Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 11 20161014 : comparemel

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 11 20161014

applied. >> just over 20 hours have passed. the officers are in critical but stable condition tonight after being shot while responding to a domestic issue that we're told may have been sparked by a fight over the thermostat between two roommates. each officer has undergone surgery at mass general hospital, they have spoken with the police commissioner and the mayor. >> i had a nice conversation about them and know officer morris, and i know alan. by their rank and file. >> here's what we know about officer matt morris. a 12-year veteran of the boston police department. in 2006 he was awarded the highest medal the state can give for an officer of bravery. morris is a dorchester native. >> and richard has been with the boston police department for the past 27 years and currently lives in winthrop. fox 25 joins the rest of the community in praying for the speedy recovery of both of these officers tonight. who's live outside of boston police headquarters. john, you've been talking tonight with people who knew these officers well. >> that's right. we did, mark. and many of those people were too shaken to go on camera. we did find retired boston police officer who knew both those officers involved in the shooting and the dangers they face. >> reporter: jim lehi is grateful tonight. he's been a cop for 35 years, retiring back and he knows both officers who were shot. >> hoping that they would pull out it okay. you know, i don't like to see anything -- that's -- you know, they were shot up pretty bad. >> reporter: jim from dorchester and knows officer matt morris from the neighborhood. >> i know his mom and father, and i know him. he lived down the street here. >> reporter: and he recalled when matt joined the department 12 years ago. >> i remember when he went on, regular kid from god. >> reporter: jim also knows officer rishi sentollo and his dad who was also a boston cop. >> my prayers go with the family. i mean, any of them. sentollo. i work with his father. i work with the youngster, too. >> reporter: jim tells fox 25 the shoot-out las night was disturbing. he says answering a domestic call is always risky and always on an officer's mind. >> it tripped me, you know, because -- you don't dwell on it but it's something that can happen. you know, there. >> jim also tells fox 25 he joins everyone hoping and praying these two officers will get well soon. live in boston, i'm john monahan, fox 25 news. all day we've been uncovering new information about the reported shooter kirk figueroa. he was wearing body armor. he did not have a valid gun permit and he was a registered constable. at 10:00 we told but his prior arrests in arizona and in georgia. where, crystal, you've learned he trademarked an alias on his facebook page. >> that's right. we're hearing that he was trying to expand his security in private investigation business. -- and private investigation business. we know that kirk figueroa does not have a record in massachusetts but his conduct in other states range from the illegal to the downright vi apartment is just yards away from where kirk figueroa opened fire on two boston police officers after a fight with his roommate and then was shot dead himself. >> anytime somebody just pulls a gun during some kind of argument, you know, that just breeds all sorts of chaos. >> reporter: figueroa has no criminal record in massachusetts but fox 25 pulled this recent divorce filing where in her own writing, his ex-wife says he assaulted her several times. arrested in arizona in 2009 and pled guilty a year later in georgia to damaging his own car by means of fire and unlawfully representing himself to be a private detective from the state of georgia. >> i didn't naturally know him very well, every time i work with him,. >> but on facebook, figueroa was known by the alias coco jango and tonight i found his trademark application for name. on his facebook page videos of koran translations and multiple articles about police-involved shootings. he was otherwise known to residents in this neighborhood as a guy who kept to himself and many knew he was a constable for the city of boston, a member of the army reserves and some say he wanted to expand his security in private investigation company code blue protection. >> we reached out to the connections to florida that figueroa may have, but have yet to hear back from them. we're gonna stay on top this one for you. reporting in easty tonight, i'm crystal haynes, fox 25 news. we heard from police and city official beside the extreme action required to save these two officers' lives. mayor walsh credited the red cross and the boston police patrolman's association for supporting the red cross' mission. >> the red cross and blood donations benefited the and i commend them for wanting to give back to the red cross for being there. >> he wrote one of the most important things you can do to help officers is give blood, hashtag a donor. a number of local blood donation events are scheduled in our already. for details go to our coverage of the police involved shooting continues throughout this newscast as well as online on our web site. to the race for the white lowell released new presidential polls in the state of new hampshire. hillary clinton leads donald trump 45% to 39% as expected on the campaign trail, the big topic was the sexual assault allegation launched against donald trump. >> abhorrent textbook definition of sexual assault. >> its cruel. >> reporter: one by one democrats denounced donald trump. >> it has shaken me to my core in a way that i couldn't have predicted. >> reporter: in the last week, the republican candidate for president on the defense. where trump is recorded making vulgar comments about sexual assaulting women. >> like a magnet. >> reporter: and then a new york times reports between two women who say trump made unwanted sexual advances. >> did he actually kiss you? >> yeah. yes. >> on the face or on the lips? wherever he could find a landing spot, yes. >> reporter: since then more women, including a former "people" magazine reporter, have stories. trump says they aren't true. >> these claims are all fabricated. they're purification