Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160804 : comparem

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160804

yesterday and i need for you to be aware and the usual spot like the norwood and the vineyard and boston waking up to 65 degrees. worcester waking up to 62. lower 60s portsmouth down to beverly. 56 in plymouth. 56 in hyannis and feels so good. to fresh. i know visibility is to be reported okay on the vineyard. one of the spots getting thick ter with earlier morning fog. and until about 7:00 or same deal in keene, new hampshire. the hour-by-hour forecast in metro west generally has clear conditions and a ton of sun. by 6:00, mid-difficulties. by 8 a.m., 77 degrees. we get well into the 80s today and as usual, that range anywhere from the lower 80s to the coastline to the upper 80s inland. that patchy fog only through 8 a.m. and sunny, comfy and warm. get you back to julie for live drive time traffic. like the sound of that. i also like the sound of 4 a.m. traffic. route 1, 93 south moving along fine. pike is clear. speed limit ride from the braintree split to columbia road. 9 minutes on the expressway as you make your way to the exit to the pike. 23 minutes on 93 south. 11 minutes on 128 northbound from westwood to the weston tolls. 4:02 right now this morning the mscpa will be in a home in upton where dozens of karats hiding in filthy conditions. >> workers removed eight cats from a home where two sisters were missing and neighbors tell us it is not the first time. jack yack show us why the house has now been condemned. >> reporter: full hazmat suits armed with nets and at one point a ax, mspca workers were in a urine-drenched home to rescue cats inside. neighbors alerted authorities to the deplorable conditions. >> if it was a warmer day, you could smell it worse. doors are closed, you can smell the odor. >> people who live in the area tried to get help for the animals and the women in the past. at one point is irk lateing a petition throughout the neighborhood asking for help from the board of health with a strong ammonia smell and mental health services for the sisters. 00 cats were removed several years ago but the problem cropped back up. animal control officers planting traps in neighboring yards to control the population. >> we want the we want to you get help to it doesn't repeat itself. >> reporter: law enforcement authorities say the eight cats were voluntarily relinquish. they have a lot of work to find the ones that remain and medically treat them if necessary. >> i can't comment too much. it's a situation that the cats need to be removed from. >> reporter: in upton, jack yack, fox25 news. >> the cats were taken to mspca i can't make ca plain shelter and they will be for adoption. workers could be at the house after the weekend. after years of costly battles, construction will finally begin on the new wynn resort casino in everett. they have issued the permits for the $2 billion to start. wynn already moved more than a dozen cranes to the site. a pickoff event for this afternoon. 4,000 construction worker also be used on the project si with one of the large nest the history of the commonwealth. if there are if there are no other setbacks, the resort scheduled to open in 20 18. it is now 4:4. a woman hit by a car in lowell remains in critical condition this morning. the victim and her husband were both struck crossing brandt street around 7:00 last night. she has a serious head injury. he was treated at a local hospital and released appear a source tell us that the driver of the car may are been blinded by solar glare. to far no charges have been filed. a close call for a 60-year-old woman when she lost control of her suv. from her house when he blacked out behind the wheel. her toyota highlander hit another family's car, their fence and utility pole. part of a chain-link fence went crashing through the car's windshield and straight through the back seat. sawyer's husband say it is narrowly missed his wife's head. >> missed her by a couple of inches. grazed her elbow. >> i went on my bike to look. the first thing saw was a pole through the car and almost freaked out julie julie the pictures are just behind the fence that she hit was a pool full of children. neighbors ait is lucky the pole did not fall toward them and into the pool. the boston boy who drowned at a city run day camp will be laid to rest. a wake for kazr willis was held yesterday. the 7-year-old wandered away from the curly community center unnoticed last week. they later found the bodies off the water in carson beach. prompted the at this to put new this morning the owner of two dogs that viciously attacked a woman in salem is under arrest. police charged henry hernandez with assault and battery. in this video you can see two pit bulls after tuesday night's attack. last night the victim spoke exclusively to fox25. she tells us the animals rushed after her after she was walking her own dog. one of the pit bulls grabbed her left hand in its mouth and wouldn't let go. >> i screamed. i screamed. and i was screaming get him off, get him off. his in a lot of pain. the other pit bull attacked her dog, kirk. he is not able to walk on his own right now. the babysitter that kidnapped a 2-year-old girl and