Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20160821 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20160821

falmouth road race 9 a.m., humidity rising be winds picking up out of the southeast and temperatures in the middle 70s and hit the low 80s at some of the beaches today and mostly sunny skies. breezy beach day. a little more humidity throughout the day. our rain chance low today. by the night, begin to see it creep up. the timing of the in just a minute. >> jason: we're following breaking news this morning, police are out investigating after a woman was hit and killed by a bus in east boston. >> stephanie: fox 25 daniel miller is live at the scene at the courtyard marriott. this isn't a normal passenger bus. you've learned that it's a party bus? >> daniel: yeah, absolutely. jason and stephanie, good morning to you. behind me, you can see a portion of inbound lane, it's still closed while investigators investigate this crash involving a party bus. if you look to the left of this picture, you can see that party bus is still on the scene here while police look for clues in this accident. around 2:06 this morning, boston police received a call to the scene after a person -- we're not sure at this hour if they were struck while walking across -- >> stephanie: and we will get back to that breaking news scene with fox 25 daniel miller, he has been gathering information. mean while, also breaking this morning, police are investigating after a triple shooting in dorchester. from this video you can see police gathering evidence at an apartment building at stratton street late last night. boston police tell us one man and woman were hospitalized with critical. no word on a motive just yet. we'll stay on top of the story and bring you updates as they come in this morning. police keep hunting for another shooter in dorchester. someone shot a man and a woman on dudley terrace early yesterday morning. the 37-year-old man died at the scene. the woman remains in critical condition at the hospital. we caught up with the mayor who told us the city has had a relatively peaceful summer. but the recent rise in violence is concerning. >> we' know anything, let us know, or the police department. and we'll continue our peace walk and what we're doing the rest of the summer. >> stephanie: they're looking at surveillance video as they try to track down the shooter. >> jason: developing this morning, two children in critical condition this morning after being pulled from a pool in lowell. the preschool age kids found unresponsive in the above ground pool ontrenna lane last night. it shows where it happened. it appears there may have been some kind of party going on at and rushed them to the hospital, before being flown to boston area hospitals. this week they're still trying to figure out what happened there. at least 50 people are dead and 90 others hurt after a suicide bomber targeted a wedding in turkey. it's unclear if the bride and groom are among the victims this morning. the attack was clearly terror related by kurdish rebels or isis terrorists. neither group claimed resp after another explosion that hit a wedding in turkey. inconsider eb, that explosion was a car bomb going off outside a wedding venue. it was part of a series of attacks there against police. no one at the wedding was killed. >> stephanie: time right now 6:04. this morning, the fox 25 learned the family of the 15-month-old who was pound unresponsive with organs. those donations could save five lives. meanwhile, they've taken custody of three children as the investigation into the deaths continues. the children are the boy's twin sister who is still at children's hospital as well as two other children. the 15-month-old twins were rushed to the hospital on monday while in the care of the baby-sitter. the boy died thursday. the middlesex district attorney's and d.c.f. are now investigating how the inwiths were injured. >> jason: a some trouble in gloucester yesterday when it began taking on water. 34 people were on board when their captain sent in a mayday call around 4:30, we told you this about on fox 25 at 6:00 yesterday. the captain asked for any boats nearby to come to help and they did. >> they put life jackets on everybody on board and there were a lot of children on board. so it sounded scary. >> jason: passengers remained on to shore. coast guard released these photos of the rescue. no one was hurt. this was the second coast guard rescue yesterday. early saturday morning, four people called for help when their boat caught fire off the coast of falmouth. they got into an inflatable life raft. until a crew got there to help them out. no one there was hurt either. the boat was then towed back to shore. >> stephanie: three new hampshire teenagers nearly drowned in officers say the three swimmers two 15-year-olds and two 18-year-olds were swimming among a pontoon boat when a wave came by pushing them into deeper water. >> jason: this morning, two people are in custody in worcester, a young man was shot in federal square and 6:30 last night. the latin festival was taking place at nearby city hall. but it wasn't affected. the victim appeared to be conscious and alert, according working to get more details from investigators. >> stephanie: have you seen andy? it's a question that's often asked in lawrence. and today it's been 40 years since andy vanished from a city swimming pool. only on fox 25, bob ward shows us the new push for answers in andy's case and the case of other missing children. >> lawrence higgins memorial pool is still a place where the city's children cool off for the the last place anyone saw andy. >> i remember exactly where we were sitting, when we said good-bye, what he looked like. >> melanie perkins was there, august 21st, 1976 with her friend andy at higgins pool. late in the afternoon, melanie went home, andy stayed and andy disappeared. melanie has spent much of her adult life looking for andy. documentary called have you seen andy? the research pointed in the direction of this man, wayne chapman, a reported pedo file. these woods next the swimming pool have been search, so have other locations in an around lawyer wednesday. over 40 years, not a single trace of andy has showed up. >> i have always felt andy will come home and i continue to feel that way, i truly believe he will come home at some point. >> reporter: a new tip line is about to open. and on september 1st at higgins pool, a mass. state police safety day and a chance for people to share tips about andy and other missing children cases. 40 years later, melanie perkins is determined to find her lost friend. >> change is in the air and i feel a difference in andy's what's happened to andy pa glees see, you're urged to contact the massachusetts state police or lawrence police. t i'm bob ward, fox 25 morning news. >> jason: a wilmington, nurse, is facing charges for using prescriptions to fill thousands of pain prescriptions for her friends. she used it to fill out bogus prescriptions for hydrocodone and other pain 37-year-old is charged with 35 counts of illegal prescription. officers caught him walking toward dorchester high school, when police say they spotted him walking toward the campus, the 27-year-old took off running. officers arrested him and they found a 45 caliber handgun and 15 small bags of marijuana which they say he was planning to sell. >> stephanie: police are now saying that speed was a contributing factor of a motorcycle crash that killed a matthew cummings was travelling with a second motorcycle friday night, when it went off the road, tipping over and sliding for several feet. he died at the scene. they're continuing to investigate the crash. >> jason: we'll head out to detroit where the red sox had a 90 minute rain delay. big papi honored in the fifth inning, smashes 29th home run of the year. he hit 28th matches ted williams most homers by a 40-year-old in their final season. suspended for rain. in the 9th down 3-2. that was dustin pedroia. he thought he got all of it. stayed in the park barely just by inches. so he's on second with a double. and then kimbrel comes through with the save by striking out the final batter of the game. red sox hold on to win a tight one in detroit. a half game in the al east. >> stephanie: a teacher accused of sexting a student. the lie he's accused of telling in another relationship that led to that discovery. >> jason: a woman gets socked in thousands of medical bills that were supposed to be paid for. the mix up in insurance that almost cost her and the information you need to know to keep it from happening to you. >> jason brewer: good morning. a beautiful sky in the east. 65 in boston right now. oh, here comes n and with a thicker, more fabulous formula, she's not splashing. you can wear anything and pour bleach. and her whiter whites, just dazzling. clorox splash-less bleach. also try crystals and packs. >> stephanie: we're continuing to follow breaking news out of east boston, where a woman was hit and killed by a party bus shortly after 2:00 this morning. right across from courtyard's marriott. right now parts of route 1a are still shut down as police continue to investigate. fox 25 daniel miller is on the scene right now to learn how it happened. a live report coming up in 15 minutes. >> jason: a woman paid $1,000 in medical expenses she didn't even owe. howard explains the extra step she took to keep the money in >> reporter: she is serious about her bills, especially when coming to paying her bills. after hospital procedures and hospital stay, there were plenty of those, but she is covered. >> i have a supplemental insurance policy with mutual of omaha. >> reporter: which is why this bill for $1260 seemed odd to her. >> i decided i would show the insurance company, after they researched the claim, they said, no, you don't owe this. we have paid the amount in fact, phyllis called the hospital back and eventually they agreed, she didn't owe the money. but then -- >> i received another bill. >> reporter: again, mutual of omaha tell her they already paid the hospital and the bill was cleared. while phyllis was thankful she caught the mistakes. she worries others may not. >> i am afraid, especially in situations where small amounts are due, senior citizens will be when the service provider has already been paid. >> reporter: you've got to be your own advocate. if you find that too difficult. hire one. you can look for a patient advocate who handles medical billing for you, goes through the bills line by line and they will save you a fortune. they get a portion of what they save you, but let me tell you, it's worth it. i'm clark howard. >> jason: a a class action suit this weekend. cony island branch refusing pay from five former employees. also accused. not paying the employees overtime and pocketing tips. dorchester natives donnie and mark wahlberg started the chain. but the brothers not named in the lawsuit. the connie island is not owned by the main company. >> . morning. plenty to get here in the storm tracker weather center. start out with the satellite picture. nice and quiet. clouds formed 495 west grayer sky. rewind here, a few sea breeze showers pop up yesterday. 20% rain chance, all of southern new england, you had one little shower pop up. and this was right over the westward acton boxford area, half inch of rain with one little managed to get going. today, a similar story, although the threat may be farther to the west. here's future cast, here's noontime. some of the grayer skies, west of 495, a better chance of a quick pop up shower out in if mountains there. notice the beaches it's a breezy southwest wind. bright for the first part of the day. increasing clouds later in the day. really not much rain out there are for the daylight hours. just at 20%. enjoy the morning, it's 65 south east. temperatures down in the middle 50s in norwood right now. pocket of air, the rest of the area in the 50s. hour by hour forecast today. lower 80s by noontime. plenty of sun, increasing clouds in the afternoon. breeze take us down into the middle 70s by 6:00 p.m. high temperatures running 80 to 85 from the coast. in the west, mid and upper 70s for the cape and islands. moderate risk of rip current area wide. haven't seen a moderate risk across all of our beaches in quite some time. persistent on shore wind building up, the waves one to four feet. not the best swimming or boating weather. best to keep it in knees or less, especially if you're not an experienced swimmer. going to be rough in the water if you're headed to fenway for zack brown this evening, humidity will be rising but rain will be staying west of fenway. let's track this front with the showers and storms on it. right now, way back to the west as we go into the late day and evening, we start to see at least an isolated shower chance, but again it's the central and western parts of if state at about dinner time tonight, if you're -- kind of here at i'll be here fox 25 morning news, tracking the showers into brattleboro and keene. 4:00 in the morning, when shiri gets started, she'll be tracking this line of heavier showers possible thunder in it as it comes across the area. by 8:00 a.m., this thing is out of here and the cool dry air is working in. let's talk rain totals. interesting about .25 to .50 inch many locations. higher north and west. possible south shore and the cape as it comes through with moisture to work with there. seven-day forecast a breezy cooler day coming up tomorrow. tuesday, look at those lows. we could see a couple of 40s by monday night in typically cooler locations. a touch of fall on the way, back to you. >> stephanie: all right. thanks jason. people in louisiana are continue to go deal with widespread flooding and this video right there. that's actually not a river. those people in that boat right there. they're actually passing over a water. this morning, about 4,000 people remain in shelters and first responders are still rescuing people. t many who are forced out of their homes can't get back in. they're left watching and waiting. >> just terrified. what really happened? i just pray all is well, you know, with the people, the lord, you know. god is still in control. much of the debris in baton rouge. >> jason: firefighters starting to get the upper hand on the massive blue fire in los angeles. that engulfed nearly 60 square miles destroying hundreds of homes. now it's about 23% contained and people finally being allowed to return home to assess the damage. former red sox pitcher curt schilling considering a run for u.s. senate. >> why senator warren's si represents all of the things we need to get out of our government. >> jason: coming up, the other swipe he took at warren this week and the reason he believes he's qualified. >> plus the deputy busting out . >> stephanie: the man behind some of the biggest boy band sensations has died in prison. lou pearlman passed away friday according to the bureau of prison. he created transcontnental records and signed boy bands like backstreet boys and n sink. running a 300 million dollar ponsi scheme. a listening battle back to school event. check this out. oh, yeah, look at those moves. this is lieutenant dion day bigs busting out to beyonce in full uniform. he does a really good job, i think. he did this to collect school supplies for students. >> jason: that was the part that got me. the splits. >> stephan: with the impromptu splits. he has attitude. he's owning it. >> jason: he has the belt, that can't be right. >> stephanie: i was very impressed. >> jason: we had a dancing theme. check this out. from dancing deputies there to dancing actors in cincinnati, here's john travolta living his saturday night fever glory days at the red sox game. his son right in front. actions. bee gee night fever, a really good song if you haven't listened to it in a while. he got up in the luxury box and his old moves you haven't seen in quite some time. >> stephanie: if you're a parent, you have to expect your children to tune you out. >> jason: if you're john travolta, he's allowed to do that. >> stephanie: he's allowed. but he's still a dad. our meteorogi >> jason brewer: if you're john travolta, son, check this out, look at this movie i did 40 years ago. right now we have a cold front back to the west, where we have that rain delay. that rain is headed our way. we're tracking our latest with it coming up. >> reporter: one person is dead following an accident involving when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and i don't assume one party has all the answers. right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier to save for college. i've worked across party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. together, we're making new hampshire and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, ? ? ? the best way to get together, is with the treat you make together. >> stephanie: we're continuing to follow breaking news in east boston. an investigation is underway right now after a woman was hit and killed by a party bus. you're taking a live look at the scene near the courtyard marriott this morning. fox 25 daniel miller is there. he's gathering new information and have a live report in under two minutes. >> jason: we're hearing parts of that road may be opening soon. we'll let you know as soon as it morning. we're going over to jason brewer to look at how the second half of your weekend is shaping up. >> jason brewer: not too bad. tracking this front, off to the west. a breezy southwest wind taking over. that's going to keep the beaches fairly quiet today. however, there will be rip current involved with that as well. heads up there. temperatures running 60 to 65 in most locations. so not a bad start to the day. at the beaches mostly sunny skies but that rip current risk not any concern for thunderstorms during the day today. greater boston area, it's a breezy one, 80 to 85. the afternoon clouds increase