Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20151118 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20151118

an hour's long operation. inside, a woman in another apartment hid with her baby. >> they said to stay lay down on the floor, don't move, turn off all lights and that's what i did and i hit. -- hid. >> the reporter: she says gunfire and explosions shook the building until officials announced the raid was over. >> a police operation that was particularly dangerous and heavy has just ended. two people died, including a woman by explosives. >> the reporter: officials say they will use d.n.a. analysis to determine who was killed. belgium state broadcaster rtbf reports a woman who blew herself up in the operation is a cousin of abdelhamid abaaoud, that has yesterday to be confirmed. president francois hollande says he will ask to extend france's state of emergency for three more months, giving authorities more power and conducting searches. as part of that, police have banned public demonstrations in paris and surrounding towns until november 22. the ban is part of expanded security measures, permitted under the state of emergency that went into effect following the attacks. two planned marches scheduled to take place during the upcoming banned. >> elizabeth: developing right now, isis claims it used a can of soda to hide the bomb used to blow up a russian passenger jet and kill 224 people. this photo of the comply components published in the magazine. last months, the plane blew up over ei want begin sinai peninsula. isis claimed responsibility and until now, they had never offered any proof. haunting images tonight of a teacher's last moments alive. colleen ritzer captured on surveillance before she was murdered inside danvers high school. >> mark: the teenager aexcused of killing her caught on camera as he stalks ritzer inside the hallways. the video shows ritzer waving to someone as she leaves the classroom headed to a bathroom. follow ritzer, a hood over his head, trying to protect his identity before he attacks ritzer. bob ward was in court for the trial. this defendant seemed to be paying close attention as this video was being played for jurors. >> the reporter: yeah. and this is the first time i've seen phillip chism this engaged in his own defense. he watched the video today, he was talking to his lawyers. if you remember, it was just yesterday that phillip chism refused to leave his holding cell to come back to the courtroom. said he couldn't take it anymore. well, today was a different phillip chism in court. meantime, for the jury, jury watched video it might never forget. smiling and waving, it is just about the last time we see her. >> you recognize -- >> the reporter: in a hushed and crowded courtroom, danvers police school resource officer shows the jury multicamera video surveillance from inside danvers high school. the series of short videos begins with colleen ritzer herself, walking down the hallway to the second floor bathroom and then almost immediately after she leaves the frame, we see him. 6. >> you recognize that to be phillip chism. >> yes. looks down the hallway, takes a tracks. when we see him again, phillip chism emerges, hood up, walking quickly to the bathroom. surveillance video picks up colleen again walking to and then finally 234 to the bathroom. until finally, we see chism following her inside the ladies room, as he puts on a pair of gloves. in court, phillip chism himself watches the video, on tuesday, chism refused to leave his holding cell, signaling that he he he wanted to be excused from his own trial, but in a morning his mind. >> do you want to give up that right to be present and be here, to confront, see the witnesses, and see the cross-examination? >> no. do you want to be present? do you want to be present during the trial? >> the reporter: so phillip to stand trial. we expect to see him in the courtroom tomorrow and for the rest of the trial. but he could change his mind. he might take a day off. we don't know. now, coming up at 6:00 p.m., i'm going to show you more of the surveillance video inside danvers high school. video that shows chism after the murder took place in that bathroom, you're also going tory from a witness who took the stand, she said she saw chism outside the school, changing his clothes. that's coming up at 6:00 p.m. for now, live in salem, bob ward, fox 25 news. >> very tragic news involving legendary quarterback doug flutie's family. >> elizabeth: flutie confirming within just the past hour or so that both of his parents passed away today, within an hour of each other. fox 25's bryan salmond joins us now and this is heartbreaking. >> a nightmare of a day that many of us dread is a reality for doug flutie and his family, mourning the loss of both parents, dick and joan flutie on the same day. the fluties were married for 50 years, so maybe it's fitting that the two passed away together. died of a heart attack, while joan's death was sudden, having a heart attack an hour later. doug said you can die of a broken heart and i believe t. i would like to honor my parents for all that they did throughout my brother's and sister's lives. my parents were always there for their children from the days my dad coached us as kids and my mom would work the corn session stand throughout this morning. doug added that he and she is family thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers during this difficult time. brian salmon, fox 25 news. >> david ortiz maybing it official the the sox shrugger decided to call it quits. big baby releasing a video announcing his decision to fans, said he would play 40 more years, if he cox but time raindate. >> elizabeth: sports director tom leyden jones us more. >> we are at the reggie lewis tract and athletic center, but tonight, we are indeed, beginning to reflect on the not only on the city of boston, but all of major league baseball over the course of what will be a 20 year career. not many people can lay claim to the fact that they won three world championships with the boston red sox, bus his achievements on the field over what major league baseball a 20 year career, almost outweighed by his impact on the community and what his performance and personality meant to so many red sox fans who adore this baseball team. this was ortiz in his own words this morning, announcing his decision in a special video that the players tribune. i picked this day to announce that after next season, i'm going to be done with my career, and playing baseball, i we are i could play another 40 years, so i have you guys behind me, but it doesn't work that way. and after this year, time is up. so let's enjoy next season. >> as you expect, praise for ortiz will be flowing in over the next ten months or so, if not more and it started today. another legendary boston sports figure, tom brady, sharing his thoughts on big papi's retirement. >> a great player, he's given this, you know, all of our fans, so much reason to cheer, so he's been, you know, incredible player. be sad to see him go. so i've got a lot of respect for him and the way that he's always brought a great leadership to his team. he's been a great example. >> the reporter: a leland hollis bit about what's happening here tonight. the base is a nonprofit group based in roxbury and they are announcing its launch of an all girls baby program. among those who are supporting the cause, none other than pedro martinez. we expect pedro to be here, well get his thoughts not only on this program but on the career of david ortiz. we'll bring that to you as soon as we get it. reporting live in boston, tom leyden, fox 25 news. >> mark: you can watch big papi's announcement on our web site. the entire video is on the front page of >> elizabeth: cool and clear you'll see, things are dry for now, but fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz is tracking rain coming our way tomorrow. it held off enough for us to do our red kettle run through boston. it was a gorgeous afternoon. >> kevin: it felt coolish out there and the rain is going to hold off for much of the day tomorrow too, but we'll get to that. these are your high temperatures. 47 in boston today, that's it. 50 in bedford. 50 in lawrence. these temperatures a degree or two below average in most days. plymouth at 51, right about average. now this evening, it is down to 45 in boston, already down to 37 in norwood by the way. boston, a few clouds streaming overhead. your temperatures staying in the 40's all night long. worcester, 41 degrees right now. again, you have mostly clear skies, your temperature will be dropping to about 40 degrees. winds are shifting tonight. it will stop the temperature from free falling, but there will be plenty of 30's out there, especial especially to the west of boston. here's your satellite picture showing nothing happening. nothing to show yet. a front to our west has severe weather coming through the deep south. a timeline, hour-by-hour, straight ahead. >> elizabeth: late this afternoon, police confirmed to fox 25 that a 19-year-old man was hit and killed walking down the street in lempster. police say the driver left the scene and the body wasn't found until eight hours after that accident. fox 25's blair miller spent the day looking into the crash and is live in lempster tonight. blair? lily, that man was walking down this street right here behind me. it you look closely, you'll be able to tell, there's no sidewalk out here and it's a pretty busy street. that man hit and killed, just 19 years old. in lempster, neighbors here are frustrated by what happened along mechanics street under the highway 190 bridge. >> we knew about it, because my son went to wait for the bus. >> they have saw police only to later find out someone was killed walking along this road and according to officers, the driver left the scene. >> pretty frightening really, first of all that somebody could hit somebody and leave them on the side of the road and nobody noticed them but the traffic on this road is crazy. the person was hit around 10:00 p.m. at the scene, a motorist told me they just happened to see the body this morning around 6:30 a.m., along with pieces of the car everywhere. it happened in front of this park, full of cameras. one of them pointed right at the scene, possibly catching it all. investigators say the victim was 19 years opened. and from -- old and from lempster. paul has lived here along mechanics street for 55 years. when i told him about today's crash, in some ways, he wasn't surprised. >> i see people walking along, and a lot of times, people are walking at night. after dark. dressed in dark clothes. >> but he and others also say speeding is a real problem. so bad, they've called police, asking for them to run radar here. but now with today's death, he's hoping it sends a message. >> everybody using a little more caution, yeah, just too many problems. >> the reporter: police told me late this afternoon, the suspect turned himself in around noon today. i've been asking about possible charges and what happens from here? i'll have more on that coming up tonight new at section p.m. live in lempster tonight, blair miller, fox 25 news. >> the