Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 Sunday Morning 20160221 : compare

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 Sunday Morning 20160221

good morning, it is 7:00, on sunday, february 21st i'm steve goldstein. >> and i'm marybel rodriguez. let's get a check of the weather with john george, good morning. hello south there, it's a good morning. i don't know if you have looked outside, but it's a gorgeous morning. clouds out there as the easterlyly winds pick up today. we will see some of the clouds rolling in, there's a pretty decent chance of getting a sprinkle this afternoon. 67 in key wise. the winds are -- key west. the winds are womb, -- calm, but will pick up. at 9:00, mostly sunny 72. 5:00, breezy and calm with a shower or two. we will hook at -- look at the upcoming week coming up. thank you, john. the police have a suspect in custody in connection with seven random shootings. at least seven people were killed in a shooting spree on saturday. a 14-year-old is dead and others hurt. >> in summary, it looks like a man was driving around and shooting people dead in his tracks. >> he found his victims at a car dealership a cracker barrel and an alley. one day the south carolina primary bay be shone as the most important primary. >> that led to one of the biggest shake ups in the race. former florida governor jeb bush has bowed out. >> let's get to the votes. donald trump won the primary. ted cruz and mark o rubio each won 22% of the vote. >> reporter: cbs news projects that donald trump has won the south carolina primary. trump came out ahead in the race. >> i want to begin by thanking the people of south carolina. this is a special state. >> reporter: jeb bush finished in the bottom three. he told supporters this was his last primary as a 2016 candidate. >> the people of iowa and new hampshire and south carolina respect their opinion so tonight, i am suspending my campaign. >> reporter: the voters are saying that they share the issue of terrorism. for cruz, a strong finish means momentum heading into the next state. >> we can stand together with a constitutional conservative and bring back morning in monday. >> the 21st century movement is with the son of a bartender who, tonight is one step closer to being the next president. >> reporter: donald trump is one step closer to getting the nomination. hillary clinton has beaten look at the numbers. sanders earned about 47%. here's more from las vegas. >> reporter: hillary clinton saverred her win over sanders in the nevada democratic caucuses. >> i am so gratful for all of the my voters out there. >> reporter: polls exposed some weaknesses. clinton lost some of the voters who value honesty. >> i believe on super tuesday we have an excellent chance to win many of those states. >> reporter: this was the first test for the democratic candidates at courting minority voters. on the strip. >> i want to put my stamp on bernie getting that close finish, maybe. >> reporter: for some voters r it comes down to electability. >> she has been about families and children her whole life. >> reporter: clinton now has momentum heading into the south carolina primary next week. >> and remember to stay with cbs4 news for more on campaign 2016 on air and online. coming up in the next half hour, we will have more from south carolina with an analysis. >> and be sure to tune in this morning as jim chats with his guests about the race. gun violence again takes the child of a miami-dade resident. a 6-year-old boy is killed a senseless killing. >> the family is mourning the loss. here's more from northwest mime mime dade. >> i'm angry, our officers are angry, the community behind me are angry. it's all hands on deck. >> reporter: the miami-dade police stormed this apartment complex on saturday. a little boy shot and killed in a drive by again. they combed for evidence and looked for three men possibly in a black car. they were looking for the killer of carter. carter was on the way to buy candy at the store. >> a lot of us have kids. play, you do not expect them to be shot. >> somebody saw something. somebody heard something because we live in an area where everybody talks. >> reporter: we are hearing his parents worked hard to keep him out of trouble and keep him involved in sports. >> i just lost his son. yall see me in the area with him all of the time. i am going to do the same thing wal-mart my king, we -- with my king. we have fun, take him fishing, show him how to be real men. >> reporter: king was shot just a block from his elementary school where he was a first grader. the superintendent calls this shooting of a child too close to home. about this shooting from the police or the news, i heard it from my colleagues. the aunt of this child happens to be one of miami's greatest teachers. >> reporter: we are hunting for you and if you are involved, you might as well' turn yourself in. >> reporter: so, a long day turning into a long night. the officials gathering evidence in what we are told by a reliable source was drug dealers shooting at each other in an ongoing fight and this little 6-year-old boy was caught in the cross fire. >> just heart breaking. the mayor is increasing the reward. the mayor added $20,000 to the already $5000 reward bringing the total to $25,000. reward because we need the community's help in stopping this. before something like this happens, a lot of people know where the drug houses are. that's what's getting hit. there are people in the community that know that, we need to have that information. >> again, if you have any information that may help the police, you are asked to call miami-dade crime stoppers. still ahead on cbs4 this sunday morning -- >> a mother is charged with neglect for leaving her child in a burning apartment close before a judge. >> reporter: good morning, many cars and motorcycles here in the area. we will tell you who this is benefiting coming up. good morning, michael get well quickly, please. let yo good morning, welcome back, a mother charged with child neglect for allegedly leaving her