and the humidity starts to increase as well. so that brings that chance for heavy rain overnight tonight. lightning, strong winds, also a slight concern. i'll have much more on the threats and the timing of all of this as we get back here in a few minutes. >> jason: back to breaking news in east boston where route 1a is still shut down this morning after a deadly crash near the courtyard marriott. >> stephanie: we do know one person is dead after being hit by a party bus. fox 25 daniel miller is live on the scene now. and you've been speaking with police officers there on scene? >> reporter: >> jason: it looks like we're having trouble with daniel's shot once again. we'll get back to the scene in east boston as soon as we can. >> stephanie: meantime, also following breaking news out of dorchester, after three people apartment complex. this happened near stratton street overnight. fox 25 has confirmed the victims are one man and two women. we know at least one of those women is severely hurt. no word, though, yet on any arrests. and we're going to continue to stay on top of this breaking news and pass along any updates throughout the morning. >> jason: an investigation underway this morning, in new hampshire after a firefighter is killed in a crash along 93 north. investigators stay lincoln fire captain steve bomb bah died friday. he was a passenger in a truck that investigators off of the road and hit trees in canterbury. driven by an ashland firefighter, a former haverhill new hampshire police officer was also a passenger in that vehicle, he suffered serious injuries. police are still investigating the cause of the crash. >> stephanie: a teacher remains in jail accused of sending obscene photos to a student. accused of sending pictures of himself to a 17-year-old and asking her to send naked photos school teacher was arrested at his home friday morning. kacavich was originally being investigated for fund-raising fraud. telling her he had cancer when she tried to end the relationship. police were investigating because students did a fund-raiser on kacavich's behalf. that's when they say they learned about this situation with his current student. they're absolutely shocked by this news. >> it's surprising. it's kind of surprising, you wouldn't expect it from him of all people. >> stephanie: now the school is working on a support plan for students and staff when school begins. kacavich is on paid leave while the criminal case is pending and also banned from school grounds. >> jason: hillary clinton is making a big push for donations this weekend. kicked off a major fund-raising campaign in massachusetts. yesterday. held a fund-raiser there today. tickets range from 500 bucks to 27,000. cher will be there as a special guest. the only star supporting her during world wind tour. jessica beal and justin timberlake suppose ed is hostingly in hollywood this week, taking the place of leo nard dough back out because of his schedule. >> stephanie: at an event in virginia yesterday, trump says clinton is trying to win the white house with votes from convicted felons. >> hillary clinton is banking on her friend terry mccullough on getting thousands -- boos ]. >> of violents felons to the enforcement and victims. >> stephanie: the accusations to restore voting rights to felons. originally he wanted all convicts to earn their vote back. but the state supreme court ruled against it. instead the governor is expected to restore the votes to 13,000 felons he's already pardoned. and election day is quickly approaching and fox 25 is your for the stay with us on air, online for the latest election events. >> jason: today marks the end of the 2016 games. team u.s.a. continues to hold strong. the sixth time in a row, the women's basketball game is bringing home the gold. they beat spain yesterday. today the men's team is hoping for a similar win as they take china in second place with 70 overall and great britain rounds out the top three. an amazing gift after an unthinkable tragedy. a special way a woburn family is honoring their child's death. >> stephanie: fox 25 photo journalist local chess champion known for playing like a machine. four hundred million dollars. siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. vote no on question 2. 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stephanie: south boston and south station is one of boston's historic hubs for transportation. but did you know it's a central location for chess players? once a month, a chess master simultaneously. >> jason: amazing, photo journalist michael introduce us to the man who some say plays like a machine. >> absolutely a beautiful building. a lot of history. when this station was built. it was the busiest train station in the cub. we always want people to come in and not only get a chance to get on a train but a chance to do something fun. some people never played before. some people come with will coach them through a game. it's really nice. >> i'll be playing everybody all at the same time. i make a move on each board. i go one circuit, they make a move as i come to the board. i have only a few seconds to make the thing, make my move. they have all of the time in between when i come back to think about their move. >> i grew up on chess so i'm trying to make some hey and give greg some space. i'm going to put in my queen work, patience, you don't want to be impulsive. you always get your hand burned. my rating would be 26-16. the average player would be 1600. and which i see many above average players in this group here. >> i'm holding together. i'm not thrilled. >> sometimes i will pause if i do find myself in a tough predicament. you learn by losing and just vowing to beat the guy the next time. there's always a next time. >> you had it. you played a good game. very good game. good work out today. i lost one. i tied one over there. so a pretty good crowd. tough crowd. >> jason: that's great. >> stephanie: get this. he played over 60 games. >> jason: that day alone. >> john: that day alone. if you're interested, he plays tuesday of every month 12 to out there. go down and check him out. that little kid, check mate. >> stephanie: i like what he said, you learn from losing. such a good take away from all of that. a violation of with these multities. fox 25 sits down with the mother of the man who inspired the ice bucket challenge. the reason she says the mission isn't over yet. >> jason: plus a new sox star is eyeing a new career. >> i tell you right now, i run, i'm not sure i i have asthma... of many pieces in my life. so when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. ask your doctor if 24-hour breo could be a missing piece for you. >> jason: up to speed on the breaking news out of east boston this morning. a woman is dead after they say she was hit by a party bus. just after 2:00 this morning at the courtyard marriott off the highway is expected to be closed for some time as police continue to piece this together and figure out what exactly happened. fox 25 and our news crew life on the scene gathering information and we're going to have another report coming up in 15 minutes. >> stephanie: a former red sox player is sparking debate along the political and sports world after announcing he may give elizabeth warren a run for her money in the next election. this in an interview you'll only see on fox 25. sacchetti, the u.s. senator representing everything that he believes is wrong with the government. >> how are you? >> reporter: when i caught up with former red sox ace curt schilling in brighton, i asked him if he's serious about a potential bid for u.s. senate. >> i would tell you right now. i would run. i'm not sure if i will. so we'll see. i'm not going to run in a race i have no chance to win. >> reporter: he says his family will have the final say on whether or not he'll run for the seat held by why senator warren's position? >> because i think she represents everything we need to get out of our government. >> reporter: he had native american ancestry while at harvard. >> to me she is an incredible hip po credit, she wants a free education, taking advantage of a government incentive for the american indians that she claims to be -- she went to the that's a big difference. >> reporter: i did ask schilling about the failing of his 38 studios failing. how it left hundreds out of work and tax papers on the hook. >> people got involved that helped it fail. most notably lincoln chaffee but at the end of the day, it was on me, i was in charge. >> reporter: so why would massachusetts tax payers trust him? >> they're asking me to be a lead tax dollars. >> no, that's what governor baker does for the most part on a state level. i would be taking the concerns of the citizens of massachusetts to d.c. yeah, i'm sure, tax dollars are involved in some of that. >> reporter: he did tell me, he's involved in the budget and a lot of bureau accuratic waste. he hasn't set up a timetable to make a decision. sharman sacchetti, fox 25 news. >> stephanie: now boston mayor's throwing some shade in a radio interview, he said schilling should stick to sports and brought up his failed video game company in rhode island. schilling not taking that jab sitting down. he said, quote, i tried to build, a company, it didn't work out. far short of a extorsion. the recent top aids were charged with extorsion. >> jason brewe degrees. plenty of sunshine here behind me and our view across south bay and light southeast wind. that will wind will pick up later in the day. right now winds light. 59 sharon. norwood at 58. that pocket of 50s in the lower elevation. but then you get in the boston the 60s. low 60s sand wimp. and worcester county, mostly in the 60s right now. the north shore forecast today. clouds increase during the afternoon. but it's a breezy and mild beach day. temperatures will approach 80 degrees at the coastline. we'll go ahead and get into the middle 80s back inland. upper 70s in the worcester hills and those southeast winds will be creating the risk for rip current coming up at area beaches. we've had the persistent on shore wind and wave conditions up to two to four just be careful. check in with beach control. you'll see those yellow flags flying. temperatures in the mid and upper 70s nantucket and most of cape cod. with some near 80 degree readings in a few of those spots sea coast and hampton beach there. again, rip currents all the way the eastern seaboard today. something to be mindful today. heavy rain. localized street flooding, lightning also a risk most of think we'll be okay. humidity rising, right around 80 degrees prior to sunset. slipping back into the middle 70s by 10:00 p.m. rain pour the most part, stays west of fenway pour the evening hours. here's your look at the front. you can see it back over western new york right now. let's track this all with future cast. we do see building clouds during the afternoon and one or two showers by dinner time. mainly west of 495. that lasts for the evening. but then as overnight hours, this line of showers and storms making its way eastward. there's 3:30, 4:00 in the morning, this is lined up right across eastern mass. making its way across cape cod through 7:00 a.m. around 8:00, 9:00, there's no rain left tomorrow. it gets cooler and breezy tomorrow behind that front. let's track the rain chances and the rain fall totals. we're all going to get a chance to see some appreciable rain. inch. notice where the yellows are. we can see some 40s by the way on tuesday morning. wednesday morning, it stays on the cooler side as well. i need a jacket for the upcoming week. back to you. >> jason: another school district finding unsafe levels of lead in their drinking water. what's being done in quincy to protect their children for a new school year. >> stephanie: plus whi sox pitcher is watching his life beyond has a natural grain free pet food committed to truth on the label. when we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. and we leave out corn, wheat and soy. >> reporter: good patriots gearing up this week, game number 3 preseason in carolina against if panthers. looking for some of the same from jimmy garoppolo. the man who starts the first four games of the season. showed improvement from preseason game number one. first touchdown pass of the slicing his thumb before thursday's game. holding a scrimmage at shea field before georgia tech. that game takes place in dublin ireland. b.c. bounces back. and stef one, good start against the yellow jackets. the film space man premiered friday night at the somerville theatre mostly true story of former red sox pitch erbil leigh after release from the ex fox 25 sports director tom leydon playing himself interviewing the real bill leigh before the premiere and you will see that on sunday night sports wrap. that's a look at the headlines this morning. i'm adam pellerin from nesn. have a great rest of your weekend. >> stephanie: we're continuing to follow breaking news out of east boston where a woman is dead hit by a party bus. fox 25 daniel miller is live on the scene and he'll have a live report in just about five minutes. >> jason brewer: good morning, but we'll see some temperatures rising through the 80s today before some rain arrives. i'll be timing that rain and storms in just a minute. >> jason: also breaking this morning, a shooting investigation under way right now in dorchester. investigation under way right now in dorchester. details abo ? with simply right checking from santander bank, st make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright... with simply right checking from santander bank. when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and i don't assume one party has all the answers. you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier ss party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. together, we're making new hampshire and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, . right now on fox 25 morning news, i'm tracking this front, when it brings rain and coo >> reporter: breaking news in east boston. one person is dead following a crash involving a party bus. and a major highway is shut down. we're gathering the latest information for you all morning. >> stephanie: two young children pulled from a pull and rushed to a hospital. the first responders's frantic effort to keep them alive. >> jason: plus 40 years ago today, this boy vanished from a city pool. >> change is in the air. change is in the air and i feel a difference. >> jason: only on fox 25, the hope and the tool that's bringing new life into a decade's long mystery. >> jason: good morning, thank you for waking up with us this sunday morning. it's 7:00 a.m., august 21st, i'm jason law. >> stephanie: and i'm stephanie coueignoux. i have to say, i'm kind of torn by this forecast. >> jason: ha. >> stephanie: half of it i really like and half of iti >> stephanie: getting the rain, but the cooler temperatures, no at fan with those. >> jason brewer: i had a feeling you were going there, stephanie. not ready for summer to take a back seat to fall. not going away entirely. just a taste. temperatures 60 to 65. as you begin the day. falmouth road race getting underway shortly. middle 70s at race time between 8:30 and 9:00. plenty of sun at the beaches today. but the one wrinkle the rip current risk. that's continuing. so we have a moderate risk for that. do be careful if you're headed into the water. check with beach control. forecast today 80 to 85 the greater boston area. ly similar to yesterday's temperatures. a little more of a breeze and afternoon clouds that will build in as well as some humidity. that might make it feel warmer. heavy wind threat tonight and winds also a concern. >> jason: breaking news police are investigating after a woman was hit by a bus. it happened in east boston. >> stephanie: fox 25 daniel miller is investigating this all morning long at the scene at boston marriott. >> reporter: stephanie and jason good morning, a portion of route 1a is back open this morning after a deadly crash involving a party bus. you can can see that party bus behind me as investigators look accident. just after 2:00, police got a call about a an accident involving the bus on the highway. when they arrived at the scene, they found a woman dead on the side of the road. dozens of evidence markers you can see placed on the highway. and officers looking around the bus and on the bus to see what happened. this all happened right across from the courtyard marriott here on route 1a around 2:00 this morning. investigators are giving us limited information right now. but we can tell you right now that it behind me. we're not sure at this hour how many people were on that bus. we're working to find out that information. and also find out who the victim is. as soon as we find out that information, we'll bring it to you here on fox 25. and of course on reporting in east boston, i'm daniel miller, fox 25 news. >> stephanie: also breaking this morning, police are investigating after a triple shooting in dorchester. and from this video, you can see police gathering evidence at stratton street late last night. boston e.m.s. tells us that one man and two women were hospitalized with injuries ranging from not so severe to critical. right now no word on a motive or any arrest. and we'll continue to stay on top of this story and bring you updates as they come in this morning. and police continue hunting for another shooter in dorchester. someone shot a woman and a man on dudley terrace early yesterday morning. the 37-year-old man died at the scene the woman in we caught up with the mayor who told us the city has had a relatively peaceful summer. but this recent rise in violence is concerning. >> we're asking people if you know anything, just let us know, let the police department. and we'll continue the peace burke walks and continue what we're doing for the rest of the summer. >> stephanie: police do believe the man and woman were targeted. they're looking at surveillance video as they try to track down that shooter. >> jason: developing this pulled from a pool in lowell. they were found unresponsive on trina lane last night. this video shows what happened or where it happened. it appears there may have been a party going on at the time. first responders performed cpr and rushed the children to lowell hospital before they were flown to boston area hospitals. this morning, police are investigating. developing this morning, at least 50 people dead and 90 more hurt after a suicide bomber targeted a wedding in turkey. it's groom were among the victims there. they say the attack was clearly terrorist related either carried by isis or kurdish rebels. neither group has claimed responsibility this morning. yesterday's bombing comes days after another explosion that hit a wedding in turkey. [ explosion ]. >> jason: terrifying that explosion was caused by a car bomb that went off right outside the wedding venue wednesday. the attack was targeting a nearby police station and part police. no one at the wedding was killed. >> stephanie: time now 7:04. this morning, fox 25 learned the family of the 15-month-old who was found unresponsive with his baby-sitter will donate his organs. family members tell us the donation could save five lives. meanwhile, the department of children and families has taken custody of three children as the investigation into the baby's death continues. those children are the boy's twin sister who is still at children's hospital, as well as two other children. the while in the care of the baby-sitter. the boy died tuesday. the middlesex district attorney and dcf are investigating how the twins were injured. >> jason: all right. well, a tour boat got into some trouble in gloucester yesterday when it began taking on water. 