Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 4 20161128 : comparemela

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 4 20161128

believe there was only one suspect. the university sent out a series of tweets saying there was an active shooter on tweet. that's because a campus police officer radioed, shots fired. they say it did not appear the suspect used a gun in this attack. we'll continue to monitor the developments. >> the campus sent a message to students telling them to run, hide, fight. this is part of the response recommended by the department of homeland security in an active shooter situation. the first have an escape route. leave your belongings behind. next, lock the doors and silence your phone. and as a last resort, and only if your life is in danger, fight. call 911 when it's safe to do so. it's been a nice sunny day. colder air is moving in. with it comes rain that would >> i expect the evening commute for everyone to be affected, elizabeth, but in spots, especially northwest of 495. this is happening in the morning after 4:00 a.m. that's a freezing rain advisory. with temperatures dropping this evening, we could have spots of ice. it's not hard to see why. after all, temperatures already 39 in worcester and 40s out there as well. dropping down to freezing or below with the clear skies we have out there this morning. won't be much the north and west. it will happen closer to boston but the rain won't arrive closer to boston until after the temperatures have gone back up. in fact, you won't find much in the way of cloudiness until you get to eastern pennsylvania. and a couple of shots showing up in western p.a. and western new york. when the storm arrives and the raindrops fall, temperatures will be marginal. i will be tracking the temperature drop. a time line ahead as well. a man hit by a car over the holiday weekend after leaving a local bar has died from his injuries. the driver who left the scene has turned himself into police. all of this happened at the spot nightclub on north main street. our reporter is live outside of brockton district court with new developments. stephanie? >> reporter: and -- and still a lot of questions remain, including who is driver is. the attorney's office have not released his name and have not charged him just yet. we thought that might happen today which is why we're here at the court because once he's charged, he will appear before a judge. that has not happened yet. the d.a.'s office has identified the victim as 25-year-old sergio licona of brockton. as we first reported, sergio licona had just left the spot bar and lounge on north main at around 1:30 friday and in this surveillance video, you can see a group of people crossing the street when that car approaches. what happens next is so disturbing that we are not showing it, but the impact was so great, sergio licona flew through the air and landed feet on the ground. that driver never stopped. sergio licona was taken to the hospital in critical condition. he died earlier this morning from his injuries. police towed a 2012 jaguar sedan from the scene. but they didn't find the driver that morning. they did say the questioning. but until the d.a.'s office charges the driver, they are not releasing his name. and we also spoke with the bar owner who told us this isn't the first time that someone has been hit just outside of his bar. coming up at 5:00, the action he's now promising to take. in brockton, back to you. >> video of a lawrence mother passed out in a local store as her young daughter tried to wake that mother now charged with reckless child endangerment. here's the video a led to the charges. the woman overdosed in front of her daughter independent side a lauren dollar store. police say this cell phone video was enough to file charges. new video we've received of mandy mcgowen walking out of court. bob ward was there. he will have details about why she is out on personal recognizance. that's coming up at 5:00. it was a violent crash tha summer. two people coming from the airport thrown out of a hotel shuttle when hit from behind. today the accused driver appeared in court. heather is here with new details we're learning about the man. >> we're learning from court and court documents not only did the driver have twice the legal limb i of alcohol in his body but admitted to having adderall and thc in his blood and urine. happened a source said the two people who were killed were visiting from texas to move in a student at the university and one of them was the student's parents. they were in the shuttle when the shuttle was hit and they were thrown out of the vehicle. this was august 31st. investigators say this man steven birenbaum struck the back of the shuttle going 70 miles an hour in a 40-mile-an-hour zone, causing and strike the barriers. joseph rodriguez and sandra arreola were also pronounced dead. in court, we learned that steven birenbaum claimed it wasn't his fault. >> mr. gonzalez spoke to steven birenbaum after the crash who told him another car struck him from the review. re-- from the rear. >> people who called 911 to report the crash also said they we were issued a statement that reads dear's deeply saddened by this tragic accident. our thoughts and prayers are with the families and all who have been impacted. as for steven birenbaum, he's out on bail right now. he will be back in court next year. we're also digging deeper into his drivinged record. we'll have more on that at 5:00. back to you. we want to take you to learning to officials go through the time line after a man went on a rampage with a knife. let's listen. >> i wanted to say that the support we've received from the city and the city is represented by the mayor, support from the state and our governor is with us, also our representative from congress this afternoon. people. >> i'm andrew thomas. i'm chief medical officer at the medical center. a brief update on the individuals involved in this situation that were both brought here as well as to two other hospitals in the city. we had -- we've had six total individuals that have either been brought here by ems or have come in on their own. earlier today, that number was earlier today we've had one additional victim who was hit by the car who came in with some muscular skeletal injuries and is being assessed downstairs. beyond that, there were two stab victims, two other victims of having been hit by the car and then one other victim with some lacerations that we are working on. there are two patients that were taken to riverside methodist both of those individuals were struck by the car. one has orthopedic injury and the other actually has a minor neurologic injury with a skull fracture, is being observed and is awake and talking from what i'm told. there were two individuals taken to grant that i mentioned earlier today with lacerations and then one additional patient that has shown up at grant hospital who was the victim of orthopedic injury and has been discharged from the emergency department. with that, i will turn things back over -- >> we've been listening into the situation on ohio state, where several people, nine are hurt, in a stabbing rampage. we did learn moments before we took this live on the air, that authorities have not discovered a motive. we'll stay on top of this and have the latest at 5:00 and 6:00. new background checks are coming in just weeks for uber and lyft drivers. the companies have agreed to perform background checks on all of their drivers starting january 6th. drivers will have three months to get the new requirements done. a law was approved that called for a two-tiered systems in which the drivers would be screened by the company and the state. a thief decided to take whatever he wanted from a church. he was caught on surveillance video and it didn't take long for police to track him down. >> obviously it's awful. >> reporter: in the season of giving in a place known for charity and where all are welcomed, it's a theft leaving people dismayed. >> this place is for everyone. >> we discovered things missing. this particular desk had the drawers emptied, thrown on the floor. >> reporter: father tom conway shrine. he said it was friday morning when staff discovered someone had been through the first floor. >> there wasn't anything of huge value taken. it was more of a vandalism issue. >> reporter: among them, an electronic kiosk later found abandoned in another part of the shrine. the suspect captured clearly by the cameras. >> a lot of people told me they knew him from the homeless community as they looked at the picture. >> reporter: those pictures helped police find the man two days later, on sunday morng swanson now chargessed with larceny and breaking and entering. the father doesn't know how swanson got into the shrine or how long he was there before the cameras captured him between 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. but he said he would look forward to foreforegiving the man. >> people are desperate because they are hungry or on drugs and a lot of mental illness in the homeless community. >> reporter: the father did say because of the way the building is structured, the suspect wasn't able to access any other parts of the building aside from the first floor and did