daughter inside a burning apartment went before a judge. the mother was granted a $7500 bond and told she was not allowed to contact her daughter. the police say she made no attempt to save her 5-year-old daughter who was screaming for help. yesterday, we spoke with the little girl's grandmother who >> we have asked for help. i have asked for help in this case when this case was opened. this was something that could have been prevented if my daughter would have been helped. >> the little girl was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation. she is expected to be okay. the cause of the fire is unclear. this man is acuesed of -- accused of burglarizing an office. you can see him quickly fall tog the ground once he makes it up there. at one point, he decided to use the bucket as a step stool. randall is facing several charges of criminal mischief and burglary. new this morning, dozens of motorcycles are in the area. >> so nice. we have a preview. good morning. gorgeous day out there. >> reporter: good morning, guys, i am having some technical issues hearing you, but i understand you can hear me. this is boca raton. this is the place to be if you love cars and motorcycles. this is set up time. this actually opens at 10:00 and i have rick case here who is going to tell us a little bit about the event. you are the founder of this thing. >> yes, and it's our tenth anniversary. >> reporter: how awesome is that? and you have a celebrity coming in. >> oh, yes, jay leno is here. he did a wonderful job last night. the tickets are $75 a piece. kids under 12 are free. we have a special concourse where you can get all of the food and drinks you want. that's $125. we have 25 of the finest south florida restaurants here. >> reporter: that's awesome. i want you to keep on talking. we are going to pan over at the cars. tell us about these. these are the best of the best in the country. >> oh, yes, we will have cars here over 100 years old. as a matter of fact, that car is quite a bit over 100 years old pulling in right now. we have all kinds of cars. domestic made cars, foreign made cars. it's a beautiful collection. this collection is really growing over the last ten years. we have motorcycles out here, >> reporter: it's important for us to mention this is benefiting the boy's and girl's club. >> that's right. this was founded for the boy's and girl's club. all of our money, 100% of the proceeds goes to the boy's and girl's club. reporting from boca raton this morning. thank you. >> thank you, and the weather is beautiful. it's great for a cruise, topless. >> i think she meant with the top disown. [ laughter ] -- top down. [ laughter ] folks are heading to church this morning. [ laughter ] it's okay, we will let you off of the hook this time. morning. you're right, let's work with her on that one. it's nice this morning, but by afternoon, some spotty showers could pop up. you can see the clouds offshore. right now, it's nice, but as the winds become more easterly you can see the clouds moving in. 67degrees in key west. relative humidity at 70%. right now, the winds are calm and it's going to change by the beaches and the possibility of the rip currents if you are brave enough to hop in the waters. it's cold, but maybe if you are a snow bird in the area visiting, it's not so bad. you might want to keep the kids out of the water today with the fort lauderdale at 67. 65 in miami. 61 in oakland park. at 9:00 in miami, it will be mostly sunny. it will beginning getting breezier by the beaches. we all have a chance at scattered showers with temperatures in the 60s. the best part of the day is going to be the morning when we don't have the showers. statewide, not bad, temperatures in the 60s. there are the clouds out there over the ocean, not as extensive or thick as yesterday, but we will see some of the cloud cover rolling in today and this system to our north is going to be slowly drifting to the south increasing our chances for the showers. we have relatively dry air right now heading into tomorrow. we will see the moisture continuing to increase. see this green blog right there means that the best chance of rain is in the middle of the week. here's the forecast for today. a nice morning out there. high temperatures out there right around 77. thank you, john, it's time for another new edition of taste of the town. we're continuing our month long search for the hid l gem -- hid hidden gems you might know about but others might not. >> reporter: it's the ultimate fish fry. >> we have been here for 43 years. >> reporter: wow, that's a testament to people coming back. >> yes, we didn't have any stools and it used to be a >> reporter: the business began in savannah where his father and brothers caught fish and sold them. >> this is something we used to do, a family of fishermen. >> reporter: after leaving cuba, they began their small fish restaurant here. a lot has changed, but a lot has remained the same. >> a lot of people coming back with their kids, or now they are older. >> reporter: and the food is what keeps them coming back. this is a sandwich with yellow tail served with the tail on. >> now i know why it's your biggest seral. tender, tender juicy fish, but the fried on the outside. the shrimp is so fresh and with the crunch on the side. and finally, the grand yellow tail snapper served whole, just squeeze on the lime and you are ready for heaven. you would not know this is fried because it is so light and fresh and flaky at the same time, but it has the sere of flavor. the lime adds a little bit of zip, probably the best fried fish i have had. fresh fried fish and family go hand in hand. the restaurant is open monday through friday for lunch and on the weekend for dinner. come check it out here in little havana. i'm lisa patrillo cbs4 news! it is so good. it's located in miami's little havana neighborhood. aren't you glad i have to say >> yes, i like to eat there, though. we want to hear from you. you can tweet lisa directly. time now, 7:23. >> no le hey how' s it going, hotcakes? 