34 people were on board the kingiter when the captain sent in a mayday call around 4:30 in the afternoon. this is breaking news on fox 25 at 6:00 saturday. many did. >> they called the mayday, said they were taking on water and they had put life jackets on he everybody on board and there were a lot of children on board. so it sounded scary. >> jason: passengers remained on board as the boat was towed back to shore. they released pictures of that rescue. the coast guard is still looking into what happened there. this is the second coast guard rescue yesterday. early saturday morning, four people called for help when their boat caught fire off the coast of falmouth. they got raft until a crew was able to get there. no one hurt in that incident. an on board sprinkler system able to put the fire out. that boat being towed back to shore this weekend. three new hampshire teenagers nearly drowned in a lake. got distress call yesterday afternoon. three swimmers two 15-year-olds and an 18-year-old were swimming along a pontoon boat, when a wave came by pushing them into deeper water. the boater saved them along with firefighter. this morning, two people in custody after a shooting in worcester. a young man was shot in federal square around 6:30 last night. a latin festival was taking place at nearby city hall. that festival wasn't affected. the victim appears to be conscious or appeared to be conscious and alert at the scene. right now working to get more information from police and pass it on to you as soon as we do. have you seen andy? it's a question often asked in lawrence. and today it's been 40 years since this from a city swimming pool. only on fox 25, bob ward pushes the new answers for answers in andy's case and the cases of other missing children. >> reporter: lawrence attorney lieutenant higgins memorial pool is still a place where children cool off for the day but in 1976, 40 years ago, it was the last place anybody saw andy puglisi. >> i remember exactly where we were sitting, when we said good-bye, what he looked like. her friend andy puglisi at higgins pool. late in day, melanie went home, andy stayed and andy disappeared. melanie spent much of her adult life looking for andy. >> i'm not giving up on andy. >> reporter: she produced an hbo documentary called have you seen andy, her research pointed at this man, an accused pedophile as a person of interest. in recent years, these woods right next t pooling have been searched so have other locations in and around lawrence. over 40 years, not a single trace of andy puglisi have ever turned up. >> i have always felt that andy will come home. i continue to feel that way. in my heart of hearts, i truly believe that he will come home at some point. >> reporter: she's behind a new push to'ed andy's case online and on billboards. a new tip line is open. and people to share tips about andy and other missing children cases. 40 years later, melanie perkins is still determined to find her lost friend. >> change is in the air. change is in the air and i feel a difference in andy's case. and i feel like it's time. >> reporter: if you know anything about what happened to andy puglisi, you're urged to contact the massachusetts state police or lawrence police. i'm bob ward, fox 25 news. >> jason: a wilmington nurse facing chargeshi ascriptions for thousands of painkillers using the names of her relatives. investigators say marjorie taylor stole a doctor's prescription pad while she was visiting a patient and used it to fill out bogus prescriptions hydrocodone, oxycodone and other pain drugs. the 37-year-old is charged with 35 counts of uttering a false prescription. a roxbury man arrested for having a illegal firearm. they spotted him walking toward he took off running they say. the officers arrested him and say they found a 45 caliber handgun and 15 small bags of marijuana, which he this say he was planning to sell. >> stephanie: police are now saying that speed was a contributing factor in a motorcycle crash that killed a la cone nia new hampshire man. 21-year-old matthew cummings, was travelling with a second motorcycle friday night, went off the road, tipping over and sliding for several feet. cummings died a the scene. police that crash. jason: this morning, the red sox a half game back from the american league east. 90 minute rain delay last night, we'll start in the fifth inning with a guy on david ortiz, smashes 29th home run of the year. 29 home runs matches ted williams, as most homers by a 40-year-old in their final season. in the 9th inning, tigers down a run. justin upton, doing a cadillac trout. he thinks it's out. leaving the park. it actually stayed in. upton has to settle for a double, just inches from tying up the game in the 9th inning. so he's on second base. craig kimbrel in to close out the game. and he's going to. he gets the strike out and the save as the red sox hold on 3-2. they're now in second place behind toronto, 2 and a half games over the orioles first place. >> stephanie: a teacher in jail for sending inappropriate messages to his another relationship that led police to that discovery. plus another massachusetts school district finding unsafe levels of lead in the drinking water. a look at what's being done in quincy to protect children there as they get ready for a new school year. >> jason brewer: good morning, check out this shot from hudson. our balloons and brew -- blues. we continue to have brews up. coming up. lots of events out there today man: we gave him the option -- "do you want to do a big party with your friends, or would you rather do something with us as a big family?" and so he chose for all of us to get together, to great wolf lodge, and have a family birthday. woman: and that's the family i wanted to give luke was lots of siblings, people who love him all around him at all times, and lots of support. having acne... was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. in clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. which decreases oxygen in your blood. stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel. nt. proven results. >> stephanie: we're continuing to follow breaking news out of east boston where a woman was hit and killed by a party bus early this morning. part of route 1a is still shut down right now while police investigating. in the past 10 plaintiff's exhibit, we've -- 10 minutes, we've learned one lane inpound is now open. we'll have a report on what daniel miller is covering in about 15 minutes. >> jason: meanwhile. another school district will be investigating levels of now, the same problem has popped up in quincy. >> already is. >> reporter: rita harris's four-year-old great granddaughter is getting ready to join the quincy school district. >> very concerned. very concerned for these kids. >> reporter: faith is set to begin pre-k in a couple of weeks and rita has lead on her mind. >> what concerns you the most about it? >> that it could get in one of these kids systems for sure. >> reporter: superintendent >> reporter: high levels of lead in six buildings. the district says it immediately shut down the fountains and coolers. the town found elevated lead levels in 50 school pause sets. bill mcneil the father of two young girls. >> certainly one of the top issues for parents around the country. i think a lot of people think it's just urban districts because of flint detroit but everyone is drinking water. >> jason: quincy school district says they'll begin testing september 19th and wrap it all up october 23rd. the testing will be conducted morning so it doesn't interrupt the school day. >> stephanie: people in louisiana aren thing to deal with widespread flooding. this video actually not of a river but the people in that boat right there. they're actually passes over a cemetery right over water. this morning, about 40,000 people remain in shelters and first responders still rescuing people, many who are forced out of their homes cannot get back in so they're left watching and waiting. >> just what really happened? you know, but i just pray all is well, you know. and the lord, you know, god is still in control. >> stephanie: tomorrow, crews are expected to start removing much of the debris in baton rouge. >> jason: out west, firefighters are just starting to get the upper hand on the massive blue cut fire burning near los angeles. the wild fire engulfed nearly 60 square miles destroying hundreds small buildings since it started last tuesday. now it's said to be about 73% contained and people are finally allowed now to return home to assess the damage. >> . >> jason brewer: good morning, right now on the satellite radar view. no rain, i do have low clouds, basically 495 westward, going to be a bit of a gray start to the day. if you look closely, it's brighter as you go to the south and east. i did want to rain totals from yesterday, not many of them, one little pop up on the sea breeze, 20% rain chance, and this was the 20%. acton, boxborough, thees westford, about .50 inch of rain in the bull's eye right there. similar day. most of us stay dry for the daylight hours. temperatures right now in the 60s, not a bad start to the day. boston over to peabody mid and upper 60s there. county too. there's fitchburg sitting at 66 degrees. balloons and blues fest. just got that fixed in from hudson. great shot out there. a bit cloudy. for now. and clouds will increase during the afternoon. and winds will start to build up 10 to 15 miles per hour. only 20% rain chance as our sea breeze and southerly winds start to take over ahead of this next front. let me show you the afternoon highs they'll be running near 80s as with you get to the coast cooler water out of the south and east. a breezy day as you get closer to the coast, with rip current a big concern. we'll be watching that threat, if you're headed to the water today, check in with beach control. haven't seen a moderate risk of rip current all up and down our beaches really all summer long. so we've had this very persistent on shore wind, it's been fairly stout. so it's causing two to four foot waves a bit of rough surf as well. do keep in mind, careful at the creeping up. 5:00 today, 20% or less. 11:00 tonight, western and central mass. begin to get in on a rain chance. and then this all moves through, mainly while we're sleeping, we could have a few rumbles waking some of us up and then rain chance begin to dry up by 8:00 tomorrow morning. let's track all of this future cast. a good job, showing you where the rain is now and where it will be in the future. there's 7:00 p.m. dinner time, shower, possibly west of 495. and there's tonight, still tracking mainly dry conditions. but i'll object on fox 25 news tonight at 110:00 and 11:00, watching this line as it makes its way in. this particular model solution weakens the line as it comes across. a little bit too early to bite off on that. there is that chance for locally heavy rain and storms as this thing comes through. we'll be monitoring that. carefully 8:00 in the morning, it is off the cape and leaving us alone. the weather threats, the heavy rain the big one. there will be lightning and of the thunderstorms that do manage to develop. as far as rain totals anywhere from a quarter to half an inch, looks likely. some spots could get more inside of any storms that develop. we need all we can get in the severe drought situation. cooler weather on the way by monday night. it's the humidity is erased. tomorrow a few spots could dip into the 40s jfrments all right. jason. a wahlburgers restaurant slapped with a class action lawsuit this weekend. the suit accuses the five former employees. the new york daily news coying reports, the restaurant not paying tips at times. dorchester natives warning paul and donnie wahlberg started the chain but not named in the lawsuit. cony island franchise not owned by the main restaurant company. >> stephanie: a major hub for transportation and also for people looking for a little friendly competition. >> i'll be playing everybody all at the same time. journalist, mike coal bow with a, introduce us us to a local chess tournament champion known for playing like a machine. when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and i don't assume one party has all the answers. you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier i've worked across party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. together, we're making new hampshire and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, >> jason: saturday night fever came out almost 40 years ago. john travolta showed that he still has the moves. this is at the cincinnati red games, this weekend, a game delay and started playing one of thing sos from the sound track. you can see his son benjamin in doing a pretty job of ignoring his dad. this might have been on the big screen. the bee gee song night fever started playing on the pa in cincinnati that got travolta moving and showing off class see moves. i don't know if those moves were in saturday night fever. just some new ones. >> stephanie: he just wanted to see the game. dad, i just want to see the game. >> jason: i do. >> john: celebrated his birthday with a giant gave pretty cake. he's ring down the sign right there. the colorful treat made of frozen fruit juice. he will officially turn one tomorrow and yesterday's celebration included his parents and his sister. fuzzy from a distance. >> jason: exactly. if i ever got one or got close to one, he would probably rip my arm off. they're really really cute. they're still jason. >> jason brewer: good morning. right now, we're tracking the rain to the west. tell you how much rain to expect this and when coming up. >> reporter: breaking news in east boston where police are investigating a deadly crash involving a party bus. investigating a deadly crash involving a party bus. forcing a major highway to shut introducing dunkin's new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. ? sip in summertime with a frozen coolatta from dunkin' donuts. stay cool this summer with a new sour apple, watermelon, or blue raspberry coolatta. america runs on dunkin'. underway right now after a woman was hit and killed by a party bus early this morning near the courtyard marriott. fox 25 daniel miller is there on the scene right now. and his report is coming up. >> jason: we'll see daniel in a few minutes from now. i want to get to jason brewer now. you got mad at me yesterday because i said, summer is wrapping up. >> stephanie: i know, i'm plugging my ears. because jason, i know you're tracking cooler weather. i don't want to hear it, though. >> jason: too early. >> jason brewer: we're not g we do have a taste of fall behind this front. got to get through the rain first. we need every drop we can get. extreme drought continues. temperatures now 65 degrees most locations but fitchburg and keene both reporting 70 underneath clouds, a little blanket affect there. nice beach weather today, sunshine, no rain at the beaches but rip current a big concern. do check in with patrol if you're headed in the water. humidity will creep up higher nice. but with the humidity, it's going to feel a bit warmer than yesterday overall. heavy rain a concern overnight tonight. lightning and strong winds also of lesser concern. i've got the latest future cast. we'll talk timing of all of this coming up. >> stephanie: we're continuing to follow breaking news in dorchester where three people are hurt after a shooting at this apartment complex. this happened near stratton street overnight. fox 25 has confirmed the victims are one man and women is severely hurt. no word yet on any arrests. but we'll stay on top of this breaking news story with updates throughout the morning why. >> an investigation underway this morning, after a firefighter was killed on 93 north. steve bomba died friday, a passenger in a truck that drifted off the road and hit trees in canterbury. truck driven by an ashland firefighter, according to suffered serious injuries. police still investigating the cause of the crash. >> stephanie: a teacher remains in jail, accused of sending