Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20161004 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20161004

has not been released yet. at this point, police say, this appears to be nothing more than a tragic accident and they say it doesn't appear that any foul play is involved. that's the latest reporting live in wellesley, ted daniel, fox 25 news. >> >> ted, thank you. we are also monitoring developing story in maine where authorities have issued an amber alert for a 3-year-old girl from augusta. lenore wilson was last seen in an augusta apartment last night when they are mother had to be rushed to the police believe lenore may be with fatima gissentaner, a woman who occasionally cares for the girl and fatima gissentaner's boyfriend, who goes by the nickname, dollar, may also be with them. >> elizabeth: more than a dozen high school soccer players are on the bench, accused of violating the alcohol and drug policy. >> mark: this story came to us as a tip from a viewer. fox 25's crystal hanes reports >> the reporter: the superintendent here tells me that this incident happened offcampus and they got a tip that sparked this investigation. he says, they're taking it very seriously. >> it's never a good situation. >> the reporter: 16 pentucket regional girl soccer players on bench for a quarter of the season after an investigation found they were potentially in violation of the miaa's drug and alcohol policy. >> drinking, that's disturbing. >> the reporter: officials won't confirm superintendent says this. >> what i do know, it wasn't on campus. that it occurred and so we'll need to work with families pretty closely, about how to help their children. >> i feel form the students, but i would be as a parent, i would be concerned that my daughter was over at some party at somebody's house and that there was underage drinking. >> parents say they were notified of the incident in an email this afternoon. the superintendent tells me school staff is working with the alcohol and drugs with the school as a whole. >> i think they'll think twice next time. zero tolerance, because the liability is associated with that, once they find out. >> i don't think it's a shocking situation. i think it's something that every school and every school district deals with, and we continue to try to stride forward with, you know, making sense of why students would do something like that. at 6:00 p.m., why some parents say they don't believe the punishment in this case fits the crime. >> vanessa: we are tracking hurricane matthew tonight. the category 4 hurricane is pounding the caribbean. the storm made landfall in haiti today. and is now headed towards cuba. fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz is tracking the path, and kevin, it's still too early to say if or how our coast could be impacted. >> kevin: true, vanessa, but the national hurricane center latest track is in and has new england winds 140 miles per hour, down five miles per hour despite interacting with land. category 4 off the coast of cuba, it's going to move northwestward in to the bahamas. 130-mile-per-hour winds raking through the central and northwestern bahamas by wednesday and into thursday, and still category 4, just off the coast of florida, near freeport in the bahamas. then, turning toward the coast, this is a little farther to the west. that's something we talked about last hour, how i expected that track to come in a little farther to the west and it does. skirting by the confidence, this is what the storm is going to do, be very chose to the coast. there's still some area here, it can go left-to-right. beyond here, then it becomes less certain, but the official track brings a category one hurricane just south of nantucket sunday afternoon. much more to say about this in our forecast minutes away. >> mark: we are seeing the first images out of haiti after matthew made landfall this morning. the hurricane killed nine people across the caribbean, including one in haiti. time to throws strongest storm to hit the region in almost a devastating earthquake that killed 200,000 people in 2010. businesses and homes boarding up today in the bahamas. a hurricane warning has been issued for the entire island nation and preparations yell wind way along the southeastern coast of the united states. in florida, long lines at gas stations and stores today, as residents stockpile on storm supplies. florida governor rick scott could issue evacuations as early as tonight and within the last 90 minutes, south carolina's governor, nikki haley, issued a state of emergency and plans to evacte from the carolina coastline. hurricane matthew is also causing concerns when it comes to the zika virus. coming up new at 5:30 p.m., the warning ahead of the hurricane. >> vanessa: local schools and college campuses are sending out warnings about threats involving clowns. police believe they're all just a hoax after a wave of similar incidents across the country. new at 5:00 p.m. tonight, we've learned the son of a local police chief also received a threat. fox 25's kathryn burcham live in dedham, where katherine, tonight. >> the reporter: yeah, vanessa. those threats came in to students here via text message and also via social media posts like this one. where it says, that clowns or people dressed as clowns may kidnap students or kill teachers. just the images alone have been scary enough. >> i've heard that there have been like clowns, like, in the woods and stuff around like this area and jumping out and scaring people. >> the reporter: last night, anonymous text messages, threatening violence at the hand of people dressed like clowns. today, the superintendent emailed parents, saying while our conversations with police do not indicate any credible aspects, we will pursue and investigate any threats seriously. >> even the climate of today's world, that's something to be