Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 10 20160816 : comparemel

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 10 20160816

firefighters and police are still investigating what happened as well as the relationship between the man and these two children. we are working to learn more from police on the capeful we'll have the latest information coming up at 11:00. now to a live look at the current temperatures in our area. as you can see it is a warm summer night. the heat will stick around tomorrow and it comes with a chance of showers and yes, thunderstorms. hi everyone i'm mark let's get right over to fox 25 storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin kevin. you have an updated timeline of what we can expect? >> yeah, a couple things to watch for tomorrow really into the evening as well. let's start here though. you saw the temperatures out there it's a pleasant evening. hum is low as well. that will spike tomorrow. the reason is this. out ahead of this whole system is a warm front and that warm front will bring some showers and storms. it's going to spike as this front goes by again. all this with a tropical connection with the gulf of mexico pushing all of this moisture into the middle of the country and shunting it toward new england. that means any storm tomorrow can be heavy rainshowers if not thunderstorms. in the morning hours we'll see the clouds increase we'll start to see some showers and storms start to develop. this takes us through 10:00 a.m. now the way the wind are positioned in our atmosphere any one of these storms can have a little twisting to them. there though not zero of a tornado in new england tomorrow morning and again in the afternoon. but more likely during the morning with the warm front coming through all these have heavy rain and strong winds. something we'll be tracking very closely. new information arrives this evening. >> with the chance for showers and thunderstorms tomorrow, be sure to download the fox 25 storm tracker weather app. you can get custom forecasts for your neighborhood. fox 25 storm tracker weather app is free and available on any device. surrounding vanessa marcotte's death. today family, friends and the community attended her wake as the search for her killer continues. fox 25's is bringing you live team coverage at 10:00. our christine mccarthy shows us where the investigation stands tonight's but we begin with malini basu who spoke with family and friends at this evening's service. malini? >> reporter: mark, there were so many people here today to say vanessa marcotte. earlier today there was a steady stream of cars going into brandon's funeral home. police officers were out front making sure everyone was able to get in there with no problems. today they are asking why, why her. >> reporter: with heavy hearts van. marcotte's co-workers from google in new york rode the bus up together to say good-bye forever. some held their heads low, others still in shock by what happened. intelligent, her family so needed her. >> reporter: bob adly a family friend was in tears. he remembered the beautiful young vibrant 27-year-old growing up. >> we hung around together. they were good people. >> reporter: mourners hugged, kissed dried and tried to console each other. the story line still makes no sense to them. >> i couldn't believe it. have been him, and i just feel bad for the family. >> reporter: adly says even though he is here to say good-bye he still feels like there is no closure. people in princeton and nearby cities and towns want to know who the killer is. >> we got to try to find out who did it. how important is it for you >> reporter: the funeral will be held here tomorrow there will be a mass service at 10:00 in leominster. police are repeatedly begging the public please if you saw please call them and remember you can remain anonymous. tonight's police say they are not leaving a stone unturned. for now we are live in fitchburg, malini basu, fox 25 news. tonight a well-known criminologist is giving us new insight into the thinking of vanessa marcotte's killer. he local man who made a lot of mistakes. fox 25's christine mccarthy continues as investigators try to solve this mystery. >> reporter: many who are mourning the tremendous loss of vanessa marcotte are also living in fear as investigators try to track down her killer. >> i want to know that i'm safe. >> reporter: ed carleton is just one of many princeton residents uneasy following the murder of 27-year-old aheaded into the local police department to get answers. >> people are afraid and they're mad, okay. i don't want to be either. >> reporter: as the small town of about 3500 residents continues to mourn, marcotte's killer remains at large. again, and again investigators have combed the crime scene and detectives are following up on more than 600 tips. >> this is goes to be a really challenging case, a stranger to the victim. >> reporter: fox 25 sat down with jack levin a north iron university criminologist, who studies murder cases just like marcotte of. information we've learned he said the woods where marcotte's body was found less than a mile from her mother's home is what grabbed his attention. >> you would really have to