Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 6 20160803 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 6 20160803

and lower level of the house to remove animals or hiding and the conditions inside are deplorable. right now, we don't know too much about the condition of the animals, but preliminary information, i'm told, by mspca, they're going in, trying to take as many of the cats out as they can, and they'll be brought to the jamaica plains shelter, where their condition will be evaluated over the next three days. many of their medical needs will be addressed and treated before they are potentially put up for adoption. right now, we don't have any information on the two owners of this home, the sisters here, their names are -- they've been issued citations in the past that may have been issued by law enforcement, but people in this community say this is an issue well known to the town, to the board of health, that they have been complaining about and trying to get results from over quite some time. of course, as we learn more about the situation and the condition of the animals inside, what the living conditions are like for the two people living in the house, we'll bring you more updates on the air and on >> mark: fox 25's jackie heinrich for us in upton tonight. of course, more on our news ahead. and there's more breaking news tonight involving one of boston's most prestigious public high schools. a troubling new report says racialry motivated incidents happen a lot at boston latin. we've been following the racial tensions at the school now for month. >> vanessa: the head master resigned before the end of the school year. john monahan looked at the report that raises some serious questions. >> the reporter: the bush public schools released -- boston public schools findings into an investigation on what it calls buys ad based conduct at the prestigious boston latin school. the school department's office of equity looked at 115 reports of bias based conduct at boston latin. they involved 81 separate incidents. in six of those cases, administrators failed to follow district policy when it came to investigating racial bias. in four cases, teachers also nailed to do so. and -- failed to do so and in four cases, students failed to follow policy with it came to superintendent tommy chang was not available to go on camera today, but he did release a statement which says in part, we have a moral obligation to ensure that all of our schools are safe and inviting places for each and every student. the racial, cultural and linguistic identity of every student must be honored. in the wake of this controversy, the longtime head master at boston latin resigned, and so did the assistant head master, shortly after that. looking through the paper, would, we'll continue to cover this and get you the latest information for now, outside boston latin, john monahan, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: a pit bull owner could soon face charges after two dogs brutally attacked a woman in salem. >> mark: the woman was just out for a walk with her lab when it all happened. it's a story you saw first on fox 25 news at 10:00 p.m. last night and new tonight, that woman is talking only to fox 25. >> the reporter: they opened the car door and the two dogs just charged. >> mark: she almost lost her hand and needs several surgeries. she sat down with fox 25's >> the reporter: mark and vanessa, investigators, undercover officers, and animal control officers have been working on this case all day today, they now say those pit bulls are deemed dangerous and the paperwork is right here. the 63-year-old was just taking her lab for a walk, when she was viciously attacked. now, officers say that charges are expected to come very soon. >> they just stiched it up temporarily. >> the reporter: just hours half julie got home from the hospital, she sat down with us exclusively and told us about were attack by two neighborhood pit bulls. >> big huge laceration over here, and a hole right here. and then he just ripped it. it was just before 8:00 p.m. last night, and julie, who is only going by her first name, says she was taking kirk for his usual walk. >> i just feel that i should be -- feel comfortable walking around my house. >> the reporter: neighbors living on the other side of over street got out of the car. the gray one went for the back of my dog, and the white one went for the front of my dog. and then it went -- the white one went at me, and shredded my hand. a witness shared this cellphone viitulls weren't on a leash, and went;? straight for kirk, as julie was says, the pits went right after her hand. neighbors came running out to help, another woman held her and >> i screamed, and i was screaming, get him off, get him off. >> the reporter: salem police say they are just getting the investigation started. they could be charged with assault with a dangerous weapon, that's on the table. >> the reporter: meanwhile, kirk is in so much pain, he can't walk on his own, and is on several medications. >> the laws, you need to abide by them for everybody's safety. >> the reporter: and tonight, we pit bull's dog's owner through social media and they chose not to make a response. they did not respond to us. again in the meantime, charges have not been filed yet. as for julie, she tells us, she will be seeing