and outright lies. -- they're purefiction and outright lies. these events never, ever happened. >> the topic seems to be affecting voters. according to a news national fox news poll, hillary clinton leads donald trump by 7 percentage points but trump's rallies continue to draw supporters who say they will stand by their man. i'd rather have a guy in there that likes women rather than a cheat and liar that will rob the country. >> the final presidential debate is next wednesday. you can watch the entire debate here at 9:00 following the fox 25 news at 10:00. speaker of the house was released from prison. he was diagnosed with cancer shortly after he was convicted mail fraud and conspiracy charges in 2011. so far he served almost five years of an eight-year sentence. demeasey's wife says she is immeasurably grateful for the governor's decision to recommend his release. boston police say they've made an arrest in the case of a sexual assault in mission hill. 32-year-old jose sapeda of roxbury reportedly attempting a sexual assault. it happened over the weekend. police identified the is suspect with help from witnesses before making the arrest. sapeda is expected in court tomorrow on multiple charges. couple accused of killing an elderly man in orange will appear in a massachusetts courtroom tomorrow morning. police found brittany smith and joshua hart in a rental truck outside a walmart in is virginia on saturday. they were brought back to massachusetts last night. the pair from athol, accused of 95-year-old thomas hardy. hardy's 77-year-old wife was also attacked but she will survive. >> the man who takes a midnight phone call whose officers were even gamed in a shoot-out with the tsarnaev brothers knows exactly what commissioner bill evans is feeling right now. >> sounds like the roommate didn't alert them to any weapons so the officers were at a disadvantage. >> what the former chief at the watertown police department says he wouldn't be surprised to see once the investigation into the east boston shoot something complete. all new at bottomline caused by the fire issues with a galaxy note 7. good evening evening commute rainshowers came on through as expected and left just as quickly. now some freezing temperatures in the forecast. when you're gonna have to really protect whatever you have growing outside. it is the must-see video of the day. a car flips on to its side and smashes right into the school bus. the lesson police want to you ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. and i'm not perfect either. but when partisan politicians shut down the government, i led the fight to reopen it. i've worked to find solutions to new hampshire's heroin epidemic. and i've crossed the aisle to protect new hampshire's clean air and clean water. i've been called a problem solver by independent groups, and ranked as one of the most bipartisan senators. i'm kelly ayotte - and i approve this message, because whether i'm working with republicans, democrats, or independents, i'm standing up for new hampshire. dear fellow citizen, eally makes me appreciate "the now". but i also have to plan for my family's future. and that means taking on debt. in a smart way. like my mortgage - it's working for me. and if he needs a college loan down the road, that'll be worth it too. it's all about having a strategy, that fits your life. so, if you have a question about how to make debt work for you, ask me. samsung estimates the fire issues with the samsung 7 phone will cost them at least $3 trillion. earlier this week stocks with the company tanked after they slashed their third quarter profit forecast by $2.33 billion. the company is no, loor making the phone and sending customers fire resistant boxes to return them. as fox 25's ted daniel reports that's why so many people came out tonight. >> pizza, cookies and cards, the east boston police station has become a rallying point for people who want to send well wishes to the injured officers, a lot of people coming out and there was a large gathering to >> reporter: running on empty but still running strong, captain kelly mccormick is the police commander in east boston when it comes to his officers he sounds less like a boss and more like a worried dad. >> turning and caring for other officers that were involved in this is as important to me as the two officers that were actually hit with gunfire. so many other stepped up. >> reporter: katherine mccormick gathered in support of officers rishi matthew morris, shot and wounded last night by a bounty hunter, firing a tactical shotgun and wearing a bullet-proof vest. >> it was so scary. so violent, the amount of guns. the amount of police that showed up. >> incould have got hurt. it's such a scary, scary thing. >> the firefighter... the officers were hurt and shot the officers that helped them. >> we pray for rishi and matt's family. >> reporter: a flood of concern. and a tidal wave of prospect respect. >> last night i've never been so proud of the job the men and women did in such a violent situation. >> reporter: the best thing we have learned since the fire fight is that both officers are expected to survive. these guys left a lot of blood but they cbs and lk reporting in east boston, i'm ted daniel, fox 25 news. former boston transit police officer dick donahue injured in the water shoot-out tweeted his support for the boston police officers early this morning. >> donahue was shot and nearly killed in the shoot-out with the tsarnaev brothers after the boston marathon bombings and kept alive thanks in large part to a tourniquet. donahue expressed tonight today about the deadly circumstances facing officers and what incidents like this mean to police departments across the country. and we are in the same profession that you never want to see. you do your best every day not to get injured and the fact that that -- the effect it has on every single police officer nationwide. >> it was after the bombings that ems officialed were required to carry tourniquets in case of an emergency but ended up saving an officer's life overnight. >> hurricane nicole coming through the nation, certainly caution some flooding, downed some trees. caused some root damage. not one injury or death i've heard of yet. if there are any injuries, they're minor and that's