suspect that we are talking about someone who was trumly familiar with this community. >> reporter: levin says the life doesn't seem to be a skilled serial killer but it may be a local. >> the most cases people who commit homicides have a comfort zone and that comfort zone is in the neighborhood in the community where they live. >> reporter: state police are focusing on a two hour time frame on that sunday afternoon when they believe vanessa marcotte was abducted and murdered. they ask if you have any information about that incident, particularly vehicle that may have been parked on that road brook station road in princeton to go ahead and give them a call. you can call them on their tip line which is posted on the website we're live in fitchburg tonight, christine mccarthy, fox 25 news. >> here's another look at that special anonymous tip line that has been set up. again all tips are anonymous. new at 10:00 a 36-year-old man is having his mental health evaluated tonight after barricading himself from police in on fitchburg road earlier tonight. there were reports that man was holding hostages but police tell us that was not the case. he was taken into custody without incident. a mother of five accused of beating her 3-year-old daughter to death broke down in court todays as the charges were read. the 26-year-old is accused of beating her daughter back in november of 2014 causing her death. prosecutors say she lied to investigators and changed her story blaming the injuries on a fall down the stairs the 4-year-old's brother then a history of abuse by her finacee michael rivera. rivera now the key witness in the case. >> she murdered her own child because she was angry she wet herself that night and also got up out of bed. >> they enlisted a friend and a water --. clinic is apologizing after leaving an 86-year-old patient locked inside for hours. marine perry received her four hour treatment on saturday. after that treatment was over the staff closed the building forgetting she was inside. we first reported this last night at 10:00 and since then we have received this statement which reads we have initiated additional procedures and safeguards to ensure that an incident such as this does not happen again. we apologized to the patient, her family and the entire community. republican presidential nominee donald trump is looking to hit the reset button on his campaign. right now he is trailing hillary clinton in most polls. fox 25 political reporter sharman sacchetti spoke with one analyst to see if trump can turn it around. >> reporter: in ohio, donald trump called for controversial americans that call for extreme vetting for immigrants and he is blasting the president and secretary clinton for the rise of isis. has unleashed isis. >> reporter: hillary clinton is on the campaign trail with vice president joe bide none pennsylvania. it's a swing state where clinton leads trump in that state by an average of more than nine points. >> he has been his own worst enemy. >> steve kerr gan tells me he's glad trump's -- >> trump has struggled to stay on message. he has accused the president of being around foremember of isis. in his tweets he blames numbers are raising serious questions. is the trump campaign imploding? >> it's down but not completely out rorng b.u. political historian blamps to trump's tensions for being provocative. >> he's just donald trump. >> but says there's only other -- hillary is so flawed and so unpopular and trump is criticized for his lack of a ground game and failure to bring together republicans, democrats say the clinton campaign can't take any of it for granted. plus, there's always enough time for an october surprise. sharman sacchetti, fox 25 news. an important deadline is just days away for voters in massachusetts. you have until friday to make any changes in the party affiliation and also to register for the september 8th primary. a scare for patriots fans today as gronk left the field until pain during practice. cut he grimaced during the play then walked gingerly back to the locker room with a trainer. he did not return to practice. this is the latest in a string of injuries plaguing the patriots this pre-season. julian edelman appeared to be hobbling last week with a bad foot. but initial reports say gronk is not seriously edged. >> i just exhaled. well, tonight we're getting a lot of reports from people saying they have problem that is until now. ahead at 10:00 fox 25 exposes why the problem is growing and how you can get rid of it. but first new at 10:00 -- >> some crooks are using skimmers to get your debit card number but also able to get your pen. we'll tell you -- your pin. we'll tell you how next. plus, a local man catches a huge tuna only for hundreds even thousands group of thieves placed skimmers at a.t.m.s in central mass two. banks seem to be hit the hardest here. our john, police regretting dozens of complaints. >> we we ran into one woman today no was the victim. >> they are also putting hidden cameras that you can't see and that's how they get your pin. armed with that information they cards then can go anywhere to withdraw your money. >> they had tried to go into my accounts in new york and take another $500 out. >> reporter: erin prescott is beside herself. while she was in savers bank reporting an account theft over the weekend it happened again. >> i just can't believe people do this. >> reporter: webster police suspect erin's debit card was copied by a skimming device like the one seen here. rhode island's most wanted over the state line. >> they replicate it in that skimming machine, make a card and for my understanding from the detective they sell the card to somebody. >> reporter: but they're also able to get your pin. this picture shows one of those men in rhode island placing a hidden pin hole camera above the a.t.m. to record your pin. then thieves make new debit cards selling them along with your pin number and you never know 92 the last an a.t.m. machine was saturday. but it doesn't necessarily mean that that's where it happened. >> reporter: webster police posted this warning on facebook. it says several people have found to have hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars withdrawn from their accounts. and that is leading victims like erin who lost nearly a thousand herself feeling helpless. >> i guess it could happen anywhere. there's nothing you can do when you put your pin in cover it. counterfeit cards everywhere. right now we're being told those are far and wide. we'll tell you how far we found them coming up at 11:00. live in webster, john monahan, fox 25 news. two teens are woman in natick. but boys tell police it was an 18 experiment. >> this is 18-year-old chandler ortiz. the other is 17. when police caught the pair they said they chased a woman in downtown natick friday night as part of a "social experiment. both face disorderly conduct charges. boston's top cop having some trouble finding volunteers for a new pilot camera pilot program. william evans needs 100 volunteers for this program. the commissioner has said he wants the pilot program to lawn in september. the boston police patrolman's association backs the plan. a group of kayakers got stuck in the mud on low tide in duxbury just off shore from landing row. the three kids all in kayaks were helped to shore by the duxbury fire department. no one was injured just really muddy. exposed a massive waste of water and taxpayer dollars. investigative reporter eric rasmussen reveals that the pool has been leaking more than six gallons a minute and managers never shut it down. >> at a time when water in boston is in short supply, thousands of gallons have been leaking out three of city-owned pool at the southend fitness center. records obtained by fox 25 investigates show managers knew about the leak for at keep the pool open. >> the tax dollars are really being wasted. we showed what we found to a south end resident. in january a private engineering firm found the pool was losing 9,100 gallons the leak coming from a drainpipe at most likely groundwater level. >> obviously, it's the city's responsibility to make sure every is on the up and up. the pool center are by the boston commission. they said the pool safe for use despite regular wear and tear. fox 25 found code violations earned the pool a failed inspection in december and they were provided proper lighting, ventilation and sanitary conditions. still open when we checked it out the city says it will close the pool next week so surveyors can look for ways to upgrade the facility some perspective members now wondering what's taken so long. so you were thinking about signing up today. does this change anything for you? >> um, i mean i hope that they would fix it. i don't use the pool. >> reporter: when they broke it all down engineers found the pool was leaking more than six gallons of water a minute. that's roughly this much water lost every minute. if the center was paying regular water rates it may have already cost the city more than $20,000. this facility was being used as a homeless scmert that's why the problem at the pool wasn't made a priority. new at 10:00 a fisherman was feeling pretty good about his catch off the cape today until a massive shark robbed him. 300 pounds 69 inches. you see it doesn't have a tail. the captain says he had been reeling it in for 30 minutes on the worst part that tuna came in four inches short of the commercial minimum. >> the biggest bummer we couldn't sell the fish at the end of the day. we couldn't make any money out of it. but instead you know my customers were happy they got to take home a lot of tuna fish and i get some sushi for dinner tonight. >> there you go. that's one way to look at it. the shark snack though cost that captain about $3,000. he was robbed. >> basically the tail. >> this weekend lingary singer jimmy buff let take center stage in mansfield. next at 10:00 why police are warning people about the bathroom situation. >> we're talking about hundreds of very dangerous sex offenders right now walking around off the radar. >> sex offenders removed from public lists. in 10 minutes fox 25 investigates learns how one able to assault a woman able to assault a woman inside an elevator. ? ? ? ? ? one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, >> they stand accused of selling drugs at a school near chelsea. one of suspect was released from jail. >> -- officers told us they were trust right -- that's