Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160216 : comparem

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160216

on this tuesday, february 16, i am daniel miller. >> julie: i am julie grauert. the first workday of the week for many people and the roads will not make it an easy commute today. take a look at the situation on mass avenue in boston around 2 a.m. this morning, snow and rain created a pretty dangerous situation. meteorologist shiri spear joins us from a storm tracker weather center where it continues. your commute was a nightmare. >> shiri: horrible. a two-hour commute. know is on the ground and mix know is on the ground and mixing with snow and freezing rain. and a winter weather advisory until 9:00 to the west of 128 and 95 take you into central massachusetts, merrimack valley massachusetts, merrimack valley, northern mass, into. northern new hampshire. the winter weather advisory. until then, expect icy conditions, guys. it is not good right now. the one piece of good news i have that that this is a one-hour loop and you can see the intensity of the rain really fizzling out in eastern massachusetts. of worcester where we are at 20 degrees. 25 in nashua with freezing rain. but that 28 in bedford and lawrence is also going to bring ice into the picture. futurecast as we travel throughout morning hours. we do tend to see things turn into more drizzle and freezing drizzle and noontime, truss will all be above freezing and scattered rain. it turns heavier in time again for the evening commute. unfortunately both commutes impacted by very different things here. 46 to 54 this afternoon. after an icy morning commute inland, afternoon rain, fog and wind that will break down for you coming up. get you right back to julie grauert live drive time traffic grauert live drive time traffic. julie, take it for most of us driving in this morning, not good. >> julie: no, it is not good out there. we already have speed restrictions in place. 40 miles per hour from the mass pike. it is on the mass pike from the new york line to the weston area. 40 would even be fast i would because it is so slippery and dangerous out there right now. route 1, 93 south look fine. when i say they look fine, the volume is light and 4:02 in the morning. live look through brighton and hard to tell the slippery mix that is on the roads in this shot, but take our word for it. live drive times. 28 minute minutes on the pike to mass ave. 10 minutes on the expressway from the braintree split to the pike. 23 minutes from 495 to the leverett connector. it is 4:03 right now. developing this morning, a travel nightmare for more than 150 people. it is still not over. their flight from the dominican republic to new york city was diverted to new hampshire last night. this was breaking on the fox25 news at 10:00 and 11:00. passengers sent us these pictures from the plane once it landed in manchester. delta flight 944 was supposed to land before 7:00 but after circling jfk for hours, the plane was running low on fuel so it was sent to new hampshire; however no customs agents to greet the international flight at manchester so passengers had to sit on the plane for more than two hours while eight drove in from portland. >> to be sitting on a plane this long and expecting them just to sit here and telling us due to customs we can't get out due to customs we can't get out. they should have known that in the beginning. >> daniel: after clearing customs, the flight crew was unable to resume the trip because they had worked too many hours. the passengers were sent to local hotels and fly to new york later this morning. we will be in manchester following this story as it develops all morning. a live report ahead at 5:00. a local hotel has a big mess to clean up this morning. a broken water pipe flooded the basement of the crowne plaza that sits over the mass pike in newton. four feet of water causing the hotel to tut power to 12 floors hotel to tut power to 12 floors. hundreds of people had to grab their belongings and move to other hotels. some told us they had to climb down several floors in the dark down several floors in the dark. 9th floor. i don't know. julie no word when the power will be restored at the hotel. a similar scene near td garden a similar scene near td garden. a broken sprinkler pipe sent water pouring into this building. part of a law office and ace ticket and studio by comcast sport suspect net. . >> daniel: pipes burst everywhere. in a local hospital. intensive care patients had to be evacuated. a broken boiler caused water damage in the icu. five patients on ventilators were moved from the area. the hospital lined up ambulance the hospital lined up ambulances as precaution in case they had to move anyone. in boston, dozens of people were forced out of the movie theatre and into the cold. the boston common theatre was evacuated yesterday afternoon. a pipe burst in the same movie -- building as the movie theatre and it caused alarms it theatre and it caused alarms it-to-go up. the city of revere admits they needed to do a better job to help with a flood gate that turned a neighborhood into a ice rink. on arcadia street, a floodgate went open causing a flood in the area. a