Transcripts For WFTS Action News At 5AM 20161024 : compareme

Transcripts For WFTS Action News At 5AM 20161024

we have construction happening here on the sunshine skyway. this is the southbound lanes. traffic is light this morning so not really causing major issues. you will run into flashing lights out there. shay? >> things are looking good janelle. we have dry conditions. so, hopefully that will help with your morning drive. we have temperatures that are just a little bit higher than what they were yesterday morning. 62 degrees in tampa right now. 54 in temple terrace. lutz at 53. it's still cool out there and chilly to the north in citrus county with a temperature of 48. homosassa at 50 degrees. as we work through the day, there will be lots of sunshine in store. that will help to warm us up. 73 by noon. and 81 as the high today. rain unlikely. i will let you know how long that will last coming up in the seven-day forecast. deiah? >> thanks, shay. one minute after 5:00. the final push before voters go to the polls. hillary clinton and donald trump will spend a lot of time and money in our state over the next two weeks. trump is holding a rally at the mid florida credit union in tampa. ryan smith joins us with a preview of the event. good morning, ryan. reporter: good morning, guys. trump of course making another pitch to tampa bay area voters later tonight with his rally behind me at the florida state fairgrounds. we have new information to bring you this race. a new abc news poll showing hillary clinton's biggest lead yet in the race, a double digit advantage over donald trump. the national survey giving a 12- point lead 50 to 38% of likely voters picking clinton over trump. florida is a crucial swing state. the race appears to be very close in the sunshine state at this time. cbs news polling voters here, they report only a three-point trump was here over the weekend speaking to a crowd in naples. >> if we win november 8th, we are going to fix our rigged system. it's a rigged broken corrupt system. it's riding, it's -- rigged, broken, investigator rapt. they want me to take that back. folks, it's a rigged system. >> reporter: tonight's fresh over donald trump's announcement over the weekend of what he plans to do with the first 100 days in office if elected. before a donald trump white house we have the rally. the doors open at 4:00. he is slated to speak at 7:00. on the democratic side rock star jon bon jovi is coming to tampa to play a solo get out the vote concert in support of election day. so far we are working to get more information on the time, location and how you can get tickets. meanwhile, hillary clinton is heading to broward county tomorrow for a rally in coconut creek. former president bill clinton spoke at pembroke pines. he spoke at a jewish center and two churches urging people to get out and vote. >> this is about choosing answers over anger. about choosing empowerment over resentment. about choosing cooperation over endless conflict. in the end it's about approaching our neighbors within our community and country and beyond the world with bridges, not walls. >> hillary clinton's running mate tim kaine continues his swing through florida with events in miami and west palm beach. tampa police are investigating a fatal crash that shut down half the gandy bridge. the accident happened late last night in the eastbound lanes. it involved a motorcycle and eastbound lanes are shut down after the crash. they have since reopened. pinellas county deputies say two men are facing multiple charges after a crash in palm harbor saturday night. deputies say they spotted the driver, anthony lockinour weaving in and out of traffic. they tried stopping him but he kept going and crashed into a pickup truck. he tried to keep going but the car broke down later. deputies arrested lockinour and his passenger, kyle smith. investigators say they found a stolen packets of synthetic marijuana in the car. for the first time we have a description of the car that hit and killed a woman in sarasota last week. florida highway patrol believes it's a light-colored pt crews we are a sun roof with damage to the right side. lynn taylor was walking near her home in sarasota when she was hit and killed. the driver did not stop. if you have any information on the case, contact crimestoppers or fhp. a scary scene in south miami gardens church in the middle of service. the wreck sent debris flying. it injured eight people. witnesses say the driver swerved to avoid another car then lost control. it slammed into the side of mount zion ame church. >> we heard allowed noise. i thought it was a bomb. everybody started running out of the church. >> the accident left pieces of concrete on the floor and the pews. one of the victims suffered a head injury. hillsborough county teachers will meet to discuss a hiring freeze. the "tampa bay times" reports there are 100 vacancies in the district. the school board says they can fill them internally from resource teachers and subject coaches. they are trying to save money after the fund's reserve lost $200 million in the past several years. a st. pete company is