Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20160906 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20160906

moderate to heavy rain. right here, there's a little bit of yellow showing up, yeah, we'll see a spot of yellow that appears right here, so a couple of the roadways getting heavy rain in the downtown holbrooke, near 139 and 37, and then off to the south of there, around lakeville, over to carver and plymouth, near 44 there, and southwest ward to dighton, seeing some of the heavy rains too. 50-mile-per-hour winds, that's the last check from the national hurricane center. the knewest check is due at at 5:00 p.m. and they're late. i have the minute. i don't expect it to change much from what they were showing us earlier, which is just kind of meandering around before ejecting off to the northeast, but even that far away, guys, it's still impacting our coastline. >> mark: area beaches remain closed tonight. in fact, as hermine continues to kick up the surf, even though the storm is weakening, people should not go swimming until conditions improve. fox 25's receipt millions jay on brewer is live in duxbury where the storm continues to impact the coast. jason? closed, where i'm standing. no swimming. the harbor master has been out here monitoring very carefully, making sure that no one gets in the water. he even had to get a couple of people back that were trying to dip their toes in, some folks out on the sand, enjoying the sites of what is left of hermine. it's breezy, the waves are still churned up, you can see behind me, they're running it at around 5 feet, as kevin was reporting earlier, so they're angry, but not as angry as they were. i'm happy to report, no one is in the safe. people are out on the sand, not just taking care. you can see the high tide cycle just happened. it brought the seaweed up to the line here behind me. but earlier today, the other high tide brought the water all the way up almost to the snow fence there, and where those seaweeds are, they are the line of that, you can see, how high it really was just about 12 to 18 hours ago. still remains. i want to highlight that fact. rip currents are very dangerous, they're going to be around through tomorrow. and it won't be until thursday before we really start to see the swell subside, so it's that powerful pume of the water going back out to sea, -- pull of the water, going back out to sea that is sometimes hard to detect and you don't know it until you get in one of these things and you're exhausted and get back to the shoreline safely. there are no lifeguards out here, the beach is closed to swimming for a go why everyone is taking heed. we're out here live, giving you the live conditions. it's cloudy, a couple of showers that are getting close, kevin is tracking those as well. we have the latest from duxbury beach right here, jason brewer, fox 25 news weather center. >> vanessa: conditions did improve for the ferry service to resume. highland service was resumed on a trip by trip basis to marked. trips to and from oak bluff are haven. island queen will likely resume on wednesday out of falmouth, but is blocked today and the block island ferry blocked until tomorrow when they hope to run extra boats to meet the demand. >> mark: relief for people unable to get to and from the islands, we are there as the first boat makes its way to nantucket. >> vanessa: late today, a framingham university state police officer was fired from his job. the officer appeared in court to face charges that he performed a lewd act in front of a co-worker. fox 25's crystal haynes live in framingh learned disturbing new details about where he was allegedly caught. crystal? >> the reporter: the t announced the termination of this officer. this as we're learning new details about what happened in the communications center at campus police. >> i couldn't believe it. i was devastated. really disappointed.qd?l >> the reporter: framingham state university police chief bradford ma deera has terminated act in front of a student employee, working in the station kills patch center last saturday. >> the officer involved came from a very strong background, both personally and professionally, and it really took me by surprise. >> the reporter: he has been put on leave from the auxiliary police department in revere, and after some digging, i've learned he's also been a longwood security officer, vetted by the boston police department. their vice-president tells me, he hasn't wo today, dormville denied the allegations at his arraignment. fox 25 with newly released details of this came. the victim's identity has been protected, but she told police, she was working on a computer in the police communications center, and found patrolman dorm rim committed the -- dormville committing the sex act behind a clip board behind her. dormville yelled when she yelled, what's wrong with you. down from the bulletin board. she cream and alerted another employee to calmed 911. dormville later told her, i'm sorry, did you send that email already, this didn't happen? >> now, i did -- excuse me. now, i did speak to many opportunities here on campus over the last few days an they are extremely concerned about this, so i put the question to the chief. what's being done to make sure kind of background checks are in place to prevent these kinds of acts, these kind of people ending up on the police force at fsu? the answers coming up in the next hourly. reporting in framingham, crystal haynes, fox 25 news. >> mark: woman is found dead inside her home in new hampshire. we first told you about it as it was breaking on fox 25 news this morning. and tonight the new hampshire attorney general is calling the death suspicious. fox 25 news robert goulston is live in danville, where police together. >> the reporter: mark, we tracked down some of the family of this woman who was found dead inside her home, her son and former husband telling us, they were told, that the cause of death and what happened is still unknown. >> just shocked. i got a knock on the door this morning, tell me what had happened and it's being investigated. ex-husband and son of joanne boucher could not process at first what police were telling them. >> still a major shock to me. i don't think anyone expected it. >> the reporter: new hampshire state police along with the fire marshal were in and out of boucher's home at 23 caramel drive in dan rim, all day. they also looked at a chart area above her basement window. they are calling her death suspicious. >> she was a loving mother, she loved sam to death. >> the reporter: the assistant a.g. leading the investigation, tells us, they are investigating what happened and no arrest has been made at this point. several neighbors telling us a man was living with boucher, over the past few months, but we also talked to a next door neighbor, who says, he woke up overnight to a burning smell over labor day weekend, but didn't see anything out of place. he did notice police looking at that burn mark on the side of boucher's home today. >> electrical plasticky kind of smell that would kind of catch your attention. it wasn't, you know, real overpowering enough to make you gag, but it was pervasive, it was all over the place. >> the reporter: and the family telling us today that they have had pr the furnace before, so it's unclear if that black charred area was from before. but the story we are working on for 6:00 p.m., we did talk to another neighbor who knew, we'll have a little bit more about what they say they have seen and not seen in the last few days. we are live if dan rim, new hampshire, robert goulston, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: a quincy woman will appear in court tomorrow morning, charged with drunk driving and crashing into a state police cruise early. the trooper inside that cruiser was hurt, but is home from the hospital tonight. state police say the cruiser was expressway when 21-year-old lily reid plowed into the back of the s.u.v. reid is out on became tonight. ahead at 6:00 p.m., what the head of the state police told fox 25 news today about the on going concerns about the safety of his troopers every day. >> mark: first hit by a car on the campus of umass lowell and tonight, police need help finding the driver they say took off. the 19-year-old who is not a student at the university was crossing the street around 2:00 a.m. monday morning, when a silver sedan slammed into her, launching her in the air. she was releasedfr the impact was significant enough though and police believe that the sedan should have some kind of damage to its front end. if you think you can help investigators, give low -- lowell p.d. a call. >> vanessa: new evidence is expected to be presented in a lowell courtroom in the death of a massachusetts paramedic. the woman is accused of strangling her wife in grand by in 2010, but has maintained her guilty. the prosecutors this time around is promising new evidence and new experts. jury selection will continue in the morning. within the last hour, fox 25 has learned the driver who plunged his car in the cape cod canal today is now facing charges including operating to endanger. bourne police posted this video of a crane lifting that car from the water this afternoon. police say the driver intentionally drove in to the canal, he did get out of the car on his own, emergency crews helped him to then rushed him to the hospital with minor injuries. >> mark: boston police officers are set to begin wearing body cameras under a new pilot program, beginning next week. but the union representing the officers say it's a violation of an agreement it has with the city. fox 25's bob ward is here with the city and a local judge listened to arguments on the issue today. >> the reporter: within the last hour, police commissioner bill evans testified on his department's position on body cameras. he told the court, he believes he has the authority to assign the cameras to his officers. officers wants to stop a pilot program, due to start next week. this wasn't always the case, patrolman's association president patrick rose says his union originally agreed to the body cameras, even notifying its members of the new technology. but that position changed when the program went from voluntary to randomly assigned. >> it was never a question from day one in conversation, informal, and formal meetings, this was going to be a voluntary program or a program where they ordered people to do it. >> we must consider the public interest and it is, we believe, in the interest of the public for transparency and accountability, that we begin a pilot program to see whether or not this is a program that will work for boston. >> the reporter: now, the city says, it was forced to randomly assign the cameras after no one volunteered, but the union president testified that's not true. volunteers whose paperwork was denied. fox 25 sharman sachetti was in court for us. she'll have a wrap up of testimony coming up at 6:00 p.m. i'm bob ward, fox 25 news. >> mark: all right, bob. a lot of moms and dads are relying on old advice when it comes to treating kids with con suggestions. >> vanessa: at 5:30 p.m., two things doctors say parents do that could have a negative impact on kids mood and member rip as they recover. >> kevin: hermine lurking to our south. how the storm is it impacting southern new england today. >> mark: bill cosby returns to court in h case. up next, the embattled comedian's new attempt to get introducing longhorn's great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. plus an appetizer or a dessert. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. ?? i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? ent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox? is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox? may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, ere's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. don't take your chronic migraine lying down. stand up. prevent headaches and migraines. >> vanessa: let's check out the roads with live drivetime traffic. the expressway here by the gas tank, moving right along. not bad out there. let's go to the maps, where you can see a little bit of slow going on 93 north by wilmington, but a lot of green on the maps. let's put up the live drive times? a. tobin bridge to 128, 19 minutes. o'neill tunnel to the split, just 17. and the weston tolls to route 1, 25 not bad. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., a merrimack new hampshire man is out on bail. police says he exposed himself to a woman. police arrested donald barely --barrett sr. on sunday. barrett was sitting in his car when he called her over and exposed himself. barrett is a level three sex offender, due in court next month. >> vanessa: a well known technology school is closing all campuses. itt tech announced today 8,000 employees are out of a job and 40,000 students will not be able the school has several campuses in massachusetts, including norwood and wilmington. earlier this year, the attorney general filed a lawsuit against itt tech. >> mark: embattled comedian bill cosby returns to court, accused of drugging and sexually assaulted more than a dozen women. >> vanessa: prosecutors say they are willing to testify and we just learned whether cosby will stand trial. >> the reporter: mark and vanessa, the pennsylvania judge says he wants bill cosby's to trial no later than june of next year. cosby is charged with drugging and molesting adrian constand at his home in the philadelphia area. prosecutors hope to have 13 of his accusers testify at trial. those accusers say the now 79-year-old either got them drunk or drugged them, before they were sexually assaulted. now the judge didn't rule out today whether other accusers could testify or whether prosecutors could use cosby's recorded by constand's mother in 2005. but the judge does say that he'll rule on that phone call, within a week. live in the control room, elizabeth hopkins, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: in just about 90 minutes, drivers will have their first chance to chime in on the new electronic tolling system, coming to the mass pike. starting october 28th, the drivers will have to use an e-z pass to pay tolls on the pike. vehicles without an e-z pass will receive a bill in the mail. tonight's first public meeting on the change begins at 6:30 p.m. at union station in worceste during the next few weeks. >> mark: he won't talk to the media anymore, except respectful and fair, those are his quotes, talk radio host paul la paige said today. the governor said he wants to move on after recent controversy, house members had until 5:00 p.m. tonight to say whether they support a special session to take on his conduct. they are working to -- we are working to find tout their decisions. >> vanessa: it is the most to help laos heal. president obama announced a $90 million plan to remove tens of thousands of unexploding u.s. bombs that were left behind during the vietnam war and during that trip, president obama was supposed to meet with the president of the philippines, but those plans fell apart. the philippine leader tore into president obama on monday sand aid i am no american puppet. he then released a statement comments. no word if the two leaders plan to reschedule their meeting. >> kevin: here i am, chomping at the bit to get the latest from the national hurricane center on hermine, only to find out that the national hurricane center is done with hermine. no more tracks coming out of it, we're on our own. i've been tracking my ownfullyway, since we've seen the storm come on through and rainshowers. we haven't had a ton of rain in the boston area through the storm. we've had up yards of a half inch in the boston area, some maces a little more, some a little less, but the south coast and out to the islands getting close to an inch. a shower in milton near the braintree split forever the evening drive. halifax and the south shore, kingston and middleboro, nothing real earmarked for heatingville, these were heavier when i was talking to you a fee minutes ago. this is it rotating off to t about to get into connecticut. south county seeing some of that. sliding to the south, that's the center of hermine or what's left of hermine, an extra tropical or nor'easter type storm. now has a lot of rain on the back side, rotating toward the jersey shoreline, getting a lot of waves there. we're getting rip currents, some big waves, not near what we saw yesterday. so the impacts now are less. weakening storm, and it also moved off to the west and away from us after taking a run at us current wind gusts, 17-mile-per-hour wind gust in worcester. you have to go back to hartford to find anything over 20 miles per hour this past hour. yesterday we were dealing with this, the highest wind gusts stay as the wind was last night. 64 miles per hour offshore at nantucket. plymouth had a 43-mile-per-hour wind gulls. milton, observatory had a gust over 40 miles per hour as well. futurecast shows the rainshowers continuing to rotate around the storm center to our south, even though it's weakening, it's going to send the pulses of showers toward u will get one. sometimes they'll come down hard for a few minutes. other times, just drizzly and still other times, as is the case with these systems, you get breaks in the clouds, an even see some sunshine, this is 7:00 a.m. during thursday morning. fast forward into time, by thursday afternoon, the last of whatever is left of hermine ejects out of here. we're getting into breaks of sunshine for thursday afternoon, that's really going to warm us up. tonight the risk of showers all night long, not going to rain all the time, just the risk and the temperatures staying in the upper 60's there in the city of but again, you have the risk of showers rotating on through, will not rain all the time. high temperatures expected tomorrow up to the north and west of boston. 81 sudbury. 81 to the southwest in norwood, so you're going to see some milder temperatures, just because you're going to get breaks of sun. it is sticky out there in the low 80's tomorrow. seven-day forecast shows the improvement. the storm pulls away. we will get into same sunshine upper 80's on friday with a shot at hitting 90 degrees, but it is going to be sticky. a cooldown with showers this weekend as well. i'll keep tracking the showers come into our area across the evening. >> vanessa: a new mole showing hillary clinton and donald trump in a dead heat. while trump is optimistic that he can pull out a win and the new voters he says he can get. >> mark: homeowners thanking his neighbors after his house goes up in flames. up next at 5:00 p.m., how his neighborhood came together to fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., a judge has approved another settlement in the 38 studios lawsuit. wells for geovangela securities and barclays capital agreed to a $25.6 million settlement. the lawsuit is still pending against former red sox pitcher, curt schilling and other 38 studio executives, over rhode island's disastrous dealing with in critical condition after a shooting near the university of maryland. campus police say the guard was shot in a possible robbery attempt. it happened near the college's inn and conference center. officials say one person has been taken into cuss dip. police are now -- custody. police are now searching for a second suspect. convicted rapist and former stanford swimmer brock turner now officially registered as a sex offender. turner registered this morning after being released from a california jail last week. turner only served half of unconscious woman behind a dumpster behind a fraternity party. turner is registered in ohio, since that's where he's living with his parents. the 21-year-old must register as a sex offender for life. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., a neighborhood came together to save more than two dozen rabbits from a burning home. the house in slippery rock pennsylvania caught fire while the owner was at a rabbit show. everyone who lives nearby knew he kept the bunnies at his home, so they raced to his property, driving cars, a.t.v.'s and a and the family dog. >> he's got his health, he's got his girl, he's got his rabbits, which mean everything to the man. >> mark: the house was destroyed, fire investigators don't yet know how it started. >> vanessa: a warning for travelers tonight oversee car engulfed concerns. coming up later at 5:00 p.m., the new advice from the world health organization for those returning from places facing an outbreak. >> mark: more bizarre reports of clowns trying to lure kids into the woods. ahead at 5:00 p.m., the new >> vanessa: and a not so as a matter of fact ride for travelers, returning from nantucket. up next, we catch up with the captain of the gray lady 4, we'll tell you how he made the decisi before kelly ayotte gets her way on medicare. norman: what do you mean? harold: well, she wants to privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher program that'll cost families big time. norman: uhhh... the vitamins? harold: gotta keep my family strong because ayotte also wants to raise the medicare eligibility age. norman: ohhh... i think maybe i'll pick up a few too. narrator: tell kelly ayotte: oppose medicare privatization. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. >> vanessa: updating breaking news, a warning from the principal at weston high school to parents. someone on snapchat is tar targeting sophomore boys at the school. this video just into fox 25 from the school and the principal here says someone has fake snapchat account and is asking for compromising pictures and some boys have actually sent them. so far, the principal says there was no information that girls have been targeted. the principal is asking parents to talk with their children about snapchat as the school investigates. fox 25 working right now to get more details in weston. look for a live report all new at 6:00 p.m. >> mark: now to 5:30 p.m., we continue to track hermine, dangerous surf and riptides remain in area beaches, including here in duxbury. >> vanessa: the storm ding ever stephanie coueignoux has more on ferry service resuming. first let's go to fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz. the national hurricane center will not be issuing any more warnings. >> kevin: no, they're done with this one. i played in waves bigger than that, but don't just judge it by what the waves' height are. it's been churned up out there and there are going to be breaks in the sand bars and that will cause rip currents and that's a problem at the beaches. if the beaches stay out of the water. this storm is still spinning, but well to our south. a couple hundred miles and it's spinning backwards toward new jersey, backwards from where storms usually mover and this part of the country and it is close enough that still sending waves of showers toward southern new england. we're seeing rain out there. heaviest in rhode island now, a couple of showers that were coming across 120, this is up around the needham area, east raymond, light shower activity. i'll tell you where hermine is going, what's left of it in the next couple of days. >> vanessa: we'll see you again soon kevin. people who were stranded on nantucket were able to make it back home today. >> mark: they arrived in hyannis this morning. fox 25's stephanie coueignoux caught up with passengers after a rough ride back. >> the reporter: today was certainly a different story. the parking lot at hyannis yesterday as ferry services were cancelled, as folks were heading back here to port, they told member, as you can imagine, they were very relieved to be back here in hyannis. the gray lady 4 pulled into port this morning, full of passengers ready for their vacation to finally end after strong waves forced them to stay on nantucket for one more day. the rough conditions cancelled ferry service to and from the island yesterday. for carter jackson, he wasn't sure when he'd make it back to >> very much so. very much so. >> the reporter: while he was relieved to finally be able to take the ferry, he says it wasn't completely smooth same. >> it was a little -- smooth sailing. >> it was a little choppy. it's two sea sick passengers, two not sea sick passengers. probably better than we expected. we didn't think we were getting offer last night. >> the reporter: we were there, as the very first passengers boarded the great lady 4, heading to nantucket at around 6:30.m up with the captain, who told us, he thoroughly analyzed the weather data before making the decision to head out. but he said, because conditions can change within minutes, he's rechecking the data before every trip today. >> we look at the weather buoy in the middle of the sound, which had it at three foot seas, which is not bad for this boat. >> the reporter: again, these conditions could definitely change very quickly, and so, this is a trip by trip basis. the ferries, they have cancelled the ferry services to and from martha's vineyard, as well as between the islands. however, the steam ship authority has now resumed services on a trip by trip basis, to and from martha's vineyard, as well as nantucket. in hyannis, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> mark: stay with fox 25 as we continue to track hermine, download the fox 25 weather app for alerts as we get them. it's free and available for apple an android users. kevin is back with us in just a few minutes. >> vanessa: right now, police are still searching for a man wanted for a sexual the victim says she was walking home when she was attacked by a stranger near the carousel. she said the attacker took off running, she described the man as white or hispanic, in his 40's or 50's, with some scruff on his face. he was wearing a dark colored bruins jersey and a baseball hat. >> mark: portsmouth, new hampshire police, posted this photo of a bee-bee gun they have confiscated at a dwi checkpoint over the weekend. the weapon was in reach of the driver, but taken away safely. the department says it is proof officers make in the line of duty every day. >> vanessa: new at 5:00 p.m., the so-called fiddler on the roof imitator will face a judge tomorrow. boston police arrested a new york man after they say he tried to break into several apartments in the north end through their roofs on sunday. one man was actually home when the suspect walked right into his apartment. >> mark: new hampshire man is facing charges after police say he stole a tip jar from a restaurant in portsmouth. police say christopher mcvie only made off with $60, he turned himself in last night after he was caught on vide he is facing a misdemeanor theft charge. family and friends are preparing to say goodbye to a 4-year-old new hampshire girl, killed at a horse show at the lancaster fair last week. she died friday after being thrown from a horse. her funeral is tomorrow, a vermont man and 6-year-old daughter were killed after a storm toppled a circus tent at that same fair last year. the general election campaign season and today, there's a poll out that shows the presidential race could actually be very close. as kim hutchison reports, that poll shows a significant change in the numbers from just a few weeks ago. >> the reporter: with campaign 2016 entering the homestretch, a new cnn-orc poll shows a dead heat between democrat hillary clinton and republican, donald trump. the survey, which was conducted by phone between september 1 and september 4, finds trump leading clinton by two percentage points, voters. it's a significant tightening from the 7-point lead clinton held after the democratic national convention. cnn's poll followed several other surveys released in august, which show a shrinking margin between the two candidates. clinton, in must-win florida tuesday, on the way, she joked with a press corpse on her campaign plane that she can't take her doctor's advice after monday's coughing fit. yeah, that's not going to work. >> how are you going to manage that. >> it's not going to happen. >> the reporter: trump, in virginia tuesday, was optimistic about his chances against clinton. >> i think we're going to get a lot of the bernie people because of trade, if you want to know the truth. a lot of the bernie people are coming with us, because the one thing he was right about is the fact that our country is being ripped off like never before on these trade deals. >> the reporter: with just over two months left to go before election day, both ca that cnn-orc poll also shows that majorities have unfavorable views of both clinton and trump. i'm kim hutchison reporting. >> mark: students in winthrop went to class in a brand new school. this is the first day of classes at the winthrop middle high school. construction. $80 million building started nearly two years ago, it was located where the previous high school used to be. students have been merged into other buildings for the last two years. >> vanessa: gas prices in massachusetts remain flat this of regular unleaded is $2.11 per gallon. that's 9 cents below the national average. and 16 cents lower than this time last year. >> mark: state's largest university is manning some jokes about an infamous gorilla. >> vanessa: all new at 6:00 p.m., we are live at umass with the controversy on campus and why some say the jokes are racist. >> mark: and the makers of epipen are being investigated by the new york attorney general's office. ahead at 5:00 p.m., why the company may have broken the law when it comes to certain school programs. breaking her arm, up next, a surprise from a former ufc champ who came to her rescue. >> mark: now it's time to check out the roads with live drivetime traffic. how about the zakim bridge, with traffic, not too bad as you can see on the. the map. here are the live drovetimes. tobin drink to 128, 19 minutes. run you 17 minutes to go to the split and 28 minutes to run from the weston tolls to route 1. we'll be right back. ?? i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox? is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox? may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, don't take botox? if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. don't take your chronic migraine lying down. stand up. prevent headaches and migraines. talk to a headache specialist today. marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! arco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. polo! >> vanessa: the city of chicago has reached a troubling milestone, as of this weekend, the city saw its 500th homicide of the year. that means 2016 is chicago's deadliest year in two decades. the city's homicide rate is now higher than new york and los angeles combined. >> mark: gun sales are on track to break a record this year. background checks conducted by there are no industry figures for background sales. mass shootings may have helped drive up sales as gun buyers worry about more restrictive gun control laws in the future. >> vanessa: the world health organization says both men and women should have safe sex or abstain for six months once they're back home. up until now, the advice only applied to men who were told to use a condom for a few wek the mosquito born virus is lidgeed to birth defects. a san diego neighborhood is being sprayed with powerful pesticides after a person who lives there tested positive for zika. that person recently returned from a trip out of the country. there have been 34 cases of the disease throughout the city. all of which have been travel related. >> mark: former ufc women's champion being called a hero for carrying an injured little girl down a mountain over the weekend. misha tate carried a 6-year-old her mom was having a tough time carrying her when tate walked by. >> do you want my help, where i'm a professional athlete,nd you know, it's no problem, like, i could actually use the extra weight and the workout. >> mark: the little girl is doing well after being treated and the former ufc champ says the experience was one of the most reward days of her career. well done. >> kevin: hermine a tense storm rotating around to our south and far less standards. we'll talk about where the storm is going next and how it will improve afterwards. >> vanessa: some parents may be going too far when it comes to carrying for children with concussions. the outdated advice some say fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. >> mark: there are reports of clowns, more reports, targeting children this time in north carolina. police in winston-salem, say a lure children in the woods. it happened sunday night. luckily the clown wasn't successful trying to lure children into the woods 20 treats. but it has adults on edge. >> round up the people. i think we'll be in a big fight. >> starting counting my grandkids' heads. is everybody all right. >> mark: same clown was spotted hours later in another neighborhood. police are investigating, but so far, haven't been able to find their suspect. perhaps the oddest part of the whole thing, this is not has happened. recently, south carolina police have been investigating similar reports. they are warning whoever is behind this, that they will be prosecuted. >> vanessa: a black lives matter protest and a computer glitch caused travel headaches, worldwide today at london city airport the protest on the runway shut down all departures and arrivals for hours. that coupled with the computer issues caused a ripple effect of delays felt as far away as san francisco. the computer issue has been >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., parents trying to take care for a child with a concussion could be making matters worse. >> vanessa: jacqueline feld has details of a new study that some parents may be relying on outdated advice. >> the reporter: school is back in session and along with it, the fall sports season, as more kids suit up, the chance of an injury, like a concussion increases. studies on parents caring for a overreacting. >> they're doing this with good intentions. they want to make sure their child's long-term health is positive and they don't have what can be some terrible consequences from repeated head trauma. >> the reporter: a national survey by ucla health finds three out of four parents said they would likely wake their child up throughout the night to check on them. the symptoms lasted for more than a week. the survey says that could do more harm than good. memory after a concussion. all those factors could be impacted if kids woke up every several hours. 