Transcripts For WFTS Action News At 530PM 20160317 : compare

Transcripts For WFTS Action News At 530PM 20160317

the account was overdrawn by $1,000. >> the church is mourning over this. >> reporter: we tracked her down to her home but couldn't get any comments. community members are donating to the charity making sure no woman in need miss out. >> the community has stepped up to the plate as good people will do. >> reporter: the church pastor sent out this letter asking for prayers. happening now, it's saint patrick's day in the bay area. shame on me. i forgot to wear green. bill logan is live and looks like a lot of people are having fun. can you hear me, bill? my green so i won't get pinched. donedne is scottish in origin but on a day like today it's close enough. >> reporter: it seems all the world is irish but 51.2% of us americans celebrate in some form or fashion. that's good enough for the folks in palm harbor cooking and serving up five tons of corned beef this week. about three of that 10,000 pounds including this sandwich. this will be friday and continuing. snow birds are here for a last blast before they head up north. >> reporter: you wouldn't miss saint patties's day here? >> no way. >> reporter: those who help fill the bellies know this week can be as profitable as a whole month during other times of the year. >> basically we're in season and we add another 20% for this week. >> reporter: this year a bigger reason to celebrate as the first day of the ncaa tournament coinciding with saint patrick's day. on a normal first day of action employers have more reason to work a bit differently. >> reporter: do you have to call out for this holiday? >> no, just work the schedule around a bit. >> reporter: you know, we're working the schedule around a bit too. the festivities out here in until the calendar flips over to march 18th. there's areas across the bay that will enjoy saint patrick's day activity right through the weekend. that's the beauty of having this fall in the middle of the week. laura is giving me grief because i don't have green. but here i can't because of the green screen. mother nature providing rain into citrus county. you will be good to go. right on through the evening partly cloudy skies and mild and temperatures only in the upper 70s. fog tomorrow morning and yeah, there's rain on the way and then there's probably our last cool snap of the season and that's also on the way. and how low it will go coming up in a couple minutes. developing out of north florida now, more than 70 people recovering tonight after a semi truck crashes into two school buses. a semi rear ended a stopped bus and it hit another school bus. the 64-year old truck driver is still in the hospital. at least 14 families planning to take legal actions and authorities say they believe may have been a factor in this crash. the united states believing isis is committing genocide in iraq and syria. john kerry used that official term today to describe the attacks against christians and the last time they declared genocide was on darfor in 2004. a teen shot on sunday. he claims the dou was breaking in a car. >> the evidence is so overwhelming that there's nothing that can be done except an indictment or immediate arrest. >> police are not discussing the specifics of this case saying it remains an active investigation. recently released documents show the soldier held captive by the taliban for five years has a personality disorder. he was diagnosed with skizotpple disorder after being brought back to the u.s. the u.s. traded five taliban prisoners for his release. he is now fighting a court dissergs and misbehavior before the enemy. a new nominee for the supreme court holds meetings on capital hill, democrats are turning up the pressure on republicans to consider him. senate majority leader mitch mc con nel is not going to meet with him calling it "a waste of his time". >> reporter: merrick garland's first stop on the hill. >> there's no reason why especially somebody as noncontroversial as chief judge, there's no question this couldn't be done by memorial day. >> reporter: another show of support on steps of the supreme court where democratic senators gathered to press their point. >> republicans in the senate need to do their job. merrick garland deserves hearing and a timely vote. >> mc connel is leading his troops over the cliff. >> reporter: republican leaders remain united in opposition. majority with john cornin. >> there's too much at stake at the hands of this president headed out the door. >> reporter: they say voters should have a say. the senate committee pushing back merrick garland's reputation. democrats are decrying a decision that they macon firm garland only if hillary clinton is elected in november to keep next at 5:30. the cost of air ambulance service is up nationwide. the company in florida getting the most complaints. a brand new florida resident getting a nice welcome. >> i don't care if they through dynamite at it. >> reporter: what she found and what police removed. over the past five years air 0. >> reporter: in an emergency air ambulances can mean the difference between life and death. >> if a lincoln limo versus a jeep. >> i remember the crunch of the metal and that's all i remember. >> reporter: sophia had complications from having her tonsils removed. >> she got up and was spitting up blood. >> reporter: they went into cardiac arrest causing her they all had insurance and were flown to air head. they offer a safe flight here at saint joseph's tampa as well as sites in pinellas. they also lead the industry in billing. eric received two big bills. >> i got air lifted to the local hospital they had to fly me down to miami. >> reporter: the cost added