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To new information on their investigation. Its sad. I dont know the girl or the boy. I dont know the boy personally, but its devastating in your own community. The reporter the community is stepping up. Family and friends started Gofundme Pages to help the family with the unexpected medical and funeral costs and offer them support. The d. Amount wouldnt say whether this was a d. A. Wouldnt say whether this was a criminal investigation and declined to say whether an autopsy was being performed on that baby the the babysitter was at the were also able to question that babysitter what happened when we encountered her on fox 25 at 6 00 p. M. Live in woburn, kerry kavanaugh, fox 25 news. Vanessa we also have some breaking news right now in manchester, New Hampshire, where a car crashed into the front porch of a house. Take a look here from sky fox. You can see the car blew right through the railing on the first floor there. New at 5 00 p. M. , Police Believe the driver may have stepped on the wrong pedal and thats what caused this damage here. Crews have since towed this car away. Mark breaking in the last hour, we have learned a student pilot was the on one on board when a small plane crashed into a field in littleton. Fortunately, he was not hurt. We are told the plane lost power around 2 00 p. M. This afternoon. Pilot, who knew the area, guided it to a field on harwood avenue where it went down a hill and crashed into several trees before stopping. Two homes were nearby. The f. A. A. Is investigating. Vanessa we continue to follow breaking news. The women to avoid another section of miami, florida, because mosquitoes have spread the zika virus to five new people. Of course, south beach is a very popular area for tourists. Fox 25s Eric Rasmussen in our control room now with the latest on this travel warning. Eric. The reporter Florida State Health Officials say a new local transmission zone has been identified in the miami beach area, that includes south beach, which of course, is where the virus has spread to five new people. Several of the patients are from especially to stay away. The state is now aggressively spraying for mosquitoes there. In all, there are dozens of cases confirmed in florida. Pregnant women are still being told to avoid the first infection zone, which is the windwood arts area in miami. The governor of florida says this new area of concern starts near south beach and extends north right through the city center. Tonight at logan airport, there are 22 flights weve confirmed, coming or going from south florida, so far, no one trip. We continue to monitor that situation, and well update you as we get more from florida and from our own airport. Eric rasmussen, fox 25 news. Vanessa some more details now. New Research Shows zika may have more of around effect on adults brains. Critical stem cells critical to learning and memory may be damaged by the virus. Moreira search will be needed to see if the virus transmits to human and if the damage can the stokes is known to cause severe birth defects and linked to gillan bar syndrome in adults. Mark olympic swimmer ryan lochte has apologized for the scandal making headlines around the world. Lochte said he and three american teammates were robbed at gunpoint in rio. The incident is causing an international controversy. Steve harrigan explains, lochtes apology came as one of his 10,000. The u. S. Olympic swimmer, ryan lochte, saying i want to apologize for my behavior last weekend, for not being more careful and candid of how i described the events of that Early Morning and for my role in taking the focus away from the many athletes from fulfilling their dreams of participating in the olympics. He went on to say, i waited to share the thoughts it was until confirmed that the legal situation was addressed and it was clear that my teammates would be arriving home safely. Swimmers, jack conger and gunner vance returned to the u. S. After being pulled off a plane earlier and another swimmers lawyer reaching an agreement that would not lead to his prosecution. He will donate 10,800 to an institute and with that the case is resolved. The rep incident will mar the history of these games. I think that the brazilian population, we will accept his apologies, and as we want to put this matter to an end, and i dont think despite the movement of last couple of days, i dont see this as being a factor that will mar the games. The reporter u. S. Olympic officials have also apologized to the brazilian people for the athletes. In rio de janeiro, steve harrigan, fox 25 news. Mark driver accused of hitting a family of tourists in boston facing a judge, and prosecutors say she never should have been behind the wheel. In court today, investigators say that woman didnt even have a license. Vanessa as for the three people she hit, they are doing better. It all happened in a very busy part of downtown crossing, along the freedom trail. Fox 25s Katherine Burcham live at the scene of the accident, where the driver says, the car is to blame. Kaer the reporter vanessa, her Attorney Says that she was actually using a loaner car, while her husbands car was in the shop being repaired. Her attorney also in court said that when that driver ran into that building, she wasnt running from police, but rather, running to find her husband. Chaos and cries for help. Moments after police say steel drove her mercedes through a red lite and slammed into a crowd of people in the crosswalk. Injuries. The