Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20161122 : comparem

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20161122

scarf, gloves. another windy and cold day. shiri. >> shiri: we packing wind chills. your current temperatures. we are at or below freezing norwood, beverly. fitchburg and nashua. 33 in boston and 32 in hyannis. we have patchy clouds this morning and sustained winds mostly in the t 1 miles per hour. sustained. stronger gusts in the boston area. a very blustery chilly start to the day. here is your hour-by-hour forecast for lowell this morning. start off with a little bit of cloud cover until 6 a.m. takes off around 8:00, millle 30s by 10 a.m. 40s are book on lunch. mostly sunny skies and town-by-town look of the temperatures in your forecast straight into the thanksgiving holiday coming up. traffic. >> julie: thinking of the thanksgiving holiday, busy on the roads. expected to slow down later this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon. expressway wide open from the braintree split to columbia road. live drive times. 24 minutes on the pike eastbound from 495. 20 minutes on 93 south from andover to the leverett connector. breaking this morning, a chattanooga school bus driver is being charged in cra police arrested jonathany walker and charged him with five counts of involuntary homicide. they were looking whether he was speeding at the time the crash. 35 children from kindergarten to fifth grade and the tree you can see there split it in half. some kids on the bus say it was going very fast before crash. police are looking at the bus's data and video recording devices to learn more. for the kids. fox25 investigates is digging deep near a reported sexual assault involving young children on board a school bus. it happened earlier in month but parents tell kerry kavanaugh they only found out because of a facebook post. >> my stomach turned. i am sick to my stomach. how did they let this go on. >> reporter: this mother of two was first alerted to a facebook post in the mimd of the night. the graphic post said i have a close friend whose son is mainly by another 6-year-old, mainly on the bus. the post contained many more graphic details of incidents on a school bus involving students at boston renaissance charter school, one of the oldest charter schools in the city. for this mom and others who contacted fox25, the post was the first of any alleged incident as much i heard it on facebook. it is how i heard it first and i got a phone call from the school. >> reporter: that call was an around 8:00 yesterday morning. >> we are aware of the facebook post circulating involving an alleged incident on a school bus earlier this month. >> it has been happening since the beginning of november. why was no one informed until it went viral. >> reporter: post has been shared thousands of times. boston renaissance posted what was said in their voicemail to their web site and referred us to it. the statement said the school leadership team took appropriate action and followed legal protocols co enforcement immediately and they take the matter seriously and taken appropriate measure to ensure student safety, but parents say they have no idea of the skocht investigation, how many children are affected and they wonder if they would know anything at fall not for facebook post. >> they are not telling us anything. >> reporter: the boston police department has referred this case to the child advocacy center because the child in question is less than 6 years old and will not face any they are investigating. kerry kavanaugh, fox25 news. a father in manchester, new hampshire was in jail after his two small children were found living in filth. a well being check for james greiner. inside they found his 2-year-old daughter covered with human waste in her crib and 4-year-old son tied to the bed. the children's mother admitted that it had happened before. >> my son was not able to go to the he was not able to play. he was constantly in his bed and not able to be with anybody else but himself in that bed. >> reporter: greiner was charged with child endangerment and misconduct. more charges could be filed and the children are now with their grandparents. president-elect donald trump is using social media to outline his plans for the first 100 days in office. >> i would like to provide the american people with an update of the white house transition and our policies -- principle of his presidency will be put america first. he laid out actions from tackling in the first day in office, among them withdrawing from a key trade agreement. >> on trade, i am going to issue a notification of intent to withdraw from the transpacific partnership, a potential disaster for our country. instead, we will negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that bring jobs and friday back on to american shores. >> julie: trump did not talk about the repeal of obama or plans to build a wall on the