Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 10 20151208 : comparemel

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 News At 10 20151208

same restaurant. good evening everyone i'm vanessa well,. >> and i'm mark ockerbloom on the the news at 5:00 and 6:00 we told that that restaurant was a chipotle and 30 students have fallenim. 25's jim morelli has more. >> reporter: mark, late word is that every one of those 30 students who fell ill actually ate at the chipotle restaurant this past weekend and yet no association can be made at this point. >> everyone is kind of freaking out going to the nurses and things like that. >> reporter: coincidence or a concrete association. a gastrointestinal illness hits the boston college campus and the school says this. the common factor among the students is that they had all eaten at the chipotle restaurant in cleveland circle. >> i'm from chicago and i just heard that the outbreak started there. i wasn't sure that it hit hit boston yet. nine state e. coli outbreak but in a statement the chain says we do not have any evidence to suggest that this incident is related to incident. there are no confirmed cases of e. coli connected to chipotle in massachusetts. including some members of the men's basketball team. yet one b.c. student tells fox 25 the restaurant is hugely possible on campus. >> almost every night around 6:00 there's a line out the students. >> reporter: tonight no line chipotle is closed but lots of cleaning activity inside. a g.i. doctor at mass general hospital suggests this is a tough problem for a restaurant and customers alike. >> what makes e. coli such difficult is it only takes a small amount of bacteria to infect a person. >> reporter: the doctor tells us for young healthy self-limiting disorder which means you feel lousy for a few days but then you get better. of course some strains of e. coli can also be fatal. coming up at 11:00 we'll talk with city officials about the situation. live in cleveland circle, jim morelli, fox 25 news. more details now again nine states are affected by the e. coli issues plaguing chipotle. believed to be 62 cases of people getting sick. according to the c.d.c. but the company has yet to nail down exactly what is the source. also tonight donald again. he says he thinks the u.s. should ban all muslims from country. as mary maloney reports trump says until the u.s. can get a handle on who's coming in that it should keep every muslim out. >> reporter: just a few weeks after donald trump said this -- >> i love the muslims i think they're great people. >> reporter: the republican presidential front-runner called for this. >> i want surveillance of certain mosques if that's okay. i want surveillance. >> reporter: now after last attack in san bernardino, california, trump calls for "a total and complete shutdown of all muslims entering this country." >> we have to stop the muslims until we find out what's going on. we have to stop people that want to kill us. >> reporter: other republican presidential hopefuls were quick to distance themselves from trump's fromle. >> this is kind of thing people say when they have no experience and don't know what they're talking about. >> that is not my policy. i have introduced legislation in the senate that would put in place a 3-year moratorium on refugees coming from countries where isis or al-qaeda control a substantial amount of territory. >> reporter: lindsey graham tweeted every candidate for president needs to do the right thing and condemn donald trump's statement. jeb bush also took to twitter saying donald trump is unhinged his policy proposals are not serious. trump who has continually made controversial comments has also steadfastly refused confronted with evidence to the contrary. like this claim about 9/11. >> and i watched in jersey city, new jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. >> reporter: i'm mary maloney, reporting. >> i just got here. >> that's governor charlie baker literally smacking the statement sent out by trump's camp. the governor fired up after reading trump's idea saying a policy like that is inappropriate and defies the principles the nation was built on. >> i can't believe that i'm reading this which is basically directly in contrast and in conflict with most of the most important values to people in this country hold most dear. >> governor governor baker made those comments. trump's call to ban muslims happening five days after the san bernardino attack. that both had been radicalized for quite sometime. investigators actually found 19 pipes at the couple's apartment meaning there was a potential to build more pipe bombs than the 12 complete ones that were discovered. we also know that active shooter training was actually held in the very same room. and the gun instructor says he saw farook at a gun range just days before the attack. the fox 25 ted daniel now and ted, the guns used in the attack they were purchased legally? >> according to the f.b.i. the husband and wife assassin team used two handguns and two high powered rifles and now we know the weapons were bought legally in california they considered to have tough gun laws that. the got us looking at gun laws in new england and tonight we found some big states. >> there's the a lot. worcester the people about hind the counter know a lot about firearms and the state laws that regulate them. >> reporter: guns and amo magazine ranks massachusetts as the third