the frustrating part for us. the community will complain about something and law enforc >> system isn't doing enough until they post bail and end up right back on the streets. >> a northeastern university grad is posting fake pokemon go street signs and the police commissioner doesn't find it funny. here's one with of those signs hanging outside of a firehouse. it reads all firefighters are napping in case of fire please catch the nearest water pokemon. the man specializes in -- if fined. if the city has a real problems with these signs he will take them down. mansfield police are making porta potties patrols a top priority. parrot heads will be doing a lot of tailgating before the buffett concert. police are trying to get the word out that these makeshift toilets they will be a no go this year. they say everyone should plan to use the provided health code compliant porta potties saying they should think of this as quote an experience to build character. i have been to a lot of buffett concerts and i have never seen one of those. >> oh, goodness. i have never been so i can't speak on it. showers and storms moving towards us. a real threat of severe weather tomorrow. but first hundreds of dangerous sex offenders and you have no idea who they are or where they are. next door to you. fox 25 investigates massachusetts public charter schools are among the best in the country. our charter schools are public, and we have longer school days with more personal attention. we have a proven record of helping students in underperforming areas succeed. announcer: question 2 will expand charter school access and result in more funding for public education. every parent should be able to choose the public school that's best for their child. c schools. are off the public registry after a recent court ruling. fox 25 investigates is charged with saw. as our bob ward reveals he did it while out of the public eye. >> reporter: this is paul a homeless man charged with sexually assaulting a woman in the elevator of her malden apartment building in june. once in the elevator, he distracted the woman telling her she had a bug on her lead and records obtained by fox 25. for 60 seconds the male kept touching eachor her braids as if the bug was crawling around. when they reached the top floor he allegedly told the victim the bug fell off. the victim told police he walked away and made what she thought was a fake cell phone call. that when he realized she had been the victim of a sex crime. night. fox 25 investigates discovered the disturbing details of the case against denado right here in malden district court. but with we have also discovered something else that denando is one of hundreds of dangerous sex offenders right now living in the shadows and you have no idea who they are or where they are. they are level two and level three convicted sex offenders. 300 of them removed from public lists all because of a court ruling last december. the judicial court raised the legal standards used to classify sex offenders a move that entitled about 500 of them to be removed from all public lists while awaiting new hearings and that could take years. it appears one of them is paul. fox 25 uncovered court records revealing he was arrested in 2011 for failure to register as a level three sex offenders but at the time of the reported elevator assault he was not offender database. >> it's a gap in public safety. in the most serious sense of that word because the level threes are the ones who will offend again. >> we're talking about hundreds of very dangerous sex offenders right now walking around off the radar, totally off the radar. by radar i mean off list. the list the public has a right to see. >> i think the public is a little outraged by this decision but wrongly so. >> he praises the ruling saying too many sex offenders were being wrongly classified at higher levels and doesn't think the public is facing any more danger now. >> for these people that are getting a new hearing it's no different than any other case where someone gets a new hearing. >> reporter: the sex hired four new hearing examination and reclassified 182 who are now back on public lists. but there's still more than 300 to go. >> every minute of delay is a minute when a very dangerous level three sex offender is going to offend again and again and again and the public won't know to be more aware or to be cave. >> reporter: paul denando is behind bars awaiting trials. meanwhile the sex offender it is working as quickly as possible to reclassify these offenders. for fox 25 investigates, i'm bob ward. if you have a tip you would like fox 25 investigates to look into e-mail us at fox 25 investigates at fox or call: >> we continue to stay on top of breaking news a missing swimmer pulled from a local pond. we are back live with an update at the top of the hour. made just feed from -- feel the from a local school. how the criminalened is parking a statewide debate. >> 90 degrees today and it felt different to you because of those dew points sort of nebulous term but when it gets up into the 70s it feels a lot different than 60s. this is from up earlier today. it was in the 50s when it was 90 degrees. that's look out to the west there are