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For critters. It was bad. They just kept coming. In my 22 years doing law enforcement, id never seen anything like it. Michelle porter was the first one to go inside jeanines house, after her neighbor called the health department. She was the first to see what the animals had gone. For the last two years, its been a playground. Everything was destroyed. They had brought trash in from the outside. What michelle could see was the aftermath of what jeanine could hear and smell for years. Animal as was the scent of animal droppings. I figured. Somehow or other, i was going to have to have some kind of help. Jeanine got that help. Animal control workers took out 25 live raccoons. Seven dead ones. Eight possums and a feral cat. Michelles team and a group of volunteers cleaned up her entire home that she and her late husband had built, back in 1969. Well, they cleaned out of what the animals messed up. It looks lots better, dont it . Now, jeanine had to move out of her akron home for five months while crews cleaned and sealed it. She is back now, all of the animals are gone. And michelle, says she is checking on her office. A man threatens to shoot an elderly couple in westlake. Well, today, he learned the punishment for his crimes. News 5 had the only camera in the courtroom when william keener was sentenced to probatio aggravated menacing and criminal damaging charges. It was back in may, when keeners hit that couples car, three times on purpose. Near crocker and detroit. Then, keener, who had a ccw grabbed his gun and threatened the couple. Citizens have the right to get their weapons permit. But you have to be in fear of your life, in order to actually utilize that weapon. Well. No one ended up pulling the trigger. Right now, a jury is deciding between life and death. A man is accused of shooting of a barber shop, murdering three people. That jury is on the trial of douglas shine. He start deliberating today. And if they decide hes guilty of the warrensville killings, he could face the death penalty. The shooting happened in february of last year. Three other people were hurt in that incident. Another story youll only see right here. Imagine being alone inside your home. Youre scared. Wait for police, holding your breath. And they hand you a bill. It is a scenario, being considered in lakewood tonight. Because too many homes and businesses are keeping police busy with false alarms. We sent news 5s paul kiska to check out how it would work. Well, lee and frank. Lakewood city Council Plans to vote on the false alarm ordinance in just the next few weeks. Burglar alarms are meant to lakewood city leaders are considering a nuisance ordinance, to find residents and businesses for too many false alarms. Alarms that tie up police and must check windows and doors. Lakewood looked over the numbers numbers from 2014. And this is what they found. There were 1,654 alarms, only french were valid calls. That means 97 of alarms were false. Hundreds of hours of police time spent false alarms. So this begins a process of looking at how we can eliminate those false alarms and a waste of police time. After a second false alarm, a warning letter would be sent out. After a third one, the resident or Business Owner would be fined 200. The fine could be appealed to a citizens review board. And the goal would be to have the operator of the alarm, fix the problem. Generally, its operator error. Employees. Or carelessness. Sometimes equipment malfunction. It really is a burden of the police force. John signs has an alarm system at his house. He said they pay police to handle serious calls, not false alarms. False alarms is just a its a waste of their time, waste of their efforts. And its just not good for the community. They could be out there serving the Community Better than having to deal with false alarms. Now, a Jewelry Store owner who didnt want to go on camera, told me he thinks the 200 fine is, reporting live from the Lakewood Police department, paul kiska, news 5. Now, to the race for the white house and believe it or not, we are down to the final hours of campaigning. And rob powers, not only are the candidates stumping hard, their surrogates are as well. They sure are. Lets go to florida first. President obama held two rallies there. Melania trump took the stage in pennsylvania. It was her first speech since taking the stage in cleveland. Gave a speech that was widely michelle obama. In todays speech, mrs. Trump focused on women and children. Women will advance and achieve, with opportunity. But some women have been left behind. I see that. We cannot call ourselves a fully developed or advanced nation when 50 of our women live in poverty. She also said her husband knows how to shake things up. On the other hand, president obama slammed trump donald trump is uniquely unqualified to be president. [ laughter ] no, im not joking. You laugh. Im not joking. He is temperamentally unfit to be commanderinchief. Both donald trump and Hillary Clinton will once again focus their attentions on our state. Tomorrow night, right here in cleveland, jay z will hold out a get out the vote concert in support of clinton. And trump will be in wilmington gohio remains a key battleground state in this president ial race. Theres a lot to be learned by looking here in northeast ohio. News channel 5s john cossic is here with a look at the latest breakdown of Cuyahoga County. Ohio is often looked at as a whole. But the reality is its a melting pot. More like a melting pot. But the biggest, right here in Cuyahoga County. Reporter voters will head to the polls in all of 88 counties. Results of a handful will likely tell us how the state will go. The question is the margin of victory that Hillary Clinton can claim in cuyahoga will stay a lot about her chances of winning ohio. Reporter a new poll look at just Cuyahoga County and included a breakdown of those who have yet to vote and those who already have. Those who voted already. We saw 70 voting for clinton. 