a plastic surgeon tomorrow and is expected to have several surgeries. for now, we are live if salem tonight, malini basu, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: today, investigators released the cause of this massive fire that swept through several homes in charlestown. investigators say a carelessly discarded cigarette likely sparked that fire that quic no one was seriously hurt, but nine families lost their home. >> mark: huge police search this morning for a missing woman from north andover and sadly, the 18-year-old's body was found if a wooded area in wilmington before noon. she was last seen on monday. foul play is not suspected. >> vanessa: boston's first medical marijuana facility is open for business. while dozens of people lined up to get inside, several city leaders held an event to endorse everyone. stephanie coueignoux reports many voters are still divided on this issue as the november vote gets closer. >> the reporter: this woman was one of the first patients to show up today to receive medical marijuana from boston's first dispensary. for him, he says marijuana has helped relieve pain from glaucoma, but while he is a medical marijuana card owner, he doesn't believe everybody should be. >> it should be legal, like, a beer. >> the reporter: the issue of massachusetts voters will decide on come november. >> this is 2016. we need to be realistic, deal with this issue, and not operate out of fear. >> the reporter: today, boston city councilor tito jackson, along with several other city officials, announced their support for legalizing marijuana. he told fox 25, he doesn't believe marijuana is a gateway drug. he wants to use any tax revenue from marijuana to help what he believes is the true drug sustainable form of revenue to deal with that very issue that hinders so many of our friends, family members. but not everyone agrees. boston city mayor, marty walsh's press secretary sent us this statement from him. i've been a member of the recovery community for many years. i get calls from parents, terrified of what's happening to their teenage child, who is using marijuana. that's who i'm thinking about, when i look at this question. for patients who came here today, they told me that meca marijuana has truly given them their life back. people don't want a dispensary next to their house, but they wouldn't mind having a pharmacy next to their house. that's what it is to me, a pharmacy. >> mark: the man who took hostages at a campaign office for hillary clinton back in 2007 has now been arrested for robbing a bank. leeland eisenberg appeared in court. police say the 55-year-old robbed a bank yesterday in manchester, new hampshire,0r6c0& eisenberg spent about two years behind bars for a five hour office in rochester in 2007. >> vanessa: now to a developing story from the nation's capitol. the first u.s. police officer has been charged with helping isis. we've learned he's been on the f.b.i.'s radar for quite a while. fox 25's kerry kavanaugh following the latest developments and kerry, new since 5:00 p.m., they say he was using mobile apps to show his support for isis. >> the reporter: vanessa, this officer was buying gift cards through mobile messaging accounts and he sent gift card believed to be someone in syria. this is it video of investigators searching the fairfax, virginia home of 36-year-old nicholas young. young, who works for d.c.'s metro transit police appeared yesterday afternoon in u.s. district court in alexandria. authorities say he was arrested earlier in the day at the metro transit police headquarters in washington. young traveled to libya twice in 2011, when he allegedly joined rebel forces seeking to oust dictator moammar gaddafi. reporters spoke with a neighbor meanwhile, the white house is praising the action of those investigators. >> it's surprising, but it's not surprising. he was just a quiet guy, you know. >> why is it not surprising. >> it's not surprising, because he was such a lonely guy. like he was quiet, he never interacted with anybody. usually, you say hey to your neighbors, or you know, when you walk by. >> we've seen the f.b.i. and u.s. attorneys across the country make announcements about arrests that they have made and even convictions that they've sought to support extremist organizations. and we're mindful of the risk that is posed by homegrown extremists. >> the reporter: young has been with d.c.'s transit department since 2003. officials say young did not pose any threat to the metro system. live in the control room, kerry kavanaugh, fox 25 news. >> mark: turning now to the weather, we've turned up the heat. after a few cooler days, it's feeling a lot more like august fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz says this heat is sticking around for a while. >> kevin: yeah, it's warmer today, mark, but you saw that gentleman sitting there in a chair, clearly comfortable, it is not a humid day or evening at all. the humidity will start to go up the next couple of days, especially for you on friday. but it's mostly clear out there this evening. so a few of those fluffy clouds dotting the sky. 77 in boston. low humidity, 82 to the west and 70's out on cape cod as well. james taylor at fenway park this evening, going to be 76 degrees at 7:00 p.m. in boston and fall if you're out there till midnight in and around the fenway area this evening. futurecast shows not much happening. going to be clear tonight. sunny first thing in the morning and sunshine through the day tomorrow. that's certainly nice. your tee time in the morning intact. 