Transcripts For WFLA News Ch8 Today At 6AM 20161004 : compar

Transcripts For WFLA News Ch8 Today At 6AM 20161004

latest on matthew's track. >> reporter: it's so strong miles off the haiti coastline. we just got this video into our news room. you can see the dark clouds, the wind is picking up, and unfortunately we see worse and worse video out of the nation throughout the day. at least four people have been killed. jamaica has seen heavy flooding. matthew is the strongest storm to hit the island in decades this is a wider view, and that's relative to florida, and it really is getting very well defined. 35miles for making land fall in haiti, and the hurricane force winds are 30 miles out. this will impact the eastern portion of cuba, and it's expected to remain a category 4 hurricane through wednesday afternoon, in the bahamas, when it makes the unfortunate west coastline here, and some of polk and highlands county will remain under the cone of uncertainty before it heads up off the jacksonville coastline, and eventually off the carolinas. most of the computer models did make the shift. yesterday t looked different. it was well offshore, and it's pushing closer to the east coast, and unfortunately all the way up the atlantic sea board into new england. you may ask what is the change? it has to do with the area of high it it would steer to the north. the clockwise wind, and the trough or the dip in the atmosphere is slower than expected. that allowed the high pressure in the atlantic be stronger and move to the the west, and that is what caused matthew and the hurricane tracks to get closer to florida, and that will also mean the wind speeds here will increase into thursday and will be determined by the eventual track of the storm. the rain chances don't have anything to do with matthew, but we will see pockets of heavy rain like yesterday. i will take you through tomorrow's forecast hour-by- hour. >> checking back with you for more on that. palm beach county has moved to a heightened straight of alert. there's a staff on standby right now, and governor scott declared a state of emergency for every county on monday. the attorney general activated the price gouging hot line. she is urging everyone to contact her office if they suspect price gouging. 1-866-9-no-scam. we will have it on our website, as well. state law prohibits extreme price increases on essentials gas, and also hotels. and so remember that information if you feel like there is price gouging. you report it with the numbers on the screen. now to leslee lacey to see what is happening on the roads? >> reporter: a decent drive here. the holiday area, things are busier, but no major congestion or anything. grand boulevard at sun ray drive, a collision, and then headed over here, a crash as well, if you look here in the east venice area. right at u.s. 41, and th and a little smoke down in the area. northbound i-75, past the venice connector, reports of a collision, and then also over here, a slowing around sims road, but it looks like it has cleared up on 301. that's a look at weather and traffic, and back to gene and gayle. thank you, leslee. two young boys riding on the same bicycle suffered serious injuries after being hit by a car, and for hours after it happened, troopers mary mcgwire is live from all children's hospital, and mary, i understand one of the boys is in bad shape? >> yes, we just checked back in with all children's hospitals, and one of those boys is in serious condition, and the other is in critical condition this morning. certainly a very scary situation, and last night it was in st. petersburg. it was near the avesta apartments on 54th avenue north in st. petersburg. the crash happened when traffic westbound on 54th and one boy was riding the bicycle and the other was on the handlebars. for hours fhp troopers had no idea who the victims were or the name of their parents. >> i have been waiting outside, waiting for the parents. haven't seen any parents, and i was telling one of the employees earlier tonight, if they come back in, let me know so i can call police so we can at least try to find the one big question we still have this morning is whether or not the parents or guardians of those two boys will face any criminal charges. we know the boys were left apparently alone riding the bicycle in st. petersburg last night, and we are checking back in with florida highway patrol to see if any charges could be on the way. gayle? >> such a tragic story. thank you, mary. the university of south florida fraternity has been suspended this morning after a hosted by the frat. it was at a party at the pi kappa phi house. ryan hughes is joining us live. campus police moved swiftly to make the arrest. >> reporter: good morning to you once again. investigators say the frat house behind me is where the incident happened. they arrested 18-year-old -- dillion lagamma shortly after the rape was reported. >> i just can't believe that. >> reporter: this is the mug shot of the 18-year-old. he has posted a $7,500 bond. usf police say he raped the 16- year-old during a party sunday morning. she was unconscious at the time, and the rape was reported within hours of it happening, and now we tried to get comment from members of pi kappa but no one answered the door at the frat house. the victim isn't a student. she was here visiting a friend no word what will happen now that the fraternity has been suspended. the investigation into all of this continues. >> ryan, thank you. playing pokemon go in the wrong place landed a sarasota man in handcuff the. but deputies smelled marijuana coming from his car. when they searched it, deputies found pot and other drugs. happening today, neighbors in st. petersburg in clear water will join police officers for national night out against crime, and in clear water, the event will be held at the clear water mall at the intersection of u.s. 19 and sr60. in st. petersburg it will be the target on martin luther king jr. north. let's check on weather and traffic on the 8s. this morning, patchy clouds around the area. feeling relatively comfortable. not too bad, and it's still a little on the steamy side. hour-by-hour through the rest of the day. 82 at 11:00, 86 at 2:00, and a little gradual increase in temperatures, and gradual increase in rain chances after about 11:00 this morning, going scattered downpours this afternoon, and really the next couple of days, and then, after that, thursday and friday, it will closely watch matthew. after friday, the storm is headed to the carolinas, and drier air is wrapping in around it, bringing in a sunny and pleasant weekend for us. before that, the wind speeds. the yellow area, tropical storm force winds, and red area is 74 miles an hour. going into thursday morning, we could be seeing tropical storm force winds. by friday morning, highlands and polk county, you're in the yellow shaded area, and the strongest will be friday morning, and the places closer to the gulf coast, 30-mile an hour winds will be a possibility, and polk county and highlands county, you're up to 40-mile an hour winds, and then things will actually down headed to the end of the 5- day forecast here, but also the humidity levels, and we will check with traffic on the 8s as people want to start their tuesday. >> a good tuesday, and a great drive on the bay area bridges, and a good drive on the interstates, but some issues out here. we will talk about holiday as i mentioned before. the crash trying to wrap up here at grand boulevard, and i- 75 is looking great at pasco. east venice, river road at u.s. reported, and an accident here, tiny bit of a slowdown. it's not in lanes, but fhp says there's a lot of smoke from the vehicle in the area. that's southbound before the venice connector. earlier reporting northbound, but it's southbound. that's a look at weather and traffic, back to gene and gayle. leslee, thank you. making a difference through art. >> how one nonprofit help people with autism and other disabilities. google's big day. from new phones to virtual reality headsets. the preview of what you can expect is next. google will unveil a ton of new hardware today. >> it's exciting, including products for your home and phones. what is in store fors? >> reporter: who doesn't need a new phone? google is expected to release a pair of smart phones that are designed to challenge apple, and the pair of phones will be marketed under the pixel brand, and they will rival the latest iphone. this is the first time google averages a phone built on you may be aware that google has sold nexus phones through 2010, but they were not typically available through network carriers. it's believed to be carried by verizon, thanks to a leak by verizon. goggle home looks like an air freshener, but it will allow answers from google, stream television, and you can control your smarts lights, switches, doors, and other connected devices including nest, which is owned by google. the announcement will be at 1:00 today, live streamed of course on youtube, and also a new virtual reality platform that will allow you to use apps and other cool gaming features. >> that's cool. >> i wonder if you have to stand in front of the google home thing like that boy doing. it's weird. you're talking to a machine. >> the fact i can orderser that thing around, i don't care where i need to stand. a good reason to use your bank's atm. according to a report from atm fees have reached a record high. the average total cost of using an out of network atm is $4.57, and the study found overdraft fees are down while free checking accounts have increased for the first time strong. that's not easy for not for profits to have that kind of staying power. how does p.a.r.c. out of pinellas county that caters to children and adults with disabilities stay so cutting edge? the key is to helping clients find ways to stand on their own. >> reporter: it's bright whimsical art that