Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20160830 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20160830

now, new hampshire state police say that even though there are low water conditions across the state, an emergency can happen in seconds. investigators from the marine patrol say good samaritans at the falls performed a water rescue of their own and got all of the children out of the water into the shore. they were too late to save the concord man. his body recovered, roughly six miles down the smith river in hill, new hampshire. >> i think it's really sad. but i don't know how he so far away. >> the reporter: officials are issuing a warning tonight, to swimmers, urging weak swimmers to wear a high jacket when going in to any body of water. >> hearing that, of course, it's dreadful. and such a shame, people on vacation and families with the family member dying, i can't even imagine. >> the reporter: now, the four children were taken to an area hospital, and are expected, thankfully, to be ok. reporting here in concord, new >> vanessa: developing right now at 5:00 p.m., a 3-year-old boy pulled from a lowell swimming pool last week has died. the boy had been hospitalized since august 20th whether he and a 2-year-old girl were found unresponsive in the water at a home on freda lane. the little girl was released from the hospital. police and the district attorney's office are still investigating how those children ended up in the pool. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., another uber driver is accused of attacking a passenger in maldin. fox 25 has obtained court documents where the disabled victims claims she called for a ride and the drir her home, assaulted her and stole her purse and medication. the woman told police, she was not hurt. >> vanessa: that latest arrest comes as local lawmakers are demanding answers from uber, as we've reported, two drivers from the ridesharing company have now been arrested within the last month. the mayor of everett says those drivers should never have been hired. fox 25's katherine burcham live in city hall tonight, where katherine, officials are setting up a meeting with uber executives. >> the reporter: yeah, and those yet to be scheduled, but they did tell me that uber has already responded to a letter that the mayor sent them 24 hours after a second uber driver with a questionable past was arrested for lewd behavior. >> it is a scary thing that's happening out there, with these drivers on occasion. >> the reporter: officials inside everett city hall are ringing alarm bells after two uber drivers with previous arrests on record were charged in new crimes this month. >> it is very alarming and to be done with respect to screening process for hiring. >> the reporter: sunday, police arrested paul griffin, suspected for multiple incidents exposing himself to young girls. earlier this month, darnell booth faced a judge, after prosecutors say he raped a 16-year-old girl, he met while driving his uber. both men have pending cases, or previous criminal convictions. in a letter to the ridesharing company yesterday, everett mayor carload maria wrote, these drivers should have never been allowed the opportunity to is it simply not working. >> it really shouldn't be that difficult to process. most agencies run background checks abandon do a little screening on any employee that they hire. >> the reporter: uber when asked about the mayor's concerns, the checks don't go far enough, a spokeswoman told fox 25, we have been if touch with the city of everett, and we look forward to meeting with them. these concerns about uber c signed a bill, that would strengthen regulations, including background check requirements, but that bill won't go into effect until november of next year. coming up at 6:00 p.m., hear from lawmakers who say they want action now. for now, live in everett, katherine burcham, fox 25 news. >> mark: breaking news in dighton, where police are searching for the people behind a violent home invasion on tremont street this morning. police say three or four men smashed a glass door and tied up a man and woman inside, they them with a hammer before they robbed them. one of the homeowners was able to escape to a neighbor's house and call 911. the men ran off through the backyard. police caught one of them sitting in a running car in front. house when they got there and they believe the family was targeted. >> vanessa: breaking news in the war against isis. the terror group spokesman was killed in the -- in northern syria. isis confirming, abbey al houdini was killed while serving >> mark: patriots quarterback hold ago news conference days before he'll be forced to watch the first four games of the regular season from home. tom brady plans on coming back from the game stronger and better than ever. sports director tom leyden is here. brady would not go into detail about what he plans on doing over the next several weeks. >> he doesn't want to share too much when he doesn't have to. we will find out in time what tom brady will do with his four be allowed in the patriots facility until after the fourth regular season game. so soak it in. the last shots of brady in foxborough until after october 2. not sure if he'll play this thursday when the patriots face the giants in new jersey. i personally would keep him on the sideline. no reason to put the franchise qb in physical danger. does brady think he'll be all right to watch his teammates from home. >> tough to watch, it will be fun to watch in some ways, to, you know, see what like, knowing you're not there, because it's a different perspective. hopefully i can use that perspective and come back with better perspective, saying wow, i noticed some things i wouldn't have seen had i been there. that part will be challenging