24 for trump. But those who had not voted, 58 for clinton and 37 percent vote for. Said margins are greater than what romney had four years ago. But in the numbers, there are two caveats. Overall turnout and enthusiasm. Its the amount of countiesly wins by. Not the percentage. Thats really what Hillary Clinton is going up against. Reporter said other is, this is a nonscientific poll with a sampling that favor the clinton. 72 had bamp lors degree. Thats way more than percentage for this state and Cuyahoga County. So theres a big percentage of voters not even represented in this poll. Reporter yesterday, they gave trump a 5point lead. Another has portland leading strickland for senate. John cosick. News 5, cleveland. Com. Is your source for election coverage. On election night, we will have live results and interactive will host our webcast. And your voice, your vote election night, 2016, begins at 7 00 p. M. Of course, well bring you local results throughout the evening, as well as on news 5 at 11 00. Tera, i think the weather is kind of mirroring the way a lot of us are feeling. It is. I think we all need something to pick us back up. I know i cant turn around what happened late last night. But i can try to improve the we even here and now, noticing some higher level cirrus clouds. Blue skies. Sunshine. Hopefully that makes you feel a little better. We do have temperatures on the chilly side. Pretty much widespread. Its going to get even cooler for your friday. 59 here and now. Northern wind at 10 miles per hour. Keeping the cooler temperatures in place. Jackets certainly needed here for evening plans. Theres our lonely 60 degrees in akron. 57 for us in cleveland. From yesterdays temperatures. But were recordbreaking in the afternoon hours. Were 15 degrees cooler in worcester. But thats one of the smaller changes. Notice here in cleveland, 19 degrees cooler than yesterday at this time. Same story for ra vina. 17 degrees cooler in mansfield. As far as temperatures go, were going to see a dip again because of two fronts. That first passed but the second, hanging to the north. Well see if we can find any more rainfall. And then the change. Thats all mi two white officers, each accused of killing unarmed white men. Both going to trial. Next at 5 00, an intense murder trial, unfolding right now, right here in ohio. What jurors saw today in the trial of officer ray tining. About the killing of samuel dubose. And in another highprofile trial. The video of a man shot in the back. While running away from an officer. Day 1 of the Michael Slager trial next. Have you seen it . What you need to know about the misleading memes being shared on twitter and how to make sure your vote really counts. Plus, we havent really mentioned it. But of course, were aware the indians did not win the world series last night. But never fear. Leon bibb is here to show us today the jury heard from in Cincinnati Police officer at the center of an intense order trial with ray tensing charged with the death of an unarmed black man. Today they watched the video of him being interviewed. He claims he was dragged killed but the prosecutions forensic video analyst broke down the own body cameras video of tensing and says there were no squealing tires and the car moved only a foot or so. It shut down the claim of tensing of being dragged down the road. Yesterday the jury heard from five witnesses and one of them was just feet away from the shooting. The victim was driving a car license was suspended. Next to take the stand will be the supports expert and criminal investigation expert. I trial in a similar case is underway in South Carolina with Michael Slager accused of killing a man during a traffic stop over a broken tail light. He shot walter scott last year. Today a man with slager took the stand. Pierre fulton testified he has he did it when is the shooting but heard the gunshot. Another officer in oklahoma taking headlines for a different reason today. It was caught on a dashcam after he pulled over a speeding truck. Officer jordan jones stopped a speeding truck. He quickly learned there was an emergency emergency insight. Was going on you dont have a lot of time. Reporter she is unresponsive on the ground. With her family in a panic, jones stays in command. We are trained as far as handling people who are emotionally distraught. You cannot let that doctor into your judgment. The veteran continues to perform cpr bringing her back slowly. It was different when i was told. Reporter the hospital was 15 minutes away. I was doing cpr and then First Responders out there. Reporter the woman was taken to the hospital where she is recovering. Jones was overcome with emotion. The adrenaline slows down and it was surreal. That was petty santos reporting. Also they helped save the womans life. A story weve been following has been developing out west with the Dakota Access pipeline. This week police had dozens of protesters with pepper spray. The group was going through water trying to get to the Property Owner of the developer. I kept telling them no we are not going to leave. Just like you, we will stay he was just in my face. Two of the protesters were arrested and some had to be treated for hypothermia. Earlier state regulators slammed the Pipeline Company for waiting 10 days to report the discovery of American Indian artifacts along the route of the pipeline with the potential for damage to an American Indian site. Water sources have been a the weather we have enjoyed was perfect for those games. It is over, isnt it . It is all over. We have a little bit of a better singer for the weekend but it will go down a little bit more for your friday. For now lets focus on the positive with a little sunshine coming on in. It is helping us for the drive home and 57 for you in downtown. 