amazing as the weakening storm as it pulls off towards the northeast. there is bermuda. winds as opposed to 120 that they were expecting there on the island. here much quieter. just some showers coming through just in time for the evening drive. we expected that. the clouds pushing out of here tonight, waking up to clear skies in the morning. it will be sunny, dry and cool. won't be freezing cold. at least not for friday morning. this takes you into the afternoon and rate through the evening when it's gonna be sunny the entire time. it's gonna be clear into weekend. in the mountains, down to 38. they have a scenic chair lift out there that you can jump on and take a look at the links and get some great pictures too. in boston, sunshine and 47 degrees first thing in the morning. going down cool in boston, too. but not freezing. same for new cape cod. clear now or clear very shortly. couple clouds mixed in but overall pretty nice-looking day. temperatures dropping to 49 mostly if not totally sunny. 50s to 60. fitchburg 61 while boston gets up to 58 degrees tomorrow afternoon. a few more towns in between some of those, quincy at 58. somerville at 68. tomorrow night into saturday morning when the temperatures will really plummet. upper 20s to lower 30s expected just to the west of boston. the freeze watch is in this area and extends to the southshore. the farther south you have not a frost or freezing, you won't this time either. so you're not in the watch these are the areas tomorrow night. not tonight, not tomorrow morning. this is saturday morning, essentially between 3:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. likely to be freezing temperatures out there. still this weekend a great look at the foliage. up north is where the perfect conditions are. but is certainly out on route 2, you'll find some great color. the freezing temperatures won't matter. the leaves are already dying. it's not going to rush any further. i told you the north is the place to go. a couple of pictures for instance up toward waterville valley. >> southern all weekend long. look at sunday, a couple of clouds start to filter in. we're getting up to 66 degrees. by kick-off at 1:00, i'm expecting full sunshine and 61. perfect weather for football. >> north carolina governor pat mcquery toured the devastating towns after historic flooding wiped out the communities on the atlantic coastline. hurricane matthew brought that have never seen flooding like this before. 20 people have died so far in his state alone. mcquery explained how widespread the flooding damage is during a press conference earlier today. >> it's the worst conditions and maybe even worse than what we saw in lumberton. again these are two cities 100 miles away from each other or more. and this is how widespread the hurricane is impacting the state of north carolina. >> the governor also said he saw people playing golf just a few is. his message to them tonight, we need your help. >> florida's governor announced the new zika zone late this afternoon. a one square mile area in miami. health officials confirm five people contracted the mosquito-borne virus in this part of the city and none of the cases were travel related. this announcement comes weeks after the governor expanded the zika zone in miami beach. patriots have a one-two punch that is tough to beat a something to say about the bike attempt. i'll share that with you. bruins proving it's not how you start but rather how you finish. >> yeah. a hot start of the season. and we're like, oh, man, this is gonna be longer than we thought. >> brewers turn things around in the is second period. got out of town with a decisive win over the blue jackets, a remarkable performance from one specific line. david bachus, his line scored 12 points tonight. he got on board for the first time, rebounds off the board. there he is to clean it up. on that and redebted in front by bachus. so setting upshot in front of the goalie and tied at 3. the brad marchand for the rebound. the bruins never look back. that one was a gift but this one pure skill. look at this. he scored 2. pastrnak scored 2. tonight by a final of 6-3. dustin pedroia had to undergo knee surgery yesterday but expected to be 100% by spring training. nice game for the rookie jalen brown. this one came down to the wire. celtics get the board jordan from brown. wait for it. yes. clinches the win. let's see it again. brown behind the back. celtics take it tonight 100 to 97. you tell me if there's a better one-two punch at the tight end than rob gronkowski. with gronk heating up, they'll be tough to match. but he seems to have found a happy home here in foxboro. >> the mental space and tranquility and ultimate balance of being equal and trying out is pretty good for me right now. this is a place where i feel like i belong. it's been fun and i've been enjoying it and just try to go out there and win games with my teammates. >> can we talk about the spike for a second? kind of let him off the hook on sunday. but today the king of spikes was asked for his opinion on this that it slipped like that. you see the wind-up he has. a plus there. >> we're join share with you what's going on leading the nationals 4-1. the broncos and chargers are playing. we'll hopefully have those highlights for you coming up as the fox 25 news continues. the wind-up was good. he said it was like gripping a pumpkin. the ball was a little slippery. >> all right, list tonight, too. >> it's video that will make your heart skip a beat and your eyes open wide. how about this, an out-of-control driver going sideways before crashing into a school bus. the lesson police say you need to learn from this video. >> first two dogs got stuck in a storm drain. we're walking you through one of

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Georgia , East Boston , Massachusetts , Lumberton , North Carolina , New Hampshire , Watertown , Boston , Foxboro , Jordan , Arizona , Miami Beach , Waterville Valley , Fitchburg , Bermuda , Matthew Morris , Brittany Smith , Kirk Figueroa , Matt Morris , David Bachus , Jalen Brown , Dustin Pedroia , Joshua Hart , Katherine Mccormick , John Monahan , Ted Daniel , Brad Marchand , Jim Lehi , Kelly Mccormick , Dick Donahue , Kelly Ayotte ,

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