extremely concerned about. >> the reporter: walpole police also investigating after students received clown threats on instagram, including one sent to the son of police chief john karr michael. amidst the heightened concern. >> some of our smaller, younger students may have a little bit of anxiety, because of this, so we're going to hold off, maybe for another week until we do that. >> the reporter: in the past 24 hours, reported sightings or threat of violence from clowns at colleges across massachusetts, new hampshire, rhode island, and maine. other sightings in boston, northbridge, and hanover have also frightened residents. but police across massachusetts are warning residents to stay calm, saying, it's all >> it's a clown. they get great big feet and red noses and they drive clown cars, so we know if there's a problem, we'll find them. >> the reporter: again, police officials saying there have been no specific credible threats involving these clowns, but coming up at 6:00 p.m., were a famed criminologist says they so easily inspire fear. in dedham, kathryn burcham, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: breaking news in the of shots fired in roslindale. the scene right now is concentrated along newburgh street. police will not confirm if anyone has been hit by a bullet. we do have crews on the way to the scene and we'll update you as soon as we learn more. also breaking right now in lawrence, a shooting there has turned deadly. it happened this afternoon at a home on box ford street. there are reports that there may have been a break-in at the home. we do know the shooting happened in basement. fox 25's malini basu is headed to the scene. she'll bring you new details as they come released the name of a man shot and killed by lynn police. the essex d.a.'s office says 5 everybody is-year-old man was killed when officers were serving him a search warrant at his apartment. he told officers he wasn't coming out when they knocked on his door, police forced their way in and say they saw someone pointing a gun at the door. according to police, he was a suspect in an armed robbery at a bar last week. >> vanessa: new at 5:00 p.m., a new hampshire homeowner finds himself taking cover in his own he found this hole in his bedroom wall where his wife was getting ready moments earlier. robert goulston live in barrington, new hampshire and you talk to the homeowner who is sharing his story for a reason. >> the reporter: on the home surveillance camera, you can see noah blanchard working in his yard when the shots ring out. he takes cover by getting down, wasn't really a. first and then i started hearing the bullets go through the leaves above my head. >> the reporter: he then tries to get the shooter's attention. after checking on his pets, he realizes the bullets weren't just close by. one of them was inside his bedroom. >> it went all the way through the exterior hall and lodged itself in the hallway. >> the reporter: police found him 300 yards away from the house. >> it was not intentional, it was not a drive-by shooting of any type. this person literally began >> the reporter: the 28-year-old was firing his handgun on property that he was legally ok to be on, since it wasn't posted with no trespassing signs. police say he will likely be charged with some sort of negligence since he didn't take enough precautions to figure out what was down range. >> the minute he figured out that there were houses down range and he hit somebody's house, he was very, very sorry. >> the reporter: noah, an avid target shooter and hunter himself, hopes this reminds all gun owners to take those extra steps. apologized and he's agreed to pay for the damages. >> the reporter: back live at the scene, you can see these are some of the shell casings from that man's handgun that he was using to fire in that direction, about 300 yards. coming up at 6:00 p.m., we'll have a little biltmore from the chief, what he's trying to get out, especially as hunting season gets underway. live if barrington, new hampshire, robert goulston, fox 25 news. >> mark: police are looking for the drive of a white ford pickup who witnesses say ran over a pan 56-year-old earnest raditz was taken to the hospital after he was hit by a truck on cranberry highway. the driver turned around and then fled the scene. authorities are asking anyone no can track down the suspect to give them a call. >> vanessa: some people in charlestown had to change their commute because of a water main break on rutherford avenue. police shut down the street on the tobin bridge to rutherford. there was a decent sized sink hole. crews are still out tonigh >> mark: after a two year absence the red sox are back in the playoffs, back at fenway park preparing for an alds matchup. despite winning the a.l. east, the sox know the most important games, they have yet to be played. >> oh, yeah. nothing matters. only matters is winning. you do what can you to help the team win. doesn't matter how you do it. you don't look at numbers, you don't look at anything. it's about, you no, everybody in the organization trying to win. to be easy, so i'm sure it's going to be, you know, pretty tough too, but i think that's what makes it fun. >> mark: first team to 11 wins wins it all. sports director tom leyden checked out practice today, he's on his way back from fenway park as we speak. will join us live at 6:00 p.m. >> vanessa: looking forward to that. the man convicted of killing a local woman and throwing her body off his boat is trying to get out of prison for the third time now. >> mark: at 5:30 p.m., the tough questions the parole board is asking tonight. >> kevin: the latest is in on matthew from the national hurricane center. i'll show you my latest thoughts on this along with the track of the storm and we'll talk about our forecast. can't forget that too. it's up next. >> vanessa: plus the vice-presidential