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Average today. Another warm day but we are expecting showers and storms today and for much of the work week. Its 72 degrees right now. 72 at the lakefront. Dickensian grain moving through the northern counties. We do have some bleeding associated. And that severe line but it does continue to the east headed toward lake county. Expect for it to be in your neck of the woods by 5 00 a. M. But about it. We do have potential for storms. 83 degrees by 1 00 p. M. High of 85. In between systems if you will at 85. Good morning. In bound kennedy the ankle blocked off until 5 00. Outbound of 90, jane addams away a few spots of construction it will last until 5 00 a. M. To right lanes are blocked off. See story on the outbound. New developments overnight in the crisis in ferguson. Protesters faced off against police in riot gear and like the other nights, the police reacted with tear gas. Nancy loo is following the latest developments from the newsroom. Hi nancy. More than two dozen people were arrested in ferguson last night. But, by many accounts, the overnight hours were not as violent as previous nights. However, the situation in ferguson is obviously still tense. Once again, a peaceful evening of protest led to the firing of tear gas and the use of stun grenades after some in the crowd threw rocks and molotov cocktails. Police say two people were wounded by gunfire not fired by officers. Police in riot gear surrounded hundreds of protestors and at least 31 people were arrested. In an emotional overnight news conference, state authorities issued a plea for demonstrators to protest in the Daylight Hours and not after dark to discourage criminal behavior. Ten days after the Police Shooting death of 18yearold Michael Brown, protestors have converged on ferguson from all over the u. S. And with reinforcement now from the Missouri National guard, state Highway Patrol captain ron johnson is confident order will be restored and maintained in ferguson. We are going to make this neighborhood whole. We will make this whole and we are going to do it together. Im not going to let the criminals that have come out here who will define this neighborhood and define what we are going to do to make it right. Have a great day. National guard troops have been working on the perimeter of the demonstrations, focusing on the prevention of looting and vandalism. A federal civil rights investigation is just getting underway so attorney general eric holder is set to arrive in ferguson tomorrow. In the newsroom, nl, wgn news. Still different accounts of what happened exactly when Michael Brown was killed. This video was provided to us from the a witness who said brown was running away from the officer and thats when the officer shot him. But cnn reports a friend called a local Radio Station with wilsons account saying brown punched the officer in the face and went to the gun. When the officer yelled at him to freeze he turned and and talk to the officer and started to run toward him. He just added to bum rush him, coming at him full speed. Just started shooting. Brown was shot six times. The final shot went through his forehead. The source says the College Version of mass matches with the officer had said. Protesters gathered on daley plaza for the second time since the shooting. The stop Mass Incarceration Network called for and to police brutality, and for justice for Michael Browns family. Marchers carried a banner with pictures of people they say were unjustifiably killed by Chicago Police officers. About two dozen Chicago Police officers were there to keep the demonstration peaceful. And for the latest developments on this story, head to wgn tv dotcom slash ferguson. One week after a woman from chicago was murdered in bali, her body will be returned to chicago today. Sheila von weisemack was bludgeoned to death, and her body stuffed into a suitcase. An autopsy in bali concluded, she sustained severe trauma to the face, and her neck was broken. Now, the fbi wants to examine her remains. The victims daughter, heather mack and boyfriend Tommy Schaefer, are being held. Heather macks attorney claims his client was sexually abused, and given drugs in jail. Authorities in bali deny it. Illinois just recorded its first case of west nile virus for 2014. A chicago woman in her 70s tested positive for west nile. Health officials havent released her condition. But they note that shes alive. Last year, 117 people across illinois came down with the disease. 