watching the games in september, but i'll find ways to preoccupy my mind. >> the reporter: after all the trials, all the?yw?? appeals, never-ending opinions and dissections, we are inching closer to reality. four games on the shelf. more ahead on fox 25 news at 6:00 p.m. that is the very latest. tom leyden. >> vanessa: an accident in royalston sends a construction worker to the hospital and leaves crews with heavy mess to cleanup. look at the scene sky fox captured before noon. a 30,000-pound excavator flipped over when crews were taken it off the trailer. the driver was hurt and taken to the hospital. >> another construction worker injured in cambridge after falling into his site. arou had to be rescued after falling 12 feet into the basement of a new building on mass avenue. the worker was rushed to the hospital. we are told he has significant but not life-threatening injuries. police in weymouth say these two men assaulted a man with autism. two men and two women are accused of devising the plan to steal the victim's money during a drug deal. the victim reached out to one of the women to buy pot. investigators say she set him identified the man whose body was pulled from the water on the cape this past weekend. the district attorney says christopher de aza's body was found in the bass river in send fisherman sunday night. fire officials say divers found the 31-year-old boston man's body under a fleeting dock, not too far from where his friends were staying. authorities say his death was an accident. >> mark: an unsolved murder victim is being remembered today in new hampshire. it's been a year since denise robert was shot and kill during the 62-year-old was shot in the head on ray street in manchester. at the time, witnesses reported seeing an older model struck, speeding away from the area, but police have yet to make an arrest. robert was a longtime and well known employee of the "unionleader." there is a vigil scheduled tomorrow night in her honor. a $40,000 reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest. state health officials are warning people to -- and pets to avoid water in the charles river basin. in contact with the water can irritate the eyes and ears, as well as cause a rash. the bacteria generally sticks around for about two weeks. more tests will be done. >> vanessa: tomorrow could bring two highly anticipated developments in the race for the white house, for donald trump, a major speech on immigration policy and for hillary clinton, the f.b.i. report on the investigation into her email server may go public. as karen kaifa reports, it's all candidates' ongoing debate prep. >> the reporter: multiple law enforcement officials say the f.b.i. plans to release a report on the hillary clinton email server investigation soon, perhaps as early as wednesday. the clinton campaign says they welcome it in the name of transparency. >> this is really a stark contrast to donald trump. hillary asks that all these emails be made public. she's released her taxes since 1977. escaped with prescription don't even have the -- we don't even the report are likely put that back-and-forth over transparency back in the spotlight on the trail and eventually on the debate stage. the candidates are less than four weeks away from the first faceoff and preps are underway. aids say that clinton is pouring over briefing books, while taking time off the trail this week. trump reportedly resistant to the usual practice of mock debates. both have some things to work on. >> you've got to demonstrate temperament, you have to demonstrate he has a plan to deal with some of the to be able to prosecute the case against hillary clinton. on the flipside for hillary clinton, it's really important for her to be able to demonstrate that she can be trustworthy. >> the reporter: trump is also preparing for an immigration speech in phoenix on wednesday. the after a hard line stance on the deportation of undocumented immigrants, buoyed him through the republican primaries, he appeared to soften that position in recent weeks. raising questions about where exactly his policy stands. >> mark: republican presidential nominee donald trump is linking the anthony weiner sexting scandal to hillary clinton. clinton's top aid, uma aberdeen confirmed that she would split from weiner after he was found sexting again. weiner could have endangered national security by having close contact to classified information. battle maine governor paul page considering resigning. the portland press herald reports the page said he is last week, la page left an angry, expletive filled voice mail for a state representative and it week, he blamed his state's drug problems on people from lawrence and lowell. maine democrats have called la paige unfit to lead. >> vanessa: we are following breaking news right now in newton. sky fox is above walnut street where the fire department tells us a car hit a 17-year-old who was on their bike. this is happening near the dunkle street. walnut is closed in both directions. the teen was taken to children's hospital. you can see crews or officers on the scene investigating. we are looking to learn more about what happened here. we will bring you information throughout this newscast. a teenager raped by a new hampshire prep school student is telling her story for the very first time. >> i have locked myself in my closet, because i don't want my little sister to see me like that. >> mark: how she hopes coming forward will help other women. >> kevin: pleasant evening out this. promised, the latest from the national hurricane center is in. the storm in the gulf doing exactly what i thought it would. we'll show it to you coming up. >> the reporter: three accidents if four months. boston duck tour says it's making big changes, so why do you have to fios is not