reporter: a local family rushed to the hospital. fire investigators say it's because of this. >> elizabeth: fox 25 investigates, uncovering death and injuries possibly due to keyless ignition. >> the reporter: the dog's name was polka dot. the boyfriends of her owner in court after allegedly kicking and beating her to death with a broomstick. coming up, hear from a roommate about what happened leading up to this senseless tact. >> mark: also ahead, teaching their school a lesson. why hundreds of local students staged an overnight sit-in. >> a local family recovering tonight after they were sickened how officials say an 11-year- (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. p head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more p change your thinking about buying your next one. >> elizabeth: a new hampshire family is recovering tonight after they were overcome by home. >> that family is alive tonight, thanks to the quick thinking of their two daughters, who recognized what was wrong and called for hem. only on fox 25, cats republican lawmakers bertram spoke with the little girls about their -- katherine burcham spoke to the little girls about their brave actions. >> the reporter: those girls are safely back inside their home with their family after a frightening few hours last night. those girls telling me that they just knew that something wasn't right. >> the air was not good. it's like it wasn't normal air. >> the reporter: 11-year-old lourdes menendez and her sister returned to their homes tonight as heroes, with a hug from their mom who is incredibly proud. >> if something is wrong, do you something right about it. >> the sisters and their mother were in the kitchen last night when the entire family, including the grandparents began to feel ill. >> we were dizzy, headaches, and feeling like we're going to throw up. >> lourdes who learned about carbon monoxide poisoning in science class immediately called her father, who told her to dial 911. >> very safe to say, we dodged a big bullet in the city of nashua last evening. were it not for the act of this 11-year-old girl. >> fire officials say the carbon monoxide levels in the family's basement were more than 3200 which 0 could have led to death in less than an hour. tonight, investigators are blaming a faulty furnace for the leak and crediting those two smart girls with sounding the alarm. >> had they gone to bed, who knows what would have happened. >> the reporter: lourdes' father tells me they just purchased that home and used the furnace last night for the very first time when the temperatures began dropping. coming up at 6:00 p.m., we're talking with fire officials about how families can prevent a similar scare this winter. live in nashua, katherine burcham, fox 25 news. >> at least 25 states require carbon monoxide detectors in homes. new hampshire and massachusetts are among them. in massachusetts, every residential building needs to be equipped with approved >> elizabeth: new at 5:00 p.m., police are investigating the death of a woman found on a dirt sky fox overhead found officers processing that scene on anderson drive. there's no word on how that woman died or if they suspect foul play. we've got new information about haz-mat response teams in waltham. this was the scene on brown street last night. around one. houses. the waltham fire department tells fox 25 that a brandeis grad had used a chemical taken from a campus lab and used it to take his own life, that prompted the haz-mat response. >> mark: new information tonight about the woman who tried to open an exit door mid flight on a london to boston flame. kamila doliniak is being held on $500,000 bail. if she posts bail, she will likely be deported. she is a prostitute and coming to the area for work. on tuesday, we brought you the live video of the plane at the center of the landing. drunk at the time. >> kevin: looking at the clouds trying to come in today, just a few thin clouds overhead, but a mostly clear evening and it's cool out there, but not nearly has cold as we were watching last night. this is what we're watching to the west, the front we've been talking about all week long. this is one like last week that produced tornadoes, thunderstorms, still producing severe weather in the deep south and also blizzard conditions on the back side of it. two feet of snow in many of the ski resorts in colorado and out through lake tahoe and sierra nevadas, this is the cloud cover coming in overnight tonight. 2:30 p.m. through your morning drive and a couple of showers showing up by 6:00 a.m. western new england, western worcester county perhaps a couple of sprinkles and farther north. the heavy stuff is back here, so we await that to arrive later on in the day. low temperatures in the morning, with the clouds spreading in, won't be as cold as they were today. many towns in the teens this morning. 45 boston overnight. 40 worcester. 37 bedford. dropped into the 30's out there in norwood for instance and some a quick drop initially. then, slowly rising or at least becoming steady as the night goes on with winds shift to go the southeast. warmer air direction but also with the clouds coming in overhead. let's pick up futurecast starting at 6:00 a.m. showers to the west. not much happening in central new england. you can get get a sprinkle, but it's not going to be a concern. the concern comes later on. we'll start from 1:00 p.m. and into 4:00 p.m. the evening drive is getting underway and showers become more numerous, in southern new hampshire hand southern vermont. western massachusetts, but a few around worcester county. here come some of the heavier rain, you can tell by the yellow and orange, coming through western new england. we're past the evening drive and this is when the rain starts to get more lack time for earth coming on through, so that by 10:00 a.m., worcester county is shrouded in rain. heavier rain on your doorstep and boston starting to go see more in the way of shower activity. here comes the real heavy downpours. this takes you to 3:00 a.m. in the morning on friday. it's when the front arrives and right along the front, you get the strongest storms and that's what you're seeing with the stripe of red and even darker red embedded within here. that's telling me there's going to be heavy rain, but also the potential for a thunderstorm to be embedded within this. so something we'll be watching closely tomorrow night. this will be 4:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m. in the boston area, slide to go the south shore and finally, out of here on friday morning. here's the good news. getting into sunshine one more time for your lunch plans. the rain is gone. that storm continues offshore. afternoon. as far as rain totals, keeping in mind, we really need some rain, going to get up to an inch of rain by 6:00 a.m. friday morning. up to an inch and a half potentially in boston by 10:30 a.m. when the rain is all said and done. that's how heavy it will come down, even though it's a short window of rain. not expecting flooding from this, but the potential for heavy downpours and the storm drains are blocked, you'll get localized street flooding. 58 concord tomorrow. 58 burlington, ahead of the cold front. here's your seven-day forecast. it looks cooler with a few showers early sunday morning. heaviest rain is tomorrow night into friday. this evening. >> breaking news, porter square in cambridge, where black lives matter gathering near an intersection, let's take a look at this and they're gathered over to the left and they have spilled out on to the street. so far, we're told this is a peaceful protest, but you can imagine at this time of the day, about 5:22 p.m. in the evening, commuters will be impacted by this if you're in the area, if you know someone coming home from that area, may take them longer. about to drive in that area, plan ahead. no word on how long the group is planning to be out there. we'll keep a colleagues eye and keep you updated throughout the newscast. >> elizabeth: serving up a new option, how dunkin' donuts is making it easier for customers to run on dunkin' donuts. >> mark: a story you'll want to see before you go shopping for the holidays. a brand new list of unsafe toys. >> elizabeth: kicking the habit, raise the smoking age >> mark: smoking age in the city of boston may soon be going up. >> elizabeth: mayor marty walsh wants to change the age too buy tobacco products from 18 to 21 and that could cover everything from cigarettes to cigars and chewing tobacco. the city's board of health would vote on that proposal on the 17th. if it's approved, the new regulations would become effective in about 60 days. >> mark: happening now, republican presidential candidate donald trump is scheduled to arrive in worcester shortly, where he has a campaign events at the dcu center. that rally gets underway at 7:00 p.m. worcester police have beefed up the security detail there in the wake of the paris attacks and resents weapons deaths from a nearby armory. a bullet fired through a quincy apartment window overnight and thankfully, no one was hurt. fox 25 first brought you this video of the shattered glass on the fox 25 morning news. while place may have leads in the case, there have been no arrests and the upon a resident tells us he may have seen the shooters. >> saw a good with a head lamp, saw people running from underneath the bridge on the boston side and i heard some shots underneath the bridge. it was a lot louder. >> state police confirmed to fox 25 the bullets were fired from across the river in dorchester. they determined that through ballistic evidence. new at 5:00 p.m., thousands of dollars in merchandise stolen from a maldin store. police today releasing this surveillance video of the men dressd in hall black, using crow bars to break in. it happened sunday morning at avenue. eight to ten remote controlled cars an one remote controlled plane were taken. state police believe they have tracked down the white van in the video. >> the reporter: fox 25 investigates, tracking injuries and deaths, possibly tied to these. convenience and calls for stronger safety measures. >> the reporter: students in spencer. >> the school committee and dr. crow won't hear us, so now we need to take matters into our >> the reporter: their fight against budget cuts coming up. >> mark: a troubles troubling case of animal abuse. it's the holidays. get online at once. to watch things. buy things. that's why it's time it has the fastest internet and 50 to 500 megs. fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go 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(impact on metal) new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains essential nutrients you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints. go to for a $4 coupon. >> mark: now at 5:30 p.m., a dog beaten to death. the marney gellner accused of doing horrific things to that dog appeared in court. >> elizabeth: he's also accused of strangling his girlfriend. part of this story are troubling. heather hegedus was outside of district court and spoke with the dog's owner today. >> the reporter: the details are gruesome, elizabeth. that man arraigned