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education approved resignation paul wild retired in 1999 dean of students 2008 earlier learned allegedly sent inappropriate text messages to students spokesman described as good man and says unfortunately for career to end. district passed all want text messaging to police lincolnshire no pictures and text messages could not include definitions of what would call sexting no details about the contents. >> aware distinction between what was happening to characterize one way or the other simply say school district clearly crossed the line on acceptable. district spokesman would not confirm still get involved in scandal male or female. meanwhile police passing information to lake county state attorney to determine if further action is required police chief said at this time no immediate indication any criminal activity. >> car out of control crashing into beauty supply store west side of chicago said people scrambling for cover. live late details >> good news everybody is ok one minor injury and all of this unbelievable taking a look at the video the most stunning part of the story is the video. take a look at this. plows into store 800 block strip mall pretty busy around for 30 in the afternoon worker inside a beauty supply store minor injury otherwise okay taken to hospital stable condition expected released tonight. the car parked in the parking lot will bend on the passenger side of the car accidentally hit the gear ship tried to hit the brake but hit the gas pedal instead passenger side of the car. the story according to police. not what happened at all says witnesses percent who put the car in drive was a four year old child indycar accidentally hit the gas pedal >> they opened up to the driver's side picked up the baby gave to us. looked like something exploded saw the car going thru >> conflicting stories between what police say what happened and witnesses happened out here tonight. did ask police specifically was the child in the car put to the car in drive? they told me the person who hit the gas pedal 50 year old woman passenger side. tonight we are told employee in the store injured minor leg injury going to be okay boarded up and shut down at least for tonight opening at some point tomorrow. story tonight >> mattresses prove to softness here crashing through front window of "bedding experts" in skokie shattering the glass smashing the display 25 ft. into the store driver not hurt. damage could top $30,000 >> police searching two men tried to abort of four children into their bad as they walked to school this morning 7200 block of ridge chicago to hispanic male pretty extensive descriptions. teardrop tattoos under his left eye and one with information call chicago police department. governor pat quinn painful prescription for saving medicaid combination deep spending cuts revenue generator $1 for each pack of cigarettes tax hike reaction >> not overwhelmingly positive reaction republican lobbyists extraordinarily high stakes comes down to save big in the medicare system from collapse. >> the system of very important to our state we have to make sure it is here today and tomorrow >> governor called for during budget speech in february bi- partisan work group can only get half way there $1.4 billion in medicaid cuts the governor went further to get the rest of $2.7 billion budget hole closed just over 215,000 people many seniors taken off medicaid after that direct taxes and governor hoping to get general assembly support for increase which already looks improbable >> this is the governor's plan and that we did not view the goal as the governor said $2.7 billion in production as a goal it is a mandate what you have to do save the program for the people in the state would need it the most >> review process before the state would pay for certain medicines including drugs that treat some cancers and hiv quick reaction aids foundation of chicago one proposal far more difficult for people with hiv to access once a day combination pills simplified and vastly improved treatment. long-term the cost far outweigh the initial savings. health care council of illinois additional review suggesting $237 million cut for nursing homes. enormous amount such a cut would be devastating for resident nursing homes throughout the state tough medicine never once did the governor said this would be painless >> fundamental changes difficult changes if we do not make the changes no system. >> despite the opposition of gov. quinn $1 hike in said cigarette tax generated $675 million health-care total. american cancer society. >> albright 5 already getting exposed to the real world parents and grandparents demanding answers kindergarten class field trip behind bars at outspoken freshman congressman helping to put a child support troubles behind race for congress heating up at thunderstorms cooler weather headed our way how low the temperatures will go jim ramsey. ha families of various school took little ones to field trip to local jail. speaking with a couple of the families today. field trip sunday side elementary school in berkeley parents concerned about the impact six year old grandson could not believe what he told her about trip when he got home. what happened >> they put them in the jail cell and locked the door. i said where were the teachers? there were