reporter two of the victims, a milford mom and her 9yearold son, were playing tourist for the day in the city. Jennifer hayes shared via facebook her son tristan was pinned under the car and he tried not to cry as a crowd of witnesses helped lift the car off him and another woman, who was visiting boston from spain. She has a fractured spine, fractured pelvis bone shells a hematoma to the pelvis. The reporter after the crash, steel took off, running in to a nearby building. It appears to have accident. The reporter as steel struggled not to cry in court, her attorney told the judge, she was driving her husbands car and says the car itself may have caused the crash. This was a loaner car, that she was not familiar with. Something happened in the car, may even be mechanical to the car. The car accelerated. And it was something that she was trying to avoid and stop. The reporter now, all three victims who were hurt are going to be ok, although the woman from spain does need further were digging in to steels criminal past, and why its keeping her behind the bars again tonight. For now, live in boston, Katherine Burcham, fox 25 news. Vanessa investigators are still trying to solve a murder mystery in princeton. Fox 25 has learned so far, theyve received nearly 900 tips. No arrests have been made nearly two weeks after Vanessa Marcotte was killed while out for a run. Her body was found in the woods off brook station road on august 7th. The 27yearold was an account city. She was Home Visiting her mother at the time. If you know anything about vanessas murder, there is an Anonymous Tip Line you can call, the number is on the screen and we have it for you on our social media pages as well as our web site. Mark a woman who told doctors she wanted to shoot up and bomb Worcester Polytech was back in court this afternoon. Heather lions kept a journal about killing her boss and hurting others at the school. About what set that woman off and why she was so upset. The reporter mark, yeah, police say Heather Lyons shared so many specific details with her therapist, that that are therapist was legally hobble gated to report it to police and the therapist was worried that. So of the stuff would be carried out. She does have she gets very angry and aggravated and feels like she wants to punch somebody in the face. The reporter a doctor who interviewed 23yearold has issues with anger, frustration and rage and its unclear if shes competent to understand the charges against her. Police say lyons told her therapist about a plan to shoot up and bomb Worcester Polytechnic institute where she works for the Food Services contractor. Her neighbor never saw any of these issues. I would never think so. According to court documents, ms. Lyons stated that then set off real bombs in morgan hall. She also told police, im armed with a sawed off shotgun, she would kill her former boss and shoot and kill people at random. The school alerted students on monday and sent out more information today. Im not afraid for my safety. It feels safe on campus. I feel safe around here all the time. The reporter now, the judge today ordered lyons to be held for at least another 20 days, while her mental evaluations continue. Tonight at 6 00 p. M. Though, a little bit more about when a therapist or any medical professional here in massachusetts is mandatorily required to report Something Like this. We are live in worcester, robert goulston, fox 25 news. Vanessa lets turn to the weather now. A gorgeous summer night here in the city of boston and were looking at another beautiful weekend if youre heading to the beach or the lake, but other chief meteorologist Kevin Lemanowicz is talking about kevin were going to get through the weekend without much if any rainfall in new england, but we need some. And im looking at that possibility for monday. I mean, look at this. All of this activity to our west. And theres a front thats way back here in the dakotas, that has to come all the way across the country, scoop up a little bit of this rainfall and try to bring it in to new england, so the ingredients are there. Im very optimistic we get heavy rain on in here. Im not as optimistic as we get closer to the events unfortunately. Your lawns may have to go some more time without getting much of a drink. Water, but its 84 in bedford, just away from the water. Plymouth at 83. Provincetown at 80. A few towns will go into the 50s overnight. Not a real cool night but a comfortable night out this for sure. A couple clouds around first thing in the morning and the futurecast data showing the possibility of showers popping up tomorrow. The threat is low, if not zero, but its quite low. So about the rain on monday, put a timeline together for you. Ill show you when you can expect it to arrive. The reporter a man suddenly stabbed in the neck outside a popular sports bar. Police are hunting down a suspect. What a witness tells me really happened. Mark also ahead, a big ruling in the Aaron Hernandez upcoming double murder trial. The key piece of evidence that could give us an inside look at the former patriots life. But first, Curt Schilling says he is considering running for office and tryin senator elizabeth warren. The bigname politician telling him to stick to sports. . Sleep number beds with Sleepiq Technology give you the knowledge to adjust for the best sleep ever. The time is now for the biggest sale of the year, where all beds are on sale save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed. Vanessa new at 5 00 p. M. , boston