cable. we're wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. thanks for calling fios. this is ryan. you can't tell me this cord isn't in. i know it's in. it's in, but it's not working. mcenroe... see that cord? just plug it into the connector on the right. so you can clearly see what's in and what's out? oh absolutely. i like that. tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. new hampshire college students are packing their backpacks and heading back to school. and thanks to kelly ayotte, along with the textbooks and pencils, many students are carrying more student loan debt. ayotte voted to cut pell grants and to raise student loan interest rates. for their own bottom line, not our kids'. for new hampshire students and families, kelly ayotte is a heavy burden we can't afford. nea advocacy fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> mark: now time to check out the roads with live drivetime traffic. traffic slow and going south on to the split. now, to the map where you can see traffic is heavy and slow on 128 northbound from misdemeanor. here are the -- lynnfield. o'neill tunnel to the split, 27 and we continue to follow breaking news involving controversial grammy award winner chris brown. las vegas police are doing what's called a protective sweep of brown's home. brown forced them to get a search warrant to enter after they received a 911 call from a woman saying brown threatened her with a weapon. brown posted videos on instagram during the standoff, denying any wrongdoing. we'll keep watching this for you and let you know what happens. >> vanessa: three crashes in four months. new at 5:00 p.m., boston duck tour says safety is its top priority and it is making changes. so we wanted to know why people have to wait until next march to see the changes. >> mark: and what the passengers do in the meantime. fox 25 sharman sachetti is near the scene of a crash that killed a woman in the spring. >> the reporter: i can tell you i'm at the corner of beacon and charles street and yes, this is where allison warmouth was killed. the memorial to her sits here outside the common. we talked to boston duck tours today. they say they're upping the safety efforts in the wake of this and other accidents, but you have to wait and see them until next year, so we asked them why. in april, allison warmouth is killed after her scooter collides with a duck boat at the foot of beacon hill. record but no charges were filed. in july, a pedestrian collides with a duck boat on newbury street and suffers minor injuries and days ago, over the weekend, a first year duck boat driver is cited for steering the vehicle on to staro drive, slamming into an overpass. nobody was hurt. all of it raising questions about how quickly the safety changes the company has promised will actually go in to effect. >> sounds like a good idea. they're trying to add new people, but they should definitely expedite >> the reporter: after the first crash, legislation was proposed on beacon hill adding a driver and a one to give the tour. in july t agreed to add 40 to 50 new staff and place cameras on the vehicles. the cameras are there, but you have to wait until next march to see a second crew member on board. >> a whole bunch of other things they can do in the meantime. maybe suspend the tours until you get everything trained and relations firm hired by boston duck tours says the new employees will begin if march, because they must first undergo a rigorous training program, including many weeks on training operating the vehicles along with safety procedures. in addition, they must secure a number of licenses, which is also a process that takes time. >> especially around here in the fall, it's such a big tourist season as well, that they should have those two people on the boats, even before. >> the reporter: we did ask boston mayor marty walsh to wait for the safety effects to go fully into effect, and in a statement, he just said, he's pleased this will start next season. by the way, this season runs until the end of november. we're live at the foot of beacon hill, sharman sachetti, fox 25 news. >> >> kevin: where it's in the pleasant to mid 70's for your dinnertime plans this evening. to 8 to downtown and cape cod and the islands in the 70's and it's comfortable for now, dewpoints are mostly in the 50's, low 60's at worst, but during the day tomorrow, there will be increasing by the morning into the 60's, mid 60's by the afternoon, and into thursday morning, then thursday afternoon, so the humidity is coming back for a couple of days. it will dry out to start the upcoming weekend, but we have much to talk about with the labor day weekend forecast. a mixture of sun and increasing clouds tomorrow, climbing to the 60's and into the uner 70's by 10:00 a.m. in the morning, whether course, whatever you're doing for lunchtime, it is going to be a warm and sticky middle of the day tomorrow. your high temperature getting into the 80's, even approaching 90. lawrence and ipswich at 89. framingham and fitchburg 88, so it's going to be a hot one, no question. late august and we're still dealing with the humidity and the heat. it's going to bleed over into september. at the beginning of september though, a change is coming. it's all because of this front that's pushing in from the west, it's going to bring cooler air behind it, but how it interacts with the tropics is going to be i promise you the ratest information coming in and it certainly has, gaston, a hurricane, no doubt there, but it's moving far away from us, we're way back here. not going to be an issue. not even going to track it anymore. but this, this is coming off of the carolinas and trying to make a run at the outer banks. now the forecast takes it just outside the outer banks, no longer making it a tropical storm by the way. by late night tonight and then spins it out to sea. on this path, it wouldn't make a landfall on the outer banks. it may throw but not a huge concern. big waves on the mid-atlantic coast and the southeastern u.s. the biggest concern right now. as it goes by us thursday morning, it may churn up the waters in southern new england. 