Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20161129 : comparem

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20161129

spear. he is in the weather center with the advisories up. >> jason: a freezing rain advisory up right now. julie, daniel, good morning. light rain could be moving in and could be freezing at contact. it is going to be brief and not an ice storm but just enough to cause a problem on the roads. right now the big picture. where the steady rain is across pennsylvania. i am beginning to see light freezing rain eastward and this could be a problem, fitchburg at 41. orange and keene at 28. 20 degrees in norwood. cold wherever you go, but we will be warming above freezing as we head to 10 a.m. and that icy threat will end. then we are tracking the rain. look at this evening drive, guys. it looks like a washout. we will tell you how much rain could fall coming up. a look at the roads are expressway speed limit ride. average speeds right now 58 miles per hour. and a 9-minute drive time from the braintree split. 29 minutes from 495 to the leverett connector. just coming up on 4:02 this morning. we start with breaking news out of columbia where there has been a plane crash involving a charter plane that was carrying a brazilian soccer team and this morning we know some people have survived the plane crashed into a mountain area near the medenine mountain airport. at least three people have been taken to the hospital alive from the scene. right now search efforts have been suspended because of heavy rain in that area. the plane did make an emergency call before this crash, but at this hour, it is unclear exactly what caused the plane to go down. we will stay on top of this breaking story out of colombia evacuations are under way as a massive fire fighter threatens the downtown of gatlinburg. it is fueled by strong wind and shelters have been set up for people who can't get out of gatlinburg. officials think that the fire was intentionally set over weekend and they are investigating it as arson. more than 30 buildings have been destroyed but no reports of deaths or injuries. developing this morning, one pso rollover crash in east boston. it happened late last night along route 1 a and route 185. you can see in the video that the car rolled over. the road was closed for several hours as police reinvestigated. we are working to find out from police if any other cars were involved. we will update you on any developments throughout the morning. a man was hospitalized with serious burns after walking out of his home on fire. investigators are crediting it happened in tewksbury. fire fighters were first called to the house around 7:00 last night and then had to return again after 10:00 to put out a hot spot. an 84-year-old man was air-lifted to the hospital after running outside with his shirt on fire police officers and a neighbor jumped in to save him. >> ran over put it out. took his shirt off and stuff. dap dan the man's daughter was taken to the hospital with she is expected to be okay. we are working on the cause. we are learning the cause of a fire that took the life of a 91-year-old man. a flammable materials too close to a heating source sparked the deadly shed fire in charleston. armen st. laurent was killed. the fire was been named an accident. an elderly woman is recovering in the hospital after a car hit her. hit on her evening walk. it appears the driver may have had a medical issue behind the wheel. >> no charges right now for the driver. >> reporter: westwood police chief jeffrey silva says that driver, a woman in her 70s, last control on adams street close to her home hitting one of her own neighbors. >> it was an area that the driver was familiar with. we don't know why for some reason almost at the final destination the vehicle just seemed to just accelerate. woman in her 90s, was struck and thrown on top this lawn. she was rushed to a waiting helicopter and flown to beth israel in boston. >> her condition was very serious when she was transported. life-threatening. >> reporter: right now the police chiefs this all looks like a terrible accident. the driver suffering from some medical issue this led to the crash. >> the evidence we have preliminarily seem to suggest that it may have been some type of a medical issue. monahan, fox25 news. the driver who hit and killed a man in brockton has turned himself into police for questioning. so far no charges have been filed. we showed you the surveillance video over the weekend. the car plows into the 25-year-old victim on north main street and keeps going. sergio lacona died from his injuries. lacona recently moved to brockton from honduras where his wife and three young children still live. the driver's name has not been released. once he is arraign be in brockton district court. one town in massachusetts has voted to delate opening of