is a hot community. >> it came out purple. >> reporter: the artist in pinellas isn't. they serve children and adults with develop mental disabilities, and they bring in professional artists to teach them. >> they have been thrilled learning about the different pieces, and then when you sell them and they get 50% of the commission, their sense of being and self-worth and everything is shining through them. they are becoming professional pieces and be an independent artist. >> they love doing the work. >> reporter: the community loves this work. some pieces selling for thousands of dollars, and others are in museums statewide, at art festivals online and at the store front. this weekend beth numan's work will be auctioned off in st. petersburg. i know this will go for a lot of money. >> thank you. >> reporter: creativity without disability. it's the motto of the budding artists who hope you masterpiece. i will be at the annual fundraiser this weekend in st. petersburg. they raise a lot of money to keep the agency up and running, but i want to show you ways you can help, donating supplies, offering time to teach the clients, or if you want to buy art, there's a link on so you can connect with p.a.r.c. how talented are they? >> incredibly talented. >> i love art work because people ask you question about it, and these have a great story behind it. >> you know you are helping someone when you buy the art. >> now over to leigh to see what is going on with weather and traffic on the 8s. >> we will focus in on what is happening through the day today. no imfact for matthew, and as i go through, i will show you when the impacts will start to occur. waking up this morning a few clouds, and warmer than yesterday, but not by much. partly cloud, and a stray sher to 40% at 4:00 p.m., and still steamy at 88. right now, 75 in plant city, and clear water, you're at 73. 75 in bradenton, and i will check with wendy in brooksville, and here's what is going on. patchy clouds not too bad this morning. generally east to west wind, a lot like yesterday, pockets of rain, very isolated in the early afternoon, and the coverage of rain will continue to increase, and the heaviest during the evening hours, and things will taper off, and tomorrow morning, mostly sunny, and just patchy clouds in the morning, and by tomorrow afternoon, we will really be watching hurricane matthew in the bahamas, and that will increase the winds from the east, and that will also keep us with a 30% rain chance. here's the official forecast, it never weakens as it turns to the west. fridmo that's the closest to florida. we could see stronger winds, especially in places like polk and highlands county, and certainly gusty on the west coast of florida before the system heads to the north, and when it does it will draw in much more comfortable, lower humidity air for us saturday and sunday. leslee, how about traffic on the 8sin. >> check -- on the 8s,? no delays or tieups. 41 good through gibsonton and to the south. manatee county, up to speed. u.s. 92, collision here, and this is just outside of 75, and be aware of that. i-4 looking great out of plant city and polk county. sarasota county east of venice, u.s. 41, and that's a look at weather and traffic on the 8s, back to gene and gayle. >> thank you, is a chance of a lifetime. >> imagine getting the boss' help to skip school. the note that the boss wrote. it's 6:20. marco rubio has the worst attendance record of any florida senator in 50 years. but it's even worse when he shows up. he's voted for a plan that would cut social security... and has said social security is "bankrupting our country" and has "weakened us as a people." he wants to eliminate the department of education... and has voted for billions in education cuts. it's bad when he misses work. it's worse when he shows up. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. too often marco rubio didn't show up and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, we've got to start solving problems s. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message because i'll never stop working for you. teachers get all sorts of excuses from students for skipping school. >> all the time. >> but one teacher in pennsylvania department have >> that's right, bruce springsteen himself. 5-year-old ben burnstein's father is a huge fan. his father took ben out of class for a chance to meet the superstar. the two asked springsteen for help explaining has absence. >> i thought if we could get him to sign the note it would be really cool, something we could have. >> he said i don't have a pen, and daddy gave him a pen, and he signed it and said anything for you, tell the teachers you look at it, but i'm keeping this. >> don't get any fingerprints on this. >> just imagine the look on the teacher's face when she saw the note. >> i would frame that and hang it in my room. that's so cool. this morning we are tracking hurricane matthew. hurricane warnings issued for cuba and the bahamas. the coming days is next. leigh spann has that for you coming up next. it's 6:24. closed captioning brought to you bit: it's 6:28. at the bus stop this morning, not too bad. 74degrees for the kids. when they come home, the storms will be firing up, and a bit steamy, above average. 