Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 5pm 20161026 :

Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 5pm 20161026

operative word. cleveland's official newschopper is live over the field where you can see the diamond is still covered by a huge tarp because of the rain. we count down to our team coverage with rob powers and danita harris live from outside the ball field. >> but the big question everyone needs to have answered, mark johnson, is game two in trouble? >> it looks like a couple of hours of dry weather towards the beginning of the ball game but we cannot guarantee dry weather for three, four hours in a row. follow me over here. we will track the rain. it is so close to being dry for the entire game. we've got showers riding right along the lake erie shore line, more back toward toledo, more extreme northwestern ohio. look at all this rain back toward fort wayne. it is moving directly toward the east. and again we may see some dry weather to start the ball game. we've got this little band that will come through in the next get wet. here is your hour by hour. 9:00 p.m., look, it looks like we're dry to start. 8:00 p.m. looks dry. but after 8:00 p.m., we get these showers riding right along the lake should, and then they're hit and miss for the rest of the ball game. will they be heavy enough to have to delay the game a little bit? that remains to be seen. here is your tribecast. cannot remove the threat for rain from this ball game. they will be hit and miss, isolated sprinkles and light rain sho degrees at 7:00. we will warm up into the middle and upper 40s by the end of the ball game. and i know, danita and rob are downtown. they are bundled up. i would recommend everyone going to the game do the same. >> great advice. bundle up, lots of layers because it is really cold out here tonight. cleveland, we love our tribe but the indians, they are making international news right appearance since nineteen known. >> it was fun, but even in the years this team did not go all the way, cleveland's fans have been so loyal that even with the indians aren't winning, we're breaking records. >> and the tribe previously set a league record with a 455-game sell-out streak that they had at the field formerly known, let me bring it back four, the jake, from 1995 to 2001. and that record was broken by the red sox. >> thanks for bringing that back to us. that's a nice nostalgic thought. we can say we have the bert fans. at the time our stadium held 7,000 more seats than fenway park. tonight you know the fans are going to be out in full force. game two is sold out. we're pretty sure the cold, the wet weather will not keep indians fans at home. as for cubs fans, who knows. >> who knows who cares. right now john kosich on fan >> reporter: yeah, neither cold nor rain nor thousand dollar tickets are going to keep cleveland fans away. i'm still excited, and why not. we took game one from the cubs. the task is equally daunting on game two, no time for flaunting. for the cubs arrieta whose bounce is worth mighty. he recently said with his as his bounce writing check that his playoff arm is yet to cash but here on gateway that stuff is beyond our control what. is not is our rollable yellow. take our places in the 10th fan, the hope field advantage, the perfect home record in the playoffs this year and that's something visiting teams to have fear. cheering the loudest with their new bling on their fingers will be the cavs on their night o. they decided to linger to cheer for their brethren in blue, a shank example of what we did reporting live on gateway, john kosich, news 5. all right, john, thank you. now while we are talking about cleveland sports' diehard fans it's hard to imagine the real struggle of fans who have been waiting 68 years since this team's last world series victory. >> that's a very long time. we have been getting calls almost every night from fans who witnessed that game. news 5's james jerardi t speak with one of them, a woman who is 104 years old. james this woman needs a win. we have to do it for her. >> reporter: meet emily. >> as long as i had a chance, i watched them. >> reporter: some might say she's a bit of an indians fan. >> i have followed them and my husband for so far and so long. >> reporter: she is by all president. the titanic sank. women couldn't vote. a lot has changed since then. one thing that hasn't is emily's passion for her team. >> every year i say, this is the year, this is the year. butt never came. >> reporter: she has waited patiently. 68 years, in fact, since the indians' last won the world series. she watched them win from stands in 1948. >> i remember sitting on that bench, long bench. i remember me going in my satchel bag. >> let's be honest, they owe it to her. and if they doarnghts i don't want to see the wrath of those players coming down. >> reporter: what keeps her going is the hopes of seeing another series win. >> last year she fell and she broke her hip. she broke her arm in four places and her shoulder. process, what she kept saying, i'm not going to make it and i'm not going to see my indians in the world series. >> reporter: but she did. she threw out the first pitch on her 100th birthday. >> zach mcallister who still says that his mitt was smoking when that ball came in. >> reporter: and has seen nearly every game since she can remember except another world series win. a little lady with a huge heart and an even larger love for the game she says kept her alive for her shirt saying it all. >> win one for today. i think they know it now. >> i love her spirit. we're going do it for her. >> isn't that great. >> i love that. all right, so she had a few sting, rob. >> she had tips for the pros. they used to, and that's what i think will be the best thing to do to try to win so let's go tribe. those are her tips, not mine. >> i don't care if they're yours or hers. >> as long as they work and we won. >> so no more talk about the fans. let's talk about the team. the biggest story line coming into tonight's game is the status of starting pitcher trevor bauer's pinky finger. >> after that freak drone accident la stitched up pinky looked like something from a horror movie. it was gushing blood. bauer had to leave that game after less than an inning. he is back tonight. and so is sports director andy baskin who joins us now live from inside progressive field. andy, just how confident are the indians tonight that that finger is not going to open up again? >> let's talk about it a little bit. when it was drone one in toronto, we had blood flowing. it is all on the back side, and right here would be the only part they were worrying about. mom, i'm sorry i'm writing on my happened. it's not that cancerous. but that's a real soft spot on trevor bauer's hand. i'm told it's just soft skin right now which is all good news. let's talk about trevor bauer on the hill tonight when he pitches. one of the other things you should watch for other than maybe blood on his hand is when he throws that first pitch because when us hits it's normally on a 0-0 count. that's when 40% of the hits come back to go into the field against trevor bauer. >> going into toronto the doctors told me they were confident it would be okay. i was confident it would be fine. it hadn't bled the two days before that at all. so i feel confident every time i go take the mound. i wouldn't take the mound if i didn't feel confident i would be able to pitch and help the team. i'm confident like i was back then, too. here where the skin is a little bit soft, and then also watch for that first pitch tonight when he throws into it a batter. if he gets past the first pitch, he could be in good sharon, but we need to have trevor bauer go out and pitch six innings. that would be perfect especially if he didn't give up any runs. sorry, mom, i didn't mean to put the ink on my hand. >> i wish i had a pen so andy wouldn't be by himself. we have to get some soap out there. if you are coming to the game or maybe just tryi it downtown at a local establishment, you know what we always say. take rta. >> the best thing to