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start a new life in canada defense attorneys say it was the wife who did the killing she was upset and came up with a murder- suicide because she believed her husband had an affair ... it's a complex case that involves exotic dancers and admitted affair and a cryptic poem ... the man accused of killing his wife and three children during a last-minute trip to springfield water park in june 14, 1927 has wife kimberly along with the 12 year- old daughter 11 year-old daughter and eight year-old son were found dead in their s u v ... on a frontage road near shanahan ... the man suffered a gunshot wounds to his legs ... he said that his wife shot him and the kids and turn the gun on herself ... he said his wife was upset with him over his religious beliefs and admission of an affair during a business trip to mexico one year earlier it is believed he mastermind the seat murder of his entire family to pursue a new life in the canadian wilderness ... she had a life insurance policy that listed her husband as a beneficiary ... for exotic dancers are expected to testify that he frequented strip clubs months before the murder ... he told one of the strippers that he was single and he made bizarre statements ... in his jail cell a cryptic poem was written a tribute to a stripper that he met and a dance club ... he expressed a passion to live in the canadian wilderness ... the trial is expected to last six weeks and ironically it is happening where the drew peterson trial in the same court house is now under way ... members of the chicago teachers union are picketing today, at various chicago public schools. wgn's robert jordan is live at chicago teacher's union headquarters at the merchandise mart with the latest. as talks continue between officials from the chicago public schools and members of the union the rhetoric has grown louder ... this morning the union is holding an informational packet outside of several track the schools wearing bright red t-shirts carrying signs members of the c t u march to give parents and students an idea of what a strike would look like should talks break down ... some of the prickly issues remain like salary and other work conditions ... the cps must receive attend a notice from the union before any packet takes place in the meantime the cps has issued a statement from the chief communications officer at says in part the tone of negotiations has been positive and real progress has been made wiley of work to do we remain confident that they will reach a fair resolution with us sphere given there is far more room for agreement issues are on the table over ... both sides seem to indicate that they are optimistic that an agreement can be reached ... from now on cps students will be able to write cta trains and buses for reduced rates between 5:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. ... police have released a description of the suspect wanted in the death of a 23- year-old volleyball star from wheaton. megan boken was in saint louis over the weekend when a gunman opened fire shooting her in the neck and chest. the suspect is described as a black male with a medium complexion... between five feet, eight inches and five feet ten inches with a thin build and short hair. he was wearing a charcoal grey shirt, khaki pants and white tennis shoes. police do not believe boken and are investigating the incident as an attempted robbery. police ask anyone with information to call crime stoppers. a man from will county confessed to killing his girlfriend over the weekend after the couple attended a wedding in door county, wisconsin. the 35-year-old man was arrested yesterday, after he notified police about the incident. the 21-year-old woman's body was found inside a hotel room, near sturgeon bay. formal chargers have not been filed. the suspect will appear in court this afternoon. a suspicious fire damaged a church building early sunday morning in norwood park ... the fire was contained to a men's bathroom leaving smoke and water damage ... this is part of a recent string of crimes in norwood park according to the pastor of the french ship presbyterian church ... officials are investigating ... funeral services for the long- time president of lombard will be held at the end of this week. 76 year-old william mueller passed away saturday from complications from the west nile virus. he had been hospitalized since the beginning of august and was being treated for blood cancer. yesterday -- purple bunting was hung at the village hall and flags were lowered to half staff -- in honor of mueller - who was serving his fifth term as village president. visitation for mueller will be held friday and the funeral will be saturday morning in lombard. after being diagnosed with cancer again...chicago's cardinal francis george will be on a religious retreat this week. the 75 year-old roman catholic cardinal announced his diagnosis on friday---after doctors found liver. cardinal george sucessfully fought a rare type of bladder cancer six years ago. archdiocese officials are planning a course of treatment for him. the cardinal has been resting at home since