56 for Chagrin Falls and 55 if you are charting and 56 in north carrollton. We have middle 50s heading south and it is a little warmer with a little 64 akron. We do have it little bit more 60 action southwest with 61 in killbuck. Notice the difference in colors here. He west siders are seeing a little bit more sunshine and there is still a good amount of cloud coverage as we await cold front number two continues to push the warmer air and the beautiful 70 degree temperature that we saw is now a distant memory and the blue is expected toward friday. I think youll notice the chill in the afternoon tomorrow. Part of that is from the second cold front. The first cold front is south of exactly pass right here at home , but it does get close enough to send us another small chance of rain fall. It also would send High Pressure to the west and as it slides to the east we will see those temperatures rebound. This may be the bottoming out period and this is what we were just talking about. We do have some added clouds to the evening in the overnight hours and the front bringing in not impacting anyone to the ct scan tonight. It will mean to the cavs game tonight. It will mean daytime highs in the low 50s. So it is quite chilly. As far as rainfall goes, we are looking at 1 100 precipitation in the overnight hours. He sunshine is coming back. If you need something to put a little pep in your step, the cavs are taking on the 52 as you head on in and it should be dry and chilly in downtown. When it comes to your power of 5 sevenday forecast we do have some beautiful weather toward the weekend. Mother nature is trying to make us feel better with 60s for saturday and 62 on sunday. Loving monday and tuesday as well with no problems you are trying to get out and vote. Into wednesday. That may be our one and only shot at rain. It is very light again tuesday night into wednesday dropping the temperatures back down. For friday we had a high of only 52. Back over to you. It is a good thing basketball is indoors, right . Next it seems obvious to not leave your keys inside your car but it turns out on this dubious reputation. Dramatic video of a high speed chase raising new questions about police chase policy and whether they are right now more than 4000 acuras and honors have been chance of exploding. Now the national Highway Traffic Safety Administration is ordering the company to hire private investigators to find owners to have the cars fixed. It is hard to believe it is already a member and many of us would like to warm up our vehicles. Authorities are reminding drivers not to leave those keys in the ignition. Ohio ranks fourth nationwide for auto theft when owners leave the keys in the car. There are more than 8000 reported in a threeyear span with more than 2000 right here in cleveland metro. Dont need your keys in the car. Only on newschannel5 downtown is looking for a major makeover, but will it be worth the tax dollars being funneled into the project . And today we have another a look at our top stories now. Lakewood is fed up with police wasting time on false alarms. The Police Department told us 97 of burglar alarms in 2014 or false alarms caused by operator errors, equipment malfunctions, and the city is now considering charging 200 same location. A jury heard from a forensic video analyst of the shooting when he said he was being dropped the car when the five. Doing yesterday said the on body cam ethernet of tensing indicated no schooling tires. And jury deliberations are underway in a highprofile murder case. Warrensville heights. If convicted shine could face the death penalty. Lets check in with meteorologist tera blake it was good to sleep in. If you have those evening plans, we expect the weather to corporate for the most part. It is a little chilly as we wait with 57 your currt wind at mount milesperhour. In northeast ohio the rain has been shut off. You have a straggler or two. The Morning Hours only had about a 10th of an inch in total. It look like if not, but it was quick and it should take easy with the second batch only dropping a quarter. In total we are awaiting the chance for an additional stray showers date tonight. Temperatures are holding into the 50s for the most part with 55 in wooster and 55 leery and 60 in akron. Today we notice the chill and tomorrow i expect to stay in the lower 50s for the entire day. Friday night Football Games will definitely be on the chilly site. We will take a look at any rate potential for those weekend plans and have some good news in the new church you. Only on been a bit of an eyesore in Cuyahoga Falls with the empty street city they cant pick the major changes to come with a price tag. James riley is live from downtown. Reporter this was once the center of a busy downtown Cuyahoga Falls. Now not so much. But for 11 million in taxpayer money we are looking to change things here. The popcorn shop is one of a small handful of businesses tucked into an empty, isolated front street in downtown Cuyahoga Falls. As it is right now, the Business Owners that are looking at space are probably seeing zero traffic. Make it with an amphitheater attracting concertgoers