Transcripts For WFTS World News Now 20160812 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WFTS World News Now 20160812

there were no injuries and the cause is under investigation. the rest of the refine vi in operation, although the plant makes gas and diesel. analysts don't expect it to change fuel supplies or prices. simone manuel says she wants to be an inspiration after making history. >> as the first black american swimmer to win olympic gold, she came from behind the finish in the tie with a 16-year-old canadian style. they set a new olympics record. manuel said she was super surprised when she saw the result. >> while phelps was taking his medley, the baltimore ravens sent the tweet as they played carolina in their first game. pool. they ended up stopping the game to watch the race. phelps is from nearby in maryland. >> he says he can't get back to watch the ravens play. >> taking a look at the medal count. the united states leads with 16 gold medals. >> china second, japan third, and the u.s. also the overall leader there with 38 medals. >> coming into the olympics, there was talk simone biles would be the best u.s. gymnast in history. >> now that talk changed to her being the best ever. juju chang has more on biles' incredible performance. >> it's official. the world's greatest gymnast. >> reporter: simone biles springing into action. and grabbing that coveted title in rio winning the women's individual all around gold medal. standing tall at just 4'9", the 19-year-old unstoppable. defying gravity. air. landing a champion. joining the pantheon of greats. a dream come true for the ohio native. >> i was just a really hyper kid. i was always bouncing off the walls so gymnastics fit, and i didn't try any other sports. it was like gymnastics chose me, and then i've loved it ever since. >> reporter: her significant she flips back with a straight body and on the second body she does a flip and lands forward. >> i believe that her floor routine is the best and most difficult floor routine ever performed in the sport of gymnastics. >> reporter: her teammate, aly raisman impressing with a second. and russia taking home the bronze. biles relishing the victory with her teammates, leaving rio with of triumph. juju chang, abc news, new york. >> coming up today, michael phelps is competing in the 100 butterfly finals. >> katie ledecky set a record yesterday and the u.s. basketball teams are back on the court as well. the women take on canada. the women play serbia. >> let's hope the men play a little bit better than the last time against australia. time it game very close. >> the aaustralia came back. >> coming up, the three students who are lucky and grateful this morning. >> they were trapped in a cave. spending a lot more time underground than they anticipated. how they made it out alive. and later two movies with cgi characters but meant for pete's dragon is looking to smoke sausages at the box office. >> first we check out who will be feeling the heat the most. i'm thinking dallas. "world news now" weather i'm only in my 60's. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% es. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] you'll be able to visit and virtually no referrals needed. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now. check out this dramatic video. the 74-year-old pilot was so worried over not having any landing gear family that he loved them. the belly landing, the sheriff's office guided him down. the plane spun out but the pilot was not injured. the aircraft surprisingly wasn't damaged too much either. >> sully in. >> yes, indeed. >> now to arkansas where a nail biting search for three lost cave explores had a rescue. ordeal. allie rogen is here with the details. >> good morning. one cold night in a cave, the price is right, but you might have to sleep on a stalagmite. it's not the latest air bb offer. >> a little worse for wear but all smiles. flashing their arkansas state wolf sign. emerging from a cave in arkansas over 24 hours past whe it started as a fun day trip. a 25-year-old leading two first year students from japan. one of them documenting the trip on his smart phone. >> we about to enter cave. >> reporter: the save a wonder land. only two miles of which have been mapped out. >> it's so dark, and my bodies are messy. it's dirty. >> they're stalactites. >> reporter: when they didn't return home by evening, the wife reported them missing. the search started around 1:45 a.m. the next morning. before they were found the director of emergency management described the conditions they were likely dealing with. >> they're crawling in mud and 58 degree water. they have to be concerned about getting too cold, getting wet. >> reporter: cold and wet and massive. it's full of narrow twists and no you can get a sense of what a challenge it is to explore via with video. >> whenever they go on a search and rescue mission in a cave past 24 hours, but then it's a recovery mission f. if that put anything in perspective. apparently science fiction fans have flocked to cave for decades because it's known as one of the portals to a race to unfortunately we didn't find any? >> no smur ofes? >> not that they could find. >> two miles of cave. >> it gives me chills. >> that's just the part of