Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20151121 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20151121

degrees colder when you walk out this morning than it was. so we've got a big drop in temperatures after reaching 60 in boston. even colder weather to the north and west, when you have got colder air and milder air, you get a clash of some precipitation, watching a storm system to the middle west, we'll be tracking changes as this system gets closer to our area this weekend. my latest timeline when to expect some rain coming up. >> following breaking news in morning, a person in custody two-year-old girl. >> we've been updating the development on this story as it unfoldeded yesterday. lyndon albers vanish inned from her home yesterday and turned up hours later and miles away. >> and now police have confirmed the little girl's former baby-sitter now facing kidnapping charges. fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is more for us on the arrest. stephanie. >> reporter: heather this arrest comes hours after police started their investigation. they're now saying the former baby-sitter broke into the home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. this certainly has been a case that has this entire community on edge while this morning, that former baby-sitter, 21-year-old abigail hannah, is being held without bail. we know police searched her home in tops field yesterday and we also know the family had recently fired her. hannah now being charged with four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery on a child and breaking and entering. this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers called police saying they woke up and their daughter was gone. police immediately started a massive search, trying to find the child, but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley, which is about eight miles away. they say she was naked, her head bruise on her head. neighbors told them yesterday this is simply a terrifying situation. >> it's like any parents might mayor, a daughter or son that is missing. 21 miles away. and these people it doesn't add up and it's the creepest thing ever. >> reporter: as soon as she was found, the little girl was taken to the hospital. however, her parents have asked the police not to release any information on her condition. and we've also spoken with the scum that found her. coming up, they take us through their incredible discovery. in hamilton, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25. >> developing this morning, more information on mendon street in blackstone, shots fired. at that active crime scene last night, soon after all of this happened, police kept us a pretty good distance away. and it's unclear if anyone there was hurt. another wounded and one dead after a shooting in jamaica plains. we were on that scene from sky fox in the parking lot on wyman and center street soon after this happened. one person died at the hospital. the other has life-threatening injuries. alvin gore rare rawas at work when this happened. right next to his store, he says this kind of violence happens all the time. showing us the bullet holes in his store. >> this will isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard to go around, be always on the look out, you can't ever be outside and actually feel 100 percent safe. >> police have so far not released a motive yet and not whether the victims were targeted. >> fox 25 is working to get more information to see if a person was seriously hurt at a bus stop in boston. on washington and lenox street in the south end, police had that area blocked off with crime scene tape just before midnight on friday. the person had head trauma and found lying in a pool of blood. it's not clear how that victim was hurt or how he or she is doing this morning. now a look at the developing situation in africa. a 10 day state of emergency is now underway in mali after a hotel. this story it was breaking this time yesterday morning. 21 people were killed when two capital. about 170 people were in that hotel and led to an hour's long hostage situation. an islamic militant group and a fashion of al qaeda have all claimed responsibility. show this morning, we're learning about the massachusetts native among those killed in mali. first told you about the local connection on breaking news last night. 41-year-old anita datar was a development manager, was born here in nabut grew up in new jersey and most recently maryland. survived by her parents, and a young son, she is the second native killed by terrorist overseas in just the past 24 hours. 18-year-old ezra schwartz also died thursday during an attack in jerusalem. he was from sharon massachusetts and was spending a year for religious studies. >> also new this morning, president obama says the dead lee attacks on mali is another reminder, surges many nations and stiffens our resolve to meet this challenge. speaking from a summit in malaysia. also extends condolences to families of the victims. a week after the paris attacks in paris. the death toll now up 130 after gunmen and suicide bombers attacked six locations around the city last week. around the world, police are on high alert. they're stepping up for all activities this weekend. transit police tell fox 25 commuters can expect to see a heavier the police presence at key subway stations throughout the city. despite these added up patrols there are no threats against boston. >> have people questioning whether syrian refugees should be allowed into the u.s. this week, governor charlie baker suggested he would need more information from the federal government before agreeing to accept syrian refugees into massachusetts. those comments bringing hundreds of people out to beacon hill last night. gathered in the dark to protest the governor's comments. mean while spokes people need to clarify the governor's comments, saying that in the wake of the recent terror attacks overseas, the state wants to make sure that the public is safe and secure. and massachusetts is not alone in its security concerns. 30 other states also oppose it's something a little boy in sharon knows is hoping to change, 9-year-old is a syrian refugee now living in massachusetts with his father. he lost both of his arms and lost three siblings during a bomb at his refugee camp in syria. he has written a letter to president obama hoping his story will change people's minds about syrian refugees. >> he's saying i want the war in syria to stop. and i want to see my family again. and also for the people who are wounded and who are refugees. >> anna and his father game to boston in hopes of getting prosstet stick arms. they left anna's mother and four other siblings in turkey. >> offensive images spray painted on trees in foxboro. if you know anything that might help investigators there, police want you to call them. time now 6:08. some of you registered on the do not call list but still getting bottom barreded by unwanted phone calls. massachusetts consumers have record do not call lists. that's a 15 percent increase from the year before. only one area code is not reporting a new increase. 617. >> happening today turkey bowl for to thes. it's happening in yarmouth. players will donate $20 and an unwrapped toy. and all proceeds go to toys for to thes. and many folks have plans to travel this week. massachusetts travel? if you guess guessed thanksgiving, you're wrong. the tuesday before thanksgiving is not only the busiest, but actually was the busiest travel day of the entire year. that day there was more than 700 transactions on the pike, tunnel and the tobin. monday was the second busiest day, with nearly 600,000 transactions. you do recall we did have stormy weather with snow from worcester to the new hampshire sea coast. as for post thanksgiving, sunday is usually the busiest travel day. so keep those dates in mind. big upgrades coming to the wireless emergency alert system. still ahead, a look at the new features being added in hopes of saving lives. >> plus a drug commonly used to treat morning sickness, leaving lasting side effects. dozens of local mothers fighting back for the sake of their children. fox 25 with one woman's story coming up. >> cool and dry today, off and on clouds. on the way. the world's leader. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? the united states has the capability of doing this, and it's in our economic and national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible in the works over a popular drug many mothers are prescribed to fight morning sick anything. now some mothers say the treatment left their children with serious medical problems. fox 25 sara underwood spoke with one woman who says it it is something that has forever changed her daughter's life. >> family time is precious for beth. especially since she came close to losing her daughter marissa. >> it was very apparent that something was prong. >> reporter: her world was shattered just after she delivered marissa. doctors noticed the newborn had breathing problems. and then discovered a congenital heart defect. >> she was on life support and had a feeding tube. >> reporter: beth blames on a drug she took during pregnancy, called so fran. >> it's sometimes described off label for morning sickness. or over wise, vetted for pregnant women. that's what's so egregious in this case. >> reporter: there are nearly 60 lawsuits nationwide, now court. >> our primary goal, is, one, to make sure these children have the resources necessary so they can get the best possible medical care for the rest of their life. >> reporter: in 2012, agreed to pay 3,000 dollars in a settlement with the department of justice for what the doj called the unlawful profession failure to support safety data of several drugs, including so fran. the company told fox 25, we believe the allegations in these lawsuits are entirely unfounded and that so fran has proper labelling, was marketed appropriately and did not cause the injuries alleged. in fact, there are conflicting studies if the drug causes heart pallet. >> you're not sure if the medication causing the problem problem. study. >> reporter: doctor is the director of fetal medicine services at south shore hospital. she says so fran is effective for morning sickness but not used as a front line therapy. >> i believe because of the controversy of the data out there now, we should be more careful about prescribing it too early in pregnancy until well have more information. >> what do you think when you good. >> reporter: beth says her daughter is small for her age school. more troubling, she says, is that she doesn't know what her like. >> my hope is that if we can easier, giving that life is going to be a little bit of a struggle for her, i hope that we can do that. >> reporter: i'm sara underwood. >> a massachusetts met with lawyers earlier this week to work out logistics but a decision could be years away. one thing to know, a lot of women were prescribed so fran, the generic, form. so only those who took so fran can file a lawsuit. meanwhile, sent fox 25 a statement after this piece originally aired and it says, late last month, denied to stage the risk labelling for so fran and it happens it will help in the court cases. we have that information for you on >> fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> we're still counting down the minutes to sunrise this morning at 6:42. until then temperatures drop to their coldest conditions right before sunrise, usually this time of year, we fall back into the 30s while during the afternoon hours, we only get to near 50 degrees. also sunset at 4:18. but sure enough, we've got really cold conditions this morning. although you're stepping outside and noticing it's about 15 to 30 degrees cooler this morning than yesterday. where we should be for this time of year. in fact, today, fairly dry, cool, near normal day, but we're tracking some changes. got scattered showers in the forecast. in fact, we're increasing our threat of rain as early as tonight, mainly after midnight, and through the day tomorrow, and for some locations we could hold onto the chance even into monday. currently stepping outside this morning, not too bad for the cape and islands. we're stuck in the 40s. 39 in boston. get inland we're back into the 20s and 40s at the freezing mark right now in insure with a. 39 in boston, the wind very light out of the north. north northeasterly direction. as we go on through the day, a mix of sun and clouds out there, temperatures will climb to the 40s during your mid morning and mid to upperly mornings as you head into noon. and then clouds will thicken up and turn back into the lower 40s. ranging mid 40s to low 50s. best chance of low 50s, down across the cape and islands and southeast. more west you go, more likely going to be in the upper 40s to near 50. right where we should be for this time of year. pick of the weekend, because it gets a little more wet in some spots tomorrow. temperature around 40. wind out of the northeast, making it feel a little cooler. but at least it's staying dry. showers in, most is showers that rain. temperatures will be falling back into the lower 40s in some spots. a little milder along the cape. we bump the temperature a little bit. and then cloud cover and threat of showers. satellite and radar, clouds moving in, not too bad, we'll see some breaks in the cloud cover, high pressure in control. bringing some snow to farts of the midwest, check your flights if you're headed out there. continue to move eastward as it does so, it loses a lot of its moisture but it will thicken up the clouds overnight tonight and as that cold front comes on through, notice, we get a batch of scattered showers and midday hours, watch a system to our south, likely going to bring another round of showers. best chance for the cape and islands. approximate seven day forecast with that equipped always in view, showing the temperatures, 40s today to 50s tomorrow. risk of scattered showers doesn't amount to too much. however, closer to the coast, likely could see a quarter to half an inch of rain. temperatures drop to the 40s, cooler than average temperatures. warm it back up for the holiday week. thanksgiving looking pretty nice, with temperatures above normal. over to you. >> it should stay dry today. happening today, despite suffering an unimage imagine imaginable family tragedy, dug flute tee will be on hand for the football game. he broke the news, that his mother died within an hour of his father, he believes his mother died of a broken heart. the super star will serve as the commentator for tonight's rare match up at fenway park. >> we're on the scene of breaking news this morning, a woman in custody accused of kidnapping a two-year-old from her home in hamilton. covering this story every step of the way since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. as we told you at the top of the hour, we have now confirmed her former baby-sitter facing charges. a rowley couple finding lyndon make succeed and bruised. >> before you start your holiday need to hear. it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids now, it's about stopping obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. >> black friday fast approaching. that means the list of dangerous toys that annual list that always comes out, is now out. fox 25 liz beth hopkins has more toys on which toys to keep away from the kids. >> james schwartz of consumer watch groups says that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous. >> very dangerous to distinguish it from the real thing especially consider when police decisions. >> reporter: the 10 worse group lists that include potential choking or strangulation hazards and several that he feels could cause eye, and other injuries. mini trampolines. >> a product like that shouldn't be out for use by children. the hazards are too significant as the manufacturer recognizes itself on the package insert. >> he added a play-doh like substance called kodo, it has an allergies that contains wheat. >> even when you don't expect an allergen, you might see that. read the package carefully. >> we find they're filled with misleading information. and they unnecessarily frighten parents. >> reporter: she found ought all of these toys safe. >> all toys sold in the united states need to be compliant with these requirements. >> she premises you read warnings on the packaging, and any incertificate and make sure you buy toys for recommended age group. watch's president also says you should be extra careful of buying toys online because you may not be able to see or read all of the safety warnings. >> don't compromise safety for convenience this holiday season. >> elizabeth hopkins fox 25 news. >> a complete list of the unsafe toys on you want to he can which it out because today is the day to shop for toys if you're looking to save. >> that's right. buying toys today can actually save you about 18 percent. here's the list, it turns out you can save the same amount for shopping electronics on monday, buying jewelry on thanksgiving day, could mean 25 percent saving. the clothes, those go on sale closer to the holidays. >> good advice there. from missing children to natural disasters, when emergencies happens, our phones begin to send out notices. now there are new additions coming to the emergency alert system that could make a difference when every second count. more on that still ahead. >> we've got the 20s and 30s right now. the but through the day, climbing into the lower 40s even low 50s. show you what to expect in your town coming up. >> worry is growing. possible att dear fellow citizen, i get that it' s hard to say no when your kids want toys, because you' re saving for shoes. and shoes. and shoes. but i can help you figure out how to save a little with one deposit checking. so ask me, i can help you avoid fees. sincerely, elizabeth trackler. fellow working mom and fellow citizen. you may not be able to tell from the look on my face, but i'm very, very hungry. i need something that satiates my tum tum something with just enough protein to seek out my hunger and eliminate it. that's called satiety, and yoplait greek 100's very effective at providing it. satiety. make your tummy happy. mmmm, yoplait. it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. >> this is fox 25 morning news. >> breaking news. a former baby-sitter now charged with ab ducting the child she cared for. the history between her and the family that could explain a possible motive. >> and it is 6:30 right now. saturday, i'm heather hegedus. >> and i'm blair miller, it's the breaking developments in the missing talledcler in a moment. first fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski with more on what's happening outside. probably a little cooler this morning. >> good morning to you. a little colder than yesterday. 60 degrees in boston, i'll take that, it was a treat. very quiet. high pressure in control today. you're probably looking at this mess, though, to my west. sure enough in chicago they're dealing with some snow. also some rain in parts of missouri. so this is a pretty big storm system that's going to be pushing eastward. will not affect us for the day today. but we'll be tracking it for the day tomorrow. could bring us some scattered showers. but until then, temperatures right now in the 20s and 30s. a very cold start to the day. 15 to 30 degree colder than this time yelled. coming up show you hour by hour what to expect for temperatures in your town. >> get back to that breaking news now. now accused of kidnapping that 2-year-old girl from hamilton. >> we've been updating you when the story first unfolded yesterday. that's when 2-year-old lyndon albers vanished from her home in hamilton and turned up hours later and miles away. >> this morning, police confirming to fox 25, the little girl's former baby-sitter is facing charges. fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton with more on the arrest. stephanie. >> reporter: and heather, we know police started investigating their investigation around this baby-sitter yesterday. she is now being held without bail this morning. police say she broke into the family's home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. and are also saying 21-year-old abigail hannah had a weapon with her at the time. they're not saying exactly what that weapon was. but they've now charged her with four count, including kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. and breaking and entering. now police arrested hannah after they searched her home in tops field yesterday and they say evidence indicates this was a targeted kidnapping. we know the family had recently fired her. and we're hoping to learn more about those circumstances today. this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and they couldn't find their daughter. they immediately called police who the began a massive search trying to find the little girl. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley, which is about eight miles away. they say she was on the side of the road. she was naked, with her head shaved. and that she had a large bruise on her head. >> she was -- >> almost like a -- >> i would say it was almost a buddha pose with her hands crossed out in front of her. >> and shaking. and shaking. >> just with her held down and she was just shaking, shaking, shivering. that's why i took my photo of her. >> was she dressed. >> no. she was no clothes. >> she was completely make kelled. >> but she was in the leaves. and when tom put the coat around her and picked her up. we weren't thinking check to see -- we just picked her up and wrapped her and put her in the car and put the heat on. >> reporter: just incredible, did. she was immediately taken to the hospital. her parents asking police not to release any information about her condition. we've also, though, been speaking with neighbors in that area. and coming up in 30 minutes, their reaction to this abduction. in hamilton, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> we'll stay on top of that story for you. to other news one week exactly since the terror attacks in paris and the death toll has risen again. now at 130. new details coming out of the man believed to plotted the attack. french believe abdelhamid abaaoud not only planned the attack but also may have been one of the gunmen. investigators say he was one of two people killed during a raid earlier this week. surveillance cameras spotted him at a paris metro station near where the shootings happened. french authorities are still searching for one of those suspected in attack who may have fled to belgium. at the terror alert is at highest level. speaking at a news conference, a belgium prime minister said there is precise information about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in paris. police have been conducting numerous raids in belgium, connected to that paris terrorist attacks. >> a man accused of stealing 16 military weapons is still awaiting arraignment. he appeared in a long island federal courtroom yesterday for removal hearing. he was caught there in new york, after they tracked him but a zip bar he scleked out in massachusetts. he is accused of breaking into this armory last week in worcester and acausecused of stealing six machine guns and 10 pistols. only some of the weapons have been recovered. police do not believe morales was planning any type of terrorist plot. morales will be sent back to massachusetts to face charges. no word on when that will happen. the death of a new hampshire baby now ruled a homicide. 11 month old shawn sill vestster died from blunt force trauma to the held. he was found on saturday. tommy page has been arrested and charged with possession of child sex abuse images. prosecutors say he lived in the same home as the baby shawn. police in amherst are investigating an incident at bishop high school in new hampshire. they're not telling exactly what the incident is. we do know that students are cooperating and there are reports the incident was sexual in name and that some students may have recorded it on their cell phones. they have seized several phones in their investigation. the school is not commenting on the case and so far no charges filed. a close call for a driver after being hit by a commuter rail. on hanover street, investigators show the truck driver drove around the gate that was in the down position. transit police tell fox 25 that the driver will be okay. nobody on the train was hurt. >> after helicopter carrying seven people has crashed on a new seallaned glash her and popular tourist spot. if investigators trying to reach the scene. it happened on a glash her known as fox glash shear. >> governor chris christie will be back on the campaign trail today after his flight was stranded for hours. they were strapped in their seat when the pilot slammed the brake. united airline official say they stopped the flight after passenger failed to comply with crew member instruction. it started after a member on his staff noticed a male passenger acting strangely and alerted the u.s. marshals. >> it was a full flight. and everybody is safe and everybody landed and got home. during the current atmosphere, you can never be too careful. having the folks on board, it helped. that's all that really matters. and everybody had a great attitude about it. >> they have not identified that passenger and see if he faces any charges for this. racing the price of a cans early treatment drug, the massive shook he got from his new investors. contamination. the new state it's now showing up in and the likely culprit investigators are trying to pin down. >> 6:42. it's going to make for a beautiful sunrise. grab your jackets, temperatures in 30s and 20s right now. climbing to 30s and 40s this and clouds. jeb bush: leadership means you've got to be all in. it's not about talking. it's about doing. i know how to do this because i was privileged to serve in florida for eight years. and we turned the systems upside down that weren't working. 1.3 million new jobs were created. we cut taxes every year. income rose in people's pockets. people were lifted out of poverty. children started to learn. as president of the united states, i pledge to you that i will solve problems. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the >> welcome back. we now know the e. coli outbreak linked to chipotle restaurants have sickened 45 people in six state. it's happening in washington, oregon, florida, minnesota, new york and ohio. 16 people so sick they ended up in the hospital. the cdc says a single ingredient is likely the culprit. but they have not identified what that ingredient is yet. closer to home, a seafood chain in massachusetts will not special serve genetically modified salmon right now. the president of legal seafood telling the boston globe, he is a purist, and a skeptic about whether genetically modified foods are okay to eat. altering the gene to grow faster does not make them any less safe >> for hiking the price of an aids drug by 5,000 cents is now taking over another drug company. a developer of cancer drugs, martin ceo and chair manual. he took some heat for raising the price from 13:50 a pill, to $700 a pill. this prompted shares of call libias to serve by almost 500 percent. >> the long anticipated conclusion to the hunger games saga is now in theaters. the massive numbers it's bringing in at the box office. just how long it's stocked up >> the new ways we'll be keeping save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie >> time now 6:45. and big changes coming to wireless emergency alerts. the fcc has voted to add new features to the alerts, including links and images. fox 25 justin gray takes a look at how these changes could help when every minute counts. >> from missing children to tornados warning alerts on mobile phones are already helping in life-threatening situations. >> and the item is adopted. >> reporter: new changes the fcc just made would make major improvements to the alerts. allowing longer messages to include links and images and be better targeted. >> longer messages and more targeted geography means a better product. >> reporter: in the aevent of a terrorist attack, it's a critical tool in communicating with the public. >> just last week, we had a tool occurs, we depend on cell phone activity. >> reporter: with they said improvements, commissioners says they can do even more. >> imagine if we had messages also included maps or urls, himer links. >> reporter: so many alerts come in on our phone, that we start to ignore some of them. commissioner says better more localized geographic targeted alerts is critical if they're going to be effective. >> those who repeatedly get alerts that may not be relevant for them, may actually ignore an alert that directly impacts their health and safety. >> reporter: now open to public comment before a final volt. reporting in washington, justin gray, fox 25 news. >> every town here in massachusetts could raise the smoking age. lawmakers are considering a statewide ban on selling tobacco products to people under the age of 21. they've already passed measures to raise by three years. in 2005, needham became the first town in the country to raise the smoking age to 21. the only other state to do this so far is hawaii. this morning marks day 11 for a new hampshire man so determined to save his business, he chained himself to it. fox 25 spoke with kevin do mall when he first took to the water slide at liquid park. he opened the park years ago and now the bank has took possession of it. remains on the post until the company is auctioned off december 2nd. he has started a go-fund me page. his goal to raise a million dollars. so far that fund has only raised less than $2,000. >> well, the long awaited final chapter in the you can her games saga is now in theaters. mocking jay part two, pulled in $47 million opening day. that puts it below projections for opening weekend and blind mocking jay part one. if the numbers stay within their the budget for the film is estimated aed $215 million. if. >> now, your local forecast from meteorologist sarah wroblewski and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> good morning everybody. live look at boston. clouds, blue sky, gorgeous but chilly start to your saturday. that wind, although subtle, it is making it feel on the chilly side. feels just above freezing in boston. in some spots waking up this morning, two temperatures below freezing. in fact, we've got temperatures in the 20s in parts of new hampshire. 34 in burlington. 35 in wellesley. 34 currently right now in dedham. just above. we're into the 40s across the cape and islands. 47 in sandwich. and as we head to the north and west, we've got colder conditions as temperatures are in 20s and 30s. so a very chilly start to your day. good news is, we long to see some sunshine, see some scattered clouds. temperatures will climb into the upper 40s, even the lower 40s, that wind will be light out of the north, to northeast. it's going to be a very typical fall day for late november, i guess you could say, as temperatures will be where they should be. however, where you'll see temperatures get close to 50 degree mark, down across the cape and islands. otherwise the mid to upper 40s. the pick of the weekend, i would say, only due to the fact, tomorrow, milder conditions but bringing in threat of showers. i'll show you why. high pressure today keeping us dry. take a look at this area of low pressure, providing a wintery mix of precipitation to the midwest, snow in places like chicago. we're going to watch this storm system continue to develop and move eastward. as it does so, sure enough, we will be on the warmer side of this system. and we'll start to see the risk of some scattered showers move on in. however, our future cast right here, showing that for the day today, looking pretty good. we'll see scattered clouds, high thin clouds, moving in late tonight, thickening up. by the time you wake up scattered showers around. freezing mark. watch for the higher terrain. could see a few snowflakes mixing in. notice around 9 o'clock, numerous scattered showers across the region as a cold front pushes on through. but it loses a lot of the antagonism that it has with it right now out in the midwest. by the afternoon, hold onto the cloud cover, a sharp line to the south and west, down across the west, a storm system off shore. model trend shifting it a little farther west. later in the day on sunday, during the afternoon and evening hours, parts of the cape and islands will top into steadier rain. how far west does this line go, we could see it a little bit further inland. nonetheless, we'll be watching shore. as colder air pushes on in. could see a little change over the cape and islands. chance of rain does increase for the day tonight and. as for the temperatures, tomorrow as you look at seven day forecast with the weekend always in view, we climb into the 50s and temperatures drop overnight into sunday. chilly start with your temperatures well below average. monday and tuesday, drill for your travel day, if you're headed anywhere for the holiday. for thanksgiving, those football games looking pretty good. temperatures will actually be above average on thanksgiving, getting into the 50s. >> fingers crossed. privacy in our lives is something most of us expect. but we may not be getting. coming up the reason schools will now have a harder time digging through your social >> plus, the patriots now nine and 0 but facing mounting what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. >> well, good morning. welcome to saturday sports. patriots fans have watched coach bill belichick do wonders. now the pats without another offensive weapon, julian ed dell monday. >> everybody has a role on this team, everybody has a job to do. that's all we can focus on. >> we've got a lot of play makers on this team. got to step up. >> the helps you ride to different occasions. so just another challenge of coming on monday night. and i know that they're definitely going to be prepared and ready to go. >> well, sexy reddy wasn't his usual joefial self on thursday with the boston media. mainly because he envies the patriots. he wants what they have. on friday, buffalo tried to get an awn core performance, but he resists sexy rexy. >> it's new england. i am not really fond of new england right now. it's just the way it is. ryiant. cbs has his number, address, social security number. 26 touchdowns while winning seven of their last eight meetings. that is pretty good. entering last night's celtics game. the celtics get their first round pick. plus it gets the group and white back to their winning ways. set ticks take control of this game pretty early. mainly second half, i think thomas was on fire. puts the cs up. he finished with 18 points. the celtics went from being up 7 to 24 point at the half. they won this thing pretty easily. 120, to 95. go to our website,, click on the pictures that look like tom brady. out. sports. >> meant to make our lives easier, now being blamed for >> the silent killer it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. >> right now, a quiet start to the day, but i'm tracking some changes on the way. my latest timeline of when to expect rain this weekend. >> breaking news, hours after this little girl found miles from her home, police have arrested her former baby-sitter. the new details we're learning this morning. >> and one week after paris, another deadly terror attack. a massachusetts native, one of the victims. this morning, the strong words from president obama about this latest growing threat. >> plus tensions growing around refugees. a little boy sharing his story the difference he hopes it will make. >> complete new england news coverage starts right now. this is fox 25 morning news. >> and we'll get to that breaking news out of hamilton in just a minute. but first it's 7 a.m. on saturday, november 21st. i'm heather hegedus, thanks for waking up to the fox 25 morning news. >> and i'm blair miller, meteorologist sarah wroblewski joins us now. >> compared to yesterday, temperatures got to 60 degrees in boston. sure enough dropped to 30 degrees. colder this morning than we were when we woke up yesterday. 39 in boston. 20s to the north. and colder air draining into the midwest. and that's behind the storm system we're watching very closely. that storm system is bringing rain and snow to parts of the midwest and the great lakes. it will continue to push eastward. but it will then we get to enjoy dry conditions for the day. just a chilly start out there. temperatures will be improving as we head on through the day, climbing into the 40s by the afternoon, upper 40s to low 50s. coming up, i'll show you when over to you. >> breaking news, one person in custody accused of kidnapping that two-year-old little girl. yesterday. that's when lyndon albers vanished from her home in hamilton and turned up hours later and miles away. >> the former baby-sitter is now facing kidnapping charges. stephanie coueignoux is now with stephanie. >> reporter: and heather, this arrest comes hours after police started their investigation. they now say the former baby-sitter broke into the family's home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. this is just another twist to just a bizarre case that has had this community on edge. this morning, the former baby sitter 21-year-old abigail hannah is being held without bond. we know police searched her home in topsfield yesterday. and we've also learned the family had recently fired her. hannah, now being charged with four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery on a child, and breaking and entering. this all started yesterday morning, when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers called police, saying they woke up and their daughter was gone. police immediately started a massive search, trying to find her. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley, which is about eight miles away. they say she was naked, her head was shaved and she had a large bruise on her head. neighbors told us yesterday this is simply a terrifies situation. >> like any parents nightmare, a daughter or son that's missing. miles away and these people, it doesn't add up and it's the creepiest thing ever. >> reporter: the little girl, once she was found was immediately taken to the hospital. her parents, though, are asking police not to release any information about her condition. and we also spoke with the that couple who actually found the little girl on the side of the road. coming up in 30 minutes, you'll hear about their incredible discovery from themselves. in hamilton, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 morning news. >> also developing this morning, shots fired on mendon street in blackstone, fox 25 at that active crime scene last night soon after this happened. police kept us a pretty good distance away and it's not clear if anyone there was hurt. also this morning, one person is deadly, another wounded after a shooting in jamaica plains. police tell fox 25 they're still looking for the person that shot them. we were on that scene over the parking lot on wyman and center street soon after this happened around 6 o'clock last night. one person we now know died at the hospital. the other has life-threatening injuries. alvin gore rare rawho was at work when this the shooting happened, says this kind of violence happens all of the time. he shot us the bullet holes in his store. >> this isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard to go around and just be always on the look out because you can never be outside and actually feel 100 percent safe. >> so far police have not released a motive in this and not saying whether the victims were targeted or not. >> this morning, fox 25 is working to get more information about a person found seriously hurt at a bus stop in boston. stake a look at the scene on washington and lenox street in the south end. police had that area blocked off with that caution tape there. just before midnight friday. the person had severe head trauma and was found lying in a pool of blood. right now, it's not clear how that person was hurt or how he or she is doing this morning. to overseas now, and now to look at the situation developing a 10 day state of emergency is underway in mali in yesterday's terror attack on that hotel. the story was breaking this time for you yesterday morning. 21 people were killed. two gunmen stormed a radisson hotel in mali's capital. about 170 people were in that hotel. it led to an hour long hostage situation. at the time of the attack, the hotel was hosting diplomatic relations for peace talk. an islamic militant group and faction of al qaeda have both claimed responsibility now. learning more about a massachusetts native among those killed in mali. 41-year-old anita datar was a development firm manager. and she was born right here in massachusetts. she grew up in new jersey and most recently lived in maryland. datar is the second massachusetts native killed by past 24 hours. 18-year-old ezra schwartz also died. died thursday during an attack in jerusalem. he was from sharon massachusetts and was spending a year in israel for religious studies. schwartz is survived by his parents and four siblings. >> new this morning, president obama says the deadest attack on mali is another reminder terrorism threatens many nations. he also extended condolences to families of the victims. the incidents in mali come a week after the terror attacks in paris. the death toll stands at 130 people after gunmen attacked six locations around the city last friday night. after all of this happening around the world, police here at home on high alert. in boston, police doing more to watch for anything suspicious. stepping up the patrols for all of the events happening around the city. transit officers tell fox 25 commuters can expect to see a heavier police presence at key subway stations around the city. despite atted patrols officers tell us there are no threats right now against boston. >> and fear is also questioning whether syrian refugees should be allowed into the u.s. it sparked a big debate this week, governor charlie baker suggesting he will need more information from the federal government before agreeing to accept syrian refugees in massachusetts. those comments brought hundreds out to beacon hill last night. they gathered in the dark right there to protest the governor's comments. meanwhile, governor's spokes people releasing a statement clarifying the governor's comments saying in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks overseas the state needs to make sure the public is safe and secure. and massachusetts is not alone in its security concerns. 30 other states also oppose accepting refugees for similar reasons. but it's something that a little boy in sharon is hoping to change. syrian refugees now living in he lost both of his arms and lost three of his siblings during a bombing at his refugee camp in syria. ahmed has written a letter to president obama hoping that his story helps people exchange their minds about refugees. >> he's saying i want the war in syria to stop and i want to see my family again and also for the people who are wounded and who opportunity. >> ahmed and his father came to boston in hopes of getting prosthetic a arms and they sacrificed a lot to come here, they left his mother and four additional siblings in turkey. but children in sharon are giving him a welcoming, planning to reads letter out loud to show their support. >> offensetive images spray painted on trees in foxboro. if you happen to know anything that might help investigators with this, police want you to >> so many folks have plans to travel this week for thanksgiving, can you guess which day is the busiest travel day on massachusetts highways. if you guessed the day before thanksgiving, you're actually wrong. we asked dot for the stats, it was the tuesday before thanksgiving, not only the busiest of the week, but the busiest travel day for the entire year. there were over 700,000 transactions on the pike, tobin and tunnel. you might recall we did have stormy weather on the wednesday before thanksgiving last year, with snow from worcester to new hampshire sea coast that could be one reason that the tuesday travel was so high. but as for post thanksgiving travel, when is the best day to leave, experts say sunday is traditionally the busiest travel day. >> time now 7:10 and one of the biggest shopping days of the year is almost here. but as you're getting your shopping list ready. there's something you want to consider. next the new alert about some toys that may be dangerous for kids. >> plus a mistake also cost a massachusetts couple their lives. and families around the country haven't been as lucky. >> we know that they went to bed that night and didn't wake up the next morning. >> well, the next -- coming up next, the is new piece of technology that's meant for convenience that is taking the blame for all of this. >> 39 degrees in boston right now. a cold start to the day with some clouds, we've got some breaks on the way. showers, up dated it's the final countdown! the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... pflip your thinking about buying your next one. . time now 7:14 and families across the country say a simple mistake claimed the lives of their loved ones. they blame it on lots of us have. car emissions. >> just the push of a button car. some say it can be also be a killer of convenience. >> reporter: bill and lou tomlinson likely never realized their mistake. filling their home with carbon dioxide. >> we know they went to bed that night and didn't wake up in the morning. >> nobody in the car, it's been running forever long. the car should have an automatic shut off. that's to me, an easy fix. >> we've tracked 200 injuries and deaths possibly tied to forgetting to hit the button. most vehicles including this one, don't give you an external alert. families across the couple suffered similar losses when they are keyless i nicks were left running. boca raton florida, just outside, chicago, maryland, and right here in massachusetts, in weymouth weymouth, a local family came dangerously close to tragedy: keith says the family too had a keyless ignition car. his investigators used a tool that detected carbon monoxide levels inside the home at nearly 500 pashltsdz per million. they will evacuate a home when it reaches 9 parts per million. >> reporter: was this family incredibly lucky. >> thank god someone felt sick so they called 911. >> reporter: this class action filed against 12 auto makers, 13 deaths and many for requiring hospitalizations all from carbon monoxide poisoning. they call it a defect. fox 25 found that the issue has been on the later of the national highway traffic safety administration since 2011 when they acknowledged that keyless ignition increased the chances of carbon monoxide poisoning in an enclosed area. so far they haven't made any changes to the safety. >> there's probably 25 hundred things that car makers do for safety. and this seems to be an easy thing to address. >> reporter: tested more than a dozen cars to see what happens when you leave it running and walk away with the key fob. the chevy and impala had the loudest alerts utilizing the car's horn thes. manic mas and models will alert internally when the key fob leaves the car. some safety advocates, saying that's not enough. an auto off feature, they're calling for the the engine left too long. >> reporter: they did not have a working carbon monoxide detector in their home. i'm kerry kavanaugh. >> we've already heard from many of you on social media, drivers should remember to turn off the car. but safety advocates say, if this can be deadly why not have a very noticeable alert or automatic shut off. kerry noted that atlanta, have those videos and the test results posted on our website right now, click on the specials tab. >> now your forecast from sarah weather steam. sarah wroblewski: waking up to some really chilly conditions this saturday morning. too. but wow, those temperatures 15 to even 30 degrees colder at this time today than it was yesterday morning. but you know what? weekend. we're going to be talking about cool but dry conditions for the day today. however, i am tracking some showers, really creating a mess now. so what you can expect when you step out the door right now. 34 degrees in lawrence, below freezing in places like bedford portsmouth. 31 in fitchburg. milder across the cape and islands. temperatures right now to mid 40s. a wide range of temperatures and in the city of boston, as the winds are now shifting towards that north, northeast. it's a subtle wind. still creating a chill. it feels like it's in the lower 30s. so a very slight wind chill when you step out this morning, you want to dress appropriately. the good news is, the temperatures are climbing for today. getting to where they should be for this time of year, normal high around 50 degrees. upon will be just below that. some locations will climb into the lower 50s, especially farther south and east. by this evening, off and on clouds temperatures dropping back into the low 40s. high temperatures across the region, upper 40s to low 50s for the south shore, the cape and islands. the further north and west you go, to merrimack valley parts of new hampshire, again, looking at the mid to upper 40s, just to near 50 degrees. i good he is you could say this is the pick of the weekend as we see more clouds and the risk of some showers headed your way for tomorrow. but dry tonight at fenway, the in fact, temperatures falling back into the low 40s. wind light out of the east. clouds thickening up. with risk of some showers moving in after midnight. more closer towards daybreak. scattered showers continue in the morning. stay fairly cloudy tomorrow. bump up the temperatures, but we'll be tracking more wet weather. temperatures tomorrow, improvement from today, upper 40s to low to middle 50s perhaps even milder across the southeast. but the amount of rain is going to vary. especially down across the southeast, could be picking up anywhere from a quarter to a half an inch lighter amount. not a wash out of a day. high pressure in control now, sure clouds streaming in but nothing like out in the west, rain and snow. that area of pressure we're going to be tracking, pushing east, most of the moisture heads to the north but notice by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, got scattered showers. this front pushes through while we'll see some breaks of west you go, take a look at this system, streams north ward, as it does so, provide a better chance of some showers across the southeast, later in the day and overnight. that's why our seven day forecast does show a higher chance of showers come tomorrow. although some dry times too. we dry out for monday and tuesday. cool down to temperatures below average. warm back up as we head into your wednesday and holiday, thanksgiving, looking pretty good right now with temperatures above normal, in the 50s and staying dry. over to you. blair miller: time now 7:21. breaking news, a woman in custody accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from her home in hamilton. now we've confirmed her former baby sitter is facing charges. a rowley couple found lyndon bruised. still ahead this morning, what the they told fox 25 about the road. plus black friday, less than a tweak away, holiday deals (coffee being poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. heather hegedus: time now 7:24. and black friday is fast approaching. this next week. on dangerous toys is also out. blair miller: fox 25 liz beth hopkins has more on which toys to keep away from the kids. >> reporter: they look like the real deal and james schwartz from the consumer watch dog group watch that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous. >> very tough to distinguish it from the real thing, especially consider when police officers have to make split second decisions, is it real, is it not. >> reporter: the group released list of 10 worse toys, includes toys that schwartz says a potential choking or strangulation hazard and several that he feels could cause eye, facial, other other injuries, like dinosaur claws inspired by jurassic park movie. and mini trampolines. >> the hazards are too significant as the manufacturer recognizes itself on the package insert. >> reporter: he added a play-doh like substance called eww dough because it has an allergies like wheat. >> even when you don't expect an allergen, read the package. >> we find they're misleading and inaccurate information. they're scaring parents. >> reporter: found the safety commission found all of these toys safe. >> all toys in the united states need to comply with strict requirements and tested and certified compliant with these requirements. >> reporter: she, like watch, recommends you read the packaging. watch's president also says you should be extra careful about buying toys online because you may not be able to see or read all of the safety warnings. >> don't compromise safety for convenience this holiday season. morning news. heather hegedus: it has been a week since the deadly terrorist attacks in paris. from over. coming up, the new insight into the role the accused mastermind played during the attacks. sarah wroblewski: the sun is up. temperature on the chilly side this morning. climbing into the 40s as we go on through the day. show you what to expect as we've got some rain on the way. blair miller: also ahead this morning, worry is growing and possible paris like . >> complete new england news coverage right now. this is fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: breaking news. a former baby-sitter now charged with abducting the child she cared for. the history between her and the family that could explain a possible motive. blair miller: welcome back on this saturday, november 21st, time now 7:29. good to have you here, i'm blair miller. heather hegedus: i'm heather hegedus. we'll get back to that breaking news of in the disappearance of a toddler. first, fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski is here with us. sarah, quiet out there right now but changes on the way. sarah wroblewski: yeah, absolutely. more changes because we've got one big change that happened overnight. temperatures have dropped. in fact, waking up this morning, it's about 20 degrees colder than it was this time yesterday. so we've got a much colder start to the day and of course that means we're going to see temperatures a little cooler for the day today. no more 60s like we had yesterday. right now 30s and 20s, 40s across the cape. got some clouds. high pressure in control. but i am tracking this system which is headed eastward. i'll show you when to expect the wet weather. latest timeline coming up. recovery to you. heather hegedus: breaking news now. one person now in custody this morning, accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old little girl from hamilton. blair miller: we've been updating on the developing story since it first unfolded yesterday. that is when 2-year-old lyndon albers vanished from her home in hamilton and turned up hours later and miles away. heather hegedus: now confirmed the former baby-sitter is now fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton. and stephanie, you were one of the first people to confirm this information this morning. >> reporter: and heather, that arrest, just another twist in this already bizarre case. police now holding the former baby-sitter without bail this morning. they say she broke into the family's home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. they're also saying 21-year-old abigail hannah had a weapon with her. so far, though, they're not saying exactly what that weapon is. but they have charged her with four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and breaking and entering. police arrested hannah after searching her home in topsfield yet. and they said evidence indicates this was a targeted kidnapping. the we know the family had recently fired her. and we're hoping to learn more about those circumstances later on today. but this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and they couldn't find their little girl. they immediately called police who then began a massive search trying to find her. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley. which is about eight miles away. they say she was on the side of the road. she was naked. her head was shaved and she had a large brootz on her head. >> she was sitting -- >> almost -- i'd say almost like a buddha pose with her hands crossed out in front of her. >> and shaking. and shaking. >> and just with her head down and she was just shaking, shaking, shivering. that's why i took my coat off. >> was she dressed? >> no, she had no clothes. >> she was completely naked? >> yeah. but she was in leaves, so when tom put the coat around her and picked her up, we weren't thinking let's check to see, we just picked her up and wrapped her and putter had in -- her in the are ska-and i put the heat on. >> just unbelievable, that couple was able to find her. she was immediately taken to the hospital. but her parents are asking police not to release any information about her condition. so we don't know exactly how she's doing. we're also going to go back to the neighborhood and hoping to learn more about the baby-sitter this morning. a live up date for you in 30 minutes. heather hegedus: to overseas now, it has now been one week in paris. the death toll risen. now stands at 130. this as new details are coming out about the man believed to have started the attack. french police believe abdelhamid abaaoud not only planned the attacks, but also may have been one of the gunmen. investigators say he was one of two people killed during a railed earlier this week. surveillance cameras spotted him at a paris metro station where the shootings at the cafe happened. french authorities are still searching for one of the suspected attackers who may have fled to belgium. in brussels, the terror alert at its highest levels which means there's a serious and imminent threat to that region. speaking at a news conference today, belgium's prime minister saying there's precise information about the risk of an attack there like the one that happened in paris. in belgium connected with those paris attacks. blair miller: a man accused of stealing womens from a worcester armory is awaiting arraignment. he appeared in a in long island federal courtroom yesterday for removal hearing. he was caught there in new york after federal investigators caught him through a zip car he checked out here in massachusetts. he is accused of breaking in to the armory last weekend and stealing six machine guns and 10 pistols. at last he can which, only some of the weapons have been recovered. they do not believe morales was planning any terrorist plot. morales will be sent back to massachusetts to face the charges. no word on when that will happen. heather hegedus: the death of a new hampshire baby now ruled a homicide. an autopsy shows 11 month old shawn sylvester died from blunt force trauma to his head. the baby was found last saturday also learning 29-year-old tommy page has been arrested and charged with possession of child abuse images. he lived in the same home as baby shawn. police in nashua new hampshire are investigating a high school in new hampshire. but this morning, they aren't telling fox 25 exactly what that incident is. are cooperating. and there are reports that the incident was sexual in nature recorded it on their cell phones. police confirm they have seized several phones during the course of their investigation. the school is not implementing on the case. so far no charges filed. blair miller: a close call for a driver after being hit by a commuter rail. an hanover street yesterday afternoon, where this happens the truck driver drove around the arm of the gate that was in the down position at the time. transit police tell fox 25 the driver will being okay and nobody on board the train was hurt. the driver will building cited we're told for driving around the arm of the gate. heather hegedus: new this morning, we're now learning all seven people on board a helicopter that crashed in new zealand are believed to be dead, including the pilot. we told you in the last hour, the chopper went down in a glacier in a popular tourist spot. it happened on a glacier known as fox glacier and tourist companies do regularly fly people on that glacier to get an a up close view. blair miller: the ceo vial certified for raising the prices of an aids treatment drug. the massive support he got from his new investors. heather hegedus: plus fast food chain chipotle widening its evcollie contamination. the new state it's showing up in. and the likely culprit investigators are working to pin down. sarah wroblewski: good morning. but bumping up the chances of rain overnight tonight and into the day tomorrow. ly dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, with double the slices of caramelized crispy pepper bacon. it's the bacon experience you've been waiting for. bacon up. america runs on dunkin'. what if the holidays were about people again? and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e, and not s-a-l-e. that' s the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there' s no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on thoughtful gifts everyday. let' s put more value on what really matters. this season, bring back the holidays. catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees, lattes, and macchiatos. enjoy every sip of the new snickerdoodle macchiato. heather hegedus: happening today, the first tree lighting ceremony of the season is happening in boston. 80 foot tall -- and six different states. the cdc saying it's happening now in washington, oregon, california, minnesota, new york, and ohio. 16 people were so sick, they wound up in the hospital. the cdc says a single ingredient is the likely culprit. but they have yet to identify what that ingreed gent is. blair miller: the pharmaciville an aids drug by 5,000 percent issictaing over another company. call low buyyos, took some heat for raising 13:50 a pill to $700 a pill. he promised to rules the cost but that hasn't happen. new profit shares of call low buy controls searched by almost 500 percent. heather hegedus: headed to the movies this weekend. the long anticipation to the conclusion of the hunger basements saga now in theaters. the massive numbers it's bringing in the box office how this stacked up to its predsells sore sores. blair miller: next this that is meant to it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. heather hegedus: time now 7:44. no secret you should being careful about what you post on social media. but the state legislature is now taking away a gray area and making your online profiles a little more private. fox 25 katherine bur ham breaks down a new law, from requesting information about your social media profile. >> reporter: the need to tweet, instagram and facebook is a daily part of so many lives and now massachusetts lawmakers want to make sure that habit is protected. >> social media has become far more pro live rant in our lives, far more important, also seen cases where access to that information has been breached. >> reporter: tomorrow legislatures will vote on the be so media privacy protection act. it prohibitsly employers from asking employees or job applicants for their user names on applications. it will make it easier for school or staff to access students social media as well. >> it's like reading your diary. you don't want anybody to read your diary. it's your thing, it's your personal statement. >> reporter: claudia is active on facebook and twitter, even if her employer asked her for information, she would say no. >> my stuff is private. i don't want anybody to know. you've got to trust me. >> reporter: but senator bruce tar who helped draft the i will about, until now that denial wouldn't be protected under the law. it also gives potential victims the ability to sue anyone who does attempt to access their account. >> what it really is about is pass words and account information and things that simply go too far in terms of giving access to an employer or school. >> reporter: i'm katherine burcham fox 25 news. heather hegedus: employers or school staff or police think something posting on a social media could represent a crime or safety threat they do still have the right to request access to an account. blair miller: soon every town here in massachusetts could raise the smoking age, lawmakers considering a ban on selling under the age of 21. many cities and towns across massachusetts already raised the smoking age by three years. in 2005, needham became the first town in the country to raise the smoking age to 21. the only other state to do that is hawaii. heather hegedus: an update of the battle online fantasy sports, it remains legal in massachusetts but soon will be regulated. the attorney general's office sites like boston based draft kings and its rival, fan dumust if follow consumer protection laws. keeps anyone from under the age of 21, anyone associated with professional sports. there will be public hearings on the rules in january with formal regulations being announced sometime after that. blair miller: this morning marked day 11 for a new hampshire man doing this, so determined to save his business fox 25 smoke with kevin when he water slide at liquid planet water park. he opened the park eight years ago and recently the bank foreclosed on it. he vows to remain on the post until the property is auctioned off september for december 2nd. until then, he started a go-fund me page, to try to raise money to save his park. his goal to raise a million dollars but so far the fund has only received less than $2,000 hfrjtsz if you're headed to the movies this weekend, the long awaited chapter of hunger games saga in theaters now. mocking jay part two pulled in 47 million $ friday, its opening night. put it below projections for its opening weekend. behind mocking jay part one, if these numbers stay within the new predictions. so far the film has received mixed review from critics but fan reaction has been mostly popular. >> now your local forecast if from meteorologist sarah wroblewski and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. the sun has been up for about an hour now. but boy those sun right pictures coming in and looking spectacular. take a look at this shot sent in from nicole on twitter. just a stunning sunrise this morning. now a live look at the city of boston. this is what we're looking at. sure we still have those clouds out there, a few breaks but when you're stepping outside, you need to bundle uply, it's on the chiller side, 39 degrees, with that wind, although it's light. it makes it feel in lower 30s. so a slight wind chill this morning. 40s in the cape today with a mix of sun and clouds. temperatures climbing to where they should be this time of year or just below. upper 40s to near 50s. this is what you can expect around town, mid to upper 40s as you travel to the north and west. upper 40s to the lower 50s down across the cape and island. going to be a dry day. we'll see some sun. we will be dealing with cooler conditions. come tomorrow, we'll bump up those temperatures but bring in some clouds and the risk of some showers. high pressure keeps us dry for the day today. to the west, we've got this storm system, precipitation out through the midwest, snow in chicago, some delays there, if you're travelling or coming in, want to check your status. as this system moves eastward, it's going to move most of the moisture to the north and what we will see is increasing clouds overnight tonight. today looking pretty fine. there are those clouds. when you wake up tomorrow, we'll be on the warmer side with the risk of a few scattered showers early in the morning through the midday hours. in fact, we will see some breaks in the cloud cover as we head into the afternoon. especially further north and west you go. as you see along the coast, we've got some clouds. another area of moisture to our south. how close it gets is something we'll be tracking tomorrow. looks as though we could see rain move back into parts of the cape and islands late sunday into early monday. some of the latest models pushing the bulk of moisture well off shore. again, still some wiggle room so something we'll be watching over the next 24 hours. temperatures today in the 40s, staying dry, clouds increase tonight as temperatures fall back into the 30s. come tomorrow, a few more 50s. best chance of seeing some sunshine further north and west you go, as well as dryer conditions. however, we are anticipating to see a cool down as we head into the week. by monday highs will struggle to get out of the 40s. and if you're going to be headed to the pats game, temperature right near the freezing mark for kick off. we'll warm up as we head into wednesday. and we thanksgiving, we're going to be seeing above average temperatures staying dry. lots of sunshine, looking pretty good for any of those high school football games. there's the latest forecast. a busy neighborhood leaves one person dead another fighting for their life. >> this isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard. heather hegedus: coming up, the history of violence described by that local man you just heard from who has come face to face with bullets himself. blair miller: plus the patriots now nine and 0 but facing mounting challenges for the next the plans they're years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. >> well, good morning. welcome to saturday sports. with aed coach bill belichick overcome injuries this season. now julian edelman. gronk will certainly be up for >> absolutely. team. everybody has a job to do. and that's all we can focus on. >> we got a lot of play makers on this team. ready to step up and be challenged every single week. it helps you to rise to different occasions. so just another challenge coming monday night. i know that they definitely are ready to go. >> well, sexy rexy wasn'ts usual jovial self thursday with the boston media merely because he envies the patriots. he wants what they have. on friday, the buffalo media tried to get an encore performance only new england but old sexy rexy he resisted. >> it's new england week, man. i don't know what to tell you. i'm not real fond of new england right now. no, it's -- it's just the way it ryan. maybe because he knows talk is cheap and bell chick and tv 12 has his number, address. 26 touchdowns while leaving seven of their last eight imgas. that is pretty good. well entering last night's celtics game, reason to beat brooklyn. the celtics get their first round pick, plus the green and white back to their twinning ways. celtics will take control of this game pretty early. second half, isaiah thomas on fire. he was score from the 3 point range, nine of them. went to a 24 point lead at the half. won this thing pretty easily. 120 to 95. maurice jones, you got to see these pictures go to our website,, pictures to try to look like tom brady if you want to chuckle, i'm bryan salmond, fox 25 sports. heather hegedus: merge alert, carried most of our pockets but experts say the system is still way behind where it needle to be. straight ahead, the improvements that could make all of the difference if disaster strikes. >> if you're travelling this defend weekend, temperatures on the cooler side, we've got some sunshine, but sthotz clouds thickening up ahead of some showers i'm tracking. show you when those showers arrive on sunday coming up. >> plus the drug meant for cancer patients now being used for different problems and birth defects. >> never approved, vetted for a pregnant woman. >> still ahead, dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, caramelized crispy pepper bacon. you've been waiting for. bacon up. america runs on dunkin'. and of course, everyone wants to get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. come on in pop pop. happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin than 100 mg. as it affects how well it works. it's such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. i will take brilinta today. tomorrow. and every day for as long as my doctor tells me. don't miss a day of brilinta. catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees, lattes, and macchiatos. enjoy every sip of the new snickerdoodle macchiato. heather hegedus: right now, a quiet start to the day, but tracking some changes on the way, my latest timeline of when to expect rain this weekend. >> reporter: breaking news, hours after this little girl found miles from her home. police have arrested her former baby-sitter. the new details we're learning this morning. blair miller: and one week after paris, another deadly terror attack. a massachusetts native, one of the victims. this morning, the strong words from president obama about this latest growing threat. heather hegedus: plus tensions growing around the country over syrian refugees. a little boy sharing his story of survival, the difference he hopes it will make. >> complete new england news coverage starts right now. this is fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: and we will get to that breaking news following all morning long out of hamilton in a moment. but first, 8 a.m., saturday, november 21st, thanks for waking i'm heather hegedus. >> and i'm blair miller. fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski joins us now. big change from yelled. sarah wroblewski: absolutely. this morning we're waking up to the temperatures in 20s and 30s. a cool start but a dry start. take a look. a wintery mix of precipitation out to the midwest, tracking this storm system as it will be pushing eastward and increase chance of some showers headed our way this weekend. but right now, looking at just a cold start out there, especially through the interior, closer to the coast, in the 40s, boston jumped to 40 degrees as we take you hour by hour through the day, expecting to see and 30s to the mid 40s by your midday hours, upper 40s to low 50s by the afternoon. with a few clouds out there, but the clouds thickening up tonight with the rain on the way. i'll show you when to expect the wet conditions ahead. over to you. heather hegedus: back to that breaking news now, one person is in custody this morning, accused of kidnapping that 2-year-old girl from happened of hamilton. blair miller: we've been updating since yesterday, lyndon albers vanish inned from her home in hamilton and urn turned up miles away and hours later. heather hegedus: the former baby-sitter now facing kidnapping charges. stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton for us this morning. you're one of the first people to confirm the arrest this morning, stephanie >>from and heather, this arrest has really shocked this community. i've been speaking with folks back here in this neighborhood, they say they are shocked and relieved after hearing about that arrest. police say that former baby-sitter actually broke into the home and kidnapped the little girl in the middle of the night. this is a bizarre case that has the entire community on edge. 21-year-old abigail hannah, the former baby sitter, being held without bail. with he know police searched her home in topsfield yesterday. also learned the family had recently fired her. hannah now being discharged with kidnapping, assault and battery on a child, and breaking and entering. now, this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers called police saying they woke up and their daughter was gone. police immediately started a massive search trying to find her. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley about eight miles away. they say she was naked, her head was shaved and she had a large bruise on her head. a terrifying situation. >> it's like any parents nightmare, a daughter or son missing, three or ten miles away. and these people, it doesn't add ever. >> reporter: and, again, residents here in this neighborhood this morning saying this arrest is just bizarre. it's weird. especially very upsetting because the former baby-sitter is a person of trust in this family. the little girl immediately rushed to the hospital after she was found. her parents asking the police not to release any information about her condition which is something a lot of people have been asking me about so far this morning. how is she doing? we don't know. we do know she's at the hospital. coming up in 30 minutes, i just spoke with the man who started searching for that little girl yesterday. hear what he say has to say police. coueignoux, fox 25. blair miller: this morning, we're asking for more information, after shots fired on mendon street in black stone. fox 25 on the scene soon after it happened. police kept us a pretty good distance away and it's not clear if anyone there was hurt. also this morning, one person dead, and another wounded after a shooting in jamaica plain. we were on that scene in a parking lot in wyman and center street soon after this happened around 6 o'clock last night. one person died at the hospital the other has life-threatening injuries. alvin goreira was at work when it happened. right next to his store, he says the violence happens all the time and he shows us the bullet holes in his store. >> this isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard to go around in this -- be always on the look out because you can't ever be outside and blair miller: police have so far not released a motive yet. they're not saying whether the victims were targeted. >> this morning, fox 25 is working to get more information about a person found seriously hurt at a bus stop. it happened in boston. take a look at the scene on washington and lenox street in the south end. police had that area blocked off with that crime scene tape right there, just before midnight friday. the person had severe head trauma and was found lying in a pool of blood. right now it's not clear how that person was hurt or how he or she is doing. blair miller: in china this morning, 21 people now dead after a coal mine fire in northeastern province. 38 people working underground when a piece of equipment caught fire. 16 made it to safety. one more still missing this morning. this is the second deadly mining incident in china this year. 21 died in another accident at another mine in april. heather hegedus: developing situation in africa, a state of emergency underway right now in mali after yesterday's terror attack at a hotel. the story breaking this time yesterday morning. gunmen stormed a raddison hotel in mali's capital. about 170 people were in the hotel at that time. it led to an hour's long hostage situation. at the time of the attack, the hotel was hosting diplomatic delegations for peace talks and islamic militant groups and a faction of al qaeda have both claimed responsibility. this morning we're also learning more about the massachusetts native who was among those killed in mali. we first told you about this connection as breaking news last night on fox 25. 31-year-old anita datar was a development firms manager. she was born right here in massachusetts. but grew up in new jersey and most recently lived in maryland. she survived by her parents, brother, and a young son. datar is the second massachusetts native killed by terrorists overseas just in the past 24 hours. also killed 18-year-old easy ra-schwartz who died thursday during an attack inger ruleslum. spending a year in israel for a religious study. he is survived by his parents and four siblings bfrjtsz new this morning, president obama hey says the attack in mali is another reminder terrorism strikes many nations. he also extended his condolences to the families of the victims. the incident in mali come a week after the terrorist attack in paris. the death toll now to 130 people after gunmen attacked six locations in in that city last friday night. police now at home on high alert. police in boston are watching for anything suspicious stepping up patrols for all of the events happening around the city this weekend. transit officers also telling fox 25 commuters can expect to see a heavier police presence at key subway stations around the city. despite added patrols officers tell us there are no threats against boston. heather hegedus: and fear of terrorism has leaders here at home questioning whether syrian refugees should be allowed into the u.s. just this week, governor baker suggesting he'd need more information from the federal government before agreeing to accept syrian refugees in massachusetts. those comments brought out hundreds to beacon hill last night who gathered in the dark, as you can see here, to protest the governor's comments. spokeswoman declare certified the comments, saying the recent terrorist attacks overseas wants to make sure the public is safe and secure. and massachusetts is not alone in security concerns, 30 other states oppose accepting reason. it's something, though, a little boy in sharon is hoping to change. 9-year-old ahmed kala is a syrian refugee now living in massachusetts with his father. as you can see, he lost both of his arms. he also lost three of his siblings during a bombing at his refugee camp in syria. ahmed has written a letter to story helps to change other people's minds about refugees. >> he's saying i want the war in syria to stop and i want to see my family again. and also for the people who are wounded and who are refugees to have another chance. heather hegedus: ahmed and his father came to boston in hopes of getting ahmed prosthetic arms. they sacrificed a lot to be here, they left ahmed's mother turkey. however, children in sharon are welcoming him with open arms. on tuesday they plan to read ahmed's letter out loud to show their support. foxboro in the area. heat and conservation. if you happen to know anything that might help investigators police want you to call them. can some of you registered on the do not call list but still being bombarded by the global reporting a record 99,000 complaints in the last year. 50 percent increase from the year before. only one massachusetts area code not reporting a big increase, count yourself lucky if your phone number starts with 617. heather hegedus: happening today, the 7th annual turkey bowl for tots will be getting underway at 7 a.m. at yarmouth. police will donate $20 and an unwrapped toy. and all of the proceeds will go to toys for tots. mean while, many folks have plans to travel this week for thanksgiving. so can you guess which day is busiest day on massachusetts highways? if you guessed the day before thanksgiving, you're wrong. we asked mass. dot for the stats. last year it was the tuesday before thanksgiving, so two days before. not only the busiest for the week. it was actually the busiest travel day of the entire year. that day, there were more than pike, tunnels and the tobin. monday was the second busiest day of the thanksgiving travel week with nearly 600,000 transactions. you may recall we did have really bad weather on the wednesday before thanksgiving last year. there was snow from worcester to the new hampshire sea coast. that could be a major reason why tuesday travel was so high. as for post thanksgiving, sunday is the busiest travel day. good to know as we plan our travel this week. big upgrades coming to the emergency wireless alert system. still ahead, a look at the new features being added in hopes of saving lives. blair miller: plus a drug commonly used to treat morning sickness, leaving lasting side effects. >> a parent that something is wrong. blair miller: dozens of local mothers fighting back for the sake of their children. fox 25 with one woman's story this morning coming up. sarah wroblewski: changes on the way this weekend. after driving, back in threat with showers as we head into the save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie heather hegedus: the time now 8:15. more than four dozen lawsuits in the works over a popular drug that many mothers are prescribed now some mothers say the treatment left their children with serious medical problems. sara underwood spoke with one woman who says it's something that forever changed her daughter's life. >> reporter: family time is precious for beth motel especially since is he came close to losing her daughter marissa. beth's world was shattered after she delivered marissa. doctors notice the newborn had breathing problems and then discovered a congenital heart defect. >> they told us she needed open heart surgery, she was on life support and had a feeding tube. >> reporter: she blames the heart defect on a drug she took during pregnancy called zofran, it's fda to treat nauseous sha in cancer patients but sometimes prescribed off label for morning sickness. >> it was never labeled, approved, or tested or otherwise related for pregnant women. that's what's so egregious in this case. >> reporter: there are nearly 60 lawsuits nationwide now consolidated in a massachusetts court. >> our primary goal, is one, to make sure that these children have the resources necessary to get the best possible medical care for the rest of their life. >> reporter: in 2012, glakz so agreed to pay a settlement in the department of justice, to what the doj called the failure to report safety drugs several drugs including zofran. the company told fox 25, we believe allegations in these lawsuits are entirely unfounded and that zofran has properly marketing, was marketed appropriately and did not cause the injuries alleged. in fact, there are conflicting studies if the drug causes heart palate. >> you're not sure if it's the medication causing the problem or something else causing the problem. that's the difficulty with any study. director of fetal medicine hospital. she says zofran is effective for morning sickness but believes it shouldn't be used as a front line therapy. >> i think because of the controversy and some of the data out there now, we should be more careful about prescribing it too more information. >> reporter: what do you think, the doctor's office. >> >> reporter: beth says her daughter is small for her age and has difficulties with school. more troubling, she says, she doesn't know what her long term medical care looks like. >> my hope is that, if with he can make sure life a little bit easier, given that life is going to be a little bit of a struggle for her, i hope that we can do that. >> reporter: i'm sara underwood. heather hegedus: and the massachusetts judge met with lawyers earlier this week to work out logistics but a decision could still be years away. one thing to note, a lot of generic form of zofran but the law doesn't allow the generic manufacturer to be held liable. so only those who took the name brand zofran can file a lawsuit. meantime glakz so sent fox 25 a statement after our piece aired. late last month, fda denied a petition to change the labelling for zofran. and it says it hopes the fda's decision will help with the court cases. we do have that paperwork. if you'd like to see it up right now on our website, >> now your local forecast from meteorologist sarah wroblewski and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. sarah wroblewski: good saturday morning everybody. chilly out there with some clouds, some breaks too. but one thing you're pretty much noticing, the minute you step out the door, temperatures much colder that be they were at this time yesterday, 20 degrees colder. today, going to be a cool but dry day. tracking showers moving in overnight tonight. and from areas on sunday. but right now, 20s and 30s, still at the freezing mark in places like nashua and fitch burke, boston in the 40s now. still got the 40s for the cape and islands. for the morning, anticipate to have the wind out of the north, northeast, adding a slight chill, feels like the 30s in boston. but as we head over the next twelve hours, see the temperature rise into the upper 40s near 50 right where we should be for this time of year. this evening, if you're headed to faneuil hall for the tree lighting ceremony, expect temperatures in the 40s. or headed to fenway park, temperatures dropping into the 40s. going to be dry. however, clouds thicken up overnight tonight. as temperatures fall back into the 30s, 40s at the coast. tomorrow, bring up the temperatures a few degrees upper 40s to mid 50s but more clouds and also scattered showers. dry today scoots to the east but this is the storm system we're going to be tracking, moving east, yeah, bringing our wintery mess out to the midwest right now. but it will be pushing eastward as it does, most of the moisture heads to the north. but there are those scattered showers when you wake up tomorrow and along the coast towards midday. a system to the south ride along this frontal boundary late and another showers across the cape and islands. nonetheless, cooler weather follows. a look at your seven day forecast with weekend always in view warm up slightly this weekend but then drop as we head into monday and tuesday. as for the holiday, looks as though temperatures will actually why you've. so 40s for the football game in the morning, by the afternoon, as you're having your turkey, temperatures in the 50s with sunshine and dry conditions. there's the latest look at your forecast. >> time now 8:21. this morning we're on the scene of breaking news, a woman in custody accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from her home in hamilton. since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. now we've confirmed her former baby-sitter facing charges. she was found in rowley naked and bruised. fox 25 spoke with one man who says he was the police's original system. what he has to say coming up. heather hegedus: mean while, before you start your holiday shopping, we have a story that you need to hear. the annual list is out showing children. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. . heather hegedus: black friday fast approaching, that means the dangerous toys list also out. blair miller: liz hopkins has more on which toys to keep away from kids. >> reporter: that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous, they look like the real deal. >> very difficult to distinguish from the real thing, especially consider when police officers have to make split second decisions, is it real, is it not. >> reporter: the groom includes 10 worse toys, include choking or potential strangulation hazard and several that he feels could cause eye, facial and claws inspired by injure race sick park and mini trampoline. >> a product like that shouldn't be out there for children, the hazards are too significant as the manufacturer recognizes itself on the package insert. >> reporter: he added a play-doh like substance because it has an allergies that contains wheat. >> even when you don't expect an allergies, you might see that. so read the package carefully. >> misleading and filled with inaccurate information and unnecessarily frighten parents. >> reporter: she points out that the consumer safety commission found all these toys safe. >> all toys manufactured in the need to be certified with these complaints. >> reporter: she recommends you read packaging and any inserts and make sure to buy toys for recommended age groups. also should be extra careful about buying toys online because you may not be able to see or read all of the safety warnings. >> don't comp promize safety for convenience this holiday season. >> reporter: elizabeth hop coins, fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: you'll want to check out the list on, today is actually the day to shop for days if you're looking to save. blair miller: experts say buying today could save you 18 percent. save the same amount for shopping for electronics on monday. and buying jewelry on thanksgiving day could mean 25 percent in savings. but wait a bit longer for clothes, they go on sale closer to the holiday. heather hegedus: start making my list. a busy month. in emergencies happen, as you know, our phones now begin sending out notices. now there are new additions coming to the emergency alert system that could make a difference when every second counts. more on that ahead. sarah wroblewski: ifrtsdz 40 degrees in boston right now. that wind making a difference. these are temperatures you should be dressing for the you're headed out the door right now. hour by hour what to expect in your town this afternoon. morning, worry >> complete new england news coverage continues right now. this is fox 25 morning news. blair miller: we are on the scene breaking news this morning for you. a woman now in custody. 2-year-old from her home in hamilton. we have been covering this story since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. heather hegedus: this morning, we've now confirmed her former baby-sitter is facing charges. a couple found lyndon in rowley naked, her head shaved, she was bruised. fox 25 is live in hamilton for you this morning. we spoke with the man who says he was the original suspect. we'll hear from him later on in the show. blair miller: first 8:30 on this saturday, november 21st. i'm blair miller. >> i'm heather hegedus. sarah, a gloomy and cold start to the morning, but changes are coming. sarah wroblewski: yeah, we are going to be experiencing some breaks of sunshine and quiet conditions for the day today. although a cold start, we could, talking about this. sure enough, an area of low pressure bringing in snow to the midwest. in fact, with he are going to,ta walking about this because this is our storm system headed our way this weekend that will bring the risk of showers into our square. in fact, we're going to be talking about partly to mostly sunny skies hoping to boost the temperatures right now the 30s and 40s into the 40s all around by the late morning to near 50 degrees down across the southeast by this afternoon. cooler than average but still not too bad. upper 40s. i'm going to show you the were with a up headed our way as well as that rain timeline coming up in just a few minutes. heather hegedus: let's get back to breaking news, one person in custody this morning accused of kidnapping that 2-year-old girl. blair miller: vanish inned from her home in hamilton and turned up miles away hours later. heather hegedus: her former baby-sitter now facing kidnapping charges. stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton, stephanie, you were one of the first people toen cofirm the arrest this morning. >> reporter: heather i shared that news with a lot of people living in this neighborhood. they told me they're absolutely baby-sitter has now been arrested but they are incredibly relieved that an arrest has been made. that former baby-sitter now without bail this morning. police say she broke into this home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. police also say 21-year-old abigail hannah had a weapon with her. they're not saying exactly what that weapon was. but they have now charged her with four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weaponing and breaking and entering. after searching her home in topsfield yesterday, they arrested her. they do indicate that this is a targeted kid in aing. we know that the family had recently fired her. and we are hoping to learn more about those circumstances today. this all started yesterday morning, when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and couldn't find her. they immediately called police who then began a massive search trying to find her. and to as actually a couple who spotted the little girl several about eight miles away. they say she was naked her head was shaved and she had a large bruise on her held. and in just the last 30 minutes, i spoke with the a neighbor who said he was actually a person of interest early on. but he told me he's actually not upset police quelled him. >> i understood. because if you eliminate me, they're not looking in the wrong direction, they're going to find out who did this. i immediately said, no problem take my dna, because it's the right thing to do, the assumer they find out it's not me, they're going to get that person, it's important to get that person. >> reporter: and he told me, as soon as he found out the little girl had vanished, he also began selfing for her in a marsh area here. so many people relieved that an arrest has been made for the little girl. as soon as she was found, she was rushed to the hospital. her parents are asking police not to release any information about her condition. and we also spoke with the couple who found the little girl on the side of the road. coming up in 30 minutes, you'll hear from them about their incredible discovery. in hamilton, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. heather hegedus: stephanie thank you. overseas now, police in paris have extended a ban on demonstrations and other gatherings there through the end of the month now. the this comes as the heads of state for more than 100 countries prepare to head to that city for the un climate conference which is scheduled for november 30th. yesterday marks one week since the terrorist attacks in paris risen. it now stands at 130 people. this as new details are coming out about the man believed to to have plotted the attacks. french police believe abdelhamid abaaoud not only planned the attacks but also may have been one of the gunmen. investigators say he was one of two people killed during a raid earlier this week. him at a paris metro station. still searching for one of the suspected attackers who may have fled to belgium. and belgium a serious and imminent threat to that area. prime minister saying there's precise information now about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in paris happening in belgium. police have been conducting numerous raids in that country connected to the paris terror attacks. blair miller: a man accused of stealing 16 military grade weapons from the worcester armory still awaiting arraignment. james walter morales appeared in federal court yesterday for a removal hearing. he was caught in new york after federal investigators tracked him from his zip car he checked out in massachusetts. he is accused of breaking into the armory last weekend and stealing 6 machine guns and 10 pistols. at last check only some of the weapons recovered. they do not believe morales was attack. the army is not saying if morales has any connection of the facility he is accused of breaking into. no word on when he will be spent massachusetts. the death of a baby now ruled a homicide. an autopsy shows 11 month old shawn sylvester died of blunt force trauma to the home. he was found in his home alex sandy i can't. tommy page has been arrested and charged with child sex abuse images. prosecutors say he lived in the same home as baby shawn. police in nashua and amherst new hampshire. they're not telling exactly what that incident is. we do know that students are cooperating. there are reporting the incident was sexual in nature. and some students may have recorded it on their cell phone. police confirmed they have sized several of those phones in their investigation. the school is not commenting on the case and so far no charges filed. heather hegedus: a close call for a person getting hit by a commuter rail. the investigation shows the truck driver drove around the arm of the gate that was in the down position. transit police tell fox 25 that driver will be okay. and no one on board the train was hurt. the driver, though, will be cited for driving around the arm of the gate. new this morning, we are now learning all seven people on board a helicopter that crashed in new zealand are believed to be dead. we told you earlier on the fox 25 morning news that the chopper went down on a glacier in a very popular tourist responsibility. the passengers are believed to be australian and british. the nationality of the pilot is not known. happened on fox gash shear and they do regularly fly visitors on that glash shear to get an up blair miller: the ceoville vilified in now in charge of another company. the massive support he got from his customers. heather hegedus: chipotle widening its search, the likely culprit investigators are working to pin down. sarah wroblewski: cool and dry for the day today. we bump up the temperatures tomorrow. but also increase the chance of showers. i've got my dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, with double the slices of caramelized crispy pepper bacon. it's the bacon experience you've been waiting for. bacon up. it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees, lattes, and macchiatos. heather hegedus: time now 8 :41. we now know the e. coli outbreak in chipotle restaurants, it's happening, in washington, oregon, minnesota, ohio, and close to here, new york. 60 people were so sick, then ended up in the hospital. the cdc says a single ingredient is likely the culprit. but they haven't identified what that ingredient is yet. closer to home, a chain in massachusetts, will not serve genetically modified salmon right now. the president of legal seafood telling the boston globe, he is a purist and skeptical about whether they're okay to eat. just announced altering the genes of sallen month to grow faster, in their investigation, has not made salmon any less blair miller: the ceo of a pharmaceutical company, vilified, a cancer drug, martin, co and chairman. he took a lot of heat, from raising the price of 13.50 a bill, to $700 a bill. he took a lot of heat, and he promised to lower the price, but that never happened. heather hegedus: long anticipated conclusion to the theaters. the massive numbers it's bringing in at the box office. how it stacks up against its predecessors. getting ungrade to bring it up dear fellow citizen, i know what it' s like to buy a house. i know how it feels to be stressed about money. i understand what a scary word "retirement" is, and i can help. because i' m not just a fellow dad, fellow mom, fellow saver, i' m a fellow citizen. who gets up every day and tries her best. just like you. sincerely, elizabeth trackler samantha parke robert kennedy deanna morrison jared duemling alex payne . big changes coming to wireless emergency alerts. fdc added new field churs to alerts, including links and images. fox 25 justin gray looks at how these changes can help when every second counts. >> reporter: from missing children to tornados warning alerts on phones are already helping in light threatening situations. >> and the item a is adopted. >> reporter: the new exchanges the fdc just approved will make major improvements to alerts, links better targeted. >> longer messages and more targeted geography means a better product. >> reporter: in the event of a terror attack like paris alerts on phones are a critical means of communicating with the public. >> just last week we had a cruel reminder that when the unthinkable occurs, our security so often depends on connectivity. >> reporter: during the boston marathon bomb, cell phone alerts with these improvements, they say they can do even more. >> imagine if those messages including maps or urls, hyper links. >> reporter: so many alerts come in from our phones that we start to ignore some of them. targeting is critical if they're going to be effective. >> those who repeateded get alerts that may not be relevant for them may one day actually ignore alerts that directly impact their health and safety. >> the is have it. >> reporter: the fcc votednancely for the new rules. now openly for public comment before a final volt. live in washington, justin gray, fox 25 news. blair miller: soon every town in massachusetts could raise the smoking age. lawmakers considering a statewide ban in raising the age of selling bicyclist to those underage 21. raise the legal smoking age by three years. in 2005, needham became the first town in the couple to raise the smoking age to 21. the only other state to do this is hawaii. this morning marks day eleven now for a new hampshire man so determined to save his business, he's doing this, he's chained himself to it. fox 25 smoke with kevin dumont when he first took to the top of the water slide. he opened the park eight years ago and the bank recently foreclosed on it. he's not getting down until the company is auctioned off on december 2nd. he's trying to raise money to save his park. his goal is to raise a million dollars but so far that fund has received less than 2,000 dollars. heather hegedus: he is sure is dedicated. the long awaited chapter of hunger games saga in theaters now. pulling in $47 million friday opening day. that puts it below projections and behind mocking jay part one. if the numbers do stay within these new predictions. the budget for the film was estimated to be around $215 million million. >> now your forecast from meteorologist sarah wroblewski and storm tracker weather team. sarah wroblewski: pretty stunning subject rise this morning. now the sun has been up, starting to work at those temperatures which were really cold at some locations, 20s and 30s. currently now 40 in boston. sure enough, that wind making it feel a little colder. stepping out this morning, prepare for temperatures to feel like the 30s in the city. we've got a lot going on. the weekend before thanksgiving. a lot of road races out there. a lot of parades. today this is what you can expect. temperatures to climb into the mid 40s for the morning hours. by your lunch hour, in the mid to upper 40s. by the afternoon, upper 40s to lower 50s. the best chance of those lower 50s across the scape and island. once the sun sets shortly after 4 o'clock. notice the temperature falling. see a few more clouds, thickening clouds later on this evening and tonight. by 8 o'clock, still in the 40s. perhaps the lower 40s in the city of boston. this is what you can expect for high temperatures around town, northwest, upper 40s, mentioned mildest spots down across the northeast. overall a dry day, a cool day, temperatures are just near normal. overnight tonight, we're going to see temperatures fall back into the low 30s through the interior, but closer to the coast, going to see upper 30s to low 40s. for the cape and islands, with cloud cover in place, we will see temperatures in the 40s. we'll also see the clouds increase with the risk of some showers. so high pressuring, keeps us dry for the day today. we like that. unfortunately, it moves away because we've got this storm system we're tracking, bringing a wintery mix of precipitation to the midwest, snowing in chicago, rain in st. louis now, switching over to snow. this storm system continues to push eastward. as it does so, most of the moisture heads to the north, but we will be seeing some showers head our way. so future cast showing for the day today, looking fine, we'll find some mid to high level clouds, filtering the sky at times but by tonight, the clouds really thicken up, and the risk of showers increases after midnight, closer towards the sunrise. and when you're waking up, we've got widely scattered showers, not a wash out, not a wall of rain, bull still could dampen some areas early tomorrow. and then by your lunch hour, we break out into some sunshine to the north and west pretty much staying cloudy along the coast. another system to our south u will get close enough to part of the cape and islands and renewed chance of some showers head into the evening and overnight hours. some of the is models bringing this rain all the way into boston. about you the latest trend pushing it off shore. something we're going to have to continue to monitor. none the less, despite the cloud cover, we will see improvement in temperatures tomorrow. as highs today, upper 40s. tomorrow, upper 40s to low 50s. once that front pushes on through, by monday and tuesday, back to below normal temperatures. take a, look at the seven day forecast. you'll see, we'll be dropping into below average conditions towards the start of the week. if you're headed to the pats game on monday night, it's 8:30. it's going to be cold. temperature near the freezing mark for kick off. we will find improvement as we get closer to the holiday, in fact, dry stretch headed our way, temperatures will respond by climbing into the 50s by your thanksgiving. looking pretty good for those football games. and keep it dry all the way to friday. there's the latest forecast. heather hegedus: that's the most people priority, thanksgiving forecast. maybe the travel before. blair miller: exactly. heather hegedus: the privacy online in our lives is something we most expect but may not be getting. coming up the reason schools and employers will soon have a harder time digging through your social media profiles bfrjtsd . >> good morning. welcome to saturday sports. patriots fans have watched coach bill bill check do wonders to overcome injuries. now, without julian edelman. don't we were, gronk will certainly be up for the >> absolutely. everybody has a home in this game, everybody has a job to do. and that's all we can focus on. >> we've got a lot on this team. step up and be challenged in a different way every single week. and it helps you rise to different occasions. so just another challenge on monday night. and i know they're definitely going to be prepared and ready to go. >> well, sexy rexy wasn't his usual jovial self with the boston media over the phone mainly because he envies the patriots. he wants what they have. on friday, the buffalo media tried to get an encore performance on new england. but old sexy rexy, he resisted. man. i don't know what to tell you. i'm not real fond of new england right now. no, it's -- it's the way it is, man. >> wow, loss of words for rex ryan. maybe because he knows that talk is cheap and belecheck has and tb 12 has his number. winning seven of are this last eight meetings, that is pretty good. first found pick, plus gets the green and white back to their winning ways. celtics trach control of this game pretty early. isaiah thomas on fire. he scored nine from the three point range. the celtics went from being up 7 to 24 point lead in the half. won this thing pretty easily. 120 to 95. and maurice jones, you got to see these pictures, go to our website,, try to look like tom brady, if you want to chuckle, check it out. i'm brian salmon, fox 25 sports. blair miller: now being blamed the silent skiller the world's policeman. we have to be the world's leader. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? the united states has the capability of doing this, national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible >> this the fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: good morning. >> it is the a.m. a very busy news morning. also thement goes of 2-year-old in hamilton. her former baby-sitter now arrested. blair miller: an arrest in this case and our stephanie coueignoux on that case right now. we'll have an update. first, i'm blair miller. >> i'm heather hegedus. the thanks so much for waking up with us. fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski joining us now. a cold start to the weekend. but overall could be worse. sarah wroblewski: yeah. take a look at denver. 7 degrees there. we've got really cold air draining in through parts of the states, right behind milder conditions to the south. when you get the clash of the cool and mild weather, you tend to get storm systems, sure enough, we've got rain and snow there you the midwest that we're tracking. this is the system we'll be watching to bring us a few showers come tomorrow. but in boston, we've got some clouds, some blue sky, temperature right now 31. 