any marijuana shops. the move comes just weeks after recreational marijuana becomes legal in massachusetts. fox25's ted daniel was in ashland for the late-night vote. >> reporter: the vote is in. we watched it happened inside the high school auditorium during a special town meeting. ashland has now passed a temporary moratorium on the recreational sale of marijuana. there you have it. all the people why hair hands up voted in favor of the moratorium. it needed two-thirds of town meeting participants and got that and then some. the first in the sight approve a temporary ban on the retail sale of marijuanas. stores that want to sell pot for recreational use will be barred from even trying to set up shop here until 2018. here is one resident who voted for it. followed by one who voted against it. >> we delay it,le people elsewhere to set up shop. so i don't think it is a good idea to have a moratorium. i think the voters indicated they were in favor of medical marijuana. the town is always looking for small businesses to come in and help you are economic based growth. >> reporter: ashland approved the similar similar moratorium on medical marijuana when that became legal in 2012. ashland is the first with recreational and likely won't daniel, fox25 news. >> daniel: meantime, still way to test when someone is too high to drive. a way to come up with legal limits to test a person's impairment. former massachusetts mitt romney will meet with donald trump for a second time. romney is being considered for secretary of state but not the only person who wants the job. retired army general petraeus met with trump yesterday to discuss the prestigio position. last year petraeus pled guilty of passing classified information to his former mistre, s and biographer. he avoided jail time as part of a plea deal. in the event the trump administration cuts millions in federal funding. they are worried during the campaign the president-elect vowed to cut funding to sanctuary cities. fox25's kerry kavanaugh reports this could also be the bottom line for dozens of nonprofits. happen and we lost all of our federal money that comes directly to us. >> reporter: $14 million that cambridge city manager lewis pa wallly says goes from heating to special education. >>.if goes into a lot of our areas. we will prioritize and see where we will continue to have those services and produce some, and how it will all work out. >> reporter: a scramble knew some of the federal funding will be from jeopardy president-elect donald trump holds true a campaign cutting down on funding for sanctuary cities. and despite the threat, cambridge and boston have no reason to change their stance. >> we have the trust act in boston and we will stand by that. >> reporter: marty walsh taking that message abroad telling "the irish times" boston is a city of inclusion. we are a global city and we the city that respects immigrants both documented and undocumented. boston not technically a sanctuary city offers protection for residents. >> reporter: how about the federal funding. >> the money is appropriated by congress. >> reporter: we asked the city of boston how much federal funding could be in jeopardy. we are still waiting to get that figure. speaking with cambridge they said they are not ruling out the possibility of a slight tax increase if this becomes in boston, kerry kavanaugh, fox25 news. meanwhile, controversy surrounding election day. recounts demanded and accusations of voter fraud. we told you yesterday donald trump thinks there was fraud in three states including new hampshire. still ahead, fox25 went to new hampshire leaders for their take on the claims. big congratulation is in order for al horford and his wife. he missed last night's game to without him. cs looking good outscoring the heat 27-12 in the second quarter. isaiah thomas and bradley with the baby hook. celtics up by 10. extend their lead in the third with isaiah thomas up by 16. he leads all scorers by 25 in the game. in the fourth, marcus smart drains this 3. celtics go on to win the fourth consecutive road game 112-104 and back home to take on the pistons tomorrow night. we weather together every ten minutes. drive time on expressway single digits. nine minutes from the braintree split to the pike. jason? >> jason: watching the temperatures very carefully, upper 20s, lower 30s in the extreme northwestern area. we have light rain that will get closer at this hour. the future track look on when to expect the rain today coming up. julie all right, jason. went to a meeting looking for answers and left outraged. remove their children from a charter school after accusation that's a little boy was sexually abusing a little boy on a bus. the reason that they believe investigators are not doing . 4:14. investigators will continue to home to find out why he attacked students on campus. 