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>> reporter: i think this is it for jeb bush. he pretty much indicated this was his last race, his last time. four years ago, he said i don't think i've missed my window for presidency, but he is right, i think he missed the window. his wife cried on stage. let's hear more. >> i'm proud of the campaign we have run to advocate conservative solutions that would give more americans to rise up and reach their god given potential, but the people carolina have spoken and i respect their opinion so tonight, i am suspending my campaign. i congratulate my competitors who are remaining on the island in a race that has been hard fought just as the contest for the presidency should be because it's a hard ground. i refused to bend to the political winds and i want to thank my mom and brother for coming to south carolina. america truly loves and respects them and so do i. i have had a wonderful life, but no matter what the future holds, if you can imagine, tonight i am going to sleep with the best friend i have and the love of my life. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for the opportunity to run face of the earth, i love you all, god bless you. >> reporter: now, as we come back live here it's the state capitol building you are looking at. south carolina was always bush country, but not today. george w bush won it and his father before him. now, it's interesting, i have covered jeb bush throughout his political campaign. many of the came campaign workers were with jeb bush last night. they were crying and emotional. they hadn't seen each other in decades and came together tonight. it's one that couldn't have been seen in the political situation in florida. >> we saw donald trump on him a lot. >> reporter: you know, i talked with a woman at a polling station. she was torn. she ended up voting for mark o rubio last night. she didn't think jeb could win. jeb was considered part of the past. the bush fatigue was weighing in. he spent $120 million. he had his brother come in, he has his mother come in. he had the best debate of his life just a week ago at the cbs debate here in south carolina, it wasn't enough. the nation was ready to move on, they are looking for new blood. >> i was watching it at home and my heart went out to him because he is really a class act. we wish him the best. thank you, jim. now at 7:30, anger and sadness after a 6 -year-old was killed in a drive by shooting. this apartment complex was swarmed with officers on saturday. the officials say 6-year-old king carter was shot as he was walking to the corner store to buy candy. the police are looking for three men possibly in a black car. they say they shot the 6-year- old. >> i am angry, the community behind me is angry. a lot of us have kids and when you let your kids out to play, you do not expect someone to come and shoot up your neighborhood and your child is going to be killed. it's a nightmare. >> and at the hospital where the child was pronounced dead, lots of heart ache. worked hard to keep him out of trouble and involved in sports. that was king's father speaking there. he is obviously very upset. anyone with information please call crime stoppers. >> i know the reward has been raised as well. they are k look for the shooter. still ahead, it's time to get inspired. >> we are being introduced to a spectacular mentor who is making sure her sister is getting a taste of different parts of the world. >> reporter: good morning, we are seeing some of the finest cars and motorcycles and jay leno. that's coming up. it looks like a lot of fun. the rain should hold off for the morning hours. maybe a few showers coming in with the clouds. forecast and t new this morning, dozens of the finest collector cars and motorcycles from around the country are in south florida this morning. >> that's right, it's all part of the event at the boca raton event. look at the car behind you. i like it. >> reporter: yes, you know, i am going to talk about this car behind me in just a second, but i want to show you over my shoulder, this golf course has been turned into a car lover's heaven. i mean, we have been seeing all of these cars coming in and it's going to go from 10:00 this morning until 4:00 in the afternoon. if you can pan back here, i want to talk about this car, the first one you can see when you walk in the door. i want to talk to the owner. what type of car is this? >> this is a 1928 auburn. auburn was in auburn, indiana. they owned the auburn cord and disenburg so they owned all of the cars. >> reporter: this is an example of what you will see if you are it took you six years to restore this vehicle. >> six years, it's a 1928 auburn, auburn was known for the boat tail speed steers, the rear of the car was shaped by a boat. >> reporter: so, tell me why was it important for you to attend this event and participate? >> because this is one of the iconic events for the classic cars. we are in the classic car area and auburn is considered a classic car. >> reporter: thank you so much for talking with us. this is happening, again, today at the boca raton club. you can come out here and all of the proceeds benefit the boy's and girl's club. it's a good cause, if you're interested. we will be here for the rest of the hour and we will have more of the story coming up at 6:00. >> so nice. beautiful cars. no doubt. >> i want one. i mean, jay leno has so many. what's one little motorcycle, is he going to miss it? >> you better work a lot more sunday mornings. [ laughter ] >> that's for sure. the weather is nice, maybe they will give me a ride and call it even. >> there you go. the radar is looking good. high and dry. no rain shog up -- showing up at this hour. all the way down to the keys, we are dry. don't be surprised if we get rain coming in out of the east. the thicker clouds are out over the ocean. eventually, the winds will pick up, but right now, the winds are calm. 67 in fort lauderdale and key west. but the breeze will pick up out of the east as we head later into the morning and the afternoon hours. keep the kids out of the water and if you are even a good swimmer, stay close to the life guard stations today. even in the 60s right now. 67 in fort lauderdale closer to the beaches with the easternly winds kicking in. 9:00, 72, we are going to call it mostly sunny. at 1:00, 76 with spotty showers, especially down by the beaches. 