candidates are getting ready to take the debate stage for the first time tonight. who voters believe will come out on t joe plaia: every three days, someone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician and that puts us all at risk. narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. (foot steps) ?? (crickets chirping) ?? (jet engine) ?? (heart beat) ?? (rain drops) (engine revving) (tires on wet road) ?? lease the exhilarating 2017 lincoln mkz for $349 a month >> vanessa: we want to bring you an update on breaking news in roslindale. sky fox is still over the seen. newburgh and belgrade avenue, there is out here right now as police investigate reports of a shooting. police would not confirm to us, ock, if anyone had been hit by a bullet tonight. >> mark: you can see right here, a pan from sky fox. basically what they're working on here are two different crime scenes within a block of one another. we have sky fox over the area right now and you can see all the traffic is con guess fed in that area. much of it police cars, we understand, there may be another scene as i mentioned just a few blocks away down here. we will keep going back to this on the ground there gathering information. we'll pass that along to you just as soon as we can. >> i think that certainly there are many role models that we have, and i believe he can serve as president, so absolutely i would do that. >> vanessa: new hampshire senator kelly ayotte backing off of her compliment of donald trump during last night's debate ayotte if she would tell a child who aspired to be like the republican nominee. today, ayotte said she misspoke. >> certainly i hope that all of our children aspire to run for president, but i would not hold out either donald trump or hillary clinton as good examples. and i wouldn't hold them out as examples of role models for my children. >> vanessa: ayotte and hassan are neck and neck in the latest another four times before election day. >> mark: big night for tim kane and mike pence as the only time the vice-presidential candidates will share the debate stage. >> vanessa: things are expected to be a little more subdued than last week's first showdown between hillary clinton and donald trump. karen kaifa reports from longwood university in farmville, virginia. >> the reporter: this vice-presidential debate may seem unconventional for 2016 for being so conventional, a senator who has been a governor, a governor who has been a congressman. in the shadow of a history-making showdown >> i've reached out to her right after said man, you really raised the bar. >> he tells it like it is. the american people are hearing loud and clear. >> the reporter: a cnn-orc poll shows voters split on who will come out tonight. 38% state tim kane and 38% said mike pence. in addition to talking up themselves, they'll need to talk up their tickets. times" report that showed he declared a massive loss in 1995, that could allow him to legally avoid paying taxes for 18 years. >> i think with the critical persuadable voters that remain, that both campaigns are fighting over, they'll be very troubled by what we learned over the weekend. >> the reporter: bullpen pence will likely hit cain with a republican theme trump used last week. kane and hillary clinton both longtime politicians can't bring real change. >> if you're happy with washington the way things are going, with a government that's unresponsive, i think then you should vote for ll >> the reporter: in farmville, virginia, karen kaifa. >> mark: this debate starts tonight at 9:00 p.m. right here on fox 25, stay tuned after for a special edition of fox 25 news at 10:30 p.m. at 11:30 p.m., we'll have a complete debate analysis and breakdown of the key moments. >> kevin: all right. with the fresh data in from the hurricane center, and the newest fix on hurricane matthew, let's start out with the monster tom. through eastern cuba right now and into the bahamas tonight, the southern bahamas an turning left. this by the way is turks and caicos, the tropical storm warning, the bahamas start here. all the way this far south. the bahamas are that far, that long of an island chain, then coming up through the bahamas, toward nassau, which would be on the weaker side on this track, although still in that area where the track can come right through or move a little farther away, toward grand bahama island where freeport is, but no the western fringes from miami, northward to melbourne and even into jacksonville, florida, that's tall part of the western fringe of these tracks. there is equal probability this can go left or right. west or east of this center point. that's why you need to concentrate on this entire area, not just the center point. the center point is an average. if it does end up being the average, it would come right along parallelling the coast of florida, to the carolinas, and then make landfall somewhere along wilmington, north carolina, perhaps even into cape the storm is going to come very controls. it will waiver a little bit left-to-right, but come very close to the southeast u.s. where it goes from here is highly uncertain. i'll show you why. first, the official track takes it to the northeast, the category 1 hurricane off the coast of the mid-atlantic an towards southern new england. this takes it very close to nantucket. by sunday the 2:00 p.m., a minimal hurricane. when it gets this close, they tend to open up. mean heavy rain on t and on the right side is where all the wind would end up being. if this goes farther to the left within the track possibilities, we get into the windy side of the storm. farther out to sea, we get absolutely nothing. that's how close it's going to be on this track. but that track is not certain. let me show you why. we put all the computer models together on one chart, call it a spaghetti plot, you've seen me use this before. they're all bunched