59 degrees on average across the area. closer to 60, 62 degrees right in boston or going to granite links for instance in quincy, up to 77 by 10:00 a.m. in the morning, so we are warming up again tomorrow afternoon. i'll show you how hot we get by the end of the week and the >> the reporter: a lawsuit filed against this catholic high school. what one of the former students says her teacher was doing to her. >> mark: one family sharing their unimaginable hair take after a day of -- heartache after a day of fun at the lake takes a tragic turn. she didn't look right and she asked if she was ok and she shook her head no and dropped her head. >> mark: the hidden danger that killed that woman's sister and how you can protect your family from it. >> vanessa: and it is supposed to make this really busy in of corn fusion. so what's -- confusion. so what's the problem? so what's -- confusion. so what's the problem? fox 25 takes a marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! (man) what i love most about tempur-pedic mattresses is that they contour to your body. it keeps us comfortable and asleep at night. can i take a nap now? (vo) change your sleep, change your life, >> mark: if you driven through quincy, maybe you've noticed what we did. a lot of confused drivers and pedestrians. >> vanessa: some new traffic lights recently went in and many people told us, they can't tell if it's helping. fox 25's blair miller spent the day at one of those intersections to see how it's working and why it's causing all this confusion. >> kevin: these new lights are at two intersectio i intersections and the city says they will eventually ease traffic, but until then, lots of people are just trying to understand how they work. in the heart of quincy, there's plenty going on, but here on hancock street, there's also plenty of drivers doing this -- sounding and looking confused. and many asking this. >> we go now or what? it's all because of the new traffic signal at this crosswalk. there's no green light. instead, at times, a flashing means it's safe to drive. we pointed out this south to cynthia. if you look at it, there's no green light. >> no, it isn't. oh, that's not good. >> the reporter: for people trying to walk across, it's just as confusing. >> i noticed actually when the -- they were counting down to the crosswalks, people started to drive. so that might be pa concern. >> or i see people actually blow through too. >> the reporter: this traffic sednakup isn't a result of pedestrians being hit or killed. instead, it's meant to help ease the traffic going around, what's being built here, a new park. city leaders tell fox 25 people are getting used to the new pattern, but they just put up the bright signs, hoping it clears up any confusion. this woman hopes so too. she has cerebral palsy and knows it takes her a little longer to cross. >> i have had some close calls myself, and i just -- i told this has caused enough confusion that quincy police have put out a video on their facebook page, showing drivers how this system works. police told me today, so far, they have not had any traffic accidents there. reporting live, blair miller, fox 25 news. >> mark: commuter rail riders can expect some weekend closures as the mbta embarks on a new safety project. starting next spring, crews will begin working on the 459 million mandate to keep trains from colliding into one another at high speeds. installation work on two lines at a time beginning on the southern section of the system starting next april. >> vanessa: a big win for wynn resort. the company officially received an environmental license from the state today, meaning construction on the billion dollar resort casino in everett will start immediately. the president of wynn boston harbor resort says hiring and construction will start tomorrow. a kickoff event will be held in the afternoon. more than a dozen cranes have been moved to the site and 500 union workers will be on the job >> kevin: beautiful evening weather continues out there, so we need to talk about what's coming up in the next few days and that includes some heat, but also includes some showers and thunderstorms, right smack dab in the milled of -- middle of your weekend. 77 in boston. beautiful, comfortable conditions. it's a little cooler out here. look at nantucket, it's 69 right now as the sun goes down this evening. hour-by-hour, out in gardener in wo ting out in the firms. 50's to -- bottoming out in the 50's. low 60's out on cape cod for temperatures. if it's not clear over your town right now, it will be in a couple of hours. you'll wake up to full sunshine first thing in the morning. if you're heading north into maine, you may run into more clouds or even into the mountainous areas back through vermont, but most of us will be in full sunshine again through the day tomorrow. looking very nice out there. fast forward into friday. another sunny day. it's the front that's back here, sneaking up behind me that we have to talk more about for the upcoming weekend. let's talk first more about tomorrow. sunshine from the new hampshire seacoast, south to the north shore, south from there to the south shore and out to cape cod, all kinds of sunshine. wall-to-wall. i say wall-to-wall, but remember, there can be patches of fog, although without the rain falling today, i think the fog chances much reduced, especially compared to this morning when there were some out there. 