From the Perry and young traffic center a look at the roads are 945 w.f.l.a. Starting to see some slowdowns don't want to 31 in the southbound direction of north star Avenue and a transmitter road looking good along 50000 business 98 agents throughout downtown Boston starting to see some minor delays on the Tyndall parkway between the we will highway and Boat Race Road up to speed across the Hathaway bridge to and from Panama City Beach when you see traffic problems call the traffic tip line at 7694594 with your Perry and young attorneys a lot of traffic center update on but green. Your News Channel 7 forecast by a 945 w.f.l.a. As a cold front makes its way into the area you've got a rip tide warning in the waters off the Gulf until 11 o'clock tonight showers and a chance of some thunderstorms during the morning hours today then skies turning partly cloudy this afternoon 568 this morning then falling sharply near 45 later on in the afternoon tonight down to 33 with no chance of rain Wednesday mostly clear and 58 with your weather person Scott and Fox News Radio 945 every f l a so Jacqueline I wanted to talk to you about something oh wait hold on just a great mom I just got a message many comments on my comment she got a chuckle to me like how it was that this word and. Getting closer to nature can get you closer to your family to find the forest near see you go to discover the forest or. The u.s. Forest Service in the. News for News Channel 7 or 945 w.f.l.a. . 7 needs room needs a little tense John stated time nobody's getting home too many children in name passed away Friday Judge Taunton and his wife Abigail settled in we will hitch where they began to take in homeless children over the past 40 years about 400 children have been raised by the couple at the Taunton family children's home which is now a nonprofit there they instilled value in purpose and has so many young lives his children say they will carry on his legacy from ceremonies to parades to free lunches veterans were honored Monday for the sec refind says they made for our country they County held its annual parade in ceremony Monday morning and that afternoon Callaway held its parade and ceremony around 350 local veterans and their families were treated to a free dolphin cruise at the captain. Anderson marina for more stories go to w j c dot com or download to free l a u j h t m today. Israel takes out a terror leader I'm Dave Anthony Fox News an Islamic Jihad commander and his wife killed in an airstrike in Gaza another militant also killed another bombing so the Palestinians are retaliating. Firing rockets into Israel getting very close to the Israeli city of Tel Aviv some rockets reportedly making the work closer to your worse little more than 60 rockets according to the Israeli Defense Forces have been fired and a tech sector to Fox News from a senior Hamas official that's the other group in the Gaza Strip they are in control of Gaza said quote major escalation is expected foxes tray youngest in Gaza City a lot of dreamers are outside the Supreme Court's. Some camped out there at the heart of the hearing this morning into President Trump's attempt to end that Obama era program Fox's Rachel Sutherland is live in Washington Dave that is she who is president Trump's effort in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program or DACA legal the Obama era policy protects hundreds of thousands of people brought to the u.s. Illegally as children from deportation the term demonstration argues the program is illegal on grounds President Obama over Reeses authority by using executive action to bypass Congress lower courts have allowed docket to remain in place while the case made its way to the Supreme Court the 9 justices who are here 90 minutes of oral arguments in the case Dave President Trump just tweeted that many of the people in Dhaka no longer very young are far from angels calling some hardened criminals to be Carter who at 95 is the oldest ex-president ever is in a Georgia hospital and will have surgery this morning to relieve pressure on his brain that pressure coming from bleeding triggered by some falls he's taken recently President Carter suffered 3 falls this year alone boxer. As Ed Henry and other Democrats considering a late run for president Deval Patrick a former Massachusetts governor joining x. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg exploring 2020 deadline to file the 1st primary state New Hampshire is Friday America's listening to Fox News is your shot . Dollars text to my keyboard to wonder if you're wondering confirmation. in the Veteran's Day parade that yelled at me he looked pretty you're on the radio Yeah buddy thanks thanks for that you got a few Santa Claus call out. You know. You're wearing red I don't know if the guy tells me that he doesn't find me attractive I'm good with that. But he said You're pretty on the radio you're pretty. Anyway we welcome you on the Facebook page we're taking suggestions for the Veterans Day parade no matter where you live but we get you to go to a parade honoring veterans I've had some interesting things come by e-mail one for example is you know businesses need to recognize it may be. Give employees the day off or the morning off to go or something like that I mean yeah you could maybe push the local Chamber of Commerce to send out word and say Come on let's let's honor our veterans you know let's do something today to support people being able to go I had someone say look I had work I usually used to be closed but we're not anymore and you know this person said I'll take a vacation day next year shouldn't have to do that you just You shouldn't we should be able to set aside a day anyway it's not just the day I mean the kids get the day off teachers get the day off but there were a bunch of them out there so that's not it that's just that's a small part of it anyway Facebook page Facebook dot com slash Preston Scott shows share your suggestions what would help perhaps get people back out there you know do we do we do we have to have a a tragedy or something in our country for people to appreciate and respect the military again I don't know any way today Senate Bill 404 is getting some some time in 3 different Senate committees and my friend John Stamberg with a Florida Family Policy Council is asking for you to go and speak on behalf of a bill which would be parental consent to parental consent before abortion bill and I know all the arguments I know all of them are a few things here number one parents you have a right to know if your daughter is going to go through with a medical procedure that could have severe complications emotionally and physically here's why it's your daughter and you're going to have to pay the bill no matter what it's on you you have a right to know you have to sign permission for your child to get a Tylenol at the health clinic at school. This is a no brainer but it's it's at the Pat Thomas committee room the 412 not building down of the Capitol if you would like to go Health the Senate Health Policy Committee 1030 this morning and. They've only allotted an hour and a half you might get 3 minutes if you put in a speaking card they're asking you to wear blue state congressman druther State Rep state. U.s. Representative used to be in the state. Met Gates representing the 1st Congressional District of Florida. Said that they're playing the Republicans playing on this is going to be to continue to point out the Democrats ignoring. The things that matter in this country to go on this chase after the president the irony to me is that you've got the Palm Beach Post calling Matt Gates's actions unnecessary unproductive and a distraction I bet they haven't said the same about the Democrats' efforts for 3 years just guessing Bernie Sanders shocking the world at a town hall yesterday in church City Iowa City stating that the plan better work to confiscate guns with a government buyback was unconstitutional and is essentially confiscation. He said I don't support the n.r.a. On much of anything but he said that's not that's not constitutional. Surprising 10 minutes after the hour. From the Perry and young traffic chatter a look at the roads are 945 w.f.l.a. Traffic are stacked up now on 231 in the south Foundation and the usual spots north star Avenue Cherokee heights and also a transmitter road looking good along 50000 business 90 days its route downtown up to speed on the Tyndall Parkway in across the Hathaway bridge to and from Panama City Beach when you see traffic problems call traffic tip line 769-4594 with the or parrying young attorneys a lot of traffic center update on but. Your News Channel 7 forecast $9045.00 w.f.l.a. Well some wild weather changes today across the panhandle winds are going to be blowing gusty out of the north throughout the day and that's going to usher in much colder temperatures so it's only going to get colder throughout the course of the day by this afternoon will drop down into the low fifty's quickly falling into the forty's this evening and by the time you wake up once a morning will be close to freezing as you move into the day on Wednesday plenty of sun. With eyes only in the fifty's weather any time anywhere. She weather app today I'm chief meteorologists Chris Smith your local weather authority. On the bottom of the hour. Radio and. Good morning it's the morning show with Preston Skakel great to be with you this morning David Alan over there in studio one a I am here in studio one to be really excited to have with me Shane banks with the Bureau of Land Management I shared with you back a few weeks ago this wild horse and Burro event coming to marry and adjust to the west and Shane thirst catches up on this entire program how long is b.l.m. Been involved in in essence rescuing these wild mustangs wild horses and burros. The wild free roaming work birds that. Never get or. Can program actually And when you talk it over 250000 animals there. Why