together coming through the bahamas, a little bit of left-to-right movement, including a landfall in miami from one computer model, up through the carolinas, the left-to-right movement, but still a lot of agreement here, right? but check out the ones that are turning this storm back around, and heading southward. some of our best computer models from england and the european computers showing that this is going to happen. why? that front coming in through the country, pushing it not just out to sea, but blocking it from moving northward. it is a possibility, but it's the first time we've seen it, and that's why the hurricane center is keeping that track going northward. if we see model run, the forecast may have to be adjusted quite a lot after the carolinas. back home, temperatures are in the 50's for dinnertime right now. we'll get some clouds to move back in tonight, but those will break up during the course of the day tomorrow and back into sunshine. the seven-day forecast shows the possibility of some rain and wind by sunday from matthew if it does track northward. we really have to watch to see what happens with future computer model runs and how fast the front comes in from the west, if it will block the storm through the bahamas and heading to the southeast u.s. when we enjoy nice weather the next couple of days. if you have questions, shoot them at me on twitter. try to get to them the next half how many. >> the reporter: -- half-hour. >> the reporter: a new proposal could allow unlicensed staff to give medication to patientsbility the action now being taken tore prevent this from happening. >> vanessa: home are destroyed in a massive explosion. nearly a dozen firefighters were also taken to the hospital. i'm here in bristol, virginia. and now...i'm in bristol, tennessee. on this side of the road is virginia... and on this side it's tennessee. no matter which state in the country you live in, you could save hundreds on car insurance by switching to geico. look, i'm in virginia... virginia... tennessee... and now i'm in virginessee. see how much you could save on car insurance. or am i in tennaginia? hmmm... my belly pain and constipation? i've heard it all. eat more fiber. flax seeds. yogurt. get moving. keep moving. i know! try laxatives. been there, done that. my chronic constipation keeps coming back. ow. vo: linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats 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actually at the scene when the home exploded, >> companies got on scene, they could hear the gas, they could hear the gas hissing out at approximately 9:24 a.m. with public service on the scene, the building about explode. >> vanessa: the homeowner of one of the destroyed homes reported the smell of gas about an hour before the explosion. more than 50 buildings had to be evacuated in the aftermath. >> mark: celebrities an designers in paris for fashion week are weighing in about kim kardashian's robbery. $10 million worth of jewelry over the weekend. lagerfeld said kardashian made herself a target by flaunting her wealth on social media. actor ben still erie sealed he was diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago. the 50-year-old told howard stern he survived the cancer because of early detection. the stiller's doctor suspected the cancer after a he had his prostate removed and is currently in the clear. >> vanessa: it has been a year since companies switched over to the chip credit cards and the problems are lingering. >> mark: what shoppers need to know ahead of the busy shopping holiday season. >> vanessa: an out-of-control wildfire forcing hundreds of people from their home. the devastation an issues that firefighters are facing tonight. plus -- >> the reporter: it was a shocking murder, a salem woman thrown off a boat, her body tied down with weights. now, her convicted killer, 25 what the parole board most banks are all the same... capital one isn't most banks. ?? it's a relaxed place with helpful people focused on you, not trying to sell you things you don't want. and free checking accounts that are actually free. no minimums. no fees. no nonsense. capital one even has a top-rated app that lets you bank wherever you are. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mrs. wagner's car to arrive for the airport, she can use fios to download the movie "up in the air" to 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authorities. there may be another scene just a block away. we will keep going back to the story to keep you updated. >> vanessa: we're following more breaking news in wellesley where the body of a man has been pulled from a pond. sky fox with the view as boat and dive teams search morse's pond today. police say the man was a landscape worker working at a home on college road. we're told he borrowed the homeowner's canoe and fell in the water about 50 feet offshore. witnesses say he never came back >> mark: we continue to track hurricane matthew at 5:30 p.m. the category 4 storm slamming the caribbean, leaving behind massive damage in haiti. this as federal officials in the u.s. announce actions they are taking to prepare for the deadly storm. >> vanessa: here you can see matthew is heading towards cuba and the bahamas and could reach the state by the end of the week. florida taking all necessary precautions tonight as the storm sets its course straight for the coastline. >> mark: fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin weekend. >> kevin: it's still in the game, no question about that, but it's way early. this thing is just getting into cuba this evening, with 140-mile-per-hour winds estimated by the national hijac- national hurricane center from the observations they're getting. flying aircraft into the middle of it, they get all kinds fixes on it. it want to come into the bahamas. 