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Im jimmy, im the host. Thank you for watching, thank you for coming. Oh, how nice. You you picked a fine night to join us. Tom cruise is here with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] hes rappelling down the side of our building right now. Any minute a window will smash in hell come swinging in here to save us all. Not only is tom cruise here, Kenny Loggins is here. [ cheers and applause ] kenny, the big question tonight is will you play danger zone when tom cruise comes out . [ cheers and applause ] i would love to. But i dont know it. [ laughter ] jimmy lets make this decision right now, will it happen . Oh, it will happen. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i might have a brain because its speaking of, the election is three weeks away. Three weeks from tonight we will presumably know who our new president is. But some early results are in. Scholastic news magazine. Remember the weekly reader youd get when you were a kid . Its still around. Every four years they sponsor a mock election where kids from all over the country cast a vote for president. The results from the poll have been correct in every election since 1964. The kids predict who will win. And this year Hillary Clinton trump 5235. The other 13 voted for spongebob, i think. [ laughter ] its interesting, she beat him by a lot. And of course trump took to twitter to express his frustration. Children are fat and disgusting. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] hes calling for a ban on all kids. Till we figure out what the hell is going on. Speaking of trying to figure out what the hell is going on, did Melania Trump sat down with anderson cooper, her first interview since the access hollywood horny dudes on a bus tape broke, she knocked it out of the park. He described it as locker room talk. To you, youve alluded to that as well, is that what it is to you, locker room talk . Yeah, i kind of two teenage boys, actually, they should behave better, right . He was 59. Correct. And sometimes i said, i have two boys at home, son and i have my husband. Jimmy one of your boys might run the country soon. [ laughter ] i dont know about you but i would love to have a first lady who talks like borat, i really would. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] me jimmy melania said the talk she heard on the tape was not the donald she knows. Ive noticed a lot of people saying that. Every time he says something controversial, theres a little the donald they know. Like this. I was surprised. Because that is not the man that i know. Thats not the donald trump that she knows. I believe that this is not the man that were talking about today. When im seeing him talk, seeing his comments, thats not like the donald trump that i know. The private donald trump that i know is a guy who i have great faith in. He gave me the coat off his back. That is the mr. Trump that i know. Thats the donald trump i know. The donald trump i know is not the donald trump on those tapes. This is n that i know. This is not the donald trump that i know. Thats not the donald trump that i know. Its not the donald trump i know. I think donald trump is somebody who i dont know. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy when are we going to meet the donald trump that they know . Might be time to bring him out of hiding. Is it possible he has a twin brother . Ronald trump . Whos been doing all this stuff . One thing this campaign has not done is helped Donald Trumps businesses. Spending at trump brand new reports say travelers have been canceling vacations at trump resorts and avoiding restaurants on trump properties. Good news, sales of red baseball caps are through the roof. Meanwhile, on the other side of the isleye to eyial, wikileaks continues to release private emails to and from the account of john podesta, one of the emails a potential list of running mates before she tim kaine. Including brrn, mayor garcetti,l bill and melinda gates, tim cook, im having trouble finding my name. This was the long list, mine was on the short list . Ceo of star buts, howard schultz. He could have made America Grande again, maybe even venti. [ laughter ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] jimmy i guess she opted dinner. The dinner was to honor the Prime Minister of italy, may that i i dont renzi had the honor of being the last person in the world president obama wants to have dinner with. Mario vitale made sweet potato, butter and sage i get the Prime Minister was filled. Oh, good, pasta, we never get this. Tomorrow night from the university of nevada, las vegas, the third and final debate between Hillary Clinton and donald happen here. Is hillary going to take it again like sly stallone in the original rocky . Is she going to unload at the end like rocky 2 . Or is russia going to intervene like rocky 4 . We really dont know. This is the last debate of this election year. Its expected to deliver big ratings. Just to make sure it does, all the big networks are banning together to make a strong promotional push. Wednesday, witness the trump clinton. The most dramatic debate yet. Threats. Youll be in jail. Betrayal. President obama was not born in the United States a forbidden love. The return of april old friend. And the result of the predebate drug test. The 2016 president ial debate season only on abc, cbs, fox, nbc, cnn, fox news, fox business network, msnbc, cspan and boomerang. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats it . Thats all the channels . All right. Lets hope it doesnt get renewed for another season. [ laughter ] this election has been very give vicive. We might not ever get over it. Theres been so much unpleasantness. Last debate trump brought the woman who accused bill clinton and sat them in the audience. They dont get along. Families are fighting, friends are enemies, its taken a real toll on our National Error mall. Someone in canada came up with an idea to put pep back in our step. . Hi, america. Whats up, america . Hey, guys, were up here in canada talking about how great you guys are down there. We thought wed send you a little bit of love notes. We like you guys. We know youve got some really Big Decisions to make. But as youre thinking about your tu you guys are great. You really are great. America, i think youre already great. Youre great, america. We all love you. And we think youve always been great. Thanks, america. I think youre great. Stay great, america. Jimmy that is the most insulting thing ive ever seen in my life. [ laughter ] i mean, i knew we were in bad shape. I didnt realize we were in such bad shape we needed canada to send us a cheer up video. [ laughter ] after his wife leaves him. For a personal trainer. Listen, canada. Just because youre up north doesnt mean you get to look down on us. Since canada was so nice to make that video, we thought it would be nice to make one in return for them. . Hi, canada. Hey, canada. Bonjour. Yo, what up, canada . Hey, canada. We wanted to let you know were a huge fan of yours those little [ bleep ] from south park have said, we think youre pretty great. You gave us hockey. And the famous jean on jean canadian tuxedo. Youre polite. Your bacon and syrup are delicious. Your Prime Minister is hot. Really [ bleep ] hot. Some of the coolest celebrities are canadian. Ryan gosling, martin short, eugene levy. Jim carrey, seth rogen. Drake aka dritsy. Best celebrity there is. We forgive you for justin bieber. He was nice when you sent him. Before he started peeing in mop buckets i. We do not forgive you for the stupid geese that almost killed sully. You tried to murder sully. You suck. You suck. [ bleep ] you, canada. Beck is a douche. Yeah, i said it, what are you going to do about it . [ cheers and applause ] we went on a shoot, we showed people some you know the new yeesys, 350 kanye west shoes . We got 12 sneakers and told people they were the new yeesys and did they love them . Oh yes they did. Well be right back with that. Ah, beth. So the elevator is stuck again. With directv and at t you can stream your favorite shows without using your data. That makes you more powerful than being stuck in an elevator with a guy with overactive sweat glands. Sorry, rode my bike today. Cool. Its your tv, take it with you. Watch all your live channels, on your devices, datafree. [ . Diggy . By spencer ludwig] . . . . Every time i travel, its the moments that are most rewarding. Because youll never forget them. The new marriott portfolio of hotels . . . Give extra. Get extra. Li lips appear to age faster than other skin. No worries now theres chapstick total hydration. Its 100 natural, agedefying formula is clinically proven you do all this research on a perfect car, then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates [ cheers and [ cheers and applause ] . Jimmy this is it Kenny Loggins with the cletones tonight. Just the car. Tom cruise, Tilda Swinton, music from X Ambassadors and tom morello is on the way. Youve been watching nfl, theyve been cracking on excessive celebration. You know the dances and the things players do when they score the touchdown. Theyre going away. And fast. Taunting penalties are up 220 this season. Penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct are up 56 . Im glad Kenny Loggins is here because this is just like what [ laughter ] they tried to outlaw dancing. Right . Yeah. Jimmy and they kicked off their sunday shoes, right . I guess. Jimmy which in a way is what goes on in football. They tried to stop the dancing but they failed because dancing is part of the human spirit. And that will never be broken. [ cheers and applause ] yeah jimmy hey, amazon is up to something new. Amazon is planning to open a bu where you can go to buy groceries. They have amazon fresh where you can order groceries online to be delivered to your house. But these are physical stores. You go there in person. Which thats interesting. Netflix should do this. Im so tired of streaming my movies. All i want to do is walk into a store and rent the dvd of my favorite block buster film. In fact that would be a great name for the store, block buster. [ cheers and applause ]buster. Why is amazon kimaking stores . They killed stores. Amazon is doing the best they can to clear things up for their customers. For years amazon customers have enjoyed the convenience of shopping from the comfort of their own homes. And now introducing something less convenient. Stores. With stores, amazon shoppers can actually leave their homes to purchase the very same items we could have dropped off. You can do it its a whole new way to shop. Amazon stores. Dont forget to wear pants. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] . Thats always good advice. Meanwhile. Kanye west dropped a new pair of yeezys over the weekend. Dropped means, you know what it means. The yeezy 750 chocolate which sounds like a protein shake. Its a very expensive pair of i saw a pair on ebay for 1,200. Which is a lot. But thats for two sneakers. We decided to do something sneaky with the new yeezy. We went to a store in chinatown, bought a pair of shoes, two pairs for 25. So 12. 50 a pair. We added a compass to the shoe, we glued on fake fur, wear now looking at about 14 a pair. We took that cheap pair of sneakers and told people they were the new yeezys. These are new pins of fake yeezy shoes. Youre a kanye west fan . Yes. Are you a fan of yeezys . Yes. Okay, cool. Heres the shoe. What do you love about this shoe . I love it. Its cool. Yeah . Its different. Attractive. I like the furry hair on it. Yeah . Are you a yeezy fan . Those. Oh, yeah, look at those. Thats nice. No, it is kind of different. I must yeah, i would say its really nice. This is a compass . Thats crazy. Whats kanyes daughters name . North. North west, right . Thats so cool, i like that a lot. I need me a pair of these. The compass right here, you know where you walking at. Got the compass, got the fur. I feel like i would be able to jump higher in these. The fur is cloned from Kim Kardashian hair. Oh, wow. It feel like it. Its clean, its clean. The suede was specifically designed to feel like kims backside. Thats what her butt feels like . Yeah. Wow. If you push the come pass in, look at how the shoe kind of adjusts size to become a little bit smaller. I feel it. You feel it . Its called yeezy squeezy technology. Thats cool. Thats badass. Stop. Didnt you stop on a dime . You can stop on a dime. Theyre edible laces. Try it. Take a bite out of the lace. Whats it taste like . It tastes really good. Tastes really good. I never know you can eat shoelaces for each pair sold kanye will plant a tree in israel. I love israel, shoutout to israel, thats great, thats crazy. Guess how much they actually cost . Retail . Kind of like 400, 500. I would think 1,000. 700, 800, might be more. They definitely dont look like two for 25 . Definitely not, 100 not. I love you, kanye, i love your shoes, keep planting trees jimmy one day well actually sell them to somebody. Tonight on the show, kenny log begins is here with us all night sitting in with the cletones. We have music from X Ambassadors and tom morello. Be right back with tom cruise [ cheers and applause ] . Dicky po dicky portions of Jimmy Kimmel Live are brought to you by masterpass. Dont just buy it, mast evmaste it. jet engine . heart beat . water splashing rain drops engine revving tires on wet road only at your lincoln dealer. . . . . . . Footloose . Footloose kick off the sunday shoes . . Owhee sitting in with the cletones. Kenny has a new Childrens Book called, footloose. It came out how many years ago . 30 years ago . Jimmy it took you this long to write this book . Its a different story. This is not your mothers footloose. This is a new version. I decided to have it be about the animals that come out of the and they go back in in the morning. Its really for kids. Spoiler alert, kenny, come on now. [ laughter ] buy this book so kenny can buy a guitar, his is falling apart. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] tonight, from the forthcoming marvel movie dr. Strange, Tilda Swinton is here. Then, their then, their latest album is vhs 2. 0, X Ambassadors with tom morello from the crown royal outdoor stage. Tomorrow night, were live after president ial debate, gal gadot, libertarian candidate for president gary johnson, ken bone will be live in las vegas and im going to chat with kids about the debate, to get their takes. Thats live tomorrow night. Our first guest is the most famous person ever to hang on the side of an airplane, his new movie, jack reacher never go back, opens friday. Please say hello to tom cruise. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and [ cheers and applause ] jimmy welcome, tom. Tom. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Jimmy when you hear that zone, does that make you want to jump in your jet, grab goose, and go hunt down some bogeys or whatever . It does, makes me want to jump on my motorcycle. Jimmy do you and kenny log begins know each other . Actually, we kept missing each other. Tonight is the first time that we met each other. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy thats amazing. I know. I love his music. Hes been a part of my life. Mine and his, its just amaze, hes great. Jimmy remember when you i heard it before it was in the film, right when he did it. I heard both, theyre incredible. Jimmy yeah, i mean unbelievable. Jimmy its a song that immediately makes you think of that movie. I know. Jimmy it puts you right in it. Hed done caddyshack before that, footloose, we were excited when he said hed be a part of it. Jimmy top gun is 30 years old. [ cheers and applause ] have you seen it recently . Happened upon it on netflix . I watch it every day. [ laughter ] jimmy y jimmy you know, Jerry Bruckheimer every morning im like jimmy the producer of top gun was here and he was telling a story of how he persuaded you to do the movie by sending you to fly with the blue angels. And he said that you didnt want to do the movie, you got there, you flew with them, then you were allin. Is that true . Okay, this is really funny. Jerry, ive never told you this story. Okay . Tony and jerry at paramount pictures. And i got in the car and i was flying to new york and i told my agents, im going to make this movie. But dont tell jerry that i want to make this movie. Because i wanted to fly with the blue angels. You know. Youve got to work these things, you know . And i said, i want to fly in the f14, ive got to have at least three flight in the f14, i want all the training. Hes such a brilliant producer, meeting while we were working, developing the script, so i could learn. Jimmy to learn to produce . Yeah, to learn more about movies. Because, you know, hes obviously one of the greatest producers of our time. Jimmy yet you bamboozled him . Yes, i love telling that story, sorry, jerry are i for hoof got we never had that conversation. Jimmy you threw up in the plane . That is correct, yes. No, we went to go with yeah, i did. I vomited with the blue angels. The f14. And my first pilot in the morning, we went through all the training for the ejector seat training. Ive always wanted to fly airplanes my whole life. I had two pictures, a picture of p51 and spitfire. We did all the training. Now came the day weve got to fly. And we set up the cameras. It wasnt like today, it was really challenging, quite brilliant of tony scott, how he figured out how to do it. The guy who flew me in th jimmy really . [ laughter ] first name was bozo. Were getting in there you see the helmet go on, it says bozo. Im like, bozo . Were going down. Hes going through all the check sheet. Were going through it. Theres all these lights on and emergency lights and everything. And were about to take off. I remember saying, bozo, these lights, theres a lot of red lights. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Starts turning them off. Im like, okay. For nothing. We take off. We have very specific maneuvers were supposed to do, very low over the deck. And we try to get through these as fast as possible so we can go up and play. For a good whatever fuel we had left. But i remember first flight in the morning, were going really hard. We were moving around. We did 9. 5 gees, very hard on my body. I had a bag, the vomit bag right here. In between takes id just empty my guts into this bag. And there was an a4 over here and the f14. And the second i did that, he pulls up. He pulls up and i so im like this. And i dont know, i cant do it now. But my head was literally from the pressure, my head was on the ground. My helmet, i was pressed on the floor holding my vomit like this. And im trying to the button to i was choking. He kept pulling up and up and up. And i finally, he released and we were going straight ahead. And i said, bozo, whats the matter with you, man . Didnt you see you pulled up and my head was hitting the floor . He goes, well, i told you, they dont call me bozo for nothing. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] a point a point of pride, you the bag. And i had two more flights after that. We got incredible footage. You know, flew twice the speed of sound. It was really incredible. Jimmy wow, that sounds like my nightmare day, it really does. The worst thing that could ever happen to me. But thats where we differ. Thats one of the many ways where we differ. I dont know. Jimmy are you flying helicopters now . Airplanes, air bags. You could take me on a tour of the grand canyon . I could do that. I would do it. I could also do it inverted if you want. Jimmy you know what, ill skip the tour of the grand canyon. Will there be a sequel to top gun as jerry indicated there was . [ cheers and applause ] we were talking about it tonight. You know, its just got to be right, thats all. Weve got to figure it out. Jimmy lets figure it out tom cruise, the movie is jack reacher never go back. Well be right back . . . . . The cadillac ct6. E image on the surface book, transports you into the world which is our main goal as animators and you can actually touch the screen. You cant do that on a mac. 