Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 5pm 20160926 :

Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 5pm 20160926

is burnt out. >> reporter: brenda brown's appliances are ruined and she blames this. the demolition of the building next door and now she wants someone to pay. >> i sit on my back porch and watch them tear down the building. >> reporter: that's when she explained to me that the troubles started. she called the cuyahoga phone bank and they both said after their investigations were done that they were not responsible. she said company got the power back on, but as far as the appliances, they are ruined. >> both parties are at fault if you ask me. >> reporter: brown told me for weeks she's been trying to get answers, but could not. and that is when she reached out to news 5. today i went to east cleveland city hall for answers. councilwoman barbara thomas is now helping to get those answers and an electrician to the house. >> if he could determine whether the contractor hit light fixtures and everything in her house to go out and from there we can determine who is going to help this poor woman and pay for all the stuff. >> reporter: i contacted the land bank this afternoon. although a spokesperson would not go on camera, he told me that the the owner's complaint came to them on the day the demolition was scheduled. and issued a statement that said in part, "when we arrived at the site, the electricity had already been restored no entry on these sites occurred because of fallen lines and lines probing into the trees on the owner's property. it is therefore not possible that our contractor contributed to this loss." late this afternoon i spoke to a spokesperson from the illuminating company who told me that right now they are investigating these claims. in cleveland tracy carloss news 5. >> all right, mark we're getting a real taste of fall for months and months. we've been stuck there because of clouds and rain. now still a few little isolated sprinkles along sandusky moving up towards vermilion. can't rule out an isolated sprinkle here on the ground clutter right around columbia station up towards strongsville. definitely isolated spritzes from canton up towards towards rivenna. and around 7:00 p.m. and then after that skies will clear out nicely. 61 in canton. here you go your hour-by-hour temps are slowly falling. look we're in the 50s by 10:00 p.m. but notice the skies are clearing out. you're going to need the sweaters if you are staying out late. i'll show you the little warm up and more rain coming your presidential nominee st -- jill stein was escorted off hofstra's campus today because she didn't have the credentials to be there. according to cnn, stein had said in an interview earlier today that she tried to get on the debate stage even though that she didn't have the polling numbers required to take part. now to the nominees who will be on the stage tonight for the most anticipated political debate john kosich joins us from the live desk breaking it all down for us. >> you know it is arguably the most debated debate question out there this evening as we take a live look at the host tonight in long island. the consensus is from both candidates to work for clinton to be more personallable, relatable, real. the stage is set and ready right now. this will be trump's first 101 debate. now remember all the 11 gop plenty of time in between questions. not tonight. also no commercial breaks tonight. six segments, 90 minutes, the role of the moderator and the media, in fact, checking the answers that have been a topic of debate itself. >> all that we're asking is that if donald trump lies that it is pointed out. >> i really don't appreciate campaigns thinking that it is a job of the media to go and be these virtual fact checkers. >> reporter: no one surprise that the candidates have prepar differently with clinton having a mocked debate even last night around the time of tonight's debate. trump is on the campaign trail on saturday. abc's coverage begins at 9:00. of course, we will have the scores and highlights at 11:00. john kosich news 5. for >> by the way voters are pretty skeptical going into tonight's debate. a new poll that shows reports finding 46% of the voters surveyed believes that the moderators this debate will try moderators will try to help out trump and only 32% believe that most of the moderators will try to be undice. we are continuing our team coverage of the race for the white house now. with 43 days to go, both candidates have their eyes on one major demographic. the black vote. the latest numbers from today from the los angeles times poll show 14.4% of black voters want trump in the white house. 76.8% have clinton as their pick. dhomonique ricks dhom, there seems to be a push in our neck of the woods to get people more excited about voting. >> reporter: that's right guys. many black businesses are taking matters into their own hands encouraging black clientele to exercise their rights to vote. just 66% of blacks voted in 2012. compare that to 72% of white voters. >> reporter: walk into urban cuts any day of the week and fitting as there is no better place to voice your opinion than a barbershop. urban cuts owner knows a thing or two about that. >> it could get very intense because people are passionate about what's going on in their personal lives with their families. >> reporter: this sparked an idea. >> it is no good to complain about something and you're not doing anything proactive about it. so i'm an action person. don't talk my ear >> reporter: willis certainly is. creating an outlet that he hopes to make the process simple and creates conversations. >> they asked what is the box and we have the registration forms. >> reporter: they would fill them out and drop them in. allen richardson is a family man. he's a regular at urban cuts, just like most clients, he sees the importance of what willis is doing. a lesson that he is teaching to his children early. is pain, the only power you do have. >> reporter: they do not judge, nor does he. although that for all candidates they are highly encouraged. >> whichever one is best for you and your family and your lifestyle. that's the one that you should vote for. >> reporter: and now different polls produce different numbers. for example the l.a. times poll only samples 3,000 people. several polls show only 1% to 2% of the african americans plan to vote for trump. that's the lowest approv ever in the history of the presidential election. clinton also working to bridge her gap with this group. the push is now on tonight by both candidates to hopefully woo voters by blacks. >> okay, dhom. military and americans overseas are already casting their vote in the november presidential election. absentee voting began this saturday. now voters can even track the status of their mailed ballots online. if you haven't registered for request one, you still have time to do so. the deadline for ohioans is october 11. tomorrow former president bill clinton will be in ohio stomping for his wife. they will be encouraging people to make sure they're registered and to get out and vote this november. he'll also make a stop in toledo. on