here today in court on a slew of charges for allegedly -- for beating to death the 40-pound dog and allegedly trying to strangle his girlfriend and also intimidate her. i spoke with that girlfriend today, the owner of the dog, who tells me she never thought her boyfriend was capable of something like this. this is 12-year-old polka dot, the rare breed has been like a child to her owner, tabitha taylor since she was a puppy. taylor came back to her home on tuesday to find her beloved dog death. >> all of her treat were cracked, like to the nub, they had blood in her mouth and three of her ribs were completely broken. >> mark: what do you say. >> what do you say to the former boyfriend? >> i don't understand how can you do this. attacked the dog with a mop and broomstick an kicked it until she died because the dog was being loud. >> it was a precious animal, he was so beautiful, and i came home to give her snacks that night, and she was dead. >> in court today, prosecutors said greg is also accused of trying to strangle taylor a few weeks ago, and they safe he had the dogs blood and hair stuck to his hands and admitted to police he did it. >> one of the officers asked the defendant what had happened to the dog and he said, i silenced the dog. >> but bargnoli's attorney says it's all out of character for him. >> very remorseful, upset about what happened. a little disoriented maybe. maybe not quite sure what happened. >> bargnoli's attorney went on to say his client works as a fiber optic technician, he has no prior record. from his girlfriend. why police rushed to the courthouse today to press additional charges against bargnoli. reporting live outside district court, heather hegedus, fox 25 news. >> mark: new developments in the case of hamas general doctor. cambridge police have identified the person involved and will be summoned to appear in court. right now the suspect's name is not being released. fox 25 first brought you the video of garrity stone getting hit on his bike. the crash shattered his wrist. >> elizabeth: a very cold start in the morning in quincy. people were bundled up. you could see their breath, it is going to be another cold night out there. but the bigger story is that kevin is tracking rain coming our way for tomorrow and kevin, we're still behind. >> kevin: we are way behind, but only in moderate drought conditions in some spots. it doesn't seem to go together, i know, but the way this is measured has to do with what's in the soil and how much it's held and many other variables. the bottom line is we need rain heading in to the winter and a drier time of year. 44 in lawrence. 45 in boston. a couple 30's out there, norwood, for instance, at 37 degrees. orange, you're at 38. last night, everybody was in the 30's already and dropping down into the 20's and even teens by early this morning. that will not happen tonight. temperatures will level off as winds shift to the southeast and the clouds move in too. worcester county, about 40 degrees. there will be upper 30's in some of the suburbs of the city of worcester. boston will stay in the 40's tonight as the sun has gone down. cloudy skies the rest of the night, or becoming mostly cloudy and for you off to the northwest in brattleboro, 40's again. upper 30's in the city. i'm tracking our next threat for rain which arrives tomorrow. when you can expect that. >> we continue to follow breaking news in porter square in cambridge where black lives matters protesters are gathering at around intersection there and you can see, there are a lot of protesters. there's no word on how long that group is planning to be out there, but we are going to keep an eye on the situation. we will bring you updates as we get them. >> mark: students at a local school sather fed up. hundreds staged a sit-in during class after several school programs were cut. >> elizabeth: fox 25's crystal haynes is live in spencer now. this isn't the first time you've reported on issues within that district. >> the reporter: elizabeth, we first told you about an investigation into misuse of funds back in june. the outcome of that investigation still on going, and no one has been charged. and the results have not been publicly released. but i can tell you that the students i spoke to today, say none of that matters, that this goes much deeper than that. one mission -- >> restore pride. >> the reporter: many voices, roughly 200 students at the david proti high school in spencer staged a sit-in, protesting what they say is lack of classroom resources, high teacher and administrator turnover and the suspension of key school programs. >> students are here supporting us now. >> the reporter: fox 25 cameras were not allowed on school property during the demonstration. so i used face time to speak with the organizers, as it was happening today. >> they are more concerned with their own agenda, rather than >> the reporter: students and parents tell me school music programs like show choir and the student council lost their advisers in the wake of a districtwide investigation into the misuse of student activities accounts. fox 25 first brought the story to you last june, but these students say, it goes much deeper than that. >> we'll do nothing to change this. >> the reporter: last night, students protested outside of the school board meeting, calling for change. it came just a day after members of the teachers association voted no confidence in superintendent, nadine tracey crowe. >> we can't get the resources we need. we don't have the proper books, the proper materials and nothing is being done about it. >> just have our voices heard. >> now, i tried several times today to speak with school officials. the school committee chair has not returned my calls, and the superintendent was out today, and i was told will not be making a comment today. i did speak with parents though, and coming up at 6:00 p.m., they tell me why the actions of this school district they say is hurting their children. reporting in spencer, crystal haynes, fox 25 news. >> elizabeth: the gruesome murder of a woman found wrapped in a blanket and stuffed in a close the in halifax is outlined in detail this morning if a plymouth court. >> mark: prosecutors say dang strangled, then stabbed the woman at least six times after getting into a fight over money on monday. dang allegedly sat next to her for the next 40 minutessal the victim bled to death. police were tipped off by someone who know knows dnag. >> mark: a truck went into that stand of trees, rolled over, separating the cab from the frame, trapping the driver inside. the impact ruptured the truck's fuel tanks and caped the truck to break apart. the driver is in serious but stable condition tonight. >> elizabeth: a third person charged in the death of a new hampshire teenager who overdosed in a motel program appeared in court. 31-year-old leslie averly is accused of distributing a drug and tampering with witnesses. fentanyl is overmistaken for heroin, but it is much more potent, tarmi's mother and her mother's boyfriend are also facing charges. a lynn police detective did nothing wrong when he shot and killed a man over the summer. the essex county d.a. making that announcements. detective steven emory shot and killed a man after the suspect hit the detective with his car. some video from the july 13th july 13th scene there. >> the reporter: the police chief in abbington told us yesterday that he mentioned mention -- nixed the idea of doing an arrest competition because of concerns. >> elizabeth: new this half-hour, dangerous toys. the brand new list you'll want to see before you start shopping. >> mark: happily lawmakers addressed the state's drug hassan. they proposed creating a task force. the information would be used to create bills that could quickly attack problem areas. >> mark: massachusetts is one step closer to becoming a hands-free driving state. the massachusetts house has given preliminary approval to a bill that would ban drivers from holding cellphones, except in emergency situations. phones could still be used with hands-free technology like blue tooth. the bill has several hurdles to clear, including a vote in the senate hand another vote in the house. right now we are awaiting a final senate vote on a new social media privacy policy. it's a story fox 25 has been following for several days. the proposed law would bar employers and educators from requesting information about your social media profiles. the law would also prohibit teachers and school staff from asking students for their passwords or user names. legislators ait would help protect users' data breaches at businesses or school systems. >> elizabeth: wal-mart has lost its bid to open the salem new hampshire location six hours early on black friday. that retailer will instead open at 7:00 a.m. per usual. the city council voted unanimously to deny wal-mart a special permit. >> we're wanting to essentially take back a little bit of black friday and just really have -- hold on to just a little bit more time with family. >> mark: stores in salem are free to open between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. >> kevin: another clear chilly notice cloud cover out there, just not as cold. i'm tracking this front with heavy rain along it. when it will get here and whether it's out of here for the fox 25 >> mark: keyless ignition neighboring it easier to start but some say it's also easier to turn off the car. >> elizabeth: fox 25 investigates learned of several deaths in fact, linked to keyless investigations. kerry kavanaugh shows how that can happen and what's being done to try to change it. >> >> the reporter: bill likely never realized their mistake. their car ran for 32 hours, filling the home with carbon monoxide while they slept. >> they want to bed and didn't wake up the next morning. >> their sons dave and will rushed to their south carolina home but it was too late. >> nobody is in the car, it's running for however long. the car should have an automatic cutoff. that's hand easy fix. >> the reporter: we tracked more than two dozen injuries and deaths side to the simple mistake of forget to go push a button. when you get out of the vehicle, leave the engine running and take the key fob with you, most vehicles, including this one, don't give you an external alert. families across the country say they suffered similar losses when the keyless ignition vehicles were left running, in queens new york, boca raton florida, just outside chicago, maryland, north carolina, and right here in massachusetts, in weymouth, fire investigators say a local family came dangerously close to tragedy. >> he found the hood was form, looked the gas was empty and put two and two together and we figured it ran out of gas. >> the family too had a keyless ignition car. his investigators used a tool that detected carbon monoxide levels inside the home hat nearly 500 parts per million. by comparison, firefighters will evacuate a home when levels reach nine parts per million. was this family incredibly lucky? >> very lucky. and further review, they didn't have any c.o. detectors in the house at the time. thank god someone felt sick so they called 911. >> the reporter: we tested popular makes and models to see what happens when you leave the car running and take the key fob with you. rail having its best on time performance in nearly a decade. >> mark: keolis announced the numbers of 90.44%, keolis blamed 4% of the delays on things out side the company's control, like slippery rails caused by falling leaves. >> elizabeth: officials in peabody are doubling down on their efforts to keep tabs on winter storms. they learned how hard it can be when firefighters can't find the hydrants. they recruited people to adopt a hydrant to help them dig out with the snow listeria. firefighters will also be using g.p.s. systems to locate the hydrants. >> mark: wild weather sweeps across the northwest, leaving three people dead. knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of homes. all three people were killed when trees fill on to their cars. heavy snow blanketed parts of colorado. some areas digging out from more than 20 inches of snow. the norm cancelled 150 flights to denver. no severe weather here today, but kevin is tracking showers, coming our way for tomorrow. >> kevin: even some heavy rain tomorrow night, mark, hall of those storms we're -- all of those storms out west lining up well from what we expected from the el nino pattern, a very strong and powerful el nino and continues to send the storm track to the northwest. it comes at a price, as you saw. temperatures here tonight, 45 in boston, 42 bedford. it is 38 in orange and 37 norwood, so temperatures have dropped into the 30's in some spots, under the mostly clear skies. with the clouds rolling in tonight, it will curtail that temperature drop for you later on, so it won't be as cold as we saw during the morning hours this morning, when it was in the teens. this is the next front coming our way and this front has along it, a lot of severe weather and the severe weather is mainly staying to the south and that's certainly good news. we aren't going to get into the severe weather, but here's what we are going to see. we're going to see a system that's going to bring this cold front our way and that cold front with this jet stream pushing down south is not exactly what i wanted to show you. this is the cold front right in here and that front is pushing this way toward us and along the front, we're getting showers hand thunderstorms. but the thunderstorms, the severe weather is in the deep south. that's the part of the front that will not be ours from this storm system. so let's talk what we are going to get. essentially, you'll see a lot of clouds rolling on in here in futurecast and the clouds come with a couple of sprinkles starting to show up especially back here through western massachusetts hand that's something important to note. through the morning drive, when shiri takes over at 4:00 a.m., won't be much, if any in the way of showers to have to track on through here, but the showers will start to appear if western massachusetts, through the morning commute. i expect very few of you to have to deal with any kind of sprinkles at all for your morning drive. low temperatures in the 30's and 40's in the morning. that's what i mean by the temperature not dropping much more from where it is now. winds are shifting to the southeast. warmer air direction in combination with the clouds that move overhead and provide a blanket for our atmosphere. temperatures won't drop as much. showers starting to go appear in western massachusetts. in to the middle of the day and notice how they're staying out here a lot, because we have high pressure out here. you receive the blue water because of the clear skies out here and it's holding ground, so it's not pushing out too quickly. eventually, the front moves in hand here come the showers, more in bulk by the evening commute. not everyone getting wet during the evening drive, but the threat is there. these will continue in to the evening hours, 8:00 p.m., seeing some steadier rain western massachusetts, really coming down hard in western new england hand central massachusetts, when i'm talking to you at 11:00 p.m. tomorrow night and worcester, look at this heavy rain right along the front. that's the stuff you're seeing on the front today, that stretches hall the way to the south. would not be surprised to see a thunderstorm embedded in here, if it actually does become this active as futurecast is showing us. no reason why it can't. that slides into boston by 5:30 a.m. shiri will be tracking in friday morning for sure and it kicks on out of here by friday at lunchtime, leaving us with a nice afternoon friday. before it does, we get up to an inch of rain by 6:00 a.m. ramps up to 1.4 in boston by 10:00 a.m. when it's all down. potential for up to twoo^'ns in of the connecticut river valley, so we have a pretty good drink of water headed hour way. temperatures tomorrow generally in the 50's just about everywhere. really getting up in to the 50's, above average, 57 bridge water. 55 walpole and 55 in braintree, milder than we've seen the last couple of days. here's your seven-day forecast. we have the rain tomorrow night and in to friday. then saturday and sunday are looking better. i like how the front is weakening for sunday. still have to keep a shower in the forecast for early sunday morning. it will be a rainshower and coolish with temperatures right near average, both days, your weeknd always in few, showing that it's looking -- view, showing that it's looking pretty good for all of your plans. >> elizabeth: i had the honor to help kick off this year's salvation army red kettle bell ringing season. share ra season. we addressed the crowd at brewer fountain before campaigning near downtown crossing. made a lot of money. >> mark: had a great day. cooled down just a little bit so you can wear the long jackets. we are following several new stories ahead at 6:00 p.m. at 5:00 p.m., the chilling video showing the final moments before school teacher. new at 6:00 p.m., hear from a woman who saw the student leave the school after prosecutors say he killed his teacher. plus, fox 25 investigates, exposed a controversial contest spearheaded by a local police chief, offering a reward to the arrests. new at 6:00 p.m., we're learning how far back this contest started and how the chief is addressing concerns. >> elizabeth: first next at 5:00 p.m., the most dangerous toys list is out. building a better bank starts with looking at something old, like this... and saying, "really?" so capital one built something new - caf\s. where you can unwind with free wi-fi and banking advice, without all the mumbo jumbo. free checking accounts. no minimums, fees or gimmicks. and a top-rated banking app that lets you handle your financial needs... right here. that's banking reimagined. >> mark: trouble in toyland. a consumer watchdog group just released its list of the top ten worst toys. >> elizabeth: the organizers say that you may want to think twice about buying them. this holiday see s. they look like the real deal, james schwartz of the consumer watchdog group watch says that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous. >> very difficult to distinguish it from the real thing especially consider when police officers have to make split 2nd decisions. the ten worst toys, toys that include potential choking or strangulation hazard and several that he feels could cause eye, facial and other injuries, like dane satellite-radar claws inspired by the movie jurassic substance, cause it has an allergy warning that it contains wheat. >> even when you have don't expect to see an allergen, you might see that. so read the packaging carefully. >> we find that they're filled with misleading and inaccurate information and they unnecessarily frighten parents. >> elizabeth: rebecca is with the toy association, points out that the consumer product safety commission found all the toys safe. >> all toys sold in the united states, need to comply were very strict u.s. product safety requirements and need to be tested and certified compliant with the certifications. >> they recommend you read warnings on its packaging and in any inserts and make sure you buy toys for recommended age groups. watch's president says you should be extra careful about buy toys on line, because you may not be able to see or read all the safety warnings. >> don't compromise safety for convenience this holiday season. >> elizabeth: you'll find the complete list of the unsafe toys right now on our web site, >> mark: a home delivery system is being tested, tests are launching in dallas before spreading to four other cities. none here in new england sadly. dunks is testing on the go ordering in portland, maine, where you place an order with their app and pick it up at the store. >> elizabeth: as beth midler once said, i want it all and i want it delivered. we know rob gronkowski is amazing on the football field. >> mark: he's also talented in the kitchen. >> i'm telling you my cooking skills are off the charts. >> mark: that's all you need to know. patriots tight end put on his chefs hat, how to brine a turkey in dunkin' donuts gravy. >> elizabeth: tom brady on the cover of this month's "gq." the magazine celebrating brady ales the man of the yearish you're, calling him the best quarterback of all times, period. fans believe in the team. nonfans have a different opinion. president obama was also honored with the issue, which hits news stands next week. >> mark: now at 6:00 p.m., breaking news. more than 5,000 shots fired in an overnight raid. why french police had to act now as they search for the >> elizabeth: then, chilling video reveals the final moments before a danvers high school teacher was murdered. the odd behavior her accused teen killer had when he watched the surveillance video. >> >> kevin: i'm tracking a front moving toward us from the west, it has lots of rain along it and an hour-by-hour timeline and when it will come through here. >> mark: the stunning loss. doug flutie's parents die within an hour of each other. what we're learning about how it happened. >> elizabeth: breaking news. french police stop another possible terror attack. hi i'm elizabeth hopkins. >> mark: i'm mark ockerbloom. assault teams moved in quickly because they said attacks were ready to happen. >> elizabeth: , the operation lasted for hours. in fact at one point, 5,000 rounds were fired during this gun battle. tonight, seven people are under arrest and at least two people were killed. investigators claim the suspect mastermind of the attack was not arrested, but could be among the dead. fox 25's kerry kavanaugh has been on top of the newest information for us. kerry? >> the reporter: the "washington post" citing european intelligence officials reported the alleged mastermind of the attacks, abdelhamid abaaoud, was killed in the raid. that report has not been confirmed by french authorities. french police sources tell cnn the raid on the french apartment came right on time, because they say suspects were about to move on some type of operation. president francois hollande says his country is forced into battle with isis. >> that we are at war. >> the reporter: wednesday was a