mayor marty walsh is throwing shade at Curt Schilling as former red sox ace eyes a run at the u. S. Senate. Mark in a radio interview this morning, the mayor said he would hope schilling would stick to sports and brought up the Video Game Company in rhode island and schilling responded saying i tried to buil far short of anything like extortion in my opinion. End quote. That comment in reference to two of walshs top aids who were recently charged with extortion. Fox 25 political shorter Sharman Sachetti caught up with schilling earlier this week, and you can watch her interview right now on our web site, fox25boston. Com. Vanessa new tonight, president obama will travel to flood ravaged louisiana next week. The president has been on on tuesday. Meanwhile, republican candidate donald trump toured the area today. As stacey cohan reports, trump also released his first general election attack ad. The reporter the Donald Trump Campaign is having quite a day. Trump and running mate indiana governor mike pence traveled to louisiana to examine flood damage and to speak with residents. They need a lot of help. Whats happened here is incredible. Nobody understands how bad it is. Its really incredible. The reporter his campaign released its First Television ad of the general election cycle, which will air in several battleground states and stream on line. Hillary clintons america, the system stays rigged against americans. The reporter all this, as a major staff shakeup continues to make headlines. Earlier this week, trump elevated Breitbart News leader steve bannon and kellyanne management positions. Its about the candidate whose name is on the door running for the president of the united states, having the Comfort Level with the people who are closest to him and making sure that they are allowing him to run the type of campaign in the overall strategy thats going to be most effective. The reporter the Trump Campaign must find its footing quickly. The first debate is just over a month away and the november election draws ever closer. In vanessa new in the Hillary Clinton email controversy tonight, a judge ruled the president ial candidate must answer questions about her use of a private server. In just the last 30 minutes, the ruling came down that clinton must answer written questions from judicial watch. Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton says cohen powell advised her to use a private email account. In a statement, powell says he had no recollection of that the deadline to register to vote in the massachusetts primary. Voters who register today can also change their Party Affiliation before the september 8th election. Registration closes locations, rather, close in less than an hour, but you can register on line until midnight. Kevin gorgeous evening out there. Lots of sunshine, so what do we have to talk about . Well, if you have plans this weekend, Pay Attention to this some of this. I was hoping for a whole bunch of this rain to come on way, but thats looking less and less likely, although some downpours are going to move on in. We really could use tropical downpours. This is Tropical Storm fiona, well talked about this storm for a couple of days now. This is the latest from the National Hurricane center just in this evening. 40 Miles Per Hour winds, barely a Tropical Storm. In fact, when we look at a tropical system, we watched the lower pressure means a stronger storm. Its come up one millibars, millibars is what we use in meteorology to take care of pressure. You think of pressure as 30 inches for High Pressure and inches of mercury when youre studying is in your science classes, but millibar is going up, from 1,006 to 1,007 millibars, but the bottom line is its not intensifying, holding steady, or weakening slightly. Hamilton, thats bermuda up here and bermuda is in this area of uncertainty, n uncertainty gets rider when you get out to the fifth day, clearly because the computer models just have that kind of uncertainty built in to them. At the beginning, pretty certain that they all clump together and they start to spread out, so it looks to us like its going to continue to turn off to the north and miss bermuda to the east, although it will churn up the waters for those of you, and ive had several people asking about this. Youre going for a cruise out to bermuda, the boston bermuda cruise is very popular, youre going to have bumpy waters likely, although the storm is right side after all. Temperatures right now here, 75 to 84 from boston to metro west. In the upper 70s to low 80s out on cape cod as well. Low temperatures tonight dropping into the 60s, under just partly cloudy skies. Mostly clear to a few clouds drifting around. Not a concern, no showers out it for your plans this evening. Lunchtime temperatures tomorrow, right back to about the same as where we are now, upper 70s to low 80s across the area. Going to the beach tomorrow, north shore and the seacoast of New Hampshire, near 80 with sun. South shore of cape cod the same. 70s, some towns will still hit 80 degrees. So in the boston area, high temperatures tomorrow, getting up into the 80s in quincy. 