84% of parents said they were likely to make their children refrain from any physical activity. >> isolating them can actually lead to other problems for kids, it could slow down recovery, it could lead to depression. >> the reporter: doctors say children should avoy activities that put them at risk for further injury, but should not be sedentary. in washington, ja >> >> vanessa: the survey found 64% of parents were likely to take away a child's electronic devices, including cellphones, if their concussion symptoms persisted for more than a week. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., new york's attorney general is investigating whether the maker of epipens violated anti-trust laws. epipens are a life-saving treatment for allergic price of the drug 400% over the course of seven years. >> vanessa: hurricane newton made landfall in the mexican state of baja early today. the category one hurricane packed winds of up to 90 miles per hour. that storm is expected to make a second landfall along the northwestern-mexican coast early tomorrow. some big waves. >> mark: big waves, newton, we have hermine hanging off our shores here. kevin, i know you the very latest, so why don't you update us right now. another day of this at least, right. >> kevin: but not as bad tomorrow will be a lilibeth terms of accumulation than today was, so we're improving. the storm is it weakening, spinning around to our south. the dinnertime temperatures up near 70 degrees, but it may feel warmer tough. the dewpoints a measure of how much moisture in the air, well into the 60's to near 70 degrees. it's also why we'll get fog tonight. it is stick crew out there, no question about it and it makes it feel that much warmer. that, but ignore that. a third of an inch at fenway park. a little over an inch out on nantucket, some reports i have, those are unofficial, but from what i've seen on radar, the last 24 hours, certainly had that out there, so not a doubt buster, not the tropical system we needed to come in and bring us the heavy rain. we talked about that extensively over the last month. the system did make it to the northeast, not close enough. well offshore to our south, it we're losing satellite because of the sunlight going away. switch it over to infrared. all of the heavy rain is on one side, not so much on the other. radar reaches out here. you can see showers, just not much left, that's a sign the storm is weakening. this will continue to fill in or weaken over the next 24 hours, an eventually, after meandering around out here, ejecting to the northeast. not sure there will be much left to the storm to eject out of here by then. improving situation will continue, but there are still some showers out there. if you're driving into rhode going to encounter heavy rains, but on the south shore, just some light stuff through brockton, stoughton, abington, marshfield as well. to the south coast, 195, new bedford, cushnet, fall river, heavier shower near horseneck beach, coming inland. rotating offer to the northwest, spinning around that circulation to our south. so plainville, heavier rain right in here too, so that's happening at this hour as well, and in fact, let me see if i can zoom down in to that. plainville and attleboro, we've been seeing find that yellow and orange heading right beneath theville in plain fill. -- plainville. there's 152 that comes through plain rim, dunkin' donuts is right about there. heavy rain north of 95, coming through that stretch as well. so attleboro, plainville, northern bristol county, have you in my sights, watching it for you. as far as the wave conditions, and mark talked a little bit about this, how we're still seeing the effects here. we are, but only two foot waves being reported offshore. in nantucket sound, of course, shore, first of all, there's the horseneck area, five foot seas. the national sea shore, 5-foot seas, half of what we're dealing with yesterday. jason in duxbury, 5-foot waves coming in there as well. when you get inside cape cod bay, they tend to get lesser, just because again you're protected by the outer cape blocking the winds from coming on in around the circulation, which, remember, is coming in from the east, because you have a counterclockwise circulation with this big storm to our south. there will be aoki risk of showers overnight and into tomorrow. there weren't many today either. fewer still by thursday, but still a couple of showers, this is the result of the storm's center, making its closest pass to us, if it's still holding together. i'm skeptical of that. let's keep the threat of a shower in here thursday morning. by the afternoon, they're gone. breaks of sunshine and temperatures will warm up as well. so highs tomorrow, with a few breaks of someone, but still, the risk of a shower in the 70's to near 80 degrees. after all, we're starting in the upper 60's to 70. chance of sunshine. a quick look at your seven day for the thursday and friday, comes with very sticky air. i'll keep tracking the showers moving through this evening. >> mark: check out the new images of jupiter. the pictures were taken from nasa's juneau spacecraft, and you're looking at the plant's southern aurora. because of jupiter's unique orbit, this is the first time experts have seen the southern point in such incredible detail. >> vanessa: well, the paralympic torch has been lit tomorrow in rio de janeiro, brazil. a black belt judo fighter with down's syndrome had the honor of lighting the torch before addressing the crowd. the paraolympic games will begin tomorrow and they run through september 18th. >> mark: we are working on several new stories for fox 25 news at 6:00 p.m., including a social media warning. the popular app being used at a local high school to trick students into sending sexually explicit photos. a campus controversy at the state's largest university. are being banned from the u.s. campus. >> another state trooper injured in the line of duty. why the state police says a campaign against drunk driving may not be enough to protect troopers on the job. >> the reporter: she was murdered, her body set on fire. one month later, still no arrest in the death of a princeton jogger. the words another family going through the staple heartache want to share. >> mark: big papi taking things [ clock ticking ] time. you only have so much. that's why we wanna make sure you won't have to wait on hold. we should fit into your life. [ laughing ] not the other way around. quality and exceptional customer pre-ownservice,les... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... >> mark: general motors has settled two cases involving defective ignition switches, caused to accidents, the switch flipping from on to off, so-called bellwether cases involved people who did not get a settlement from gm's compensation fund for victims of accidents caused by the state of wisconsin. to far, g.m. has paid more than $2 billion in fines and settlements over the ignition switches. new at 5:00 p.m., general gains, the boston based company sent $1.4 billion to acquire two european, 3d printing companies. it expects to boost revenue within a 3d printing division to a billion dollars in the next three years. >> vanessa: new research at 5:00 p.m. that links obesity to several types of new cancers. the international agency for research on cancer found people with excess body fat were at higher risk for certain cancers, like liver, gallbladder, pancreas, ovarian and thyroid cancers. the excess body fat triggers a gene that request lead to cancer. having to stand in a classroom could help kids maintain a healthy bode weight. students who had standing desks had a lower body mass index at the end of a two year period. those who had traditional sitting desks didn't see much of a change. letting kids move more throughout the day can decrease the risk of obesity and diabetes. >> mark: it is about that time regimen works for you. ragweed season is starting as kids head back to school. stop drying bed sheets and towels outside, and use medications early. >> vanessa: trendy cauliflower rice, a company plans to introduce frozen versions of the chopped vegetables at the end of the month in hopes of turning around declining sales. dieters have used the product to lower dishes. trader joe's as a version of the product and it is flying off shelves in some areas. >> the reporter: now at 6:00 p.m., soaked by a storm that won't go ahead. >> kevin: hermine is still a powerful storm with winds over 50 miles per hour. where it goes from here. >> mark: a danger on duty. an accused drunk driver slams into to an on duty state troop every and it isn't the first time it's happened this year. >> it can be very frustrating. the new initiative from the state police to protect the men waiting nine years for justice after their loved one was murdered and set on fire. >> every day. i have nightmares about it, everything. >> the reporter: what the victim's brother has to say to the family of the murdered princeton jogger. >> and is it racist or just a joke? hour the infamous death of this gorilla is causing a major controversy on the umass campus. >> mark: first across the state 6:00 p.m., someone on -- >> mark: first at snapchat, someone is targeting someone on snapchat, asking high school students to send them explicitly sexual photos. >> vanessa: jackie heinrich joins us. the school took steps to talk to kids about social media. >> the reporter: they did, mark and vanessa, and it's not just because this person with the fake account has been asking for the students responded to that request, actually spending photos backs. administrators have not clarified whether the photos the boys sent were of themselves or others, but they did hold an assembly with the entire sophomore class, alerting them to the situation. they say right now, they don't know if the fake account holder is a member of the school community or if etc. someone on the outside. and they also don't know their age, location, or gender. but administrators brought in a police sergeant to remind kids of the legal ramifications here, which were restated in a letter to paren embarrassment and emotional distress, sending pictures like this qualifies as dissemination of child pornography, which is a felony. the kids are also being reminded, if you use snapchat, instagram, facebook, any social media site, if you delete that image, it doesn't actually go away. it continues to exist on the service provider's network and it can be used in court. that message going out to the community tonight, school officials also asking anyone with information to come forward to police, an for parents to

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Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20160906 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20160906