obscene photos to a student. matthew kacavich is accused of sending pictures of himself to a 17-year-old. and then asking her to send naked photos back. the narragansett regional high school history teacher was arrested at his worcester home early friday morning. according to court records obtained by the gardener news, kacavich was originally being investigated for fraud. in that case, the 33-year-old is accused of lying to a former student that he was dating, telling her that he had cancer when she tried to end the relationship. police were investigating because students did a fund-raiser on the teacher's behalf. and that's when they say they learned about this situation with the current student. other students tell fox 25 they're shocked by the news. >> it's surprising. it's kind of surprising of you wouldn't expect it from him of all people. >> stephanie: the school is now students and staff when school begins. kacavich is on paid leave while this criminal case is pending and he's also banned from school grounds. >> jason: this weekend, hillary clinton is making a big push for donations. she's kicking off a major fund-raising campaign right here in massachusetts. the democratic candidate for president arrived in nantucket yesterday. she held a fund-raiser there ahead of a second one today in provincetown. tickets for today's event range from $500 to about 27 cher is expected to be there as a special guest. that's not the only star supporting clinton during world wind fund-raising tour. jessica biel and justin timberlake hosting the hopeful in hollywood this week. taking the place of leo dicaprio who had to back out because of a scheduling conflict. >> stephanie: donald trump is not holding back when talking about the his rival hillary is trying to win the white house with votes from convicted felons. >> hillary clinton is banking on her friend, terry mccullough on getting thousands -- [ boos ] of violent felons to the voting booths in an effort to cancel out the votes of law enforcement and he wanted all convicts to earn their vote back, but the state supreme court ruled against it. instead, tomorrow, the governor is expected to restore the vote to 13,000 felons he's already pardoned. election day is quickly approaching and fox 25 is your home for complete. >> co. stay with us both on air and online for latest poll numbers, updates and events. >> jason: we continue to follow news in east boston this morning. is back open at this hour after a deadly crash at the courtyard marriott. >> stephanie: this morning, with he know a woman is dead after being hit by a party bus. in the last few minutes, that bus starting to get removed from the scene it's been there since 2k a.m. when the accident happened. and daniel miller is on the scene right now. >> reporter: nearly five hours after this deadly crash, a portion of route inbound 1a is ck behind me. they've been out on scene searching for clues. look at this video here, you can see officers around the bus. and inside the bus, looking for evidence. outside of the bus, you can see dozen of evidence markers as police try to figure out what happened here. we don't have much information at this hour. we do know that approximate -- one person is dead, police waiting to notify next of kin. what happened is, it happened right across the street from a courtyard marriott. we tried to talk with some of the hotel guests but many of them asleep when this happened. still waiting to get a lot of information as to what happened. and as soon as we find that out, we'll bring it to you here on fox 25. and on reporting in east boston this morning, i'm daniel miller, fox 25 news. >> jason: 7:36 this sunday. an amazing gift after an unthinkable is reaching out to help complete strangers as their toddler's death remains under investigation. >> stephanie: plus a major hub for transportation and also for people looking for a little friendly competition, the local chess champion known for playing like a machine. >> jason brewer: extreme drought td bank's new intern, bart, is one of those robots from an other bank, we're training him to bank human. uh-uh, bart? why are you winding the clock back? ey are still working. the clock is fine. our live customer service is available all night, and all day for that matter. he's learning. at td bank we do things differently, like live customer service 24/7. bart: hello? hello! >> stephanie: south station, one of the boston's historic it's also the central location for chess players. once a month, the chess master heads there to play 25 people summittainously. >> jason: introduces us to the man who some say plays like a machine. >> absolutely beautiful building. it's a lot of history. when this station was built. it was the busiest train station in the country. we always want people to come in and not only hav get on a train but a chance to do something fun. >> good luck. >> some people never played before. some people come with kids. sit their kid down. and larry will coach them through a game. it's really nice. >> i'll be playing everybody, all at the same time. if i make a move, on each board, i go one circuit, they make a move as i come to the board. i have only a few seconds to make the thing, make my move. they have all of the time in between when i come back to >> i'm trying to make some hey over here. i just grabbed some space. go i'm to going to put my queen again. >> rewards logic, detective work, being patient, you don't want to be impulsive. any rating 2016. average player would be 1600. and which i see many above average players in this group here. >> i'm holding together, not thrilled. >> sometimes i will pause if i do find myself in a predicament. you learn by losing and vowing to beat the guy the next time. there's always a next time. >> you had it. you played a good game. very good game. good work out today. >> i made you work. >> yeah, i lost one, i tied one over there. so not a -- pretty good crowd. tough crowd. >> stephanie: i like how that young guy, that young kid there. it's actually available to anyone. it's on the second tuesday of every month from 12 to 2:00. >> jason: there's only a handful of people on the planet that can do that. >> stephanie: a former sox star eyeing a new career. why curt schilling is willing to give elizabeth warren a run for her money. >> jason: also a violation with deep local ties. >> they always have this map that shows the ice bucket challenge and there's a big bull's eye massachusetts. >> jason: that's right. payday presents: salty covered sweetness. i was clearly here first, buddy. you know what's clear? our budding friendship. let's go be best friends right now. now and forever? forever and always. salty on the outside. sweet on the inside. payday. bites! you brush your teeth diligently...two times a day, right? sweet on the inside. but 80% of your mouth's bacteria arentt even on teeth. eughty purschunt?! colgate total's different. alth. . >> stephanie: two years ago, the ice bucket challenge took the world by storm, becoming a viral sensation that raised more than $200 million for als research. and the man who freites. now sports director tom leydon says this should not be a passing fad. >> nobody forgets the five words uttered by david ortiz in 2015. much the same way the freites family wants people across massachusetts to know, als, this is our disease. >> every executive director i met, via facebook, twitter, bucket challenge and there's a big bull's eye on boston massachusetts. >> reporter: doctors and research experts pushing the boundaries. more has been done to unify the cause than ever before. a big player in that effort, was kevin founding the research. >> als. what he did was put together all of the resources located in massachusetts and got all of those people operating in silos to come together. >> reporter: those most directly affected live the life and fight the fight every day. excruciating journey for everyone involved. what we can do is more of the same. more awareness. more donations. more focus on finding a cure. >> the work is far from done. we have to continue until we get a treatment for this disease. meteorologist jason brewer and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> jason brewer: good sunday morning. blue skies above. a light east wind. the breeze will pick up later today. but right now fairly calm out there. across southern new england. i have seen a few low clouds. 495, westward. also indicating a few breaks already forming in those. not a totally gray day if you live out to the west. brighter skies in the cameras. temperatures running 60s to 70s, depending where you wake up. coolest in norwood, fitchburg and keene, warmest for a change. chatham at 65. tee times this morning looking pretty good. by noon, that breeze up to 15 miles per hour. could go as high as 20 miles per hour by 3:00 p.m. temperatures in the warm and middle 80s. and we'll have those humidity levels rising slowly today as well. thanks to approaching front. temperatures near 80 for worcester. boston same kind of thing. middle 80s here as you go along i95 points westward away from the cooling affects of the ocean. we'll see upper 70s to around 80. cape cod, nantucket, the vineyard. now the one thing is you're headed to the beach to enjoy the sunshine. the rip current are going to be strong. a moderate risk for that all up and down the new england shore line. all the way up even into maine. two to four foot waves going to be a bitig very persistent on shore wind stirring things up. do check in with the future not the best swimming or boating weather for today. but a nice bright and breezy beach day overall. chance of rain today low during the daylight hours. by 11:00 tracking a few storms western mass. even a few thunderstorms that could hold overnight. when shiri takes over on fox 25 by 8:00, rain pushing east of cape cod and wrapping it up. if you're headed to zack brown at fenway tonight, rising humidity, a rain chance west of the ballpark. but there will be a chance overnight. track this future cast. here is a look at your sunday. a mix of clouds and sun. and increasing clouds late. a dinner time shower possible out to the west. 11:00 p.m. there's that line coming into southern vermont. there's 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning coming mass. and by 8:00, 9:00 a.m. out to the east getting clearing and cooling conditions in its wake. as far as rain totals anywhere from a total .25 to .50 for most of us. yellow are pockets of heavier isolated showers. a bit too early to make a call on who gets the most rain. the heaviest steadiest rain northern new england closer to the track of the low. any thunderstorms that develop you see the heavier totals. i think what this particular model forecast is showing is in some generation of heavier storms, possibly south shore cape cod, heading into the early morning hours tomorrow with the heavier rain totals. here's your seven-day forecast, cooler conditions, the big story starting monday through the middle of the week, overnight lows in the 50s. a few spots by tuesday morning. could dip below 50 degrees. >> jason: all right jason. on the charles river this morning. the goal to get them to actually fly. see here, some landed in the water with a splash. all part of the blue to go event in boston. flu tog means flying day in german. creativity, and showmanship. a couple out of braintree took home the top honors these sort of competitions happening all over the world for decades, the boston. a woman gets thousands of dollars in medical bills that were supposed to, paid for. the insurance mix up that almost cost her and the information you need to know this weekend to keep it from happening to you. >> stephanie: plus which sox -- former sox pitcher is watching his life story play out four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. vote no on question 2. when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and i don't assume one party has all the answers. you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs e it easier to save for college. i've worked across party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. together, we're making new hampshire and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, >> reporter: good morning, i'm adam pellerin from nesn. let's get you caught up to speed on sports headlines this morning. after winning at the bears on thursday, patriots gear up preseason game number 3 on friday in carolina against the panthers. looking for more of the same from jmy the man who will start the first four games of the season while tom brady serves his suspension, showed improvement from preseason number one. first touchdown pass of the preseason. also hear about tom brady after reportedly slicing his thumb before the preseason game. holding a press conference at shea field yesterday as they gear up georgia tech in two days taking place in dublin ireland. hoping to bounce back in 2015. the yellow jackets. film space man premieres friday night at the somerville theatre, mostly true story of bill leigh. tom leydon playing himself, interviewing the real bill leigh before the premiere. and you will see that on sunday morning sports wrap. i'm adam pellerin from nesn. have a great rest of your lowell tonight of the lowell spinners honoring pitch night in a new drama series. fictional story of a woman becoming a pitcher in major league baseball. being premiered at minor league parks around the country including tonight's spinners game. and vanessa welch will be on hand to celebrate the occasion. throwing out the first pitch. happening just after 5:00 this evening. >> stephanie: fox 25 still on boston. a woman now dead after being hit by a party bus. fox 25 daniel miller is on scene and he'll have another report in just about five minutes. >> jason brewer: right now, temperatures rising through the 60s, even a few spots already in the 70s. a warm day and a little more humid too. because we do have the rain chance arriving. i'll show you the when and where, how much to expect coming up. >> jason: also breaking this sunday morning, a shooting investigation underway in dorchester. we'll tell you about the dorchester. we'll tell you about the incident t having acne... t about aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. in clinical trials, acne got better for people using aczone gel in just 12 weeks. aczone gel may cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. stop taking aczone gel tor if you have g6pd deficiency. using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel. you could pay as little as $15 for aczone gel. learn more at at longhorn, steak is all you need. all you get. longhorn's great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. plus an appetizer or a dessert. all with fresh salad and unlimited bread. the great american steak dinner, for $12.99. tonight, only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. for lunch try our steakhouse burger >> jason brewer: right now, i'm tracking this rain and when it brings cooler air. >> reporter: breaking news in east boston. one person dead following a crash involving a party bus and a major highway is shut down. we're gathering the latest information for you all morning. >> stephanie: two young children pulled from a pool and rushed to a hospital. efforts to keep them alive. >> jason: plus 40 years ago today, this boy vanished from a city pool. >> change is in the air. change is in the air and i feel a difference. >> jason: only on fox 25, the friend that's never given up hope and the tool that's bringing new life into a decade's long mystery. >> jason: all right. good morning, and thank you for waking up with us here at fox 25 morning news. it's now 8:00 a.m. on law. >> stephanie: i'm stephanie coueignoux. and you know what time it is? >> jason: 8:00. >> stephanie: time for another cup of coffee. that's what i say. i know jason brewer is a big fan of coffee. you're actually tracking a cool down, so you maybe you won't have to have ice coffee. >> jason brewer: that's right. by tuesday morning, some of us may need a jacket and extra cup. feeling kind of summery right now, upper 60s to lower 70s. humidity rising throughout the morning. middle 70s at 9:00 in the morning. and heading for the upper 70s and lower 80s at our beaches today. mostly sunny skies of the concern at the beach, though, the rip currents. do be extra caution. check in with beach patrol. temperatures in the boston area, 80 to 85. afternoon clouds increase. bright start and humidity gradually rising as well. that comes out of a heavy rain threat developing late tonight. even low risk for lightning and strong winds. much more on the t to expect the heaviest in just a minute. >> jason: breaking this morning, police out investigating after a woman was hit and killed by a bus in east boston. >> stephanie: we now know that was a party bus. fox 25 daniel miller is at the scene of the courtyard marriott. >> reporter: stephanie and jason, good morning, a portion of route 1a is reopened this morning after a deadly crash of the party bus. you can see that behind me as investigators look into the just after 2:00 this morning, police got a call of an accident involving the bus on the highway. when they arrived on the scene, they found a woman dead on the side of the road. dozens of evidence markers seen in this video, you can see placed on the highway as officers looking around the bus and on the bus to see what happened. this all happened right across from the courtyard marriott here on route 1a around 2:00 this morning. investigators giving us limited information right now. but we can tell you right now that behind me. we're not sure at this hour how many people were on that bus. we're working to find out that information. and also find out who the victim is. as soon as we find out that information, we'll bring it to you here on fox 25. and of course on reporting in east boston. i'm daniel miller, fox 25 news. >> stephanie: also breaking this morning, police are continuing to investigate after a shooting in dorchester. police there gathering evidence stratton street late last night. boston empty m.s. tell us man and two women hospitalized with injuries ranging from severe to critical. and continue hunting for another shooter in dorchester. someone shot a woman and man in dudley terrace. the 37-year-old man died at the scene. the hospital. we caught up with the mayor who told us the city had a relatively peaceful summer but the recent rise in violence is concerning. >> we're asking anyone who know anything, let us know, or the police department. and we'll continue our peace walks and continue what we're doing the rest of the summer. >> stephanie: police believe the man and woman were targeted and looking at surveillance video as they try to track down that shooter. ground pool on treatta lane last night. it video appears where it happened of it ans there may have been a party going on at the time. they did cpr at the scene and rushed them to lowell hospital before being rushed to boston area hospitals. also developing this morning, 50 people dead and 90 more hurt after a suicide bomber targets a wedding in turkey. it's unclear if the bride and groom among the victims there. po clearly terror related either carried out by isis or kurdish rebels. neither group claimed responsibility this morning. yesterday's bombing comes days after another explosion hit a wedding in turkey. [ explosion sound ]. >> jason: that explosion by a car bomb that went off right outside a wedding venue. it was actually targeting a nearby police station and part police. no one at the wedding was killed. >> stephanie: fox 25 has learned the family of the 15-month-old found unresponsive with his baby-sitter will donate his organs. family members tell us the donation could save five lives. meantime, the department of family and children's have taken custody of three children as the investigation into the baby's death continues. those children are the boy's twin sister who is still at children's hospital as well as two other children. the 15-month-old twin were rushed to the hospital on monday. while in the c baby-sitter. the boy died thursday. the middlesex district attorney's and the dcf are now investigating how the twins were injured. >> jason: a tour boat got into some trouble in gloucester yesterday one of them taking on water. 