anticipate all repairs would be finished today. back to you. cuba is in mourning. still ahead, the long lines of people gathered to pay their last respects of the long-time controversial leader, fidel castro. i'm tracking rain heading our way. there will be freezing rain advisory is in place. it's cyber monday. c'mon in, pop pop! happy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. alized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. >>don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. >>talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, a new hampshire man subpoena behind bars -- somebody behind bars accused of having sex with a child. he posted $10,000 bail and is due back in court in january. collided with a logan bus is charged. police are investigating a loaded gun discovered inside the car. police say speed played a role in the car on eastern avenue not far from an airport shuttle stop. the force of the crash caused the bus fuel tank to rupture and the car to catch fire. the bus driver was alone on the bus at the time. the driver of the car and two passengers are being treated for serious injuries but are expected to survive. of people have logged onto their computers hoping to get the deals. not all offerings are worth the hype and this is also prime time for scams. >> if you are tempted to log on and shop, you are not alone. >> they are expecting a modest increase this year. >> this man is the founder of he said from black friday to the day back to work, there are a lot of great deals. not all cybe m worth the hype. >> last week, sears had their own brand of jeans on sale for $9.99, which was a crazy low price. today, they are double the price but there's a 25% off coupon. you are still paying more. >> he says consumers have to shop start and strategically. >> put an item in your basket, keep going back and checking your basket and you will see how the price changes. just extend to maximizing the deal. this expert says he's seen consumers taking in clicking phishing e-mails, a scam that looks like a legit miss message but isn't. >> you might not be going to a retail site. you might be going to the bad day. guys. >> when it's time to buy, he recommends protecting your real credit card number. >> use a citibank and bank of america lets you get a one-time use credit card number. >> he says if you missed out on the best deals, hang on a little longer. >> the day after christmas is a big day to get half off. >> so he's got one more recommendation. you know how times you see a deal that seems too good to be tree, is this a legitimate site? he says you can go to this to see if website, i thought that was a great idea. >> good idea. we're getting a look at how much people spend on black friday. the annual shopping spree raked in about $3 billion, much of it online. about a billion dollars came from shopping through a mobile device. data shows shopping at physical stores dipped 5%. weekend about this storm that will be coming our way and the potential for heavy rain. we need heavy rain here. problem is when it first arrives in the morning, you may have to deal with a few spots of this. freezing rain advisory is in place for worn worcester county, northwest middlesex county. so north and west of 495, north of the massachusetts turnpike out to western massachusetts. there is a little bit of a break with spots of icing. when you get up into this area. that's a winter weather advisory. why the break? there are two different national weather service offices in play. one from taunton and these counties are actually controlled by the main office and they've not put a freezing rain advisory here. there should be one. you will have one here and a winter weather advisory here, and you should have something here to connect the dots. in southwest new hampshire, there will be some spots. look at this. nashua. that's south central. here in worcester, 39. these temperatures under clear skies can drop this evening. guess what. it is totally clear out there. blue sky all day long. clear through the evening. temperatures will continue to drop. that's the concern. back here beyond 495 where the temperatures are dropping down to freezing or below tonight, that's where you could have spots of ice. that's contingent on the rain making it here. i don't see any rain here. don't even see the clouds until pennsylvania. at least not thick clouds and up don't get any steady rain until here and that's where the heavy rain is coming from. there have been tornado warnings in the southern end of this front. see the spots of rain out ahead of this? it only takes a little bit of drizzle or a weak shower to come on through in an icing situation to cause major problems. that's why the freezing rain advisory. not because the heavy rain will get here and there will be an ice storm but because the initial rain that arrives -- you will see a.m. and this pink shows it. that's where you have the potential for icing coming on through. between 4:00 a.m. and 10 10:00 a.m. is when you have the possibility of icing. it will warm fairly quickly, warm enough that we'll be dealing with just rain. by the afternoon, some heavy rain, especially boston and southward during the evening drive and it moves out late tomorrow night. wait. there's more. another shot for rain coming in here are the high temperatures expected tomorrow. in the morning it will be chilly. it will be at or below freezing. even at the coastline many spots but the temperatures will warm. so you won't have an icing it situation. to the north -- to the north and west, 40s. if you are going to see breaks of sun, it will be early wednesday and then the next batch of rain arrives in the afternoon. another steady to heavy batch of rain. by thursda action into friday as well. on saturday, that's our coat dropoff day. hope you stop by and say hello and bring a coat. >> okay. thank you. we told you how dry conditions were and now the holidays may be the time to pay for it. still ahead -- i will tell you about the hardship local tree farms are facing as they head into their busy season. but first here's mark with what's new at 5:00. and president-elect donald trump tweeting over the weekend and jill stein was in our studio. why she's leading calls for a recount in three states, including new hampshire. even though they are behind bars, they may still manage to will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at got any good gift ideas? find? verizon prepaid exis gonna be my gift ?ces ? no extra charges ? ? cash stays in your pocket ? ? it's got hd streaming others are too stingy... ? 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(vo) give verizon prepaid with always-on data on the best network for only $50 per month. a federal judge granted the represent himself. friday the judge found dylann roof competent to stand trial. he opened fire inside a church last year. prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty. jury selection continued today. business as usual on bourbon street today as new orleans police search for two suspects involved in a deadly shootout. one person was killed. ten others injured. this all happened early sunday. police believe all of the victims were caught in the crossfire between two men shooting at each we're getting a new look at the devastation caused by landslides in italy. days of rain causing severe flooding and those landslides and in a number of those towns. hundreds of people remain displaced in the northwest section of the country. emergency officials are trying to contact the families living under threat. more severe weather is in the forecast. a tennessee community said good-bye to to another young crash. loved ones poured into her funeral this weekend. those who knew the girl said she was filled with energy and spunk. >> she loved to dance. she was the sweetest little girl you ever wanted to come in contact with. >> the bus driver will be in court tomorrow to face vehicular homicide charges. a college student is seriously hurt in a car crash and now her best friend is stepping up to the >> i can't make you feel better physically but hopely this can help her mentally. >> what she's doing so her friend can focus on recovery. tracking heavy raining pointed to new england and where icing can be a problem. and we continue to follow breaking news at ohio university where nine people were rushed to the hospital after a man drove ?? dylan: anybody can do parkour. our whole aim with the gym is to get people moving, ple understand that you own a body. we can do some crazy things with it. having blue cross blue shield, i've always felt comfortable being able to try something that i might not know if i'm going to land, because i've always had this security behind me. my name is dylan. i own hub parkour training center we continue to stay on top of breaking news from ohio state. campus police confirmed that a student, abdul razak ali artan, was behind this morning's attack that left nine people injured. he's an 18-year-old somali man who came to the united states as a refugee. he was granted legal status as a permanent resident. police say he purposely drove his car into a group of people on the street corner and jumped out and started to stab people with a butcher knife. killed the teen. the university's