Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 Sunday Morning 20160313 : compare

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 Sunday Morning 20160313

but this is the one that is the killer. >> yes. >> we spring ahead one hour and if you didn't do it, you will be late for everything all day long. a live look at the radar. no rain falling over dade and broward right now. but showers off the coast. a few blips on the radar. it looks like we will be okay this morning. but a line of pretty heavy showers heading to the middle kees. right around marathon. in about a half hour. that could spread farther north into dade and broward later today. right now, we've got 73 in miami. 72 degrees in fort lauderdale. 69 is the cool spot in west candle. everybody very mild out there right now. indy, low to mid 70s. here is the planner for the day, into the afternoon. by noon, warm and humid. partly cloudy, 81. 3:00. as well. few minutes. >> john, thank you. following a developing story out of miami. where crews are searching for a person missing in the water. lake at 51st avenue and 7th street. authorities say a man in his 40s went on a wave runner but did not return. his friend spotted the jet ski in some trees but could not find him. crews with several agencies were searching by air and in the water last night. authorities say he was not wearing a life vest. now, to campaign 2016, protests are rough outside, a donald trump outside in kansas city missouri. police sprayed the crowd with foggers and ordered to disburse them. and a starled donald trump at a rally in ohio yesterday, after a man tried to breach trump's security. you can see a protester being taken away but the event otherwise appeared calm. >> a far different scene from friday night in chicago, when a rally turned into a protest. and then into an all-out brawl. people were injured and arrests of hand, it was called off. >> there are also this weekend, marco rubio, in washington, d.c. and john kasich behind him and trump with 14%. and senator ted cruz has won most of the delegates at steak in wyoming. rubio comes in second at 19%. and donald trump won only 7% of the vote. but it is controversy over these trump rallies that are grabbing headlines this morning. >> some say the recent violent protests are one reason his nomination would hurt the republican party. cbs 4 has the report. >> reporter: police used foggers to disburse protesters outside a donald trump rally in kansas city saturday night. >> earlier secret service agents formed a sish around the presidential candidate as a man tried to rush the stage at a rally in ohio. and trump was forced to cancel an event friday, as fights supporters and protesters, in chicago. chaos there spilled into the street. where police made several arrests. including cbs journalist soppen deb. >> there have been other groups of coordinated protests at past rallies but nothing as massive as what i saw last night. >> reporter: the republican front-runner declined to take responsibility. >> they want me to tell my people, please be nice be nice. my people are nice. >> he blamed supporters of democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders for instigating the violence. >> what our supporters are doing is responding to a candidate who has in fact, in many ways, encouraged violence. >> reporter: trump's g.o.p. rivals criticize the protesters, but also faulted the billionaire. >> i know at this moment, do continue to support the republican nominee but it is ends at the top. >> trump has rallies in three states scheduled for sunday. cbs news, new york. >> one of those trump ral list being held tonight in boca raton at the sunset cove amphitheater and then tomorrow, expected to hold a rally at trump national doral at 6:00 in the evening. trump's democratic rival hillary clinton is weighing in on the violent protest in chicago. the democratic front-runner campaigned in st. louis missouri yesterday where she said trump's aggressive language encourages violence. >> the ugly divisive rhetoric we are hearing from donald trump and the encouragement of violence and aggression is wrong. it you play with matches, are you going to start a fire you can't control. >> meanwhile, in dallas, president obama said politicians to aspire to lead the country should try to bring >> in the shadow of the trump rally controversy, is in a fight for florida. on tuesday. stand in florida. hillary clinton has 63%. according to a real clear politics poll, with sanders trailing behind, at 29%. on the republican side, trump is in the lead with 41%. followed by rubio at 24%. and this weekend, supporters for the republican candidates were out campaigning in their last-minute push to take florida. cbs 4 donna rapato reports. >> reporter: it has been a busy day for republican presidential candidate campaigns and their supporters across south florida. as they make their final pushes before tuesday's primary election. several leaders were at a g.o.p. dinner saturday night, put on by the broward county executive committee including former presidential candidate ben carson. republican supporters here excited for tuesday's primary in november, looking ahead. i don't like the fact that they are ganging up on trump. i see now that ted cruz is, you know, asking for rubio's voters, and you know, the whole establishment is doing everything they can to derail trump. >> i see the young people are out. the first time i have seen that, and people are talking about, it and i think rubio can reach the young people very, very strongly. >> i would hope that we could bring the same kind of elegance that nancy reagan exhibited back to the white house one day. and i would think that carly fiorina and ted cruz would be the most likely to succeed. >> hello, nancy, may i speak to lawrence nelson? >> speaking of ted cruz, the supporters made calls all day in the final push. >> i am supporting him in making phone calls and talking to friends and family and my neighborhood and trying to convince everybody to vote for him. >> and over here in westchester, these folks are showing support for their marco rubio. an impromptu rally, pots and pans and music behind the chanting. >> an donald trump accused ted cruz's campaign of voter fraud. and also marco rubio. asking law enforcement to check for dishonest early voting in florida on behalf of little marco. and the corruption allegations were pushed back, saying they have not heard of any problems but receive nod formal complaints. rubio's senior advisor addressed the issue with cbs 4. >> donald trump is issuing baseless attacks. he thinks he can say whatever he wants and not face any consequences for it. the truth is that voters here can make him face consequences by going out to vote on sunday, and on tuesday, of election day. >> reporter: and just a few more hours before early voting ends sunday night at 7:00. cbs 4 this morning. >> and today is the last day of early voting here in florida, people have already cast absentee or early voting ballots. in broward county, 128,000 have cast their ballots. we caught up with some voters in fort lauderdale. >> because i usually don't come and do voting early but you know, i am pro, of course, democrat, so definitely i don't want to try to get no republicans in the seat, and of course, definitely not donald trump. >> i know trump is a little bit of a loose cannon. but you know, at the same time, i think this country is going down the tubes slowly, one way -- or more divisionally, one way or the other with the establishment. so i am ready to roll the dice and see what happens. >> and keep in mind, florida is a closed primary state. that means you can only vote in the party in which you are registered. stay with cbs 4 news for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. now through election day. i will have a special edition of cbs 4 this morning. leading up to florida's primary. coverage tomorrow and tuesday at 9:00 a.m., right here on cbs 4. now, at 7:00, we have learned seven people have been arrested in friday night's spring break scuffle on south beach. you can see just how chaotic and out of control things got in the cell phone videos posted on social media. a scuffle broke out at ocean drive when police tried to contain the crowd. >> everybody was trying to get under control but some people got too rowdy and when the police were attacked, all of the police tried to help them. >> and miami beach police were able to call off the backup units within a couple of hours of the unrest. and still ahead on cbs 4 this sunday morning, we talk with marco rubio's super volunteer from miami who the senator mentioned during thursday's g.o.p. debate. hear what he is saying about the brush with political fame. >> and severe weather in the south forces weres from their homes. but is the worst yet to come? the question is, will we see any of that rain here today? right now we are tracking some pretty heavy showers. just south of the keys. heading toward the middle keys right now. and eventually that could head into dade and broward later today. i will have your sunday entire week ahead, when ugh. i really shouldn't. no, you know what? i should. and i will. i deserve this. i'm a bogo findin', weekly ad flippin', couponing mastermind. who's saving big time? this girl! can i help you? indeed. this queen of savings deserves a reward. a cannoli, please. the weekly ad, bogos and coupons. three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. publix. where shopping good morning. welcome back to our coverage of campaign 2016. thursday night's republican national debate gave florida man a brief brush with political frame after mentioned by marco rubio. we caught up with the voluntary who was surprised and flattered. tuesday night, which is the reason i could get up the next day and keep fighting. there is a gentleman in south florida who just got out of surgery and his doctors told him he needs to be home resting but every afternoon he has an