89 wednesday and thursday, and back to 85 on friday and saturday, and it look like hurricane matthew is just about to make ran fall in hay -- rain fall in haiti, and i will have more on this track. it has started to get busier at 275, southbound headed to downtown tampa at hillsborough avenue. keep an eye on that. let's look here, also slow-and- an accident reported northbound, near the highway, and that's right near the howard frankland bridge on 275, but that's off to the side of the roadway. after an obscene amount was spent building this controversial courthouse, the state learned the contractor had overspent on framed photos that were never used. demanding taxpayers foot the bill, including his own legal fees. bob buesing profitted from government waste and abuse? now running for senate, buesing wants us to trust him with state spending. you've got to be kidding. you love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites. but now you can get more of what you love. so you can find something else to not love. get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. our top story, hurricane matthew. a category 4 storm is raging across the caribbean, and edging closer to florida, and storm team 8 meteorologist, leigh spann with the latest track in what it means for us. >> also this morning, boys riding a bicycle, seriously hurt after being hit by an suv. they are in the hospital right now. how it happened and why some wonder why they were out there all alone on the road. a usf student accused of raping a teenage girl on campus. why they are taking action against the student's fraternity. good morning, and welcome to news channel 8 today. i'm gayle guyardo. >> and i'm gene ramirez. the big story this morning, we have team coverage for you. leigh spann is honoring the latest track, and we are looking at how the people of florida are preparing. leigh, good morning. it's such sad news to talk about. a category 4 hurricane basically making land fall right now in haiti. here's the eye coming onshore, just about here, and you will remember the hurricane-force winds are 40 miles out from the affecting people as we speak. the tropical storm force winds, extending 185 miles from the center. interestingly enough it will make land fall but not interact be enough land from haiti to cuba to weaken it much. it's a category 4 in the bahamas. by friday morning, early friday and highlands county even in the threat cone or cone of uncertainty, and a category 3 hurricane off the shoreline, and then it will parallel the u.s. east coast. most of the computer modelses will a shifting to the west,en fortunately, and moving all the way up to new england. i want to focus in on two of the computer models to show they have come into agreement. they were not in agreement yesterday. look at this headed the timing is slightly different, but the closer range towards florida is basically the same for both of the computer model the. you look at forecast wind speeds, and this yellow area is tropical storm force, and thursday evening into friday morning, places could be with tropical storm force winds. today's forecast does not have anything to do with matthew. just see the storms that degrees. gayle? gene? >> thank you, leigh. matthew has been blamed for four deaths, and that's a high risk to life and property. >> we have the latest from the news room and how florida is now preparing. >> reporter: a sad story right now as leigh mentioned. portions of haiti are being battered by 145-mile an hour winds, and a likely storm surge 10 feet. and here are the preparations. international aid agencies preparing for the predicted humanitarian disaster in haiti. predicted rain fall up to 40 inches, and the threat of deadly mud slides. fema has started to deploy officials to state emergency operation centers in florida as well as georgia, south declared a state of emergency just in case. >> if matthew directly impacts florida, there will be massive destruction we have not seen in years, comparable to what we saw after hurricane andrew. >> reporter: now in cuba,600,000 people have ground areas. all eyes are on the track of matthew. >> a lot of people have been and will be affected. thank you. you can stay on top of the latest by downloading our news channel 8 app. it's a free download. let's check in with leslee lacey to see what is happening on the roads. >> reporter: we are getting busy, and it gets thicker as at hillsborough. this is hillsborough, and then this is heavy moving on to the interstate. let's take a look here. this is to i-4, 17 minutes, and keep that in mind. that's weather and traffic, back to gene and gayle. >> thank you, leslee. a