79 boston, 8 for for you in brookline tomorrow afternoon. Out on cape cod, showed you the 70s at the beaches, falmouth, 79. Eastham, coast guard beach, up at 78 degrees. Pollen levels are really high. You may have be noticing this especially the ragweed, but notice monday, a drop down and the reason is im expecting this rainshower activity to make it on in here. Western to Central Massachusetts in the Early Morning hours of monday, is when shiri will be telling you about the showers that are coming on through. The concerning thing to me is that the heaviest wants to go up here, thats been consistent in our computer model data and outraged future cast data from run to run. We need that heavy rain in southern new england. Northern new england doesnt need it nearly as much as we do. Not even in a drought situation, but theyre going to get it. A nice weekend, despite the fact we need rain and some rain coming early on monday as new information comes in this evening. Ill update the timeline for you. Vanessa new at 5 00 p. M. , president obama wrapping up his second week of safely indication on marthas vineyard, with another round of golf. It looks gorgeous. This time, he was with comedian larry david. The president has already played with several nba stars. Its the obamas seventh and final vineyard vacation in office. The president will head back to work on sunday. Mark well, do you sleep in contact lenses . If you said yes, you cant afford to miss this story. All new at 5 00 p. M. , the no warning that will make you think twice before leaving your sweet cat needs your help after it was turned into animal control in very bad shape. Hello its our new intern, barts first week here at td bank, hes a robot from one of those other banks. Gistration technology. Wait, wait, wait. But you can call me, banking assistance registration technology. Hi amy. Thank you. Thank you. That is not protocol manager jenna. Thats ok bart, it is here. At td bank we do things differently, like having the longest hours of any bank. Dont just bank. Bank human. Mark animal rescuers on the cape need your help finding a lost cat. Vanessa the staff says it looked like she had a runin mashpee found her and brought her in. After treatment, she is ready for adoption. Transit police want to know if you recognize this guy. Hes wanted in connection with an attack on an mbta bus driver. Police say the driver was assaulted at the intersection of cambridge street and mass avenue on monday. Mark lawyers for Aaron Hernandez are being forced to turn his cellphone over to prosecutors, thanks to a ruling by the states highest court. Police believe it may have evidence in the witness the former patriot tight end is serving a life sentence. Defense attorneys refused to turn over the phone, saying it could hurt their case if it terms over potentially in came knitting evidence. Mark incriminating evidence. Mark a jury says guy scott was guilty of a shooting, his uncle during a funeral benzino survived and scott was cleared of the more serious charge of assault with intent to murder. His sentencing is later this month. Vanessa police in maine are investigating Death Threats sent to members of the muslim community. Officers outside of portland are meeting with local muslims to reassure the community to make sure everyone there is safe. The notes were discovered in an apartment complex where many muslims live. In their native country, lots of times, left for them just before an attack on themselves or a loved one. Vanessa so far, police have not made any arrests. Well, they always seem to call at the wrong time. During dinner and with youre very busy. Mark theyre calling during breakfast now, our schedule. You know what were talking about. The robo calls. Well, the do not call list doesnt work anymore. Coming up, the tricky Way Companies are getting a hold of your numbers and why theres nothing you can do about it. Vanessa plus, last night, we told you uber is getting ready of one of them . Coming up, we followed one around to see how it handles on the road. Mark first, a man violently stabbed in the next outside a popular sports bar. We tracked down a witness who saw it all happen. . With simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, withdrawal, transfer or payment each month to waive the monthly fee. And theres no minimum balance. Youre alright. With simply right checking from santander bank. . Are you feeling alright, baby . . Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house with 100 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. And right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Cable cant offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. Vanessa we continue to follow breaking news in the spread of the zika virus. Pregnant women now being told to avoid the popular tourist destination, south beach, in florida. Local transmission zone has been identified in the miami beach area. And it does include south beach. Thats where the virus has spread to five new people. Several of the patients are from out state. Two of these individuals are florida residents and live in miami, dade county. One person is a resident of new york, one person is a resident of texas, an one person is a resident of taiwan. Vanessa the state is now aggressively spraying for mosquitoes. In all, there are dozens of pregnant women being told to avoid the first infection zone, that is in the win wood arts area of miami. Also tonight, an alarming attack outside a popular woburn sports bar, leaves one man fighting for his life and Police Hunting for the suspect overnight at jake and joes in woburn. Vanessa fox 25s bob ward joins us live and bob, you have an exclusive interview with a witness who was right in the middle of this. The reporter yeah. He found himself right in the middle of all of this, it happened overnight, right in jake and joes right here in woburn. The witness i spoke to