30 to the north and west. starting to see some improvements already 50 on nantucket. coming up, show you what to expect by the afternoon and when those showers arrived coming up. heather hegedus: breaking news we were just telling you about. one person in custody accused of kidnapping that 2-year-old girl. blair miller: 2-year-old lyndon albers vanished from her home in hamilton and turned up hours later miles away. the former baby-sitter is facing kidnapping charges. stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton in the neighborhood where this all happened. and stephanie you were one of the first people to confirm this information this morning. >> reporter: and heather, when i shared that information with residents here in this neighborhood, they said that they were absolutely stunned. they called this family very protective over their children. and couldn't believe the former baby-sitter is now arrested. taking a look behind me. this is the family's home right here. and police say that former baby-sitter actually broke into this home in the middle of the night and kidnapped the little girl. police are also saying that 21-year-old abigail hannah had a weapon with her. they're not saying exactly what that weapon was. but police have now charged her on four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and breaking and entering. police arrested hannah after they searched her home in topsfield yesterday. and they said evidence indicates that this was, in fact, a targeted kidnapping. we do know the family had recently fired her. the and, again, we're still gathering more information about those circumstances. but this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and they couldn't find her. they called police letting them know that their little girl was gone. that's when police began that massive search. it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley which is about eight miles away. she said they found her in a pile of leaves, she was naked, her head was shaved and she had a large bruise on her head. >> she was sitting. >> almost like a -- >> i would say it was almost like a buddha pose with her hands crossed out in front of her. >> and shaking. and shaking. >> and with her head down and she was just shaking shaking, shivering, that's why i took my coat off. >> was she dressed? >> no. >> no, she had no clothes. >> she was completely naked? she was in leaves, so tom put the coat on her and picked her up, we weren't thinking just -- we just picked her up and wrapped her and put her in the car amount i put the heat on. >> reporter: just incredible that couple was able to find that little girl when they did. once they did find her, she was immediately rushed to the hospital. her parents, though, asking police not to release any information about her condition. and, again, back here in this neighborhood, i've been speaking with the people all morning long. in fact, i actually spoke with a man who said he was an early on person of interest in this case. and we'll hear from him coming up in 30 minutes. in hamilton, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. blair miller: developing this morning, we're asking for more information after shots fired on mendon street in blackstone. fox 25 at that very active crime scene last night soon after this happened. police kept us a good distance away and it's not clear if anyone there was hurt. also this morning, one man dead, another wounded after a shooting police telling fox 25, they're still looking for the person who shot them. here's pictures from sky fox on the scene. in this parking lot of wyman and center street soon after it night. one man died a at the hospital, the other had serious injuries. alvin goreira at the shooting when it happened right next to his store. he said, this kind of violence happens all the of time. and he showed us the bullet holes in his store. >> it isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard to go around. and be always on the look out. because you can never be outside and actually feel 100 percent safe. blair miller: so far this morning, police have not released a motive yet and whether the victims were targeted. heather hegedus: fox 25 working to get more information about a person getting seriously hurt at a bus stop. happened in boston. take a look at the scene on washington and lenox street in the south end. police had that area blocked off with crime scene tape just before midnight friday. that person had severe head pool of blood. right now, it's not clear exactly how that person was hurt morning. blair miller: developing in china this morning, at least 21 people now dead after a coal mine fire in eastern province. 38 people working underground when a piece of equipment apparently caught fire. 16 made it to safety. morning. this is is second deadly mining incident in china this year. 21 people died in an accident at another mine back in april. heather hegedus: now to a look at the situation developing in africa. 10 day state of emergency underway in mali after yesterday's terrorist attack on a hotel. this story breaking yesterday morning. 21 people were killed when two gunmen stormed a radisson motel in mali's capital. about 170 people in the hotel and it led to an hour's long hostage situation. hotel was hosting diplomatic delegations for peace talk. an islamic militant group and a faction of al qaeda have now both claimed responsibility. and this, as this morning, we're learning more about the massachusetts native who is among those killed in mali. we first told you about this local connection as breaking news last night on fox 25. 41-year-old anita datar was a development firm manager, she was born right here in massachusetts. she grew up in new jersey and most recently lived in maryland. she's now survived by her parents, brother, and a young son. datar is the second massachusetts native to be killed by terrorists overseas just in the past 24 hours. the other american is this young man, 18-year-old, ezra schwartz. who died thursday during an attack in jerusalem. he was from sharon and was spending a year in israel for religious study. he's survived by his parents and four siblings. blair miller: this morning, president obama says the reminder many nations are fighting terrorism. he also extended condolences to the families of the victims. the incidents in israel and mali come a week after the terrorist attacks in paris. the death toll there now climbed to 130 people after gunmen and suicide bombers attacked six locations around the city last friday night. and with all of this hang around the world, police here at home are on high alert. in boston, police are doing more to watch for anything suspicious. they're also stepping up patrols for all of the events happening around the city this weekend. transit officers also tell fox 25 commuters can expect a heavy police presence at key subway stations around the city. despite the added a patrols they tell us, there's no threats against boston. heather hegedus: this week, governor baker suggested, he would need more information from the federal government before refugees in massachusetts. those comments bringing hundreds to beacon hill last night who gathered in the dark there to protest the governor's comments. meantime, the governor spokes people releasing a statement to clarify baker's comments, saying in the wake of the recent terror attacks overseas, the state just wants to make sure that the public is safe and secure. massachusetts is not alone in its security concerns. 30 other states also currently oppose accepting refugees for the same reason. blair miller: and this is something a little boy in sharon is hoping to change. this 9-year-old ahmed call la, a syrian refugee now living in massachusetts with his father. he lost both of his arms and three of his siblings during a refugee camp in syria. hoping people change their mind about refugees. >> he's saying i want the war in syria to stop. and i want to see my family who are wounded and who are hostages to have an opportunity. blair miller: he and his father came to boston in the hopes to get him prosthetic arms. they left his mother and siblings in turkey. the children in sharon are welcomes on tuesday they plan to read his letter out loud to show his support. heather hegedus: we wish him all the best. switching gears and looking ahead to the holiday week now, many folks have plans to travel for thanksgiving of course. can you guess which day does the busiest travel day on massachusetts highways? if you good he issed the day before thanksgiving, you're wrong. we asked mass. dot for the stats. last year, the day before thanksgiving was the busiest, not only that week, it was the busiest travel day of the entire year. that day, there were more than 700,000 transacts on the pike, tunnels and the tobin bridge. monday was the second busiest day of the week with nearly 600,000 transactions. you may recall we did have that big snow storm on wednesday, new hampshire, to worcester, that could be a major reason, why tuesday was actually the busiest travel day. as for post thanksgiving, sunday is traditionally the busiest travel day to get home. no matter what day you're traveling, fox 25 has yow you covered. julie grauert has your live morning drive time traffic report weekdays from 4 until 10:00 a.m. blair miller: one of the biggest shopping days of the year is almost here, as you're getting the shopping list ready, there's something you want to consider. next you learn about some toys that may be dangerous for kids. heather hegedus: plus a mistake almost cost a massachusetts couple their lives. families around the country haven't been as lucky. >> we know that they went to bed that night and didn't wake up the next morning. heather hegedus: coming up next, an important report you'll want to see, the piece of technology meant for convenience that is taking the blame and costing people their lives. sarah wroblewski: it's a cold start to the day and temperatures slightly below normal. climbing into the 40s, to lower 50s. we've got some changes on the way. the warm up, plus the risk of imagine a world where the holidays were about people again. where doorbusters referred to loved ones pouring through the front door. and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e and not s-a-l-e. what if the only reason to wake up at 3 a.m. was to spot a reindeer in the sky? and coupons were only used to redeem one more kiss? t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there' s no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on popular brands everyday. and where you can always save on thoughtful gifts of new products. on what really matters. this season bring back the holidays (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more p change your thinking about buying your next one. . >> families across the country say a simple mistake has claimed the their loved ones. we blame it on something a lot ignition. blair miller: they make it easy to start your car with the the touch of a button. as kerry kavanaugh learned, some convenience. >> reporter: bill and lou thompson likely never realized their mistake. the couple's car ran 32 hours filling their home with carbon monoxide as they slept. >> we know that they went to bed that night and didn't wake up in the morning. nobody was in the car, it's abouten running forever long, it should have an automatic shut off. that's to me, a very easy fix. >> reporter: tracking the injuries and deaths tracked to forgetting to push a button. the key fob with you. families across the country say they suffered similar losses. boca raton florida, just outside chicago, maryland, north care line in and right here in massachusetts, in weymouth, fire investigators say a local family came dangerously close to a tragedy. kief keith, says the couple had a keyless ignition car. the investigators ruled the carbon monoxide levels in the home at nearly 500 parts per million by compare on firefighters will evacuate a home when levels each 9 parts per million. >> reporter: was this family incredibly lock lucky. >> very lucky. she didn't have any detectors in the house at the time. thank god someone felt sick so they called 911. >> >> this class action lawsuit 13 deaths and many more hospitalizations from carbon monoxide poisoning. they call the lack of alert switch a defect. it has been on the radar of the highway safety administration since 2011 when they acknowledged that keyless ignition increased the chances of carbon monoxide poisoning in the area. so far they haven't increased any safety standards around the keyless. >> there are 25 other things that car makers do for safety. this is a life and death safety thing. it seems to me to be an easy thing for them to address. >> reporter: many auto makers addressed it. tested more than a dozen cars to see what happens when you leave it running and walk/ away with a key fob. some made no sound at all. the chevy impala had the loudest alert utilizing the car's horn. some safety advocates say that's not enough. feature, if it idled for too long. the fire chief tells us the family in wall moth did not have a carbon monoxide detector in their home. i'm kerry kavanaugh fox 25 morning news. sarah wroblewski: good saturday morning everybody. live look at the city of boston. starting to see some breaks in the cloud cover. and that temperature actually improving from the 30s this morning. now in the lower 40s. but still grab that jacket. because the wind, although it's light, out of the north, creating a chill. so it feels like the mid 30s out there. and this easy are the kind of conditions you need to be dressing for this morning. if you are running any road races out there, perhaps any parade, feels like the 30s and 40s to the west of the city. feels like lower 40s across the southeast, because it actually is in the 40s for the cape and islands. currently 41 in boston. that wind will continue out of the north, northeast throughout the day today. expecting to see temperatures climb into the mid to upper 40s through the day. and by this evening, we'll see a few more clouds filtering across the sky. temperatures will get stuck in the lower 40s before falling back to the 30s for the interior. perhaps you're headed to fenway park. sure enough the fighting irish are the home team against bc. temperatures in lower 40s, looking partly cloudy and dry. going to be cool, want to have that jacket for you. tonight back into the 30s, as those clouds thicken up. waiting for a few showers to arrive before daybreak and risk of showers continue through the morning tomorrow. with a lot of more clouds in place. temperatures a few degrees higher than today. getting into the low to middle 50s. but, again, we have to contend with those showers. it doesn't look like a lot. it won't be a wash out. but we are looking at the possibility of seeing more in the way of precipitation the further south and east you go. and i'll show you why. high pressure which is keeping us dry today, will push to the east and it's this storm system that yes, is creating a mess through the midwest with rain and snow. you want to check your flights in chicago. major delays there. the this system will continue to push east ward. as it does so, the bulk of moisture will actually head to our north. notice this cold front, it moves through early tonight and overnight tomorrow. that's when we see scattered showers break out across the region. and by the afternoon, this front is just off shore, we're going to be watching a storm system develop to the south. how far north and west this storm system gets will determine how much rain we'll see across parts of the cape and islands. some models showing this rain precipitation shield just farther west, some others show farther east. really going to have to watch it over the next 12 hours as it develops and continuals to push north ward. until then, expect to see temperatures improve tomorrow. mostly cloudy skies. down across the cape and islands sunday night into monday, cooler weather to start the week, looks to, pretty chilly for the pats game monday night. warm up for thanksgiving, getting into the 50s looking pretty good and dry for all of those football games. over to you. blair miller: staying on the scene of breaking news this morning. a woman in custody accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from a home in hamilton. we've been covering this story since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. we've now confirmed her former baby-sitter is arrested on charges. a couple found the baby naked, bruised and head shaved. plus, black friday less than a week away. holiday deals already under the as an everyday business person, and not colonel sanders, why sometimes i'm just too busy to cook dinner. so, i just pick up kfc's twenty dollar family fill up with eight pieces of delicious, original recipe chicken. it's finger lickin' good. it's the holidays. and of course, everyone wants to get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. man: i'm here for my students. man: to work with a best-selling author. woman: and a nobel prize winner. man: here because everyone deserves clean water. man: here for the cool research. woman: i'm here to shape the future of nursing. man: because the oceans matter to us all. man: i'm there to explore the frontier of knowledge. -man: here for the commonwealth. -woman: and the common good. -woman: umass. -man: here for a reason. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. heather hegedus: we all know this week is thanksgiving. that also means black friday is coming up. that also means the annual report on dangerous toys is out. blair miller: fox 25 elizabeth hopkins has more on which toys to keep away from the skids. >> reporter: they look like the real deal, james schwartz of the consumer watch dog group watch that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous. >> hard to distinguish from the real thing, especially consider split second decisions, is it real, is it not. >> reporter: the group listed 10 worse toys, it includes toys that schwartz said including choking or strangulation hazards. and others that could cause eye, facial injuries. >> a product like that shouldn't be out there for use by children, the manufacturer recognizes itself on the package insert. >> reporter: he entered a play-doh like substance because it as an allergy that it contains wheat. >> even when you don't expect an allergen, you might see that. >> we find they're filled with misleading and inaccurate information and unnecessarily frighten parents. found all of these toys safe. >> all toys in the united states, need to be tested and certified complaint with these requirements. >> reporter: she, like watch, recommends that you read warnings on the packaging and and in nil inserts and make sure groups. also says you should be extra careful of buying toys online. about you may not be able to see or read all is safety warnings. >> don't compromise safety for weekend. >> reporter: elizabeth hopkins heather hegedus: if you want the complete list we have it up on you defrnltly want to check it out out. today happens to be the day to shop for toys. blair miller: buying you toys today could save you 18 percent. the same amount for electronics on monday. buying jewelry on thanksgiving day could mean 25 percent savings. but wait a little longer for clothes. those send to go on sale closer to the holidays. heather hegedus: it has been more than a week since the deadly terrorist attacks in paris. about you the investigation is far from over. coming up, the new insights into the role the accused mastermind played during the attack. sarah wroblewski: quiet but cool across new england today. if you're going to be travelling 40s to the north as well as into the boston. 50s at the coast. warmer weather on the way, with the risk of showers. timeline ahead. >> breaking news a former baby-sitter now charged with the history betwe imagine a world where the holidays were about people again. where doorbusters referred to loved ones pouring through the front door. and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e and not s-a-l-e. what if the only reason to wake up at 3 a.m. was to spot a reindeer in the sky? and coupons were only used to redeem one more kiss? that' s the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there' s no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on popular brands everyday. and where you can always save on thoughtful gifts thanks to weekly arrivals of new products. let' s put more value on what really matters. this season bring back the holidays with t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods. coverage continues right now. this is fox 25 morning news. blair miller: this morning, we are on the scene. breaking news. a woman in custody, accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from her home in hamilton. we've been covering this story since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. we've now confirmed her former baby-sitter facing charges. a rowley couple found her naked, her head shaved and bruised. what they fold fox 25 about road. first, it is saturday, november 21st, good to have you here, i'm blair miller. >> i'm heather hegedus, thanks for waking up with us this morning. fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski, sarah cold start to the day, you say the mild weather will make a comeback. sarah wroblewski: above average temperatures, we hit 60 yesterday they will be coming back in the next seven days, but today, not so much, it's quiet, we've got scattered clouds, but we're dry, not so much off to the west where we have a storm system that we'll be tracking closely because it looks as though we could see some scattered showers arrive this weekend. but until then, 30s and 40s right now across the region. again, mostly to partly sunny, temperatures throughout the day today. climbing into the middle to upper 40s. even the lower 50s. now we're going to jump in temperatures come tomorrow. but we're bringing in the chance of those showers. i'll show you when to expect the rain to arrive coming up in just a little bit. heather hegedus: news now, one person -- >> hours later be and mild away. so this morning, new police confirming now, the little girl's former baby sitter, now facing disturbing charges, fox 25 stephanie coueignoux live in hamilton this morning, where it all happened. stephanie, you werely one of the first people to confirm the arrest this morning. >> reporter: heather, i've been residents as they're waking up on this saturday morning. many absolutely stunned the former baby-sitter of this family has now been arrested. she's in jail without bond this morning. but what police are saying is that she broke into this home and kidnapped the little girl in the middle of the night. police also say 21 year old abigail hannah did have a weapon with her. they didn't say exactly what that weapon was but police now charged her with four counts, including kidding in a, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and breaking and entering. police arrested hannah after yesterday and evidence does indicate this was a targeted kid kidnapping kidnapping. we also know the family recently fired her and hoping to learn more about those circumstances later today. this all started yesterday morning when the parents, of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and couldn't find her. they immediately called police trying to find her. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley which is about eight miles away. and they told us, they found her naked, her head was shaved and had a large bruise on her held. i also, earlier this morning, spoke with the neighbor who told me, he was actually a person of investigation. but he said, he's not upset police questioned him. >> i understood. because you eliminate me, they're not looking in the wrong direction, they're going to find out who did this. so i immediately said no problem, here's my dna. they're going to find that person, once they find out it's not me. >> reporter: and, good en, so much relief here in this community, a lot of folks asking me how that little girl is doing. we do know that she was rushed to the hospital. her parents have asked that the police not to release any information about her condition. and of course we will continue to follow this developing news. more later today on fox 25. in hamilton stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. heather hegedus: the time 9:33 and this morning, police in paris have extended demonstrations and other gatherings through the end of the month now. this comes as the head of state for more than 100 countries are preparing to head to that city for the un climate conference scheduled for the end of the month. yesterday marks one week since the terror attacks in paris and the death toll has now risen it now stands at 130 people. this as new details are also coming out about the man believed to have plotted the french police, believe abdelhamid abaaoud not only planned the attacks but also may have been one of the gunmen. investigators say he was one of two people killed during a raid earlier this week. surveillance videos spotted him near a cafe where some of the shootings happened. french authorities are still searching for one of the suspected attackers who may have fled to belgium. meanwhile in brussels this morning, the terror alert is at the highest level. which means there's a serious and imminent threat to that country. in a news conference today, belgium's prime minister saying there is precise information about the risk of an attack happening in belgium like the one that happened in paris. police have been conducting numerous raids, as you know, in that country connected to those paris terrorist attacks. blair miller: a man accused of stealing 16 military weapons from a worcester armory still awaiting arraignment. james water morales appeared in a long island federal court yesterday for a removal hearing. moralless is accused of breaking into the worcester armory last weekend and stealing six machine guns and 10 pistols. at last check, only some of the weapons have been recovered. officials do not believe morales was planning in i sort of terrorism plot. saying morales has any connection to the facility he's heading back to massachusetts to face the charges no word on when that will happen. heather hegedus: the death of a new hampshire baby now been ruled a homicide. an autopsy shows 11 month old shawn sylvester died from blunt force trauma to the held. he was found last sunday in his home in alexandria. fox 25 also learning 29-year-old tommy page has been arrested and charged with possession of child sex abuse images. prosecutors say he lived in the same home as baby shawn. blair miller: a close call for a driver being hit by a commuter rail. investigation shows the truck driver drove around the arm of the gate that was in the down position at the time. transit police tell fox 25 the driver will being okay and nobody on board the train was hurt. the driver will be cited, though, for driving around the arm of the gate. morning, all 7 people on board a helicopter in new zealand are believed to be deadly, including the pilot. the chopper went down on a glacier in a popular tourist responsibility. they are believed to be australian and british, the nationality of the pilot not known. it happened on the -- shear known as fox glacier. they regularly fly on that glacier to get an up close view. blair miller: vilified for raising treatment of and i treatment drug now seeking help of another pharmaceutical company. the massive support he's already got from new investors. heather hegedus: plus chipotle widening its claims this morning pour e. coli contamination. the new state it's showing up in and likely culprit investigate are tors are now working to pin down. sarah wroblewski: we've got cold and dry conditions for the day today with off and on clouds. more clouds come overnight tonight into tomorrow. it's milder. (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. jeb bush: we do not have to be the world's policeman. we have to be the world's leader. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? the united states has the capability of doing this, national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president announcer: right to rise usa is responsible . heather hegedus: 9:40. time going by fast, happening today, the first christmas tree lighting ceremony is happening of the season in boston. 80 foot tall tree. arriving at faneuil hall marketplace earlier this month. governor baker on hand tonight to light the tree. but all of the fun actually starts at 2 o'clock with the official lighting on the tree happening between 7 and 8. you can also bring a toy and drop off for children in need if you go. blair miller: another christmas tree arrived in the boston common on friday. every year nova scotia gifts boston with an evergreen tree as a way of helping out when halifax was devastated by an explosion in 1917. that tradition. heather hegedus: we now know the e. coli outbreak linked to chipotle restaurants, happened in washington, oregon, minnesota, ohio, and close to home here in new york. 16 people were so sick, they ended up in hospital. cdc says a single ingredient is the likely culprit but they have not yet identified what that ingredient is. blair miller: the pharmacy exec another drug company. kalobios martin shkreli, he took a lot of heat of raising the drug from $15 a bill to $700 a pill. he has promised to reduce the costs but that hasn't happened. increased shares by 500 percent. heather hegedus: the wildest conclusion to hunger games saga, the massive numbers it's bringing in at the box office this weekend. predecessors. the new law meant to keep o . heather hegedus: time now 9:44. it's no secret, you need to be careful about what you post on social media these days. staking away one gray area and making your online profiles a little bit more private now. fox 25 katherine burcham breaks down a new law that bars educators and employers from requesting information about your social media profiles. >> reporter: the need to tweet, instagram and facebook is a daily part of so many lives and now massachusetts lawmakers want protected. >> social media has become far more pro live rat in our lives, it's become far more important. but we've also seen a number of cases where the access to that has been breached. >> reporter: protection act, prohibits employers from asking employees or job applicants for user names and passwords on social media applications. it will also make it illegal for teachers or school staff to access students social media profiles as well. >> it's like reading your diary, you don't want anybody to read your diary, it's your thing, it's your personal statement. on facebook and twitter, says even if her employer asked her for information, she would say no. >> my stuff is private and i don't want anybody to know, you'd have to trust me. >> reporter: but senator bruce tar who helped draft the bill, said until now, that denial wouldn't have been protected under the law. it also gives potential victims the ability to sue anyone who does attempt access to their accounts. >> what it really is pass boards and account information and things that go too far in terms of giving access to an employer or a school. >> reporter: kathryn burcham fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: one caveat, to announce, if they think something you're posting on social media could be a crime or a threat, they do have the right to request access to an account. blair miller: soon every town in massachusetts could raise the smoking age. could issue a statewide ban to issuing tobacco products to those under the age of 21. in 2005, needham became the first town in the country to raise the smoking age to 21. the only other state to do this is hawaii. heather hegedus: an update now to the battle over online daily fantasy sports. they do remain legal in massachusetts. but soon will, regulated. the attorney general's office boston based draft kings and rival, fan dual must follow consumer protection laws. some of the proposed rules means banning certain people from playing, that includes anyone under 21. company employees and anyone associated with professional sports. public hearings in january with formal regulations announced sometimes after that. blair miller: this morning marks day eleven for a new hampshire man doing this, so determined to save his business he has chained himself to it. fox 25 spoke with kevin dumont when he took to the top of the water slide at his water park. he opened it eight years ago and he vows to remain there until the property is, and off on december 2nd. he has started a go-fund me page, his goal to raise a million dollars but so far that fund has received less than $2,000. >> to the box office now. the long awaited hunger games saga in the theaters now. pulling in $47 million on friday its opening day. put it a little bit below for opening weekend. if the numbers stay within their new predictions. so far it has received mixed review from critics but fan popular. >> now your local forecast from meteorologist sarah wroblewski weather team. sarah wroblewski: i home your weekend is getting off to a beautiful start out there. it was a gorgeous sunrise, lots of pictures circulating on social media. as we take a live look at the city of boston. we have some clouds out there, and that sunshine starting to work at these really chilly conditions this morning. where temperatures were below freezing north and west of the city. currently we're in the lower 40s. that's an improvement from the 30s earlier on. but that wind out of the north. it is adding a chill, feels like the mid 30s out there. and the wind will continue out of the north to northeast, but temperatures will stay on the cooler than average side. usually get to near 50 degrees. so we'll he be climbing into the upper 40s. a lot of road races and as well as parades today. bundle up appropriately. a mix of sun and clouds at times. temperatures willing falling back tonight into the mid to lower 40s for the tree lighting at faneuil hall plus if you're headed to fenway park for the bc versus notre dame football game. you need to bundle up. overall highs today mid to upper 40s. low 50s across the cape and islands. west. tonight, fall back into the 30s away from the coast. as we get into boston, lower 40s across the cape and islands. increase the cloud cover. so we're talking about the risk of showers, high pressure over us today, this storm system to our west, bringing a good amount of snow to places like chicago, rain down to st. louis, although beginning to transition over to a wintery mix. this storm system will continue to push north and east, as it does so, the bulk of moisture will head to the north. but for us, dealing with some clouds and scattered showers through the predawn morning some spots. right around 8 o'clock, got the risk of scattered showers breaking out as this cold front pushes eastward. we'll see some improvement in the afternoon. but this front lingers. take a look. we've got this storm lingering down to the south. really have to watch this closely. because this area of precipitation, most of the but some of the back edge could allow to clip across part of the cape and islands. nonetheless, a sharp cut off to where we see sunshine, clouds, on sunday. but a milder day. so we're not looking at a wash out. yes, we will have a chance of showers in the morning and then again later for parts of the southeast, mainly the of the cape and islands. temperatures in the upper 40s today. 50s for tomorrow. so taking a look at that seven day forecast your weekend always in view. you can expect to see temperatures improve. bringing the threat of those showers. the good news is that we should tuesday. always dry conditions move in, well e it will be school out there, the pats game, expect kick off temperature near the freezing mark. we do warm up into the middle of part of the week. if you're travelling, looks good with high pressure in cruel. and we warm up by thanksgiving. we're getting into the 50s. so 40s for those football games. there's the latest look at your forecast. blair miller: weather dry here but as sarah mentioned, midwest not so lucky. a massive storm startling travel plans right ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. >> a lot of us breathing a sigh of relief that's not us. applause plus, we're tracking a story jeb bush: leadership means you've got to be all in. it's not about yappin'. it's not about talking. it's about doing. i know how to do this because i was privileged to serve in florida for eight years. and we turned the systems upside down that weren't working. 1.3 million new jobs we cut taxes every year. income rose in people's pockets. people were lifted out of poverty. children started to learn. as president of the united states, i pledge to you that i will solve problems. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... pflip your thinking about buying heather hegedus: we are following breaking news this morning. a woman in custody, as we've been telling you this morning, accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from that little girl's home in hamilton. reporting this story since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. new this morning, we have confirmed her former baby-sitter is facing charges now. as we've been reporting, a couple found lyndon in rowley, naked with her head shaved and bruised. blair miller: breaking out of belgium in the last 20 minutes. the u.s. embassy telling americans to shelter in place and stay at home if they must go out, avoid large crowds and be cautious in public places. this as local authorities say a terrorist attack in brussels is serious and imminent. we've been reporting all morning, brussels is currently under highest level terror alert. police there in paris ban a demonstration on gatherings through the end of the month. this comes as heads of the state more for 100 counsels head to the city for the un climb malt conference set for november 30th. more than one week since the terrorist attacks in paris, the death toll risen now to 130. heather hegedus: winter storm bella is dumping snow across the oh, know. more than 18 inches in south first snow of the season for chicago and detroit. needless to say, quite a travel nightmare, you can see on the road right there. just ahead of the thanksgiving holiday, i think a lot of us go, oh. >> that's not a dusting at all. >>no. good thing it's not fluffy, it's heavy. >> and it snowed on thanksgiving here last year. but you know what, we're going to be tapping into milder weather. so we're thankful for that. that's for sure. in fact, dry conditions as we head through the week. tomorrow, though, is our only chance of some showers, we'll be tracking the risk of that, early in the morning and then late at night. >> i think you say we paid our dues. >> yeah, try to balance it out. >> the day before thanksgiving. >> i know. >> thanks so much for ink joe us this morning.

