Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20160802 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20160802

order the victim took out against her suspected killer. fox 25's bob ward is live at salem district court. bob, that paperwork reveals that the suspect had threatened to kill her before. >> the reporter: yes, according to that paperwork, the victim in this case was afraid for her life and early this morning, the suspect, police say, walked in to the salem police department early this morning, and told the officers on duty, i just killed my wife, police say he gave them a full is charged with murder. >> violates the domestic abuse restraining order. >> the reporter: this is 50-year-old douglas steves in salem district court, charged with strangling to death his wife of 27 years, carmel lasaund else. the attack happened at the chandler street apartment where saunders was staying. playing spending the day processing the scene, neighbors can't believe what's happening. >> was told someone was murdered near me, it's like, what do i do. saunders took out a restraining order against her ex-husband, saying he was following her and harassing her. saunders wrote, he has tried to kill me before. i do believe he would try it again to harm me. according to police, douglas steves was homeless and last night, despite the restraining order, his wife invited him over for dinner and a shower. but at the apartment, steves told police, he took a call from his former wife's boyfriend, that started an argument and led to the fatal attack. after strangling his wife, douglas steves went to the salem police departmen officer, "i just killed my wife." those closest to the couple are shocked. >> this is not his behavior at all. to do something to this extent. like at all. i honestly like complete shock. everybody is in complete shock. this is not normal behavior for him at all. >> the reporter: douglas steves tonight is ordered held without bail, and he is charged with the murder of his estranged wife. coming up on the fox 25 news at 6:00 p.m., you'll hear from a neighborhood, and she tells us, she heard screams overnight. for now, live in salem, bob ward, fox 25 news. >> mark: there are several agencies, victims of domestic violence can turn to for help. we have resources to get that happy on our web site, click on the link for the salem story on the front page of >> vanessa: a local dentist is accused of sexually assaulting a woman four times while working on her teeth. fox 25's robert reported on this story last night. you spoke to our patients who stay this dentist is a good guy. >> the reporter: we tracked down a longtime patient and a fairly new patient and both of them telling us they were thrown by the news that their dentist was here in court, charged with touching one of the patients while being examined. >> i'm really confused right now. he's really a sweet guy. >> the reporter: disbelief, that was the reaction outside dr. patel's closed dentist office. >> he makes everyone feel very comfortable and that's part of the reason why i actually >> assault and battery on a person 14 or over. >> the reporter: dr. nikhil patel appeared in worcester county court, charged with inappropriately assaulting his 35-year-old patient. police say the dentist touched the woman four times on her breast, using his hand and fingers. all i can tell is that my client denies the charges. >> the reporter: his attorney telling us, because of privacy laws in the medical field, he could not elaborate on his denial of the charges. >> he's married, he has a solid family, he's been shrewsbury for many many years, he has many ties to this community. >> the reporter: we pulled dr. patel's record with the state. he's had a license since 1990 and hasn't had any disciplinary charges on his record. >> he's an easy, soft spoke grown guy around the community and i don't believe he he did it. >> if she feels like something happened, it should certainly be looked into, but i don't think a woman is going to be confused >> the reporter: and the dentist was released today, he was ordered by the judge to stay away from that patient, while this matter moves through the courts. coming up at 6:00 p.m., we found out from some of the patients where there are cameras positioned inside that dentist's office that might help him. we're live in worcester, robert goulston, fox 25 news. >> >> vanessa: just yesterday, we reported on another local didn't test who pleaded not guilty to drug fraud charges. 70-year-old maurice silber, police say was dea agents said he was prescribing to his employees and then asked him to turn the drugs over to him. when the employees questioned him, they were fired. >> mark: one week after a 7-year-old's body was found in the water behind his day camp in south boston. the vigil begins at 6:30 p.m. out site the curley community found. campers playing alongside kyzr aweek ago returned to camp today with new rules in flames. parents are now required to stein children in and out and there's a new child to staff ratio. and every child has to wear a life vest in the host. as for this morning, 34 new security cameras will be rolling at the curley community center. boston's mayor put all the >> it's just that sometimes it takes a horrific event to bring change and i think that we'll see as we move forward here for the rest of the summer, how the changes work. >> mark: mayor marty walsh was among those in attendance at a private meeting last night to go over the new safety procedures with parents. >> vanessa: outside tonight, the showers that fell for most of the day here, they're finally moving on out. fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz has the upto the minute satellite images, kevin, that starting to peek out. >> kevin: it was getting wet out there