Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20151208 : comparem

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Morning News 20151208

good morning. >> sarah: tracking this area precipitation. northern edge of the system that will be passing with will well to the south that will get close enough to clip parts of southeastern massachusetts with a few rain showers. currently most of us mostly cloudy and vary in places like keene and to the 30s across northwestern areas of boston. 40 degrees and down across the southeast in the mid-40s. temperatures really not going to budge too much as the cloud cover stays pretty consistent. i will want to point out the further north and west we go likely a little sunshine. the further south and east you go, rain showers will be moving across the area and likely a pretty rainy day or morning or early afternoon for parts of the cape and island. by this afternoon as temperatures will top out only in the 40s. well, we have got the showers ending and the skies eventually clear. coming up when we warm back up. a check of your traffic with julie grauert. to head out the door because volume is so light. pike open from framingham through the allston/brighton tolls. nothing slowing you down on zakim bridge. 25 minutes on pike from 495 to mass avenue. 9 minutes on the expressway were the braintree flit smith to the bike. 29 minutes from 495 to the leverett connector. 4:02 right now. new this morning fire fighters from massachusetts and connecticut battle a fire in sturbridge. the fire department said they first got a call around 9:30 from a fire at 126 river road. by 10:30, crews from a total of 19 communities in massachusetts and connecticut had responded. our crew at the scene said it and that the fire jumped to nearby cars. the address is listed to a landscaping and construction company. fortunately no one was hurt. the state fire marshal's office is investigating what started the fire. developing this morning, dozens of college student get sick after eating at the same restaurant. t morning the entire place is being cleaned as the health the chipotle in cleveland circle was closed after 30 students from boston college reported gastrointestinal symptoms. chipotle has been dealing with a e. coli outbreak. students say that this location is popular. >> there is usually a line out the door with mostly bc students. >> julie: marty walsh says the decision when to open the chipotle on cleveland circumstancele will be a day-to-day one. nine straits affected by the e. coli outbreak. 47 of the 52 people gotten sick nationwide have reported eating at the chain. the company hasn't discovered the source. we will be following up on the potential boston case all morning. this morning presidential candidate donald trump is being called unamerican and unhinged for his proposal to ban all muslims from entering >> we have no idea who is coming into our country. we have no idea if they love us or hate us. no idea if they want to bomb us. >> daniel: the current front runner for the presidential nomination says muslims have no respect for human life. trump did not call for deporting or taking other actions against muslims in the country but called for increased surveillance of mosques in america. >> we have to see what is happening, because something is happening in there. man, there's anger. there's anger. and we have to know about it. >> daniel: fellow republican candidates are outraged. senator lindsey graham called for rivals to condemn trump's comment. chris christie says the comments show his inexperience and former governor jeb bush said the idea is not serious. >> julie: charlie baker is wasting no time blasting trump that is the governor literally smack the statement sent out by trump's catch. the idea clearly upsetting the governor. he said trump's policy is inappropriate and defies the principles of our country. >> i expect believe that i am reading this which is basically directly in contrast and in conflict with most of the most important values that people in this country hold most dear. >> julie: the governor was shown trump's statement while attending a menorah lighting at the statehouse. trump's call to ban muslims came less than a week from the terror attack in san bernandino, california. both suspects have been radicalized for some time. agents found 19 pipes at the couple's apartment in addition to 2 completed pipe bombs that failed to explode. active shooter training was held in the building where the attack happened. it is unclear if suspect syed farook attended the session. farook at a shooting range days before the attack. this is the image that many people are talking about today that shows syed farook and his wife, tashfeen malik, coming into the u.s. 17 months ago. it shows the couple in the customs area of chicago o'hare airport. they did not have any time enter -- no problem entering the u.s. because he is a citizen and she is has a visa. massachusetts stricter requiring gun licenses and restricting certain guns and ammo rounds. the founder of a group helped write the laws. fox25 spoke to john rosenthal and said the laws should be a model around the country. >> massachusetts has the lowest firearm death rate in the nation accept for hawaii. we are usually number one and now we are number two. >> julie: a hot topic on both sides of the gun debate. case out of the chicago suburb made it all the way to the supreme court. but justices said they would not pass judgment and turned down the case. we will keep a close eye on the new developments of the san bernandino shooting on air and online at 4:07 right now. the mother of a danvers teenage amor accused of killing his sister could testify on the murder trial. phillip chism's mother diana is on the witness list. they asked if she will be the defense's final witness but they wouldn't comment. the defense will rest after an examination of the expert witness. the psychiatrist said the only evidence that the teenager hears is a voice in his head which comes from chism him self. >>.if he is not hearing voices and nobody are telling him what to do november 13, 20. >>.that's correct. no, sir explanation for his conduct on november 13, 2013. >> daniel: once the defense rests the judge expects to give the jury the case and will deliberate the 16-year-old's fate by the end of the week. new this morning the investigation into stolen remains at a worcester cemetery could be growing. connecticut police say a man accused of robbing graves in the name of his religion