president credits them with saving lives. >> i had a chance to speak with the officer who was the first responder and to thank him for following his training and neutralizing the circumstances with him roughly one minute. >> doctors say all of the victims are expected to survive. they don't have a motive. we're on top of this story and will bring you new developments as they come in. cold air is moving in tonight. that could make your morning commute a tricky kevin is here. there is a freezing rain advisory, at least for parts of massachusetts. >> yes. over my left shoulder. that's northwest of 495. it stretches into central massachusetts. should include southern new hampshire as well. even though the color is not there, it's not officially up in the weather service. have to believe that will be put in place. it will be spotty. with temperatures already in the 30s out that way, keene, nashua, worcester, 39. it won't take much under these temperature to drop more tonight down near freezing. there will be spots of ice first thing in the morning. that's why the advisory starts at 4:00 a.m. the clouds are way back here. until they get here, the temperature drop won't stop. cloud also stop that and eventually some of this rain will start to arrive after the first bit of spotty icing, we'll get heavy rain that will impact your afternoon commute. i'm putting together the latest time line so you can see when the will roll through. there's another batch on the way this week. a college student spent this thanksgiving weekend in the hospital after she was hit by a wrong-way drive. the crash killed the other driver. but as jason reports, she's expected to make a full recovery. >> i'm so happy that, you know, i didn't -- >> reporter: it's hard to put into words how this crash could focused on how it ended. >> i made it. >> reporter: she was heading home at 2:00 this morning on thursday. after a waitressing shift. when police say 22-year-old james keating of norton was driving the wrong way and hit taylor head-on. he died at the scene. taylor never lost consciousness. >> i was in the fast lane. that's where i ended up. and then cars were still going by >> i didn't know if anyone else had known so i -- i called 911. >> reporter: at the hospital, taylor learned she suffered a severely broken ankle and fractured pelvis in addition to cuts and breezes. her friends were learning she was the one involved in the crash they had seen on the news. >> it was shocking. >> reporter: and for emma mcmacken, her friend, it was also very upsetting. so she set up a gofundme account to help her pay her bills. >> i can't put your phones back together. i can't make you feel better physically but hopefully this can help her feel better mentally. >> it's made everything easier. i will be happy once i'm able to walk again. >> reporter: jason law, fox25 news. a 40-year-old brookline man has died after crashing on his bicycle on the man was riding in the direction of chapel street. witnesses found him lying on the road in the curb with serious head trauma. police are investigating what caused that crash. police are asking for help looking for a woman wanted for assault. they say she attacked a dunkin donuts employee. she threw a hot drink at a water. the employee suffered serious burns. transit police are asking anyone tonight, there will be a temporary moratorium to be discussed for medical marijuana. similar moratoriums were enacted in dozens of massachusetts towns. thousands of people lined up in cuba today to pay their last respects to fidel castro and right now, cubans are planning a week of memorial services. at scott are in mourning, but others are relieved he's gone. >> reporter: tie rent, dick -- tyrant, dictator, he was many things to many people. he died leaving his country at least officially in mourning. a 21-gun salute at 9:00 a.m. across the island. castro hadn't held power since 2008 when sickness forced him to an important chapter in cuban history and leaves many cubans what might change without the man who led the revelation. >> reporter: many cheered his death, so many whose families were forever separated. they hope to a brighter future. >> we're celebrating the future. we believe that after this moment, many things are going to change in cuba. >> reporter: but in havana, no one is [ chanting ] >> reporter: on saturday, students at the university of havana, chanted, i am fidel. >> he was an example to the entire world. >> reporter: castro was cream cremated on saturday. castro's ashes will stay at the ministry of defense until wednesday before they that >> now, the white house says neither president obama nor vice president biden will april tend the memorial service. more details about history made in cuba. the first regularly scheduled flight to new york has left from new york city. 200 people were on board the jetblue flight. several airlines are launching non-stop flights under newly restored ties between the u.s. and cuba. jetblue has between boston and havana. a new hampshire man is accused of stealing a woman's purse while she attended mass. she found david hill hiding in leafs on saturday. a parishioner told police she caught him red-handed. she placed the wallet inside the church before mass. the nfl's first openly gay story. michael sam was drafted by the rams. he will deliver a lecture at clark university in worcester tomorrow. he will chronicle his experiences to an all-american player to his draft section. the event is free and open to the public. a mystery after a car is found running on the bridge. the mother driving it has been missing for days. why her mother says there's no ?? why do banks treat you and your money like this? they nickel and dime you with fees and minimum balances. capital one won't do that. they've reimagined banking, that's free of all that nonsense. no fees. no minimums. no gotchas. at capital one, your money stays your money. 49 seats in orlando's new mls soccer stadium will honor the victims of the pulse nightclub massacre. the rainbow seats located in section 12 are dedicated to the lgbtg community. the stadium opens next year. new at 4:30, a single mother is missing in jacksonville, florida. no one has thanksgiving. this is 29-year-old ashley brown. earlier thursday morning, traffic cameras captured her unlocked car on a bridge. police say the car was running with the hazard lights on. her family doesn't believe she jumped from the bridge because she texted her sister before she disappeared. >> told her to leave the door unlocked. she would be by. >> i don't know if she's hurt. i don't know if she's somewhere against her will. >> ashley's mother said her could possibly be on drugs. pope francis said he will visit ireland. the announcement came after ireland's prime minister met with the pope at the vatican today. his trip was seen as an attempt to mend the relationship after the prime minister attacked the catholic leadership over the sex abuse scandals. the pope will attend the world meetings of families in 2018. the rates of dementia rates are dropping. they found the rates in those over 65 has 2000 and 2012. that translates to 1 million fewer americans suffering from the condition. scientists think the decreases is a result of rising educational levels-americans and better hearth hearth. according to gas buddy, the price of gas is 2.15. it's down 1.3 cents from last december. dead fish, massive stingrays. that's next. heavy rain is on the way to new england. and it's prime time to buy if you plan on cutting down your christmas tree this weekend, there is a chance you may have slim pickings. many farmers are blaming our dry summer not all farms are effected but the ones that are making sure you get the tree that's perfect for your family. >> this is not normal. this is drought damage. these are needles falling off. they will not grow up. you can see the damage that the it's not very healthy. it's not doing well. >> he owns mistletoe christmas tree farm. he planted 1200 christmas trees on his 11-acre farm in the spring and lost about 1,000 of them. >> our trees, we had a lot of drought damage that we thought they could sell but they turned yellow and we're hoping they will fill in a little bit. >> his farm is not the massachusetts christmas tree association says most of the affected farms are in the even and central part of the farm. they posted they are closed because of the drought. harnet's farm is faring better thanks in part large to a plan b. >> what we're doing this year specifically is supplementing with a lot more pre-cut trees from farms up in northern new hampshire that didn't get affected. years down the road as well. >> i think that's what's going to affect a lot of the farms in the area with this drought is in six years. those of us who planted trees last year are going to have fewer trees. >> harnet is selling his trees for about 15% less than a typical year because of the browning inside many of the trees. not all farms are feeling the effect of the drought, though. james taylor is coming back to fenway as part of tour. fenway will be his final stop on august 11th. he will play at nationals park, wrigley field and at&t park in san francisco. this will be the third year in a row he will play at fenway. >> all right. let's tackle this weather