Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News 20160305 :

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News 20160305

conference about a knife that was supposedly found buried on the property that o.j. simpson sprints what estates once sat on peer -- estates once sat on it. >> this investigation is still in its early stages and they don't know if this is evident in the case but a national reports -- . but initial reports show the knife is inconsistent. no murder weapon has been found and at this point all leads have gone cold. >>investigators are testing a knife that a construction worker allegedly found on the property formerly owned by o.j. simpson. >>lapd became aware of an item that was allegedly recovered by property -- rockingham property. >>the owner turned the knife over to the lapd officers years ago. when detectives discovered that the now retired officer had the knife they launched an investigation. they said the former officer believed the case was closed and kept it. >>being an lapd officer he didn't know to turn it in? >> i don't know what his statement is. >>the homicide division is now testing the knife her hair, fingerprints and other dna. sources tell cbs news it is a buck knife, inconsistent with the wounds suffered by the victims it. in 1995, o.j. simpson was acquitted of the murders. the case continued to fascinate the public. a tv miniseries debuted with strong ratings. >>you have to question the timing right around the miniseries and all of a sudden >>the knife story could be bogus says the lapd. since there is no conviction, the case remains open. o.j. simpson was found not guilty so he cannot be tried or the crimes. if this knife is linked to the case, authorities will determine whether or not the retired officer will be charged. >> his former miami-based attorney wonders if the timing of this knife story is a coincidence. he spoke with cbs4 on the phone today. >>i am very skeptical of a story. i have heard stories like this through the years. i think it is very coincidental that affects fx -- is showing a miniseries and news like this pops up. >> we have more for you later in the newscast. entertainment tonight has a on-one with marcia clark. >>new video just into the newsroom, a 13-year-old girl possibly running for her life. a man in an suv i just tried to adopt her and pompano beach. we have the safety alert. >> reporter: this is a nice quiet neighborhood. around here. the girl was walking home in the middle of the day when a man try to shove her in his car. it was caught on video. take a look.>> she got free of him. he was not pleased with that action so he got back in his suv and try to pursue her. >> here it is, surveillance video recording the 13-year-old girl running from the man. this is a sketch of the would be kidnapper investigators are looking for. the teenager was walking home from school when the guy in what is possibly a tan ford explorer asked her where she she ignored him and kept walking . then in a bold move, the man got out of his suv, grabbed the girl by her waist and tried shoving her inside. the 13-year-old fought back. >>this little girl save her own life. she did everything right. she screamed really lovely, take and freed herself and then she immediately told her mother and deputies what happened. >>this happened right across the street from pompano beach high. it is in front of a child day care where you see the girl running away. >>there are a nice houses around here and a lot of kids around the area. i constantly walk with my son with a stroller. >>it is scary the fact that i live in this area. >>students like this is greater walk home every day and there stunned to hear this happened along their path, but being up -- budding up among other guy investigators are looking for. he may be in his late 40s, early 50s. >> we spoke to the girls uncle and he said the mother and the little girl were shaken up. they didn't want to speak to us on camera but they were glad the things -- the word was getting out about this guy. if you recognize him or his vehicle they are crime stoppers a call. the presidential campaign trail heads back to south florida. donald trump campaign announced they will make a stop tomorrow night in west palm beach. is scheduled to hold a news conference at 9 pm. donald trump took heat for where he didn't go today. >> donald trump announced he is skipping the cpap conviction -- convention . >> donald trump is skipping cpap will be here. >>he doesn't belong at a conservative gathering. >>donald trump mocks claims he is not conservative enough. >>there's a stupid people that think they are not tonight there to conservative. donald trump is not conservative. >>cpap said -- attendee said they are disappointed. >>i'm disappointed that people are accusing him that he is not a conservative and then he dropped out of cpap. i think that shows conservative voters that he is not dedicated to the republican victory. >>it comes as no surprise especially after thursday nights contentious debate. donald trump with told to toe -- went toe to toe with marco rubio and ted cruz. this video shows just how turned off voters in his focus group work. one man who is not on the debate stage, doctor ben carson. trail. >> the neurosurgeon announced he will head up a nonpartisan group aimed at getting christian voters to the pole. >> tomorrow, primaries and caucuses will be held in kansas, kentucky, maine, louisiana, and nebraska. lisa looking for whoever is responsible for vandalizing a church -- police are looking for whoever is responsible for vandalizing a church. you can see where the windows were smashed on a minivan on the property and potted plants were smashed. if you have information call the police. the presence trip to the island of cuba is still a go despite grumblings of disagreements between the 2 countries. hank hester reports.