Transcripts For WFTS Good Morning America 20160107 : compare

Transcripts For WFTS Good Morning America 20160107

those powerful storms creating dangerous conditions. extreme flooding stranding drivers. this tractor trailer pushing a car through the water. emergency workers saving this woman and the worst may not be over yet. and from dirty jobs to bank job, police hunting for this man right now, surveillance photos of this bank robber sparking rumors he may be a famous tv host. so who's the robber's double? that mystery celeb joins us live this morning only on "gma." and good morning, america. boy, a lot of breaking news overnight including that shutout. we're all here. no winner for the powerball. >> you would know. >> altered my plans. >> big story breaking out of paris. an attempted terrorist attack on a police station. it appears that has been thwarted. a lot more details coming up. >> we'll begin with that other trapped overnight in an elevator nearly a thousand feet underground. emergency crews are desperately trying to rescue them right now and abc's ryan smith is here with the latest. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning, robin. last night 17 miners went down a salt mine as part of their shift and didn't come back. now a major rescue operation is under way. emergency rescuers are on the scene trying to do all they can to get those miners out safely. this morning, emergency crews racing to free 17 miners trapped in an elevator nearly 900 feet below ground in upstate new york. >> cage is stuck 850 feet down with people on it. >> reporter: asha mckenzie a local reporter is live on the scene. >> the 17 miners have been trapped for more than five hours at this point and it all happened after a technical error with an elevator that sent the miners 900 feet underground trapping them. >> reporter: local fire and police departments scrambling to help. >> manpower needed to backfill out in lancing on a rope rescue. to help extract the miners. it will lower a basket to carry out four to six miners at a time. >> their spirits are remarkly good. again, we have very outstanding employees. they are understanding of the situation. understanding at the time it takes to approach this in a very safe manner to ensure that no one else is put at risk and they've been, again, they're fine, no one was injured. we've been in constant communication with them since the elevator became stuck in the shaft. >> reporter: rescuers have been able to send down blankets and food to the miners who were just starting their shift. mark klein is the director of corporate communications for the company which runs the mine. >> we practice mine evacuations regularly every year and so that practice is coming into play today. >> reporter: this is the deepest salt mine in the united states. it's in the finger lakes region of new york state spread out over 18,000 acres. the rock salt from the mine is sold to ice companies, ice cream now, the company's mine manager has been saying they're in constant radio communication with the miners, they're trying to take the rescue operation slow so that they do it correctly and safely. their focus that it's not a question of if they will be rescued but when and unconfirmed reports some of the miners are being taken out. >> good news. we move on to the breaking news out of paris. on this anniversary of the "charlie hebdo" attacks. the scene right there. terry moran in london has the latest. >> reporter: good morning, george. here's what we're hearing, the latest from the french government, a spokesman confirming the following that at around noon paris time, about an hour or so ago a man did try to enter a police station up in the 18 arrondissement not far from sacre coeur. he was brandishing a knife and shouted allahu akbar and police took him down. he was at the very least very severely injured. we do not have confirmation of reports he has been killed but they certainly took him down. and right now, as you can see in those pictures they have cleared out that area. there is a bomb disposal unit on that location right now because there is some sense that he was wearing a device, perhaps a suicide vest. this is an attack that comes as you say almost exactly to the year after the attack on "charlie hebdo." french president hollande told the people of france that the terror threat level is still at its highest level and that the parisians and french should brace for more of this. >> the french president repeated that warning this morning. >> tensions are high there. another big story but this on a much lighter note, the story many are talking about this morning, powerball. no matches for the grand prize so the jackpot now jumping from 500 to almost $700 million. t.j. holmes our man is here with all the latest and his losing ticket. >> ten losing tickets actually, robin. but still three words for you, keep hope alive. at least for a few more days because, yes, we all went to bed knowing we had not won the jackpot but joy come p th in the morning when no one else won. >> 47, 63, 62, 11. your powerball number, 17. >> reporter: those are the winning numbers, turns out they weren't so winning. this morning the powerball jackpot is up to a whopping $675 million making it the most massive prize in american history. with $675 million, you can afford to buy 32 ultimate luxury penthouses in new york city like mr. trump's that recently sold for 21 million bucks or with your winnings you could finance your own "star wars" like "the of $200 million. and that would still leave you $475 million, so you could buy 950 round trip tickets to mars and back courtesy of tastex at $500,000 a pop. before you go you need a reality check. >> i want the truth. >> you can't handle the truth. >> reporter: truth is, you have very, very slim odds of winning. 1 in 292 million. >> only one number is going to win. it's right here. >> reporter: there have been no winners for 18 drawings since november 4th so how should you pick your winning numbers? >> 77% of the winners come from the computer so don't argue with success. >> reporter: some perspective. 70% to 80% winners but that's how 70% to 80% choose their numbers any way so directly proportional so the $675 million sounds big, if you take the cash option that will get down maybe i mean, what's the point of even playing but comes down so take the 30-year option and get more. you could leave 00 million on the table if you don't take the 30-year option. >> no, take the money. >> and run. i like how you're optimistic instead of being disappointed this morning we should be -- >> i'm still looking for that dime he threw yesterday on the football field. >> we are all losers, i kid you not. i had ten of these last night. i matched one powerball. i won 4 bucks. >> you matched the powerball. that's pretty good. >> gee, thanks, george. enough to buy half of that ticket right there. >> always looking at the bright side. >> t.j., thank you, as always. we are going to turn to that series of storms battering the west. thousands of homes in jeopardy from mudslides after days of rain. the downpours causing major flooding. abc's matt gutman is in pasadena, california, for us with the latest. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the three separate el nino-related storms here over the past few days have felt like one continuous rain event and with water that in this particular house the hill just stripped away from the house which has been declared unlivable. extreme flooding across california. this highway swamped, a truck pushing a car through the coffee-colored water. the third straight day of blinding el nino rain slamming the state. the soil and drain systems simply unable to absorb all of it. mud melting off the hills onto major highways. the flooding so dangerous in petaluma, california, this truck flipped over, trapping a woman inside her car. rescuers diving into the merck to free her. and in ka stay castaic, water rushes over these women. carried to safety, this dog by firefighters. thousands of california homes threatened. for decades mud like this wasn't a problem here. then a fire tore through these it's like water coming off of concrete. threatening homes like this with a deluge of thousands of tons of this thick mud. this resident has fortified his house but fears the worst. >> you've been watching it. how fast does it go? >> they've clocked it at 60 miles an hour according to fire, l.a. county fire. >> reporter: i want to give you a sense of what this mud is like. it's not your thin soupy type of mud. this is more like the consistency of cement and the only way to clean this stuff up is with heavy machinery. robin. >> and moving 60 miles an hour. >> still sinking in. >> thank you. get out of that. misery is not over yet. more rain in the forecast, as well as dangerous surf. isn't that right, rob? >> the main front that came through last night, it's through but we still have showers rotating in some of which are heavy. a bit of a break later on friday then saturday morning another front comes in with some strong up to 2 inches plus. not as much as we had this week. the other threat is this huge wave in ventura, california. 25 to 30-foot breakers. they'll revolver in 25 sets at times. dangerous rip. surfers out there but dangerous situation peaking today. another breaking story. stock markets around the world tumbling after a sell-off in china really sparked fears for investors all over the word. abc's linsey davis with what it all means for your money. good morning, linsey. >> good morning, george. trading on the chinese market halted after just 14 minutes when losses hit 5% triggering a so-called circuit breaker. it briefly re-opened but the market kept on falling and trading was suspended for the rest of the day. the chinese market down a total of more than 7%. all this making investors even more jittery about the chinese economy, the world's second largest after the u.s. >> that includes investors here, linsey. >> that's exactly right, wall street is already off to its worst start since the 2008 financial crisis down nearly 3% in the first three days of trading year perhaps indicative of the old saying when china sneezes the world catches a cold. >> we'll move on to the race for the white house. and with ted cruz now the front-runner in iowa, donald trump pulling a page from his obama playbook questioning whether cruz is even eligible to be president because he was born in canada. trump's wife melania is also speaking out in a new interview and tom llamas is on the trail in storm lake, iowa, with all the latest. good morning, tom. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. this is not a fight senator ted cruz wants, he tells me this issue is settled. but this morning others are weighing in, senator john mccain who is no cruz ally but was the gop nominee in 2008 saying there are questions surround cruz's eligibility. this morning, the bromance between donald trump and senator ted cruz is on the rocks. >> do you believe senator ted >> i don't know to be honest. >> reporter: trump neck and neck with cruz in the battle for iowa. >> you have a beautiful family. >> reporter: raising questions about his birthplace, canada. suggesting cruz go to court to prove he can run for president. >> ted, he should ask for a declaratory judgment because that will clear it all up and i'm doing this for the good of ted. >> reporter: in iowa cruz whose mother is an american citizen fighting back. >> as a legal matter the question is quite straightforward and settled law that the child of a u.s. citizen born abroad is a natural born citizen. >> reporter: we were with north cruz in the hawkeye state and on his campaign bus as the trump dustup was growing. >> now he's talking about, you know, that you were born in canada. not criticizing it but saying you could have problems with that. why do you think he's doing that. >> i'm not going to try to psychoanalyze donald trump. my view, if others -- >> do you think he sees you as a threat? >> you'd have to ask him that. >> reporter: cruz says the toughest part of the campaign is being away from his wife and two young daughters. tells "harper's bazaar" the decision for him to run was also not easy but now she's offering her advice. she's quoted as saying, i give him my opinions and sometimes he takes them in and sometimes he does not. do i agree with him all the time? no. now, donald trump is not letting this fight with ted cruz go away any time soon. just this morning, he tweeted it was a very wise move that ted cruz renounced his canadian citizenship 18 months ago. robin. >> thank you. now to more trouble for chipotle. the fast food chain now facing a criminal investigation over the norovirus outbreak at a california outlet that left hundreds sick. abc's clayton sandell has the latest. >> reporter: this morning fast food chain chipotle is involved in a criminal investigation. the company revealing in a regulatory s.e.c. filing that it was served with a federal grand jury subpoena last month asked to produce a broad range of norovirus outbreak at this franchise in california's simi valley last august that sickened 234 people. the burrito giant says it does not know whether it will bring fines or penalties. the u.s. attorney's office working with criminal investigators from the fda, both offices declining to comment. chipotle telling abc news, it will cooperate fully with this investigation. >> the department of justice is taking this so seriously and it is definitely on their radar. >> reporter: after the summer outbreak, the restaurant was closed to are a deep clean but the company that prides itself on serving food with integrity is struggling to regain consumer trust taking out full page ad as poll justing to consumers and announcing coming changes to the way it prepares and tests its food. after making headlines for two e. coli outbreaks sickening people in 12 states and a which sickened 140 college students who ate at this store. and now it seems as though wall street is getting a bit queasy. chipotle's stock price is down 40% since their troubles began. robin. >> not surprising, clayton, thank you very much. okay, michael, you have it. first day of school, i don't think it got quite the attention that prince george's first day of school received. >> absolutely not. the third in line for the throne went to preschool wednesday. it was like he was born. mom kate snapped these pictures, look how adorable little man is heading to school to mark the milestone we all have those pictures of our first day of school and abc's lama hasan has more. >> reporter: this morning, a royal milestone for prince george. his proud mother, the duchess of cambridge marking the moment by taking these adorable pictures herself. looking dapper in his buttoned up coat and backpack brimming with confidence, ready for his first day at nursery school. >> george's first day of nursery apparently went very well. other children, apparently. >> bearing a striking resemblance to his father on his first day but there was no fanfare on george's first day. >> when prince william went to nursery there were huge crowds of media outside. his parents choosing a small local montessori school on a private road only ten miles from their norfolk home on the queen's stalling sandringham estate. the protective and private prince wanting his kids to have as private a life as possible carrying on the tradition from his mom, diana. >> you just want to pinch the cheeks. >> he got the wave down early. >> learned that in school, preschool. but there's -- prince george is not the only prince making headlines. look at this video trending. apparently he isn't worried he won't let anybody kiss his hand. he whips it back if they try it. a lot of -- people don't know what is going on but they said that he is a very smart kid and might do that feeling weird having generals kissing his hand out of respect for them. >> maybe he just doesn't -- maybe he's a germophobe. >> practice that when i walk through with the crew here. we'll practice that. >> oh, really. >> fonzie, you're up first. >> nice. >> we already kissed the super bowl ring. thank you, michael. over to rob right now. look at these storms. >> yeah, this is snow just east of l.a. of the mountains up here getting skunked the past couple of years. this is a two-hour drive from l.a. snow. winter storm warnings posted for maybe snow in chicago by brief arctic blast is over for the northeast looking at temperatures well above the freezing mark for the next couple of days. >> all right. >> you did say briefment you did say brief. >> it's still winter. >>ing o. thank you, rob. coming up on "gma," a disgruntled groom behind a series of fires set at his friends' homes. the clue police found at the scene that made them think he was behind it. and from dirty jobs to bank job, a lot of people thought this guy wanted for robbery was tv host mike rowe. well, mike rowe will join us live this morning to set the record straight. >> i like the outfit, mike. well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! 