70's out on cape cod, only because of the sea breezes. that's on average. near 80 degrees on cape cod and others in the low 70's, like for you out on nantucket. 75 by lunchtime in provincetown. 82 in bedford and 76 in worcester. off and running to a very nice looking day. pollen levels go up though when you have this nice stretch of weather. so the next couple of dates, medium high conditions for pollen, tends to be the grasses right now, although your grass looks very brown. there are other grasses that start to take over, you may see some that you may not want on your lawn that are poking up right now, those produce pollen issues. on saturday, it goes down and that's what we need to talk about, the showers, one thing showers do for you is on the good side. 70's on cape cod, gets up to 80 in boston. 80's off to the north and west of boston through the day tomorrow afternoon. this takes you back to friday. friday afternoon, after a nice looking start, we get some clouds that start to billow up, but it's really late friday night into saturday morning. start to see showers coming into new england. 5:00 a.m. saturday. we're going to fast forward. this is like the front right here, pushing this way into the through worcester county. we've seen showers happen many times. the main front is right here and slowly ekes on through 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon, with more showers and thunderstorms across the area. that will continue to drag its way through the south shore and cape cod saturday afternoon and in to the evening as well. so plan accordingly. it's not going to be as widespread as it looks right here. the computer models become more fine tuned as we get closer and it's spottier. my forecast is for scattered everybody is going to get one of these, but you need to plan for that on saturday. if you need 100% chance of no rain on saturday, can't give it to you. 40% chance of any one town getting a shower or thunderstorm to come on through. behind that front, we cool on down into sunday and monday early next week, with temperatures on average in the 80's, which is pretty normal for this time of year and oh, by the way, friday morning, zip trip to norwood, that's how the temperatures are looking. it's going to be beautiful out there and shiri will be there to say hi to you. >> vanessa: coming up next at 6:00 p.m., troubling new numbers massachusetts. the one type of drug overdoses that is skyrocketing in our state. >> mark: later, talk about a close call. what came smashing through the windshield of this s.u.v. just missing the driver inside. plus -- >> wednesday in foxborough, week two of training camp and a special day for tom brady as he gets serenaded by the fans. >> vanessa: and kevin just mentioned our zip trip on friday, we will be broadcasting live from norwood, living and working here so great. join us for fox 25 morning news friday at 6:00 a.m. we will be live at the norwood town common until 10 al. you can meet our team, grab some laura (vo): mom taught us that families comes first. mom: hi. laura (vo): so when she needs a little help... i am happy to give it. medicare is a big help too. so when i heard that kelly ayotte voted to turn medicare into a voucher program, costing us thousands, i couldn't believe it. then i saw she tried to raise the retirement age... all while giving tax breaks to millionaires and big oil. kelly ayotte would rather take care of special interests than new hampshire families. narrator: women vote is responsible for the content >> mark: new at 6:00 p.m., two people rescued after their boat capsized in nantucket sound after pay beach. two lifeguards were the first to arrive. one brought one of the victims back to shore with a rescue kayak. the other lifeguard kept the patrol boat arrived. the victims were not wearing life jackets. rescuers also managed to save their boat. new at 6:00 p.m., a warning tonight for parents. police in plaistow, new hampshire, are looking into a report that someone tried to abduct a 9-year-old girl. >> vanessa: according to the "eagle-tribune," police say the incident happened outside a condo complex where the girl lives on route 108 on tuesday. the girl got off the bus tuesday afternoon and a man waited for her to come to him but she ran away. police say they're not sure if the man was trying down now. new at 6:00 p.m., police are working to identify this woman, she is accused of stealing makeup from a cvs in salisbury. she left the store and got into a blue two door honda civic. police believe she had a man as an accomplice. >> mark: new at 6:00 p.m., one drug appears to blame for the majority of overdose deaths in massachusetts. a report released by the state department of public health today shows 66% of opioid related overdose deaths so far this year were the result of fentanyl. deaths have been falling at the same rate fentanyl has been increasing. fentanyl is considered 50 times more potent than heroin. >> vanessa: boston mayor marty walsh filed an ordinance today that would slap hefty fines on restaurants, if they're not