>> john kerry is going to cuba after all. the presence trip is still on. the state department made that clear friday afternoon, talking about a conversation carry had -- kerry had with the cuban foreign minister. >>reports surfaced thursday that there was a dustup between the us and cuban diplomats conserving -- concerning what dissidents the president will be able to attack in cuba. john kerry canceled a prescheduled visit and speculation begin about the presence trip himself. the president has hung his hat on addressing the human rights issue in cuba with cuban dissidents. >>just exactly who is the president going to talk to when he gets to cuba? >> he is going to talk to whoever the castro regime permits them to talk to. he will say it was his decision to meet those people and he had demanded to meet those people. >>john works directly with obama visit a historic event and a legacy movement for the obama administration. >>both ministers reiterated their commitment into making the visit a success. >>the presidents wants to have his legacy building exercise which will be great on symbolism and imagery and very short and substance. smack the president arrived in cuba -- >> the president arrives in cuba march 24. >>almost $5 million of gold stolen. we show you how a south florida man planned the whole hikes -- heist coming up. and this: it is a mark role -- a remarkable development if it does turn out to be connected to the murders of ron >>tonight exclusive, was a the fbi is releasing new information about an elaborate gold heist worth almost $5 million. we reveal how agents connected the planning of the theft to a >>2 and 2 dozen at up. >>relatives may have been surprised at the arrest, but documents obtained by cbs4 news, we now know why this fbi -- the fbi linked him to the heist. a friend of perez came forward to say, perez was planning the robbery of the gold bars for approximately one year. the confidential source says he put a gps tracking device under the transvaal you tractor- trailer that was hauling 275 pounds of old bars from miami to massachusetts. this is what the fbi said then -- someone would have had to have information to know what was in the back of that truck to pull this off. >>the truck pulled over in north carolina after one of the couriers became ill. it turned out, according to the fbi, a pepper spray was placed in the trailer and press could initiate the pepper -- perez could initiate the preparatory the driver sick . 2 other men pulled up in a van behind the truck and claimed they were police. they tied up the 2 couriers and offloaded the goal -- gold worth $5 million -- . he was living quietly until police raided his home. >>they might have a mistake. >>according to the informant he chopped up the gold bars and sold the pieces for money buying 3 homes, a boat, 3 vehicles and he has been making jewelry out of the bars. he is being held without bond on the robbery charge. as for the other 2 at large, the fbi is offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. a massive security breach potentially endangering thousands of law enforcement officers: -- hackers have posted the names of police officers and other officials online. russian hackers are classified data on behalf of someone who is angry over perceived police brutality. multiple agencies are investigating. 3, 2, one, zero, blastoff. >>a successful liftoff for space x tonight from cape canaveral. they're talking 9 rockets taking up communication satellites into orbit. this was the 4th attempt to get the rocket off for this mission. the new satellite will service parts of asia and the indian ocean region. a pretty sickening scene caught on camera as a student a taxi teacher. this happened in tallahassee. the student punches the teacher in the face and then continues to beat him until he falls to the floor. the 17-year-old is charged with aggravated assault. incident. >>after nearly a year in space, scott kelly is back and home -- at home in the us. he is talking about readjusting to life on earth. >> i have an issue with my skin -- because it hadn't touched anything for so long -- any significant contact, it is very sensitive . it is almost like a burning feeling wherever i sit or lie or walk. >>that doesn't sound pleasant. he said he kept his sanity by taking things one step at a time and looking forward to little milestones. now, exclusive -- we will get the shot there . this is an exclusive on the bizarre new twist in the o.j. simpson double murder case that we told you about at the top of the newscast. >>the woman trying to convict him is talking with kevin frazier. at the rocking him estate -- the estate when it was demolished. what is your take on this? >> it is remarkable development. i hope the troop comes out -- truth comes out about the information. smith exclusive with marcia clark, the lead prosecutor. she finds this all a bit baffling. >>it might be a hoechst, -- host, it could be someone who planted it.