earlier today, vanessa and some towns saw that, others barely saw a trickle of rain and now that swirl in the atmosphere has produced the rain as it came from the northwest, right through to the southeast, this pushing offshore and in its wake, it's clearly leaving a line where you can see the clouds here, anethene it's clearing, a couple clouds dotting the sky. this is visible satellite imagery, so it's the best view of what's exactly happening out this. once the sun is going down, you have to work off infrared different temperatures of the cloud and the ground to tell the difference between the two, but when a low cloud is there, for instance, it is almost the staple temperature as the ground, you lose it. visible imagery shows you where the clouds are, so sun along the north shore, sun out here, you can clearly see the quabin reservoir and a lot of clouds in southeastern massachusetts. not much left here, a couple sprinkles. outer cape seeing a little bit of rainshower activity. this is about to go off shore, route 6, you're still stuck in a what the temperatures will look like this evening for your plans just ahead. >> vanessa: a man allegedly attacked a transit police officer and stabbed him with a needle. travis artist was escorted out of harvard square station on monday after he refused to pay his fare. police say he came back looking for a fight and attacked the officer, sticking i am him with an uncapped needle. artist was eventually taken into custody. the officer is expected to be ok. >> mark: the city of boston is celebrating national night out. police will join city residents in a show crime. officers were out mingling with people in east boston, sharing a meal and even getting temporary police tatoos. >> vanessa: developing tonight, the commissioner of the new york police department and longtime former boston cop, bill bratton is retiring. bratton has been in law enforcement for 45 years. he told new york's mayor about his decision to step down in early jim. bratton says there's never a good time, but there is a right time. and the mayor today talked about his service. >> commissioner bill bratton, and law enforcement not only here burr across the nation are literally in estimateble and extraordinary. >> vanessa: bratton started his crease a beat cop in the 1970's. he became police commissioner in 1980 before serving in the staple capacity in new york and los angeles. >> mark: fresh open the d.n.c., elizabeth warren will be speaking in somerville tonight. the senator is calling it a presentation on america's agenda. warren was a keynote speaker at the democratic nat 6:00 p.m. at the somerville theater. fox 25 has a crew there, look for details tonight on our news at 10:00 p.m. senator warren, republican candidate donald trump have exchanged twitter jabs for months. today, as rich edson shows us, the president did the same publicly and in front of a foreign diplomat. >> president obama's argument to american voters -- donald trump is woefully unprepared to serve as president of the united states. in response to a reporter's president said his objections to the g.o.p. nominee go well beyond policy differences. >> republican nominee is unfit to serve as president. the leaders also continued lobbying for the transpacific partnership, 12 nation pacific free trade agreement. president wants congress to give it a final approval, both donald trump and hillary clinton say they oppose it. >> right now, i'm president. and i'm for it. hopefully, after the election is over and the dust will be more attention to the actual facts behind the deal, and it won't just be a political symbol or a political football. >> the reporter: the president and prime minister also lauded their security ties. singapore is part of the american led coalitioner fighting isis in iraq and syria, this as the u.s. military launchped attacks on libya this week. >> we're hopeful that having completed this process of driving isil out, they will then bringing the parties together inside that country. >> the reporter: president obama also commented on reports russia hacked the democratic national committee. the president stays if those reports are true, it adds to the problems between u.s. and russia. >> mark: breaking late today, word from the "washington post" that trump is refusing to back some republican leaders in the upcoming primary. the paper reports trump says he will not endorse house speaker paul ryan or senator john mccain. he hampshire senator, kelly ayotte, calling her a weak and disloyal leader. well, we will be busy few weeks locally when it comes to high profile political visits. obama head to the vineyard for vacation. thousands of animals, they were removed today from a farm connected to an animal cruelty case. >> vanessa: the reason police can't tell us where they're being taken or even if they'll be put up for adoption. goes unfixed. local mechanic tells us why they >> vanessa: time to check out the roads with live drivetime traffic. a look at the zakim, looking pretty good overall, not too bad for this tuesday afternoon. now let's head to the map where the pike westbound continues to be a trouble spot as we take a look here on the map. not too unusual for this time of day here. we've got the live drive times minutes. o'neill tunnel to the split, 28 minutes. and the ted williams tunnel to the weston tolls, 20 minutes. >> mark: many of the cars affected by a massive honda air bag recall still haven't been fixed, which could lead drivers to risk injury every time they get behind the wheel. fox 25's jim morelli is live on the auto mile in norwood and a mechanic you spoke with today, says the parts just aren't coming in fast enough form the drivers coming in. be the basic problem. we talked with honda today as well and they tell me that they basically