2:00 a.m., firmly in the bahamas, with winds 130-mile-per-hours, still a cat 4, right through the bahamas, a catery reason for it to weaken with the warm waters, but notice, eastern florida, the coastline is in the area that can also get hit in the area of the probable or possible forecast track. the center line comes up through the carolinas, and then pushes it, yes, off of new england, with all of southern new england in the possible track scenario. plenty of answers still to come from this storm system. more about my thinking and i'll show you why it could actually stop in its tracks in the carolinas too in just a few zika virus. florida governor rick scott is asking people to stay on alert as the storm approaches and has issued a state of emergency for all 67 counties. hurricane matthew could have a direct impact on south florida, where there have been locally transmitted cases of the zika virus. the virus can be transmitted through mosquitoes breeding in standing water and florida's governor is reminding residents to not take any chances. >> regardless of the direct impact, we can expect matthew to bring heavy rain to coastal important that everyone does their part to combat zika. you do that by getting rid of standing water. >> mark: according to florida's health department, 20 new cases of zika are being investigated. the centers for disease control says there are 59 locally transmitted cases of the virus an over 600 travel-related cases. stay with fox 25 for continuing coverage of hurricane matthew. we'll continue to bring you updates all week long on air and on line and you can head over to our web site as well,, and that's matthew's track. >> vanessa: a former salem engineer is behind bars, serving time for a decades old murder. the man dumped a woman's boat in the early 1990's. her body was found after she was pulled from the water by a lobsterman. mamoney is hoping the third time will be a charm as he seeks parole once again. fox 25's bob ward joins us live in salem and mamoney was just denied pa patrol five years ago. pa patrol hearing did not go very well for mr. mamoney, just a short team ago, this afternoon. in fact, one parole board member said right to his face, that in her opinion, he is incapable of telling the truth. but mamoney, he claimed full responsibility for the victim's death. >> i alone am responsible for the death of martha brisly. my acts and decision to dispose of her remains an run are responsible for the narrative. parole for the death of martha braly. he lured her on to his boat and when she pushed his section i'll advances, he killed her. he claimed he did not intentionally kill her, instead fell into the water when a rogue wave hit his boat and he tried to save her life. it's a claim that found the parole board skeptical. >> how long were you on dandy the points you dropped her in the ocean. >> seven hours. >> and you were by yourself on the boat. >> performing cpr and first aid. >> for seven hours. >> i lost all -- as i'm saying, my state of mind was in the state of panic. i think you're incapable, for whatever reason, you're incapable of telling the truth. >> martha's husband spoke out briefly against mamoney's attempt at freedom. prison for rest of his life. >> the reporter: tom mamoney was convicted of second degree murder in this case. the murder taking place 25 years ago. and that's why he is eligible for parole. he is 71 years old now, no word when a decision will come, but if the parole board rejects this attempt, he's free to try again in another five years. live in natick tonight, bob ward, fox 25 news. voices heard, now that the state is considering a proposal that could allow unlicensed employees to given medication to patients. it is a practice many nurses consider dangerous. fox 25's stephanie coueignoux is live at the state house, where stephanie, some nurses are calling for governor baker to step in. >> the reporter: they've actually started a petition that's already gotten more than 10,000 signatures, asking governor baker to stop this proposal, and some parents that i spoke with say that these potential changes are terrifying. complex medical needs. >> the reporter: for angela ortiz and her family, hospital visits and doctors are a way of life and trust is everything. >> even think about having unlicensed persons administering these medications, it's terrifying for a parent who has a child with complex medical needs. >> the reporter: it's a situation the massachusetts nurse's association believes will only become more common if the state decides to change the current law when it comes to administering medication. union president donna kelly revisions are too vague and hospitals and doctors offices could ask employees who aren't trained or licensed to give out medication. >> there's no parameters in there. the way the proposal is that there would be some type of training or delegation, but the actual person that would be delegated to, the parameters of that have not been discussed. certainly not to me. which raises grave concern. we called the department of public health for comment. statement, reading in part, the proposed amendment serve in the interests of patient safety by clarifying existing regulations on the delegation of nursing activities, including the administration of medication. for angela ortiz, this is about her daughter, and every patient out there. >> she's everything to us, and we want to make sure she has the best an we need to keep the bar high for these children. >> the reporter: now, according to the john hopkins medicine survey, the medical error here in the united states. and coming up at 6:30 p.m., you'll hear from a mother who says that her daughter was given the wrong vaccination twice. on beacon hill, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: a hot pink chicken coop is sitting in an unusual space. in one local city. >> mark: coming up new at 6:00 p.m., the trend that's bringing farm