said this all happened without any warning at all. 21yearold blake lewis had a night he will never forget, a night that ended with one man stabbed in the neck, and another, a man who bought blake a peer at this jake and joes on the run. Somebody could have been killed right in front of you. Exactly. And thats the big thing you have to think about when you hear that. The reporter blake tells me he and a and joes dressed in punk rock clothes and a man with a goatee who also liked punk rock joined them tore a beer. The trouble started out in a parking lot where blake recognized two other guys who were inside jake and joes. The two guys were already there, we were saying goodbye to them and the guy walked up to head butt him and then all hell broke loose. The reporter blake tells me the guy they met in the bar reached for a knife and stabbed the guy took two steps back and took out the knife and stabbed the guy and next thing i know, he was gone, and the guy was on his knee bleeding. The reporter blake tells me he couldnt believe his eyes, but that he did what he could to try to stop the bleeding with this sock. Took off my boot, gave him a sock being and he was on the ground with his hand, blood coming out and i kind of panicked, i didnt know what to do. I used your sock as a tourniquet on a mans neck. Yeah, i tried to. The reporter and blake tells me that his b he came to the jake and joes with, pulled him off. They got in the car, panicked, drove away and a short time later, blake himself was arrested for drunk driving. And when i first approached him for an interview, the first thing he asked me was, did the victim survive. The victim has survived, hes in critical but stable condition, and the suspect is still out there. Live in woburn, bob ward, fox 25 news. Mark gunshots ring out for the second time in less than ten the enterprise reporting early this morning that Police Responded to broke and levitt streaks near the james edgar playground and found spent shell casings on the ground. Police are investigating a shooting that happened a mile away on melbourne road last night. No injuries or damage were reported from either shooting. Police in salem New Hampshire are hoping you recognize this bank robber in his unusual shirt. The man robbed the Citizens Bank branch inside the shaws supermarket. He also vanessa police have identified the man who was stabbed and killed in east boston earlier this week. Police say 23yearold gauge smith got into some sort of a fight into a home an paris street wednesday. He was stabbed several times and died at the hospital. Police are still investigating searching for suspects. So far, no one hand arrested. Mark new at 5 00 p. M. , Littleton Police say a local man is arranged with oui after a crash with their cruiser. Was under the influence of drugs. He was arrested and arraigned today. Vanessa two car collided at the intersection of old colony avenue and dorchester street. One of the cars even took down a pole. We know at least two people were taken to the hospital, were working now to get an update on their condition. Mark turning now to the weather, a warm and mostly sunny night here in the city of boston. The as we kick off our weekend. I guess it would be evening, right . The sun is out. Kevin sa t have some rain, and muchneeded rain at that, coming our way to start the work week. Kevin we need much more rain than were going to get, but well take it, take any drop we can. 25 years ago today i wrote about it on the facebook page, we had hurricane bob come through. The last hurricane to make landfall in southern new england. That brought a good 3, up to 5, 6 inches of rain in some places. Localized flooding. Thats a perfect scenario. Too much flooding. The winds on cape cod gusted over 100 Miles Per Hour and power was out for all of cape cod at one point and for many for up to a week. Thats the part you dont want from a tropical system. But we get some of that tropical rain to come up this front and converge on new england, that would be just great. Just not all going to do it. There will be some downpours but the front is going to be too quick to give us enough rain to put a dent in the drought. Dinnertime temperatures in the 70s and safeties. It is beautiful. A timeline on when the rainshowers will arrive just ahead. Vanessa a rabid raccoon urging people there to be careful after a captured raccoon deed positive for rabies. The city sent out the list of safety tips to homeowners this week. Rabies can be fatal if its transmitted to humans or pets. A shark frenzy, after a shark was spotted off shore. The beach was closed to swimmers yesterday around noon after a the assistants director of the beach says shark sightings are normal this time of year. Mark changes aimed at cutting back drug use at bostons south station appear to be working. Boston police removed benches from the terminal and Commuter Rail after passengers said they were frightened by drug activity in the area. Police tell us the drug activity has fallen off significantly. Vanessa save the date, the 2 billion wynn casino in everett set to open in june of 2019. The date was announced yesterday at a meeting withth gaming commission. Construction started earlier this months after the project received a Waterfront Development permit. Wynn is hoping to have 250 construction workers on site by the end of the year. Somervilles mayor has said hes considering whether to file an appeal against the casino in superior court. The deadline to do so is next week. Bostons licensing