up to $70,000 which is company is trying to collect. >> you have enough to worry about with what you're doing in life. >> reporter: sophia was billed $39,000. >> the surgery was $16,000. and the helicopter $35,000. $45,000 for a 26-mile flight. >> i want everyone to know how agreeshs this is. it's crazy. >> reporter: the company paying the claim really sticks them with the bill. >> webster says prices are high because his company has to transport uninsured patients for free and gets low reimbursements for medicaid. their insurance paid less than half of the cost. >> if everybody pays their fair still be $12,000. want to. there's no transparency how to you're bleeding and unconscious and you don't have any choice in saying yes, i want to take the flight and afterwards you have no ability to figure out what the real price is. >> reporter: these lawsuits from the bay area are among hundreds air method have filed nationwide against patients who didn't pay their balances after their insurance companies wrote checks. christy's husband signed this form giving air method permission to put a lean on their home. >> i want to pay a reasonable dollar amount. >> reporter: they say they work with patients who cannot pay the full amount but the company has to continue charging fees until reimbursements grow. >> this service and this access goes away. a saint petersburg man accused of stealing more than $145,000 from a mexican restaurant. at red mesa restaurant on fourth street north. he stole more than $35,000 by shorting the server's paychecks and writing bad checks. this all happened over a 14-month span. police still looking for two other employees named in the case. i got a question. wasn't it the last half hour you were over there? >> yes, i had to get closer to you to pinch you. >> i knew there was something going on. >> i actually forgot. at least you have an excuse i got the green wall over there. we're looking outside and i'm a little more curious about what's beginning to pop up about 45 miles off of citrus county sarasota, it's beautiful across the area. here's what i'm talking about there. again, we were saying the way the next three days play out is a frontal boundary or moisture out ahead of a front. it's going to hang out a few days and because of that, a piece of energy is going to ride through. that will pump up the atmosphere's ability to give us shower. this is something we have to watch. hour. we take a closer look at this. it's not a huge deal unless you live in pasco or citrus county or hernando. there's rain going on in northern citrus county and everybody else especially east of i-75 well into the 80s and side of polk county compared to what we had closer to the beach which was still in the mid to upper 70s which is where we're supposed to be this time of the year. the forecast is low to mid 60s akros the northern counties and there will be fog first thing in the morning. outside now, tampa checking in at 79 degrees. humidity at 64%. the dew point still high. the magic number we look at in the summertime is when the dew point is 70 or higher it's sticky and you can feel it. when it's only march it makes you wonder how summer will be. the morning low only dropped to 70 this morning. 75 in saint pete. 13 miles per hour. sarasota, mostly sunny and 76 degrees. the overwhelming majority of rain stays to the north. there's that one area we have to keep our eyes on. the models are saying it's not going to make it here. the majority of the rain from ocala and gainesville. warm day with sun and clouds. maybe a few showers. saturday is the day that i'm more concerned about with outdoor plans. not that we're expecting severe threat. this is saturday morning and by saturday afternoon into saturday night i think there's a decent chance we will see a period of heavier rains. won't last all day but it will be in around in terms of rainfall totals primarily late saturday afternoon into sunday morning along the coast and we start to clear out noticeably and cool off big time by early not a freeze or anything but you'll notice the change. 82 on friday and 81 on saturday. sunday showers early in the morning and otherwise partly sunny in the afternoon and look at monday. 67 for the high. back in the low 80s by the middle of the week. why would you do this? >> an atlanta man throws boiling water on his girlfriend's son new tonight a young couple recovering from severe burns. a man through water on them because of their sexual orientation. the 21-year old says his mother's boyfriend poured scalding hot water over him. doctors took skin from his thigh to replace skin on his back. >> it doesn't go anywhere. it doesn't die down. the pain hurts all day. >> reporter: he's charged with two counts of aggravated battery. georgia is one of five states that doesn't have a state hate crime law. here's a look at what's coming up next. kotfila, jr. coping with this tragedy. a terrifying encounter for this woman when the trapping of now at 6:00, remembering a fallen hero. a hillsborough family opening up to abc action news about the man who gave his life to save an innocent driver. good evening, i'm lauren harris. >> deputy john kotfila, jr. driver to save a woman's life. his funeral hours away. how is the family coping now? >>reporter: you can imagine it's been a tough week but they say the community support has helped them through this. they came here to the memorial. a man who spent six years serving his community when you see that smile, it's infectious. >> reporter: john sharing with us the family moments. the kotfila family coming from a long line of officers. >> i tried to dissuade him from it. you see a lot of tragedy. >> reporter: he went on to spend six years doing a job he loved.