5:00, 75 degrees with a shower or two and breezy everywhere. it's not going to have much of an impact on our afternoon plans, but we don't want you to be surprised if you see the rain coming in. the temperatures not too bad, we are in the 50s just about statewide. the clouds out there over the ocean will start rolling back in just like yesterday because will bring the clouds in and there's just enough moisture to give us showers. as this weather system moves back toward texas, it's going to be moving in our direction in the next several days. the moisture is beginning to increase, you can see it with the blues, then we start pumping in the blues here. we will have our best rain chance tuesday and wednesday. the drier air moving back in for the second half of the week, so, a nice morning out there, some scattered afternoon showers, temperatures right around 77. for the boaters today, 10-foot seas. 77 today, some afternoon showers. more showers tuesday and wednesday likely and cooler thursday and friday. that's weather. >> all right, john, thank you. and still ahead on this sunday >> we are introduced to a spectacular mentor who is is getting a taste of this part >> good morning, in this morning's mentoring matters, we meet two special girs. >> we are -- girls. >> we are hearing how they are expanding their horizons. >> reporter: their evening begins in a used bookstore. her good friend whitney may not seem like they have a lot in common, but they do. >> i'm a bit of an artistic person and mckayla is, too. >> i wanted somebody to talk to and play with me because i only have a brother. you can't do much with boys. >> reporter: the two have been hanging out for about six months now exploring if the area today and -- exploring the area together and going to dance class. >> i never heard of one. i have always wanted to hear one. >> reporter: whitney, new to south florida after moving from new york last year was looking for volunteer opportunities. she signed up for the mentoring opportunity with big brother's big sisters. babysitter who had a big impact on me when i was young and i want to have an impact on mckayla's life. >> reporter: mckayla was happy to have a mentor who shares her love, but she was quick to point out she has a great mom. >> she takes care of us. she feeds us, she makes sure we have a roof over our head. she is a nice young lady. mom. >> reporter: mckayla's mother wanted her to have a tour of the worlds so they are trying >> i got her a world map that we framed and every time we eat at a different restaurant, she puts a star for that country. >> it looks good already. >> reporter: tonight, that takes them to a jamaican restaurant. the two were fast friends and the relationship runs deeper than that. >> all i can say right now is she is a good big sister to me. >> the more people who do more positive things, the better. >> and that was a great story. you, too can become a mentor. we have posted information on our website at >> what a great program that is. cbs4 this morning is coming right back. but first, happening in south florida, discovering discovering history, for more, and cbs4 this sunday morning will when you' re on hold, your business is on hold. that' s why comcast business doesn' t leave you there. when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds. no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride' s ready. don' t get stuck on hold. reach an expert fast. comcast business. good morning, welcome back, being able to pay thousands of money for a lock of hair? well, a lock of john lennon's hair went for $35,000. >> well, apparently, a hair stylist kept a lock of his hair. it was one of several beatle related items. >> i'm sure they are doing the same thing for you. >> there's a lot of it out there. >> that's it for cbs4 sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. >> another hour of the news is coming up. good sunday morning, everybody, i'm steve golstein. >> and i'm marybel rodriguez. here's what we are working on right now. a shooting over the weekend takes the life of seven people. plus, we are covering the president -- political campaign. >> and later, the president good morning, it is 8:00 on sunday, february 21st. >> we are here with the sunday fun day forecast as i like to call it. right? >> for some of us who work wednesday through sunday, this would make friday for some. home. the showers are going to be rolling in later today, really just a few issues on the radar. if you are heading out the door to church, or maybe you have a tee time, whatever you have out doors, the weather looks like it's going to be just fine. the clouds are starting to thicken up, that means we are going to see a few showers later this afternoon, but spotty on the forecast. 69 in key west right now. the winds will increase later today. 