laying off people at home while icor is closing the facility in st. pete early next year and laying off 76 employees. the first layoffs are set for december 16th with more to follow in january and february. >> the company is acquiring five new facilities in the u.s. and opening a new call center in poland. there is more fallout from the brexit vote. banks are preparing to leave the country by the end of the year. they said when britain leaves the euro politicians might set trade barriers. they fear u.k. based firms will lose the right to conduct business in countries. it will be months before talks get underway. the negotiations could last as long as two years but international bankers can't wait that long. breaking overnight, the u.s. says it did not carry out an air strike that killed >> this news comes as iraqis troops pushed toward mosul. the city is a vital stronghold for the islamic state. iraqi forces are shelling islamic positions. they are gaining ground but it could take several more weeks to push isis out of the city. fighting intensified in aleppo after a cease-fire ended. air strikes have hit outside the city but the syrian observatory for human rights says strikes haven't resumed inside city limits. now is the time to clean out the medicine cabinet. the pinellas county sheriff's office holding the operation pill drop. dea agents say the majority of abusers get drugs from friends and family medicine cabinet, drawers and bedside tables. it includes a walgreens in palm harbor and one in seminole. if you want more information, head to our web site, start to the day. if you got a round of golf in mind for today, it's looking fantastic. you may be a little cool as we are starting off with temperatures in the mid 50s to about 60 by 8:00. by noon we are up to 73. we top out at 81. northeast winds 5 to 10. over all looking great for whatever you have in mind to do outside. >> thanks, shay. coming up, a blame game underway after two people wonder on to an empty plane in philadelphia. who american airlines says is z256yz zy6z developing this morning, investigators are trying to figure out what caused a bus to crash into truck killing 13 people. you can see the mangled wreckage behind me. the force of the impact so strong it sent the bus 15 feet inside the truck's trailer. investigators say it's not clear if the bus was speeding or if it was an older bus. because it's an older bus it doesn't have a block box. it will make it tougher to get the answers. 31 people are injured. two passengers walked on an empty plane through an unlocked door in an apartment. a man and his 21-year-old daughter boarded the flight 1655 in philadelphia. the only problem, they weren't authorized to be on the plane yet. the pilot says someone left the gate door open overnight. american blames the airport saying it's their responsibility for locking the door. just to be safe, they did bring in a different plane for the flight to boston apologizing to the delay to passengers. a rhode island man who criticized women over the age of 20 got an eye full over the weekend. hundreds of women marched past his house. he complained that yoga pants are stinky, tacky and ridiculous on mature women. in response this happened. people that disagreed organized a yoga pants parade in front of his house. >> when i read the letter, it are sick and tired of our clothing and our bodies being policed by men. >> women should be respected no matter what we wear. >> he asked organizers to move the parade because of his safety. many he he is getting death threats. he put up a sign saying free speech on his house. he didn't come out during the parade. >> no speedo parades. >> you know what now, right past the shaffer household. >> exactly. >> i will organize it. >> oh, boy deiah, you will get yourself in trouble. take a look at the temperatures, no speedos this morning with temperatures near 45 degrees in inverness. too chilly. definitely want the extra layer starting the day around lakeland at 59. then as you can see, 52 in brooksville. 61 pardo. these temperatures are just a little higher than what we were our standards. 62 in tampa. clearwater at 65 and st. pete at 67. macdill at 56. the same with brandon. mid-50s anyhow. lots and lots of sunshine. 73 by noon. we top out at 81. rain is unlikely from start to finish. we will have higher chances for showers and storms coming up here over the next couple of days. again, though, we will see low chances for rain as we look across the area this morning. again we are on and on the warm side. over the last three hours, no rain in sight, futurecast showing as if nothing happened all day long. this is 8:00 at night and barely a cloud. we have a little cloud cover through highlands county with the green passing through unlikely to reach the ground. dew points, measure of moisture showing low humidity. it makes it feel pleasant week, by thursday, i think, we will see the humidity levels coming up. it will start to feel a bit sticky, even uncomfortable as we reach the highs in the mid- 80s with the higher humidity by thursday. into next weekend, we are looking gorgeous. never too early to