situation for tomorrow. we have much-needed rain on the way. too late for the capacity trees. we could still use the rain. temperatures only dropping in and southern new hampshire. there will be spots between the main reporting stations in the 30s. worcester is showing that as is keene. up in the mountain going down to the 30s. they are happy to hear that to make some snow but it's also a problem because if raindrops arrive, you can have icy spots. by 4:00 a.m., going to 33. it will be just spotting. just in case, you have to use caution. the national weather service has put a freezing place beyond 495 including middlesex into hudson and west of there toward barry, gardner, north of the city of worcester. but very close to the city of worcester. be aware of that first thing in the morning. there won't be much rain around during the coldest part of the morning. that's important to note. farther north is a winter weather advisory is expecting snow and sleet to move in. expecting 4 inches. the northeast kingdom of vermont. there's some issues to watch tomorrow. the clouds are still back here, though. until they move in, our temperature can drop and it will do that. off to the west of the cloud line you will find the steady line down to the south and tornado warnings. there's snow to the back side. i wanted to point out here in western pennsylvania and western some rain breaking out. spots of it. you don't need much if it's cold enough to produce problems. it's just going to be spotty. again, i want to make sure i underscore that. it's not a widespread event. we don't have an ice storm heading our way. but any of these early-arrival showers can produce ice. it looks wet beyond 495. i assume it's ice. you don't want to run out in those wet spots and find out it's slippery. clouds rolling in by the morning . notice the pink happening for you. temperatures rising all the while through the morning as rain moves on through. notice the snow and sleet in that winter weather advisory area. the steadier rain starts to move into worcester and then boston. your evening commute, 5:30, shows heavy rain across the area. we'll be tracking that certainly step by step. tomorrow night, by 10:00. and then we start to see clearing. high temperatures tomorrow will make it into the 50s with some 40s still back here into those icier spots in northern worcester county. wednesday, we get a break in the morning. look at this in the afternoon, another shot of rain to mess up another evening commute. seven-day forecast keeps us into thursday as the sun returns of and then we'll have temperatures well. >> thank you. we want top show you had this. skyfox is over our studios. this is an annual tradition where we light up our satellite dishes. you can see them there. there they are. our signal cutting in and out. but we're happy the lights are on signaling christmas is near. a japanese theme park is apologizing after its skating rink complete with thousands of dead animals got a chilly reception. the park embedded fish, shep fish as an attraction. the reaction on social media was swift and angry. the park is removing the fish and plan to hold a religious service before reusing them as fertilizer. >> talk about backtracking. tickets for the latest star wars movie go on sale. >> rogue one, a star wars story, is about the spinoff of the original star wars rology taking place between episodes 3 and 4. rebels trying to steal the plans from the star. prince william released a statement supporting his younger brother's relationship in calls for privacy. he calls a restraint from the press after a flood of harassment for his new boyfriend. he said he feared for her safety. and bud light is offering one fan super bowl ticketser for decades. >> what? >> yes. >> find one of the 37,000 bud light gold cans, then post a picture of the can on social media. six people will be chosen weekly to win a pair of season tickets to a pair of their favorite team. one will take the grand prize, super bowl tickets up to 51 years. good luck there. a special delivery in the nation's capital as the tree, it's arrived. idaho. it made 31 stops along the way garnering thousands of signatures and tons of attention on social media. >> people love the capitol christmas tree. they get so excited to see it. i venture to say it's the most popular tree based on the number of photos that have been posted on facebook and instagram. >> the lights is tuesday, december 6th on the west capitol's front lawn. imagineos on payday. it happened to one woman. a good godmother samaritan returned it to her. we continue to follow the breaking news out of ohio. what we've learned about the suspect and what some students say they had to to protect themselves. it's a disturbing piece of video. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... he #1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. a pill taken just once in the morning, invokana? is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. in fact, it's been proven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. invokana? works around the clock by reducing the amount of sugar allowed back into the body, and sending some sugar out through the process of urination. systolic blood pressure or weight loss, it may help you with both. invokana? can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana? if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana? with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower your blood sugar with invokana?. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana?. >> l.l. bean is kicking up a notch, as demands for its iconic boots continues to grow. according to "u.s.a. today," the maine based retailer has leased a larger building to double the size of its operation, will hire 100 more workers next year to make the boots, which i call duck boots, being so formal about this. a third molding machine to manufacture the rubber soles will be installed this summer. fewer than 1-thousand a decade ago, to now where they're very popular, more than 600,000 this year. they're being called the footwear of the future. take a look at this. this is nike and the new self-lacing shoes. they go on sale today -p. inspired by the film "back to the future" and the shoes tighten when you put them on and you can loosen then by pushing a button. this. the pair of sneakers will set you back $720. >> >> mr. skwraoeu: well the purple heart is a symbol of combat injury, courage and bravery, but one of the team medals is found inside a dumpster in texas. army veteran gary kennedy got a call from the v with that a purple heart and other medals were found tossed in the trash. now he's on the hunt to find the rightful owner. luckily the name of the medals recipient is printed on them and now ken world war ii army vetry, jim c. carter. >> lou: we want to give it back to the family, so they can have and cherish the stories that grandfather,. >> thank you very much for being honest, c.i.a. contractor glen out of their way to bring them here. >> blair: now that woman said her husband recently lost his job and the paycheck was keeping them afloat. critical to get it right away. >> blair: details >> mark: now at 5:00 p.m., tragedy for a massachusetts family. >> the man struck by a car over the holiday weekend has died from his injuries and the driver who left the scene has turned himself in. i'm live with the very latest on this investigation. >> elizabeth: president-elect donald trump is accusing new hampshire of widespread illegal voting. the governor tells us, he's lying. >> tonight, why governor hassan says that earned him a pants on moving near the area. before it gets heavy, there could be icing. >> mark: only on fox 25 tonight, we get an exclusive look at the new way correction officers are able to sniff out a dangerous problem inside their prisons. >> vanessa: investigators have identified a suspect in attack this morning. he was an 18-year-old student, good evening, i'm vanessa the suspect allegedly drove on to a crowded sidewalk and then got out and attacked people with a knife. campus police officer shot and killed him. fox 25's chris flanagan is here with new details about that officer who police are calling a hero. >> the reporter: mark and vanessa that officer being yesterday with saving lives. within the last hour, ohio state police identifying that officer who shot and killed the attack police department last year. he's an alum. university confirming the student identified now is abused and abandoned due artan captured out the attack that killed 11 people. he is an 18-year-old somali man who came to the united states as a refugee and was granted legal status as a resident. campus police say before 10:00 a.m. this morning, he purposely drove over a curb and into a group of people on a street corner. he jumped out of the car and started stabbing people with a butcher knife. that's when th killed the teen. >> we had a dynamic, well-trained professional today save the lives of many of our residents and students. >> the reporter: all 11 people hurt are expected to recover. the motive behind the attack is still unclear, but investigators are not ruling out anything at this point. that includes looking into whether this was a terrorist attack. ohio state student newspaper just did profile on the suspect