took two hits this year, two additional recalls, one in february, one in may, that confounded the supply chain and that has put honda owners on a wait list for the needed repairs and they could be on that list for a while. more than 20 automobile brands have been affected by the massive takata air bag recall. honda is one of them. the recall covering some of the owners of vehicles with defective air bags can't get them immediately fixed. >> i was very surprised she said not available, we don't have it. >> the reporter: matt got a recall notice for his honda fit last march. >> basically said that it can cause death. >> the reporter: he got in touch with his dealer. at the time, he told me it could take months. >> the reporter: matt caught a lucky break. his air bag was repaired the steve runs an auto shop in west roxbury. he says some of his customers who drive hondas have also reported delays on the air bag repair and he's not surprised. >> it seems like most hondas have an air bag problem, and it's supply and demand. if they can't have the parts, they can't fix the cars. >> the reporter: honda tells fox 25, recalls announced earlier this year have created a backlog of vehicles needing air is especially concerned about drivers of older hondas and acuras. model years 2001 through 2003, those cars should only be driven to the dealership to get repairs. honda tells fox 25 there are no shortage of parts to repair the vehicle, yet few drivers are coming in. now what if you are driving one of those vehicles and have not had your air bag repaired. first and foremost, honda says, go to a dealer, go to your dealer, go to any and get on a wait list, so that you can get it repaired when those parts do come in. honda also reminds everyone that if you are on that list for an extended period of time, they will give you a free rental car, and if you are afraid to drive your car to the honda dealership, they will tow it there for free. coming up at 6:30 p.m., we will talk about whether or not it is dangerous to drive newer honda models. jim mow recommend, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: a deadly standoff in maryland leaves a 5-year-old boy apartment complex. officers were trying to serve warrants to two adults, but no one would answer the door. that's when officers heard cries from inside the apartment and used a key obtained from the landlord to get in. investigators say a woman pointed a shotgun at the officers wild holding that 5-year-old child. >> we discharged one round at her. in turn, she fired several rounds back atoms. -- at us. we fired again at her, striking and killing her. >> the reporter: the 5-year-old boy was rushed to the ho he is expected to be ok. >> mark: mourners gathered in france today for the funeral of a priest murdered in his church. father jacques was 86 years old, he retired a decade ago but asked to stay on as an auxiliary please in normandy at his church. they called the attackers satan -- he called the attackers >> kevin: sunshine is out in many towns now, but that rainshower activity still pushing off the southeastern massachusetts coastline, it's not long for this world anymore. you can clearly see the spots where the sun is out. there's a lone shower that's popped up over southern new hampshire, but most places back through worcester county, northward in to vermont and new hampshire, and maine have cleared out this evening. any significant showers are offshore now. even up here, around true, one lone tiny light shower persisting. this is how it's looked outside today. love whe jason gets in on the act. sent one in this morning, beautiful shot of the children playing outside. ominous looking shot of clouds in southie. these are the clouds overhead this morning. now, we talked last night about how, if you wanted some sun, you had to go farther north. your best chance of getting breaks was going to be north shore and farther north. now the north shore took until this afternoon. this is from maine this morning. look at that. a perfect beach day. another shot from maine. beautiful picture. wow, that's where the best weather was for the beach today. tomorrow, we all get in on the act. glad you were patient on this one. 72, boston. warmer here in the merrimack valley. why? the sun came out. ups pushed that temperature up quickly. after all, the average temperature this time of year is in the 80's, so stands to reason, you get the sun to pop out, it will jump up there pretty quickly and it did for you. this evening, your plans, 71 at 6:00 p.m. 68 by 10:00 p.m. this is generally in our area, closer to boston, that also will apply for that town and crow show at the pavilion in south boston. the blue hills pavilion, that's looking really nice for an evening out there. you're not going to get rained on going in and out of the pavilion and the air coming in is going to be like air conditioning, it's beautiful and low humidity too. temperatures are drop to the 50's and low 60's overnight tonight, all across the area, with the rain gone and postally clear skies. now there will be patches of fog that develop late tonight especially where the rain came down heavily, west of boston and some parts south of boston as well. by lunchtime tomorrow, already already 80 in lawrence. 