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Where you can findline sales right now. Complete new england News Coverage starts right now. This is the fox25 news at 6 00. Anchor and leading our 6 00 broadcast. The fallout continues from the planned parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs. Here is what we learned more than 24 hours after shots were nine people were hurt. Three people died. Police have now confirmed the suspect is 57yearold Robert Lewis Dear from North Carolina. Of the nine people sent to the hospital, we now know four have been released. The other five are in good condition. Two of the three people who died have not been identified, but we do know here tonight 44yearold garrett swayze, a melrose native is being remembered across the country as the man who won the skate in the olympics. He was a sixyear veteran of the university of colorado the university of Colorado Colorado Springs Police department. Fox25s Robert Goulston spoke with leaders on melrose who knew swayze personally and a with that story tonight. Robert . [inaudible] Hometown Community will do whatever it takes to support his family. Reporter garrett sidewaysy had huge dreams groping up in melrose waking up early every morning train to be a figure skater. Mayor dolan remembers garretts drive from high school. We remember him in home run in the very Early Morning being very tired having got up his dream was i believe in the year yearbook. Someone sent me the picture the yearbooks. See new the olympics in 1996. Reporter after graduating swayze moved to colorado to train for the olympics and moved into Law Enforcement. He is a Police Officer with the university of colorado. He was killed friday trying to stop a man with a gun at the planned parenthood offices in Colorado Springs. He and two civilians were shot and killed. One of his classmates who is now a melrose Police Officer shared some of his memories over the phone. The drive and determination that he would have been one of the officers responding to a shooting. Reporter he leaves behind his wife, rachel and two children ages 6 and 10. Friends say he was a pastor in colorado, always looking out for others, something he was doing when his life was taken. No doubt he was thinking of other people, and he saved others, i am sure by putting his life on the line. Reporter his hometown of melrose full of heartbreak and pride. We lost a good guy. And it is devastating to anyone anyone in Law Enforcement. He will always be remembered city. Anchor that report from Robert Goulston tonight. The shooting has planned parenthood offices on high alert. Police have stepped up security on com ave. 24 hours today. Planned parenthood said they are working with police to make sure patients and staff are safe. Tonight in Colorado Springs tonight in Colorado Springs, the hunt for answers. Fox news correspondent will carr is there in colorado with what we know about the suspected gunman and has reaction to people face to face with him yesterday. Reporter as investigators continued to work a huge crime scene, Community Members are spending their saturday in mourning. The Colorado Springs many gathering together at a local church. We are here to honor the lives of those who who were killed yesterday by a domestic terrorist. Reporter Authorities Say this man, 57yearold Robert Lewis Dear went on a shooting spree with an Assault Rifle for more than five hours friday at a planned parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs. Three people were killed, including 44yearold Police Officer garrett swayze, a husband and father of two children. A sixyear police veteran. Nine others were injured and rushed to local hospitals including five Police Officers and this victim shot up in his car, one of at least four people now out of the hospital. He was aiming at me. And i just took a gasp and he started shooting and i was looking at his face. The shots came through the glass, and started bleeding. Reporter meantime, dear in Police Custody is described by neighbors as a loner from North Carolina who avoided eye contact but seemed to have few religious or political leaning. Authorities are looking into a possible motive, but the mayor of Colorado Springs says people can make inferences from where it took place. President obama issued a statement condemning the attack and mourning the victims and also saying, quote, with he to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets. Plus local and federal authorities searched his property today, but they are being tight lipped about what, if anything, they found. Dear is expected in court on monday. In Colorado Springs, will carr, fox news. Tonight, we are hearing more from one of those ozzy lozano was trying to get out of the parking lot when he encountered the suspect. How he describes trying to escape the situation. I saw a man crawling to the front door, and i sought glass shatter, and he crawled into the entryway. And i saw this other fellow