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moderate to heavy rain. right here, there's a little bit of yellow showing up, yeah, we'll see a spot of yellow that appears right here, so a couple of the roadways getting heavy rain in the downtown holbrooke, near 139 and 37, and then off to the south of there, around lakeville, over to carver and plymouth, near 44 there, and southwest ward to dighton, seeing some of the heavy rains too. 50-mile-per-hour winds, that's the last check from the national hurricane center. the knewest check is due at at 5:00 p.m. and they're late. i have the minute. i don't expect it to change much from what they were showing us earlier, which is just kind of meandering around before ejecting off to the northeast, but even that far away, guys, it's still impacting our coastline. >> mark: area beaches remain closed tonight. in fact, as hermine continues to kick up the surf, even though the storm is weakening, people should not go swimming until conditions improve. fox 25's receipt millions jay on brewer is live in duxbury where the storm continues to impact the coast. jason? closed, where i'm standing. no swimming. the harbor master has been out here monitoring very carefully, making sure that no one gets in the water. he even had to get a couple of people back that were trying to dip their toes in, some folks out on the sand, enjoying the sites of what is left of hermine. it's breezy, the waves are still churned up, you can see behind me, they're running it at around 5 feet, as kevin was reporting earlier, so they're angry, but not as angry as they were. i'm happy to report, no one is in the safe. people are out on the sand, not just taking care. you can see the high tide cycle just happened. it brought the seaweed up to the line here behind me. but earlier today, the other high tide brought the water all the way up almost to the snow fence there, and where those seaweeds are, they are the line of that, you can see, how high it really was just about 12 to 18 hours ago. still remains. i want to highlight that fact. rip currents are very dangerous, they're going to be around through tomorrow. and it won't be until thursday before we really start to see the swell subside, so it's that powerful pume of the water going back out to sea, -- pull of the water, going back out to sea that is sometimes hard to detect and you don't know it until you get in one of these things and you're exhausted and get back to the shoreline safely. there are no lifeguards out here, the beach is closed to swimming for a go why everyone is taking heed. we're out here live, giving you the live conditions. it's cloudy, a couple of showers that are getting close, kevin is tracking those as well. we have the latest from duxbury beach right here, jason brewer, fox 25 news weather center. >> vanessa: conditions did improve for the ferry service to resume. highland service was resumed on a trip by trip basis to marked. trips to and from oak bluff are haven. island queen will likely resume on wednesday out of falmouth, but is blocked today and the block island ferry blocked until tomorrow when they hope to run extra boats to meet the demand. >> mark: relief for people unable to get to and from the islands, we are there as the first boat makes its way to nantucket. >> vanessa: late today, a framingham university state police officer was fired from his job. the officer appeared in court to face charges that he performed a lewd act in front of a co-worker. fox 25's crystal haynes live in framingh learned disturbing new details about where he was allegedly caught. crystal? >> the reporter: the t announced the termination of this officer. this as we're learning new details about what happened in the communications center at campus police. >> i couldn't believe it. i was devastated. really disappointed.qd?l >> the reporter: framingham state university police chief bradford ma deera has terminated act in front of a student employee, working in the station kills patch center last saturday. >> the officer involved came from a very strong background, both personally and professionally, and it really took me by surprise. >> the reporter: he has been put on leave from the auxiliary police department in revere, and after some digging, i've learned he's also been a longwood security officer, vetted by the boston police department. their vice-president tells me, he hasn't wo today, dormville denied the allegations at his arraignment. fox 25 with newly released details of this came. the victim's identity has been protected, but she told police, she was working on a computer in the police communications center, and found patrolman dorm rim committed the -- dormville committing the sex act behind a clip board behind her. dormville yelled when she yelled, what's wrong with you. down from the bulletin board. she cream and alerted another employee to calmed 911. dormville later told her, i'm sorry, did you send that email already, this didn't happen? >> now, i did -- excuse me. now, i did speak to many opportunities here on campus over the last few days an they are extremely concerned about this, so i put the question to the chief. what's being done to make sure kind of background checks are in place to prevent these kinds of acts, these kind of people ending up on the police force at fsu? the answers coming up in the next hourly. reporting in framingham, crystal haynes, fox 25 news. >> mark: woman is found dead inside her home in new hampshire. we first told you about it as it was breaking on fox 25 news this morning. and tonight the new hampshire attorney general is calling the death suspicious. fox 25 news robert goulston is live in danville, where police together. >> the reporter: mark, we tracked down some of the family of this woman who was found dead inside her home, her son and former husband telling us, they were told, that the cause of death and what happened is still unknown. >> just shocked. i got a knock on the door this morning, tell me what had happened and it's being investigated. ex-husband and son of joanne boucher could not process at first what police were telling them. >> still a major shock to me. i don't think anyone expected it. >> the reporter: new hampshire state police along with the fire marshal were in and out of boucher's home at 23 caramel drive in dan rim, all day. they also looked at a chart area above her basement window. they are calling her death suspicious. >> she was a loving mother, she loved sam to death. >> the reporter: the assistant a.g. leading the investigation, tells us, they are investigating what happened and no arrest has been made at this point. several neighbors telling us a man was living with boucher, over the past few months, but we also talked to a next door neighbor, who says, he woke up overnight to a burning smell over labor day weekend, but didn't see anything out of place. he did notice police looking at that burn mark on the side of boucher's home today. >> electrical plasticky kind of smell that would kind of catch your attention. it wasn't, you know, real overpowering enough to make you gag, but it was pervasive, it was all over the place. >> the reporter: and the family telling us today that they have had pr the furnace before, so it's unclear if that black charred area was from before. but the story we are working on for 6:00 p.m., we did talk to another neighbor who knew, we'll have a little bit more about what they say they have seen and not seen in the last few days. we are live if dan rim, new hampshire, robert goulston, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: a quincy woman will appear in court tomorrow morning, charged with drunk driving and crashing into a state police cruise early. the trooper inside that cruiser was hurt, but is home from the hospital tonight. state police say the cruiser was expressway when 21-year-old lily reid plowed into the back of the s.u.v. reid is out on became tonight. ahead at 6:00 p.m., what the head of the state police told fox 25 news today about the on going concerns about the safety of his troopers every day. >> mark: first hit by a car on the campus of umass lowell and tonight, police need help finding the driver they say took off. the 19-year-old who is not a student at the university was crossing the street around 2:00 a.m. monday morning, when a silver sedan slammed into her, launching her in the air. she was releasedfr the impact was significant enough though and police believe that the sedan should have some kind of damage to its front end. if you think you can help investigators, give low -- lowell p.d. a call. >> vanessa: new evidence is expected to be presented in a lowell courtroom in the death of a massachusetts paramedic. the woman is accused of strangling her wife in grand by in 2010, but has maintained her guilty. the prosecutors this time around is promising new evidence and new experts. jury selection will continue in the morning. within the last hour, fox 25 has learned the driver who plunged his car in the cape cod canal today is now facing charges including operating to endanger. bourne police posted this video of a crane lifting that car from the water this afternoon. police say the driver intentionally drove in to the canal, he did get out of the car on his own, emergency crews helped him to then rushed him to the hospital with minor injuries. >> mark: boston police officers are set to begin wearing body cameras under a new pilot program, beginning next week. but the union representing the officers say it's a violation of an agreement it has with the city. fox 25's bob ward is here with the city and a local judge listened to arguments on the issue today. >> the reporter: within the last hour, police commissioner bill evans testified on his department's position on body cameras. he told the court, he believes he has the authority to assign the cameras to his officers. officers wants to stop a pilot program, due to start next week. this wasn't always the case, patrolman's association president patrick rose says his union originally agreed to the body cameras, even notifying its members of the new technology. but that position changed when the program went from voluntary to randomly assigned. >> it was never a question from day one in conversation, informal, and formal meetings, this was going to be a voluntary program or a program where they ordered people to do it. >> we must consider the public interest and it is, we believe, in the interest of the public for transparency and accountability, that we begin a pilot program to see whether or not this is a program that will work for boston. >> the reporter: now, the city says, it was forced to randomly assign the cameras after no one volunteered, but the union president testified that's not true. volunteers whose paperwork was denied. fox 25 sharman sachetti was in court for us. she'll have a wrap up of testimony coming up at 6:00 p.m. i'm bob ward, fox 25 news. >> mark: all right, bob. a lot of moms and dads are relying on old advice when it comes to treating kids with con suggestions. >> vanessa: at 5:30 p.m., two things doctors say parents do that could have a negative impact on kids mood and member rip as they recover. >> kevin: hermine lurking to our south. how the storm is it impacting southern new england today. >> mark: bill cosby returns to court in h case. up next, the embattled comedian's new attempt to get introducing longhorn's great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. plus an appetizer or a dessert. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. ?? i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? ent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox? is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox? may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, ere's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. don't take your chronic migraine lying down. stand up. prevent headaches and migraines. >> vanessa: let's check out the roads with live drivetime traffic. the expressway here by the gas tank, moving right along. not bad out there. let's go to the maps, where you can see a little bit of slow going on 93 north by wilmington, but a lot of green on the maps. let's put up the live drive times? a. tobin bridge to 128, 19 minutes. o'neill tunnel to the split, just 17. and the weston tolls to route 1, 25 not bad. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., a merrimack new hampshire man is out on bail. police says he exposed himself to a woman. police arrested donald barely --barrett sr. on sunday. barrett was sitting in his car when he called her over and exposed himself. barrett is a level three sex offender, due in court next month. >> vanessa: a well known technology school is closing all campuses. itt tech announced today 8,000 employees are out of a job and 40,000 students will not be able the school has several campuses in massachusetts, including norwood and wilmington. earlier this year, the attorney general filed a lawsuit against itt tech. >> mark: embattled comedian bill cosby returns to court, accused of drugging and sexually assaulted more than a dozen women. >> vanessa: prosecutors say they are willing to testify and we just learned whether cosby will stand trial. >> the reporter: mark and vanessa, the pennsylvania judge says he wants bill cosby's to trial no later than june of next year. cosby is charged with drugging and molesting adrian constand at his home in the philadelphia area. prosecutors hope to have 13 of his accusers testify at trial. those accusers say the now 79-year-old either got them drunk or drugged them, before they were sexually assaulted. now the judge didn't rule out today whether other accusers could testify or whether prosecutors could use cosby's recorded by constand's mother in 2005. but the judge does say that he'll rule on that phone call, within a week. live in the control room, elizabeth hopkins, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: in just about 90 minutes, drivers will have their first chance to chime in on the new electronic tolling system, coming to the mass pike. starting october 28th, the drivers will have to use an e-z pass to pay tolls on the pike. vehicles without an e-z pass will receive a bill in the mail. tonight's first public meeting on the change begins at 6:30 p.m. at union station in worceste during the next few weeks. >> mark: he won't talk to the media anymore, except respectful and fair, those are his quotes, talk radio host paul la paige said today. the governor said he wants to move on after recent controversy, house members had until 5:00 p.m. tonight to say whether they support a special session to take on his conduct. they are working to -- we are working to find tout their decisions. >> vanessa: it is the most to help laos heal. president obama announced a $90 million plan to remove tens of thousands of unexploding u.s. bombs that were left behind during the vietnam war and during that trip, president obama was supposed to meet with the president of the philippines, but those plans fell apart. the philippine leader tore into president obama on monday sand aid i am no american puppet. he then released a statement comments. no word if the two leaders plan to reschedule their meeting. >> kevin: here i am, chomping at the bit to get the latest from the national hurricane center on hermine, only to find out that the national hurricane center is done with hermine. no more tracks coming out of it, we're on our own. i've been tracking my ownfullyway, since we've seen the storm come on through and rainshowers. we haven't had a ton of rain in the boston area through the storm. we've had up yards of a half inch in the boston area, some maces a little more, some a little less, but the south coast and out to the islands getting close to an inch. a shower in milton near the braintree split forever the evening drive. halifax and the south shore, kingston and middleboro, nothing real earmarked for heatingville, these were heavier when i was talking to you a fee minutes ago. this is it rotating off to t about to get into connecticut. south county seeing some of that. sliding to the south, that's the center of hermine or what's left of hermine, an extra tropical or nor'easter type storm. now has a lot of rain on the back side, rotating toward the jersey shoreline, getting a lot of waves there. we're getting rip currents, some big waves, not near what we saw yesterday. so the impacts now are less. weakening storm, and it also moved off to the west and away from us after taking a run at us current wind gusts, 17-mile-per-hour wind gust in worcester. you have to go back to hartford to find anything over 20 miles per hour this past hour. yesterday we were dealing with this, the highest wind gusts stay as the wind was last night. 64 miles per hour offshore at nantucket. plymouth had a 43-mile-per-hour wind gulls. milton, observatory had a gust over 40 miles per hour as well. futurecast shows the rainshowers continuing to rotate around the storm center to our south, even though it's weakening, it's going to send the pulses of showers toward u will get one. sometimes they'll come down hard for a few minutes. other times, just drizzly and still other times, as is the case with these systems, you get breaks in the clouds, an even see some sunshine, this is 7:00 a.m. during thursday morning. fast forward into time, by thursday afternoon, the last of whatever is left of hermine ejects out of here. we're getting into breaks of sunshine for thursday afternoon, that's really going to warm us up. tonight the risk of showers all night long, not going to rain all the time, just the risk and the temperatures staying in the upper 60's there in the city of but again, you have the risk of showers rotating on through, will not rain all the time. high temperatures expected tomorrow up to the north and west of boston. 81 sudbury. 81 to the southwest in norwood, so you're going to see some milder temperatures, just because you're going to get breaks of sun. it is sticky out there in the low 80's tomorrow. seven-day forecast shows the improvement. the storm pulls away. we will get into same sunshine upper 80's on friday with a shot at hitting 90 degrees, but it is going to be sticky. a cooldown with showers this weekend as well. i'll keep tracking the showers come into our area across the evening. >> vanessa: a new mole showing hillary clinton and donald trump in a dead heat. while trump is optimistic that he can pull out a win and the new voters he says he can get. >> mark: homeowners thanking his neighbors after his house goes up in flames. up next at 5:00 p.m., how his neighborhood came together to fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? mcenroe. see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., a judge has approved another settlement in the 38 studios lawsuit. wells for geovangela securities and barclays capital agreed to a $25.6 million settlement. the lawsuit is still pending against former red sox pitcher, curt schilling and other 38 studio executives, over rhode island's disastrous dealing with in critical condition after a shooting near the university of maryland. campus police say the guard was shot in a possible robbery attempt. it happened near the college's inn and conference center. officials say one person has been taken into cuss dip. police are now -- custody. police are now searching for a second suspect. convicted rapist and former stanford swimmer brock turner now officially registered as a sex offender. turner registered this morning after being released from a california jail last week. turner only served half of unconscious woman behind a dumpster behind a fraternity party. turner is registered in ohio, since that's where he's living with his parents. the 21-year-old must register as a sex offender for life. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., a neighborhood came together to save more than two dozen rabbits from a burning home. the house in slippery rock pennsylvania caught fire while the owner was at a rabbit show. everyone who lives nearby knew he kept the bunnies at his home, so they raced to his property, driving cars, a.t.v.'s and a and the family dog. >> he's got his health, he's got his girl, he's got his rabbits, which mean everything to the man. >> mark: the house was destroyed, fire investigators don't yet know how it started. >> vanessa: a warning for travelers tonight oversee car engulfed concerns. coming up later at 5:00 p.m., the new advice from the world health organization for those returning from places facing an outbreak. >> mark: more bizarre reports of clowns trying to lure kids into the woods. ahead at 5:00 p.m., the new >> vanessa: and a not so as a matter of fact ride for travelers, returning from nantucket. up next, we catch up with the captain of the gray lady 4, we'll tell you how he made the decisi before kelly ayotte gets her way on medicare. norman: what do you mean? harold: well, she wants to privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher program that'll cost families big time. norman: uhhh... the vitamins? harold: gotta keep my family strong because ayotte also wants to raise the medicare eligibility age. norman: ohhh... i think maybe i'll pick up a few too. narrator: tell kelly ayotte: oppose medicare privatization. four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from four hundred million siphoned from local districts that desperately need it. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. >> vanessa: updating breaking news, a warning from the principal at weston high school to parents. someone on snapchat is tar targeting sophomore boys at the school. this video just into fox 25 from the school and the principal here says someone has fake snapchat account and is asking for compromising pictures and some boys have actually sent them. so far, the principal says there was no information that girls have been targeted. the principal is asking parents to talk with their children about snapchat as the school investigates. fox 25 working right now to get more details in weston. look for a live report all new at 6:00 p.m. >> mark: now to 5:30 p.m., we continue to track hermine, dangerous surf and riptides remain in area beaches, including here in duxbury. >> vanessa: the storm ding ever stephanie coueignoux has more on ferry service resuming. first let's go to fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz. the national hurricane center will not be issuing any more warnings. >> kevin: no, they're done with this one. i played in waves bigger than that, but don't just judge it by what the waves' height are. it's been churned up out there and there are going to be breaks in the sand bars and that will cause rip currents and that's a problem at the beaches. if the beaches stay out of the water. this storm is still spinning, but well to our south. a couple hundred miles and it's spinning backwards toward new jersey, backwards from where storms usually mover and this part of the country and it is close enough that still sending waves of showers toward southern new england. we're seeing rain out there. heaviest in rhode island now, a couple of showers that were coming across 120, this is up around the needham area, east raymond, light shower activity. i'll tell you where hermine is going, what's left of it in the next couple of days. >> vanessa: we'll see you again soon kevin. people who were stranded on nantucket were able to make it back home today. >> mark: they arrived in hyannis this morning. fox 25's stephanie coueignoux caught up with passengers after a rough ride back. >> the reporter: today was certainly a different story. the parking lot at hyannis yesterday as ferry services were cancelled, as folks were heading back here to port, they told member, as you can imagine, they were very relieved to be back here in hyannis. the gray lady 4 pulled into port this morning, full of passengers ready for their vacation to finally end after strong waves forced them to stay on nantucket for one more day. the rough conditions cancelled ferry service to and from the island yesterday. for carter jackson, he wasn't sure when he'd make it back to >> very much so. very much so. >> the reporter: while he was relieved to finally be able to take the ferry, he says it wasn't completely smooth same. >> it was a little -- smooth sailing. >> it was a little choppy. it's two sea sick passengers, two not sea sick passengers. probably better than we expected. we didn't think we were getting offer last night. >> the reporter: we were there, as the very first passengers boarded the great lady 4, heading to nantucket at around 6:30.m up with the captain, who told us, he thoroughly analyzed the weather data before making the decision to head out. but he said, because conditions can change within minutes, he's rechecking the data before every trip today. >> we look at the weather buoy in the middle of the sound, which had it at three foot seas, which is not bad for this boat. >> the reporter: again, these conditions could definitely change very quickly, and so, this is a trip by trip basis. the ferries, they have cancelled the ferry services to and from martha's vineyard, as well as between the islands. however, the steam ship authority has now resumed services on a trip by trip basis, to and from martha's vineyard, as well as nantucket. in hyannis, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> mark: stay with fox 25 as we continue to track hermine, download the fox 25 weather app for alerts as we get them. it's free and available for apple an android users. kevin is back with us in just a few minutes. >> vanessa: right now, police are still searching for a man wanted for a sexual the victim says she was walking home when she was attacked by a stranger near the carousel. she said the attacker took off running, she described the man as white or hispanic, in his 40's or 50's, with some scruff on his face. he was wearing a dark colored bruins jersey and a baseball hat. >> mark: portsmouth, new hampshire police, posted this photo of a bee-bee gun they have confiscated at a dwi checkpoint over the weekend. the weapon was in reach of the driver, but taken away safely. the department says it is proof officers make in the line of duty every day. >> vanessa: new at 5:00 p.m., the so-called fiddler on the roof imitator will face a judge tomorrow. boston police arrested a new york man after they say he tried to break into several apartments in the north end through their roofs on sunday. one man was actually home when the suspect walked right into his apartment. >> mark: new hampshire man is facing charges after police say he stole a tip jar from a restaurant in portsmouth. police say christopher mcvie only made off with $60, he turned himself in last night after he was caught on vide he is facing a misdemeanor theft charge. family and friends are preparing to say goodbye to a 4-year-old new hampshire girl, killed at a horse show at the lancaster fair last week. she died friday after being thrown from a horse. her funeral is tomorrow, a vermont man and 6-year-old daughter were killed after a storm toppled a circus tent at that same fair last year. the general election campaign season and today, there's a poll out that shows the presidential race could actually be very close. as kim hutchison reports, that poll shows a significant change in the numbers from just a few weeks ago. >> the reporter: with campaign 2016 entering the homestretch, a new cnn-orc poll shows a dead heat between democrat hillary clinton and republican, donald trump. the survey, which was conducted by phone between september 1 and september 4, finds trump leading clinton by two percentage points, voters. it's a significant tightening from the 7-point lead clinton held after the democratic national convention. cnn's poll followed several other surveys released in august, which show a shrinking margin between the two candidates. clinton, in must-win florida tuesday, on the way, she joked with a press corpse on her campaign plane that she can't take her doctor's advice after monday's coughing fit. yeah, that's not going to work. >> how are you going to manage that. >> it's not going to happen. >> the reporter: trump, in virginia tuesday, was optimistic about his chances against clinton. >> i think we're going to get a lot of the bernie people because of trade, if you want to know the truth. a lot of the bernie people are coming with us, because the one thing he was right about is the fact that our country is being ripped off like never before on these trade deals. >> the reporter: with just over two months left to go before election day, both ca that cnn-orc poll also shows that majorities have unfavorable views of both clinton and trump. i'm kim hutchison reporting. >> mark: students in winthrop went to class in a brand new school. this is the first day of classes at the winthrop middle high school. construction. $80 million building started nearly two years ago, it was located where the previous high school used to be. students have been merged into other buildings for the last two years. >> vanessa: gas prices in massachusetts remain flat this of regular unleaded is $2.11 per gallon. that's 9 cents below the national average. and 16 cents lower than this time last year. >> mark: state's largest university is manning some jokes about an infamous gorilla. >> vanessa: all new at 6:00 p.m., we are live at umass with the controversy on campus and why some say the jokes are racist. >> mark: and the makers of epipen are being investigated by the new york attorney general's office. ahead at 5:00 p.m., why the company may have broken the law when it comes to certain school programs. breaking her arm, up next, a surprise from a former ufc champ who came to her rescue. >> mark: now it's time to check out the roads with live drivetime traffic. how about the zakim bridge, with traffic, not too bad as you can see on the. the map. here are the live drovetimes. tobin drink to 128, 19 minutes. run you 17 minutes to go to the split and 28 minutes to run from the weston tolls to route 1. we'll be right back. ?? i don't want to lie down. i refuse to lie down. why suffer? shown to actually prevent headaches and migraines before they even start. botox? is for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's injected by a doctor once every 12 weeks. and is covered by most insurance. effects of botox? may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, don't take botox? if there's a skin 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conducted by there are no industry figures for background sales. mass shootings may have helped drive up sales as gun buyers worry about more restrictive gun control laws in the future. >> vanessa: the world health organization says both men and women should have safe sex or abstain for six months once they're back home. up until now, the advice only applied to men who were told to use a condom for a few wek the mosquito born virus is lidgeed to birth defects. a san diego neighborhood is being sprayed with powerful pesticides after a person who lives there tested positive for zika. that person recently returned from a trip out of the country. there have been 34 cases of the disease throughout the city. all of which have been travel related. >> mark: former ufc women's champion being called a hero for carrying an injured little girl down a mountain over the weekend. misha tate carried a 6-year-old her mom was having a tough time carrying her when tate walked by. >> do you want my help, where i'm a professional athlete,nd you know, it's no problem, like, i could actually use the extra weight and the workout. >> mark: the little girl is doing well after being treated and the former ufc champ says the experience was one of the most reward days of her career. well done. >> kevin: hermine a tense storm rotating around to our south and far less standards. we'll talk about where the storm is going next and how it will improve afterwards. >> vanessa: some parents may be going too far when it comes to carrying for children with concussions. the outdated advice some say fios is not cable. we're wired differently. which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios, this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in, i know it's in, it's in but it's not working. i'm sending you a link to the my fios app that's going to let me see what you're seeing. really? so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh, absolutely. i like that. get fios with virtual tech support for $69.99 a month. >> mark: there are reports of clowns, more reports, targeting children this time in north carolina. police in winston-salem, say a lure children in the woods. it happened sunday night. luckily the clown wasn't successful trying to lure children into the woods 20 treats. but it has adults on edge. >> round up the people. i think we'll be in a big fight. >> starting counting my grandkids' heads. is everybody all right. >> mark: same clown was spotted hours later in another neighborhood. police are investigating, but so far, haven't been able to find their suspect. perhaps the oddest part of the whole thing, this is not has happened. recently, south carolina police have been investigating similar reports. they are warning whoever is behind this, that they will be prosecuted. >> vanessa: a black lives matter protest and a computer glitch caused travel headaches, worldwide today at london city airport the protest on the runway shut down all departures and arrivals for hours. that coupled with the computer issues caused a ripple effect of delays felt as far away as san francisco. the computer issue has been >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., parents trying to take care for a child with a concussion could be making matters worse. >> vanessa: jacqueline feld has details of a new study that some parents may be relying on outdated advice. >> the reporter: school is back in session and along with it, the fall sports season, as more kids suit up, the chance of an injury, like a concussion increases. studies on parents caring for a overreacting. >> they're doing this with good intentions. they want to make sure their child's long-term health is positive and they don't have what can be some terrible consequences from repeated head trauma. >> the reporter: a national survey by ucla health finds three out of four parents said they would likely wake their child up throughout the night to check on them. the symptoms lasted for more than a week. the survey says that could do more harm than good. memory after a concussion. all those factors could be impacted if kids woke up every several hours. 