the republican side later this week donald trump's running mate will be at a rally at a high school near youngstown. today outside the columbus city hall, demonstrators say they deman investigation. that into the deadly shooting of the 13-year-old. he was black. a white officer killed him. they say they don't trust the police would investigate themselves. police say that tyrek king was shot after he pulled out a bb gun that looked real. you see it on the left side of your screen. that investigation will now be handed over to a grand jury. new developments in another racially charged shooting debate. we'll take you to charlotte, the sixth straight night of protest. now they are calling for the police chief to resign. robert golden is tracking -- rob powers is tracking today's developments. >> keith scott's family said he was reading a book when he was killed. police said he made a threatening move with a gun even after police released body camera video of the encounter as well as dash cam video. it is still unclear if scott actually had a gun on him. protest over his death have brought more violence to charlotte. at least one other death as well. emer impose a curfew, which has since been lifted. they also declared a state of emergency. >> the outrage being seen, heard, and felt in charlotte this week is not solely about the keith scott case, but rather this moment represents a tipping point for a community that has had its trust repeatedly broken by the charlotte-mecklenburg police department. >> protesters are expected to formally request the police chief's resignation at a city council meeting tonight. and it is not just the police with the way the city's mayor has handed the case as they want her to step down as well. okay, rob, just say no to narcan? >> that's what some officials are calling for in the midst of a heroin epidemic. still ahead tonight at 5:00, the ohio sheriff who wants to roll back efforts to ease the crisis and help first responders here at home feeling about that debate. a frank warning how the city of cleveland is taking on landlords who don't clean up lead contamination in and the plot thickens. wells fargo says they fired thousands of employees for creating fake accounts. but two former employees have a different side of that story. it is a change of heart. why this mom went from anti- vaxor to putting all her kids on an aggressive vaccination we have new information right now on a shooting in texas. several people are recovering from a gunshot wound where a gunman was killed. the shooter appeared to target people at random here inside their cars in a parking lot. nine people were hit. condition tonight. when police arrived, they were targeted here as well. officers fired back, they shot the suspect to death. one woman lives in an apartment nearby. her husband among those injured. >> i could hear the whiz of bullets going through my window as he is screaming on the phone saying i'm hit, i'm hit. >> and the woman that you just heard from, she had even seen this guy walking around, described him as quiet. police have not released a motive for yet. when they searched the shooter's car, they found more gun. they brought in the bomb squad to secure it. they'll search his apartment next. and the major new development in the massacre in washington state over the weekend. the suspect now confessing to the murders. he was suppose to be going to work on friday night when instead he went to macy's and started shooting people in the cosmetics department. here is is lauren lister. accused of killing five people in a washington mall appearing in court today. >> do you understand the charges? >> yes, your honor. >> reporter: arcan cetin facing five counts of murder. >> arcan has had mental healthissues that we have been trying to work on with him. >> reporter: according to charging documents, the suspect confessed to gunning down four women and one man with a rifle as they were shopping insi an hour outside of seattle friday night. >> i heard four shots, pop, pop, pop. it was just really scary. >> reporter: cetin's mother helping to identify her son as the suspect from surveillance images. saturday evening when he was arrested after a near 24-hour man hunt, police found him in -- in plain sight near his home. >> he said nothing. he did not have a weapon with him. >> reporter: a neighbor saying shooter. seen here posing with the firearm on myspace. >> he would grunt or not say anything. they are conducting the search warrants on his property on the hunt for more clues. authorities are looking for a motive. the suspect's father said he recently had a falling out with his son. lauren angeles. >> the plot thicken the as they saw 5,300 employees fired for opening fake accounts. all in the name of meeting salesgoals. today, they filed a class action lawsuit, claiming that they were let go, not for opening the fake accounts as they say that the bank orchestrated a fraudulent scheme to boost their stock or they would lose their jobs. by the way wells fargo is not commenting. it has really changed. for most of the day, here is the problem that i have, a new little puppy just turning five months old. the puppy does not feet. the grass is all wet that they do not want to do anything outside. >> we were getting him to the door, we got him to the door and then he is like no, it is raining out there, so he comes back in and then it is chasing him around the house. >> they could probably find those rain boots. >> i need a little umbrella to cover him so he does not get wet. that's a great intention. but let's invent a collar umbrella for puppies. >> there you go. on outside. the sunshine is coming out. a little ray coming down. do you see this guy right here? a little beam of sunshine. it is coming through the clouds. that's a good sign. rain showers are pulling away here on the power of five as you can notice that main rain band here in western new york. still just a little isolated spritzes and sprinkles there. i'm thinking by about 7:00 to 8:00 that everybody is dry. all right? 68 now for cleveland. 63 in akron. and 64 dover-new philly. once again your evening, watch those skies clearing out by 10:00 p.m. then we're cooling you down. overnight lows for the bigger cities near 50s. middle 40s tomorrow. akron is reporting a little sunshine now at 63. there we go. 61 in canton. cloudy skies. the front is right here, pulling through, out ahead of the front with all the rain and clouds it has been cool. but tomorrow we should get up to the 70s. ahead of the cold front where it will be cooler. then watch the low pressure by tomorrow night into they will drop into ohio. tomorrow is sunny and then wednesday more showers with a very cool wet weather day. 61 currently in worcester. let me show you hour by hour here and take you through 7:00. you can notice how dry and clear we are. now we are clear all night long. just look at those temps tomorrow morning, 41. akron and canton, mid-40s there. inland areas, very cool. and then during the day tomorrow, a lot of sunshine. lunchtime. you'll see those showers coming right back in with those temps in the 60s. tonight we'll go 52, then clearing the skies. you'll need those sweaters. 