aluminum chair and sits outside an early polling center and holds the sign and says marco rubio. >> this is the 69-year-old man edward sutten. >> vote for marco rubio. will you promise me you will vote for marco. god bless me, ma'am. >> it is what he has been doing since early voting began in florida, which has given the presidential hopeful the encouragement so much to keep fighting. so much, he mentioned him in the speech. >> and i represent his sacrifices he has made so their children can have a better life has not given up on him and i will not give up on him. >> it made me proud. >> a proud moment that got oust surgery and should be home resting. >> coming out here, and supporting marco rubio was more important than anything i could do. >> thank you for voting marco. >> it is a commitment this father of four says he has for his children. >> i'm not doing it for as much as marco as i am for my kids because he is a person who is going to give them the best future possible. >> and he said he will stay at his post at the coral reef branch library until the last voter leaves but until he has never met marco rubio personally, they do go to the same church in pinecrest. caught on camera, a group of thieves burglarizes an amscott branch on kendall drive. surveillance images show three men and one woman breaking into the business early this were able to get in through the roof. >> i can't say that this is not only dangerous for us, but it is also dangerous for the community as this can happen to any other business as well so it is important that we apprehend these suspects. they are very well planned or organized and they have done it before, and i believe they will do it again. >> the company is now asking for the community's help in finding the people responsible. they are offering a $25,000 reward. so anyone with information is asked to call police. news across america, one person is dead, two others are missing after a tugboat crash into a barge on the hudson river in new york city. the u.s. coast guard is searching for the missing crew members who are presumed dead. new york's governor says state police are using sonar to locate the tugboat under water. authorities say when the 90- foot tugboat struck the barge, it spilled about 5,000 gallons of fuel into the water. we've got our eye on the storm in louisiana, where damage left by days of rain that submerged roads and forced residents to flee their homes. at least three people have died in louisiana. where some areas have seen 10 to 15 inches of rain. and cbs 4 david begnow has more from bossier city, louisiana. >> reporter: flood water was seeping through sandbags in bossier city. crews added more bags in the low-lying vulnerable areas along a levee which protects about 3500 homes. the home of chris smith and his wife laura backs up to the levee. they were ordered to evacuate, but decided not to. >> i had surgery on monday. i had a hysterectomy to get rid of cervical cancer and advised not to travel. >> reporter: west of here in cattle parish, cattle lake is expected to rise to 179 feet. flooding not seen in nearly 50 years. across louisiana, there is moderate to major flooding on 50% of the state's bayous and rivers right now. north of new orleans, in the city of folsom, lori bar roy's trying to reach her and found her trapped in her own home. she lost everything during hurricane katrina. >> heart breaking. deja vu. >> back in louisiana in bossier city, the smith family is ready it sandbags. >> the red cross called me yesterday, asking if i could help with the disaster in the area and i told them i have to worry about my own home before i help others. >> i am walking on the levee that they are talking about. they put more sandbags out here but you can see what the seepage did for the last several hours. those are some of the homes they are concerned about. the mayor of bossier city, don't let the sunshine deceive you, we're not out of the woods just yet. david begnow, cbs news, bossier city, louisiana. >> and hopefully we will not see any of that here. >> we won't. that's for sure. but we will see a few scattered showers and storms. >> and overnight. we were a little wet. >> and when it rains, it rains over my house usually. >> oh, you got to lose that black cloud. that's not good. a look at the radar, speaking of that, and a few showers on the radar. but they are in the keys right now. the middle keys. a few little sprinkles over marybel's house and where you happen to be as well. but the bulk of what we are tracking later today is going to be coming in from this direction here. and you can see, marathon, you will get those in about 15 minutes, and pretty heavy line of showers and storms, extending way out into the straits of florida. and nice and mild out there for a sunday morning. 73 in miami. and 72 fort lauderdale. 75 at pompo beach. and 72 at pembroke pines. much cooler, cover the tomato plants in west kendall down to 69 there. 72 in homestead. look at that beautiful shot. looking to the east. downtown fort lauderdale to the atlantic ocean and you can see some of those strato cumulus clouds, and ato cumulus clouds about to roll in as well. not producing any rain anywhere 73 in miami. 72 fort lauderdale. 75 in key west. you can tell i'm a real weather nerd when i'm talk about alto cumulus clouds on a sunday morning. don't i have anything better to talk about? >> a light wind at 6 miles an hour. temperatures around the state, 70 in tallahassee. 70 in tampa. 67 in melbourne. we have 73 miami. 75 key west. so it is not really chilly anywhere. despite the fact that we are still officially in the winter season. some of those clouds rolling on through, with the high level clouds coming in from the west and low level clouds coming in from the east. and nothing worse than plain old partly cloudy out there right now. we do see some of those showers, rolling in, from the straits of florida. up the coast of cuba last night and they will continue to hold together. and another line of showers out of the north eastern gulf of mexico to the northwest. and some of this may start squeezing in on us. later today. especially with some of that daytime heating. in fact our future radar, high resolution computer models for the next 12 hours, indicating mainly over the western suburbs, later today and then kind of winding down by about 7:00. i will show you the window, if you're outdoors today, for possible storms between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. keep an eye out especially during those three hours. 83 for a high later today. warm and humid out there. with some of those spotty storms, especially second half of the day, and 2-3-foot seas and bay water, light chop and notice the new sunrise and sunset times, in the sevens, and 7:32, sunrise. and 7:29 is your sunset. and i don't know about you but i kind of like the sunshine, the daylight, later in the day, not early. here is your forecast, well into the 80s, over the next few days. nighttime lows in the 60s. spotty storms today and tomorrow. and then dry most of the week. >> all right, thanks. not too bad, still ahead on cbs 4 this sunday morning. the panthers. oh, those panthers, come out on top. shootout at home. against the flyers. >> it was wild. the miami heat, also took their game to overtime, but without not hey how' s it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren' t they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and you' ll reach your customers where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it' s more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don' t see that every day. p introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. the panthers pulled out a thrill ner a shootout against the flyers and the raptors with the basketball team without dwayne wade. mike has the sports report. >> good morning, south florida. two cities in two nights proved to be too much for the miami heat. in toronto last night, dwayne wade, given the day off to deal with a bruised thigh. final minute, mark derosen, have yourself a game. 38 points. giving the raptors a four point lead. with under 10 seconds to go. heat down three. broken play. luol deng in the corner. buries the equalizer. this game goes to overtime. the extra frame, turnovers were a killer for miami. derosen, stripped here, and the patrick paterson is money. goot effort from the heat last night but they fall 112-104. >> we played as hard as we can. there is a reason why they have a good record. but i think early in the season, that would have been, you know, a different game, and an easy game for them, it just shows how much better we got and we will take the positively out of it and just keep getting better. >> all they do is win, win, win, in san antonio. the spurs have not lost at home in a year and the thunder tried to snap that streak last night. fourth quarter, kevin durant from 10 feet out, striking range. but the 28 points were not enough. that is leonard went off. nine points in the fourth quarter. san antonio pulls away from the 93-85 win. 44 wins in a row at home for the spurs. last night, the 96 stanley cup finals team, in the building, for panthers/flyers. let's go to the third. riley smith crashing in the net. takes out the goalie. scores first. the flyers tie it up they force overtime. and alexander barkoff wants a win and goes five hole. time to go home. panthers pick up a big w. great goal from barkoff but i'm not sure roberto luongo was all too impressed. >> scoring a big one to start it off for us and i think we missed one then all year. so it is pretty nice to see that. he doesn't come against me in practice. he must be scared. >> and panthers pulled within a point of the boston bruins with the win last night. that will do it for sports. i'm mark cunio, for cbs 4 this morning. >> and a big night for the panthers and the flyers. one specific player. huge night for him. >> incredible story. the first player born and raised in south florida, shane, played