11 of them died. West nile is spread by mosquitoes. So city crews will spray parts of the Northwest Side tomorrow and thursday. A family is mourning the loss of their italian mastiff. After police shot and killed the dog during a police chase. It happened about seven thirty yesterday morning near 59th and king drive. Police say they were chasing an armed robber. The chase led to a yard with a beware of dog sign. The officer thought this one had run into my yard. The the shot the dog. Its the attitude that they gave off like it didnt really matter. Police say the dog charged at them and were within their rights to shoot. The owners want the body of their dog removed and cremated at the citys expense. As for the armed robber, he was under the familys front porch undetected the whole time. He apologized to the dog owner that his pet was shot. Evanston police have released security video, in connection with a shooting last week. A 17yearold was shot and wounded in the 18hundred block of hartrey avenue, just after 5 pm sunday august 10th. The video shows the suspects walking across yards in that block. Then suddenly turning and running away. Police say the victim and several witnesses have not been cooperative, in what is thought to have been a gang related shooting. A company that operates three chicago area hospitals says a hacker in china stole information on about four and ahalf million patients. The data breach hit the Computer Systems of, tennessee based, Community Health systems in april and may. Community health runs two vista Medical Centers in waukegan and Metro South Medical Center in blue island. Chicagos Jackie Robinson west lives to see another game at the Little League world series. They were in a back and forth game with rhode island last night. But it was the kids from the south side who hung on to the lead, for the eight to seven victory. That had fans on their feet back home. This viewing party watched all the drama from Jackie Robinson park. Absolutely amazing. Im so excited for the kids and the parent and the community. They did it they did it Jackie Robinson west will do it all again tonight, against texas. Marcus leshock was at last nights game. Well have his report coming up at 430. Demetrius is back in the weather center. Good morning. We continue to talk about showers and storms. Thats all we have for today. Right now we have warmer temperatures. 74 in wheeling. Steve phillips is a 73. Elsewhere, we have 66. Morris at 67. Talk about the rain, it continues to move barely clipping in the northwest. It will move through the countys we can expect rain continuing. Loss of thunder and lightning not a severe sell but we think heavy rain will be possible through the day and into tonight. It may be a wet week with that off and on rain. Today, 30 percent chance for a spotty showers and storms. Tonight, 68. 85 on wednesday. Thursday we make 88. 40 percent chance of rain up to 90 degrees friday and saturday. Coming up. The latest on another extension of a mideast ceasefire. And syria no longer possesses chemical weapons. Plus Texas Governor rick perry will not be arrested for abuse of power. Well tell you what he will have to do. And a monster rat attacks a man in a new york subway. Its caught on camera. Well hear from him. Iraqs biggest hydroelectric dam is safely back under the control of government forces. Soldiers and kurdish fighters successfully reclaimed the dam from the band of islamist militants who seized it two weeks ago. U. S. Military airstrikes helped scatter the isis militants. President obama says the u. S. Aerial campaign will continue. The current cease fire between israel and hamas has been extended by 24hours. That means the new deadline is four pm our time. Both sides are expressing little optimism for a peace deal. One palestinian official is accusing israel of making impossible demands and blocking the path to an agreement. Israels Prime Minister says they are ready for any scenario and that its military will respond if rockets are fired from gaza again. The white house says, syria has made good on its pledge to destroy its deadliest chemical weapons. 13 hundred tons of chemical agents were handed over to the United States and its allies. Held of them were destroyed aboard an American Military ship. The rest of the components for sarin gas were delivered in june, and also destroyed. Syria is also under orders to tear down its chemical weapon production facilities. Texas governor rick perry wont be arrested for abuse of power charges, but hell still get similar treatment. Perry was indicted for coercion and official oppression. Hes accused of carrying out a threat to veto funding for his states Public Integrity unit last summer. Yesterday a judge decided that an arrest warrant wasnt necessary. But perry will still be booked, fingerprinted, and have a mug shot taken. The governor could be arraigned friday, but that has not been confirmed. A man with a video camera. Had a Close Encounter on a new york city subway platform. Josiah ryan was minding his own business when one of the many rats found in new yorks subway started running towards him. Luckily, he carries a camera with him almost everywhere he goes. So, he was able capture the whole experience. And faraway minding my own business and the came after me. Maybe he didnt want to be recorded. I dont know how smart they are. The rat didnt cause any damage as ryan bolted off teh platform. But, it did make him think twice about riding the platform. He says hell be more likely to grab a citibike and head downtown that way instead. And theres no rats downtown paris no rats anywhere else. Do you remember a movie where rats became bad . Thats what happened. You know how it happens in movies. 