84% of parents said they were likely to make their children refrain from any physical activity. >> isolating them can actually lead to other problems for kids, it could slow down recovery, it could lead to depression. >> the reporter: doctors say children should avoy activities that put them at risk for further injury, but should not be sedentary. in washington, ja >> >> vanessa: the survey found 64% of parents were likely to take away a child's electronic devices, including cellphones, if their concussion symptoms persisted for more than a week. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., new york's attorney general is investigating whether the maker of epipens violated anti-trust laws. epipens are a life-saving treatment for allergic price of the drug 400% over the course of seven years. >> vanessa: hurricane newton made landfall in the mexican state of baja early today. the category one hurricane packed winds of up to 90 miles per hour. that storm is expected to make a second landfall along the northwestern-mexican coast early tomorrow. some big waves. >> mark: big waves, newton, we have hermine hanging off our shores here. kevin, i know you the very latest, so why don't you update us right now. another day of this at least, right. >> kevin: but not as bad tomorrow will be a lilibeth terms of accumulation than today was, so we're improving. the storm is it weakening, spinning around to our south. the dinnertime temperatures up near 70 degrees, but it may feel warmer tough. the dewpoints a measure of how much moisture in the air, well into the 60's to near 70 degrees. it's also why we'll get fog tonight. it is stick crew out there, no question about it and it makes it feel that much warmer. that, but ignore that. a third of an inch at fenway park. a little over an inch out on nantucket, some reports i have, those are unofficial, but from what i've seen on radar, the last 24 hours, certainly had that out there, so not a doubt buster, not the tropical system we needed to come in and bring us the heavy rain. we talked about that extensively over the last month. the system did make it to the northeast, not close enough. well offshore to our south, it we're losing satellite because of the sunlight going away. switch it over to infrared. all of the heavy rain is on one side, not so much on the other. radar reaches out here. you can see showers, just not much left, that's a sign the storm is weakening. this will continue to fill in or weaken over the next 24 hours, an eventually, after meandering around out here, ejecting to the northeast. not sure there will be much left to the storm to eject out of here by then. improving situation will continue, but there are still some showers out there. if you're driving into rhode going to encounter heavy rains, but on the south shore, just some light stuff through brockton, stoughton, abington, marshfield as well. to the south coast, 195, new bedford, cushnet, fall river, heavier shower near horseneck beach, coming inland. rotating offer to the northwest, spinning around that circulation to our south. so plainville, heavier rain right in here too, so that's happening at this hour as well, and in fact, let me see if i can zoom down in to that. plainville and attleboro, we've been seeing find that yellow and orange heading right beneath theville in plain fill. -- plainville. there's 152 that comes through plain rim, dunkin' donuts is right about there. heavy rain north of 95, coming through that stretch as well. so attleboro, plainville, northern bristol county, have you in my sights, watching it for you. as far as the wave conditions, and mark talked a little bit about this, how we're still seeing the effects here. we are, but only two foot waves being reported offshore. in nantucket sound, of course, shore, first of all, there's the horseneck area, five foot seas. the national sea shore, 5-foot seas, half of what we're dealing with yesterday. jason in duxbury, 5-foot waves coming in there as well. when you get inside cape cod bay, they tend to get lesser, just because again you're protected by the outer cape blocking the winds from coming on in around the circulation, which, remember, is coming in from the east, because you have a counterclockwise circulation with this big storm to our south. there will be aoki risk of showers overnight and into tomorrow. there weren't many today either. fewer still by thursday, but still a couple of showers, this is the result of the storm's center, making its closest pass to us, if it's still holding together. i'm skeptical of that. let's keep the threat of a shower in here thursday morning. by the afternoon, they're gone. breaks of sunshine and temperatures will warm up as well. so highs tomorrow, with a few breaks of someone, but still, the risk of a shower in the 70's to near 80 degrees. after all, we're starting in the upper 60's to 70. chance of sunshine. a quick look at your seven day for the thursday and friday, comes with very sticky air. i'll keep tracking the showers moving through this evening. >> mark: check out the new images of jupiter. the pictures were taken from nasa's juneau spacecraft, and you're looking at the plant's southern aurora. because of jupiter's unique orbit, this is the first time experts have seen the southern point in such incredible detail. >> vanessa: well, the paralympic torch has been lit tomorrow in rio de janeiro, brazil. a black belt judo fighter with down's syndrome had the honor of lighting the torch before addressing the crowd. the paraolympic games will begin tomorrow and they run through september 18th. >> mark: we are working on several new stories for fox 25 news at 6:00 p.m., including a social media warning. the popular app being used at a local high school to trick students into sending sexually explicit photos. a campus controversy at the state's largest university. are being banned from the u.s. campus. >> another state trooper injured in the line of duty. why the state police says a campaign against drunk driving may not be enough to protect troopers on the job. >> the reporter: she was murdered, her body set on fire. one month later, still no arrest in the death of a princeton jogger. the words another family going through the staple heartache want to share. >> mark: big papi taking things [ clock ticking ] time. you only have so much. that's why we wanna make sure you won't have to wait on hold. we should fit into your life. [ laughing ] not the other way around. quality and exceptional customer pre-ownservice,les... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... >> mark: general motors has settled two cases involving defective ignition switches, caused to accidents, the switch flipping from on to off, so-called bellwether cases involved people who did not get a settlement from gm's compensation fund for victims of accidents caused by the state of wisconsin. to far, g.m. has paid more than $2 billion in fines and settlements over the ignition switches. new at 5:00 p.m., general gains, the boston based company sent $1.4 billion to acquire two european, 3d printing companies. it expects to boost revenue within a 3d printing division to a billion dollars in the next three years. >> vanessa: new research at 5:00 p.m. that links obesity to several types of new cancers. the international agency for research on cancer found people with excess body fat were at higher risk for certain cancers, like liver, gallbladder, pancreas, ovarian and thyroid cancers. the excess body fat triggers a gene that request lead to cancer. having to stand in a classroom could help kids maintain a healthy bode weight. students who had standing desks had a lower body mass index at the end of a two year period. those who had traditional sitting desks didn't see much of a change. letting kids move more throughout the day can decrease the risk of obesity and diabetes. >> mark: it is about that time regimen works for you. ragweed season is starting as kids head back to school. stop drying bed sheets and towels outside, and use medications early. >> vanessa: trendy cauliflower rice, a company plans to introduce frozen versions of the chopped vegetables at the end of the month in hopes of turning around declining sales. dieters have used the product to lower dishes. trader joe's as a version of the product and it is flying off shelves in some areas. >> the reporter: now at 6:00 p.m., soaked by a storm that won't go ahead. >> kevin: hermine is still a powerful storm with winds over 50 miles per hour. where it goes from here. >> mark: a danger on duty. an accused drunk driver slams into to an on duty state troop every and it isn't the first time it's happened this year. >> it can be very frustrating. the new initiative from the state police to protect the men waiting nine years for justice after their loved one was murdered and set on fire. >> every day. i have nightmares about it, everything. >> the reporter: what the victim's brother has to say to the family of the murdered princeton jogger. >> and is it racist or just a joke? hour the infamous death of this gorilla is causing a major controversy on the umass campus. >> mark: first across the state 6:00 p.m., someone on -- >> mark: first at snapchat, someone is targeting someone on snapchat, asking high school students to send them explicitly sexual photos. >> vanessa: jackie heinrich joins us. the school took steps to talk to kids about social media. >> the reporter: they did, mark and vanessa, and it's not just because this person with the fake account has been asking for the students responded to that request, actually spending photos backs. administrators have not clarified whether the photos the boys sent were of themselves or others, but they did hold an assembly with the entire sophomore class, alerting them to the situation. they say right now, they don't know if the fake account holder is a member of the school community or if etc. someone on the outside. and they also don't know their age, location, or gender. but administrators brought in a police sergeant to remind kids of the legal ramifications here, which were restated in a letter to paren embarrassment and emotional distress, sending pictures like this qualifies as dissemination of child pornography, which is a felony. the kids are also being reminded, if you use snapchat, instagram, facebook, any social media site, if you delete that image, it doesn't actually go away. it continues to exist on the service provider's network and it can be used in court. that message going out to the community tonight, school officials also asking anyone with information to come forward to police, an for parents to

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