friday. his staff has not yet commented on any kind of leadership change. a weekend of good weather helped bring huge crowds to the air and water show. an estimated two million people came to the lakefront to see all the high speed stunts. some people set up on the beach as early as 5:00 am. but they were soon surrounded by others who came to see the u-s navy blue angels vintage next - the federal investigation after a member of congress goes skinny dipping at a holy site overseas. and a politician apologizes for controversial comments. the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down ... what missouri congressman todd akin is now saying about rape and abortion. also ahead, wiki-leaks founder julian assange comes out of hiding with a message for president obama. tht them speaking out for the first time since he's been granted asylum. british authorities want to extradite assange to sweden, where he's accused of molesting two women. assange denies any guilt saying it's political retribution for releasing hundreds of standing on the balcony of the ecuadorian embassy in london, julian assange addressed his supporters. he also took aim at the united states: the united states must renounce its witchhunt against wikileaks ... british officials say they will not give assange safe passage out of the embassy. there are calls today for a missouri congressman to step down - for comments he made about abortion and rape victims yesterday. republican todd akin is running for the senate this fall ... and has been staunchly anti-abortion throughout his 6 terms in congress. but he created controversy yesterday when the question turned to cases of abortion involving rape. >>if it's a legitimate rate, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down ... assuming that doesn't work i think the punishment or to be for the rapist and not attacking the child ... akin released a statement saying "it's clear that i misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy i hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year". this morning - massachusetts senator scott brown called the comments outrageous and wrong and called for akin to step down. the romney campaign says mitt romney and paul ryan disagree with akin and do not oppose abortion in rape cases. white house hopefuls mitt romney and paul ryan blasted president barack obama's policies in new hampshire this morning. >>to many politicians like the president have been too concerned with the next election rather than the next generation ... the duo spoke to voters at saint anslem college in manchester, deeply criticizing obama's medicare plan, even though paul ryan once backed a central part of that plan. the crowd cheered as romney talked about his plans to cut taxes -- and remove troops from afghanistan. mitt romney's wife, ann romney, is expected to be named the headliner that will kick off the republican national convention. the announcement is likely to come later today, according to a republican source. mrs. romney has long been considered one of her husband's best campaigners. the rnc starts one week from today in tampa ... chicago mayor rahm emanuel has joined the list of speakers at the democratic national convention. president obama's former chief of staff will address the democratic convention next month. other speakers include former president bill clinton, massachusetts senator john kerry, and the dnc's first latino keynote speaker -- san antonio mayor, julian castro. the convention begins september 4th in charlotte north carolina. first lady, michelle obama will travel to wisconsin on thursday -- to meet with the families of victims of the deadly shooting rampage at a sikh temple. six people were killed and four others injured during the shooting, on august fifth. the white house says the visit is part of the administration's outreach to the sihk community in the wake of the shooting. the fbi is reprimanding republican congressman after they reportedly went skinny dipping at an event in israel last year. reports say that over 20 people participated in the late- night swimming session in august of 2011. the congressmen stripped down and jumped into the sea of galilee during after drinking at a private party. some of the men say they went into the water because of its religious signifigance -- where jesus is said to have walked on water. at least 17 illinois residents have gotten sick from a salmonella outbreak involving cantaloupes grown in southern indiana. the outbreak... which began in early july... has killed two people and sickened 150 others. the illinois department of public health has not issued any statements regarding this outbreak... but the cdc advises consumers to throw out any cantaloupes they purchased from that area. symptoms of salmonella illness include diarrhea, fever and abdominal pain. next: another recall -- this time for romaine lettuce sold in nearly 20 states. also ahead: a warning to drivers... why general motors is announcing a recall on more than 250,000 thousand suv's. and later in lunchbreak: we're celebrating julia child and her recipe for garlic chicken. hi. ooh, that's so... i know what you're thinking. it's