73 degrees right now wind out of southwest at 8 mi. Its currently 72 degrees in waukegan. 70 degrees in aurora. Juliet is at 69. What numbers across the region. Showers and storms are moving through the extreme Northern Lake county up to kenosha. The rain moves through pressing off to the east. Its not severe but this is the type of stuff that will slow you down. Plots of thunder and lightning. And as the get into lake county airline presses to the east. If you want to wait it out, 5 00 or 5 30 a. To be east of the counties. Nothing will develop until then. Not much transferring down to the south. But a line like this will often transfer that storm line to the south. Just be on the lookout. We do know that as the front moves through there is a heightened risk foreshores and storms. Spotty showers and storms are possible. In to tonight, fog comes through for much of wednesday we are dry and thirsty the front comes back. Warm air comes. With that we have the chance of showers and storms. A wet but warm week. Today, 85 degrees. 68 tonight. Patchy fog especially in the areas that have the rain today. Wednesday we make 85 and we stayed dry. Even warmer days for the weekend. So far so good on the roads. We do have some overnight roadwork in bound kennedy careened to the outbound side is blocked off at the should circle interchange until 5 00. And construction on the edens and in bound from winnetka to old orchard. To right lanes are out. That will be picked up at 5 00 a. M. Coming up. How much itll cost to raise a child these days. And the bears are hoping Santonio Holmes is on his best behavior as they try and shore up the number three wide receiver slot. Sports is next. Lance briggs said up and set out with a bruised knee but the story was the arrival of Centennial Homes who will get a crack at the backup spot. He brings a ton of power and baggage to chicago. Wearing the number of the man he replaced on the roster, he still only 30 years old, 36 nfl touchdowns to his credit and a super bowl mvp for the steelers. But his arrest may also include a suspension for Substance Abuse and marijuana in Domestic Assault charge which was dismissed, and accusations by his old jets teammates that he quit on them during a game against miami. It in the past. Of thing being it with this new organization is a new move for me. A great opportunity to be part of a great operation. Its just getting it in the books and learning, getting to know all the teammates meeting with the gas. Just learning how they carry themselves around here and picking up on the transition spirit of been in the league for nine years. People change. They get into new environments and you get out for a while to get a good look at where you are not only in your work life but in all aspects of your life we feel he is coming in and a good place coming into good locker room. The bears began preparations for the most important game of the preseason. Came three in seattle on friday. Asked about the priorities for the defense. We want to continue to make progress in our run defense and we definitely will be tested. Have a great day. One other sports note. The trend continued for the white sox they lost to the orioles, 8to2 at the cell. And the cubs wrapped up a 4game set in new york against the mets with a 4to1 win. Next months chicago football classic will be in soldier field. This has been a showcase for historically black colleges and universities. This years game will be between Morehouse College of atlanta and Central State University of wilberforce, ohio. It will be held on saturday, september 20th. The game will give the teams a chance to raise money for the schools through ticket sales and raffles. Stocks surged monday, despite the ongoing conflicts in the mideast. The dow rose 175 its on track for its best month since february. The nasdaq jumped 43. And the sandp added 18. Marianos may soon replace where an old dominicks burned down in lakeview. It could happen on broadway between barry and wellington. The fire gutted the domincks back in 2005, but the lot currently serves as a parking lot. The proposed plan consists of five floors. The first two floors would be the grocer. Parking would fill the third and fourth. And an xsport would sit on the top floor. Thinking about having your first baby . A new analysis finds, itll cost you just under a quarter Million Dollars to raise a child to the age of 18. And that doesnt include the cost of college. The best private schools can add another quarter million to the tab. The cost of raising a child rose almost two percent in the past year. Additional children typically costs less than the first, if they can wear handmedowns, and they dont require additional living space. Pretorn jeans are always fashionable. And for a zoo in japan, they are quite profitable. The zoo wrapped three pairs of jeans around tires and rubber balls. Then turned its lions, tigers and bears loose on them. What was left, was then sold at auction. The jeans fetched 35 hundred dollars. Part of the money goes to the zoo. The rest goes to the World Wildlife fund. Is that going to catch on like the eyes of this challenge . People will start growing