the cave mapped out. there's so much more. it's an entire world under there. >> and not being able to see daylight. you have no idea where you are. did they use special strategied to get out? >> they were found 30 from the entrance of the cave. it's not clear how much they got through, but they were filming on a smart phone. it's not like they have super fan fancy equipment to get themselves out. >> i understand they took turns shouting for help to help people find them. >> it's the most old fashioned way to get out of a cave. >> stick with it. >> allie rogen, thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, we'll hear from some of the u.s. men's basketball. >> they're living on a cruise ship. the secrets of making nba rivals into the best hoops team in the world. . >> >> t team has played three games winning all of them. >> the average margin of victory is 37 points. but the most recent game wednesday against australia was close. >> abc got to hang out with the team and had fun along the way. >> reporter: they're the nba dream team during practice sharing laughs. i might have a neck injury doing this if i talk to you for too long. and some close calls. favorite moment? >> opening ceremonies is pretty special. >> reporter: how about a replay? >> it saved your life. >> reporter: thank you. while opponents back home, here in rio they're one team. >> we go to basketball camps together. you know them, and we all made we compete against each other on the highest level. i think that makes us closer. >> reporter: that bond plastered over social media. >> reporter: you guys posted funny stuff on social media. >> carmelo anthony. >> we're a funny team. >> reporter: kyrie irving known as the rio correspond. >> checking in. >> personaliti personalities. it's special. >> reporter: some of the personalities cheering on swimming tuesday night. after snapping picks with the men and katie ledecky. this team story also one of resilience. paul george suffering a near career ending leg injury just two years ago. >> i owed myself this second chance to walk away and do something that i can be proud of, something i can tell my kids unwind, they're regular tourists, taking selfies with christ the redeemer, and i had to ask about their accommodations. >> how's the cruise ship. >> it's awesome. it's a hotel on a boat. >> reporter: does everybody hang out at the cigar lounge when you come back? >> there's no cigar lounge. there's a pool deck. >> reporter: and the best part so far? >> ihi guys. >> any time you get the best players in the world to connect in a different way, that's special. >> reporter: abc news, rio de janeiro. >> they play serbia at 6:00 p.m. tonight and then france. >> in the last time kyrie irving did a sidestep similar to the one on the warriors. so draymond green was like that looks way too familiar and too skills? >> whoa. >> the dream team, baby. >> that is a dream team. >> the dream team. >> you know, my skills are -- big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel - and there's so much more to see. so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans so i know how important that is. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you can't beat zero heartburn! ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. introducing new k-y touch gel cr?me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. k-y touch. olay total effects vitamin enriched to revive skin and fight 7 signs of aging your old school dance moves might show your age, olay. ageless. time for insomniac theater. >> we're going to start with sausage party. the first ever r rated computer graphics animated movies. >> you love animated movies. and evan goldberg. rogen is the voice of a hot dog waiting with his pals to be purchased that leads for saucy exchanges with nearby buns. >> waiting to get filled with my meat. >> right, karl. who in this package would let karl get up in them? put your [ bleep ] hand down. >> there's more where that came, including what's included as a jaw dropping good orgye. it gets 84% on rotten tomatoes. it's as much a sweet story about belief and faith as it is a vehicle for the filthiest jokes you've never dared imagine. >> and another calls it ballsy and dumb and brilliant in one bite. you can gobble it up like empty calories and overchew each joke. next from disney. pete's dragon is a reimagining of the 1977 original. pete is a wild orphan who spent a long time living in the woods on his own except for the company of his dragon. the dragon's name is elliot. the scenario is discussed by robert red ford's character and his on screen daughter. >> how long has he been out for six years alone. >> he says he wasn't alone. >> and then she sets out to determine where pete can come from. where he belongs and the truth about the dragon. pete's dragon is getting 87% on rottentomatoes. one says there should be more american family movies like and one is calling it one of the season's most heartening surprises. >> i'm assuming he wouldn't say the same for sausage party. that's the news for this hour. >> follow us on facebook at this morning on "world news now," a third accident on an amusement park ride just this week. >> a three-year-old air lifted after suffering an injury from a roller coaster. this has two young victims from the tennessee ferris wheel accident leave the hospital. breaking news from at least two people dead after a series of explosions rocked a vacation spot. this road rage caught on dash cam. a driver shoots into a vehicle with a child inside. hear how it started over wiper fluid. and the a huge day in rio from the pool to the gym. the americans golden yet again. we'll meet another team getting and we'll have their emotional celebrations. it's a national holiday there. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> was it the people of belize? >> no. >> no. >> not yet. >> it can still happen. >> the dream is ale. good morning on a friday. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm diane macedo. we begin with yet another major accident at an amusement park. this time a boy has falle pittsburgh. >> we have that situation. more on that in a moment. first, just a short time ago we received an update on the girls who fell from a ferris wheel. you remember this story. it took place earlier this week at the tennessee fair. well, two of them have now been released from the hospital. the third victim, a six-year-old, remains in critical condition with a brain injury. >> investigators blame a mechanical issue. all the rides owned by that investigation is beginning over what happened on the roller coaster. >> reporter: that three-year-old was air lifted to a hospital after riding a wooden roller coaster at the park just outside of pittsburgh. >> the boy was conscious while being treated on site. he was talking. he was alert with his family. >> reporter: officials aren't yet saying exactly how he was hurt on the ride called rolo coaster. the rules say guest feet tall must be accompanied by an adult. in this case, his older brother. this is on the heels of two accidents earlier this week. a ten-year-old killed at the schlitterbauhn water park on the tallest water slide in the world. >> it was a loud boom boom. i immediaknew immediately somebl off the raft. >> reporter: and monday three girls fell from a ferris wheel >> they screamed a little bit and hit the ground laying there. >> reporter: authorities in pennsylvania are now investigating what went wrong. it's still unclear how long the park will remain closed. linsey davis , abc news, new york. another bomb attack at a popular resort in thailand hours after twin explosions in the coastal town of wuhin. authorities say the attacks may be politically motivated possibly to undermine the military government. they ruled out islamic terrorism. in syria humanitarian aid arrived in the war ravaged city of aleppo. convoys delivered water and fresh food. a temporary cease fire allowed the supplies into the city. it got so bad residents were reportedly cooking leaves off trees for food. there was no running water for aleppo urged the president to try to intervene. only 15 doctors remain in the city to treat hundreds of thousands of victims. a new report finds at least 1500 people have been killed chemical weapons in syria. with more than 160 attacks. doctors now saying the use of chlorine bombs ishe new normal. a woman and two children were killed in a chlorine gas attack in >> the death toll is expected to rise after a building explosion outside of washington d.c. several residents of the apartment complex are unaccounted for including young children. suspend for the night. been dozens of people were injured when they jumped or fell out of windows. let's move to politics. more than 70 former republican party officials and stachers have signed a letter urging the republican national convention instead they want to use all resources to help win house and senate races. they say trump's divisiveness and recklessness as well as imp competence would turn it into a landslide. meanwhile trump is doubling down on the can claim that president obama and hillary clinton are the founders of isis. >> isis will hand her the mos valuable player award. her only competition is president obama. >> trump says when president obama withdrew from iraq, it cleared the way for isis. the clinton calls it another example of trash talking the united states. hillary clinton compares her plan to the economy to drufr's. clinton suggested she would create millions of jobs while into the recession. she warned his policies would only benefit the super wealthy. >> he would give trillions in tax cuts to big corporations, millionaires and wall street money managers. that would explode our national debt. >> clinton is also pressuring trump by releasing her 2015 tax returns as early as today. trump has refused to release his. the man who tried to scale the trump tower has a troubled past and a troubled future as well. the 19-year-old of virginia as undergone a psychiatric evaluation after being charged with reckless endangerment. he recently changed his name and told police he was climbing the building to get a private meeting with trump. federal officials are redirecting emergency money intended for other programs toward zika virus research. congress needs to approve a funding bill. health and human services is programs. hhs calls the move a short term solution. marijuana may be legal in half the country, but feds are keeping it on the list of the most dangerous drugs. they determined it has