toughest state in the country for gun owners because of its laws. in massachusetts a license is required to purchase a gun. most tactical-style rifles are banned and a magazine can't hold 10 rounds. >> what's the difference you wants to have 10 magazines can you have 10 magazines if you can change a magazine there's no difference. >> reporter: john roesenle that the founder of stop handgun violence helped to write the laws in massachusetts by phone he says they're a model for the nation. >> massachusetts the lowest firearm rate in the nation right now except for hawaii. we're usually number one. hawaii is very isolated. >> rhode island and connecticut are not far behind with their strict gun laws may fall somewhere in the middle. it's vermont and new opposite end of the spectrum. permit to carry in new hampshire can be obtained quickly for not a lot of money. and new hampshire doesn't restrict tactical weapons or magazine capacity. state gun laws across the country are not only conflicting they can be confusing. gun show owner justin gabriel and john roesenle that they may not agree on much but they both believe gun laws should be taken out given to the feds. the pros and cons of that we'll look at it new at 11:00. ted daniel, fox 25 news. stay with us as we continue to keep a close eye on any new developments in the san bernardino shooting and the gun right debate that has followed on air and on-line at tom brady's legal team had a chance to respond to the nfl appeal briefing today. as usual his attorney didn't hold back. stating the commissioner goodell violated the essence of the collective bargaining agreement by suspending tom brady as kessler noted no ever been suspended for an equipment violation. the nfl must reply by december 21st. both cases will argue their case on december -- january 3rd. kevin lemanowicz is here weather. >> it's out to sea it's starting to intensify. now we have the clouds over us right now. storm system. look at this live doppler radar shows the rain just to the south of nantucket and martha's vineyard. it's pushing off towards the northeast. let's go a little farther to the south you will find the rain and clouds here's our storm center pushing to the northeast. the northernmost part of this shield should clip southeastern massachusetts. we'll take a look the at future cast. there are the showers and the steadier rain will you be arriving by 7:30 creeping up the coast to plymouth by the middle of the morning by lunchtime the outside a couple showers. we'll take this timeline through the rest of the afternoon show you when this rain is getting on out of here and our next chance for rain behind it as well coming up in a few minutes. >> a lawrence plan pleading guilty today. james is now being held on $60,000 bail. fox 25 showed you video on friday when the bomb squad exploded a suitcase found near the coast guard office on atlantic avenue artist. detonated investigators determined that no explosives were inside. prosecutors say surveillance video placed the suspect at the scene. a new push tonight for leads in the double murder investigation of anandover couple. nearly four years have passed of an andover couple. nearly four years have passed and the couple was found shot to death in their million dollar home. their torched lexus s.u.v. today investigators released a timeline. including when john left the job site and when jeri spoke with her daughter and finally the time of the 9-1-1 call reporting their murders. >> finding the person or persons responsible for this heinous act continue to be a priority to this department. someone out there knows something. we are asking you to search your memory and your conscience pick up the phone and call us. >> investigators have followed leads to four states that are hoping tips will lead them to some new clues and possibly an arrest in the murders. >> the mcgee family releasing this statement today saying "we miss jeri and jack very much. not a day goes by without us thinking how blessed we were to have them in our lives. but the perpetrators of this crime are still out there and they need to be brought to justice. >> retailers tracking your every move on-line and on phone." in the next half hour the new trick some are using to spy you on you and how you can stop it. pearl harbor honored 74 years later. the incredible recognition his family just received on his behalf. a psychic reading room suddenly goes up in flames. next thing you know it just blew up. >> a close call inside that explodes next. you will not hear from our president: we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. it is the struggle that will determine the fate of the free world. in leading a to take out isis with their aim is our we can't withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. we have but one choice: vo: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. scary scene inside a psychic business. tonight. the quick action of another women are being credited with helping stop the fire before it got out of hand. fox 25's countries hall -- crystal haynes spoke with that woman and the owner of the business and both have important warnings tonight. >> reporter: the employees here at regina's tea room tell me they were putting up christmas decorations at the time of this small explosion it and was that decision that put them out upon -- >> 97% of the time there is somebody sitting at this table it. >> was a close call. >> all of a sudden