their genes in. Or maybe just let their dogs take care of it. Should we start that . We have been called out by many people but we still havent done this challenge. I think even oprah challenged us. We have to do it soon. Baby later this week. We will do it. Dont worry. Stop challenging the spirit we are going to be the ice bucket today its good to be warm day. 83 degrees this afternoon. We have a chance of showers and storms. Off and on grain through the day trying out tomorrow. But more rain and warmer temperatures come later in the week. South bound 57 dealing with roadwork and its going to be out there until 6 00 a. M. Starting around halsted going down to one 11th the right lane will be blocked. Other than that, other overnight road projects which will be picked up by 56. No major delays on expressways or the tollways. Theres more to come in our next halfhour. Were hearing two different stories about what happened before a teenager was shot and killed in ferguson, missouri. Good morning, im dan ponce. And dr. Tony will be here talking about separation anxiety between pets and when the kids go back to school. And man verses high chair. A battle caught on camera. How did he break free . [ male announcer ] ginger is always there, to help with the groceries. Thats real love. And so is giving her real tasty food. Introducing a delicious new wet food from iams. Some brands use fish processed with gluten. But iams fish recipes are made with 100 real fish fillets. For a meal that tastes like homemade. Now, thats real love. And so is helping with the homework. Keep love strong with new iams perfect delicacies, with 100 real fish. Love the iams difference or your money back. Police arrested dozens of protesters overnight as tensions boil over into more violence in missouri. A chicago woman spotty will return home after a brutal attack in bali. Her daughter remains in jail. And Jackie Robinson west hold on for the win in the Little League world series. Good morning. Erin joins us at the top of the hour. Lets go to Demetrius Ivory for a check of the weather. Hi, demetrius. A hot week coming true. It would week as well. Showers and storms. We have some storms to the north. Kantor airconditioner and your umbrella ready. Here are the current ratings. Here is that rain continuing to pound the kenosha area moving across northwestern counties. It is beginning to pull out of the countys but there is certainly some intense thunder and lightning with this line. Heavier rain generally to the north. We will see there this morning if it transfers to the south. Be prepared for a spotty showers or a storm. 83 degrees by 5 00 p. M. Typical high is 82. Today we will top that by 3 degrees. Off and on showers and storms through the day. Into tonight its 68. Thursday 88. 90 again for friday and saturday. Word of a fire that crews are on right now. This is a marine drive pierre expect added delays its a porch fire. The main roads heading in bound on the kennedy, the ramp to westbound 290 is blocked off until the top of the hour. Watch for that to be a slow spot. Thats a look at the roots. Police arrested dozens of people during another night of violence in ferguson, missouri. Protests over the shooting of Michael Brown were again broken up with tear gas. Officers also confiscated weapons and molotov cocktails. Now the man in charge of security has a request for the Peaceful Protesters. Nancy has more. Good morning. More than two dozen people were arrested last night after another tense face off in the streets of ferguson between protesters and police. State Authorities Say officers responded with tear gas and stun grenades only after some in the crowd threw rocks and molotov cocktails at police. Two people were wounded by gunfire but police insist officers and never opened fire on the crowd. Police in riot gear surrounded hundreds of protesters and the least 31 people were arrested. 10 days after the Police Shooting death of Michael Brown, protesters have converged from all over the u. S. How would patrol captain believes some outsiders are instigating violence he keeps urging demonstrators to peacefully protest during the Daylight Hours. What i want is our Peaceful Protesters to come in the daytime. All these criminals at night that are asking themselves and hiding themselves behind peace, let them come at night so we can identify them and take them away. Make our streets safe so they can no longer mask themselves behind a Peaceful Protesters. National guard troops are now assisting though they are remaining on the perimeter for now to prevent looting and vandalism. Back to you. There are still different accounts of what exactly happened when Michael Brown was killed. This video was provided to cn n by piaget crenshaw. She says brown was running away from officer darren wilson, when he turned around. She says thats when wilson shot him multiple times. But cnn reports a friend of wilsons called a local Radio Station with wilsons account of what happened. The caller said that brown punched the officer in the face and went for his gun. She says brown ran when the gun went off. She says when officer wilson