mexican border. log on to to listen to the president-elect's message in full. former massachusetts senator could the brown said his meeting with president-elect donald trump went, quote, great. brown met with trump in new york city yesterday morning. the 57-year-old is vying to be the new secretary of the department of veteran affairs. brown spent 35 years in the army national guard and retired as a colonel. he says the va has great problems that need to be fixed. serves seven, eight million people -- seven million people, i think, last year and has tremendous employee base. just so many things to do. >> julie: a recent study found 20 vets commit suicide he day in the u.s. brown said the secretary of the va is the toughest job in the cabinet because of the number of problems they face. hundreds of people showed up to the steps of the massachusetts statethousand rally against hate crimes. >> all p equal. >> daniel: many of the people at the rally feel there has been a rise in hate crimes and harassment since the election, but several local lawmakers say the issue much bigger. >> here is what is nonnegotiable, everyone in this country deserves dignity. everyone in this country deserves respect. >> daniel: in the weeks since maura healy set up a hotline, they received 200 calls statewide. terrorist suspect is held without bail. he tried to join isis and considered carrying out an attack in new york city. he wanted to carry out a vehicle attack with a garbage truck crushing residents. police arrested him at his apartment. he traveled to turkey and yemen last year in hopes of joining isis, but the terror group didn't take him. new this morning, the man accused of ambushing and executing a san antonio police crime. police arrested otis tyrone mcclain yesterday. he is accused of killing the veteran officer on sunday night. as he was being escorted by police mccain talked about why he committed a crime. mccain went on to apologize to the officer's family. benjamin marconi was killed just outside the department headquarters as he sat in his cruiser. thanking the community and country for their support. local police departments are taking action following the police shooting in missouri and florida. they questioned the lack of national outrage on twitter yesterday. 2016 is the deadliest year for ambush-style attacks on police officer that has norwood police chief warning officers to stay alert. >> it can happen anywhere, it can happen at any time. we ask officers to stay on their toes. head on the swivel. be aware of your surroundings. >> reporter: according to the national law enforcement memorial fund, 50 officers have been shot and killed so far this other. still ahead in the next 30 minutes, a pair of boston police officers continue their road of recovery after being shot in the line of duty. the good news we have to share for them just time for the holiday season. months after a jogger murdered along the trail they are working to hunt down the killer. the crime scene has led to a steady stream of new tips. investigators are focusing on quality of those tips as they work to solve vanessa marcotte's murder. police are reminding people to call the anonymous tip line with any new information. the driver accused in a hit-and-run crash in she will eis being held on 2,000 bail. arnold hernandez with as arrested. in court he pled not guilty of leaving the scene of an accident and driving without a license. you can see into an older woman and driving off. the woman hit is okay. hernandez is due back in court on the 22nd. why hernandez's arrest is giving she will epolice new hope of solving another hit-and-run. today marks a decades of the explosion that leveled a neighborhood. a blast equivalent to a 2,000-pound bomb shook the area. many homes were damaged and many residents were hospitalized but amaze league skyfox flew over the area yesterday and a lot of rebuilding including a marina now standing where the plant once was. neighbors plan to get together today to sell operate the anniversary. looking at weather and traffic any time. 20 minutes from andover to the zakim bridge. shiri? >> shiri: starting off with wind chills in the teens and 20s. pretty chilly in worcester at only 14 degrees. wind chill still teens and 20s at 7:00. i look into the warmest th that's it. i will show you how long the wind and the cold stick around. >> all right, shiri. a sign of the season that is definitely not welcomed just as quickly as packages are being delivered in one community, they are disappearing. the big warning from cambridge recreation at marijuana in a matter of weeks. ted daniels report a rush on supplies for home growing set-up. >> reporter: gardening supplies come with free gardening advice, and recently a lot of customers have been asked how to grow weed. >> people right now are kind of planning. they are coming in, i want to start something up in december report the new law allows adults to grow up to six marijuana