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Hi. Welcome. Thank you. What a gorgeous audience hi, ladies. Thank you. Thank you so much and welcome to this special edition of the science of youth, and im excited about our program today because were talking about winning the wrinkle war. Now, if you have only a few faint lines, then consider yourself lucky, but if youre like me, youre on the front lines of this battle. Im 57 years old. Youve got to be in the battle with me because no matter what your age, lets be real, ladies, this affects all of us, doesnt it . It does. And thats because we have maturing skin. You know what im talking about those wrinkles, etchedin expression lines discoloration, and largelooking pores. Our skin today needs something much more powerful than what we used in our 20s and 30s. And thats why, in just a few minutes, im excited to introduce you to an incredible woman. Youre gonna love her. She is the doctor behind the science that is giving women just like us results like these in just 14 days. [ audience gasps ] wow, right . Okay, and look at this. 30 days. Wow. Yeah, thats a double wow, i would say. 60 days for these results. Now, you might be wondering, how on earth is that possible . Well, take a look. Female announcer so, who is this incredible woman behind dr. Denese skinscience . Male announcer well, if youve ever watching qvc before, chances are youve seen this. It sold out a few hours ago. Gone. Its gone. Sold out so quickly. Sold out. Our hydroshield sold out. It is a race to the finish right now. It is almost gone. Last call. Female announcer with over 25 Million Units sold on qvc alone, dr. Adrienne denese has become a worldwide authority on effectively treating maturing skin that no longer responds to traditional skin care. Women often come up to me and say, dr. Denese, i have all these products. Look at this and this and this and it just doesnt seem to be working for me. I tell them, you dont have problem skin. You have problem products. Im so successful on qvc cause the products truly deliver. I can genuinely change the appearance of lines and wrinkles. Im able to firm the appearance of your skin the forehead change the appearance of pores and that is saying so much. Male announcer dr. Denese has been seen on pbs stations, good morning america, and been featured in top beauty publications like allure cosmopolitan and glamour. Since using dr. Denese, i cannot stop touching my face. It has given me the confidence that i never had before. I think a woman knows a lot more about a womans skin. So thats why dr. Denese knows what shes talking about. Women often tell me that, you really understand my skin. Why is that . Because im a doctor, im a scientist, and i am a woman. I really understand what our skin needs. Female announcer and when the cameras this close to your skin, you know theres nothing to hide. Within the first week, when i looked in the mirror, i felt like my age was going backwards, and thats always a good thing when youre approaching middle age. Male announcer coming up scientific proof that dr. Denese skinscience can truly help transform your skin. So, this is the first day. This is all the clogged pores. And this is today. Oh, my god. [ laughs ] oh, wow. Female announcer plus astonishing before and after results from just one product in the dr. Denese skinscience system. Male announcer and an unprecedented chance to try skinscience for yourself at more than half off the regular price. Female announcer watch for this special coupon code later in the program for an astonishing 50 off instant savings. Male announcer that and more, but now back to leeza. Now, before we bring out dr. Denese, i just want to tell you all that shes truly one of the most impressive people ive ever met, and the loveliest. She immigrated to america after growing up in communist hungary. She put herself through medical school, training at prestigious universities like cornell and harvard. She is a worldrenowned medical doctor, shes a neuroscientist and she is one of the first female antiaging medical experts, as well as the author of the highly acclaimed book secrets for ageless skin. So, i mean, talk about someone who really understands our skin, ladies, right . Yes. She does, and she is a true advocate for women, helping us all age with health, grace, and, i might add, gorgeouslooking skin. Please welcome my friend and the woman whos helping me fight and win my personal wrinkle war, dr. Adrienne denese [ cheers and applause ] wow. Hi. Leeza. Its so good to see you. So lovely to see you. How are you, my beautiful friend . Fantastic. This lovely lady is 58 years old. Yes. And you dont look like you have aged at all. So, how is that possible . Leeza, i use very good skin care. [ laughter ] very good skin care. Yes, well, that would be it. And, clearly, women love your products. I mean, 25 Million Units sold on qvc alone. But lets talk about the secret behind it. What is it that youre doing with Denese Skinscience that the other people are not doing . I take what i believe the best, the most potent, the most breakthrough, most premier scientific ingredients, then i increase the percentages to maximum levels, which is what i find to be the most effective way to treat maturing skin that is no longer responding to most traditional skincare products. If its most effective at higher percentages, then why isnt everybody just doing that . Its very expensive, leeza. Truly expensive. Most Skincare Companies decide to spend money on marketing instead advertising, glossy magazine ads, beautiful young girls, fancy storefronts. I dont believe in that. I believe in putting the money into the ingredients and giving you the highest possible percentages in order to truly change the appearance of your skin. You write about this in your book, secrets for ageless skin, that in the cosmetic industry, there are some questionable practices that go on. Kind of an expose. Yes, it is called fairy dusting. Lets demonstrate what you mean. This is cocoa powder. Okay. Lets pretend that this is a very expensive peptide ingredient. All right. Some Cosmetics Companies take just a little bit of the precious, expensive ingredients and sprinkle it into the formulation just to be able to say that its in there. Its a fakeout. Exactly. Its on the label, but its not getting to your skin. I do not believe in fairy dusting. This is what i do. I take my peptide ingredients or any other scientific