for the flyers and that's who scored the goal. >> hometown. >> and 100 people at the the game, mom, dads, friends, family. >> opposite team but good for him. >> but panthers won the game. last day of early voting in >> and hundreds of thousands have already cast a ballot in miami-dade and broward. coming up we will take a look at what you need to know if you are thinking about making a last-minute run to the polls before tonight. plus this. >> i can smell the garlic with the shrimp here at shi-shon off coral way. it is a hidden gem you have to hear about. taste of the town. i'm lisa petrillo. and it is coming your way. we'll be right back. served with sirloin steak. the sizzling sound of fresh florida vegetables mingling together; saut\ zucchini, squash, bell peppers, and tomatoes in golden olive oil. garnish with fresh parsley and serve with juicy sirloin steak. that's how easily pan roasted florida vegetables complete a delicious meal. visit for more great recipes. and remember, delicious is always good sunday morning, south florida. i'm marybel rodriguez. >> the time is 7:30. hope you moved the clocks ahead. here is what we are working on right now. today is the last day of early voting in south florida. coming up, we will take a look at what you need to know if you're thinking of making a last-minute run to the polls before tonight. >> on the healthwatch, this morning, how we use our eyes in this technology-driven world, can have a serious effect on our vision. important information this morning, on how to protect your sight. >> and later mentoring matters. our series on the series of helping children, focuses on a mentee who is surprising everyone around him. we little slow you how. good morning, it is 7:31. it is a little dark but it is 7:31. meteorologist john girard is here with our sunday forecast. john, good morning. >> hey there. yes, you can afford to maybe oversleep a little bit, you know, when we fall back an hour, but you can't do it when you spring ahead an hour, because you are going to be really late today and trying to figure out why. schedule today with the clock a.m. and anyway, the radar not broward. with sprinkles and light showers over the ocean moving to the north. and heavier showers heading to marathon in the middle keys. a big line of heavy showers out there in the straits causing gusty winds out there for the boaters out that way. we are in the low to mid-70s across the board. 73 in miami. here is the outlook as we go through the end of the afternoon hours. at noon, 81. and partly cloudy warm and humid. by 3:00, maybe a few storms begin to pop up. and 83 degrees by 6:00 p.m. and 82 spotty storms and still on the warm side. back with your complete forecast, for the entire new week in a few minutes. >> all right, john, thank you. and we are following some breaking news this morning. out of miami beach. we will get to that in a few minutes. but first, today is the last day of early voting in florida and miami-dade county. nearly 175 people have already in broward county, 128,000 have cast their ballots. we caught up with some voters in fort lauderdale. because i usually don't come and do the voting early, but you know, i am pro of course democrat, and so definitely, i don't want to try to get no republicans in the seat, and of course, definitely not donald trump. >> i know donald trump is a little bit of a loose cannon but this country is going down the tubes more quickly one way or the other with the establishment so i am ready to roll the dice and see what happens. >> and keep in mind, florida is a closed primary state. that means you can only vote in the party in which you are registered. stay with cbs 4 news for continuing coverage of campaign 2016 now through election day. we will have a special edition of cbs 4 this morning, leading up to florida's primary, look for complete coverage, and election coverage, tomorrow, and tuesday, at 9:00 a.m., now, to news from across america. a man suspected of plowing a snowmobile into two iditarod dog teams says he is sorry for what he did. 26-year-old arnold demossski says wees drunk at the time and didn't know what he was doing until he sobered up and race officials say he struck mushers in separate incidents in alaska on saturday. both mushers are okay. but one dog was killed. and at least three others were injured. >> this is a real low spot. i know the village feels bad. and it is very sad to know that anyone has such low regard for life and injuries, they let themselves get in a position to do bad things. police later that night and confessed. he is facing assault and other charges. on the healthwatch, nearly 60% of americans use digital devices for five hours or more each day, and most of us use two or more devices at a time. >> that's right. but how we use our eyes in the technology-driven world can have a serious effect on our vision. cbs 4 david sutta has more on that, and how we can protect our sight. >> kay bower is an occupational therapist and relies on her contact lenses to keep her going throughout the day. >> i see patients at home. i do home health. so that is why i am constantly in and out of the car. >> by the end of that day, bower says she feels the strain on her eyes. >> on the cell phone. for sure. you know. texting. a lot. like i said, i am on the computer a lot. and i am in and out of the car, constantly driving. and i drive at night as well. so i do a lot of eyestraining. >> the vision council reports 90% of americans use digital and 76% of americans look at their digital devices in the hour before going to sleep. >> it has become a very visual world, and more people working at closer distance, which can create eyestrain and tired eyes. >> dr. barry kay says we all have a natural blink rate that replenishing our tears in our eyes an when we stair at digital device, we don't blink as often and that causes our eyes to dry out and strain. >> let's take a look at your contacts. >> dr. kay says for those who wear contacts there is a solution. >> the new active vue that is called oasis with hydro lux and they made the lens much smoother, kind of like going from 100 thread count sheet to maybe a thousand thread count. >> just blink. >> a major difference. i don't even feel like i have contacts in. >> and if you don't wear contacts, dr. kay believes there is a way you can protect your eyes. he recommends eye stretching exercises. >> one of the things i tell my so stressful, is something we call the 20/20/20 rule. and the rule is this. every 20 minutes, look at least 20 feet away, for 20 seconds. >> david sutter, cbs 4 this morning. >> i got to watch my eyesight. >> take careful. >> get off the phone. >> time now is 7:36. still ahead on cbs 4 this sunday morning, mentoring matters. >> the latest story in our series of the importance of helping children, shows us how one student can succeed against the odds when a teacher is willing to take him under his wing. >> plus, how does a perfect breakfast sound right now? we are taking to you a spanish sensation on coral way, in this morning's taste of the town. >> good sunday morning. i'm john in cbs 4 weather control. i'm tracking some showers and gusty downpours, but they are over the straits of florida. only a concern for boaters right now. but that could be a sign of things to come. i will have your complete upcoming week, when we c good morning. welcome back. time is 7:40. time for cbs 4 mentoring matters. each week we are bringing you stories of people in our community who are dedicated to impacting the lives of young people. >> this morning, we take to you the schools for advanced homestead campus. cbs 4 found and extraordinary high school student who keeps surprising his mentor and peers with every move he makes. >> a little careful. when it comes out, it will drip. that's perfect. put yourself a cap on there. >> 17-year-old nor berto ariano is working in the science lab with his organic chemistry professor, storing the highest in his class at the recent exam at the homestead campus and still in high school. an accomplishment astounding on every level but it is the challenges he continues to overcome to realize his dream of becoming a doctor that so impressed dr. lei. >> my plan is to become a pediatric orthopedic surgeon. and that is really the ticket out of poverty for me. but that same respect, it is not about the money to me. it is a job that i would do, you know, even if it was like minimum wage. because it is my passion. people. that's really my goal. >> you wouldn't know it from his suit and lab coat but roberto is homeless. while the rest of the family sleeps in a shelter, he stays with a family member so he can use the internet and focus on his studies. at one point, he took two buses an a train to get to dr. lei's class every day, waking up at 4:00 a.m., and sometimes not returning home until after midnight. >> how hard he is trying, and how much potential he has, i mean it is kind of a no brainer. >> there is a reason norberto is so passionate about becoming a pediatric surgeon. he was born with cerebral palsy. one leg shorter than the other. and countless surgeries and medical procedures. >> all of the surgeries and what i have been through, each have added to that drive that i have always had. >> dr. lei saw in him a shining light. he gave norberto the models he needed to study when he couldn't afford them. and jumped through hoops to continue to take more of his classes. he volunteers his time to work with norberto and other students in the research lab. >> this is not the end of the story. he is going somewhere else, and this way, he won't go there with empty hands. he will say look, i have used this equipment and i have presented at conferences and i have written up abstracts and papers. >> he is like almost like a parental figure to me. he watches over me. and the work that i do. and his goal is to make me a great chemist. >> and on this night, a culmination of their efforts together. >> i know i have the