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believe there was only one suspect. the university sent out a series of tweets saying there was an active shooter on tweet. that's because a campus police officer radioed, shots fired. they say it did not appear the suspect used a gun in this attack. we'll continue to monitor the developments. >> the campus sent a message to students telling them to run, hide, fight. this is part of the response recommended by the department of homeland security in an active shooter situation. the first have an escape route. leave your belongings behind. next, lock the doors and silence your phone. and as a last resort, and only if your life is in danger, fight. call 911 when it's safe to do so. it's been a nice sunny day. colder air is moving in. with it comes rain that would >> i expect the evening commute for everyone to be affected, elizabeth, but in spots, especially northwest of 495. this is happening in the morning after 4:00 a.m. that's a freezing rain advisory. with temperatures dropping this evening, we could have spots of ice. it's not hard to see why. after all, temperatures already 39 in worcester and 40s out there as well. dropping down to freezing or below with the clear skies we have out there this morning. won't be much the north and west. it will happen closer to boston but the rain won't arrive closer to boston until after the temperatures have gone back up. in fact, you won't find much in the way of cloudiness until you get to eastern pennsylvania. and a couple of shots showing up in western p.a. and western new york. when the storm arrives and the raindrops fall, temperatures will be marginal. i will be tracking the temperature drop. a time line ahead as well. a man hit by a car over the holiday weekend after leaving a local bar has died from his injuries. the driver who left the scene has turned himself into police. all of this happened at the spot nightclub on north main street. our reporter is live outside of brockton district court with new developments. stephanie? >> reporter: and -- and still a lot of questions remain, including who is driver is. the attorney's office have not released his name and have not charged him just yet. we thought that might happen today which is why we're here at the court because once he's charged, he will appear before a judge. that has not happened yet. the d.a.'s office has identified the victim as 25-year-old sergio licona of brockton. as we first reported, sergio licona had just left the spot bar and lounge on north main at around 1:30 friday and in this surveillance video, you can see a group of people crossing the street when that car approaches. what happens next is so disturbing that we are not showing it, but the impact was so great, sergio licona flew through the air and landed feet on the ground. that driver never stopped. sergio licona was taken to the hospital in critical condition. he died earlier this morning from his injuries. police towed a 2012 jaguar sedan from the scene. but they didn't find the driver that morning. they did say the questioning. but until the d.a.'s office charges the driver, they are not releasing his name. and we also spoke with the bar owner who told us this isn't the first time that someone has been hit just outside of his bar. coming up at 5:00, the action he's now promising to take. in brockton, back to you. >> video of a lawrence mother passed out in a local store as her young daughter tried to wake that mother now charged with reckless child endangerment. here's the video a led to the charges. the woman overdosed in front of her daughter independent side a lauren dollar store. police say this cell phone video was enough to file charges. new video we've received of mandy mcgowen walking out of court. bob ward was there. he will have details about why she is out on personal recognizance. that's coming up at 5:00. it was a violent crash tha summer. two people coming from the airport thrown out of a hotel shuttle when hit from behind. today the accused driver appeared in court. heather is here with new details we're learning about the man. >> we're learning from court and court documents not only did the driver have twice the legal limb i of alcohol in his body but admitted to having adderall and thc in his blood and urine. happened a source said the two people who were killed were visiting from texas to move in a student at the university and one of them was the student's parents. they were in the shuttle when the shuttle was hit and they were thrown out of the vehicle. this was august 31st. investigators say this man steven birenbaum struck the back of the shuttle going 70 miles an hour in a 40-mile-an-hour zone, causing and strike the barriers. joseph rodriguez and sandra arreola were also pronounced dead. in court, we learned that steven birenbaum claimed it wasn't his fault. >> mr. gonzalez spoke to steven birenbaum after the crash who told him another car struck him from the review. re-- from the rear. >> people who called 911 to report the crash also said they we were issued a statement that reads dear's deeply saddened by this tragic accident. our thoughts and prayers are with the families and all who have been impacted. as for steven birenbaum, he's out on bail right now. he will be back in court next year. we're also digging deeper into his drivinged record. we'll have more on that at 5:00. back to you. we want to take you to learning to officials go through the time line after a man went on a rampage with a knife. let's listen. >> i wanted to say that the support we've received from the city and the city is represented by the mayor, support from the state and our governor is with us, also our representative from congress this afternoon. people. >> i'm andrew thomas. i'm chief medical officer at the medical center. a brief update on the individuals involved in this situation that were both brought here as well as to two other hospitals in the city. we had -- we've had six total individuals that have either been brought here by ems or have come in on their own. earlier today, that number was earlier today we've had one additional victim who was hit by the car who came in with some muscular skeletal injuries and is being assessed downstairs. beyond that, there were two stab victims, two other victims of having been hit by the car and then one other victim with some lacerations that we are working on. there are two patients that were taken to riverside methodist both of those individuals were struck by the car. one has orthopedic injury and the other actually has a minor neurologic injury with a skull fracture, is being observed and is awake and talking from what i'm told. there were two individuals taken to grant that i mentioned earlier today with lacerations and then one additional patient that has shown up at grant hospital who was the victim of orthopedic injury and has been discharged from the emergency department. with that, i will turn things back over -- >> we've been listening into the situation on ohio state, where several people, nine are hurt, in a stabbing rampage. we did learn moments before we took this live on the air, that authorities have not discovered a motive. we'll stay on top of this and have the latest at 5:00 and 6:00. new background checks are coming in just weeks for uber and lyft drivers. the companies have agreed to perform background checks on all of their drivers starting january 6th. drivers will have three months to get the new requirements done. a law was approved that called for a two-tiered systems in which the drivers would be screened by the company and the state. a thief decided to take whatever he wanted from a church. he was caught on surveillance video and it didn't take long for police to track him down. >> obviously it's awful. >> reporter: in the season of giving in a place known for charity and where all are welcomed, it's a theft leaving people dismayed. >> this place is for everyone. >> we discovered things missing. this particular desk had the drawers emptied, thrown on the floor. >> reporter: father tom conway shrine. he said it was friday morning when staff discovered someone had been through the first floor. >> there wasn't anything of huge value taken. it was more of a vandalism issue. >> reporter: among them, an electronic kiosk later found abandoned in another part of the shrine. the suspect captured clearly by the cameras. >> a lot of people told me they knew him from the homeless community as they looked at the picture. >> reporter: those pictures helped police find the man two days later, on sunday morng swanson now chargessed with larceny and breaking and entering. the father doesn't know how swanson got into the shrine or how long he was there before the cameras captured him between 4:00 and 6:00 a.m. but he said he would look forward to foreforegiving the man. >> people are desperate because they are hungry or on drugs and a lot of mental illness in the homeless community. >> reporter: the father did say because of the way the building is structured, the suspect wasn't able to access any other parts of the building aside from the first floor and did anticipate all repairs would be finished today. back to you. cuba is in mourning. still ahead, the long lines