76 in worcester. we're warming up. going to be a warmer day tomorrow than it was today. your lunchtime temperatures are already as warm as the high temperatures were today, you know it's going to be a warmer day. out on cape cod, it will still be in the 70's. get that sea breeze, it keeps you just a little bit cooler. you go inland, 82 in best of my knowledge water and taunton. off to the northwest, mid 80's in places like shirley, where it will be 85 degrees. shirley tomorrow afternoon. here's your temperature tomorrow night if you're going to the james taylor show at fenway park. in the 60's, it will be comforta dry, no issues at all for that show tomorrow night, no question about that. here's the deal with thursday. a lot of sunshine out there, some clouds and a couple showers if you're heading north, getting an early start on the weekend thursday, that's where you may run into a stray shower or two, but not a huge concern. in fact, we're keeping the showers out of the forecast for most of you, until saturday. that's when a cold front comes across with some thunderstorms hitting our much warmer air by then, with many towns hitting 90 degrees both on friday and little warmer in others, you know how that works. but we're chasing 90 by the end of the week, getting back to the hot weather we've had the last couple of weeks. >> vanessa: new at 5:00 p.m., hundreds of fish are washing ashore on beaches along the cape. this is video in from the beach. marine biologists are investigating, but tell fox 25 news they could be trying to get away from predators. something very similar happened in massive school of herring died after being hunted by stripers and dog fish. >> mark: two strangers lost at sea, have to rely on each other to survive as jelly fish attacked. >> i couldn't kick anymore and i didn't have my hands and i was telling her that and she was like hang on to my ankles. >> mark: what motivated them both to keep swimming, even as sharks came closer. >> vanessa: but first, new information on rob gronkowski's road to recovery following a let's feed him to the sharks! squuuuack, let's feed him to the sharks! yay! and take all of his gold! and take all of his gold! ya! and hide it from the crew! ya...? squuuuack, they're all morons anyway! i never said that. they all smell bad too. no! you all smell wonderful! i smell bad! if you're a parrot, you repeat things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ?? why do banks treat you and your money like this? they nickel and dime you with fees and minimum balances. capital one won't do that. they've reimagined banking, and built a checking account that's free of all that nonsense. no fees. no minimums. no gotchas. at capital one, your money stays your money. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. and right now you can get 100 meg internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. >> mark: reports tonight the patriots star tight end rob gronkowski will be in top form when the season starts, even if he's not catching touchdowns from tom brady. espn is tweeting that sources close to gronk say he is feeling great after injuring his pectoral muscle during the offseason. number 87 certainly has been strong so far in training camp. >> vanessa: a local library will honor the teenager who was the inspiration for the novel "the from thyroid cancer after her 16th birthday in 2010. the library if quincy has declared tomorrow esther earl day. the book inspired a movie by the same name. massachusetts is known as a leading area for health care and tonight we know witch hospitals rank at the very top. according to u.s. news and world report, best hospitals rankings mass general is the hop hospital in the state. brigham & women's came in at number tw springfield, beth israel deacon medical center in boston and tufts rounded out the top five. >> the charlie horse restaurant closed on sunday night after being open for 25 years. it was known for its large collection of sports memorabilia. employees and customers found out about the decision yesterday. owners told the enterprise that business had fallen off and they could no longer afford the rent to such a large space. >> vanessa: for the college student going off to school, ock, you know about this. >> mark: i certainly do. all new at 5:00 p.m., the easy conversation the whole family can have, that could save hundreds of dollars without having to sacrifice quality. >> vanessa: police body cameras don't automatically lead to transparency. laura (vo): mom taught us that families comes first. laura: hey, mom. mom: hi. laura (vo): so when she needs a little help... i am happy to give it. medicare is a big help too. so when i heard that kelly ayotte voted to turn medicare into a voucher program, costing us thousands, then i saw she tried to raise the retirement age... all while giving tax breaks to millionaires and big oil. kelly ayotte would rather take care of special interests than new hampshire families. narrator: women vote is responsible for the content dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to live a full life. but living for today doesn't mean forgetting about tomorrow. most people spend more time planning their vacation than they do for retirement. but i like to think of retirement like it's a 30-year vacation. ? don't worry. it just takes some planning. and i can help. so if you have a question about retirement, ask me. sincerely, bernard tynes fellow vacationer and fellow citizen. >> mark: we 10 to follow breaking news outs of salem. police have arrested two men who had loaded weapons in their cars. they were also allegedly using allegedly got into a. -- heated exchange with police officers during their arrest. details on hysterics in the courtroom as they were arraigned all new at 6:00 p.m. >> vanessa: investigators are on its scene in westport where nearly 1,000 animals have been removed from a farm at the center of an animal abuse scandal. >> mark: tonight, fox 25's crystal haynes is standing by live and crystal, those animals are tonight. >> the reporter: that's right. the situation being described as stable meaning that no animals have died since we started reporting on this about two weeks ago, but behind me is the checkpoints and we've been seeing trailers coming in and out all day long. the aspca has been on the scene, they say this is a massive