showers that are creeping up on. indiana had a tornado warning just north of indianapolis. still some work to be done. there is a storm system to our west we know. tropics. this moisture streaming out of the tropics and circling around toward us. it's coming up through louisiana and right along the front that's also pushing toward us. there's plenty to talk about with that moisture coming our way. what it means when a tropical section is any develops it can cause some localized flooding. not a time yet to put a flood watch in place. the showers just starting to break out during the morning of the system approaches. important to note at the surface winds coming in mostly from the east toward the front. now behind the front winds will be shifting around to the south. up in the upper parts of our atmosphere they're coming in from the west. when you have all different winds you have to watch for some twisting motion or turning in the clouds. now we're hoping that doesn't happen. and of course that's not a common occurrence here in new england but it's not a zero chance tomorrow. want to make sure you're jason will be here to track them for you and let you know if anything is becoming severe or has any turning with it. a lot of clouds around through lunchtime. but there will be some breaks of sun. these temperatures which are in the 80s by lunchtime will go a ohioer with any breaks of sun. of course if you get hotter in the afternoon you will get the higher risk of these. more thunderstorms will develop. the higher threat during the afternoon through doesn't mean the humidity is going away it just means the storm threat starts to go away. so the weather threat tomorrow include the high risk of heavy rain from any shower that develops even if it's not a severe thunderstorm. the low but not zero threat of a tornado. something we'll have to watch closely for. particularly into western into central massachusetts. really western into the west central part of worcester county. then strong winds again any rain. if you are going to the beach highest threat of thunderstorm will be in the afternoon. south shore and cape cod less of a chance. these are the places to go if you're thinking you want to hit the beach tomorrow no matter what. high temperatures in the 80s up to the north and west 80s here as well. generally 80s and very sticky everywhere you look we'll talk mow about the week forecast and an updated timeline on the tomorrow threat. >> tonight we on the storm threat. tonight we are hearing from lots of people who have had ants in their home. new new at 10:00 what they're searching for how you can get rid of them and with why mother nature is to blame. plus, our special one-on-one interview with but first, why a t.s.a. agent tackled a cancer patient in the airport. when you can take your hands off the wheel to get out of a tight spot. when you can relax with your foot off the brake and stay put. and when you enjoy 400 horsepower that's both smooth and controlled. that's the more human side of engineering. this is the lincoln summer invitation, hurry in now to your dealer for limited time offers! lease an mkc for $289 a month or get 0% apr for 60 months family of a st. jude carn team from is suing. this mother said the 19-year-old brain tumor makes her easily confused. they say her disability is obvious should have been recognized by airport employees but she set off the metal detector hannah struggling with an officer then being thrown to the ground. the family is now suing t.s.a.. the airport authority and its police department for $100,000. new at 10:00, the pentagon is asking for help fighting a new threat from small drones. pentagon is planning for or commercial drones could be used as weapons in what's called a request for information. the pentagon is asking universities, companies even private citizens for ideas on how to track and stop small drones. >> not everyone fully understands the threat and the problem now. just haven't got the solution yet. >> experts say they are currently finding there is no system that can disable small drones. pregnant women who take acevedo the act give in tie la-- acetaminophen the act give in tylenol may raise -- they found more than half the moms used the medicine about 5% of the children developed behavioral problems. the makers of the most well-known brand tylenol say the study shows a correlation but not causation. too many parents are a pediatrics report says babies are often placed in cribs with loose bedding and stuffed animals or on their stomaches or their sides. this can increase the chances of suffocation or even death. the study analyzed video recordings instead of relying on parent surveys. nearly every parent surveyed had a dangerous item in the >> they say have nothing in the crip. i have a little blanket that i give him to hang on to. >> letting babies sleep in beds with parents is extremely risk wherey and give new parents simple and strict sleep instructions when leaving the hospital. tomorrow a korean war p.o.w. will be coming home decades after his death. we told you about ronald sparks last week. d.n.a. helped bring the family closure earlier this veteran services department will hold a special ceremony in his honor. he