11 students were killed before an officer shot and killed the attacker. leaders say the rampage had all the signs of a terror attack. >> reporter: a monday morning attack at ohio state university. >> we have a vehicle that struck several pedestrians. we have gunshots fired. we have one down. >> reporter: officials say an 18-year-old osu student intention alily drove a car into a crowd on cameron diaz using the vehicle as a weapon people. >> suddenly he and on the sidewalk and just hit everyone who was walking. >> the accident initially until the guy came without a knife. i wasn't processing all of it. >> reporter: a nearby police officer quickly responded shooting and killing the suspect. >> it is remarkable what these first responders did. >> reporter: 11 people were hurt in the attack, one critically. >> fortunately from what i am understanding from both a full recovery. >> reporter: sources tell fox news the suspect was a refugee from somalia that became a legal, permanent u.s. resident. >> we can confirm that the suspect was an osu student named abdul razak artan. >> reporter: now looking at the motive and the suspect's background, federal investigators could be seen searching his home on monday is i am completely astonished. seemed like a regular guy. nice. decently mannered. >> reporter: the ranking democrat on committee says the attack marks the hallmarks of someone who may have been self-radicalized. >> julie: that was mark ockerbloom reporting. the driver in a deadly tennessee school bus crash will be from court. johnothony walker is being charged for the crash that killed six elementary school students. in the week leading up to the crash, the school's principal expressed concern about walker twice. walker was accused of swearing to the kids that had one parent threatening to beat him up. the crash is still under investigation but officials say that walker was speeding on an unapproved route at the time. jury selection continues today for the accused gunman in a deadly south carolina church attack. yesterday, a federal judge granted the man's request to represent himself at trial. that comes days after dylann roof was found represent himself. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. a tribute to the victims of the pulse night club. these rain bow streets in the major league soccer stadium. it is in honor of each person killed in the attack. the stadium opens next year. we track traffic and weather every ten minutes. looking at the maps right now. a lot of green. nothing slowing us down quite yet. the expressway looking good. north of the mike, route 1 and 13 minutes on route 1. 19 minutes on 93 south from 495 to the leverett connector. 22 minutes on 128 southbound from route 1 in peabody to the weston tolls. average speeds a little over 60 miles per hour. just coming up 407b :18 this tuesday morning. meteorologist jason brewer in for shiri spear. jason tracking rain showers. >> jason: a lot of rain on the way but the problem is the air first and we need to watch for a little ice. we don't want anyone to be caught offguard. the heavy rain over new york and pennsylvania, but out ahead of the main event, we do have a freezing rain advisory. these are the winter weather advisories. you go into northern new england. snow there today but light icing, manchester down to nashua. this is really right now through 10:00 in the morning is where that threat will be greatest. milford to guardner, mem lynn brattleboro, the spots with the light icing, you see the rain and the freezing rain right now in the berkshires. as i flip over to the boston radar and shoot back here. we will see a lot of this isn't getting to the ground. anywhere around keene, back to amherst, the spot to watch first for light, freezing rain. it will take a while for this to get down. keene by 5:10 in the morning moving at 30 miles per hour. you see prob lower 30s in those locations and then back here around boston, in the middle 30s, but as soon as we get in the burbs upper 20s and 30-degree readings as well. the good news is rain won't arrive there until the temperatures get above freezing. are not concerned about icing from the north and west. upper 20s and lower 30s all the way to the cape and the islands this morning but go to 10:00. elsewhere. by noon a cup of 50s on the map especially south and east of boston. we will get a southeast wind today that will actually bring the mild air in. a warm front coming that by is lifting that moisture and bringing the precipitation, but also the milder temperatures. there is 5:00. look at the rain all across the board. temperatures will be in the 40s and even 50s still for the evening drive. not particularly cold, but as you see kevin tonight at 10 tracking a little bit of rain. the heaviest amount looks to fall along the south coast today. the winds out of the southeast bringing the temperatures up for