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westbound from bruce b downs to livingston. your alternates here, fowler, moving pretty good. i would say 25 miles an hour but it looks a little quicker now. bearss about 21 miles an hour so be prepared for that. you might see delays on the alternates. a crash here in hillsborough southbound veterans expressway just past gunn. i'm showing about a five-minute delay here. i'll keep watching that and let you know if that delay increases. let's check the weather with shay. >> this morning we have a lot of low clouds, so it's a pretty sunshine in the mix through the afternoon. temperatures are very similar to what they were yesterday morning as you head out. it may feel a bit cool as we move through the day we'll warm up. above average temperatures from start-to-finish and mostly dry, it's not -- etc. not completely out of the question we'll see a shower or two but rain chances are pretty low for today. tomorrow those rain chances go up a few scattered showers off and on throughout the day. then saturday even though we start on the drier side through the day the rain chances really start to go up as this frontal boundary approaches. once the rain does settle in it will be widespread for quite a bit of time. and we're also going to have a chance for heavy downpours, even a few isolated thunderstorms are not out of the question. if you hear that rumble of thunder don't be overly surprised. it all clears out early on sunday and then the cooldown jump around jump around >> per pect song for this. the most famous puddle in the world making a splash around the globe. tens of thousands of people tuning in to watch how people jumped around this. >> i would have jumped around. >> what made it such a phenomenon? we've got the story behind it coming up. we got a lot else coming up. all eyes on the powerball. no jackpot winners overnight. jackpot now almost $700 million. could go even higher. next big drawing is saturday. a lot of eyes on wall street, as well after stocks tanked in china overnight and we'll be tracking it all day long. been -- "dirty jobs" star mike rowe caught up in a bank job. people actually thought this robber was mike rowe. well, he is here live. he's going to set the record straight. he's dressed like the robber again. we're going to talk to mike. >> he got a good sense of humor about it. we begin with a california man behind bars this morning for setting a string of fires targeting the groomsmen from his wedding and happened after his marriage fell apart and abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: good morning. that man is now speaking out from jail denying the charges and suggesting he could have been set up. but police say the evidence shows he's the arsonist who nearly hurt all of his former friends. a groom who says he was scorned leading to accusations after a bizarre of property scorched. this morning 33-year-old joshua van buskirk is in a martinez, california, jail, after police say he confessed to an arson spree allegedly fueled by anger after his divorce, among his groomsmen. he's accused of throwing molotov cocktails at their homes and cars, leaving behind a twisted clue, joker cards just like in the batman movie. >> leaves a calling card. >> reporter: suspected arson one in october, a groomsmen's truck, gasoline poured on the hood and set fire, suspected arson two, december 23rd, another groomsmen's truck lit on fire. christmas eve, a groomsmen's fence catching on fire, extinguished before reaching the house and that same night his friend's garage door set on fire, thankfully not reaching the rest of the house with the wife and kids inside. >> what really broke the case were the cards. >> reporter: van buskirk arrested christmas eve. police telling abc news he confessed to all of the arsons, in a jailhouse interview with fox station ktvu van buskirk does say he was upset with his friends after his divorce. >> because within the last three to four months of going through all this turmoil in my life they haven't been there for me. >> reporter: police say they found plenty of evidence at his house and have the right joker in jail. >> i honestly believe if we didn't get him in custody that the other people on that list would have been victims of arson, as well. >> reporter: and his ex-wife could not be reached for comment. but he faces four arson-related charges among others, though police say he did admit to setting the fires when he was arrested he's now pleading not guilty held on a $2.1 million bail. meanwhile, those groomsmen all say we have no idea why we were targeted. >> this is a strange one. >> it really is. >> thanks, gio. now to that north carolina woman and her former fbi agent father charged with murdering her husband. she's now facing trial but not giving up the fight for her stepchildren. abc's linzie janis is here in >> good morning. lawyers for molly martens corbett say she and her father are not guilty of murder and deserves to be reunited with the children she has raised for the last eight years. this morning, even as molly martens corbett is out on bail charged with murdering her irish husband, she says she will keep fighting for custody of his two children from a previous marriage. 31-year-old martens corbett hasn't seen the kid whose biological mother died nine years ago since her husband was killed inside their north carolina home last august. within weeks of his death molly gave this emotional interview after a judge hand them over to relatives in ireland. >> i just need them to know that although we haven't gotten to see each other that i will never stop thinking about them and loving them. >> reporter: last summer martens corbett's father, a former fbi agent called 911 in the middle of the night saying there was ang argument and he hit his son-in-law with a baseball bat. this week with second degree murder and voluntary manslaughter are claiming self-defense. >> we're going to fight it and i am confident we will show that any actions on her part and on her father's part were reasonable and were justified and were necessary. >> reporter: meanwhile, molly is desperate to see the kids. pouring her heart out on facebook writing to the children now ages 9 and 11 almost daily, in the last week writing there are not words for how much i miss you. posting this happy new year card with a photo signed love, mom. and at the bottom of so many posts, leaving her phone number in hopes that they will be allowed to contact her. >> molly is the quintessential mother. every shape or form, she was and is their mother and deserves to be their mother again. >> reporter: at her house wednesday, jason corbett's relatives arriving with a court to the children. molly martens corbett and her father plan to plead not guilty due back in court in february. she is appealing that decision to award custody to those relatives in ireland. >> very sad. all right, linzie, thank you. the man known for "dirty jobs" confused for a bank robber. now mike rowe is joining us live with his take on that case of mistaken identity. and tom brady is making headlines for what he's doing off the field. we're going to talk to the chef behind his and gisele's diet what about this guy? this guy's... been through a lot. dogs bring out the good in us. pedigree brings out the good in them. feed the good. adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spend at sea. come seek the royal caribbean. my opioid pain medication makes me feel stopped up. that's called opioid-induced constipation, or oic. a different kind of constipation. finding relief has been a real struggle. paint a different picture. talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. 85% of men say eating right helps prepare them for a healthy future. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients ... ...from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's ... ...complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and magnesium to help support healthy blood pressure. one a day. if you're 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job. host mike rowe is a dead ringer for a man who robbed an oregon bank. >> boy, you know what, fortunately he has an alibi and a great sense of humor about it. we'll talk to him live in a minute but first abc's kayna whitworth has the story. >> reporter: on cnn's rowe has tackled every profession from bullfighter to blacksmith. even posing as a man on the run in an episode of "dirty jobs" but these surveillance photos are sparking rumors he may have pulled his dirtiest job yet, bank robber after this man sporting shaggy brown hair and light-colored ball cap walked into a medford, oregon, chase bank armed with a gun and demanding cash. police released the images on their facebook page asking if anyone could i.d. the crook and immediately got flooded with one possible suspect. mike rowe. >> we continue to get these tips about mike rowe, so we said, we are now looking for mike rowe thanks to your tips. >> reporter: cops even joking on facebook saying we issued an arrest warrant for mike rowe, just kidding. until the cnn host posted this photo with an alibi, i was in kansas city and i can prove it. >> we're going to scratch him from our suspect list and move >> being on the run is exhausting. >> reporter: for "good morning america," kayna whitworth, abc news, new york. >> well, joining us live here is the host of cnn's "somebody's gotta do it," mike rowe. mike, you have been such a great sport about this. you have -- you've done it all. you've had ever job imaginable. how did you find out people thought your next gig was a bank robber. >> pretty much the same way i find out about everything these day, robin. walking through an airport looking at my mobile device and checking in on my facebook page and realizing that 3 million people were saying, hey, you should check out the medford police site because it sure looks like there's an all-points bulletin out for you. i looked at it and laughed and said, those guys have a great sense of humor but i can't deny there is an uncanny resemblance so i just fired off a quick little missive saying, hey, for what it's worth i'm in kansas, so be on the lookout for somebody who's shorter and less attractive. >> when you first saw that fake police warrant issued for you on facebook, for a second there did you wonder where you were at that time? >> no, honestly my first thought was i know what the next call is going to be and it was. it was my mother, just, please, say you didn't do it, michael. say you didn't do it. you could have called us. there's so many things you could have done instead of this. >> did you reach out? >> that was my first thought. actually you know what is funny, i've been to medford and shot a couple of times up there years ago at a junk yard i think back in 2006 and i'm thinking, this is just too weird. there's so many weird connections between me and law enforcement and "dirty jobs" and this is just -- this is just one more. >> wasn't there an inmate too who has your name or something? >> so, i was sued by an inmate in north dakota whose name is mike rowe and he was upset on some sort of trumped up copyright charge because he was getting hard time in jail and then there's a cop also in oregon in a little town called beaverton who is the pio up there, the public information officer. his name is mike rowe so whenever he reports on a local crime it pops up in google alerts and everybody thinks i'm somehow involved in crime in beaverton and now there's a guy in medford who looks like mike rowe but isn't mike rowe. it's very confusing. >> i mean, speaking of "dirty jobs," on one episode of "dirty jobs" you did run from the cops. you were on the lam, that was part of the show but how was that? you said it was exhausting. >> well, yeah, you know, i mean you're an athlete. i'm not. i was 45. we put a couple of gopros on some bloodhounds in the course of talking about what it feels like to be chased through the woods. it was kind of a goofy thing but i'm dressed up in striped pajamas running. >> but as you said you are not the bank robber and we should look for somebody who looks like you but less attractive than you. >> they do. as always -- >> i don't see the resemblance. >> a great sport as always. good to check in with you. >> thank you, mike. coming up, it's the puddle making a huge splash around the world and sara haines is outside with that. >> all about this magical puddle in northern england and get in on the action with my own puddle. look how captivated these people are with my puddle. come on, guys. it's awesome, isn't it? seriously? we'll give it a 6 for composition. scary. wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window? not zany enough? sometimes the best deals give extra. get extra. but grandma, mommy says we don't have to wad to get clean. cause we use charmin ultra soft. charmin ultra soft gets you the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer and more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with charmin. announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. jump around >> we are back now with that puddle seen around the world. half a million tuning in to watch a live stream of people across the pond trying to cross what seemed like a pond, a giant puddle. abc's sara haines is here with more on this phenomenon. sara, what is up with this? >> exactly, lara. anyone that knows me knows i love periscoping and on the best day ever i might have peeked out at 4,000 and rounding up but little did i know the magic might have just been in a puddle. it's the periscope puddle making a social media splash. the internet craze on this viral over 500,000 viewers captivated by a live stream of people attempting to cross a puddle in northern england. from leapers and jumpers to climbers and swimmers. puddle watchers everywhere were treated to six hours of man versus nature. 2 2 2016 olympic event, wrote one viewer. i love this said another. there was a ton of pondering, climbing, cycling, using the lamppost as leverage, forging straight through and, yes, that is a surfboard and for the win, this man putting up a caution, wet floor sign for his fellow puddle pedestrians. >> now, if you're wondering how this started, it started with a bunch of co-workers at a marketing company sitting there and watching and thought it was amazing, so they decided to roll on it and, bam, it was a periscope heard around the world and we created our own puddle amazing. >> like a yule log. >> want to point out that we are periscoping sara there. chobani simply 100 . it's the only 100-calorie light yogurt sweetened naturally. to love this life is to live it.. mom mom mom! ...naturally. when i lay in my tempur pedic contour- p the next thing i know it's morning. with tempur-flex you've got ther spring and 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local news and weather "good morning america" is brought to you by planet fitness. tampa bay buccaneers looking for a new head coach after firing lovie smith last night. that decision made after the team won only eight games in two seasons with smith as head coach. the team lost their final four games this season after pulling into position to compete for a wildcard spot in the playoffs. the general manager will now oversee the process of finding a new head coach. this afternoon he is set to hold a news conference about the search for lovie smith's replacement. let's update traffic with janelle martinez. >> good morning. we still have a crash on southbound 275 just before you get to hillsborough. seeing onlooker delays. let's look at drive times. 41 minutes from the apex to i- 4,13 minutes from bush to i-4. once you get to downtown you have a five-minute drive to the howard frankland bridge. we're still keeping our eye on this fatal crash that happened overnight, a pedestrian killed at fletcher and bruce b downs, the westbound lanes of fletcher still closed from bruce b downs to livingston. your alternates pretty backed up on bearss. i see some red there as you head towards westbound, maybe over to i-275. here fowler looking a lot better, if you can make it to fowler that might be a better option. checking your drive times now -- on the veterans and dale mabry, both about the same. 27 minutes from van dyke to 275 on the veterans. 28 minutes making that same drive on dale mabry. for a check of the weather here's shay. i call it pretty murky. it's overcast out there. we have good visibility still at the ground level so it hasn't settled this fog just yet. good news there, otherwise just a gray start to the the day. temperatures in the mid-50s across the area. winds between 5 to 10 miles per hour. so nothing too extreme. we'll get more sunshine breaking through by noon. as long as that happens we'll make it to highs above average in the low 70s today. very low chance of rain today. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. tom brady making news for what he's doing off the field. the chef behind the superstar's highly restrictive diet reveals brady's real keys to winning. is it healthy and could you do it? dr. jen ashton is here live. only on "gma," the cnn news anchor and her husband caught in a deadly shoot-out in their hotel room speaking out for the first time on live tv about the details of their harrowing night when an armed robber burst into their room. go big or go home ellen steals the show at the on stage. >> i call myself the mother teresa of talk shows, the dalai lama of daytime. there has. >> wait till you see her little gift for the audience. bang bang wwe slamming into times square with the ultimate divas, the bella twins and champ roman reins and in fighting shape as we say -- >> good morning, america. mwah. good morning, everyone. we're calling an audible. michael, what do you got for us. >> don't look at me like. >> i'm not. this is called the texas southern chili, everybody. >> i went to texas southern and so good that robin was eating during a commercial break because she can't hold back on it. cubed chuck beefsteak, bacon, beer, dos equis that gets cooked off, cocoa powder, coffee and cinnamon. those are the secrets -- >> you can taste the cinnamon, it's good. >> look who's here. >> come on in, have a bite, man. >> this looks delicious. >> chili but no beans, real texas chili doesn't have beans. >> it's a different consistency than regular chili with big chunks. >> it's built like me and then i have cornbread too. added a side dish. has jalapeno and cheddar cheese. >> i see you cook it in a cast iron pan. >> i've been up morning. you don't know -- >> honey, i know. >> yesterday when you did your nachos, you said, strahan, bring it. i brought it. >> when you bring it, you bring it. >> later we'll put you up on the scoreboard there because you see, you know, you're in great company here. >> i am in first place at the moment. >> side dish. appetize sfler nachos are not a side dish. >> change done come. >> throw it down right there. let's get the morning rundown from ryan smith. >> good morning, guys. we begin with breaking news from paris, police have shot a man armed with a knife outside of a police station. there were concerns he may have been waring an explosives vest and abc's alex marquardt is on the scene with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, ryan. this area has now been cordoned off. there is a heavy police presence. you can see officers back there, guns drawn, at the ready. that police station that the man tried to attack is just a short distance that way. we understand that he had a knife and shout ed ed god is great french media reporting that that vest was fake. today is the first anniversary of the massacre of "charlie hebdo." this is a city that has relatively gotten back to normal after those attacks in mid-november that left 130 people dead but it is still very. a city on edge. ryan. >> alex, thank you. also breaking overnight an attack on isis on this oil facility in libya. a massive fire spreading to storage tanks, at least ten people have been killed. update on the emergency rescue operation under way at a salt mine in upstate new york. the deepest salt mine in the country. 