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Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Faneuil Hall , Massachusetts , United States , Australia , Dedham , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Marshall Islands , South Shore Hospital , Turkey , China , Minnesota , California , Jamaica , Syria , Washington , District Of Columbia , South Shore , Illinois , Hampshire , Maryland , Worcester , Belgium , Ireland , Chicago , Burlington , New York , Malaysia , Brooklyn , New Hampshire , Radisson , Missouri , Florida , Boston , Foxboro , New Zealand , Topsfield , Oregon , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Denver , Colorado , United Kingdom , Mali , New Jersey , Ohio , Bedford , Fitchburg , France , Paris , Rhôalpes , Hawaii , Americans , Australian , America , Marshalls , French , British , Syrian , Irish , American , Heather Hegedus , Alex Sandy , James Walter Morales , Elizabeth Hopkins Fox , Katherine Burcham Fox , Bryan Salmond , Isaiah Thomas , Katherine Burcham , Tom Brady , Sarah Wroblewski , Abigail Hannah , Alvin Gore , Kerry Kavanaugh , Fitch Burke , Chris Christie , M Blair Miller , Al Qaeda , Elizabeth Hopkins , Julian Edelman , Ezra Schwartz , Charlie Baker , Weymouth , Lou Thompson , Blair Miller , Kevin Dumont , Liz Hopkins , Notre Dame , Lou Tomlinson , Maurice Jones , Alex Payne , Kathryn Burcham Fox , Jeb Bush , Rex Ryan , Sara Underwood , Elizabeth Hopkins Heather Hegedus , Liz Beth Hopkins , Lyndon Albers , Shawn Sylvester , Julian Ed Dell , Kerry Kavanaugh Fox , James Schwartz ,

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Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20151121 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20151121

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degrees colder when you walk out this morning than it was. so we've got a big drop in temperatures after reaching 60 in boston. even colder weather to the north and west, when you have got colder air and milder air, you get a clash of some precipitation, watching a storm system to the middle west, we'll be tracking changes as this system gets closer to our area this weekend. my latest timeline when to expect some rain coming up. >> following breaking news in morning, a person in custody two-year-old girl. >> we've been updating the development on this story as it unfoldeded yesterday. lyndon albers vanish inned from her home yesterday and turned up hours later and miles away. >> and now police have confirmed the little girl's former baby-sitter now facing kidnapping charges. fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is more for us on the arrest. stephanie. >> reporter: heather this arrest comes hours after police started their investigation. they're now saying the former baby-sitter broke into the home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. this certainly has been a case that has this entire community on edge while this morning, that former baby-sitter, 21-year-old abigail hannah, is being held without bail. we know police searched her home in tops field yesterday and we also know the family had recently fired her. hannah now being charged with four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery on a child and breaking and entering. this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers called police saying they woke up and their daughter was gone. police immediately started a massive search, trying to find the child, but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley, which is about eight miles away. they say she was naked, her head bruise on her head. neighbors told them yesterday this is simply a terrifying situation. >> it's like any parents might mayor, a daughter or son that is missing. 21 miles away. and these people it doesn't add up and it's the creepest thing ever. >> reporter: as soon as she was found, the little girl was taken to the hospital. however, her parents have asked the police not to release any information on her condition. and we've also spoken with the scum that found her. coming up, they take us through their incredible discovery. in hamilton, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25. >> developing this morning, more information on mendon street in blackstone, shots fired. at that active crime scene last night, soon after all of this happened, police kept us a pretty good distance away. and it's unclear if anyone there was hurt. another wounded and one dead after a shooting in jamaica plains. we were on that scene from sky fox in the parking lot on wyman and center street soon after this happened. one person died at the hospital. the other has life-threatening injuries. alvin gore rare rawas at work when this happened. right next to his store, he says this kind of violence happens all the time. showing us the bullet holes in his store. >> this will isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard to go around, be always on the look out, you can't ever be outside and actually feel 100 percent safe. >> police have so far not released a motive yet and not whether the victims were targeted. >> fox 25 is working to get more information to see if a person was seriously hurt at a bus stop in boston. on washington and lenox street in the south end, police had that area blocked off with crime scene tape just before midnight on friday. the person had head trauma and found lying in a pool of blood. it's not clear how that victim was hurt or how he or she is doing this morning. now a look at the developing situation in africa. a 10 day state of emergency is now underway in mali after a hotel. this story it was breaking this time yesterday morning. 21 people were killed when two capital. about 170 people were in that hotel and led to an hour's long hostage situation. an islamic militant group and a fashion of al qaeda have all claimed responsibility. show this morning, we're learning about the massachusetts native among those killed in mali. first told you about the local connection on breaking news last night. 41-year-old anita datar was a development manager, was born here in nabut grew up in new jersey and most recently maryland. survived by her parents, and a young son, she is the second native killed by terrorist overseas in just the past 24 hours. 18-year-old ezra schwartz also died thursday during an attack in jerusalem. he was from sharon massachusetts and was spending a year for religious studies. >> also new this morning, president obama says the dead lee attacks on mali is another reminder, surges many nations and stiffens our resolve to meet this challenge. speaking from a summit in malaysia. also extends condolences to families of the victims. a week after the paris attacks in paris. the death toll now up 130 after gunmen and suicide bombers attacked six locations around the city last week. around the world, police are on high alert. they're stepping up for all activities this weekend. transit police tell fox 25 commuters can expect to see a heavier the police presence at key subway stations throughout the city. despite these added up patrols there are no threats against boston. >> have people questioning whether syrian refugees should be allowed into the u.s. this week, governor charlie baker suggested he would need more information from the federal government before agreeing to accept syrian refugees into massachusetts. those comments bringing hundreds of people out to beacon hill last night. gathered in the dark to protest the governor's comments. mean while spokes people need to clarify the governor's comments, saying that in the wake of the recent terror attacks overseas, the state wants to make sure that the public is safe and secure. and massachusetts is not alone in its security concerns. 30 other states also oppose it's something a little boy in sharon knows is hoping to change, 9-year-old is a syrian refugee now living in massachusetts with his father. he lost both of his arms and lost three siblings during a bomb at his refugee camp in syria. he has written a letter to president obama hoping his story will change people's minds about syrian refugees. >> he's saying i want the war in syria to stop. and i want to see my family again. and also for the people who are wounded and who are refugees. >> anna and his father game to boston in hopes of getting prosstet stick arms. they left anna's mother and four other siblings in turkey. >> offensive images spray painted on trees in foxboro. if you know anything that might help investigators there, police want you to call them. time now 6:08. some of you registered on the do not call list but still getting bottom barreded by unwanted phone calls. massachusetts consumers have record do not call lists. that's a 15 percent increase from the year before. only one area code is not reporting a new increase. 617. >> happening today turkey bowl for to thes. it's happening in yarmouth. players will donate $20 and an unwrapped toy. and all proceeds go to toys for to thes. and many folks have plans to travel this week. massachusetts travel? if you guess guessed thanksgiving, you're wrong. the tuesday before thanksgiving is not only the busiest, but actually was the busiest travel day of the entire year. that day there was more than 700 transactions on the pike, tunnel and the tobin. monday was the second busiest day, with nearly 600,000 transactions. you do recall we did have stormy weather with snow from worcester to the new hampshire sea coast. as for post thanksgiving, sunday is usually the busiest travel day. so keep those dates in mind. big upgrades coming to the wireless emergency alert system. still ahead, a look at the new features being added in hopes of saving lives. >> plus a drug commonly used to treat morning sickness, leaving lasting side effects. dozens of local mothers fighting back for the sake of their children. fox 25 with one woman's story coming up. >> cool and dry today, off and on clouds. on the way. the world's leader. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? the united states has the capability of doing this, and it's in our economic and national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible in the works over a popular drug many mothers are prescribed to fight morning sick anything. now some mothers say the treatment left their children with serious medical problems. fox 25 sara underwood spoke with one woman who says it it is something that has forever changed her daughter's life. >> family time is precious for beth. especially since she came close to losing her daughter marissa. >> it was very apparent that something was prong. >> reporter: her world was shattered just after she delivered marissa. doctors noticed the newborn had breathing problems. and then discovered a congenital heart defect. >> she was on life support and had a feeding tube. >> reporter: beth blames on a drug she took during pregnancy, called so fran. >> it's sometimes described off label for morning sickness. or over wise, vetted for pregnant women. that's what's so egregious in this case. >> reporter: there are nearly 60 lawsuits nationwide, now court. >> our primary goal, is, one, to make sure these children have the resources necessary so they can get the best possible medical care for the rest of their life. >> reporter: in 2012, agreed to pay 3,000 dollars in a settlement with the department of justice for what the doj called the unlawful profession failure to support safety data of several drugs, including so fran. the company told fox 25, we believe the allegations in these lawsuits are entirely unfounded and that so fran has proper labelling, was marketed appropriately and did not cause the injuries alleged. in fact, there are conflicting studies if the drug causes heart pallet. >> you're not sure if the medication causing the problem problem. study. >> reporter: doctor is the director of fetal medicine services at south shore hospital. she says so fran is effective for morning sickness but not used as a front line therapy. >> i believe because of the controversy of the data out there now, we should be more careful about prescribing it too early in pregnancy until well have more information. >> what do you think when you good. >> reporter: beth says her daughter is small for her age school. more troubling, she says, is that she doesn't know what her like. >> my hope is that if we can easier, giving that life is going to be a little bit of a struggle for her, i hope that we can do that. >> reporter: i'm sara underwood. >> a massachusetts met with lawyers earlier this week to work out logistics but a decision could be years away. one thing to know, a lot of women were prescribed so fran, the generic, form. so only those who took so fran can file a lawsuit. meanwhile, sent fox 25 a statement after this piece originally aired and it says, late last month, denied to stage the risk labelling for so fran and it happens it will help in the court cases. we have that information for you on >> fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> we're still counting down the minutes to sunrise this morning at 6:42. until then temperatures drop to their coldest conditions right before sunrise, usually this time of year, we fall back into the 30s while during the afternoon hours, we only get to near 50 degrees. also sunset at 4:18. but sure enough, we've got really cold conditions this morning. although you're stepping outside and noticing it's about 15 to 30 degrees cooler this morning than yesterday. where we should be for this time of year. in fact, today, fairly dry, cool, near normal day, but we're tracking some changes. got scattered showers in the forecast. in fact, we're increasing our threat of rain as early as tonight, mainly after midnight, and through the day tomorrow, and for some locations we could hold onto the chance even into monday. currently stepping outside this morning, not too bad for the cape and islands. we're stuck in the 40s. 39 in boston. get inland we're back into the 20s and 40s at the freezing mark right now in insure with a. 39 in boston, the wind very light out of the north. north northeasterly direction. as we go on through the day, a mix of sun and clouds out there, temperatures will climb to the 40s during your mid morning and mid to upperly mornings as you head into noon. and then clouds will thicken up and turn back into the lower 40s. ranging mid 40s to low 50s. best chance of low 50s, down across the cape and islands and southeast. more west you go, more likely going to be in the upper 40s to near 50. right where we should be for this time of year. pick of the weekend, because it gets a little more wet in some spots tomorrow. temperature around 40. wind out of the northeast, making it feel a little cooler. but at least it's staying dry. showers in, most is showers that rain. temperatures will be falling back into the lower 40s in some spots. a little milder along the cape. we bump the temperature a little bit. and then cloud cover and threat of showers. satellite and radar, clouds moving in, not too bad, we'll see some breaks in the cloud cover, high pressure in control. bringing some snow to farts of the midwest, check your flights if you're headed out there. continue to move eastward as it does so, it loses a lot of its moisture but it will thicken up the clouds overnight tonight and as that cold front comes on through, notice, we get a batch of scattered showers and midday hours, watch a system to our south, likely going to bring another round of showers. best chance for the cape and islands. approximate seven day forecast with that equipped always in view, showing the temperatures, 40s today to 50s tomorrow. risk of scattered showers doesn't amount to too much. however, closer to the coast, likely could see a quarter to half an inch of rain. temperatures drop to the 40s, cooler than average temperatures. warm it back up for the holiday week. thanksgiving looking pretty nice, with temperatures above normal. over to you. >> it should stay dry today. happening today, despite suffering an unimage imagine imaginable family tragedy, dug flute tee will be on hand for the football game. he broke the news, that his mother died within an hour of his father, he believes his mother died of a broken heart. the super star will serve as the commentator for tonight's rare match up at fenway park. >> we're on the scene of breaking news this morning, a woman in custody accused of kidnapping a two-year-old from her home in hamilton. covering this story every step of the way since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. as we told you at the top of the hour, we have now confirmed her former baby-sitter facing charges. a rowley couple finding lyndon make succeed and bruised. >> before you start your holiday need to hear. it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids now, it's about stopping obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. >> black friday fast approaching. that means the list of dangerous toys that annual list that always comes out, is now out. fox 25 liz beth hopkins has more toys on which toys to keep away from the kids. >> james schwartz of consumer watch groups says that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous. >> very dangerous to distinguish it from the real thing especially consider when police decisions. >> reporter: the 10 worse group lists that include potential choking or strangulation hazards and several that he feels could cause eye, and other injuries. mini trampolines. >> a product like that shouldn't be out for use by children. the hazards are too significant as the manufacturer recognizes itself on the package insert. >> he added a play-doh like substance called kodo, it has an allergies that contains wheat. >> even when you don't expect an allergen, you might see that. read the package carefully. >> we find they're filled with misleading information. and they unnecessarily frighten parents. >> reporter: she found ought all of these toys safe. >> all toys sold in the united states need to be compliant with these requirements. >> she premises you read warnings on the packaging, and any incertificate and make sure you buy toys for recommended age group. watch's president also says you should be extra careful of buying toys online because you may not be able to see or read all of the safety warnings. >> don't compromise safety for convenience this holiday season. >> elizabeth hopkins fox 25 news. >> a complete list of the unsafe toys on you want to he can which it out because today is the day to shop for toys if you're looking to save. >> that's right. buying toys today can actually save you about 18 percent. here's the list, it turns out you can save the same amount for shopping electronics on monday, buying jewelry on thanksgiving day, could mean 25 percent saving. the clothes, those go on sale closer to the holidays. >> good advice there. from missing children to natural disasters, when emergencies happens, our phones begin to send out notices. now there are new additions coming to the emergency alert system that could make a difference when every second count. more on that still ahead. >> we've got the 20s and 30s right now. the but through the day, climbing into the lower 40s even low 50s. show you what to expect in your town coming up. >> worry is growing. possible att dear fellow citizen, i get that it' s hard to say no when your kids want toys, because you' re saving for shoes. and shoes. and shoes. but i can help you figure out how to save a little with one deposit checking. so ask me, i can help you avoid fees. sincerely, elizabeth trackler. fellow working mom and fellow citizen. you may not be able to tell from the look on my face, but i'm very, very hungry. i need something that satiates my tum tum something with just enough protein to seek out my hunger and eliminate it. that's called satiety, and yoplait greek 100's very effective at providing it. satiety. make your tummy happy. mmmm, yoplait. it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. >> this is fox 25 morning news. >> breaking news. a former baby-sitter now charged with ab ducting the child she cared for. the history between her and the family that could explain a possible motive. >> and it is 6:30 right now. saturday, i'm heather hegedus. >> and i'm blair miller, it's the breaking developments in the missing talledcler in a moment. first fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski with more on what's happening outside. probably a little cooler this morning. >> good morning to you. a little colder than yesterday. 60 degrees in boston, i'll take that, it was a treat. very quiet. high pressure in control today. you're probably looking at this mess, though, to my west. sure enough in chicago they're dealing with some snow. also some rain in parts of missouri. so this is a pretty big storm system that's going to be pushing eastward. will not affect us for the day today. but we'll be tracking it for the day tomorrow. could bring us some scattered showers. but until then, temperatures right now in the 20s and 30s. a very cold start to the day. 15 to 30 degree colder than this time yelled. coming up show you hour by hour what to expect for temperatures in your town. >> get back to that breaking news now. now accused of kidnapping that 2-year-old girl from hamilton. >> we've been updating you when the story first unfolded yesterday. that's when 2-year-old lyndon albers vanished from her home in hamilton and turned up hours later and miles away. >> this morning, police confirming to fox 25, the little girl's former baby-sitter is facing charges. fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton with more on the arrest. stephanie. >> reporter: and heather, we know police started investigating their investigation around this baby-sitter yesterday. she is now being held without bail this morning. police say she broke into the family's home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. and are also saying 21-year-old abigail hannah had a weapon with her at the time. they're not saying exactly what that weapon was. but they've now charged her with four count, including kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. and breaking and entering. now police arrested hannah after they searched her home in tops field yesterday and they say evidence indicates this was a targeted kidnapping. we know the family had recently fired her. and we're hoping to learn more about those circumstances today. this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and they couldn't find their daughter. they immediately called police who the began a massive search trying to find the little girl. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley, which is about eight miles away. they say she was on the side of the road. she was naked, with her head shaved. and that she had a large bruise on her head. >> she was -- >> almost like a -- >> i would say it was almost a buddha pose with her hands crossed out in front of her. >> and shaking. and shaking. >> just with her held down and she was just shaking, shaking, shivering. that's why i took my photo of her. >> was she dressed. >> no. she was no clothes. >> she was completely make kelled. >> but she was in the leaves. and when tom put the coat around her and picked her up. we weren't thinking check to see -- we just picked her up and wrapped her and put her in the car and put the heat on. >> reporter: just incredible, did. she was immediately taken to the hospital. her parents asking police not to release any information about her condition. we've also, though, been speaking with neighbors in that area. and coming up in 30 minutes, their reaction to this abduction. in hamilton, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> we'll stay on top of that story for you. to other news one week exactly since the terror attacks in paris and the death toll has risen again. now at 130. new details coming out of the man believed to plotted the attack. french believe abdelhamid abaaoud not only planned the attack but also may have been one of the gunmen. investigators say he was one of two people killed during a raid earlier this week. surveillance cameras spotted him at a paris metro station near where the shootings happened. french authorities are still searching for one of those suspected in attack who may have fled to belgium. at the terror alert is at highest level. speaking at a news conference, a belgium prime minister said there is precise information about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in paris. police have been conducting numerous raids in belgium, connected to that paris terrorist attacks. >> a man accused of stealing 16 military weapons is still awaiting arraignment. he appeared in a long island federal courtroom yesterday for removal hearing. he was caught there in new york, after they tracked him but a zip bar he scleked out in massachusetts. he is accused of breaking into this armory last week in worcester and acausecused of stealing six machine guns and 10 pistols. only some of the weapons have been recovered. police do not believe morales was planning any type of terrorist plot. morales will be sent back to massachusetts to face charges. no word on when that will happen. the death of a new hampshire baby now ruled a homicide. 11 month old shawn sill vestster died from blunt force trauma to the held. he was found on saturday. tommy page has been arrested and charged with possession of child sex abuse images. prosecutors say he lived in the same home as the baby shawn. police in amherst are investigating an incident at bishop high school in new hampshire. they're not telling exactly what the incident is. we do know that students are cooperating and there are reports the incident was sexual in name and that some students may have recorded it on their cell phones. they have seized several phones in their investigation. the school is not commenting on the case and so far no charges filed. a close call for a driver after being hit by a commuter rail. on hanover street, investigators show the truck driver drove around the gate that was in the down position. transit police tell fox 25 that the driver will be okay. nobody on the train was hurt. >> after helicopter carrying seven people has crashed on a new seallaned glash her and popular tourist spot. if investigators trying to reach the scene. it happened on a glash her known as fox glash shear. >> governor chris christie will be back on the campaign trail today after his flight was stranded for hours. they were strapped in their seat when the pilot slammed the brake. united airline official say they stopped the flight after passenger failed to comply with crew member instruction. it started after a member on his staff noticed a male passenger acting strangely and alerted the u.s. marshals. >> it was a full flight. and everybody is safe and everybody landed and got home. during the current atmosphere, you can never be too careful. having the folks on board, it helped. that's all that really matters. and everybody had a great attitude about it. >> they have not identified that passenger and see if he faces any charges for this. racing the price of a cans early treatment drug, the massive shook he got from his new investors. contamination. the new state it's now showing up in and the likely culprit investigators are trying to pin down. >> 6:42. it's going to make for a beautiful sunrise. grab your jackets, temperatures in 30s and 20s right now. climbing to 30s and 40s this and clouds. jeb bush: leadership means you've got to be all in. it's not about talking. it's about doing. i know how to do this because i was privileged to serve in florida for eight years. and we turned the systems upside down that weren't working. 1.3 million new jobs were created. we cut taxes every year. income rose in people's pockets. people were lifted out of poverty. children started to learn. as president of the united states, i pledge to you that i will solve problems. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the >> welcome back. we now know the e. coli outbreak linked to chipotle restaurants have sickened 45 people in six state. it's happening in washington, oregon, florida, minnesota, new york and ohio. 16 people so sick they ended up in the hospital. the cdc says a single ingredient is likely the culprit. but they have not identified what that ingredient is yet. closer to home, a seafood chain in massachusetts will not special serve genetically modified salmon right now. the president of legal seafood telling the boston globe, he is a purist, and a skeptic about whether genetically modified foods are okay to eat. altering the gene to grow faster does not make them any less safe >> for hiking the price of an aids drug by 5,000 cents is now taking over another drug company. a developer of cancer drugs, martin ceo and chair manual. he took some heat for raising the price from 13:50 a pill, to $700 a pill. this prompted shares of call libias to serve by almost 500 percent. >> the long anticipated conclusion to the hunger games saga is now in theaters. the massive numbers it's bringing in at the box office. just how long it's stocked up >> the new ways we'll be keeping save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie >> time now 6:45. and big changes coming to wireless emergency alerts. the fcc has voted to add new features to the alerts, including links and images. fox 25 justin gray takes a look at how these changes could help when every minute counts. >> from missing children to tornados warning alerts on mobile phones are already helping in life-threatening situations. >> and the item is adopted. >> reporter: new changes the fcc just made would make major improvements to the alerts. allowing longer messages to include links and images and be better targeted. >> longer messages and more targeted geography means a better product. >> reporter: in the aevent of a terrorist attack, it's a critical tool in communicating with the public. >> just last week, we had a tool occurs, we depend on cell phone activity. >> reporter: with they said improvements, commissioners says they can do even more. >> imagine if we had messages also included maps or urls, himer links. >> reporter: so many alerts come in on our phone, that we start to ignore some of them. commissioner says better more localized geographic targeted alerts is critical if they're going to be effective. >> those who repeatedly get alerts that may not be relevant for them, may actually ignore an alert that directly impacts their health and safety. >> reporter: now open to public comment before a final volt. reporting in washington, justin gray, fox 25 news. >> every town here in massachusetts could raise the smoking age. lawmakers are considering a statewide ban on selling tobacco products to people under the age of 21. they've already passed measures to raise by three years. in 2005, needham became the first town in the country to raise the smoking age to 21. the only other state to do this so far is hawaii. this morning marks day 11 for a new hampshire man so determined to save his business, he chained himself to it. fox 25 spoke with kevin do mall when he first took to the water slide at liquid park. he opened the park years ago and now the bank has took possession of it. remains on the post until the company is auctioned off december 2nd. he has started a go-fund me page. his goal to raise a million dollars. so far that fund has only raised less than $2,000. >> well, the long awaited final chapter in the you can her games saga is now in theaters. mocking jay part two, pulled in $47 million opening day. that puts it below projections for opening weekend and blind mocking jay part one. if the numbers stay within their the budget for the film is estimated aed $215 million. if. >> now, your local forecast from meteorologist sarah wroblewski and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. >> good morning everybody. live look at boston. clouds, blue sky, gorgeous but chilly start to your saturday. that wind, although subtle, it is making it feel on the chilly side. feels just above freezing in boston. in some spots waking up this morning, two temperatures below freezing. in fact, we've got temperatures in the 20s in parts of new hampshire. 34 in burlington. 35 in wellesley. 34 currently right now in dedham. just above. we're into the 40s across the cape and islands. 47 in sandwich. and as we head to the north and west, we've got colder conditions as temperatures are in 20s and 30s. so a very chilly start to your day. good news is, we long to see some sunshine, see some scattered clouds. temperatures will climb into the upper 40s, even the lower 40s, that wind will be light out of the north, to northeast. it's going to be a very typical fall day for late november, i guess you could say, as temperatures will be where they should be. however, where you'll see temperatures get close to 50 degree mark, down across the cape and islands. otherwise the mid to upper 40s. the pick of the weekend, i would say, only due to the fact, tomorrow, milder conditions but bringing in threat of showers. i'll show you why. high pressure today keeping us dry. take a look at this area of low pressure, providing a wintery mix of precipitation to the midwest, snow in places like chicago. we're going to watch this storm system continue to develop and move eastward. as it does so, sure enough, we will be on the warmer side of this system. and we'll start to see the risk of some scattered showers move on in. however, our future cast right here, showing that for the day today, looking pretty good. we'll see scattered clouds, high thin clouds, moving in late tonight, thickening up. by the time you wake up scattered showers around. freezing mark. watch for the higher terrain. could see a few snowflakes mixing in. notice around 9 o'clock, numerous scattered showers across the region as a cold front pushes on through. but it loses a lot of the antagonism that it has with it right now out in the midwest. by the afternoon, hold onto the cloud cover, a sharp line to the south and west, down across the west, a storm system off shore. model trend shifting it a little farther west. later in the day on sunday, during the afternoon and evening hours, parts of the cape and islands will top into steadier rain. how far west does this line go, we could see it a little bit further inland. nonetheless, we'll be watching shore. as colder air pushes on in. could see a little change over the cape and islands. chance of rain does increase for the day tonight and. as for the temperatures, tomorrow as you look at seven day forecast with the weekend always in view, we climb into the 50s and temperatures drop overnight into sunday. chilly start with your temperatures well below average. monday and tuesday, drill for your travel day, if you're headed anywhere for the holiday. for thanksgiving, those football games looking pretty good. temperatures will actually be above average on thanksgiving, getting into the 50s. >> fingers crossed. privacy in our lives is something most of us expect. but we may not be getting. coming up the reason schools will now have a harder time digging through your social >> plus, the patriots now nine and 0 but facing mounting what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. >> well, good morning. welcome to saturday sports. patriots fans have watched coach bill belichick do wonders. now the pats without another offensive weapon, julian ed dell monday. >> everybody has a role on this team, everybody has a job to do. that's all we can focus on. >> we've got a lot of play makers on this team. got to step up. >> the helps you ride to different occasions. so just another challenge of coming on monday night. and i know that they're definitely going to be prepared and ready to go. >> well, sexy reddy wasn't his usual joefial self on thursday with the boston media. mainly because he envies the patriots. he wants what they have. on friday, buffalo tried to get an awn core performance, but he resists sexy rexy. >> it's new england. i am not really fond of new england right now. it's just the way it is. ryiant. cbs has his number, address, social security number. 26 touchdowns while winning seven of their last eight meetings. that is pretty good. entering last night's celtics game. the celtics get their first round pick. plus it gets the group and white back to their winning ways. set ticks take control of this game pretty early. mainly second half, i think thomas was on fire. puts the cs up. he finished with 18 points. the celtics went from being up 7 to 24 point at the half. they won this thing pretty easily. 120, to 95. go to our website,, click on the pictures that look like tom brady. out. sports. >> meant to make our lives easier, now being blamed for >> the silent killer it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. >> right now, a quiet start to the day, but i'm tracking some changes on the way. my latest timeline of when to expect rain this weekend. >> breaking news, hours after this little girl found miles from her home, police have arrested her former baby-sitter. the new details we're learning this morning. >> and one week after paris, another deadly terror attack. a massachusetts native, one of the victims. this morning, the strong words from president obama about this latest growing threat. >> plus tensions growing around refugees. a little boy sharing his story the difference he hopes it will make. >> complete new england news coverage starts right now. this is fox 25 morning news. >> and we'll get to that breaking news out of hamilton in just a minute. but first it's 7 a.m. on saturday, november 21st. i'm heather hegedus, thanks for waking up to the fox 25 morning news. >> and i'm blair miller, meteorologist sarah wroblewski joins us now. >> compared to yesterday, temperatures got to 60 degrees in boston. sure enough dropped to 30 degrees. colder this morning than we were when we woke up yesterday. 39 in boston. 