may have paid someone to steal the bones for him. police arrested amador medina. he told authorities he paid someone to break into a mausoleum at hope cemetery and remove skeletal remains. he is facing multiple kharmtion related to the case. a man admitted to police that he planted a fake bomb but pled not guilty on court. he is not being held on a high bail. fox25 was on the scene as the bomb squad exploded a suitcase left near the coast guard prosecutors say surveillance video placed there by the suspect -- places the suspect at the scene. his attorney says he meant no harm and thought he was helping homeland security. tom brady's legal team is once again bashing the nfl. brady's attorney complained about the filing saying that he violated the agreement by trying to suspend him. no player has ever been suspended for an equipment violation. the nfl is appealing the lower court ruling that overturned brady's suspension for his role in the use of underinflated footballs. a close call for about a dozen people in quincy when an e-cigarette explodes and catches a room on fire. take a look. the right side of your screen there. you can see the explosion and the flames. then the staff at regina russell tea room leaps into action. it happened friday inside a fortune telling business. a new employee plugged in her >> if she had that thing in her mouth, i am not dying, two minutes -- two minutes and decided not to charge that and continued smoking it, it would have blown her whole face off. >> julie: no one was hurt but employees tell fox25 that there are usually readings happening at that table. the business is taking no chances banning e-cigarettes from the building. >> julie: traffic and weather every ten minutes. on the pike from 495 to mass avenue. those drive times are all green. here is meteorologist sarah wroblewski. >> sarah: chilly conditions to the north and west and mild to the southeast. a lot of clouds in play today. and tracking showers for the cape and islands. highs today will be much cooler than what we are experiencing lately for where we should be. coming up my latest timeline when the rain arrives and when it moves out in just a little >> julie: talk t o you soon . a couple nearly sleeps through the fire at their house. how one man's daily routine a local grandmother is arrested for working for uber. >> they pulled me over. [laughter] i wet my pants. don don the local law she is 4:13 right now. new this morning former olympian oscar pistorius is out on bail after a new hearing overnight in south africa. just last week he was 2013 shooting death of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp had his home. he was already on house arrest to finish out his manslaughter sentence. he is ordered to continue his house arrest until he is sentenced for murder. a court date has not been set. big payday for the new england company that makes keurig. a group of investors plans to buy keurig green mountain for under $92 billion. $.78 mover than the stock share on friday. the company is owned by a group that owns numerous coffee chains. the herald says government regulators have filed a motion to block the $6 billion deal. the federal trade commission claims it will reduce competition for office supplies sold to large businesses. framingham-based staples says the ruling is based on flawed analysis. a hearing is scheduled for may a hearing is scheduled for may. and a back bay landmark "the globe" says hilton made a $100 million offer on the mandarin hotel on boylston street over $1 million per room. if approved they will convert it into a waldorf-astoria or conrad-brand hotel. the woman known as ubyer grandma will face a judge on charges she violated the ban. the 63-year-old fled the 63-year-old pled not guilty in court, but could face up a $3500 in fines. she has been cited four times this year while driving for uber which city officials ban under a transportation ordinance. she said she will continue driving even under -- even under threats of arrest because she feels her rights are being violated. >> i just want to do my job. and it is my business as an uber driver. and i should be able to do that. >> france air es uber is providing a lawyer for her as she fights the city and paying for legal fees. it is 4:15. your map right now where things are green, and green means nothing is slowing you down. expressway, speed limit ride from furnace brook parkway into the city. pike looks good from framingham through the tolls and the alston-brighton areas. 11 minutes on from 1 to 128. 23 minutes from 495 to the leverett connector. 9 minutes on the expressway from the braintree split to the exit to the pike. stormtracker meteorologist sarah wroblewski joining us now and chilly and have to watch out for a few raindrops on the cape, right? >> sarah: yes, tracking a few showers and a return for cooler weather. yesterday not so bad for december as we reached the mid- to upper 60s in many spots. average high this time of year around 44 degrees. in fact, average low in the morning typically below freezing so that is not uncommon, but we have been stretch today. we see temperatures back to where they should be. it won't last too long. want to point out sunrise, 7:00 this morning. your sunset continues at 4:11. similar to yesterday. our weather headlines, temperatures back to normal, tracking some showers, and then as we head toward the weekend. boy, are we in for a treat for some as we will be talking about another mild stretch. i know people are thinking all those winter sports. you really want the cold. well, let me tell you, this morning we have some chilly conditions and it is to the north and west where we have clearer skies but much of southern new england dealing with clouds because, yes, this area of precipitation is just the northern edge of an area of low pressure that is center of low pressure that is centered just to the south and will continue to be off to our east. so we are going to get clipped with a little bit of rain across our southeastern areas. further north and west you go of boston will likely stay of boston will likely stay -- stay dry as you see breaks in 30s. you have to head further north to get into the clear skies right now. thicker clouds down along the south coast of nantucket at 50 degrees. you are starting to see those rain drops pushing on in. current will he in boston, 40. winds have turned out of the north-northeast. something we will be noticing for the day today. a much cooler wind direction keeping the cloud cover in