17 employees of the mine outside of ithaca got stuck in an elevator nearly 80 stories underground of a crane was brought in and rescuers have miners. thankfully everyone is said to be safe. new worries on wall street after more troubling news about stocks overnight. for the second time this week, china had to suspend straighting on its main stock exchange as the shanghai index dropped more and around the world are worried about their economy slowing down and falling oil prices. california is bracing for yet another day of drenching rain. more than 6 inches have fallen in some parts of california this week triggering floods and mudslides. hundreds of homes are in danger and, frankly, another storm is coming its way saturday. and you've likely heard by now nobody won last night's powerball jackpot. you got to go to work. all that prize money, now rolls into saturday's jackpot which is already an estimated $675 million. the largest jackpot ever. that sounds good but if ticket sales continue to soar, could it be $750 million. that sounds better. a scare on stage at the people's choice awards. the host of "the talk" were in the middle of their acceptance speech. this guy walks up, random guy, rushes, grabs the mike, look at sheryl, huh-uh. boom. sharon osborne not messing around kicking this guy off the stage literally. at him, guys. you better get off that stage. more of the big show coming up in "pop news" but, guys, i have to think the last thing you want to do is come up and try to talk over people who have a show called "the talk." >> yeah. >> that's a good point, ryan. that move by sharon. okay, we'll talk about diet. we have the nerve to talk about diets with the way we've been eating with the tailgating but it's a diet everyone is talking about. tom brady and gisele bundchen's plan. their personal chef revealing his menu for the pair. we'll take a look. from the gridiron. >> g. tom. >> to the red carpet. quarterback tom brady and his supermodel wife giselle bundchen are one of hollywood's most glamorous couples. now their private chef allan campbell revealing to their powerhouse diet. >> they're anyone for having some of the hottest bodies on the planet but it sounds like >> campbell telling 80% of their diet vegetables and whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and bean, the other 20% is lean meat, grass fed organic steak, chicken, wild salmon and occasionally duck. giselle posting pictures of her healthy diet on instagram seen here eating a vegetable soup. her daughter vivian digging into a green juice. and tom making breakfast with the kids with the #healthypancakes so what foods are totally off-limits? campbell says no white sugar, no white flour, no msg. i'll use raw olive oil but i never cook with olive oil. i only cook with coconut oil. fats like canola oil turn into trans fats. i use himalayan pink salt as the sodium. i never use iodized salt. >> they also don't consume very commonly eaten things like caffeine, dairy, white flour, they avoid all of those. very strict but that's what keeps tom at the top of his game in the nfl and gisele one of the most sought after models in the world. >> obviously it is working for both of them. breaking it down for us, the power couple's diet, dr. jen ashton back by popular demand? thank you. >> 80% plant based. >> yes. >> pros and cons with that. >> no smoke and mirror, sensible healthy way to eat and get a lot of vitamins and minerals. hardly any processed or packaged food. a great way to eat. >> also talked about the chef avoiding foods that cause acid. >> the alkaline diet. acidity is so controversial. all the celebrities are talking about it. ph balance. there is not a lot of great data that supports that while we eat changes the ph of our blood because our lungs and kidney does that. it does change the ph of our that that if you eat alkaline foods or foods also high in potassium it can improve muscle mass and growth hormone production and decrease back pain, all things that they might want. >> exactly. okay, now you made me feel bet he better. he avoids night shade foods >> that's what great about our jobs. we're learning all the time. this is a huge species of over 2,000 plants, some have been attributed to actually cause inflammation, some thought to decrease inflammation. it's a double-edged 1w0rd because these are apparently what they avoid because there have been some data that show that they can add to inflammation but, again, we know tomatoes, high in lycopene so it's a catch-22 but obviously it's working for them. >> eggplant. peppers. mushrooms. >> okay. >> to each his own. this is a very, very individual thing and, look, in general they're eating great and it shows. >> it is and jen will take your morning. tweet her @drjashton or post them to "gma's" facebook page. michael, what else is coming up? >> we have a lot coming up here on the "gma morning menu" ." our exclusive with the former cnn news anchor and her husband who survived a deadly motel shooting. this ale join us live. the strangers who met through a liver donation then fell for each other and now they're speaking out. plus, wwe world heavyweight champ roman reins is here and he brought his belt and challenged me to wrestle for it but i told him he could keep it. the wwe divas, nikki a and brie bella. all of that is live on "gma." 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[camera shutter] yeah. intuit turbo tax. taxes done smarter. welcome back, everybody to "good morning america." now, an exclusive with former cnn headline news anchor lynne russell and her husband chuck de caro speaking out for the first time since getting caught in a deadly shoot-out in their motel room. here is a look back at that terrifying incident. june 30th, 2015, the day former cnn headline news anchor lynne russell -- >> thank you for sharing your evening. >> and former cnn investigative reporter chuck de caro -- >> supplies had to reach northernmost positions. >> reporter: went from reporting the news to becoming it. >> breaking news. >> former cnn anchor. >> deadly shoot-out. >> caught in a real-life shoot-out with a armed robber who forced himself into their room at this motel. horrifying ordeal on camera. >> he gave me a good shove and i was airborne and into the room. about that time my husband came out of the shower and found his wife being held at gunpoint. >> reporter: both russell and de caro hold a concealed carry license and russell handed her personal handgun to her husband and when he started shooting de caro fired back staving his wife's life. the alleged robber, 27-year-old tomorio walton was killed in the gunfight. the alleged accomplice skyy barrrs pleaded guilty to kidnapping, agra gravate aggravatedburg la lary and thanked the first responders who helped save his life. that helped me in every way was just seamless and perfect. >> and right now we want to welcome lynne russell and chuck de caro to "good morning america." thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> i know you had a real reaction when you saw that picture. >> yes, i did. of course, of course. this has been a very emotional thing. we just can't -- even if you have to defend yourself and you do, you don't just walk away from it. the whole rest of your life is changed. it just always is. >> you were saying chuck is your hero. >> he is my hero. he absolutely is. couldn't have been in better hands. >> didn't have anything to do with being a hero. it had to do with a promise i made when i married her after chasing her for 30 years, i take that part about have ing ing better or worse very seriously. i don't think it could get any >> you said you believed wholeheartedly that lynne was about to be raped. >> i came out of the shower naked soaking wet shaking from the air-conditioning looking for a towel and here's my wife flying backwards through the air lands face up on the bed with this desperado pointing a gun at her and i came out and said, what the hell is going on here? and he pointed the gun at me and it went from there. unfortunately our weapons that were legally entitled to carry were on a bed table so i got between his line of sight and that, lynne was smart enough and brave enough to understand what i was doing and slid those weapons into her purse and said, maybe there's something in here he would like. >> and you both are very tough, lynne, you're a black belt twice. two time black bell and i know you also i believe trained special forces. soldier in a special forces group. nothing magic. >> i see, lynne, that you are getting very emotional here. >> you know, i've never cried on the air before but it's -- it doesn't go away and when we talk about that night i think about watching him and he was just out of the shower, you know. watching him get -- be shot. thanks so much. watching him be shot, your husband, shot, he turns to you and he says he hit me, i'm shot. >> shot three time. >> three types and this is after both of them emptied their guns and, you know, sometimes the muzzles were only this far apart. i could see -- i could see the fire coming out of them and when he said that to me, i thought, it's impossible because to me nothing like that could ever happen to him. you know. and i just -- i think about it and it doesn't go away and i another woman to have to go through watching her husband be shot, i don't want another woman to have to, you know, lie on a cot in a really cold -- sorry. this is what happens -- room in an icu. >> while he is -- tomorrow another operation for you, chuck. >> operation number four. >> don't want that again. you know, i don't want -- to think of anybody else having to be stuck in an icu room and listen to the sound of ten people working on a loved one. >> it's important for us -- of course, you don't and i know that you guys are suing motel 6. we did reach out to them about this. we did not hear back from them. what can you tell us about this lawsuit and what do you hope to get out of it? >> first thing is why were we there? that's why we were there. >> that's our family. >> it was our family. >> you, the dog -- >> dog friendly. >> very dog friendly. >> traveling cross country. >> on our way to a war game in california i ended up leading from my hospital bed. it was the dog. that was the only reason we were there in needed a couple of hours' sleep. the dog needed some care. >> here's the point. i don't think -- for whatever reason the people there, people go to motel 6s and other hotels and motels. their choice for all kinds of reasons. i just don't think and this is why, the suit, because as i was sitting in his room watching all of this and i began to do my own research i discovered that this was not an isolated kind of incident and i don't think that a person, a family should have to substitute, should have to sacrifice security for a room that is safe, a place to stay, place to spend the night in a name brand hotel anywhere for any reason. >> and we have to wrap. i know you want people to know a couple of things that they can learn. >> very quickly. ask three question, if we had asked these questions we wouldn't have been there. what is the crime rate at this hotel. been called in the past year. five year, you pick it, right. a thousand times for us, it was over a thousand times, that was the answer. are there security cameras at this place and are they monitored in realtime right here because if somebody had monitored those cameras, all the video that you guys see of us being assaulted that would have stopped it right away. the third question is are there guards and are the guards actual -- how many of them do you have because one for two hours on a saturday morning doesn't help you if you're there for a witness night. so the traveling public, don't be afraid to ask these questions and if enough of us do and we don't top then somebody's going to have to address it. >> thank you. thank you, i think those are important questions to ask. i appreciate that. and, chuck, we're thinking about you and good luck in your operation tomorrow. thank you both for being with us. >> thank you. >> we do have to get outside to rob. >> all right, lara, let's do it. time for wwe weather. round one. yes. here, nikki and brie bella. special themed forecast. brie, get us started. >> let's start with twin falls, idaho, today it is supposed to be 37 degrees with some snow and speaking of snow, it looks like in sister, oregon, there will be a lot of snow. >> good rodeo there, nikki, what do you got. >> looks like another rainy day for bella, california. >> beautiful. >> and in double oak, texas, we have sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-60s, rob. >> perfect. robin, i'm happy it's cold out here. back inside to you. >> i'm sure your wife is too. come inside, won't you. because it's "pop news" time. we begin with ellen degeneres and her hilarious and heartfelt speech for favorite humanitarian at the people's choice awards accepting her award from fellow winner and dear friend melissa mccarthy. >> and, melissa, thank you. yeah, i love you and what wonderful things you said. you forgot gorgeous but that's okay. >> ellen went on to say it is really simple. be nice. that was the goal for her talk show. mostly. >> i just set out really just to make people happy and make people laugh and to get very, very rich, and, um -- she did a great, great job. congratulations to her. >> you cannot watch her show and not feel good. >> absolutely. >> you are happy when you watch her show. >> from start to finish and she's been doing it a long time now. she has set the bar. we deserved. up next in "pop news," proof that nothing can come between a football fanatic and her favorite team. a dad in australia has it bad for his favorite team. he suggested the name la necessary straw nestra. the mom wrote to a magazine saying why it was so unique. it wasn't until she was two years old that dad admitted to mom his idea for the name lanesra is actually arsenal spelled backyards. his favorite soccer team. got away with it for two years. thankfully lanesra is a beautiful name. >> i think that's funny. working on espn there were some >> not quite lanesra. finally in science news, george, the unusually mild winter has caused flowers to bloom early, trees to blossom and squirrels to put on a few pounds. pictures of rotund rhodens have been sweeping social media with captions like, guys, i found the fattest squirrel, #fatsquirrel and this one, does this gray coat make me look fat? and there's this guy. who decided to supersize it. if you could take down that thing, you can see he took a whole avocado, forget the acorns, people, i'm going with an avocado. scientists say it makes sense the warm weather is giving the guys more time to collect their nuts and apparently they're not very good at waiting for the cold weather. >> that's why you were asking about the song. >> which, by the way, jimmy kimmel we believe is your favorite song. rain >> squirrel trying to get a nut. >> we'll be back. good morning. we are starting off on 275 and hillsborough where an earlier crash that was causing some onlooker delays is now clear. so you are in much better shape on 275 southbound all the way into downtown tampa. we are still following this fatal crash from overnight. this one in hillsborough around the usf area. fletcher westbound at bruce b downs to livingston closed still while crews are investigating. fowler, moving a little slow now, fowler moving a lot better. if you can get there that might be a better option for you, heading westbound possibly over to to 275. let's check drive times on the majors -- a little overcast outside shay. what is the weather like? i haven't been outside in hours. >> it's a bit cloudy now, pretty overcast to say the least. look at these pictures outside now. the main sail beach inn now looking murky. a gray start with a lot of low cloud cover. we're not seeing rain but wouldn't be surprised if you encountered something that was kind of mist-like out there in certain spots. temperatures are in the mid- 50s, certainly not a beautiful get some sunshine starting to break through midday. as long as that happens we will 70s. if that sunshine holds off until later in the day we might not make it quite that warm, but bottom line is, over the next couple of days our rain chances are