undertaking and they've called in help from as far away as canada. >> almost every day, some new piece of evidence that we take weeks, if not months. westport police say the scale of the investigation is just as big as the number of abused and neglected animals. in what the aspca is calling one of the largest animal cruelty cases in the history of the region. two weeks ago, investigators found hundreds of animals dead, dying, and in deplorable condition on the 71-acre property owned by richard, who rented it out by the plot. of the more than 1,000 animals is its own case file. >> it's documentation, and taking photographs, so that we can fairly represent what we're seeing on the sites, and obviously the veterinarians' reports and their observations. from the ground that they were put on, the confinement that was placed up, and the level of care across-the-board was unacceptable. >> the reporter: tim is leading the aspca's field investigation far as canada to get the animals to an emergency shelter they built to house them during this case. >> environmental challenges, challenging to get around, challenging for the animals, and as we're moving this equipment down, that's quite tricky as well. >> the reporter: rickey says health and ownership issues mean adoption is impossible, but donations to help with the cost to shelter the animals is, and this investigation could take months. now, no charges have been filed in this case yet. the criminal investigation could take months and months we're told. coming up at 6:30 p.m., the biggest challenges in an investigation of this size. reporting in westport tonight, crystal haynes, fox 25 news. >> mark: hectic scene outside the mass avenue t station earlier today, when fire forced passengers to evacuate. this is the view from sky fox around 12:30 p.m. this the orange line tracks caught fire. a t-worker quickly put it out and no one was hurt. the mbta is considering layoffs despite the fact that it has many top jobs open. we told you last night, 18% of the t's maintenance and engineering jobs are open. the t is also offering hundreds of employees buyouts, but the globe is reporting the mbta still may lay off workers as it faces a potential $110 million budget deficit. >> vanessa: a top lawmaker in rhode island is calling on state police to release all the inrm schilling's failed video game company. the state speaker of the house says the public has the right to see the details of the investigation in to 38 studios. that company received $75 million in loan guarantees before going bankrupt. on friday, the state police said no criminal charges would be filed, but they only released a small summary of their findings. all right. let's turn now to the forecast and take a live look at the boston skyline. the sun finally peeking through fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz here now, and kevin, the temperatures, they're going to gradually start climbing for the rest of the week. >> kevin: yeah, they are. they will warm up for the rest of this week. no question, chasing 90 degrees by the end of the week, but before we can even entertain that, have to get rid of this murk hanging around some places here in southern new england. we're seeing the clearing, you can see that in the visible satellite to the north shore, but also a couple of showers popped up where the sun came out as well, zeroing in on live storm tracker radar to find these showers and indeed, it's real, it o it's not much, but it's right here along the new hampshire and massachusetts border, into ashby and clipping parts of townsend as well. there's a sprinkle or two, even though you may be seeing sun out that way. the rain leaving the east coast of massachusetts now, the southeast coast and off of nantucket. rain reports came in pretty high in some spots, over an inch northwest of worcester, worcester itself getting over three quarters of an inch, all well-needed rain. just got a report from jim in >> mark: a chance for boston residents to weigh in on a plan to spend millions on internet infrastructure. earlier this year, mayor walsh announced verizon will replaced the city's copper based system with a fiberoptic network, it would run up a $300 million tab over the next three years. the meet something at 6:00 p.m. plans to hold a deer hunt in blue hills will be the focus of a second public meeting. the first a dozen people speak against the plan, questioning the state's claim that the deer population needs to be reduced. tonight's meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. at the blue hills regional technical school in canton. >> vanessa: new at 5:00 p.m., a convicted connecticut killer will not seek a new trial after admitting guilt in court today. steven hayes is phasing six life sentences for his part in the murder of a woman and her two daughters during a home invasion. his attorneys complained about the fairness of the original trial but today, hayes told the judge he was guilty and that it time. police departments from across the country have been given millions of dollars to outfit their officers with body cameras. >> mark: justin gray reports from washington on a new study that raises concerns about what happens with the video being shot. >> the reporter: body cameras for police officers are designed to take the he said-she said out of police encounters. offering better transparency for citizens and officers. >> body cameras carry tremendous potential. >> the reporter: but a new study of the 50 major police departments outfitting their officers w that the cameras are only as good as the policies and procedures for how they're used. >> transparency and accountability doesn't come automatically, just because police department has decided to buy cameras. >> the reporter: an example of that just days ago. 18-year-old