>> the house here on what was once o'jays property was demolished back in 1998. police say it is possible that is when the knife was discovered. the founder of the knife turned it over to an officer who was working as security officer during a production of the movie. police say he held onto it until recently. >>to think there is dna on the knife? >> it is possible. mummies in egypt. if there is dna to be recovered it is possible that it could be found especially with today's technology which is much more extensive -- sensitive here for mac donald simpson was acquitted in a trial that lasted more than a month -- 8 months , but could he put -- be prosecuted again ? >> is very slim, but we have to find out what this means. >> reporter: next, o'jays lost interview. he takes on the media with 2 students. it was shot in 1997 on his estate after he was found not guilty. >>i thought the media let the american public down as well as nicole and run down in trying to find the 2 perpetrators. i thought it became such a moneymaker for the tabloids.>> reporter: as for the newly found knife, police say the investigation is still in the early stages. the story continues to we're joined now, everyone is wondering how it is going to look this weekend? >> i have the story for you right now. i have been working on the details of this weekend. let's take a look at what is going on. it is pretty quiet out there. a few showers off to the east. it looks like rain over the gulf. we're pretty dry out there even though a cold front is close to coming through in the next hour or 2. a live look outside overlooking the causeways and the intercoastal. good visibility, no rain falling right now. it is still nice in mild. 73 miami. 73 ft. lauderdale. 70 in key west. the humidity is at 66 percent. the wind shifting slowly to the northwest at 5 miles per hour . high temperatures made it up to it early summer like, 85 in 84 in fort lauderdale. everyone well in the 80s, well above the normal high, 79, for today's date. we will be cooler as we head into the weekend because we do have this week -- weak cold front hedden through. we will pick up milder ocean air for tomorrow. we will see about 3 hours of cooler weather. the time he had out the door, it is going to start warming up again really quickly. future radar suggest as the wind shifts some showers may come in off the ocean. today may be the best day of getting showers if we get them at all. is nothing widespread, but sadly -- it is not being widespread, but saturday would be more likely. tomorrow we have a little bit of everything, sons, cloud, temperatures around 79. 79 is right where we should be for this time of year. for the borders, northeast on the wind at 10 to 15. bay water is a moderate chop. on sunday, sun and clouds, maybe a shower or 2, a better week -- next most of the country is still dealing with winter, the folks at victoria secret are ready to turn up the heat. they are getting ready for this one special which airs right here. tonight, we get to show how excited are you for that? >> i am excited. wednesday, march 9.>> it tim berry is here with sports. philly. suddenly this team is an offense of juggernaut. doing weight is feeling good and it shows. watch him finishing with authority. it doesn't look like he's 34 24 points. relax, the sixers scare them with a 13 - zero run. jeremy at the other end with a three-point play now the heat is down 3. gerald shakes off the cobwebs. he scores a dozen off the bench. the heat win their 4th straight 112 - 102. the new formula -- simple . >>everyone is given an opportunity to be themselves at the same time. that is the one thing that we all wanted, we all envision. >> looking good. >>at the cadillac championship, the hottest golfer has snatched the lead. on day two, roy trouble. this one is almost right in the cut. he is 8 under. that puts him to backup. adam scott is at 15. he thinks this shot onto the green and he would roll it home for a birdie right after that. scott setting the pace at -10. the aussie who one last week is writing a nice wave of momentum. -- won last week is writing -- writing a nice wave of momentum. >> the marlins welcoming baker. gerrit is looking to prove he can hold down a rotation spot. >>justin boren could have a big hitter. marlins won the split 5 - for. the death of journalists collins. he became a tennis icon. you couldn't miss him with those bright custom-made pants. he suffered from dementia and parkinson's. one of a kind for sure. made it to friday. >>yes. congratulations. >> that will do it for the cbs4 news. thanks for joining us. the late show with stephen colbert is coming up. >> if you're on the go you can watch our morning show and all streaming a cbs >>when does victoria's secret show up? >> you know