us. southern new hampshire, you get caught in the 40s today but the rest of the area could break into the 50s and the next cup of days we will keep it on the milder side wednesday and thursday and i do expect highs in the middle 50s. talk about the rainfall. not only today. look that the half an inch to about an inch of rain. afternoon and early thursday. another half an inch to an inch of rain piled on top of that. wind up with one, possibly two-plus inches in southern new england. drying out friday and the weekend in review. nice to be dropping off our coats, the coats for kids drives in natick. it will be breezy and seasonable. back to you. new details emerging this morning how a lowell mother was killed. fight at a house party. the information revealed by see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, three massachusetts have been cipted by regulators for failing to report patients deaths. 17 hospitals inspected last december by the food and drug administration. officials found that mass general failed to report the deaths of two patients. umass memorial and brigham and women's each failed to report one death. this morning. now is the time to get your flu shot. a potential outbreak could be just around the corner. one doctor tells fox25's jim morelli, another of factors creating a perfect germ storm. >> fever, achy, cough, nausea. >> reporter: massachusetts residents might remember what getting the flu feels like. >> unbelievable. just knocks you out for a week. >> reporter: not necessarily translating into efforts at prevention. >> have you gotten your flu shot yet. >> i have not. >> are you planning to? >> i am not. >> reporter: so far vaccination rates in massachusetts at least by one measure remain somewhat low despite a plethora of places to get the shot. latest data from the department of health and human services show the vaccination rate for one group of medicare beneficiaries at 21% in the state. >> it concerns me. i think this is the time when we should all be vaccinated. i received my vaccine, and i hope you have gotten yours, and it is certainly the time to get it. an infectious disease specialist at massachusetts hospital. getting vaccinated is the most powerful way to keep the flu at bay. >> in the good years it is only 60% to 70% effective, but even those who get the flu after getting the vaccine tend to have milder cases. >> reporter: it is by no means too late to get a flu shot. in fact time is of the essence because it takes about two weeks to get full protection once you get vaccinated. this week the center of disease control and prevti reported an uptick of flu cases in some parts of new england. but the worst of it is likely still to come. the holiday season is prime time for flu to spread because influenza likes its chances in a crowd. many of whom could be unprotected. in dedham, jim morelli, fox25 news. a big investment and an even bigger mission. congress will commit to the bill has been in the work for years. other diseases like alzheimer's will benefit too. >> what this bill will do is create a whole new slug of funding for research in disease, especially cancer. >> julie: the bill will budget $1 billion for state grants to address the opioid crisis. republican leader also hold a vote this week on a final deal, but democratic leaders haven't signed on and say they are still negotiating a final 4:27. the president-elect claimed he was cheated out of the popular vote. we told you yesterday he said voter fraud in three states including new hampshire. fox25 went straight to election officials there to get their take on the situation. and a new tool will soon situation. and a new tool will soon be used someone once asked, do we ever think about anything other than steak? yes... akhouse. tonight's special: turf and surf. flo's filet and lobster tail, our new crab cake filet, and our new renegade sirloin and lobster mac and cheese. only at longhorn steakhouse. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month online for the first year. south america. a plane carrying member of a brazilian soccer team has crashed in colombia. there are survivors. one person dead and a police investigation under way. details we are learning of a deadly rollover crash that happened near logan airport. outrage at a boston charter school, one child sexually abused on the bus by another. the reason the parents is not doing enough to a lowell woman dead after getting into a fight at a party. the new details revealed by an autopsy about how she died. complete new england news coverage starts right now. this is the fox25 morning news. >> daniel: it is tuesday, november 29. i am daniel miller. >> julie: i am julie grauert. i will be keeping a close eye on the roads this morning as we check weather and traffic he ten minutes because this morning we have some freezing rain that will be in the picture.