ingredients, and i really put some in there. You max it out. I max it out. Because in skin care, everything rises and falls on the percentages. And then im applying it in a certain sequence, and thats what i call the youth i. D. Sequence. Dont you love that . Youre intrigued, right . I was, too. Youth i. D. Sequence. The sequence is critical to bring change stimulate, replenish, repair, protect. You have to do all these steps in order for maturing skin to start looking and acting like it did when it was younger. Youve given us a road map with your complete system. Lets talk through the steps right now, beginning with your step 1 stimulate. Your first step is my advanced firming facial pads. Using these pads is truly like wiping away the look of years off your face. You say in your book that if youre using a skincare line and youre not exfoliating, its kind of like taking a shower with a raincoat on. Thats exactly right. Take a look at this apple. Mmhmm. Lets pretend this corresponds to our dry and aging skin cell. Okay, sad but true. Let me show you the power of these pads. We are wiping away all the dead old skin cells. I am shrinking the look of pores. Im firming the appearance of your skin. Im softening the look of lines and wrinkles. We are revealing fresh, young skin cells underneath. This is a very powerful demonstration, because you see the difference. Now, you talk about that these are powerful. You will feel it working. It does tingle. Yes, exactly. But thats how you know it works. And, ladies, i have sensitive skin, but my experience with these pads it does not irritate. My pads are formulated for all skin types, even if you are sensitive or dry. My skin is like silk. My skin feels smooth and moisturized and just yummy. [ chuckles ] you know, i see the results and thats i like instant gratification, as we all do. My skin feels alive. The blemishes have gone down, the redness has gone down, the pigmentation from sunspots is lighter than it was before. The wrinkles have substantially subsided. It was a horror show before and, i think, pretty darn good afterwards. Lets then talk about step 2 replenish, which is the hydroshield. Ladies, i call this heaven in a bottle, but if youve ever wondered what it would be like to take a face bath in pure silk, thats what this product is like. I mean, a Clinical Study showed that it gives your skin 184 increase in hydration in, what like 15 minutes. In 15 minutes. Its insane. Its great. Most of our lines and wrinkles have to do with dehydration. Thats at the core, isnt it . If you rehydrate the skin many of those lines will actually disappear in their appearance. Let me show you a demo, leeza. Two dry sponges correspond to two dry skin cells. Okay. Now lets see what happens when hydroshield hits your skin. Look what it means to the skin when you increase the level of hydration by 184 . Look how supple and soft and remarkable, how much plumper and beautiful it is. It plumps right up, ladies. Thats what happens when you put this hydroshield on. But take a look at these two skin cells. Which one would you rather be . You want to be the juicy, plump, vibrant, younglooking, moist skin cell. Of course. Yes. Explain to me, dr. D. , how does hydroshield lock in that moisture . We are giving you bioidentical lipids. Lipids that are virtually identical to your own skins lipids. So when hydroshield hits your skin, it locks in with your own skin cells. And your skin cells say, where have you been . Ive missed you. [ laughter ] so, this is what you write about, then. Is this the picket fence analogy . Exactly. When we are young, lipids are lined up beautifully like a picket fence, locking in hydration. When we grow older, the picket fence becomes full of holes, losing hydration and leaving our skin dryer and more wrinkled. Now, hydroshield mends the picket fence and enables our skin to hydrate from within. Okay, thats amazing. This is why dr. Denese is the bestkept, bestloved beauty secret, and thats why we are sharing it here today. So glad that youre here. Thanks, leeza. Well be back. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] male announcer has your skin care stopped working for your maturing skin . Female announcer then its time you discovered dr. Denese skinscience. Male announcer theres a reason over 25 Million Units have already been sold on qvc alone. I love your products. It just makes me look a lot younger. I dont think i could go a day without it. Male announcer and thats because dr. Denese skinscience is different. Its formulated specifically to help maturing skin look and act younger. The first time in my life, at age 43, i am that girl who has the pretty skin. Male announcer simply follow dr. Deneses youth i. D. Sequence and you could achieve incredible results like these in as little as 14 days. Female announcer step 1 stimulate with dr. Deneses advanced firming facial pads. Male announcer formulated to exfoliate and wipe away a dull lackluster appearance, smooth texture and tone, diminish the appearance of pores, and reveal a youngerlooking, radiant complexion. I love the firming facial pads. Its like a thousand little hands all over your cheeks and your skin and your nose. It feels like little massagers going on. Its incredible. Female announcer step 2 replenish with hydroshield ultra moisturizing face serum. Male announcer clinically shown to increase your skins hydration by an astonishing 184 in just 15 minutes, only hydroshield features bioidentical lipids to lock in moisture and almost instantly reduce the look of dry lines and wrinkles. Dr. Denese hydroshield serum was just instant hydration. It absorbs so quickly into my skin. Ive never had a product absorb that fast. Male announcer step 3 repair with the triple strength wrinkle smoother advanced treatment. Female announcer loaded with 300 more amino peptides than recommended industry standards this supercharged night cream helps soften the appearance of etchedin expression lines and wrinkles while helping firm the skin for a more youthful, supple appearance. Male announcer step 4 protect with the threeinone defense day cream spf 30. Female announcer oilfree and lightweight hydration combines with spf30 broadspectrum, uva uvb protection, plus an exclusive promelanin technology with a selfadjusting color that matches nearly all complexions. Instantly cover redness, blemishes, and age and sunspots for a flawless, youthfullooking complexion, even without wearing makeup. I find the dr. Denese system very simple, very straightforward. You just follow the system, and it works. Male announcer sold separately at full sizes, you could pay nearly 400 to try dr. Deneses skinscience system, making todays offer almost irresistible, at 139. Female announcer but now because dr. Denese is making her premium formulas available without any retail markups, you can truly save big on her skinscience system with her best offer ever. Male announcer just mention this special coupon code when you call and get over 50 off in instant savings. Female announcer so all you pay is 69. 