that. >>next wednesday. >> good night. >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for armando montelongo live events. you are about to meet a man that can change your future now. he is america's top real-estate investing expert, he has been featured on the number-one real-estate hit reality show "flip this house," and is a best-selling author. he is the most sought-out real-estate expert 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"inc. 500" magazine has named armando's company the fastest-growing educational company in america. and now armando has added one more element to his award-winning system. armando is known for teaching both new and experienced real-estate investors how to flip houses all over america. now, in addition to teaching you how to flip properties for big profits, armando's system will teach you how to invest in income properties for long-term wealth creation and security. because armando is making his live event free to the general public, seats will fill fast. so, you must call now. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event. when you are one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you will immediately receive a copy of armando's "find and finance playbook," so you can experience the most up-to-date knowledge on finding and financing real-estate deals real-estate business ahead of the competition. you must call now, because seating is first come, first serve, and seats will fill fast. so call now. no matter how hard life gets for you, remember that you have the power and opportunity to change it. armando montelongo was $50,000 in debt, living on food stamps, and in a garage, and now he's one of the wealthiest house flippers in america. let's hear what he has to say. >> imagine that i used to call this home. it looked a little bit different, but it wasn't a converted garage. this was literally, move over the lawn mower, move over the weed eater. we put a rug out right here. we put a bed. the tv was right over here, and we put the clothes down. made a little closet in the corner. this right here is when and where i decided to change my life. some of you watching this tv commercial right now need a change. whether you are poor the way i was so poor, or whether you're make ends meet, or if you're a little bit wealthier and go, "you know what, i need to go to that next level," real estate can help you get there. if you know how to go out there and do it in a methodical, step-by-step manner, then my system can go and show you how to do this. >> we've been using armando's techniques to buy and sell properties, and through everything we learned through armando, our first two properties have netted us $53,000 in profit, and have given us a future to count on. >> i was just like you, sitting on my couch watching an infomercial. now, after learning armando's systems, i was able to flip my first house for $20,000 and my second one for $18,000. that's $38,000 in two deals, and i have four deals on the way. and i couldn't have done it without armando's systems. and i just want to say, armando, thank you so much for changing my life. >> by using armando's techniques, we've earned a total of $76,000 in two flips. second one was $33,000, and we did it in less than 90 days. >> and by using armando's techniques and systems, we are able now to see that our future is taken care of with our retirement, and no longer have to worry about our dead-end jobs. >> the future is really bright. and, armando, thank you very much for changing our lives. >> thank you very much, yes. you're changing our lives. >> because of armando's systems and strategies, i've been able, with my partners, to make a profit of $40,000. >> we're out in front of our first property that we flipped here. made over $45k, thanks to the armando system. it's been a life-changing experience. i value the education that armando has provided me more than my college education. we continue to make money with this education, acquiring properties in different cities. the experience has just been, how else to say it, life-changing. armando, thank you, man. you rock. >> i'm out in the real-estate marketplace today with one of my students, billy. billy, how are you? >> i'm fine. how are you? >> i am doing amazing. now, billy has a unique physical challenge that the people watching this tv show right now most likely don't have. billy, what is your unique

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Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News 20160305 :

Transcripts For WFOR CBS 4 News 20160305