upfront about safety ratings. the mayor wants them to post the letter grades to their storefront. if this ordinance passes, restaurants could face a $300 fine per day. restaurants and food trucks would have a year to comply with the new letter well, you may get the presidential treatment when you visit the vineyard. >> mark: that's right. where first daughter sascha obama is working right now. >> vanessa: plus a danger in the water that you may never have heard of. new at 6:45 p.m., family members tell us how electric shock drowning killed their loved one and how you can protect your family from it. >> mark: but first, a woman sues a catholic high school, saying she was sexually assaulted 40 >> vanessa: and we begin with new video out of upton, where ate least 100 cats are being removed from this home. we are told the owners there, two sisters, they've been accused of hoarding cats before. neighbors tell fox 25's jackie heinrich 200 additional cats were removed from that home two story. watch for her live update tonight at 10:00 p.m. >> mark: newly released investigation at boston latin school found more than a dozen cases of racial bias. the report released this afternoon shows administrators, teachers and students all violated the school's policy with it came to buy as-based conduct. results are from an internal investigation completed earlier this year. the report follows months of controversy, which included the resignation of boston latin's head master and assistant head master. >> vanessa: a salem woman attacked by two pit neighborhood is home from the hospital and talking only with fox 25. julie, who is only going by her first name, told us she was taking her dog for a walk last night when two dogs hopped out of a car and charged right at her. >> the gray one went for the back of my dog and the white one went at the front of my dog and then the white one went at me and shredded my hand. >> julie suffered injuries to her hand, her dog is in so much pain, he can't walk right now. charges could soon be filed. >> mark: also tonight, a dangerously close call for one driver after a metal pole came crashing through the windshield. the dangerous drive happened in woburn. >> vanessa: fox 25's crystal haynes working to find out how it happened. she joins us live all new at 6:30 p.m. crystal. >> the reporter: well, it's fortunate, and frankly, incredible, that this driver walked away from this crash here on locust street in woburn. i'll step out of the way so you can see what's left of what actually shared this fence you're looking at and they tell me the female driver hit a parked car there, ricocheted into a metal light pole, narrowly missing them. now fox 25 with video of that late model s.u.v. the hard castle family tells me around 2:00 p.m. today, they were all hanging out in the backyard here, when the driver appeared to have some sort of medical issue that caused her to lose control of her car. the pole going right through the remarkably. now, the grandkids were also swimming in the pool, and if itt the front, about this close to her face. >> the reporter: now we're working on finding out the identity of this driver and the full extent of her injuries for a story we're putting together for 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. reporting in woburn, crystal haynes, fox 25 news. >> mark: also tonight, alarming be act sayings against a local catholic school. lawsuit claims the school and the boston archdioceses looked students. >> vanessa: fox 25's robert goulston talked to the victim who is coming forward four decades later. the teacher knew, the kids knew. that's why i thought nothing was wrong with it. >> the reporter: the farmer marion high school student using the name jane doe filed a lawsuit claiming her former teacher repeatedly raped her over a two year period while the supervisors at the catholic school and at the boston archdioceses looked the other way. >> and i believe that it was the people that were outside of it that were looking at it supervising that were above her, that should have done something. >> the reporter: the lay teacher, who was in her 20's at the time was jane doe's sex ed teacher and coach. the 14-year-old at the time was having trouble at home, and the teacher offered her a place to live. >> it was a means by which she was able to control jane, and to engage her in sex acts for >> the reporter: the student says marijuana, and let her drive her sports car and said it went on for two years now, four decades later, figured out, she was a victim. >> it takes a very long time to come to terms with victim saying, i think -- victimization i us, because it is a pending legal matter, they cannot comment. the school has been independent of the dioceses since 2004. jane doe says she's speaking out to help others. >> i just really am doing so that not particularly against her totally, but against the system tha fox 25 news. >> vanessa: new at 6:00 p.m., 2 braintree police officers will not face charges for shooting and killing a man armed with a knife back in march. this is video from that scene five months ago. the norfolk district county attorney released its report in the shooting today. it concluded the officers do not have criminal responsibility. we reported in march the man was deescalate the situation. nicholas beaudet appeared in court today facing two