not there. >> also appalled granddaughter told him about the trip. >> she said it took us to the jail cell put us in there and closed it showed us a guns and weapons showed us a taser and she went on to tell me the physiological responses when a person is taser it >> they were aware of the trip and signed off on permission slip students visiting hillside library at city hall to explore community resources fought meeting in the mayor or city council members not a jail >> 90 percent of what you become and life based on what you are exposed to saying we are not good enough? >> both grandparents say stark difference in the grandchildren behavior has that concern the >> desensitizing of the kids to that environment instead also so many other things instead of a jail cell for field trip >> a freshman at illinois congressman joe walsh putting behind embarrassing campaign fodder for opponent saddling with ex-wife settled a claim he owed $175,000 in back child support no details on the agreement but his wife offered a statement. resolved in private. joe walsh not a deadbeat dad does not owe child support. >> my ex wife and i taught the kids a valuable lesson talk about maggot fight something that could have been a blur in headlights for months? we chose the right road and said not with this private kids come first >> congressmen were joe walsh against tammy duckworth general election in november tammy duckworth campaign issued a statement. illinois comptroller judy baar topinka recovering springfield hospital tonight after fracturing hip judy baar topinka spokesman said she fell yesterday getting onto a hotel elevator doctors perform minor surgery up and walking already replacement surgery and heard me last year. she will be out of the house hospital saturday. coming up could soon be more casualties secret service scandal more agents could be forced to step down and lawsuit claims a popular dog treat could be deadly and coming up medical watch the racing cellulite from the inside out these are treatment. if you're one of those folks who gets heartburn and then treats day after day... well, shoot, that's like checking on your burgers after they're burnt! [ male announcer ] treat your frequent heartburn by blocking the acid with prilosec otc. and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. anw an [ bell dings ] agents, when it comes to insurance, people feel lost. that's a dead end. don't know which way to turn. this way. turn around. [ woman ] that's why we present people with options to help them find coverage that fits their needs. almost there. whoo! yay! good work. that's a new maze record. really? i have no idea. we don't keep track of that kind of stuff. well, you should. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ ugh! all work and no food is making lorenzo very snippy. oh! seriously?! ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] hunger getting to you? oh... [ male announcer ] grab a ritz crackerfuls. made with real peanut butter and whole grain. mmmm [ male announcer ] get hunger before it gets you. wgn news @ 9 blackhawk helicopter crashed in afghanistan today officials are afraid none of the crew members on board managed to survive large area loyal to taliban. bad weather contributed but not ruling possibility out of enemy action. bagpipes heard 2000 people gathered in oklahoma city memorial murrah federal building those who died 17 years ago today 168 people killed today relatives talked about missing loved ones had memories forever respectable positive lives. shooting of trayvon martin sound and florida gun laws through a tough review current governor task force today examining stand your ground law allowing people to use deadly force if they feel their life is in jeopardy. target of pension after neighborhood watch volunteer shot george zimmerman and killed trayvon martin february george zimmerman and self-defense charged second-degree murder facing a bond judge tomorrow. more secret service resignations soon over sex scandal. secret service agents allegedly brought prostitutes three agents including supervisors lost jobs republican congressman says no evidence security was compromised democratic leader nancy pelosi says more heads should roll. stunning thing disgusting. as to the investigation to see how this could have happened those responsible pay a price. >> 11 members linked to controversy tag united states military members also questioned and rocker ted nugent secret service attention ted nugent two agents met with him today backstage before a concert in oklahoma concluded never made any threats of violence to anyone. last weekend telling the national rifle association if barack obama becomes president and november either dead or in jail by this time next year. local black farmers in line to claim part of billion dollar civil rights settlement. claim forms filled out part of a lawsuit claiming black farmers discriminated against united states department of agriculture denied loans during the 1980's and 1990's. hard to believe discrimination still going on during that time. >> have not been able to operate properly making you feel like it is hopeless. >> settlement called largest civil rights discrimination settlement in united states history $1.2 billion compensating tens of thousands of black farmers. fighting cellulite without topical creams and