Transcripts For WFTS Action News At 5PM 20160818 : compareme

Transcripts For WFTS Action News At 5PM 20160818

knocking on doors gathering more information. >> i can't even wrap my head around that. it's tragic. isolated incident. doesn't affect anybody else that was in the building. but, you know, it's pretty tragic, feel bad for the mother and child that have to live with that. he's in the department of the juvenile justice with no band. >> investigators tonight working to learn more about can better develop a clear motive for this case. new developments in crime spree we've been watching for months. dozens of home burglaries in south tampa now solved after tampa police arrested these three people right there. the huge mistake investigators say the one female suspect made that helped them crack the case. >> reporter: for this south tampa home owner actually came home while there were twoburglers inside. they were caught on this surveillance video camera on his doorbell. and new police caught them, too. >> when i heard the noise in the back, you know, i didn't know what to think u. auto was hoping that my wife came home for lunch. >> reporter: it wasn't. instead a doorbell camera shows two burglars break into his south tampa home. >> until something like this happens to you little noises in your house don't mean anything. >> the big issue is after this happens to you, any little noise i'm getting u too glove over his finger is diego perera of naples according to the investigators. they were able to get through the french doors. detectives also nabbed 24-year- old leyanet morales-torres and her boyfriend 26-year-old alejandro blanco-poza. both from miami area. >> it made it very difficult. they weren't local offenders so we weren't able to look through any recent arrest histories. >> reporter: they stole hundreds of thousands of drains high end jewelry and homes since march. but the female suspect made a big mistake. they say using a stolen credit card at a south florida family dollar store. >> we got to the video they helped us dent fight subjects through video an employee of the store. that made it that much easier for us. >> reporter: detectives tell us that she had stolen jewelry on her when they arrested her. she had pawned some of it. >> i think there of they should be locked up for a long time s suspect standing in the driveway here he is still out there but tampa police say they have very good leads on him. in tampa i'm carson chambers, asbestos action news. we know it's important to protect your prized possessions so we've come up with easy and inexpensive ways to keep your home safe. first buy a bigger door plate at any home improvement store for less than $5. >> the thicker screws make it harder to kick in the door. also consider adding second locks to your windows. >> a couple more options posted at urged the south tampa burglary story. at this hour we're still monitoring the flooding disaster in louisiana. that has now killed 13 people and all new tonight we're marrying the federal government now speeding up their plans to send support to all these displaced families. as many as 4000 people are sleeping in shelters unable to return to their homes. 20 parishes are now under a disaster declaration and that means homeowners who lifer closure relief and other forms of financial help. and we do have scattered showers and storms right now across the area. pinellas and hills area. widespread crossing the west chase area knot of rocky creek and right around the odessa area. so this is covering parts of racetrack road and and then also just to the this into the safety harbor area also getting some more widespread rain. to the north we also have anywhere from wesley chapel and dade city to bay net point and moving into the new port richey area all an east to west flow. so trying to work its way off into the gulf. we'll see it still see a few more showers and storms even inland around polk county for the next couple hours. between 10:00 and midnight. so as that happens, those showers and storms bringing the temperatures down some. by midnight like i mentioned we'll be on the dry side and we'll start it all over, again, tomorrow but this pattern is not going to stay with us for long. more about that pattern shift and what that means for the timing heading into the weekend. as we speak the florida teen an accused of a disturbing murder. a 19-year-old condition they say he is stable and conscious but heavily st. augustine dated and unable to answer questions. deputies believe he stormed off from a family dinner and randomly attacked and killed a couple and started eating a victim's face. he had no record of mental illness or drug use. william mccann, the 54-year- old accused of exposing himself to a neighborhood steps away documents showing last night mccann walked outside of his st. pete beach home totally naked so that anyone walking by could see him. not clear why he did it. there's a playground just 300 feet from his house. right now we're working to confirm the cause of a fire causing all this damage to a huge largo home. take a look. the flames so strong they -- the room actually collapsed on thanks 6000 square foot house. 