come behind him and shoot down and up and walk into the entry and up and walk into the entryway. And just kind of lost it there. I i tried get out of my car and run, and thought about that and i said, no, and i backed in the car, started it, put it in reverse and started backing out and then he was in front of me and he was aiming at me. And just hit the gas and he started shooting. Anchor so hard to believe. We have a complete collection of what we know about the shooting at myfoxboston. Com and on the fox25 news app. Turning now to the skies, a good soaking for most of massachusetts today, but that isnt stopping shoppers here at the quinser market. Temperatures on the warm side for late november. Storm tracker meteorologist rob ei, chert joins us now. Meteorologist the same front will bring us much cooler over the weekend. Need more than nine inches just to catch up for the year as a total here. We have almost a third of an inch in portsmouth and bedford. A lot less at the cape and vineyard and nantucket as expected. The rain now gone. Radar looking very quiet but as the rain moves out, much cooler moves in and we will turn our attention to the temperatures. 60 degrees this morning. That was at 6 am. The low temperatures so far 43 degrees and no coincidence that is our current temperature, 43 degrees. In other words, since 6 00 this morning, temperatures have been gradually falling, and that decline will continue as we head into the overnight hours. Eventually down to around 34 in boston. 27 in bedford. 27 in norwood. 42 in nantucket, either way, a temperatures we have out there this morning. Not out of the question. He could see a few flurries in some spots sunday night. I will show where you on futurecast coming up in ten minutes. Tonight, police want to know who open fired on a home and a car multiple times in stoughton. Take a look at the bullet holes we found here on canal drive. Fox25s he rick ca richie is live in stoughton. Erika, this shooting may not be random. Reporter thats right, blair reporter thats right, blair. This is a good part of stoughton. The only time they get called there is for problems like speeding. On the street there was only one house that was hit, and it was nine rounds that struck it. That they say indicates intent, but tonight, there is still no suspects, so there are still no words on a motive. Let me tell you what the house looks like here on connor street in stoughton. You can see the tape marking the bullet holes all around the basement windows. One even going right through the glass and into the house. Another blew out the windshield of a car that was parked out front. All of it happening around 5 00 this morning. It is unclear if anyone was home at the time, but we do know that no one was hurt. Now the nextdoor neighbor was home, and she was awake when she heard the gunfire early this morning. Then she heard a car speed off. She was the one who called 911 and reported everything that she had just heard and saw. What happened here this morning really scared her though, and for that reason, she asked us not to identify her. We lived here 50 years, and we have never heard it. It was it was scary. You dont know whats going on. When we purchased the house here because of that safety factor and kind of makes me want to stay inside and, you know, not want to let them go outside and play. Reporter that woman and her family just moved to that neighborhood to their house back in may. Obviously they say because it was such a good area. Their kids are just 5 and 3 years old. So what happened this morning has really shaken them up. No one was home tonight at the house that was struck. The Police Investigation continues at this hour. Live in stoughton, erika richie live in stoughton, erika richie, fox25 news. Police calling off a manhunt in lester after finding an arsenal of weapons connected to an incident in worcester. This story breaking on the fox25 news today. That search started at 12 30 this morning. Police found all of this you see here, a loaded rifle, a magazine and our vial of kit in the back yard of a house on wage street. K9 officers saw the suspects. They think the suspects stole a rowboat to get away. Police called officers and they found a rowboat at the bank of a pond. The funeral was held for 2yearold bella bond known for months as baby doe. A pink quilt covered the childs basket following a private ceremony in winthrop. Loved ones gather and stood over her burial site in the same cemetery as her paternal great grand mothers. Bella bonds remains were found in a plastic bag in june. Millions of people shared a composite image of her before she was identified in september she was identified in september. Bellas mothers boyfriend has been charged in her death. State Police Investigating a crash in auburn involving a tractortrailer, a box truck and pickup truck. Here you can see the damage in the pictures we obtained. Happened around 4 20 near exit 10. Three drivers were taken to