board is putting the brakes on a controversial starbucks proposal in southie. Yesterday, the board delayed voting on the coffee chains application. Starbucks want to open up in a l street and broadway. The board says it will make a decision after sifting through emails from nearby residents. Mark much more ahead. Coming up new at 6 00 p. M. , parents pull their kids out of a summer day camp. Vanessa the video raising Health Concerns and what happened when we went to get some answers today. Mark plus, dont sleep in your contacts. Youve heard the warnings before. New tonight, the serious risk you take on when not taking care of your eyes. Vanessa up next, an horrific crash. What police say may have led to vanessa a second person has died, hours after two new Jersey Transit buses collided in newark. Mark one bus t bond the over, likely at high speed this morning. You can see it right here incredible. One of the buses nearly broken in half, the driver was pronounced dead at the scene. The passengers who later died was among 18 others who were injured. Six are listed in critical condition, while the rest are expected to survive. Nearby starbucks workers heard the crash, an ran outside. We came out, my came out first and told me it was really bad, so we came out with ice water and rags, our first aid kit, anything we had in our store to provide for everything out there. Mark little bit helps in that situation. It appears one of the drivers went through a red light, but the cause of the crash remains under investigation. Vanessa Authorities Say they will seek the Death Penalty for the College Student accused of biting the face of a man after he stabbed the man and his wife to Death Outside of their home. 19yearold Austin Harris will be charged with two counts of first degree murder. He will not be formally charged until his release, so his family has been able to keep paying the bills since then. Today, we are getting a new view of one of the massive wildfires burning in california. This picture here was taken by one of nasas satellites. You can see the smoke trail stretching for miles. The fire has burn nearly 96 homes and 213 buildings, but firefighters are making some progress getting it under control. Today, it is at 26 contained. Thats up more than 82,000 people have been evacuated. I didnt want to leave because i didnt want to sit in that Little Valley with all that smoke around us again. It was like we were trapped. Vanessa calmer winds and higher humidity today are helping the more than 1500 firefighters battling the fire, get things under control. J. Wilson. Kevin over 50 square miles. Isnt that amazing how much they burned out there . 75 in boston right now, 84 in bedford. However, ill show you when some rain makes it in here. Mark put your name on the donotcall list years ago. So why are you still getting those annoying robo calls. Turns out, companies have discovered a new way to get a hold of your cellphone number. Up next, why there is not much you can do about it. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently, which means we can fix things differently. Thanks for calling fios. This is ryan. You cant tell me this cord isnt in. I know its in. Its in, but its not working. Really . Yes, mr. Mcenroe. See that cord . Just plug it into the connector on the right. So you can clearly see whats in and whats out . Oh absolutely. I like that. Tech support that lets your technician see the problem over your smartphone. Only from fios. Mark you could be getting more of those harassing, annoying, should i go on and on, unwanted calls on your cellphone. Vanessa rules that were supposed to stop sales calls just arent working anymore. Mark but as Stephanie Coueignoux tells us, theres a new plan to forever hang up, wow, on the robocallers. I got it as a miscall, i called back and the very first be put on the donotcall list. Its like spam. We live in a digital age. Theres spam everywhere. I dont know if theyll admit it or not. If it seems like your cellphone is now receiving morrow bow calls than ever before, regulatory agencies like the ftc and f. C. C. Would probably tell you, that makes sense. This is the number one complaint that they have gotten and ten years ago, that just wasnt the case. The reporter tim marvin manages the end robo calls he estimates people lose almost 350 million every year to telephone scams. Many of them executed through only a series of recorded messages. I dont even know how they get our number. Telemarketers can buy lists of numbers if they like, but they can also buy software to cycle through millions of random combinations of numbers to reach even more of us. The. Thats one of the big reasons why weve seen such an increase, that the technology has changed so much. I literally just got one the robocop act would force companies to arm consumers with tools to block robo calls, but until Congress Passes that or Something Like it into law, our cellphones seem destined to receive an increasing number calls from robots reaching us from unknown numbers. Seeing them routed through nassau county, through utah. Few of which call with a legitimate offer or piece of information. I dont trust them as far as i can throw them. Stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. Mark wi what you see and who you interact with. If you dont want to see notifications from everyone, you dont have to. Users can limit notifications to only people they follow on mobile and on twitter. Com. Filtering notifications can be helpful for blocking targeted