revere official tells fox25 the city will examine the gate and the alarm system this week. the mbta is working around the clock to keep trains running through snow, sleet and rain. the t's increasing communication with riders by tweeting out updates with the control sent pearl three-person team forwarded issues to supervisors. the t's biggest hurdle is restore restoring passenger space after last winter's disaster. >> the fleet is 30, 40 years old in some places and until we get the new cars in in 20128 get the new cars in in 20128-'19, we have to work very hard to keep the existing fleet open julie the t already spent resiliency plan to keep things runs as smooth as possible. we will be checking the rain and ice and how this impacts your commute all morning. get our alerts on the fox25 stormtracker weather app. custom forecasts florida our neighborhood from our team of meteorologists. it is free download. search fox25 weather. 4:07. funeral services will take place for the teacher killed by a flying man hole cover on the express way. she was killed friday when the cover hit the windshield of her car. the 35-year-old was on her way to work as an art teacher at glover elementary school in milton. after the crash they inspected every man hole along the expressway. state police tell fox25 they are still investigating how that manhole cover got looks. police are chasing new leads in the search of a young man from worcester county who disappeared in boston. we have been following the search for 22-year-old zack marr for several days. he was celebrating his birthday in boston when he went missing he stopped off for a cigarette at faneuil hall. all day yesterday loved ones canvassed boston with a flier. >> our whole family is just so sad right now. like -- you don't even know how to accept what's going on. >> julie: boston police released these surveillance images of zack in the area around the time of his disappearance. the bellingham said they have shared their video with zack's family. in the race for the white house, george w. bush is campaigning for his brother jeb hope hoping to gain traction before the south carolina primary. bernie sanders is attempting to convince nevada voters he is not what hillary clinton calls a single issue karnld. mary maloney has more. >> this is bush country, mr. president. >> reporter: president george w. bush speaking to a south carolina speaking because of two reasons. number two, i care deeply about our country. >> reporter: saying that he and the bush family -- >> have no bad blood. >> reporter: his assault on the president drew loud boos. >> i am sick and tired of him going after my family. my family was building -- >> the world trade center came on on his watch. >> to go after my mother. >> reporter: marco rubio who has clashed with his former mentor jeb came to george w. bush's defense. >> the world trade center came down because bill clinton did not come down when osama bin laden had the chance to kill him. >> reporter: hillary clinton trying to brand bernie sanders. >> i am not a single issue candidate. candidate. candidate. >> reporter: hoping to slow his surge before voting in nevada. >> i can't find a mandate and the only nation on earth that to all people. to raise the minimum wage to a living wage. it is not one issue. >> reporter: i am mary maloney reporting. >> daniel: the candidates continue to debate the future of the supreme court days after the death of antonin scalia. republicans want to block any person nominated by president obama. one candidate says it is still too soon to be having that covering conversation. >> look scalia dies and one second after he is dead, they are already starting to fight folks folks folks this is not helping our country. >> daniel: the battle is dividing senators here in new england. elizabeth warren wants the senate to fill the vacancy while kelly ayotte believes the president. we track traffic and show you the picture of the fox25 parking lot. i called it a hockey rink. it is frozen over. their way out there, but this is what you will see in your neighborhoods, on off and on ramps and ramps and and maybe on some of the bridges and tunnels. plan an early trip to give yourself extra time. shiri virgin mary virgin mary the dividing line to the east, more rain. and along the mass pike in boston, it is just going to be plain rain with a couple of slippery spots. the further west, the worst the conditions. icy the cape. all about the rain. i will show you when the ice finally melts away coming up next. the sky. dozens got more than they bargained for on a trip up the how they were rescued. >> please don't break. please don't break. >> julie: the harrowing story of a family caught on a ski ramp with their infant daughter ramp with their infant daughter. fight. what he caused to pr you think you're going? mr. mucus: to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. man: you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. i'm go od all day. [announcer:] mucinex keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 hours. there's moving... with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones. and unlike the big osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. 