felony sex assault charges. detectives arrested him yesterday after a nearly nashua, and did know the victim. >> mark: the rider of a dirt bike died after crashing into a monday top and slate streets around 1:30 a.m. this morning and we wo bikes not using headlights. the rider died at the hospital. the other took all lanes on route 20 in auburn are open after an s.u.v. crashed into a tractor-trailer. state police say it all started when the driver of the s.u.v. refused to stop for a trooper. that driver crashed into the tractor-trailer when another trooper used spikes to deflate the s.u.v. tires. sky fox was over the scene just before noon today. the s.u.v. driver was taken to weather now, feels like the dog days of summer here in the city of boston right now, but believe it or not, tonight, the last night, the sun will set after 8:00 p.m. and kevin, i do not like the sound of that. this is tough to here. i don't want summer to end. >> kevin: 7:59 p.m. tomorrow night the sun will officially be down. that's the way it goes this time of year. we'll be losing a lot of sunlight. we'll have a whole traffic, i'll show you what's going on. see it on my twitter or facebook pages as well. we have a beautiful evening for your didn't nancy reagan time temperatures, your evening plans, upper 70's to low 80's across southern new england. it's just gorgeous out there. actually cooler than that out on cape cod and the islands. one lacework at the james taylor concert. in case you haven't left yet, you better hurry. 76 at 7:00 p.m. going down through the 60's at the concert at fenway and with the dry air out there, low humidity, it's going to feel rather cool, so be aware of that as you plan ahead. through the evening it's clear. waking up to sunshine in the morning and the heat will be on the next couple of days. going to get. we'll talk about the sunset times and storms ahead this weekend as well. >> mark: all right. the east bridgewater police department is temporarily using animal control officers from other towns after they suspended their officer for her alleged role in the death of a dog. >> vanessa: fox 25's katherine burcham has more details from what that dog's devastated owners are telling her. >> kevin: annie brown doesn't. >> the reporter: annie brown doesn't just work here as a dog inspection officer, but she also has her own kennel. it's business as usual at annie's clean critters in busy investigating what unfolded inside the kennel two weeks ago. the owner of this german shepherd, named maximus, told police he boarded max on july 22. when he returned after the weekend to pick max up, he claims no one answeredhe or the phone for hours. then, max's owner says owner, just died of a condition known has stomach bloat. in a facebook post, max's owner wrote, i can't live with the fact that not one person was there while my dog was in pain. dying in a small cage all never apologized for max's death. but since, changes have been made. employees posting this photo on social media, noting that they added a shade canopy to response. brown not only owns the business, she's also the animal control officer in nearby east bridgewater. tonight, the police chief tells fox 25, they have suspended her contract. max's owners say while they did post about their experience on facebook, because they wanted people to know what happened, they don't now want to comment until the investigation is complete. in east bridgewater, katherine trying to track down a man who may be responsible for a pair of robberies in billerica. the two incidents happened within minutes of each other. and were right down the road from each other. the first happened last night hat a liquor store in salem road. we spoke with a man who lives across the street who noticed something odd. >> well, he was running, and usually, if they're going to go to the -- cars do park there, they'll just walk, talk, or whatever, but he just ran, bolted, got in the car, and i look saw him sped up, because i found, like i said, he did that. >> mark: around the same time, there was a call for a robbery at a convenience store on boston road, about three miles from the first robbery. descriptions of the suspect were similar. new at 6:00 p.m., police in wakefield need help tracking this man down. they believe he was -- has rather, something to do with the robbery of an elderly man at a convenience store yesterday. police say he may have taken $400 from the victim's wallet. if you recognize him, call lake field police. >> vanessa: it seems even a first daughter can't get a free pass when it comes to a summer tonight, the boston herald reporting sascha obama is working at martha's vineyard's most popular spot. 15-year-old sascha and a friend are working the takeout window for lunch at nancy's in oak bluff. the gig only lasts through the week, just before the rest of the first family arrives, for a two week vacation and yes, her secret service dedaily is right there with her during the entire shift. >> kevin: it's a gorgeous evening for your dinner plans, whatever you planned this evening, going to the concert, one of the several happening aroundos the forecast. the timeline on when you can expect those. >> mark: the hidden danger, underneath the surfaext, we you are watching fox 25 news at laura (vo): mom taught us that families comes first. laura (vo): so when she needs a