of people gathered to pay their last respects of the long-time controversial leader, fidel castro. i'm tracking rain heading our way. there will be freezing rain advisory is in place. it's cyber monday. c'mon in, pop pop! happy birthday! i survived a heart attack. i'm doing all i can to keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. alized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. >>don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. >>talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, a new hampshire man subpoena behind bars -- somebody behind bars accused of having sex with a child. he posted $10,000 bail and is due back in court in january. collided with a logan bus is charged. police are investigating a loaded gun discovered inside the car. police say speed played a role in the car on eastern avenue not far from an airport shuttle stop. the force of the crash caused the bus fuel tank to rupture and the car to catch fire. the bus driver was alone on the bus at the time. the driver of the car and two passengers are being treated for serious injuries but are expected to survive. of people have logged onto their computers hoping to get the deals. not all offerings are worth the hype and this is also prime time for scams. >> if you are tempted to log on and shop, you are not alone. >> they are expecting a modest increase this year. >> this man is the founder of he said from black friday to the day back to work, there are a lot of great deals. not all cybe m worth the hype. >> last week, sears had their own brand of jeans on sale for $9.99, which was a crazy low price. today, they are double the price but there's a 25% off coupon. you are still paying more. >> he says consumers have to shop start and strategically. >> put an item in your basket, keep going back and checking your basket and you will see how the price changes. just extend to maximizing the deal. this expert says he's seen consumers taking in clicking phishing e-mails, a scam that looks like a legit miss message but isn't. >> you might not be going to a retail site. you might be going to the bad day. guys. >> when it's time to buy, he recommends protecting your real credit card number. >> use a citibank and bank of america lets you get a one-time use credit card number. >> he says if you missed out on the best deals, hang on a little longer. >> the day after christmas is a big day to get half off. >> so he's got one more recommendation. you know how times you see a deal that seems too good to be tree, is this a legitimate site? he says you can go to this to see if website, i thought that was a great idea. >> good idea. we're getting a look at how much people spend on black friday. the annual shopping spree raked in about $3 billion, much of it online. about a billion dollars came from shopping through a mobile device. data shows shopping at physical stores dipped 5%. weekend about this storm that will be coming our way and the potential for heavy rain. we need heavy rain here. problem is when it first arrives in the morning, you may have to deal with a few spots of this. freezing rain advisory is in place for worn worcester county, northwest middlesex county. so north and west of 495, north of the massachusetts turnpike out to western massachusetts. there is a little bit of a break with spots of icing. when you get up into this area. that's a winter weather advisory. why the break? there are two different national weather service offices in play. one from taunton and these counties are actually controlled by the main office and they've not put a freezing rain advisory here. there should be one. you will have one here and a winter weather advisory here, and you should have something here to connect the dots. in southwest new hampshire, there will be some spots. look at this. nashua. that's south central. here in worcester, 39. these temperatures under clear skies can drop this evening. guess what. it is totally clear out there. blue sky all day long. clear through the evening. temperatures will continue to drop. that's the concern. back here beyond 495 where the temperatures are dropping down to freezing or below tonight, that's where you could have spots of ice. that's contingent on the rain making it here. i don't see any rain here. don't even see the clouds until pennsylvania. at least not thick clouds and up don't get any steady rain until here and that's where the heavy rain is coming from. there have been tornado warnings in the southern end of this front. see the spots of rain out ahead of this? it only takes a little bit of drizzle or a weak shower to come on through in an icing situation to cause major problems. that's why the freezing rain advisory. not because the heavy rain will get here and there will be an ice storm but because the initial rain that arrives -- you will see a.m. and this pink shows it. that's where you have the potential for icing coming on through. between 4:00 a.m. and 10 10:00 a.m. is when you have the possibility of icing. it will warm fairly quickly, warm enough that we'll be dealing with just rain. by the afternoon, some heavy rain, especially boston and southward during the evening drive and it moves out late tomorrow night. wait. there's more. another shot for rain coming in here are the high temperatures expected tomorrow. in the morning it will be chilly. it will be at or below freezing. even at the coastline many spots but the temperatures will warm. so you won't have an icing it situation. to the north -- to the north and west, 40s. if you are going to see breaks of sun, it will be early wednesday and then the next batch of rain arrives in the afternoon. another steady to heavy batch of rain. by thursda action into friday as well. on saturday, that's our coat dropoff day. hope you stop by and say hello and bring a coat. >> okay. thank you. we told you how dry conditions were and now the holidays may be the time to pay for it. still ahead -- i will tell you about the hardship local tree farms are facing as they head into their busy season. but first here's mark with what's new at 5:00. and president-elect donald trump tweeting over the weekend and jill stein was in our studio. why she's leading calls for a recount in three states, including new hampshire. even though they are behind bars, they may still manage to will your business be ready when growth presents itself? american express open cards can help you take on a new job, or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. find out how american express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at got any good gift ideas? find? verizon prepaid exis gonna be my gift ?ces ? no extra charges ? ? cash stays in your pocket ? ? it's got hd streaming others are too stingy... ? 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(vo) give verizon prepaid with always-on data on the best network for only $50 per month. a federal judge granted the represent himself. friday the judge found dylann roof competent to stand trial. he opened fire inside a church last year. prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty. jury selection continued today. business as usual on bourbon street today as new orleans police search for two suspects involved in a deadly shootout. one person was killed. ten others injured. this all happened early sunday. police believe all of the victims were caught in the crossfire between two men shooting at each we're getting a new look at the devastation caused by landslides in italy. days of rain causing severe flooding and those landslides and in a number of those towns. hundreds of people remain displaced in the northwest section of the country. emergency officials are trying to contact the families living under threat. more severe weather is in the forecast. a tennessee community said good-bye to to another young crash. loved ones poured into her funeral this weekend. those who knew the girl said she was filled with energy and spunk. >> she loved to dance. she was the sweetest little girl you ever wanted to come in contact with. >> the bus driver will be in court tomorrow to face vehicular homicide charges. a college student is seriously hurt in a car crash and now her best friend is stepping up to the >> i can't make you feel better physically but hopely this can help her mentally. >> what she's doing so her friend can focus on recovery. tracking heavy raining pointed to new england and where icing can be a problem. and we continue to follow breaking news at ohio university where nine people were rushed to the hospital after a man drove ?? dylan: anybody can do parkour. our whole aim with the gym is to get people moving, ple understand that you own a body. we can do some crazy things with it. having blue cross blue shield, i've always felt comfortable being able to try something that i might not know if i'm going to land, because i've always had this security behind me. my name is dylan. i own hub parkour training center we continue to stay on top of breaking news from ohio state. campus police confirmed that a student, abdul razak ali artan, was behind this morning's attack that left nine people injured. he's an 18-year-old somali man who came to the united states as a refugee. he was granted legal status as a permanent resident. police say he