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Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20151118 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 5 20151118

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an hour's long operation. inside, a woman in another apartment hid with her baby. >> they said to stay lay down on the floor, don't move, turn off all lights and that's what i did and i hit. -- hid. >> the reporter: she says gunfire and explosions shook the building until officials announced the raid was over. >> a police operation that was particularly dangerous and heavy has just ended. two people died, including a woman by explosives. >> the reporter: officials say they will use d.n.a. analysis to determine who was killed. belgium state broadcaster rtbf reports a woman who blew herself up in the operation is a cousin of abdelhamid abaaoud, that has yesterday to be confirmed. president francois hollande says he will ask to extend france's state of emergency for three more months, giving authorities more power and conducting searches. as part of that, police have banned public demonstrations in paris and surrounding towns until november 22. the ban is part of expanded security measures, permitted under the state of emergency that went into effect following the attacks. two planned marches scheduled to take place during the upcoming banned. >> elizabeth: developing right now, isis claims it used a can of soda to hide the bomb used to blow up a russian passenger jet and kill 224 people. this photo of the comply components published in the magazine. last months, the plane blew up over ei want begin sinai peninsula. isis claimed responsibility and until now, they had never offered any proof. haunting images tonight of a teacher's last moments alive. colleen ritzer captured on surveillance before she was murdered inside danvers high school. >> mark: the teenager aexcused of killing her caught on camera as he stalks ritzer inside the hallways. the video shows ritzer waving to someone as she leaves the classroom headed to a bathroom. follow ritzer, a hood over his head, trying to protect his identity before he attacks ritzer. bob ward was in court for the trial. this defendant seemed to be paying close attention as this video was being played for jurors. >> the reporter: yeah. and this is the first time i've seen phillip chism this engaged in his own defense. he watched the video today, he was talking to his lawyers. if you remember, it was just yesterday that phillip chism refused to leave his holding cell to come back to the courtroom. said he couldn't take it anymore. well, today was a different phillip chism in court. meantime, for the jury, jury watched video it might never forget. smiling and waving, it is just about the last time we see her. >> you recognize -- >> the reporter: in a hushed and crowded courtroom, danvers police school resource officer shows the jury multicamera video surveillance from inside danvers high school. the series of short videos begins with colleen ritzer herself, walking down the hallway to the second floor bathroom and then almost immediately after she leaves the frame, we see him. 6. >> you recognize that to be phillip chism. >> yes. looks down the hallway, takes a tracks. when we see him again, phillip chism emerges, hood up, walking quickly to the bathroom. surveillance video picks up colleen again walking to and then finally 234 to the bathroom. until finally, we see chism following her inside the ladies room, as he puts on a pair of gloves. in court, phillip chism himself watches the video, on tuesday, chism refused to leave his holding cell, signaling that he he he wanted to be excused from his own trial, but in a morning his mind. >> do you want to give up that right to be present and be here, to confront, see the witnesses, and see the cross-examination? >> no. do you want to be present? do you want to be present during the trial? >> the reporter: so phillip to stand trial. we expect to see him in the courtroom tomorrow and for the rest of the trial. but he could change his mind. he might take a day off. we don't know. now, coming up at 6:00 p.m., i'm going to show you more of the surveillance video inside danvers high school. video that shows chism after the murder took place in that bathroom, you're also going tory from a witness who took the stand, she said she saw chism outside the school, changing his clothes. that's coming up at 6:00 p.m. for now, live in salem, bob ward, fox 25 news. >> very tragic news involving legendary quarterback doug flutie's family. >> elizabeth: flutie confirming within just the past hour or so that both of his parents passed away today, within an hour of each other. fox 25's bryan salmond joins us now and this is heartbreaking. >> a nightmare of a day that many of us dread is a reality for doug flutie and his family, mourning the loss of both parents, dick and joan flutie on the same day. the fluties were married for 50 years, so maybe it's fitting that the two passed away together. died of a heart attack, while joan's death was sudden, having a heart attack an hour later. doug said you can die of a broken heart and i believe t. i would like to honor my parents for all that they did throughout my brother's and sister's lives. my parents were always there for their children from the days my dad coached us as kids and my mom would work the corn session stand throughout this morning. doug added that he and she is family thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers during this difficult time. brian salmon, fox 25 news. >> david ortiz maybing it official the the sox shrugger decided to call it quits. big baby releasing a video announcing his decision to fans, said he would play 40 more years, if he cox but time raindate. >> elizabeth: sports director tom leyden jones us more. >> we are at the reggie lewis tract and athletic center, but tonight, we are indeed, beginning to reflect on the not only on the city of boston, but all of major league baseball over the course of what will be a 20 year career. not many people can lay claim to the fact that they won three world championships with the boston red sox, bus his achievements on the field over what major league baseball a 20 year career, almost outweighed by his impact on the community and what his performance and personality meant to so many red sox fans who adore this baseball team. this was ortiz in his own words this morning, announcing his decision in a special video that the players tribune. i picked this day to announce that after next season, i'm going to be done with my career, and playing baseball, i we are i could play another 40 years, so i have you guys behind me, but it doesn't work that way. and after this year, time is up. so let's enjoy next season. >> as you expect, praise for ortiz will be flowing in over the next ten months or so, if not more and it started today. another legendary boston sports figure, tom brady, sharing his thoughts on big papi's retirement. >> a great player, he's given this, you know, all of our fans, so much reason to cheer, so he's been, you know, incredible player. be sad to see him go. so i've got a lot of respect for him and the way that he's always brought a great leadership to his team. he's been a great example. >> the reporter: a leland hollis bit about what's happening here tonight. the base is a nonprofit group based in roxbury and they are announcing its launch of an all girls baby program. among those who are supporting the cause, none other than pedro martinez. we expect pedro to be here, well get his thoughts not only on this program but on the career of david ortiz. we'll bring that to you as soon as we get it. reporting live in boston, tom leyden, fox 25 news. >> mark: you can watch big papi's announcement on our web site. the entire video is on the front page of >> elizabeth: cool and clear you'll see, things are dry for now, but fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz is tracking rain coming our way tomorrow. it held off enough for us to do our red kettle run through boston. it was a gorgeous afternoon. >> kevin: it felt coolish out there and the rain is going to hold off for much of the day tomorrow too, but we'll get to that. these are your high temperatures. 47 in boston today, that's it. 50 in bedford. 50 in lawrence. these temperatures a degree or two below average in most days. plymouth at 51, right about average. now this evening, it is down to 45 in boston, already down to 37 in norwood by the way. boston, a few clouds streaming overhead. your temperatures staying in the 40's all night long. worcester, 41 degrees right now. again, you have mostly clear skies, your temperature will be dropping to about 40 degrees. winds are shifting tonight. it will stop the temperature from free falling, but there will be plenty of 30's out there, especial especially to the west of boston. here's your satellite picture showing nothing happening. nothing to show yet. a front to our west has severe weather coming through the deep south. a timeline, hour-by-hour, straight ahead. >> elizabeth: late this afternoon, police confirmed to fox 25 that a 19-year-old man was hit and killed walking down the street in lempster. police say the driver left the scene and the body wasn't found until eight hours after that accident. fox 25's blair miller spent the day looking into the crash and is live in lempster tonight. blair? lily, that man was walking down this street right here behind me. it you look closely, you'll be able to tell, there's no sidewalk out here and it's a pretty busy street. that man hit and killed, just 19 years old. in lempster, neighbors here are frustrated by what happened along mechanics street under the highway 190 bridge. >> we knew about it, because my son went to wait for the bus. >> they have saw police only to later find out someone was killed walking along this road and according to officers, the driver left the scene. >> pretty frightening really, first of all that somebody could hit somebody and leave them on the side of the road and nobody noticed them but the traffic on this road is crazy. the person was hit around 10:00 p.m. at the scene, a motorist told me they just happened to see the body this morning around 6:30 a.m., along with pieces of the car everywhere. it happened in front of this park, full of cameras. one of them pointed right at the scene, possibly catching it all. investigators say the victim was 19 years opened. and from -- old and from lempster. paul has lived here along mechanics street for 55 years. when i told him about today's crash, in some ways, he wasn't surprised. >> i see people walking along, and a lot of times, people are walking at night. after dark. dressed in dark clothes. >> but he and others also say speeding is a real problem. so bad, they've called police, asking for them to run radar here. but now with today's death, he's hoping it sends a message. >> everybody using a little more caution, yeah, just too many problems. >> the reporter: police told me late this afternoon, the suspect turned himself in around noon today. i've been asking about possible charges and what happens from here? i'll have more on that coming up tonight new at section p.m. live in