power to do extraordinary things. i know there is nothing that i can stop me. >> dr. lei in the audience. supporting norberto as he always does, as he gives a ted x youth talk. >> explore the possibilities. trace your dreams. kindle your passion. and always know that no matter will always find the path to new heights of achievement. >> he has tremendous story. i have never seen anybody overcome the obstacles that he has had to overcome. that's just absolutely phenomenal. >> norberto and dr. lei say they of course plan to stay in touch, long after norberto has finished his studies. he has already been accepted to colorado college on full scholarship. and dr. lei says norberto's story casts a light on the issue of homelessness. he has a place for his dedicated student on his wall of fame. cbs 4 news. >> for information on how you can become a mentor, head over to our web site, cbs miami .com/mentoring matters. we have a whole list of organizations you can get involved with. what a story, what a remarkable young man. >> yes. ander the name. >> you got to remember it. >> absolutely. it goes to show when you really want something, you can achieve it. >> john, good morning. >> good morning to you as well. we have showers on the concerned about right now. but maybe later on. we will move into dave and broward. check it out. the way it looks, the sweeps are on but we are not indicating any rain around dade and broward. a few sprinkles maybe where you were last night but nothing on the radar right now. a couple of radar stops as we put this in motion and you can see the showers offshore, between the coast and out there to the biminis. not a big concern yesterday. but an indication that the moisture is beginning to build. here is the where the bulk of the showers and gusty downpours are taking place marathon and the florida straits. continuing to move in the north to northwesterly direction and some of it looks to be moving into dade and broward later this afternoon and some of them could be locally heavy in a few spots. real spotty. very localized but there could be a couple of quick heavy hitters out there. especially with the daytime heating kicks in later today. we don't talk about daytime heating in mid march but it is a warm day out there. and 73 in miami right now. and 72 in fort lauderdale. and here is a live look outside, from biscayne bay, looking to the east, toward south beach and to the ocean. we have a mostly cloudy sky. and sunrise, in just a little bit. so while we have of course, we have sprung ahead one hour, you did, right? i hope you did. and you will see how much light ter is later into the evening. 73 in miami right now. and 72 fort lauderdale. currently 75 in key west. and your sunday morning relative humidity, kind of sticky out there. 84%. a light southeasterly breeze. at 6 miles an hour. around the state, it is 67 in melbourne. an 66 in orlando. and 66 in gainsville. and 70 in tallahassee. so once again, tallahassee beats gainsville, and anyway, fort myers, at 68. and 68 in naples. and inside joke around here. anyway, 75 in key west right now. partly cloudy skies out there. no rain showing up locally but we did indicate some of the showers to the north will spread to the north. and another line of showers out there, across the northeast bend area of northwestern florida. so some of this could start squeezing in on us later on today. here is the future radar. we will go ahead and stop this at noon. notice how the computer model is forecasting scattered showers and storms in parts of dade and broward. most of that offshore. as we head to 4:00 this afternoon, a heavier concentration, mainly over the evergrades of dade and broward but they could pop up anywhere. and as we head later on this evening, right around sunset at 7:30. sunset at 7:30, yes, that's that's right. it should be all gone. >> 83 today. warm and humid with a few spotty showers and two to three feet seas and a cool 74. scattered storms out there and possibly -- sunny and warm the rest of the week. gator fans are mad at you right now. lisa petrillo still to come finds a hidden gym in taste of the town thanks to a cbs 4 viewer. >> yummy. >> i can smell the garlic with it is a hidden gem you got to hear about. it is taste of the town. i'm lisa petrillo. and it soming your way. >> and can't wait to see that and taste it. we'l when you' re on hold, your business is on hold. that' s why comcast business doesn' t leave you there. when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds. no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride' s ready. don' t get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a it is time for another edition of "taste of the town," marybel is ready for this. this morning we head to coral way in miami to a spanish restaurant known very well to loyal locals. >> cbs 4 lisa petrillo shows us, you will feel like you're dining a world away. >> reporter: whether it is the sum shous sizzling shrimp or tasty tapas and treats, quite the sampling of spain at the spanish restaurant in coral way in miami. the three story 6,000 square foot base is owned by carlos and his wife begonia. and named after the spanish city in which she was born. it opened in 2001 as a deli, something begonia always wanted. >> it is part of a delicatessen and she liked the deli business and she always liked the food in spain. this personal touch. >> the full deli is here on the same floor as the main dining room. there is a catering space upstairs. and the vino wine room downstairs. >> we carry over 300 types of wine. but all 100% spanish wine. we don't care ry wine from any other places. >> the food is a combination of appetizers, tapas and main dishes. everything is authentic. >> the idea was, if you are from spain, or you know the spanish cuisine, you want to come here, and experience really spanish food. >> so let's get started. we begin with the appetizer platter. with smoked salmon. sardines and salt. marinated tuna and watermelon. i go for the salmon. >> the fresh salmon, on top of a pastry? i would never put together, or know you could put it together, but it is like a european delicious dessert in an ap tizer. >> and then a tuna and water mellen. >> a perfect combination of salty and sweet. the watermelon is perfectly ripe and soft and perk and the saltiness of the tuna on top. it is a really nice combination in your mouth. >> next, tapas. sizzling shrimp and garlic sauce. >> elegant and simple and so very spanish. the shrimp is fresh and delicious. the garlic gives it that wonderful flavor. it is not oversauced. this is the real deal. a spanish classic, seafood paella with shrimp, mussels clams. >> if you have never gone to spain, this is what it tastes like. >> deon, a hidden gem in miami offering an escape to another continent. >> welcome to the spanish feast, open seven days a week, lunch and dinner and just lunch on sundays. for more information log on to our web site at cbs miami .com. miami. i'm lisa petrillo, cbs 4 news. >> the restaurant is at 2101 southwest 22nd street in miami. and thanks to a cbs 4 view irfor the suggestion. if you would like a restaurant that lisa should check out, e- mail us at taste of the town at or tweet lisa directly @ lisa petrillo. cbs 44 sunday morning is coming right back. but first, here is a look at the boys and girls club golf classic takes place tomorrow morning at the deering bay yacht and country club. for more information about this event and other vanes happening across south florida, go to our web site cbs miami .com. and cbs 4 this sun morning will yeah, that's right. deal diva coming through. you see all my bogos, my weekly ad. just wait till you see my savings. and brace yourself. the digital coupons are coming next. look at her, you saved quite a bit today go ahead. say it. cha-ching! thank you the weekly ad, bogos and coupons. three easy ways to save at the same place you love to shop. publix. where shopping is a pleasure. (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. , welcome back. a rollercoaster style racecourse in dubai hosted the world's drone speed. with tight turns and obstacles. the tornado took home the big prize. >> unlike motor sports, which is very expensive to get involved in, the audience out there, can watch this sport and if they enjoy it, they can buy a drone and go to a local club and practice and who knows, in a year's time, they might be here competing at the next world drone prix. anyone can do it at any age. >> that is proof. the team was led by a 15-year- old british boy and managed to beat pilots twice his age. >> very cool. and little havana will come alive with salsa music and with the annual festival, that officially begins today at 10:00 a.m. and runs until 7:00 p.m. the festival takes place on southwest eighth street from 27th avenue southwest 8th avenue. but along with the partying, there will be some traffic tie- ups for the festival. southwest seventh street is closed from 8th avenue to southwest 27th avenue. and andy garcia is the king that is cbs 4 good sunday morning, everyone. >> it is 8:00 a.m. here is what we are working on right now. >> more votes cast this weekend in campaign 2016 but the focus of the political world is on donald trump's tension-filled rallies. new clashes with protester, last night, at a critical approaches. >> in the water off miami, where a jet skier is missing. a friend spotted the jet ski but the rider is nowhere to be found. >> and later, we've got our eye on the storm in louisiana, where residents are feeling the damage left by days of rain and why there are now fears this morning that relief is far from coming. cbs 4 this sunday morning, starts now. it is 8:00 on sunday, march 13. hope you turn those clocks ahead. i'm steve goldstein. >> i'm marybel rodriguez. thanks for making us a part of your morning. meteorologist john girardi is here and not late and you got here in town, and changed your clock, everything is good, i was a little concerned about that. >> very concerned. >> yes. >> right. but we're good. john, good morning. >> good morning to you too. a 7:00 a.m. look at the rather. wait a minute, make that 8:00 a.m. look at the radar right now. things are pretty clear out there, in terms of dade and up storms later today. nothing going on down toward the beaches, a few showers well offshore, but we are noticing some clouds beginning to roll in. and also, some pretty heavy showers, and gusty downpours across the straits of florida. continuing to move to the north toward marathon and the middle keys right now. temperatures starting off in the low to mid-70s. a nice mild but muggy start to the day, so far. and we will be warm and humid, with partly cloudy skies at noon. and 81. but by 3:00 p.m., we will see a few storms beginning to pop up. especially in the western suburbs. 