purposely drove his car into a group of people on the street corner and jumped out and started to stab people with a butcher knife. killed the teen. the university's president credits them with saving lives. >> i had a chance to speak with the officer who was the first responder and to thank him for following his training and neutralizing the circumstances with him roughly one minute. >> doctors say all of the victims are expected to survive. they don't have a motive. we're on top of this story and will bring you new developments as they come in. cold air is moving in tonight. that could make your morning commute a tricky kevin is here. there is a freezing rain advisory, at least for parts of massachusetts. >> yes. over my left shoulder. that's northwest of 495. it stretches into central massachusetts. should include southern new hampshire as well. even though the color is not there, it's not officially up in the weather service. have to believe that will be put in place. it will be spotty. with temperatures already in the 30s out that way, keene, nashua, worcester, 39. it won't take much under these temperature to drop more tonight down near freezing. there will be spots of ice first thing in the morning. that's why the advisory starts at 4:00 a.m. the clouds are way back here. until they get here, the temperature drop won't stop. cloud also stop that and eventually some of this rain will start to arrive after the first bit of spotty icing, we'll get heavy rain that will impact your afternoon commute. i'm putting together the latest time line so you can see when the will roll through. there's another batch on the way this week. a college student spent this thanksgiving weekend in the hospital after she was hit by a wrong-way drive. the crash killed the other driver. but as jason reports, she's expected to make a full recovery. >> i'm so happy that, you know, i didn't -- >> reporter: it's hard to put into words how this crash could focused on how it ended. >> i made it. >> reporter: she was heading home at 2:00 this morning on thursday. after a waitressing shift. when police say 22-year-old james keating of norton was driving the wrong way and hit taylor head-on. he died at the scene. taylor never lost consciousness. >> i was in the fast lane. that's where i ended up. and then cars were still going by >> i didn't know if anyone else had known so i -- i called 911. >> reporter: at the hospital, taylor learned she suffered a severely broken ankle and fractured pelvis in addition to cuts and breezes. her friends were learning she was the one involved in the crash they had seen on the news. >> it was shocking. >> reporter: and for emma mcmacken, her friend, it was also very upsetting. so she set up a gofundme account to help her pay her bills. >> i can't put your phones back together. i can't make you feel better physically but hopefully this can help her feel better mentally. >> it's made everything easier. i will be happy once i'm able to walk again. >> reporter: jason law, fox25 news. a 40-year-old brookline man has died after crashing on his bicycle on the man was riding in the direction of chapel street. witnesses found him lying on the road in the curb with serious head trauma. police are investigating what caused that crash. police are asking for help looking for a woman wanted for assault. they say she attacked a dunkin donuts employee. she threw a hot drink at a water. the employee suffered serious burns. transit police are asking anyone tonight, there will be a temporary moratorium to be discussed for medical marijuana. similar moratoriums were enacted in dozens of massachusetts towns. thousands of people lined up in cuba today to pay their last respects to fidel castro and right now, cubans are planning a week of memorial services. at scott are in mourning, but others are relieved he's gone. >> reporter: tie rent, dick -- tyrant, dictator, he was many things to many people. he died leaving his country at least officially in mourning. a 21-gun salute at 9:00 a.m. across the island. castro hadn't held power since 2008 when sickness forced him to an important chapter in cuban history and leaves many cubans what might change without the man who led the revelation. >> reporter: many cheered his death, so many whose families were forever separated. they hope to a brighter future. >> we're celebrating the future. we believe that after this moment, many things are going to change in cuba. >> reporter: but in havana, no one is [ chanting ] >> reporter: on saturday, students at the university of havana, chanted, i am fidel. >> he was an example to the entire world. >> reporter: castro was cream cremated on saturday. castro's ashes will stay at the ministry of defense until wednesday before they that >> now, the white house says neither president obama nor vice president biden will april tend the memorial service. more details about history made in cuba. the first regularly scheduled flight to new york has left from new york city. 200 people were on board the jetblue flight. several airlines are launching non-stop flights under newly restored ties between the u.s. and cuba. jetblue has between boston and havana. a new hampshire man is accused of stealing a woman's purse while she attended mass. she found david hill hiding in leafs on saturday. a parishioner told police she caught him red-handed. she placed the wallet inside the church before mass. the nfl's first openly gay story. michael sam was drafted by the rams. he will deliver a lecture at clark university in worcester tomorrow. he will chronicle his experiences to an all-american player to his draft section. the event is free and open to the public. a mystery after a car is found running on the bridge. the mother driving it has been missing for days. why her mother says there's no ?? why do banks treat you and your money like this? they nickel and dime you with fees and minimum balances. capital one won't do that. they've reimagined banking, that's free of all that nonsense. no fees. no minimums. no gotchas. at capital one, your money stays your money. 49 seats in orlando's new mls soccer stadium will honor the victims of the pulse nightclub massacre. the rainbow seats located in section 12 are dedicated to the lgbtg community. the stadium opens next year. new at 4:30, a single mother is missing in jacksonville, florida. no one has thanksgiving. this is 29-year-old ashley brown. earlier thursday morning, traffic cameras captured her unlocked car on a bridge. police say the car was running with the hazard lights on. her family doesn't believe she jumped from the bridge because she texted her sister before she disappeared. >> told her to leave the door unlocked. she would be by. >> i don't know if she's hurt. i don't know if she's somewhere against her will. >> ashley's mother said her could possibly be on drugs. pope francis said he will visit ireland. the announcement came after ireland's prime minister met with the pope at the vatican today. his trip was seen as an attempt to mend the relationship after the prime minister attacked the catholic leadership over the sex abuse scandals. the pope will attend the world meetings of families in 2018. the rates of dementia rates are dropping. they found the rates in those over 65 has 2000 and 2012. that translates to 1 million fewer americans suffering from the condition. scientists think the decreases is a result of rising educational levels-americans and better hearth hearth. according to gas buddy, the price of gas is 2.15. it's down 1.3 cents from last december. dead fish, massive stingrays. that's next. heavy rain is on the way to new england. and it's prime time to buy if you plan on cutting down your christmas tree this weekend, there is a chance you may have slim pickings. many farmers are blaming our dry summer not all farms are effected but the ones that are making sure you get the tree that's perfect for your family. >> this is not normal. this is drought damage. these are needles falling off. they will not grow up. you can see the damage that the it's not very healthy. it's not doing well. >> he owns mistletoe christmas tree farm. he planted 1200 christmas trees on his 11-acre farm in the spring and lost about 1,000 of them. >> our trees, we had a lot of drought damage that we thought they could sell but they turned yellow and we're hoping they will fill in a little bit. >> his farm is not the massachusetts christmas tree association says most of the affected farms are in the even and central part of the farm. they posted they are closed because of the drought. harnet's farm is faring better thanks in part large to a plan b. >> what we're doing this year specifically is supplementing with a lot more pre-cut trees from farms up in northern new hampshire that didn't get affected. years down the road as well. >> i think that's what's going to affect a lot of the farms in the area with this drought is in six years. those of us who planted trees last year are going to have fewer trees. >> harnet is selling his trees for about 15% less than a typical year because of the browning inside many of the trees. not all farms are feeling the effect of the drought, though. james taylor is coming back to fenway as part of tour. fenway will be his final stop on august 11th. he will play at