very disappointing to get answers we got. we contacted all three reseller sites and set come on, t. sure seems unfair to stuck with tickets to a concert that that's indefinitely postponed and soon after, kathy and paula were begin refunds. and lisa's seller is looking into it. now, state officials are too. >> money should refunded. and officials say they are exploring ways to make that happen. do you think you will take look at this? so here's the bottom line, fury holding tickets to the postponed jackson concert, and you want to a rethe state's consumer affairs office wants to hear from you. check our website for all info. in newsroom i'm hank phillippi ryan. tough seeing pictures with hurricane matthew just barrelling through caribbean. dangerous. it's horrible. you think haiti still trying to recoup rate from earthquake and bahamas in morning then it looks right now at newest track shifted farther away from new england even farther. here you go across eastern tip cuba next up will be bombs. winds 130 miles per hour. that is category storm storm. that's forecast intensity. category 4 storm moving through bombs. with winds at 130 miles per hour. florida's after that east coast florida hurricane warning in effect it does include mime up through daytona beach. may not make a florida but red line is so close, that you're going to have lot of wind a lot of rain pummeling east coast florida during day thursday afternoon, thursday night. and then from there it does move northeast pretty much paralleling georgia south carolina coastline as a strong category 3 storm. major hurricane with winds at 115 miles per hour. and this is the change in the forecast track. earlier today, it was way out here like this. about where my arm is. it had cone of uncertainty into now hurricane center has shifted that track farther south. likely removing new england from a direct threat from matthew. now with that said what's move moving it farther away from us is cool front that will come into new england saturday afternoon and saturday night. cool front may actually scoop some tropical moisture out of matthew and pull it up into southern new england few hours saturday night and sunday morning with perhaps beneficial rain. that even that remains to be seen. in doing so it likely spares us any wind daniel, hardly any wint and no coastal concerns. so the american model this yellow line is what may lead to some rain from the cool front. but the european model which is a vastly superior weather forecast model, that actually does nth even allow the hurricane to get north of north carolina. and if that were to happen, this blue line right here which loops it back to florida and much weakened state i might add. if that were to happen then new england walks away from this with nothing ownership just hyannis port in control right saturday, sunday, monday are nothing but sunny skies. so we'll have more on that tomorrow and of course on thursday. right now, partly cloudy skies. with temperatures running in the 50s. our weather is quiet. that's why i spent so much time on matthew and all the possibilities. because, our part of weather story between now and saturday is easy pee see. lots sunshine 40s in morning 70s in afternoon chris has an update on that track in morning all right. doesn't seem fair but we'll take it sox headed to beautiful cleveland. beautiful here's the situation. they are heading out to cleveland because they which don't have home field vapg. red sox manager john farrell will tell us why that's not such a bad thing in this match up. great time for a shiny floor wax, no? 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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello! thank you! oh, how fun! oh, come on! ? [ cheers and applause ] i feel the love! i feel the magic tonight. it's going to happen tonight. hot show! welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," everybody. you all made it. you're all here. [ cheers and applause ] oh, i'm excited.

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