left her naked on the side of the road will face prison time. a superior court judge will sentence 22-year-old abigail hanna to prison time at the higher end of sentencing guidelines. she could face up to seven and a half years. the judge wants to hear from the parents of the little girl in november, the girl was found naked on the side of the road covered in cigarette burns with her head shaved. police are now searching for a man who used a knife to rob a for at the walpole mall last night. you can see officers at the game stop just before 10:00. we are toll the suspect grabbed a large amount of cash and ran away. he was seen heading up route 1 toward union street. tonight boston residents have will have a chance to get their opinion on the city's plan to put body cameras on officers. hearing at the community center. the police department wants to provide 100 cameras to officers for a six-month trial. last month the department said it reached an agreement with the police union to start a pilot program. boston is among the largest department in the country that does not use the cameras. in a race to the white house, new national polls show hillary clinton is maintaining a post convention boost. 49% to 39%. 61% of voters still that i hillary clinton is dishonest. the majority thinks that clinton qualified to be president where half of voters this that i trump is not. today donald trump will be campaigning in portland, maine. he will hold a town hall at marrow auditorium. he is hitting the trail with a cash windfall. he raised $80 million in july boosting his total contributions 69%. clinton's campaign brought in $90 million donald trump's running mate is taking his own position on the republican party. mike pence has endorsed house speaker paul ryan. trump supports his decision to unify the party. on tuesday, trump refused to support ryan and john mccain in their gop primaries. hillary clinton campaigned in colorado yesterday where she laid out her plan for millions of jobs. >> here is what we are going to do. since world war ii. >> julie: clinton has proposed $225 million in infrastructure. earlier this week trump said he would spend twice as much according to his stimulus plan. according to a recent poll, hillary clinton leads donald trump by 8 points in colorado. officials in london say the teenager that attacked six people with a knife had mental health issues but investigating any possible ties to terror groups. a woman in her 60s was killed in the people who were hurt was released from the hospital overnight. the attack happened around 10:30 last night in the russell square neighborhood. officers used a taser to stop the teen. he is now under armed guards at a local hospital. we are getting our first look at the chaos inside that plane that crashed at dubai's airport. [speaking foreign language] >> what a scary situation. passengers and flight attendants are shouting for jump down the slide as smoke starts to fill the cabin of the emirates airplane. the plane crash landed on the runway. witnesses say all of that smoke can really see the damage done. witnesses say the plane's landing gear was not done when it hit the runway. one fire fighter was killed battling the fire and all 300 people on board including six means were able to get off the plane safely. questions are surfacing whether or not the pilot forget to put down the landing gear. they told the pilot to abort the landing before the crash. they are looking to see if weather or a mechanical problem were factors. we track traffic and weather every ten minutes and it is early and the drive times low. 24 minutes on the pike eastbound from 49 to mass avenue. shiri? >> shiri: temperatures in the 50s and difficulties. a kind of cool start to the day. you might want a light jacket first thing. the drive home from work. and how hot it will be for your town this afternoon. new drone footage show the aftermath of a dramatic wildfire. still at 4:00, the dramatic amount of money raised to help people. and a day out lands a young woman in a hospital bed. >> we didn't have time to collect our is selves before we were being rocked around. very close to capizeing. marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! polo! marco...! s?? polo! marco...! polo! scusa? ma io sono marco polo, ma... marco...! playing "marco polo" with marco polo? surprising. ragazzini, io sono marco polo. s?, sono qui... what's not surprising? how much money amanda and keith saved by switching to geico. ahhh... polo. marco...! polo! fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. capital one believes your bank should work for you, not the other way around. so capital one reimagined banking... ?? with a place that feels nothing like a bank. and helpful people that talk to you...not sell to you. with free checking accounts that are actually free... no minimums. no fees. and a top-rated app, let's you bank right here. that's banking reimagined. coming up at 4:14. a 24-year-old boston woman will be in bed with a broken pine. two speed boats went by the boat he was on causing them to almost capsize. fox25 talked to the woman's friend whose father was driving their boat. >> reporter: this trip to martha's vineyard started as any summer day on the water should, all