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conference about a knife that was supposedly found buried on the property that o.j. simpson sprints what estates once sat on peer -- estates once sat on it. >> this investigation is still in its early stages and they don't know if this is evident in the case but a national reports -- . but initial reports show the knife is inconsistent. no murder weapon has been found and at this point all leads have gone cold. >>investigators are testing a knife that a construction worker allegedly found on the property formerly owned by o.j. simpson. >>lapd became aware of an item that was allegedly recovered by property -- rockingham property. >>the owner turned the knife over to the lapd officers years ago. when detectives discovered that the now retired officer had the knife they launched an investigation. they said the former officer believed the case was closed and kept it. >>being an lapd officer he didn't know to turn it in? >> i don't know what his statement is. >>the homicide division is now testing the knife her hair, fingerprints and other dna. sources tell cbs news it is a buck knife, inconsistent with the wounds suffered by the victims it. in 1995, o.j. simpson was acquitted of the murders. the case continued to fascinate the public. a tv miniseries debuted with strong ratings. >>you have to question the timing right around the miniseries and all of a sudden >>the knife story could be bogus says the lapd. since there is no conviction, the case remains open. o.j. simpson was found not guilty so he cannot be tried or the crimes. if this knife is linked to the case, authorities will determine whether or not the retired officer will be charged. >> his former miami-based attorney wonders if the timing of this knife story is a coincidence. he spoke with cbs4 on the phone today. >>i am very skeptical of a story. i have heard stories like this through the years. i think it is very coincidental that affects fx -- is showing a miniseries and news like this pops up. >> we have more for you later in the newscast. entertainment tonight has a on-one with marcia clark. >>new video just into the newsroom, a 13-year-old girl possibly running for her life. a man in an suv i just tried to adopt her and pompano beach. we have the safety alert. >> reporter: this is a nice quiet neighborhood. around here. the girl was walking home in the middle of the day when a man try to shove her in his car. it was caught on video. take a look.>> she got free of him. he was not pleased with that action so he got back in his suv and try to pursue her. >> here it is, surveillance video recording the 13-year-old girl running from the man. this is a sketch of the would be kidnapper investigators are looking for. the teenager was walking home from school when the guy in what is possibly a tan ford explorer asked her where she she ignored him and kept walking . then in a bold move, the man got out of his suv, grabbed the girl by her waist and tried shoving her inside. the 13-year-old fought back. >>this little girl save her own life. she did everything right. she screamed really lovely, take and freed herself and then she immediately told her mother and deputies what happened. >>this happened right across the street from pompano beach high. it is in front of a child day care where you see the girl running away. >>there are a nice houses around here and a lot of kids around the area. i constantly walk with my son with a stroller. >>it is scary the fact that i live in this area. >>students like this is greater walk home every day and there stunned to hear this happened along their path, but being up -- budding up among other guy investigators are looking for. he may be in his late 40s, early 50s. >> we spoke to the girls uncle and he said the mother and the little girl were shaken up. they didn't want to speak to us on camera but they were glad the things -- the word was getting out about this guy. if you recognize him or his vehicle they are crime stoppers a call. the presidential campaign trail heads back to south florida. donald trump campaign announced they will make a stop tomorrow night in west palm beach. is scheduled to hold a news conference at 9 pm. donald trump took heat for where he didn't go today. >> donald trump announced he is skipping the cpap conviction -- convention . >> donald trump is skipping cpap will be here. >>he doesn't belong at a conservative gathering. >>donald trump mocks claims he is not conservative enough. >>there's a stupid people that think they are not tonight there to conservative. donald trump is not conservative. >>cpap said -- attendee said they are disappointed. >>i'm disappointed that people are accusing him that he is not a conservative and then he dropped out of cpap. i think that shows conservative voters that he is not dedicated to the republican victory. >>it comes as no surprise especially after thursday nights contentious debate. donald trump with told to toe -- went toe to toe with marco rubio and ted cruz. this video shows just how turned off voters in his focus group work. one man who is not on the debate stage, doctor ben carson. trail. >> the neurosurgeon announced he will head up a nonpartisan group aimed at getting christian voters to the pole. >> tomorrow, primaries and caucuses will be held in kansas, kentucky, maine, louisiana, and nebraska. lisa looking for whoever is responsible for vandalizing a church -- police are looking for whoever is responsible for vandalizing a church. you can see where the windows were smashed on a minivan on the property and potted plants were smashed. if you have information call the police. the presence trip to the island of cuba is still a go despite grumblings of disagreements between the 2 countries. hank hester reports.