70 tomorrow mostly sunny and mild. 10 to 20 miles an hour winds will be a bit breezy. akron and canton tonight, 47. clearing and cool. 72, mainly sunny and breezy. we'll come back with that seven- day forecast in just a couple of still ahead today, all new at 5:00, the nfl player colin kaepernick has been making headlines for weeks for refusing to stand. today at the cavs media day, they chimed in on the debate. tonight, all new at 6:00, an off-duty officer thrown through a window. only news 5 speaks to the suspect's mother about what now all new at 5:00, you know we had that one teacher that made a big impact on us. >> no doubt. meteorologist janessa webb got a chance to meet one of them making a difference. she introduces us to the teacher of the week. >> reporter: week two of the teacher of the week at dunbar elementary. we're here to surprise a deserving teacher. come on. two kindergarteners welcomed us in very special teacher. >> mrs. beaumont, congratulations. you are news 5 teacher of the week. >> thank you. >> reporter: her colleagues had a long list of compliments to share. >> she really found strength in all her kids and i just knew that she'd be perfect for the teacher of the week. >> reporter: on behalf of ohio savings bank and myself, i'm excited to help recognize you as teacher of the week in with this certificate from omaha steaks. >> oh my gosh, thank you so much. way to go mrs. beaumont from all of us here on news 5. >> who is your favorite teacher? >> mrs. beaumont. >> that is a ringing endorsement right there. if you'd like to nominate an outstanding educator for our teacher of the week award, just head to next on news 5 at theinnerbelt bridge is open. but they say that the morning commute is not much better. we'll take a look at their concern. plus, we dig into a local backlash of the use of saving narcan to -- of using narcan to save addicts. more people should keep that top stories tonight for the first time as hillary clinton and donald trump face off in a abc's coverage starts at 9:00. stay with us for news 5 at 11:00 after the debate for analysis and fact checking. today in charlotte, protesters called on the city's police chief and mayor to resign over the shooting of keith scott. scott a black man was shot to death by a white officer last week. his family says he was reading a book, but officers say he made a threatening move with a gun. an east cleveland mother says that the cuyahoga land bank sent a crew to some electrical lines sending a power surge to her home. the woman claims that the surge destroyed all of her electronics and appliances, even setting a tv on fire in her daughter's room. neither the land bank or power company are taking responsibility. we've got the city council on the case. and we will keep you posted. it was a projected years in the making meant to get them to work faster in the morning so we could sleep a little later new innerbelt bridge finally opened on saturday. plenty of folks are happy about that, but not everyone is cheering for the changes this morning during the rush. paul kiska talked to odot about some of the confusion over the opening. paul? >> reporter: well odot has been saying that it is just going to be a partial grand opening. so for those that woke up this morning and expected more lanes to be -- more lanes to be open, it turns out to be >> a ribbon cutting and bag pipe signaled the opening of the new in-bound innerbelt bridge on sunday. some drivers may have not known that the entire bridge wasn't opening just yet. >> unfortunately some people misunderstood that both lanes from 90 east going into town across the bridge would not be open beginning today as well as lanes from 71 north going into town. >> reporter: drivers are expecting all lanes to be open were surprised this morning. lane coming into the inbound innerbelt bridge. bit end of next month, both 90 east and 71 north will have two lanes coming into town, hopefully making for a much smoother morning rush. and also today once on the bridge it briefly opens to five lanes then three and finally gets squeezed back to two. towards the end of the nearly mile-long bridge. but all five lanes on each bridge will open >> once those are open to their full capacity, people are definitely going to see an improvement going into town. >> reporter: now if you don't usually use the innerbelt bridge and you're wondering what all the fuss is about. consider this, more than 140,000 vehicles use those bridges every day. live downtown paul kiska news 5. now all new at 5:00, a push for more people in cuyahoga drug used to treat it, narcan. they want anyone that uses opioids as well as their friends and loved ones to caret drug and know how -- carry the drug and know how to use it in case of an overdose emergency. but tonight we shall tell you that some in the community want to scale back on the use of narcan. >> a sheriff near cincinnati is speaking out against immunity programs. the governor may suggest that their addicts should have to pay for the narcan used by first responders to save their lives. the people on the front lines want. >> reporter: more calls, but the same number of officers and oftentimes the same people who need help. law enforcement here in northeast ohio call it frustrating. but they tell me it is a fight they will not give up on. heroin arrests and overdose calls are going up in most areas. many first responders are equipped with the life saving drug narcan. taking more and more of the anecdote to do their job. sometimes more than a dozen doses. a lot of the times the same people needing help. it's a part of why there is a pushback across the country as elected officials and the police departments, they are talking about stepping back and cutting down on resources to assist their addicts. i checked in with the local departments to see if that is the case here. they told me no way. >> and seeing the narcan and the other tools we could use like cpr that we don't if it needs done, we'll perform cpr. >> if it were your loved one, you would want them to use narcan. >> reporter: everyone we checked in with today say that they will continue to do whatever it takes to save people. because it is not a first responders job to judge someone, but to save their life. in fairview park tara molina news 5. the city of cleveland, they are taking a big step when it comes to raising the alarm on buildings with lead starting today, every home and building with lead contamination will have a sign like this out front warning people of the danger. city health officials were criticized bit state because of a backlog of 3,000 lead cases last year. even now there are more than 300 known properties that should be evacuated because of lead levels. and any landlord who doesn't fix the lead hazard in their buildings will get this sign. all right, now let's check in with mark johnson. the signs to fall everywhere. >> what a wet weather day it was and those clouds developed us. but now the rain is pulling out of here, so the drier air is moving in from the west and maybe an isolated sprinkle along the lake shore, but that is doubtfully not reaching the ground. 