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New York , United States , Honduras , Charleston , South Carolina , East Boston , Massachusetts , New Hampshire , Dedham , Brockton , Brazil , Boston , Colombia , Manchester , United Kingdom , Braintree , Ashland , Natick , Pennsylvania , Cambridge , Cambridgeshire , Ireland , Somalia , Fitchburg , America , Brazilian , Irish , Ted Daniel , Jim Morelli , Cameron Diaz , Kerry Kavanaugh , Jeffrey Silva , Lewis Pa , Lynn Brattleboro , Marty Walsh , Daniel Miller , Isaiah Thomas , Abdul Razak Artan , Gary Watson ,

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Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20161129 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20161129

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spear. he is in the weather center with the advisories up. >> jason: a freezing rain advisory up right now. julie, daniel, good morning. light rain could be moving in and could be freezing at contact. it is going to be brief and not an ice storm but just enough to cause a problem on the roads. right now the big picture. where the steady rain is across pennsylvania. i am beginning to see light freezing rain eastward and this could be a problem, fitchburg at 41. orange and keene at 28. 20 degrees in norwood. cold wherever you go, but we will be warming above freezing as we head to 10 a.m. and that icy threat will end. then we are tracking the rain. look at this evening drive, guys. it looks like a washout. we will tell you how much rain could fall coming up. a look at the roads are expressway speed limit ride. average speeds right now 58 miles per hour. and a 9-minute drive time from the braintree split. 29 minutes from 495 to the leverett connector. just coming up on 4:02 this morning. we start with breaking news out of columbia where there has been a plane crash involving a charter plane that was carrying a brazilian soccer team and this morning we know some people have survived the plane crashed into a mountain area near the medenine mountain airport. at least three people have been taken to the hospital alive from the scene. right now search efforts have been suspended because of heavy rain in that area. the plane did make an emergency call before this crash, but at this hour, it is unclear exactly what caused the plane to go down. we will stay on top of this breaking story out of colombia evacuations are under way as a massive fire fighter threatens the downtown of gatlinburg. it is fueled by strong wind and shelters have been set up for people who can't get out of gatlinburg. officials think that the fire was intentionally set over weekend and they are investigating it as arson. more than 30 buildings have been destroyed but no reports of deaths or injuries. developing this morning, one pso rollover crash in east boston. it happened late last night along route 1 a and route 185. you can see in the video that the car rolled over. the road was closed for several hours as police reinvestigated. we are working to find out from police if any other cars were involved. we will update you on any developments throughout the morning. a man was hospitalized with serious burns after walking out of his home on fire. investigators are crediting it happened in tewksbury. fire fighters were first called to the house around 7:00 last night and then had to return again after 10:00 to put out a hot spot. an 84-year-old man was air-lifted to the hospital after running outside with his shirt on fire police officers and a neighbor jumped in to save him. >> ran over put it out. took his shirt off and stuff. dap dan the man's daughter was taken to the hospital with she is expected to be okay. we are working on the cause. we are learning the cause of a fire that took the life of a 91-year-old man. a flammable materials too close to a heating source sparked the deadly shed fire in charleston. armen st. laurent was killed. the fire was been named an accident. an elderly woman is recovering in the hospital after a car hit her. hit on her evening walk. it appears the driver may have had a medical issue behind the wheel. >> no charges right now for the driver. >> reporter: westwood police chief jeffrey silva says that driver, a woman in her 70s, last control on adams street close to her home hitting one of her own neighbors. >> it was an area that the driver was familiar with. we don't know why for some reason almost at the final destination the vehicle just seemed to just accelerate. woman in her 90s, was struck and thrown on top this lawn. she was rushed to a waiting helicopter and flown to beth israel in boston. >> her condition was very serious when she was transported. life-threatening. >> reporter: right now the police chiefs this all looks like a terrible accident. the driver suffering from some medical issue this led to the crash. >> the evidence we have preliminarily seem to suggest that it may have been some type of a medical issue. monahan, fox25 news. the driver who hit and killed a man in brockton has turned himself