university of south florida student is out of jail after being arrested for sexually assaulting a 16-year- old girl while she was unconscious at a party at school's greek village. ryan hughes is live. it was sponsored by a fraternity? >> the usf officials said it was hosted by pi kappa phi and apparently took place in this frat house. students on campus were shocked and saddened to hear the news. >> it's a shame. honestly, you join a fraternity to improve yourself as an individual, and you go take advantage of girls under the influence. it's a shame in general. of 18-year-old dillion lagamma. he had sex with a 16-year-old during a party early sunday morning, and she was unconscious at the time. we tried to get members from the fraternity, but no one answered the store. lagamma is a student at the school, but the victim didn't. records show he posted $7,500 in bond and left jail yesterday afternoon. the fraternity is now suspended. the investigation will continue at this hour, gayle. >> update, ryan. and right now two children are hospitalized a a car crashed into the bicycle that they were riding on in st. petersburg. >> and for hours, fhp troopers had no idea who the victims were or who the parents were either. mary mcgwire is live from all children's hospital, and now with no -- and now we know more about them? >> reporter: that's right. late last night the troopers parents. they are just 6 and 9 years old. it was yesterday afternoon in st. petersburg, and the troopers say the crash happened when traffic westbound was stopped. one boy was riding the bicycle, and the other was on the handlebars. one employee says she sees them often. >> i watched them cross the road the other day, and it hurt my heart. i'm looking and peeking and thinking the worst, thinking they was going to get hit. >> the driver wh claims they didn't see the boys, and the impact threw both of the children into the street and this case was complicated by the fact that for hours afterwards, troopers couldn't find the parents of the boys and for hours they didn't know the names of the children. we just checked back in. one is in stable condition this morning, and the other in credit can condition. a serious situation in st. enforcement to see if any charges could be on the way for the participants of the boys. they were left apparently unsupervised while riding the bicycle. >> incredible, mary, thank you. we hope the boy who is in critical condition gets better. thank you. it's 6:38. we will check with leigh and see what is happening with the weather. >> reporter: it's dark out there this morning, the days are shorter and shorter this is over the 73degrees, and warming up quickly once the sun comes up. 85 at 1:00, 4:00 p.m., the high of 88 degrees, and that's above average. it will feel steamy, and notice the rain fall potentially today, little the from now to 1:00. we will see pockets of heavy rain note in the blue and red color. don't be surprised if you get a heavy downpour. i want to show you the rain fall potential over the next several days, and this is obviously a broad brush, not so detailed, and between this the way forward until saturday, you will note the east coast of florida really gets heaviest rain, up to 4 inches, and possibly more in spots, and you go into polk and highlands county, it's about an inch and a half to 2 inches. it will be windy, starting tomorrow through thursday and friday, temperatures upper 80s tuesday, wednesday, and mind matthew, two thumbs up from emojiman. a lot of sunshine for saturday, sunday, and monday. we will check with the traffic on the 8s. >> we have a lot going on. we have a fatal california i will -- fatal crash. i will tell you about it in a minute. it is getting busier as you can see. this is hillsborough avenue stacking up into downtown, and look at interstate, very thick in the area, and headed out to pinellas, looking great. is, folks. just outside of the bar toe area, and fatal accident. state road 60 at 80-foot roads. keep that in mind if you head over there. heavy track from i-75 and north tampa. that's pretty typical. >> thank you. the future of the howard frankland toll lanes. >> the decision that could impact your morning commute on the busy bridge. the the vice presidential candidates facing off in their first and only debate. what's at stake as they work to wow the voters? we will show you. you're watching news channel 8 today. but it looks like duke energy's not doing theirs. husband: paying for a plant that's never going to be built is just ridiculous. narrator: the duke utility tax is costing florida families. yet congressman david jolly does nothing. he's taken thousands from duke but has not stopped them from collecting for a power plant that could never be built. wife: someone needs to stand up to duke energy. narrator: house majority pac is responsible for we are back at 6:43. the city of st. petersburg may you can see where the red tide is detectived. it's from