place. it is also adding a chill to the air and feels like in the 30s in boston. next 12 hours, not much change in the temperatures with that consistent wind that could be quite gusty as we head on through the day and we will see the clouds thick around. the further north and west we cloud cover. as for the chance of precipitations, it is less to the north and west, but further south and east you go, that's where you are going to see over 50% and that's why we are expecting mainly southeastern areas especially the cape and the rain for this afternoon. some of the icons look optimistic but i am expecting to see temperature stay steady across the southeast, climb a few degrees into the low to mid-40s and where we should be this time of year. along the immediate coast don't be surprised to see wind gusts as high as 20 to 25 miles per hour as the storm gets cranking and passes through us. you can see around our noon hour, we will be dealing with showers along the south coast, cape and islands. a few showers in boston, out toward providence, but as you travel into parts of vermont as well as western mass, you are seeing glimpse of sunshine breaking through the clouds and we could see some of that too on the north shore. as we head through the evening hours we will see those clouds begin to break apart and sure enough, we will find clearing skies overnight tonight. as for the amount of rainfall. just a trace to less than a 10 just a trace to less than a 10th of an inch in most spots. could you see up to a quarter, even slightly higher than that for parts of the vineyard as well as nantucket. this storm system that is spreading a little bit of the we are actually missing the bulk of activity but it is providing those cooler northeasterly winds. come tomorrow, high pressure builds on in and we will find a mix of sun and clouds. and winds will turn out of the southwest and that will start to begin our warm-up as we head into thursday that will be tracking a weakening cold front. so tomorrow, a mix of sun and clouds. temperatures will be a little bit better. climbing into the mid- to upper 40s, slightly above normal, but, again, take normal, but, again, taking a look at that seven-day forecast with your weekend always in view. we will be watching a weakening cold front come through on thursday that could provide some showers and looks dry and we warm up into the mid- to upper 50s as we head into the weekend been more wet weather arrives. the latest look at the forecast. over to you. 4:20. lebron james is getting a kings award for the lifetime contract he is getting and it is not even to play basketball is not even to play basketball. and trying to figure out how to help this mini horse. veterinarians say the every coconut has a dream. to come out of its shell. to show all the world its true, inner beauty. and then, in an ironic twist, get covered up by chocolate and almonds. almond joy mounds. police in chicago release video of another shooting but this time police is not pressing charges. the video shows officer george hernandez fire five times within a few seconds of getting out of his squad car. the officer open fired only after johnson pointed a gun at him during the foot chase. his family said that the police planted the gun. homeland security secretary jay johnson said the goal is to provide communication about events like the california shooting. a credible threat before homeland security issues a warning. the bar for triggering an alert is too high. >> . >> we need to do a better job of informing the public of what we are seeing and removing the mystery of a global terror threat and what we are doing about it and what we are asking the public to do. >> daniel: no word when the new threat system will be released. if you love liberty, then paris is your hometown. >> members of the california metal mark a surprise concern to a paris stage. it happened during a charity concert by u2. the band was playing when suicide bombers stormed the show and killed 89 people. the first time the metal band had performed since the attack had performed since the attacks. a special honor 74 years in the making. brockton native john russell johnson died on the uss arizona during the pearl harbor attack. he was post museum husbandly awarded the purple heart in 19 awarded the purple heart in 1996 but it never made it to the family. a young volunteer found the medal and was able to track down his family. relatives received the medal on behalf of johnson. >> proud. yeah. well deserved. ultimate sacrifice. >> julie: johnson graduated from high school in 1936 and joined the navy in 1937. police are looking for who shot a horse in acushnet. the miniature horse named max he can't move around without painkillers and his leg won't heal. >> the doctor wants to put him down and if he is going to be in pain which we don't want to do. he is only 2 and so much to give. >> now veterinarians are trying to find a prosthetic leg or he will be put down. investigators think a hunter may have been shooting for a dear and missed hitting max. while max waits for help take a look at this, a cat in iowa has two new legs. vincent is hobble vincent is hobbling around on two prosthetics that replaced his previous hind legs. he was brought to the shelter as a kitten. no one knows how he was injured. more procedures are planned and he will normally -- will have normal-sized legs again. new alerts that facebook and twitter may have to issue students rushed now at 4:30. dozens of local students get sick and they all ate at the same restaurant beforehand. the health department investigation this morning that has the doors closed at this chipotle. new details into the shooters in the ca terror attacks. one suspect was spotted practice practicing just days before the shooting. and a murder trial against a danvers teenager coming to a close. the key person expected to take the stand as the defense take the stand as the defense's final witness nouns complete new england news coverage starts right now, this is the fox25 morning news this is the fox25 morning news. >> julie: good tuesday morning, 4:30 on december 8. i am julie grauert. >> daniel: i am daniel miller >> daniel: i am daniel miller. an ocean storm is expected to graze us today. storm track weather meteorologist sarah wroblewski showing us who has the best chance of seeing rain, good morning. >> sarah: good morning. we have the rain starting to get close to the coast. one thing i want to point out

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