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Miami , Florida , United States , Gainesville , Mexico , Saint Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Iraq , Tampa , Ocala , Atlanta , Georgia , Polk County , Syria , Ireland , Americans , Mexican , Irish , Mitch Mc , John Kerry , Hillary Clinton , Lauren Harris ,

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Transcripts For WFTS Action News At 530PM 20160317 :

Transcripts For WFTS Action News At 530PM 20160317

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the account was overdrawn by $1,000. >> the church is mourning over this. >> reporter: we tracked her down to her home but couldn't get any comments. community members are donating to the charity making sure no woman in need miss out. >> the community has stepped up to the plate as good people will do. >> reporter: the church pastor sent out this letter asking for prayers. happening now, it's saint patrick's day in the bay area. shame on me. i forgot to wear green. bill logan is live and looks like a lot of people are having fun. can you hear me, bill? my green so i won't get pinched. donedne is scottish in origin but on a day like today it's close enough. >> reporter: it seems all the world is irish but 51.2% of us americans celebrate in some form or fashion. that's good enough for the folks in palm harbor cooking and serving up five tons of corned beef this week. about three of that 10,000 pounds including this sandwich. this will be friday and continuing. snow birds are here for a last blast before they head up north. >> reporter: you wouldn't miss saint patties's day here? >> no way. >> reporter: those who help fill the bellies know this week can be as profitable as a whole month during other times of the year. >> basically we're in season and we add another 20% for this week. >> reporter: this year a bigger reason to celebrate as the first day of the ncaa tournament coinciding with saint patrick's day. on a normal first day of action employers have more reason to work a bit differently. >> reporter: do you have to call out for this holiday? >> no, just work the schedule around a bit. >> reporter: you know, we're working the schedule around a bit too. the festivities out here in until the calendar flips over to march 18th. there's areas across the bay that will enjoy saint patrick's day activity right through the weekend. that's the beauty of having this fall in the middle of the week. laura is giving me grief because i don't have green. but here i can't because of the green screen. mother nature providing rain into citrus county. you will be good to go. right on through the evening partly cloudy skies and mild and temperatures only in the upper 70s. fog tomorrow morning and yeah, there's rain on the way and then there's probably our last cool snap of the season and that's also on the way. and how low it will go coming up in a couple minutes. developing out of north florida now, more than 70 people recovering tonight after a semi truck crashes into two school buses. a semi rear ended a stopped bus and it hit another school bus. the 64-year old truck driver is still in the hospital. at least 14 families planning to take legal actions and authorities say they believe may have been a factor in this crash. the united states believing isis is committing genocide in iraq and syria. john kerry used that official term today to describe the attacks against christians and the last time they declared genocide was on darfor in 2004. a teen shot on sunday. he claims the dou was breaking in a car. >> the evidence is so overwhelming that there's nothing that can be done except an indictment or immediate arrest. >> police are not discussing the specifics of this case saying it remains an active investigation. recently released documents show the soldier held captive by the taliban for five years has a personality disorder. he was diagnosed with skizotpple disorder after being brought back to the u.s. the u.s. traded five taliban prisoners for his release. he is now fighting a court dissergs and misbehavior before the enemy. a new nominee for the supreme court holds meetings on capital hill, democrats are turning up the pressure on republicans to consider him. senate majority leader mitch mc con nel is not going to meet with him calling it "a waste of his time". >> reporter: merrick garland's first stop on the hill. >> there's no reason why especially somebody as noncontroversial as chief judge, there's no question this couldn't be done by memorial day. >> reporter: another show of support on steps of the supreme court where democratic senators gathered to press their point. >> republicans in the senate need to do their job. merrick garland deserves hearing and a timely vote. >> mc connel is leading his troops over the cliff. >> reporter: republican leaders remain united in opposition. majority with john cornin. >> there's too much at stake at the hands of this president headed out the door. >> reporter: they say voters should have a say. the senate committee pushing back merrick garland's reputation. democrats are decrying a decision that they macon firm garland only if hillary clinton is elected in november to keep next at 5:30. the cost of air ambulance service is up nationwide. the company in florida getting the most complaints. a brand new florida resident getting a nice welcome. >> i don't care if they through dynamite at it. >> reporter: what she found and what police removed. over the past five years air 0. >> reporter: in an emergency air ambulances can mean the difference between life and death. >> if a lincoln limo versus a jeep. >> i remember the crunch of the metal and that's all i remember. >> reporter: sophia had complications from having her tonsils removed. >> she got up and was spitting up blood. >> reporter: they went into cardiac arrest causing her they all had insurance and were flown to air head. they offer a safe flight here at saint joseph's tampa as well as sites in pinellas. they also lead the industry in billing. eric received two big bills. >> i got air lifted to the local hospital they had to fly me