little help... i am happy to give it. medicare is a big help too. so when i heard that kelly ayotte voted to turn medicare into a voucher program, costing us thousands, i couldn't believe it. then i saw she tried to raise the retirement age... all while giving tax breaks to millionaires and big oil. kelly ayotte would rather take care of special interests than new hampshire families. narrator: women vote is responsible for the content no warning. >> mark: all new at 6:00 p.m., fox 25's elizabeth hopkins found out how it happens and how you can protect yourself and your family. >> don and i were very close. it's going to be hard to not talk to her. >> the reporter: annette goodman still struggles when she speaks of her sister donna. it's been just a month since donna died in a tennessee lake on a boating trip with trouble in the water. >> jumped in immediately to go save him. >> the reporter: annette says after zachary was safe in the boat, everyone noticed donna was still in the water. >> she didn't look right and she asked if she was ok and she just shook her head no and dropped her head. >> the reporter: that's when a neighbor, 74-year-old randy, jumped into help. he too was a strong swimmer. >> this jam was swim -- gentleman was swimming and literally stopped and he was districted they died of electric shock drowning or esd, which happens when an electrical current leaks into the water. cs and kill. according to the electric shock drowning prevention association, 43 people higher. that some esd victims are simply listed as drowning victims. >> really want to be at if you are swimming. >> the reporter: bill young runs marina services on a north carolina lake. he said any water with an electric source nearby is dangerous to swimmers. he advises dock owners to use only marine grade power cords, make sure those cords have no corrosion or damage, and that all have electrical work done by a professional. boat owners should unplug power cords from the boat and the dock whenever they're north bei you d probably not a good place to swim. >> the reporter: elizabeth hopkins, fox 25 news. >> mark: told electric shock drownings are more common in fresh water. the mineral content in sea water makes it more conductive than a human body so an electric charge would follow that conductive path through the sea water and around the body. >> vanessa: it is an image that shows the fight against the opioid epidemic from the eyes of first responders. sturbridge police and fire tweeted this picture out right after they saved someone from an overdose. empty syringes on someone's dash. >> mark: fox 25 investigation looks at how long it takes your fire department to respond to a fire. a lot of us don't think about response time until we need help and every second counts. >> it can be the difference between a fatal fire and you know, a rescue, and getting the fire out with minimal damage. >> mark: the national standard guideline for a fire response is 6 1/2t over a third of departments in massachusetts are data given to us by the state. tonight on fox 25 news at 10. p, we go right to the fire chiefs to learn some of the reasons and how they could be fixed. >> kevin: all right. a beautiful evening continues out there, with plenty of sunshine and temperatures comfortably in the upper 70's and low 80's. low humidity, you couldn't ask for much better than this in august enjoy it, next couple of days, the humidity starts to come back up an forecast. not for this evening it is beautiful out there and it will stay that way all night long. it will be comfortable, but we will start to feel cooler later on, dropping into the 50's and 60's across the area. this takes you through the day tomorrow and sunny all day long. it is still clear. we're going to keep the sun andrelton for most of us early friday, interest will be some fog that developsals the humidity comes up out there on cape cod and the islands, but most of us will be in the sunshine. we'll keep with that sun much of the day. some clouds will mix in with the increased humidity too and a tomorrow, upper 50's on average, first thing in the morning. up to the upper 70's on average, already by 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, so we are going to warm up nicely. by lunchtime into the 80's met fro west. 70's along the coastline. the pollen levels go up when you have this kind of weather and that's what's going to be happening in the next couple of days. notice the dip on saturday. that's the day that we're going to get some showers to come on through to cleanse the air a bit. it's not going to be for everyone, so it doesn't push it all i way down to zero, but it is going to reduce the pollen levels in some tos off to worcester county tomorrow, temperatures in the low 80's. gardner 82. fitchburg 88 degrees. merrimack valley out to the coast an cape ann, 80 in essex, 83 for you in amesbury and back here, 87 billerica and lowell tomorrow afternoon as well. south shore, cooler at the coast, near 80 degrees if duxbury and marshfield. cape cod, those of you vacationing out there, enjoying the sun after a couple of gray days, you have the sun again may feel cooler, but you still get burned on days like this. that sun is still very high in the air. still summertime, be careful of that. there are the clouds early friday morning that will start to melt away and will get