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Displayed in this video. You see right here, you see a little baby walking. This man over here stands him up, and then this woman runs in. And they begin tussling over this child. What that woman refuses to let go. And look, she is holding on to that babys legs. Okay, come on. Youre going to hurt the child. The heck is who are these people . Heres the thing. This happened in a supermarket. This woman right there, according to police, she thought that was her grandchild. And so when she saw that baby with a man who was unfamiliar to her, she immediately goes over and intercides, theyll to get that baby from that man. They said recently in that area there have been child trafficking reports. So that may have been on that sees this little boim whom she says is very similar to her grandson, thinks its him, so she immediately jumps in. As you can see, that man has to beat that woman away to get her to let go, because she is pulling on that babys leg. If some crazy woman pulled on high childs leg, i would have done exactly the same thing. A lot of people feel the way you do. Police are not pressing charges, they say its just an honest mistake. Awesome, right until they try to kill you. But this guy in australia, hes going to be safe, because hes using his drone. Not doing much kind of a boring crocodile. Thats when the action happens look at this. Woo oh yeah. We have seen birds of prey do that. But never a crocodile. That was awesome. I think he goes for the shadow more than he goes for the drone. You see he goes up in the water, jaws open. His facebook page. At that moment, sean scott said, so totally paid for itself. . . We have discussed how difficult it must be for a man to drop to one knee and propose to the love of his life in 2016, because everything is so big so this man in china is pulling out all of the stops. There you see his lady, flowers in her arms, hes standing there with the mak red envelope. Wow. Look at that. Thats quite the offer, as well. Yeah. Not only the ring, but its also wow hes serious. Yes if proposing isnt good enough hes hoping then shell do the deed. Here you see she goes, wait, excuse me . And hes like, we can put our names on it together. And heres where things get the translation says Something Like its not like i cant afford it myself. Hmmm . And she says shes not going to marry him just for his house. Yes. She flows the flowers back at him and storms off. And he goes chasing after her. Well, you see, the thing is, especially in china, women do have the pick of the men. Theres a big sort of gender inequality. So, yeah, she doesnt need to be bribed. She can find her own man well, she had the man. . . Poor guy. He was so big, laid it all on the line and well a house delivered. No chance this is set up . I was wondering the same thing. You saw the reactions of the people in the crowd, People Holding the sign, as well. Seemed like it was quite the surprise. Oh. Does reference folks looking on. They say they were pretty shocked. I feel sorry for the dude if it is real. Some people just need a challenge. They need a huge challenge. Biking just isnt enough. Biking. Just not enough. Mountain climbing, not enough. Our friend, 26 years old. Hes got his bike strapped up like a backpack. Hiking with him way up high. Climbing with his bike to a spot that we have seen on this show before. A lot of people call peaks, the goat. Its called it looks like goat horns at the top. Well, eric is going to climb with his bicycle. Get the bike to the top. Okay. Im sorry. Really scared here. Im starting to sweat. A trial cyclist, you know, the guys that use their bikes kind of hop from one spot to another. Remind us how high is it again . About a thousandfoot drop well, now that hes at the top on his bike, balancing on the right side there, you see he does have a safety harness on, and this is somebody else up there with him. Ready, steady, go. Fantastic. Oh, my god. Oh wow his yes he made it look easy. But he did sit up there for about an hour. Contemplating, trying to work up the nerve to make tha there in the harness hanging, his legs and pelvis already go numb just sitting in the harness. Hes like, dude, now or never. Its time. And he did it. Oh i dont think i need to tell you, this was incredibly dangerous. It could have gotten seriously injured. However, he did not he pulls off an incredible video. Nrk as easy as riding a bike. . . Those ducks might want to keep their eggs away from ricky tricky toffee. Next time i go on an easter egg hunt, im bringing one of these things. A driver is sure he can drift. So he does why moms bmw almost doesnt . . Closed captioning provided by now im not being perky, apparently people save an average of 548 whoo i mean, whoo. This beautiful was caught on in south africa. We have seen video from there, but i dont think we have seen a video quite like this one. The fish isnt done yet. This is like the scene out of finding nemo where they have themselves in the neck and this is exactly what happens. Exactly like finding nemo. Got a little zantac . Yes, acid reflux. Or as they would say, a bitter fish to swallow. This one wants to fight back. I think its pretty neat this bird, like humans, got a pill stuck water and it goes down easily. The fish this fish is trying to survive. The egrit, look at the neck, some kind of complicated yoga pose. Overextended adams apple. That must feel so bizarre. Of. The second video also comes from the estate. Behold, ricky tricky tovi, the mongoose here is like hey, i think ill have some eggs for egg hunt, im bringing one of these things. Right . Yeah the interesting thing about the estate, its a Golf Community but they have all these marshes where animals, insects, all kinds of wonderful creatures come where people can just photograph him. That man goes is going to go off the golf ball. Yeah. The german engineering. This guy sitting behind the wheel. Oh oh my [ bleep ]. Wow he made it without crashing it was this close. Slow motion as it goes around. It was this close moms bmw m3. Not going to be driving that one for a while when this video gets out. We head back to the future in this next video where this young guy is absolutely mindblown. It is none other than the star. Ah yeah. I love that she is into it. Yeah, shes so cute. She is huge, apparently huge back to the future fan and you can see its just coming off her facend she is going to open the door and thats when the door needs to pop open. Daddy, close it. Ooh. Oh why did he just do that . That is immediately in there. And Young Caitlyn is like, no, no, no, no steal it, dad, steal it yeah wait, wait. What . So mom asks, how did he do that . Dad, get out of that, right