95 for the complete skinscience system. Male announcer plus, the first 500 callers also get these skinscience superhero treatments absolutely free. Female announcer never let your neck give away your age again with dr. Deneses bestselling triple strength neck wrinkle smoother and her latest breakthrough her super silky omega3 phytofix eye treatment to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and crowsfeet. Male announcer imagine all of these premium, youthbuilding treatments for only 69. 95. Female announcer but what if we could go even lower . Smart shoppers who order in the next 12 minutes using todays special coupon code wont pay 69. 95, not 59. 95, but only 49. 95 for everything you see here. Theres a reason dr. Denese has sold over 25 Million Units on qvc alone, and thats because it works. Thats why, when you take advantage of this firsttimeever special value for the complete dr. Denese skinscience system, your order is completely riskfree, thanks to a 60day moneyback guarantee from dr. Denese and trusted guthy renker. Male announcer well even include a free upgrade to priority shipping so you can start looking younger even faster. Skin care is what your mother used to have and your grandmother. Skin science is what i can give you. Its your choice. Science is here. Male announcer use this special coupon code and get everything here for only 49. 95. Female announcer you simply wont find this offer anywhere else. Male announcer so call or go online to trydrd. Com right now. To prove how effective the denese system is, we asked a very Courageous Group of women of all ages, all ethnicities and skin concerns to bare their makeupfree complexions, all for the good of science skinscience, that is. Now, these women had their skin tested and analyzed using stateoftheart visia technology to scientifically measure their wrinkles, pores, and skin texture, both before and after 60 days of using dr. Denese skinscience. Heres what happened. So, this is the first day. This is all the clogged pores. And this is today. I cant even believe that. Thats to be able to see the product working like that thats really nice. Oh, my gosh. I love that oh, my god. [ laughs ] can you believe it . You had a really good results. I know, i know. Thats unbelievable. Thats so cool the wrinkles are, like, almost completely gone. Its so smooth i cant believe how smooth it is what . this is all the clogged pores. Yay. This is like a miracle. Its like everything seems smoother and clearer, like my skin literally woke up. At the end of our trial, 92 of participants said their skin appeared firmer with improved elasticity. 94 saw a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and an astonishing 100 experienced more plump, supple, and hydrated skin. Look at the difference its, like, amazing to me. It doesnt get any better than that. Okay, so, now we have exfoliated our skin, weve hydrated our skin. Its time for step 3 in your youth i. D. Sequence repair, which is the nighttime triple strength wrinkle smoother. Thats exactly right. I love that name. And theres a reason why we call it triple strength. We literally tripled the amount of peptides in there as compared to industry standards. This cream is intended if you have etchedin lines across the forehead, number 11 lines, around the eye area, nasal labial folds, marionette lines. If you have these ladies, do we have these . Yes we love what we get as we mature. We dont love the look of it on our face. Thats exactly correct. Yes. Triple so thats 300 more. That must mean its much more expensive, right . Peptides are very expensive but it is worth it. I spend the money on the ingredients. Im giving you triple the amount of peptides in there because thats the only way i know how to change the appearance of etchedin expression lines. In just 14 days with dr. Denese, i have way less wrinkles around my eyes. And thats fantastic. And i believe beauty comes from the inside out, but when the outside matches, then that makes you feel really good. The dark circles under my eyes are disappearing. That is an issue ive had my entire life. My complexion looks so much more vibrant and alive. We were having a few people over, and i went to the store to get some wine, and i was asked for my i. D. And i said, are you kidding me . Like, that hasnt happened in a couple of decades. But i was so thrilled and happy. I wanted to call my mother, so when i got outside the store, i actually did. [ chuckles ] welcome back. Were visiting with our guest, my friend dr. Adrienne denese. Now we want to talk about step number 4 protect, your day cream with spf 30, which is a qvc customer favorite, so lets take a look and find out why this is such a knockout sellout. Watch. Before bb creams and before cc creams, dr. Denese had this one of her hottestselling items at qvc. Shes only wearing the defense cream. Oh, its perfect, and it really does improve the radiance and the texture. And look at how it evens everything out. I dont think i could go a day without it. Well, it just makes me look younger. I love your product. [ applause ] wow. I mean, youve got that gorgeous finish the look of foundation. And does it also am i crazy . Does it help to minimize the look of pores, too . Oh, yes. Do you want to see it live in action . All right. Come on up, ladies, from our studio audience. We have joining us now, we have jennifer, lisa, and aria. Beautiful. Now, we did ask them to take off all of their foundation, so they have no makeup on their face. And we did take their pictures before so we could compare. So, different complexions, very different challenges one product can cover it all . Yes. You will see. Ladies, lets do it. Lets go ahead and apply. Now, dr. Denese, what makes this different from other day creams that have spf 30 . Take a look at this, leeza. All right. This is a regular highend, really excellent uva uvb