34 people on board of the king eider when their captain sent in a mayday around 4:30, this was breaking news yesterday. the captain asked for any wets in the area to help them out and everybody on board. and there were a lot of children on board. so kind of scary. >> jason: the passengers stayed on board as the boat was towed back to store. the good news, nobody was hurt and this morning, the coast guard is still looking into what happened there. this was the second coast guard rescue yesterday. early saturday morning, four people called for help when their boat caught fire. it happened off the coast of falmouth. they had to get into an inflatable life raft and wait until crews got there. nobody was hurt in that either. an on board sprinkler system put the fire out. the boat then towed back to shore. >> stephanie: three teenager nearly drowned in lake winnipesaukee. they got a call for distress yesterday afternoon. the swimmers two 15-year-olds and one 18-year-old swimming along a pontoon boat when a wave came by and pushed them do deeper water. >> jason: this morning, two people in custody after a shooting in worcester. square around 6:30 last night. the latin festival taking place in nearby city hall but wasn't impacted. the victim appeared to, conscious and alert at the scene. right now we're working to get more details from police. >> stephanie: have you seen andy? it's a question that is often asked in lawrence. and today it's been 40 years since andy puglisi vanished from a city swimming pool. only on fox 25, bob ward shows us the new push for answers in andy's case and the cases of other missing children. >> reporter: lieutenant colonel higgins memorial pool is still a place where the city's children cool off for the day. but in 1976, 40 years ago, it is the last place anyone saw andy puglisi. >> i remember exactly where we were sitting when we said good-bye, what he looked like of. >> reporter: melanie perkins was there, august 21st, 11976, with her friend, andy puglisi, at higgins pool. later in the day, melanie went disappeared. melanie spent much of her life looking for andy. she produced a documentary looking for andy. her research focused on this man, an admitted pedo file as a person of interest. in recent years, this easy woods right next to the swimming pool have been searched so have other locations in and around lawrence. over 40ers i don't, no at single trace of andy p up. >> i always felt that andy will come home i continue to feel that in my heart of hearts i truly believe he will come home at some point. >> reporter: he's behind a new police push to public size and see's disappearance. massachusetts safety day and a chance to share tips about andy and other missing children cases. 40 years later, melanie is still change is in the air and i feel is a difference in andy's case and i feel like it's time. >> reporter: if you know anything about what happened to andy puglisi, you're urge to contact the massachusetts state police or lawrence police. i'm bob ward, fox 25 news. >> stephanie: in wilmington facing charges this morning accused of forging prescriptions for thousands of painkiller using the name of of her relatives. marjorie taylor stole a a patient and used that pad to fill out bogus prescriptions for oxycodone and hydro coden and other pain drugs. a roxbury man is arrested for having an illegal firearm. officers catching him while he was walking towards dorchester high school. when police spotted him walking towards the campus, the 27-year-old took off running. when officers arrested him, they say they found a 45 caliber planning to sell. >> jason: this morning, the red sox just a half game back first place in the american league east. set off to detroit last night following a 90 minute rain delay in the fifth inning with a guy on, david ortiz smashes number 29 of the year. 29 home runs of the season matches williams of most home run by a 40-year-old in the final season. drives up to center, thinkt it's gone. thought he had enough. upton settles for a double. looks how close it is to going out. inches. kimbrel on the mound. and going to jam all of a sudden. needs to get the strike out for a save and he does. the red sox hold on to win. 3-2. now 2.5 games over the baltimore orioles. >> stephanie: a teacher in jail this morning, accused of sexting a student. the lie he's accused of telling led police to that discovery. >> jason: first a woman gets thousands of dollars in medical bills that were supposed to be paid for. next the insurance mix up that almost cost her. and the information you need to know to keep it from happening to you. >> jason brewer: a beautiful start to our sunday underway. ? ? one day a rider made a decision. his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, >> jason: a woman almost paid more than 1,000 bucks in medical expenses she didn't know. consumer advisor howard clark, explains the extra step she took to keep the money in her wallet and how you can do the same. >> reporter: phyllis walker is serious about the details, especially when coming to paying her bills. after a series of medical procedures and a hospital stay, there were plenty o of those, b phyl >> i have a supplemental insurance policy with mutual of omaha. >> reporter: which is why this bill for $1260 seemed odd to her. >> i decided i would show the insurance company. after they researched the claim. they said, no, you don't owe this. we have paid the amount in full. >> reporter: armed with the facts phyllis called the hospital back and eventually >> i received another bill. >> reporter: again mutual of omaha told her they already paid the hospital and the bill was cleared. while phyllis is thankful she caught the mistake. she's worried that others may not. >> i am afraid, that especially in situations where small amounts are due, senior citizens will be inclined to write a check when the service provider has already been paid. >> reporter: you've got to be your own advocate. if hire one. you can look for a patient advocate who handles medical billing for you, goes through the bills line by line and they will save you a fortune. they get a portion of what they save you, but let me tell you, it's worth it. i'm clark howard. >> jason: this weekend, a wahlburgers restaurant slapped with a class action lawsuit. it accuses the cony island branch of withholding pay of also accuse not paying employees overtime and pocketing tips. mark and paul and donnie wahlberg started the chain but not named in this lawsuit. the cony island restaurant not owned by the main restaurant company. >> jason brewer: good morning, satellite and radar picture. no rain. but i have seen some low clouds, mabel west of 495, out into western mass. right now. even those beginning to show signs breaking up. upper 60s and lower 70s as we're beginning the day. let me show you the dew point numbers. these are what is telling us the moisture levels in the air. you see the 70s as you go south ward along the eastern seaboard. right now, not too sticky in boston but it will be changing late today and into the night tonight as our rain chance creeps hour. forecast. metrowest neighborhoods, middle 80s by 2:00 p.m., not getting much higher than that. strong east wind today about 10 to 20 miles per hour that will bring some ocean cooling across central and eastern mass. the coolest readings will be up against the coast today. upper 70s to around 80 degrees. now the beach forecast, it looks breezy and there's also the rip current to watch out for. even though we had plenty of sun and no concern for rain the rip current risk posted at moderate today. that's all of the beaches, the island beaches, the south coast, over toward the maine and new hampshire coastline. even there we're going to be dealing with the rip current threat, we had all of this on shore indiana wind and the waves up 3 to 4 feet. do keep it safe, enjoy the beaches but check in with beach patrol. now let's talk our rain chances shower. then by 11 o'clock tonight, month are of us have a chance to experience scattered showers. but a line of showers and storms arrives from the west to the east. really from midnight onward, into the early morning hours tomorrow. let's track it with future cast. there it is now. let's go ahead and time. here's 7:00 p.m. mainly dry for our dinner time plans. we have that east and southeast wind. coming in and bringing the moisture up. at 10:00 with me here, youl break out of the main show doesn't really arrive until late tonight. so on fox 25 news at 11:00 tonight, we'll be watching it around keene and brattleboro and by 4:00 in the morning as we get started on the morning show, we'll be seeing scattered showers possibly some rumbles of thunder by 8:00 in the morning moving off of cape cod. as far as rain totals .25 to .50 1 inch of rain. interesting feature, a few models pointing at this, an intensification of the rain overnight hours, south and east, more energy available, more moisture and heat. that's a place to watch for some enhanced totalsly we need the rain. this red area. that's an extreme drought. we're running 8 inches or more below normal for the year. not a drought buster here but we on monday, it's clear, monday night, down into the 50s, almost area wide with even a few 40s possible by tuesday morning. and on wednesday morning, it's another taste of fall to start the day. >> stephanie: people in louisiana are continuing to deal with widespread flooding. this video right here, that's actually not a river. those people in that boat, they're actually passing over a cemetery now under water. this morning, about 4,000 people people. many who are forced out of their homes cannot get back in. so they're just left watching and waiting. >> terrified, you know, what really happened, you know, but i just pray that all is well, you know. and we even the lord, you know, god is still in control. >> stephanie: tomorrow crews are expected to start removing much of the debris in baton >> jason brewer: firefighters are starting to get the upper hand in control of a massive blue cut fire burning near los angeles. the wild fire engulfed nearly 60 square miles, destroying about 100 homes and several other buildings since it started last tuesday. now said to be 73% contained and people finally being allowed to return home to assess the damage there. former red sox pitcher curt schilling considering a run for office. >> reporter: why senator need to get out of our government. >> jason: coming up, the other swipe schilling took at warren end the reason he believes he's qualified. >> stephanie: plus a sheriff's deputy busting out like beyonce right there. looks like somebody's gotta save snack time from a serious case of boring. watch babybel's big taste leap into action in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. ? creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. ?? glad forceflex. extra strong to avoid rips and tears. >> stephanie: the man behind some of the biggest boy band sensations is has died in prison. music moguling lou pearlman passed a way on friday. he created transcontinental like the backstreet boys and nsync. all right. this is impressive. a virginia sheriff's deputy got into formation, of course all of the beyonce fans know what that means in a lip sink battle of back to school. check this out. there he goes, giving queen bee a run for her money. you can see he's busting out to beyonce in full uniform. he did all of this, with the splits, to help collect school supplies for students. very impressive right there. he's really just committing to it. >> jason: yeah, but in full uniform, the hat and the belt and everything. oh, ow. stretch those hammies out. >> stephanie: there you go. >> jason: to actors at a baseball game. here's john travolta the saturday night fever glory days, during the reds game in senatesty. that's his son benjamin in front of him, trying his best to ignore old dad in the moovts. the bee gee song night fever, actually a really nice song, we listened to it this morning, night fever was playing over the pa. and that's what got john up and twirling around. >> stephanie: you can see the girl using her cell phone to take -- to record it of the person mind him is impressed. son, not so much. more interested in his cookie. >> jason: we've been talking about it, 40 years ago, saturday night. it came out a long time ago. >> stephanie: yeah, people are still talking about it. >> jason: yeah. >> stephanie: as if lightning isn't scary enough. this a monstrous strike, that really does, as you're zooming out, look like a t rex, at least the front part of it does. the national park service posted this picture on its facebook page. this was captured at blue messa in arizona's petrified obviously the forest not the only one petrified. that is amazing. that is pretty cool. >> jason: we've seen beautiful lightning strikes right here. we have people send them in to us all the of time. jason, know you see them all the time. >> jason brewer: we like to show those at 10:00 each night. temperatures right now i amor 60s low 70s no threat for lightning during the daytime hours today. there is that risk tonight the latest on that straight ahead. where police are investigating a deadly crash involving a party four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. not just a select few. vote no on question 2. having acne... was always on my mind. so i asked a dermatologist about aczone dapsone gel 7.5%. i apply it once a day, any time. aczone gel 7.5% is fda approved for the topical treatment of acne for people 12 years and older. aczone gel is a once-a-day acne treatment with clinically proven results. ay cause the serious side effect of methemoglobinemia, which decreases oxygen in your blood. stop taking aczone gel and get medical help right away if your lips, mouth, or nails turn grey or blue. talk to your doctor if you have g6pd deficiency. using benzoyl peroxide with aczone gel may cause skin or facial hair to temporarily turn yellow or orange where applied. common side effects of aczone gel include dryness and itching of treated skin. now, i have less acne to think about because i use aczone gel. at aczone. prescription treatment. proven results. when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and i don't assume one party has all the answers. you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier to save for college. i've worked across party lines on clean air and energy efficiency efforts... new hampshire and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, and i approved this message. >> stephanie: we're continuing to follow breaking news out of east boston where an investigation is underway right now after a woman was hit and killed by a party bus near the courtyard marriott on route 1a. at this hour, that stretch of highway is starting to open back up. fox 25's he's gathering information and he'll have a report in less than two minutes. >> jason: good morning, welcome back in. it's 8:30 sunday morning, august 21st. yesterday was a treat, it was beautiful weather outside. >> stephanie: blue skies lots of sunshine. jason brewer, tracking some changes, some that i'm not a fan of. >> jason brewer: i know, you're not ready for a break in the summer heat and humidity. we're going to have that with this front. it's going to bring rain late tonight. ly i think the balance of the day stays dry. upper 60s and lower 70s right now. humidity cranked up a little. but it will continue to do so in the afternoon. our beach weather looking fine. mostly