a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. they will allow more research into the therapeutic effects. it's legal in 25 states more medical use. phelps rolled over their competition as they grabbed more gold for the u.s. the americans widened the lead over china in the medal count. the u.s. now up to 16 golds and 38 medals overall. >> reporter: 19-year-old simone biles is the queen of women's gymnastics in rio. on the way to winning gold in the women's individual all around final she mastered the and gravity along with him to become women's olympics champion. aly raisman captured silver. redempti redemption. the american women stole the show and shared a hug after the competition. for biles another step in what may be the women's best career of all time. in the men's 200 medley, versus phelps. phelps surged to victory and the gold medal becoming the only swimmer to win four consecutive golds in the same event. lochte finished in fifth. phelps swam in the 100 butterfly semi final. he placed second. simone manuel tied for a gold medal in the 100 medal free style. she becomes the first african swimming event, and it's gold, ryan murphy struck gold in the 200 meter backstroke. more adisappointment for missy franklin. her rio olympics dreams are over. >> nathan adrian and his u.s. co-captain qualified in the 50 meter free style. record. she was nearly seven seconds faster than anyone else in the pool. kayla henderson defended her judo title. she was forced to tap out in submission winning the contest. jim ryan, abc news, rio de janeiro brazil. >> seven seconds. that's incredible. i love watching the reactions. favorite. this was another great reaction. this happened after winning the first medal ever for this country. you not only get this kind of reaction, but a handshake from the british royal family. >> fiji beat the british in the final. players took to their knees as they received their medals. fiji's coach said he was a little bit lost for words, but then the celebrations. [ screaming ] >> school kids in fiji just erupting. the prime minister declared it a national holiday today as a result of this. this is epic. >> he attended every day of the competition. it's one of those things where people will say there are no words. no words needed. >> no. there were signs, i saw signs posted in fiji while they were watching. they said this government office minutes while we watch the rugby match. congratulations to fiji. coming up later in the mix, some thing you won't want to try at home like a 360 degree swing and other fun ideas. >> first, a driver resorts to deadly force in a fit of road rage. firing at another vehicle even though there was a child inside. we'll show you why it escalated so quickly. and the olympics boxer getting lots of atte and why she credits the sport with saving her life. >> find us on facebook, introducing new k-y touch gel cr?me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. welcome back. authorities in two communities on either side of the country are asking for the public's help to sort out some disturbing road rage incidents. >> of course we've seen plenty of road rage incidents before, but rarely does it r level of violence. take a look. clayton sandell slhows us. >> reporter: in los angeles police are working to find this man. firing twice at the family including a child in this white suv. ? the driver side armed with unknown type of black handgun. >> reporter: the suspect enraged because the uv apparently sprayed his car with windshield wiper fluid. it had to have been terrifying. >> reporter: in florida police say this black truck follows a civil sedan. this woman waves and points a pistol. the driver refuses to identify the woman with the gun. most road rage cases avoid a deadly turn. but road rage has been blamed for 1700 deaths in california nobody was hurt, but the l.a. county sheriff says they have no suspects. it's surprising. you would think the video would give them good evidence. >> lucky no one was hurt, especially with kids in the car. all over wiper fluid. >> uh-huh. coming up in our next half hour, eddie murphy changing his career path. going from comedy to drama. first the american boxer the straight and narrow. we're getting in the ring hours before she get in the raning fo rio. ? ? >> i like the version of eye of the tiger. >> appropriate for the next story. >> yes. >> check out american boxer mikaela mayer. she's getting ready for the fight of her life today in rio. >> she's a lightweight boxer who credits her sport with saving her from going down the wrong we're up all night line with rachel smith who tells us about thisinspiring fighter. r bri lights of olympics stadiums, but in this basement gym with some of the best amateurs in the world facing off at the tournamt of champions. a ramp up to the olympics. spends almost all of h three times a day, six days >> read >> repter: training aody a her nd. mentally draing than eore >> reporter: now a series olympics medal tcontender. when she was a teenager she was fighting but nowhere near a boxing ring. why were you kicked out of school? >> i was kicked out of sool for getting in a fight with one >> reporter: she sayser life was taking a dark turn. . >> when i found boxing, i switched gears. it focussed me. i stopped