spf30 day cream. This is not my product, girls. I would never let you walk out of the house looking like this. Now, look at this and see why my defense day cream is so different, all based on my promelanin technology. Its our own innovation because of this unique extraordinary promelanin factor that matches nearly every skin tone because its based on melanin, the inherent color of pigment of your own skin. Look at the match. Lets start, dr. Denese, with looking at, then, our results. Lets start with aria. Thats a beautiful difference, dr. Denese. What a remarkable difference. Look at the sunspots, age spots, freckles she used to have around the nose. Gone. Heres what lisa looked like before your day cream, and here she is now. What a difference. Look at the Perfect Match for a flawlesslooking complexion. Jennifer, look straight ahead, and well remind our audience of how you looked before. She used to have rosacea like, pinkness, ruddiness on the nose, on the cheeks. Perfectly clean, beautiful skin. Love it. Are you happy with it ladies . Yeah. Oh, i love it. Im just amazed how well it blended. Like, i dont feel like i need foundation. You dont. Im ready to go. This is it for you. Yeah. Thats it for you. Really . Its incredible. Incredible. Yeah. Home run. Home run everybody. Nice, nice job. Beautiful, beautiful. I love it, girls. Another denese difference. My skin was always rough and red and patchy, and i was always constantly covering it up and concealing it. And now im just letting my outside appearance be as beautiful as my inside, and i can show the world. My favorite thing about the dr. Denese system is the way my skin tone just evened out to where id feel much more confident just going out with no makeup on. After about 30 days, the difference was remarkable. By day three, i really took a double take in the mirror at my house. Im like, oh, theres color there. Theres life there. Its like ive found a fountain of youth. I want to make sure everybody here today appreciates that you have never offered this system one, two, three, four steps before and never at a value like this. I mean, weve talked a lot about how many units youve sold on qvc 25 million. We know everyone loves it. But this is really quite a big deal. So, i mean, i just have to say i hope everybody takes advantage of this opportunity. This is the first time ever. But right now, weve got a surprise for you. Dr. Denese is giving each of you a copy of secrets for ageless skin, plus youre going to get a complete system of dr. Denese skinscience. Thank you, dr. D. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks to all of you for watching. Thank you. [ cheers and applause ] its different than other products ive tried because the quality is so great. Its literally a highend, luxurious product, and i like nice things. We all do. It feels great to be, for the first time in my life, the girl with beautiful skin, and it makes me feel beautiful. It makes me feel gorgeous. It makes me feel all the good things that ive wanted to feel. Now it looks like i have no crowsfeet. My skin is blended, and its bright. Its just absolutely amazing. Ive never seen these kind of results with any other product. Thats why im never gonna use anything else but dr. Denese. My skin looks firmer, plumper, more eventoned, and my eyes are, like, lifted and the lines you cant see them anymore. Because shes a woman, i feel confident that dr. Denese knows whats best for my skin. I just put my faith in her. Male announcer now its your turn to discover dr. Denese skinscience. My husband came up to me, and he said, are you doing Something Different with your skin . cause it looks so hydrated and moisturized. And i started laughing, and i told him, yeah. Ive switched to dr. Denese. Female announcer step 1 stimulate with dr. Deneses advanced firming facial pads. Male announcer formulated to exfoliate and wipe away a dull lackluster appearance, smooth texture and tone, diminish the appearance of pores, and reveal a youngerlooking, radiant complexion. Female announcer step 2 replenish with hydroshield ultra moisturizing face serum. Male announcer clinically shown to increase your skins hydration by an astonishing 184 in just 15 minutes, only hydroshield features bioidentical lipids to lock in moisture and almost instantly reduce the look of dry lines and wrinkles. I feel like my face is glowing. No matter where i go and what i do now, i feel like im being noticed. [ chuckles ] male announcer step 3 repair with the triple strength wrinkle smoother advanced treatment. Female announcer loaded with 300 more amino peptides than recommended industry standards this supercharged night cream helps soften the appearance of etchedin expression lines and wrinkles while helping firm the skin for a more youthful, supple appearance. Male announcer step 4 protect with the threeinone defense day cream spf 30. Female announcer oilfree and lightweight hydration combines with spf30 broadspectrum, uva uvb protection, plus an exclusive promelanin technology with a selfadjusting color that matches nearly all complexions. Instantly cover redness, blemishes, and age and sunspots for a flawless, youthfullooking complexion, even without wearing makeup. I developed my day defense spf30 cream because, as a doctor, i didnt want you to have to choose between protection versus looking good. Here, you have both. Male announcer sold separately at full sizes, you could pay nearly 400 to try dr. Deneses skinscience system, making todays offer almost irresistible, at 139. Female announcer but now because dr. Denese is making her premium formulas available without any retail markups, you can truly save big on her skinscience system with her best offer ever. Male announcer just mention this special coupon code when you call and get over 50 off in instant savings. Female announcer so all you pay is 69. 95 for the complete skinscience system. Male announcer plus, the first 500 callers also get these skinscience superhero treatments absolutely free. Female announcer never let your neck give away your age again with dr. Deneses bestselling triple strength neck wrinkle smoother and her latest breakthrough her super silky omega3 phytofix eye treatment to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and crowsfeet. Male announcer imagine all of these premium, youthbuilding treatments for only 69. 95. Female announcer but what if we could go even lower . Smart shoppers who order in the next 6 minutes using todays special coupon code wont pay 69. 