down to miami. >> reporter: the cost added up to $70,000 which is company is trying to collect. >> you have enough to worry about with what you're doing in life. >> reporter: sophia was billed $39,000. >> the surgery was $16,000. and the helicopter $35,000. $45,000 for a 26-mile flight. >> i want everyone to know how agreeshs this is. it's crazy. >> reporter: the company paying the claim really sticks them with the bill. >> webster says prices are high because his company has to transport uninsured patients for free and gets low reimbursements for medicaid. their insurance paid less than half of the cost. >> if everybody pays their fair still be $12,000. want to. there's no transparency how to you're bleeding and unconscious and you don't have any choice in saying yes, i want to take the flight and afterwards you have no ability to figure out what the real price is. >> reporter: these lawsuits from the bay area are among hundreds air method have filed nationwide against patients who didn't pay their balances after their insurance companies wrote checks. christy's husband signed this form giving air method permission to put a lean on their home. >> i want to pay a reasonable dollar amount. >> reporter: they say they work with patients who cannot pay the full amount but the company has to continue charging fees until reimbursements grow. >> this service and this access goes away. a saint petersburg man accused of stealing more than $145,000 from a mexican restaurant. at red mesa restaurant on fourth street north. he stole more than $35,000 by shorting the server's paychecks and writing bad checks. this all happened over a 14-month span. police still looking for two other employees named in the case. i got a question. wasn't it the last half hour you were over there? >> yes, i had to get closer to you to pinch you. >> i knew there was something going on. >> i actually forgot. at least you have an excuse i got the green wall over there. we're looking outside and i'm a little more curious about what's beginning to pop up about 45 miles off of citrus county sarasota, it's beautiful across the area. here's what i'm talking about there. again, we were saying the way the next three days play out is a frontal boundary or moisture out ahead of a front. it's going to hang out a few days and because of that, a piece of energy is going to ride through. that will pump up the atmosphere's ability to give us shower. this is something we have to watch. hour. we take a closer look at this. it's not a huge deal unless you live in pasco or citrus county or hernando. there's rain going on in northern citrus county and everybody else especially east of i-75 well into the 80s and side of polk county compared to what we had closer to the beach which was still in the mid to upper 70s which is where we're supposed to be this time of the year. the forecast is low to mid 60s akros the northern counties and there will be fog first thing in the morning. outside now, tampa checking in at 79 degrees. humidity at 64%. the dew point still high. the magic number we look at in the summertime is when the dew point is 70 or higher it's sticky and you can feel it. when it's only march it makes you wonder how summer will be. the morning low only dropped to 70 this morning. 75 in saint pete. 13 miles per hour. sarasota, mostly sunny and 76 degrees. the overwhelming majority of rain stays to the north. there's that one area we have to keep our eyes on. the models are saying it's not going to make it here. the majority of the rain from ocala and gainesville. warm day with sun and clouds. maybe a few showers. saturday is the day that i'm more concerned about with outdoor plans. not that we're expecting severe threat. this is saturday morning and by saturday afternoon into saturday night i think there's a decent chance we will see a period of heavier rains. won't last all day but it will be in around in terms of rainfall totals primarily late saturday afternoon into sunday morning along the coast and we start to clear out noticeably and cool off big time by early not a freeze or anything but you'll notice the change. 82 on friday and 81 on saturday. sunday showers early in the morning and otherwise partly sunny in the afternoon and look at monday. 67 for the high. back in the low 80s by the middle of the week. why would you do this? >> an atlanta man throws boiling water on his girlfriend's son new tonight a young couple recovering from severe burns. a man through water on them because of their sexual orientation. the 21-year old says his mother's boyfriend poured scalding hot water over him. doctors took skin from his thigh to replace skin on his back. >> it doesn't go anywhere. it doesn't die down. the pain hurts all day. >> reporter: he's charged with two counts of aggravated battery. georgia is one of five states that doesn't have a state hate crime law. here's a look at what's coming up next. kotfila, jr. coping with this tragedy. a terrifying encounter for this woman when the trapping of now at 6:00, remembering a fallen hero. a hillsborough family opening up to abc action news about the man who gave his life to save an innocent driver. good evening, i'm lauren harris. >> deputy john kotfila, jr. driver to save a woman's life. his funeral hours away. how is the family coping now? >>reporter: you can imagine it's been a tough week but they say the community support has helped them through this. they came here to the memorial. a man who spent six years serving his community when you see that smile, it's infectious. >> reporter: john sharing with us the family moments. the kotfila family coming from a long line of officers. >> i tried to dissuade him from it. you see a lot of tragedy. >> reporter: he went on to spend six years doing a job he loved.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , Gainesville , Mexico , Saint Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Iraq , Tampa , Ocala , Atlanta , Georgia , Polk County , Syria , Ireland , Americans , Mexican , Irish , Mitch Mc , John Kerry , Hillary Clinton , Lauren Harris ,

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