Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160108 : comparem

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160108

meteorologist shiri spear joins us with what time things will start to go downhill. >> shiri: that's right, they start to go downhill today. our big transition. 30 in boston. 28 in beverly. 28 in plymouth. teens in norwood and bedford. 40 in chatham and already the clouds are leaking in off the water a trend that will continue this morning. we have 33 in boston at 6 a.m. still teens and 20s in the burbs. see those clouds continue to push on in. by noontime, we will have to account for the chance for a little bit of drizzle coming in on that breeze as well. temperature-wise, a lot of upper 30s, lower 40s by lunchtime. we stall out basically through the rest of the afternoon. we see blips of green from the north shore up into the seacoast of new hampshire. 36 to 44 today. increasing clouds. we will see freezing drizzle overnight. and one thing you have to watch out for this morning is a little bit of black ice. >> julie: shiri, you and i will be tag teaming on to make sure we see those specific spots pop up. route 1, 93 south moving along fine light at this early hour on the pike as well. only a handful of cars out there heading to brighton. 14 minutes on the pike from the weston tolls to the ted williams tunnel. 17 minutes on route 9 from 495 to speen street. 22 minutes from route 1 in peabody to the weston tolls. 4:02 this morning. we continue to follow developing news. crews will be back on the scene of an explosion that hurt four north andover. we brought you this as breaking news yesterday afternoon not long after it happened. the explosion at the dow chemical plant left three people with critical injuries. this they are in boston hospital with burns and shrapnel wounds. because of the extensive made their way to the lab that blew up. >> at this time, we are focused exclusively on the mitigation and stabilization. >> daniel: officials say the chemical that exploded was a chemical we used to make electronics like led screens electronics like led screens the crews when they get into the lab they will do forensic testing to see how and why something went wrong. when it happened. a gym and a restaurant close to the plant. people inside describe what they heard. >> the sound was basically kind of like a mini bomb in a way. >> off the roof and i thought it was that that makes a rumbling noise and i went outside to see if there was any ice on the side of the building and there was nothing. >> others told fox25 they saw police cars, fire trucks and ambulances rush in and knew something bad had happened. this plant has a troubled recent past. in a explosion at the same site site. carlos amarose was caught in an explosion. it was not the same chemical that caused yesterday's explosion and fox25 investigates did some digging and we have learned that osha found four violations at the plant. accord accord documents we are he viewed, the company paid a fine of $17,000. as we said investigators will return to the scene this morning and work to determine what caused the explosion. we will be there all morning to bring you updates when we get them. we sent out an alert on that new information and we will do that as it comes in on our fox25 news app. developing news this morning in braintree, police are searching for the man who stabbed a driver and left him for dead. police said the two drivers got out of their cars on granite street after some sort of road rage dispute. a 30-year-old man was stabbed. police said he took off and left the victim bleeding on the pussy side of granite street businesses caught the scene on camera. >> laying down on the grass with his shirt half up and he had blood on his stomach. >> daniel: the victim is recovering at boston medical center and is expected to be okay. is police following the minutes. this morning a man who led police on a 50-mile car chase is being treated at the hospital. skyfox was over the scene of the arrest last night at 495 and middleborough. the chase began in dennis where police say the suspect was wanted for making threats to hurt people. police said he has this air pistol on him that is designed to look like a revolver. by the end of the chase the driver truck only had three wheels because he drove over spike sticks twice. a 26-year-old man from westborough. police are not releasing his name because of medical reasons. 495. this morning, two refugees have been arrested on terrorism related charges and fueling new debates of letting refugees one was a 24-year-old from iraq and arrested in houston and charged with three counts of providing support to the islamic state. the second was a 23-year-old entered as a syrian refugee. authorities rescued anymore sacramento. he is arrested for travelling to syria for firing along terrorist groups and lying about an immigration status. the governor of texas is stop allowing refugees from countries like syria into the united states. three relatives of the man arrested in california are also morning. they were arrested in milwaukee in a separate case not related to national security. they are due in court later today. this morning police want to talk to a man captured on surveillance video just days before a hyde park restaurant was robbed. take a