tampa bay to charlotte harbor. florida wildlife officials announce it's a natural turns, but suncoast water keepers believes the nutrients from the waste make it stay longer. the toll lanes for been nixed for now it doesn't mean there will not be toll lanes, but officials want to look at other options. they are hoping to reduce the congestion on the busy bridge. final preparations are underway right now for the first and only televised ties presidential debate. mike pence will face off with much of the debate is expected to focus on their runningmates, donald trump and hillary clinton. you can watch the showdown here on news channel 8, beginning at 9:00 tonight. hillary clinton is using big names to sway voters in florida. tomorrow president obama will campaign at usf. and also on the stomp, joe biden. he attended a rally in sarasota where he spoke to reporters, and jennifer lee caught up with the vice exclusive one-on-one. here's a snippet of what he said about the race. >> reporter: is it possible to see any kind of return to bipartisan politics after an election like this? >> i think you will see the public so sick and tired of this vicious division, they are going to say whoa, produce something for us. >> you can listen to the entire unedited conversation with jen a new poll shows hillary clinton has a 5-point lead over republican candidate, donald trump. in the cnn-orc survey of likely voters. clinton got 47% of support compared to trump's 43. there's also big gains for clinton versus trump in support for men. a fight during the ravens'- raider's game has left one man on life support baltimore. two raider fans got into an argument with joseph bower, a ravens' fan. he was knock to the ground and hit his head. he lost consciousness. in the meantime, the two have been arrested and charged. both were there new york. a mother gunned down in front of her 1-year-old daughter in chicago's roseland neighborhood. investigators believe 21-year- old adrianna mayes was caught gangings started to shoot at each other. police have not made any arrests yet. friends, family, and fans will remember legendary golfer, arnold palmer. thousands are expected to attend, and one of palmer's colleagues and challengers, jack nicklaus is scheduled to speak. he died last month from hater complicates at 86 years a california woman took stealing packages for front porches to a whole new level. she disguised herself as a mom with a baby this shows a woman pushing a dog in baby stroller, casing the neighborhood, and at one point she walks up the steps, swipes the package, stashes in the stroller, and takes off. i don't know if that's a new level, but that's a new low. >> a category 4 hurricane with winds of 145-mile an hour wind makes land fall in impoverished haiti. a lot of this country is being hit as we speak, and it's not going to interact with land enough to weaken it, so when it gets into the atlantic and the bahamas, by wednesday, it's still a category before making the unfortunate turn towards the use. it include polk and highlands county in the threat cone, the cone of uncertainty. to the west or the east, eventually, and any small change of where it ends up going, we will greatly change the impacts we see before the system moves to the north and east, and looking at what is through the bahamas, and this is thursday morning. interestingly enough, remember we are on the drier side of storm, and by thursday night, heavy rain on the east coast, and notice, just a few showers in the inland areas like polk and highlands county. the worst weather will be friday morning. strong winds, yes, but not a lot of rain before it pushes to the north and east and will bring us drier air. any change for what we are thinking right w more rain or less rain for us. focusing on today. a dry morning, 74 degrees, and warming up to 84 at noon, and our storms don't don't have anything to do with matthew. wednesday, thursday, and friday, we will see the stronger winds. drier for the weekend, leslee? >> looking at the traffic situation, it's slow and go. it's earlier than normal. hilting the brakes here in hillsborough county this is through ybor city. how long will it take on 275? almost 30 minutes for pier. veterans expressway, still looking good. fatal crash outside of the bartow county. one of the westbound lanes has been taken away you. get by eastbound, and you can get by westbound, but one lane is blocked with the fatal crash. a backup in southern sarasota county, headed over to venice, take the venice connector, and hit the brakes before you get to it. it's all due to the accident there. fhp said there may be smoke from the vehicle as well. you augusts. back to gene and gayle. >> leslee, thank you. without the mess. hasbro is releasing the latest creation, a life-like robotic dog and cat. the dog barks and turns its head in direction of the place thatry designed to ease loneliness for adults and children. for some people it's difficult to take