do. save yourself, though. the downtown traffic hassle, especially with parking prices skyrocketing, and we can tell you the temperatures are dropping. the wind is whipping. okay? whipping behind us. okay, we're live in news 5. don't laugh, jonathan. >> reporter: yes, a very serious topic. we are looking at traffic here on euclid near east fourth. take a look from our front window. it is much better than yesterday but with that sid can still see plenty of cars trying to make their way around downtown to the game or maybe to a bar. east fourth, i will till, between euclid and prospect is walk afternoon. there aren't any shoulder to shoulder things going on there. people are covered in their cleveland indians gear. you mentioned the their hats are object. they are ready to go. but fur coming downtown be ready to endure some traffic. reporting live here in the title tracker, i'm investigator jonathan walsh. back to you. >> jonathan's got a great smile. >> he does. >> but he always looks like he's on the hunt. he's an investigator at heart. >> did you see him come in? go the other way. all right, we have a lot more including a one-on-one with jason kipnis' sister. she says that she is the real star at least in the kipnis family. >> really. >> oh yeah, it's her. >> a fun thanksgiving. that story all new at 5:30 but for now back into the warm studio, frank, standing by with a look at what's happening outside of progressive field. >> cozy in here, isn't it. >> yeah, it is. let's not runt in. people trying to squeeze the most out of the fall season falling victim to crooks. >> while they're out enjoying the fall colors, criminals are smashing their way into cars, robbing people blind. it's a story will you only see here next. and we got another pants on fire rating from our partners at politifact. find out which presidential nominee was found to be lying and what the big fib was. plus, news 5 is really to series night our team coverage counting down to game two a man confesses to murdering a 15-year-old boy who was helping out at his family's restaurant. perry shot young sonny to death before stealing money from the register of a cleveland heights mr. hero. the sounds of sile reasons smashed as crooks are breaking into cars while enjoying nature at local let trough parks. >> bob jones talked with a witness and learned that teams of criminals appear to be work together. >> reporter: susan great house was about to begin a hike at o'neil metro park in bath township when she heard a loud bang from the parking lot and then saw a man braking into a minivan. >> he had the bubble wrap wrapped around his right arm, and he was taking his elbow, and he broke in the driver's side window. and the shattered glass. a woman's purse containing credit cards was snatched. susan says the thief came from one car while others served as lookouts in a second vehicle. >> it's a shame that people can't go to the park and not be a victim of a crime. >> reporter: bath's police chief told me several smash and grab crimes have recently been reported at multiple metro parks consistent with what a park ranger told susan. >> the day that this one happened, there had been six >> reporter: susan calls the crime senseless and says people out enjoying nature shouldn't have to deal with this. she hopes security will be stepped up at metro parks. >> i would say they're working as a group, in a team, and they're picking these parks randomly. >> reporter: mcneely believes rangers do have suspects and progress is being made. >> my understanding is several of the purses from the thefts location in northern summit county by the park rangers. >> reporter: regardless of when the crooks are capture teerksd advice remains the same. >> if you are going to the park, store your valuables in the trunk out of sight, then the thieves are more likely to leave you alone. >> reporter: bob jones, news 5. and there we have it, a live look from air tracker 5. the rain on the lens indeed. it is ball lovers, for baseball fans, and let's hope we can keep most of the rain away during the ball game. let's show you 44 degrees downtown. wow, that's chilly. 44 at hopkins, 4 3eu7b medina and elyria, 42 in ashtabula. 41 in ravenna. this is like mid-know. we will fact ?oirn breezes now. sustained winds 5 to 10 miles mile-per-hour winds. that makes temperatures feel more like 38 or 39 when you factor in windchill. so your evening looks like this. 44 at 6:00, 47 right around 8:00 p.m., then we'll keep you right around 47 through 10:00. we will try and keep you dry, although i can't totally remove the threat for an isolated shower along the lakeshore, including progressive field during the ball game. we've got mid-40s for akron and canton, staying dry, and then upper 40s by 10:00 p.m. look at you see this? look at how close. flint, michigan, just to the north of detroit, the snow is getting closer to us. but don't worry about that, because we're actually in for a little warm-up once we get this front coming by. here is the cold front right here. it slides in. tomorrow's highs will actually be warmer than today even though the front is to our east, because we will have more sunshine coming out. so that will begin a little warm-up. i think saturday is your day to leaves. 44 overnight. rain likely, especially after midnight. cannot rule out an isolated sprinkle or light rain shower during tonight's world series game two. chilly and breezy. all right, temperatures actually going up a little bit towards sunrise. tomorrow we will go 58, warmer, a rainy start. so it's mainly morning rain showers, and then a little bit of sun for the afternoon. akron/canton, 4 3, rain late, after midnight. 57 tomorrow, rain during the morning rush, and then staying it. this is the akron/canton seven- day. 58, 56, there you go, 65 to 70 on saturday with a sprinkle. sunday more rain, mid-50s. more of news 5 at 5:00 coming a north ridgeville murder girlfriend. >> it happened last night. today news 5 looked into the background of that man. derick waller has learned he has a violent criminal past including a previous domestic violence conviction. >> reporter: the man accused of murdering his live-in girlfriend last night here in north ridgeville is no stranger to police. in fact, we found criminal records date back to the early 1990s. >> i need you to be outside. >> i'm walking out right no >> yep, i will, i promise you. >> this is 911 audio of randy hamilton surrendering to police moments after he admitted to shooting his live-in girlfriend. >> send the cops now, please. send the ambulance, send everything. send the everything. right now, please, right now. >> hold on a second. >> reporter: he was a longtime information systems analyst at the cleveland clinic. ruth taylor lives next-door. these people. i don't know what they are going to do. randy has a brother, tony. i don't know where he is. and i know that he has a daughter. >> reporter: a news 5 investigation found hamilton has a lengthy criminal past in lorain county, including a 2010 domestic violence conviction north ridgeville and a 2002 negligent assault conviction in elyria. he also has other felony convictions dating back to at all information taylor says she knew. >> we always wondered how she could live there with him. she had to have known, because it's -- i mean, it's like three or four different charges he's had. >> reporter: there's still so much we just don't know about what led up to that shooting last night, details we hope to learn in the coming days. in north ridgeville, derick waller, news 5. >> our live team coverage of the indians in the world series continues next on five. breaking team, your fan heart will swell with pride. plus, one star player may not have been the star in his own home growing up. find out which player's sister the 2-2. indians win game one! >> one down, three to go as the indians look to make cleveland history third title in 208 after championship victories by the monsters and the cassments air tracker 5 flying high over progressive field right now where the tribe will have its last at-bat hear in cleveland before heading to chicago for game three, four, and five. with any luck, that's where the series will end with the tribe taking the title. tonight we're continuing our live team coverage of the indians' world series run. first pitch moved up tonight >> yep, and you can bet chief meteorologist mark johnson has been keeping a close watch on the radar making sure this game can go on as scheduled. mark, my friend, what is going on? >> we're looking a little bit better here. that band of rain that's been giving us a little ice pellet action and some steady light rain is shifting to the east. still a few sprinkles downtown but notice back to our west we are drying out a little bit, with just a couple of isolated light, brief rain showers threat for rain during your ball game tonight. we are not looking for four hours of dry weather. i don't think it is going to happen. but they will play through sprinkles. they will play through light rain that's brief. i think for right now at least for the start that's what we're going to. dress warmly. 