look. this man is not a suspect but matches the description of a man who robbed master mcgrath. it happened as the restaurant was opening for business on wednesday. the bartender is still too shaken up to appear on camera but tells fox25 a man with very restaurant last week. >> the same exact glasses and nose and long face structure. it was the same. >> daniel: again police are not calling this a man a suspect, but they do want to talk to him. andover police are hoping these photos will lead to the arrest of a robbery suspect that happened at the zantaner bank just before 4:00. police are not saying much about the investigation and are hoping that one recognizes the suspect. norwood police say thanks to fox25 viewers and social media, they have arrested two people who have been stealing from people at area gyms. fox25 first aired these images tuesday night. those men are accused of using stolen car keys to get into a locked car. 30 minutes after these pictures aired they got a tip that identified one of the men. now john fisher and john root is facing charges in massachusetts and rhode island. police say they are suspected in a string of similar crimes it is 4:07 right now. an update to a story you saw first on fox25. swampscott school superintendent is releasing new information to parents about the high school's former principal. on wednesday night fox25 investigates was the first to rereel the allegations against edward roziemarek that head who his -- led to his resignation. he was having chats with what he believed was a 134-year-old girl and that girl ended up being an adult decoy. when the school learned of the allegations they immediately suspended him and had a no press pass order. although we find the allegations to be totally repugnant and disgusting, all employees must have rights that must be adhered to. he is not facing charges and district attorney said his actions did not pass a criminal line because he did not try to lure the girl. happening today, the released and analysts are worry released and analysts are worried that it will hurt an already unstable stock market. yesterday was a particularly bad day as the dow fell nearly 400 points. in 2016, the dow dropped 5% and the nasdaq is down more than 6% the nasdaq is down more than 6%. but stock futures are up this morning and for the worst four morning and for the worst four-day start of the year ever for the u.s. stock market. it started with global market instability when trade instability when trading in china was suspended twice this week. economists believe the december jobs report will have good news with an expected unemployment rate below 5% for the first time since 2007. the numbers are out at 8:30. the stock market opens an hour later. we will bring it to you when it is released. president obama is defend president obama is defending his reactions against gun violence. he held a town hall in virginia to talk about why he wants restrictions. karen kaffa has more and who thinks won't work. >> the way it is described is that we are trying to take away >> reporter: in his first town hall event in 2016, the president debated the second amendment and gun violence grip amendment and gun violence gripping the nation. he stood in front of supporters, critics, and some familiar faces, including gabby gifford, the former representative shot five years ago and her husband retired astronaut mark kelly. >> gabby and i are gun owner and take gun ownership seriously. >> reporter: the president said he never owned a gun and he said his inexperience helped manufacturer. >> gun sales have not hurt during that time. in other words, they have gone up and i have been good for gun manufacturers. >> reporter: he said his policies make sense but it is politicized. >> it is mischaracterized. >> reporter: narrowing the so >> reporter: narrowing the so-called gun show loophole from not using records. not everyone agrees. >> the laws we create don't stop these horrific things from happening. >> reporter: cnn-orc poll show support the measures that president obama outlined earlier this week, but less than half of americans believe they would actually limit gun violence. in fairfax, virginia, i am karen kaffa. presidential candidate donald trump has his own plan for gun control and includes changing the law to allow guns in school. the gop front runner was in burlington, vermont. he was met with thousands of supporters and protesters who made it clear they didn't want him there. he talked about getting rid of gun-free zones.calling them bait for shooters. >> i will get rid of gun-free zones at schools -- you have to -- and on military day. the first day it gets signed. my first day. no more gun-free zones. >> the event last night was on democratic hopeful bernie trump said we love to run against the burlington former mayor but that hillary clinton is his true competition. we track traffic and weather every ten minutes. live drive times. 13 minutes on the pike from the weston tolls to the ted williams tunnel. be careful we are watching for spots of black ice out there. shiri. >> shiri: the more likely areas to so that he along the coastline and anywhere you are getting a touch of fog. looking good at 24 degrees. clear skies but increasing clouds. 26 degrees. 