60s all though it is 70 right now in fort lauderdale. scattered showers at 1:00 and 5:00. the temperatures in the mid 7 0s. >> thank you, john. breaking news from overnight. the police are saying now that six people are dead following a shooting spree in michigan. investigators are saying that a 14-year-old girl they believed was dead is still alive. the victims were found outside of a car dlip -- dealership and a restaurant. the officials expect charges brought on monday. a motive has not been determine eds. now to campaign 2016, history may show that the south carolina primary was the most donald trump is first with cruz and o rubio tied for second. >> jeb bush has formally dropped out. >> let's look at the numbers donald trump winning the primary and cruz and o rubio with 22%. cbs's craig boswell with more from south carolina. >> reporter: cbs news projects that donald trump has won the south carolina primary. trump came out ahead of cruz and o rubio who came in tied for second. >> i want to begin by thanking the people of south carolina. this is a special state. >> reporter: jeb bush finished in the bottom. he told the people this is his last race. >> the people of new hampshire and i respect their decision so tonight i am suspending my campaign. >> reporter: trump says the south carolina residents support his values. for cruz and o rubio say the momentum is moving for them. >> we can stand together with a proven consistent constitutional conservative and bring back morning in america. >> the 21st century movement is the son of a bartender and a maid who tonight stands one step closer to being the president of the united states of america. >> reporter: donald trump will try to make it three in a row at the nevada caucuses. and on the democratic side, hillary clinton is already looking ahead after the win in new hampshire. huge rally at the texas university. texas is the biggest prize of them all. the vote will happen on march 1st. clinton has won with 93% of the pre-cincts reporting. coming up in our next half hour, we will have more from south carolina with an analysis. also, make sure to tune into facing south florida, jim will anchor live from south carolina at 11:30 right here on cbs4. now at 8:00, gun violence taking the life of a 6-year-old boy who was shot and killed in a deprive by shooting. -- drive by shooting. >> this morning, leaders are calling for justice as the family mourns his loss. angry, the community behind me is angry. it's all hands on deck. >> reporter: the miami-dade leader and the officers swarmed this area on saturday. a little boy shot in a drive by, again. they combed for evidence looking for three men possibly driving in a black four door car, two of them firing. >> a lot of us have kids. how, when you let your kid out to play, you do not expect that someone is going to come and shoot up your neighborhood and that your child is going to be hit. it's a night mare. >> reporter: meanwhile, at the hospital where little king was shot dead, there was tears and rage. >> somebody heard something because we live in an area where everyone talks. >> reporter: in shock, the father posted this on social >> i just lost my son. ya'll see it everyday the gun violence. on monday morning, i am going to start a campaign, saving our kings. i would pick him up from school, show him how to be a real man. >> reporter: king was shot near his school where he was a first grader. the superintendent calls this latest shooting of a child too close to home. >> this time, rather than hearing about this tragedy from the media, from the police, i heard it from my colleagues, from principals and teachers where the aunt of this child happens to be one of miami's finest teachers. >> the most innocent souls in miami. >> we are hunting for you and as well turn yourself in. >> reporter: so, a long day turning into a long night. the officials are gathering evidence in what we are told by a reliable source was drug dealers shooting at each other. this little 6-year-old caught in the cross fire. >> thank you. the mayor is increasing the crime stopper reward in hopes of finding the shooter of the little boy. the mayor added $20,000 bringing the total to $5000. >> well, we have to up the reward because we need the community's help. the key to stopping this is the community's help. before something like this happens, a lot of people know where the drug houses are. that's what's getting hit. the criminal activity, that's what's getting hit. >> and, again, if you have any information, call crime stoppers. and now to the president's historic visit to cuba and president obama de fended his visit to the country next month. he is saying it will improve the lives of the cubans on the island. as we are hearing, the president also said political and economic changes will not come quickly and one analyst agrees. >> this week, we made it official, i'm going to cuba. >> reporter: in his weekly talk, president obama says he is going to cuba cutting loose what he calls the failed policies of the past. >> i believe the best way to move on the values is through engagement. >> reporter: the president will visit the island march 21st and he will be the first president since coolidge visited 83 years ago. observers say it may be a step in the right direction, but as i saw during a visit last week, changes are slow to come. >> you cannot export american values anywhere in the world, including cuba. >> reporter: while in cuba, president obama said he will address the residentses directly. >> and we delved deeper into the topic, joining us now live is dr. frank mora. >> dr. mora is a profess or at the florida international university. thank you for being here early this sunday morning. >> it's great. thank you. >> a lot of talk about. it's been 88 years since a sitting u.s. president has been to cuba. why now? >> well, i believe the president thinks he can advance the relationships with cuba by engaging the cuban people directly. this is not about what we are doing with the cuban government, but with them. >> you talk about time, and we haven't seen a lot of progress yet. the embassy already reopened, but how long do you think it will be? >> we don't know. no one was so naive to think that just because we are involved, it would be a democracy. the script has changed of trying to find a way of dealing with, mitigating, they believe, the cubans believe it's an element of change. >> we see the ladies in white. the president said, "i will meet with members of the cuban society." i am assuming he is going to meet with will be hand picked to meet with them. >> well, i mean, he is not going to be able to meet with all of the opposition, but he is going to meet with as many as possible. he is meeting with the members of the catholic church and others. i want you to visualize the president telling them a message of reconciliation in a way that only he can do it. speech he gave in egypt and the forces that happened because of the