44 downtown, 40 in parma and orange, 41 in bedford. we will actually see temperatures going up a little bit through the ball game. so middle and upper 40s by the isolated rain, a little bit of drizzle. let's hope we can stretch together enough dry weather to get this ball game in tonight. dress in layers. it is going to be a chilly one out there. >> dress in layers that will keep some of the moisture off. but let's hope, frank. >> definitely. our colleagues braving the cold and the rain out there live outside progressive field, getting us ready for the big game. >> reporter: the indians destiny. look at how many records they have broke this season alone. >> look at corey kluber. we love him. most of us watched as he set a world record. he faced a minimum nine batters in the first three innings striking is out eight of them. in the regular season the tribe became the first major league team to hit both a game tieing home run and an inside the park home run, all of this happening in the same inning. did it against the blue jays. naquin is only the second players in indians history to hit a walk-off inside the park home run. >> remember that night? >> oh, our indians. hey, we're awesome. now, any player, i don't care which record that you broke, okay, you are going to be nervous when it's time to play the world series, because it's just a whole other level. >> the stakes i higher. baseball here, world series here, but that anxiety may worse for their families. news 5's lauren brill inside progressive field right now. you spoke with one of our players' sisters, correct? >> reporter: yes, i did, this morning. i actually spoke to jason kipnis' sister amanda. they grew up in chicago playing sports together all their lives, and she told me watching her brother play in the world series is pretty surreal. >> it will be fun as we start the world series. i don't think you could realize this life actually happens for some people. oh my god, it's my brother. >> jason kipnis! >> he has worked so hard. he's a grinder. he's a baller. he was told he was too small. he had to switch positions. >> kipnis with the dive andy makes the catch. >> i would like to say gave him pointers growing up but he has surpassed all our expectations. he transferred to a sue, then all of a sudden, pac 10 rookie of the year. i was like, wow, he's that good? >> the heart and husband surges he gets the dirt bag nickname. so proud of him. >> what a scene. >> he grew up a chicago fan. we all d. we grew up going to the games, but we want them to go down. >> to the right side. >> this team is magical. i mean, they shouldn't be here. they've overcome so much adversity this year. >> the indians win game one. happen. go tribe. and i think he has the opportunity to do something in front of the home crowd that not many people can say they did. >> now, amanda is a pretty good athlete. she played division 1 softball. she was also a second baseman and joked that she's actually the bert second baseman in the family. on a serious note, she said she's very nervous to watch her brother play and ve live from progressive field, lauren brill, news 5. back to you guys. >> boy, i can imagine what it's like for those families. the tribe is in it to win it. and we are in it for the long haul, from the shadow of progressive field, our live team coverage of game two of the world series continues tonight on news 5 at 6:00. but right now we are going to send it back to the studio where frank and lee are sing on we're just going to stay out here in the rain around cold. we're going to huddle together. >> i'll huddle. >> we don't need hot chock larkts we need ice tan here. >> it's warm in here. >> yeah. >> all right, guys. thank you. we'll see you in a bit. a break from the trail for donald trump. >> he has some personal business to attend to but he hopes he might get perhaps some more free press for another hotel opening. instead, a couple of vandals headlines putting a crack in trump's legacy. all right, bummed out by the news that ballot selfies are against the law right here in ohio, will you be glad to hear about two lawmakers trying to change. that the fight for your right to selfie. and here's a reminder to make sure you have our news 5 app on your smartphone. we can now geo target news alerts to cape informed of break news. for example, if you're downtown need to know. check out our new and improved power of 5 weather features all from our news 5 app. here's a look at today's today what a great sunrise it was for many of you today. got these great pictures, one from brenda pierson. it's not a red sky. sailors take warning. it's a yellow sky. it means it's a beautiful picture, brenda. nice job. wendy clark, a little cold air funnel coming in off the lake. this was yesterday just off of mentor, south of interstate 90 around 4:30 is where she was lake. here we go, a little white icy thing pinging off my window. according to adrian this morning. that was ice pellets mixing with the rain. we're going track reign for the world series, game number two. we'll try and keep it away, this right here is a long shot but homeless advocates and the ohio democratic party have filed an people. they are asking the supreme of absentee and provisional ballots because of minor mistakes or omissions earlier this month. the higher courts declined to hear the appeal over 2014 voting law changes. a couple of ohio lawmakers want to protect your right to take a selfie with your ballot. thousands of people are sharing their ballot selfies on social media to let friends know how they're voting, but here in ohio that is a fifth degree selfies criminalizes free speech. today both major party nominees hoping to move into the white house have something to celebrate. trump is in d.c. at the grand opening of his new holt and clinton is on the trail in florida on her birthday. >> reporter: this morning donald trump stepping off the campaign trail for business in words. underbudget and ahead of schedule. >> the entire trump crew in place to celebrate his new $200 million hotel just blocks from the white house. but on the west coast his star on the hollywood walk of fame taking a beating but not for the first time. the star now destroyed. back at the hotel trump weighed in on the feud on fox news last night between anchor megyn kelly and trump backer newt with sex. >> by the way, congratulations, newt, on last night. that was an amazing interview. we don't play games, newt, right? >> reporter: and trump defended taking time out to open his hotel saying hillary clinton takes more time off. >> i think i'm entitled to the. she does one stop because she has no energy. >> reporter: as for clinton, a celebratory crowd wait for her >> thank you. great to be here at lake worth. >> reporter: clinton using most of her mic time to slam trump. >> while the hotel may be new, it's the same old story. he relied on undocumented workers to make his project cheaper. >> clinton's rallies in florida have focused on getting supporters to vote early. as for trump, after tending to business in t c he moved his campaign to