shut it off wait for it. Because there is one of the most beautiful reveals ever in this video when the penny finally drops. How does he have the keys for it . What . Oh, cool [ screaming ] it was a secret they got on this trip and they actually bought this secretly without her knowing, and now is the moment when she realizes they own this little delorean. If i was to do this, it would be what are you doing . Christie ellen, that is an opportunity for some amazing art. Oh check that out it is incredible. Her instagram is full of the videos and pictures that show her painting over her hand. She puts her hand over her face. It all comes together in a super awesome creation. It looks like she starts most of them painting her hand first and then she brings it up to her face. Gnarly. She does underneath the hand too . Hmmm hmmm. Come on, man. Thats like a transformative halloween costume. Well, hello. Hello again yeah. Just adds a whole another dimension to what she is doing. Maybe she just got tired of painting her face and wanted another canvas. Every single one is amazing. This one with the green hair, she is painting these luscious lips. Like lady gaga should hire something she should show up to some event. Unbelievably talented. She has all these different looks. It just goes to show how much talent she has. And there is a picture of what she looks like with just regular makeup. So to see her transformation is mindblowing. I love this one. Look at that every single one of them is just showstopping. . . Its what you get when you combine beautiful weather, a it is amazing. Why horsing around has never looked better. Oh plus see the adorable toasty trio sure to butter up your day. Oh . . That are sixtytwo and older about a great way to live a better retirement. Its called a reverse mortgage. Call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. It answers questions like. Fy for, the ways to receive your money. And more. 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Oh man boom [ stammering ] yes, exactly. I didnt think that was possible. Personal watercraft the personal watercraft changes direction, which sends austin flying across the water, only to catch, again, the wake on the back of the boat. He does transition. Really cool. Thats the perfect way to capture what hes doing from the air. Really get a true appreciation of his balance and his skill to connect that. This is perhaps one of my favorite videos. I love what they were able to pull off. There is a behindhe video, if you want to check that out, head over to rightthisminute. Com, click on tv show or see it on our mobile app. Underwear thief. Thank you, al gore, who invented the internet. [ laughter ] oh come on. How are they not eating that. Whats better than one, whats better than two . Three. Three pomeranians with their heads in pieces of toast. Theyre not eating it, because they have it so far back, all they can do is lick. Taste the air. Taste the toast in the air. There is nothing to just massive amounts of cuteness. Look at the one on the end. Hes like they are cute. Also cute, always, kittens. More cute than kittens . Sleepy kittens. Oh, so cute. Just want to kiss their bellies. Sorry. Belly not available for kissing, because lilo is using it as a pillow. Lilo is a sleepy kitty, and is being held solely on his bottom. And sleep. These kittens are available for adoption. The kitten dorm is currently fastering these kittens in l. A. I want to be there. These got some big news to tell his wife. We are indeed pregnant. Wait, what . How he pulled off the big baby shocker. What . Introducing dunkins new cold brew coffee, or. Discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. Introducing dunkins new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultrasmooth, fullbodied flavor. Discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. America runs on dunkin. Again again again again again . So you can love cereal. Again [ honking ] bulldogs singing . . . . You notice something a little wife, rachel. She was tired a lot. A little bit more hungry than normal, even. Felt a little bit nauseous. We joked about it, but we knew she couldnt be pregnant. About eight months ago, i had a vasectomy. Wait, he had a vasectomy . Yeah. Okay. Well, um, that also raises other questions. When you have a vasectomy, there is also a checkup, where they let you know whether or not it worked. It dawned on us that we never got the test rules results meaning he was still fully loaded. So he did what any good husband would do, he disabled the toilet . What . I disabled our toilet, making it so it would not flush. My wife woke up, went to the bathroom, which left a good sample for me to check with a pregnancy test lying around. Not this again. Weve heard the old i tested her yes, we heard those stories. But this one worked. You see here, hes got a surprise for her. . . Shut up. So he lets her in on what he did. The toilet isnt working. Are you serious . Yep. And there you have the sniffy fingers, she starts crying. Rick, i see where your mind is. The last time we it was a big fake. Is there any channels these guys are trying to create a viral video to bring attention to their youtube . We have to ask. If you are skeptical, you should know that she is pregnant. They already have three sons. Hence the vasectomy. Makes so much more sense now. Right now . The kid is looking at her like i thought dad had a vasectomy. Last reveal. Another boy. Its another boy you know what, they should just go for one more. Wow. Four boys. Thats it. Youre all caught up on the best internet videos of the day. If you want to see more, go to right this minute. Com or check us out on the next episode of right this minute. . . One day a rider made a decision. The decision to ride on and save money. He decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, now at 10 00 a destructive fire took out homes and destroyed businesses. Tonight why investigators are not ruling out arson. Hot and humid to start the week but im tracking falllike temperatures and when the risk of showers moves into your area. And the season on hold. Tonight the injury some Football Players suffered during a practice and why coaches are being held responsible. Announcer complete new england News Coverage starts right now. This is fox 25 news at 10 00. Families lost their homes, businesses shut down. It took dozens of firefighters to get a hold of this six alarm fire but the damage was already done. Good evening everyone im kerry kavanaugh. And im ted daniel. Tonight investigators are still sorting through the rubble. Fox 25s Kristine Mccarthy is live in south bridge tonight. Christine, theyre not

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