45-mile-per-hour winds blowing consistently out there can give us rough seas. we'll have to watch for rip currents as well. that's not the biggest concern. to us, this one is the bigger concern. and it may end up never ever being a concern, but here's the thinking right now. it has some thunderstorms billowing up, has a little circulation down in here and the the north. now, winds 35 miles per hour, and still a tropical depression, has not strengthened yet. headed toward northwest florida still, anywhere between, well, it looks like it's just a little bit to the west of panama city beach now, southward towards the tampa bay area. coming on shore during thursday afternoon with winds, 65 miles per hour. strong tropical storm, then through the mid-atlantic and out into the ocean, here's that turn. we talked about this last hour, how we expected that turn to come a little closer to us, now we are in southeastern new england. if this storms comes on the left side of this cone, we'd be dealing with some tropical weather coming our way. it turns into an l here. when it gets up here, it becomes subtropical. think of a nor'easter with 70-mile-per-hour winds blowing. that's the kind of storm that that l is denoting up there. it would bring heavy rain to us. you cannot concentrate on the center line. that's where these icons are, just for reference, it can still go either way, with equal certainty. something we have to watch your labor day weekend plans, but we have to be very vigilant with that storm system as it develops over the next couple of days. look how we dry out for the first two-thirds at lesion of your holiday weekend. this is where it becomes a little more uncertain, we'll talk more details straight ahead. >> mark: kevin, we've had many shark sightings off the coast. at 5:30 p.m., new results from shark-tracking buoys put out for the first time this summer. we head out on to the water with scientists, as they find out what's swimming near shore. >> vanessa: new video i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you can't beat zero heartburn! ahhh the sweet taste of victory! ? sleep number beds with sleepiq technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. the time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale! save 50% on the labor day limited edition bed. norman: that's a lot of vitamins there, harold. harold: oh, i'm stocking up before kelly ayotte gets her way on medicare. norman: what do you mean? harold: well, she wants to privatize medicare, turn it into a voucher program that'll cost families big time. norman: uhhh... the vitamins? harold: gotta keep my family strong because ayotte also wants to raise the medicare eligibility age. norman: ohhh... i think maybe i'll pick up a few too. >> vanessa: police in rhode island say a 17-year-old had booze alano pot in his car when he ran into a motorcyclist killing him, the accidents happened monday afternoon in charlestown. the 17-year-old reportedly crossed into opposite tr rider. authorities say the teenage driver had only had his license for one year. >> it's unfortunate, the circumstance, and at that age, you don't think it's going to happen to you. >> vanessa: police said they don't know if speed was a factor, but they suspect alcohol and marijuana, because both alcohol and drug pierro fererra nail i can't were found in the vehicle. owners of stores near the site of the orlando night club massacre want to talk about how impacting their businesses. among their complaints, people who come to pay their respects, often park in their parking lots. they're having a meeting next week to discuss this. >> mark: liquor store employee had to dodge a wave of wine when a car came crashing through the front door. the man says the older lady behind the wheel seemed to be in shock after she wedged her lexus into the aisle of lay's potato chips and champagne. he's relieved his friend stocking beers was as quick as passed all the bottles that fell. >> anybody, in between those aisles, before that one, it will be no injury. >> it will be death. >> mark: sheriff's department says the driver was a 77-year-old woman who mistook the gas pedal for the break pedal. close call. >> caller: with gas prices relatively low, you may want to consider new options at the the grade of gas could affect how your car runs. >> vanessa: coming up, dramatic surveillance video police want you to see to see if you can help them solve the case. >> mark: and a sexual assault victim of a new hampshire prep school student is it coming forward. up next, how she's turning her forward. up next, how she's turning her case introducing longhorn's great american steak dinner for $12.99. perfectly seasoned sirloin with your choice of side. plus an appetizer or a dessert. only at longhorn steakhouse. >> vanessa: we are didn't to follow breaking news out of newton. the fire department tells us a driver hit a 17-year-old who was ago, near the intersection with dunkle street. the teen was taken to children's hospital, walnut street is still shut down. you can see the bicycle right there. a walnut street closed in both directions. we do have a crew that's on the way to the scene right now, and we'll bring you more information as it comes in. >> mark: brave teenager who was raped at a new hampshire prep school is coming forward, hoping to be a boys for others. jesse spoke publicly about what happened to her for the first tomb this morning. >> vanessa: blair miller is here