paul o'neill was shot and killed in chicago by a police officer wearing a body camera. but monday, police said for some reason, the incident was never recorded. >> there's a lot of video footage of it, but the actual >> the reporter: in boston, the city found the police policy doesn't explicitly give people recorded with a body camera permission to see it, but they can file a public records request. >> didn't need to putt special provisions into place for especially individuals who are recorded by cameras. >> the reporter: the justice department awarded $20 million in grants, for body cameras last fall, those grants with required training and also, written policies and procedures, but it leaves what those rules are reporting in washington, justin gray, fox 25 news. >> mark: we have much more ahead. new at 6:00 p.m. >> vanessa: a local police department says it's put a major dent in the hair republican lawmakers problem. where they -- heroin problem. where they found suspected drug dealers trying to find stash. >> mark: a plane crashes in the ocean. all new at 5:00 p.m., the survivors are speaking out. i may have been strong in the beginning, but overnight i wouldn't have made it without her. >> mark: how many miles of open sea these strangers covered tell the true story. the reason even the f.d.a. capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. so capital one reimagined banking... ?? with a place that feels nothing like a bank. and helpful people that talk to you...not sell to you. with free checking accounts that are actually free... no minimums. no fees. and a top-rated app, let's you bank right here. what's in your wallet? >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., the supplements you take to stay healthy may not be doing the job. apopcoa investigation found there are more than 90,000 supplements on the market. many of them don't go under any type of testing to verify the actual ingredients in the pill the these manufacturers do not have to undergo testing by the government, which means you may not be getting what you bargained for. recent government reports that nearly 6,000 people have been harmed by at least one supplement, there have been about 100 deaths and about a thousand serious injuries. >> mark: well, if you need a supplement, look up for the usp symbol on the label. that symbol means the supplement maker did pay extra money to have the pills tested for potency and purity. >> vanessa: students at framingham stayed will have new living accommodations when they return to campus in just a few weeks. house more than 300 students. the new building will offer more modern amenities like suite style rooms, game rooms and energy efficient appliances. u.s. schools will be pushed to do more this year to help homeless students. the u.s. department of education just sent guidelines to all public schools. schools are encouraged to designate a full-time leeson to identify homeless students and coordinate transportation to and from schools. >> i don't have full-time staff fulfilling this mandate, you're not going to identify all the children that are actually homeless. >> vanessa: education experts say they are happy with these changes, but still have some concerns about paying for them. >> mark: new at 5:00 p.m., how cute is this. redding police officer edson issued an on the spot citation to this little boy. the reason -- he was wearing his bike helmet. nice job. good reminder to us all to always wear the helmets for protection. >> kevin: still a few clouds and showers out there to get rid of this evening. the last of the pushing off just in time for another shower to pop up. we're tracking every single one of them and word on when the heat arrives this week. >> vanessa: going to college, it's exciting, it's also very expensive. next at 5:00 p.m., easy ways for expensive. next at 5:00 p.m., easy ways for the whole family to save fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house with 100 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20 oz. cup of coffee, internet with equal upload and dowloads speeds, tv and phone for just $69.99 per month online. cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. my experience with usaa is awesome. homeowners insurance life insurance automobile insurance i spent 20 years active duty they still refer to me as "gunnery sergeant" when i call my name is roger zapata and i'm a usaa member for life. usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. >> vanessa: in pictures at 5:00 p.m., showing us police say a man robbed a bank on elm street in manchester, new hampshire. the suspect handed a teller a pictures, give manchester p.d. a call. back to school season is here and for college students, making that dorm room spectacular for learning and for friends can be extremely expensive. our consumer adviser clark howard offers advice for keeping the costs down. >> the reporter: mattress pads, pillow cases, extra long twin sheets. >> the reporter: nope are just a few of the items on jillian's dorm room list from hampton university. really, it just came down to like, ok, well, everything i use on a daily basis. >> the reporter: jillian's mom started by comparison shopping for the items. >> we didn't buy anything the first day we went shopping. we went and looked at prices. >> the reporter: they made a list, which kept them from buying things jillian didn't need and they stuck to their plan. >> know where you're going. you're going to the store sometimes you get lost, you start getting things that you didn't even have on your list. they found their best deals at wal-mart hand t.j. maxx, but the number one recommendation i have for you when you're going shopping for college, send your son or daughter not with new and fresh things, but send them with things you already