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A friendship between a College Student and a campus janitor, breaking down walls and making dreams come true. Nightly news begins right now. From nbc news World Headquarters in new york, this is nbc nightly news with lester holt. Good evening, a major attack on the internet is under way at this hour, the fbi and Homeland Security are urgently the intrusions, targeting a company that acts as an internet switch board. The intermittent outages began this morning primarily on the east coast, but followup attacks have been felt across the country. It all comes amid heightened anxieties over cyber attacks, leading up to the u. S. Election. Nbcs Miguel Almaguer sophisticated cyber attacks, coming wave after wave. Internet users in at least six countries, but mostly here in the u. S. , unable to load popular websites like twitter, netflix, amazon, paypal, and a long list of others. What we know is that a cyber criminal group or a group of people created the opportunity where they had web traffic and they funneled all of particular company, dyn. The attack was aimed at dyn, an attack Company Based in New Hampshire that serves as an internet switch board and allows people to connect to websites. It crippled domain name servers, the address book for the internet, essentially overloading it. The hack will cost major corporations dearly. Its too early to tell whos responsible. Some say based on the methods and magnitude be russian in origin. But one senior u. S. Intelligence official and other cyber experts tell nbc news, this is a classic case of internet vandalism, and likely not statesponsored. There are a host of adversaries that can launch these types of attacks, and weve got to make sure that we have a rezil gent network that is able to withstand these types of probes. Reporter with the largest outage in the northeast, a second couldnt check their banking accounts or log on to local news. In los angeles, epic interactive sent employees home. With paypal and twitter down, nobody could work. I think we should be concerned. Its one thing when theres an attack. Its another thing when an entire day goes by and the Company Involved cant fix it. Reporter the case of cyber warfare comes just before our election. Tonight experts say we territory. While this attack did not target individuals, it brought down websites temporarily that millions of us use every day. It appears no critical, personal or Financial Information was lost, but it shows how vulnerable servers can be. Experts say every time security firms make a fix, thieves find another way in. Joining us now, nbcs Cyber Security chief Security Officer of crowd strike. No indications of where this is coming from, or what it could be related to. But with our election just two weeks away, would there be anything to prevent an attack like this on election day . This appears to be a complex botnet, made up of hundreds of thousands of computers, like i p. Connected security cameras. Detect these types of attacks. An attacker with this type of weapon could use it as it relates to our election process. I think the distributed nature of our system doesnt render that specifically susceptible, but attackers will continue to use this device inevitably, or until theyre detected and stopped, or the botnet itself can be disrupted. All right, shaun henry, thank you very much. Now to the campaign trail, new attacks being launched tonight on both sides, and new fallout after in new york last night where donald trump and Hillary Clinton shared the stage and traded barbs. Barely concealed by comedy. Tonight as trump continues to push his message about a socalled rigged system, we have new numbers to show how thats resonating with his supporters. We have it all covered starting with nbcs hallie jackson. Hallie, good evening. Reporter good evening, lester. At that event, donald trump shared a player with Hillary Clinton, a polite pause, a short one in the attacks, about you now trumps overall strategy. With just over two weeks to go, hes promising an allout push. A battleground blitz for donald trump today with new reflective, real talk. Win, lose, or draw and im almost sure, if the people come out, were going to win. But i will be i will be happy with myself. Reporter his comments capping a 24hour stretch in which many see a series of strategic bringing Michelle Obama into the mix as he did today. We have a president , all he wants to do is campaign. His wife, all she wants to do is campaign. Reporter but the first lady is the most popular political figure in the country, potentially risky for trump to take her on. And hes still talking about a rigged system. Our new nbc News Survey Monkey online tracking poll also shows more than 4 in 10 republicans do side with trump and may not accept the results of this election. I imagine that on going to have i Congressional Republicans who are going to be pushing the country potentially in a different direction than the republican president. Reporter and for trump, what many see as another misstep at a political roast in new york, where his rival landed some punches with her punchlines. It is great also to see mayor bloomberg here. Its a shame hes not speaking tonight. Im curious to hear what a billionaire has to say. Reporter and while not everybody laughed, it was trump who strong. Michelle obama gives a speech, and everyone loves it. My wife melania gives the exact same speech and people get on her case. Reporter a few lines later, much more reporter the booing, unprecedented at this normally civil dinner. Hes not behaving in a way that suggests hes even trying to win the election. Hes doing everything to the opposite of what a seasoned strategist would recommend he do. Reporter hallie jackson, nbc news, newtown, pennsylvania. Reporter im Kristen Welker in cleveland where early voting is already under way. Tonight Hillary Clinton rallying the four and a half hours on stage with donald, proving once again i have the stamina to be president. Reporter and going after trumps comments about a rigged election. He is threatening our democracy. Reporter a