a hot white number, but what a hassle to care for! but i'm not worried... i use tide vivid detergent and boost. they keep my whites looking like new wash after wash. that's my tide. there is a romaine lettuce recall based on tests in canada ... turnbull & asser and another leading brand ... american airlines flight attendants seek approval of a new contract with cost reductions and it puts similar pressure on the pilots' union ... changes in pension and work hours and early retirement changes could prevent temporary layoffs ... an effort to boost holiday sales wal-mart is bringing back the expanded lay away program which will run nationwide september 16th through december 14th that will include sporting goods choice electronics and household goods ... investors remain concerned about european debt crisis and that is moving the markets at this hour ... gm is recalling more than 258- thousand suvs ... to fix short circuits in power window and door lock switches that can cause fires. gm has reported 28 incidents though no one has been hurt. the recall includes 2006 and 2007 chevy trailblazers, gmc envoys and buick rainiers, as well as isuzu ascenders and saab 97-x's which g-m also built. the vehicles were all sold in 20 states and canada. safety officials have opened an investigation into the 2012 nissan versa sedans over concerns with the car's front air bags.the national highway traffic safety adinistration discovered pinched wiring in the steering wheel which could possibly short-circuit and prevent the air bag from deploying during a collision in the versa. officials are determining whether a recall is needed. if you experience any problems with your versa, log onto to file a complai nt history, augusta national admits two women to their golf club. also ahead - the murder scandal in china... a court sentences the wife of a disgraced politician after finding her guilty of murder. and later, the possible new coffee. [ male announcer ] research suggests the health of our cells plays a key role throughout our entire lives. ♪ ♪ one a day men's 50+ is a complete multi-vitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. ♪ ♪ it has more of seven antioxidants to support cell health. that's one a day men's 50+ healthy advantage. a man from palatine has died after being stabbed outside his apartment complex. 21 year-old corey frazier was found in the courtyard of the building around 9:00 pm sunday. police initially responded to a fight in progress... when they arrived, they heard a woman screaming and found frazier on the ground with multiple stab wounds to his torso. no arrests have been made and police continue to interview witnesses. an autopsy will be performed today. a man from westmont is facing four attempted murder counts, after a confrontation in the loop. police say nomad kahn rammed another car on lasalle street early saturday, then stabbed a security guard from a nearby building who tried to help. police shot him in the leg when he refused to drop the knife. kahn's bond was set at 900- thousand dollars. the northwestern university community is on alert after three students were robbed at gunpoint. the three women were approached by two men early sunday. police say one of the men pulled out a handgun. the suspects stole the women's purses and a cell phone. none of the three students was injured. pastor corey brooks is taking a break from his walk across america -- and returning to his chicago pulpit. brooks is presiding over the funeral of 19 year-old tony dunn this morning, at his new beginnings church. dunn was shot to death on august seventh...just blocks from the church, in the 6300 block of south king drive. brooks has been walking across the country as part of his "project hood" -- to end the type of street violence that claimed tony dunn's life. no word on when he will continue his journey. will county judge joseph polito now admits, he used his office computer to view internet porn. the sun-times discovered the judge's access to pornography back in april. and the state judicial inquiry board filed disciplinary charges against polito last month. he says he kept surfing for porn, even when the county installed blocking software ... and that he has gotten professional help to deal with his problem. polito could face termination when he appears at a disciplinary hearing. film director tony scott was reportedly diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer before he died in an apparent suicide yesterday. police say scott jumped from the vincent thomas bridge in los angeles yesterday afternoon. a source tells abc news that scott had recently been diagnosed with cancer. a suicide not was later found in his office. the 68 year old is best known for the films, "top gun" and "beverly hills cop two." he also directed the films "days of thunder," "true romance" and "enemy of the state." scott, was the brother of director ridley scott. he leaves behind a wife and two young sons. the man who killed john lennon will try a seventh time to win parole this week. mark david chapman is 57 years old now. he's serving 20 years to life, for gunning lennon down outside a new york apartment building in 