68 cleveland and akron and 61 in canton. so a very cool weather afternoon. now here is the good news. notice the sun breaking through apart just some high clouds now with some sunshine. it's going to be a clearing trend during the overnight. so your evening, lower to middle 60s at 6:00. low 60s at 8:00. notice you're into the 50s by 10:00 p.m. look a lot of star shine out there. a good night for star gazing as long as you have that sweater. back to the news desk. >> all right, thank you, mark. still ahead tonight at 5:00, one high school football team and their protest efforts, they will give nfl an attention. how they stepped up their game when colin kaepernick was in the for documenting a sink full of discolored water in her school. find out what happened when the superintendent got involved. right now here is a look at before the rains arrived was in barbreton. this is the morning sky that will be right there for the wild. then the rains came. look at the sky we had coming our way through the afternoon. look at that ominous sky. very fall-like sky from lightning fun number one. this is headed east towards kent. and finally sue paynes. now that is quite a fungi. that is a giant puff ball. believe it or not those edible. but remember parents, caution the kids never to pick and eat anything growing out of the ground that looks like a mushroom. a giant puff ball is edible. l you've got to see this. all of it started after that picture right there, it was snapped inside her high school restroom. it shows discolored water coming from the sink there. now they say that the picture on social media, hoping that someone would see it to help the school out. little did she know that this picture, it'd land her in the office. >> she told me i was being suspended for three days for taking a picture that it is an inappropriate use of electronics in the restroom. >> it didn't end there. one student said that they caught wind of what was going on. dozens of them protested by tweeting bathroom pictures they took without getting in about the drama, fixed the water problem, removed that suspension from the girl's record. a high school football team gets the attention of an nfl player with a tweet. the boys on the team paid tribute. that player who has been making national headlines for sitting or kneeling during the national anthem before games, the team in california, they wanted to show their support by doing the same thing. kaepernick appreciated the gesture so much that he showed up at their that's when the players took their silent protest to the next level. they laid on the ground with their hands up. >> this is basically showing our vulnerability from them being the authority, the power and being the citizens. >> reporter: the head coach says that they support what they are doing and other coaches from across the country that they have also reached out to applaud their actions. team in action. the kaepernick protest and the other protest has been inspiring across the country. they came up at their media day. >> news 5 sports director andy baskin, you were there for the whole thing. how did it play out? >> i just watched what was going on. the protests came up in action. they have supported their players in the past and they will continue to. both of them questions. >> you have the right to voice your opinion, stand for your opinion. he's doing it in the most peaceful way that i have ever seen them do something. >> we have the greatest country in the world earning the right to protest what you want to protest and you know that we respect their truth and their flag and our anthem. whatever they do we need to have their backs. >> reporter: again, it is no surprise that they were prepared to let us know how they felt today. guys? >> all right, thank you. i would say that any sports team out for evening practices this week will be adding some layers. >> yes, absolutely. the fall area has arrived. i'm thinking that the end of the warm season has arrived. >> what about indian summer? >> listen, we could warm. that is beginning to fall as we need a world series win. let's clinch tonight and get right to it on the power of five with the good news about your evening plans today. notice them pulling out of here? if there is a sprinkle in your yard it will not last much longer. and then we are done. 68 for cleveland. 63 akron. we've got the lower to middle 60s. again, temps by 10:00 p.m. as they say that you'll need your sweaters. but notice the clearing coming our way. with the showers near detroit. let's zoom on in. we are going to clinch. notice that we're drying out and we are clearing out in detroit as well. so that is good news with the magic number that's one. 60s falling into the 60s, all right? cool and clearing with a lighter breeze coming our way. now once again, we'll show you the front that will behind it with their amounts of sunshine for your tuesday. but the low, it is going to drop in and it will be late tuesday night into wednesday, bringing more rain showers to the area. a dry day tomorrow and more rain showers with a few more sprinkles for wednesday, thursday, maybe lingering into early friday. your hour-by-hour forecast, let's show it to you with the overnight lows in the 40s. tomorrow this is tuesday and you'll be dry and sunny with temps near 70 for their highs. all right? showers will arrive again for wednesday. tomorrow is your day. wednesday, as early as late morning into early afternoon. the rain showers will be moving back in and that is clearing up the skies by 9:00 to 10:00 tonight. 70 tomorrow, mainly sunny, very fall like, mild, low humidity. good news there. akron and canton tonight. how about this? 45 to 47. clearing and chilly, kids will need their sweaters tomorrow mainly sunny and a bit on their breezier side with the southwest winds at 10 to 20 miles per hour. your seven-day forecast. let me show it to you now. wednesday with scattered showers and a few lingering showers on thursday. 65 near 70. and then not bad, 68 on friday. how about sunday, 67 degrees. monday back up to 72 with a 80s. kind of an isolated event over the course of the next few weeks. but this will be a big change. the fall that has arrived. oftentimes dropping into the 40s. i need to make more sauce. your tomatoes will ripen up. a local community in shock after a high player dies. the teenager was injured during the game, but his death remains a mystery. his family is speaking only to news channel 5 about what happened. a man accused of assaulting an off-duty officer is sharing his side of the story. what he says that the cop started the scuffle and how police are responding to that claim. but first a mother against vaccinating her children has a change of heart. the health scare that changed jury selection begins today for the man that confessed to killing nine people last year inside a historic black church in south carolina. dylann roof who is white is charged with dozens of federal offenses including hate crime charges. prosecutors say that he targeted his victims based on their race and religion and even admitted that he wanted to start a race war. roof is facing the death penalty. his trial is expected to an alert for all parents now about vaccinations for your children. and the american