result. >> overall, do you think the time is right? >> i think it needs to be done. if he went in november, it would be purely symbolic. that's why he is going in march. >> and is this going to make a difference? he is going to be talking with the leader. it's for the people. what is it going to mean for the people of cuba now? >> i think in a sense that there's someone in the united states that wants to engage them and do everything possible to pressure is regime and create space in which people to people are there. not just americans to cubans, but others in the yietle who want to -- united states who want to create a business. this is going to be a slow process. no one said it's going to happen overnight, but the president has planted a seed want, but it's going forward. >> thank you for joining us, we are going to be hearing a lot about this in the coming weeks. >> thank you dr. mora. still to come, something car lovers will want to check out. >> silva, good morning. >> reporter: and we are seeing 250 of the most amazing, finest collectibles. we will tell you what this is about and how it's helping the community coming up. i'm john gerard, looking off to the north and east from the downtown miami camera, you will notice some of the clouds out that way. we might see a few spotty showers before this day is over. look at the sunday forecast and new this morning, dozens of cars and motorcycles are in the area this morning. >> that's rights, they are at the boca raton club and resort. that's where we are finding out more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, look at this car that just rolled in. look at that. isn't that beautiful? this is an example of what you will see at this amazing event. this is the tenth year and i have with me the founder of the event as we interview him and talk about the event, i want to show you some of the cars. we have cars more than 100 years old. they are pouring in all morning long. we are getting ready to open the gates at 10:00. jay leno is going to be out here. he loves talking with people and getting pictures taken with him. it's going to be a great day. the tickets are $75 a piece. the children 12 and under are free. we have a lot going on. we have the gourmet buffet here. we have many of the greatest restaurants in the area out here. come out and get something to eat and drink. it's wonderful for the whole family. >> reporter: jay leno is going to be judging the cars. it's not just a chance to see some of the finest cars and motorcycles in the country, but he is going to be judging. >> oh, yes. he is going to be judging. the cars come from all over the country. you will see every kind sp . we have a bunch of motorcycles, too. >> reporter: i love that everybody is into it. i have seen multiple people dressed up almost like their cars here. >> it's in the era. >> reporter: if you are interested, the tickets are still available. the doors open at 10:00, they close at 4:00. we will be here for another hour or so. >> it looks like a t lo of fun out there. >> i like it. >> yeah, and nice weather, too. if you are heading out there, you have pretty good weather or whatever you have planned. i think as we head toward the afternoon, we are going to see a few little spotty showers out there. we are looking high and dry on our sunday morning. a look at the radar at 8:19 and this radar will probably not look like that for too much you can see a couple of different camera shots, this one from biscan bay. eventually, we will see more of the clouds rolling back in with an easternly wind picking up. we look toward the east, you see the clouds. looking toward the west, you see all of the sunshine. currently, a comfy cozy 69 in key west, a light breeze at 5, but eventually, the winds will increase bringing in the clouds and maybe a few sprinkles. a lot like yesterday is what we are expecting for today. we are at 70 in homestead and 70 in fort lauderdale. everybody in the mid to upper around the state, not too bad for today. pretty much in the 60s north of the lake. you'll notice as the wind turns more east today, some of the lower clouds showing in the gray right there, some of that is going to be moving in with the spring les -- sprinkles or the light showers. the rain chances increasing by the middle of the week. relatively dry air for today, but the moisture is increasing. as we head toward the middle of the week, we'll have more of a rain chance. right now, we are not expecting any severe weather, but we will watch it closely because we are in an el nino pattern. temperatures up to 77 later today, for the boaters 10-14- foot seas. there's a risk of sea current at the beaches so be careful if showers more likely tuesday and wednesday in the 80s and cooling and clearing thursday and friday. that's your forecast. >> thank you, john. "face the nation" is coming up next. a lot to focus on in today' show, i'm sure. >> boy, isn't that for sure. we had actual human beings participating in the vote. on the side, we have a manageable number. we'll have almost all of them with us today. is trump heading to the finish line, and who is going to stop him? and bernie sanders lost to hillary clinton, that's a big boost to her campaign. we will have a panel going through all of the exit polls and figure out what it all means. >> a whole got oink on, john -- are looking forward to that. and remember, "face the nation" kicks off this morning: and still ahead, no leading scorers on the court, no problem for the miami heat. >> and the heat proves once when their stars are outging) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, welcome back, one of the panther star players makes history as they get a home win and the miami heat provenning once again they can get a win without the stars. good morning, south florida, the miami heat has an interesting problem on their hands. they are 2-0 without bosh and wade. a big night for gordon who turned it up for 2 of his 24 points. dang stays red hot. he has 57 points in his last two outings. the heat stretching their lead to 15, but