sunny. i don't have any threat for rain at the coast today. but that changes later tonight. the afternoon clouds increase. humidity creeps higher. the breeze southeast at 10 to 20 miles per hour. weather threats include lightning and thunderstorms overnight. we need every we're in that extreme drought. i'll, timing the latest front coming up. >> jason: back to breaking news in east boston. route 1a opening back up after police still investigating a deadly crash near the courtyard marriott. >> stephanie: this morning, with he know a woman is dead after being hit by a party bus there. fox 25's daniel miller at the scene right now. >> reporter: good morning, jason and stephanie. right now you can see a tow truck behind me about to remove this bus from route 1a in east boston after this deadly accident this morning. hours since police have been out here trying to figure out what happened. we do know one woman is dead. her identity hasn't been released. police are waiting to notify next of kin. we can tell you right now that police confirmed that this was a party bus. we're not sure if this woman was on the bus or if she was walking across the street when she was hit around 2:00 this morning. very limited information at this hour. we do know that many hotel guests were inside the hot telling many of them also asleep so weren't able to give any kind of information to police as well as to me when i went over to talk to them about what happened. of course we're contacting police to get information about who this victim is, and as soon as we find that information out for you we'll bring it here on fox 25 and also on reporting in east boston this morning, i'm daniel miller, fox 25 news. >> jason: and i'm glad he from boston police and i want to share with you that information right now. at the tell us there were two victims in the crash. one woman did die the other victim taken to the hospital and police have not released that victim's condition this morning. they did tell us, boston police drivers the driver of that bus is cooperating in this investigation. >> stephanie: we also have breaking news in dorchester where three people are hurt after a shooting at this apartment complex near stratton street ov one man and two women. we know at least one of those women is severely hurt. no word so far on any arrests. we'll stay on top of this breaking story with updates throughout the morning. >> jason: an investigation underway in new hampshire after a firefighter is killed in a crash along 93 north. investigators say lincoln firefighter died saturday, steve bottom bah. the truck was driven by an ashland firefighter. officer was also a passenger. he suffered serious injuries. police are still investigating the cause of that crash. >> stephanie: a teacher remains in jail accused of sending obscene photos to a student. matthew kacavich is accused of sending naked pictures of himself to a 17-year-old and asking her to send naked photos back. he was arrested at his worcester home early friday morning. according to court records obtained by the gardner news, the teacher was originally being fraud. in this case, the 33-year-old is accused of lying to a former student he was dating telling her he had cancer when she tried to end that relation i am this. police were investigating because the students held the fundraiser on his behalf. that's when they say they learned about this situation with the current student. other students tell fox 25 they're shocked by this news. >> it's surprising. it's kind of surprising. you wouldn't expect it from him working on a support staff. the teacher is banned from from school grourndz and on paid administrative leave. >> jason: today marks the end of 2016 olympics summer games team u.s.a. continues to hold strong. for the sixth time in a row, the women's basketball team is coming home with gold. they beat spain yesterday 101-72. and today's team u.s.a. men's team hoping for a similar win, as they gold medal match. let's look at the total, as it stands, still a solid lead over the rest of the world. china in second place with 70 medals overall and great britain rounds out the top three. >> stephanie: and needham resident helped with that medal count, one gold and two team medals for team u.s.a. in gym plastics. she was the team captain that won a total of five medals in rio. these events for raisman, earning silver was just as sweet. >> even though we're competing what people think is against each other. we don't really take it that way. obviously going in, the best i could do is a silver medal. for me it felt like i had won the gold medal with the silver. >> raisman's parents were a staple at her events their emotions if you've watched, definitely showed on her faces. yesterday she tweeted out without her family's support, none of >> jason: an amazing gift after an unthinkable tragedy. the special way a woburn family is reaching out to help complete strangers after their toddler's death this weekend. >> stephanie: people looking for a little friendly competition. >> playing everybody all at the same time. >> stephanie: photo journalist michael bubble is looking at the >> stephanie: south station, known as boston's historic hub, one of them for transportation, but also a historic station for chess players. one a month, a head master heads there to play 25 people september multitainously. >> jason: unbelievable. fox 25 introduce us to the local grand master. a. >> a beautiful building. a lot of history. was the busiest train station in the country. we always want people to come in, but a chance to get on a train, but a chance to do something fun. some people never played before. some people come with kids. sit their kid down and larry will coach them through a game. it's really nice. >> i play everybody at the same time. i make a move on each board, i go each circuit, they make a move as i come to the board. i have only a few seconds to they have all of the time in between when i come back to think about their move. >> i grew up on chess, so. >> i'm trying to make some hey. grab some space. so i'm going to attack his queen again. >> rewards lodgic, detective work, patience. you don't want to being impulsive. you always get your hand burned. my rate would be 2616, average player, 1700. i see many above average players in this group here. >> >> i'm holding together. >> sometimes i do pause when i find myself in a tough predicament. you learn by lose aing and vowing to beat the guy the next time. there's always a next time. >> you had it. you played a good game. very good game. good work out today. >> i made you work. >> i lost one. i tied one over there. tough crowd. >> his mind must be churning. >> jason: we can't relate to it. it's just something we can't relate to. >> stephanie: i'm terrible at chess. >> jason: favorite line from that story. >> stephanie: you learn from everything. >> jason: which applies to life. >> stephanie: good take away there. and he does play every tuesday. if you're interested. a viral sensation with deep local ties, fox 25 sits down with the mother of the man who inspired the ice bucket challenge, the reason she says this plus former sox star eyeing a new career. >> tell you right now, i would run, i'm no sure if i will. since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. in your neighborhood. >> stephanie: a former red sox player sparking debate in the political world and sports world after announcing he'll give elizabeth warren a run for her money in the next election. curt schilling told our political reporter sharman sacchetti, the u.s. senator represents everything that he believes is wrong with the government. >> reporter: how are you? when i caught up with former red sox ace curt schilling in brighton, i asked him if he's serious about a potential bid would run, i'm not sure if i will. let's see. i'm not going to run in a race that i have no chance to win. >> reporter: you think you can win. >> i wouldn't run if i didn't think so, i swear to god. >> reporter: why senator warren's position? >> because i think she represents all of the things that we need to get out of our government. >> reporter: he had some choice words for the senator and took aim at her substantiated claims of native american ancestry at while at harvard. >> to me she's po credit, because she wants free education, that's the same system she milked pour $3300 a year, taking advantage of an government incentive for the american indians that she claims to be -- >> reporter: i did ask schilling about the failure of his gaming, 38 studios, the gauge package by rhode island, how the company taxpayers on the hook. >> most notenablely lincoln chaffee, but at the end of the day, it's on me. i was in charge. >> reporter: why should massachusetts tax payers trust him. >> asking 34th to be a leader here. >> reporter: also in charge of your tax dollars. >> no, that's what governor baker does for the most part on a state level. i would be taking the concerns of the citizen of massachusetts to d.c. and, yeah, i'm sure tax dollars involved in some of that. >> reporter: he did tell me he's a lot of bureaucratic waste. schilling hasn't set up a timetable to make a decision. sharman sacchetti, fox 25 news. >> stephanie: boston's mayor is now throwing some shade about schilling's talks of holding office. in a radio interview on friday, mayor marty walsh said schilling should stick to sports. he also brought up his failed video game company in rhode island. well, schilling, not surprisely, not taking this sitting down. in responding with this tweet, work out. far short of anything like extorsion, in my opinion. recently, two of the mayor's top aids were charged with extorsion. >> now your local forecast with meteorologist jason brewer and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> jason brewer: what a great shot of the balloon festival. hudson, a little bit of cloud cover early this morning, now breaking up. but our balloons up in the air under fairly light winds this morning. that will change later today. i did want to rewind real because we got a shower very close to hudson yesterday. this is why we had 20% rain chance on the forecast. we did have one sea breeze shower pop up. got half inch of rain. in that one tiny location. today dry for the most part, upper 60s and low 70s as we start the day. hour by hour in lowell, for instance. maybe heading to the spinner games. middle 80s at noon today. noon, 5:00. why they're starting to come down prior to sunset out of the southeast prior to today. a breezy day, coast will be cooler than the inland areas, the coast stays dry. if we're going to see a shower pop you, it's the interior, especially as we go central and western mass. for isolated rain and temperatures will be seasonably warm today. a little more humidity hour by hour throughout the afternoon and the other thing to watch at the beaches is the rip current. those are back. 2 to 4 foot waves. the seas have been day or so. so definitely a concern if you're headed into the water. you want to check in with beach patrol. a moderate risk, all beaches today, that includes the sea coast up to maine. although plenty of sunshine to go around and no rain. now, if you're headed to fenway tonight for the zack brown show, you're going to see temperatures around 80 degrees at 6:30, giving way to middle 70s by the late evening. humidity will be rising, but the rain, i think stays west. here's future cast, it shows you where the front is and it shows you where it will be. so we go to 7:00, it's still dry. there's just that low risk of a shower popping up into the evening across the interior locations. of southern new england. then we go to the overnight hours. here's 3:30 in the morning and we're getting a good doze of showers and even a few embedded thunderstorms moving in as shiri gets underway by 4:00 in the morning. by 8:00 a.m., the rain is headed off of the cape. tomorrow. more than just a few hours. affecting parts of the morning drive but most of us dry. hour by hour rain fall pile up overnight. not much during the daylight hours today but after midnight think 8:00 in the morning, that's when the totals arrive. through .25 to .50 inch. starting to see potential of restrengthening as it moves over left over. that's something to watch overnight as well. we'll be tracking that for you. then the humidity dropping throughout the day tomorrow. from the west to the east. the breezy northwest winds take over. we get a taste of fall. look at these high temperatures. near normal by day but below normal temperatures by night. down well through the 50s, monday and tuesday night. >> jason: another school district finding unsafe levels of lead in the, inc. dr. ing water. coming up, what's being done to protect children in they get ready for the new school year. >> stephanie: plus what red sox introducing dunkin's new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. america runs on dunkin'. ? with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright... with simply right checking from santander bank. ? are you feeling alright, baby? ? four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. n't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. vote no on question 2. mother in-law with a keen sense of smell... glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. en the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. ? yeah, in the summertime ? ? livin' in a dunkin' paradise ? what are you doing? papi, i'm making sure cuppy doesn't burn. ? dunkin' iced, oh, yeah, in the summertime ? ? livin' in a dunkin' paradise ? >> reporter: good morning. i'm adam pellerin from nesn. the latest sports headlines this morning. after winning over the bears on thursday. patriots gearing up for preseason number three on friday in carolina against the panthers. looking for more of the same from jimmy garoppolo that's for sure. the man who will start the first four games of the season while tom brady serves his suspension showed improvement from preseason game number one. tossed his first touchdown pass of the preen is. reportedly slicing his thumb before thursday's game. boston college football game as they gear up georgia tech in two weeks that game taking place in dublin ireland. b.c. holds back 3-9 campaign in 2015. and step one, good start against the yellow jackets. the film space man premiered friday night at the somerville theatre, mostly true story of former red sox pitch after his release from the expos. tom leydon playing himself, interviewing the real belly before the premiere. on sports wrap. that's a look at the headlines. i'm adam pellerin from nesn. have a great rest of your weekend. >> stephanie: fox 25 is on the scene of breaking news in east boston. we're continuing to follow that news. a woman is dead after being hit by a party bus. fox 25's daniel miller is there >> jason brewer: a threat for heavy rain rising tonight. i'll have month much more on when and where to expect the heaviest and how soon it can get here. >> jason: also breaking this massachusetts public charter schools are among the best in the country. our charter schools are public, and we have longer school days with more personal attention. we have a proven record of helping students in underperforming areas succeed. and result in more funding for public education. every parent should be able to choose the public school that's best for their child. announcer: vote yes on question 2. for stronger public schools. this. is. everything. honey bunches of oats. vote yes on question 2. it's this, this, this, and this. it is the mother of all cereals. it's that, and that, and all of that. it's the most cerealriffic cereal in all the history and will be for eternity. honey bunches of oats. this. is. everything. there's nothing like trying something new. acking. that's why we're introducing cheese dippers. the creamy cheese and crunchy breadsticks that go wherever you do. cheese dippers by the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. when i look for solutions, i don't start in washington, and i don't assume one party has all the answers. you know where i find common-sense ideas? right here in new hampshire... where i'm fighting for the good-paying jobs that strengthen our economy. i worked to make childcare more affordable and make it easier and energy efficiency efforts... and to strengthen social security and medicare. together, we're making new hampshire and america stronger. i'm kelly ayotte, and i approved this message. >> jason brewer: right now on fox 25 morning news, i'm tracking this front. and when it brings rain and cooler air. >> reporter: two people hit, one of them killed after an accident involving a party bus shifting down a major highway. the latest information we're getting from the police this morning. >> stephanie: two young children pulled from a pool and rushed to the hospital. the first responders frantic effort to keep them alive. >> jason: plus 40 years ago today, this boy vanished from a city pool. >> change is in the air, change is in the air and i feel a difference. >> jason: only on fox 25, the friend that's never given up hope and the tool that's decade's long mystery. good morning, everybody, once again, welcome back. thank you for waking up with us. we have a beautiful day in store for you. it is now 9:00 this sunday morning, august 21st, i'm jason law. >> stephanie: and i'm stephanie coueignoux. we've been lucky with the temperature. i know the humidity is down. i have a bone to pick with jason brewer. >> stephanie: jason you've been using the word i do not approve of this morning. we're talking about the word fall. >> jason brewer: i know, we want to hold where we are. 80s by day. 60s at night. but i am tracking a front that's going to bring us a taste of fall this week. right now we're in the lower and middle 70s not a bad start to the day. humidity not too high yet. here's what's going on a south and southeast wind flow taking over today. we're