4:14. meteorologist shiri spear here. and i have some freezing rain with the pink from southbridge to charlton over to uxbridge and the worcester area. that will continue up across worcester county in central massachusetts. great for new hampshire. we have a steady just wall of freezing rain out there. and although in boston. icy spots out there. i will take you hour by hour through increasing afternoon rain in just minutes. daniel. >> daniel: shiri, thanks. this morning, norwood police are looking for this man who tried to hold up a convenience store. this surveillance video you are looking at from aj's on morton street. the store owner tells fox25 the suspect came at him with a knife. the man had own the store for 13 years and tells us he wasn't about to let someone take his hard-earned money. he fought back with a milk crate until the guy ran off. as you can see he was wearing all black and a mask. natick police release this surveillance video from a store. you can see a man filling a bag with underwear and then pass it you off to a woman who leaves with it. police say another woman walks in and repets the process. about $6,000 worth of merchandise was stolen and they believe it may be part of a larger ring. 4:15. happening today, a man charged in death of a little girl known as baby doe will be back in michael mccarthy was charged last month of first-degree murder of bella bond. the boyfriend of the little girl's moth era she will bond. 2-year-old bella bond's body washed up on a boston harbor island last june and went unidentified for months. a shrewsbury fire fighter accused of inappropriately touching a teenaged babysitter is due in court this morning. shawn boda wic his accused of coming home and getting in bed with his children's baby sitter while she was sleeping. she told police it wasn't the first time. he teaches fire education in schools. a medical marijuana dispensary is opening. patriot care is opening the dispensary in lowell this afternoon. the dispensary will be open seven days a week. later this month, they will be opening dispensary and the roads are very problem mat he can. make of people who work on this show saw accidents on their way into town. on the map bright green which means the traffic flow is light means the traffic flow is light. still early not too many people out there. this is the day you want to leave as early as possible and go as slow as possible on the roads and the conditions are ice icy and slick. live look in brighto fwlshtion visibility is a little spotty. 22 minutes on 93 south from 495 to the leverett connector. 10 minutes on the expressway from the braintree split to the exit to the pike. meteorologist shiri spear joining us now with the breakdown what the weather headlines are today. >> shiri: and another option may be going to work much later at 9 a.m. we will see a lot of the ice really melt away temperatures getting well into the 30s by 9:00 this morning. so until then, be prepared for icy roads inland. gusts this afternoon 60 miles a high wind warning between 10 -- 1 and 10:00 this afternoon and this evening. so we are going to have some bands of heavy rain along with the rain, wind and fog and between 5 and 8 p.m. you know what that means that the easton commute will be impacted. spots like worcester, spots like worcester.manchester. that will be freezing rain. and i hate to see that too because we are getting that layer of ice on top -- the roadways. the step this morning. you have to be super careful. 30 degrees right now in the worcester area. so cold enough obviously for that ice. by 6 a.m., we are showing 33 degrees here. usually these spots are a little slow to warm up. by 8 and 9:00 this morning, i do believe worcester is going to be out of that freezing zone to be out of that freezing we have got on-and-off showers. turns much heavier once we get again into that evening commute. 32 right now in boston. don't be deceived. just because it is not raining the clear. icy spots icy spots in and around the boston area and along with temperatures in the 50s this afternoon. now go to manchester, new hampshire. only 24 degrees. freezing rain in place. we have these light south winds. and when we bring in winds from the south. and temperatures steadily warming between 8 and 10:00 is when we will weed out the icy threats there. temperature-wise. we will get to about 50. highs from 50 to almost 60 degrees in southeastern massachusetts. by 9 a.m., you can see futurecast is warming most of us in the upper 30s if not the lower 40s, and precipitation will stay pretty light and patchy the rest of the morning commute. hopefully that means road crews will get a great handle on the roadways, but until we hear and clear. give yourself lots of time. noontime comes along and scattered showers. degrees by noontime, by 5 p.m., awful mild with temps in the 50s. heavy band of rain. absolutely soaking wet to send homes from work, rainy, windy, foggy with the heavier rains when you should expect the strongest stuff. we have the best chance of getting tree limbs down and some problems because of that, but look at how much rain is in the forecast today. so we can get out of this anywhere from one to one and a half inches of rain depending on where we get the heaviest downpours this afternoon. high temperatures today into the 50s for all of us. don't you worey if you are icy now, you have relief on the way temperature-wise. then tonight, temperatures fall back very close to freezing so we have to watch out for some ice on the roadways where things lock up during the overnight hours. tomorrow is another fairly mild day with temperatures climbing into the middle 40s for your wednesday. i will keep it dry and partly cloudy. by thursday, high only 36 degrees. it is going to be the brightest increasing clouds. high 36. light overnight snow and a little sprinkle and a temperature in in your saturday forecast. not looking all that stormy. 