there was flame jumping from the table to the floor then the next thing you know it just blew up there was just fire. >> reporter: fox 25 with this video of an ecigarette exploding into the room. after a new employee brought in an ecigarette to work. >> i was passing out the readings and you hear boom it. like oh my god what is that. >> reporter: bill anderson see her grab the hose from the nearby sink and put out the flames. the damage still visible rolling today. >> if she had that thing in her mouth i'm not lying two minutes she decided not to charge that and decided to continue smoking it it would face-off. >> it what happened with somebody being here that fire would have just kept going. >> according to the latest report from the united states fire administration 2.5 million americans use e-cigarettes and 80% of reported explosions happen while the device is charging. 25 incidents were reported in the media and surprisingly only nine resulted in injuries. no deaths reported in that period. >> you see projectiles shooting out into the other room. >> reporter: the staff at regina's tell me they were lucky this time and are warning others it. >> could have been worse. again no one was hurt in this incident and they are rethinking their policy to business. reporting in quincy tonight, i'm crystal haynes, fox 25 news. >> boston college police warning students about an armed robbery that happened off campus. police say the victim was not a b.c. student but the attack happened on link ave near roger's park just a few blocks from the brighton campus. police say the two suspects were between 25 and 35 years old and pulled a gun on the victim. no one was hurt and boston police are now investigating. connecticut man who police say stole human remains from a worcester cemetery appeared in a connecticut courtroom today. on friday police found skeletal remains of five bodies in his home in hartford. police say he took them from hope cemetery in worcester back in october medina told police he uses the bones for medicinal purposes. neighbors told fox 25 they couldn't believe the charges. medina is now heading to massachusetts where police will take over the investigation. the jury in the trial of accused teen killer philip chism could get the case by the end of the week. but today they heard from a psychiatrist that said the remorse during recent interviews for not getting treatment for the voices in his head. that same doctor saying he believes chism was suffering a psychotic episode when colleen ritzer was killed at danvers high school. the defense is expected to arrest its case tomorrow. three suspects in a worcester home invasion under arrest tonight after police raid an area hotel. a swat team arrested the men at the classic suites earlier this morning. they say the men broke into an apartment sunday night terrorizing a woman and her four children with a knife and even fired a gunshot. no one was hurt. evidence at the scene led police to the hotel. the men all face several charges. police are looking to talk to this man after he was seen leaving a toy store without paying for his items. it happened at the toys "r" us store on commercial road. if you recognize him you are urged to contact the leominster police or submit an anonymous tip. >> she has been dubbed the ubergrandma who has never she says she's not afraid to be. >> reporter: stephanie fronz known as issue grandma paced the city council tonight here behind me. it all happened just hours after she was in court on charges that she continuously violated the city's transportation ordinance which bans uber. >> i love driving in portsmouth. >> reporter: take one look at 63-year-old stephanie fronz. >> i have no idea how they i had up grandma i guess because i'm a grandmother. >> the grandmother of two, mother of a marine and bus driver for special needs children is now the face of a protest movement in portsmouth. >> reporter: for the right illegal -- there's blue lights everywhere. >> since police have cited fraud today she appeared in court on charges and then took her cause straight to city council. >> i'm tired of being pulled over too. >> reporter: not everyone agrees. some residents told city leaders fronz is wasting valuable police reso you ares with her crusade. >> she's not a folk hero. >> reporter: fronz says she doesn't want to be a hero she just wants to drive her caddy without fear of arrest. >> it's my right, it's my legal right that's what this country is based on. they're trying to take my rights away. >> reporter: now prosecutors have asked the judge to consider arresting fronz for contempt of court if she continues to drive for uber but fronz whose fees and lawyer are being paid for by uber tells know that won't stop her. kathryn burcham, fox 25 news. >> a lot of debate over concussions and football. new tonight the world renown specialist now says the only place kids should be watching it is from the sideline. >> plus, the brand new terror alert plan being it's the holidays. get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey peter. (unenthusiastic) oh... ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70. am i right? r jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. you make me feel some paris less than a month after terrorists killed 132 people the band playing the bataclan theatre played an concert with u2. tonight's concert was the band's first performance since the attacks. a new way to alert you of a terror threat. homeland security secretary jay johnson announced today he's planning to roll out a new terror threat system in the coming days he says the goal is to more effectively and quickly communicate about events like the california shootings. the current system requires a credible threat before a warning is issued. johnson says the bar for triggering an alert is too high adding there will be a >> we need to do a better job of informing the public at large of what we are seeing removing some of the mysteries about a global terrorist threat and what we are doing about it what we're asking the public to do. >> the current national terrorism advisory system is meant to notify the public about an imminent or elevated threat to the country. the updated version will include an intermediate terror threat. today 74 years ago a day that changed the course of world history. >> in 1941, a date which will live in infamy. harbor began early in the morning on december 7th, 2,400 americans were killed happen. congress conveniently declared war on japan and nazi germany then declared war on the united states. survivors say the they event today. johnson had swapped a shift on the uss arizona the morning of december 7th . he was posthumously awarded a purple heart in 1946 but family. then four years ago a young v.f.w. volunteer found the medal was finally able to track down johnson's family. relatives on hand to receive the medal on behalf of johnson summed up what it means to them. >> proud. yeah. well deserved also. the ultimate sacrifice. >> johnson graduated from brockton high school in 1936 and joined the navy in 1937. johnson's nephew francis on hand for the ceremony served in the marine corps and vietnam. a family says they're lucky to be here to tell their story. fire spreading through their home and the way a man walking his dog was able to get them out alive. >> live storm tracker radar already seeing some showers vineyard and nantucket where here in vineland, new jersey, home of progresso, we love all kinds of chicken soups... but just one kind of chicken. it's white breast meat chicken every time. because white breast meat chicken releases its flavor into the broth and absorbs more flavor so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup p tonight, do what we do...make it progresso. this dog walker also called a hero tonight's. he saw a fire coming from a home and jumped into action. >> the at 6:00 we brought that you dog walker's story we're hearing from family members he helped get out of that building. malini basu is live in ashton with the exclusive interview. malini? >> reporter: mark and vanessa. we spoke to the homeowners earlier this evening they tell us they were so thankful they were sound asleep on the first floor all of a sudden you can see this is where the fire started a complete stranger walking his dog saved the family's lives. >> he yelled fire, fire ran outside in my underwear. >> reporter: bryce kirby, his wife their two dogs and the upstairs couple are lucky to be alive. >> he woke up around quarter of 5:00 loud banging on the door. >> reporter: fire on the second floor porch of their home in ashland. it was around 5:00 this morning doug duval and his little lady ruby were out for a walk a route they have been taking for the last six years. >> the crystals they were looked out and -- flashing so i looked out and there was a fire. so i ran over and i tied ruby to the fence and i started banging on the side of the house fire, fire, get out. >> reporter: bryce tells fox 25 the fire started with a lit cigarette. >> sounds like there was some soil in the flower pots there may have been just an accidental somebody put a cigarette in the soil the flames were five or six feet high. by the time i came back 20 seconds later with a fire extinguisher the ceiling office fire. probably a couple minutes later the whole house would have been up. >> reporter: bryce got choked up and said he thanks doug for saving their lives. >> if it wouldn't have been for him it could have been a lot worse. >> reporter: and tonight the two families are staying at a nearby hotel. they tell us there is a lot of water damage inside of the house and they hope to be back inside in the next week or so. the good news in all of this luckily no one was hurt. for now we are live in ashland tonight, malini basu, new questions tonight about weather an animal shelter that turned to the ground should have been opened in the first place. state inspectors deemed the sweet pea friends of rutland animal shelter unsuitable just days before it caught fire. they cited overcrowding and cages that were too small. about 50 cats and dogs died in that fire. a gorgeous night out there to take a holiday stroll. let's take a live look now right down the middle of com ave. storm tracker chief meteorologist kevin lemanowicz some of us will see rain tomorrow. >> there will be some rain approaching the area. clouds are doing is stopping the temperature from falling any more. here are the showers there though. they're all connected to a storm system. in fact there's future cast showing you hour by hour what will be happening. there will be some breaks in the clouds as the storm makes its closest path to us offshore now getting into the morning drive and the rain comes over cape cod and starts to push up to southeast expressway. there's plymouth and plymouth you are just about into the showers by 9:00 a.m. this should push with a few