ashamed to show her face or tell her story. >> the reporter: and says other sexual assault survivors should not be ashamed either. jesse is proud to stand up and own what happened to her two years ago. owen labrie was convicted of misdemeanor superintendent but acquitted of rape. brought says the split verdict made her feel disgusted and in an interview on the today show this morning, the 17-year-old family support helps get her through the tough time. >> i just can't imagine how scary it is for other people to have to do this alone and i don't want anybody else to be alone anymore. i don't. >> the reporter: brought is using in ordeal to help others. she has partnered with a nonprofit group promoting aware ms. of victim empowerment and the organization launched a new initiative, i have the right to. as for labrie, brought says he hoped he learned from what happened and gets some help. live in the control >> all right, blair. police say a new hampshire woman overdosed on drugs while a 10-month-old slept just a few feet away. 32-year-old woman faced a judge monday in dover. she's charged with endangering a child after police say, she left the baby in her apartment while she took drugs at a neighbor's apartment. first responders found her on unconscious and had to revive her. the baby is were relatives tonight. she will be back in court next month. >> vanessa: it was a nice day we did get a little break from the humidity today. i got out and ran this, no, it felt pretty nice out there, but as fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz tells us, some warm and muggy air is coming back tomorrow, right, kevin. >> kevin: yep. if i didn't run in this air, i'm not going to run in tomorrow's either. temperatures out there are pleasant, 75 boston. 82 bedford, but the dewpoints have been comfortable, in the 50's to low 60's, that will change tomorrow. going in to the 60's, and even some upper 60's to near 70 degrees. that means the sticky air is coming back. it's going to stick around for a couple of something more developing to our south, that will bring more tropical air our way. there are the sticky conditions on wednesday and thursday, drying out for friday, but that's ahead of any potential tropical air, so for tonight, going down into the 60's, 67 on cape cod with clouds working in by the morning, not expecting any storminess tomorrow morning here in our area. 65 in worcester overnight tonight. a mixture of clouds and clear sky, just a few clouds drifting by right now, we are watching a more on the tracks of those just ahead. >> vanessa: for the first time, experts are getting a better understanding of shark movement along the south shore. new at 5:00 p.m., fox 8 live's robert goulston tagged along for an exclusive look as they checked shark buoys from sciate to plymouth and you found out where the sharks have been so far this month. >> the reporter: vanessa, yeah, there was not a complete line of detector buoys across the coastline, but now there is, after the summer, they put in three more buoys. tonight, we do have a going beneath the water's surface. fox 25 was on board for an exclusive look at some of the first data collected this summer from the shark buoys along the south shore. >> that starts communication with the computer. >> the reporter: the atlantic white shark conservancy uses a laptop to wirelessly download what swam within 300 meters of the buoy, after their pulled out of the water. >> 2, 3, 5, 3, 4, that's a shark. >> the reporter: the buoy east east -- buoy's data shows a shark in the water, back on july after an initial shark sight, the buoy was detected. the most recent shark is named agnes. all of this data helps scientists figure out how many sharks are in the area and where they are going. >> but it also provides information for the towns, which is very valuable to know what happening off the coast. >> the reporter: officials are now getting a better understanding, because of almost double the amount of shark buoys here on the south shore. they went from five to eight. from sciate down to plymouth. marshfield harbor master helped the shark conservancy she can all eight buoys from swallet to plymouth, which is 20 miles of shoreline. the only activity detected today was on the plymouth buoys. >> plymouth already knew there had been a shark detected, and there is another tagged shark that has moved into the area, an been detected on a number of days. >> the reporter: and right now, in massachusetts, there are 30 of these shark detecting buoys. the hope is to get more. tonight at section p.m., we'll talk to one group, a represent testify from that group who is -- a representative from that group who is helping to raise money to install the shark buoys. live in marshfield, robert goulston, fox 25 news. >> mark: a local police lieutenant is facing federal charges department. he was taking private jobs while working for the city. corelist made close to $87,000 in overtime. a convenience store manager described the scary moments when a man with a hammer robbed him. it happened at the market on north main street in fall river sunday night. the store surveillance's captured the whole thing. over his face, stormed in, slammed his hammer on the counter, store manager told us, he didn't have time to think, so he just gave the man what he wanted. >> when i saw the hammer, i thought that was a gun, maybe he tried to take out a gun to show me. i was not, you know, able to go somewhere or i was not able to call the cops at the time. >> mark: this isn't the first time the store has been targeted by an in march, the store manager was stabbed fighting off a man with a knife. >> caller: quincy police are looking how to remove a sunken sailboat. you can just see the tip of the sail singing out of the water like a shark fin at