the hospital and are expected to be okay. About 125 gallons of diesel fuel were snrild and the epa and auburn district were called to clear it. Slowing down traffic there most of the morning. Police have arrested this man right here accused of breaking into a home in sharon. The owners of that home on furnace street called police around 2 a. M. Saying someone had broken in. Three hours later they arrested 25yearold rashon stokes at their home on furnace street. He is being held on 10 thine he is being held on 10,000 monday. s new father, and now he is taking a stand for other parents opinion still to come, Mack Zuckerberg going to bat for his employees. The sweet new deal for expectant parents who work at facebook. Plus will he or wont he . Danny amendo la weighing his options as the patriots fly out to denver. Whether he will catch the plane or any passes sunday night. And next, black friday may be over but the deals are still why you wont have to wait for wow, that is good delicious introducing milkwise original with 46 fewer calories, 33 less sugar, and 50 more calcium than 2 milk its great taste and better nutrition new milkwise shopper also have a chance to score online deals ahead of schedule this year. Some retailers are launching their Cyber Monday Deals tomorrow. That term was first coined in 2 that term was first coined in 2005 when businesses noticed a spike in web sales the monday after thanksgiving. Experts say consumer were shopping at work because they had access to highspeed internet at their office. But now of course people are highspeed connections at home and their smartphones. Online retail has taken off and that is the growth for the Retail Industry so they are very focused to continue and people love the convenience of Free Shipping which is now widely available in cyber monday this year, november 30, could be the Biggest Online shopping day in u. S. History. Anchor walmart and target will launch their Online Shopping deals tomorrow. Amazon even launched some of their deals today. It is thanksgiving weekend, and Law Enforcement are grateful for the tips they that lead to arrests in tough that lead to arrests in toughtocrack case. Maybe you can help in the mass most wanted. Detectives in quincy are looking for this man right here. He broke into an Office Building and stole a laptop and cash from two different businesses. He was wearing a beaded prayer bracelet and a mediumsized pendant on a chain. If you have any information on this, give you Quincy Police a call. Our next case brings us to the South Shore Plaza where this man walked out with a pair of expensive sneakers from a foot locker store. A medium build. A medium height. If you can track him down give police a call in braintree. Another shoplifting case in boston. This woman stole three pairs of leather pants worth more than 2,000 from the altle ta store. If you know who she is, Contact Police in boston. All of these cases come from the Law Enforcement web site mass most wanted. We have them up on our web site right now at myfoxboston. Com. Drivers can expect a lot of company on the roads heading home from thanksgiving travel. Here is a look of the stats from last year. More than 509,000 people hit the roads on this day last year, and on the sunday after thanksgiving last year, saw 10,000 more travelers than that. This year aaa said more people are expected to travel by car and plan ahead and be prepared for a lot of stop and go home. The holidays mean a spike in customers at stores and restaurants and senator Elizabeth Warren wants to make sure the people who make the businesses run get treated fairly. She is pushing a bill that will force predictable schedules for retail, fast food and restaurant workers. Many said during the holidays they have erratic schedules an often get called into work at the last minute. Now your local froeb from meteorologist rob eichert and the fox 25 Storm Tracker weather team. Meteorologist overall the second half of the weekend the better part of the weekend. A lot brighter on your sunday and cooler than the last couple of days. Not out of the question could see oceaneffect flurries sunday night into monday morning and we will show that you on future cast. Any more significant rainfall. The next big weather maker coming tuesday night into wednesday. Right now sitting at 43 currently in boston. Now temperatures will slowly drop as we head through the rest of the evening hours and into the overnight hours. It will be a gradual fall, so if you wereed a it around midnight. 