going out anding. i cracked down in school. >> reporter: it seems that being if the ring is not about ng andin tak anger but about discipline tech teate. >> there's a bigger goal now. >> reporter: we caught up with her where she and t olympics hopefuls were living and training. you're surrounded by athletes with the same common goal. >> every direction you turn is an oicfocus. it's almost like you're back in llege a little bit because it's kd of dorm style livg and everydy is in thee sam cafeter cafeteria, but it's fun. >> double the cannon. >>eporte mixing a ltle f with her fighting, the wen their punches. >> fire the cannon. >> walk the plank or walk it back toward the rope. >> it's a lot of work. we have to find spots to make ourselves laugh and have a good time. >> reporter: and now after years of hard work, dedication, and single minded focus, mikaela's made it to rio, and she says she's ready for the biggest fight of her life. >> it was chances of making it being slim, but to have such a dream, you have to believe in yourself. you have to believe you're the best before you are. >> reporter: racl smith in atlanta. >> are you trying to be abusive? why are you trying? >> i'm inspired it. thecannon. here i come. >> i'm that quick. >> like boughter fly and a bee. >> she's pretty cool. >> yeah. and a little bit scary. i would not want to mess with all right. i'm that quick. (male #1) it's a little something i've done every night since i was a kid, empty pket change into this old jar. it's never much, just what's leftfter i break a dollar. and i never thought i could get quality fe insurance with my spare change. nehedid i. until i saw a commeralge. for the conial penn prram. imagine people our age getting life insurance it's true. if you're 50 to 85, you can t guaranteed acceptance life insurance through the colonial penprogram for less than 35 cents a day, just $9.95 a month. there's no medical exam and no health questions. you know, the average cost of a funeral is over $8,300. now that's a big burden to leave your loved ones. as long as you're 50 to 85, you cannot be turned down because of your health. own due to age. plus, your coverage builds cash value over time. call now for free information and a free gift. all i did was make a phone call and all of my questions about the colonial penn program were answered. it couldn't have been any easier and we both got the coverage we should have had for years now. mm-hm, with change to spare. (laughing) introducing new k-y touch gel cr?me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. time for the mix. as a kid riding on swings was a goal to try to see if you could get all the way around. lucky for our heads and our parents and insurance companies, none of us succeeded, i hope. introduce you to collin furs who did it, ladies and gentlemen. he has invented the 360 degree swing. the way it works, it's on sort of a pendulum. there's a weight on one side. person on the other. once he gains enough momentum, he goes over the top. that's not the first time he's created his own invention. however, diy enthusiasts be ware, there are zero safeguards and breaking your head. >> but he is living every child's dream. yes. don't try it at home. >> also in the category of don't try it on your own, there is allison teal. she wore her surfboard to a volcano. the lava started flowing a few weeks ago. 2000 degrees lava, andhe's an adventurer. it'll feel just a warm in new york. >> polka time. >> just ask barry. ? politics and foreign wars all the weather all the scores that's the world news polka ? ? around the world and up your street "the skinny" is our gossip feed. that's the world newsoe have a ? ?t's late a night and you're grab your "world news now" now mugnd everybody dance ? ? have fune a pal. every anchor guy and gal do to world news pol ? ? why go tout out to russia for olpics that' t far. weave the winter games here digging out my car ? ? pol vort, that's the world news polka ? ? i can't walk on the snowy it's not my fault ? note ? theoctorde to sta away from ? do the world new at conds yet poe ? ? if your neighbors cl the cops here's allou have to do ? >> when they yell it's hal past thre say hey, that's news to is morning donald trump taking on his ll republicans responding to new efforts among his critics to shift money away from his white house run. how trurch is -- trump is firing back. fighting terror at home as two separate cases of home gro radicals face justice. including the american women sent to prison for trying to join isis. new this half hour, a very public mistake in rio. >> everyone watching the faceoff between michael phelps andyan lochte. confused as to who is who.little >> and eddie murphy seemingly closing the door on return to comedy. the first look at murphy in a dramatic turn coming up in "the skinny," this friday, "world news now." >> good morning. >> some would say he's given up comedy years ago. >> not all of them were great, but the good ones were so good. >> we'll get to that in the skinny, but first a new republican effort to abandon donald trump. >> more than 70 staffers are sending a letter to to reince priebus urging the party to stop supporting trump. they're calling him reckless, divisive and incompetent, and they say gop money would be