83. and by 6:00 p.m. still a few spotty storms around and still warm, 82. and nothing really widespread. but some of these could be locally heavy where they hit. we will have more weather in a few minutes. >> john, thank you. following breaking news out of miami beach where police are investigating a shooting. cbs 4 is live at the scene with the very latest. silva, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this has been an active scene just until a few minutes ago. i will step out of the way and show you where we are. we are on ocean drive. this entire section was closed. and it started as a fight, at about midnight. about 12:45 i'm told in front of the break water hotel. it started as a fistfight, and turned into a shooting. i'm told someone pulled out a gun and shot twice, shot a man, a young man, we are told in his 20s, transported to the hospital, you can see right behind me, lots of activity now, and cars are able to get across on ocean drive and you can see the cleanup happening, but this entire section was closed for about search hours as miami beach police were investigating the shooting. where we are at this time trying to figure out the condition of this man who was shot here. and this is not the first incident this weekend. lots of spring breakers in town. and trying to have a good time. lots of tourists in town, trying to have a good time. and apparently another incident, on friday evening, about seven people were arrested, and things were described as chaotic and out of control. we had some cell phone video, the 8:30 hour. we spoke to some spring breakers, someone from out of mexico, in town. and somebody from new york, and they said they were actually afraid to be in the area, and couldn't figure out how to get it to their hotels. but we are told that at this point, the man has been taken to the hospital. his condition unknown. and the suspect is still on the loose. and we are going to work on some more updates on the story and when we have more, we will let you know. live in miami beach, cbs 4 news this morning. >> silva, thanks. and we are following a developing story out of miami. crews are searching for a missing person in the water at the blue lagoon at 51st avenue and 7th street. authorities say a man went out on a wave runner, he was in his 40s and never returned. crews with several agencies were searching by air. and in the water last night. wearing a life vest. protests erupt outside a donald trump rally in kansas city, missouri. police spraying the crowd with them. >> and a startled donald trump at a rally in ohio yesterday trump's security. you can see a protester being taken away, but the event otherwise appeared calm. >> a far different scene from the night in chicago, when a rally turned into a protest and then into an all-out brawl. people were injured and arrests were made. the event got so out of hand, it was called off. there are also votes this weekend that are being cast and senator marco rubio has won the presidential caucuses in washington, d.c. john kasich behind him and donald trump at 14%. senator ted cruz has won most of the delegates at stake in wyoming. rubio comes in second at 19%. trump, won only 7% of the vote. but it is the controversy over the trump rallies that is grabbing all of the headlines this morning. >> trump eye vales val -- rivals say the situation is one reason his nomination would hurt the party. >> police used fogger to dispurse protesters outside a donald trump rally in kansas city. earlier secret service agents formed a circle around the presidential candidate as a man tried to rush the stage at a rally in ohio. and trump was forced to cancel an event friday, as fights broke out between his supporters and protesters in chicago. chaos there spilled into the streets. where police made several arrests, including cbs journalist sopan deb. >> there have been other groups of coordinated protests at past rallies but nothing as massive as what i saw last night. >> reporter: the republican front-runner declined to take responsibility. people, please be nice, be nice, my people are nice. >> reporter: instead, he blamed supporters of democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders, for instigating the violence. >> what our supporters are doing, is responding to a candidate who has in fact in many ways encouraged violence. >> trump's g.o.p. rivals criticized the protesters but also faulted the billionaire. >> i still at this moment continue to intend to support the republican nominee, but it is getting harder every day responsible begins and ends at the top. >> trump has rallies scheduled for sunday. >> one of those trump rallies held tonight is in boca raton at the sun set cove amphitheater and tomorrow, expected to hold a rally at the national doral at 6:00 in the evening. trump's democratic rival hillary clinton is weighing in the democratic front-runner campaigned in st. louis, missouri, yesterday. where she said trump's aggressive language encourages violence. >> but the ugly, divisive rhetoric we are hearing from donald trump and the encouragement of violence and aggression is wrong, and it is dangerous. if you play with matches, you are going to start a fire you can't control. >> and president obama was in dallas, where he said politicians who aspired to lead the country should try to bring americans together, not divide them. >> in the shadow of the trump rally controversy, the fight is on for florida. winner take all state. up for grabs on tuesday. here is where the democratic presidential candidates stand in florida. hillary clinton has 63%, according to a real clear politics poll. but with sanders trailing behind at 29%. on the republican side, trump is in the lead with 41%. and ted cruz, 18%. and this weekend, supporters for the republican candidates were out campaigning in the last-minute push to take florida. cbs 4 donna rapato reports. >> reporter: it has been a busy day for republican presidential candidate campaign, and their supporters across south florida. as they make their final pushes before tuesday's primary election. several leaders were at at g.o.p. dinner saturday night, formed by the broward county executive committee including former presidential candidate ben carson. republican supporters excited for tuesday's primary and november looking ahead. >> i am sure he will carry florida. i don't like the fact that they are ganging up on trump. i see now that ted cruz is, you know, asking for rubio's voters, and you know, the whole establishment is doing everything they can to derail trump. >> i can see the young people are out. it is the first time i have seen that. and people are talking about it. and i think rubio can reach the >> i would hope that we could bring the same kind of elegance that nancy reagan exhibited back to the white house one day. and i would think that carly fiorina and ted cruz would be the most likely to succeed. >> hello may i please speak to lawrence nelson? >> speaking of ted cruz, his supporters made calls all day in the final push. >> i am supporting him in making phone calls and talking to friends and family and my neighborhood. making sure, trying to convince everybody to vote for him. >> over here in westchester, these folks are showing support for their hometown candidate miami style marco rubio. >> an impromptu rally on bird road, pots and pans with the channing. >> and rubios a campaign has been looked at as voter fraud with marco being dishonest. and trump tweeted his campaign was asking law enforcement to check for dishonest early on behalf of little marco. but the election officials pushed back against the allegations saying they received no formal complaints am and the senior advisor addressed the issue with cbs 4. >> donald trump is issuing baseless attacks and he thinks he can say whatever he wants and not face any consequences with it. and the truth is the voters can make him face consequences by going out to vote on sunday and on tuesday of election day. >> and a few more hours before early voting ends sunday night at 7:00. donna rapato, cbs 4 this morning. still ahead on cbs 4 this morning, we talked with marco rubio's super volunteer from miami. who the senator mentioned during the g.o.p. debate. here is what he is saying about his brush with political fame. >> i'm john girard in weather control. nice morning out there this morning. we have mostly cloudy, however. it is a bit on the warm and muggy side. that's a live look from the doral cam. looking toward downtown miami, it looks cloudy but no rain on the radar yet. (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) answer the call already. good morning. welcome back. we have our eye on the storm in louisiana where residents are feeling the damage left by days of rain that submerged roads and forced residents to flee their homes. >> at least three people have died in louisiana where some areas have seen 10-15 inches of rain. david begnow has more from bossier city, louisiana. >> flood water was seeping through sandbags in bossier city. crews added more bags in the low-lying vulnerable areas along a levee which protects the home of chris smith