Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News At Noon 20160108 : compareme

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News At Noon 20160108

doorstep. detectives still have not released the identity of the victim. all they will tell us is she is female because they are still working to notify her family. a car thief gets more than he bargained for when he took a car with a child inside. the 6 year old is safe. the search is on for the car and the carjacker. ted scouten is live. >> reporter: one flightenned little girl. it -- one rightened little girl. the step father ran in for a moment. this man gets out of his car to ruin to the convenient store at the sonoco gas station. a man strolls up to the car, walks to the back of it and squats down. making his way to the driver's side door. right behind him , the man that owns the car runs after him. the crook did not realize a 6- year-old girl was in the backseat. >> she just said, car was running fast until he looked at her and said get out. she didn't know what was going on. nobody drives that fast with her. >> reporter: the child's grandmother doesn't want to show her face. she tells us that little girl was terrified when the car pulled out and she realized her step father was not behind the wheel. the child was order #-d out -- ordered out of the car. when the crook sped off, the little girl ran across the street. fortunately, there was a jogger that helped her. >> she saw her crossing street and asked her where is your parent. she told her they stole her dad's car. arrived she wouldn't let go of the strange. >> she wouldn't let go of the lady that und her. they had to take the lady back to the gas station with her. >> that was her angel. >> reporter: the family calling that swrogger an angel -- jogger an angel and grateful little girl. missing still is the car and a driver, kia optima, the tag number on the car is cqqv13. if you have information or if you have seen the car or the person driving it, call broward crime stoppers. ted scouten, cbs 4 news. police arrested a 15 year- old in connection to a deadly shooting in florida city. christopher walker was found in brook lynn, new york, accused of murdering 17-year-old toll tall burt was shot and killed near northwest 8th court while driving with friends. they were am burred by people in another vehiclem walkerer is facing several charges including first degree murder, attempted murder and shooting a deadly missile. a water main break, this is video from this morning from northeast 71st and 4th cord where it happened. a 12-inch main break forced water to gush from underground pipes thursday afternoon. water from the 15-foot deep hole flooded streets and auto repair shop 30 feet away. a south florida woman is recovering after two dogs attacked her and killed her chihuahua. the daughter says two dogs attacked her. they killed her chihuaa and sent her mother to the hospital requiring sits. the father suffered a heart >> my parents are very old. i was told 3 years ago, get them a pet, it's very therapeutic. you are got them a pet. today, my parents almost died because of that pet. >> miami-dade animal services has the dog and attempting to locate the owners. one of the dogs has a crochip which may lead to the owner. a robber is caught on camera holding up a pizza restaurant. this story has a twist. during the crime he apologized for what he was doing. joan murray has more on this remorseful robber's story. >> reporter: well, robberies are not that unusual, what is unusual in in case when the robber went in to the restaurant, he had a conscious and said he was sorry for his bad behavior. the crime takes little more than a minutes, the apologis shorter but memorable. two weeks before christmas arguments gunman storms in to at 1462 south federal highway, deerfield and dends cash with manners. >> he very politely and calmly asked her to please open the safe to give her all the money, he was very polite and courteous and apologetic. he said i'm really sorry for doing this. my kids need christmas. >> reporter: the stunned customer waiting for his pizza doesn't move. the safe is empty, the clerk cleans out the registers and hands ov the money. it shows us he is remorseful. he knows what he is doing wrong and putting people in fear for their lives. >> reporter: because he is wearing a hoodie, it is difficult to see his face. facial hair. >> we don't know if he fled in a vehicle or on foot. >> reporter: crime stoppers if you know anything about this, give crime stopper as call. joan murray, cbs 4 news. the arrest of two iraqi born men in california and texas on terror-related charges is renewing the debate on in the u.s. is doing enough to screen refugees. they are due in federal court today. court documents show the 23 year old aljy i can't be traveled to syria where he wrote he wanted to go to work. the 24 year old is charged with providing support to isis. there are no signs the men were plotting an attack in america but