in the summer and iceskating rinks attracting snowbirds in the winter. A Major Development is aiming to change that and bring a new phase to this old downtown. We are working on early stages. Reporter the mayor don walters had businesses feeling packing the sidewalk. That is why he is happy the city council signed off on an 11 Million Investment putting the road back in and making major upgrades to store fronts. We are up in the 12 million range. It has not been finalized because we are still doing the design work now. There will be no increase to taxpayers and we can pay with our own funds. It will likely take years to pay off this is worth it. It is going to reinvigorate the downtown area that has a ton of potential. Reporter plans for this project are still coming together, but ground likely be broken in may. It is expected the project will be completed in summer of 2018. I am James Gherardi with news 5. Right now police are of sexually assaulting a student at ohio university. The woman said she was raped in her dorm room early tuesday. She said she invited that man to her room after meeting him on a mobile messaging app. The students and he raped her after she rejected him. Hundreds of Safety Experts meeting right now in downtown columbus focusing on the handling it is the first statewide collaboration to raise Awareness Among students. The holidays are almost here and the Greater Cleveland food bank is asking for your help to make sure everybody gets a meal. The hoping to get enough to fill 100,002 plates this season. Today the carving out Hunger Initiative donated 10,000 turkeys. It has served more than 1 million holiday meals since 2005. What informations top libraries if youre in town. To receive the highest overall score in ratings. The Library Journal judges facilities on the number of visitors and circulation. Still ahead all new at 5 00, how high our healthcare costs really . We are putting nominate claims through our truth meter. Plus would you be comfortable voting for a person with a bullhorn yelled at you from across the street digging into reports of voter intimidation all new at 5 00 but first your winning lottery it is time for your weather. I want to stay right here at if you need something to cheer you up, we have a pretty fun basketball game tonight. The cavs are taking on the celtics with 52 degrees as you are making your way into the game. The cavs care will keep you warm for sure. We will become more sunshine to enjoy all coming up next. Go before election day with blood effect but not the second checks daily. Politifact putting out these facts checks daily. News 5s has claimed healthcare costs are hitting record highs trump has claimed healthcare costs are hitting record highs. It is more than a rent which is a first in american history. Reporter trump says the cost of healthcare under obama is more than for the first time. Politifact found on average they spend 8000 on rent a year that is compared to a yearly average of 4000 for healthcare and though the costs are up ever since the Affordable Care act, it has never surpassed housing costs since 1984. The numbers just dont add up but the situation could be so full of politifact brings the statement home. Clinton says trump opposes pay equity for women. You can go down the list of everything he has said. He doesnt believe in equal pay. Reporter politifact took a look at the past statements and found a mixed bag. His daughter ivanka trump said he supported equal pay for men and women and his Campaign Said he supports the but his record is mixed last year comparing equal pay legislation with socialism saying performance should dictate wages regardless of gender. Trump has criticized the concept in the past so what effect rates clintons statement as half true. If you thought this election has been ugly, just wait for election day if this video of the florida is any how many Syrian Refugees are you taking into your home . I want to ask you. This was outside the supervisor of Elections Office in West Palm Beach florida this week while people were going in to vote early. The woman who recorded this Trump Supporters yelling at voters works for a Democratic Community organizing group. She said she reported activity to the Sheriffs Office but they said it appeared to be free speech. I really dont understand how this is legal. I dont understand that in this country you cannot go to the polls without being screened at by people. There are not deputy stations daily through election day. That came after donald trump monitor voting on tuesday. Right here in Cuyahoga County several supporters showed up declaring themselves poll observers but not credentialed as required by state law. We spoke with the board of elections today and Election Officials want to assure you they are trained to deal with any possible disruptions to the voting process. We are looking at complaints on twitter about misleading voter information. These imagers were account called rickyvaughn in the city can vote for Hillary Clinton by texting hillary to a certain number. This account has been suspended. Here are the only ways to make sure your vote counts this election day. You can vote early monday until 2 00 in the afternoon. We also have early voting you can also vote on tuesday, november 8 at your assigned polling place. The polls are open from 6 30 am closing at 7 30 pm tuesday evening. You can be in line standing by 7 30 pm and will need your id on tuesday. You can also request an absentee ballot if you dont want to go out to the polls. You have until saturday at noon to get that request in. The important thing here is you cannot vote if you are looking for onestop shopping for all of your vote information, we have got you covered. Check out our news 5 app. It has it all. Tomorrow is friday and i think a lot of people are ready for the weekend and sunshine. It is even better for saturday and sunday. Tomorrow it will be a little bit chilly in the low 50s. It is certainly a drop compared to what we were hoping for but sunshine in southwestern locations. You can see a beautiful shot here in wayne county with rainfall impacting the drive. You can see the lens getting wet for just a minute but it should and me afternoon with brilliant sunshine helping us out here through the evening plans. It will not help temperatures out, and fortunately. 