going to start to see the humidity creeping up as a result mostly sunny skies but the one problem, the moderate rip current risk. so all up and down the coastline, take care out there, check in with beach patrol if you're looking at the water here. the forecast this afternoon does include some increase in clouds. not much rain yet. tracking that threat, though, in a few moments. back to you. >> stephanie: we're continuing to follow breaking news out of dorchester where police are investigating a triple shooting. and from this video, you can see that scene right there. police apartment complex near stratton street late last night. boston e.m.s. tells us one man and two women were hospitalized with injuries ranging from not so severe to critical. so far no word on a motive or any arrests. and we're going to continue to stick with this story and bring you any updates as soon as they come in. >> jason: now to breaking news in east boston. we now know a woman is dead and another person hurt after being hit by a party bus in the early morning hours. courtyard marriott. fox 25's daniel miller is there gathering information as police investigate all morning long. >> reporter: good morning, jason and steve knee. the northern portion of route 1a is back open after a crash involving a party bus. we do know two people hit by the bus. one person killed. investigators on the scene all morning trying to figure out what happened. after 2:00, you can officers arriving on the scene to th after these two people were hit. we can't confirm at this hour. one person was killed. a woman has been identified. but we don't know who she is at this hour. we do know the second victim is at the hospital. their injuries unknown right now. you can see the evidence markers in the road. police looking outside of the bus as well as inside the bus trying to figure out what happened. of course very limited information coming from the boston police department this morning. driver of that bus is cooperating with police and the investigation. as soon as we find out more information, we'll bring it to you here on fox 25. and in east boston, i'm daniel miller, fox 25 news. >> stephanie: this morning, police are continuing to hunt for a shooter in dorchester. someone shot a man and a woman on dudley terrace early yesterday morning. the 37-year-old man died at the scene. the woman remains in critical condition in the hospital. we did catch up with the mayor who told us the city had but says the recent rise in violence is concerning. >> we're asking people, if you know anything, let us know, let the police department. we'll continue the peace walks and continue what we're doing for the rest of the summer. >> stephanie: police believe the man and woman were targeted. now they're looking at surveillance video, as they try to track that shooter down. >> jason brewer: this morning, two children in critical condition after being pulled out of a pool in lowell. the video here shows where it happened and it appears there may have been some party going on at the time. first responders performed cpr and rushed the children by ambulance to lowell general hospital. before they were flown to boston area hospitals. police are investigating. also breaking this hour, turkey's president has just wrapped up a news conference about that deadly attack at a wedding. he says the suicide bomber was between 12 and 14 years old. at least 50 people are dead and dozens more hurt in that attack that hapne it's unclear if the newly we said among the victims. turkey's president blaming the attack on isis. yesterday's bombing comes koss days after another explosion that also hit a wedding in turkey. [ explosion ]. >> jason: that explosion caused by a car bomb going off right outside of the wedding venue on wednesday. it was targeting a nearby police station and part of a series of attacks against police. no one at the wedding party was 9:04. this morning, fox 25 learned the family of 15-month-old who was found unresponsive with his baby-sitter will donate his organs. family members tell us this donation could save five lives. meantime, department of family and children are taking custody of three children as the investigation into the baby's death continues. those children are the boy's twin sister who is still at children's hospital as well as two other children. the 15-month-old twins were rushed to the hospital on monday while in the care of the baby-sitter. the boy died on the middlesex district attorney and d.c.f. are now investigating how the twins were injured. >> jason: a tour boat got into some trouble in gloucester yesterday when it began taking on water. 34 people were on board the king eider when their captain sent in a mayday call around 4:30. this was breaking news on fox 25 news at 6:00. the captain asked for any boats in the area to help them out and many did. >> called to mayday, said they were taking on water and put life jackets on everybody on board and there were a lot of >> jason: 34 passengers stayed on board as the boat was towed back to shore. the coast guard released pictures of that rescue. good news, no one was hurt and they're still looking into what happened. the this is the second rescue yesterday. early saturday morning, four people called for help when their boat caught fire off the coast of falmouth. they had to get in an inflatable life raft until a crew was able to get there. no one hurt in that incident either. on that fire out and towed back to shore. >> stephanie: marine patrol got the call of swimmers in distress in guilford yesterday afternoon. officers say the three swimmers two 15 world ideas and an 18-year-old were swimming along a pontoon boat when a wave came by pushing them into deeper water. the boaters saved them along with off duty police officer and firefighter. >> jason: two people in custody in worcester a young man shot in federal square around 7:30 last place at nearby city hall but it wasn't affected. the victim appeared to be conscious and alert at the scene. and right now still working to get more information from police. >> stephanie: have you seen andy? it's a question that's often asked in lawrence. and today it's been 40 years since andy puglisi vanished from a city swimming pool. only on fox 25, bob ward shows us the new push for answers in andy's case and the cases of other missing children. >> reporter: lawrence's lieutenant current where the city's children cool off for the day. but in 1976, 40 years ago, it was the last place anybody saw andy puglisi. >> i remember exactly where we were sitting, when we said good-bye, what he looked like. >> reporter: melanie perkins was there, august 21st, 1976, with her friend andy puglisi, at higgins pool. late in the afternoon, melanie went home, andy stayed and then and die disappeared. melanie has spent much of her adult life looking for andy. >> reporter: mel practice knee produced an hbo documentary called have you seen andy? her research pointed at this man, wayne chapman, a reported pedophile as a person of interest. in recent years, this easy woods right next to the i am interest pool have been searched. so have other locations in and around lawrence. over 40 years. not a single trace of andy puglisi has ever turned up. >> i have always felt that andy is going to come home and i continue to feel that way, that he will come home at some point. >> reporter: melanie perkins is behind a new mass. state police push to help andy's case online and on billboards. a tip line was created. a mass. safety police safety day to share tips about andy and other missing children cases. 40 years later, melanie perkins is still determined to find her lost friend. >> change is in the air, change is in the air. and i feel a difference in >> reporter: if you know anything about what happened to andy puglisi, you're urged to contact the massachusetts state police or lawrence police. i'm bob ward, fox 25 news. >> jason: a wilmington nurse faces charges this morning accused of forwarding prescriptions for thousands of painkillers using the names of her relatives. investigators say marjorie taylor stole a doctor's prescription pad while visiting a patient then used it to fill out bogus prescriptions oxycodone and other pain drugs. charged with 35 counts of uttering a false prescription. a roxbury man charged with illegal firearm. officers caught him while walking toward dorchester high school. when police spotted him walking toward the campus, he took off running these. when they arrested him, they found a 45 caliber handgun and 50 bags of marijuana, which means say he was planning to sell. >> stephanie: police now say speed was a contributing factor matthew cummings was travelling with a second motorcycle friday night when it went off of the road, tipping over and then sliding for several feet. cummings died at the scene. police are investigating that crash. >> jason: this morning, red sox just a half game back from the blue jay is in the american league east. out in detroit following a 90 minute rain delay, sox pick it back up in the fifth inning, with a guy on, david ortiz 29th tatar of the year. matches ted final season. in the 9th inning, tigers traying 3-2. justin upton drives it to center field, he thinks it's out. tied game. except it doesn't. it stays in the park. look at how close it was to going out and tieing the ball game up. instead upton is at e on second base as the tying run. so kimbrel needs to get the strike out for the save and the win. here it comes. red sox win 3-2. now in second place, 2.5 games over the orioles. >> stephanie: a teacher is now facing charges for sending inappropriate messages to a student. the lie that he is accused of in another relation happen led to police to that discovery. >> jason: lead in the drinking water, what's being done in quincy to get ready for the new school year. >> jason brewer: right now lower 70s, sunny skies in boston. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, >> jason: another massachusetts school district will begin testing its waters for lead this fall. last week, we told you boston public schools found in its facilities and now quincy starts testing in september. >> reporter: rita harris's four-year-old great granddaughter getting ready to join the quincy school district. >> very concerned. very concerned for these kids. >> reporter: faith set to begin pre-k in a couple of weeks and rita has lead on her mind. what concerns you most about it? >> that it could get in one of these kids systems for sure. >> reporter: superintendent told parents the district is going to facilities this fall. in her letter, wrote, the goal of in initiative is to continue access to safe drinking water to you will a students. the testing part of a statewide program sponsored by governor baker. nearly 1,000 schools and child care centers have signed up to figure out what exactly is coming out of their bubblers. this week boston public schools found high levels of lead in six school buildings, immediately shut down the water fountains and replaced them with water coolers. they found lead levels in 52 school faucets. bill mcneil the father of two young girls. >> certainly one of the top issues for parents across the country. i think a lot of people think it's just urban districts, about of flint or detroit, but everyone is drinking water. >> jason: quincy says the testing will begin september 19th and wrap up october 23rd. the testing will be conducted between 5:00 and 7:00 in the interrupted. >> stephanie: people of louisiana are continuing to deal with widespread flooding there. and this video is actually not the video of a river. those people in that boat right there, they're actually casting over a cemetery now under water. this morning, about 4,000 people remain in shelters and first responders are still rescuing people. many who were forced out of their homes still cannot get back in. so they're left just watching and waiting. >> this -- terrified, you kno but i just pray that all is well. you know, and we've got to believe in the lord, you know, god is still in control. >> stephanie: tomorrow crews are expected to start removing much of the debris in baton rouge. >> jason: firefighters in california are starting to get control of the massive blue cut fire burning near l.a. the wild fire engulfed near 60 hundred homes and several other small buildings since last tuesday. it's 73% contained and people finally being allowed to return home and assess the damage. >> jason brewer: good morning, started out in the itself is and now we're in the lower 70s. bright skies continue most of boston as well. central and western mass. even that showing signs of breaking up as well. a nice start to our sunday. all of to 75. nantucket at 69. i want to show you the dew point numbers. they're in upper 50s and lower 60s. so not too sticky really. it's going to get stickier, though, later today and it will start to feel more oppressive even into tonight as the humidity really increases. of course rain arriving overnight. more on that straight ahead. i do want to show you those dew points get comfortable by monday afternoon. tuesday, down right dry. and they stay comfortable on wednesday. conditions on the way. temperatures in the 80s today. most locations a few upper 70s at the coast. worcester you may get just shy of 80 degrees for your high. southeast winds 10 to 20 miles per hour. so it's a breezy beach day. bright beach day. but the rip current definitely a concern. in fact, i shared my twitter account, the weather service in gray and maine manages the northeast coast beaches we'll be watching for rip current there as well. there's great safety tips i just posted. 2 to they're rough. they're going to be churned up. boating weather not great, swimming weather not great. be careful and check with beach patrol and enjoy your beaches. rain chance, low today. 20% or less for the daylight hours. by 11:00, a greater risk. you'll get hit with a shower. still mainly western and central mass. at this time. then overnight tonight, shiri gets started a at 4:00 in the morning. she'll be watching showers and a few thunderstorms. coastline and wrapping up. not going to be around all day on monday but parts of the morning drive could certainly be impacted. here's the front right now on future cast. let's move ahead in time and track this into 7:00 p.m. tonight. not much. just some clouds, spot showers, have to deal through about 9:00 or 10:00. then we turn our attention to this, between 10:00 and 11:00 on fox 25 news tonight. i'll be watching this hour by hour and show you arrive times once the line comes into view. a few embedded pockets of heavier rain could bring an inch of rain into a few locations. so our rain threat is there. in the form of some heavy downpours, localized street flooding into the early morning hours of tomorrow. lightning and strong winds, aer low risk. but something we're going to have to be monitoring. as far as rain totals getting the indication that we may see some intensification of this line across our southern areas, that's where our more available particular. so we'll be watching. there's a look at monday. we dry it out. cool it off on 50s on monday night. even a few spots below 50 possible. >> jason: a wahlburgers restaurant. slapped with a lawsuit this weekend. accused of holding pay from five former employees. the new york daily news also accusing employees not paying overtime and pocketing tips. dorchester native mark, and paul wahlberg, started the chain. but the brothers are not named in this lawsuit. the cony island wahlburgers is a franchise not owned by the main restaurant company. >> stephanie: a major hub of transportation also known for people looking for a little friendly competition. >> i'll be playing everybody all at the same time. >> stephanie: fox 25 photo journalist, michael boa spruce introduces us to the local chess machine. >> jason: the big play let's feed him to the sharks! squuuuack, let's feed him to the sharks! yay! and take all of his gold! and take all of his gold! ya! and hide it from the crew! ya...? squuuuack, they're all morons anyway! i never said that. they all smell bad too. no! you all smell wonderful! i smell bad! if you're a parrot, you repeat things. it's what you do. it's what you do. an unprecedented natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. everything's all right in there? security. hi , i'm stuck in an elevator with a cow. a what ? all natural, non gmo ingredients with vitamin d and whole milk. >> jason: the man behind some of the biggest boy band acts in world has passed away in prison. lou pearl man. he created the label, transcontinental records and signed backstreet boys and nsync back in the 1990s. >> stephanie: canadian rock band performed the last show of their tour last night sold out crowd. the tour is believed to be the last because lead singer gourd downey is fighting terminal brain cancer. canadian prime minister attended the tour and got a shout out from downey. in the silver suit right there and thanked the audience for their support. >> jason: 1984, a long run for that band from canada. this will make you smile this morning. movies we still see him occasionally catch rear slowed down a little bit. i think he's in his 60s. he can still dance. >> stephanie: tried to. >> jason: he's moving pretty good. john travolta, reliving the saturday night fever glory days at a cincinnati reds baseball game. his son benjamin in the front kind of ignoring his old dad dad dance moves. >> stephanie: he's like don't ignore me, i had fun, i'm on camera. >> jason: bee gee night fever, an incredible song. that's what was on. >> stephanie: it's all about having fun. who cares. >> jason: yeah. look, he became famous for his moves back in the 70s so. >> stephanie: yeah, he can dust them off. the national zoo in washington, d.c. this is so cute. the panda cubs celebrated his first birthday with a giant not the frozen treat. that's a sign right there. bay bay officially turning one tomorrow. yesterday included celebrations with his parents and sister and he just looked so fuzzy. >> jason: frozen fruit juice. >> stephanie: why not bamboo? isn't that their favorite food. >> jason: he probably gets that all the time. this is a special birthday. >> stephanie: of course. silly me, jason brewer. >> jason brewer: good morning. right now we're off to bright start. and we're going to be seeing humidity building with a rain chance on the way. you can see what's coming back to the west. i'm tracking it hour by hour straight ahead. >> reporter: two people hit one killed, after a party bus crashed shutting down a major highway. daniel miller in east bost narrator: let's put this political promise to the test. ayotte: i've been an independent, strong voice for new hampshire. narrator: then why does kelly ayotte still support donald trump for president? put principle ahead of party and said no to trump. but not kelly ayotte. she says she still supports trump. ayotte: an independent, strong voice... narrator: if she's so independent, why is she still supporting trump? disclaimer: independence usa pac is responsible since 1961, pearle vision has been providing expert eye care. today, we make caring for your eyes even easier. right now, buy one pair of glasses, and get another pair free. this is genuine eye care this is pearle vision. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. vote no on question 2. . >> stephanie: we're continuing to follow breaking news out of east boston where an investigation is underway right one killed by a party bus near the courtyard marriott. fox 25 daniel miller has been there all morning long, gathering information. and he'll have a report in just about one minute. >> jason: but first we want to get you started if you're headed out the door this morning. beautiful weekend. last weekend, we were talking about feels like temperatures of 108. much cooler and nicer this weekend. >> jason brewer: all things considered, absolutely. if you're refreshly. stephanie i know you're not. >> talking about this on twitter, getting polls from our viewers. here's a front that will feel closer to fall than summer. going to bring rain in here tonight. not so much today. watching showers come here connecticut. likely to stay in western mass. today. for the daytime hours. marshal dry. lower and middle 70s out the door. bright skies especially over at the beaches, the one concern the rip current at the coast. be careful. 80 to 85 the highs today. heavy rain threat developing overnight tonight. much more on future cast coming up. >> jason: back to breaking new his east boston this morning. one person dead, another hurt by hit by a party bus. >> stephanie: this all happened after 2:00 right by the courtyard marriott. fox 25 daniel miller is there and he has more details about this ongoing investigation. >> reporter: good morning, jason and boston is back open this morning. after a crash involving a party bus. we do know that two people were hit by the bus. one person was killed. and investigators were on the scene all morning trying to figure out what happened. just after 2:00 this morning, you can see officers arriving on the scene to this bus in the middle of the road after these two people were hit. we can't confirm at this hour, one person was killed. but we don't know who she is at this hour. we do know a second victim at the hospital. their injuries unknown at this time. you can see the evidence markers in the road and police looking outside of the bus as well as inside the bus trying to figure out what happened. very limited information coming from the boston police department this morning. we can tell you the driver of that bus is cooperating with police. and investigation. as soon as we find out more information we'll bring it to in east boston, daniel miller, fox 25 news. >> jason: also on top of breaking news out of dorchester this morning where three people are hurt after a shooting at a apartment complex on stratton street overnight. fox 25 has confirmed from police victims are one man and two women. we know at least one of the women is seriously hurt. no word on any arrests. we'll stay on top of it and bring you will updates throughout the rest of the morning. >> stephanie: a teacher in jail he's accused of sending pickeds himself to a 17-year-old and asking her to send naked photos back. narragansett regional high school teacher was arrested at his home friday morning. according to records, kacavich was originally being investigated for fund-raising fraud. in that case, the 33-year-old is accused of lying to a former student he was dating. telling her he had cancer when she tried to end the relationship. well, police because students held a fund-raiser on his behalf. that's when they say they learned about this situation with the current student of the other students tell fox 25 they're shocked about this news. >> it's surprising kind of surprising of you wouldn't expect it from him of all people. >> stephanie: the school is now working on a support plan for students and staff when school begins. kacavich is on paid leave while his criminal case is pending. he's also banned from school grounds. >> jason: this weekend, hillary major fund-raising campaign right here in massachusetts. the democratic candidate for president arrived in nantucket yesterday held a fund-raiser ahead of a second one today in provincetown. tickets from today's event range from $500 to 7,000. cher is expected to be there. justin biel are also hosting her in hollywood this week. >> stephanie: donald trump is continuing to push for his support in the south. certainly not holding back when it comes to talking about his rival, hillary clinton. at an event yesterday, trump says he's trying to win the white house from votes from convicted felons. >> hillary clinton is banking on her friend terry mccullough on [ boos ] to carry out the votes of law enforcement and victims. >> stephanie: originally wanted all convicts to earn their vote back. but the state supreme court ruled against it. instead the governor is expected to restore the vote to 13,000 felons that he's already pardoned. election d approaching. fox 25 is your home for complete coverage. stay with us both on air and online for the latest poll numbers, debate updates and election events. >> jason: today marks the end of 2016 summer olympics games, u.s.a. continues to hold strong. the sixth time in a row, women's basketball team bringing home gold. today the u.s.a.'s men's team medal as they take on serbia. the medal count. solid lead on the rest of the world, 116 medals total. 43 of them gold. china in second place with 70 medals overall and great britain rounds occupy the top three. an unamazing gift after an unthinkable tragedy. a special way a woburn family is helping out complete strangers after their toddler's death is still under investigation. >> stephanie: people looking competition, the local chess champion known for playing like a machine. >> jason brewer: we're rising above 70 degrees now. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. vote no on question 2. >> stephanie: south station, is one of boston's historic hubs known for public transportation, but apparently also known as a central location for chess players. >> jason: yeah. >> stephanie: once a month, a chess master actually heads simultaneously. >> jason: this guy is amazing. photo journalist michael introduces us to the man. >> the building is a lot of history. when this station was built. it was the busiest train station in this country. we always want people to come in and not only have the chance to get on a train, the chance to do something fun. >> look. >> some people never played before. some people come with kids, sit yo them through a game. it's really nice. >> i'm playing everybody all at the same time. i make a move on each board. i go in sun circuit, they make a move as they come to the board. i have only a few seconds to make my move. they have all of the time in between when i come back to think about their move. >> i grew up on chess. so i'm trying to make some hey over here. i just grabbed some space. >> detective work, patience, you don't want to be impulsive. you always get your hand burned. my rating would be 2660, average player would be 1600 and i see many above average players in this group here. >> holding together, i'm not thrilled. >> sometimes i do pause, i do find myself in a tough predicament. you lose by losing, just vow to beat the next guy there's always a next time. >> good game. very good game. good work out. i lost one, and tied one over there. pretty good crowd. tough crowd. >> >> stephanie: what a great take away. you can't improve if you don't fail. failing is relatively. it's not really failing. it's learning. >> jason: beautiful shots of in that story. the kid kind of surrendering it's over. shaking the head. >> jason: and he'll go again. >> stephanie: it's actually free. second tuesday of every month there from 12:00 to 2:00. all right. a viral sensation with deep local ties. >> i always have this map. shows ice bucket challenge. and there's a big bull's eye on boston massachusetts. >> jason: that's right. this sunday, fox 25 sits down with the mother of the man who inspired it all. hello! it's our new intern, bart's first week here at td bank, he's a robot from one of those other banks. him to bank human. i am banking assistance & registration technology. wait, wait, wait. but you can call me, banking assistance & registration technology. hi amy. thank you. thank you. that is not protocol manager jenna. that's ok bart, it is here. at td bank we do things differently, like having the longest hours of any bank. don't just bank. >> stephanie: two years ago, the ice bucket challenge took the world by storm. becoming a viral sensation, that raised more than $200 million for als research. the man who inspired it is pete freites, now his mom is telling sports director, tom leydon, this shouldn't be a passing fad. >> reporter: nobod power of five words uttered by david ortiz. >> this is [bleep]. >> reporter: want people to know, als is our disease. >> every executive director i met, via facebook or twitter, whoever i met with, they always have this map, that shows the ice bucket challenge and it's a big bull's eye on boston, but it's are doctors and medical researchers pushing the boundaries of discovery. in the the first two years of since the challenge, more has been done to unify than ever before. >> kevin passed away this week from a.l.s. but what he did was he put together an organization that all the resources is located in massachusetts and got all of the people who are operating in silos to come toge affected live the life and fight the fight every day. excruciating journey for everyone involved. what we can do is more of the same. more awareness, more done irksnas, more focus on finding a cure. >> our work is far from done. we have to continue until we find treatment for this disease. >> jason brewer: good sunday morning. right now we have sunshine, some clouds and far western mass. a little rain in southwest connecticut. i think that's where you get the better chance to see one of these pop showers pop up. this a rewind from 2 hours or so. one shower along 495, we could not leave a total dry weekend forecast for you. i want to zoom in and show you half inch of rain right in that area westward point southward. 10, 20% we just talked about. 71, the current temperature. it is sunny. the li 10 to 20 miles per hour this after. temperatures in the lower and middle 70s pretty much area wide and as we climb into the 80s today. the humidity reach a little bit as well. start to feel a little warmer overall than yesterday. we will see increasing clouds especially western central mass. today. upper 70s to lower 80s around orange and worcester. still the lower 80s in nashua today. upper 70s to lower 80s at our beaches as well. speaking of the beaches, we've on shore winds for a couple of days now. waves build up 2 to 4 feet, not huge but rough. boat, weather not great, especially as the winds start to pick up this afternoon. going to be choppy. and the rip current, a moderate risk all up and down the new england coastline. including maine and new hampshire. so be careful in the water if you're headed in, those flags will be flying today, check in with beach patrol. rain chances low for the day today, 5:00, sunday, 20% or less. one of those isolated showers can flare up. at 11:00 tonight. a better chance of a scattered shower to move by. not until after midnight until 5:00 in the morning, where the risk of the heaviest rain starts to rise. so for zack brown at fenway tonight, starts at 6:30, 80 degrees for the temperature. humidity will be rising through the evening with middle 70s to wrap things up. but i think the rain is off to the west. let's track that. here it is. the line of showers broken now. a little bit more steam and organization as it goes into the afternoon heating. here's 11:00 today. still dry. southeast wind gusting through. statementer off through dark. a few showers possibility before we get to fox 25 news at 10:00 tonight. then we're watching after midnight. 4:00 in the morning. as we begin the broadcast tomorrow morning. we're tracking those downpours and a few embedded pockets of as this moves into better moisture into the late night hours. so that's one thing we'll have to watch by 8:00 it's off shore. and we're done with the rain for monday. but the heavy rain threat is with us. we need the rain. we are certainly an extreme drought in parts of the area. so the lightning not a good deal. strong winds certainly a possibility. but a low risk for those. rain fall totals anywhere from .25 to .50 inch likely. indicated by the yellows and certainly a possibility as this line comes in, it may weaken a little bit but could even reenergize as it starts to run into more available moisture and left over heat from the daytime as it makes its way eastward. as you can see that red color, that's the extreme drought. really need to get some rain in here. there's your seven-day forecast. out of here early monday. we're cool. look at the 50s, come back on monday, tuesday night, an actual taste of fall on the way, if you're up for it. d end of the week. >> jason: this morning, fox 25 has learned the family of a 15-month-old woburn boy who died this week, will donate his organs, the donations could save five lives. noah larson died this week after being found unresponsive earlier this the week. he and his twin sister emmy were being cared by a baby-sitter at the time. it's still unclear what siblings, including noah's twin sister. >> stephanie: hollywood is taking on the story of a former red sox pitcher. whose hollywood story is taking on the bi introducing dunkin's new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. at longhorn, steak is all you need. its not all you get. longhorn's great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. plus an appetizer or a dessert. all with fresh salad and unlimited bread. the great american steak dinner, for $12.99. tonight, only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. for lunch try our steakhouse burger ? sip in summertime with a frozen coolatta from dunkin' donuts. stay cool this summer with a new sour apple, watermelon, or blue raspberry coolatta. >> reporter: good morning. i'm adam pellerin from nesn. let's get you caught up to speed on some of the sports headlines this morning. after a win over the bears on thursday, patriots geared up this week, to preseason game number three on friday in carolina against the panthers looking for more of the same from jimmy garoppolo for sure. the man will start the first four games of the season while tom brady serves his suspension, showed improvement from presean first touchdown pass of the preseason. we'll see what is up with tom brady this week after reportedly splicing his thumb before thursday's game. boston college holding a at shea field yesterday as they gear up for georgia tech in two weeks, that game taking place in dublin ireland. they're hoping to bounce back from 3-9 campaign in 2015. and a good start against the yellow jackets. story for red sox pitcher bill lee after being released from expos. tom leydon playing himself. interviewing the real bill lee before the premiere. and you will see that interview tonight on sunday sports wrap. that's a look at the sports headlines this morning, i'm adam pellerin from nesn. have a great rest of your weekend. >> stephanie: we did take that informal poll on twitter. it seems like people are mixed that they still want summe fall like temperatures. >> jason: yeah. >> jason brewer: we've still got a little bit of time to enjoy it. we're just going to bring a taste in. and then we'll get rid of it. >> stephanie: okay. >> jason brewer: the jackets tuesday morning, maybe wednesday morning and then bring it right back to summer again. and own overnight tonight, much needed rain. track that as the line comes into view on fox 25 tonight. >> jason: this is the start of it. >> stephanie: don't say this. >> jason: what he's saying, thanks for watching us this morning. >> stephanie: all right. i'm shannon breen in for chris wallace. with less than three months to election day, donald trump hits the reset button again, but will we see a new trump or more of the same? >> sometimes in the heat of debates and speaking on a multitude of issues choose the right words. i have done that, and believe it or not, i regret it. >> with new leadership at the top, will trump be able to reverse his tumble in the polls? we'll discuss with former new york mayor rudy giuliani who's helping trump prepare for the presidential debate. then, new developments in the hillary clinton e-mail saga as a judge orders her to answer questions about her secret setup under oath.

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