42 degrees. Not a big difference what is out there currently. Mid30s. A 25degree different from what we have out there early this morning so a sharp drop by the morning hours, by one of those nights where if you went thought afternoon early on your saturday and you didnt take a jacket, you probably are going to wish you did if you are out later on tonight. Radar fairly quiet. About a half hour or so. Is it not see any on the south coast. That should it be. All the rainfall done for the rest of the night. Clouds will be a little bit slower to clear out, but that should happen eventually and part of this a part of a frontal boundary taking the rain with it and as the rain moves out, much cooler will move in through the overnight hours. Skies gradually clearing tonight. The exception will be the cape and the islands where we could see the showers lingering into sunday morning. Still overall, fairly pleasant and very Sunny Afternoon on sunday, but despite that, high temperatures only in the 40s tomorrow. And again we are in the 60s yesterday afternoon. So big difference in a couple of days time. Notice the winds as we head into sunday evening and into overnight. The winds start to shift from the northwest into the northeast, and the wind speeds start to pick up a little bit. So get that cold wind blowing across the still relatively warm water, and that could lead to a few ocean effect snow showers and rain showers or a mix of both out at the cape, the islands, maybe even parts of the south shore. I do think future cast probably makes it look more impressive than it will actually be. We are only talking a few flurries. No accumulation and you will only see it if you are out in the military of the night overnight sunday into monday. The more significant chance of rain coming from this storm system currently centered over the four Corners Region oklahoma. We are expecting rain out of this, but part of this is the remnants of what was once hurricane sandra in the pa sthaivbing should get here tuesday night into wednesday. A decent soaking rain expected. In the meantime, sevenday forecast with the weekend always in view. 47 tomorrow afternoon. Very chilly. In the 20s just about everywhere. Monday morning. High temperatures on monday around 40. Chilly start to the workweek, and rain likely tuesday night into wednesday and a winddriven rain with breezy conditions all the way into thursday. Well, a special delivery in waltham. Earlier this week officer Danny Anderson helped a mother with an athome birth. Yesterday that officer stopped by to see how the mother and baby owen were doing and both seemed to be in pretty good spirits. Facebook employees sharing the good news. Expectant parents will get four months of paid leave. All new parents who work full time depending on their gender or if they work in the u. S. Or not. It comes days after the companys Ceo Mark Zuckerberg said he will take two months of pa person tee leave when his daughter is born. Wondering if any you can play wide receiver. If so, give bell belichek a call immediately. The latest on danny amendols availability. Inside the needhamwellesley the two. That is the number of healthy Wide Receivers the patriots are bringing to denver with them. Brandon lafel and chris harper welldressed against the broncos. Listed as questionable, but according to several media reports he will not play on sunday night. He suffered a knee injury in the Third Quarter against buffalo. Monday night he pulled up lame on this punt return. Left the game and did not return. He did practice thursday and friday but was limited. He is still listed as questionable as said but looks like he is out. Keyshawn martin recovering from a hamstring. Listed as questionable. Matthew snyder may get snaps at wideout. Without edelman and amendo la missing 60 of their offensive production. With them out, amendolas percentages were only going to go up. The College Football season is over for Boston College and they have a lot to think of over the offseason. Steve odazi ooh, a ying and a yang. Eagle took 70 lead. Syracuse up 107 in the third. Zack mahoney finds steve ismael in the slant. 177. Orange. Eagle also fight back. Under three minutes to go, down by 3, colton lightenberg with the field goal to tie the game with syracuse, goes 51 yards on ten plays. Cole murphys field goal. The orange win it 2017. Jeff smith was 113 for nine yards passing nine and one interception. The number one defense in the country. Its more than a game. The Needham Wellesley rivalry is the longest consecutive High School Football rivalry in the country. Coming up at 6 30, we are bringing you inside access to it all. Halfhour special that brings us inside. Its more than a game. Here is a preview. We executed again. Beat needham again in practice. Your opportunity to involve yourself in one the most story yourself in one the most storied rivalry country. Make your mark on this rivalry. Its the game that always comes up. I dont relive any other game than i ever played other than the wellesley game. Less than 24 hours, lets go. The distraction level will be unprecedented tomorrow. You are playing against the most iconic ball park in american sports. More than game coming up at the bottom of the hour. Hear from needham and wellesley if you are a fan. Cooling off out there. Meteorologist mid to upper 40s. Anchor thank you for making fox25 your choice for local news. Wellesley football rivalry. We execute again. We beat needham again in practice. Lets go. Your opportunity to involve yourself in one of the most storied rivalry storied rivalries in the country. Make your mark on this rivalry. Its the game that always comes up. I dont relive any other game that i ever played other than the wellesley game. Less than 24 hours. Lets go. The distraction level will be unprecedented tomorrow. You are playing against the most iconic ball park in american sports. Are you ready. Break. Ready break lets go, baby . 