north carolina. abc news, washington. and new in every single day from our partners at politifact. will you remember in the last debate donald trump refused to say if he would accept the election's outcome. hillary clinton jumped on that earlier this week. >> he became the first person running for president, republican or democrat, who refused to say that he would respect the results of this election. >> politifact wondered if he experts on campaign rhetoric. there have been campaigns that challenged the results post election, the most notable the 2000 contest wean george w. bush and al gore. that battle went all the way to the supreme court but it wasn't until after the election that gore asked for a recount in florida. while there are examples of campaigns challenging the results or raising corruption concerns after election day, politifact couldn't find a candidate who said election day, so we rate clinton's claims mostly true. and as for trump he is not letting up on his claims that the election is fixed. >> wikileaks also shows how john podesta rigged the polls by oversampling democrats, a voter suppression technique. >> john podesta is the chair of clinton's campaign, and trump is referring to one of his e- podesta sent the e-mail in 2008, not 2016. and it appears to be about internal polling. the oversampling in the e-mail meant polling for people in a specific demographic, not ignoring republican voters to suppress the vote. it's done to gauge the attitude of specific groups who would not be a statistically large enough group to analyze if sampled randomly. as a result, trump's claim pants on fire. >> i hear there's a game tonight. >> oh my goodness. >> we've got a good shot at playing some dry innings at the beginning of the ball game. it's later innings that are a little suspect. >> that's the word right there. >> let's check out what's going on. we have what we call meter logically a dry punch. that's some dry air pushing north along this little band of rain showers. and as you can see, most of the area dry. ashtabula getting some ice into geauga county. we're drying out in cleveland, perhaps an isolated shower lingering. one or two spot brief light rain showers saul we find west of interstate 77 until you get into northwest ohio and into northern indiana. so it's a race against time. this here is some steady, light to briefly moderate rain. that would not be good to play ball through here, especially with temperatures like this. currently 44 in akron. 45 in wooster, 40 in mentor. let me show you some wind speeds. frank and lee, i'm going to do something i haven't done in months and months and months. wind speeds 5 to 10 to 14 miles per hour. i brought up the wind chill map. look. 7:00 p.m. at game time a windchill of 39 degrees. now, take you to the end of the ball game. a windchill of 38 degrees. for. you are dressing for borderline winter type temperatures. 38 degrees, that's certainly not fall. that's not summer, either so dress warmly. here's the front. it's a cold front. once this front goes by the air is actually going to be warmer behind it, because we're going clear it out a little bit. look, there's the warm air edge, 60s indy. look at cincinnati, middle six. st. louis 60s. we're not going to get quite that warm tomorrow, but i 40s, tomorrow's high should make it firmly into the middle and upper 50s. even though a cold front is just going by. tonight 44, rain likely. chilly and breezy. we hope we can hold it off for most if not all of the game. let's go tribe. trevor bauer, tribe bats, let's do it. 58 tomorrow, morning rush hour rain, hopefully ending by mid to late morning. tomorrow it's morning rain, breezy, 56789 here is your seven-day. friday 59. there's dry weather. good golfing weather. saturday near 70 with an isolated afternoon shower, a few showers on sunday, a little cooler, 58. >> breezy. >> get some home runs in there. >> windchill, baby. if there was a statement the tribe wanted to make last night, it had to be they're hungry for a championship. >> the team is walking into game two with a winning momentum and fans are hoping the team will be able to on. our continuing live coverage of the world series is coming up. plus the disappearance of the indians 1949 world series pennant. it's a sports legend. we talk to a sports historian about what happened to the. pentagon officials in hot water tonight as they ask thousands of service members to all new at 5:00 the to growing outrang from thousands of national guard members told to pay back their bonuses. >> turns out there was a bit of mix did you know about who was supposed to get those enlistment bonuses. lauren lister has more. >> reporter: facing national outrage -- >> i'm bitter, i'm angry,. >> and finger pointing. >> another bone headed decision by the department of defense. >> reporter: the defense secretary now taking action in response to thousands of california national guard members being backbone noses they were promised. >> i have ordered the suspension all of efforts to collect reimbursement from affected california guard members. >> reporter: during the height of the warns iraq and afghanistan the national guard used bonuses to entice soldiers to reenlist. the problem started in 2010 when the military learned of criminal fraud. a california national guard official game bonuses intended for highly skilled soldiers to others who did not qualify. nothing wrong are paying for the mistakes. people like susan hayley asked to repay 15,000 plus interest. >> we have already exhausted our savings. >> reporter: chris was asked to -- was forced to refinance his home. >> we were paying about $1300. >> reporter: josh earnest saying the president is pleased the pentagon is suspending these repayments saying follow- through will be key. >> to ensurehe of the california national guard know that the commander in chief has their back. >> reporter: secretary carter saying he has ordered a team to establish a better process to resolve the process quickly with the goal of resolving all of them by july. lauren lyster, abc news, los angeles. >> that's it for news 5 at 5:00. >> let's sent out to rob and danita. >> let's do this, frank, lee. another championship. >> that's right, a second night in a row as the tribe tries to become the second pro team from cleveland to be crowned champs. we're an hour away before trevor bauer throws out the first pitch of game two. >> let's get it started. we are all over gateway plaza as fans start to make their way downtown for tonight's big game. news 5 at 6:00 gets it going in no chance for ross. stolen base. >> tough play. that is a hit. here it comes. struck him out. world series history. high fly ball into left, at the wall, good-bye! 6-0 indians! >> i think when you have a lead, you try to win. there's a lot that can happen tomorrow. >> what a night last night. oh, the city was on fire. but you know what, that's all in the completely different ball game. >> got to put game one in the rearview mirror. we're just about an hour away from first pitch. >> as excitement grows from last night's big win, fans are out here tonight hoping for another win. and we are all over downtown. we have you covered. but first, the big story, mother nature. and the threat she could bring it to game tonight. chief meteorologist mark johnson, we want to know, the rain going to hold off to play

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Cleveland Clinic , Florida , United States , North Carolina , Afghanistan , Washington , Elyria , Ohio , Cleveland , Geauga County , California , Indiana , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Cleveland Heights , Michigan , Cincinnati , Bedford , Illinois , Iraq , North Ridgeville , Hollywood , Lake Erie , Chicago , Lauren Lister , Akron Canton , Jonathan Walsh , Andy Baskin , Derick Waller , Los Angeles , Zach Mcallister , Jason Kipnis , Wendy Clark , Ruth Taylor , Megyn Kelly , Trevor Bauer , Brenda Pierson , Susan Hayley , George W Bush , Roberto Perez , Bob Jones , Al Gore , Lauren Brill , John Podesta , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 5pm 20161026 :

Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 5pm 20161026

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operative word. cleveland's official newschopper is live over the field where you can see the diamond is still covered by a huge tarp because of the rain. we count down to our team coverage with rob powers and danita harris live from outside the ball field. >> but the big question everyone needs to have answered, mark johnson, is game two in trouble? >> it looks like a couple of hours of dry weather towards the beginning of the ball game but we cannot guarantee dry weather for three, four hours in a row. follow me over here. we will track the rain. it is so close to being dry for the entire game. we've got showers riding right along the lake erie shore line, more back toward toledo, more extreme northwestern ohio. look at all this rain back toward fort wayne. it is moving directly toward the east. and again we may see some dry weather to start the ball game. we've got this little band that will come through in the next get wet. here is your hour by hour. 9:00 p.m., look, it looks like we're dry to start. 8:00 p.m. looks dry. but after 8:00 p.m., we get these showers riding right along the lake should, and then they're hit and miss for the rest of the ball game. will they be heavy enough to have to delay the game a little bit? that remains to be seen. here is your tribecast. cannot remove the threat for rain from this ball game. they will be hit and miss, isolated sprinkles and light rain sho degrees at 7:00. we will warm up into the middle and upper 40s by the end of the ball game. and i know, danita and rob are downtown. they are bundled up. i would recommend everyone going to the game do the same. >> great advice. bundle up, lots of layers because it is really cold out here tonight. cleveland, we love our tribe but the indians, they are making international news right appearance since nineteen known. >> it was fun, but even in the years this team did not go all the way, cleveland's fans have been so loyal that even with the indians aren't winning, we're breaking records. >> and the tribe previously set a league record with a 455-game sell-out streak that they had at the field formerly known, let me bring it back four, the jake, from 1995 to 2001. and that record was broken by the red sox. >> thanks for bringing that back to us. that's a nice nostalgic thought. we can say we have the bert fans. at the time our stadium held 7,000 more seats than fenway park. tonight you know the fans are going to be out in full force. game two is sold out. we're pretty sure the cold, the wet weather will not keep indians fans at home. as for cubs fans, who knows. >> who knows who cares. right now john kosich on fan >> reporter: yeah, neither cold nor rain nor thousand dollar tickets are going to keep cleveland fans away. i'm still excited, and why not. we took game one from the cubs. the task is equally daunting on game two, no time for flaunting. for the cubs arrieta whose bounce is worth mighty. he recently said with his as his bounce writing check that his playoff arm is yet to cash but here on gateway that stuff is beyond our control what. is not is our rollable yellow. take our places in the 10th fan, the hope field advantage, the perfect home record in the playoffs this year and that's something visiting teams to have fear. cheering the loudest with their new bling on their fingers will be the cavs on their night o. they decided to linger to cheer for their brethren in blue, a shank example of what we did reporting live on gateway, john kosich, news 5. all right, john, thank you. now while we are talking about cleveland sports' diehard fans it's hard to imagine the real struggle of fans who have been waiting 68 years since this team's last world series victory. >> that's a very long time. we have been getting calls almost every night from fans who witnessed that game. news 5's james jerardi t speak with one of them, a woman who is 104 years old. james this woman needs a win. we have to do it for her. >> reporter: meet emily. >> as long as i had a chance, i watched them. >> reporter: some might say she's a bit of an indians fan. >> i have followed them and my husband for so far and so long. >> reporter: she is by all president. the titanic sank. women couldn't vote. a lot has changed since then. one thing that hasn't is emily's passion for her team. >> every year i say, this is the year, this is the year. butt never came. >> reporter: she has waited patiently. 68 years, in fact, since the indians' last won the world series. she watched them win from stands in 1948. >> i remember sitting on that bench, long bench. i remember me going in my satchel bag. >> let's be honest, they owe it to her. and if they doarnghts i don't want to see the wrath of those players coming down. >> reporter: what keeps her going is the hopes of seeing another series win. >> last year she fell and she broke her hip. she broke her arm in four places and her shoulder. process, what she kept saying, i'm not going to make it and i'm not going to see my indians in the world series. >> reporter: but she did. she threw out the first pitch on her 100th birthday. >> zach mcallister who still says that his mitt was smoking when that ball came in. >> reporter: and has seen nearly every game since she can remember except another world series win. a little lady with a huge heart and an even larger love for the game she says kept her alive for her shirt saying it all. >> win one for today. i think they know it now. >> i love her spirit. we're going do it for her. >> isn't that great. >> i love that. all right, so she had a few sting, rob. >> she had tips for the pros. they used to, and that's what i think will be the best thing to do to try to win so let's go tribe. those are her tips, not mine. >> i don't care if they're yours or hers. >> as long as they work and we won. >> so no more talk about the fans. let's talk about the team. the biggest story line coming into tonight's game is the status of starting pitcher trevor bauer's pinky finger. >> after that freak drone accident la stitched up pinky looked like something from a horror movie. it was gushing blood. bauer had to leave that game after less than an inning. he is back tonight. and so is sports director andy baskin who joins us now live from inside progressive field. andy, just how confident are the indians tonight that that finger is not going to open up again? >> let's talk about it a little bit. when it was drone one in toronto, we had blood flowing. it is all on the back side, and right here would be the only part they were worrying about. mom, i'm sorry i'm writing on my happened. it's not that cancerous. but that's a real soft spot on trevor bauer's hand. i'm told it's just soft skin right now which is all good news. let's talk about trevor bauer on the hill tonight when he pitches. one of the other things you should watch for other than maybe blood on his hand is when he throws that first pitch because when us hits it's normally on a 0-0 count. that's when 40% of the hits come back to go into the field against trevor bauer. >> going into toronto the doctors told me they were confident it would be okay. i was confident it would be fine. it hadn't bled the two days before that at all. so i feel confident every time i go take the mound. i wouldn't take the mound if i didn't feel confident i would be able to pitch and help the team. i'm confident like i was back then, too. here where the skin is a little bit soft, and then also watch for that first pitch tonight when he throws into it a batter. if he gets past the first pitch, he could be in good sharon, but we need to have trevor bauer go out and pitch six innings. that would be perfect especially if he didn't give up any runs. sorry, mom, i didn't mean to put the ink on my hand. >> i wish i had a pen so andy wouldn't be by himself. we have to get some soap out there. if you are coming to the game or maybe just tryi it downtown at a local establishment, you know what we always say. take rta. >> the best thing to do. save