the star of the night throws down the lob for mcbob. rebounds off of the bench for the big fella, the heat wins by 20. >> it just shows how talented our team is, you know? a couple of our brothers are down and the guys just stepped up on the offense and took their place. the panthers taking on the jets last night. the fans getting a nice show. firing on net and look who is there for the redirection. the third, fighting his way through traffic, he buried the puck for his second of the night. yager is in third place for goes scored. they get the win, 3-1. >> well, you have to have a great teammate to pass you the puck and they did. i have 20 goals at age 44 because of them, so thank you, guys. >> that's going to do it for sports. tell you that. >> oh, no. >> you agree. our coverage of campaign 2016 continues. >> that's right. jeb bush ends his bid for the gnome nation. we will -- nomination. cbs4 this good sunday morning, south >> and i'm steve goldstein. we have full coverage of the wins by donald trump and hill clinton and jeb bush may be marking the end of his political career by bowing out of the race. we will have more from south carolina. tragedy strikes here at home, a 6-year-old shot and killed. an emotional event here in the community. meteorologist john gerard is in this morning: good morning guys, good morning south florida. we have a clear look at the radar right now. no showers showing upright now, but we will see showers popping up later in the day today. we will call it partly cloudy there, but looking off to the west, we are seeing nothing but as the easternly winds develop later today, the clouds coming in off of the ocean and we are likely to see isolated showers. a pleasant 69 in key west. a light, northwest breeze right now at 5 miles per hour. at 9:00, we will be 72 mostly sunny. at 5:00, 7 a, breezy -- 75, breezy and mild. more weathered for the week coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you, john. more coverage of campaign 2016. donald trump is the clear winner-over the south carolina primary. >> former florida governor jeb bush at one point favored to win the whole thing has dropped out. >> texas senator ted cruz and florida senator mark o rubio >> first, a wrap up of last night from craig boswell in columbia, south carolina. >> reporter: cbs news projects that donald trump has won the south carolina primary. trump came out on top of cruz and o rubio. >> i want to begin by thanking the people of south carolina. this is a special state. >> reporter: jeb bush finished in the bottom three. he told supporters this was the last race for him. >> the people of iowa and new hampshire and south carolina have spoken and i am respecting their decision so tonight, i am suspecting my campaign. >> reporter: south carolina says the most important issue is that the candidate share >> we can stand together with a proven consistent constitutional conservative and bring back morning in america. >> the 21st century conservative movement is the son of a bartender and a maid in cuba who tonight stands one step closer to being the president of the united states in america. >> reporter: donald trump will try to make it three in a row at the nevada caucuses. and for more on the impact of last night's primary on campaign 2016, we turn now to our jim defede. >> jim is joining us outside of the capitol building if south carolina. what kind of momentum give o rubio as he tries to catch donald trump? >> reporter: well, this was a critical night. if he did not do well, there to drop out of the race, instead, jeb drops out. he is going to pick up a lot of the endorsements that jeb had. he is going to get a lot of the money that jeb bush had been getting before. there's a lot of money sitting on the sidelines. here's a little bit of what mark o rubio had to say about last night. >> tonight here in south carolina, the message is pretty clear, this country is ready for a new generation of conservatives to guide us into the 21st century. for the time, the time has now come after eight years of failure to return to the constitution of the united states that made us the freest people that have ever lived. [ cheers and applause ] the time has now come for leaders -- enter prize which made us the most prosperous nation. this has been a long road. there were many people on this campaign when it first started. many good people. many of whom in my other year would have been a front runner, but now, practically speaking, it's down to three. i know our campaign gives us the chance to come together and unify our party and grow this movement. >> reporter: now, the most important phrase i felt was in the speech last night was when he talked about a new generation, the generational change. that's why when he stood next to nicky haley, it became critical for them to make that argument that jeb bush and the >> and jim, we know that early voting is already underway in florida. do you think it's important that he -- do you think florida is a given? >> reporter: it's not a given. donald trump is leading in florida. you correctly say voting is already underway by absentee ballot. i don't know how you can make a case to have your party's nomination if you don't win your home state. as long as jeb bush was in the race, the votes would have been split. now that bush is out of the race. for all of the people who voted for jeb bush, their votes are gone. they don't get to vote again. that's why it was important for possible. if you voted for jeb bush, your vote is gone. it counts for jeb bush even though he is no longer in the race. >> interesting. thank you for that analysis. we will see you later on facing south florida. >> and stay tuned for "facing south florida." he will chat live with the state senator. that's coming up on cbs4. and hillary clinton is already looking ahead after the win in the primary. she flew to houston and held a huge rally at southern university last night. texas is the biggest prize of all of the 13 states voting on march 1st. let's look at the final vote tally. clinton has won. with