nickerson beach. the boat was there all summer but sank overnight. police were on the scene earlier looking at how they're going to remove the wreckage. >> mark: new hampshire supermarket that sold the winning ticket for a jumbo powerball jackpot, donating its last month, someone bought the $487,000 ticket at hannaford's in raymond. store received a check today from the lottery and plans to give the money to charity. no one came forward to claim the big prize. ducks in a row there. how about that for hannaford's, helping out a local charity. >> vanessa: city planners are looking to make some big changes. >> mark: coming up new at 6:00 p.m., we take a stroll through the feedback the city hopes to get on the design plans. >> vanessa: and a hefty bill for apple. the landmark decision that has the tech giant on the hook for millions of dollars. >> mark: the teen who posed as a fake doctor is under arrest again. the recent car buying experience that has him facing new charges. >> vanessa: ock, let's check out the roads now with live drivetime traffic. here's a live look at the zakim bridge. traffic heading north, a little tunnel. now let's go to the maps there where you can see traffic is heavy along the pike, westbound from the alston-brighton tolls to 128 in weston, right on the map there, but also some green. not too bad out there today. the live drive times, tobin bridge to 128, 27 minutes. o'neill tunnel to the split, 22, four hundred million dollars. that's how much charter schools will drain from massachusetts public schools this year. four hundred million that won't fund more science and technology, arts or preschool, counseling, or smaller class sizes. four hundred million unavailable to the ninety-six percent of students who don't attend charter schools. let's improve public schools for all students, not just a select few. vote no on question 2. >> vanessa: , remember dr. love? he's the teenager police say was illegally operating a medical well, 19-year-old malachi love robinson is now in more trouble. he's accused of writing a bad check for a down payment on a car. his lawyer has asked to be taken off the case. well, the government wants more time to respond to wrongful death lawsuits in the charleston church shooting. 15 lawsuits have been filed, claiming the f.b.i. failed to check dylann roof's background before he was sold a gun used in the june 2015 shooting that killed nine people. justice department is asking for an extra month to >> mark: landmark cruise is bringing a tourist boom to canada. the crystal serenity carrying some 1600 passengers and crew docked yesterday. that's 300 people more than that live in the area. fun word to say, isn't it? it's the largest ship ever to journey through the dangerous northwest passage, which connects the atlantic and pacific oceans by the arctic. people who live in the area are hopeful for more arctic tourism. >> maybe financially, like for make money, and maybe the artists will make money, seamstresses. >> mark: environmentalists say trips like this exploit the impact of global warming. we told you about the crystal see reasonnity's voyage last year. passengers paid up to $20,000 for a ticket on the ship. >> kevin: temperatures are pleasant this evening, dewpoints are comfortable. i'm watching for tropical air to make a visit tore labor day weekend. >> vanessa: spending a little at the pump may actually be worth i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto? significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k xarelto? is selective targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. >> >> vanessa: apple is on the hook for billions of dollars, following a landmark decision against the company. the european union found apple received illegal tax benefits. the company is now ordered to pay up to $14.5 billion in back taxes, plus interest to ireland. the decision follows a three year investigation. >> mark: promising research announced in the fight against zika. useful in counteracting the effects of the virus. experiment so far have only been conducted in petri dishes, but the results, they have been dramatic, even reversing some of the damage previously thought possibleble the drugs are currently -- possible. the drugs are currently used to treat cancer, hepatitis c and parasitic infections. testing will be done on animals before trials can begin. the first anti-resistant strain of e. cola has been found in a 70 significance found in a 76-year-old man treatd in 2014 for a complicated urinary tract infection. the analysis carried two genes, making it resistant to two types of antibiotics, now considered the last line of defense against superbugs. they say this bacteria had the potential to spread and become a powerful superbug. >> vanessa: home for closures in massachusetts have fallen for the first time in more than two years. foreclosures dipped by 1% last month, compared to a year ago, according to the warn group. encouraging sign that foreclosures are starting to settle down in the state. new at 5:00 p.m., a recent study from aaa says the type of gas you put into your vehicle does make a difference in how it runs. >> mark: consumer adviser clark howard tells us why. >> the reporter: we spoke with people filling up and asked them if the type of gas sold impacts where they fill up. >> not at this moment, no. >> no, it does not. >> no, but i won't go to certain gas stations. >> the reporter: federal law states there must be a certain level of a new study by aaa says using top tier gas, which contains a higher level of those cleaners, reduces the amount of engine deposits allowing your vehicle to run better, longer. the legal minimum fuel does not cause a problem. but what the legal minimum fuel does is it doesn't solve a problem. >> the reporter: brian says not only