48 degrees. the 48 on sunday is looking a whole lot better because it comes with more sunshine. balk to you, guys. >> daniel: 52 today, shiri, we will take it. your tax dollars to fly planes to tiny airports in some cases 1,000 are being spent per seat. why the government has no plans to put an end to all the way. southern doughnut chain trying hi dad. uh huh. yeah...sorry about that. think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think? and in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think you' re going to like these numbers. bring me a higher love i could rise above what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. tense moments caught on cell phone video. people force to rappel down from a tram at a local ski resort. a story we have been following since the weekend. a family was was on board with her baby girl when they got stuck. a sight-seeing trip that ended with a big rescue. >> our first look inside one of the stuck cars from our first visit with the youngest on board. her name was remy lewis as she >> yay, you like that. you want more. want more. >> reporter: what was supposed to be a 9-minute ride to the summit of cannon mountain turned into a three-hour or deal on one of the coldest days of the year. >> everyone knew she was there. >> funny because people heard her crying and said, i know, i feel the same way. >> reporter: after more than an hour suspended more than 40 feet in the air, were ordered to evacuate. cell phone video of what it looked like as passengers were lowered out of the car. mom sabrina first in a harness. she and her dad next in a rescue sack. >> i held her in my arms in a bag and they lowered us down. >> in the back of my head i was like, please don't break, please don't break. to the ground when we got there and got out, and we are seeing -- good. >> reporter: traumatic for little remy, not at all. bundled in a snowsuit, the 8 bundled in a snowsuit, the >> they wanted to check her out and make sure she was okay. and she was. and couldn't wait to get her warm. >> reporter: i am ted daniel, fox25 news. julie the family was impressed by the ski resort staff and the first responders. the tram is still closed. 4 :26. ben and jerry's is officially shifting their treat for vis begans and lactose intolerant. there are four new flavors. two are spins on iconic favorites, chunky funky and chocolate fudge brownie and two others are brand-new and only available in nondairy car where mel fudge and cookies. almond based with coconut mixed in. >> we wanted to do it. we have been listening to them saying this is something we want. we have been working on it for three years now. >> daniel: wow, three years. pints are being shipped out, in three to four weeks. good news for doughnut lovers, krispy kreme is coming back to new england. four in new hampshire and three in maine. company officials said it will be over the next few years. they had seven stores but had to close them in the early 2000s. some worry that the return could spark a doughnut war with massachusetts-based dunkin' donuts. we are already seeing a big warm-up in the temperatures, but too late for many around the area. >> julie: we have been showing you images like this. frigid weather that burst pipes in many buildings and homes. people in one apartment complex say it is all too familiar. coming up, why people in one community are experience community are experiencing a bad case of deja vu. and take and taking a look at the pike right now. to the roads themself. now at 4:30, treacherous i am breaking down thworst homes and city and what time the threat for freezing rain finally melts away. the rain and snow turj to ice and slush. this video from littleton. how bad things are overnight. i am watching your drive times this morning. a rude awakening at a local hotel. hundred are evbing waited when the pipe bursts. how the weather has plumbers so busy this morning. >>announcer: complete new england coverage starts right now. this the is fox25 morning news. good tuesday morning, everyone, it is now 4:30 on february 16. i am julie grauert. >> daniel: good morning i am daniel miller. you will want to leave early and give yourself plenty of time get to work. roads have been terrible and have been all night. a look at 95 north near exit 9 in sharon. that is box truck off the road. a driver got out of the truck but wasn't hurt. meteorologist shiri spear joins us from the fox25 storm tracker weather center this morning,

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