>> john kerry is going to cuba after all. the presence trip is still on. the state department made that clear friday afternoon, talking about a conversation carry had -- kerry had with the cuban foreign minister. >>reports surfaced thursday that there was a dustup between the us and cuban diplomats conserving -- concerning what dissidents the president will be able to attack in cuba. john kerry canceled a prescheduled visit and speculation begin about the presence trip himself. the president has hung his hat on addressing the human rights issue in cuba with cuban dissidents. >>just exactly who is the president going to talk to when he gets to cuba? >> he is going to talk to whoever the castro regime permits them to talk to. he will say it was his decision to meet those people and he had demanded to meet those people. >>john works directly with obama visit a historic event and a legacy movement for the obama administration. >>both ministers reiterated their commitment into making the visit a success. >>the presidents wants to have his legacy building exercise which will be great on symbolism and imagery and very short and substance. smack the president arrived in cuba -- >> the president arrives in cuba march 24. >>almost $5 million of gold stolen. we show you how a south florida man planned the whole hikes -- heist coming up. and this: it is a mark role -- a remarkable development if it does turn out to be connected to the murders of ron >>tonight exclusive, was a the fbi is releasing new information about an elaborate gold heist worth almost $5 million. we reveal how agents connected the planning of the theft to a >>2 and 2 dozen at up. >>relatives may have been surprised at the arrest, but documents obtained by cbs4 news, we now know why this fbi -- the fbi linked him to the heist. a friend of perez came forward to say, perez was planning the robbery of the gold bars for approximately one year. the confidential source says he put a gps tracking device under the transvaal you tractor- trailer that was hauling 275 pounds of old bars from miami to massachusetts. this is what the fbi said then -- someone would have had to have information to know what was in the back of that truck to pull this off. >>the truck pulled over in north carolina after one of the couriers became ill. it turned out, according to the fbi, a pepper spray was placed in the trailer and press could initiate the pepper -- perez could initiate the preparatory the driver sick . 2 other men pulled up in a van behind the truck and claimed they were police. they tied up the 2 couriers and offloaded the goal -- gold worth $5 million -- . he was living quietly until police raided his home. >>they might have a mistake. >>according to the informant he chopped up the gold bars and sold the pieces for money buying 3 homes, a boat, 3 vehicles and he has been making jewelry out of the bars. he is being held without bond on the robbery charge. as for the other 2 at large, the fbi is offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. a massive security breach potentially endangering thousands of law enforcement officers: -- hackers have posted the names of police officers and other officials online. russian hackers are classified data on behalf of someone who is angry over perceived police brutality. multiple agencies are investigating. 3, 2, one, zero, blastoff. >>a successful liftoff for space x tonight from cape canaveral. they're talking 9 rockets taking up communication satellites into orbit. this was the 4th attempt to get the rocket off for this mission. the new satellite will service parts of asia and the indian ocean region. a pretty sickening scene caught on camera as a student a taxi teacher. this happened in tallahassee. the student punches the teacher in the face and then continues to beat him until he falls to the floor. the 17-year-old is charged with aggravated assault. incident. >>after nearly a year in space, scott kelly is back and home -- at home in the us. he is talking about readjusting to life on earth. >> i have an issue with my skin -- because it hadn't touched anything for so long -- any significant contact, it is very sensitive . it is almost like a burning feeling wherever i sit or lie or walk. >>that doesn't sound pleasant. he said he kept his sanity by taking things one step at a time and looking forward to little milestones. now, exclusive -- we will get the shot there . this is an exclusive on the bizarre new twist in the o.j. simpson double murder case that we told you about at the top of the newscast. >>the woman trying to convict him is talking with kevin frazier. at the rocking him estate -- the estate when it was demolished. what is your take on this? >> it is remarkable development. i hope the troop comes out -- truth comes out about the information. smith exclusive with marcia clark, the lead prosecutor. she finds this all a bit baffling. >>it might be a hoechst, -- host, it could be someone who planted it.