investigation was cut short when news of the case was leaked. they are charged with lying to the u.s. government. barack obama is making a bold promise in a piece for the new york@ times and won't campaign for vote for or support candidate republican or common sense gun reform. last night, president obama headlined a nationally televised town hall meeting on guns. the white house says the town hall was meant to win over public support for the executive action on guns. the power ball jackpot is growing and the number is staggering, $800 million. the japot just jumped this morning and the biggest ever in the unit states. lottery officials say it could grow larger by saturday night's drawing. no one matched all of numbers in the $500 million drawing. lot of money there. still ahead on cbs 4 news at noon, officer ambushed, a philadelphia cop is sitting in his cruiser when a man opened fire on him shooting 13 times, the details on what the suspect told police in a full con vegs. a campaign 2016 exclusive, one on one with presidential candidate marco rubio. troopers helping a mother in labor on the side of a busy road. good friday afternoon to you. michael smith . back to 6:00 this morning, funnel cloud came on shore, official report of a that and a look at the weekend . jim defede has been grilling the candidates in new hampshire. thursday he spoke one on one with marco rubio. introduce a bill to restrict benefits for cuban immigrants. >> reporter: let's start with the most important news of the week, your shoes. let's just resolve it what kind of shoots and boots were they, the cuban heel. >> i never heard that term. they thought them for me, i like them. i'm going to use them again. they are for special occasions. i think my kids or wife bout them for me. they are only for special occasions. that's the day the dolphins were playing the patriots. i was going to see if they had good lucks. >> not wearing flats as a sign of a concession. >> i don't wear those everyday, they hurt your back a little bit too. >> reporter: marco rubio and i discussed the future of the cuban adjustment act. he said it is increasingly clear that many cuban americans coming today are doing so because of economic concerns, the law he said needs to be changed. >> not only does it need to be reexamined. but the benefits they are receivininneed to be examined and i'm work on a law that would do that. >> the bill would follow the line of a similar bill. >> we see the abuses happening. you have people coming, collecting social security, having never worked in the u.s., they are moving to cuba the money. the system is being taken advantage of and needs to be addressed. >> reporter: do you know when you will file the bill? >> in the next new days when it's ready. of events thursday. >> it's a lot of fun to interact with people and humbling, you realize how few people get a legitimate opportunity to run for and become the president of the you meet so many great people and len everyday from what you hear from people with the interaction. >> are you going to win new hampshire? >> i'm going to work as hard as i can. we are going to do well everywhere we cam paper. i won't get in to the prognostication business. when the process is finished, i will be the nominee and we will beat hilary clinton. >> reporter: last year, the campaign used to brag the senator would only fly coach as a sign of how thrifty he was. he is only taking private jets, the better sign the campaign is heating up and he needs to travel the country more often. jim defede, cbs 4 news. stay with cbs 4 news for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. we are learning details about a man who ambushed a police officer in philadelphia, as the officer sat inside his police cruiser. justin is live with the latest. >> reporter: lauren, good afternoon, police sources telling thus nearly have a full confession from the suspect. he told them he opened fire on this officer shooting him 13 times in the name of islam. i want to pull the photo. this is new this noon. it is taken from cameras showing the still image of the suspect they say hovering over the crcrser and firing at close range inside this officer was hit three times and this noon he is on the road to recovery. midnight friday, officer jesse hearten made a call for help. ambushed at point blank range, while inside his cruiser. his father got the news soon after. returned fire taking down the suspect as he tied to runaway. -- tried to runaway. >> this is one of the scariest things i have ever seen. he tried to execute the police officer. >> reporter: he hit the suspect ree times, the gunman was taken in to custody. the 33 year old officer fighting back despite three gun shotto his arm. philadelphia police commissioner, richard ross. >> he walked right up on top of him. he is firing the entire time. ain, very, very sad. >> reporter: newly elected philadelphia mayor is calling for more gun control. >> there are too many guns, too many guns on o o