134 years ago in 1881, with james gar feel in the white house as president of the united states, and john david long governor earning massachusetts, one traditional town, needham, broke in two. Wellesley for years known as west needham was born, and just one year later, needham and wellesley met for the first time on the football field. More than 13 decades later, the tradition continues. Each thanksgiving morning, the rockets and raiders square off. The oldest public High School Football rivals in the country. Hard work on one, two, three hard work on one, two, three. Hard work. Ready. Reporter needham is home to 30,000 people, educated, affluent, intelligent. Success stories can be found at every turn. Thats part of who we are and what we are about. Reporter needham is represented as well even in the statehouse. Wellesley is home to the nations top college for women and also with one of the most iconic town halls in america. Its people are established. Its architecture, unique. Rival cities yes, but at the core not much differentiates wellesley from needham. How will i define the town of needham. A town full of great kids with parents who want their kids to do well in school and in college. And it has changed over the years from the oldtimers that you talk to with more blue color back then and changed in a good way. Too much. Wellesley a wonderful community. My family is is four againingss againingss. My dad was born not too far from here. A lot of love, pride. A lot of people like myself to went to needham high, marry their high school sweetheart, still have in needham. I think that is what makes needham a little different than i dont think many people stay in wellesley as do in i needham in wellesley as do in i needham. Kept me here. I have three brothers that are located two in maine and one in solution. Haul an opportunity to come back and live here. Town. In many ways typical suburban community. The Academic Mission of the school to them from my point of rue is really the first priority. In general it is a very Supportive Community of the schools, of the high school in particular. The majority of the population all college graduates. They understand the value of positive educational experience positive educational experiences. Looks end zone, touchdown riley again touchdown to riley who o. Reporter few more powerful educational experiences than playing in the needhamwellesley Football Game game. We chronicled High School Football history here at the sports museum, it is a game that always comes up. We put items on display, i will always get a call from somebody who played in the game offering their jersey or some memento from the game like so much of our history in massachusetts. We either have the first, the oldest, the best, and i am sure folks from both schools will say all of the above. It means a lot, and it means a lot to my family. Thats why we put so much time into it to try to make it, you know, a great experience for the kids. One, two, three a special game. I was fortunate enough to play it as a player, and now i have coached in four of them as the head coach myself. As an alumni, it is not interested really in what the teams record is and at the end of the season they want to know if you beat needham or not. More than just a game. A whole town. The whole town comes for this game. All the people have come back, the alumni right here. It is crazy. Something special the game is definitely greater than any additional player. It is greater than the teams i think. It is really more than anyone can fathom. Reporter it has been for generations many times want same family. My wifes grandmother was the class of 1911 at needham high school. Her brother, class of 1915 played in this game. Oh, my god played. My wifes father played in the game in 1938 and won it. I had two uncles play. I played in 62. Regretfully didnt win it. I played 71 to 73 of which we never beat we never beat needham. My son played in 88. My younger brother played. My son liam played and now coaching for the team. I have a 10yearold grandson who looks like maybe in about five years he will be out there on the gridiron playing wellesley. Reporter with only two games separating the alltime standings, there is always something everlasting at stake, even more than the frederick j. Gorman centennial trophy. I always said that turkey taste taste so as good when you beat wellesley. Do they want to win in absolutely. Absolutely. Did they promise