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It instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Go, go [ rock music playing ] have fun with your replaced windows. Run away [ grunts ] leave him leave him [ music continues ] brick and mortar, what . [ tires screech ] [ laughs ] [ doorbell rings ] when you bundle home and Auto Insurance with progressive, you get more than a big discount. Thats what you get for bundling home and auto jamie you get sneakygood coverage. Thanks. Process process him and get him to county. Two things are going to happen in the next 90 seconds. Excuse me . First that phone over there is going to ring. Second, youre going to be wearing these cuffs on your way to prison. Ha ha, well that is one magnificent prophecy, mr. Reacher. [ phone rings ] ringing. Jimmy that is tom cruise in jack reacher never go back. It opens in theaters and imax on friday. I really enjoyed it. I got to tell you something, and i dont want to give too much away. Jack reacher is a former major, former major. He just walks around just kicking bad guys asses. Yes. Jimmy is that a great thing to watch yourself beating people up on camera . Its very satisfying. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] enjoys evaluating can really enjoy that . I grew up watch iing shane, steve steve mac green, clint eastwood. This kind of character and just goes the guys that really deserve it, noichl . The guy who really deserves it. Not everyone deserves it. But when they really deserve it jimmy they get it. Youll punch right through a wind shield, knock them out cold. The back of the head. Jimmy yeah, yeah. Thats good stuff. Yeah. You know. Just in the movies, though. [ laughter ] jimmy your costar Cobie Smulders was here. Cobie smolders. Jimmy indeed. She was running 22 miles an hour, which i went right to my computer afterwards and i looked it up and i found out flojo runs 21. 9 miles an hour. Then she said something miles an hour on a tread mile . I think it was 60. [ laughter ] jimmy cant possibly be true. You know what, i train sprints. Its fun. Jimmy how many miles an hour can you run . American miles, not these kilometers. I really am not sure. Jimmy you dont know . Theyve tracked me like in mission. There was the cams, cameras that have to track along, so they tram it. Jimmy do you know, where you peeked i feel like you know. [ laughter ] theres no need to be humble. You are beating people up through this whole movie. Tell us how fast you are, tom. [ cheers and applause ] i c i can get pretty fast. Jimmy pretty fast. Have you ever thought about making a superhero have you ever had a serious conversation with marvel or dc about being a superhero in one of these films . No. Jimmy does that interest you . Look, i really enjoy those films a lot. I enjoy them, but i i make the missions. Reacher. Jimmy tough guy movies. Different kind of films. Have you thought about doing a childrens movie, or a screwball comedy of some kind . I did war of the worlds. There were children in that. Thats close enough. Its a kids movie, isnt it . Jimmy if you want to see tom cruise kicking ass, and you, should its a lot of fun, jack reacher never go back. In theaters friday and imax. Be right back with Tilda Swinton [ on the road again, by Willie Nelson ] . On the road again . [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] . Just cant wait to get on the road again . . On the road again . . Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway . [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. Hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s for just 199 a month. My moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the Grocery Store anything but simple. So i had an important conversation with my dermatologist about humira. 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Inside the rack houses of jim beam, every barrel is aged four long years, for a fuller, smoother flavor. Our history is made from the inside. How will you make yours . You both have a perfect driving record. Until one of you clips a food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Due to your first accident. We got married in june. On tunaday. Theres a subway . 3. 50 sub of the day to help you remember lifes important days. Every day a different sixinch sub for just 3. 50 at subway . Every day of the week. Her name is teri. She was born on sweet onion chicken teriyaki day. [ . Diggy . By spencer ludwig] . . Jimmy hi, welcome back. Still to come, X Ambassadors and tom morrell la. Our next guest is an oscarwinning actress who shaved her head for nerd nirvana. New marvel movie dr. Strange. Oh, you think you see through me . You dont. But i see through you . . . What did of your physical form. What was in that tea . Lsd . Tea. A little honey. Jimmy dr. Strange opens in theaters and imax november 4th. Please welcome Tilda Swinton [ cheers and [ cheers and applause ] . Jimmy th jim you were in shanghai yesterday . A bit of today i think. Jimmy now youre here, unbelievable. Im still there. Thats the marvel universe for you. Jimmy centraling by astral projection. Tom cruise is talking about enjoying beating people up. You beat people up and kill people in dr. Strange. Yeah, with help from my 12,000 special effects friends, yeah. Jimmy right, but still, its got to be fun to watch. Jimmy how old are your kids . 