>> the house here on what was once o'jays property was demolished back in 1998. police say it is possible that is when the knife was discovered. the founder of the knife turned it over to an officer who was working as security officer during a production of the movie. police say he held onto it until recently. >>to think there is dna on the knife? >> it is possible. mummies in egypt. if there is dna to be recovered it is possible that it could be found especially with today's technology which is much more extensive -- sensitive here for mac donald simpson was acquitted in a trial that lasted more than a month -- 8 months , but could he put -- be prosecuted again ? >> is very slim, but we have to find out what this means. >> reporter: next, o'jays lost interview. he takes on the media with 2 students. it was shot in 1997 on his estate after he was found not guilty. >>i thought the media let the american public down as well as nicole and run down in trying to find the 2 perpetrators. i thought it became such a moneymaker for the tabloids.>> reporter: as for the newly found knife, police say the investigation is still in the early stages. the story continues to we're joined now, everyone is wondering how it is going to look this weekend? >> i have the story for you right now. i have been working on the details of this weekend. let's take a look at what is going on. it is pretty quiet out there. a few showers off to the east. it looks like rain over the gulf. we're pretty dry out there even though a cold front is close to coming through in the next hour or 2. a live look outside overlooking the causeways and the intercoastal. good visibility, no rain falling right now. it is still nice in mild. 73 miami. 73 ft. lauderdale. 70 in key west. the humidity is at 66 percent. the wind shifting slowly to the northwest at 5 miles per hour . high temperatures made it up to it early summer like, 85 in 84 in fort lauderdale. everyone well in the 80s, well above the normal high, 79, for today's date. we will be cooler as we head into the weekend because we do have this week -- weak cold front hedden through. we will pick up milder ocean air for tomorrow. we will see about 3 hours of cooler weather. the time he had out the door, it is going to start warming up again really quickly. future radar suggest as the wind shifts some showers may come in off the ocean. today may be the best day of getting showers if we get them at all. is nothing widespread, but sadly -- it is not being widespread, but saturday would be more likely. tomorrow we have a little bit of everything, sons, cloud, temperatures around 79. 79 is right where we should be for this time of year. for the borders, northeast on the wind at 10 to 15. bay water is a moderate chop. on sunday, sun and clouds, maybe a shower or 2, a better week -- next most of the country is still dealing with winter, the folks at victoria secret are ready to turn up the heat. they are getting ready for this one special which airs right here. tonight, we get to show how excited are you for that? >> i am excited. wednesday, march 9.>> it tim berry is here with sports. philly. suddenly this team is an offense of juggernaut. doing weight is feeling good and it shows. watch him finishing with authority. it doesn't look like he's 34 24 points. relax, the sixers scare them with a 13 - zero run. jeremy at the other end with a three-point play now the heat is down 3. gerald shakes off the cobwebs. he scores a dozen off the bench. the heat win their 4th straight 112 - 102. the new formula -- simple . >>everyone is given an opportunity to be themselves at the same time. that is the one thing that we all wanted, we all envision. >> looking good. >>at the cadillac championship, the hottest golfer has snatched the lead. on day two, roy trouble. this one is almost right in the cut. he is 8 under. that puts him to backup. adam scott is at 15. he thinks this shot onto the green and he would roll it home for a birdie right after that. scott setting the pace at -10. the aussie who one last week is writing a nice wave of momentum. -- won last week is writing -- writing a nice wave of momentum. >> the marlins welcoming baker. gerrit is looking to prove he can hold down a rotation spot. >>justin boren could have a big hitter. marlins won the split 5 - for. the death of journalists collins. he became a tennis icon. you couldn't miss him with those bright custom-made pants. he suffered from dementia and parkinson's. one of a kind for sure. made it to friday. >>yes. congratulations. >> that will do it for the cbs4 news. thanks for joining us. the late show with stephen colbert is coming up. >> if you're on the go you can watch our morning show and all streaming a cbs >>when does victoria's secret show up? >> you know that. >>next wednesday. >> good night. >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for armando montelongo live events. you are about to meet a man that can change your future now. he is america's top real-estate investing expert, he has been featured on the number-one real-estate hit reality show "flip this house," and is a best-selling author. he is the most sought-out real-estate expert in the world and has changed thousands of people's financial futures. you now have the opportunity to spend time learning armando's money-making real-estate strategies at his live event coming to your area. >> after attending one of armando's seminars, i started making offers, got into a profit. >> after learning armando's techniques, me