streets. i think our national government needs to do something about that. >> reporter: his father knows his son has one more fight ahead. >> it's a tough road. he is a tough guy. excellent philadelphia officer. >> reporter: lauren, this fight will include overcoming broken damage, we are told, throughout the overnight and morning the officer had family friends and girlfriend at his bedside. we have learned this noon, fbi is joining in this investigation. that is the latest from philadelphia, back over to you. time is 12:17, let's get a check on the local forecast here in south florida. hot again, so much for the cold front we were dealing with earlier in the week. >> half a day. >> cold snap. >> roller coaster ride continues for the weekend. live look outside with the wind mmer resort camera, lauderdale by the sea. the soh, southeast wind kicking a bit. seas are bouncing anywhere from 1-3 feet. that's what is up as we check out that view with the wind jammer resort camera. am i going to have -- clicker worked today. broward camera, downtown fort clouds overhead, temperatures upper 70s, mid-70s right now for key west. showers heaviest offshore, light showers across the metro area. down to marathon, 6:38 this morning, a funnel cloud came on shore, report of a tornado, very minor damage out there checking that out right now. widening out the shot. the heaviest rain is across the flflida straits moving from the east off to the west. the wind, again, coming in from the south, kicking up the seas just a little bit. that's a warm wind. let's walk through the forecast, hour by hour with the future radar and how much rain we could see. doesn't look like we are going to pick up a bunch of rain, light showers in to the afternoon and evening, keeping the clouds in place all day long. ththset up, the area of low pressure hugging the northern it, the showers in on the southwesterly wind aloft, to the north we go rs it's cold enough for snow, green bay, minneapopos, des moines, on the backside of that area of low pressure, temperatures tumbling, 33 minneapolis, it is 16 in billings montana, 22 denver. 30 minute delay in dc, now, close to an hour in denver and low clouds approaching 30 minutes in san francisco. if you have travel plansm tomorrow, warm, sunshine continues, cold front approaching on sunday, it's going to be warm as we head through the weekend. that front slides through early next week. temperatures will cool down just a bit. forecast for today, limited sun, spotty showers, i think 80 should do it on average for a high temperature. for tonight, spotty showers, patchy fog across interior sections of miami-dade and broward. forecast through the weekend, hereou goes the warm up, a up and down, temperatures for the weekend during the afternoon in the 80s and back down in to the 70s monday and tuesday with lows then, in the lower 60s. have a good weekend. two state troopers go above and qopped on the side of -- beyond on the side of a new jersey highway. they delivered a baby on the side of the road. expecting mother was being driven to the hospital when she realized they were not going to make it. they stopped and called 911. they found the mom to be in labor in the backseat. the troopers helped deliver the umbilical cord. fine. great story to tell there. a performance for the super bowl. the halftime show. are you looking for way to lose weight? how about a taco cleanse? you about are you trying to get leaner and healthier this new year? how about eating tacos for breakfast, lunch and dinner. self proclaimed to coscientists have a new plan. the 30 day cleanse. they published a book with 75 vegan recipes, wrapping vegetables or beans inside a lettuce leaf or corn tortillas, the number one seller on cooking humor category. ta is trying to get its cool faster back teaming up with soul cycle on prices half what they cost at a soul cycle location. the partnership will also bring free pop up classes to miami in early february. chick-fil-a is adding a super food side, it's saying good-bye to coleslaw and hello to kale salad. the new side has a maple vinaigrette dressing, topped with dried cherrys, almonds and pecans there has been growing demand for healthier options. who runs the world? beyonce. she decided to be a performer for the super bowl 50 half-time show. she headlineed the show 3 years ago in new orleans. she will join cold play in santa clara california on february 7th. cbs 4 news at noon will be right back. dow jones industrial average up that will do it for cbs 4 news

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Montana , Iraq , New Hampshire , Florida City , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Town Hall , Deerfield , California , Syria , Cuba , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Americans , America , Iraqi , Cuban , Hilary Clinton , Marco Rubio , Richard Ross , Christopher Walker , Michael Smith , Barack Obama , Joan Murray ,