19. Jimmy do they love seeing their mother beat and kill . [ laughter ] yes. In the kitchen. Youll have to ask them that, but probably. Theyre too cool to tell me. Jimmy are they, theyre too cool to tell you. They worked on the movie with you . They did, they did workplacement. Amazing, can you imagine . Im so envious, i wish my parents had been able to do that for me. They did other things. They didnt have you working on 19 years old . No. They didnt want to. Their whole school, a Little School where we live in scotland, they were coming up to their workplacement. And i said to all these kids, okay, so your next year youre leaving, so this year it can be your fantasy thing, the thing youre not going to do for your living. So theres this one girl who wants to be a medic, her parents are medics. I say, whats your fantasy thing . She said, ive always wanted to be a stuntwoman. Working on a marvel film, youre a martial artists, there are Marcus Mario Marcus Mario martial arts in this movie. Jimmy shell an medic and then be able to treat people its so true, and her mom is not talking to me anymore. My kids didnt want to be on the movie. My daughter wanted to be i dont know what, my son wanted to be in the fire service. Jimmy what did they do on the department, my daughter was with the costume department, and they loved it. Jimmy did they get to actually work on things . Yeah. Jimmy were they running my daughter was kind of breaking stuff down, like you do. Taking beautiful costumes and covering them with mud. And my son, we had this amazing moment one day when i met him for lunch in the canteen and i said, what did you do this morning . He said, made a planet. [ laughter ] and its a planet that ive now seen in the movie and i can tell you it appears to great effect at the end of the movie. Jimmy it does. The effects are great. When i was a kid, you know, i loved dr. Strange, the comic books. I dont know if that was part of your upbringing. A little bit. But not as much as some. I have to ask, i know that there are theres a honeymoon couple here. Jimmy there is. The reason i know that is in the breaks we were shown jimmy we did. I wanted to ask them, are you into m yes. Yeah, absolutely. Are you here thursday . Yes. Would you like to come to the premiere . [ cheers and applause ] that would be amazing. Jimmy wow. Thank you. Jimmy thats very nice of you. Look at that. I dont know if you saw the whole thing. But he got her a sapphire wedding ring. [ laughter ] and then he took her to a show thats free. Theres no charge to get in here. And this cheap bastards getting off again. [ laughter ] jimmy jimmy well, thats very nice of you, all right. Thank you. Jimmy should they come home with you . How will this work . Well figure it out and arrange it. Very nice. Your costar Benedict Cumberbatch is here later in the week. Later today, on the plane now. Jimmy im glad hes on your way. He mentioned, i saw an interview, he said you got caught up with words with friends . Obsessed. I love words, i played i have two sort of double teaming. I had i was playing word brain. Jimmy i dont know word brain. Thats pretty addictive. Jimmy you dont want to play words with friends with a guy named chiwetel ejiofor. Just his name is 600 points to start with. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We were playing word brain. I have to admit. Jimmy and who wins in these matches between you and chiwetel . You dont win. All the time. I dont know how to describe it. Whats the point of a game that doesnt have a winner . Youre american. Jimmy im american, sorry. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so much time traveling i forgot where i was, sorry. Jimmy its very good to see you. Congratulations on the movie. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy dr. Strange in th tilda swinson. Be right back with X Ambassadors and tom morello dicky the Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is brought to you by new crown royal vanilla whisky. Dicky th dicky the Jimmy Kimmel Live Concert Series is brought to you by new crown royal vanilla whisky. Vanilla so good. Jimmy thanks to tom cruise, thanks to Tilda Swinton, Kenny Loggins. Apologies to matt day son, we ran out of time for him. Their album is called vhs 2. 0. Here with the song collider, X Ambassadors and tom morello . . . . Move your . Move your hands in slow motion slow motion slow motion slow motion for me . . Feel the devils approaching approaching me move your head . . In slow motion slow motion slow motion slow motion for me two objects collide . . No one will survive collide ahh ah ah collide . Collide ahh ah ah ahh ah ah collide . . Ahh ah ah . Ahh ah ah feel the burst it keeps haunting me haunting me . . Haunting me haunting me come in close it holds onto me onto me onto me onto me . . But i turn my grave you could long to me long to me long to me . . Long to . Long to me as we look in your eyes you dont have long to survive . . Collide collide . Collide collide collide . . . . . . . . Collide . Collide collide . Collide . . . . . . . This is this is nightline. Tonight, inside bay. David muir with rare access to one of the worlds most notorious prisons. We can see the detainees. The president wants it closed. Will our next president feel the same . What to do with ret maining detainees. The americans who say, dont bring them here. Excuse my french but we say hell no tonight, inside the final 30. Email fail. Hillary clinton deleted 33,000 emails

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