will be buried with full military honors on friday. we appreciate his service for this country. valuable recycleables stolen from the people who need the most. >> ahead at 10:00 the huge community response in an effort to help the poor get back on their feet. but first the drought is bringing them out. ants are marching into >> some of you may have a problem you never had before. ants are marching into homes in search of water. >> as fox 25's jim morelli explains all new at 10:00 the drought is to blame and the problem might not end steve is one of the owners of milford exterminating service these days he's very busy. primarily because of these. >> i don't know when it's going to end. >> reporter: they are the nature's background noise all there but airline noticed ants of all kinds are making their presence known this summer because of the drought. >> and they're looking for food and water. kitchens, bathrooms, any sweat from the pipe come in and that's what they're doing. >> reporter: the drought has been hard on ants for the same reason it's been hard on plants. >> during drought periods what ends up happening groundwater and other moisture sources tend to dry up. >> reporter: they have the anne added advantage of being able too get there. sally is one of the likely many homeowners in little bit in the beginning of the summer then they go away and what happened this summer but in the last two weeks i've definitely seen a lot more. >> reporter: she uses a variety of chemicals to control ants but says homeowners have to do their part, too by keeping kitchen counters clear of crumbs and moisture and cutting vegtable -- vegetation back from the house. the problem is even when the drought ends the infestation may not. >> if it's not why try to leave if you have everything you need. >> reporter: other ways make sure have you proper seals around your doors and windows also pay attention to your gutters, clean them out if necessary and make sure the downspouts are directing water away from your foundation. >> a plea change tonight from a teamster. five teamsters are accused of harassing the crew as they were shooting in boston the boston herald reports 62-year-old mark harrington is planning to plead guilty to the charges next move. another defendants tell the paper they were taken aback by the move. convicted killer is using letters from whitey bulger to try to overturn his conviction. he was fount guilty of shooting robert in 191980 but he has been in prison for a crime he didn't commit. caught on camera red-handed someone helped themselves to empty bottles and cans selected to help families in need. elizabeth hopkins reports there has been an overwhelming response from the public to help. >> it's just unbelievable to see somebody with that kind of disregard. >> reporter: this surveillance video shows what happened. just walks over looks around nonchalantly unlocks the collects empty bottles and cans. when they're redeem the money is sent off to help support st. vincent depaul charities. it adds up to a few hundred dollars every month for the last five years but on friday. >> really? you got to be that low. >> reporter: someone was caught on surveillance removing several large bags from the donation area. >> and he takes two more bags. >> reporter: employees here say the thief returned the following day only to find they had locked the donation area. but the suspect and vehicle clearly visible. he wanted to give him a chance to right his wrong. >> first we would give him a chance to do the right thing maybe come down do a little donation back to the middleboro high school but he denied it and so we're actually going to take him to court now. >> reporter: lakeville police are not releasing the man's name but he's a 66-year-old who has been charged with larceny, breaking into a can depository and attempting to commit a crime. people will realize that these donations. >> reporter: they say the public sponsor has been overwhelming they are now considering having a bottle drive to keep the momentum going. elizabeth hopkins, fox 25 news. >> there you see it the clouds that have been rolling across new england but no storms. those are off to our southwest still now future cast has slowed thea or the arrival of the front down. meaning by lunchtime we'll start to see more of these showers and thunderstorms develop across the area. some of those could become heavy. so your wake up forecast while there is a small threat of shower or thunderstorm is generally going to be mostly cloudy in the mid-60s. the humidity climbs during the day so too does the storm threat. maybe in the midst of england wants to you start thinking about winter two day rates $59. the sale ends on saturday. that willic mayou feel a little bit cooler. are you enjoying the lower prices at the pump? >> i think we all are. next at 10:00 we'll tell you why those prices may soon go back up. >> plus, fighting for the cure. pete frates mother opens up to fox 25 about continuing the fight for her son and ? sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. crave those crazy squares. ? sweet cinnamon-sugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. walpole high school students will have a little extra time to