into police for questioning. so far no charges have been filed. we showed you the surveillance video over the weekend. the car plows into the 25-year-old victim on north main street and keeps going. sergio lacona died from his injuries. lacona recently moved to brockton from honduras where his wife and three young children still live. the driver's name has not been released. once he is arraign be in brockton district court. one town in massachusetts has voted to delate opening of any marijuana shops. the move comes just weeks after recreational marijuana becomes legal in massachusetts. fox25's ted daniel was in ashland for the late-night vote. >> reporter: the vote is in. we watched it happened inside the high school auditorium during a special town meeting. ashland has now passed a temporary moratorium on the recreational sale of marijuana. there you have it. all the people why hair hands up voted in favor of the moratorium. it needed two-thirds of town meeting participants and got that and then some. the first in the sight approve a temporary ban on the retail sale of marijuanas. stores that want to sell pot for recreational use will be barred from even trying to set up shop here until 2018. here is one resident who voted for it. followed by one who voted against it. >> we delay it,le people elsewhere to set up shop. so i don't think it is a good idea to have a moratorium. i think the voters indicated they were in favor of medical marijuana. the town is always looking for small businesses to come in and help you are economic based growth. >> reporter: ashland approved the similar similar moratorium on medical marijuana when that became legal in 2012. ashland is the first with recreational and likely won't daniel, fox25 news. >> daniel: meantime, still way to test when someone is too high to drive. a way to come up with legal limits to test a person's impairment. former massachusetts mitt romney will meet with donald trump for a second time. romney is being considered for secretary of state but not the only person who wants the job. retired army general petraeus met with trump yesterday to discuss the prestigio position. last year petraeus pled guilty of passing classified information to his former mistre, s and biographer. he avoided jail time as part of a plea deal. in the event the trump administration cuts millions in federal funding. they are worried during the campaign the president-elect vowed to cut funding to sanctuary cities. fox25's kerry kavanaugh reports this could also be the bottom line for dozens of nonprofits. happen and we lost all of our federal money that comes directly to us. >> reporter: $14 million that cambridge city manager lewis pa wallly says goes from heating to special education. >>.if goes into a lot of our areas. we will prioritize and see where we will continue to have those services and produce some, and how it will all work out. >> reporter: a scramble knew some of the federal funding will be from jeopardy president-elect donald trump holds true a campaign cutting down on funding for sanctuary cities. and despite the threat, cambridge and boston have no reason to change their stance. >> we have the trust act in boston and we will stand by that. >> reporter: marty walsh taking that message abroad telling "the irish times" boston is a city of inclusion. we are a global city and we the city that respects immigrants both documented and undocumented. boston not technically a sanctuary city offers protection for residents. >> reporter: how about the federal funding. >> the money is appropriated by congress. >> reporter: we asked the city of boston how much federal funding could be in jeopardy. we are still waiting to get that figure. speaking with cambridge they said they are not ruling out the possibility of a slight tax increase if this becomes in boston, kerry kavanaugh, fox25 news. meanwhile, controversy surrounding election day. recounts demanded and accusations of voter fraud. we told you yesterday donald trump thinks there was fraud in three states including new hampshire. still ahead, fox25 went to new hampshire leaders for their take on the claims. big congratulation is in order for al horford and his wife. he missed last night's game to without him. cs looking good outscoring the heat 27-12 in the second quarter. isaiah thomas and bradley with the baby hook. celtics up by 10. extend their lead in the third with isaiah thomas up by 16. he leads all scorers by 25 in the game. in the fourth, marcus smart drains this 3. celtics go on to win the fourth consecutive road game 112-104 and back home to take on the pistons tomorrow night. we weather together every ten minutes. drive time on expressway single digits. nine minutes from the braintree split to the pike. jason? >> jason: watching the temperatures very carefully, upper 20s, lower 30s in the extreme northwestern area. we have light rain that will get closer at this hour. the future track look on when to expect the rain today coming up. julie all right, jason. went to a meeting looking for answers and left outraged. remove their children from a charter school after accusation that's a little boy was sexually abusing a little boy on a bus. the reason that they believe investigators are not doing . 