and laura backs up to the levee and ordered to evacuate but decide nod to the. >> i had a hysterectomy on monday to get rid of cervical cancer and i was advised not to travel. >> cattle lane is expected to rise to 179 feet. flooding not seen in nearly 50 years. across louisiana, there is moderate to major flooding on 50% of the state's bayous and rivers right now. north of new orleans, in the city of folsom, larry barrow's family tried most of friday trying to reach her and found her trapped in her own home. barrow lost everything during hurricane katrina. deja vu. >> back to north louisiana, in bossier city, the smith family is ready with sandbags. >> the red cross called me yesterday asking if i could help with the disaster in the area and i told them i have to worry about my own home before i can go help others right now. >> i am walking on the levees they are concerned about. as for the seepage i showed you more sandbags and nothing is seeping in right now but you he can see what the seepage did the last several hourses. the mayor says don't let the sunshine deceive you today. we are not out of woods just yet. david begnow, cbs news, bossier city, louisiana. >> hopefully they will be okay. meanwhile here at home -- there is such a low-lying area. they get a lot of water there, as we found out through katrina and other storms that have gone through. it is a bad deal when they get a lot of rain there, and flooding. but for us, we are going to get a few showers and storms later today. it is kine of indirectly from that system. not really going to get hit straight on with that. but a lot of leftover moisture from that, it is getting picked up and cards in our direction. you can see in the radar, pretty dry across dade and broward. heavy showers to the middle keys and we will be noticing more of a southeast to southerly flow. developing, we had an easterly flow over the past several days. but now, the moisture is beginning to come in from the south. a little more tropical humidity few scattered storms with the daytime heating kicking in as well. a few showers well offshore. otherwise, mostly cloudy skies. and i mean you step outdoors this morning, you will say it looks reich rain any minute but leave the umbrella home until 1:00 or 2:00 this afternoon. unless you're in the keys. the showers are hitting hard. gusty downpours around the middle keys. around marathon as well. a lot of that is going to spread north, into dade and broward, later today. especially out in the everglades. some of that across the metro as well. and we are starting off with temperatures in the low to mid- 70s. right now, it is already a warm and muggy start to the day. here is a live look from our doral camera, from our cbs 4 rooftop now looking off to the east/southeast. you can see downtown and miami beach. and a little bit of sunshine, breaking through a mostly cloudy sky. a beautiful shot right there am and 74 miami. and 73 fort lauderdale. and currently 75 in key west. the relative humidity is on the muggy side. and 82%. and the wind is light. from the south/southeast. at 6 mice an hour. everywhere, from the panhandle to the keys. 60s and 70s anywhere. traveling anywhere in the state today, the weather should be mostly okay. except for the afternoon showers and storms. especially across portions of south florida. later today. the radar is clear. as i mentioned, a few clouds rolling through. but i am tracking two areas of rain. one is to the south. and that is the area we just showed you on the radar. and also an area of showers and storms across the north eastern gulf. some of this might kind of squeeze in on us later today. the future radar, indicating that as we head toward about 12:30, some of those scattered showers popping up over dade and broward and we will continue a tour of the future radar and stop this at about 4:30, heavier concentration of storms, and showers, mainly over the everglades, and it looks like as we lose the heating of the day, later on toward 7:00, 8:00, that is gone. so most of this will miss. but some of it, will hit some of western suburbs. 83, warm and humid. and spotty storms. southwest winds 10 to 15. for the boaters 2-3-foot seas. surf temperature is a cool 74. notice the sunrise and sup sunset times. and an hour later so if you enjoy the late afternoon early evening daylight, you ill when joy today. spotty showers today. spotty showers tomorrow. sunny and warm most of this week. that is weather. >> john, thank you. back now to the coverage of campaign 2016. thursday night's republican presidential debate gave a south florida man a brief brush with political fame. after he was mentioned by senator marco rubio. we caught up with the volunteer who says he was surprised and flattered. >> on tuesday night, i didn't do as well, obviously, as i wanted to and i was a little bit disappointed when i got home. and my wife told me a story that night. which is the reason why i can get up the next day and keep fighting. there is a gentleman here in south florida who just got out of surgery. and his doctors told him he needs to be home resting but every afternoon he takes a aluminum chair and sits outside an early polling center and holds a sign that says marco rubio. 69-year-old everett sutton. >> whatever you do, vote for marco rubio. will you do that? will you promise me you will vote for marco? god bless you, ma'am. >> it is what he has been doing since early voting began in florida, that has given the presidential hopeful the encouragement to keep fighting. so much, he mentioned sutten in the republican debate thursday night. >> for him, i symbolize all of the sacrifices that his generation made so their children can have a better life than themselves. that gentleman has not given up on me and i will not give on him. i will work tirelessly every single day because this election is too important. >> i was absolutely flattered. i thought it was the nicest thing key have said. and it made me proud. >> a proud moment for everett, who got out of surgery and should be home resting. but has chosen to rally for rubio instead. >> with this going on, coming out here and supporting marco rubio, was more important than anything i could do. >> thank you for voting marco. father of four says he has for his children. >> i'm not doing it so much for marco as i am for my kids because he is the person who is going to give them and this country the very best future possible. >> and everett says he will stay at his post at the coral reef branch library until the last voter leaves. he also mentioned that although he has never met marco rubio personally, they do attend the same church in pine crest. face the nation is coming up at 10:30 right here on cbs 4. moderator john dickerson is joining us live from washington, d.c. this morning. john, good morning. >> good morning, marybel. it has been a tense last few days in republican politics with those clashes at donald trump's rallies. we will talk to donald trump about those rallies and the charges he has been insighting some of this mayhem. we are also going to talk to john kasich about where he thinks his campaign is headed. we have new poll numbers that show him neck and neck with donald trump in ohio. one of those crucial states then bernie sanders, who had a big upset win in michigan, is he going to be able to build on that? what is the state of his campaign, going forward? and also, it is a lot of his supporters who are showing up, at these trump rallies, donald trump is now suggesting he might send some of his supporters over to visit bernie sanders. and an escalation that can't lead to much good. >> we will talk to anthony, our cbs news director of elections. he has some interesting poll numbers in those states that vote tuesday. and that could be it, on the republican side. some people think if donald trump wins on tuesday, he might be on his way to the winner's circle. so busy day, as usual, marybel. >> very busy and trump will be here in south florida again. boca raton. and tomorrow, do ral. and i am sure he has a lot to say. >> always does. >> all right, john, thank you. and remember, face the nation kicks off at 10:30 a.m. right here on cbs 4. still ahead on cbs 4 this morning, the panthers come out on top in a shootout at home >> and you are loving every minute of it, right? >> i was. >> and the miami heat took their game to overtime but without dwayne wade, the result was not as good. highlights are coming up in right the panthers won a shootout thriller last night against the philadelphia flyers. while the miami heat went to overtime in toronto trying to take care of business without dwayne wade. here is mike with sports. >> good morning, south florida. two cities and two nights proved to be too much for the miami heat. in toronto last night, dwayne wade given the day off to deal with a bruised thigh. final minute. derosen, have yourself a game. 38 points. these two giving the raptors a four-point lead. but with under 10 seconds to go. heat down three. luol deng in the corner. buries the equalizer. this game goes to overtime. were a killer for miami. derosen here, on the move for the raptors. the heat fall 112-104. >> we played as hard as we can. they are a very good team. there is a good reason why they have a good record. >> but i think early in the season it would have been a different game, an easy game for them but it shows how much better we got and we will take the positive and keep getting better. all they do is win win win in san antonio. they have not lost at home in a year and the thunder tried to snap the streak last night. kevin durant, the 28 points weren't enough. that's because san antonio pulls away for the 93-85 win. and that is 44 wins in a row, at home, for the spurs. last night, the 96 stanley cup finals team in the building riley smith crashing in the net and takes out the goalie but scores first. ununder two to play, the flyers tie tup. we go to the shootout. alexander barkoff wants a win. time to go