plants at home and tents, nights, nutrients, carbon dioxide, filters, ventilation system. owner ethan holmes say asset-up can cost between $500 and $5,000. >> you can make it as complex as you want it to be. as you want to grow more, get bigger greeldz things and bigger results. >> reporter: chuck showingle manufacturing led lights and says potency is one of the variables that be tailored to a beer type of industry where people are growing their own for their own needs. >> reporter: we checked with james nixon as he was checking out. >> i am an attorney by trade and took that brain power and took that into researching. >> reporter: james runs a home-grown set-up and consulting company. he has four appointments scheduled and he expects many more to follow. >> i think the knowledge i have that gained has put me in a sort of special place where i help others do kind of the psalm thing. >> reporter: the new law requires that any home grow operation be done in a private residence that either has to be indoors or outdoors or out of sight. the new law takes effect december 15. reporting in framingham, ted daniel, fox25 news. the number of drunk driving violations in massachusetts is skyrocketing. now local police wore three can be even more once question 4 takes effect. >> the fact that iser that drive on the streets and it will have an effect and people are going to dry because of it. >> daniel: right now officers do not have a roadside test for drugs like they do alcohol. and some answers may be in colorado where weed has been legal since 2015. the possible solution that law enforcement is testing there that can crack down on people driving while high. 4:16. a local school superintendent driving arrest is still collecting a paycheck. wilmington superintendent quit her job last month after it was revealed she never told the school board she was arrested for oui back in august. now we are finding out she will collect a paycheck through the end of the next school year. the "lowell sun" days she makes $6500 every two weeks and will also receive health care benefits. it is 4:17. we track traffic and weather every ten minutes. nice and quiet out there as you the expressway. 128 looking good. pike wide open. 93 south and route 1 clear. if you want a jump start on your thanksgiving travel. 4:17 is the great time. all alone. 20 minutes on 93 south. 22 minutes on 128 southbound from peabody to the weston tolls. 4:17 right now. the cold weather is here and that has everyone thinking where the snow machine was pitching out the powder. the resort say they will keep the snow guns blasting as long as the weather will permit. will it last? >> shiri: the weather will permit. you felt it. a cool start to the day. a couple of interesting thing in the forecast. today will be dry but blustery. the aurora may be visible overnight tonight. very cool. we got reports out of maine of seeing it last night. that will be kind of cool. love to see your pictures on twitter if you catch that. a light, wintry mix is the next thing we are really watching and the problem is the timing with this. looks like it will roll in for early thanksgiving morning although very minor, minor, not even an inch of snow. it could create some very slippery travel conditions for early thanksgiving. right now not a worry president world other than the cold. 33 in boston. 31 in lawrence. 32 in norwood. skies. only feels like 24 because it is a breezy morning out there. we have patchy clouds to get through this morning. 6 a.m. 31 degrees. 8 a.m., 32 degrees. still freezing out there for the morning commute. upper 30s by 10 a.m. 41 degrees by noontime. highs in the lower 40s there. that is the rule. lower 40s across eastern massachusetts, into southern new hampshire. a couple of cooler spots like worcester at 35 degrees and orange at only 37. so futurecast today will involve some involve some partly sunny skies. sunshine, scattered clouds. you know what is still with us though, the wind. blustery from start to finish tracking wind gusts. 30 miles per hour frequently today. northern new england continues with a little bit of light snow. the rest of the northeast enjoying these nice, quiet conditions. huge travel days tomorrow and still the eastern united states quiet. the middle of the united states quiet right in the middle. i was telling but this yesterday. i have got rain from the great lakes down the mississippi watch and up around the great lakes. also have snow any travelers to the pacific northwest, i have some rain in the forecast from seattle over to portland naacp your thursday forecast here and going to 10 a.m. futurecast is struggling a little bit with this. come into town a little bit earlier and incredibly light. inland towns and cities seeing light snow initially. could be dealing with a little bit of freezing drizzle and sleet in around the boston area into southeastern mass that on the road that definitely has me concerned. late wednesday night, i think you are fine for traveling. early thursday morning, i see the best chance for any kind of light snow, light sleet and light freezing rain. by noontime most of us will be dealing with plain rain. the exception up across the mass new hampshire border. still probably a light mix there. by 3:00 in the afternoon on thanksgiving, going with rain showers. there tough. 