better spent on gop races. trump is making it clear he's not changing his ways. david wright is on the campaign trail. >> reporter: in florida. >> i call president obama and hillary clinton the founders of isis. >> reporter: donald trump is hammering away at that new line >> isis is honoring president obama. he is the founder of isis. he's the founder of isis. i would say the co-founder would be crooked hillary clinton. >> reporter: conservative radio host pressed him on it. i know what you meant. >> i meant he's the founder of isis. >> but he's not sympathetic. he hates them. >> he was the founder. >> reporter: he mocked the clinton campaign for allowing shooter to sit behind her. but right behind trump is mark foley, the ex-florida congressman who resigned in disgrace for sending sexually explicit messages to young pages. the trump campaign struggling to recapture the dominance he >> four times on the cover of time magazine over the last number of months. >> reporter: this week he's got the time cover again, meltdown. not exactly the headline you'd want. >> reporter: in a religious round table trump asked for help. >> i'm in a tremendous problem in utah. >> reporter: and in an interview entertained the idea he might not win. >> it's either going to work or i'm going to have a very, very nice long vacation. >> reporter: david wright abc news, florida. and hillary clinton's campaign is firing back at trump's comments about isis saying he has an aversion to the truth. clinton took aim at trump on a different front hammering him on the economy. she emphasized her commitment to small businesses but depicted trump's proposals as beneficial to the rich. and harmful to typical americans. she said his ideas are based on fear and she used the olympics to make her point. as him, they would be cowering in the locker room afraid to compete. instead, they're winning gold medals. america isn't afraid to compete. >> clinton also slammed the proposed tax cuts. she said it would allow him to pay less than half the current tax rate. prosecor hatched the plan to support isis reaching out to members of the terror group online. he faces up to 20 years in prison. his family says he has a history of mental illness. a mississippi woman was sentenced to 12 years in prison for planning to join isis. she and her fiance were arrested after they tried to travel to syria to join the terror group and said they were going on their honeymoon as a cover. young's fiance will be sentenced fell from a ferris wheel are home from the hospital. the youngest victim a six-year-old girl is in critical condition with a brain injury. all the rides are closed at that fair and the company that runs them has been told to back up and leave. a three-year-old boy is in a pittsburgh hospital this morning after falling from a roller coaster at an amusement park near there. it's not clear how the accident took place. riders must be ale feet tall or three feet if they're accompanied by an adult. there are no seat belts in the 78-year-old ride called the roller coaster. there's only a bar for protection, and we're told preschoolers are often allowed on that ride. the boy was riding with his older brother. no word on his condition. three students who went missing in a cave have been rescued. they have a mild case of hypothermia. they're expected to be okay. officials say they were found one of the students was leading the other two on a trip. conditions in the cave are described as miserable. >> you're crawling in mud, 68 degree water. they had to be concerned about getting too cold, getting wet. the wife of one of the students reported them missing wednesday night. two of the students are japanese exchange students. >> and wall street all three major stock indexes reached record highs on tuesday. that hast when the dot com boom was in full swing. some analysts expect to see more records broken once the summer vacation is over. the market has been helped by solid employment news, a rebound in oil prices and good earnings reports from major retailers. one of these retails, macy's posted falling sales and slower traffic at the stores, but the numbers weren't as bad as feared. the company announced they'll locations, about 100 stores. they say some of the locations are worth more as realize than as stores. let's hear it for the animal kingdom's comeback of the year. the california island fox. you know. of course. she's cute. three subspecies found only on the island off the coast of california has been removed. from the endangered species list. a fourth spe upgraded to threatened. >> the recovery effort is being called one of the most successful ever. >> welcome back. >> i want one. no? >> i don't know that they'd make great house cats, even though they're the size of your standard house cat. >> do you think they'd get along with frank, my bunny? >> no. frank would be dinner. >> coming up, team usa's swimming super stars put on a show in rio. >> and apparently confusing an announcer. thinks the wrong guy won. and later. >> 22 years in the big leagues and it's down to tonight. alex rodriguez steps to the plate one last time. who is throwing the retirement party? we'll tell you in the skinny. >> first a look at today's forecast. "world news now" weather brought to you by american