living into the heart of urban areas. >> vanessa: the i.r.s. is using private companies to reach out to delinquent taxpayers. will open up taxpayers to. >> mark: a not so clean getaway for interviewer: what would you do with five minutes to kill and a smartphone? man: check the scores. woman 1 : uh, probably post a pic. woman 2: text a friend. interviewer: how about register to vote? man: really? galvin: you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts driver's license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to register to vote m-a dot com. it's that easy. galvin: register by october 19th. in new hampshire, maggie hassan cut taxes for small businesses, protected education... created jobs. in washington, what's kelly ayotte done? voted to cut college grants, cut medicare. but kelly ayotte voted to protect tax breaks for millionaires and big oil. that's what the koch brothers and big corporate interests wanted. they're spending millions supporting ayotte. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight which is good for me hey! and bad for the barkley twins. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. upgraded to our most d3 ever. ?? you wouldn't believe what's in this kiester. a farmer's market. a fire truck. even a marching band. rt in yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. >> caller: nearly 2,000 people have been evacuated from their homes in colorado as a late season wildfire rages out-of-control. strong winds and bone dry conditions there are fueling these flames. this is happening about 25 miles south of pueblo. at least seven buildings have been destroyed. firefighters are up against shrub that's also fueling the flames. >> every fifth tree if you look up there is dead. the fuel in there is just immense. >> i've been here 20 years. i used to live in the midwest and even that is not quite so terrifying, i have to say. >> vanessa: at least 3,000 acres have burned so far. >> mark: a man in trenton, new jersey, says he was the victim of an unusual barrera. peter field says he came home saturday to find his glass door broken and alarm system smashed. the strangest part was where he found the burglar -- in the shower. he went and took some alcohol, he had some alcohol, and you know, he would have thought he lived here. >> mark: fields called police who arrived in time to arrest the man as he toweled off. the sustenance was charged with burglary -- sustenance was charged with burglary and theft. >> kevin: been showing you the latest track of hurricane matthew. if you're just tuning in, i'll have it for you and my thoughts and how it could impact us by the weekend. >> vanessa: it's been a year have been rolling out and afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. e mine. the north and the south are mine. >> mark: the international court of arbitration for sports has reduced maria sharapova's doping ban to 15 months. sharapova apparently didn't know the drug she was taking a prescription heart medication can improve blood flow and it been banned. she can now return to tennis in april. >> vanessa: investigators looking into the death of prince, say european method of it's called drug checking, in spain and the netherlands drug users voluntarily turn in drug samples for chemical analysis and alerted if any dangerous add-ons are found. much of what is sold on the street is laced with illegal chemicals. >> mark: love it or hate it, the chip enabled credit cards. it's been one years since retailers were supposed to make credit cards. it's not been an easy transition. >> the reporter: the national retail federation says this transition has been a headache, with stores struggling to bring the new systems on line. >> it's been frustrating for retailers, it's been confusing for consumers. >> the reporter: the group estimates 86% of retailers will have chip enabled readers in place by the end of the year. that's true that's welcome news the same. i don't mind it i gels. i just wish they were all the same. the point of moving to the chip cards, they were supposed to be safer and visa tells me it's working. the company says in may, the number of counterfeit purchases were down nearly 50% compared to the previous year. consumers told us they haven't seen as many chip readers at mall retailers, compared to big box stores like k-mart and target. season. >> consumers are still walking into stores where some places they swipe, some places they insert, some places they don't know what to do. >> the reporter: that's why this shopper says they'll head on line for most of their holiday shopping. jacqueline feld, fox 25 news. >> mark: retailers have spent billions of dollars to install the new equipment, but card companies have failed to sign off on the installations in a timely manner. visa and mastercard overall, things are going well. americans are expected to spend more money this holiday season thanks to the economy. researchers at the national retail federation say holiday sales for norichika and december could rise almost 4%, compared to last year. holiday sales account for nearly 20% of annual retail industry sales. >> vanessa: apple is taking its long running patent dispute with samsung to the supreme court. the american tech giant is asking the court to uphold a jury's award for damages against the korean company. had infringed on six different apple patents and awarded apple $1 billion in damages. last year an appeals court reduced that award to $548 million. samsung now questioning whether it has to pay the full amount. google unveiled its smart phone, called pixel today. it will have built n in artificial intelligence, ultimately eliminating need for users to type. the new phones will come in two different screen sizes and pixel owners will also get unlimited storage of full sized the pixel will be available through verizon and google's on-line play store. >> kevin: all right. let's talk about matthew, the huge storm hitting cuba right now. it's just offshore, zoom on down and show you the eye as it rotated northward toward the eastern tip of cuba. stop it here and go from the eastern tip to about the center here, looks like about 15 miles on satellite imagery. of course, it's moving northward it's doing its damage already. certainly, in cuba. the only saving grace, the back side of this storm is the weaker wind side. still powerful winds and we're dealing with winds around the center of 140 miles per hour. the hurricane-force winds extend out 45 miles from the center. this makes it in to the bahamas this evening. 