academy of pediatrics says that more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their kids. >> abc mama spoke to one mother who was -- marielas campos speaks to the parents. >> reporter: these are kristin romero's children fully vaccinated and happy and that way. >> omara living outside of chicago says that she was a big believer of anti-vaccination research. >> i scoured everything that i could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. and that i became pretty convinced. >> reporter: so she chose not to vaccinate her children. but then her 5-year-old and 3- year-old twins, nay virus. they also got very sick. she was suddenly living with deterrifying consequences of her choice. >> it was awful. it didn't have to happen because i could have had them vaccinated. i felt guilty. they recommend the vaccinations through practically every child, that the number of parents refusing to vaccinate the rise. 87% of those pediatricians surveyed have encountered parents refusing the vaccine, up from 75% in 2006. the most common reasons for refusing to vaccinate? some parents cited they believe that vaccinations were unnecessary. and that they had concerns about autism. a link that has been repeatedly disproven. >> what are you doing? >> reporter: today, her children are fully up to date on their vaccines after an aggressive catch. now she's encouraging others to >> and i am here because i wanted to share my personal story. if it does help someone change their minds, then that's great. >> reporter: now she says that if her children had been babies or had a compromised immune system that they might not have sur -- survived the virus. it is such a hot button topic. it lost her some close friendships. >> that is it for today at player dies just two days after suffering an injury during a game. >> tonight, new questions about why he was released from the hospital. his family is speaking only to news 5 about what happened. >> dramatic video of cleveland police taking down a man with a taser. the man's family wants you to hear their side of the story. news 5 at 6:00 begins a community heartbroken after a high school football player dies. his family devastated and somebody they love. >> reporter: the teenager was injured in a game on friday night. but why he died is still a mystery. >> news 5 is speaking exclusively to andre jackson's family about the moments leading up to his death. >> reporter: kristin volk first told us about this story last night at 11:00. his family said that he had no underlining health conditions? >> reporter: that's right. family say that he was very healthy and that we just got video of the play this is video from friday night of the game against solan. take a look. now that video shows an opponent's foot hitting andre's stomach. what happened next, andre walked off the field,

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New York , United States , Texas , Akron , Ohio , China , California , East Cleveland , Washington , Cincinnati , Seattle , South Carolina , Fairview Park , Strongsville , Lake Shore , East Cleveland City Hall , Columbus City Hall , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , Canton , American , Allen Richardson , Lauren Lister , Andy Baskin , Jill Stein , Andre Jackson , Paul Kiska , Los Angeles , Kristin Volk , Brenda Brown , Barbara Thomas , Kristin Romero , Tara Molina , Lauren Angeles , Hillary Clinton , Keith Scott , Cleveland Tracy ,

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Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 5pm 20160926 :

Transcripts For WEWS News 5 At 5pm 20160926

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is burnt out. >> reporter: brenda brown's appliances are ruined and she blames this. the demolition of the building next door and now she wants someone to pay. >> i sit on my back porch and watch them tear down the building. >> reporter: that's when she explained to me that the troubles started. she called the cuyahoga phone bank and they both said after their investigations were done that they were not responsible. she said company got the power back on, but as far as the appliances, they are ruined. >> both parties are at fault if you ask me. >> reporter: brown told me for weeks she's been trying to get answers, but could not. and that is when she reached out to news 5. today i went to east cleveland city hall for answers. councilwoman barbara thomas is now helping to get those answers and an electrician to the house. >> if he could determine whether the contractor hit light fixtures and everything in her house to go out and from there we can determine who is going to help this poor woman and pay for all the stuff. >> reporter: i contacted the land bank this afternoon. although a spokesperson would not go on camera, he told me that the the owner's complaint came to them on the day the demolition was scheduled. and issued a statement that said in part, "when we arrived at the site, the electricity had already been restored no entry on these sites occurred because of fallen lines and lines probing into the trees on the owner's property. it is therefore not possible that our contractor contributed to this loss." late this afternoon i spoke to a spokesperson from the illuminating company who told me that right now they are investigating these claims. in cleveland tracy carloss news 5. >> all right, mark we're getting a real taste of fall for months and months. we've been stuck there because of clouds and rain. now still a few little isolated sprinkles along sandusky moving up towards vermilion. can't rule out an isolated sprinkle here on the ground clutter right around columbia station up towards strongsville. definitely isolated spritzes from canton up towards towards rivenna. and around 7:00 p.m. and then after that skies will clear out nicely. 61 in canton. here you go your hour-by-hour temps are slowly falling. look we're in the 50s by 10:00 p.m. but notice the skies are clearing out. you're going to need the sweaters if you are staying out late. i'll show you the little warm up and more rain coming your presidential nominee st -- jill stein was escorted off hofstra's campus today because she didn't have the credentials to be there. according to cnn, stein had said in an interview earlier today that she tried to get on the debate stage even though that she didn't have the polling numbers required to take part. now to the nominees who will be on the stage tonight for the most anticipated political debate john kosich joins us from the live desk breaking it all down for us. >> you know it is arguably the most debated debate question out there this evening as we take a live look at the host tonight in long island. the consensus is from both candidates to work for clinton to be more personallable, relatable, real. the stage is set and ready right now. this will be trump's first 101 debate. now remember all the 11 gop plenty of time in between questions. not tonight. also no commercial breaks tonight. six segments, 90 minutes, the role of the moderator and the media, in fact, checking the answers that have been a topic of debate itself. >> all that we're asking is that if donald trump lies that it is pointed out. >> i really don't appreciate campaigns thinking that it is a job of the media to go and be these virtual fact checkers. >> reporter: no one surprise that the candidates have prepar differently with clinton having a mocked debate even last night around the time of tonight's debate. trump is on the campaign trail on saturday. abc's coverage begins at 9:00. of course, we will have the scores and highlights at 11:00. john kosich news 5. for >> by the way voters are pretty skeptical going into tonight's debate. a new poll that shows reports finding 46% of the voters surveyed believes that the moderators this debate will try moderators will try to help out trump and only 32% believe that most of the moderators will try to be undice. we are continuing our team coverage of the race for the white house now. with 43 days to go, both candidates have their eyes on one major demographic. the black vote. the latest numbers from today from the los angeles times poll show 14.4% of black voters want trump in the white house. 