advisors group. can our daughter, libby, is convinced that the washing machine will eat her buddy antonio. so, when it's time for his bath... ...we only trust tide to get rid of the week-old stains and downy to protect him from damage antonio is clean! life looks great with tampax pearl it's built-in backup braid helps stop leaks by channeling them back into the core giving youhe test protection at home and on-the-go tampax. power over periods. ? samba, they finally retired it. >> i doubt it. i feel like somewhere in the show we're going to samba. >> all right. it was billed as the last matchup between two of team usa ease best swimmers ever. but it didn't live up to the hype. >> you can maybe blame michael phelps. he dominated lochte in taking the 2 00 meter individual medley. lochte didn't get to the podium. phelps became the first swimmer to win the same event at four olympics. >> and an american and canadian finished tied for first place in the 100 meter free style. >> this is huge. manuel becomes the first female black swimmer to win a medal, much less gold. >> while she tied for gold, they at that moment set a new >> it's getting to the point that you might as well just give the u.s. gold in the 100 meter and 200 meter backstroke to michael phelps. >> this is ryan murphy in the 200. the united states has swept the event in six straight olympics. the last time the u.s. failed to take both races was in barcelona now dominating is just one of the words that you can use to had a big night, simone biles cemented her spot as queen of the gymnastics world. she broke down in tears after taking gold in the women's all around final beating aly raisman by almost the double margin of victory in any of her three world championships. also the largest margin ever in this category. taking a look at the medal count the u.s. continues to lead with >> china second and then japan. the u.s. has the overall lead with 38. and the huge news that sparked a national holiday, fiji now has a medal. >> what about belize? track and field starts tonight. >> one of the gold medals belongs to kristin armstrong. she's gotten used to climbing to the top step of the medal podium over the last f women's time trial was a family affair. >> that's a gold medal. >> reporter: american cyclist kristin armstrong making hist the oldest female cyist to win gold and the first to win the same event three games in a row. >> i think for so long we've been told we should be finished at a certain age. i think there's a lot of athletes out there that are showing that's not true. >> reporter: waiting for her at the finish line, her 5-year-old >> there wasn't a day that i went to train that i didn't think what would it be like if i had my son in my arms on the podium. >> reporter: shedding tears of joy showing him her new medal. lucas asking why are you crying? you won. she said that's what we do. we cry when we're happy. >> being a mom has been my secret weapon. it provides me balance and keeps me on track and focussed. >> reporter: her son, her focus, her secret to success. had never had so much fun in competition and today she turns 43. what a way to celebrate. and a canadian broadcaster hut pus himself -- put himself in line for the michael phelps death stare. >> he had a little trouble telling the difference between phelps and ryan lochte. >> this was awesome. listen up. has this one in him. ryan lochte going for his 13th career medal saving the best for last. he's going to do it. ryan lochte is going to beat michael phelps in this event in the games. phelps might not even make the podium. >> that was awesome. it was great race for lochte if you're in canada. the broadcaster realized who was who after the race was over. >> he tweeted out i'm sorry everyone. i blew it. we've all been there. >> steve harvey is like that's an average day. i feel you, brother. hear what a-rod has planned for tonight's rerement party. >> and why the kardashian clan is celebrating this morning. it's not because we're not sambaing ever again. >> what? >> no more. i'm done. i'm staying here. "world news now" continues after this from our abc ? >> it is skinny time on this friday. we begin with eddie murphy returning to the begin screen in a leading role, but this role is different than the ones we expected. >> murphy plays the title character in a drama called mr. church. he's a cook and the film explores a relationship that charlotte. >> when mr. church came into our lives, i wanted him gone. >> i hope you don't mind. i bring books with me every place i go. >> i hate reading. but over time i couldn't imagine life without him. >> i'd like to check out a book. >> okay. in that new trailer we see mr. church's fondness for charlotte remains strong as they go through various emotional scenes. the film hits theaters september 16th. >> next up, alex rodriguez plays his final game with the new york yankees and possibly in major league baseball tonight. he's being released by the team after the game even though the yankees owe him about $27 million through next season. >> after tonight's game jamie fox will host a retirement party for rodriguez at a club in manhattan. jay-z, beyonce won't be there jay-z is sending champagne said to be worth about $80,000 to that party. >> for a second i thought we