showers escaping farther north toward places like brockton and norton. steadier rain still stays down here along the south coast we are seeing some of the moderate to heavy showers with ready rains the cape. watch where the storm is progressing. with a steady rain stopping. there this storm is for you southeastern most massachusetts clearing through the afternoon tomorrow night especially to the north and west eventually work its way down to southeastern mass. temperatures out there tonight still mild in boston 45. check this out it's 27 orange, keen that's where the skies have clear where the clouds are thickest still in the 40s. overnight tonight in worcester it will just be cloudy and rebounding 35. into boston a lot of clouds here as well but no rain. dropping the to the 30s tonight where is the rain that. showers or steady high temperatures tomorrow. it's just a place holder icon the place where you can see the steadiest rain it will stay just rain. where it's a little cooler. north shore same thing for you a little cooler up this way. you are staying dry, too. then out to worcester county worst case you get a shower that gets into southern worcester county. fitchburg at 39 . tomorrow night into wednesday morning some clouds reappear some fog, too then we clear it up with sunshine and the clouds come back wednesday night and out of the area. for the seven-day forecast shows a clear trend toward milder temperatures get through wednesday with the sunshine. i have taken the showers mostly out of the area tomorrow but that 60% chance is for areas southeast of boston. wednesday. just like last weekend temperatures well into the 50s with plenty of sunshine and maybe some significant rain by next monday. hundreds of thousands of dollars to help local law enforcement track down on-line. >> fox 25 is taking a look at exactly how investigators do it and the reason they tell us it's not always one person but the network of crack the case. just 8 years old and batten breast cancer. the medical procedure that brave pholiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... ...and regular games. ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my stop & shop. jeb bush: here's the truth you will not hear from our president: we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. it is the struggle that will determine the fate of the free world. the united states should not delay in leading a global coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. their aim is our total destruction. we can't withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. we have but one choice: to defeat it. vo: right to rise usa is responsible for the content of pholiday season's just like football season... you got your big games... ...and regular games. get it all at a great price... ...and the holiday season is won. everything in one place. my stop & shop. chicago police force will now cooperate with a federal investigation from the department of justice this as video of the another officer involved the shooting released today showing the shooting death of ronald johnson as he ran away from police. the officer in that case will not be charged. meanwhile calls for a federal probe with chicago in the 2014 death of laquan mcdonald. the chicago mayor said he welcomes the investigation. >> the city needs answers in the case of mcdonald it's tragic and avoidable death but this is bigger than one particular incident. we need comprehensive solutions. >> the department of justice is also conducting a civil rights probe into mcdonald's death. >> billions of tax dollars are wasted each year when the federal government sends payments to the wrong people. late this afternoon the house approved a bill to improve improper spending. the legislation aims to improve communication between agencies about people no longer eligible for benefits. >> a group representing thousands of doctors in the state have voted against the legalization of recreational marijuana. that vote the mass medical society happening this past weekend and it comes just days after a promarijuana group announced it had move forward with a ballot question. if the measure is approved the society says they want to be sure money is set aside for education about substance abuse. the group that helps keep boston olympics are now sharing their expertise with world. members of no boston olympics and no boston 2024 helped activists in toronto ramp up their efforts to keep the olympics away. that city ultimately decided not to bid on the games. act vivs also went to germany to help convince hamburg residents to reject a referendum there last week. kids under the age of 18 shouldn't be playing football at all. that's the opinion of a prominent neurologist making waves tonight. the risk he says these players should be aware of before choosing. >> doing your holiday shopping on-line companies the very it's the holidays. and of course, everyone wants to get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. roomba navigates your entire home cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. which means your floors are always clean. you and roomba from irobot >> police across the boston area are about to make a big investment when it comes to searching for potential terror threats on social media. >> we hear reports of the city's top intelligence experts. >> reporter: the warning signs it's in plain sight. we're talking about maybe preventing an attack. >> exactly