does top tier gas reduce engine deposits, it can also help remove them, helping the gas flow smoothly. that has top tier gasoline, the regular and the premium both have the extra level of cleanliness. if you pull into a legal minimum station, they both have that legal minimum level. >> the reporter: aaa found that top tier brands tend to cost an average of 3 cents more a gallon, but they don't have to, because a lot of the nation's largest discountsers of gasoline, like the convenience store chain, quick trip, or costco wholesale, both sell top tier gasoline. i'm clark howard. >> new study finds dogs would rather get praise from their owners than a treat. emory university researchers analyzed dogs using an mri to scan their brains whitney houston the dogs were awake an unrestrained. the study's author says most of the dogs prefer praise from their owners over food. dog's brains respond to the meaning of words, and how the words are said as much as humans do. i found that very interesting. want the treats. >> mark: i think so, but the more you get to know your dog, just a look, the dog knows he or she. she. reilly is that way. >> vanessa: reilly is adorable. >> mark: riled up pup. do you see that. >> vanessa: they love treats too. >> mark: they still do love them. >> vanessa: kevin, what do you think? >> kevin: i think i don't have a dog. you dog owners can talk this one out, but i'll believe anything you tell me. ege, the dewpoints are low enough it's comfortable out there and at fenway park this evening, 75 degrees at 7:00 p.m. for the first pitch and dropping to the 70's during the game, under clear skies. just a few thin clouds out there and that's it. low temperature tonight will generally be in the 60's everywhere. some 50's back to the north and west of worcester county, around the southwest new hampshire and southeastern vermont. tomorrow is a nice day. overall. there will be more clouds, it will be more humid, but if you're going to the beach, good rexham, 81. and old silver beach in falmouth, getting to 81 degrees. keeping it dry for all of the locations, so remember, even if it looks hazy out there, you can still get burned badly it is still august, make sure you take the proper precautions, you know what to do. few thin rain clouds. those are back here. this is a front that's pushing our wear and it's align like this, so northern new england will get some showers first during the day tomorrow. and then, the southern new england can get in to a couple of showers, with the increased humidity t evening, more so though when it stuff arrives on thursday morning. when i look at that in more detail in a moment, let's shift the focus to the tropics for a moment. it's spinning off of the carolinas, but tropical in nature and a tropical depression. 35-mile-per-hour winds. t.d. number 8, trying to become a tropical storm, it looks like it eventually will, but not near the carolinas anywhere. it was originally forecast to make landfall in the out are banks with a tropical storm. latest from the national 45-mile-per-hour winds by early thursday morning morning. that's 2:00 a.m. thursday, that will churn up the waters, gaston is far out there. increased rip current risks fourths going to the beaches, particularly on cape cod and the islands. flaring up thunderstorms, a bit of a circulation or vortex in here, but the center is fixed according to the national hurricane center. looks to me, should be farther to the south. we believe the experts, they have the fix on storms. 35-mile-per-hour winds, forecast to make a landfall, in florida,. there are hurricane winchester and tropical storm watches in place. winds, 65 miles per hour. off of the carolinas, out over the oh but look at this. we talked about this starting at 4:00 p.m. should have been here, because we're talking about it. how this was going to shift farther to the west. it looked like it was offshore originally, but all. computer models want to turn this. sandy did that and turned back toward the coastline. to us. we are now in that area of potential tracks, when you get out to sunday, with 70-mile-per-hour winds, it will be coming with something called extra tropical. no guarantee it's going to happen, but the key here is don't know cuss on the center line with the icons are. it's just a focus of the center between where the tracks could go. it could still come closer or farther away from us. my money is on coming a little bit closer. we have to watch this one closely. we have to watch for showers and storms start to pop up in the afternoon around new england, but they first, downpours potentially on thursday, we're watching that weekend forecast. dry for the first part of labor day weekend. this is where the tropics could get involved. we'll talk about that next hour. >> vanessa: dolphins here in hawaii, apparently they're not getting enough sleep. the state's fisheries division is prohibiting the interaction with the dolphins. begin in 2017. >> mark: nasa is gig us a rare look at a unique type of eclipse. several times this week, the earth completely blocked the sun from nasa's view. that view is possible because of the solar dynamics, observatories passed for its motion to watch the sun. the seven minute eclipse occurs about every six months. also tonight, astronomers are looking at a strong signal from a star that just could be an indication of alien life. they say a star around 94 light years from earth is emit ago it was detected by a russian telescope. astronomers are training their telescope on the star in the hopes of learning more. and some people believe aliens may be responsible for the disappearance of 500 cows in new zealand. others say, it was thieves, or that the animals simply moved on. but theft has baffled police though. there are no signs that the animals were herded