have, because they'll get beaten up at school and then, use the back to school sales to buy new things for your home for you. i'm clark howard. >> vanessa: new at 5:00 p.m., new hampshire senator kelly ayotte just responded to the report we reported at the top of the hour that donal not back her reelection campaign this fall. here is her statement, saying, "i call it like i see it. i'm always going to stand up for our military families and what's best for the people of new hampshire ." >> mark: a pair of pilots who crashed in the ocean off hawaii are talking about being stranded at sea, as sharks closed in. the pilots survived the initial crash, but that was just the beginning. they were paddling in the water together for 20 hours. fending off jelly fish stings and then i had my feet ready to just kick him if he came close. i asked him, i said what are you going to do if it does and he said, i'll look it in the eye and that's all he said. >> mark: after covering nearly 20 miles, the pie hots were finally rescued by the coast guard. can you imagine that? >> vanessa: 20 hours. surrounded by sharks and jelly fish. >> mark: so much to think about there. but the bottom line is you have to think about your survival. at that point, you hope for the best elsewhere. >> vanessa: glad they're safe. >> vanessa: no where people have been warned to pack up three days worth of food to prepare for a typhoon. typhoon passed through hong kong and it's now weakening as it moves through china. people there are experiencing heavy rains, strong winds, and waves that are cresting hover roads in some areas. several chinese cities in the region are on red alert for flooding. >> kevin: typhoon also known as a hurricane in this part of the world. same idea, tropical system coming on in. waves coming over, the wall in lynn, during some of our nor'easters, but clearly a dangerous situation any time you have some of those. earl is lurking in the atlantic. first over us this evening, lots of showers, seem to be spinning on out here, but as the sun came out, a couple clouds built up and there were showers. switch over to live storm tracker radar, gives us more detail of what's happening out there. this is north of fitchburg, northwest middlesex, new ipswich, where there's a rainshower happening right now surrounding that area as well. southeastern massachusetts, just about done if not totally done out that way, hoping to get some sun to pop out. if you see sun out there on cape cod, i would love to see that. i'll show you rain totals from today. those are old ones. today, two inches in the springfield area. that rain went like this, mostly to the south of boston. we talked about that last night, but it cut through worcester county and there were some spots here, 1.3 inches in northern worcester county. dark green on nantucket, where boston, look at this. 1/10 of an inch. pretty accurate. now these are radar estimates, but i can tell you at fenway park, they had .09. pretty close to the 1/10 of an inch right there. that's it. couldn't squeeze out any more for the east coast of massachusetts until you got out to cape cod. even there, it wasn't very much. temperatures this evening, 72 boston. up to 81 in lawrence now and beverly at 77. cooler here with a sun might be poking out, but it's taking a while to get there to you in cape county crow show, jason law was telling me he's on his way down there tonight. sun breaking out in boston, i know there was blue skiles, 70 degrees in south boston at 6 p.m. , a few minutes from now and dropping to the 60's during the show at the blue hills bank pavilion in south boston at the waterfront. in worcester, overnight tonight, dropping down to 60 at 5:00 p.m. in the morning returned clearing skiles. patches of fog in and around the area, where you had that significant rain today. need so much more out there in worcester right now. lunchtime temperatures, pushing 80 degrees. 70's to around 80 degrees b you look at the highs tomorrow. warmer away from the shoreline. cooler toward the coast, but out here, metro west, in the mid 80's. 84 degrees in whalen for instance. you get to the shoreline, places like quincy, 80. maldin, 77. again, inland a bit, watertown, 83 degrees tomorrow afternoon and for all of you vacationing on cape cod, beautiful day. in the 70's mostly at the beaches tomorrow, but will feel so much better with on you on the sands tomorrow afternoon for surely. and if you're going to be closer to boston, going to j.t. at fenway park tomorrow night, 74 degrees an sunshine. look at this, clear skies for the whole show and the temperatures falling into the 60's and very comfortable out there. thursday, looks beautiful as well, with plenty of sunshine. i wanted to make sure we talked about that beach forecast for tomorrow, because i know a lot of people want to hit the beaches. how about sunshine and temperatures in the 70's, near 80 degrees. we talked about cape cod, but really, that applies to the north shore, seacoast of new now that seven-day forecast shows if you don't like the 70's at the beach, just wait a day, get into the 80's, starting thursday and friday, even at the beaches, and then by this weekend, some showers and thunderstorms cutting across saturday with a cold front, will bring slightly cooler air back in. but we're not getting a cooldown like we just had. temperatures in the 80's throughout the seven-day forecast. i'll track the developing showers out there in worcester county, just to make sure they don't get more active. i have a storm tracker live radar update in a few minutes. >> mark: developing right now, wildfires like rip through thousands of acres out well. some of the flames are getting very close to a nuclear site. >> the reporter: wildfires are burning in seven western states, firefighters in washington