76.8% have clinton as their pick. dhomonique ricks dhom, there seems to be a push in our neck of the woods to get people more excited about voting. >> reporter: that's right guys. many black businesses are taking matters into their own hands encouraging black clientele to exercise their rights to vote. just 66% of blacks voted in 2012. compare that to 72% of white voters. >> reporter: walk into urban cuts any day of the week and fitting as there is no better place to voice your opinion than a barbershop. urban cuts owner knows a thing or two about that. >> it could get very intense because people are passionate about what's going on in their personal lives with their families. >> reporter: this sparked an idea. >> it is no good to complain about something and you're not doing anything proactive about it. so i'm an action person. don't talk my ear >> reporter: willis certainly is. creating an outlet that he hopes to make the process simple and creates conversations. >> they asked what is the box and we have the registration forms. >> reporter: they would fill them out and drop them in. allen richardson is a family man. he's a regular at urban cuts, just like most clients, he sees the importance of what willis is doing. a lesson that he is teaching to his children early. is pain, the only power you do have. >> reporter: they do not judge, nor does he. although that for all candidates they are highly encouraged. >> whichever one is best for you and your family and your lifestyle. that's the one that you should vote for. >> reporter: and now different polls produce different numbers. for example the l.a. times poll only samples 3,000 people. several polls show only 1% to 2% of the african americans plan to vote for trump. that's the lowest approv ever in the history of the presidential election. clinton also working to bridge her gap with this group. the push is now on tonight by both candidates to hopefully woo voters by blacks. >> okay, dhom. military and americans overseas are already casting their vote in the november presidential election. absentee voting began this saturday. now voters can even track the status of their mailed ballots online. if you haven't registered for request one, you still have time to do so. the deadline for ohioans is october 11. tomorrow former president bill clinton will be in ohio stomping for his wife. they will be encouraging people to make sure they're registered and to get out and vote this november. he'll also make a stop in toledo. on the republican side later this week donald trump's running mate will be at a rally at a high school near youngstown. today outside the columbus city hall, demonstrators say they deman investigation. that into the deadly shooting of the 13-year-old. he was black. a white officer killed him. they say they don't trust the police would investigate themselves. police say that tyrek king was shot after he pulled out a bb gun that looked real. you see it on the left side of your screen. that investigation will now be handed over to a grand jury. new developments in another racially charged shooting debate. we'll take you to charlotte, the sixth straight night of protest. now they are calling for the police chief to resign. robert golden is tracking -- rob powers is tracking today's developments. >> keith scott's family said he was reading a book when he was killed. police said he made a threatening move with a gun even after police released body camera video of the encounter as well as dash cam video. it is still unclear if scott actually had a gun on him. protest over his death have brought more violence to charlotte. at least one other death as well. emer impose a curfew, which has since been lifted. they also declared a state of emergency. >> the outrage being seen, heard, and felt in charlotte this week is not solely about the keith scott case, but rather this moment represents a tipping point for a community that has had its trust repeatedly broken by the charlotte-mecklenburg police department. >> protesters are expected to formally request the police chief's resignation at a city council meeting tonight. and it is not just the police with the way the city's mayor has handed the case as they want her to step down as well. okay, rob, just say no to narcan? >> that's what some officials are calling for in the midst of a heroin epidemic. still ahead tonight at 5:00, the ohio sheriff who wants to roll back efforts to ease the crisis and help first responders here at home feeling about that debate. a frank warning how the city of cleveland is taking on landlords who don't clean up lead contamination in and the plot thickens. wells fargo says they fired thousands of employees for creating fake accounts. but two former employees have a different side of that story. it is a change of heart. why this mom went from anti- vaxor to putting all her kids on an aggressive vaccination we have new information right now on a shooting in texas. several people are recovering from a gunshot wound where a gunman was killed. the shooter appeared to target people at random here inside their cars in a parking lot. nine people were hit. condition tonight. when police arrived, they were targeted here as well. officers fired back, they shot the suspect to death. one woman lives in an apartment nearby. her husband among those injured. >> i could hear the whiz of bullets going through my window as he is screaming on the phone saying i'm hit, i'm hit. >> and the woman that you just heard from, she had even seen this guy walking around, described him as quiet. police have not released a motive for yet. when they searched the shooter's car, they found more gun. they brought in the bomb squad to secure it. they'll search his apartment next. and the major new development in the massacre in washington state over the weekend. the suspect now confessing to the murders. he was suppose to be going to work on friday night when instead he went to macy's and started shooting people in the cosmetics department. here is is lauren lister. accused of killing five people in a washington mall appearing in court today. >> do you understand the charges? >> yes, your honor. >> reporter: arcan cetin facing five counts of murder. >> arcan has had mental healthissues that we have been trying to work on with him. >> reporter: according to charging documents, the suspect confessed to gunning down four women and one man with a rifle as they were shopping insi an hour outside of seattle friday night. >> i heard four shots, pop, pop, pop. it was just really scary. >> reporter: cetin's mother helping to identify her son as the suspect from surveillance images. saturday evening when he was arrested after a near 24-hour man hunt, police found him in -- in plain sight near his home. >> he said nothing. he did not have a weapon with him. >> reporter: a neighbor saying shooter. seen here posing with the firearm on myspace. >> he would grunt or not say anything. they are conducting the search warrants on his property on the hunt for more clues. authorities are looking for a motive. the suspect's father said he recently had a falling out with his son. lauren angeles. >> the plot thicken the as they saw 5,300 employees fired for opening fake accounts. all in the name of meeting salesgoals. today, they filed a class action lawsuit, claiming that they were let go, not for opening the fake accounts as they say that the bank orchestrated a fraudulent scheme to boost their stock or they would lose their jobs. by the way wells fargo is not commenting. it has really changed. for most of the day, here is the problem that i have, a new little puppy just turning five months old. the puppy does not feet. the grass is all wet that they do not want to do anything outside. >> we were getting him to the door, we got him to the door and then he is like no, it is raining out there, so he comes back in and then it is chasing him around the house. >> they could probably find those rain boots. >> i need a little umbrella to cover him so he does not get wet. that's a great intention. but let's invent a collar umbrella for puppies. >> there you go. on outside. the sunshine is coming out. a little ray coming down. do you see this guy right here? a little beam of sunshine. it is coming through the clouds. that's a good sign. rain showers are pulling away here on the power of five as you can notice that main rain band here in western new york. still just a little isolated spritzes and sprinkles there. i'm thinking by about 7:00 to 8:00 that everybody is dry. all right? 68 now for cleveland. 63 in akron. and 64 dover-new philly. once again your evening, watch those skies clearing out by 10:00 p.m. then we're cooling you down. overnight lows for the bigger cities near 50s. middle 40s tomorrow. akron is reporting a little sunshine now at 63. there we go. 61 in canton. cloudy skies. the front is right here, pulling through, out ahead of the front with all the rain and clouds it has been cool. but tomorrow we should get up to the 70s. ahead of the cold front where it will be cooler. then watch the low pressure by tomorrow night into they will drop into ohio. tomorrow is sunny and then wednesday more showers with a very cool wet weather day. 61 currently in worcester. let me show you hour by hour here and take you through 7:00. you can notice how dry and clear we are. now we are clear all night long. just look at those temps tomorrow morning, 41. akron and canton, mid-40s there. inland areas, very cool. and then during the day tomorrow, a lot of sunshine. lunchtime. you'll see those showers coming right back in with those temps in the 60s. tonight we'll go 52, then clearing the skies. you'll need those sweaters. 70 tomorrow mostly sunny and mild. 10 to 20 miles an hour winds will be a bit breezy. akron and canton tonight, 47. clearing and cool. 72, mainly sunny and breezy. we'll come back with that seven- day forecast in just a couple of still ahead today, all new at 5:00, the nfl player colin kaepernick has been making headlines for weeks for refusing to stand. today at the cavs media day, they chimed in on the debate. tonight, all new at 6:00, an off-duty officer thrown through a window. only news 5 speaks to the suspect's mother about what now all new at 5:00, you know we had that one teacher that made a big impact on us. >> no doubt. meteorologist janessa webb got a chance to meet one of them making a difference. she introduces us to the teacher of the week. >> reporter: week two of the teacher of the week at dunbar elementary. we're here to surprise a deserving teacher. come on. two kindergarteners welcomed us in very special teacher. >> mrs. beaumont, congratulations. you are news 5 teacher of the week. >> thank you. >> reporter: her colleagues had a long list of compliments to share. >> she really found strength in all her kids and i just knew that she'd be perfect for the teacher of the week. >> reporter: on behalf of ohio savings bank and myself, i'm excited to help recognize you as teacher of the week in with this certificate from omaha steaks. >> oh my gosh, thank you so much. way to go mrs. beaumont from all of us here on news 5. >> who is your favorite teacher? >> mrs. beaumont. >> that is a ringing endorsement right there. if you'd like to nominate an outstanding educator for our teacher of the week award, just head to next on news 5 at theinnerbelt bridge is open. but they say that the morning commute is not much better. we'll take a look at their concern. plus, we dig into a local backlash of the use of saving narcan to -- of using narcan to save addicts. more people should keep that top stories tonight for the first time as hillary clinton and donald trump face off in a abc's coverage starts at 9:00. stay with us for news 5 at 11:00 after the debate for analysis and fact checking. today in charlotte, protesters called on the city's police chief and mayor to resign over the shooting of keith scott. scott a black man was shot to death by a white officer last week. his family says he was reading a book, but officers say he made a threatening move with a gun. an east cleveland mother says that the cuyahoga land bank sent a crew to some electrical lines sending a power surge to her home. the woman claims that the surge destroyed all of her electronics and appliances, even setting a tv on fire in her daughter's room. neither the land bank or power company are taking responsibility. we've got the city council on the case. and we will keep you posted. it was a projected years in the making meant to get them to work faster in the morning so we could sleep a little later new innerbelt bridge finally opened on saturday. plenty of folks are happy about that, but not everyone is cheering for the changes this morning during the rush. paul kiska talked to odot about some of the confusion over the opening. paul? >> reporter: well odot has been saying that it is just going to be a partial grand opening. so for those that woke up this morning and expected more lanes to be -- more lanes to be open, it turns out to be >> a ribbon cutting and bag pipe signaled the opening of the new in-bound innerbelt bridge on sunday. some drivers may have not known that the entire bridge wasn't opening just yet. >> unfortunately some people misunderstood that both lanes from 90 east going into town across the bridge would not be open beginning today as well as