20s to the north. and colder air draining into the midwest. and that's behind the storm system we're watching very closely. that storm system is bringing rain and snow to parts of the midwest and the great lakes. it will continue to push eastward. but it will then we get to enjoy dry conditions for the day. just a chilly start out there. temperatures will be improving as we head on through the day, climbing into the 40s by the afternoon, upper 40s to low 50s. coming up, i'll show you when over to you. >> breaking news, one person in custody accused of kidnapping that two-year-old little girl. yesterday. that's when lyndon albers vanished from her home in hamilton and turned up hours later and miles away. >> the former baby-sitter is now facing kidnapping charges. stephanie coueignoux is now with stephanie. >> reporter: and heather, this arrest comes hours after police started their investigation. they now say the former baby-sitter broke into the family's home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. this is just another twist to just a bizarre case that has had this community on edge. this morning, the former baby sitter 21-year-old abigail hannah is being held without bond. we know police searched her home in topsfield yesterday. and we've also learned the family had recently fired her. hannah, now being charged with four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery on a child, and breaking and entering. this all started yesterday morning, when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers called police, saying they woke up and their daughter was gone. police immediately started a massive search, trying to find her. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley, which is about eight miles away. they say she was naked, her head was shaved and she had a large bruise on her head. neighbors told us yesterday this is simply a terrifies situation. >> like any parents nightmare, a daughter or son that's missing. miles away and these people, it doesn't add up and it's the creepiest thing ever. >> reporter: the little girl, once she was found was immediately taken to the hospital. her parents, though, are asking police not to release any information about her condition. and we also spoke with the that couple who actually found the little girl on the side of the road. coming up in 30 minutes, you'll hear about their incredible discovery from themselves. in hamilton, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 morning news. >> also developing this morning, shots fired on mendon street in blackstone, fox 25 at that active crime scene last night soon after this happened. police kept us a pretty good distance away and it's not clear if anyone there was hurt. also this morning, one person is deadly, another wounded after a shooting in jamaica plains. police tell fox 25 they're still looking for the person that shot them. we were on that scene over the parking lot on wyman and center street soon after this happened around 6 o'clock last night. one person we now know died at the hospital. the other has life-threatening injuries. alvin gore rare rawho was at work when this the shooting happened, says this kind of violence happens all of the time. he shot us the bullet holes in his store. >> this isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard to go around and just be always on the look out because you can never be outside and actually feel 100 percent safe. >> so far police have not released a motive in this and not saying whether the victims were targeted or not. >> this morning, fox 25 is working to get more information about a person found seriously hurt at a bus stop in boston. stake a look at the scene on washington and lenox street in the south end. police had that area blocked off with that caution tape there. just before midnight friday. the person had severe head trauma and was found lying in a pool of blood. right now, it's not clear how that person was hurt or how he or she is doing this morning. to overseas now, and now to look at the situation developing a 10 day state of emergency is underway in mali in yesterday's terror attack on that hotel. the story was breaking this time for you yesterday morning. 21 people were killed. two gunmen stormed a radisson hotel in mali's capital. about 170 people were in that hotel. it led to an hour long hostage situation. at the time of the attack, the hotel was hosting diplomatic relations for peace talk. an islamic militant group and faction of al qaeda have both claimed responsibility now. learning more about a massachusetts native among those killed in mali. 41-year-old anita datar was a development firm manager. and she was born right here in massachusetts. she grew up in new jersey and most recently lived in maryland. datar is the second massachusetts native killed by past 24 hours. 18-year-old ezra schwartz also died. died thursday during an attack in jerusalem. he was from sharon massachusetts and was spending a year in israel for religious studies. schwartz is survived by his parents and four siblings. >> new this morning, president obama says the deadest attack on mali is another reminder terrorism threatens many nations. he also extended condolences to families of the victims. the incidents in mali come a week after the terror attacks in paris. the death toll stands at 130 people after gunmen attacked six locations around the city last friday night. after all of this happening around the world, police here at home on high alert. in boston, police doing more to watch for anything suspicious. stepping up the patrols for all of the events happening around the city. transit officers tell fox 25 commuters can expect to see a heavier police presence at key subway stations around the city. despite atted patrols officers tell us there are no threats right now against boston. >> and fear is also questioning whether syrian refugees should be allowed into the u.s. it sparked a big debate this week, governor charlie baker suggesting he will need more information from the federal government before agreeing to accept syrian refugees in massachusetts. those comments brought hundreds out to beacon hill last night. they gathered in the dark right there to protest the governor's comments. meanwhile, governor's spokes people releasing a statement clarifying the governor's comments saying in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks overseas the state needs to make sure the public is safe and secure. and massachusetts is not alone in its security concerns. 30 other states also oppose accepting refugees for similar reasons. but it's something that a little boy in sharon is hoping to change. syrian refugees now living in he lost both of his arms and lost three of his siblings during a bombing at his refugee camp in syria. ahmed has written a letter to president obama hoping that his story helps people exchange their minds about refugees. >> he's saying i want the war in syria to stop and i want to see my family again and also for the people who are wounded and who opportunity. >> ahmed and his father came to boston in hopes of getting prosthetic a arms and they sacrificed a lot to come here, they left his mother and four additional siblings in turkey. but children in sharon are giving him a welcoming, planning to reads letter out loud to show their support. >> offensetive images spray painted on trees in foxboro. if you happen to know anything that might help investigators with this, police want you to >> so many folks have plans to travel this week for thanksgiving, can you guess which day is the busiest travel day on massachusetts highways. if you guessed the day before thanksgiving, you're actually wrong. we asked dot for the stats, it was the tuesday before thanksgiving, not only the busiest of the week, but the busiest travel day for the entire year. there were over 700,000 transactions on the pike, tobin and tunnel. you might recall we did have stormy weather on the wednesday before thanksgiving last year, with snow from worcester to new hampshire sea coast that could be one reason that the tuesday travel was so high. but as for post thanksgiving travel, when is the best day to leave, experts say sunday is traditionally the busiest travel day. >> time now 7:10 and one of the biggest shopping days of the year is almost here. but as you're getting your shopping list ready. there's something you want to consider. next the new alert about some toys that may be dangerous for kids. >> plus a mistake also cost a massachusetts couple their lives. and families around the country haven't been as lucky. >> we know that they went to bed that night and didn't wake up the next morning. >> well, the next -- coming up next, the is new piece of technology that's meant for convenience that is taking the blame for all of this. >> 39 degrees in boston right now. a cold start to the day with some clouds, we've got some breaks on the way. showers, up dated it's the final countdown! the final countdown! if you're the band europe, you love a final countdown. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... pflip your thinking about buying your next one. . time now 7:14 and families across the country say a simple mistake claimed the lives of their loved ones. they blame it on lots of us have. car emissions. >> just the push of a button car. some say it can be also be a killer of convenience. >> reporter: bill and lou tomlinson likely never realized their mistake. filling their home with carbon dioxide. >> we know they went to bed that night and didn't wake up in the morning. >> nobody in the car, it's been running forever long. the car should have an automatic shut off. that's to me, an easy fix. >> we've tracked 200 injuries and deaths possibly tied to forgetting to hit the button. most vehicles including this one, don't give you an external alert. families across the couple suffered similar losses when they are keyless i nicks were left running. boca raton florida, just outside, chicago, maryland, and right here in massachusetts, in weymouth weymouth, a local family came dangerously close to tragedy: keith says the family too had a keyless ignition car. his investigators used a tool that detected carbon monoxide levels inside the home at nearly 500 pashltsdz per million. they will evacuate a home when it reaches 9 parts per million. >> reporter: was this family incredibly lucky. >> thank god someone felt sick so they called 911. >> reporter: this class action filed against 12 auto makers, 13 deaths and many for requiring hospitalizations all from carbon monoxide poisoning. they call it a defect. fox 25 found that the issue has been on the later of the national highway traffic safety administration since 2011 when they acknowledged that keyless ignition increased the chances of carbon monoxide poisoning in an enclosed area. so far they haven't made any changes to the safety. >> there's probably 25 hundred things that car makers do for safety. and this seems to be an easy thing to address. >> reporter: tested more than a dozen cars to see what happens when you leave it running and walk away with the key fob. the chevy and impala had the loudest alerts utilizing the car's horn thes. manic mas and models will alert internally when the key fob leaves the car. some safety advocates, saying that's not enough. an auto off feature, they're calling for the the engine left too long. >> reporter: they did not have a working carbon monoxide detector in their home. i'm kerry kavanaugh. >> we've already heard from many of you on social media, drivers should remember to turn off the car. but safety advocates say, if this can be deadly why not have a very noticeable alert or automatic shut off. kerry noted that atlanta, have those videos and the test results posted on our website right now, click on the specials tab. >> now your forecast from sarah weather steam. sarah wroblewski: waking up to some really chilly conditions this saturday morning. too. but wow, those temperatures 15 to even 30 degrees colder at this time today than it was yesterday morning. but you know what? weekend. we're going to be talking about cool but dry conditions for the day today. however, i am tracking some showers, really creating a mess now. so what you can expect when you step out the door right now. 34 degrees in lawrence, below freezing in places like bedford portsmouth. 31 in fitchburg. milder across the cape and islands. temperatures right now to mid 40s. a wide range of temperatures and in the city of boston, as the winds are now shifting towards that north, northeast. it's a subtle wind. still creating a chill. it feels like it's in the lower 30s. so a very slight wind chill when you step out this morning, you want to dress appropriately. the good news is, the temperatures are climbing for today. getting to where they should be for this time of year, normal high around 50 degrees. upon will be just below that. some locations will climb into the lower 50s, especially farther south and east. by this evening, off and on clouds temperatures dropping back into the low 40s. high temperatures across the region, upper 40s to low 50s for the south shore, the cape and islands. the further north and west you go, to merrimack valley parts of new hampshire, again, looking at the mid to upper 40s, just to near 50 degrees. i good he is you could say this is the pick of the weekend as we see more clouds and the risk of some showers headed your way for tomorrow. but dry tonight at fenway, the in fact, temperatures falling back into the low 40s. wind light out of the east. clouds thickening up. with risk of some showers moving in after midnight. more closer towards daybreak. scattered showers continue in the morning. stay fairly cloudy tomorrow. bump up the temperatures, but we'll be tracking more wet weather. temperatures tomorrow, improvement from today, upper 40s to low to middle 50s perhaps even milder across the southeast. but the amount of rain is going to vary. especially down across the southeast, could be picking up anywhere from a quarter to a half an inch lighter amount. not a wash out of a day. high pressure in control now, sure clouds streaming in but nothing like out in the west, rain and snow. that area of pressure we're going to be tracking, pushing east, most of the moisture heads to the north but notice by 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, got scattered showers. this front pushes through while we'll see some breaks of west you go, take a look at this system, streams north ward, as it does so, provide a better chance of some showers across the southeast, later in the day and overnight. that's why our seven day forecast does show a higher chance of showers come tomorrow. although some dry times too. we dry out for monday and tuesday. cool down to temperatures below average. warm back up as we head into your wednesday and holiday, thanksgiving, looking pretty good right now with temperatures above normal, in the 50s and staying dry. over to you. blair miller: time now 7:21. breaking news, a woman in custody accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from her home in hamilton. now we've confirmed her former baby sitter is facing charges. a rowley couple found lyndon bruised. still ahead this morning, what the they told fox 25 about the road. plus black friday, less than a tweak away, holiday deals (coffee being poured into a cup.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. heather hegedus: time now 7:24. and black friday is fast approaching. this next week. on dangerous toys is also out. blair miller: fox 25 liz beth hopkins has more on which toys to keep away from the kids. >> reporter: they look like the real deal and james schwartz from the consumer watch dog group watch that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous. >> very tough to distinguish it from the real thing, especially consider when police officers have to make split second decisions, is it real, is it not. >> reporter: the group released list of 10 worse toys, includes toys that schwartz says a potential choking or strangulation hazard and several that he feels could cause eye, facial, other other injuries, like dinosaur claws inspired by jurassic park movie. and mini trampolines. >> the hazards are too significant as the manufacturer recognizes itself on the package insert. >> reporter: he added a play-doh like substance called eww dough because it has an allergies like wheat. >> even when you don't expect an allergen, read the package. >> we find they're misleading and inaccurate information. they're scaring parents. >> reporter: found the safety commission found all of these toys safe. >> all toys in the united states need to comply with strict requirements and tested and certified compliant with these requirements. >> reporter: she, like watch, recommends you read the packaging. watch's president also says you should be extra careful about buying toys online because you may not be able to see or read all of the safety warnings. >> don't compromise safety for convenience this holiday season. morning news. heather hegedus: it has been a week since the deadly terrorist attacks in paris. from over. coming up, the new insight into the role the accused mastermind played during the attacks. sarah wroblewski: the sun is up. temperature on the chilly side this morning. climbing into the 40s as we go on through the day. show you what to expect as we've got some rain on the way. blair miller: also ahead this morning, worry is growing and possible paris like . >> complete new england news coverage right now. this is fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: breaking news. a former baby-sitter now charged with abducting the child she cared for. the history between her and the family that could explain a possible motive. blair miller: welcome back on this saturday, november 21st, time now 7:29. good to have you here, i'm blair miller. heather hegedus: i'm heather hegedus. we'll get back to that breaking news of in the disappearance of a toddler. first, fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski is here with us. sarah, quiet out there right now but changes on the way. sarah wroblewski: yeah, absolutely. more changes because we've got one big change that happened overnight. temperatures have dropped. in fact, waking up this morning, it's about 20 degrees colder than it was this time yesterday. so we've got a much colder start to the day and of course that means we're going to see temperatures a little cooler for the day today. no more 60s like we had yesterday. right now 30s and 20s, 40s across the cape. got some clouds. high pressure in control. but i am tracking this system which is headed eastward. i'll show you when to expect the wet weather. latest timeline coming up. recovery to you. heather hegedus: breaking news now. one person now in custody this morning, accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old little girl from hamilton. blair miller: we've been updating on the developing story since it first unfolded yesterday. that is when 2-year-old lyndon albers vanished from her home in hamilton and turned up hours later and miles away. heather hegedus: now confirmed the former baby-sitter is now fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton. and stephanie, you were one of the first people to confirm this information this morning. >> reporter: and heather, that arrest, just another twist in this already bizarre case. police now holding the former baby-sitter without bail this morning. they say she broke into the family's home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. they're also saying 21-year-old abigail hannah had a weapon with her. so far, though, they're not saying exactly what that weapon is. but they have charged her with four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and breaking and entering. police arrested hannah after searching her home in topsfield yet. and they said evidence indicates this was a targeted kidnapping. the we know the family had recently fired her. and we're hoping to learn more about those circumstances later on today. but this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and they couldn't find their little girl. they immediately called police who then began a massive search trying to find her. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley. which is about eight miles away. they say she was on the side of the road. she was naked. her head was shaved and she had a large brootz on her head. >> she was sitting -- >> almost -- i'd say almost like a buddha pose with her hands crossed out in front of her. >> and shaking. and shaking. >> and just with her head down and she was just shaking, shaking, shivering. that's why i took my coat off. >> was she dressed? >> no, she had no clothes. >> she was completely naked? >> yeah. but she was in leaves, so when tom put the coat around her and picked her up, we weren't thinking let's check to see, we just picked her up and wrapped her and putter had in -- her in the are ska-and i put the heat on. >> just unbelievable, that couple was able to find her. she was immediately taken to the hospital. but her parents are asking police not to release any information about her condition. so we don't know exactly how she's doing. we're also going to go back to the neighborhood and hoping to learn more about the baby-sitter this morning. a live up date for you in 30 minutes. heather hegedus: to overseas now, it has now been one week in paris. the death toll risen. now stands at 130. this as new details are coming out about the man believed to have started the attack. french police believe abdelhamid abaaoud not only planned the attacks, but also may have been one of the gunmen. investigators say he was one of two people killed during a railed earlier this week. surveillance cameras spotted him at a paris metro station where the shootings at the cafe happened. french authorities are still searching for one of the suspected attackers who may have fled to belgium. in brussels, the terror alert at its highest levels which means there's a serious and imminent threat to that region. speaking at a news conference today, belgium's prime minister saying there's precise information about the risk of an attack there like the one that happened in paris. in belgium connected with those paris attacks. blair miller: a man accused of stealing womens from a worcester armory is awaiting arraignment. he appeared in a in long island federal courtroom yesterday for removal hearing. he was caught there in new york after federal investigators caught him through a zip car he checked out here in massachusetts. he is accused of breaking in to the armory last weekend and stealing six machine guns and 10 pistols. at last he can which, only some of the weapons have been recovered. they do not believe morales was planning any terrorist plot. morales will be sent back to massachusetts to face the charges. no word on when that will happen. heather hegedus: the death of a new hampshire baby now ruled a homicide. an autopsy shows 11 month old shawn sylvester died from blunt force trauma to his head. the baby was found last saturday also learning 29-year-old tommy page has been arrested and charged with possession of child abuse images. he lived in the same home as baby shawn. police in nashua new hampshire are investigating a high school in new hampshire. but this morning, they aren't telling fox 25 exactly what that incident is. are cooperating. and there are reports that the incident was sexual in nature recorded it on their cell phones. police confirm they have seized several phones during the course of their investigation. the school is not implementing on the case. so far no charges filed. blair miller: a close call for a driver after being hit by a commuter rail. an hanover street yesterday afternoon, where this happens the truck driver drove around the arm of the gate that was in the down position at the time. transit police tell fox 25 the driver will being okay and nobody on board the train was hurt. the driver will building cited we're told for driving around the arm of the gate. heather hegedus: new this morning, we're now learning all seven people on board a helicopter that crashed in new zealand are believed to be dead, including the pilot. we told you in the last hour, the chopper went down in a glacier in a popular tourist spot. it happened on a glacier known as fox glacier and tourist companies do regularly fly people on that glacier to get an a up close view. blair miller: the ceo vial certified for raising the prices of an aids treatment drug. the massive support he got from his new investors. heather hegedus: plus fast food chain chipotle widening its evcollie contamination. the new state it's showing up in. and the likely culprit investigators are working to pin down. sarah wroblewski: good morning. but bumping up the chances of rain overnight tonight and into the day tomorrow. ly dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, with double the slices of caramelized crispy pepper bacon. it's the bacon experience you've been waiting for. bacon up. america runs on dunkin'. what if the holidays were about people again? and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e, and not s-a-l-e. that' s the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there' s no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on thoughtful gifts everyday. let' s put more value on what really matters. this season, bring back the holidays. catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees, lattes, and macchiatos. enjoy every sip of the new snickerdoodle macchiato. heather hegedus: happening today, the first tree lighting ceremony of the season is happening in boston. 80 foot tall -- and six different states. the cdc saying it's happening now in washington, oregon, california, minnesota, new york, and ohio. 16 people were so sick, they wound up in the hospital. the cdc says a single ingredient is the likely culprit. but they have yet to identify what that ingreed gent is. blair miller: the pharmaciville an aids drug by 5,000 percent issictaing over another company. call low buyyos, took some heat for raising 13:50 a pill to $700 a pill. he promised to rules the cost but that hasn't happen. new profit shares of call low buy controls searched by almost 500 percent. heather hegedus: headed to the movies this weekend. the long anticipation to the conclusion of the hunger basements saga now in theaters. the massive numbers it's bringing in the box office how this stacked up to its predsells sore sores. blair miller: next this that is meant to it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. heather hegedus: time now 7:44. no secret you should being careful about what you post on social media. but the state legislature is now taking away a gray area and making your online profiles a little more private. fox 25 katherine bur ham breaks down a new law, from requesting information about your social media profile. >> reporter: the need to tweet, instagram and facebook is a daily part of so many lives and now massachusetts lawmakers want to make sure that habit is protected. >> social media has become far more pro live rant in our lives, far more important, also seen cases where access to that information has been breached. >> reporter: tomorrow legislatures will vote on the be so media privacy protection act. it prohibitsly employers from asking employees or job applicants for their user names on applications. it will make it easier for school or staff to access students social media as well. >> it's like reading your diary. you don't want anybody to read your diary. it's your thing, it's your personal statement. >> reporter: claudia is active on facebook and twitter, even if her employer asked her for information, she would say no. >> my stuff is private. i don't want anybody to know. you've got to trust me. >> reporter: but senator bruce tar who helped draft the i will about, until now that denial wouldn't be protected under the law. it also gives potential victims the ability to sue anyone who does attempt to access their account. >> what it really is about is pass words and account information and things that simply go too far in terms of giving access to an employer or school. >> reporter: i'm katherine burcham fox 25 news. heather hegedus: employers or school staff or police think something posting on a social media could represent a crime or safety threat they do still have the right to request access to an account. blair miller: soon every town here in massachusetts could raise the smoking age, lawmakers considering a ban on selling under the age of 21. many cities and towns across massachusetts already raised the smoking age by three years. in 2005, needham became the first town in the country to raise the smoking age to 21. the only other state to do that is hawaii. heather hegedus: an update of the battle online fantasy sports, it remains legal in massachusetts but soon will be regulated. the attorney general's office sites like boston based draft kings and its rival, fan dumust if follow consumer protection laws. keeps anyone from under the age of 21, anyone associated with professional sports. there will be public hearings on the rules in january with formal regulations being announced sometime after that. blair miller: this morning marked day 11 for a new hampshire man doing this, so determined to save his business fox 25 smoke with kevin when he water slide at liquid planet water park. he opened the park eight years ago and recently the bank foreclosed on it. he vows to remain on the post until the property is auctioned off september for december 2nd. until then, he started a go-fund me page, to try to raise money to save his park. his goal to raise a million dollars but so far the fund has only received less than $2,000 hfrjtsz if you're headed to the movies this weekend, the long awaited chapter of hunger games saga in theaters now. mocking jay part two pulled in 47 million $ friday, its opening night. put it below projections for its opening weekend. behind mocking jay part one, if these numbers stay within the new predictions. so far the film has received mixed review from critics but fan reaction has been mostly popular. >> now your local forecast if from meteorologist sarah wroblewski and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. the sun has been up for about an hour now. but boy those sun right pictures coming in and looking spectacular. take a look at this shot sent in from nicole on twitter. just a stunning sunrise this morning. now a live look at the city of boston. this is what we're looking at. sure we still have those clouds out there, a few breaks but when you're stepping outside, you need to bundle uply, it's on the chiller side, 39 degrees, with that wind, although it's light. it makes it feel in lower 30s. so a slight wind chill this morning. 40s in the cape today with a mix of sun and clouds. temperatures climbing to where they should be this time of year or just below. upper 40s to near 50s. this is what you can expect around town, mid to upper 40s as you travel to the north and west. upper 40s to the lower 50s down across the cape and island. going to be a dry day. we'll see some sun. we will be dealing with cooler conditions. come tomorrow, we'll bump up those temperatures but bring in some clouds and the risk of some showers. high pressure keeps us dry for the day today. to the west, we've got this storm system, precipitation out through the midwest, snow in chicago, some delays there, if you're travelling or coming in, want to check your status. as this system moves eastward, it's going to move most of the moisture to the north and what we will see is increasing clouds overnight tonight. today looking pretty fine. there are those clouds. when you wake up tomorrow, we'll be on the warmer side with the risk of a few scattered showers early in the morning through the midday hours. in fact, we will see some breaks in the cloud cover as we head into the afternoon. especially further north and west you go. as you see along the coast, we've got some clouds. another area of moisture to our south. how close it gets is something we'll be tracking tomorrow. looks as though we could see rain move back into parts of the cape and islands late sunday into early monday. some of the latest models pushing the bulk of moisture well off shore. again, still some wiggle room so something we'll be watching over the next 24 hours. temperatures today in the 40s, staying dry, clouds increase tonight as temperatures fall back into the 30s. come tomorrow, a few more 50s. best chance of seeing some sunshine further north and west you go, as well as dryer conditions. however, we are anticipating to see a cool down as we head into the week. by monday highs will struggle to get out of the 40s. and if you're going to be headed to the pats game, temperature right near the freezing mark for kick off. we'll warm up as we head into wednesday. and we thanksgiving, we're going to be seeing above average temperatures staying dry. lots of sunshine, looking pretty good for any of those high school football games. there's the latest forecast. a busy neighborhood leaves one person dead another fighting for their life. >> this isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard. heather hegedus: coming up, the history of violence described by that local man you just heard from who has come face to face with bullets himself. blair miller: plus the patriots now nine and 0 but facing mounting challenges for the next the plans they're years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. what every coconut wants. >> well, good morning. welcome to saturday sports. with aed coach bill belichick overcome injuries this season. now julian edelman. gronk will certainly be up for >> absolutely. team. everybody has a job to do. and that's all we can focus on. >> we got a lot of play makers on this team. ready to step up and be challenged every single week. it helps you to rise to different occasions. so just another challenge coming monday night. i know that they definitely are ready to go. >> well, sexy rexy wasn'ts usual jovial self thursday with the boston media merely because he envies the patriots. he wants what they have. on friday, the buffalo media tried to get an encore performance only new england but old sexy rexy he resisted. >> it's new england week, man. i don't know what to tell you. i'm not real fond of new england right now. no, it's -- it's just the way it ryan. maybe because he knows talk is cheap and bell chick and tv 12 has his number, address. 26 touchdowns while leaving seven of their last eight imgas. that is pretty good. well entering last night's celtics game, reason to beat brooklyn. the celtics get their first round pick, plus the green and white back to their twinning ways. celtics will take control of this game pretty early. second half, isaiah thomas on fire. he was score from the 3 point range, nine of them. went to a 24 point lead at the half. won this thing pretty easily. 120 to 95. maurice jones, you got to see these pictures go to our website,, pictures to try to look like tom brady if you want to chuckle, i'm bryan salmond, fox 25 sports. heather hegedus: merge alert, carried most of our pockets but experts say the system is still way behind where it needle to be. straight ahead, the improvements that could make all of the difference if disaster strikes. >> if you're travelling this defend weekend, temperatures on the cooler side, we've got some sunshine, but sthotz clouds thickening up ahead of some showers i'm tracking. show you when those showers arrive on sunday coming up. >> plus the drug meant for cancer patients now being used for different problems and birth defects. >> never approved, vetted for a pregnant woman. >> still ahead, dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, caramelized crispy pepper bacon. you've been waiting for. bacon up. america runs on dunkin'. and of course, everyone wants to get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. come on in pop pop. happy birthday. i just had a heart attack... and now i have a choice. for her. for them. and him. a choice to take brilinta. a prescription for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin than 100 mg. as it affects how well it works. it's such an important thing to do to help protect against another heart attack. brilinta worked better than plavix. and even reduced the chances of dying from another one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to doctor. since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers. a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery and all medicines you take. i will take brilinta today. tomorrow. and every day for as long as my doctor tells me. don't miss a day of brilinta. catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees, lattes, and macchiatos. enjoy every sip of the new snickerdoodle macchiato. heather hegedus: right now, a quiet start to the day, but tracking some changes on the way, my latest timeline of when to expect rain this weekend. >> reporter: breaking news, hours after this little girl found miles from her home. police have arrested her former baby-sitter. the new details we're learning this morning. blair miller: and one week after paris, another deadly terror attack. a massachusetts native, one of the victims. this morning, the strong words from president obama about this latest growing threat. heather hegedus: plus tensions growing around the country over syrian refugees. a little boy sharing his story of survival, the difference he hopes it will make. >> complete new england news coverage starts right now. this is fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: and we will get to that breaking news following all morning long out of hamilton in a moment. but first, 8 a.m., saturday, november 21st, thanks for waking i'm heather hegedus. >> and i'm blair miller. fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski joins us now. big change from yelled. sarah wroblewski: absolutely. this morning we're waking up to the temperatures in 20s and 30s. a cool start but a dry start. take a look. a wintery mix of precipitation out to the midwest, tracking this storm system as it will be pushing eastward and increase chance of some showers headed our way this weekend. but right now, looking at just a cold start out there, especially through the interior, closer to the coast, in the 40s, boston jumped to 40 degrees as we take you hour by hour through the day, expecting to see and 30s to the mid 40s by your midday hours, upper 40s to low 50s by the afternoon. with a few clouds out there, but the clouds thickening up tonight with the rain on the way. i'll show you when to expect the wet conditions ahead. over to you. heather hegedus: back to that breaking news now, one person is in custody this morning, accused of kidnapping that 2-year-old girl from happened of hamilton. blair miller: we've been updating since yesterday, lyndon albers vanish inned from her home in hamilton and urn turned up miles away and hours later. heather hegedus: the former baby-sitter now facing kidnapping charges. stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton for us this morning. you're one of the first people to confirm the arrest this morning, stephanie >>from and heather, this arrest has really shocked this community. i've been speaking with folks back here in this neighborhood, they say they are shocked and relieved after hearing about that arrest. police say that former baby-sitter actually broke into the home and kidnapped the little girl in the middle of the night. this is a bizarre case that has the entire community on edge. 21-year-old abigail hannah, the former baby sitter, being held without bail. with he know police searched her home in topsfield yesterday. also learned the family had recently fired her. hannah now being discharged with kidnapping, assault and battery on a child, and breaking and entering. now, this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers called police saying they woke up and their daughter was gone. police immediately started a massive search trying to find her. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley about eight miles away. they say she was naked, her head was shaved and she had a large bruise on her head. a terrifying situation. >> it's like any parents nightmare, a daughter or son missing, three or ten miles away. and these people, it doesn't add ever. >> reporter: and, again, residents here in this neighborhood this morning saying this arrest is just bizarre. it's weird. especially very upsetting because the former baby-sitter is a person of trust in this family. the little girl immediately rushed to the hospital after she was found. her parents asking the police not to release any information about her condition which is something a lot of people have been asking me about so far this morning. how is she doing? we don't know. we do know she's at the hospital. coming up in 30 minutes, i just spoke with the man who started searching for that little girl yesterday. hear what he say has to say police. coueignoux, fox 25. blair miller: this morning, we're asking for more information, after shots fired on mendon street in black stone. fox 25 on the scene soon after it happened. police kept us a pretty good distance away and it's not clear if anyone there was hurt. also this morning, one person dead, and another wounded after a shooting in jamaica plain. we were on that scene in a parking lot in wyman and center street soon after this happened around 6 o'clock last night. one person died at the hospital the other has life-threatening injuries. alvin goreira was at work when it happened. right next to his store, he says the violence happens all the time and he shows us the bullet holes in his store. >> this isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard to go around in this -- be always on the look out because you can't ever be outside and blair miller: police have so far not released a motive yet. they're not saying whether the victims were targeted. >> this morning, fox 25 is working to get more information about a person found seriously hurt at a bus stop. it happened in boston. take a look at the scene on washington and lenox street in the south end. police had that area blocked off with that crime scene tape right there, just before midnight friday. the person had severe head trauma and was found lying in a pool of blood. right now it's not clear how that person was hurt or how he or she is doing. blair miller: in china this morning, 21 people now dead after a coal mine fire in northeastern province. 38 people working underground when a piece of equipment caught fire. 16 made it to safety. one more still missing this morning. this is the second deadly mining incident in china this year. 21 died in another accident at another mine in april. heather hegedus: developing situation in africa, a state of emergency underway right now in mali after yesterday's terror attack at a hotel. the story breaking this time yesterday morning. gunmen stormed a raddison hotel in mali's capital. about 170 people were in the hotel at that time. it led to an hour's long hostage situation. at the time of the attack, the hotel was hosting diplomatic delegations for peace talks and islamic militant groups and a faction of al qaeda have both claimed responsibility. this morning we're also learning more about the massachusetts native who was among those killed in mali. we first told you about this connection as breaking news last night on fox 25. 31-year-old anita datar was a development firms manager. she was born right here in massachusetts. but grew up in new jersey and most recently lived in maryland. she survived by her parents, brother, and a young son. datar is the second massachusetts native killed by terrorists overseas just in the past 24 hours. also killed 18-year-old easy ra-schwartz who died thursday during an attack inger ruleslum. spending a year in israel for a religious study. he is survived by his parents and four siblings bfrjtsz new this morning, president obama hey says the attack in mali is another reminder terrorism strikes many nations. he also extended his condolences to the families of the victims. the incident in mali come a week after the terrorist attack in paris. the death toll now to 130 people after gunmen attacked six locations in in that city last friday night. police now at home on high alert. police in boston are watching for anything suspicious stepping up patrols for all of the events happening around the city this weekend. transit officers also telling fox 25 commuters can expect to see a heavier police presence at key subway stations around the city. despite added patrols officers tell us there are no threats against boston. heather hegedus: and fear of terrorism has leaders here at home questioning whether syrian refugees should be allowed into the u.s. just this week, governor baker suggesting he'd need more information from the federal government before agreeing to accept syrian refugees in massachusetts. those comments brought out hundreds to beacon hill last night who gathered in the dark, as you can see here, to protest the governor's comments. spokeswoman declare certified the comments, saying the recent terrorist attacks overseas wants to make sure the public is safe and secure. and massachusetts is not alone in security concerns, 30 other states oppose accepting reason. it's something, though, a little boy in sharon is hoping to change. 9-year-old ahmed kala is a syrian refugee now living in massachusetts with his father. as you can see, he lost both of his arms. he also lost three of his siblings during a bombing at his refugee camp in syria. ahmed has written a letter to story helps to change other people's minds about refugees. >> he's saying i want the war in syria to stop and i want to see my family again. and also for the people who are wounded and who are refugees to have another chance. heather hegedus: ahmed and his father came to boston in hopes of getting ahmed prosthetic arms. they sacrificed a lot to be here, they left ahmed's mother turkey. however, children in sharon are welcoming him with open arms. on tuesday they plan to read ahmed's letter out loud to show their support. foxboro in the area. heat and conservation. if you happen to know anything that might help investigators police want you to call them. can some of you registered on the do not call list but still being bombarded by the global reporting a record 99,000 complaints in the last year. 50 percent increase from the year before. only one massachusetts area code not reporting a big increase, count yourself lucky if your phone number starts with 617. heather hegedus: happening today, the 7th annual turkey bowl for tots will be getting underway at 7 a.m. at yarmouth. police will donate $20 and an unwrapped toy. and all of the proceeds will go to toys for tots. mean while, many folks have plans to travel this week for thanksgiving. so can you guess which day is busiest day on massachusetts highways? if you guessed the day before thanksgiving, you're wrong. we asked mass. dot for the stats. last year it was the tuesday before thanksgiving, so two days before. not only the busiest for the week. it was actually the busiest travel day of the entire year. that day, there were more than pike, tunnels and the tobin. monday was the second busiest day of the thanksgiving travel week with nearly 600,000 transactions. you may recall we did have really bad weather on the wednesday before thanksgiving last year. there was snow from worcester to the new hampshire sea coast. that could be a major reason why tuesday travel was so high. as for post thanksgiving, sunday is the busiest travel day. good to know as we plan our travel this week. big upgrades coming to the emergency wireless alert system. still ahead, a look at the new features being added in hopes of saving lives. blair miller: plus a drug commonly used to treat morning sickness, leaving lasting side effects. >> a parent that something is wrong. blair miller: dozens of local mothers fighting back for the sake of their children. fox 25 with one woman's story this morning coming up. sarah wroblewski: changes on the way this weekend. after driving, back in threat with showers as we head into the save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie heather hegedus: the time now 8:15. more than four dozen lawsuits in the works over a popular drug that many mothers are prescribed now some mothers say the treatment left their children with serious medical problems. sara underwood spoke with one woman who says it's something that forever changed her daughter's life. >> reporter: family time is precious for beth motel especially since is he came close to losing her daughter marissa. beth's world was shattered after she delivered marissa. doctors notice the newborn had breathing problems and then discovered a congenital heart defect. >> they told us she needed open heart surgery, she was on life support and had a feeding tube. >> reporter: she blames the heart defect on a drug she took during pregnancy called zofran, it's fda to treat nauseous sha in cancer patients but sometimes prescribed off label for morning sickness. >> it was never labeled, approved, or tested or otherwise related for pregnant women. that's what's so egregious in this case. >> reporter: there are nearly 60 lawsuits nationwide now consolidated in a massachusetts court. >> our primary goal, is one, to make sure that these children have the resources necessary to get the best possible medical care for the rest of their life. >> reporter: in 2012, glakz so agreed to pay a settlement in the department of justice, to what the doj called the failure to report safety drugs several drugs including zofran. the company told fox 25, we believe allegations in these lawsuits are entirely unfounded and that zofran has properly marketing, was marketed appropriately and did not cause the injuries alleged. in fact, there are conflicting studies if the drug causes heart palate. >> you're not sure if it's the medication causing the problem or something else causing the problem. that's the difficulty with any study. director of fetal medicine hospital. she says zofran is effective for morning sickness but believes it shouldn't be used as a front line therapy. >> i think because of the controversy and some of the data out there now, we should be more careful about prescribing it too more information. >> reporter: what do you think, the doctor's office. >> >> reporter: beth says her daughter is small for her age and has difficulties with school. more troubling, she says, she doesn't know what her long term medical care looks like. >> my hope is that, if with he can make sure life a little bit easier, given that life is going to be a little bit of a struggle for her, i hope that we can do that. >> reporter: i'm sara underwood. heather hegedus: and the massachusetts judge met with lawyers earlier this week to work out logistics but a decision could still be years away. one thing to note, a lot of generic form of zofran but the law doesn't allow the generic manufacturer to be held liable. so only those who took the name brand zofran can file a lawsuit. meantime glakz so sent fox 25 a statement after our piece aired. late last month, fda denied a petition to change the labelling for zofran. and it says it hopes the fda's decision will help with the court cases. we do have that paperwork. if you'd like to see it up right now on our website, >> now your local forecast from meteorologist sarah wroblewski and the fox 25 storm tracker weather team. sarah wroblewski: good saturday morning everybody. chilly out there with some clouds, some breaks too. but one thing you're pretty much noticing, the minute you step out the door, temperatures much colder that be they were at this time yesterday, 20 degrees colder. today, going to be a cool but dry day. tracking showers moving in overnight tonight. and from areas on sunday. but right now, 20s and 30s, still at the freezing mark in places like nashua and fitch burke, boston in the 40s now. still got the 40s for the cape and islands. for the morning, anticipate to have the wind out of the north, northeast, adding a slight chill, feels like the 30s in boston. but as we head over the next twelve hours, see the temperature rise into the upper 40s near 50 right where we should be for this time of year. this evening, if you're headed to faneuil hall for the tree lighting ceremony, expect temperatures in the 40s. or headed to fenway park, temperatures dropping into the 40s. going to be dry. however, clouds thicken up overnight tonight. as temperatures fall back into the 30s, 40s at the coast. tomorrow, bring up the temperatures a few degrees upper 40s to mid 50s but more clouds and also scattered showers. dry today scoots to the east but this is the storm system we're going to be tracking, moving east, yeah, bringing our wintery mess out to the midwest right now. but it will be pushing eastward as it does, most of the moisture heads to the north. but there are those scattered showers when you wake up tomorrow and along the coast towards midday. a system to the south ride along this frontal boundary late and another showers across the cape and islands. nonetheless, cooler weather follows. a look at your seven day forecast with weekend always in view warm up slightly this weekend but then drop as we head into monday and tuesday. as for the holiday, looks as though temperatures will actually why you've. so 40s for the football game in the morning, by the afternoon, as you're having your turkey, temperatures in the 50s with sunshine and dry conditions. there's the latest look at your forecast. >> time now 8:21. this morning we're on the scene of breaking news, a woman in custody accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from her home in hamilton. since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. now we've confirmed her former baby-sitter facing charges. she was found in rowley naked and bruised. fox 25 spoke with one man who says he was the police's original system. what he has to say coming up. heather hegedus: mean while, before you start your holiday shopping, we have a story that you need to hear. the annual list is out showing children. it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. . heather hegedus: black friday fast approaching, that means the dangerous toys list also out. blair miller: liz hopkins has more on which toys to keep away from kids. >> reporter: that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous, they look like the real deal. >> very difficult to distinguish from the real thing, especially consider when police officers have to make split second decisions, is it real, is it not. >> reporter: the groom includes 10 worse toys, include choking or potential strangulation hazard and several that he feels could cause eye, facial and claws inspired by injure race sick park and mini trampoline. >> a product like that shouldn't be out there for children, the hazards are too significant as the manufacturer recognizes itself on the package insert. >> reporter: he added a play-doh like substance because it has an allergies that contains wheat. >> even when you don't expect an allergies, you might see that. so read the package carefully. >> misleading and filled with inaccurate information and unnecessarily frighten parents. >> reporter: she points out that the consumer safety commission found all these toys safe. >> all toys manufactured in the need to be certified with these complaints. >> reporter: she recommends you read packaging and any inserts and make sure to buy toys for recommended age groups. also should be extra careful about buying toys online because you may not be able to see or read all of the safety warnings. >> don't comp promize safety for convenience this holiday season. >> reporter: elizabeth hop coins, fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: you'll want to check out the list on, today is actually the day to shop for days if you're looking to save. blair miller: experts say buying today could save you 18 percent. save the same amount for shopping for electronics on monday. and buying jewelry on thanksgiving day could mean 25 percent in savings. but wait a bit longer for clothes, they go on sale closer to the holiday. heather hegedus: start making my list. a busy month. in emergencies happen, as you know, our phones now begin sending out notices. now there are new additions coming to the emergency alert system that could make a difference when every second counts. more on that ahead. sarah wroblewski: ifrtsdz 40 degrees in boston right now. that wind making a difference. these are temperatures you should be dressing for the you're headed out the door right now. hour by hour what to expect in your town this afternoon. morning, worry >> complete new england news coverage continues right now. this is fox 25 morning news. blair miller: we are on the scene breaking news this morning for you. a woman now in custody. 2-year-old from her home in hamilton. we have been covering this story since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. heather hegedus: this morning, we've now confirmed her former baby-sitter is facing charges. a couple found lyndon in rowley naked, her head shaved, she was bruised. fox 25 is live in hamilton for you this morning. we spoke with the man who says he was the original suspect. we'll hear from him later on in the show. blair miller: first 8:30 on this saturday, november 21st. i'm blair miller. >> i'm heather hegedus. sarah, a gloomy and cold start to the morning, but changes are coming. sarah wroblewski: yeah, we are going to be experiencing some breaks of sunshine and quiet conditions for the day today. although a cold start, we could, talking about this. sure enough, an area of low pressure bringing in snow to the midwest. in fact, with he are going to,ta walking about this because this is our storm system headed our way this weekend that will bring the risk of showers into our square. in fact, we're going to be talking about partly to mostly sunny skies hoping to boost the temperatures right now the 30s and 40s into the 40s all around by the late morning to near 50 degrees down across the southeast by this afternoon. cooler than average but still not too bad. upper 40s. i'm going to show you the were with a up headed our way as well as that rain timeline coming up in just a few minutes. heather hegedus: let's get back to breaking news, one person in custody this morning accused of kidnapping that 2-year-old girl. blair miller: vanish inned from her home in hamilton and turned up miles away hours later. heather hegedus: her former baby-sitter now facing kidnapping charges. stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton, stephanie, you were one of the first people toen cofirm the arrest this morning. >> reporter: heather i shared that news with a lot of people living in this neighborhood. they told me they're absolutely baby-sitter has now been arrested but they are incredibly relieved that an arrest has been made. that former baby-sitter now without bail this morning. police say she broke into this home and kidnapped the little girl right in the middle of the night. police also say 21-year-old abigail hannah had a weapon with her. they're not saying exactly what that weapon was. but they have now charged her with four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weaponing and breaking and entering. after searching her home in topsfield yesterday, they arrested her. they do indicate that this is a targeted kid in aing. we know that the family had recently fired her. and we are hoping to learn more about those circumstances today. this all started yesterday morning, when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and couldn't find her. they immediately called police who then began a massive search trying to find her. and to as actually a couple who spotted the little girl several about eight miles away. they say she was naked her head was shaved and she had a large bruise on her held. and in just the last 30 minutes, i spoke with the a neighbor who said he was actually a person of interest early on. but he told me he's actually not upset police quelled him. >> i understood. because if you eliminate me, they're not looking in the wrong direction, they're going to find out who did this. i immediately said, no problem take my dna, because it's the right thing to do, the assumer they find out it's not me, they're going to get that person, it's important to get that person. >> reporter: and he told me, as soon as he found out the little girl had vanished, he also began selfing for her in a marsh area here. so many people relieved that an arrest has been made for the little girl. as soon as she was found, she was rushed to the hospital. her parents are asking police not to release any information about her condition. and we also spoke with the couple who found the little girl on the side of the road. coming up in 30 minutes, you'll hear from them about their incredible discovery. in hamilton, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. heather hegedus: stephanie thank you. overseas now, police in paris have extended a ban on demonstrations and other gatherings there through the end of the month now. the this comes as the heads of state for more than 100 countries prepare to head to that city for the un climate conference which is scheduled for november 30th. yesterday marks one week since the terrorist attacks in paris risen. it now stands at 130 people. this as new details are coming out about the man believed to to have plotted the attacks. french police believe abdelhamid abaaoud not only planned the attacks but also may have been one of the gunmen. investigators say he was one of two people killed during a raid earlier this week. him at a paris metro station. still searching for one of the suspected attackers who may have fled to belgium. and belgium a serious and imminent threat to that area. prime minister saying there's precise information now about the risk of an attack like the one that happened in paris happening in belgium. police have been conducting numerous raids in that country connected to the paris terror attacks. blair miller: a man accused of stealing 16 military grade weapons from the worcester armory still awaiting arraignment. james walter morales appeared in federal court yesterday for a removal hearing. he was caught in new york after federal investigators tracked him from his zip car he checked out in massachusetts. he is accused of breaking into the armory last weekend and stealing 6 machine guns and 10 pistols. at last check only some of the weapons recovered. they do not believe morales was attack. the army is not saying if morales has any connection of the facility he is accused of breaking into. no word on when he will be spent massachusetts. the death of a baby now ruled a homicide. an autopsy shows 11 month old shawn sylvester died of blunt force trauma to the home. he was found in his home alex sandy i can't. tommy page has been arrested and charged with child sex abuse images. prosecutors say he lived in the same home as baby shawn. police in nashua and amherst new hampshire. they're not telling exactly what that incident is. we do know that students are cooperating. there are reporting the incident was sexual in nature. and some students may have recorded it on their cell phone. police confirmed they have sized several of those phones in their investigation. the school is not commenting on the case and so far no charges filed. heather hegedus: a close call for a person getting hit by a commuter rail. the investigation shows the truck driver drove around the arm of the gate that was in the down position. transit police tell fox 25 that driver will be okay. and no one on board the train was hurt. the driver, though, will be cited for driving around the arm of the gate. new this morning, we are now learning all seven people on board a helicopter that crashed in new zealand are believed to be dead. we told you earlier on the fox 25 morning news that the chopper went down on a glacier in a very popular tourist responsibility. the passengers are believed to be australian and british. the nationality of the pilot is not known. happened on fox gash shear and they do regularly fly visitors on that glash shear to get an up blair miller: the ceoville vilified in now in charge of another company. the massive support he got from his customers. heather hegedus: chipotle widening its search, the likely culprit investigators are working to pin down. sarah wroblewski: cool and dry for the day today. we bump up the temperatures tomorrow. but also increase the chance of showers. i've got my dunkin's new sweet black pepper bacon sandwich, with double the slices of caramelized crispy pepper bacon. it's the bacon experience you've been waiting for. bacon up. it's been her fight for twenty years. something is wrong with our healthcare system and it needs to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees, lattes, and macchiatos. heather hegedus: time now 8 :41. we now know the e. coli outbreak in chipotle restaurants, it's happening, in washington, oregon, minnesota, ohio, and close to here, new york. 60 people were so sick, then ended up in the hospital. the cdc says a single ingredient is likely the culprit. but they haven't identified what that ingredient is yet. closer to home, a chain in massachusetts, will not serve genetically modified salmon right now. the president of legal seafood telling the boston globe, he is a purist and skeptical about whether they're okay to eat. just announced altering the genes of sallen month to grow faster, in their investigation, has not made salmon any less blair miller: the ceo of a pharmaceutical company, vilified, a cancer drug, martin, co and chairman. he took a lot of heat, from raising the price of 13.50 a bill, to $700 a bill. he took a lot of heat, and he promised to lower the price, but that never happened. heather hegedus: long anticipated conclusion to the theaters. the massive numbers it's bringing in at the box office. how it stacks up against its predecessors. getting ungrade to bring it up dear fellow citizen, i know what it' s like to buy a house. i know how it feels to be stressed about money. i understand what a scary word "retirement" is, and i can help. because i' m not just a fellow dad, fellow mom, fellow saver, i' m a fellow citizen. who gets up every day and tries her best. just like you. sincerely, elizabeth trackler samantha parke robert kennedy deanna morrison jared duemling alex payne . big changes coming to wireless emergency alerts. fdc added new field churs to alerts, including links and images. fox 25 justin gray looks at how these changes can help when every second counts. >> reporter: from missing children to tornados warning alerts on phones are already helping in light threatening situations. >> and the item a is adopted. >> reporter: the new exchanges the fdc just approved will make major improvements to alerts, links better targeted. >> longer messages and more targeted geography means a better product. >> reporter: in the event of a terror attack like paris alerts on phones are a critical means of communicating with the public. >> just last week we had a cruel reminder that when the unthinkable occurs, our security so often depends on connectivity. >> reporter: during the boston marathon bomb, cell phone alerts with these improvements, they say they can do even more. >> imagine if those messages including maps or urls, hyper links. >> reporter: so many alerts come in from our phones that we start to ignore some of them. targeting is critical if they're going to be effective. >> those who repeateded get alerts that may not be relevant for them may one day actually ignore alerts that directly impact their health and safety. >> the is have it. >> reporter: the fcc votednancely for the new rules. now openly for public comment before a final volt. live in washington, justin gray, fox 25 news. blair miller: soon every town in massachusetts could raise the smoking age. lawmakers considering a statewide ban in raising the age of selling bicyclist to those underage 21. raise the legal smoking age by three years. in 2005, needham became the first town in the couple to raise the smoking age to 21. the only other state to do this is hawaii. this morning marks day eleven now for a new hampshire man so determined to save his business, he's doing this, he's chained himself to it. fox 25 smoke with kevin dumont when he first took to the top of the water slide. he opened the park eight years ago and the bank recently foreclosed on it. he's not getting down until the company is auctioned off on december 2nd. he's trying to raise money to save his park. his goal is to raise a million dollars but so far that fund has received less than 2,000 dollars. heather hegedus: he is sure is dedicated. the long awaited chapter of hunger games saga in theaters now. pulling in $47 million friday opening day. that puts it below projections and behind mocking jay part one. if the numbers do stay within these new predictions. the budget for the film was estimated to be around $215 million million. >> now your forecast from meteorologist sarah wroblewski and storm tracker weather team. sarah wroblewski: pretty stunning subject rise this morning. now the sun has been up, starting to work at those temperatures which were really cold at some locations, 20s and 30s. currently now 40 in boston. sure enough, that wind making it feel a little colder. stepping out this morning, prepare for temperatures to feel like the 30s in the city. we've got a lot going on. the weekend before thanksgiving. a lot of road races out there. a lot of parades. today this is what you can expect. temperatures to climb into the mid 40s for the morning hours. by your lunch hour, in the mid to upper 40s. by the afternoon, upper 40s to lower 50s. the best chance of those lower 50s across the scape and island. once the sun sets shortly after 4 o'clock. notice the temperature falling. see a few more clouds, thickening clouds later on this evening and tonight. by 8 o'clock, still in the 40s. perhaps the lower 40s in the city of boston. this is what you can expect for high temperatures around town, northwest, upper 40s, mentioned mildest spots down across the northeast. overall a dry day, a cool day, temperatures are just near normal. overnight tonight, we're going to see temperatures fall back into the low 30s through the interior, but closer to the coast, going to see upper 30s to low 40s. for the cape and islands, with cloud cover in place, we will see temperatures in the 40s. we'll also see the clouds increase with the risk of some showers. so high pressuring, keeps us dry for the day today. we like that. unfortunately, it moves away because we've got this storm system we're tracking, bringing a wintery mix of precipitation to the midwest, snowing in chicago, rain in st. louis now, switching over to snow. this storm system continues to push eastward. as it does so, most of the moisture heads to the north, but we will be seeing some showers head our way. so future cast showing for the day today, looking fine, we'll find some mid to high level clouds, filtering the sky at times but by tonight, the clouds really thicken up, and the risk of showers increases after midnight, closer towards the sunrise. and when you're waking up, we've got widely scattered showers, not a wash out, not a wall of rain, bull still could dampen some areas early tomorrow. and then by your lunch hour, we break out into some sunshine to the north and west pretty much staying cloudy along the coast. another system to our south u will get close enough to part of the cape and islands and renewed chance of some showers head into the evening and overnight hours. some of the is models bringing this rain all the way into boston. about you the latest trend pushing it off shore. something we're going to have to continue to monitor. none the less, despite the cloud cover, we will see improvement in temperatures tomorrow. as highs today, upper 40s. tomorrow, upper 40s to low 50s. once that front pushes on through, by monday and tuesday, back to below normal temperatures. take a, look at the seven day forecast. you'll see, we'll be dropping into below average conditions towards the start of the week. if you're headed to the pats game on monday night, it's 8:30. it's going to be cold. temperature near the freezing mark for kick off. we will find improvement as we get closer to the holiday, in fact, dry stretch headed our way, temperatures will respond by climbing into the 50s by your thanksgiving. looking pretty good for those football games. and keep it dry all the way to friday. there's the latest forecast. heather hegedus: that's the most people priority, thanksgiving forecast. maybe the travel before. blair miller: exactly. heather hegedus: the privacy online in our lives is something we most expect but may not be getting. coming up the reason schools and employers will soon have a harder time digging through your social media profiles bfrjtsd . >> good morning. welcome to saturday sports. patriots fans have watched coach bill bill check do wonders to overcome injuries. now, without julian edelman. don't we were, gronk will certainly be up for the >> absolutely. everybody has a home in this game, everybody has a job to do. and that's all we can focus on. >> we've got a lot on this team. step up and be challenged in a different way every single week. and it helps you rise to different occasions. so just another challenge on monday night. and i know they're definitely going to be prepared and ready to go. >> well, sexy rexy wasn't his usual jovial self with the boston media over the phone mainly because he envies the patriots. he wants what they have. on friday, the buffalo media tried to get an encore performance on new england. but old sexy rexy, he resisted. man. i don't know what to tell you. i'm not real fond of new england right now. no, it's -- it's the way it is, man. >> wow, loss of words for rex ryan. maybe because he knows that talk is cheap and belecheck has and tb 12 has his number. winning seven of are this last eight meetings, that is pretty good. first found pick, plus gets the green and white back to their winning ways. celtics trach control of this game pretty early. isaiah thomas on fire. he scored nine from the three point range. the celtics went from being up 7 to 24 point lead in the half. won this thing pretty easily. 120 to 95. and maurice jones, you got to see these pictures, go to our website,, try to look like tom brady, if you want to chuckle, check it out. i'm brian salmon, fox 25 sports. blair miller: now being blamed the silent skiller the world's policeman. we have to be the world's leader. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? the united states has the capability of doing this, national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president for our country going forward. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible >> this the fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: good morning. >> it is the a.m. a very busy news morning. also thement goes of 2-year-old in hamilton. her former baby-sitter now arrested. blair miller: an arrest in this case and our stephanie coueignoux on that case right now. we'll have an update. first, i'm blair miller. >> i'm heather hegedus. the thanks so much for waking up with us. fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski joining us now. a cold start to the weekend. but overall could be worse. sarah wroblewski: yeah. take a look at denver. 7 degrees there. we've got really cold air draining in through parts of the states, right behind milder conditions to the south. when you get the clash of the cool and mild weather, you tend to get storm systems, sure enough, we've got rain and snow there you the midwest that we're tracking. this is the system we'll be watching to bring us a few showers come tomorrow. but in boston, we've got some clouds, some blue sky, temperature right now 31. 