yourself, though. the downtown traffic hassle, especially with parking prices skyrocketing, and we can tell you the temperatures are dropping. the wind is whipping. okay? whipping behind us. okay, we're live in news 5. don't laugh, jonathan. >> reporter: yes, a very serious topic. we are looking at traffic here on euclid near east fourth. take a look from our front window. it is much better than yesterday but with that sid can still see plenty of cars trying to make their way around downtown to the game or maybe to a bar. east fourth, i will till, between euclid and prospect is walk afternoon. there aren't any shoulder to shoulder things going on there. people are covered in their cleveland indians gear. you mentioned the their hats are object. they are ready to go. but fur coming downtown be ready to endure some traffic. reporting live here in the title tracker, i'm investigator jonathan walsh. back to you. >> jonathan's got a great smile. >> he does. >> but he always looks like he's on the hunt. he's an investigator at heart. >> did you see him come in? go the other way. all right, we have a lot more including a one-on-one with jason kipnis' sister. she says that she is the real star at least in the kipnis family. >> really. >> oh yeah, it's her. >> a fun thanksgiving. that story all new at 5:30 but for now back into the warm studio, frank, standing by with a look at what's happening outside of progressive field. >> cozy in here, isn't it. >> yeah, it is. let's not runt in. people trying to squeeze the most out of the fall season falling victim to crooks. >> while they're out enjoying the fall colors, criminals are smashing their way into cars, robbing people blind. it's a story will you only see here next. and we got another pants on fire rating from our partners at politifact. find out which presidential nominee was found to be lying and what the big fib was. plus, news 5 is really to series night our team coverage counting down to game two a man confesses to murdering a 15-year-old boy who was helping out at his family's restaurant. perry shot young sonny to death before stealing money from the register of a cleveland heights mr. hero. the sounds of sile reasons smashed as crooks are breaking into cars while enjoying nature at local let trough parks. >> bob jones talked with a witness and learned that teams of criminals appear to be work together. >> reporter: susan great house was about to begin a hike at o'neil metro park in bath township when she heard a loud bang from the parking lot and then saw a man braking into a minivan. >> he had the bubble wrap wrapped around his right arm, and he was taking his elbow, and he broke in the driver's side window. and the shattered glass. a woman's purse containing credit cards was snatched. susan says the thief came from one car while others served as lookouts in a second vehicle. >> it's a shame that people can't go to the park and not be a victim of a crime. >> reporter: bath's police chief told me several smash and grab crimes have recently been reported at multiple metro parks consistent with what a park ranger told susan. >> the day that this one happened, there had been six >> reporter: susan calls the crime senseless and says people out enjoying nature shouldn't have to deal with this. she hopes security will be stepped up at metro parks. >> i would say they're working as a group, in a team, and they're picking these parks randomly. >> reporter: mcneely believes rangers do have suspects and progress is being made. >> my understanding is several of the purses from the thefts location in northern summit county by the park rangers. >> reporter: regardless of when the crooks are capture teerksd advice remains the same. >> if you are going to the park, store your valuables in the trunk out of sight, then the thieves are more likely to leave you alone. >> reporter: bob jones, news 5. and there we have it, a live look from air tracker 5. the rain on the lens indeed. it is ball lovers, for baseball fans, and let's hope we can keep most of the rain away during the ball game. let's show you 44 degrees downtown. wow, that's chilly. 44 at hopkins, 4 3eu7b medina and elyria, 42 in ashtabula. 41 in ravenna. this is like mid-know. we will fact ?oirn breezes now. sustained winds 5 to 10 miles mile-per-hour winds. that makes temperatures feel more like 38 or 39 when you factor in windchill. so your evening looks like this. 44 at 6:00, 47 right around 8:00 p.m., then we'll keep you right around 47 through 10:00. we will try and keep you dry, although i can't totally remove the threat for an isolated shower along the lakeshore, including progressive field during the ball game. we've got mid-40s for akron and canton, staying dry, and then upper 40s by 10:00 p.m. look at you see this? look at how close. flint, michigan, just to the north of detroit, the snow is getting closer to us. but don't worry about that, because we're actually in for a little warm-up once we get this front coming by. here is the cold front right here. it slides in. tomorrow's highs will actually be warmer than today even though the front is to our east, because we will have more sunshine coming out. so that will begin a little warm-up. i think saturday is your day to leaves. 44 overnight. rain likely, especially after midnight. cannot rule out an isolated sprinkle or light rain shower during tonight's world series game two. chilly and breezy. all right, temperatures actually going up a little bit towards sunrise. tomorrow we will go 58, warmer, a rainy start. so it's mainly morning rain showers, and then a little bit of sun for the afternoon. akron/canton, 4 3, rain late, after midnight. 57 tomorrow, rain during the morning rush, and then staying it. this is the akron/canton seven- day. 58, 56, there you go, 65 to 70 on saturday with a sprinkle. sunday more rain, mid-50s. more of news 5 at 5:00 coming a north ridgeville murder girlfriend. >> it happened last night. today news 5 looked into the background of that man. derick waller has learned he has a violent criminal past including a previous domestic violence conviction. >> reporter: the man accused of murdering his live-in girlfriend last night here in north ridgeville is no stranger to police. in fact, we found criminal records date back to the early 1990s. >> i need you to be outside. >> i'm walking out right no >> yep, i will, i promise you. >> this is 911 audio of randy hamilton surrendering to police moments after he admitted to shooting his live-in girlfriend. >> send the cops now, please. send the ambulance, send everything. send the everything. right now, please, right now. >> hold on a second. >> reporter: he was a longtime information systems analyst at the cleveland clinic. ruth taylor lives next-door. these people. i don't know what they are going to do. randy has a brother, tony. i don't know where he is. and i know that he has a daughter. >> reporter: a news 5 investigation found hamilton has a lengthy criminal past in lorain county, including a 2010 domestic violence conviction north ridgeville and a 2002 negligent assault conviction in elyria. he also has other felony convictions dating back to at all information taylor says she knew. >> we always wondered how she could live there with him. she had to have known, because it's -- i mean, it's like three or four different charges he's had. >> reporter: there's still so much we just don't know about what led up to that shooting last night, details we hope to learn in the coming days. in north ridgeville, derick waller, news 5. >> our live team coverage of the indians in the world series continues next on five. breaking team, your fan heart will swell with pride. plus, one star player may not have been the star in his own home growing up. find out which player's sister the 2-2. indians win game one! >> one down, three to go as the indians look to make cleveland history third title in 208 after championship victories by the monsters and the cassments air tracker 5 flying high over progressive field right now where the tribe will have its last at-bat hear in cleveland before heading to chicago for game three, four, and five. with any luck, that's where the series will end with the tribe taking the title. tonight we're continuing our live team coverage of the indians' world series run. first pitch moved up tonight >> yep, and you can bet chief meteorologist mark johnson has been keeping a close watch on the radar making sure this game can go on as scheduled. mark, my friend, what is going on? >> we're looking a little bit better here. that band of rain that's been giving us a little ice pellet action and some steady light rain is shifting to the east. still a few sprinkles downtown but notice back to our west we are drying out a little bit, with just a couple of isolated light, brief rain showers threat for rain during your ball game tonight. we are not looking for four hours of dry weather. i don't think it is going to happen. but they will play through sprinkles. they will play through light rain that's brief. i think for right now at least for the start that's what we're going to. dress warmly. 