1980. he started seeking parole in 2000, and has been rejected every two years since then. prison cell, for his own protection. yoko ono, john lennon's widow has sent a letter asking that chapman's parole be denied again. thre chairman of the joint chiefs of staff flew to afghanistan this morning, to try to put a stop to the shootings of american servicemen by afghan security officers -- or men *dressed* as security officers. there have been ten so-called "green on blue" killings of americans this month. and the head of the taliban says, his people have gotten good at infiltrating afghan police forces, and getting close to coalition targets. the wife of a former communist party leader in china has been convicted of murder. she has received a suspended death sentencegu kailai was found guilty of killing british businessman neil heywood last november. prosecutors said gu poisoned heywood after he threatened her son following a business dispute. gu was sentenced to death but the sentence is suspended for two years due to questions about her mental status during the crime. she could still face execution if she commits a new offence in the next two years. wildfires continue to scorch the western's states--- as far west as hawaii. meanwhile, authorioties in northern california are urging hundreds of people to leave their homes as they continue to battle the growing "ponderosa fires." more than 12oo firefighters are working to stop the wildfire that was started saturday by a series of lightning strikes. the ponderosa fire is just one of the many wildfires burning across california and the west. a massive wildfire has also been burning in the plumas national forest since july. for the first time in its 80 year history, augusta national golf club opens its doors to women. augusta is home to the annual masters golf tournament. earlier today, former secretary of state, condoleeza rice and south carolina financier darla moore were invited to become members of the club. both women accepted. rice and moore will wear green jackets when augusta opens for a new season in october. augusta national chairman, billy payne said: "it will be a proud moment when we present condoleezza and darla their green jackets when the club opens this fall." still to come this midday .... tom skilling has your full forecast i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips throat or tongue stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer. tom skilling is here with the forecast ... >>there may have been waterspouts buried within the range sheriff's ... lots of activity along the lake michigan shoreline today ... instability in the air ... funnel cloud saidds... this weekend was quite good i would like to share some of photographs with you ... this is from the air show ... and here are some of those waterspouts we mentioned this off the coast of racine wisconsin on saturday ... there are the towering clouds we referred to a moment ago producing thundershowers here in the metropolitan area ... a woman of bourbonnnais capture these clouds over the scorched fields thanks to the viewers and photographers to share these with us ... turbulence in the sky ... thunderstorms this morning producing brief downpours. these things began over lake michigan moving inland the outflow produced wind ... these stack up through the atmosphere in a vertical fashion you get clouds' going 6 mi. high ... that blocks the sunlight and produces all of these rainshowers ... we're getting the breezes and the showers and some lightning ... here we see some hailstones ... it's been an otherwise quiet and parts of the midwest ... the heaviest rain storms are in the green areas within the blue areas you see on this map ... looking at the rainfall accumulation totals ... 66 degrees at the university of chicago currently ... we're looking at the smaller rainshowers with the lake breezes ... they will fade by this evening ... we could use more rainfall than we are scheduled to be getting ... we have a temperature deficit this month ... temperatures remained in the high '70's this weekend will be low normal ... the jet stream has been blowing from canada ... as the week continues the flow of air will go westerly and kick off a warming trend that will take us into the 80s by midweek ... we will have new thunderstorms later this week ... the 15 days long term forecast the first five days three tenths of a degree below normal ... and we will stay above normal five days out for the next 10 ... temperatures will get a lot warmer by the end of this week late into the 80s ... the days are getting shorter ... partly sunny isolated showers and a few thunderstorms today the high temperature will be 76 degrees. northeast wind is blowing 10 mi. per hour this afternoon to 90 evening showers will go away clear and cool 58 degrees overnight ... tomorrow mostly sunny and warmer in the afternoon high temperature 79 degrees southeast wind cutting the shore ... the high will be 82 by midweek we will have that 7 day forecast for you before we close ... time now for today's trivia question: general william sherman's middle name was the same as which native american indian chief? a.) geronimo. b.) tecumseh. c.) pontiac. the answer is ahead in this hour of the wgn midday news. 