into the sunshine for much of the day. this is what i want to fast forward to. this front pushing in to new england by early saturday morning. so the front is right here and it's going to continue southward to about here by 11:00 a.m. in the morning and notice the showers already popping up around the area. it's not going to be for everyone. they will be scattered showers, but these wille weekend plans. and they continue to push across, notice some yellow showing up, meaning there's the risk anyway of heavier showers or even thunderstorms as that front cuts on through on saturday especially in the afternoon, inside 495, south shore to cape cod. the cape gets it later in the day an evening hours. this is it hurricane earl. earl is moving toward belize and hurricane status with the winds of 75 miles per hour. moving to the west at 14 miles per hour and the forecast is for during the early morning hours, then continue across the peninsula, and toward the gulf of mexico, just skirting the gulf, but not forecast to regenerate into a tropical storm once it falls apart over land. something we'll be watching very closely tonight of course and i'll have an update at 10:00 p.m. seven-day forecast shows the showers coming on through on saturday, and then friday, by the way, friday is the hottest day of this stretch, with temperatures up near 90 degrees. while it will still be warm on saturday, the place to gets the showers and storms clearly will be cooler spots, that's why the average of it off for the secondard more reliablely dry part of the weekend on sunday. >> vanessa: we held our blood drive in the studio to address a critical blood shortage at the red cross. kevin gave blood as well. the red cross says it's seeing donations going down in the summer months and we found out today you don't have to go to a donation center to help them out. log on to the red cross's web site, type in your zip code and a list of donation sites will pop right up. big thanks to everyone who came out and donated. foxborough, as the tom brady plans were serenading their favorite player. of much more concern, the health let's feed him to the sharks! squuuuack, let's feed him to the sharks! yay! and take all of his gold! and take all of his gold! ya! and hide it from the crew! ya...? squuuuack, they're all morons anyway! i never said that. they all smell bad too. no! you all smell wonderful! i smell bad! you repeat things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. squuuuack, it's what you do. >> what have you learned about him as a football player, gronk. >> gronk is [beep] good. >> well, i wanted to say very special day for the faces of the franchise, that's right to the point. you think martelis benefit has gronkowski. butch stearns asked that question and more as thousands of fans came to the workout ready to go. >> wednesday in foxborough, week two of training camp for the patriots. august 3 a special day for tom brady and the fans noticed. ? happy birthday to you ? >> do you believe brady is still doing this at 39? >> no, it hit me today when i realized he was born in the 1970's. >> he's going to hear i told him happy birthday old man. >> do you see yourself playing at 39 years old. i sure hope so. >> the fans didn't sing for 26-year-old chris barker on thursday, but his birthday does get equal billing from the boss. >> we don't want to miss chris barker's birthday either. as long as we're celebrating. >> martelis bennett was in the mood to celebrate when i asked him about gronk. >> gronk is really good. brings it every single day in meetings, on the field and it's been a joy to play with him, because he's one of the guys that makes you up your game and i try to do the same thing for him. >> you have to believe, tom brady is doing the same thing for jimmy g., but you won't hear that from grope low. low -- garoppolo. >> treat it like every other year. you play this game to be the starter, get on the field and when your chance comes, you have to take advantage of it. >> butch stearns, fox 25 sports. >> hanley ramirez out of tonight's lineup in seattle. brace himself when he fell, walking down the steps of the clubhouse last night. no worth on severity, although he has undergone an mri and x-rays which were taken immediatel rick porcello gets the start today. mookie betts named a.l. player of the month, 15 r.b.i.'s. of kids, administrators at b.c. high this afternoon, as mike sullivan, pittsburgh penguins brought the stanley cup back home to alose . >> gained a certain amount of respect for what people do here, they really care and they had a huge influence in my life and helping to shape who i am as a person, and my son, matt came notably the guy two pay way from me who is also a b.c. high grad. that has to be cool. >> mark: absolutely. he's a great ambassador for the school and he and i both played for the same coach. i'll tell you what, what a legacy he left for the b.c. high kids there. everybody wants to get a picture with the cup, including you. >> kevin: i would love that. okay, ready? whoa! nothing should get in the way of the things you love. ? ? get america's fastest internet. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to live a full life. but living for today doesn't mean forgetting about tomorrow. most people spend more time planning their 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