6 a.m., 26 degrees. we will time out the increasing clouds and show you when the showers start to pop next. taking information off the sex offender registry. still coming your way, why information about who they are and where they are won't be available anymore and why some say that is putting the public at risk. plus thousands of refugees could be coming to massachusetts. could house c at longhorn steak like this doesn' t need anything else. which is why we don' t just add, anything else. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. all with hand chopped salad & unlimited bread for $12.99. tonight only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new steak and bacon cheddar melt. or any steakhouse lunch combo we want to get to breaking news in philadelphia. a police officer has been shot at point-blank range inside his police car. midnight. the officer did fire backing a the suspect hutting him multiple times. the suspect was tacken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. he has a broken arm and nerve damage. police believe that the suspect was trying to kill the officer. the story is just breaking and we will continue to follow it all morning long. flight anything reminder to clear off your windows in snowy clear off your windows in snowy,ee y weather. an attleboro teenager was hit by a car. the driver was going the speed limit and did not see the stopped bus because his wind stopped bus because his windshield was not cleared off. parents are petitioning to have the bus stop moved because it is at a dangerous spot. >> the bus stop can be moved. a simple solution to the problem. you know, it is awful. as a parent i would not want that phone call. i would be devastated. >> fox25 reached out to the city about moving the bus stop and waiting to hear back from them. the driver is facing multiple charges related to the crash. now 4:16. children crossing into the united states without their in massachusetts. u.s. officials are considering hundreds of undocumented minor are. the department of health and human services are looking for six air bases and tour hanscom in a few days. miles from the base we talked to those with opinions. >> the dream act, so actually i am a teacher and we study that in our class >> the parents come over here and walk across the border and we support them for the rest of their life. >> most of the minors are boys between the age of 13 and 17 and are held until a family member claims them or until they are given a sponsor. 4:17 right now. big changes could be coming to the boston television market. yesterday, nbc announced it will end its affiliation with whdh channel 7. an internal memo for nbc employees for the network to launch its own station in january. wh dh ownership said they have a legal team to challenge the network's plan. channel 7 owner ed anson has senator ed markey. markey's office confirmed he has taken a look at the potential impact to viewers in massachusetts. 4:17. head out to the roads. bright green in our traffic flow maps. as you head out the door nothing will slow you down; however, don't slam on that gas right away because we are keeping an eye out for some spots of black ice, and shiri will have more on exactly where that is. the expressway moving along, speed limit ride. pike wide open from framingham through newton and into bright through newton and into brighton. from 106 to 128. 28 minutes from 49 to the leverett connector. 9 minutes on the expressway president braintree split to the pike. fox25 weather meteorologist shiri spear joining us now. that black ice you were predicting closer to the cape. >> anywhere along the coastline is possible if we get a drizzle. we will have to watch and see if it forms. the cape is too warm to be limited. i am more concerned with north shore, inland area. a soaker on the way for the weekend and sunday we have gusts 40 to 50 miles per hour. it is getting it real windy around here. check this out in boston right now, 30 degrees but norwood back into the teens this morning. at 19 degrees there. i have got no wind to speak of. at least we don't have wind chills becoming an issue today. about 20 degrees at 6 a.m. 8 a.m., 27 degrees. into the lower 40s this afternoon there. so we are like portsmouth, new hampshire, one of the more likely areas to see some drizzle later on. still mostly clear in portsmouth. the clouds really take over this afternoon. we only get into the upper 30s north and west of boston. and keep this mind north shore and seacoast the most likely areas of all to get in on those showers today. i have got 40 in boston. 42 in plymouth. 