harassment. Another helpful tool is the quality filter. Twitter says, when turned on, it can improve the quality of tweets you see by using signals like, count origin and behavior. Eddie bauer says credit card that he was targeted all of its malware from registers at 350 stores. The clothing chain says customers who shopped with debt and credit cards between january and july 17th may have been compromised eddie bauer has put more information on its web site for customers. Vanessa one outpost of the wahlbergers restaurant chain has been slapped with a class action lawsuit. It accuses the Coney Island Branch of withholding pay from five former employees. The restaurant is also accused of not paying employees overtime and p dorchester native mark donny and Paul Wahlberg started the chain, but the brothers are not named in the wall street. The coney island wahlbergers is a franchise and not owned by the main restaurant company. A long line of people, waiting to get into kanye west temporary Clothing Store this weekend. It opened on 899 boylston street near the heinz this morning. It will close on sunday, or whenever the clothes sell out. Boston is one of only 21 locations across the world that popup shops. We talked to one fan who camped out since last night. No way. Like kanye west boston, like, i didnt this was going to happen the i told my dad i need a ride to boston right now. Kanye west will have a popup shop. Vanessa if you cant get enough, kanye will bring his st. Pablo tour to the td garden next month. Kevin camped out once for become in college for hockey tickets and it was a lot colder than this weather, so i guess theres that. Its pretty nice out there. This weather continues in to this weekend and really, what we really need is this rain. All of it to come into southern new england. Just not happening. Youve heard about the prolific flooding in louisiana, tragic event, we dont need that kind of rain, but we could use a piece of the tropics to come our way. This is Tropical Storm fiona. Fiona is actually underneath the words here mostly, but the clouds, the center of its a weakening storm. Destined to become a tropical depression an sink away to nothing, 30mileperhour winds, thats the computer models are showing us right now and that seems to be the best case scenario, because its going to steer it away from bermuda, just to the east, it will chop up the waters a bit for those going out that way. Might even send swells toward town new england but what its not going to do is produce the rain we need in southern new england. Unlike 25 years ago in the state, remember this storm, you get a storm to form near the bahamas and get a name, we have to Pay Attention, because these storms tend to accelerate up the coastline. Category 3 at one point for hurricane bob. This is 25 years ago and it made landfall here on the 19th on this date 25 years ago. Its a category 2 storm as it hit block island and came into Newport Rhode island and made its way, diagonally through southeastern new england. On the left side of these storms, the heaviest rain, on the right side, the strongest wind gusts over 100 Miles Per Hour. To the west of the storm, up toward boston and points west, 3 to as many as 6 inches of rain fell, while cape cod has hardly any rain. Quite a different scenario, one side to the other, from an accelerating storm coming through southern new england, but the damage it did and the surge it sent into buzzards bay, washed away a lot of homes in the mattapoisett area. Angelica point, looking right at you. 68 at 11 00 p. M. Low temperatures generally in the 60s everywhere tonight and by tomorrow afternoon, well be right back into the 60s and 70s through the morning, and making it up to the 80s by lunchtime especially metro west, it will be 77 in boston. The beaches tomorrow, looks good. Just about anywhere you want to go, no hint of rain, just a few clouds working on in. High temperatures tomorrow, to upper 70s to low 80s and heres that pollen forecast, which gives you an idea of what youve got to look at in the sevenday forecast. Look at monday, see how that rain works on in, an while youre not seeing the rain work on in, youre seeing the pollen level drop because of this rainshower activity, thats going to be moving toward us, so early monday morning, 1078 rain falling in the boston and worcester areas, making its way across the shoreline and finally out to sea by the middle of the day, but that will wash out the air and get rid of some of the ragweed making you suffer this sevenday forecast keeps us nice this weekend. Clouds increase on sunday especially and theres the rain early monday. Mark the current drought may make it more difficult to find cranberries come fall, according to the new bedford standard time. The usda is predicting this years crop will be impacted by the lack of rainfall in the state. Some cranberry farmers are expecting a smaller yield than last year, but are hopeful for a little more rain to help with water levels. Massachusetts main crops. And the drought is also impacting the apple hard develops. The apple crop is badly in need of a soaking rain and cooler nights. Experts tell the unionleader if the trees dont get water soon, theyll start taking water from their fruit in order to survive. If you like apple picking, the apples may be smaller, but there still will be plenty of them. Vanessa there is a lot more coming up 58 new at 6 00 p. M. , starting with a disgusting discovery. Parents, pulling their kids out of a summer day camp. The video of a