4:14. investigators will continue to home to find out why he attacked students on campus. 11 students were killed before an officer shot and killed the attacker. leaders say the rampage had all the signs of a terror attack. >> reporter: a monday morning attack at ohio state university. >> we have a vehicle that struck several pedestrians. we have gunshots fired. we have one down. >> reporter: officials say an 18-year-old osu student intention alily drove a car into a crowd on cameron diaz using the vehicle as a weapon people. >> suddenly he and on the sidewalk and just hit everyone who was walking. >> the accident initially until the guy came without a knife. i wasn't processing all of it. >> reporter: a nearby police officer quickly responded shooting and killing the suspect. >> it is remarkable what these first responders did. >> reporter: 11 people were hurt in the attack, one critically. >> fortunately from what i am understanding from both a full recovery. >> reporter: sources tell fox news the suspect was a refugee from somalia that became a legal, permanent u.s. resident. >> we can confirm that the suspect was an osu student named abdul razak artan. >> reporter: now looking at the motive and the suspect's background, federal investigators could be seen searching his home on monday is i am completely astonished. seemed like a regular guy. nice. decently mannered. >> reporter: the ranking democrat on committee says the attack marks the hallmarks of someone who may have been self-radicalized. >> julie: that was mark ockerbloom reporting. the driver in a deadly tennessee school bus crash will be from court. johnothony walker is being charged for the crash that killed six elementary school students. in the week leading up to the crash, the school's principal expressed concern about walker twice. walker was accused of swearing to the kids that had one parent threatening to beat him up. the crash is still under investigation but officials say that walker was speeding on an unapproved route at the time. jury selection continues today for the accused gunman in a deadly south carolina church attack. yesterday, a federal judge granted the man's request to represent himself at trial. that comes days after dylann roof was found represent himself. prosecutors are seeking the death penalty. a tribute to the victims of the pulse night club. these rain bow streets in the major league soccer stadium. it is in honor of each person killed in the attack. the stadium opens next year. we track traffic and weather every ten minutes. looking at the maps right now. a lot of green. nothing slowing us down quite yet. the expressway looking good. north of the mike, route 1 and 13 minutes on route 1. 19 minutes on 93 south from 495 to the leverett connector. 22 minutes on 128 southbound from route 1 in peabody to the weston tolls. average speeds a little over 60 miles per hour. just coming up 407b :18 this tuesday morning. meteorologist jason brewer in for shiri spear. jason tracking rain showers. >> jason: a lot of rain on the way but the problem is the air first and we need to watch for a little ice. we don't want anyone to be caught offguard. the heavy rain over new york and pennsylvania, but out ahead of the main event, we do have a freezing rain advisory. these are the winter weather advisories. you go into northern new england. snow there today but light icing, manchester down to nashua. this is really right now through 10:00 in the morning is where that threat will be greatest. milford to guardner, mem lynn brattleboro, the spots with the light icing, you see the rain and the freezing rain right now in the berkshires. as i flip over to the boston radar and shoot back here. we will see a lot of this isn't getting to the ground. anywhere around keene, back to amherst, the spot to watch first for light, freezing rain. it will take a while for this to get down. keene by 5:10 in the morning moving at 30 miles per hour. you see prob lower 30s in those locations and then back here around boston, in the middle 30s, but as soon as we get in the burbs upper 20s and 30-degree readings as well. the good news is rain won't arrive there until the temperatures get above freezing. are not concerned about icing from the north and west. upper 20s and lower 30s all the way to the cape and the islands this morning but go to 10:00. elsewhere. by noon a cup of 50s on the map especially south and east of boston. we will get a southeast wind today that will actually bring the mild air in. a warm front coming that by is lifting that moisture and bringing the precipitation, but also the milder temperatures. there is 5:00. look at the rain all across the board. temperatures will be in the 40s and even 50s still for the evening drive. not particularly cold, but as you see kevin tonight at 10 tracking a little bit of rain. the