55 in bedford and burton also a little sun in ashtabula with medicine at 55 madison i55. You can see the differences in frederick yellow with 64 in akron and folks you have one degree with the sun and 56 in wadsworth and 64 in ashland the sunshine with 37 in sandusky. We will go to partly cloudy as the first front pushed away the 78. Roanoke is 78 with charleston 64 while we are in the 50s. The front really making a difference. That blue is the cooler air trying to settle in for your friday. We have a little hiccup the far Better Weather arrives for the weekend but we also had the second front. You can see well to the north this looks like snowfall that there is forecast. It doesnt exactly pass by but it is just another push of cooler air before allowing High Pressure to move in for your weekend. This is that brings back the 60s in time to get back out and probably take down halloween decorations. Any additional rainfall in the forecast tonight will be mainly close to the lake from that second front. It is very light helping out most of us wake up tomorrow morning getting into the 50s and that is that. But your sunshine will be out for your sunday afternoon and any additional rainfall is going to be very light. It tonight 45 is your overnight low and mostly party to partly cloudy. It will certainly be cold in the house and tomorrow i would suggest heaters as well with 52 being your high. This is we should be in the upper 50s by this time of the year. It is 50 as your height and i do expect the chill in the air to be noticeable as well with northern winds at 9 milesper hour as we make our way into the weekend 60s return and monday and tuesday i will go with close to 70 just because it sounds better. It does sound better. It is an epidemic putting problem continues to grow. We are looking at how bad it is across ohio. We are talking numbers in the hundreds when it comes to overdoses in just the last four month. New at 6 00 we go to the center for her sentinel carfentanil in the state. Both teams in the chairmanship and what happens to the item doesnt look away a winner . That when a news 5 returns leeann did preempted is here to help us rally together once more. The world series is over and thursday unfolded with gray skies hovering over cleveland. It is fitting. Many of us have some great thoughts so at times like these returned to thoughts of how we should look at things. Reporter loss always hurts but sometimes you have to look at what positives you can find. Even after last night there are some positives there. What couldve been and what should have been. We can debate forever but what was still no win of the world series the same melancholy feel going up against the huge crowds workers pretend equipment. Cleveland is proud of the team but it is still hurting because we wanted it all. A little bit disappointed just at the outcome. But it is still really cool that they were even able to make it. Reporter a summer to remember. The indians got there. They matured into the men of autumn. That is what i will remember. Perhaps ul too as you can the better parts. The good memories of hopes and hit our there if we choose to replace him in our thoughts. We were there on the season of 2016. I wanted to be here and we were. We will be back next year. Reporter to be playing baseball this time of the year is quite an accomplishment. There was only two teams left standing in the cleveland from now on i will always refer to early november has indian summer. The leaves are changing as we know they will but in this place cleveland baseball will be played again by us to be cheered again just as we did that wonderful season of cleveland. I count on Cleveland Indians baseball to help me through the winter. In my mind i heard the crack of we did not get all cleveland wanted, but we got some of it and really a lot of it. Baseball was about hope. For news 5 i am leon bibb. He did it again. I feel better, dont you . It is going to be all right. Only on 5 00 tonight video of a highspeed chase. The pursuit to catch a tragic ending and now it has county officials reconsidering a countywide chase policy. Plus, opioid addictions are quickly on the rise as the popularity of heroin skyrockets and no one local Police Department is trying everything to slow down. News 5 at 6 00 begins in two news 5 at 6 00 is brought to you by mr. Hero. News 5 on your site starts now. The shocking new images following a police chase inside the city of cleveland. It is a great risk to the greater population. Police chases are being brought into question. Will only see on news 5. High speed police chief of cleveland street and with a violent crash expect that the city cops had nothing to do with it. That chase initiated by a suburban department put innocent bystanders in danger. Derick waller investigates and you learn clevelands own Police Department would not be allowed to do that. Reporter the city has very

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