44 downtown, 40 in parma and orange, 41 in bedford. we will actually see temperatures going up a little bit through the ball game. so middle and upper 40s by the isolated rain, a little bit of drizzle. let's hope we can stretch together enough dry weather to get this ball game in tonight. dress in layers. it is going to be a chilly one out there. >> dress in layers that will keep some of the moisture off. but let's hope, frank. >> definitely. our colleagues braving the cold and the rain out there live outside progressive field, getting us ready for the big game. >> reporter: the indians destiny. look at how many records they have broke this season alone. >> look at corey kluber. we love him. most of us watched as he set a world record. he faced a minimum nine batters in the first three innings striking is out eight of them. in the regular season the tribe became the first major league team to hit both a game tieing home run and an inside the park home run, all of this happening in the same inning. did it against the blue jays. naquin is only the second players in indians history to hit a walk-off inside the park home run. >> remember that night? >> oh, our indians. hey, we're awesome. now, any player, i don't care which record that you broke, okay, you are going to be nervous when it's time to play the world series, because it's just a whole other level. >> the stakes i higher. baseball here, world series here, but that anxiety may worse for their families. news 5's lauren brill inside progressive field right now. you spoke with one of our players' sisters, correct? >> reporter: yes, i did, this morning. i actually spoke to jason kipnis' sister amanda. they grew up in chicago playing sports together all their lives, and she told me watching her brother play in the world series is pretty surreal. >> it will be fun as we start the world series. i don't think you could realize this life actually happens for some people. oh my god, it's my brother. >> jason kipnis! >> he has worked so hard. he's a grinder. he's a baller. he was told he was too small. he had to switch positions. >> kipnis with the dive andy makes the catch. >> i would like to say gave him pointers growing up but he has surpassed all our expectations. he transferred to a sue, then all of a sudden, pac 10 rookie of the year. i was like, wow, he's that good? >> the heart and husband surges he gets the dirt bag nickname. so proud of him. >> what a scene. >> he grew up a chicago fan. we all d. we grew up going to the games, but we want them to go down. >> to the right side. >> this team is magical. i mean, they shouldn't be here. they've overcome so much adversity this year. >> the indians win game one. happen. go tribe. and i think he has the opportunity to do something in front of the home crowd that not many people can say they did. >> now, amanda is a pretty good athlete. she played division 1 softball. she was also a second baseman and joked that she's actually the bert second baseman in the family. on a serious note, she said she's very nervous to watch her brother play and ve live from progressive field, lauren brill, news 5. back to you guys. >> boy, i can imagine what it's like for those families. the tribe is in it to win it. and we are in it for the long haul, from the shadow of progressive field, our live team coverage of game two of the world series continues tonight on news 5 at 6:00. but right now we are going to send it back to the studio where frank and lee are sing on we're just going to stay out here in the rain around cold. we're going to huddle together. >> i'll huddle. >> we don't need hot chock larkts we need ice tan here. >> it's warm in here. >> yeah. >> all right, guys. thank you. we'll see you in a bit. a break from the trail for donald trump. >> he has some personal business to attend to but he hopes he might get perhaps some more free press for another hotel opening. instead, a couple of vandals headlines putting a crack in trump's legacy. all right, bummed out by the news that ballot selfies are against the law right here in ohio, will you be glad to hear about two lawmakers trying to change. that the fight for your right to selfie. and here's a reminder to make sure you have our news 5 app on your smartphone. we can now geo target news alerts to cape informed of break news. for example, if you're downtown need to know. check out our new and improved power of 5 weather features all from our news 5 app. here's a look at today's today what a great sunrise it was for many of you today. got these great pictures, one from brenda pierson. it's not a red sky. sailors take warning. it's a yellow sky. it means it's a beautiful picture, brenda. nice job. wendy clark, a little cold air funnel coming in off the lake. this was yesterday just off of mentor, south of interstate 90 around 4:30 is where she was lake. here we go, a little white icy thing pinging off my window. according to adrian this morning. that was ice pellets mixing with the rain. we're going track reign for the world series, game number two. we'll try and keep it away, this right here is a long shot but homeless advocates and the ohio democratic party have filed an people. they are asking the supreme of absentee and provisional ballots because of minor mistakes or omissions earlier this month. the higher courts declined to hear the appeal over 2014 voting law changes. a couple of ohio lawmakers want to protect your right to take a selfie with your ballot. thousands of people are sharing their ballot selfies on social media to let friends know how they're voting, but here in ohio that is a fifth degree selfies criminalizes free speech. today both major party nominees hoping to move into the white house have something to celebrate. trump is in d.c. at the grand opening of his new holt and clinton is on the trail in florida on her birthday. >> reporter: this morning donald trump stepping off the campaign trail for business in words. underbudget and ahead of schedule. >> the entire trump crew in place to celebrate his new $200 million hotel just blocks from the white house. but on the west coast his star on the hollywood walk of fame taking a beating but not for the first time. the star now destroyed. back at the hotel trump weighed in on the feud on fox news last night between anchor megyn kelly and trump backer newt with sex. >> by the way, congratulations, newt, on last night. that was an amazing interview. we don't play games, newt, right? >> reporter: and trump defended taking time out to open his hotel saying hillary clinton takes more time off. >> i think i'm entitled to the. she does one stop because she has no energy. >> reporter: as for clinton, a celebratory crowd wait for her >> thank you. great to be here at lake worth. >> reporter: clinton using most of her mic time to slam trump. >> while the hotel may be new, it's the same old story. he relied on undocumented workers to make his project cheaper. >> clinton's rallies in florida have focused on getting supporters to vote early. as for trump, after tending to business in t c he moved his campaign to north