45 in new bedford. worcester at about 36 degrees. upper 30s. a little skeptical about beverly or lawrence into the lower 40s. here you can see futurecast with winds off the water pulling in not just the clouds but area of green. starting by late morning today and especially during the afternoon, a little bit of a sprinkle or a little drizzle anywhere within eastern massachusetts. now problem is overnight, we have got areas that are going to be back to freezing, especially north of the mass pike. that's where we have to prepare for freezing drizzle down across southeastern massachusetts and drizzle tomorrow morning and along the mass new hampshire border even a potential will see some flurries and little patchy coating of snow. you can see there is not very much moisture in that saturday forecast, any precipitation will be incredibly light. check out these heavy rains coming in for sunday. ooh, it is a solid soaker. we are looking at 1 to 2 inches of rain. we have 50s developing here in new england but not going to be pleasant with all that rain and wind in place. into monday and into next week, around. back to you, guys. >> daniel: 4 :20 right now. allowing kids to use medical marijuana in school. coming up this half hour, how to could become part of the new law in new england. a 70-year-old man crawls broken leg. >> one minute i was walking. the next minute i was falling. it happened that quick. instantl what would you do with five minutes to kill, and a smart phone? check the scores. text a friend. how about register to vote? really? you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts drivers license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to it's that easy. done. i just registered. that was easy. register today. your heart loves omega-3s. but the omega-3s in fish oil differ from megared krill oil. is easily absorbed by your body. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. the mother of the so-called affluenza teen will be arraign affluenza teen will be arraigned in texas this morning. tonya couch is accused of helping her son flee the country while he was on probation for a deadly drunk lives. her son ethan is currently being held in mexico awaiting extradition back to texas. police in france are trying to figure out why a man tried to attack officers outside of a police station yesterday morning. officers said the man had a knife and wearing a fake suicide vest. police shot and killed him. investigators say the man is homeless and was in france illegally. the incident happened on the one-year anniversary of the attack on charlie hebdo. terrifying moments caught on camera when a fire fighter maine. watch closely. the video show the fire fighter walking on the roof when he fell in. luckily the fire fighter was not seriously hurt. fire fighters say the blaze started in the back of the building and doesn't appear to be suspicious. no one was home at the time of the fire. the owners of the popular kingston restaurant are vowing to rebuild after flames gutted carmela's this week. we were live on the scene yesterday morning as fans of the restaurant shared their support for the owners. according to the brockton exercise, the fire and to have generated in the ceiling of the lady's rest room and spread to the second-floor storage area. the cause of the fire is unknown. a local attorney is under during a city meeting. jack creden was presenting to the brockton planning board about a historic home. an african-american booked an african-american board member joked it could have been his ancestor's home and cre don turned to him and said he would have been a slave, not homeowner. >> if it was a joke, it was a joke. but hot on my watch. i made sure i stopped him at his tracks and he apologized. >> credon has apologized to the board and was fired by a company that he was representing. he did not respond to our calls for comment. a 70-year-old man is lucky to be alive after he fell into a ditch and had to crawl 16 hours to get help. richard olson was hunting in north dakota and didn't have a cell phone when he fell. he instantly knew he broke had his femur. he had to get back to the road but he couldn't walk. he used his gun as a crutch to get to the road. he said he needed to get back to his family so he focused on four things. >> i just yelled no and anything your heel, check to see your gloves are on and then push. and that is all i let in for the next five hours. over once he got to that road. several cars passed without stopping to help. it was a truck driver that finally got him some help. dr. olson suffered frostbite on both hands and his leg is broken but he is expected to make a full recovery. it is official, this saturday's powerball jackpot will be the biggest prize in american lotto history. sales forced the jackpot to surge to $7 surge to $700 million. if you take the lump sum walking away with $258 million after taxes. not bad. higher than the gdp of four nations. the canton convenience store is giving out free tickets. they claim they will give out $50 in free tickets to one lucky person who likes their facebook post. they will pick a winner on friday. protesting your health by changing what you eat. still coming your way the ingredient that is in everything that doctors say significantly increases the risk for tumors. a life and death situation leads to love for two strangers leads to love for two strangers. let's do this. i am like, what? >> how a donated kidney l at longhorn steak like this doesn' t need anything else. which is why we don' t just add, anything else. longhorn steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. all with hand chopped salad & unlimited bread for $12.99. tonight only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new steak