lempster tonight, blair miller, fox 25 news. >> the reporter: a local family rushed to the hospital. fire investigators say it's because of this. >> elizabeth: fox 25 investigates, uncovering death and injuries possibly due to keyless ignition. >> the reporter: the dog's name was polka dot. the boyfriends of her owner in court after allegedly kicking and beating her to death with a broomstick. coming up, hear from a roommate about what happened leading up to this senseless tact. >> mark: also ahead, teaching their school a lesson. why hundreds of local students staged an overnight sit-in. >> a local family recovering tonight after they were sickened how officials say an 11-year- (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. p head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more p change your thinking about buying your next one. >> elizabeth: a new hampshire family is recovering tonight after they were overcome by home. >> that family is alive tonight, thanks to the quick thinking of their two daughters, who recognized what was wrong and called for hem. only on fox 25, cats republican lawmakers bertram spoke with the little girls about their -- katherine burcham spoke to the little girls about their brave actions. >> the reporter: those girls are safely back inside their home with their family after a frightening few hours last night. those girls telling me that they just knew that something wasn't right. >> the air was not good. it's like it wasn't normal air. >> the reporter: 11-year-old lourdes menendez and her sister returned to their homes tonight as heroes, with a hug from their mom who is incredibly proud. >> if something is wrong, do you something right about it. >> the sisters and their mother were in the kitchen last night when the entire family, including the grandparents began to feel ill. >> we were dizzy, headaches, and feeling like we're going to throw up. >> lourdes who learned about carbon monoxide poisoning in science class immediately called her father, who told her to dial 911. >> very safe to say, we dodged a big bullet in the city of nashua last evening. were it not for the act of this 11-year-old girl. >> fire officials say the carbon monoxide levels in the family's basement were more than 3200 which 0 could have led to death in less than an hour. tonight, investigators are blaming a faulty furnace for the leak and crediting those two smart girls with sounding the alarm. >> had they gone to bed, who knows what would have happened. >> the reporter: lourdes' father tells me they just purchased that home and used the furnace last night for the very first time when the temperatures began dropping. coming up at 6:00 p.m., we're talking with fire officials about how families can prevent a similar scare this winter. live in nashua, katherine burcham, fox 25 news. >> at least 25 states require carbon monoxide detectors in homes. new hampshire and massachusetts are among them. in massachusetts, every residential building needs to be equipped with approved >> elizabeth: new at 5:00 p.m., police are investigating the death of a woman found on a dirt sky fox overhead found officers processing that scene on anderson drive. there's no word on how that woman died or if they suspect foul play. we've got new information about haz-mat response teams in waltham. this was the scene on brown street last night. around one. houses. the waltham fire department tells fox 25 that a brandeis grad had used a chemical taken from a campus lab and used it to take his own life, that prompted the haz-mat response. >> mark: new information tonight about the woman who tried to open an exit door mid flight on a london to boston flame. kamila doliniak is being held on $500,000 bail. if she posts bail, she will likely be deported. she is a prostitute and coming to the area for work. on tuesday, we brought you the live video of the plane at the center of the landing. drunk at the time. >> kevin: looking at the clouds trying to come in today, just a few thin clouds overhead, but a mostly clear evening and it's cool out there, but not nearly has cold as we were watching last night. this is what we're watching to the west, the front we've been talking about all week long. this is one like last week that produced tornadoes, thunderstorms, still producing severe weather in the deep south and also blizzard conditions on the back side of it. two feet of snow in many of the ski resorts in colorado and out through lake tahoe and sierra nevadas, this is the cloud cover coming in overnight tonight. 2:30 p.m. through your morning drive and a couple of showers showing up by 6:00 a.m. western new england, western worcester county perhaps a couple of sprinkles and farther north. the heavy stuff is back here, so we await that to arrive later on in the day. low temperatures in the morning, with the clouds spreading in, won't be as cold as they were today. many towns in the teens this morning. 45 boston overnight. 40 worcester. 37 bedford. dropped into the 30's out there in norwood for instance and some a quick drop initially. then, slowly rising or at least becoming steady as the night goes on with winds shift to go the southeast. warmer air direction but also with the clouds coming in overhead. let's pick up futurecast starting at 6:00 a.m. showers to the west. not much happening in central new england. you can get get a sprinkle, but it's not going to be a concern. the concern comes later on. we'll start from 1:00 p.m. and into 4:00 p.m. the evening drive is getting underway and showers become more numerous, in southern new hampshire hand southern vermont. western massachusetts, but a few around worcester county. here come some of the heavier rain, you can tell by the yellow and orange, coming through western new england. we're past the evening drive and this is when the rain starts to get more lack time for earth coming on through, so that by 10:00 a.m., worcester county is shrouded in rain. heavier rain on your doorstep and boston starting to go see more in the way of shower activity. here comes the real heavy downpours. this takes you to 3:00 a.m. in the morning on friday. it's when the front arrives and right along the front, you get the strongest storms and that's what you're seeing with the stripe of red and even darker red embedded within here. that's telling me there's going to be heavy rain, but also the potential for a thunderstorm to be embedded within this. so something we'll be watching closely tomorrow night. this will be 4:00 a.m., 5:00 a.m. in the boston area, slide to go the south shore and finally, out of here on friday morning. here's the good news. getting into sunshine one more time for your lunch plans. the rain is gone. that storm continues offshore. afternoon. as far as rain totals, keeping in mind, we really need some rain, going to get up to an inch of rain by 6:00 a.m. friday morning. up to an inch and a half potentially in boston by 10:30 a.m. when the rain is all said and done. that's how heavy it will come down, even though it's a short window of rain. not expecting flooding from this, but the potential for heavy downpours and the storm drains are blocked, you'll get localized street flooding. 58 concord tomorrow. 58 burlington, ahead of the cold front. here's your seven-day forecast. it looks cooler with a few showers early sunday morning. heaviest rain is tomorrow night into friday. this evening. >> breaking news, porter square in cambridge, where black lives matter gathering near an intersection, let's take a look at this and they're gathered over to the left and they have spilled out on to the street. so far, we're told this is a peaceful protest, but you can imagine at this time of the day, about 5:22 p.m. in the evening, commuters will be impacted by this if you're in the area, if you know someone coming home from that area, may take them longer. about to drive in that area, plan ahead. no word on how long the group is planning to be out there. we'll keep a colleagues eye and keep you updated throughout the newscast. >> elizabeth: serving up a new option, how dunkin' donuts is making it easier for customers to run on dunkin' donuts. >> mark: a story you'll want to see before you go shopping for the holidays. a brand new list of unsafe toys. >> elizabeth: kicking the habit, raise the smoking age >> mark: smoking age in the city of boston may soon be going up. >> elizabeth: mayor marty walsh wants to change the age too buy tobacco products from 18 to 21 and that could cover everything from cigarettes to cigars and chewing tobacco. the city's board of health would vote on that proposal on the 17th. if it's approved, the new regulations would become effective in about 60 days. >> mark: happening now, republican presidential candidate donald trump is scheduled to arrive in worcester shortly, where he has a campaign events at the dcu center. that rally gets underway at 7:00 p.m. worcester police have beefed up the security detail there in the wake of the paris attacks and resents weapons deaths from a nearby armory. a bullet fired through a quincy apartment window overnight and thankfully, no one was hurt. fox 25 first brought you this video of the shattered glass on the fox 25 morning news. while place may have leads in the case, there have been no arrests and the upon a resident tells us he may have seen the shooters. >> saw a good with a head lamp, saw people running from underneath the bridge on the boston side and i heard some shots underneath the bridge. it was a lot louder. >> state police confirmed to fox 25 the bullets were fired from across the river in dorchester. they determined that through ballistic evidence. new at 5:00 p.m., thousands of dollars in merchandise stolen from a maldin store. police today releasing this surveillance video of the men dressd in hall black, using crow bars to break in. it happened sunday morning at avenue. eight to ten remote controlled cars an one remote controlled plane were taken. state police believe they have tracked down the white van in the video. >> the reporter: fox 25 investigates, tracking injuries and deaths, possibly tied to these. convenience and calls for stronger safety measures. >> the reporter: students in spencer. >> the school committee and dr. crow won't hear us, so now we need to take matters into our >> the reporter: their fight against budget cuts coming up. >> mark: a troubles troubling case of animal abuse. it's the holidays. get online at once. to watch things. buy things. that's why it's time it has the fastest internet and 50 to 500 megs. fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go 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(impact on metal) new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains essential nutrients you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints. go to for a $4 coupon. >> mark: now at 5:30 p.m., a dog beaten to death. the marney gellner accused of doing horrific things to that dog appeared in court. >> elizabeth: he's also accused of strangling his girlfriend. part of this story are troubling. heather hegedus was outside of district court and spoke with the dog's owner today. >> the reporter: the details are gruesome, elizabeth. that