home. panthers pick up a big w. i'm not sure roberto luongo was all too impressed. >> they scored a big one to start it off for us. and i think we missed one all year, so, you know, it is pretty nice to see that, he doesn't even come against me in practice, he must be scared. [ laughter ] >> panthers pulled to within a point of the boston bruins with that win last night. that's going to do it for sports. i'm mike cunio, for cbs 4 this morning. >> great game. >> yes. >> a lot of excitement. >> unbelievable. not too many philadelphia fans but that is okay, it was sold out, all good. >> awesome. time now is 8:27. still ahead on cbs 4 sunday morning, a taste of the town. the shrimp here at shi shon, right off coral way. oh, yes, the hidden gem, you have to hear about it. it is taste of the town, i'm lisa petrillo. and coming your way. good sunday morning, south florida. i'm marybel rodriguez. >> i'm steve goldstein. hope you turned your clocks ahead, because it is 8:30. here is what we are working on right now. following breaking news this morning in miami beach where police are on the scene of an overnight shooting. morning, how we use our eyes in this technology driven world can have a serious effect on our vision. important information this morning, on how to protect your sight. >> and later mentoring matters. our series on the importance of helping children focus on mentee, who is surprising his mentor and everyone around him. we will show you how he is doing it. >> hello there. it is 8:30. yes, hopefully you remembered, too. spring forward. if not, you're late. sorry. meteorologist john girardi is here with a look at the sunday forecast. good morning. >> go to church and have a tee time or something on a sunday morning and are you the one who straggles in, after everybody is already on like the fourth hole, yes. >> or they are just wrapping up church. and are you walking in and everybody is walking out and what did i miss? you forgot to turn the clock ahead. that's what it is. spring ahead. fall back in the fall. and spring ahead now. and enjoy the daylight longer into the evening. a lot of us when we get home from work in the evening really like it. it is the kind of the year that we look forward to. kind of hassle to change the components in your home, though right? and you always miss one. the radar is looking pretty clear in dade and broward. but gusty downpours that could get into the western suburbs and david and broward later today. down by the beaches, the weather should be nice all day. mostly cloudy skies. temperatures starting off in the low to mid-70s. it will be partly sunny at noon. warm and humid, 81. and it won't be windy at all like it was the last few days. a little breeze out there. 83 at 3:00. a few storms popping up. a few spotty storms at 6:00. most of this is out in the western suburbs. more weather in just a few minutes. >> john, thank you. we are following breaking news out of miami beach. where police are investigating shootings. >> we have more live on the scene with the latest. silva, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, things are almost back to normal on ocean drive. the street between 9th and 11th, here now reopened. but it was a much given scene earlier this morning. and up into the night, and take a look at this video that we the shooting happened after midnight. following a fight in front of the break water hotel. witnesses say it started as a fistfight in the middle of the street. that escalated into a shooting. two shots fired. and witnesses say one hitting a man in the chest. and he was transported to the hospital. his condition is unknown at this time. it was a chaotic scene with thousands of spring breakers outside of the clevelander, a popular outdoor bar. and many saying this was the scene they did not expect to see. >> i am scared, because i am here on vacation, and i am not feeling safe. >> we came here to like enjoy our peace, like have a great time, and like we can't even get to our own hotel right now. >> and continuing this scene here, and the activity that the miami police have been dealing with over the week end, it has in myrtle miami beach, seven people were arrested. and chaotic and out of control. and you can see some of it posted on social media, on cell phones. back to normal this morning. but miami beach have been expecting the spring breakers and have been out here trying to police as best as possible. at this point, we do know one man shot, he has been taken to the hospital. his condition is unknown. and the man who had the gun is still on the loose. live, on cbs 4 news this morning. >> thanks silva. in news across america, a man suspected of hitting a snowmobile and two iditarod snow teams were hit. and the man said he didn't know what he did until he sobered up. and alley zerble and jeff king, mushers were struck on saturday. both mushers were okay and one dog was killed and three others were injured. i know the village feels bad. and it is very sad to know that anyone has such low regard for life and injuries and they let themselves get in a position to do bad things. >> he says he called police later that night and confessed. he is facing assault and other charges. on the health watch, nearly 60% of americans use digital devices for five hours or more each day. and most of us use two or more devices at the same time. >> how we use our eyes in the technology-driven world can have a serious effect on our vision. david sutter has more on that and how to protect our sight. >> reporter: kay bower is an occupational therapist and relies on her contact lenses to keep her going throughout the day. >> i see patients at home. i do home health. i'm constantly in and out of the car. says she feels the strain on her eyes. >> on the cell phone for sure, you know, texting a lot. and like i said, well, i'm on the computer a lot. and in and out of the car. constantly driving. and i drive at night as well. so i do a lot of eyestraining. >> the vision council reports 90% of americans use digital devices for for or more hours a day and 70% of americans look at digital devices an hour before going to sleep. >> a more visual world and more people working at closer distance which can create eyestrain and tired eyes. >> dr. barry kay says we have a natural blink rate that replenishing natural tears in our eyes and when we stair at digital devices we don't blink as often and it causes our eyes to dry out and strain. >> and for those who wear cacks, it is a solution. >> this is a new accu-vue, they have done with the lens, they made it much smoother. kind of like going from a 100 thread count sheet to maybe a thousand thread count. >> a major difference. i don't even feel like i have contacts in. >> if you don't wear contacts dr. kay believes there is a way to protect your eyes. he recommends eye stretching exercises. >> one of the things i tell my patients, because computers are so stressful, is something we call the 20/20/20 rule. and the rule is this. every 20 minutes, look at least 20 feet away, for 20 seconds. >> david sutter, cbs 4 this morning. >> stretch, that's good. >> you are eye stretching. >> yes. 8:37. still ahead, on cbs 4 this sunday morning, the latest story in the series of the important of helping children shows how one student worked against the odds, when a teacher is willing to take him >> one tasty food after another. taking you to a spanish sensation on coral way in this morning's taste of the town. >> and despite some clouds in some spots right now, it looks like a really nice beach day is now under way. that is a live look from lauderdale by the sea. where the seas have calmed down a bit over the past few day, courtesy of the wind jammer resort camera there. back with more on your beach weather, and some spots might see a couple of scattered storms. we will let you mow who has the (donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. good morning. welcome back, time for cbs 4 mentoring matters. each week, we are bringing stories of people in our community who are deadcated impacting the lives of young people. this morning we take to you the schools for advanced studies at miami-dade home campus and we have found an extraordinary high school student who keeps surprising his mentor and peers with every move he makes. >> a little careful when it comes out, because it will drip. that's perfect. put a cap on there. >> 17-year-old roberto oriana is working in the science lab with his organic chemistry professor dr. james lay and he scored the highest in his class on the recent exam at miami dade college homestead campus and still in high school. an accomplishment astounding on any level. but it is the challenges he continues to overcome to realize his dream of becoming a >> my plan is to become a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, and that is really the ticket out of poverty for me. but in that same respect, it is not about the money to me. like this is a job that i would do, you know, even if was like minimum wage. because it is my passion. and i really want to help people. that's really my goal. >> you wouldn't mow it from his suit and -- know it from his suit and lab coat but he is homeless and while the rest of family sleeps in a shelter, he stays with a family member to use the internet and focus on his studies. at one point, he took two buses and a train to get to dr. lei's class every day, waking um at 4:00 a.m. and sometimes not returning home until after midnight. >> how hard he is trying, and how much potential he has, i mean it is kind of a no- brainer. >> there is a reason norberto is so passionate about becoming a pediatric surgeon. he was born with cerebral palsy. and one leg shorter than the other. and he has been through procedures. >> all of the surgery, and what i have been through, each have added to that drive, that i have always had. >> the doctor saw a shining light in him and gave nor bert the models to study when he couldn't afford them and helped