going way up ahead of our next cool front. then our cooler air settles in for the beginning of the next rock with you all night >> all right, this takes us back now. michael jackson's "rock with you." >> i love this song. >> incredible 1979 album "off the wall." we have some young college students that are going, what, what. it was big back in the day, people. >> it was. >> yeah, there is. >> in fact, i have it, robin. on february 26th. michael jackson's estate will release a special cd and dvd package of "off the wall" that will include a new documentary by none other than spike lee called "michael jackson's i know a lot of fans will be excited about that. >> i know. we can ride the boogie >> there you go. >> they never join in when you want. >> i'm sorry, rob. >> still have that album. >> you do? >> still have the -- >> vinyl is coming back. vinyl is coming back. >> that's worth it. >> priceless to me. >> that's right. >> all scratched up but it's priceless. >> it is. wwe superstars here. the ultimate diva, the bella twins, there they are and wwe world heavyweight champ roman reigns ramping up our audience. teaches them tricks. sharing their secrets to staying fit coming up but to michael for "deals & steals." i want to see you smile thanks, guys. the new year's resolutions are on everyone's mind. still on my mind and tory johnson is here with great "deals & steals" to help us keep them. i need all the help i can get. >> what do we have. >> help for the rest of us. first up from this great company, fit and fresh what i love about these, lunch boxes that come with all kinds of little containers inside so there's portion control. you save money by bringing your own lunch to work. there's cooling packs inside, sort of just everything in one easy kit for you. an amazing deal and big assortment to choose from. normally $30 to $50 everything included. today slashed in half to 15 to 25 plus free shipping from fit & fresh. >> i like that portion control. >> good too. absolutely. this is the app sync smart bathroom scale. what's great is you can choose to use it by yourself and sync with the app to track your progress. all kinds of things beyond weight it will measure depending on how interested you are in all of the kind of specifics with fitness. three colors to choose from, a normally $40, slashed by 56%, 17.50. >> wow. 17.50 that does all that, wow. >> this is a great one. you and i were talking about this. this is the basis peak fitness tracker. a watch and fitness tracker all in one. you can text, e-mail, take your call, do all of that on there or you can also use it for all of fitness. it can detect whether you are walking, running, biking, sleeping so there's all the sleep benefit, as well. it's got really -- it's so row but. "consumer records" said it got the highest rating for ease of use. for someone that doesn't want all the difficulties, that's a good one. formally $199. slashed by 52%, $95 and free shipping. >> great deals. so keeping with the movement, these are the freshie buds. bluetooth buds. that he are great because they're waterproof so if you are out, if you're moving around, the cords aren't going to get tangled up. three different colors to choose from. also, normally $100, these are expensive. but today only, slashed by 72%, $28 and free shipping and free shipping. >> wow. >> good night sleep is important. so these are from cool gyms. super soft. moisture wick pajamas, dry four types faster than cotton. big assortment for pen and women, separates, all kinds of pieces to choose from depending on sort of your sleep style, big discount on these. normally starting at $36, everything today from the big assortment is slashed in half so starting at $18. good deal, right? >> you kidding me. i'm already on top of my new year's steps. thanks to these companies for these great deals. thank you. >> thank you. >> lara, over to you. >> thanks, michael. so, of course, amy's adventure in iceland took our breath away. so many of you but a lot of questions did happen so joining us to help answer some of them climate expert bern net woods placky, the chief meteorologist at climate central and a fellow penn state graduate so we know she knows her stuff. >> we are. >> i was asking before, i was joking in "pop news" about the fat cares and said does that worry you, you said honestly yes because the ecosystem is out of balance. >> it is. i mean that's really the core of climate change and we're going to get into a lot of that right now. >> we have a lot of questions, i know my kids had questioned and we've got questions from some of our viewers. and i want to start with this one. sheryl on twitter says with all the ice water going into the ocean how is it that ocean temperatures are rising? >> well, that's an interesting question. but take a glass of water, for example, when you first put the ice in, it does get colder but over time that ice melts and the water warms, that's the same thing that's happening. our whole earth system is connected and the more dioxide from burring of oil, gas and coal we're warming our system more and more so eventually over time the ice will melt because temperatures are going up and then the whole earth all of the water continues to warm. >> really scary. rodney on twitter says are glaciers growing in other parts of the world or are they all melting. >> they're melting and retreating but i want to get into the difference between land ice and sea ice here because i think maybe where this is coming from is that we hear about growing sea ice in the antarctic. now, in the arctic it's melting like crazy. but land ice is different than sea ice, glaciers are land ice. so we're putting more ice and more water into the ocean when they melt. again, that glass of water, when you put more in -- >> people live on the coastline should be panicking and moving inland. >> they should be staying it seriously. we never want panic but we need to take it seriously. there are ways we can solve it. >> can you give us a couple of quick tips we can take away and start doing today? need big things. so the big transition away from carbon dioxide and fossil fuel is important because it has big impacts but also on a local scale learn how the little things play a part. how we can recycle more, what else we can do. stop using as much plastic bottles and our bags and one thing that always gets me too i'm the first one for a good cup of coffee but bring your own mug. >> i want to get a couple of video questions. here's little leila. take a look. >> really want the polar bears to have food to eat so that they won't be hurting. i don't know how to fix it and i really want to. >> leila -- >> cry. >> leila, you're not the only one. a lot of people are working on this issue. it is a serious one, serious impacts but there are ways we can fix it if we all work together for this. >> okay. energy. take a look. >> hi, i'm charles from texas. if i always turn out the light what other way can i conserve energy? >> that's great. that's a great thing. the more you can conserve energy and reduce your impact on the planet, the more you're going to help everything and that's all turn down the temperature a vice versa. when it's your air-conditioning, turn down or excuse me, turn up the temperature from your air-conditioning. also, get on your feet. walk somewhere. take a bike somewhere. you don't always have to get in a car. home gardening is a great solution to a lot of issues and it's healthier and you save money. >> so little things really do matter. thank you to all of our kids and everybody asking questions and thank you, my fellow penn stater. >> we are. >> appreciate it. amy is on her way back now. can't wait to have her back tomorrow. right now let's go upstairs to rob. >> all right, lara, everybody do their part. recycling and time for wwe weather round two. [ bell dings [. >> the forecast, wwe heavyweight roman raines and the bella twins have been laying down smackdown on the weather. help me out. >> let's start with ring hill, washington, where it will be cloudy in the washington. over in champ, missouri. >> you are the champ. >> it's a little chilly. it's a rainy day but the weather looks perfect in roman, virginia, with sunny skies. >> roman, virginia. >> we're doing good in roman. >> my favorite town at this >> this weather report brought to you by ashley furniture. dallas raines, the l.a. weather guy. >> no, no. >> much bigger. what do you got there? >> rob -- >> all: roman, roman. >> these people going crazy. i want to show you a magic trick. you look great today but you're missing one thing. poof. >> come on. >> look at that. would you look at that? >> i love it. >> guys. >> i can't fight but lara this may be for the tailgating food. he's vetoed everybody. >> the way he's standing. i was just noting with robin the way rob was standing with that belt. more coming up with the wwe superstars, the bella twins and roman reigns with us live and we are going to reveal their ultimate fitness routines, tt2wat^(@%4 bt@q9op tt2wat^(@%4 "a@q)c4 tt2wat^(@%4 bm@q"h8 tt4wat^(@%4 " entq roman, nikki and brie saying hello to their fan s s. oh, my gosh. the fans love you guys. i have to say congratulations. how does it feel to have that belt? >> it feels really good. that's an understatement. i've chased it for so long. it feels like a full year and to finally have it in my possession in my hands, it's the greatest feeling ever and i hate to sound cheesy but dreams do come true. >> oh. >> i agree. [ applause ] >> nikki, you've had quite a year. >> oh, i'm nikki. it happens. it's a twin thing. >> diva, you brought your longtime john cena a -- >> longtime love. >> yeah. >> i didn't know that. >> oh, yeah, 3 1/2 years almost. >> oh, my gosh. that is a great-looking couple. >> oh, thank you. i did not know that. so lovely. >> he is amazing. >> the couple that wrestles >> i like that. that could save a lot of marriages right there. >> yeah. >> you're on to something. injury. >> yeah. >> so when are you getting back in the ring. >> i'm hoping sooner than later working with amazing doctors so first my health is the most important and then second most important is getting back in that ring and hopefully get g ting the diva's championship. >> you can fight roman. >> brie, ultimate team of what's it like without your sister? >> it's been hard because team bella. i know, right. it is weird. i will admit when i'm walking out of that curtain not to have her next to me it's sad but at the same time -- >> it's business. >> and it is my time to shine. >> hey, now, don't get -- >> now. [ cheers and applause ] >> screaming diva but you also know you brought with you some great tips for fit it is for our viewers and us. would you mind shareing. >> should i go first? >> diva of the year. >> diva of the year, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] so what i like to stick to is six days of the week i do no starch, no sugar, no dairy and on that seventh day i go insane. i start with doughnuts end the night with burgers and fries. it's like a full day of fun but it's kept me in amazing shape. easy to do on the road and i also love -- i'm a sweet tooth person. i love sugar so during those six days if i absolutely need sugar i like to get super dark chocolate bar, anything that's 98% cacao and take a little bite of it because it's kind of bitter. cures that sweet tooth. >> teeny indulgence like a little chip off. >> a tip from each of you. >> mine is i'm always on the road so i need healthy snacks constantly so my whole foods into town, i get, you know, the veggie trays, i'll get my snack peas and conbucha. fermented cheese. >> obsessed. >> natural caffeine. >> what's your go too food. >> it's not cobucha. i've been training through football, baseball, basketball, that type of thing but for me it's to switch it up. keep it new. you know, trick your body is the key. you know, if you're not getting sore then maybe you need to switch it up and also for me i have a huge goal to live as long as i can, to, you know -- >> live healthy. >> i want to live as long as i can. >> i love it. you have great energy and look fantastic. congratulation, congratulations and would you get back in the ring soon? >> yes. >> guy, wwe smackdown moves to its new home thursday nights on usa network, the big premiere is tonight. george is up. we're eating again. guys, don't watch because we're not listening to anything you just taught us. >> where did michael go? ooh. yeah. you see where michael is on the board. he is tied with lara from yesterday, nachos. i cannot believe -- my waistline can believe it's day four. it's your tournament, george. >> it's my turn. i'm ready. let's do it. there it is, barbecued blitz brisket. now, here's what's going on here. >> are you going to show us. >> i'll show you in a second. here is what it is. this is it and this is in honor of all the underdogs this weekend. >> i lo of ha. >> houston, cincinnati, minnesota, washington, all at home, all underdogs, this is for them. because i'm clearly the underdog in this room. look at this. >> i don't know. i don't know. this is great. this is what it's going to look like when it's done, bubbly and hot. take a brisket. put in the hot 500 degree, brown it on both sides, take it out and take anything you want really for the sauce, ketchup, vinegar, molasses, worcestershire, hot sauce, all kind of spices. >> do you measure? ? no, i just throw all stuff in with onions and garlic and put it away in the oven long and slow, 350, four, five hour, let it go and this is what happens? >> when does the slaw come in. >> the slaw comes on. >> that would be good in a crock pot. exactly right. these pieces are too big. >> that looks good. >> the competition. if i could only get it up there. >> there you go. >> right on there. >> robin just wants a little meat. >> that's for me, robin. >> i do love the idea of slaw on top. >> slaw on top is good. >> so just put it on top there. >> are you guys going to try it. >> i'm in. i'm in. >> thank you very much. >> whoa. >> whoa. >> my goodness. >> you're going to break all your diets. you can't eat this stuff, can you. >> we'll make it our cheat day. >> all right. >> should we grab our plate. >> come on, grab and join. >> it smells amazing, i have to say. >> it's been -- you know about competition. >> yes. >> we're competitive over here. i've got to rate them. i don't know. i don't know, george. i don't know -- >> did you take -- >> it's hard to take a bite when you're -- >> take your time. >> it's pretty amazing. >> i would -- and it truly is tailgating food. >> make it the day before. >> this is really good. >> you got a 7 or 8 down here. >> all right. >> this is really good, george. >> this is really good. >> what do you think? >> well, i love barbecue. he's a vegetarian. >> haven't said a word. >> come on. come on. >> i'll just have hers, as well. kidding, i think we have a three-way tie. i think right now we've got a three-way tie so up to you at home. who's the real winner? we want to you vote at on yahoo! little game, game on monday. alabama and clemson face off, the college football playoff national championship game. where can they see that game? on espn. we'll be right back. "good morning america" is brought to you by intuit turbotax. taxes done smart sfler thanks to the wwe on "gma." we'll have a vegan option. >> yes. >> who is going to bring this home? up to you. >> that was a tight race right there. >> looks like a "t." >> rob, yours was really great too. >> i get a consolation prize. good morning. i have an update on the fatal crash we've been talking about all morning in the usf area. the sheriff's department just reopened fletcher westbound lanes were closed at bruce b downs for most of the morning while they investigated this crash. westbound lanes back open. still some congestion in the area for the next few minutes or so but for the most part you should be good to go there. no word yet on who was killed but as soon as we know we'll let you know here and of course on twitter at tampabaytraffic. another crash, this one just in, palm harbor a crash with injuries southbound u.s. 19, just north seeing a little backup. no need for a detour at this that. this is the tampa side of the fhp reported a crash in the southbound lanes just as you head to kennedy, i checked several cameras in the area, not seeing anything, not seeing much of a slowdown across the bridge. look at the drive times. nine minutes across the causeway, 11 minutes across the howard frankland. that is just a few minutes slow this morning. >> it's still a little gloomy. main sail beach showing clouds, not necessarily raining but damp, temperatures still in the mid to upper 50s across the area, not a lot of movement in temperatures so far, we'll see them coming up closer to noon into the upper 60s. now as long as some sunshine starts to break through these clouds we will see temperatures above average in the low 70s today. it will be mostly dry, no strong chance of rain but certainly is damp this morning. we could see an isolated shower will be on friday and then

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Transcripts For WFTS Good Morning America 20160107 :

Transcripts For WFTS Good Morning America 20160107