2:00 p.m. it's here. through freeport and grand bahama island by 2:00 p.m. now i say that, that's the center line, but cautioning you and i will say it every single time, the track can go this far west or this far east with the current projections and of course, that can always fluctuate as well. but the bottom line is you can't look at the center line an say it's not a danger to us in jacksonville, florida. yes, it is. it comes closer to the coast, you get a landfall. it's not that far offshore. but most projections take this and throw it up the coast of carolina through wilmington or thereabouts. by the middle of the weekend, after this, all bets are off. now the official track continues it toward the northeast, toward new england, the western side of this storm, the weaker side, is where we would be on the center track. but obviously, if it tracks farther west and the probability area, we get bigger impacts, farther east, we get nothing from this storm. and both an equal possibility at this point. in fact, let me show you what the latest computer model trends have been and throw in some of my two cents here. this is coming up toward the north and we've been talking about this the last couple very confident this is going to move through the bahamas and into the conference, -- carolinas, based on all the computer models. that's what you have to look at the storms and see where they're going. we use a lot of different ones rather than just pick one and go with it. from this point, it becomes very sketchy and the reason is the interaction with this front from the northwest. now that front comes through too quickly, everything gets blocked. big area of high pressure blocks the storm, so instead of coming northward, it stalls an even still. it looks out to lunch compared to the other computer models, but it's also been our most reliable computer model with that european and you all on social media love the european model. don't trash it because of this one run. if this high pressure builds far enough south, this does happen. otherwise, that front, sets up a bowling alley out ahead of it for this to roll right up toward us and that's still a possibility as well. so confident into the carolinas, not so does it stall or continue up the coast toward us. that's what we'll be examining over the next couple days. the good news is we have time to prepare. in the meantime, back home, all we're getting is clouds drifting in in the morning and back to sunshine. you'll see in the seven-day forecast, temperatures are pleasant with that sunshine, right into the start of the weekend. if we're going to get any effects from matthew, i'm pinpointing sunday as the day to watch for that. but still, not a guarantee, 60% chance for showers, only because even if matthew doesn't make it, there's still the cold front with a couple of showers that ahead and update next half-hour. >> mark: toyota is looking to make your drive a bit less lonely. look at the latest invention. this is?q9s? a mini robot desigo keep you company, it's 4 inches tall, can talk, respond to facial expressions, remember your likes and dislikes and even remember trips you've taken together. the robot can be linked to cars and gadgets in the home and small enough to fit in a cup holder. no word on how much it will cost. hasbro has just released this its head and more. hasbro else sells a cat version of the toy. the realistic looking pets are designed to help ease loneliness among the elderly and children. some studies suggest nearly real pets can provide companionship similar to real animals. oh, yes, a favorite toy bear from the 19 80's is getting a reboot. the wicked cools company announced it will be releasing an updated version of kenny rock the revamped bear will still tell tales. it will also feature lcd eyes to show expression and -- app so kids can read along. it is expected to hit stores next august. >> vanessa: here's a look at what we're working on for fox 25 news at 6:00 p.m. we continue to follow that breaking news in roslindale, where shots were fired during a state police investigation. we also know there's a commuter rail train stopped at roslindale station, which is very close to the scene. we have several crews working the situation, a live report at the top of t h >> the reporter: it was nearly a year ago, a pickup truck went through a railing here in to the charles river. the cement barriers have stood in its place ever since. the historic nature of this railing that the state says has taken so long to replace. >> the reporter: a dozen members of the pentucket regional high school girls soccer team suspended from playing. tonight, what they were doing that got them benched for those of their season. >> vanessa: from one of the greatest of all times to another, tom brady's message to my kids. when i hear arguments that massachusetts needs more charter schools, i think: what about the students in all of our schools? every new charter takes away more money from the existing public schools. that's 400 million dollars, just last year. we can't afford to drain even more money from our kids' schools because they're already losing so much. i'm not just standing up for my own kids; i'm fighting for yours, too. please join me