smiles. lawyer the wheel of the family's 18-foot fishing boat. two friends lauren shares an apartment with in boston also on board. >> my dad offered to take us out on the boat. one of my friends had never been to the vineyard before so we were really excited. >> reporter: an hour into the trip waves of excitement turned into waves of panic. two large speed boats whipped by dangerously close creating a large wake. >> we didn't have time to down, left and right. very close to capsizing. >> reporter: this boat is one foot bigger and similar in design. lauren's friend was constituting at the bough with the console, it took her in the air and down to the hard seat. that friend asked to be identified only by her first name sara. spoke to her by phone. >> it was excruciating and my body was first in shock. at first i >> reporter: as soon as she arrived in vineyard haven, sara was driven to mass general with a severe spine injury. lauren said the speed boat operators and to be racing when they swamped her dad's boat and are likely unaware of the suffering they left in tow. >> i think people need to be smarter and more empathetic to boaters. >> daniel: that was ted daniel reporting. the boats are liable for any damage from the wake they cause. they could be held accountable if they are found. we track traffic and weather every ten minutes. always an easy time to head out on the road. expressway wide open. 128 northbound and southbound moving along fine. north of the pike similar story. 24 minutes on the pike eastbound from 49 to mass avenue. 8 minutes on the expressway. 23 minutes on 128 southbound from route 1 in peabody to the weston tol tomorrow is our next zip trip of the summer and we are headed to norwood. we are encouraging everyone to come out on the town common. gene will be there with shiri and michele lazcano. we will have a ton of fun. we always do. a lot of stuff to do with the family. bouncy houses for the kids, there are snacks. you name it, we got it. that is my favorite too. you can see the rest of our zip trip schedule on our website at before we get to friday, though, we are in prefriday mode and we have a little bit through. >> shiri: a little bit of fog. we have a similar forecast for today and tomorrow. a couple of foggy spots until 7 or 8:00. i see us repeating the same thing tomorrow. not as many as we had yesterday. restricted to the usual suspects this morning. sunshine ruling both today and tomorrow and scattered storms coming into play as we hit that saturday forecast. for the time being, 65 in boston. 63 in lawrence. 64 in fitchburg. 53 in norwood. those cooler spots like getting that fog this morning. here is the hour-by-hour forecast for plymouth now at 56 degrees. doing just fine with nice, clear skies there. at 6 a.m., 57 degrees. at 8 a.m., 68 degrees. and then we are in the mid to even upper 70s by the time we hit 10 a.m. noontime comes along and close to 80. notice the lower 80s in plymouth. now all about location because inland, towns and cities will be the hottest today, but we future cast. i am going to zip things along into friday. straight into the afternoon. a little shift in that high pressure will allow some hotter air to move on in. so i think tomorrow we will see some 90s back on the map, not in boston but points north and west. inland spots will be the hottest. the beaches a little bit cooler. saturday is the day that everything starts to change. up ahead of this cold front, we have got tomorrow really warm and humid air. i am thinking that early in the morning we might have a couple of spot hours when you wake up at front gets closer around lunchtime through the afternoon we will have to monitor for some stronger thunderstorms out there containing downpours. downpours not necessarily a bad thing because we need the rain. if it comes down too hard and too fast the ground can't absorb it. ethis little more spread out throughout the day and will be good for us despite the fact risk of storms through your saturday plans. out. anybody that plans to be out late saturday night and will be fine by that. this afternoon 82, boston. 81 in plymouth. 83 in beverly. mid- to upper 80s inland. the exemption to our 80-degree rule will be the cape and the islands with highs in the 70s. tonight, we have got more lows in the difficulties in boston. the 50s in the burb. rewind, repeat, folks. will feel the same when you wake up. yes, zip tripping to norwood starting at 6 a.m., 56 degrees with a little bit of patchy fog pretty typical in norwood. 56 by 8 a.m. sunshine, and by 10 a.m., we gain another 10 degrees up to 76 degrees. it is going to be warm and bright. dress in layer it is you are out there early. if you are out there 7 or 8 a.m., short leaves. there your 90 in lawrence. 89 in bedford, fitchburg and nashua. 83 in worcester. 86 in boston. 78 in hyannis. and also watching closely hurricane earl. hurricane earl making landfall this will pack a punch as far as wind goes and rain goes. up to a foot of rain possible in belize, guatemala and mexico. it will lose energy as far as the wind go when we travel across land. we will be monitoring this. i expect with the next update coming up at 5 a.m., that the hurricane will be a tropical storm. it will lose enough of its wind. no local impacts from hurricane earl. just something to let you know about. near 9 tomorrow. thunderstorms at 8. 