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those powerful storms creating dangerous conditions. extreme flooding stranding drivers. this tractor trailer pushing a car through the water. emergency workers saving this woman and the worst may not be over yet. and from dirty jobs to bank job, police hunting for this man right now, surveillance photos of this bank robber sparking rumors he may be a famous tv host. so who's the robber's double? that mystery celeb joins us live this morning only on "gma." and good morning, america. boy, a lot of breaking news overnight including that shutout. we're all here. no winner for the powerball. >> you would know. >> altered my plans. >> big story breaking out of paris. an attempted terrorist attack on a police station. it appears that has been thwarted. a lot more details coming up. >> we'll begin with that other trapped overnight in an elevator nearly a thousand feet underground. emergency crews are desperately trying to rescue them right now and abc's ryan smith is here with the latest. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning, robin. last night 17 miners went down a salt mine as part of their shift and didn't come back. now a major rescue operation is under way. emergency rescuers are on the scene trying to do all they can to get those miners out safely. this morning, emergency crews racing to free 17 miners trapped in an elevator nearly 900 feet below ground in upstate new york. >> cage is stuck 850 feet down with people on it. >> reporter: asha mckenzie a local reporter is live on the scene. >> the 17 miners have been trapped for more than five hours at this point and it all happened after a technical error with an elevator that sent the miners 900 feet underground trapping them. >> reporter: local fire and police departments scrambling to help. >> manpower needed to backfill out in lancing on a rope rescue. to help extract the miners. it will lower a basket to carry out four to six miners at a time. >> their spirits are remarkly good. again, we have very outstanding employees. they are understanding of the situation. understanding at the time it takes to approach this in a very safe manner to ensure that no one else is put at risk and they've been, again, they're fine, no one was injured. we've been in constant communication with them since the elevator became stuck in the shaft. >> reporter: rescuers have been able to send down blankets and food to the miners who were just starting their shift. mark klein is the director of corporate communications for the company which runs the mine. >> we practice mine evacuations regularly every year and so that practice is coming into play today. >> reporter: this is the deepest salt mine in the united states. it's in the finger lakes region of new york state spread out over 18,000 acres. the rock salt from the mine is sold to ice companies, ice cream now, the company's mine manager has been saying they're in constant radio communication with the miners, they're trying to take the rescue operation slow so that they do it correctly and safely. their focus that it's not a question of if they will be rescued but when and unconfirmed reports some of the miners are being taken out. >> good news. we move on to the breaking news out of paris. on this anniversary of the "charlie hebdo" attacks. the scene right there. terry moran in london has the latest. >> reporter: good morning, george. here's what we're hearing, the latest from the french government, a spokesman confirming the following that at around noon paris time, about an hour or so ago a man did try to enter a police station up in the 18 arrondissement not far from sacre coeur. he was brandishing a knife and shouted allahu akbar and police took him down. he was at the very least very severely injured. we do not have confirmation of reports he has been killed but they certainly took him down. and right now, as you can see in those pictures they have cleared out that area. there is a bomb disposal unit on that location right now because there is some sense that he was wearing a device, perhaps a suicide vest. this is an attack that comes as you say almost exactly to the year after the attack on "charlie hebdo." french president hollande told the people of france that the terror threat level is still at its highest level and that the parisians and french should brace for more of this. >> the french president repeated that warning this morning. >> tensions are high there. another big story but this on a much lighter note, the story many are talking about this morning, powerball. no matches for the grand prize so the jackpot now jumping from 500 to almost $700 million. t.j. holmes our man is here with all the latest and his losing ticket. >> ten losing tickets actually, robin. but still three words for you, keep hope alive. at least for a few more days because, yes, we all went to bed knowing we had not won the jackpot but joy come p th in the morning when no one else won. >> 47, 63, 62, 11. your powerball number, 17. >> reporter: those are the winning numbers, turns out they weren't so winning. this morning the powerball jackpot is up to a whopping $675 million making it the most massive prize in american history. with $675 million, you can afford to buy 32 ultimate luxury penthouses in new york city like mr. trump's that recently sold for 21 million bucks or with your winnings you could finance your own "star wars" like "the of $200 million. and that would still leave you $475 million, so you could buy 950 round trip tickets to mars and back courtesy of tastex at $500,000 a pop. before you go you need a reality check. >> i want the truth. >> you can't handle the truth. >> reporter: truth is, you have very, very slim odds of winning. 1 in 292 million. >> only one number is going to win. it's right here. >> reporter: there have been no winners for 18 drawings since november 4th so how should you pick your winning numbers? >> 77% of the winners come from the computer so don't argue with success. >> reporter: some perspective. 70% to 80% winners but that's how 70% to 80% choose their numbers any way so directly proportional so the $675 million sounds big, if you take the cash option that will get down maybe i mean, what's the point of even playing but comes down so take the 30-year option and get more. you could leave 00 million on the table if you don't take the 30-year option. >> no, take the money. >> and run. i like how you're optimistic instead of being disappointed this morning we should be -- >> i'm still looking for that dime he threw yesterday on the football field. >> we are all losers, i kid you not. i had ten of these last night. i matched one powerball. i won 4 bucks. >> you matched the powerball. that's pretty good. >> gee, thanks, george. enough to buy half of that ticket right there. >> always looking at the bright side. >> t.j., thank you, as always. we are going to turn to that series of storms battering the west. thousands of homes in jeopardy from mudslides after days of rain. the downpours causing major flooding. abc's matt gutman is in pasadena, california, for us with the latest. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, robin. the three separate el nino-related storms here over the past few days have felt like one continuous rain event and with water that in this particular house the hill just stripped away from the house which has been declared unlivable. extreme flooding across california. this highway swamped, a truck pushing a car through the coffee-colored water. the third straight day of blinding el nino rain slamming the state. the soil and drain systems simply unable to absorb all of it. mud melting off the hills onto major highways. the flooding so dangerous in petaluma, california, this truck flipped over, trapping a woman inside her car. rescuers diving into the merck to free her. and in ka stay castaic, water rushes over these women. carried to safety, this dog by firefighters. thousands of california homes threatened. for decades mud like this wasn't a problem here. then a fire tore through these it's like water coming off of concrete. threatening homes like this with a deluge of thousands of tons of this thick mud. this resident has fortified his house but fears the worst. >> you've been watching it. how fast does it go? >> they've clocked it at 60 miles an hour according to fire, l.a. county fire. >> reporter: i want to give you a sense of what this mud is like. it's not your thin soupy type of mud. this is more like the consistency of cement and the only way to clean this stuff up is with heavy machinery. robin. >> and moving 60 miles an hour. >> still sinking in. >> thank you. get out of that. misery is not over yet. more rain in the forecast, as well as dangerous surf. isn't that right, rob? >> the main front that came through last night, it's through but we still have showers rotating in some of which are heavy. a bit of a break later on friday then saturday morning another front comes in with some strong up to 2 inches plus. not as much as we had this week. the other threat is this huge wave in ventura, california. 25 to 30-foot breakers. they'll revolver in 25 sets at times. dangerous rip. surfers out there but dangerous situation peaking today. another breaking story. stock markets around the world tumbling after a sell-off in china really sparked fears for investors all over the word. abc's linsey davis with what it all means for your money. good morning, linsey. >> good morning, george. trading on the chinese market halted after just 14 minutes when losses hit 5% triggering a so-called circuit breaker. it briefly re-opened but the market kept on falling and trading was suspended for the rest of the day. the chinese market down a total of more than 7%. all this making investors even more jittery about the chinese economy, the world's second largest after the u.s. >> that includes investors here, linsey. >> that's exactly right, wall street is already off to its worst start since the 2008 financial crisis down nearly 3% in the first three days of trading year perhaps indicative of the old saying when china sneezes the world catches a cold. >> we'll move on to the race for the white house. and with ted cruz now the front-runner in iowa, donald trump pulling a page from his obama playbook questioning whether cruz is even eligible to be president because he was born in canada. trump's wife melania is also speaking out in a new interview and tom llamas is on the trail in storm lake, iowa, with all the latest. good morning, tom. >> reporter: george, good morning to you. this is not a fight senator ted cruz wants, he tells me this issue is settled. but this morning others are weighing in, senator john mccain who is no cruz ally but was the gop nominee in 2008 saying there are questions surround cruz's eligibility. this morning, the bromance between donald trump and senator ted cruz is on the rocks. >> do you believe senator ted >> i don't know to be honest. >> reporter: trump neck and neck with cruz in the battle for iowa. >> you have a beautiful family. >> reporter: raising questions about his birthplace, canada. suggesting cruz go to court to prove he can run for president. >> ted, he should ask for a declaratory judgment because that will clear it all up and i'm doing this for the good of ted. >> reporter: in iowa cruz whose mother is an american citizen fighting back. >> as a legal matter the question is quite straightforward and settled law that the child of a u.s. citizen born abroad is a natural born citizen. >> reporter: we were with north cruz in the hawkeye state and on his campaign bus as the trump dustup was growing. >> now he's talking about, you know, that you were born in canada. not criticizing it but saying you could have problems with that. why do you think he's doing that. >> i'm not going to try to psychoanalyze donald trump. my view, if others -- >> do you think he sees you as a threat? >> you'd have to ask him that. >> reporter: cruz says the toughest part of the campaign is being away from his wife and two young daughters. tells "harper's bazaar" the decision for him to run was also not easy but now she's offering her advice. she's quoted as saying, i give him my opinions and sometimes he takes them in and sometimes he does not. do i agree with him all the time? no. now, donald trump is not letting this fight with ted cruz go away any time soon. just this morning, he tweeted it was a very wise move that ted cruz renounced his canadian citizenship 18 months ago. robin. >> thank you. now to more trouble for chipotle. the fast food chain now facing a criminal investigation over the norovirus outbreak at a california outlet that left hundreds sick. abc's clayton sandell has the latest. >> reporter: this morning fast food chain chipotle is involved in a criminal investigation. the company revealing in a regulatory s.e.c. filing that it was served with a federal grand jury subpoena last month asked to produce a broad range of norovirus outbreak at this franchise in california's simi valley last august that sickened 234 people. the burrito giant says it does not know whether it will bring fines or penalties. the u.s. attorney's office working with criminal investigators from the fda, both offices declining to comment. chipotle telling abc news, it will cooperate fully with this investigation. >> the department of justice is taking this so seriously and it is definitely on their radar. >> reporter: after the summer outbreak, the restaurant was closed to are a deep clean but the company that prides itself on serving food with integrity is struggling to regain consumer trust taking out full page ad as poll justing to consumers and announcing coming changes to the way it prepares and tests its food. after making headlines for two e. coli outbreaks sickening people in 12 states and a which sickened 140 college students who ate at this store. and now it seems as though wall street is getting a bit queasy. chipotle's stock price is down 40% since their troubles began. robin. >> not surprising, clayton, thank you very much. okay, michael, you have it. first day of school, i don't think it got quite the attention that prince george's first day of school received. >> absolutely not. the third in line for the throne went to preschool wednesday. it was like he was born. mom kate snapped these pictures, look how adorable little man is heading to school to mark the milestone we all have those pictures of our first day of school and abc's lama hasan has more. >> reporter: this morning, a royal milestone for prince george. his proud mother, the duchess of cambridge marking the moment by taking these adorable pictures herself. looking dapper in his buttoned up coat and backpack brimming with confidence, ready for his first day at nursery school. >> george's first day of nursery apparently went very well. other children, apparently. >> bearing a striking resemblance to his father on his first day but there was no fanfare on george's first day. >> when prince william went to nursery there were huge crowds of media outside. his parents choosing a small local montessori school on a private road only ten miles from their norfolk home on the queen's stalling sandringham estate. the protective and private prince wanting his kids to have as private a life as possible carrying on the tradition from his mom, diana. >> you just want to pinch the cheeks. >> he got the wave down early. >> learned that in school, preschool. but there's -- prince george is not the only prince making headlines. look at this video trending. apparently he isn't worried he won't let anybody kiss his hand. he whips it back if they try it. a lot of -- people don't know what is going on but they said that he is a very smart kid and might do that feeling weird having generals kissing his hand out of respect for them. >> maybe he just doesn't -- maybe he's a germophobe. >> practice that when i walk through with the crew here. we'll practice that. >> oh, really. >> fonzie, you're up first. >> nice. >> we already kissed the super bowl ring. thank you, michael. over to rob right now. look at these storms. >> yeah, this is snow just east of l.a. of the mountains up here getting skunked the past couple of years. this is a two-hour drive from l.a. snow. winter storm warnings posted for maybe snow in chicago by brief arctic blast is over for the northeast looking at temperatures well above the freezing mark for the next couple of days. >> all right. >> you did say briefment you did say brief. >> it's still winter. >>ing o. thank you, rob. coming up on "gma," a disgruntled groom behind a series of fires set at his friends' homes. the clue police found at the scene that made them think he was behind it. and from dirty jobs to bank job, a lot of people thought this guy wanted for robbery was tv host mike rowe. well, mike rowe will join us live this morning to set the record straight. >> i like the outfit, mike. well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. it can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. so i talked to my doctor. she said... symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. more than twice a day. symbicort contains formoterol. medicines like formoterol increase the risk of death from asthma problems. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. you should tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggies! 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why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representative. i take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you can't beat zero heartburn! ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. i don't have like a pair of jeans i'm trying to get into; i've been down that road honey child. and i don't have like a dress or some big red carpet thing i have to do. im really just looking at 2016, as the year of my best body; that's what i want for you too. lets let 2016 be the year of good morning. crash on 275 southbound just before you get to hillsborough. this is off to the shoulder but you can see we are seeing as many onlooker delays -- some onlooker delays. you're looking about 11 minutes from busch to downtown tampa. heads up in the usf area, still the westbound lanes are blocked on fletcher due to fatal crash that happened overnight near bruce b downs, closed now westbound from bruce b downs to livingston. your alternates here, fowler, moving pretty good. i would say 25 miles an hour but it looks a little quicker now. bearss about 21 miles an hour so be prepared for that. you might see delays on the alternates. a crash here in hillsborough southbound veterans expressway just past gunn. i'm showing about a five-minute delay here. i'll keep watching that and let you know if that delay increases. let's check the weather with shay. >> this morning we have a lot of low clouds, so it's a pretty sunshine in the mix through the afternoon. temperatures are very similar to what they were yesterday morning as you head out. it may feel a bit cool as we move through the day we'll warm up. above average temperatures from start-to-finish and mostly dry, it's not -- etc. not completely out of the question we'll see a shower or two but rain chances are pretty low for today. tomorrow those rain chances go up a few scattered showers off and on throughout the day. then saturday even though we start on the drier side through the day the rain chances really start to go up as this frontal boundary approaches. once the rain does settle in it will be widespread for quite a bit of time. and we're also going to have a chance for heavy downpours, even a few isolated thunderstorms are not out of the question. if you hear that rumble of thunder don't be overly surprised. it all clears out early on sunday and then the cooldown jump around jump around >> per pect song for this. the most famous puddle in the world making a splash around the globe. tens of thousands of people tuning in to watch how people jumped around this. >> i would have jumped around. >> what made it such a phenomenon? we've got the story behind it coming up. we got a lot else coming up. all eyes on the powerball. no jackpot winners overnight. jackpot now almost $700 million. could go even higher. next big drawing is saturday. a lot of eyes on wall street, as well after stocks tanked in china overnight and we'll be tracking it all day long. been -- "dirty jobs" star mike rowe caught up in a bank job. people actually thought this robber was mike rowe. well, he is here live. he's going to set the record straight. he's dressed like the robber again. we're going to talk to mike. >> he got a good sense of humor about it. we begin with a california man behind bars this morning for setting a string of fires targeting the groomsmen from his wedding and happened after his marriage fell apart and abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: good morning. that man is now speaking out from jail denying the charges and suggesting he could have been set up. but police say the evidence shows he's the arsonist who nearly hurt all of his former friends. a groom who says he was scorned leading to accusations after a bizarre of property scorched. this morning 33-year-old joshua van buskirk is in a martinez, california, jail, after police say he confessed to an arson spree allegedly fueled by anger after his divorce, among his groomsmen. he's accused of throwing molotov cocktails at their homes and cars, leaving behind a twisted clue, joker cards just like in the batman movie. >> leaves a calling card. >> reporter: suspected arson one in october, a groomsmen's truck, gasoline poured on the hood and set fire, suspected arson two, december 23rd, another groomsmen's truck lit on fire. christmas eve, a groomsmen's fence catching on fire, extinguished before reaching the house and that same night his friend's garage door set on fire, thankfully not reaching the rest of the house with the wife and kids inside. >> what really broke the case were the cards. >> reporter: van buskirk arrested christmas eve. police telling abc news he confessed to all of the arsons, in a jailhouse interview with fox station ktvu van buskirk does say he was upset with his friends after his divorce. >> because within the last three to four months of going through all this turmoil in my life they haven't been there for me. >> reporter: police say they found plenty of evidence at his house and have the right joker in jail. >> i honestly believe if we didn't get him in custody that the other people on that list would have been victims of arson, as well. >> reporter: and his ex-wife could not be reached for comment. but he faces four arson-related charges among others, though police say he did admit to setting the fires when he was arrested he's now pleading not guilty held on a $2.1 million bail. meanwhile, those groomsmen all say we have no idea why we were targeted. >> this is a strange one. >> it really is. >> thanks, gio. now to that north carolina woman and her former fbi agent father charged with murdering her husband. she's now facing trial but not giving up the fight for her stepchildren. abc's linzie janis is here in >> good morning. lawyers for molly martens corbett say she and her father are not guilty of murder and deserves to be reunited with the children she has raised for the last eight years. this morning, even as molly martens corbett is out on bail charged with murdering her irish husband, she says she will keep fighting for custody of his two children from a previous marriage. 31-year-old martens corbett hasn't seen the kid whose biological mother died nine years ago since her husband was killed inside their north carolina home last august. within weeks of his death molly gave this emotional interview after a judge hand them over to relatives in ireland. >> i just need them to know that although we haven't gotten to see each other that i will never stop thinking about them and loving them. >> reporter: last summer martens corbett's father, a former fbi agent called 911 in the middle of the night saying there was ang argument and he hit his son-in-law with a baseball bat. this week with second degree murder and voluntary manslaughter are claiming self-defense. >> we're going to fight it and i am confident we will show that any actions on her part and on her father's part were reasonable and were justified and were necessary. >> reporter: meanwhile, molly is desperate to see the kids. pouring her heart out on facebook writing to the children now ages 9 and 11 almost daily, in the last week writing there are not words for how much i miss you. posting this happy new year card with a photo signed love, mom. and at the bottom of so many posts, leaving her phone number in hopes that they will be allowed to contact her. >> molly is the quintessential mother. every shape or form, she was and is their mother and deserves to be their mother again. >> reporter: at her house wednesday, jason corbett's relatives arriving with a court to the children. molly martens corbett and her father plan to plead not guilty due back in court in february. she is appealing that decision to award custody to those relatives in ireland. >> very sad. all right, linzie, thank you. the man known for "dirty jobs" confused for a bank robber. now mike rowe is joining us live with his take on that case of mistaken identity. and tom brady is making headlines for what he's doing off the field. we're going to talk to the chef behind his and gisele's diet what about this guy? this guy's... been through a lot. dogs bring out the good in us. pedigree brings out the good in them. feed the good. adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spend at sea. come seek the royal caribbean. my opioid pain medication makes me feel stopped up. that's called opioid-induced constipation, or oic. a different kind of constipation. finding relief has been a real struggle. paint a different picture. talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options. 85% of men say eating right helps prepare them for a healthy future. but up to 90% fall short in getting key nutrients ... ...from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's ... ...complete multivitamin. with vitamin d and magnesium to help support healthy blood pressure. one a day. if you're 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job. host mike rowe is a dead ringer for a man who robbed an oregon bank. >> boy, you know what, fortunately he has an alibi and a great sense of humor about it. we'll talk to him live in a minute but first abc's kayna whitworth has the story. >> reporter: on cnn's rowe has tackled every profession from bullfighter to blacksmith. even posing as a man on the run in an episode of "dirty jobs" but these surveillance photos are sparking rumors he may have pulled his dirtiest job yet, bank robber after this man sporting shaggy brown hair and light-colored ball cap walked into a medford, oregon, chase bank armed with a gun and demanding cash. police released the images on their facebook page asking if anyone could i.d. the crook and immediately got flooded with one possible suspect. mike rowe. >> we continue to get these tips about mike rowe, so we said, we are now looking for mike rowe thanks to your tips. >> reporter: cops even joking on facebook saying we issued an arrest warrant for mike rowe, just kidding. until the cnn host posted this photo with an alibi, i was in kansas city and i can prove it. >> we're going to scratch him from our suspect list and move >> being on the run is exhausting. >> reporter: for "good morning america," kayna whitworth, abc news, new york. >> well, joining us live here is the host of cnn's "somebody's gotta do it," mike rowe. mike, you have been such a great sport about this. you have -- you've done it all. you've had ever job imaginable. how did you find out people thought your next gig was a bank robber. >> pretty much the same way i find out about everything these day, robin. walking through an airport looking at my mobile device and checking in on my facebook page and realizing that 3 million people were saying, hey, you should check out the medford police site because it sure looks like there's an all-points bulletin out for you. i looked at it and laughed and said, those guys have a great sense of humor but i can't deny there is an uncanny resemblance so i just fired off a quick little missive saying, hey, for what it's worth i'm in kansas, so be on the lookout for somebody who's shorter and less attractive. >> when you first saw that fake police warrant issued for you on facebook, for a second there did you wonder where you were at that time? >> no, honestly my first thought was i know what the next call is going to be and it was. it was my mother, just, please, say you didn't do it, michael. say you didn't do it. you could have called us. there's so many things you could have done instead of this. >> did you reach out? >> that was my first thought. actually you know what is funny, i've been to medford and shot a couple of times up there years ago at a junk yard i think back in 2006 and i'm thinking, this is just too weird. there's so many weird connections between me and law enforcement and "dirty jobs" and this is just -- this is just one more. >> wasn't there an inmate too who has your name or something? >> so, i was sued by an inmate in north dakota whose name is mike rowe and he was upset on some sort of trumped up copyright charge because he was getting hard time in jail and then there's a cop also in oregon in a little town called beaverton who is the pio up there, the public information officer. his name is mike rowe so whenever he reports on a local crime it pops up in google alerts and everybody thinks i'm somehow involved in crime in beaverton and now there's a guy in medford who looks like mike rowe but isn't mike rowe. it's very confusing. >> i mean, speaking of "dirty jobs," on one episode of "dirty jobs" you did run from the cops. you were on the lam, that was part of the show but how was that? you said it was exhausting. >> well, yeah, you know, i mean you're an athlete. i'm not. i was 45. we put a couple of gopros on some bloodhounds in the course of talking about what it feels like to be chased through the woods. it was kind of a goofy thing but i'm dressed up in striped pajamas running. >> but as you said you are not the bank robber and we should look for somebody who looks like you but less attractive than you. >> they do. as always -- >> i don't see the resemblance. >> a great sport as always. good to check in with you. >> thank you, mike. coming up, it's the puddle making a huge splash around the world and sara haines is outside with that. >> all about this magical puddle in northern england and get in on the action with my own puddle. look how captivated these people are with my puddle. come on, guys. it's awesome, isn't it? seriously? we'll give it a 6 for composition. scary. wow, what about just putting a fair, no haggle price on the window? not zany enough? sometimes the best deals give extra. get extra. but grandma, mommy says we don't have to wad to get clean. cause we use charmin ultra soft. charmin ultra soft gets you the wasteful wadding. it has comfort cushions you can see that are softer and more absorbent, and you can use up to 4 times less. enjoy the go with charmin. announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet. roads will be shut down indefinitely. and schools are closed. campbell's soups go great with a cold and a nice red. jump around >> we are back now with that puddle seen around the world. half a million tuning in to watch a live stream of people across the pond trying to cross what seemed like a pond, a giant puddle. abc's sara haines is here with more on this phenomenon. sara, what is up with this? >> exactly, lara. anyone that knows me knows i love periscoping and on the best day ever i might have peeked out at 4,000 and rounding up but little did i know the magic might have just been in a puddle. it's the periscope puddle making a social media splash. the internet craze on this viral over 500,000 viewers captivated by a live stream of people attempting to cross a puddle in northern england. from leapers and jumpers to climbers and swimmers. puddle watchers everywhere were treated to six hours of man versus nature. 2 2 2016 olympic event, wrote one viewer. i love this said another. there was a ton of pondering, climbing, cycling, using the lamppost as leverage, forging straight through and, yes, that is a surfboard and for the win, this man putting up a caution, wet floor sign for his fellow puddle pedestrians. >> now, if you're wondering how this started, it started with a bunch of co-workers at a marketing company sitting there and watching and thought it was amazing, so they decided to roll on it and, bam, it was a periscope heard around the world and we created our own puddle amazing. >> like a yule log. >> want to point out that we are periscoping sara there. chobani simply 100 . it's the only 100-calorie light yogurt sweetened naturally. to love this life is to live it.. mom mom mom! ...naturally. when i lay in my tempur pedic contour- p the next thing i know it's morning. with tempur-flex you've got ther spring and 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local news and weather "good morning america" is brought to you by planet fitness. tampa bay buccaneers looking for a new head coach after firing lovie smith last night. that decision made after the team won only eight games in two seasons with smith as head coach. the team lost their final four games this season after pulling into position to compete for a wildcard spot in the playoffs. the general manager will now oversee the process of finding a new head coach. this afternoon he is set to hold a news conference about the search for lovie smith's replacement. let's update traffic with janelle martinez. >> good morning. we still have a crash on southbound 275 just before you get to hillsborough. seeing onlooker delays. let's look at drive times. 41 minutes from the apex to i- 4,13 minutes from bush to i-4. once you get to downtown you have a five-minute drive to the howard frankland bridge. we're still keeping our eye on this fatal crash that happened overnight, a pedestrian killed at fletcher and bruce b downs, the westbound lanes of fletcher still closed from bruce b downs to livingston. your alternates pretty backed up on bearss. i see some red there as you head towards westbound, maybe over to i-275. here fowler looking a lot better, if you can make it to fowler that might be a better option. checking your drive times now -- on the veterans and dale mabry, both about the same. 27 minutes from van dyke to 275 on the veterans. 28 minutes making that same drive on dale mabry. for a check of the weather here's shay. i call it pretty murky. it's overcast out there. we have good visibility still at the ground level so it hasn't settled this fog just yet. good news there, otherwise just a gray start to the the day. temperatures in the mid-50s across the area. winds between 5 to 10 miles per hour. so nothing too extreme. we'll get more sunshine breaking through by noon. as long as that happens we'll make it to highs above average in the low 70s today. very low chance of rain today. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. tom brady making news for what he's doing off the field. the chef behind the superstar's highly restrictive diet reveals brady's real keys to winning. is it healthy and could you do it? dr. jen ashton is here live. only on "gma," the cnn news anchor and her husband caught in a deadly shoot-out in their hotel room speaking out for the first time on live tv about the details of their harrowing night when an armed robber burst into their room. go big or go home ellen steals the show at the on stage. >> i call myself the mother teresa of talk shows, the dalai lama of daytime. there has. >> wait till you see her little gift for the audience. bang bang wwe slamming into times square with the ultimate divas, the bella twins and champ roman reins and in fighting shape as we say -- >> good morning, america. mwah. good morning, everyone. we're calling an audible. michael, what do you got for us. >> don't look at me like. >> i'm not. this is called the texas southern chili, everybody. >> i went to texas southern and so good that robin was eating during a commercial break because she can't hold back on it. cubed chuck beefsteak, bacon, beer, dos equis that gets cooked off, cocoa powder, coffee and cinnamon. those are the secrets -- >> you can taste the cinnamon, it's good. >> look who's here. >> come on in, have a bite, man. >> this looks delicious. >> chili but no beans, real texas chili doesn't have beans. >> it's a different consistency than regular chili with big chunks. >> it's built like me and then i have cornbread too. added a side dish. has jalapeno and cheddar cheese. >> i see you cook it in a cast iron pan. >> i've been up morning. you don't know -- >> honey, i know. >> yesterday when you did your nachos, you said, strahan, bring it. i brought it. >> when you bring it, you bring it. >> later we'll put you up on the scoreboard there because you see, you know, you're in great company here. >> i am in first place at the moment. >> side dish. appetize sfler nachos are not a side dish. >> change done come. >> throw it down right there. let's get the morning rundown from ryan smith. >> good morning, guys. we begin with breaking news from paris, police have shot a man armed with a knife outside of a police station. there were concerns he may have been waring an explosives vest and abc's alex marquardt is on the scene with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, ryan. this area has now been cordoned off. there is a heavy police presence. you can see officers back there, guns drawn, at the ready. that police station that the man tried to attack is just a short distance that way. we understand that he had a knife and shout ed ed god is great french media reporting that that vest was fake. today is the first anniversary of the massacre of "charlie hebdo." this is a city that has relatively gotten back to normal after those attacks in mid-november that left 130 people dead but it is still very. a city on edge. ryan. >> alex, thank you. also breaking overnight an attack on isis on this oil facility in libya. a massive fire spreading to storage tanks, at least ten people have been killed. update on the emergency rescue operation under way at a salt mine in upstate new york. the deepest salt mine in the country. 17 employees of the mine outside of ithaca got stuck in an elevator nearly 80 stories underground of a crane was brought in and rescuers have miners. thankfully everyone is said to be safe. new worries on wall street after more troubling news about stocks overnight. for the second time this week, china had to suspend straighting on its main stock exchange as the shanghai index dropped more and around the world are worried about their economy slowing down and falling oil prices. california is bracing for yet another day of drenching rain. more than 6 inches have fallen in some parts of california this week triggering floods and mudslides. hundreds of homes are in danger and, frankly, another storm is coming its way saturday. and you've likely heard by now nobody won last night's powerball jackpot. you got to go to work. all that prize money, now rolls into saturday's jackpot which is already an estimated $675 million. the largest jackpot ever. that sounds good but if ticket sales continue to soar, could it be $750 million. that sounds better. a scare on stage at the people's choice awards. the host of "the talk" were in the middle of their acceptance speech. this guy walks up, random guy, rushes, grabs the mike, look at sheryl, huh-uh. boom. sharon osborne not messing around kicking this guy off the stage literally. at him, guys. you better get off that stage. more of the big show coming up in "pop news" but, guys, i have to think the last thing you want to do is come up and try to talk over people who have a show called "the talk." >> yeah. >> that's a good point, ryan. that move by sharon. okay, we'll talk about diet. we have the nerve to talk about diets with the way we've been eating with the tailgating but it's a diet everyone is talking about. tom brady and gisele bundchen's plan. their personal chef revealing his menu for the pair. we'll take a look. from the gridiron. >> g. tom. >> to the red carpet. quarterback tom brady and his supermodel wife giselle bundchen are one of hollywood's most glamorous couples. now their private chef allan campbell revealing to their powerhouse diet. >> they're anyone for having some of the hottest bodies on the planet but it sounds like >> campbell telling 80% of their diet vegetables and whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and bean, the other 20% is lean meat, grass fed organic steak, chicken, wild salmon and occasionally duck. giselle posting pictures of her healthy diet on instagram seen here eating a vegetable soup. her daughter vivian digging into a green juice. and tom making breakfast with the kids with the #healthypancakes so what foods are totally off-limits? campbell says no white sugar, no white flour, no msg. i'll use raw olive oil but i never cook with olive oil. i only cook with coconut oil. fats like canola oil turn into trans fats. i use himalayan pink salt as the sodium. i never use iodized salt. >> they also don't consume very commonly eaten things like caffeine, dairy, white flour, they avoid all of those. very strict but that's what keeps tom at the top of his game in the nfl and gisele one of the most sought after models in the world. >> obviously it is working for both of them. breaking it down for us, the power couple's diet, dr. jen ashton back by popular demand? thank you. >> 80% plant based. >> yes. >> pros and cons with that. >> no smoke and mirror, sensible healthy way to eat and get a lot of vitamins and minerals. hardly any processed or packaged food. a great way to eat. >> also talked about the chef avoiding foods that cause acid. >> the alkaline diet. acidity is so controversial. all the celebrities are talking about it. ph balance. there is not a lot of great data that supports that while we eat changes the ph of our blood because our lungs and kidney does that. it does change the ph of our that that if you eat alkaline foods or foods also high in potassium it can improve muscle mass and growth hormone production and decrease back pain, all things that they might want. >> exactly. okay, now you made me feel bet he better. he avoids night shade foods >> that's what great about our jobs. we're learning all the time. this is a huge species of over 2,000 plants, some have been attributed to actually cause inflammation, some thought to decrease inflammation. it's a double-edged 1w0rd because these are apparently what they avoid because there have been some data that show that they can add to inflammation but, again, we know tomatoes, high in lycopene so it's a catch-22 but obviously it's working for them. >> eggplant. peppers. mushrooms. >> okay. >> to each his own. this is a very, very individual thing and, look, in general they're eating great and it shows. >> it is and jen will take your morning. tweet her @drjashton or post them to "gma's" facebook page. michael, what else is coming up? >> we have a lot coming up here on the "gma morning menu" ." our exclusive with the former cnn news anchor and her husband who survived a deadly motel shooting. this ale join us live. the strangers who met through a liver donation then fell for each other and now they're speaking out. plus, wwe world heavyweight champ roman reins is here and he brought his belt and challenged me to wrestle for it but i told him he could keep it. the wwe divas, nikki a and brie bella. all of that is live on "gma." 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[camera shutter] yeah. intuit turbo tax. taxes done smarter. welcome back, everybody to "good morning america." now, an exclusive with former cnn headline news anchor lynne russell and her husband chuck de caro speaking out for the first time since getting caught in a deadly shoot-out in their motel room. here is a look back at that terrifying incident. june 30th, 2015, the day former cnn headline news anchor lynne russell -- >> thank you for sharing your evening. >> and former cnn investigative reporter chuck de caro -- >> supplies had to reach northernmost positions. >> reporter: went from reporting the news to becoming it. >> breaking news. >> former cnn anchor. >> deadly shoot-out. >> caught in a real-life shoot-out with a armed robber who forced himself into their room at this motel. horrifying ordeal on camera. >> he gave me a good shove and i was airborne and into the room. about that time my husband came out of the shower and found his wife being held at gunpoint. >> reporter: both russell and de caro hold a concealed carry license and russell handed her personal handgun to her husband and when he started shooting de caro fired back staving his wife's life. the alleged robber, 27-year-old tomorio walton was killed in the gunfight. the alleged accomplice skyy barrrs pleaded guilty to kidnapping, agra gravate aggravatedburg la lary and thanked the first responders who helped save his life. that helped me in every way was just seamless and perfect. >> and right now we want to welcome lynne russell and chuck de caro to "good morning america." thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> i know you had a real reaction when you saw that picture. >> yes, i did. of course, of course. this has been a very emotional thing. we just can't -- even if you have to defend yourself and you do, you don't just walk away from it. the whole rest of your life is changed. it just always is. >> you were saying chuck is your hero. >> he is my hero. he absolutely is. couldn't have been in better hands. >> didn't have anything to do with being a hero. it had to do with a promise i made when i married her after chasing her for 30 years, i take that part about have ing ing better or worse very seriously. i don't think it could get any >> you said you believed wholeheartedly that lynne was about to be raped. >> i came out of the shower naked soaking wet shaking from the air-conditioning looking for a towel and here's my wife flying backwards through the air lands face up on the bed with this desperado pointing a gun at her and i came out and said, what the hell is going on here? and he pointed the gun at me and it went from there. unfortunately our weapons that were legally entitled to carry were on a bed table so i got between his line of sight and that, lynne was smart enough and brave enough to understand what i was doing and slid those weapons into her purse and said, maybe there's something in here he would like. >> and you both are very tough, lynne, you're a black belt twice. two time black bell and i know you also i believe trained special forces. soldier in a special forces group. nothing magic. >> i see, lynne, that you are getting very emotional here. >> you know, i've never cried on the air before but it's -- it doesn't go away and when we talk about that night i think about watching him and he was just out of the shower, you know. watching him get -- be shot. thanks so much. watching him be shot, your husband, shot, he turns to you and he says he hit me, i'm shot. >> shot three time. >> three types and this is after both of them emptied their guns and, you know, sometimes the muzzles were only this far apart. i could see -- i could see the fire coming out of them and when he said that to me, i thought, it's impossible because to me nothing like that could ever happen to him. you know. and i just -- i think about it and it doesn't go away and i another woman to have to go through watching her husband be shot, i don't want another woman to have to, you know, lie on a cot in a really cold -- sorry. this is what happens -- room in an icu. >> while he is -- tomorrow another operation for you, chuck. >> operation number four. >> don't want that again. you know, i don't want -- to think of anybody else having to be stuck in an icu room and listen to the sound of ten people working on a loved one. >> it's important for us -- of course, you don't and i know that you guys are suing motel 6. we did reach out to them about this. we did not hear back from them. what can you tell us about this lawsuit and what do you hope to get out of it? >> first thing is why were we there? that's why we were there. >> that's our family. >> it was our family. >> you, the dog -- >> dog friendly. >> very dog friendly. >> traveling cross country. >> on our way to a war game in california i ended up leading from my hospital bed. it was the dog. that was the only reason we were there in needed a couple of hours' sleep. the dog needed some care. >> here's the point. i don't think -- for whatever reason the people there, people go to motel 6s and other hotels and motels. their choice for all kinds of reasons. i just don't think and this is why, the suit, because as i was sitting in his room watching all of this and i began to do my own research i discovered that this was not an isolated kind of incident and i don't think that a person, a family should have to substitute, should have to sacrifice security for a room that is safe, a place to stay, place to spend the night in a name brand hotel anywhere for any reason. >> and we have to wrap. i know you want people to know a couple of things that they can learn. >> very quickly. ask three question, if we had asked these questions we wouldn't have been there. what is the crime rate at this hotel. been called in the past year. five year, you pick it, right. a thousand times for us, it was over a thousand times, that was the answer. are there security cameras at this place and are they monitored in realtime right here because if somebody had monitored those cameras, all the video that you guys see of us being assaulted that would have stopped it right away. the third question is are there guards and are the guards actual -- how many of them do you have because one for two hours on a saturday morning doesn't help you if you're there for a witness night. so the traveling public, don't be afraid to ask these questions and if enough of us do and we don't top then somebody's going to have to address it. >> thank you. thank you, i think those are important questions to ask. i appreciate that. and, chuck, we're thinking about you and good luck in your operation tomorrow. thank you both for being with us. >> thank you. >> we do have to get outside to rob. >> all right, lara, let's do it. time for wwe weather. round one. yes. here, nikki and brie bella. special themed forecast. brie, get us started. >> let's start with twin falls, idaho, today it is supposed to be 37 degrees with some snow and speaking of snow, it looks like in sister, oregon, there will be a lot of snow. >> good rodeo there, nikki, what do you got. >> looks like another rainy day for bella, california. >> beautiful. >> and in double oak, texas, we have sunny skies and temperatures in the mid-60s, rob. >> perfect. robin, i'm happy it's cold out here. back inside to you. >> i'm sure your wife is too. come inside, won't you. because it's "pop news" time. we begin with ellen degeneres and her hilarious and heartfelt speech for favorite humanitarian at the people's choice awards accepting her award from fellow winner and dear friend melissa mccarthy. >> and, melissa, thank you. yeah, i love you and what wonderful things you said. you forgot gorgeous but that's okay. >> ellen went on to say it is really simple. be nice. that was the goal for her talk show. mostly. >> i just set out really just to make people happy and make people laugh and to get very, very rich, and, um -- she did a great, great job. congratulations to her. >> you cannot watch her show and not feel good. >> absolutely. >> you are happy when you watch her show. >> from start to finish and she's been doing it a long time now. she has set the bar. we deserved. up next in "pop news," proof that nothing can come between a football fanatic and her favorite team. a dad in australia has it bad for his favorite team. he suggested the name la necessary straw nestra. the mom wrote to a magazine saying why it was so unique. it wasn't until she was two years old that dad admitted to mom his idea for the name lanesra is actually arsenal spelled backyards. his favorite soccer team. got away with it for two years. thankfully lanesra is a beautiful name. >> i think that's funny. working on espn there were some >> not quite lanesra. finally in science news, george, the unusually mild winter has caused flowers to bloom early, trees to blossom and squirrels to put on a few pounds. pictures of rotund rhodens have been sweeping social media with captions like, guys, i found the fattest squirrel, #fatsquirrel and this one, does this gray coat make me look fat? and there's this guy. who decided to supersize it. if you could take down that thing, you can see he took a whole avocado, forget the acorns, people, i'm going with an avocado. scientists say it makes sense the warm weather is giving the guys more time to collect their nuts and apparently they're not very good at waiting for the cold weather. >> that's why you were asking about the song. >> which, by the way, jimmy kimmel we believe is your favorite song. rain >> squirrel trying to get a nut. >> we'll be back. good morning. we are starting off on 275 and hillsborough where an earlier crash that was causing some onlooker delays is now clear. so you are in much better shape on 275 southbound all the way into downtown tampa. we are still following this fatal crash from overnight. this one in hillsborough around the usf area. fletcher westbound at bruce b downs to livingston closed still while crews are investigating. fowler, moving a little slow now, fowler moving a lot better. if you can get there that might be a better option for you, heading westbound possibly over to to 275. let's check drive times