check out the weekend forecast. plenty of sunshine. still less than a 10% chance that you will see rain all through the next seven days. janelle, what is going on with traffic. >> i was not preparefo cold weather. i went out in my flip-flops, no jacket. i was freezing. we had a fatal crash on the selmon that had the eastbound upper deck closed at full kenburg but that -- falkenburg but that cleared. you have lingering construction on the sunshine sky in the southbound lanes. camera is shaky but flashing lights. there is one lane blocked. not causing a huge delay. sunshine skyway. other bridges are looking great. courtney campbell eight minutes. six minutes to cross the howard frankland pinellas to hillsborough and eight minutes to cross the began by bridge. deiah? >> thanks, janelle. dozens of tow trucks lined i-75 yesterday afternoon in contribute to a fellow driver who was killed on the job. the drivers' route took them past the route where troy mcgw vehicle. fellow drivers hope his death will encourage drivers to obey the move over law. a lot of drivers say they had too many close calls. >> everyone of us jumped on the back of our trucks more times than you can count because we don't want to get hit. >> ginger darling organized the another memorial ride. if you are concerned a loved one is suffering from alzheimer's, this week they announce the mobile memory research suite offering free memory screenings in port richey. the screenings are recommended annually for anyone 65 or older. still ahead, a teenager goes into a coma and wakes up speaking a different language. hear the explanation he gives coming up. >> and a florida enu makes how it happened again. >> at&t's proposed purchase of time warner has been in the news lately. what would it mean for us? >> reporter: what the at&t time warner merger means to consumers. >> an $85 billion deal. they provide content to mobile devices as the future and believes it will let them do it better. supporters say it will be more and better content. iphone 7 may not be the same on the inside. apple chose two companies to make the inside, intel and qualcomm. the intel is about 30% slower. >> major milestone, ipod is 15 years old. steve jobs introduced the first on october 2001. >> it paved the way for future pricey at more than $300. welcome back. a bizarre story out of atlanta. >> a teen nearly killed after a severe concussion wakes up from a coma speaking flew incident spanish a language he never spoke before. du playing goalie. he difference for the ball then -- dives for the ball then another player kicks him in the head. he was airlifted to the hospital where he spent days in a coma. when he woke up, his parents say he spoke only spanish at first. >> sometimes i daze out. sometimes i feel like i am not there but i am. >> once he started speaking english again he told a local media that his spanish speaking speaking friends exposed him to the language and that may have played a role in his language change. >> bizarre. still ahead, an emu escape artist is at it again. >> you may remember taco. this is video of that incident when taco got loose and ran around on state road a1a. taco got scared by a stray dog and hopped over a fence into the parking it took animal control officers more than an hour to corral him. check your windows. cute halloween decorations could be dangerous tour kids. which items are being recalled and where they were sold. >> a horrifying story from jacksonville. a cat killed with a bow and arrow. the owner says it's not the first time her pets were target. early voting hours away. the reasons this year more than everyone group feels they must rally people to cast a ballot. >> coming up, donald trump hillary clinton pushes past trump entirely. her focus just ahead. two weeks until election day. i think we all have election fatigue. >> i'm deiah riley. >> it can't get here fast enough. i'm dan shaffer. shay ryan is in for ivan. great start to the workweek. take a look at the temperatures across hillsborough county. they are a little higher than yesterday morning. still on the cool side. you may want to send an extr head off to school. 62 tampa. 64 temple terrace. lutz 53. to the north, this is down right chilly by our standards, 48 degrees in crystal river and in beverly hills. homosassa, lecanto 50. inverness warmer at 54 and floral city at 51. there will be plenty of sunshine. it's a gorgeous day. rain chances are near zero.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , Inverness , Tampa Bay , Tampa , Hillsborough , Sheffield , United Kingdom , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , South Miami , Pinellas County , Boston , Massachusetts , Port Richey , Rhode Island , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Pembroke Pines , Brooksville , Iraq , Lakeland , Hillsborough County , Mount Zion Ame Church , Beverly Hills , Clearwater , Poland , Spain , Broward County , Britain , Spanish , Iraqi , Syrian , Iraqis , American , Lynn Taylor , Tim Kaine , Shay Ryan , Kyle Smith , Courtney Campbell , Ryan Smith , Dan Shaffer , Hillary Clinton ,

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