prompted a complaint to the board of health. Vanessa we continue to follow the breaking news from washington, d. C. , as a more widespread warning in the zika virus prompts travel guidelines. How the people flying back from south florida feel about the new warning and sexual assault, rape, its called many things, and thats a big problem form the federal government. The surprising statistic they capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. Lace that feels nothing like a bank. And helpful people that talk to you. Not sell to you. With free checking accounts that are actually free. No minimums. No fees. And a toprated app, lets you bank right here. Thats banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Settlement between uber and its drivers. The judge ruled the deal did not compensate drivers if massachusetts and california enough. The april settlement was three years in the making. Its rejection could force uber to dig deeper into its pockets to reach a deal. Vanessa it used to be the stuff Science Fiction was made of, but just last night, we told you uber is planning to try out selfdriving cars. The company will roll out the Program First in pittsburgh. Mark our sister station in the steel city hit the streets to see how it will work to see how people feel i dont know if i feel safe. The robot versus a human. Second guess, getting in one without a driver. Thats the reaction we got from most folks we spoke with today about selfdriving cars. This is Ubers Advanced Technology Center in strip, where we saw a half dozen test cars in the lot. Our request for an interview and a ride were declined. So we tailed behind one of the hybrid ford fusions that looks radars, g. P. S. Receivers and laser scanners to collect mapping data. Were told its also testing its selfdriving capabilities and we noticed three employees in the car that did not once travel over 25 Miles Per Hour. I like the whole part of the driver picking you up. So you lose that. You lose the interaction, yes. I think one of the biggest things is its just taking away jobs. The reporter for the time of course, were told a trained driver will sit in the drivers seat, monitoring the ride. In a matter of weeks, will be able to summon the selfdriving cars from their phones. Each car also has a tablet computer in the back seat to keep passengers informed. But many remain apprehensive. I do not like the idea. Mark that was laurie huey reporting. Uber customers ok riding into the cars will have to opt into the program in advancement the rides in Driverless Cars initially will be free, but vanessa you heard the warnings from your eye doctor, but now the c. D. C. Telling contact lens wearers. Beware, sleeping in contacts or wearing them for too long, can lead to eye infections. The c. D. C. Found one in five patients had cornea damage that required treatment from infections. 10 of those had to go to the emergency room or urgent care. The c. D. C. Says people who wear contacts should take simple steps to avoid infection. Mark now at 6 00 p. M. , fox 25 investigates disgusting alle the reporter parents, pulling their kids out of a summer day camp. The video prompts Health Concerns and what happened when we went up this road to get answers. Plus, plotting the shootup of schools. What prompted a woman to plot an attack on a local university and the person she confidedd in who spoke up and saved lives. Kevin a beautiful friday and more of this coming over the weekend. When the next chance of beneficial rain arrives. Mark plus, upgrading fenway. The possible changes coming to the centuryold park, including fenway icon. R . . . Vanessa tonight, parents are pulling their children out of a local summer day camp, because of this video, it shows disgusting conditions in the bathroom of a ymca camp. Some of the images so offensive, we blurred them out, and this as parents complained to the local board of health and contacted fox 25 investigates. Im vanessa mark im mark ockerbloom. Fox 25 investigates, Eric Rasmussen has the video thats raising concerns and you spoke with some of the parents today. The reporter we did. They only found out about the situation from counselors at the camp. The ymca says the problem has been fixed, but theres still some dispute about how long the boys bathroom was in such bad condition and fox 25 investigates has learned it was enough to prompt at least two visits from a health infantry. Infantry. Health inspector. The boys bathroom is nuts. The scene inside this boys blurring the video. I was disgusted. The reporter nicole roach tells fox 25 its from a bathroom at the ymcas camp where her 7yearold son had been going all summer. He didnt want to go to camp any more and i was asking him why, is there something wrong. I really didnt want to go in there. The reporter now, roach has pulled her son out of the camp. The canton board of health confirms, it sent someone to inspect the bathroom on thursday, and a plumber was making repairs. Fox 25 investigates called and the director of the camp, up this trail on the blue hills reservation, but we were ordered to leave. Later, in a statement, the ymca said the plumbing problem happened on wednesday. The ys president wrote, we immediately deemed the facilities out of order and padlocked the doors until a plumber and cleaning crew could arrive to fix the situation. That doesnt look like just one day and the kids are even saying, its been like that for a long time. What really worried me were

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