on the majors -- a little overcast outside shay. what is the weather like? i haven't been outside in hours. >> it's a bit cloudy now, pretty overcast to say the least. look at these pictures outside now. the main sail beach inn now looking murky. a gray start with a lot of low cloud cover. we're not seeing rain but wouldn't be surprised if you encountered something that was kind of mist-like out there in certain spots. temperatures are in the mid- 50s, certainly not a beautiful get some sunshine starting to break through midday. as long as that happens we will 70s. if that sunshine holds off until later in the day we might not make it quite that warm, but bottom line is, over the next couple of days our rain chances are going way up ahead of our next cool front. then our cooler air settles in for the beginning of the next rock with you all night >> all right, this takes us back now. michael jackson's "rock with you." >> i love this song. >> incredible 1979 album "off the wall." we have some young college students that are going, what, what. it was big back in the day, people. >> it was. >> yeah, there is. >> in fact, i have it, robin. on february 26th. michael jackson's estate will release a special cd and dvd package of "off the wall" that will include a new documentary by none other than spike lee called "michael jackson's i know a lot of fans will be excited about that. >> i know. we can ride the boogie >> there you go. >> they never join in when you want. >> i'm sorry, rob. >> still have that album. >> you do? >> still have the -- >> vinyl is coming back. vinyl is coming back. >> that's worth it. >> priceless to me. >> that's right. >> all scratched up but it's priceless. >> it is. wwe superstars here. the ultimate diva, the bella twins, there they are and wwe world heavyweight champ roman reigns ramping up our audience. teaches them tricks. sharing their secrets to staying fit coming up but to michael for "deals & steals." i want to see you smile thanks, guys. the new year's resolutions are on everyone's mind. still on my mind and tory johnson is here with great "deals & steals" to help us keep them. i need all the help i can get. >> what do we have. >> help for the rest of us. first up from this great company, fit and fresh what i love about these, lunch boxes that come with all kinds of little containers inside so there's portion control. you save money by bringing your own lunch to work. there's cooling packs inside, sort of just everything in one easy kit for you. an amazing deal and big assortment to choose from. normally $30 to $50 everything included. today slashed in half to 15 to 25 plus free shipping from fit & fresh. >> i like that portion control. >> good too. absolutely. this is the app sync smart bathroom scale. what's great is you can choose to use it by yourself and sync with the app to track your progress. all kinds of things beyond weight it will measure depending on how interested you are in all of the kind of specifics with fitness. three colors to choose from, a normally $40, slashed by 56%, 17.50. >> wow. 17.50 that does all that, wow. >> this is a great one. you and i were talking about this. this is the basis peak fitness tracker. a watch and fitness tracker all in one. you can text, e-mail, take your call, do all of that on there or you can also use it for all of fitness. it can detect whether you are walking, running, biking, sleeping so there's all the sleep benefit, as well. it's got really -- it's so row but. "consumer records" said it got the highest rating for ease of use. for someone that doesn't want all the difficulties, that's a good one. formally $199. slashed by 52%, $95 and free shipping. >> great deals. so keeping with the movement, these are the freshie buds. bluetooth buds. that he are great because they're waterproof so if you are out, if you're moving around, the cords aren't going to get tangled up. three different colors to choose from. also, normally $100, these are expensive. but today only, slashed by 72%, $28 and free shipping and free shipping. >> wow. >> good night sleep is important. so these are from cool gyms. super soft. moisture wick pajamas, dry four types faster than cotton. big assortment for pen and women, separates, all kinds of pieces to choose from depending on sort of your sleep style, big discount on these. normally starting at $36, everything today from the big assortment is slashed in half so starting at $18. good deal, right? >> you kidding me. i'm already on top of my new year's steps. thanks to these companies for these great deals. thank you. >> thank you. >> lara, over to you. >> thanks, michael. so, of course, amy's adventure in iceland took our breath away. so many of you but a lot of questions did happen so joining us to help answer some of them climate expert bern net woods placky, the chief meteorologist at climate central and a fellow penn state graduate so we know she knows her stuff. >> we are. >> i was asking before, i was joking in "pop news" about the fat cares and said does that worry you, you said honestly yes because the ecosystem is out of balance. >> it is. i mean that's really the core of climate change and we're going to get into a lot of that right now. >> we have a lot of questions, i know my kids had questioned and we've got questions from some of our viewers. and i want to start with this one. sheryl on twitter says with all the ice water going into the ocean how is it that ocean temperatures are rising? >> well, that's an interesting question. but take a glass of water, for example, when you first put the ice in, it does get colder but over time that ice melts and the water warms, that's the same thing that's happening. our whole earth system is connected and the more dioxide from burring of oil, gas and coal we're warming our system more and more so eventually over time the ice will melt because temperatures are going up and then the whole earth all of the water continues to warm. >> really scary. rodney on twitter says are glaciers growing in other parts of the world or are they all melting. >> they're melting and retreating but i want to get into the difference between land ice and sea ice here because i think maybe where this is coming from is that we hear about growing sea ice in the antarctic. now, in the arctic it's melting like crazy. but land ice is different than sea ice, glaciers are land ice. so we're putting more ice and more water into the ocean when they melt. again, that glass of water, when you put more in -- >> people live on the coastline should be panicking and moving inland. >> they should be staying it seriously. we never want panic but we need to take it seriously. there are ways we can solve it. >> can you give us a couple of quick tips we can take away and start doing today? need big things. so the big transition away from carbon dioxide and fossil fuel is important because it has big impacts but also on a local scale learn how the little things play a part. how we can recycle more, what else we can do. stop using as much plastic bottles and our bags and one thing that always gets me too i'm the first one for a good cup of coffee but bring your own mug. >> i want to get a couple of video questions. here's little leila. take a look. >> really want the polar bears to have food to eat so that they won't be hurting. i don't know how to fix it and i really want to. >> leila -- >> cry. >> leila, you're not the only one. a lot of people are working on this issue. it is a serious one, serious impacts but there are ways we can fix it if we all work together for this. >> okay. energy. take a look. >> hi, i'm charles from texas. if i always turn out the light what other way can i conserve energy? >> that's great. that's a great thing. the more you can conserve energy and reduce your impact on the planet, the more you're going to help everything and that's all turn down the temperature a vice versa. when it's your air-conditioning, turn down or excuse me, turn up the temperature from your air-conditioning. also, get on your feet. walk somewhere. take a bike somewhere. you don't always have to get in a car. home gardening is a great solution to a lot of issues and it's healthier and you save money. >> so little things really do matter. thank you to all of our kids and everybody asking questions and thank you, my fellow penn stater. >> we are. >> appreciate it. amy is on her way back now. can't wait to have her back tomorrow. right now let's go upstairs to rob. >> all right, lara, everybody do their part. recycling and time for wwe weather round two. [ bell dings [. >> the forecast, wwe heavyweight roman raines and the bella twins have been laying down smackdown on the weather. help me out. >> let's start with ring hill, washington, where it will be cloudy in the washington. over in champ, missouri. >> you are the champ. >> it's a little chilly. it's a rainy day but the weather looks perfect in roman, virginia, with sunny skies. >> roman, virginia. >> we're doing good in roman. >> my favorite town at this >> this weather report brought to you by ashley furniture. dallas raines, the l.a. weather guy. >> no, no. >> much bigger. what do you got there? >> rob -- >> all: roman, roman. >> these people going crazy. i want to show you a magic trick. you look great today but you're missing one thing. poof. >> come on. >> look at that. would you look at that? >> i love it. >> guys. >> i can't fight but lara this may be for the tailgating food. he's vetoed everybody. >> the way he's standing. i was just noting with robin the way rob was standing with that belt. more coming up with the wwe superstars, the bella twins and roman reigns with us live and we are going to reveal their ultimate fitness routines, tt2wat^(@%4 bt@q9op tt2wat^(@%4 "a@q)c4 tt2wat^(@%4 bm@q"h8 tt4wat^(@%4 " entq roman, nikki and brie saying hello to their fan s s. oh, my gosh. the fans love you guys. i have to say congratulations. how does it feel to have that belt? >> it feels really good. that's an understatement. i've chased it for so long. it feels like a full year and to finally have it in my possession in my hands, it's the greatest feeling ever and i hate to sound cheesy but dreams do come true. >> oh. >> i agree. [ applause ] >> nikki, you've had quite a year. >> oh, i'm nikki. it happens. it's a twin thing. >> diva, you brought your longtime john cena a -- >> longtime love. >> yeah. >> i didn't know that. >> oh, yeah, 3 1/2 years almost. >> oh, my gosh. that is a great-looking couple. >> oh, thank you. i did not know that. so lovely. >> he is amazing. >> the couple that wrestles >> i like that. that could save a lot of marriages right there. >> yeah. >> you're on to something. injury. >> yeah. >> so when are you getting back in the ring. >> i'm hoping sooner than later working with amazing doctors so first my health is the most important and then second most important is getting back in that ring and hopefully get g ting the diva's championship. >> you can fight roman. >> brie, ultimate team of what's it like without your sister? >> it's been hard because team bella. i know, right. it is weird. i will admit when i'm walking out of that curtain not to have her next to me it's sad but at the same time -- >> it's business. >> and it is my time to shine. >> hey, now, don't get -- >> now. [ cheers and applause ] >> screaming diva but you also know you brought with you some great tips for fit it is for our viewers and us. would you mind shareing. >> should i go first? >> diva of the year. >> diva of the year, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] so what i like to stick to is six days of the week i do no starch, no sugar, no dairy and on that seventh day i go insane. i start with doughnuts end the night with burgers and fries. it's like a full day of fun but it's kept me in amazing shape. easy to do on the road and i also love -- i'm a sweet tooth person. i love sugar so during those six days if i absolutely need sugar i like to get super dark chocolate bar, anything that's 98% cacao and take a little bite of it because it's kind of bitter. cures that sweet tooth. >> teeny indulgence like a little chip off. >> a tip from each of you. >> mine is i'm always on the road so i need healthy snacks constantly so my whole foods into town, i get, you know, the veggie trays, i'll get my snack peas and conbucha. fermented cheese. >> obsessed. >> natural caffeine. >> what's your go too food. >> it's not cobucha. i've been training through football, baseball, basketball, that type of thing but for me it's to switch it up. keep it new. you know, trick your body is the key. you know, if you're not getting sore then maybe you need to switch it up and also for me i have a huge goal to live as long as i can, to, you know -- >> live healthy. >> i want to live as long as i can. >> i love it. you have great energy and look fantastic. congratulation, congratulations and would you get back in the ring soon? >> yes. >> guy, wwe smackdown moves to its new home thursday nights on usa network, the big premiere is tonight. george is up. we're eating again. guys, don't watch because we're not listening to anything you just taught us. >> where did michael go? ooh. yeah. you see where michael is on the board. he is tied with lara from yesterday, nachos. i cannot believe -- my waistline can believe it's day four. it's your tournament, george. >> it's my turn. i'm ready. let's do it. there it is, barbecued blitz brisket. now, here's what's going on here. >> are you going to show us. >> i'll show you in a second. here is what it is. this is it and this is in honor of all the underdogs this weekend. >> i lo of ha. >> houston, cincinnati, minnesota, washington, all at home, all underdogs, this is for them. because i'm clearly the underdog in this room. look at this. >> i don't know. i don't know. this is great. this is what it's going to look like when it's done, bubbly and hot. take a brisket. put in the hot 500 degree, brown it on both sides, take it out and take anything you want really for the sauce, ketchup, vinegar, molasses, worcestershire, hot sauce, all kind of spices. >> do you measure? ? no, i just throw all stuff in with onions and garlic and put it away in the oven long and slow, 350, four, five hour, let it go and this is what happens? >> when does the slaw come in. >> the slaw comes on. >> that would be good in a crock pot. exactly right. these pieces are too big. >> that looks good. >> the competition. if i could only get it up there. >> there you go. >> right on there. >> robin just wants a little meat. >> that's for me, robin. >> i do love the idea of slaw on top. >> slaw on top is good. >> so just put it on top there. >> are you guys going to try it. >> i'm in. i'm in. >> thank you very much. >> whoa. >> whoa. >> my goodness. >> you're going to break all your diets. you can't eat this stuff, can you. >> we'll make it our cheat day. >> all right. >> should we grab our plate. >> come on, grab and join. >> it smells amazing, i have to say. >> it's been -- you know about competition. >> yes. >> we're competitive over here. i've got to rate them. i don't know. i don't know, george. i don't know -- >> did you take -- >> it's hard to take a bite when you're -- >> take your time. >> it's pretty amazing. >> i would -- and it truly is tailgating food. >> make it the day before. >> this is really good. >> you got a 7 or 8 down here. >> all right. >> this is really good, george. >> this is really good. >> what do you think? >> well, i love barbecue. he's a vegetarian. >> haven't said a word. >> come on. come on. >> i'll just have hers, as well. kidding, i think we have a three-way tie. i think right now we've got a three-way tie so up to you at home. who's the real winner? we want to you vote at on yahoo! little game, game on monday. alabama and clemson face off, the college football playoff national championship game. where can they see that game? on espn. we'll be right back. "good morning america" is brought to you by intuit turbotax. taxes done smart sfler thanks to the wwe on "gma." we'll have a vegan option. >> yes. >> who is going to bring this home? up to you. >> that was a tight race right there. >> looks like a "t." >> rob, yours was really great too. >> i get a consolation prize. good morning. i have an update on the fatal crash we've been talking about all morning in the usf area. the sheriff's department just reopened fletcher westbound lanes were closed at bruce b downs for most of the morning while they investigated this crash. westbound lanes back open. still some congestion in the area for the next few minutes or so but for the most part you should be good to go there. no word yet on who was killed but as soon as we know we'll let you know here and of course on twitter at tampabaytraffic. another crash, this one just in, palm harbor a crash with injuries southbound u.s. 19, just north seeing a little backup. no need for a detour at this that. this is the tampa side of the fhp reported a crash in the southbound lanes just as you head to kennedy, i checked several cameras in the area, not seeing anything, not seeing much of a slowdown across the bridge. look at the drive times. nine minutes across the causeway, 11 minutes across the howard frankland. that is just a few minutes slow this morning. >> it's still a little gloomy. main sail beach showing clouds, not necessarily raining but damp, temperatures still in the mid to upper 50s across the area, not a lot of movement in temperatures so far, we'll see them coming up closer to noon into the upper 60s. now as long as some sunshine starts to break through these clouds we will see temperatures above average in the low 70s today. it will be mostly dry, no strong chance of rain but certainly is damp this morning. we could see an isolated shower will be on friday and then

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