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Carmela , Tlaxcala , Mexico , Brockton , Massachusetts , United States , Vermont , China , California , New Bedford , Syria , Worcester , Sacramento , Swampscott , Chatham , New Hampshire , Burlington , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Shiri , Ninawáz , Iraq , Boston , Rhode Island , Town Hall , Virginia , Braintree , Maine , Westborough , Attleboro , Hyde Park , Houston , North Dakota , Bedford , France , Framingham , Americans , Canton , Syrian , American , Charlie Hebdo , Daniel Miller , Richard Olson , John Fisher , Hillary Clinton , Gabby Gifford ,

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Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160108 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20160108

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meteorologist shiri spear joins us with what time things will start to go downhill. >> shiri: that's right, they start to go downhill today. our big transition. 30 in boston. 28 in beverly. 28 in plymouth. teens in norwood and bedford. 40 in chatham and already the clouds are leaking in off the water a trend that will continue this morning. we have 33 in boston at 6 a.m. still teens and 20s in the burbs. see those clouds continue to push on in. by noontime, we will have to account for the chance for a little bit of drizzle coming in on that breeze as well. temperature-wise, a lot of upper 30s, lower 40s by lunchtime. we stall out basically through the rest of the afternoon. we see blips of green from the north shore up into the seacoast of new hampshire. 36 to 44 today. increasing clouds. we will see freezing drizzle overnight. and one thing you have to watch out for this morning is a little bit of black ice. >> julie: shiri, you and i will be tag teaming on to make sure we see those specific spots pop up. route 1, 93 south moving along fine light at this early hour on the pike as well. only a handful of cars out there heading to brighton. 14 minutes on the pike from the weston tolls to the ted williams tunnel. 17 minutes on route 9 from 495 to speen street. 22 minutes from route 1 in peabody to the weston tolls. 4:02 this morning. we continue to follow developing news. crews will be back on the scene of an explosion that hurt four north andover. we brought you this as breaking news yesterday afternoon not long after it happened. the explosion at the dow chemical plant left three people with critical injuries. this they are in boston hospital with burns and shrapnel wounds. because of the extensive made their way to the lab that blew up. >> at this time, we are focused exclusively on the mitigation and stabilization. >> daniel: officials say the chemical that exploded was a chemical we used to make electronics like led screens electronics like led screens the crews when they get into the lab they will do forensic testing to see how and why something went wrong. when it happened. a gym and a restaurant close to the plant. people inside describe what they heard. >> the sound was basically kind of like a mini bomb in a way. >> off the roof and i thought it was that that makes a rumbling noise and i went outside to see if there was any ice on the side of the building and there was nothing. >> others told fox25 they saw police cars, fire trucks and ambulances rush in and knew something bad had happened. this plant has a troubled recent past. in a explosion at the same site site. carlos amarose was caught in an explosion. it was not the same chemical that caused yesterday's explosion and fox25 investigates did some digging and we have learned that osha found four violations at the plant. accord accord documents we are he viewed, the company paid a fine of $17,000. as we said investigators will return to the scene this morning and work to determine what caused the explosion. we will be there all morning to bring you updates when we get them. we sent out an alert on that new information and we will do that as it comes in on our fox25 news app. developing news this morning in braintree, police are searching for the man who stabbed a driver and left him for dead. police said the two drivers got out of their cars on granite street after some sort of road rage dispute. a 30-year-old man was stabbed. police said he took off and left the victim bleeding on the pussy side of granite street businesses caught the scene on camera. >> laying down on the grass with his shirt half up and he had blood on his stomach. >> daniel: the victim is recovering at boston medical center and is expected to be okay. is police following the minutes. this morning a man who led police on a 50-mile car chase is being treated at the hospital. skyfox was over the scene of the arrest last night at 495 and middleborough. the chase began in dennis where police say the suspect was wanted for making threats to hurt people. police said he has this air pistol on him that is designed to look like a revolver. by the end of the chase the driver truck only had three wheels because he drove over spike sticks twice. a 26-year-old man from westborough. police are not releasing his name because of medical reasons. 