95, not 59. 95, but only 49. 95 for everything you see here. Male announcer well even include a free upgrade to priority shipping so you can start looking younger even faster. So take advantage of the power of science and what it can do for your skin. The dr. Denese skinscience system comes riskfree with a 60day moneyback guarantee from dr. Denese and her trusted partners at guthy renker. So, do this for you, because you deserve radiant, glowing touchable skin. You deserve to look as youthful and vibrant as you feel. Call right now. Female announcer time is just about up. Use todays coupon code for this incredible value you wont find anywhere else. Male announcer call or go online to trydrd. Com right now. Female announcer the preceding was a paid presentation for dr. Denese skinscience, brought to you by trusted guthy renker. [ camera shutters clicking ] announcer the following is a paid presentation for keith urbans player guitar package. [ keith urbans good thing playing ] cause i know a good thing when i see it announcer fourtime grammy award and global music icon keith urban has won countless awards, including peoples Choice Awards and 11 Country Music awards. He has 16 numberone hits and 5 consecutive platinum or multiplatinum albums. Hes a gifted singer and songwriter and one of the greatest guitarists of our time. And now, for the first time ever, keith is sharing his lifetime of learning with you, through his new 50piece player guitar and lesson collection. So, if youve ever dreamed of playing the guitar, stay tuned because keith urban has just made it a whole lot easier. Keith has helped fulfill a dream. Im the one making music. Im the guitar guy now. Ive never been the guitar guy. Announcer youll get this gorgeous, handcrafted Acoustic Guitar that was designed by keith personally, in either rich black or brazilian burst. These signature urban Acoustic Guitars are all wood and made to keiths own specifications right down to the type of wood the shape of the body, and the size of the neck. People are gonna get the guitar, look at it, and go this is exactly what they said it is. Its absolutely beautiful. Announcer every urban guitar is handcrafted and unique and resonates with a sound that players of all levels appreciate, from beginners to professionals. Keith will also introduce you to your new guitar with his breakthrough lesson series titled 30 songs in 30 days. To get a guitar is the easy part. Then you got to figure out how to play it. Announcer step by step song by song, youll learn to play the guitar in just 30 days. Keiths focus is not technical theory. Its songs. I just wanted to take it to its simplest place, which is learning one chord. Then we can build upon that, and we can learn another chord. And if you can get to three chords, you can play a lot of songs. Announcer youll be playing a song with keith in the very first day and a new song every day for 30 days. Youll learn 15 keith urban favorites and 15 famous guitar songs, songs like sweet home alabama. Sweet home alabama announcer . Good thing. cause i know a good thing when i see it announcer . And knockin on heavens door. Im knockknockknockin on heavens door announcer these songs will take you from beginner to accomplished player. Imagine getting 30 private lessons, oneonone, with the legendary keith urban, teaching you how to play guitar from the ground up. In the end, not only will you know how to play 30 of my favorite songs, but youll have the skills to play thousands of others. Announcer incredibly, youll be receiving these 30 privatelesson dvds, keiths signature urban Acoustic Guitar, and everything you need to get started. These urban guitarists feel and sound so good that keith plays them on tour. Sound just rings out. Its really awesome. Announcer with this 50piece player guitar lesson package you now have everything you need to become the player youve always wanted to be. You get a worldclass guitar, and im gonna teach you a new song every day for 30 days. I promise you youll learn how to play the guitar in just 30 days. Hi, everyone. Were live with keith urban as hes rehearsing for his big tour, but hes taking time out of his tour right now to share with us his 50piece player guitar collection lets take a listen. [ keith urbans long hot summer playing ] i cant sleep aint no sleep acoming im just lying here thinking bout you im in deep falling deep into the picture in my mind of everything were gonna do i love this guitar. I love the color and the look of it. It has a really nice feel. Its very comfortable around the hands, the fingertips. It sounds awesome. When i first opened up the guitar and took it out of the case, i was convinced this was a 1,000, superhighend Acoustic Guitar. Its gonna be a long, hot summer we should be together with your feet up on the dashboard now singing along with the radio its such a beautiful sound the fact that keith put his name on this guitar it says a lot. Its awesome to see an artist want to provide a guitar that plays well and you dont have to spend a ton of money for it. If youve ever dreamed of playing the guitar, today is your day. Were going to be talking about the keith urban difference. Its a custom guitar and lesson series, a complete 50piece package thats gonna change your life. So, let me introduce you the music icon who created this for you im so excited hes here keith urban how are you, amy . I am fantastic. Nice to see you again. Well, thank you. I know youre incredibly busy. And you took time out of your busy tour to be with us today to talk about your amazing guitar package. Mmhmm. And it really is. Theres nothing like a keith urban guitar, from the way that you designed it, the way that it feels, i mean, with the spruce top and then the mahogany wood on the outside. Beautiful. I mean, its all customized to meet exactly what you want in a guitar. Exactly, yeah. And the sound. I mean. Ah [ midtempo music plays ] whoo whoo thats amazing sound. Beautiful. But when you think about it these are all handmade. Mmhmm. Months and months it takes to make these. Three months. Thats right. Three months. Yeah. Whats nice is, you make it easy for everyone to play, whether youre a beginner or advanced. Its just the way that the guitar feels. It is, and i started playing when i was 6. And i remember very clearly the first thing that was hard for me was, my fingers hurt. Mmhmm. You know, that first time you put your