what was the purpose of the program. Basically at its most basic level it boils down to an overpopulation problem we have can take that have wild horses and we estimate at the current time that there's between $85.95 wild horses in the wild on you know 12 states on public land and the problem is not that there's not enough land for the horses because there is 1000000 the bankers but the Elan manages 254000000 acres of public land believe that there's herd management areas that are akin to 5 that are about $118000000.00 acres of public land the problem is there's not enough food and water on those public lands primarily water in a lot of the winter and so we need to go we end it to keep the herds healthy to keep the arrangement healthy Rico in or out of the animals every year and we offer that to people across the country that can be a good home should I 1st heard about this program and I think I shared with you via e-mail I 1st heard about this program a few years ago when a friend of mine a guy used to play Osceola for Florida State University a horseman to the core Drake Anderson was involved in the Mustang make over where these these wild horses are given the opportunity to be trained and then sold and made available to folks but when I saw this I was just dumbfounded explain the adoption fees in this entire process the way that in right now the adoption fee of $25.00 you could adopt a horse for 20 dollars and yes that is a very key be they have to remember that you have to take care of the horse sure the feet of you are going up it built I mean if you're taking on a huge responsibility and the reason we do that and in addition to the adoption fee only being $25.00 if you would knock one for $25.00 we will pay you a $1000.00 to help you defray the cost of owning that taking care of that horse the reason that we're doing that is we've got about $50000.00 wild horses and holding execute of about $50000000.00 a year to the I went to the taxpayers we have all these other horses that are still in the ranks that we need to find a way to. To find me how we can we are offering an infinite good people to help them if they have a life there it looks like Air Force if they adopt one we will give them 500 dollars within the 1st 60 days of adopting once they've taken care of the course for a year because technically of course that long he would truly get title which takes a year but will give you the other $500.00 once you get kind of shutdowns or any of these horses even remotely trained at this point when they go for adoption. They are not you can get trained wild horses. But the majority of the wanted what we call the godlike option of making it not secure area inner. Current they are they are wild they are trainable Don't get me wrong they're more secure really did anything it can take time and it takes patience but you can train and then absolutely anything you want with anything about the court Well I you know I can speak to those of you that are curious Drake Anderson had great success training his horse in fact took on a few other people's Mustangs and trained their horses for them it is absolutely possible quickly before we take a break Shane tell us a little bit about the burrows and the burrows side of this could turn into. Very. Very many great you heard a lot if you have cattle or her or lamb. If you're having a coyote problem but if you are to people who are caught. Up in preparing pick your parents or they are going for predator control or have a wild dog or coyote travelled and they'll take care of it for you joining me on the program a Shane banks He's with the Bureau of Land Management when we come back we'll talk more specifically about the adoption advantage which is coming up this weekend coming up next on the morning show the president's got. America under threat from the right to the left it's under threat by anyone who wants to silence d.c. To allow you to believe whatever you want I believe the trees have souls and they all chosen to be women on w.f.l.a. It's the home finale senior day in Florida State football hosts Alabama state so it's time to gather the family and friends do a little tailgating and support the kids that have been here for the last several years supporting f.s.u. Football with their very best effort and let's get out there and support Odell Hagan's the home finale coming up this Saturday Alabama State good tickets. Available 850644830 or go to settles dot com slash tickets don't risk your health or your family's well being at 22 other Florida Blue offers health plans for as low as 0 dollars a month don't wait the deadline to enroll is this suburb 50 Callie's It sure it's agency your local agency for Florida 850-271-2710 get your questions answered today located in the p.c.b. Plaza on Panama City Beach Florida blues a trade they will Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida an independent licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association the debility