495. this morning, two refugees have been arrested on terrorism related charges and fueling new debates of letting refugees one was a 24-year-old from iraq and arrested in houston and charged with three counts of providing support to the islamic state. the second was a 23-year-old entered as a syrian refugee. authorities rescued anymore sacramento. he is arrested for travelling to syria for firing along terrorist groups and lying about an immigration status. the governor of texas is stop allowing refugees from countries like syria into the united states. three relatives of the man arrested in california are also morning. they were arrested in milwaukee in a separate case not related to national security. they are due in court later today. this morning police want to talk to a man captured on surveillance video just days before a hyde park restaurant was robbed. take a look. this man is not a suspect but matches the description of a man who robbed master mcgrath. it happened as the restaurant was opening for business on wednesday. the bartender is still too shaken up to appear on camera but tells fox25 a man with very restaurant last week. >> the same exact glasses and nose and long face structure. it was the same. >> daniel: again police are not calling this a man a suspect, but they do want to talk to him. andover police are hoping these photos will lead to the arrest of a robbery suspect that happened at the zantaner bank just before 4:00. police are not saying much about the investigation and are hoping that one recognizes the suspect. norwood police say thanks to fox25 viewers and social media, they have arrested two people who have been stealing from people at area gyms. fox25 first aired these images tuesday night. those men are accused of using stolen car keys to get into a locked car. 30 minutes after these pictures aired they got a tip that identified one of the men. now john fisher and john root is facing charges in massachusetts and rhode island. police say they are suspected in a string of similar crimes it is 4:07 right now. an update to a story you saw first on fox25. swampscott school superintendent is releasing new information to parents about the high school's former principal. on wednesday night fox25 investigates was the first to rereel the allegations against edward roziemarek that head who his -- led to his resignation. he was having chats with what he believed was a 134-year-old girl and that girl ended up being an adult decoy. when the school learned of the allegations they immediately suspended him and had a no press pass order. although we find the allegations to be totally repugnant and disgusting, all employees must have rights that must be adhered to. he is not facing charges and district attorney said his actions did not pass a criminal line because he did not try to lure the girl. happening today, the released and analysts are worry released and analysts are worried that it will hurt an already unstable stock market. yesterday was a particularly bad day as the dow fell nearly 400 points. in 2016, the dow dropped 5% and the nasdaq is down more than 6% the nasdaq is down more than 6%. but stock futures are up this morning and for the worst four morning and for the worst four-day start of the year ever for the u.s. stock market. it started with global market instability when trade instability when trading in china was suspended twice this week. economists believe the december jobs report will have good news with an expected unemployment rate below 5% for the first time since 2007. the numbers are out at 8:30. the stock market opens an hour later. we will bring it to you when it is released. president obama is defend president obama is defending his reactions against gun violence. he held a town hall in virginia to talk about why he wants restrictions. karen kaffa has more and who thinks won't work. >> the way it is described is that we are trying to take away >> reporter: in his first town hall event in 2016, the president debated the second amendment and gun violence grip amendment and gun violence gripping the nation. he stood in front of supporters, critics, and some familiar faces, including gabby gifford, the former representative shot five years ago and her husband retired astronaut mark kelly. >> gabby and i are gun owner and take gun ownership seriously. >> reporter: the president said he never owned a gun and he said his inexperience helped manufacturer. >> gun sales have not hurt during that time. in other words, they have gone up and i have been good for gun manufacturers. >> reporter: he said his policies make sense but it is politicized. >> it is mischaracterized. >> reporter: narrowing the so >> reporter: narrowing the so-called gun show loophole from not using records. not everyone agrees. >> the laws we create don't stop these horrific things from happening. >> reporter: cnn-orc poll show support the measures that president obama outlined earlier this week, but less than half of americans believe they would actually limit gun violence. in fairfax, virginia, i am karen kaffa. presidential candidate donald trump has his own plan for gun control and includes changing the law to allow guns in school. the gop front runner was in burlington, vermont. he was met with thousands of supporters and protesters who made it clear they didn't want him there. he talked about getting rid of gun-free zones.calling them bait for shooters. >> i will get rid of gun-free zones at schools -- you have to -- and on military day. the first day it gets signed. my first day. no more gun-free zones. >> the event last night was on democratic hopeful bernie trump said we love to run against the burlington former mayor but that hillary clinton is his true competition. we track traffic and weather every ten minutes. live drive times. 