continuing coverage both on air and online at now at 8: 30, anger and satness after a 6-year-old boy is shot and killed in the cross fire of a drive by shooting. the miami detective and others surrounded the area on saturday. officials say 6-year-old king carter shot as he was walking to the corner store for candy. the police are looking for three men possibly in a four door car, two of them shooting, killing a 6-year-old. >> i'm angry, the officers behind me are angry. the community is ainge row. a lot of -- angry. a lot of us have kids. you don't expect when you let your kid out to play, he is going to be shot and killed. >> the friends tell us the boy's parents worked hard to keep him out of trouble making sure he did well in school and played sporteds. >> on behind of king carter, i am going to pick up my son, help him with his homework, do a little bit of recreational fun and we are going to go fishing, show him how to be a real man. >> miami-dade's mayor has added $20,000 to the reward bringing it to $25,000. >> we have seen too many of those stories. still ahead, we will have taste of the town. >> we will go to a seasoned market that has been around for decades. plus this. take a look, a golf course turned into a car enthusist heaven. a beautiful look outside. we are looking off to the west where the skies are clear, but if you look off to the east from the fort lauderdale camera, we might see a couple of spotty showers before the day is over. forecast, don't miss welcome back, new this morning, dozens of the finest collector cars and motorcycling are right here in our area. >> that's right, the event is at the boca raton club. we are live smack in the middle of all of the action. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, this is one of my favorite assignments, you know, there are cars here over 100 years old and the best part is it's bringing people from all over the country to showcase them, more than 250 of them from around the country. a collectors item benefiting the boy's and girl's club. tell me what this means to you. >> well, first of all, our one thing we love to say is that we are the only charity in america that runs its own concourse. rick andrita were the founders, jamie, the founding chair and we have raised over $8.5 million to benefit our mission. >> reporter: wow, while we are talking ability this, i want to -- about this, i want to make sure the people at home get to see some of the beautiful cars out here. how is that for you to see so many people coming together for such an amazing cause. >> it is. we are the fifth largest club in the united states. we have the highest ranking for the last five years which means that all of our dollars, when we are evaluated, they evaluate us on program effectiveness. $90 of all collected to the you can see by the amount of cars, we have over 200 staff and vol volunteers that puts on this production that runs today. >> reporter: so, tell me, are you as excited to see jay leno? the man is from my hometown in burbank? >> i am. he was here at the first and the fifth and now here at the tenth anniversary. he is passionate about helping our cause. >> reporter: thank you so much, again. the doors open at 10:00, they close at 4:00. >> wow, so nice, huh? >> she is enjoying a great assignment on a sunday morning. >> how about that? she gets to be outs and some weather looks nice. we have a slight chance of showers later today, but nothing getting in the way of your outdoor plans. right now, the radar is clear. we have a few showers out near boca, but they are really, really light showers and most everybody else is going to see dry weather as we go through the morning hours and most everybody will stay dry throughout the day, but like yesterday, we may have some sprinkles here and there. our fort lauderdale camera indicating mostly sunny. let's be a glass dmiefnld of guy. the temperatures right now 66 many miami. 70, nice in fort lauderdale and 69 in key west. marlies lies lies miracle. that's the name of the tennis tournament i am going to be i am going to get out of here and throw on my tennis gear and git over there in time as we kick off that great cause. no rain since midnight. we haven't had much in the way of cloud cover either. 9:00, 72. at 1:00, we will see spotty light showers, temperatures in the mild range at 76. and 5:00 this afternoon at 75. nothing really heavy out there with the breeze. temperatures in the 60s right now. the temperatures around the state, pretty nice considering it's february. by the way, the weather for the daytona 500 today looks really nice. we have a weather system to the north of us. the rain is to the north of us as well. relatively drier air out there today, but as we head toward as we head toward the middle of the week, that's when we will see our best rain chance tuesday and wednesday, not expecting anything severe at this point. it's an el nino pattern, so it's worth watching. for the boaters today, no advisories, but it will become a little bit bumpy out there. bay waters a light to moderate chop. highs in the 80s then cool and clearing heading toward thursday and friday. >> thank you, john. still ahead, our local search of restaurant gems continues in this morning's taste of the town. >> reporter: i am at a hidden gem. it's all about shrimp, fresh fish and more. it's taste of the town and it's >> looking forward hey how' s it going, hotcakes? 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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Nevada , New Hampshire , Boca Raton , Texas , Jamaica , Indiana , Oakland Park , Michigan , Fort Lauderdale , Egypt , South Carolina , Iowa , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Houston , Americans , America , Jamaican , Cubans , American , Cuban , Steve , Charles Osgood , Nicky Haley , Frank Mora , John Gerard , John Lennon , Jeb Bush , Craig Boswell , John George , El Nino , Las Vegas , Steve Goldstein , King Carter , Jay Leno , Hillary Clinton , Ted Cruz , Bernie Sanders ,

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