care of the row bootic golden cup for $119. >> you can adopt an animal for less. >> will the cat look at me when i say their name? >> probably not. they will look at you when you feed them like leave the food. get away. >> what you need to know before you walk out the door, is next. the governor rick scott is taking in florida as the storm usf is out of control. why the fraternity is facing charges after the suspension. you watching news channel 8 today. now at havertys furniture, it's our fall savings event. where you can create the perfect home. from now until october 10th, everything is on sale. save on furniture and accessories for every room. plus enjoy thirty-six month, no-interest financing. with havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isn't. is on now, at havertys. life looks good. taste the many sides of brookside. smooth dark chocolate outside. exotic fruit flavor inside. brookside. for all your sides. he's voted for a plan that would cut social security... and has said social security is "bankrupting our country" and has "weakened us as a people." he wants to eliminate the department of education... and has voted for billions in education cuts. marco rubio. it's bad when he misses work. it's worse when he shows up. our top story this morning, hurricane matthew, the massive category 4 storm that is pounding haiti right now. >> this morning, the track is bringing it cl more on the action the governor is taking. >> reporter: as a precaution, governor scott issued a state of emergency for florida. that means our state has resources for evacuations and shelters if needed. and right now, the most powerful atlantic tropical storm in almost a decade is coming ashore in haiti, another devastating humanitarian disaster. >> on the east side or the right side, the largest storm surge. there's already people living in huts, and it will be just terrible video of this coming throughout the day today. after it moves over that, into the bah aftermas, and look how chose it gets for friday morning with miles an hour that could mean tropical storm force winds for polk and highlands county on friday morning. this will move up the east coast and draw in drier air for us this weekend. >> leigh, thank you. the university of south florida student is free on bond after he was arrested for sexually assaulting a 16-year- old girl. this guy dillion lagamma had unconscious early sunday morning. the frat is currently suspended. two little boys are hospitalized after an suv hit them while they were riding on a bike. for hours troopers didn't know who the victims were or where to find their parents. the studenters finally located the boys and found the parents face charges. it's the one and only vice presidential debate, mike pence and tim kaine facing off. they will spend quite a bit of time in defending their runningmate's recent controversies that will get started tonight at 9:00. leslee? traffic? this is thick southbound on westbound at macintosh because of area. southern sarasota county, and then also of course the fatal accident, westbound highway 60. an 80-foot road with an investigation taking place into that. >> thank you for joining us. i will be back at 11:00 a.m. with another hour of local news. i long alongside leslee and leigh during the today show. you love all-day breakfast. but you don't love that you can't get all your favorites. but now you can get more of what you love. so you can find something else to not love. y) like hearing the sound of your own voice. get more choices you love, now with all day breakfast. good morning. breaking news. matthew roars ashore. the powerful category 4 hurricane slamming into haiti right now with 145-mile-per-hour winds, flooding rains, and massive waves. and this morning, an impact on the u.s. appears much more likely. face-off. mike pence and tim kaine set for their showdown in the first and only vice presidential debate tonight. who's got the most to gain or lose as the duel over donald trump's taxes rages on at the top of the ticket. >> i understand the tax laws better than almost anyone. >> what kind of genius loses a billion dollars in the first place? and bound and gagged.

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Haiti , Bradenton , Florida , United States , New York , Tampa Bay , Tampa , Polk County , Pi Kappa Phi House , Pennsylvania , Pinellas County , Jamaica , East Venice , California , Bahamas , The , Roseland , Brookside , Brooksville , Hillsborough , Ybor City , Hillsborough County , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Cuba , Greece , Carolinas , Provincia De Ciego Avila , Greek , Marco Rubio , Tim Kaine , Adrianna Mayes , Ryan Hughes , Joe Biden , Jennifer Lee , Bruce Springsteen , Jack Nicklaus , Martin Luther King Jr , Patrick Murphy , Kappa Phi , Joseph Bower , Leigh Spann , Arnold Palmer , Atlantic Sea , Sun Ray , Beth Numan , Rick Scott , Hillary Clinton ,

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