in voting no on question 2. ?? dylan: anybody can do parkour. our whole aim with the gym is to get people moving, and want to have people understand that you own a body. we can do some crazy things with it. having blue cross blue shield, i've always felt comfortable being able to try something that i might not know if i'm going to land, because i've always had this security behind me. my name is dylan. i own hub parkour training center wegmans ez meals. dinner's not just delicious, it's done. [mmmm] chicken cacciatore... boneless chicken in our very own seasoned tomato sauce with peppers, mushrooms and basil. braised to perfection thanks to our unique ez oven packaging. it's ready to cook. just pop it in the oven and dinner's ready. delicious, fresh, easy. wegmans ez meals. [alright] tclean better than a manual... he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. aysomeone in new hampshire is killed with a gun. mothers, sons, friends. and yet kelly ayotte continues to play political games instead of making new hampshire safer. when she has the chance to strengthen background checks, she voted no, backing the washington gun lobby instead. then - on a bill to keep suspected terrorists from getting guns, ayotte flip flopped. kelly ayotte's become another typical washington politician and that puts us all at risk. narrator: independence usa pac is responsible for the >> new at 5:00 p.m., aggressive phone calls at all hours from aggressive bill collectors may seem like harassment. >> vanessa: but now, those companies are being hired to go after taxpayers. >> the reporter: private bill collectors accused of crossing its line. >> there have been complaints of being harassed, being threatened by these collectors. is hiring four private debt collection companies to collect from delinquent taxpayers. congress required the i.r.s. to use private debt collectors in a bill passed last year. the i.r.s. has a huge#e? unpaid taxes. more than $400 billion worth. the past efforts to use private companies led to complaints by taxpayers, and fewer collections than expected. >> this is the third time that didn't succeed. >> the reporter: the i.r.s. said this time it is taking safeguards to protect taxpayers. employees of the collection agencies must follow the provisions of the fair debt collection act and must be courteous and respect taxpayer rights. >> we shouldn't necessarily think that every single taxpayer who owes the i.r.s. money is a criminal or a dead beat. >> but there is also a concern that the new program could make it easier for phone scammers. >> they've been told year after year, watch out scammers impersonating i.r.s. agents. >> the reporter: the i.r.s. says before any private debt collector is allowed to call you, the i.r.s. will send two written notices informing you, your case has been turned over to a private collection agency. reporting what, justin gray, fox 25 news. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., a new pushing to make warning labels and cigarette packs and tobacco ads scary. local pediatricians filed the lawsuit against the f.d.a. in deadline for the agency to create a new rule that would require graphic warning labels. >> vanessa: congress is looking for answers as to why cost of epipens skyrocketed. in a letter, the house oversight committee asked the company to hand over information on their recent profit margin the, milan's c.e.o. testified before the committee last months that milan makes $50 per pen on the two pack. the pack costs just over $600, but the "washington post" is reporting the company actually makes more. milan says it's working generic version that will cost half of the current price. >> mark: now at 6:00 p.m., a terrifying trend. reports of clowns with weapons causing panic on local school and college campuses. >> the fact that this is happening is like really scary. >> why a famous criminologist says it's no laughing matter, but there's no real reason to be worried about kill are clowns. >> also, the party is over for a group of high school soccer players. what got the entire girls team kicked off the field for part of matthew barreling through the caribbean and taking aim at the u.s. i'm tracking its path. what the storm could mean for us at home. >> mark: a local fire chief sounding the alarm. >> the children aren't safe in every school in this state. >> mark: the life saving device missing in most massachusetts schools. >> vanessa: we continue to follow this breaking news in roslindale, where there's a were fired during a state police operation. good evening everyone. i'm vanessa welch. >> mark: i'm mark ockerbloom. we've been getting new information throughout the past hour as a matter of fact, but here is what we know right now. this is all happening on newburgh and belgrade avenue, a commuter rail train nearby has been stopped at the roslindale station, and has been searched by police. fox 25's kerry kavanaugh just got to the scene, has been talking to sources. kerry, what are you hearing? >> this is developing pretty quickly, it's a massive scene right here. mass state police are conducting what we believe was an illegal firearms operation. the operation was happening on newburgh street -- [inaudible] the entire street is blocked off. a few moments ago, we saw officers heading in to a home there, but we aren't clear exactly yet what they were searching the home for the state police representatives employing us with the latest video from the chopper, that there's an active search continuing right now -- [inaudible] so no officer, no deputies or state troopers were injured during this, we're just hearing that on the scene right now, so that's very good news. we don't know about the suspects. we saw boston police flying around, as we were making our way to the scene, and we saw an ambulance leaving the scene, but

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