is based on income of determined by the Health Insurance Marketplace. From the Townsend building supply Weather Center your news channel 7 forecast I 945 w.f.l.a. Well some wild weather changes today across the pain in a winds are going to be blowing gusty out of the north throughout the day and that's going to usher in much colder temperatures so it's only going to get colder throughout the course of the day by this afternoon will drop down into the low fifty's quickly falling into the forty's this evening and by the time you wake up Wednesday morning will be close to freezing as you move into the day on Wednesday plenty of sunshine with highs only in the fifty's good weather any time anywhere download the new Debbie j h e weather app today I'm chief meteorologists Chris Smith your local weather authority this report is brought to you by Stand Up To Cancer I'm Tony Goldwyn 20 years ago when my mom had a look and she didn't have many choices they. Have been diagnosed with lung cancer please visit Stand Up To Cancer or slash lung cancer. This Thursday night grabbing drinks with some friends started off with a pitcher for the save which quickly becomes too there's pool. And there's a photo of a squeeze in say cheese. Followed naturally by an order of way. And another. We get some actuary sauce then there's the ceremonial night cap So what are we doing this weekend. And lastly it's back to the car which if you're buzzed. Could be the most expensive night of your life getting pulled over for bus driving could cost you around $10000.00 in fines legal fees and increased insurance rates Nothing kills a buzz like getting pulled over for bus driving because bus driving is drunk driving by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council. Hi I'm Megan Hawker and welcome to heart. The Bible tells us about the 12 spies who went to investigate the land which God had promised the Israelites However all that to doubted God's ability to deliver that promise and Liz spent 40 days exploring the land and returned with some great saying Have you seen the size of these grapes you should see the size of the people who eat them there Giants there's no way we can fight them. What's your perspective when faced with a challenge. Does it leave you defeated or do you see it as an opportunity for God to do something incredible problems and challenges are inherent in our lives the way we see a problem is the real problem ask the Lord to show you the opportunity in the midst of each circumstance. Part is brought to you by the Salvation Army. From the Perry and young traffic a look at the roads are $9045.00 w.f.l.a. Traffic start to stack up now on to $31.00 in the south founder action in the usual spots nor style Avenue Cherokee heights and also a transmitter road looking good along 50000 business 98 days ahead throughout downtown up to speed on the Parkway in across the Hathaway bridge to and from Panama City Beach when you see traffic problems call the traffic tip line 769-4594 with the or pairing young attorneys a lot of traffic center update on but Gary. Your News Channel 7 forecast by 945 w.f.l.a. As a cold front makes its way. To the area you've got a rip tide warning in the waters off the Gulf until 11 o'clock tonight showers and a chance of some thunderstorms during the morning hours today then skies turning partly cloudy this afternoon I've 68 this morning then falling sharply near 45 later on in the afternoon tonight down to 33 with no chance of rain Wednesday mostly clear and 58 with your weather Preston Scott on Fox News Radio 945 f. L.a. Your Limbaugh says these radio people are telling. Him in a show with dress and Sky talking about one of my favorite things horses and I love horses and I absolutely do I don't know if it's in the cards that I'm going to ever get the land I want for horses but if I do I will be at one of these events there's an event coming out this weekend Jackson County Egg center Mariana How will this work banks with us with the Bureau of Land Management wild horses wild burros How does the actual process unfold this weekend. The way to work this weekend is we probably have 50 to 70 wild horses hopefully we have coming in to canary and I think there are some of those horses have already been adopted through our own line corral so if anybody's ever interested in adopting it can't make it they can always go to our own land corral basically to go wild horse adoption. And you can find if you can adopt horses that will actually move them across the country closer to where you can pick them up and I ordered 6 months but that back this weekend will have about 50 wild horses that are going to be out there that we're looking for people in the area to come out and get them home because then it will start Friday at 9 o'clock you're welcome to come out before that 1st come 1st serve that the earlier you get there you can even know what might be and not there in the afternoon or evening to get away from the fact if yo