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[ kate ] most women may not be properly absorbing the calcium they take because they don't take it with food. switch to citracal maximum plus d. it's the only calcium supplement that can be taken with or without food. that's why my doctor recommends citracal maximum. it's all about absorption. in the medical watch ... a a new study in the september issue of pediatrics says anesthesia can have long-term developmental effects on kids. researchers in australia looked at more than 26-hundred children at 10 years-old. they found that kids who has been exposed to anesthesia were more than twice as likely to have issues with listening and speaking. researchers also say development delays could be caused by the medical condition or surgical stimulus. while we commonly associate antioxidants with fruits and vegetables, research has shown coffee is the top source for americans. harvard researchers have found that drinking two to three cups a coffee a day may prevent type 2 diabetes, parkinson's, heart failure, and skin cancer. coffee's caffeine may also contribute to positive brain health. doctors are hesitant to tell patients to drink coffee though because side effects to the stimulant are unique to each individual. lunchbreak is next: we've got cooking inspired by julia child. you know, i was once used for small jobs. yeah, and i took on all the bigger, tougher ones. but now that mr. clean's got this new select-a-size magic eraser i mean, he can take on any size job. look how easily he gets things cleaned. it's enough to make you cry. you, specifically. not me. i'm just happy we don't go near rex's mobile home as often. because it's hard to clean or because you're scared of an itty-bitty doggy? [ dog barks ] aah! oh! [ clears throat ] yeah, that was a sneeze. i think i sprayed myself. [ male announcer ] new mr. clean select-a-size magic eraser. lets you pick the right size for every job. i stepped on the machine, and it showed me the pressure points on my feet and exactly where i needed more support. then, i got my number. my tired, achy feet affected my whole life. until i found my number. i tried the free dr. scholl's foot mapping center. in two minutes, i got my foot map and custom number. i'm a 440. that matched up to the dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with the right support and cushioning i need. i am a believer. i'm a believer! i'm a believer. go to to find your closest walmart with a foot mapping center. it's time for a lunchbreak... last week julia child would have celebrated her 100th birthday... in today's "lunchbreak".... we're honoring the late chef. chef denise norton is here from flavour cooking school with her five favorite lessons from the culinary 'queen'... >>welcomed >>thank you i am happy to be here ... 5 favorite lessons from julia child: 1. cook with quality equipment >>that is what we demonstrate here ... she had lots of beautiful kitchen equipment most of it now in the smithsonian2. make it work 3. use real butter is a favorite lecreuset was a popular b rand... make it work is another lesson ... work around your little mistakes ... the tip about learning techniques ... is a very important ... we are creating a flavorful base with garlic right here that demonstrates a certain techniques ... braising is a very important and central and all cooking ... the tip about butter is very important it translates to using quality ingredients ... substitutes may be trey the chemistry of the original and it tastes better when you use real butter ... the final tip is to be fearless ... don't be afraid to find the flavor from wherever you can ... with cooking you can take some liberties not so much with baking. julia child tackled lots of challenging recipes ... this recipe is garlic chicken ... the flavoring is under the skin! denise norton, thanks so much for joining us. flavour cooking school is offering "culinary boot camp" septem time now for the answer to today's trivia question. we asked: general william sherman's middle name was the same as which native american indian chief? a.) geronimo. b.) tecumseh. c.) pontiac. the answer: b.) tecumseh it's raining in parts of the chicago area it's been quite a morning with these lake effect showers and thunderstorms moving inland from lake michigan ... there have been lightening strikes ... florida is getting some flooding and there are scattered thunderstorms in the rockies as well ... high-pressure system enters the region overnight and tomorrow much of the rest of the week as well will have only scattered thunderstorms ... 10 of the last 11 days have been quite cool but we will see a warming trend ... we will be in the mid to upper 80s later this week possibly near 90 by the end of the weekend ... flooding much as in florida and thunderstorms in the rockies ... we have some comfortable temperatures for the next two days ... thanks for joining us today. we hope you have a great afternoon. remember we are back at 5:00 this evening and again at 9:00.

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