right. >> reporter: police in boston and surrounding cities are preparing to put $300,000 of homeland security money into on-line tools to help them scour social media for clues about the next attack. those leading the effort from b.p.d. boston intelligence regional center spoke to us on the phone and told fox 25 it's about filtering out the noise in the every never ending conversations happening on-line. >> what we want to do is be alerted to anything that could be a threat to the metro boston area here without being bogged down. could turn to services such as g.o.p. media allowing police to monitor specific areas at certain times to see what's being discussed on social media. an important tool during events like the boston marathon. >> the ability to mine that live is fantastic. >> reporter: cyber security experts say it's about more than just searching for keywords that trigger suspicion. >> you're taking one person's information or tweets and connecting them with another person's and then building a network of people who are then talking to each other. >> some wonder if similar tactics might have alerted wife team before they struck last week in california. >> these folks that have acted out whether it's a school the shooting, terrorist attack or criminal behavior there has been some media. >> reporter: erik rasmussen, fox 25 news. an unthinkable diagnosis landing a brave 8-year-old girl in surgery today. third grade and found a lump on her chest. doctors diagnosed her with an extremely rare form of breast cancer and she underwent an mastectomy today. this week christy spent some time with her family getting ready for christmas and she's not asking for much this year. >> knowing that the surgery is over that i will get back to a normal self-. >> we are wishing that for her as well. we're all pulling for her here christy's cancer does have a high rate of occurrence so doctors will check with her every three months. a local cancer institute is also looking to study if the history of cancer in her family could be linked to her diagnosis. >> one of the world's leading specialist is saying that shids should not be al-- that kids should not be allowed to play football. he's the thousand of the book the movie concussion is based on. "the new york times" saying that children should not be allowed to play high impact sports until they are 18 years old and can make decisions themselves. coaches and parents should not make that decision. he writes "our children are minors who have not reached the age of consent it is our moral duty as a sigh toy protect the most vulnerable of us -- society to protect the most vulnerable of us." the human brain becomes fully developed by at least 18 to 20 years old. no adults either a parent or coach should be allowed to make this life altering decision for a child. he says if there is a legal age for drinking, smoking, boating and driving we should have the same laws to protect the organ that "defines who we are as human beings." a new england-based coffee company has sold that to a private owner. bought out for $14 billion by jab. those brands which ons pete's it's uncare if keurig tact. retailers are watching on you and are using a new trick to track your activity. but there are ways you can stop them from doing it. clark howard shows us how. >> reporter: almost everywhere you go on the web the phone or on a computer companies are tracking everything you do. the information they gain let's them know what you like, where you like to shop, and what sorts of ads you're likely to be drawn to. >> the data that constantly grows about you is very, very valuable. is extremely valuable to marketers and advertisers. >> reporter: but you're not just being tracked while you search the web. many people are unaware of the data that they're providing. >> reporter: now companies by one pixel images in the e-mails they send us. >> when the user accesses that image then they know that the user is a, open to e-mail message up, and that they have loaded the content in there. >> reporter: gmail has started intercepting these images before you as the user open the message and the sender won't be aware but -- >> there's a lot of gotchas and there's a lot of other ways that trackers can be implemented. >> reporter: the easiest way to protect yourself is to install a plug-in like ad block plus or but even those may not work 100% of the time. >> overall, i think that users should just be aware that this type of functionality exists. >> we're in a continuing game of cat and mouse with companies want to feed stuff to us. yahoo! go so upset about people using blockers that they blocked people recently from accessing their e-mail reportedly. so no you get a lot of in return for in return for that freedom and the free stuff you give up your privacy. i'm clark. >> for more consumer advice on ways to save your family money just visit clark incredible video from chicago showing dense fog rolling into the windy city and blanketing it. the city seems to disappear completely it's not san francisco again this is chicago. fog dropped visibility down to a quarter mile or less over the area in some locations visibility dropped to near zero. here at home, things are pretty mild tonight no fog to talk about. as the air gets a little more wet with niece mild certainly see some clouds develop overnight you can watch for that too. the problem will be the rain moving up towards us. it's hitting a mild air