man arraigned here today in court on a slew of charges for allegedly -- for beating to death the 40-pound dog and allegedly trying to strangle his girlfriend and also intimidate her. i spoke with that girlfriend today, the owner of the dog, who tells me she never thought her boyfriend was capable of something like this. this is 12-year-old polka dot, the rare breed has been like a child to her owner, tabitha taylor since she was a puppy. taylor came back to her home on tuesday to find her beloved dog death. >> all of her treat were cracked, like to the nub, they had blood in her mouth and three of her ribs were completely broken. >> mark: what do you say. >> what do you say to the former boyfriend? >> i don't understand how can you do this. attacked the dog with a mop and broomstick an kicked it until she died because the dog was being loud. >> it was a precious animal, he was so beautiful, and i came home to give her snacks that night, and she was dead. >> in court today, prosecutors said greg is also accused of trying to strangle taylor a few weeks ago, and they safe he had the dogs blood and hair stuck to his hands and admitted to police he did it. >> one of the officers asked the defendant what had happened to the dog and he said, i silenced the dog. >> but bargnoli's attorney says it's all out of character for him. >> very remorseful, upset about what happened. a little disoriented maybe. maybe not quite sure what happened. >> bargnoli's attorney went on to say his client works as a fiber optic technician, he has no prior record. from his girlfriend. why police rushed to the courthouse today to press additional charges against bargnoli. reporting live outside district court, heather hegedus, fox 25 news. >> mark: new developments in the case of hamas general doctor. cambridge police have identified the person involved and will be summoned to appear in court. right now the suspect's name is not being released. fox 25 first brought you the video of garrity stone getting hit on his bike. the crash shattered his wrist. >> elizabeth: a very cold start in the morning in quincy. people were bundled up. you could see their breath, it is going to be another cold night out there. but the bigger story is that kevin is tracking rain coming our way for tomorrow and kevin, we're still behind. >> kevin: we are way behind, but only in moderate drought conditions in some spots. it doesn't seem to go together, i know, but the way this is measured has to do with what's in the soil and how much it's held and many other variables. the bottom line is we need rain heading in to the winter and a drier time of year. 44 in lawrence. 45 in boston. a couple 30's out there, norwood, for instance, at 37 degrees. orange, you're at 38. last night, everybody was in the 30's already and dropping down into the 20's and even teens by early this morning. that will not happen tonight. temperatures will level off as winds shift to the southeast and the clouds move in too. worcester county, about 40 degrees. there will be upper 30's in some of the suburbs of the city of worcester. boston will stay in the 40's tonight as the sun has gone down. cloudy skies the rest of the night, or becoming mostly cloudy and for you off to the northwest in brattleboro, 40's again. upper 30's in the city. i'm tracking our next threat for rain which arrives tomorrow. when you can expect that. >> we continue to follow breaking news in porter square in cambridge where black lives matters protesters are gathering at around intersection there and you can see, there are a lot of protesters. there's no word on how long that group is planning to be out there, but we are going to keep an eye on the situation. we will bring you updates as we get them. >> mark: students at a local school sather fed up. hundreds staged a sit-in during class after several school programs were cut. >> elizabeth: fox 25's crystal haynes is live in spencer now. this isn't the first time you've reported on issues within that district. >> the reporter: elizabeth, we first told you about an investigation into misuse of funds back in june. the outcome of that investigation still on going, and no one has been charged. and the results have not been publicly released. but i can tell you that the students i spoke to today, say none of that matters, that this goes much deeper than that. one mission -- >> restore pride. >> the reporter: many voices, roughly 200 students at the david proti high school in spencer staged a sit-in, protesting what they say is lack of classroom resources, high teacher and administrator turnover and the suspension of key school programs. >> students are here supporting us now. >> the reporter: fox 25 cameras were not allowed on school property during the demonstration. so i used face time to speak with the organizers, as it was happening today. >> they are more concerned with their own agenda, rather than >> the reporter: students and parents tell me school music programs like show choir and the student council lost their advisers in the wake of a districtwide investigation into the misuse of student activities accounts. fox 25 first brought the story to you last june, but these students say, it goes much deeper than that. >> we'll do nothing to change this. >> the reporter: last night, students protested outside of the school board meeting, calling for change. it came just a day after members of the teachers association voted no confidence in superintendent, nadine tracey crowe. >> we can't get the resources we need. we don't have the proper books, the proper materials and nothing is being done about it. >> just have our voices heard. >> now, i tried several times today to speak with school officials. the school committee chair has not returned my calls, and the superintendent was out today, and i was told will not be making a comment today. i did speak with parents though, and coming up at 6:00 p.m., they tell me why the actions of this school district they say is hurting their children. reporting in spencer, crystal haynes, fox 25 news. >> elizabeth: the gruesome murder of a woman found wrapped in a blanket and stuffed in a close the in halifax is outlined in detail this morning if a plymouth court. >> mark: prosecutors say dang strangled, then stabbed the woman at least six times after getting into a fight over money on monday. dang allegedly sat next to her for the next 40 minutessal the victim bled to death. police were tipped off by someone who know knows dnag. >> mark: a truck went into that stand of trees, rolled over, separating the cab from the frame, trapping the driver inside. the impact ruptured the truck's fuel tanks and caped the truck to break apart. the driver is in serious but stable condition tonight. >> elizabeth: a third person charged in the death of a new hampshire teenager who overdosed in a motel program appeared in court. 31-year-old leslie averly is accused of distributing a drug and tampering with witnesses. fentanyl is overmistaken for heroin, but it is much more potent, tarmi's mother and her mother's boyfriend are also facing charges. a lynn police detective did nothing wrong when he shot and killed a man over the summer. the essex county d.a. making that announcements. detective steven emory shot and killed a man after the suspect hit the detective with his car. some video from the july 13th july 13th scene there. >> the reporter: the police chief in abbington told us yesterday that he mentioned mention -- nixed the idea of doing an arrest competition because of concerns. >> elizabeth: new this half-hour, dangerous toys. the brand new list you'll want to see before you start shopping. >> mark: happily lawmakers addressed the state's drug hassan. they proposed creating a task force. the information would be used to create bills that could quickly attack problem areas. >> mark: massachusetts is one step closer to becoming a hands-free driving state. the massachusetts house has given preliminary approval to a bill that would ban drivers from holding cellphones, except in emergency situations. phones could still be used with hands-free technology like blue tooth. the bill has several hurdles to clear, including a vote in the senate hand another vote in the house. right now we are awaiting a final senate vote on a new social media privacy policy. it's a story fox 25 has been following for several days. the proposed law would bar employers and educators from requesting information about your social media profiles. the law would also prohibit teachers and school staff from asking students for their passwords or user names. legislators ait would help protect users' data breaches at businesses or school systems. >> elizabeth: wal-mart has lost its bid to open the salem new hampshire location six hours early on black friday. that retailer will instead open at 7:00 a.m. per usual. the city council voted unanimously to deny wal-mart a special permit. >> we're wanting to essentially take back a little bit of black friday and just really have -- hold on to just a little bit more time with family. >> mark: stores in salem are free to open between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. >> kevin: another clear chilly notice cloud cover out there, just not as cold. i'm tracking this front with heavy rain along it. when it will get here and whether it's out of here for the fox 25 >> mark: keyless ignition neighboring it easier to start but some say it's also easier to turn off the car. >> elizabeth: fox 25 investigates learned of several deaths in fact, linked to keyless investigations. kerry kavanaugh shows how that can happen and what's being done to try to change it. >> >> the reporter: bill likely never realized their mistake. their car ran for 32 hours, filling the home with carbon monoxide while they slept. >> they want to bed and didn't wake up the next morning. >> their sons dave and will rushed to their south carolina home but it was too late. >> nobody is in the car, it's running for however long. the car should have an automatic cutoff. that's hand easy fix. >> the reporter: we tracked more than two dozen injuries and deaths side to the simple mistake of forget to go push a button. when you get out of the vehicle, leave the engine running and take the key fob with you, most vehicles, including this one, don't give you an external alert. families across the country say they suffered similar losses when the keyless ignition vehicles were left running, in queens new york, boca raton florida, just outside chicago, maryland, north carolina, and right here in massachusetts, in weymouth, fire investigators say a local family came dangerously close to tragedy. >> he found the hood was form, looked the gas was empty and put two and two together and we figured it ran out of gas. >> the family too had a keyless ignition car. his investigators used a tool that detected carbon monoxide levels inside the home hat nearly 500 parts per million. by comparison, firefighters will evacuate a home when levels reach nine parts per million. was this family incredibly lucky? >> very lucky. and further review, they didn't have any c.o. detectors in the house at the time. thank god someone felt sick so they called 911. >> the