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Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News At Noon 20160108 :

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News At Noon 20160108

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doorstep. detectives still have not released the identity of the victim. all they will tell us is she is female because they are still working to notify her family. a car thief gets more than he bargained for when he took a car with a child inside. the 6 year old is safe. the search is on for the car and the carjacker. ted scouten is live. >> reporter: one flightenned little girl. it -- one rightened little girl. the step father ran in for a moment. this man gets out of his car to ruin to the convenient store at the sonoco gas station. a man strolls up to the car, walks to the back of it and squats down. making his way to the driver's side door. right behind him , the man that owns the car runs after him. the crook did not realize a 6- year-old girl was in the backseat. >> she just said, car was running fast until he looked at her and said get out. she didn't know what was going on. nobody drives that fast with her. >> reporter: the child's grandmother doesn't want to show her face. she tells us that little girl was terrified when the car pulled out and she realized her step father was not behind the wheel. the child was order #-d out -- ordered out of the car. when the crook sped off, the little girl ran across the street. fortunately, there was a jogger that helped her. >> she saw her crossing street and asked her where is your parent. she told her they stole her dad's car. arrived she wouldn't let go of the strange. >> she wouldn't let go of the lady that und her. they had to take the lady back to the gas station with her. >> that was her angel. >> reporter: the family calling that swrogger an angel -- jogger an angel and grateful little girl. missing still is the car and a driver, kia optima, the tag number on the car is cqqv13. if you have information or if you have seen the car or the person driving it, call broward crime stoppers. ted scouten, cbs 4 news. police arrested a 15 year- old in connection to a deadly shooting in florida city. christopher walker was found in brook lynn, new york, accused of murdering 17-year-old toll tall burt was shot and killed near northwest 8th court while driving with friends. they were am burred by people in another vehiclem walkerer is facing several charges including first degree murder, attempted murder and shooting a deadly missile. a water main break, this is video from this morning from northeast 71st and 4th cord where it happened. a 12-inch main break forced water to gush from underground pipes thursday afternoon. water from the 15-foot deep hole flooded streets and auto repair shop 30 feet away. a south florida woman is recovering after two dogs attacked her and killed her chihuahua. the daughter says two dogs attacked her. they killed her chihuaa and sent her mother to the hospital requiring sits. the father suffered a heart >> my parents are very old. i was told 3 years ago, get them a pet, it's very therapeutic. you are got them a pet. today, my parents almost died because of that pet. >> miami-dade animal services has the dog and attempting to locate the owners. one of the dogs has a crochip which may lead to the owner. a robber is caught on camera holding up a pizza restaurant. this story has a twist. during the crime he apologized for what he was doing. joan murray has more on this remorseful robber's story. >> reporter: well, robberies are not that unusual, what is unusual in in case when the robber went in to the restaurant, he had a conscious and said he was sorry for his bad behavior. the crime takes little more than a minutes, the apologis shorter but memorable. two weeks before christmas arguments gunman storms in to at 1462 south federal highway, deerfield and dends cash with manners. >> he very politely and calmly asked her to please open the safe to give her all the money, he was very polite and courteous and apologetic. he said i'm really sorry for doing this. my kids need christmas. >> reporter: the stunned customer waiting for his pizza doesn't move. the safe is empty, the clerk cleans out the registers and hands ov the money. it shows us he is remorseful. he knows what he is doing wrong and putting people in fear for their lives. >> reporter: because he is wearing a hoodie, it is difficult to see his face. facial hair. >> we don't know if he fled in a vehicle or on foot. >> reporter: crime stoppers if you know anything about this, give crime stopper as call. joan murray, cbs 4 news. the arrest of two iraqi born men in california and texas on terror-related charges is renewing the debate on in the u.s. is doing enough to screen refugees. they are due in federal court today. court documents show the 23 year old aljy i can't be traveled to syria where he wrote he wanted to go to work. the 24 year old is charged with providing support to isis. there are no signs the men were