yelled at brown to freeze, brown turned, taunted the officer, then started running toward him. He said all of a sudden he started coming at him at full speed so he started shooting and he just kept coming at him. Brown was shot six times. The caller says the final shot was to browns forehead. A source tells cnn the callers version matches what officer wilson told investigators. Protesters gathered on daley plaza for the second time since the shooting. The stop Mass Incarceration Network called for and to police brutality, and for justice for Michael Browns family. Marchers carried a banner with pictures of people they say were unjustifiably killed by Chicago Police officers. About two dozen Chicago Police officers were there to keep the demonstration peaceful. And for the latest developments on this story, head to wgn tv dotcom slash ferguson. Its been a week since sheila von weisemack was bludgeoned to death in bali, and stuffed into a suitcase. Today, her body will be returned to chicago. The victims daughter heather mack and boyfriend Tommy Schaefer are being held. Heather macks attorney claims his client was sexually abused, and given drugs in jail. Authorities in bali deny it. Illinois just recorded its first case of west nile virus for 2014. A chicago woman in her 70s tested positive for west nile. Health officials havent released her condition. But they say shes alive. Last year, 117 people across illinois came down with the disease. 11 of them died. A judge could decide today the hacker in china stole information from foreign half a million patients. The data bridge hit the Computer System of a tennessee based system in april and may. Community health runs through this the Medical Center also in blue island. A judge could decide today whether to halt a controversial expansion of Lincoln Elementary school in lincoln park. Last friday, chicago zoning officials approved a plan to build a 20million dollar annex to relieve overcrowding at the school. But some neighbors say the annex will create traffic headaches. If the judges doesnt grant a restraining order today, the neighbors will likely appeal his decision. A seesaw thriller in williamsport ends with chicagos Jackie Robinson west all stars winning 87 over the new england team from rhode island. Marcus has reaction from willaimsport, pennsylvania. I think we will with its. Yellow shirts all around on the back, chicago. Despite facing elimination Jackie Robinson west had plenty of believers. I think weve got some confidence. In the stands, the parents more nervous than the players on the field. Are you nervous . Not all the time but right now i am. We had a setback yesterday. Were going to get on with the spirit the big brother to one of the outfielders. What to say after a bad . Stake home. I saw some frustration yesterday when we were playing. To stay level. Whenever he said seemed to work. Another home run to lead off the game, second time he has done that in the series. The game would go back and forth from there. When the last pitch was thrown in the bottom of the sixth, the Jackie Robinson all stars are still alive. Thats all that matters. They played ball they played really well. Everybody played hard. But we came through and won the game. So excited. With barely made it. But we did it. We had so much fun. One thing is the king give up the game after that big lead and still stay in the game. Fishing in out. Its their character. They have their eye on the prize they know what they need to do. Just a focused and keep going. What to figure but texas marc . Theyre still in it for a reason. But we have the speed and got some arms were ready to go. Thats what the final out sounded like last night at Jackie Robinson park. The crowd erupted as they held on for that victory. Another cuing party for tonight when they play against texas. If they lose they are eliminated. 92percent of chicagoans want changes to the citys red light camera program. But less than half feel they should be removed. A new tribune poll finds 47 percent of people would be satisfied with better oversight and management. 45 percent say the cameras should be totally scrapped. And only five percent say the cameras are working as they should. The poll comes after reports of a sudden and unexplained spike some guys thought it would be funny to stick their buddy in a high chair. And they were right. This is what happened at a travelodge in cambridge, england. His name is darren. And tried, and tried, and tried, to wiggle his way out of the chair. Pulling didnt work. Dragging himself on the floor didnt work. He even pulled off his pants, and tried to slide out of the chair. Eventually, his friends had to get dismantle the chair with some keys. That was a little too much. You wish you didnt see that in the ht. One time when hp has backfired. Lets take a look at our day. 73 degrees right now. Two point at 65. Warm conditions today highs in the mid 80s. Typically we are around 82. 73 at ohare. 72 at the lakefront. 