82 on under where we brighten things back up. things are quiet and bright monday and tuesday and slight risk of a wednesday afternoon storm. back to you guys. the cause of a large fire that went through several apartment in charlestown has been solved. coming up at 4:30, the careless mistake that cost nine families their homes. plus, a police officer is for the first time a police officer in the united states is charged with helping isis. on wednesday the fbi arrested nicholas young, a washington transit police officer. and investigators say he was were terrorists and sent them money several times thinking it was going to isis. neighbors say young fit the lone wolf profile. >> he was just a loner. you just kind of get that creepy vibe off of him. >> daniel: the arrests came after a very long investigation the fbi began following and contacting young more than six years ago. president obama just moved up the release date of more than 200 federal prisoners. this is the most clemencies granted by a president single day since at least 1900. nearly 70 of the people that will be released were serving life sentences. president obama has commuted the is sentences of 562 people since take office. that more than the past nine presidents combined. the supreme court has weighed in on the transgender bathroom debate. the high court agreed to temporarily block a ruling allowing students to use the bathroom of their choice. the case involves a transgender male high school student in virginia who wished his school issue a policy to issue the bathrooms of the biological dwenlder considering complaint of their parent. the policy remains in place until the court can take up issue in october. 4:25. a state worker tied to the flint michigan water crisis is facing criminal charges. ly an smith is facing a felony charge of misconduct in office. run the state department of environmental quality drinking water. she with lead but did not inform anyone in flint allowing families to continue drinking the dangerous water. a new disgusting and dangerous turn following extensive flooding in maryland. as much as 5 million gallons of sewage are pouring into local rivers every day. officials say the contaminated water is headed right for the chesapeake bay. crews can't fix the leak because debris and floodwaters are still blocking their path. this morning, we are getting a better look at the extensive damage done to fort mcmurray, canada after a wildfire hit the town three months ago. this video was taken by a drone this week. the flames destroyed 2400 homes and buildings and forced thousands of people to evacuation. to help rebuild the town, the ca made it plan in red cross raised $3 million for those impacted by the fire. >> julie: almost looks like animation on video. arrest for making threats against officers in maine. he sent out a chain of e-mails to the portland press newspaper. in it he threatened to shoot and killed percent from the roof of a parking lot and using claims that he booby trapped the garage with explosives. >> did involve the use of assault weapons and killing police officers. it -- specifically killing portland police officers. aspe n brundot was in the spent last week in boston. a major security flaw found in chip credit cards that are supposed to be safe. how the card's magnetic strip could be giving thieves an easy way to make counter fifth. we are hearing from the woman who is suing a local catholic high school. how she says she trusted the life's morning multitasking for a growing family, and drawers with many layers, to show exactly what you need. life's sharing a meal. and a kitchen with room for everyone. spend $4000 or more on a new kitchen now at 4:30. a close call for a woman when a metal pole crashed through her windshield. why her husband says she can barely remember what happened. it is finally happening. wynn resorts starts construction today on a $2 billion casino. the moves already being made this morning to break ground. new traffic lights causing a major snarl in one city. we walk you through the problem that pedestrians and drivers are face right now. complete new england news coverage starts right now. this is the fox25 morning news. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. it is thursday, august 4. it is now 4:3. i am julie grauert. >> daniel: good morning to you, i am daniel miller. another round of patchy fog this morning and it is moving out and maybe just in time for this julie here to walk her new puppy, bear why check him out! >> julie: bear. we picked him up yesterday. >> daniel: he is adorable. >> thank you, that is rob and bear and i up way later than we should have been. but thanks a lot. >> daniel: how does it feel. >> julie: feels great. >> daniel: you mentioned you took him for a walk when you guys were back in town and the weather was perfect for that. >> julie: bright blue skies on the way to the vineyard to get him. >> shiri: good day for you. y rearing today because great weather to get outsides. whether puppies or sending your kids out to play, fog with news the norwood area up toward keene, new hampshire.

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