mass. now the high temperature today in boston is 56 look at the normal 44. for a record we need 20 more degrees to hit the records close. there are the clouds over us. stop the temperature from continuing to fall. those showers on a live storm tracker radar just to the south of martha's vineyard and nantucket they fizzled for now. you got to push some of that rain into southeastern massachusetts here's the latest future cast data showing the rain moving across the islands by 7:00 and 8:00 during the course of the morning commute. we'll follow that storm right through the rest of the day with the future cast timeline and talk about the next shot for rain after that and the temperatures well, they're going back mild again by the end of the week. see you at 11:00. we have legal briefs in the tom brady case familiar arguments from jeffrey kessler and his crew. the celtics in new orleans and the bruins in a fight to the end at t.d. garden in [barks] are those... you there... stormtroopers! halt! turn here. go go! follow them! bb-8! beep, beep! this way! where'd they go? they went that way! that way, they went that way! i can't believe that worked! of course it worked! it's the holidays. which means a house full of people -- who all want to get online. so it's the perfect time for verizon fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. sunken treasure off the the coast of columbia. the ship sank with more than 11 million gold coins and jewels. the treasure would now be worth billions if recovered. no one has gone down to the ship yet but underwater cameras photographed the ship and experts say there's no doubt this is the right ship. bruins back home after a three game canadian road trip but back home hasn't always been the rescue for success with this team it and wasn't tonight either. tyler randle scaring off i give that one to randle with the right crosses you could not pay me enough. nashville and the bruins tied at 1 in the second. great tic-tac-toe losing erickson. bs up 2-1. tied it up with this drive to the net. that's just pure determination. 2-2 and it stayed that way until the final five minutes of the game. goal. victor gets the glory. third of the season. bruins fall to 5-7-1 at home after a 3-2 loss. celtics at home. isiah thomas is hungry. pulling up for three on this. we have a james young sighting people on the court tonight. getting involved four points a nice dish to evian turner on the other end. turner had eight on the night from one buckeye to another. jared sullinger back in his bootie down low. dropping a deuce in the can part of an 11 point night. celtics win easy 111-93. tom brady's legal team has come out swinging yet again. hammering home in their written response to the nfl's appeal the very same point that convinced judge richard berman to overturn brady's four game deflategate suspension early in september. key points from today's brief the punishment violated essence of the collective bargaining agreement. if first time offense was suspension. process by which brady was disciplined was fundamentally flawed and unfair i think they proved that erm oningly in august. as expected the nfl p.a. threatening if the appeals court overturns judge berman's decision they'll go right back to judge berman and pursue additional arguments that berman himself said could be applied but were not in his initial decision. patrick cheung hosting his open mic karoke moon. scott chandler grabbed the mic and he could sing, apparently. patrick cheung checking in. >> the event today is in a nutshell helping kids and see if anyone it really was a relaxed night. just have fun. that's all i can say is have fun and just chill out. >> just chilling out. dave dombrowski continuing to wheel and deal at the winter meetings. to the bullpen. wade miley headed to seattle went 11-11 had that run with john farrell likely didn't help the decision. carson smith your head liner coming back from the mariners. he throws hard and has closed games for the mariners likely going to be a late inning guy here. jonathan also heads to seattle and ellis coming back to boston from the mariners. a couple good reasons for bostonians to remember the date december 7th. 78 years ago today the red sox acquired the contract of a 19-year-old named ted williams. and 59 years ago today larry bird was born in west baden, indiana, larry legend knocking on the the door of 60. two legends in boston sports. donald trump saying close the border to all muslims. >> we can be politically correct or we can be stupid but it's going to get worse and worse. >> tonight the backlash and has our governor angrily responding. developing news up to 30 boston college students sickened now one popular chain restaurant is closed. a man out walking his dog credited with saving lives. >> yeah i was pretty nervous. just adrenaline kicks in. >> the move i had made that could have changed the outcome for an entire family. >> announcer: now with breaking news this is fox 25 news at 11:00. complete new england news coverage. >> break right now boston college students sickened and tonight a popular restaurant chain seems to be at the center of it all. hi everyone i'm vanessa welch. >> and i'm mark ockerbloom. now the number of students sickened after eating at chipotle is up to 30. fox 25's jim morelli is live. jim, chipotle is responding? >> reporter: yes, indeed, they are. have an important task ahead

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