new poll showing ohio is a jump ball. Clinton and donald trump tied. But good news for clinton in our new nbc news analysis. More democrats have voted so far in ohio than republicans. About election day, but beyond. Laying the ground work for leading a divided country, if she wins, like reaching out to her opponent in a private moment last night. She said to him, and donald, whatever happens, we need to Work Together afterwards. Reporter and clinton increasing her outreach to republicans and independents too. This new ad featuring kaiser khan, a gold star Family Member, once again going after trump. And shoots too. I wish we were in high school, i could take him behind the gym. Right now, shes killing time, just run the clock out. Reporter but tonight, more fallout from the stolen emails from her campaign chairman. A new email showing clintons top aides disagreed with her push to hold a Clinton Global Initiative meeting in morocco in return for a 12 million pledge from the moroccan she created this mess and she knows it. She tried to get 12 million from the king of morocco for an appearance. More pay for play. Reporter tonight the Clinton Campaign saying ultimately clinton decided not to attend that meeting and theyre accusing russia of weaponizing wikileaks. Meanwhile, clinton is getting ready for a major swing through brauld states from now until election day. Lester . Lets Iraqi Forces Say theyre within four miles of mosul. Isis is fighting back, launching a deadly counterattack in another city over a hundred miles away. Our Richard Engel is on the front lines inside iraq with a look at the american role in the offensive. Reporter american jets launching in the mediterranean from the uss eisenhower. Theyre headed for mosul, to attack isis. But once they get to mosul, the mission is among the some one million civilians. Its a bustling city, just like we would have back home. It just show happens that the city is run by isis. Reporter and this is not just a ground war. For the first time today, we saw american soldiers in full combat gear, clearing a bomb. One of the most dangerous jobs in a war zone. Its the same job 34yearold chief petty offi finnan had, he was killed yesterday near mosul when an i. E. D. Went off by his vehicle. We traveled with them to one of their forward positions east of mosul. The closer iraqi troops get to the center of mosul, the harder isis has been fighting back. Theres been fighting in this front line village today. Isis has been using mortars and snipers, and car bombs like this one. As a vehicle approached the shouted for him to identify himself. It turned out, he was one of their own. Isis may be losing ground around mosul, but today, the militants hit back with coordinated attacks in the relatively far away city of kirkuk. More than 20 people were killed. This could be how isis plans to fight, digging in to protect its stronghold city of mosul and key towns around it, while at the same time, launching terrorist attacks on soft lester . Richard engel in iraq tonight, thank you. Back in this country, to the weather extremes in the northeast, flash floods triggered by heavy rains, downpours so many have been hoping for. With many areas hit hard by a terrible drought, but this was far too much rain too soon. We get details from nbcs tammy leitner. Reporter in the northeast, a much needed soaking has turned fatal. Today flash flooding in central nearly two dozen needing rescue. And in new york, a steady pounding from mother nature, but all this rain wont be enough to reverse a drought that has been building for months. Below normal precipitation has created the worst drought across the northeast in more than a decade. Conditions that could last through the winter. Just the latest part of the country to be hit with water shortages. In upstate new york, existing residal leaving some homeowners desperate. Without the dug wells, they have no water source. So their only option is for us to come in and drill them a well. Reporter in connecticut, where 89 of the state is under severe drought conditions, an emergency pipeline is being built to pump in water. In massachusetts, the situation is so serious, farmers are being forced to pick cranberries by hand. We probably are so its been difficult trying to harvest this year. Reporter more than half the northeast is under some sort of drought, with areas in red under extreme drought. The good news is, those are the two areas that will see the heaviest rain going into this weekend. Water that may put a small dent in the problem, but wont be enough to quench this historic drought. Tammy leitner, nbc news, new york. Still ahead, some critical news you need to hear tonight if youre worried about how much time your children spend in front ole also, this might spark a lot of arguments at the dinner table tonight. Who h . Before it became a medicine, it was an idea. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years. There were thousands of patient volunteers and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, . war drums beating fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds chewy delights. Were back now with some brandnew research and recommendations that will be of high interest to parents and grandparents worried about how much kids should be expose said to modernday electronic media. Cell phones, laptops, tablets, and yes, tv. The American Academy of pediatrics has new guidance to give families more flexibility while setting limits. Heres nbcs tom costello. Hello. Reporter in virginia this afternoon, 3yearold ari and 18monthold emmaery were face timi timi timing grandma and grandpa. You want to have a recommended no screen time for kids under two. But in a world of cell phones, tablets, computers and tvs, the academy is adjusting guidelines. For children under 18 months, video chatting is fine, but no other screen time. If you want to start introducing media as young as 18 months, thats fine, but use it together with your child and choose really good media. Reporter heres why. Researchers at Lafayette College have found that starting at 17 months, children can start recognizing faces and learning toddlers learn from meaningful interaction with people who are in social relationships with them. Reporter for 2 to 5yearolds, the academy recommends no more than an hour a day of screen time. Children 6 and older can have more, but they need an hour of exercise. Families should establish mediafree time together, like dinner. And no devices within an hour before bed. When kids consume media, even infants, fewer hours of sleep per night. Reporter the bottom line, screen time should not be a babysitter. Used wisely, it can actually bring families together. Shes trying to give him a kiss. Reporter tom costello, nbc news, ashburn, virginia. Were back in a moment with a special guest who crashed the White House Briefing today. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do. Release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not insulin. It should not be the first medicine to treat diabetes or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not take trulicity if you or a Family Member has had medullary thyroid cancer, if youve had multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to trulicity. 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Our partners at cnbc have confirmed that at t is in advanced talks to buy media and entertainment giant wireless broadband and satellite tv services with time Warner Properties like hbo, cnn, and the Warner Brothers movie studio. Who would you say gets angrier behind the wheel, men or women . According to a new study, women. Researchers found on average, women were 12 angrier by driving. Pump the brakes, because a number of previous studies have pointed the the White House Press corps got a surprise when a special guest star crashed the briefing room. Actor bill murray decked out in cubs gear, dropped in to talk baseball. Murray is a white sox fan but hes supporting the crosstown cubs who are chasing their own cinderella story this weekend. Theyre one win away from their first world series since 1945. When we come back, series since 1945. When we come back, how students are . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. . . Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. Trintellix may start to untangle or help improve the multiple symptoms of depression. For me, trintellix made a difference. Tell your healthcare professional right away if your depression worsens, of suicide. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. Trintellix has not been studied in children. Do not take with maois. Tell your healthcare professional about your medications, including migraine, psychiatric and depression medications to avoid a potentially lifethreatening condition. Increased risk of bleeding or bruising may occur especially if taken with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners. Manic episodes or vision problems may occur in some people. Trintellix did not have Significant Impact on weight. Ask your healthcare professional if trintellix could make a difference for you. I spent many years as a Nuclear Missile launch officer. If the president gave the order, we had to launch the missiles. That would be it. I prayed that call would never come. Self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. I would bomb the [ beep ] out of em. The thought of donald trump with Nuclear Weapons scares me to death. It should scare everyone. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Moms got this cold. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. Hashtag mouthbreather. Just put on a breathe right strip. It instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. I hear you. To everyone with this pain that makes ordinary tasks extraordinarily painful, i hear you. Make sure your doctor hears you too i hear you because i was there when my dad suffered with diabetic nerve pain. If you have diabetes and burning, shooting pain in your feet or hands, dont suffer in silence step on up and ask your doctor about diabetic nerve pain. Tell em cedric sent you. Finally tonight, a story about tearing the down the invisible barriers that too often divide us. Many workers who keep the esteemed School Running and that simple act started a movement that is inspiring america. Heres rehema ellis. Reporter at georgetown jesuit university, learning is rooted in caring. Bellamy is taking it to heart. I see the same worker. His name is oneil bachelor. I sparked up a conversation with him. Hey, how you doing . Shook his hand. Reporter that handshake happened late fechb ip was studying in the library. Both are immigrants and both had big dreams. My dream was to open a restaurant, you know, i love cooking. I explained that to him. He supported it. He said, man, im going to do everything i can to help you. Reporter and he did. Fevin started a Facebook Page called Unsung Heroes, telling the stories of the workers who keep the university running. I know theres kind of a wall between the opportunity to share his story with other students. To see that theyre human beings just like us, the only difference is the color of their uniforms. Reporter fevin said students responded immediately, welcoming the chance to make new friends and make an impact. They recently helped raise 2500 for oneil to start his catering business. Reporter so far, Unsung Heroes has workers, like umberto, a dining hall cashier. Students raised 5,000 so he can visit family in south sudan he hasnt seen in 45 years. Now fevin hopes the idea spreads beyond campus. Imagine how much more can happen if we interact more on a daily basis. Reporter confident, Unsung Heroes are everywhere, and so are people who friday night. Im lester holt. A brutal teak a senior out what happens when an 83 yearold woman was attacked in her own hope and why the accused attacker didnt get very far and an update on the ongoing search for a boater lost near the courty. Campbell causeway. Dogs, and bimbos. And i sure women pig, country i fought for. So, im voting for Hillary Clinton. Hillary clinton im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. Right now, the search is on

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