66 in kenosha. Its going to change surely because of this spirit of showers and storms are continuing to press to the east to lake county. We wanted as it continues to move through. Most of this rain is north of cook cook county so we are on the lookout. A lot of times this energy will transfer to the south which means the seven communities will see that rain. 30 percent chance for a spot a shower or a store. But any rain could be quite heavy. Be prepared. It is the type of stock that will slow you down. Tonight slow down to 68. Clouds are on the breakup some fog develops especially in the area where we have that rain. 85 degrees on wednesday. Sunshine. We have disturbances going through and thursday with another chance of showers and storms up to 88. Into the nineties this weekend. Still ahead, dr. Tony is here talking about separation anxiety for your pets. And the browns quarterbackjohnnie football he had a message. And another short story from the author of harry potter. The stories keep coming. Will have more details coming up. And oprah taking the ice bucket challenge as the nations break records. Want to score a pair of front row tickets to the funniest show in chicago . On august 31st, amy shumer, sara silverman, and more. Will be at the oddball comedy festival. Enter at wgn tv dotcom slash contests for your chance at front row seats. Well pick the winner tomorrow after the show. Its back to school time. And that could have a bigger impact on your pets more than your kids. Were talking about separation anxiety for pets, with veterinarian dr. Tony kremer. Fresh with your volleyball injuries here dress. A bad front paw. I used to see pat with broken legs. When you get that dictionary need to use a coat hanger. We need to get you one of those cones. Lets get right to the symptoms of separation anxiety and dogs. Most of the time its destructive behavior when theyre left alone. Dogs want to be with their pac and the family is the pack. As soon as theyre left alone sometimes that brings about some very bad behavior. Going to the bathroom in the house, chewing up furniture. Chewing up our possessions. Things that can be serious because if they continue on the the wind up staying in their homes. I cant emphasize enough, consult your veterinarian because fashion aryans along with dealing with medical problems, many times in the behavior problems can be more lifethreatening the many things that make them sick. Sometimes a behavioral anti anxiety take medication, although we dont want to throw a pill at it, theres no magic pill for the behavior but sometimes your vet can prescribe something that will ease the anxiety and help to get them through separation anxiety. Kids are going back to school, the dogs are on a different schedule i notice a dog is doing things. Whats the first thing to look for . One of the biggest things is when we have these changes in schedules or when a new pet comes into the house, who want to find ways to counter position them. We want toif theres something bad like being alone all day, we want to tap into something good. The best example is to give them a special treat. Something like a toy that has food inside a bit. Something that will keep them busy for a while getting the food out of the toy will be keep them busy. And Something Special so that they say now that ever been is gone i do get a special treat and only do it at the time theyre gone. Is this something that can be cured . It can be cured. If we attack it head on at the beginning and deal with this counter conditioning. Also desensitize a station. We dont want them to get those triggers that set them off here like they hear the keys or the c occurs, it happens every day as a routine, thats the trigger that sometimes makes him crazy. If we can avoid those routines so they dont get the trigger, that will help the bit as far as keeping them from going right into a panic mode. And creeks. A lot of people dont like crates because it sounds like jail but we want to make the accrete like their sanctuary. The place of refuge. Feed them give them their water in there so its a place where they would go like in the wild to go back for safety. When a pet feels that way, sometimes you cant leave a crate door open and they go there on their own cause theyre not afraid. Im going to try that, for a role dog to sit the works. The key for your time. Excellent advice. Here are a few stories that are hes on twitters the cd him there. Heres a few stories trending online. Pardo was best known for announcing the performers at the open of nearly every episode of snl from the premiere in 1975 until just last year. Viewers also heard his voice in the early years of game shows the price is right and jeopardy pardo was 96. Oprah accepted the als ice bucket challenge from tyler perry. And her friend gayle king dumped the ice. The stunt has turned into a cash cow for the als association, as celebrities challenge one another to record themselves getting soaked. In just the past three weeks, the ice bucket challenge has raised 15 and a half Million Dollars for research into lou gehrigs disease. Demetrius and i are going to do it later. Stop treating us. You would think Johnny Manziel would know the cameras are on him at all times. But that didnt stop him from giving the redskins