heaviest amount looks to fall along the south coast today. the winds out of the southeast bringing the temperatures up for us. southern new hampshire, you get caught in the 40s today but the rest of the area could break into the 50s and the next cup of days we will keep it on the milder side wednesday and thursday and i do expect highs in the middle 50s. talk about the rainfall. not only today. look that the half an inch to about an inch of rain. afternoon and early thursday. another half an inch to an inch of rain piled on top of that. wind up with one, possibly two-plus inches in southern new england. drying out friday and the weekend in review. nice to be dropping off our coats, the coats for kids drives in natick. it will be breezy and seasonable. back to you. new details emerging this morning how a lowell mother was killed. fight at a house party. the information revealed by see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, three massachusetts have been cipted by regulators for failing to report patients deaths. 17 hospitals inspected last december by the food and drug administration. officials found that mass general failed to report the deaths of two patients. umass memorial and brigham and women's each failed to report one death. this morning. now is the time to get your flu shot. a potential outbreak could be just around the corner. one doctor tells fox25's jim morelli, another of factors creating a perfect germ storm. >> fever, achy, cough, nausea. >> reporter: massachusetts residents might remember what getting the flu feels like. >> unbelievable. just knocks you out for a week. >> reporter: not necessarily translating into efforts at prevention. >> have you gotten your flu shot yet. >> i have not. >> are you planning to? >> i am not. >> reporter: so far vaccination rates in massachusetts at least by one measure remain somewhat low despite a plethora of places to get the shot. latest data from the department of health and human services show the vaccination rate for one group of medicare beneficiaries at 21% in the state. >> it concerns me. i think this is the time when we should all be vaccinated. i received my vaccine, and i hope you have gotten yours, and it is certainly the time to get it. an infectious disease specialist at massachusetts hospital. getting vaccinated is the most powerful way to keep the flu at bay. >> in the good years it is only 60% to 70% effective, but even those who get the flu after getting the vaccine tend to have milder cases. >> reporter: it is by no means too late to get a flu shot. in fact time is of the essence because it takes about two weeks to get full protection once you get vaccinated. this week the center of disease control and prevti reported an uptick of flu cases in some parts of new england. but the worst of it is likely still to come. the holiday season is prime time for flu to spread because influenza likes its chances in a crowd. many of whom could be unprotected. in dedham, jim morelli, fox25 news. a big investment and an even bigger mission. congress will commit to the bill has been in the work for years. other diseases like alzheimer's will benefit too. >> what this bill will do is create a whole new slug of funding for research in disease, especially cancer. >> julie: the bill will budget $1 billion for state grants to address the opioid crisis. republican leader also hold a vote this week on a final deal, but democratic leaders haven't signed on and say they are still negotiating a final 4:27. the president-elect claimed he was cheated out of the popular vote. we told you yesterday he said voter fraud in three states including new hampshire. fox25 went straight to election officials there to get their take on the situation. and a new tool will soon situation. and a new tool will soon be used someone once asked, do we ever think about anything other than steak? yes... akhouse. tonight's special: turf and surf. flo's filet and lobster tail, our new crab cake filet, and our new renegade sirloin and lobster mac and cheese. only at longhorn steakhouse. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month online for the first year. south america. a plane carrying member of a brazilian soccer team has crashed in colombia. there are survivors. one person dead and a police investigation under way. details we are learning of a deadly rollover crash that happened near logan airport. outrage at a boston charter school, one child sexually abused on the bus by another. the reason the parents is not doing enough to a lowell woman dead after getting into a fight at a party. the new details revealed by an autopsy about how she died. complete new england news coverage starts right now. this is the fox25 morning news. >> daniel: it is tuesday, november 29. i am daniel miller. >> julie: i am julie grauert. i will be keeping a close eye on the roads this morning as we check weather and traffic he ten minutes because this morning we have some freezing rain that will be in the picture.

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