away and it would have taken hours and more than ten cattle trucks to load them all up and drive away. police find them salmonella before something happens to them. >> vanessa: here's a look now at what we're working on all new for our 6:00 p.m. news, including an uber driver under arrest. what he's accused of doing to a disabled woman he was picking up. and all new at 6:00 p.m., we asked him for what it's doing to protect passengers after three drivers have been charged for disturbing crimes in just a few months. >> the reporter: caught on camera, a framingham ahead, that shocking video and how those officers are doing now. >> vanessa: plus, a busy boston intersection closed down, and recreated into an outdoor plaza and cafe. we'll take a stroll through the pop-up plaza and explain why the city isn't quite ready to green light this project just yet. and the reason tom brady might new hampshire college students are packing their backpacks and heading back to school. and thanks to kelly ayotte, along with the textbooks and pencils, many students are carrying more student loan debt. ayotte voted to cut pell grants and to raise student loan interest rates. because she sides with special interests looking out for their own bottom line, not our kids'. for new hampshire students and families, kelly ayotte is a heavy burden we can't afford. for the content of this advertising. i absolutely love my new york apartment, but the rent is outrageous. good thing geico offers affordable renters insurance. with great coverage it protects my personal belongings should they get damaged, stolen or destroyed. [doorbell] uh, excuse me. delivery. hey. lo mein, szechwan chicken, chopsticks, soy sauce and you got some fortune cookies. t your belongings. let geico help you >> vanessa: for the first time, a famous fashion line is teaming j crew will start selling women's clothing and accessories at 16 nordstrom locations. however, none of them are in new england. you will also be able to find the product at nordstrom's on-line shopping site. this is the first time j. crew will be available in a store that is not company owned. >> amtrak is making plans to improve service along the busy northeast corridor. the railway says it will purchase 28 new trains for the excella. cars in 2021 and allow amtrak to offer hourly departures between boston and new york and trains every 30 minutes from new york to d.c. >> vanessa: researchers say there is a link between pregnant women's fruit intake and smarter kids. the study published back in april is getting fresh attention today, thanks to a "wall street journal" article. it found pregnant women who ate an extra daily serving of fruit had children with better cognitive scores. experts say more research is needed in to this link. at a risk for elevated blood sugar and wait gain. >> mark: first of its kind study is it showing exposure to bpa may be harmful to the turtle population. it's already been linked to cancer in people. now experts at the university of missouri say it's making turtles switch their gender. male turtles exposed to bpa are developing female sex organs and behavior. that has experts concerned. they won't mate, which could cause a massive population decline. despite the research into the dangers of bpa, >> the reporter: now at 6:00 p.m., another uber driver under arrest. >> what this man is accused of doing to a disabled woman he was picking up. >> mark: that makes two uber drivers locked up in just two days. and the third in just a few months. >> tonight, we're asking if uber is doing enough to protect its passengers. fox 25 has team coverage. >> vanessa: also tonight, a brutal beating caught on camera. why this man is free tonight police officers. >> mark: tight lipped, tom brady keeping a suspension game plan a secret. >> i don't want to give away all my -- >> forget football for a second. it was the quarterback's appearance that has the sports world buzzing. >> vanessa: and a cornery tribute immortalizing the one and only big papi. >> mark: we are following breaking news righ saugus-wakefield line. a person has been stabbed with the shaft of a golf club inside the break heart reservation. sky fox is over the scene. we understand the victim is 18 years old and inside that ambulance you see right there. a med flight helicopter is standing by, to fly this person to the hospital. our crew is on the way on the ground right now as well. details as we get them. >> vanessa: also breaking right now, a teenager on a bicycle hit by a car new newton and rushed to the hospital. right now, walnut street is still closed in both directions near dunkle street. children's hospital. no word yet on that teen's condition. we are working to get more details. >> also tonight, two uber drivers under arrest in just two days. this man is accused of assaulting a disabled woman, he was picking up. his arrest comes a day after this driver faced charges accused of exposing himself to teenage girls. hello every someone, i'm mark ockerbloom. >> vanessa: i'm vanessa welch. there are a lot of questions tonight about whether uber does enough to keep passengers safe. fox 25 with team coverage. katherine burcham getting answers from the ridesharing company, but we begin tonight with malini basu and new information on an uber driver who was just charged in the past few hours. malini? >> the reporter: vanessa, that's right, that uber driver faced a charge at maldin district court. that driver is accused of pushing a disabled woman, stealing money from her, her purse and just a short time ago, about an hour an 15 minutes ago, that driver was being hauled back to jail, i'm going to show you video, he was just here, just moments ago. so here's what we can tell you. here's what we've learned.

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