exercise new way to treat from inside out looking back at career bozo show wizzo prepares for big honor. tonight's medical watch 80 percent of women complain about the unsightly skin dimples cellulite cottage cheese texture plagues even the thin and fit doctors have to wait of treatment from the inside out. try to fight it with topical cream diet and exercise cellulite one tough opponent. >> i worked out four times a week tried everything and i still have that. >> instead of working up a sweat jordan grippo lane down. this cellulite fiber threads underneath the skin the root cause cellulite >> cellulite caused by bands between the skin and and muscle below causes parts of the skin to get pulled down and that gets trapped in various areas gives you the uneven contour >> laser cuts through the pieces can be and pulled down at the same time heats up these can lose an appearance over time a noticeable change in a few weeks getting better with each week of the year. >> creates changes in the skeleton of the skin when you stimulate that to grow and get thicker and there has been no fda approved addressing the underlying structure of cellulite that is what this does >> jordan hopes the treatment makes a difference for her. study shows patients treated with cellulite 25% increase in skin thickness and 29 percent increase elasticity treatment $5,000. learn more on the website back to you >> parts of the area at 70 degree temperatures today mild weather jim ramsey says much cooler weekend forecast is next. sports, up eventually. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wet cleaning better doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm gonna...use these. ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] unlike mops swiffer can maneuver into tight spaces without the hassle and its wet mopping cloths can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. mom? ahhhh! ahhhh! no it's mommy! [ female announcer ] swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. hi, we're looking to save some money on our car insurance. great! at progressive, you can compare rates side by side so you get the same coverage often for less. wow! that is huge! [ disco playing ] and this is to remind you that you could save hundreds! yeah, that'll certainly stick with me. we'll take it. go, big money! i mean, go. it's your break, honey. same coverage, more savings. now, that's progressive. call or click today. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, nana, hey, nana ♪ ♪ hey, nana, hey, nana ♪ ♪ hey, nana, hey, nana ♪ ♪ hey, nana, hey, hey ♪ ♪ i've got a little secret, too ♪ ♪ i've got a mad little crush on you ♪ ♪ i wonder if you notice wonder if you see ♪ ♪ i wonder if you ever want to dance with me ♪ [ female announcer ] it's always better when there's a little more to love. introducing our silky smooth dove chocolate bar. woo! played "pin the tail on the donkey" with dana all night. wow. lost my mio energy, hired this guy to keep me awake. here, have some of mine. ♪ ♪ mmmmm. you're fired! [ male announcer ] personal, portable mio energy. shake things up. wgn news @ 9 surely all over the place. high temperatures 61 degrees. chilly temperatures. this afternoon nothing but cooler. 58 degrees afternoon high temperature. cold front dropped south on lake michigan went out of the east and northeast today. you can see the result clouds over the skies by the afternoon clouds moving a few sprinkles nothing very important still area of rainfall watching closely making its way in here during overnight hours of tomorrow. take a look at this. temperatures down south amazing. at the moment in the '70s and into the '80s to the south while up to the north plenty of cold air. what can probably staying a fair the chilly next couple of days. probably high-temperature tomorrow low 50's at best look at these numbers across the area. 45 degrees currently temperature. the wind easterly wind at the moment. not moving along quickly generally between 5-15 mi. per hour computers have generated notice cold air over the weekend probably the middle of next week warm air building over north of chicago at least in the mid '70s for a day or so 3-4 days before the next round of cold air. take a look at the radar. amazing most of the rainfall coming down central wisconsin some cold air coming into the rain fall and eventually changes to snowfall up their way up north as much as 4 in. in some spots. also watching this system from the pacific plenty of rainfall western washington state probably northern oregon. most of thunderstorms down through parts of the south still getting rainfall wisconsin take a look at this. in fact winter weather advisory calling 2-4 in. of snow fall. cold air tonight not want to make it that far to the self in fact we expect cold front to pass through reversing motion later tonight computer portrayal of what to expect rainfall pushing out of the area forecast for tonight. cloudy showers possible maybe thunder the extent with gusty breezes and the low temperature 44-48 degrees, these guys tomorrow early shower. high-temperature 52-56 degrees tomorrow night clouds are the but skies began to clear it low temperature of birth thirties and saturday 51- 54 degrees starting saturday plenty of sunshine clouds increasing an advance of what could be short and thunderstorm on sunday talking about that