his star student jump through hoops to take the classes. and he volunteers his time to work with norberto and other students in the research lab. >> this is not the end of story, right? he is going somewhere else and this year he won't go there with empty hands and look, i have used this equipment, i have presented at conferences, i have written up abstracts and papers. >> he is almost like a parental figure for me. he watches over me and the work that i do. and it is clear that his goal is to make me a great chemist. >> and on this night, a culmination of their efforts together. >> i know i have the power to do extraordinary things. i know there is nothing that >> dr. lei in the audience, supporting norberto as he always does, as he gives a ted x youth talk. >> explore the possiblies. chase your dreams. kindle your passions. and always know that no matter the circumstances you can and will always find the path to new heights of achievement. >> he has tremendous story, i have never seen anybody overcome the obstacles that he has had to overcome. that is absolutely phenomenal. >> norberto and dr. lei say they have of course stayed to plan in touch long after he finished his studies and already accepted to colorado college on full scholarship. and the story casts a light on the issue of homelessness. he has a place for his dedicated student on the wall of fame. crbsz 4 news. >> for information how to become a mentor, go to our web a whole list of organizations you can get involved with. what a story. and what a young man. >> really remarkable. >> so inspirational. >> time now is 8:44. >> right and if it seems like it is weird out there right now, it seems like 7:44. >> yes. >> 7:44. john girard time. it will take a couple of days to get used to it. >> and transfer to the new year and still writing 2015 on your checks instead of 2016. >> still doing that by the way. mid march and i got caught the other day. >> one of those things we have to get used to. but it is march. >> i am trying. >> i am trying. >> get with the program. >> that's exactly right. >> i'm glad you don't pay the bills in my house, anyways. >> we have a nice look at the radar in dade and broward. and no rain showing up. if you want to get out there, and everything you have planned outdoors this morning, we are looking high and dry. don't need the umbrellas right now. no matter what it is you have planned this morning. but we are tracking some pretty heavy showers in the middle keys. and just to the west of there, and almost up to duck, quacked there pretty soon with gusty downpours. they bet me i couldn't use the word quack in a weather report. i just did. anyway, broward and dade county high and dry. a few pop-up showers over the western suburbs. heading out to the beaches today, the weather is fine, really noise beach day with a light southeasterly flow and the seas are not a big deal and the rip current risk is not that high. low to moderate risk. stay close to the lifeguard stations just in case you get one of those sneakily little rip currents. we don't want you to get caught offguard. this afternoon, heavier showers by the interior and a threat to the alligators, not so much for us. and western broward, maybe by 6:00, but notice as we lose the heating of the day, that is all pretty much gone as we go toward 8:00 and 9:00. low to mid-70s to start sunday morning out there. jammer resort camera and a beach day in progress, and a beach breeze kicking in. miami 73, fort lauderdale. and the wind at 6 miles an hour at the airport. a little breezier down by the beaches and partly cloudy skies right now and watching the areas of showers to the south and to the north and west and some squeeze in, over us, so later on today. and the sea breeze is strong enough to keep most if not all of the showers and storms out across the western suburbs, or even farther west in the everglades. 81 at noon. and partly cloudy skies, and 83 at 3:00. heading out here, the weather should be fine but warm and sticky this afternoon. the showers and storms should be west. and 82 in a few spotty storms at 6:00. mostly inland. 2-3-foot seas. bay water, light chop. and here is the outlook into the new week. a few spotty mainly inland storms today. a couple of showers tomorrow. and then warm sunshine. for the rest of the week. that's weather. >> thanks, john. and it is warming up, still ahead on cbs 4 this sunday morning, lisa petrillo, finds a hidden gem thanks to a cbs 4 viewer. >> that's right. >> i can smell the garlic with a hidden gem you have to hear welcome back. time for another edition of taste of the town. and we head to coral way, miami, to a spanish restaurant known very well to loyal locers. xixon, and lisa petrillo shows us, it feels like you're dining a world away at this hidden gem. of paella, the sum shous tasty shrimp or taps and tasty treats, xixon is located on coral way in miami. the three story 6,000 square foot space is owned by carlos and his wife begonia and it is named after the spanish city in which she was born. xixon opened in 2001 as a deli, something begonia always wanted. >> she liked the delicatessen and she liked the deli business. and she always likes the food in spain. and it is a personal touch. with the food. >> the full deli is here on the same floor as the main dining room. a catering space upstairs. and the vino, techa, wine room downstairs. >> we carry over 300 different types of wine but all 100% spanish wine. no wines from any other places. >> the food is a combination of everything is auction to the many regions of spain. >> the idea was if you are from spain or know the spanish cuisine, you want to come here and really experience the spanish cuisine. >> let's get started. we begin with the appetizer platter consisting of a tasty smoked salmon and ar deans and salt and -- sardines and salt and marinated tuna and water mellen. >> the fresh salmon on top of a pastry. i would never put it together or know you could put it together. but it is like a european delicious dessert in an ap tizer. >> then a tuna and water mellen. >> that is a perfect combination of salty and sweet. the watermelon is perfectly ripe and soft and perfect and the salt iness of the tuna on top, it is a really nice combination in your mouth. >> next tapsa, sizzling shrimp and garlic sauce. >> it is elegant and simple and so very spanish. the shrimp is fresh and delicious. the garlic gives it that wonderful flavor. and it is not oversauced. this is the real deal. a spanish classic. seafood paella with fish, clams, mussels, shrimp. >> and you have never gone to spain, this is what it tastes like. >> xixon, an escape to another continent. >> with can to my spanish feast. xixon is open search days a week, lunch and dinner and just lunch on sundays. and log on to our web site at hasta-luego everybody, i'm lisa petrillo, cbs 4 news. >> xixon, spanish restaurant, 2101 southwest 222nd street in miami. >> so good. let's say it together. and thanks for cbs 4 viewer charles for his suggestion. if you have any restaurant you would like lisa to check out e- mail us at taste of the town at cbs miami .com or tweet us directly on twitter @ lisa petrillo. cbs 4 this sunday morning is coming right back. happening in south florida. with the glitz and girl power dinner awards happening at the double tree grand biscayne bay in miami. that is tonight. for more on this event or other, happening across south cbs 4 this hey how' s it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren' t they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and you' ll reach your customers where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it' s more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don' t see that every day. p introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. welcome back. with saint patrick's day less than a week away the chicago river is getting its green on. thousands of spectators turned out to watch crews dy ex the water green. it is a chicago -- dy ex the water green. it is a chicago tradition that dates back to 1962. is followed by a massive yob town mass downtown saint patrick's day parade. >> and little havana comes alive for the salsa dances and food and dancing, at the festival that goes from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. with all of the partying, there will be traffic tie-ups due to the festival. southwest 7th street is closed from 8th avenue to 27th effect. >> and the weather will be nice for that, huh? >> yes. >> it will be. >> scattered showers and storms in the forecast. but it is out in the everglades. mainly the western suburbs. west of iiyaocho and every year, it seems warm and humid we can't seem to get a nice cool breezy day for that event. fluids. >> water. >> yes. scattered inland storms today. a few spotty showers tomorrow. but most of this coming week will be really warm. warm temperature, 86 on tuesday. >> and i say it all the time. people, please behave, so many tourists in town, so please, >> i think they're lis captioning made possible by johnson & johnson, where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations >> cowan: good morning, charles osgood is off today i'm lee cowan and this is a special edition of "sunday morning." a program about guns and our intent is not to take sides or pass judgment this morning but rather to take stock and cast light on a debate that seems to be growing ever louder with committed and sincere advocates on both sides. as we will see in our cover story. it's been said, god made man but samuel colt made them equal. >> this is the type of weapon lexington. >> guns offer window into our history the view hasn't always been crystal clear. >> guns are viewed more as a tool and that more in the 20th century you see convergence of gun laws and large number of guns. >> how america's love affair with firearms may have started is as only a cool crush. for more and more american women

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