that they would get the trophy back . They do every year. But we will see what happens. [laughter] reporter this year, whoever world. The field at fenway park was converted for football for notre dames game with Boston College. A generation of fans never seen a gridiron painted on the fenway turf, with the stripes in place red sox president sam kennedy knew exactly what to do kennedy knew exactly what to do. When you think of fenway parks role of the history of boston opening in 1912. Ironically fenway hosted a High School Championship Football Game that year with Everett High School i believe playing the team from illinois to sort of go back in time and bring High School Football back over 100 years later. It is very cool. Fenway for many years was just sort of part of the furniture in boston. It wasnt an iconic temple of ports. It was a utilitarian ball park. A place where in 1932, 47 high there. You have to meet someone with dirt under their fingernails for having to play there if you were anyone who have gone there as a spectator for the red sox. It was a place that people were used to coming to as participants. Thursdays matchup pits the 73 rockets against the 64 raiders. A pair of winning teams makes the thanksgiving battle that much sweeter. Wellesley has one of the best defenses in the state. Needham had a great run in the post season tournament this fall. Aside from all the tradition and on thanksgiving, it is going be too great Football Game as well. This opportunity is unique for every player and coach but one needham assistant roy joy one needham assistant roy chance. Played football for Boston University when Boston University had football. And we were scheduled to play Boston College in 1963. The game that we are going to play was scheduled for november 23, 1963. From dallas texas, the flash apparently official, president kennedy died at 1 p. M. Central standard time. Reporter joehan never played that game against Boston College. He has never been on the field at fenway, but that changes after practice today, the tradition is we come in we have alumni, a couple of stories about the rivalry. You know every single minute, every single day, every single time you are together is something that you will life. We got a couple of days left. We have to beat needham today out in practice the coach, his wife had a baby last night so good news. One. Offensive specialties first. Are you guys ready. Ready. Stanford 4 zoom. Ready. Set keep putting the right getting yourself mentally ready every night. Hit it reporter two days away from kickoff at fenway. Both teams are dealing with busy schedules, balancing the anticipation with the focus on execution during practice. Lets have a good practice. First and second going in. Reporter but there is always time for kids to be kids. Oh [laughter]. Good work today. I like the focus. I like the hustle. We got to bring that intensity tomorrow, and get ready for the game. Your emotions are going to hour. You want to make sure that you are doing everything you possibly can to help yourself win on thursday. Reporter every tuesday before thanksgiving, the seniors from both schools get together for dinner at the rotary club. This year it is in wellesley. Being here tonight, you have some sense of how important this is to both of our communities and how much sportsmanship very much a part together. Needham and wellesley we have this rivalry but rather you want to admit it it is probably the same place. We have far more in common. And you guys can be walking down the hallway of high school down the hallway of high school. Reporter it might be true, not something either team is thinking about with 36 hours to go before onside kickoff at its the holidays. Which means a house full of people who all want to get online. So its the perfect time for verizon fios. It has the Fastest Internet and wifi available. With speeds from 50 to 500 megs. And right now, youll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79. 99 a month online for your first year. And with a 2 year agreement, well give you all the premium movie channels for a year. Plus, 400 dollars back. So go online or call now. Its called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. Most new wealth flows to the top 1 . Its a system held in place where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. My campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. The truth is you cant change a corrupt system im bernie sanders. I approve this message. Join us for real change. Wednesday is the day at wellesley and needham. Not hard to get the students [cheering] Pay Attention your voupdings Pay Attention your voupdings. Understand the moment you are in and take it in, because you will remember it the rest of your life. Reporter a final walk through. Less than 24 hours. Lets go. Reporter and then some final words on the practice field. Youve put in all the time and effort that you need to to be successful tomorrow, all