coming up later in the seven day forecast. >> bozo show show legend career on a wizzo and his magical story and the dog owner claiming popular dog treat killed his dog. wow! it's even bigger than i thought. welcome to progressive. do you guys insure airstreams? yep. everything from travel trailers to mega motor homes. and when your rv is covered, so is your pet. perfect. who wants a picture with flo? i do! i do! do you mind? got to make sure this is -- oh. uh... okay. everybody say "awkward." protecting your family fun. now, that's progressive. call or click today. ♪ ♪ untamed fruit flavor. jolly rancher. pergo has two times the durability of ordinary laminate flooring. to test it, we gave the folks at best friends animal society a makeover. but can pergo stand up to these guys? in the end pergo passed the test. if it looks good here, imagine how it'll look in your home. [ female announcer ] with swiffer wetjet cleaning better, doesn't have to take longer. i'm done. i'm going to... drink this... on the porch! ♪ give me just a little more time ♪ [ female announcer ] mops can be a hassle but swiffer wetjet's spray cleaner and absorbent pads can clean better in half the time so you don't miss a thing. swiffer. better clean in half the time. or your money back. and for dry messes big and small try swiffer sweeper vac. one of chicagos very own be an honored tomorrow night for his role as a chicago television pioneer. marshall brodien bozo show wizzo national television academy's silver circle doo dee doo dee do that but most of magic tricks are easy once you know the secret >> marshall brodien natural line you can work television magic >> this is the house and the magic cards built >> look at this. many museum hocus polkas hard to wear no where to look magic shows can happen anytime. pot but do it. we had to be part of the magic. so many of us from the 1970's. dr. glantz bergman, and david delandblaine they couldn't help but be a part of it some of them became millionaires. fell into his first professional show 1952 riverview park chicago north side. graduated stage shows are around chicago listen to what happened performing at the magic lounge disappearing birdcage trick member of the mob when >> they wanted to know where the cage went on said magic >> and they said he wants his cage and i said it is magic >> he put the gun out and said where is the cage >> add that cage i do not know where it went >> biggest break of career 1962 wgn bozo show circuits apparent as himself national television host noticed this marshall brodien hypnotize and comedian bill cosby. first costive. a libra cost and make a and wizzo is born. marshall brodien wife met him at middle 1990's prided article about the end of his bozo show days. >> whenever he is their people are laughing >> doo dee doo dee do people go crazy. batt but tricky been married to a magician not every wife climbed into box >> there she is amazing. silver circle award significant contributions to television in chicago area over 25 years or more joins other wgn legends bob bell, ray raynor, roy brown for the honor learn more about the winners present and past at the website coming up we now know big dance performance at taste of chicago. later in sports tied again by cox coyotes united center update. [ bell dings ] when it comes to home insurance, surprises can be a little scary. and a little costly. that's why the best agents present their clients with a lot of options. because when it comes to what's covered and what's not, nobody likes surprises. [ click ] [ chuckles ] we totally thought -- [ all scream ] obscure space junk falling from the sky? we cover that. moving on. aah, aah, aah, aah. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ whehs [ water ] hey, it's me water. does this faucet make me look fat? probably because of the lead i can pick up in your pipes. luckily, pur water filters remove 99% of lead. ahh, now i can fit into my skinny glass. when popular pet food co. and wal-mart said his dog died purchasing dog treats made by nestle purina at local wal-mart. >> dennis adkins says dog that completely preventable should have never purchased particular doctrine it says now did not know that one month ago believes no other pet owners should have to go through what he did a class action lawsuit on behalf of anyone purchased the product. dennis adkins orland park says never should have happened promotional gets emotional thinking of cleopatra nine year- old daughter died last month days after eating one of these dog treat perfect health only thing that changed fed her these and she got sick cleopatra never had one before purchase these wal-mart. soon stopped eating altogether to be shut down days later she died >> walking into the store to buy this dennis adkins class action lawsuit against wal-mart nestle purina manufacturer treats imported from china subject of fda cautionary warning packaging claims chicken wrapped stamp or some nature intended >> fda warning without mention on the package or point of sale >> attorney dan edelman lawsuit on behalf of anyone who has purchased the product wal-mart committed to providing customers safe and affordable food it requiring all suppliers including suppliers from petrie to be in compliance to all government regulations food safety >> product intended for human consumption problem allowed to