nationals park, wrigley field and at&t park in san francisco. this will be the third year in a row he will play at fenway. >> all right. let's tackle this weather situation for tomorrow. we have much-needed rain on the way. too late for the capacity trees. we could still use the rain. temperatures only dropping in and southern new hampshire. there will be spots between the main reporting stations in the 30s. worcester is showing that as is keene. up in the mountain going down to the 30s. they are happy to hear that to make some snow but it's also a problem because if raindrops arrive, you can have icy spots. by 4:00 a.m., going to 33. it will be just spotting. just in case, you have to use caution. the national weather service has put a freezing place beyond 495 including middlesex into hudson and west of there toward barry, gardner, north of the city of worcester. but very close to the city of worcester. be aware of that first thing in the morning. there won't be much rain around during the coldest part of the morning. that's important to note. farther north is a winter weather advisory is expecting snow and sleet to move in. expecting 4 inches. the northeast kingdom of vermont. there's some issues to watch tomorrow. the clouds are still back here, though. until they move in, our temperature can drop and it will do that. off to the west of the cloud line you will find the steady line down to the south and tornado warnings. there's snow to the back side. i wanted to point out here in western pennsylvania and western some rain breaking out. spots of it. you don't need much if it's cold enough to produce problems. it's just going to be spotty. again, i want to make sure i underscore that. it's not a widespread event. we don't have an ice storm heading our way. but any of these early-arrival showers can produce ice. it looks wet beyond 495. i assume it's ice. you don't want to run out in those wet spots and find out it's slippery. clouds rolling in by the morning . notice the pink happening for you. temperatures rising all the while through the morning as rain moves on through. notice the snow and sleet in that winter weather advisory area. the steadier rain starts to move into worcester and then boston. your evening commute, 5:30, shows heavy rain across the area. we'll be tracking that certainly step by step. tomorrow night, by 10:00. and then we start to see clearing. high temperatures tomorrow will make it into the 50s with some 40s still back here into those icier spots in northern worcester county. wednesday, we get a break in the morning. look at this in the afternoon, another shot of rain to mess up another evening commute. seven-day forecast keeps us into thursday as the sun returns of and then we'll have temperatures well. >> thank you. we want top show you had this. skyfox is over our studios. this is an annual tradition where we light up our satellite dishes. you can see them there. there they are. our signal cutting in and out. but we're happy the lights are on signaling christmas is near. a japanese theme park is apologizing after its skating rink complete with thousands of dead animals got a chilly reception. the park embedded fish, shep fish as an attraction. the reaction on social media was swift and angry. the park is removing the fish and plan to hold a religious service before reusing them as fertilizer. >> talk about backtracking. tickets for the latest star wars movie go on sale. >> rogue one, a star wars story, is about the spinoff of the original star wars rology taking place between episodes 3 and 4. rebels trying to steal the plans from the star. prince william released a statement supporting his younger brother's relationship in calls for privacy. he calls a restraint from the press after a flood of harassment for his new boyfriend. he said he feared for her safety. and bud light is offering one fan super bowl ticketser for decades. >> what? >> yes. >> find one of the 37,000 bud light gold cans, then post a picture of the can on social media. six people will be chosen weekly to win a pair of season tickets to a pair of their favorite team. one will take the grand prize, super bowl tickets up to 51 years. good luck there. a special delivery in the nation's capital as the tree, it's arrived. idaho. it made 31 stops along the way garnering thousands of signatures and tons of attention on social media. >> people love the capitol christmas tree. they get so excited to see it. i venture to say it's the most popular tree based on the number of photos that have been posted on facebook and instagram. >> the lights is tuesday, december 6th on the west capitol's front lawn. imagineos on payday. it happened to one woman. a good godmother samaritan returned it to her. we continue to follow the breaking news out of ohio. what we've learned about the suspect and what some students say they had to to protect themselves. it's a disturbing piece of video. anyone with type 2 diabetes knows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. but what if you could turn things around? what if you could... he #1 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allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take invokana? if you have severe liver or kidney problems or are on dialysis. tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. using invokana? with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower your blood sugar with invokana?. imagine loving your numbers. there's only one invokana?. >> l.l. bean is kicking up a notch, as demands for its iconic boots continues to grow. according to "u.s.a. today," the maine based retailer has leased a larger building to double the size of its operation, will hire 100 more workers next year to make the boots, which i call duck boots, being so formal about this. a third molding machine to manufacture the rubber soles will be installed this summer. fewer than 1-thousand a decade ago, to now where they're very popular, more than 600,000 this year. they're being called the footwear of the future. take a look at this. this is nike and the new self-lacing shoes. they go on sale today -p. inspired by the film "back to the future" and the shoes tighten when you put them on and you can loosen then by pushing a button. this. the pair of sneakers will set you back $720. >> >> mr. skwraoeu: well the purple heart is a symbol of combat injury, courage and bravery, but one of the team medals is found inside a dumpster in texas. army veteran gary kennedy got a call from the v with that a purple heart and other medals were found tossed in the trash. now he's on the hunt to find the rightful owner. luckily the name of the medals recipient is printed on them and now ken world war ii army vetry, jim c. carter. >> lou: we want to give it back to the family, so they can have and cherish the stories that grandfather,. >> thank you very much for being honest, c.i.a. contractor glen out of their way to bring them here. >> blair: now that woman said her husband recently lost his job and the paycheck was keeping them afloat. critical to get it right away. >> blair: details >> mark: now at 5:00 p.m., tragedy for a massachusetts family. >> the man struck by a car over the holiday weekend has died from his injuries and the driver who left the scene has turned himself in. i'm live with the very latest on this investigation. >> elizabeth: president-elect donald trump is accusing new hampshire of widespread illegal voting. the governor tells us, he's lying. >> tonight, why governor hassan says that earned him a pants on moving near the area. before it gets heavy, there could be icing. >> mark: only on fox 25 tonight, we get an exclusive look at the new way correction officers are able to sniff out a dangerous problem inside their prisons. >> vanessa: investigators have identified a suspect in attack this morning. he was an 18-year-old student, good evening, i'm vanessa the suspect allegedly drove on to a crowded sidewalk and then got out and attacked people with a knife. campus police officer shot and killed him. fox 25's chris flanagan is here with new details about that officer who police are calling a hero. >> the reporter: mark and vanessa that officer being yesterday with saving lives. within the last hour, ohio state police identifying that officer who shot and killed the attack police department last year. he's an alum. university confirming the student identified now is abused and abandoned due artan captured out the attack that killed 11 people. he is an 18-year-old somali man who came to the united states as a refugee and was granted legal status as a resident. campus police say before 10:00 a.m. this morning, he purposely drove over a curb and into a group of people on a street corner. he jumped out of the car and started stabbing people with a butcher knife. that's when th killed the teen. >> we had a dynamic, well-trained professional today save the lives of many of our residents and students. >> the reporter: all 11 people hurt are expected to recover. the motive behind the attack is still unclear, but investigators are not ruling out anything at this point. that includes looking into whether this was a terrorist attack. ohio state student newspaper just did profile on the suspect

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