right, but tomorrow, it is not about waiting. It is not about patience, it is about unleashing everything, everything that you have inside everything that you have inside. To still get a chance to make your mark on this rivalry and you have to take advantage of it. The teams that have success in this rivalry dont get overwhelmed by the moment. And it is particularly special for you guys here because you ball park in american sports. One, two, three i am looking forward to this day for, like, my whole life. It is going to be awesome. Its a great moment. You can see in this locker room you can see in this locker wellesley, but, man, this is something. They are going to come out and be fired up. Guys, this is your opportunity. I am going to i want to say thank you to you. You make this season awesome. Our great bunch of kids. Nail in it. Are you ready. Ready are you ready. Ready. Coach, you got it. Its all coming back we are coming together as one we are leaving everything we got on that field and we will get it done together [cheering] together on three, one, together . Has won the toss and will deif he ever to the second half deif he ever to the second half. Wellesley will receive. On the field, give it everything that you got and play with no regrets. No regrets. Okay, seniors, lets go, one, two, three after stopping wellesley on its first possession of the day, needham took over and immediately took to the air. Quarterback sam foley connected with john andre twice in the andres first catch put the ball on the 26. The second put the ball in the end zone. Needhams defense was put to the test. Wellesley picked up the pace and moved the ball methodically up the field. Over here, run that hitch on the back side. Reporter as the quarter end reporter as the quarter ended, the raiders were knocking on the door, but a veteran in more ways than one got his due on the 50yard line got his due on the 50yard line. Roy johan, 52 years later, finally had his moment at fenway. We talked about it. No education. No hesitation. No waiting. We never wait on them. Dont set the line. Lets go. You are leading, block left. Reporter one play into the Second Quarter, wellesley took its first lead of the day. He did exactly what he was supposed to do. Lets go, we got to make tackle. We have a chance. Big time players make big time plays in big time games. We dont want to get impatient. We dont want to make any stupid mistakes. Reporter after the touchdown it was the rockets that made the mistake. But the rockets d was up to the challenge. You break down and make plays too. Reporter the raider offense making plays in the Second Quarter driving down the field yet again. Explosive play. Joe goweski stepped in front of his pass and he was off to the races. Holding [cheering] are you kidding me. Are you kidding me right here. Two. Two, two. Two. Two leading 127 when they could have been trailing 146, the rockets were sky high at half rockets were sky high at halftime. That was literally play. They jump ran to the other side. I might never run for the rest of my life after that. One more to go. If we are ever going to play each other. We need to take them. Reporter in the wellesley locker room adjustments were being made and a familiar voice was weighing in. Fourth quarter, you guys were hitting on offense. We need to keep going. Keep coming up front. We identified the technique. We get to the line of scrimmage these 22 minutes and needham was on top by 5. The final play the first half had set the tone for defensive battle, a scoreless Third Quarter highlighted by bruising hits, elevated emotions and fake punt to needham raised some controversy. We got it, we got it. It was down right there. He said the goal was out. And recovered. He fumbled only covered by the fumble. 58 recovered it. Reporter misfortune didnt prove costly for the raiders who got the ball back early in the fourth and drove the field chewing up seven minutes in the process setting up 1st and goals from the 2. Dives less, get in the end reporter on first down, joe goweski stepped up again. On second, eric dowe and joe bruno bottled up. How close, was he . Reporter jake mohan had nowhere to go on 3rd down. Time out. Reporter it was 4th and goal from the 2. Everybody listen to coach cosgrove. Everybody try to block and go to the other side. The side one more shot as time right out came up empty. The battle. Great game. Great game. Good job. Great game. Deep your head up. Keep your head up. Good job. Awesome job. Awesome. Awesome. You are going to remember this for the rest of your lives. Fenway park. Helped by 100yard interception return with one second left. [cheering] unbelievable now i am going to start crying. I am going to stop. When you win, enjoy it. Have a great thanksgiving. Be safe. Are you ready ready [cheering] i am being interviewed. My wife will be happy because i didnt use any swears because i didnt use any swears. National tv

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