fingers on the strings and youre like, oh, my goodness, this is really you know. So, i thought, what can we do to try and minimize a bit of that . Just to get people started cause the most important thing is getting you started playing if youve never played before. And so we came up with the idea of getting the strings a little bit closer to the fretboard so you dont have to press as hard. Mmhmm. [ chords playing ] ooh. We made the neck a little bit narrower so its easier to get your hand around. And we came up with this special coating that we put on the strings to make them just a little more gentle on your fingertips. So, all of these things are designed to get you started. So, whether youre a beginning or youre a pro, youve literally thought of everything for this guitar. Absolutely. I mean, thats the thing. If youve been playing before, youre gonna love this guitar. I play one of these guitars myself. Youre absolutely gonna love it. If youve never played, youre gonna love it, too, because its built for you. Its built for you to feel like you know how to do it. When you pick it up, this guitar should feel like a longlost friend. And it will. And whats nice is, the very first day you get your guitar home you open the beautiful package cause youre ceiving 50 pieces s youre going to be able to play a song the very first day you start. And thats the keith urban difference. Incredible. [ midtempo music plays ] my name is eric chaz. This is erics guitar shop. Were here in van nuys. Weve been here since 1990. On this guitar in particular the fret work is great. Its very consistent all the way up the fretboard. I like the fact that it has a cutaway so its easy to play it once you get past the octave. Its got the flame maple top traditional xbracing, mahogany back and sides. It doesnt favor the bass or the treble. Its just got a nice, even balanced, wellrounded sound that youd expect in a more expensive guitar. Beautiful. [ chord plays ] [ laughs ] it sound gorgeous. It feels really nice. It plays really well. The action on the neck is really low, so its really easy to play if youre a beginner just starting out. It makes you feel like youre supposed to be holding this, it belongs in your hand. I think that this is a greatlooking guitar. The tone is fantastic. Its rich. It has a wonderful timbre. Its just its great. Just look at this beautiful complete package from grammy award winner and music megastar keith urban. All you have to do is choose your beautiful color, whether you want the rich, beautiful black or you love the brazilian burst. Just the guitar is over 600 value. But of course leave it to keith. He didnt stop there. To me, the most important thing that youre getting home, with this over 50piece collection, is youre getting 30 dvds. Youll learn 30 songs in 30 days. You get the entire collection home today for your first payment of under 50. Youre learning to play 30 songs in just 30 days. And to me, thats priceless. Music is my life. It allows me to express myself and i want to be able to share that with you. My new Music Program teaches you how to play the guitar in a way thats unlike anything youve ever tried before cause its based on the way that i learned. So, if youve ever thought about playing a guitar, ill help you learn. Step by step, song by song well do it together. Announcer keiths customdesigned player guitars are an incredible value. You couldnt touch a similarquality guitar in retail for under 600. But with keiths player guitar you wont pay 600, not 500 not even 400, because when you call today, youll get this allwood, professionalsounding guitar for the amazing price of only 299. 95. And you get to choose from two stunning Color Choices luxurious rich black or beautiful brazilian burst. But keith didnt stop there. His life mission is to share the magic of playing the guitar. Thats why he created his 30 songs in 30 days dvd lesson system. Its a complete library of guitar lessons taught by keith urban. Youll work oneonone with keith using his breakthrough songbased teaching technique that makes learning the guitar faster and more fun than ever before. Keith will take you step by step, song by song, through 30 private lessons. Youll learn your first song on day one and a new song every day for 30 days. I felt like keith urban was like, right there. He was my teacher, just mine. He was right in my living room. Announcer and when youre done, youll have the skills to play not just 30, but thousands of songs. Keith personally selected the songs youll learn. He chose 15 keith urban favorites and 15 famous guitar songs. All are songs that you and your friends will know and can sing along with, keith hits like good thing and long hot summer and funtoplay favorites like sweet home alabama, honky tonk women, knockin on heavens door, and old time rock roll. By itself, this groundbreaking lesson series is valued at over 550, but if you order in the next 20 minutes, youll get both, this entire dvd teaching system and this beautiful urban guitar for the amazing low price of just 299. 95. But theres still more. Because keith wanted you to have everything you need to play your new guitar on day one, hes also included nearly 100 worth of bonus items. You get eight guitar picks designed by keith, his signature guitar strap, an extra set of comfortcoated strings, a polishing cloth and allen key, plus a jumbosized chord chart poster. And to make sure you keep your new guitar safe and sound when you head to a friends house or out on tour, hes also including his gorgeous keith urban padded guitar case. Altogether, keiths 50piece player guitar and lesson package has a retail value of over 1,300. But when you call now, you get the entire package, the allwood guitar, the 30lesson program, and all these bonus items for just six easy payments of 49. 