are trying to slow a blaze from reaching the hannaford nuclear reservation. the fire scorching nearly 300 square miles as it spread from yakima county into benton county. >> the fire was absolutely blazing, it was probably over a all over the place. >> you have high winds, when it's really hot, when you have dry fuel, you have a great potential for fire. >> the reporter: in southwest idaho, a wildfire burning rugged terrain has grown to 60 square miles. officials say high temperatures combined with wind and low humidity have hampered efforts to contain the flames. >> we have to carefully attack the fire, but if it flares up, if we have extreme fire behavior, we have to pull back and make sure that we are still keep our firefighters safe. >> the r burned more than 40,000 acres so far. the fire about the size of san francisco is filling the air with smoke, making it hard for locals to even step outside. >> i myself, i'm bothered by my eyes. i don't have too much allergies, but i will get allergy symptoms, you know, runny nose and sore throat and this is from so much stuff in the air. i have asthma, and you know, the air quality is the main reason in montana and because of fires, evacuations have also been offered in oregon, nevada, and wyoming. in los angeles, adam housley, fox 25 news. >> vanessa: we are staying on top of breaking news out of salem. an active member of the military and another man arrested when a traffic stop turns into something much more serious. the weapons found inside their car and their bizarre comments referencing police that landed them in a lot of trouble. plus -- >> the reporter: a major drug bust and police say the suspects the drugs inside this home. we'll show you where. >> vanessa: take a look at this video. that's a man caught on camera, breaking in to a home with two teenagers sleeping in the same room. how those teens scared the man away without ever waking up. plus, we'll take you inside boston's first medical marijuana >> mark: new study found the heat safety issues are apparent in bounce houses and they can put children in danger. inside bounce houses spiked during hot weather, increasing more quickly than the temperatures outside. the study found children playing in those bounce houses could be at risk of heat illnesses, like heat stroke. similar to the risk involved after being left alone in parked cars. >> vanessa: a family in australia has a huge problem in the backyard. take a look here. this is a 300-foot sink hole that opened up if their backyard. officials believe something under the ground like an old mine tunnel may have collapsed. and because this hole is so fill it back in. crews have to find another way to stabilize it. the couple has to move out because the ground around their home is not safe. >> we have to move. >> vanessa: and it's not the first time the couple rebuilt after losing their home to a flood in 2011. >> mark: similar story here, high priced condo building in san francisco is sinking. the millenium tower was built on top of a concrete slab instead into the ground, leaving two inches out over the street. wow. getting sick just looking latest system it. one resident said it was becoming more difficult to open windows and appliances. >> i think they can fix the building, which is possible. i think they don't want to do it, because it's expensive. >> the reporter: owners of the building say it's not their fault. they're blaming the problem on construction next door. the homeowners association is considering legal action. now at 6:00 accusations against a local dentist. >> the reporter: his dentist office is closed. what a woman told police he did to her while she was in his chair. >> the reporter: investigators say a local husband walked into a police department and confessed to killing his wife. >> the reporter: we've learned his ex-wife was afraid this would happen, what she told police about her ex-husband's violent past. >> kevin: i'm tracking the last of the rain on out of here tonight. how hot we'll be before the weeks off. >> mark: a frightening crime caught on camera. it's terrible. awful feeling. >> mark: the search to find this robber who broke into a home with two teenagers fast asleep, just a few feet away. >> vanessa: good evening, i'm vanessa welch. >> mark: i'm mark ockerbloom. fox 25's malini basu reading malini, despite the disturbing comments about cops, these guys are only facing weapons and drug charges at this point. >> the reporter: they are, mark and vanessa and those two men faced a salem district court judge just a short time ago. police say the two men were talking to them, in an intimidating manner and inside of that car, officers found a rifle and a loaded handgun. i'm going to take you back in to the courtroom at times there was one suspect there that was getting quite emotional. hair. it was earlier this morning, salem police pulled over kelvin machine doze and emmanuel rodriguez shonyo. police had been doing surveillance in the area and they think the two were trying to do a drug deal. officers pulled them over, mendoza became erratic. mendoza allegedly made references to officers being shot all over the country. now, salem officers said that they were listening to police scanners on an app. now, it threw police officers off, at one point, he was trying to get back into his car and was looking specifically under the driver's side seat and that's when officers found a loaded gun and a rifle in the car. salem police say mendoza wasn't listening to their commands, and that's when they arrested the two men in the car. prosecutors there describe mendoza's actions. >> mr. mendoza continued to be erratic and irate. he was scream of course, and repeatedly ignoring commands to keep his hands on the roof of

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