reporter: we tested popular makes and models to see what happens when you leave the car running and take the key fob with you. rail having its best on time performance in nearly a decade. >> mark: keolis announced the numbers of 90.44%, keolis blamed 4% of the delays on things out side the company's control, like slippery rails caused by falling leaves. >> elizabeth: officials in peabody are doubling down on their efforts to keep tabs on winter storms. they learned how hard it can be when firefighters can't find the hydrants. they recruited people to adopt a hydrant to help them dig out with the snow listeria. firefighters will also be using g.p.s. systems to locate the hydrants. >> mark: wild weather sweeps across the northwest, leaving three people dead. knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of homes. all three people were killed when trees fill on to their cars. heavy snow blanketed parts of colorado. some areas digging out from more than 20 inches of snow. the norm cancelled 150 flights to denver. no severe weather here today, but kevin is tracking showers, coming our way for tomorrow. >> kevin: even some heavy rain tomorrow night, mark, hall of those storms we're -- all of those storms out west lining up well from what we expected from the el nino pattern, a very strong and powerful el nino and continues to send the storm track to the northwest. it comes at a price, as you saw. temperatures here tonight, 45 in boston, 42 bedford. it is 38 in orange and 37 norwood, so temperatures have dropped into the 30's in some spots, under the mostly clear skies. with the clouds rolling in tonight, it will curtail that temperature drop for you later on, so it won't be as cold as we saw during the morning hours this morning, when it was in the teens. this is the next front coming our way and this front has along it, a lot of severe weather and the severe weather is mainly staying to the south and that's certainly good news. we aren't going to get into the severe weather, but here's what we are going to see. we're going to see a system that's going to bring this cold front our way and that cold front with this jet stream pushing down south is not exactly what i wanted to show you. this is the cold front right in here and that front is pushing this way toward us and along the front, we're getting showers hand thunderstorms. but the thunderstorms, the severe weather is in the deep south. that's the part of the front that will not be ours from this storm system. so let's talk what we are going to get. essentially, you'll see a lot of clouds rolling on in here in futurecast and the clouds come with a couple of sprinkles starting to show up especially back here through western massachusetts hand that's something important to note. through the morning drive, when shiri takes over at 4:00 a.m., won't be much, if any in the way of showers to have to track on through here, but the showers will start to appear if western massachusetts, through the morning commute. i expect very few of you to have to deal with any kind of sprinkles at all for your morning drive. low temperatures in the 30's and 40's in the morning. that's what i mean by the temperature not dropping much more from where it is now. winds are shifting to the southeast. warmer air direction in combination with the clouds that move overhead and provide a blanket for our atmosphere. temperatures won't drop as much. showers starting to go appear in western massachusetts. in to the middle of the day and notice how they're staying out here a lot, because we have high pressure out here. you receive the blue water because of the clear skies out here and it's holding ground, so it's not pushing out too quickly. eventually, the front moves in hand here come the showers, more in bulk by the evening commute. not everyone getting wet during the evening drive, but the threat is there. these will continue in to the evening hours, 8:00 p.m., seeing some steadier rain western massachusetts, really coming down hard in western new england hand central massachusetts, when i'm talking to you at 11:00 p.m. tomorrow night and worcester, look at this heavy rain right along the front. that's the stuff you're seeing on the front today, that stretches hall the way to the south. would not be surprised to see a thunderstorm embedded in here, if it actually does become this active as futurecast is showing us. no reason why it can't. that slides into boston by 5:30 a.m. shiri will be tracking in friday morning for sure and it kicks on out of here by friday at lunchtime, leaving us with a nice afternoon friday. before it does, we get up to an inch of rain by 6:00 a.m. ramps up to 1.4 in boston by 10:00 a.m. when it's all down. potential for up to twoo^'ns in of the connecticut river valley, so we have a pretty good drink of water headed hour way. temperatures tomorrow generally in the 50's just about everywhere. really getting up in to the 50's, above average, 57 bridge water. 55 walpole and 55 in braintree, milder than we've seen the last couple of days. here's your seven-day forecast. we have the rain tomorrow night and in to friday. then saturday and sunday are looking better. i like how the front is weakening for sunday. still have to keep a shower in the forecast for early sunday morning. it will be a rainshower and coolish with temperatures right near average, both days, your weeknd always in few, showing that it's looking -- view, showing that it's looking pretty good for all of your plans. >> elizabeth: i had the honor to help kick off this year's salvation army red kettle bell ringing season. share ra season. we addressed the crowd at brewer fountain before campaigning near downtown crossing. made a lot of money. >> mark: had a great day. cooled down just a little bit so you can wear the long jackets. we are following several new stories ahead at 6:00 p.m. at 5:00 p.m., the chilling video showing the final moments before school teacher. new at 6:00 p.m., hear from a woman who saw the student leave the school after prosecutors say he killed his teacher. plus, fox 25 investigates, exposed a controversial contest spearheaded by a local police chief, offering a reward to the arrests. new at 6:00 p.m., we're learning how far back this contest started and how the chief is addressing concerns. >> elizabeth: first next at 5:00 p.m., the most dangerous toys list is out. building a better bank starts with looking at something old, like this... and saying, "really?" so capital one built something new - caf\s. where you can unwind with free wi-fi and banking advice, without all the mumbo jumbo. free checking accounts. no minimums, fees or gimmicks. and a top-rated banking app that lets you handle your financial needs... right here. that's banking reimagined. >> mark: trouble in toyland. a consumer watchdog group just released its list of the top ten worst toys. >> elizabeth: the organizers say that you may want to think twice about buying them. this holiday see s. they look like the real deal, james schwartz of the consumer watchdog group watch says that's what makes these replica guns so dangerous. >> very difficult to distinguish it from the real thing especially consider when police officers have to make split 2nd decisions. the ten worst toys, toys that include potential choking or strangulation hazard and several that he feels could cause eye, facial and other injuries, like dane satellite-radar claws inspired by the movie jurassic substance, cause it has an allergy warning that it contains wheat. >> even when you have don't expect to see an allergen, you might see that. so read the packaging carefully. >> we find that they're filled with misleading and inaccurate information and they unnecessarily frighten parents. >> elizabeth: rebecca is with the toy association, points out that the consumer product safety commission found all the toys safe. >> all toys sold in the united states, need to comply were very strict u.s. product safety requirements and need to be tested and certified compliant with the certifications. >> they recommend you read warnings on its packaging and in any inserts and make sure you buy toys for recommended age groups. watch's president says you should be extra careful about buy toys on line, because you may not be able to see or read all the safety warnings. >> don't compromise safety for convenience this holiday season. >> elizabeth: you'll find the complete list of the unsafe toys right now on our web site, >> mark: a home delivery system is being tested, tests are launching in dallas before spreading to four other cities. none here in new england sadly. dunks is testing on the go ordering in portland, maine, where you place an order with their app and pick it up at the store. >> elizabeth: as beth midler once said, i want it all and i want it delivered. we know rob gronkowski is amazing on the football field. >> mark: he's also talented in the kitchen. >> i'm telling you my cooking skills are off the charts. >> mark: that's all you need to know. patriots tight end put on his chefs hat, how to brine a turkey in dunkin' donuts gravy. >> elizabeth: tom brady on the cover of this month's "gq." the magazine celebrating brady ales the man of the yearish you're, calling him the best quarterback of all times, period. fans believe in the team. nonfans have a different opinion. president obama was also honored with the issue, which hits news stands next week. >> mark: now at 6:00 p.m., breaking news. more than 5,000 shots fired in an overnight raid. why french police had to act now as they search for the >> elizabeth: then, chilling video reveals the final moments before a danvers high school teacher was murdered. the odd behavior her accused teen killer had when he watched the surveillance video. >> >> kevin: i'm tracking a front moving toward us from the west, it has lots of rain along it and an hour-by-hour timeline and when it will come through here. >> mark: the stunning loss. doug flutie's parents die within an hour of each other. what we're learning about how it happened. >> elizabeth: breaking news. french police stop another possible terror attack. hi i'm elizabeth hopkins. >> mark: i'm mark ockerbloom. assault teams moved in quickly because they said attacks were ready to happen. >> elizabeth: , the operation lasted for hours. in fact at one point, 5,000 rounds were fired during this gun battle. tonight, seven people are under arrest and at least two people were killed. investigators claim the suspect mastermind of the attack was not arrested, but could be among the dead. fox 25's kerry kavanaugh has been on top of the newest information for us. kerry? >> the reporter: the "washington post" citing european intelligence officials reported the alleged mastermind of the attacks, abdelhamid abaaoud, was killed in the raid. that report has not been confirmed by french authorities. french police sources tell cnn the raid on the french apartment came right on time, because they say suspects were about to move on some type of operation. president francois hollande says his country is forced into battle with isis. >> that we are at war. >> the reporter: wednesday was a

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