99. That means you can get your guitar home for under 50. We know youll never want to stop playing. But were still giving you an unconditional 30day guarantee. Its riskfree. And if that wasnt enough, order today, and keith will include a special gift for free. So, call now and get this beautiful, customdesigned guitar and breakthrough lesson series from keith urban. Learn to play right away 30 songs in 30 days. Call now. I promise youre gonna be able to play this guitar on the very first day you pick it up. And with 30 lessons, you will become the star of the show. Now is your time. Driving home tonight catching all red lights thats all right cause i dont want to be alone theres nobody waitin there cold and empty bed words i wished id said come on the radio keith gives you two chords to start out, and then every lesson, he builds upon it. At the end of the first day i was able to play live to love another day. I was blown away. He guides you from the beginning to the end. And its just like having him right there in the room with you. But in my mind were somewhere in my car and its raining hard on the streetlight glow you got your lips on mine its gasoline on fire i never will forget you grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head ive never played guitar, but within three days, i was playing three songs. It was so cool. 30 songs in 30 days is gonna make anybody a better guitar player. I love with these dvds that you can go back and you can play it until youve mastered it. This could take you from a beginner to a real a real player. [ midtempo music plays ] whoo [ laughs ] its not only this amazing guitar that youre going to be receiving, but youre also going to be receiving 30 incredible dvds. Thats right. Where were able to learn 30 songs in 30 days, private lessons with keith. But you make it so easy. Its easy. Thats the whole point. What we do is, we take the first song, and theres a couple of chords in the first song. And once you feel good about those, then we move into the next song, and you learn one more chord. So now you know three chords and then the next song has another chord, so now you know four chords. And you keep building it across all these different songs, but the great thing about that is, not only will have that, by the end of 30 days, youll know enough chords to play hundreds of songs. And i love that we have 15 keith urban songs on this and 15 classic guitar songs on this as well. Its a good mix because everybody has different musical styles, and the thing is, you want to learn songs that other people can sing along with. Thats what i wanted to do you know . I wanted to be able to go to a party, pick up a guitar, and play a song and have everybody sing along. Thats what i wanted to be able to do. And the other thing is everybody goes at their own pace. Some people take a little bit longer. Im a slow learner, so i need to go to things again and again. Ill even say, yeah, i got it, and im like, i dont go it. [ laughs ] i dont know, you know . Just give me a second. This allows you to go at your own pace. You can rewind again and again and again, until you know it really well, and then you move on to the next one. Take as long as you like. You may do it in 30 days. You may take longer. You may do it sooner. You just go at your own pace and have fun. What could be better than this keith urban giving you a private lesson in 30 days, 30 songs, so you can rock out and be the player you want to be at your next big party . But its really amazing, the way that you put together this 50piece package that makes it easy and, of course, affordable. This is really simple. He shows you the chord, shows you how to play it. I can see where to put my fingers. Lesson by lesson, you just keep adding on to it. Were just gonna learn the basics here today and get you started on playing new songs that you know so well. Because summers come and summers go ill keep walking down this road i see a bad moon rising she never even knew she had a choice just take those old records off the shelf ill sit and listen to em by myself have you ever dreamed of playing the guitar, picking up a guitar and playing song after song . Its priceless. Thats what keith urban is giving you today. Whether you want to rock out at midnight or play at 4 00 in the morning, keith urban is there, step by step, song by song so you learn at your pace. Isnt that so cool keith urban is your personal guitar teacher . You know, doing these lessons with keith its awesome. I felt like keith urban was like, right there. He was my teacher, just mine. He was right in my living room. Hes a rock star onstage, but when hes in the rehearsal room, hes just talking to you like a teacher. Stuff gets in the way. My fingers over here. Whoops, my pinkies wandered off into the back of the neck. Whats going on . This is all incredibly normal. Hes reassuring, hes encouraging, and he lets you know, go at your own pace. He seems just to, you know, be so happy there sitting with his guitar, showing people how to do what he does. This program is fun, and it really works. Thats why i created this guitar and this unique teaching system. Give me 30 days, and ill make you the player. Announcer keiths customdesigned player guitars are an incredible value. You couldnt touch a similarquality guitar in retail for under 600. But when you call today, youll get this beautiful professionalsounding guitar for the amazing price of only 299. 95. But keith didnt stop there. Thats why he created his 30 songs in 30 days lesson system. Keith personally selected the songs youll learn. He chose 15 keith urban favorites and 15 famous guitar songs, songs that you and your friends will know and can sing along with. Youll learn keith hits like good thing and long hot summer and funtoplay favorites sweet home alabama, honky tonk women, knockin on heavens door, and old time rock roll. By itself, this groundbreaking lesson series is valued at over 550, but if you order in the next 12 minutes, youll get both, this entire 30dvd teaching system and this beautiful urban guitar for the amazingly low price of just 299. 95. But theres still more. Because keith wanted you to have everything you need to play your new guitar on day one, hes also included nearly 100 worth of bonus items. You get eight guitar picks designed by keith, his signature guitar strap, an extra set of comfortcoated strings, a polishing cloth and allen key, a jumbosized chord chart poster, and this gorgeous keith urban padded guitar case. Altogether, keiths 50piece player guitar and lesson collection has a retail value of over 1,300. But when you call now, youll get the entire package home for your first payment of under 50. And we give you an unconditional 30day guarantee. Dont delay. And one last thing order today, and keith will include a free surprise gift. So, call now. Oh, my gosh, look it comes in a case its a goodlooking guitar. [ midtempo music plays ] [ laughs ] whoo you know what . You always look like youre having so much when youre playing the guitar. I love playing guitar. And it should be fun. You know, so many of us have always