plotting an attack in america but investigation was cut short when news of the case was leaked. they are charged with lying to the u.s. government. barack obama is making a bold promise in a piece for the new york@ times and won't campaign for vote for or support candidate republican or common sense gun reform. last night, president obama headlined a nationally televised town hall meeting on guns. the white house says the town hall was meant to win over public support for the executive action on guns. the power ball jackpot is growing and the number is staggering, $800 million. the japot just jumped this morning and the biggest ever in the unit states. lottery officials say it could grow larger by saturday night's drawing. no one matched all of numbers in the $500 million drawing. lot of money there. still ahead on cbs 4 news at noon, officer ambushed, a philadelphia cop is sitting in his cruiser when a man opened fire on him shooting 13 times, the details on what the suspect told police in a full con vegs. a campaign 2016 exclusive, one on one with presidential candidate marco rubio. troopers helping a mother in labor on the side of a busy road. good friday afternoon to you. michael smith . back to 6:00 this morning, funnel cloud came on shore, official report of a that and a look at the weekend . jim defede has been grilling the candidates in new hampshire. thursday he spoke one on one with marco rubio. introduce a bill to restrict benefits for cuban immigrants. >> reporter: let's start with the most important news of the week, your shoes. let's just resolve it what kind of shoots and boots were they, the cuban heel. >> i never heard that term. they thought them for me, i like them. i'm going to use them again. they are for special occasions. i think my kids or wife bout them for me. they are only for special occasions. that's the day the dolphins were playing the patriots. i was going to see if they had good lucks. >> not wearing flats as a sign of a concession. >> i don't wear those everyday, they hurt your back a little bit too. >> reporter: marco rubio and i discussed the future of the cuban adjustment act. he said it is increasingly clear that many cuban americans coming today are doing so because of economic concerns, the law he said needs to be changed. >> not only does it need to be reexamined. but the benefits they are receivininneed to be examined and i'm work on a law that would do that. >> the bill would follow the line of a similar bill. >> we see the abuses happening. you have people coming, collecting social security, having never worked in the u.s., they are moving to cuba the money. the system is being taken advantage of and needs to be addressed. >> reporter: do you know when you will file the bill? >> in the next new days when it's ready. of events thursday. >> it's a lot of fun to interact with people and humbling, you realize how few people get a legitimate opportunity to run for and become the president of the you meet so many great people and len everyday from what you hear from people with the interaction. >> are you going to win new hampshire? >> i'm going to work as hard as i can. we are going to do well everywhere we cam paper. i won't get in to the prognostication business. when the process is finished, i will be the nominee and we will beat hilary clinton. >> reporter: last year, the campaign used to brag the senator would only fly coach as a sign of how thrifty he was. he is only taking private jets, the better sign the campaign is heating up and he needs to travel the country more often. jim defede, cbs 4 news. stay with cbs 4 news for continuing coverage of campaign 2016. we are learning details about a man who ambushed a police officer in philadelphia, as the officer sat inside his police cruiser. justin is live with the latest. >> reporter: lauren, good afternoon, police sources telling thus nearly have a full confession from the suspect. he told them he opened fire on this officer shooting him 13 times in the name of islam. i want to pull the photo. this is new this noon. it is taken from cameras showing the still image of the suspect they say hovering over the crcrser and firing at close range inside this officer was hit three times and this noon he is on the road to recovery. midnight friday, officer jesse hearten made a call for help. ambushed at point blank range, while inside his cruiser. his father got the news soon after. returned fire taking down the suspect as he tied to runaway. -- tried to runaway. >> this is one of the scariest things i have ever seen. he tried to execute the police officer. >> reporter: he hit the suspect ree times, the gunman was taken in to custody. the 33 year old officer fighting back despite three gun shotto his arm. philadelphia police commissioner, richard ross. >> he walked right up on top of him. he is firing the entire time. ain, very, very sad. >> reporter: newly elected philadelphia mayor is calling for more gun control. >> there are too many guns, too