30 firefighters worked overnight to bring the fire on shoreline drive fortunately, a woman and daughter inside managed to escape safely. while the investigation is still early there are signs a lightning strike might have sparked this fire. witnesses telling us strong storms were rolling through when the home just went up in families. just one more work day until the weekend. maybe you're already planning your beach day. we want to be sure to check out for flags. clearwater beach stingrays stung 10 people yesterday. a nasty sting. >> reporter: the color purple flies high, warning beachgoers marine life could be close to shore. that's not keeping anyone out of the water. but even this new york ler may not see who's hidden in the sand. >> reporter: she's been in water at clearwater beach nearly every day the last few years. and the threat of stings won't stop her. >> you just slide your feet across the sand and that uses the vibration so the stingrays will >> reporter: that's what lifeguards something request, as well. the day after stingrays zapped as many as 10 people. thankfully no one was seriously hurt. >> we're going into their environment. we're by accident stepping on them. >> reporter: biologists say it's normal to see more stingrays when the heat goes up in the summer, this is their breeding season. lifeguards try to spot them but it's not easy. >> it's hard to see anything on the bottom especially the ones that we encounter. small. we kind of depend on the injuries, per se to start. >> reporter: then they can warn people like the family here on vacation and still swimming. >> it's not going to kill you if it happens anyway it will just hurt. not going to keep us from going in the water. >> reporter: just remember i lien's move and shuffle, shuffle s shuffle. an update on a story we first brought you last night at 11:00. right now iris the puppy finally back home at the society of tampa bay. the person in a surveillance video stole the puppy right out of her cage. take a look. you can see that person stick the dog inside a purse-like bag and then just walk out. this morning someone dropped off the puppy at the shelter but officials are still looking for this person in this video. at the digital dashboard the beginning of the end for the website. they just posted this article declaring it will officially shut down next week. also gawker fountain releasing understands why uny vision did not include gawker in the purchase of the other gawker media group properties. they filed for bankruptcy after losing a $140 million privacy case to hulk hogan. univision just bought out gawker and the other websites for $135 million this week. . bruised and bloodied and that's not the worst of it. jaw dropping thing a fur-year- old was forced to do in a horrific case >> plus the father unloading groceries struck by lightning steps away from the front door. the quick moves his wife made that saved the rest of his family. >> uncle sam sets his sights on payday lenders proposing strict new rules. how the industry is fighting back and what to do to make we want k you to look at brand new surveillance video just released. raising a lot of questions about whether four olympic swimmers were actually rocked in the streets of rio. this video from the night of the alleged robbery seems to show ryan lochte and three of his teammates at a gas station actually breaking down a bathroom door. and then getting into a fight with the security guard there. swimmers are vandals, not victims. lochte changing some of his previous came. before he said he had a gun held to his head. well now he says the gun was merely pointing in his direction. if brazilian investigators find the men gave false states to police they could be fined or even sentenced to jail time. new details tonight in the deadly circus tent caps from last year. the company will plead not guilty to felony charges. last august circus tent collapsed in new hampshire killing a 6-year-old girl and her father. they want to add a new rule to make it harder for payday loan companies to lend you money. >> jack cam shows us how short term high interest lend is are waning war on the proposed changes. >> reporter: an estimated 70% of americans live paycheck to lenders when the money runs out before the end of the month. the consumer financial protection bureau has proposed a change targeting what the government calls payday debt traps. the primarily the new rule makes shoe customers can afford to pay the high cost loans. the director says too many borrowers seeking a short term cash fix are saddled with loans they cannot afford ard sink into long-term >> they could eliminate your access to short term credit. a website has come out wicking at the government's proposal. >> there are two ways you can fight back. click the take action button and easily raise your voice with thousand of others to tell the bureaucrats you and your family need access to short term credit. >> reporter: the site goes people access to a p this and their lawmaker's contact information. >> if enough of us speak up, credit can be protected. >> reporter: depending on whose side you're on you can make your voice heard. the government is taking public comment on the issue until october 7. >> we provided links for you whether you want tour let the government know how you feel about the prod rule or whether you'd like to sign a petition state that crew don't agree with the rules and you don't want anything to change regarding the way you bore remoney. go to action news jackie click like. you'll see top. well, take a look at this. surveillance video shows the moment an eastern texas family gets struck by lightning on their patio. as they unload groceries from their car. it was raining heavily before he was hit but he does not remember hearing any thunder outside. after tim falls to the ground there, you can watch what happens next. his wife kayla actually gets their two kid inside to safety body indoors. >> i definitely feel blessed somebody was watching for us on that day. >> reporter: tim powell says the fame suffered burns and bruises but will be okay. their car, fried from that lightning strike. amazing how quickly that can happen. >> and the after effects he's really lucky. >> very lucky. and, again, this is just a reminder if you do hear thunder or lightning head indoors to safety. >> he was even in a safe spot like an overhang. looked like he we've seen just recently how quickly the storms can move in. just raining a little bit and all of a sudden thunder and lightning follows. >> you just can't be too careful. river gate tower cam pa camera looking over harbor and davis island and really looking much better than what it looked like about an hour ago. heavy rain was moving through. and we do have those hit or miss showers and storms across tampa bay right now. lightning stay indoors and stay were you're safe inside. take a look at where it's coming down very heavy here in northern hillsborough county. moving into