30 to the north and west. starting to see some improvements already 50 on nantucket. coming up, show you what to expect by the afternoon and when those showers arrived coming up. heather hegedus: breaking news we were just telling you about. one person in custody accused of kidnapping that 2-year-old girl. blair miller: 2-year-old lyndon albers vanished from her home in hamilton and turned up hours later miles away. the former baby-sitter is facing kidnapping charges. stephanie coueignoux is live in hamilton in the neighborhood where this all happened. and stephanie you were one of the first people to confirm this information this morning. >> reporter: and heather, when i shared that information with residents here in this neighborhood, they said that they were absolutely stunned. they called this family very protective over their children. and couldn't believe the former baby-sitter is now arrested. taking a look behind me. this is the family's home right here. and police say that former baby-sitter actually broke into this home in the middle of the night and kidnapped the little girl. police are also saying that 21-year-old abigail hannah had a weapon with her. they're not saying exactly what that weapon was. but police have now charged her on four counts, including kidnapping, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, and breaking and entering. police arrested hannah after they searched her home in topsfield yesterday. and they said evidence indicates that this was, in fact, a targeted kidnapping. we do know the family had recently fired her. the and, again, we're still gathering more information about those circumstances. but this all started yesterday morning when the parents of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and they couldn't find her. they called police letting them know that their little girl was gone. that's when police began that massive search. it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley which is about eight miles away. she said they found her in a pile of leaves, she was naked, her head was shaved and she had a large bruise on her head. >> she was sitting. >> almost like a -- >> i would say it was almost like a buddha pose with her hands crossed out in front of her. >> and shaking. and shaking. >> and with her head down and she was just shaking shaking, shivering, that's why i took my coat off. >> was she dressed? >> no. >> no, she had no clothes. >> she was completely naked? she was in leaves, so tom put the coat on her and picked her up, we weren't thinking just -- we just picked her up and wrapped her and put her in the car amount i put the heat on. >> reporter: just incredible that couple was able to find that little girl when they did. once they did find her, she was immediately rushed to the hospital. her parents, though, asking police not to release any information about her condition. and, again, back here in this neighborhood, i've been speaking with the people all morning long. in fact, i actually spoke with a man who said he was an early on person of interest in this case. and we'll hear from him coming up in 30 minutes. in hamilton, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. blair miller: developing this morning, we're asking for more information after shots fired on mendon street in blackstone. fox 25 at that very active crime scene last night soon after this happened. police kept us a good distance away and it's not clear if anyone there was hurt. also this morning, one man dead, another wounded after a shooting police telling fox 25, they're still looking for the person who shot them. here's pictures from sky fox on the scene. in this parking lot of wyman and center street soon after it night. one man died a at the hospital, the other had serious injuries. alvin goreira at the shooting when it happened right next to his store. he said, this kind of violence happens all the of time. and he showed us the bullet holes in his store. >> it isn't funny at all. it's always so depressing and hard to go around. and be always on the look out. because you can never be outside and actually feel 100 percent safe. blair miller: so far this morning, police have not released a motive yet and whether the victims were targeted. heather hegedus: fox 25 working to get more information about a person getting seriously hurt at a bus stop. happened in boston. take a look at the scene on washington and lenox street in the south end. police had that area blocked off with crime scene tape just before midnight friday. that person had severe head pool of blood. right now, it's not clear exactly how that person was hurt morning. blair miller: developing in china this morning, at least 21 people now dead after a coal mine fire in eastern province. 38 people working underground when a piece of equipment apparently caught fire. 16 made it to safety. morning. this is is second deadly mining incident in china this year. 21 people died in an accident at another mine back in april. heather hegedus: now to a look at the situation developing in africa. 10 day state of emergency underway in mali after yesterday's terrorist attack on a hotel. this story breaking yesterday morning. 21 people were killed when two gunmen stormed a radisson motel in mali's capital. about 170 people in the hotel and it led to an hour's long hostage situation. hotel was hosting diplomatic delegations for peace talk. an islamic militant group and a faction of al qaeda have now both claimed responsibility. and this, as this morning, we're learning more about the massachusetts native who is among those killed in mali. we first told you about this local connection as breaking news last night on fox 25. 41-year-old anita datar was a development firm manager, she was born right here in massachusetts. she grew up in new jersey and most recently lived in maryland. she's now survived by her parents, brother, and a young son. datar is the second massachusetts native to be killed by terrorists overseas just in the past 24 hours. the other american is this young man, 18-year-old, ezra schwartz. who died thursday during an attack in jerusalem. he was from sharon and was spending a year in israel for religious study. he's survived by his parents and four siblings. blair miller: this morning, president obama says the reminder many nations are fighting terrorism. he also extended condolences to the families of the victims. the incidents in israel and mali come a week after the terrorist attacks in paris. the death toll there now climbed to 130 people after gunmen and suicide bombers attacked six locations around the city last friday night. and with all of this hang around the world, police here at home are on high alert. in boston, police are doing more to watch for anything suspicious. they're also stepping up patrols for all of the events happening around the city this weekend. transit officers also tell fox 25 commuters can expect a heavy police presence at key subway stations around the city. despite the added a patrols they tell us, there's no threats against boston. heather hegedus: this week, governor baker suggested, he would need more information from the federal government before refugees in massachusetts. those comments bringing hundreds to beacon hill last night who gathered in the dark there to protest the governor's comments. meantime, the governor spokes people releasing a statement to clarify baker's comments, saying in the wake of the recent terror attacks overseas, the state just wants to make sure that the public is safe and secure. massachusetts is not alone in its security concerns. 30 other states also currently oppose accepting refugees for the same reason. blair miller: and this is something a little boy in sharon is hoping to change. this 9-year-old ahmed call la, a syrian refugee now living in massachusetts with his father. he lost both of his arms and three of his siblings during a refugee camp in syria. hoping people change their mind about refugees. >> he's saying i want the war in syria to stop. and i want to see my family who are wounded and who are hostages to have an opportunity. blair miller: he and his father came to boston in the hopes to get him prosthetic arms. they left his mother and siblings in turkey. the children in sharon are welcomes on tuesday they plan to read his letter out loud to show his support. heather hegedus: we wish him all the best. switching gears and looking ahead to the holiday week now, many folks have plans to travel for thanksgiving of course. can you guess which day does the busiest travel day on massachusetts highways? if you good he issed the day before thanksgiving, you're wrong. we asked mass. dot for the stats. last year, the day before thanksgiving was the busiest, not only that week, it was the busiest travel day of the entire year. that day, there were more than 700,000 transacts on the pike, tunnels and the tobin bridge. monday was the second busiest day of the week with nearly 600,000 transactions. you may recall we did have that big snow storm on wednesday, new hampshire, to worcester, that could be a major reason, why tuesday was actually the busiest travel day. as for post thanksgiving, sunday is traditionally the busiest travel day to get home. no matter what day you're traveling, fox 25 has yow you covered. julie grauert has your live morning drive time traffic report weekdays from 4 until 10:00 a.m. blair miller: one of the biggest shopping days of the year is almost here, as you're getting the shopping list ready, there's something you want to consider. next you learn about some toys that may be dangerous for kids. heather hegedus: plus a mistake almost cost a massachusetts couple their lives. families around the country haven't been as lucky. >> we know that they went to bed that night and didn't wake up the next morning. heather hegedus: coming up next, an important report you'll want to see, the piece of technology meant for convenience that is taking the blame and costing people their lives. sarah wroblewski: it's a cold start to the day and temperatures slightly below normal. climbing into the 40s, to lower 50s. we've got some changes on the way. the warm up, plus the risk of imagine a world where the holidays were about people again. where doorbusters referred to loved ones pouring through the front door. and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e and not s-a-l-e. what if the only reason to wake up at 3 a.m. was to spot a reindeer in the sky? and coupons were only used to redeem one more kiss? t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there' s no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on popular brands everyday. and where you can always save on thoughtful gifts of new products. on what really matters. this season bring back the holidays (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more p change your thinking about buying your next one. . >> families across the country say a simple mistake has claimed the their loved ones. we blame it on something a lot ignition. blair miller: they make it easy to start your car with the the touch of a button. as kerry kavanaugh learned, some convenience. >> reporter: bill and lou thompson likely never realized their mistake. the couple's car ran 32 hours filling their home with carbon monoxide as they slept. >> we know that they went to bed that night and didn't wake up in the morning. nobody was in the car, it's abouten running forever long, it should have an automatic shut off. that's to me, a very easy fix. >> reporter: tracking the injuries and deaths tracked to forgetting to push a button. the key fob with you. families across the country say they suffered similar losses. boca raton florida, just outside chicago, maryland, north care line in and right here in massachusetts, in weymouth, fire investigators say a local family came dangerously close to a tragedy. kief keith, says the couple had a keyless ignition car. the investigators ruled the carbon monoxide levels in the home at nearly 500 parts per million by compare on firefighters will evacuate a home when levels each 9 parts per million. >> reporter: was this family incredibly lock lucky. >> very lucky. she didn't have any detectors in the house at the time. thank god someone felt sick so they called 911. >> >> this class action lawsuit 13 deaths and many more hospitalizations from carbon monoxide poisoning. they call the lack of alert switch a defect. it has been on the radar of the highway safety administration since 2011 when they acknowledged that keyless ignition increased the chances of carbon monoxide poisoning in the area. so far they haven't increased any safety standards around the keyless. >> there are 25 other things that car makers do for safety. this is a life and death safety thing. it seems to me to be an easy thing for them to address. >> reporter: many auto makers addressed it. tested more than a dozen cars to see what happens when you leave it running and walk/ away with a key fob. some made no sound at all. the chevy impala had the loudest alert utilizing the car's horn. some safety advocates say that's not enough. feature, if it idled for too long. the fire chief tells us the family in wall moth did not have a carbon monoxide detector in their home. i'm kerry kavanaugh fox 25 morning news. sarah wroblewski: good saturday morning everybody. live look at the city of boston. starting to see some breaks in the cloud cover. and that temperature actually improving from the 30s this morning. now in the lower 40s. but still grab that jacket. because the wind, although it's light, out of the north, creating a chill. so it feels like the mid 30s out there. and this easy are the kind of conditions you need to be dressing for this morning. if you are running any road races out there, perhaps any parade, feels like the 30s and 40s to the west of the city. feels like lower 40s across the southeast, because it actually is in the 40s for the cape and islands. currently 41 in boston. that wind will continue out of the north, northeast throughout the day today. expecting to see temperatures climb into the mid to upper 40s through the day. and by this evening, we'll see a few more clouds filtering across the sky. temperatures will get stuck in the lower 40s before falling back to the 30s for the interior. perhaps you're headed to fenway park. sure enough the fighting irish are the home team against bc. temperatures in lower 40s, looking partly cloudy and dry. going to be cool, want to have that jacket for you. tonight back into the 30s, as those clouds thicken up. waiting for a few showers to arrive before daybreak and risk of showers continue through the morning tomorrow. with a lot of more clouds in place. temperatures a few degrees higher than today. getting into the low to middle 50s. but, again, we have to contend with those showers. it doesn't look like a lot. it won't be a wash out. but we are looking at the possibility of seeing more in the way of precipitation the further south and east you go. and i'll show you why. high pressure which is keeping us dry today, will push to the east and it's this storm system that yes, is creating a mess through the midwest with rain and snow. you want to check your flights in chicago. major delays there. the this system will continue to push east ward. as it does so, the bulk of moisture will actually head to our north. notice this cold front, it moves through early tonight and overnight tomorrow. that's when we see scattered showers break out across the region. and by the afternoon, this front is just off shore, we're going to be watching a storm system develop to the south. how far north and west this storm system gets will determine how much rain we'll see across parts of the cape and islands. some models showing this rain precipitation shield just farther west, some others show farther east. really going to have to watch it over the next 12 hours as it develops and continuals to push north ward. until then, expect to see temperatures improve tomorrow. mostly cloudy skies. down across the cape and islands sunday night into monday, cooler weather to start the week, looks to, pretty chilly for the pats game monday night. warm up for thanksgiving, getting into the 50s looking pretty good and dry for all of those football games. over to you. blair miller: staying on the scene of breaking news this morning. a woman in custody accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from a home in hamilton. we've been covering this story since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. we've now confirmed her former baby-sitter is arrested on charges. a couple found the baby naked, bruised and head shaved. plus, black friday less than a week away. holiday deals already under the as an everyday business person, and not colonel sanders, why sometimes i'm just too busy to cook dinner. so, i just pick up kfc's twenty dollar family fill up with eight pieces of delicious, original recipe chicken. it's finger lickin' good. it's the holidays. and of course, everyone wants to get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. man: i'm here for my students. man: to work with a best-selling author. woman: and a nobel prize winner. man: here because everyone deserves clean water. man: here for the cool research. woman: i'm here to shape the future of nursing. man: because the oceans matter to us all. man: i'm there to explore the frontier of knowledge. -man: here for the commonwealth. -woman: and the common good. -woman: umass. -man: here for a reason. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. heather hegedus: we all know this week is thanksgiving. that also means black friday is coming up. that also means the annual report on dangerous toys is out. blair miller: fox 25 elizabeth hopkins has more on which toys to keep away from the skids. >> reporter: they look like the real deal, james schwartz of the consumer watch dog group watch that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous. >> hard to distinguish from the real thing, especially consider split second decisions, is it real, is it not. >> reporter: the group listed 10 worse toys, it includes toys that schwartz said including choking or strangulation hazards. and others that could cause eye, facial injuries. >> a product like that shouldn't be out there for use by children, the manufacturer recognizes itself on the package insert. >> reporter: he entered a play-doh like substance because it as an allergy that it contains wheat. >> even when you don't expect an allergen, you might see that. >> we find they're filled with misleading and inaccurate information and unnecessarily frighten parents. found all of these toys safe. >> all toys in the united states, need to be tested and certified complaint with these requirements. >> reporter: she, like watch, recommends that you read warnings on the packaging and and in nil inserts and make sure groups. also says you should be extra careful of buying toys online. about you may not be able to see or read all is safety warnings. >> don't compromise safety for weekend. >> reporter: elizabeth hopkins heather hegedus: if you want the complete list we have it up on you defrnltly want to check it out out. today happens to be the day to shop for toys. blair miller: buying you toys today could save you 18 percent. the same amount for electronics on monday. buying jewelry on thanksgiving day could mean 25 percent savings. but wait a little longer for clothes. those send to go on sale closer to the holidays. heather hegedus: it has been more than a week since the deadly terrorist attacks in paris. about you the investigation is far from over. coming up, the new insights into the role the accused mastermind played during the attack. sarah wroblewski: quiet but cool across new england today. if you're going to be travelling 40s to the north as well as into the boston. 50s at the coast. warmer weather on the way, with the risk of showers. timeline ahead. >> breaking news a former baby-sitter now charged with the history betwe imagine a world where the holidays were about people again. where doorbusters referred to loved ones pouring through the front door. and the four-letter word that defined the season was l-o-v-e and not s-a-l-e. what if the only reason to wake up at 3 a.m. was to spot a reindeer in the sky? and coupons were only used to redeem one more kiss? that' s the world t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods stores live in. where there' s no need for sales because we offer amazing prices on popular brands everyday. and where you can always save on thoughtful gifts thanks to weekly arrivals of new products. let' s put more value on what really matters. this season bring back the holidays with t.j.maxx, marshalls and homegoods. coverage continues right now. this is fox 25 morning news. blair miller: this morning, we are on the scene. breaking news. a woman in custody, accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from her home in hamilton. we've been covering this story since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. we've now confirmed her former baby-sitter facing charges. a rowley couple found her naked, her head shaved and bruised. what they fold fox 25 about road. first, it is saturday, november 21st, good to have you here, i'm blair miller. >> i'm heather hegedus, thanks for waking up with us this morning. fox 25 meteorologist sarah wroblewski, sarah cold start to the day, you say the mild weather will make a comeback. sarah wroblewski: above average temperatures, we hit 60 yesterday they will be coming back in the next seven days, but today, not so much, it's quiet, we've got scattered clouds, but we're dry, not so much off to the west where we have a storm system that we'll be tracking closely because it looks as though we could see some scattered showers arrive this weekend. but until then, 30s and 40s right now across the region. again, mostly to partly sunny, temperatures throughout the day today. climbing into the middle to upper 40s. even the lower 50s. now we're going to jump in temperatures come tomorrow. but we're bringing in the chance of those showers. i'll show you when to expect the rain to arrive coming up in just a little bit. heather hegedus: news now, one person -- >> hours later be and mild away. so this morning, new police confirming now, the little girl's former baby sitter, now facing disturbing charges, fox 25 stephanie coueignoux live in hamilton this morning, where it all happened. stephanie, you werely one of the first people to confirm the arrest this morning. >> reporter: heather, i've been residents as they're waking up on this saturday morning. many absolutely stunned the former baby-sitter of this family has now been arrested. she's in jail without bond this morning. but what police are saying is that she broke into this home and kidnapped the little girl in the middle of the night. police also say 21 year old abigail hannah did have a weapon with her. they didn't say exactly what that weapon was but police now charged her with four counts, including kidding in a, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and breaking and entering. police arrested hannah after yesterday and evidence does indicate this was a targeted kid kidnapping kidnapping. we also know the family recently fired her and hoping to learn more about those circumstances later today. this all started yesterday morning when the parents, of 2-year-old lyndon albers woke up and couldn't find her. they immediately called police trying to find her. but it was actually a couple who spotted the little girl several hours later in rowley which is about eight miles away. and they told us, they found her naked, her head was shaved and had a large bruise on her held. i also, earlier this morning, spoke with the neighbor who told me, he was actually a person of investigation. but he said, he's not upset police questioned him. >> i understood. because you eliminate me, they're not looking in the wrong direction, they're going to find out who did this. so i immediately said no problem, here's my dna. they're going to find that person, once they find out it's not me. >> reporter: and, good en, so much relief here in this community, a lot of folks asking me how that little girl is doing. we do know that she was rushed to the hospital. her parents have asked that the police not to release any information about her condition. and of course we will continue to follow this developing news. more later today on fox 25. in hamilton stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. heather hegedus: the time 9:33 and this morning, police in paris have extended demonstrations and other gatherings through the end of the month now. this comes as the head of state for more than 100 countries are preparing to head to that city for the un climate conference scheduled for the end of the month. yesterday marks one week since the terror attacks in paris and the death toll has now risen it now stands at 130 people. this as new details are also coming out about the man believed to have plotted the french police, believe abdelhamid abaaoud not only planned the attacks but also may have been one of the gunmen. investigators say he was one of two people killed during a raid earlier this week. surveillance videos spotted him near a cafe where some of the shootings happened. french authorities are still searching for one of the suspected attackers who may have fled to belgium. meanwhile in brussels this morning, the terror alert is at the highest level. which means there's a serious and imminent threat to that country. in a news conference today, belgium's prime minister saying there is precise information about the risk of an attack happening in belgium like the one that happened in paris. police have been conducting numerous raids, as you know, in that country connected to those paris terrorist attacks. blair miller: a man accused of stealing 16 military weapons from a worcester armory still awaiting arraignment. james water morales appeared in a long island federal court yesterday for a removal hearing. moralless is accused of breaking into the worcester armory last weekend and stealing six machine guns and 10 pistols. at last check, only some of the weapons have been recovered. officials do not believe morales was planning in i sort of terrorism plot. saying morales has any connection to the facility he's heading back to massachusetts to face the charges no word on when that will happen. heather hegedus: the death of a new hampshire baby now been ruled a homicide. an autopsy shows 11 month old shawn sylvester died from blunt force trauma to the held. he was found last sunday in his home in alexandria. fox 25 also learning 29-year-old tommy page has been arrested and charged with possession of child sex abuse images. prosecutors say he lived in the same home as baby shawn. blair miller: a close call for a driver being hit by a commuter rail. investigation shows the truck driver drove around the arm of the gate that was in the down position at the time. transit police tell fox 25 the driver will being okay and nobody on board the train was hurt. the driver will be cited, though, for driving around the arm of the gate. morning, all 7 people on board a helicopter in new zealand are believed to be deadly, including the pilot. the chopper went down on a glacier in a popular tourist responsibility. they are believed to be australian and british, the nationality of the pilot not known. it happened on the -- shear known as fox glacier. they regularly fly on that glacier to get an up close view. blair miller: vilified for raising treatment of and i treatment drug now seeking help of another pharmaceutical company. the massive support he's already got from new investors. heather hegedus: plus chipotle widening its claims this morning pour e. coli contamination. the new state it's showing up in and likely culprit investigate are tors are now working to pin down. sarah wroblewski: we've got cold and dry conditions for the day today with off and on clouds. more clouds come overnight tonight into tomorrow. it's milder. (vo) shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood... all with worry-free ownership. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. jeb bush: we do not have to be the world's policeman. we have to be the world's leader. who's going to take care of the christians that are being eliminated in the middle east? who's going to take care of israel and support them - our greatest ally in the middle east? the united states has the capability of doing this, national security interest that we do it. i will be that kind of president and i hope you want that kind of president announcer: right to rise usa is responsible . heather hegedus: 9:40. time going by fast, happening today, the first christmas tree lighting ceremony is happening of the season in boston. 80 foot tall tree. arriving at faneuil hall marketplace earlier this month. governor baker on hand tonight to light the tree. but all of the fun actually starts at 2 o'clock with the official lighting on the tree happening between 7 and 8. you can also bring a toy and drop off for children in need if you go. blair miller: another christmas tree arrived in the boston common on friday. every year nova scotia gifts boston with an evergreen tree as a way of helping out when halifax was devastated by an explosion in 1917. that tradition. heather hegedus: we now know the e. coli outbreak linked to chipotle restaurants, happened in washington, oregon, minnesota, ohio, and close to home here in new york. 16 people were so sick, they ended up in hospital. cdc says a single ingredient is the likely culprit but they have not yet identified what that ingredient is. blair miller: the pharmacy exec another drug company. kalobios martin shkreli, he took a lot of heat of raising the drug from $15 a bill to $700 a pill. he has promised to reduce the costs but that hasn't happened. increased shares by 500 percent. heather hegedus: the wildest conclusion to hunger games saga, the massive numbers it's bringing in at the box office this weekend. predecessors. the new law meant to keep o . heather hegedus: time now 9:44. it's no secret, you need to be careful about what you post on social media these days. staking away one gray area and making your online profiles a little bit more private now. fox 25 katherine burcham breaks down a new law that bars educators and employers from requesting information about your social media profiles. >> reporter: the need to tweet, instagram and facebook is a daily part of so many lives and now massachusetts lawmakers want protected. >> social media has become far more pro live rat in our lives, it's become far more important. but we've also seen a number of cases where the access to that has been breached. >> reporter: protection act, prohibits employers from asking employees or job applicants for user names and passwords on social media applications. it will also make it illegal for teachers or school staff to access students social media profiles as well. >> it's like reading your diary, you don't want anybody to read your diary, it's your thing, it's your personal statement. on facebook and twitter, says even if her employer asked her for information, she would say no. >> my stuff is private and i don't want anybody to know, you'd have to trust me. >> reporter: but senator bruce tar who helped draft the bill, said until now, that denial wouldn't have been protected under the law. it also gives potential victims the ability to sue anyone who does attempt access to their accounts. >> what it really is pass boards and account information and things that go too far in terms of giving access to an employer or a school. >> reporter: kathryn burcham fox 25 morning news. heather hegedus: one caveat, to announce, if they think something you're posting on social media could be a crime or a threat, they do have the right to request access to an account. blair miller: soon every town in massachusetts could raise the smoking age. could issue a statewide ban to issuing tobacco products to those under the age of 21. in 2005, needham became the first town in the country to raise the smoking age to 21. the only other state to do this is hawaii. heather hegedus: an update now to the battle over online daily fantasy sports. they do remain legal in massachusetts. but soon will, regulated. the attorney general's office boston based draft kings and rival, fan dual must follow consumer protection laws. some of the proposed rules means banning certain people from playing, that includes anyone under 21. company employees and anyone associated with professional sports. public hearings in january with formal regulations announced sometimes after that. blair miller: this morning marks day eleven for a new hampshire man doing this, so determined to save his business he has chained himself to it. fox 25 spoke with kevin dumont when he took to the top of the water slide at his water park. he opened it eight years ago and he vows to remain there until the property is, and off on december 2nd. he has started a go-fund me page, his goal to raise a million dollars but so far that fund has received less than $2,000. >> to the box office now. the long awaited hunger games saga in the theaters now. pulling in $47 million on friday its opening day. put it a little bit below for opening weekend. if the numbers stay within their new predictions. so far it has received mixed review from critics but fan popular. >> now your local forecast from meteorologist sarah wroblewski weather team. sarah wroblewski: i home your weekend is getting off to a beautiful start out there. it was a gorgeous sunrise, lots of pictures circulating on social media. as we take a live look at the city of boston. we have some clouds out there, and that sunshine starting to work at these really chilly conditions this morning. where temperatures were below freezing north and west of the city. currently we're in the lower 40s. that's an improvement from the 30s earlier on. but that wind out of the north. it is adding a chill, feels like the mid 30s out there. and the wind will continue out of the north to northeast, but temperatures will stay on the cooler than average side. usually get to near 50 degrees. so we'll he be climbing into the upper 40s. a lot of road races and as well as parades today. bundle up appropriately. a mix of sun and clouds at times. temperatures willing falling back tonight into the mid to lower 40s for the tree lighting at faneuil hall plus if you're headed to fenway park for the bc versus notre dame football game. you need to bundle up. overall highs today mid to upper 40s. low 50s across the cape and islands. west. tonight, fall back into the 30s away from the coast. as we get into boston, lower 40s across the cape and islands. increase the cloud cover. so we're talking about the risk of showers, high pressure over us today, this storm system to our west, bringing a good amount of snow to places like chicago, rain down to st. louis, although beginning to transition over to a wintery mix. this storm system will continue to push north and east, as it does so, the bulk of moisture will head to the north. but for us, dealing with some clouds and scattered showers through the predawn morning some spots. right around 8 o'clock, got the risk of scattered showers breaking out as this cold front pushes eastward. we'll see some improvement in the afternoon. but this front lingers. take a look. we've got this storm lingering down to the south. really have to watch this closely. because this area of precipitation, most of the but some of the back edge could allow to clip across part of the cape and islands. nonetheless, a sharp cut off to where we see sunshine, clouds, on sunday. but a milder day. so we're not looking at a wash out. yes, we will have a chance of showers in the morning and then again later for parts of the southeast, mainly the of the cape and islands. temperatures in the upper 40s today. 50s for tomorrow. so taking a look at that seven day forecast your weekend always in view. you can expect to see temperatures improve. bringing the threat of those showers. the good news is that we should tuesday. always dry conditions move in, well e it will be school out there, the pats game, expect kick off temperature near the freezing mark. we do warm up into the middle of part of the week. if you're travelling, looks good with high pressure in cruel. and we warm up by thanksgiving. we're getting into the 50s. so 40s for those football games. there's the latest look at your forecast. blair miller: weather dry here but as sarah mentioned, midwest not so lucky. a massive storm startling travel plans right ahead of the thanksgiving holiday. >> a lot of us breathing a sigh of relief that's not us. applause plus, we're tracking a story jeb bush: leadership means you've got to be all in. it's not about yappin'. it's not about talking. it's about doing. i know how to do this because i was privileged to serve in florida for eight years. and we turned the systems upside down that weren't working. 1.3 million new jobs we cut taxes every year. income rose in people's pockets. people were lifted out of poverty. children started to learn. as president of the united states, i pledge to you that i will solve problems. announcer: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. p (vo) with thousands of qualityr pre-owned vehicles... rand exceptional customervservice, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... pflip your thinking about buying heather hegedus: we are following breaking news this morning. a woman in custody, as we've been telling you this morning, accused of kidnapping a 2-year-old from that little girl's home in hamilton. reporting this story since lyndon albers went missing yesterday morning. new this morning, we have confirmed her former baby-sitter is facing charges now. as we've been reporting, a couple found lyndon in rowley, naked with her head shaved and bruised. blair miller: breaking out of belgium in the last 20 minutes. the u.s. embassy telling americans to shelter in place and stay at home if they must go out, avoid large crowds and be cautious in public places. this as local authorities say a terrorist attack in brussels is serious and imminent. we've been reporting all morning, brussels is currently under highest level terror alert. police there in paris ban a demonstration on gatherings through the end of the month. this comes as heads of the state more for 100 counsels head to the city for the un climb malt conference set for november 30th. more than one week since the terrorist attacks in paris, the death toll risen now to 130. heather hegedus: winter storm bella is dumping snow across the oh, know. more than 18 inches in south first snow of the season for chicago and detroit. needless to say, quite a travel nightmare, you can see on the road right there. just ahead of the thanksgiving holiday, i think a lot of us go, oh. >> that's not a dusting at all. >>no. good thing it's not fluffy, it's heavy. >> and it snowed on thanksgiving here last year. but you know what, we're going to be tapping into milder weather. so we're thankful for that. that's for sure. in fact, dry conditions as we head through the week. tomorrow, though, is our only chance of some showers, we'll be tracking the risk of that, early in the morning and then late at night. >> i think you say we paid our dues. >> yeah, try to balance it out. >> the day before thanksgiving. >> i know. >> thanks so much for ink joe us this morning.

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