wanted to learn to play but we always thought it was too difficult. Its true. Ill say, i meet people backstage a lot at our meetandgreets when i tour, and the most common thing i hear people say is, oh, i wish id learned an instrument when i was younger. You know, i so regret not learning instrument. But the thing is, you dont have to be 6. You can start anytime in your life. You learn one chord, you learn a second chord, and you just do it slowly, and before you know it youre playing a bunch of songs. See . Its easy. Its fun. And keiths done all the work for you think about that. He put together this 50piece collection that you cant find anywhere else. And thank you so much, keith for taking time off your very, very busy tour right now. We loved having you. And thank you for giving us the gift of music. Its very exciting to know that i dont stop here. Ill go on for years and years until i have my own band. Keith wants to give back to the world what the guitar gave him, so this is his gift right here. He really cared about it. Its unbelievable that im doing this. Keith has helped fulfill a dream. I love that i can play guitar now. Im the one making music. Im the guitar guy now. Ive never been the guitar guy. These guitars are so stunning. Remember, theyre all handcrafted. It takes over three months just to create one guitar. But leave it to keith urban, multigrammy award winner, to continue with us here with a 30dvd collection, where hes teaching you step by step, song by song. Thats the keith urban difference, and now its your chance to be the player. Its gonna be a long, hot summer we should be together with your feet up on the dashboard now singing along with the radio its such a beautiful sound oh, oh whoa, oh oh, oh oh, oh, baby whoo waiting on the sun to go down ooh, ooh, ooh waiting on the sun to go down uhhuh. [ cheers and applause ] announcer now is your time. If youve always dreamed of playing the guitar, this is your chance to become the player, thanks to music icon keith urban and his amazing 50piece guitar lesson package. Get started with these beautiful keith urban customdesign, allwood Acoustic Guitars. Each handcrafted instrument takes over three months to build and are truly works of art. They have spruce tops, mahogany arched backs, an interior tone bar and scalloped xbracing, all to produce a warm, rich sound, and precision diecast 18 1 tuning heads, gorgeous hand inlays, and even comfortcoated strings designed for easy playing. These custom guitar features and more are what make the keith urban difference. Its very important for me, if my names gonna be on it, that it is what i say it is. Announcer and you get to choose from two stunning Color Choices luxurious rich black or beautiful brazilian burst. Keith designed his guitars to put out a clear, bright tone players of all levels appreciate. Keiths guitars feature his classic cutaway style that lets you hit those high notes. And its designed with lowaction frets that are easier to press. Sound just rings out. Its really awesome. Announcer keiths customdesigned player guitars are an incredible value. You couldnt touch a similarquality guitar in retail for under 600. But with keiths player guitar you wont pay 600, not 500 not even 400, because when you call today, youll get this beautiful, professionalsounding guitar for the amazing price of only 299. 95. But keith didnt stop there. His life mission is to share the magic of playing the guitar. Thats why he created his 30 songs in 30 days dvd lesson system. Its a complete library of guitar lessons taught by keith urban. Youll work oneonone with keith, using his breakthrough, songbased teaching technique that makes learning the guitar faster and more fun than ever before. Keith will take you step by step, song by song, through 30 private lessons. Youll learn your first song on day one and a new song every day for 30 days. I felt like keith urban was like, right there. He was my teacher, just mine. He was right in my living room. Announcer and when youre done, youll have the skills to play not just 30, but thousands of songs. Keith personally selected the songs youll learn. He chose 15 keith urban favorites and 15 famous guitar songs, songs that you and your friends will know and can sing along with, keith hits like cop car and kiss a girl, and funtoplay favorites like aint no sunshine, stand by me, hallelujah, wanted dead or alive, and old time rock roll. By itself, this groundbreaking lesson series is valued at over 550, but if you order now youll get both, the entire dvd teaching system and the beautiful urban guitar for the amazingly low price of just 299. 95. But theres still more. Because keith wanted you to have everything you need to play your new guitar on day one, he also included nearly 100 worth of bonus items. You get eight guitar picks designed by keith, his signature guitar strap, an extra set of comfortcoated strings, a polishing cloth and allen key, plus a jumbosized chord chart poster. And to make sure you keep your new guitar safe and sound when you head to a friends house or out on tour, hes also including his gorgeous keith urban padded guitar case. Altogether, keiths 50piece player guitar and lesson package has a retail value of over 1,300. But when you call now, you get the entire package, the allwood guitar, the 30 lessons, and the 19 bonus items for just six easy payments of 9. 99. That means you can get this guitar home for under 50. We know youll never want to stop playing. But were still giving you an unconditional 30day guarantee. Its riskfree. And if that isnt enough, order today, and keith will include a special gift for free. So, call now and get this beautiful, customdesigned guitar and breakthrough lesson system from keith urban. Learn to play right away 30 songs in 30 days. Call now. I promise youre gonna be able to play this guitar on the very first day you pick it up. And with 30 lessons, you will become the star of the show. Now is your time. Announcer the preceding was a paid presentation for keith urbans player guitar package, powered by hsn. Welcome to gospel truth celebrating the good news of jesus christ, the coming of the savior of the world emmanuel god with us, and now, heres gospel truth bible teacher andrew wommack. Welcome to our tuesdays broadcast of the gospel truth. Today im continuing to teach on a subject that ive entitled dont limit god, and ive got a brand new book

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