13 minutes on the pike from the weston tolls to the ted williams tunnel. be careful we are watching for spots of black ice out there. shiri. >> shiri: the more likely areas to so that he along the coastline and anywhere you are getting a touch of fog. looking good at 24 degrees. clear skies but increasing clouds. 26 degrees. 6 a.m., 26 degrees. we will time out the increasing clouds and show you when the showers start to pop next. taking information off the sex offender registry. still coming your way, why information about who they are and where they are won't be available anymore and why some say that is putting the public at risk. plus thousands of refugees could be coming to massachusetts. could house c at longhorn steak like this doesn' t need anything else. which is why we don' t just add, anything else. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. all with hand chopped salad & unlimited bread for $12.99. tonight only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new steak and bacon cheddar melt. or any steakhouse lunch combo we want to get to breaking news in philadelphia. a police officer has been shot at point-blank range inside his police car. midnight. the officer did fire backing a the suspect hutting him multiple times. the suspect was tacken to the hospital and is expected to be okay. he has a broken arm and nerve damage. police believe that the suspect was trying to kill the officer. the story is just breaking and we will continue to follow it all morning long. flight anything reminder to clear off your windows in snowy clear off your windows in snowy,ee y weather. an attleboro teenager was hit by a car. the driver was going the speed limit and did not see the stopped bus because his wind stopped bus because his windshield was not cleared off. parents are petitioning to have the bus stop moved because it is at a dangerous spot. >> the bus stop can be moved. a simple solution to the problem. you know, it is awful. as a parent i would not want that phone call. i would be devastated. >> fox25 reached out to the city about moving the bus stop and waiting to hear back from them. the driver is facing multiple charges related to the crash. now 4:16. children crossing into the united states without their in massachusetts. u.s. officials are considering hundreds of undocumented minor are. the department of health and human services are looking for six air bases and tour hanscom in a few days. miles from the base we talked to those with opinions. >> the dream act, so actually i am a teacher and we study that in our class >> the parents come over here and walk across the border and we support them for the rest of their life. >> most of the minors are boys between the age of 13 and 17 and are held until a family member claims them or until they are given a sponsor. 4:17 right now. big changes could be coming to the boston television market. yesterday, nbc announced it will end its affiliation with whdh channel 7. an internal memo for nbc employees for the network to launch its own station in january. wh dh ownership said they have a legal team to challenge the network's plan. channel 7 owner ed anson has senator ed markey. markey's office confirmed he has taken a look at the potential impact to viewers in massachusetts. 4:17. head out to the roads. bright green in our traffic flow maps. as you head out the door nothing will slow you down; however, don't slam on that gas right away because we are keeping an eye out for some spots of black ice, and shiri will have more on exactly where that is. the expressway moving along, speed limit ride. pike wide open from framingham through newton and into bright through newton and into brighton. from 106 to 128. 28 minutes from 49 to the leverett connector. 9 minutes on the expressway president braintree split to the pike. fox25 weather meteorologist shiri spear joining us now. that black ice you were predicting closer to the cape. >> anywhere along the coastline is possible if we get a drizzle. we will have to watch and see if it forms. the cape is too warm to be limited. i am more concerned with north shore, inland area. a soaker on the way for the weekend and sunday we have gusts 40 to 50 miles per hour. it is getting it real windy around here. check this out in boston right now, 30 degrees but norwood back into the teens this morning. at 19 degrees there. i have got no wind to speak of. at least we don't have wind chills becoming an issue today. about 20 degrees at 6 a.m. 8 a.m., 27 degrees. into the lower 40s this afternoon there. so we are like portsmouth, new hampshire, one of the more likely areas to see some drizzle later on. still mostly clear in portsmouth. the clouds really take over this afternoon. we only get into the upper 30s north and west of boston. and keep this mind north shore and seacoast the most likely areas of all to get in on those showers today. i have got 40 in boston. 42 in plymouth. 