carolina. abc news, washington. and new in every single day from our partners at politifact. will you remember in the last debate donald trump refused to say if he would accept the election's outcome. hillary clinton jumped on that earlier this week. >> he became the first person running for president, republican or democrat, who refused to say that he would respect the results of this election. >> politifact wondered if he experts on campaign rhetoric. there have been campaigns that challenged the results post election, the most notable the 2000 contest wean george w. bush and al gore. that battle went all the way to the supreme court but it wasn't until after the election that gore asked for a recount in florida. while there are examples of campaigns challenging the results or raising corruption concerns after election day, politifact couldn't find a candidate who said election day, so we rate clinton's claims mostly true. and as for trump he is not letting up on his claims that the election is fixed. >> wikileaks also shows how john podesta rigged the polls by oversampling democrats, a voter suppression technique. >> john podesta is the chair of clinton's campaign, and trump is referring to one of his e- podesta sent the e-mail in 2008, not 2016. and it appears to be about internal polling. the oversampling in the e-mail meant polling for people in a specific demographic, not ignoring republican voters to suppress the vote. it's done to gauge the attitude of specific groups who would not be a statistically large enough group to analyze if sampled randomly. as a result, trump's claim pants on fire. >> i hear there's a game tonight. >> oh my goodness. >> we've got a good shot at playing some dry innings at the beginning of the ball game. it's later innings that are a little suspect. >> that's the word right there. >> let's check out what's going on. we have what we call meter logically a dry punch. that's some dry air pushing north along this little band of rain showers. and as you can see, most of the area dry. ashtabula getting some ice into geauga county. we're drying out in cleveland, perhaps an isolated shower lingering. one or two spot brief light rain showers saul we find west of interstate 77 until you get into northwest ohio and into northern indiana. so it's a race against time. this here is some steady, light to briefly moderate rain. that would not be good to play ball through here, especially with temperatures like this. currently 44 in akron. 45 in wooster, 40 in mentor. let me show you some wind speeds. frank and lee, i'm going to do something i haven't done in months and months and months. wind speeds 5 to 10 to 14 miles per hour. i brought up the wind chill map. look. 7:00 p.m. at game time a windchill of 39 degrees. now, take you to the end of the ball game. a windchill of 38 degrees. for. you are dressing for borderline winter type temperatures. 38 degrees, that's certainly not fall. that's not summer, either so dress warmly. here's the front. it's a cold front. once this front goes by the air is actually going to be warmer behind it, because we're going clear it out a little bit. look, there's the warm air edge, 60s indy. look at cincinnati, middle six. st. louis 60s. we're not going to get quite that warm tomorrow, but i 40s, tomorrow's high should make it firmly into the middle and upper 50s. even though a cold front is just going by. tonight 44, rain likely. chilly and breezy. we hope we can hold it off for most if not all of the game. let's go tribe. trevor bauer, tribe bats, let's do it. 58 tomorrow, morning rush hour rain, hopefully ending by mid to late morning. tomorrow it's morning rain, breezy, 56789 here is your seven-day. friday 59. there's dry weather. good golfing weather. saturday near 70 with an isolated afternoon shower, a few showers on sunday, a little cooler, 58. >> breezy. >> get some home runs in there. >> windchill, baby. if there was a statement the tribe wanted to make last night, it had to be they're hungry for a championship. >> the team is walking into game two with a winning momentum and fans are hoping the team will be able to on. our continuing live coverage of the world series is coming up. plus the disappearance of the indians 1949 world series pennant. it's a sports legend. we talk to a sports historian about what happened to the. pentagon officials in hot water tonight as they ask thousands of service members to all new at 5:00 the to growing outrang from thousands of national guard members told to pay back their bonuses. >> turns out there was a bit of mix did you know about who was supposed to get those enlistment bonuses. lauren lister has more. >> reporter: facing national outrage -- >> i'm bitter, i'm angry,. >> and finger pointing. >> another bone headed decision by the department of defense. >> reporter: the defense secretary now taking action in response to thousands of california national guard members being backbone noses they were promised. >> i have ordered the suspension all of efforts to collect reimbursement from affected california guard members. >> reporter: during the height of the warns iraq and afghanistan the national guard used bonuses to entice soldiers to reenlist. the problem started in 2010 when the military learned of criminal fraud. a california national guard official game bonuses intended for highly skilled soldiers to others who did not qualify. nothing wrong are paying for the mistakes. people like susan hayley asked to repay 15,000 plus interest. >> we have already exhausted our savings. >> reporter: chris was asked to -- was forced to refinance his home. >> we were paying about $1300. >> reporter: josh earnest saying the president is pleased the pentagon is suspending these repayments saying follow- through will be key. >> to ensurehe of the california national guard know that the commander in chief has their back. >> reporter: secretary carter saying he has ordered a team to establish a better process to resolve the process quickly with the goal of resolving all of them by july. lauren lyster, abc news, los angeles. >> that's it for news 5 at 5:00. >> let's sent out to rob and danita. >> let's do this, frank, lee. another championship. >> that's right, a second night in a row as the tribe tries to become the second pro team from cleveland to be crowned champs. we're an hour away before trevor bauer throws out the first pitch of game two. >> let's get it started. we are all over gateway plaza as fans start to make their way downtown for tonight's big game. news 5 at 6:00 gets it going in no chance for ross. stolen base. >> tough play. that is a hit. here it comes. struck him out. world series history. high fly ball into left, at the wall, good-bye! 6-0 indians! >> i think when you have a lead, you try to win. there's a lot that can happen tomorrow. >> what a night last night. oh, the city was on fire. but you know what, that's all in the completely different ball game. >> got to put game one in the rearview mirror. we're just about an hour away from first pitch. >> as excitement grows from last night's big win, fans are out here tonight hoping for another win. and we are all over downtown. we have you covered. but first, the big story, mother nature. and the threat she could bring it to game tonight. chief meteorologist mark johnson, we want to know, the rain going to hold off to play

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Cleveland Clinic , Florida , United States , North Carolina , Afghanistan , Washington , Elyria , Ohio , Cleveland , Geauga County , California , Indiana , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Cleveland Heights , Michigan , Cincinnati , Bedford , Illinois , Iraq , North Ridgeville , Hollywood , Lake Erie , Chicago , Lauren Lister , Akron Canton , Jonathan Walsh , Andy Baskin , Derick Waller , Los Angeles , Zach Mcallister , Jason Kipnis , Wendy Clark , Ruth Taylor , Megyn Kelly , Trevor Bauer , Brenda Pierson , Susan Hayley , George W Bush , Roberto Perez , Bob Jones , Al Gore , Lauren Brill , John Podesta , Hillary Clinton ,

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