the east lake area into pinellas county and olds ma. inundated the area with heavy downpours and thunder and lightning. pasco county moving away from wesley chapel now and across 41 and bay net point. starting to see also isolated storm near spring hill. into polk county light to moderate rain around bartow. around lake wales. winding down there after having some heavier rain moving through. i-75 south of the skyway bridge and right around the exit of the skyway bridge in the manatee county as you head south through sarasota and all through manatee county hit or miss heavy downpours. not the best place to be driving around right now if you store and you live in this area may want to wait another half an hour, 45 minutes. you can see a wider look of the showers and storms that have been developing on the east coast of florida then working their way across to our coast here over the last couple hours. tampa, 81 degrees, so definitely a cooldown from those showers and storms. clearwater at 90. and st. pete right now at 87. winds fairly calm across tampa bay at the moment as those showers and storms through, expect the winds to pick up. the futurecast, at 5:00 showing the rain just about where we're seeing it right now. and by 8:00, most of the storms are right along the coastline or right along the i-75 corridor with the inland areas drying out. all of us dry by midnight. very similar pattern lately tomorrow morning blue skies and sunshine. fair weather clouds but by 2:00, 3:00 we start to see the showers and storms bubbling up their way closer to the coastline. very similar pattern for tomorrow and timing. tropics, fiona not concerned worth this storm. going to remain out in the atlantic. may affect bermuda some but other than that does not look like it's going to be any threat to land. i'm watching another batch of storms just moving off the coast of africa. and that one has a 20% chance of developing over the next five days. so early next week we'll be watching it as it gets a little bit closer to the virgin islands and see if it holds together it could end up bringing heavier rain to that area. but, again, with fiona if you look at the spaghetti models some are bring it closer to bermuda. but looks like it could be pretty minimal. as we continue to look at the forecast over the next couple of days let me show you where the change is on the timing of the rain are going to come. tomorrow, like i said, going to be very much like what we've tomorrow afternoon. it's saturday and especially sunday that we start to see the difference in the pattern. sunday morning there will be a chance for coastal showers along in the first half of the day. and even on saturday some showers and storms bubbling up before noon. still, though, the coverage looks pretty low. not a washout at all for this weekends. >> that's florida's most accurate 7-day forecast. still ahead a year's long scheme busted at long last. the unconventioned way a group of criminals stealing pricey items from walmart. >> it's not just the poor people it's everybody. >> and helping families put healthy food on the table. >> the completely free way you can get fresh fruits and individual tables several times a week. new developments in the teenager here. laquan mcdonald's. now, recommending the officers involved be fired. after reviewing the evidence superintendent eddie johnson says the officers lied on their police report. the city's police board will now make the final decision. all new at 5:00 we're getting word of a disturbing child abuse case out of arkansas. the caretakers of a 4-year-old accused of zip tying her to a bed to punish her. that's not all the the girl's mom and live in boyfriend ab parentally a admitted to beating and abusing that little girl. and the two would not call the girl by her real name. instead, made her answer to quote idiot. that little girl and five other children have been removed from their home. a new cannabis dispensary opening in the bay area. medical marijuana certainly still controversial here in florida. >> the numerous steps in place to insure only the people who really need it can get it. >> i'm out of here. it's a case of being in the >> a teenager's quick thinking credited with saving a life. the reason his past experiences z236az zy6z keep your stick fingers out of the store. after two years the jaw dropping price tag on the items they sold and the reason all of us are now victims here. for nearly two years eighths stole from walmart stores across florida. >> at 200 grand of electronics ryan raiche showing us why we're the ones paying for it. persistent. >> please don't call these shoplifters. >> reporter: at nearly every walmart they could find. >> they're experienced criminals. >> reporter: tonight the sheriff says his team busted a long standing walmart crime ring. investigators say at least 7 people went from store to store snapping high end electronics by stuffing the merchandise in items like right here, a diaper box. and then paying for just the diapers. this trick worked for them for at least two years. >> low lives, i think we should punish them. >> reporter: detectives believe the grou all over the southeast. by their count they stole more than $178,000 with of electronics that were later sold for cash on craigslist. >> $178,000. you know who pays for that? not walmart. you do as the consumer. >> reporter: tonight these four suspected thieves are sitting in the count jail but deputies are still searching for these three from jacksonville. they're offering a 2000-dollar

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Arkansas , Louisiana , Tampa Bay , Tampa , Polk County , New Hampshire , Clearwater Beach , Texas , Lake Wales , Brazil , Pinellas County , Dade City , Pasco County , Spring Hill , Odessa , Wesley Chapel , New Port Richey , River Gate , Hillsborough County , Virgin Islands , Clearwater , South Tampa , France , Davis Island , Bermuda , Americans , French , Brazilian , Diego Perera , Ryan Lochte , Tim Powell , William Mccann , Eddie Johnson ,

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