get to class today. it lab pushed back 15 minutes from 7:15 to 7:30. he wants to give students just a little more time to sleep. he realizes it's not a huge difference but says it was the only change he could make without impacting the elementary and middle school schedule. the school day will end at 2:05. summer dip in massachusetts that continues. the average price of regular unleaded is now $2.09 in boston that's down three scents from last week to more than everyone from cents from last year at this time. industry experts say oil prices are climbing though so the gas prices my follow soon. >> a new patent generated granted to apple has some with wondering if apple is expected to reveal its new iphone design in september. football season hasn't started but adele says she was offered a spot as the halftime show and said thanks but no thanks. the britt says the super bowl halftime show isn't really about music. super bowl 51 will be held in houston on february 5th. she is performing at t.d. forward none september. two years ago the ice bucket challenge became a a.l.s. research. >> pete frates is the spin rargs and tonight his mother nancy is asking to you stay focused on finding a cure. tom leyden spoke with pete frates mom about the mission she's on. >> you know ock, vanessa so many of us could think of the ice bucket challenge as a passing fad as bostonians we have to understand we started a revolution now we kind of are have to keep that momentum going. nancy po motivate us. >> reporter: nobody forgets the power of five to know that a.l.s. this is our disease. >> every social media executive i've ever met be it facebook, be it twitter, be it whoever i've met with they always have this map that shows the ice bucket challenge and there's a big massachusetts. >> reporter: politicians help but it's doctors and medical researchers pushing the boundaries of exploration and discovery. in the two years since the first round of ice bucket challenges more has been done to unify the cause than ever before. a big player in that effort aside from the frates was kevin who founded the organization a.l.s. 1. kevin passed away this week from a.l.s. but put together an organization that he took all the resources located in massac those people who were operating in silos to come together. >> reporter: those most directly affected live the life and fight the fight every day excruciating journey for everyone involved. what we can do is more of the same. more awareness, more donations, more focus on finding a cure. >> our work is far from done. we have to continue until we get a treatment for this disease. >> reporter: on the sports page part two of my conversation powerful information. as for pete things are tough right now. he has been in and out of the hospital fighting off infections. but the spirit that has gotten us to this point will never wane. that is clear every day too. tom leyden, fox 25 news. now at 11:00, tracking our next batch of severe weather. it's on the way tomorrow. where the highest risks will be. tomorrow the good-byes come without justice. >> she was the most beautiful girl. >> for eight days the killer >> this is going to be a really challenging case. >> the reason an expert does not believe vanessa marcotte died at the hands of a serial killer. >> plus, a systematic problem highlighted by one single drug bust. >> announcer: now with breaking news this is fox 25 news at 11:00. complete new england news coverage. a missing swimmer pulled from a local pond is breaking news we've been following since the top of our 10:00 newscast. welch. >> and i'm mark ock. fox 25's jim morelli is following this breaking news. >> pretty dramatic video. tonight just after 8:00 reports say two children were found alone on the beach swimming area at joshua's pond. now according to cape cod times the kids told police that they couldn't find their dad. they were swimming with him but he never came out of the water. this is new video since we first told you about the story at 10:00. rescue teams pulling that man from the water. his condition right now unknown. you can see a number of emergency personnel working to save the man's life. now firefighters and police are still investigating what happened. we are working to learn more from police and fire on the cape. we'll have the latest information tomorrow morning. the fox 25 news starts the 4:00 a.m. in the control room, jim morelli, fox 25 news. historic flooding in louisiana has killed at least 10 people in that same weather system will impact

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New York , United States , Louisiana , Middleboro , Massachusetts , Rhode Island , Boston , Indiana , Lakeville , Cape Cod , South Shore , Texas , Malden , Mexico , Mansfield , Leominster , Worcester County , Natick , Princeton , Ohio , Pennsylvania , Houston , Fitchburg , Americans , Chandler Ortiz , Tom Leyden , Jack Levin , Kevin , Christine Mccarthy , Erin Prescott , William Evans , Vincent Depaul , John Monahan , Jim Morelli , Bob Adly , Elizabeth Hopkins , Julian Edelman , Michael Rivera , Eric Rasmussen , Whitey Bulger , Steve Kerr , Vanessa Marcotte , Malini Basu , Hillary Clinton ,

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