the finger on monday night football. Manziel did that while returning to the huddle after an incomplete pass. He says he heard comments from the redskins bench, so he flipped them the bird. There was no penalty, but his coach wasnt pleased. After the game manziel said he briefly lost his composure. Author jk rowling released a short story on her website about a singing sorceress. Celestina warbeck was first mentioned in the second book in the harry potter series,heavy finished about one man . Was that tape . Nobody has seen it until now. Chamber of secrets, but was never seen until now. Some of celestinas bestknown songs include you charmed the heart right out of me and a cauldron full of hot, strong love. Taylor swift announces her first full length pop album called 1989 will be released in october she even dropped the first single from the album called shake it off that sounds like a hit. The singer revealed the title of the album yesterday on a yahoo livestream. You can preorder that album now it comes out october 27th. You already ordered it did new . A got to beat the kids in line. There were shaking it up there. But look at the weather. In one day. Current temperatures 73. In waukegan is 73. The British School reading at 72. 67 the numbers are jumping everywhere. Aurora its 67. On the radar he could find that grain moving through lake county. Lots of thunder and lots of lightning. With that light show its not severe. We are on the lookout for the ring to potentially for transfer to the south. We are expecting off and on showers and storms to be on the menu. Temperatures will be in the mid 80s by 5 00 p. M. The official high is 85. To begin wednesday without the rain. Thursday we make 88 with a chance of showers and storms. For the weekend we reach 90. Dealing with a fire this morning expect delays with crews staged at foster. Also this morning, head up on construction on the ohare expressway. This is all at 39290. If youre heading eastbound and you have one lane block, westbound it will be blocked until 6 00 a. M. Coming up, what are kelly is being sued by his former manager and jackie chan son arrested in and jackie chan son arrested in china. So i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. Heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multicar, paperless. You make a mighty fine missus, mlady. Im not saying marks thrifty. Lets just say, i saved him 519, and it certainly didnt go toward that ring. Am i right . [ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit progressive. Com today. I call this one the robox. The son of actor jackie chan was detained in china on drug charges. 32yearold jaycee chan and a taiwanese movie star were busted last thursday in beijing. Chinese Authorities Say, both of them admitted using marijuana. Both tested positive for the drug. And police took a hundred grams of pot from chans home. Both men were subsequently released. Chan disclosed the arrest yesterday on his blog. R. Kelly is being sued by his former business manger. Winkler and mcdavid limited, of oak park, managed the singers career until late last year. When they parted ways, kelly reportedly paid 300 thousand dollars, and agreed to pay the firm an additional 40 thousand dollars a month through the year 2016. But the company says kelly missed his august payment. No comment from kelly. Actor kevin heart is engaged. He posted an official post on instagram yesterday with new fiance eniko parrish. The two have been dating for five years. Hart asked the model to be his wife on her birthday yesterday. Sources say the couple couldnt be more excited. Christian bale and wife sibi welcome a baby boy the family. This is the second child for the couple. They confirmed the pregnancy back in march when sibi showed her baby bump at the academy awards. The two got married back in 2000. They have a 9year old daughter,emmeline. Which is got reports of heavy rain toward fox lake. The grain is moving through the north. Lets take a look at the forecast. Off and on showers and storms. 85 tomorrow. We are dry. Thursday will make 88. Friday and saturday, low nineties with a slight chance of rain. Coming up at 5 00, the latest on the developments in missouri as Police Clashed with as Police Clashed with protesters. Rugged and uneven. New gillette body is the first razor built to handle male terrain with a rounded head, three lubricating strips and an antislip grip. New gillette body only from gillette, the best a man can get. Announcer the following is a paid presentation for perfect pigment, the oneminute miracle makeup, brought to you by christina cosmetics. We all have them subtle things about our skin we wish we could just magically erase. Now theres a way to actually improve your skin, look years younger, healthier, and more beautiful, with just the swirl of a brush. I have a beauty secret that could change your life, give you time to do what you love, and make you look years younger. Today were going to show you how you can toss that heavy makeup bag, save time, money, and your skin, and look years younger in just one minute. 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