were going to show pictures of people who weren't going to the party. if you are looking for kendall jenner, you can find her on the cover of vogue magazine. to celebrate the magazine released a weird video where her famous family seems to be ignoring the fact that she's the vogue cover girl. >> that is, until she gets a text from ryan seacrest. >> we're so proud of you. >> a major laser in the background. in an interview she relates. she knew since she was a child about her father's desire to be on women's clothing and then go back to being bruce. >> and she says her mom knew what the family secret was way back since her third date with bruce. >> wow. >> so they got in deep on this vague interview. >> i guess so. finally something of a hollywood time capsule has been opened thanks to drew barry moore. she posted this photo of all the boxes that she sorted through this week. what she found was really a treasure-trove. >> so look at this one. drew in the lower right corner with quincy jones and his kids and et. >> and from a couple years later, there's drew barrymore and sharon stone. we don't know what will provide a 90s flash back if that doesn't. >> the caption reads i'm glad i'm as happy as i was when i was >> she's a survivor. >> loved babes in toyland. >> coming up, the friday rewind. i used to blame the weather for my frizz. turns out my curls needed to be stronger. pantene's pro-v formula makes my curls so strong... ...they can dry practically frizz free. because strong is beautiful. introducing new k-y touch gel cr?me. for massage and intimacy. k-y touch. >> important message for residents age 50 to 85. write down this number now. right now, peop are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you are on a fixed income, learn about affordable whole life insurance that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. your information, call this number now. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about a popular life insurance plan with a rate lock that locks in your rate for life so it can never increase. did you get your free information kit? if not, please call this number now. this affordable plan through the colonial penn program has coverage options and can never go up. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. ? although just 4 foot 8, simone biles is packed with power. that's why she trusts tide pods. tide. number one rated. ? ? finally this half hour our look back at the week. we've had tragedy and triumph from the world of sports. >> and bizarre scenes in new york and tremendous sadness at here's our weekly friday rewind. >> i looked at my cousin. he was standing next to me. i said i think that's the body outside of the raft. as i said closer and put my hand on the slide the life guard says there's nothing you can do. >> i feel bad for the little kids. you know? they just screamed a little bit and then they just hit the ground and laying there. i hate saying something like that. >> the whole entire world knows piece of filth that you are. >> i don't think any of us realized that we'd witnessed. it was only when i looked a the police chief that i realized this was not a game anymore. >> he was jumping up and down, anxious. didn't think much of it. two minutes later we turned around and he was running across the side of the ilding. >> if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. although the second amendment people maybe there is. i don't know. >> we witnessed the latest in a long line of casual comments from donald trump that cross the line. >> he is the founder of isis. he's the fou of nderis. i would say the co-founder would be crooked hillary clion. >> i don't want either donald trump or hillary clinton to be prident. neither one of them are acceptable for americans. >> our generous and talented and beloved colleague john saunder has died. i love this game. and i love this team. and today i'm saying good-bye to both. >> you just kind of feel everything like all your hard work put in to that one moment, and then especially with the team. you all get to share that memory together, and it's something you'll remember forever. what a week. >> it's been an amazing week. and it's been a great week at the olympics for team usa. michael phelps back in the pool tonight. probably to win his fifth gold medal there in rio. >> and we've seen the gymnasts dominate, especially the women, and they come back next weeko compete in the individual events as well. >> and belize will take to the track and field and will dominate jamaica. this is abc's "world news now" informing insomniacs for two decades. this is abc's "world news two decades. making news in america this morning, breaking right now, a plane forced to make an emergency landing. passengers injured. the images showing damage inside the plane. republican party officials are reportedly set to meet with the trump campaign amid mountinr run as he continues to call president obama and hillary clinton the founders of isis. a man opens his garage door to find a little guy staring back at him. a ten-foot alligar. the risky removal caught o camera. simone biles and michael phelps make olympic history as does a surprise and emotional victory for o of our female swimmers.

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