continue for that but if four years that the spokesman had this to say company policy not to comment on pending litigation. veterinarian said some link between dog illness and consumption of chicken and turkey products from china not sure of the link. >> we tell people to be cautious make sure that are made in america >> knows that now but too late batt but anybody could go through what my dog went through >> days cleopatra death 500 fliers to warn about the products first issued in 2007 fda has been conducting extensive testing not identified any contaminant in the chicken jerky products >> changing face seven day forecast back in the weather center >> couple of 70 plus degree temperatures to show you. sad news is chilly checkout surprises 90 degrees phoenix arizona. not much warmer tomorrow line of showers midnight proposition 7 day forecast. notice morning showers tomorrow sunday chance of showers and thunderstorms and a stormy time for him tuesday- wednesday. warm air once again for the area look at the temperature on wednesday high- temperature it 70 degrees up to 76 degrees on thursday. >> after a long journey and a national attention space shuttle discovery new home ceremony smithsonian today celebrated official hand off of discovery to the museum 14 of discovery's 30 living commanders were there for the handoff. final resting place smithsonian air and space museum outside of washington d.c.. starbucks base and out use of cochineal bugs food coloring in product spokesman says may change after receiving complaints begin group. customers picked up claiming strawberries from pacino anything read strawberry banana smoothie for example change takes place and of june. chicagos very own a jennifer hudson performing taste of chicago this year july 11th. death cab for cutie will play on the 12th on the 12th, chaka kahn on the 14th and dierks bentley on 15th this year you have to pay $25 petrillo music shell first time and history. tickets lawn seats still free. coming up chicago bulls this plan playoff intensity top-seeded eastern conference on the line and white sox fan getting too close to the action sports live from united center breaking news in a moment. anw anheartbreaking and moments ago united center potential season-ending heart breaker live at united center >> last hockey game possible at united center blackhawks cannot solve this dilemma they face although into overtime and other miracle goal at the end of regulation over time at phoenix quick one began now 31 lead back to phoenix for game five on saturday night getting started with coach q 5 to $10,000 criticizing officiating brandon saad in place of the injured marion hossa scoreless can add to the third takes his pocket open ice stopped gets the rebound 7-3, phoenix makes it 2- 0 later. looks like this one was over. absolutely nothing again tonight and tell brad did morrison cuts loose and scores. still to-one inside two minutes remaining. corey crawford skating off one passed and sent the game to overtime 2-2. here we go every game and the series did not take long for phoenix and the guy who won the game for coyotes into position to take the series saturday night. again final score in overtime blackhawks losing 3-2 more going on osco miami and chicago south florida tonight. attention eastern conference home court throughout the playoffs on that side of the bracket. good thing for them chris bosh did not play but miami short-handed plan nicely tonight luol deng bucket in the first quarter. equal of that one in to score 42-40 miami at halftime third quarter hockey game breaks out wadw knocks richard hamilton off his feet and james peck too little cannot pick up back at miami up 5 at the end of third quarter pulling away in the fourth quarter long three-pointer. the game has gone final. clinching eastern conference not yet. baseball today chicago cubs trying to beat the fish later today bases loaded everybody scores triple chicago cubs grab the lead. down the left-field line extra bases couple of runs takes the lead for-three winning 5-3 sweep in the cubs is serious and south florida this week at the white sox a good thing deep into farm system for gun help did not do very much of anything today against baltimore at the johns big home run today heard the white sox behind in this game down at two runs to the last out of the ninth inning looking at strike three to end the game 16th strikeout by white sox in the game today losing final score 5-3 talking anemic offense after word lately >> not everybody passed all year. everybody might be getting hits but not walks we do face and eyes arms and good breaking balls. they get after night came and strikeouts. we will get better with that as it continues on. >> that is the news let's recap the cleaning games. [ bottle #2 ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power was 3x faster on permanent marker. and he didn't stop there. aw, he never stops. i-i can't watch. cut to commercial. yeah, this is a commercial. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser extra power. this mio energy is completely crushing my game. i take the stuff everywhere. exactly. everyone's more energized, more alert. i've lost their respect. oh who's laughing now!? gazelle!! [ male announcer ] personal, portable mio energy. [ gazelle laughs ]

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