and a partner of mine did a deal together where we netted over $32,000. >> after learning from armando's techniques and teachings, we property, and we made over -- a little bit over $40,000. thank you. thank you very much, from the bottom of our hearts. >> announcer: armando montelongo is bringing his free live real-estate event to your area. this is a rare opportunity for you to learn how to access armando's millionaire real-estate strategies that made him a household name. armando has been featured on "undercover boss," "national geographic," and is the star of a&e's "flip this house." if you have ever wanted to learn about flipping houses and acquiring income properties, then you must call now. at armando's event, his team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create the cash you and your family deserve. you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash right here in your area. you will learn that you can buy, renovate, and flip real estate using other people's money and credit, that there are lenders who want to lend you money to flip houses and acquire income no money or credit, and that if you have money and credit, you can grow your money exponentially. "inc. 500" magazine has named armando's company the fastest-growing educational company in america. and now armando has added one more element to his award-winning system. armando is known for teaching both new and experienced real-estate investors how to flip houses all over america. now, in addition to teaching you how to flip properties for big profits, armando's system will teach you how to invest in income properties for long-term wealth creation and security. because armando is making his live event free to the general public, seats will fill fast. so, you must call now. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event. when you are one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you will immediately receive a copy of armando's "find and finance playbook," so you can experience the most up-to-date knowledge on finding and financing real-estate deals real-estate business ahead of the competition. you must call now, because seating is first come, first serve, and seats will fill fast. so call now. no matter how hard life gets for you, remember that you have the power and opportunity to change it. armando montelongo was $50,000 in debt, living on food stamps, and in a garage, and now he's one of the wealthiest house flippers in america. let's hear what he has to say. >> imagine that i used to call this home. it looked a little bit different, but it wasn't a converted garage. this was literally, move over the lawn mower, move over the weed eater. we put a rug out right here. we put a bed. the tv was right over here, and we put the clothes down. made a little closet in the corner. this right here is when and where i decided to change my life. some of you watching this tv commercial right now need a change. whether you are poor the way i was so poor, or whether you're make ends meet, or if you're a little bit wealthier and go, "you know what, i need to go to that next level," real estate can help you get there. if you know how to go out there and do it in a methodical, step-by-step manner, then my system can go and show you how to do this. >> we've been using armando's techniques to buy and sell properties, and through everything we learned through armando, our first two properties have netted us $53,000 in profit, and have given us a future to count on. >> i was just like you, sitting on my couch watching an infomercial. now, after learning armando's systems, i was able to flip my first house for $20,000 and my second one for $18,000. that's $38,000 in two deals, and i have four deals on the way. and i couldn't have done it without armando's systems. and i just want to say, armando, thank you so much for changing my life. >> by using armando's techniques, we've earned a total of $76,000 in two flips. second one was $33,000, and we did it in less than 90 days. >> and by using armando's techniques and systems, we are able now to see that our future is taken care of with our retirement, and no longer have to worry about our dead-end jobs. >> the future is really bright. and, armando, thank you very much for changing our lives. >> thank you very much, yes. you're changing our lives. >> because of armando's systems and strategies, i've been able, with my partners, to make a profit of $40,000. >> we're out in front of our first property that we flipped here. made over $45k, thanks to the armando system. it's been a life-changing experience. i value the education that armando has provided me more than my college education. we continue to make money with this education, acquiring properties in different cities. the experience has just been, how else to say it, life-changing. armando, thank you, man. you rock. >> i'm out in the real-estate marketplace today with one of my students, billy. billy, how are you? >> i'm fine. how are you? >> i am doing amazing. now, billy has a unique physical challenge that the people watching this tv show right now most likely don't have. billy, what is your unique

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