45 in new bedford. worcester at about 36 degrees. upper 30s. a little skeptical about beverly or lawrence into the lower 40s. here you can see futurecast with winds off the water pulling in not just the clouds but area of green. starting by late morning today and especially during the afternoon, a little bit of a sprinkle or a little drizzle anywhere within eastern massachusetts. now problem is overnight, we have got areas that are going to be back to freezing, especially north of the mass pike. that's where we have to prepare for freezing drizzle down across southeastern massachusetts and drizzle tomorrow morning and along the mass new hampshire border even a potential will see some flurries and little patchy coating of snow. you can see there is not very much moisture in that saturday forecast, any precipitation will be incredibly light. check out these heavy rains coming in for sunday. ooh, it is a solid soaker. we are looking at 1 to 2 inches of rain. we have 50s developing here in new england but not going to be pleasant with all that rain and wind in place. into monday and into next week, around. back to you, guys. >> daniel: 4 :20 right now. allowing kids to use medical marijuana in school. coming up this half hour, how to could become part of the new law in new england. a 70-year-old man crawls broken leg. >> one minute i was walking. the next minute i was falling. it happened that quick. instantl what would you do with five minutes to kill, and a smart phone? check the scores. text a friend. how about register to vote? really? you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts drivers license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to it's that easy. done. i just registered. that was easy. register today. your heart loves omega-3s. but the omega-3s in fish oil differ from megared krill oil. is easily absorbed by your body. megared. the difference is easy to absorb. the mother of the so-called affluenza teen will be arraign affluenza teen will be arraigned in texas this morning. tonya couch is accused of helping her son flee the country while he was on probation for a deadly drunk lives. her son ethan is currently being held in mexico awaiting extradition back to texas. police in france are trying to figure out why a man tried to attack officers outside of a police station yesterday morning. officers said the man had a knife and wearing a fake suicide vest. police shot and killed him. investigators say the man is homeless and was in france illegally. the incident happened on the one-year anniversary of the attack on charlie hebdo. terrifying moments caught on camera when a fire fighter maine. watch closely. the video show the fire fighter walking on the roof when he fell in. luckily the fire fighter was not seriously hurt. fire fighters say the blaze started in the back of the building and doesn't appear to be suspicious. no one was home at the time of the fire. the owners of the popular kingston restaurant are vowing to rebuild after flames gutted carmela's this week. we were live on the scene yesterday morning as fans of the restaurant shared their support for the owners. according to the brockton exercise, the fire and to have generated in the ceiling of the lady's rest room and spread to the second-floor storage area. the cause of the fire is unknown. a local attorney is under during a city meeting. jack creden was presenting to the brockton planning board about a historic home. an african-american booked an african-american board member joked it could have been his ancestor's home and cre don turned to him and said he would have been a slave, not homeowner. >> if it was a joke, it was a joke. but hot on my watch. i made sure i stopped him at his tracks and he apologized. >> credon has apologized to the board and was fired by a company that he was representing. he did not respond to our calls for comment. a 70-year-old man is lucky to be alive after he fell into a ditch and had to crawl 16 hours to get help. richard olson was hunting in north dakota and didn't have a cell phone when he fell. he instantly knew he broke had his femur. he had to get back to the road but he couldn't walk. he used his gun as a crutch to get to the road. he said he needed to get back to his family so he focused on four things. >> i just yelled no and anything your heel, check to see your gloves are on and then push. and that is all i let in for the next five hours. over once he got to that road. several cars passed without stopping to help. it was a truck driver that finally got him some help. dr. olson suffered frostbite on both hands and his leg is broken but he is expected to make a full recovery. it is official, this saturday's powerball jackpot will be the biggest prize in american lotto history. sales forced the jackpot to surge to $7 surge to $700 million. if you take the lump sum walking away with $258 million after taxes. not bad. higher than the gdp of four nations. the canton convenience store is giving out free tickets. they claim they will give out $50 in free tickets to one lucky person who likes their facebook post. they will pick a winner on friday. protesting your health by changing what you eat. still coming your way the ingredient that is in everything that doctors say significantly increases the risk for tumors. a life and death situation leads to love for two strangers leads to love for two strangers. let's do this. i am like, what? >> how a donated kidney l at longhorn steak like this doesn' t need anything else. which is why we don' t just add, anything else. longhorn steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. 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