10 a.m. football. 1 p.m. mostly rain and temps 40 degrees and upper 30s for 5 p.m. dinner. seven-day forecast with the weekend always in view, mostly cloudy skies on friday. 46 degrees. and another bit of a wintry mix shaping up to be mostly rain. back to you. the president-elect is laying out his plan and picking his team. the big meeting that can be coming for the patriots owner and his take on possibility of taking on new job. try, try again. a would-be thief took that i asked my dentist if an electric toothbrush was going to clean better than a manual... he said sure, but don't just get any one. get one inspired by dentists, with a round brush head! oral-b's rounded brush head cups your teeth to break up plaque and rotates to sweep it away. and oral-b crossaction delivers a clinically proven superior clean vs. sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels super clean! oral-b. know you're getting a superior clean. welcome back, with everyone. a would-be robber meets his match. watch here as he throws a rock -- right here -- only to have it bounce off the window, wah-wah. he posted the video on line and it has been shared thousands of time. >> reporter: this minivan pulls up. the driver fumbles around for 30 seconds. then gets out. looks around and launches a brockton. >> and throws the rock and it comes back at him. >> reporter: steve davis who testified in the whitey bulger trial about the murder of his sister debra davis owns this store. it is named after his sister and daughter. he says as he watched this surveillance video, he could only laugh. >> i was actually the first time i seen the video, i was tearing i was laughing to hard. i said this has to be the stupidest son of a b. toss, the man picked up the rock and wounds up. >> throw it is again bounces back at him so hard the second time because he must have used more power and the thing came, rolled under the car. >> reporter: the man had enough. he climbed into his car and drove away empty-handed. steve call the cops but also posted the video on facebook sunday afternoon. within two hours, it had 2700 hits and it took off. >> i woke up this morning over i said who is look at. >> reporter: apparently a lot of people, and these posts show many agree with steve. that this guy was not too bright. >> has to be one of the dumbest thieves i have ever seen. >> julie: park that minivan in front of the camera. the glass cracked but it never actually broke. you see the license number on the van to track down the driver. polic hampshire are looking for the man that robbed this rite-aid with a knife. it happened before 8:00. the man took off with some cash. no one was hurt. take a look at this. this group of turkeys clearly on the hunt for prethanksgiving protection. they turned up at the hingham police department yesterday. the police tweeted out the photo of the flock. it kind of looks like they are knocking on the building's front door. >> daniel: that is a safe place. >> julie: unless -- i am not joke. >> daniel: no one can touch us because we are at the police department. still ahead, the first of its kind operation performed right here in boston. the way it could be a game changer for amputee patients. a fantastic update just in now at 4:30. tragedy in tennessee. at least five children are dead in a horrifying school bus crash. breaking this morning, the charges just filed against their driver. a new hampshire father accused of keeping his children in disgusting conditions. the children's mother admits she knew what was happening. the reason she is hoping to avoid charges herself. cambridge police are warning everyone to be on the lookout for a holiday grinch. the uptick in crime they have been seeing before the season coverage starts right now. this is the fox25 morning news. just coming up on 4:30 on this tuesday, november 22. i am daniel miller. >> julie: i am julie grauert. let your car warm up before you head out. >> daniel: good idea. >> julie: we are taking up to more cold weather. shiri, we will see a bit of a warm-up today. >> shiri: a little warm-up very gusty conditions. winds gusting 20 miles per hour in boston. 26 in new bedford. another buzzer day that a creating whils down to 21. feels like the teens in worcester and feels like 22 degrees in plymouth. take it from me it is a cold morning and wind chills -- although i am giving you a temperature of 33 degree in boston at 6 a.m., wind chills will probably be about 10 degree cooler. we have got lower 40s from noon until 3 p.m. mostly sunny skies

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