many guns on o o streets. i think our national government needs to do something about that. >> reporter: his father knows his son has one more fight ahead. >> it's a tough road. he is a tough guy. excellent philadelphia officer. >> reporter: lauren, this fight will include overcoming broken damage, we are told, throughout the overnight and morning the officer had family friends and girlfriend at his bedside. we have learned this noon, fbi is joining in this investigation. that is the latest from philadelphia, back over to you. time is 12:17, let's get a check on the local forecast here in south florida. hot again, so much for the cold front we were dealing with earlier in the week. >> half a day. >> cold snap. >> roller coaster ride continues for the weekend. live look outside with the wind mmer resort camera, lauderdale by the sea. the soh, southeast wind kicking a bit. seas are bouncing anywhere from 1-3 feet. that's what is up as we check out that view with the wind jammer resort camera. am i going to have -- clicker worked today. broward camera, downtown fort clouds overhead, temperatures upper 70s, mid-70s right now for key west. showers heaviest offshore, light showers across the metro area. down to marathon, 6:38 this morning, a funnel cloud came on shore, report of a tornado, very minor damage out there checking that out right now. widening out the shot. the heaviest rain is across the flflida straits moving from the east off to the west. the wind, again, coming in from the south, kicking up the seas just a little bit. that's a warm wind. let's walk through the forecast, hour by hour with the future radar and how much rain we could see. doesn't look like we are going to pick up a bunch of rain, light showers in to the afternoon and evening, keeping the clouds in place all day long. ththset up, the area of low pressure hugging the northern it, the showers in on the southwesterly wind aloft, to the north we go rs it's cold enough for snow, green bay, minneapopos, des moines, on the backside of that area of low pressure, temperatures tumbling, 33 minneapolis, it is 16 in billings montana, 22 denver. 30 minute delay in dc, now, close to an hour in denver and low clouds approaching 30 minutes in san francisco. if you have travel plansm tomorrow, warm, sunshine continues, cold front approaching on sunday, it's going to be warm as we head through the weekend. that front slides through early next week. temperatures will cool down just a bit. forecast for today, limited sun, spotty showers, i think 80 should do it on average for a high temperature. for tonight, spotty showers, patchy fog across interior sections of miami-dade and broward. forecast through the weekend, hereou goes the warm up, a up and down, temperatures for the weekend during the afternoon in the 80s and back down in to the 70s monday and tuesday with lows then, in the lower 60s. have a good weekend. two state troopers go above and qopped on the side of -- beyond on the side of a new jersey highway. they delivered a baby on the side of the road. expecting mother was being driven to the hospital when she realized they were not going to make it. they stopped and called 911. they found the mom to be in labor in the backseat. the troopers helped deliver the umbilical cord. fine. great story to tell there. a performance for the super bowl. the halftime show. are you looking for way to lose weight? how about a taco cleanse? you about are you trying to get leaner and healthier this new year? how about eating tacos for breakfast, lunch and dinner. self proclaimed to coscientists have a new plan. the 30 day cleanse. they published a book with 75 vegan recipes, wrapping vegetables or beans inside a lettuce leaf or corn tortillas, the number one seller on cooking humor category. ta is trying to get its cool faster back teaming up with soul cycle on prices half what they cost at a soul cycle location. the partnership will also bring free pop up classes to miami in early february. chick-fil-a is adding a super food side, it's saying good-bye to coleslaw and hello to kale salad. the new side has a maple vinaigrette dressing, topped with dried cherrys, almonds and pecans there has been growing demand for healthier options. who runs the world? beyonce. she decided to be a performer for the super bowl 50 half-time show. she headlineed the show 3 years ago in new orleans. she will join cold play in santa clara california on february 7th. cbs 4 news at noon will be right back. dow jones industrial average up that will do it for cbs 4 news

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Montana , Iraq , New Hampshire , Florida City , Texas , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Town Hall , Deerfield , California , Syria , Cuba , Denver , Colorado , San Francisco , Americans , America , Iraqi , Cuban , Hilary Clinton , Marco Rubio , Richard Ross , Christopher Walker , Michael Smith , Barack Obama , Joan Murray ,

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