lanes from 71 north going into town. >> reporter: drivers are expecting all lanes to be open were surprised this morning. lane coming into the inbound innerbelt bridge. bit end of next month, both 90 east and 71 north will have two lanes coming into town, hopefully making for a much smoother morning rush. and also today once on the bridge it briefly opens to five lanes then three and finally gets squeezed back to two. towards the end of the nearly mile-long bridge. but all five lanes on each bridge will open >> once those are open to their full capacity, people are definitely going to see an improvement going into town. >> reporter: now if you don't usually use the innerbelt bridge and you're wondering what all the fuss is about. consider this, more than 140,000 vehicles use those bridges every day. live downtown paul kiska news 5. now all new at 5:00, a push for more people in cuyahoga drug used to treat it, narcan. they want anyone that uses opioids as well as their friends and loved ones to caret drug and know how -- carry the drug and know how to use it in case of an overdose emergency. but tonight we shall tell you that some in the community want to scale back on the use of narcan. >> a sheriff near cincinnati is speaking out against immunity programs. the governor may suggest that their addicts should have to pay for the narcan used by first responders to save their lives. the people on the front lines want. >> reporter: more calls, but the same number of officers and oftentimes the same people who need help. law enforcement here in northeast ohio call it frustrating. but they tell me it is a fight they will not give up on. heroin arrests and overdose calls are going up in most areas. many first responders are equipped with the life saving drug narcan. taking more and more of the anecdote to do their job. sometimes more than a dozen doses. a lot of the times the same people needing help. it's a part of why there is a pushback across the country as elected officials and the police departments, they are talking about stepping back and cutting down on resources to assist their addicts. i checked in with the local departments to see if that is the case here. they told me no way. >> and seeing the narcan and the other tools we could use like cpr that we don't if it needs done, we'll perform cpr. >> if it were your loved one, you would want them to use narcan. >> reporter: everyone we checked in with today say that they will continue to do whatever it takes to save people. because it is not a first responders job to judge someone, but to save their life. in fairview park tara molina news 5. the city of cleveland, they are taking a big step when it comes to raising the alarm on buildings with lead starting today, every home and building with lead contamination will have a sign like this out front warning people of the danger. city health officials were criticized bit state because of a backlog of 3,000 lead cases last year. even now there are more than 300 known properties that should be evacuated because of lead levels. and any landlord who doesn't fix the lead hazard in their buildings will get this sign. all right, now let's check in with mark johnson. the signs to fall everywhere. >> what a wet weather day it was and those clouds developed us. but now the rain is pulling out of here, so the drier air is moving in from the west and maybe an isolated sprinkle along the lake shore, but that is doubtfully not reaching the ground. 68 cleveland and akron and 61 in canton. so a very cool weather afternoon. now here is the good news. notice the sun breaking through apart just some high clouds now with some sunshine. it's going to be a clearing trend during the overnight. so your evening, lower to middle 60s at 6:00. low 60s at 8:00. notice you're into the 50s by 10:00 p.m. look a lot of star shine out there. a good night for star gazing as long as you have that sweater. back to the news desk. >> all right, thank you, mark. still ahead tonight at 5:00, one high school football team and their protest efforts, they will give nfl an attention. how they stepped up their game when colin kaepernick was in the for documenting a sink full of discolored water in her school. find out what happened when the superintendent got involved. right now here is a look at before the rains arrived was in barbreton. this is the morning sky that will be right there for the wild. then the rains came. look at the sky we had coming our way through the afternoon. look at that ominous sky. very fall-like sky from lightning fun number one. this is headed east towards kent. and finally sue paynes. now that is quite a fungi. that is a giant puff ball. believe it or not those edible. but remember parents, caution the kids never to pick and eat anything growing out of the ground that looks like a mushroom. a giant puff ball is edible. l you've got to see this. all of it started after that picture right there, it was snapped inside her high school restroom. it shows discolored water coming from the sink there. now they say that the picture on social media, hoping that someone would see it to help the school out. little did she know that this picture, it'd land her in the office. >> she told me i was being suspended for three days for taking a picture that it is an inappropriate use of electronics in the restroom. >> it didn't end there. one student said that they caught wind of what was going on. dozens of them protested by tweeting bathroom pictures they took without getting in about the drama, fixed the water problem, removed that suspension from the girl's record. a high school football team gets the attention of an nfl player with a tweet. the boys on the team paid tribute. that player who has been making national headlines for sitting or kneeling during the national anthem before games, the team in california, they wanted to show their support by doing the same thing. kaepernick appreciated the gesture so much that he showed up at their that's when the players took their silent protest to the next level. they laid on the ground with their hands up. >> this is basically showing our vulnerability from them being the authority, the power and being the citizens. >> reporter: the head coach says that they support what they are doing and other coaches from across the country that they have also reached out to applaud their actions. team in action. the kaepernick protest and the other protest has been inspiring across the country. they came up at their media day. >> news 5 sports director andy baskin, you were there for the whole thing. how did it play out? >> i just watched what was going on. the protests came up in action. they have supported their players in the past and they will continue to. both of them questions. >> you have the right to voice your opinion, stand for your opinion. he's doing it in the most peaceful way that i have ever seen them do something. >> we have the greatest country in the world earning the right to protest what you want to protest and you know that we respect their truth and their flag and our anthem. whatever they do we need to have their backs. >> reporter: again, it is no surprise that they were prepared to let us know how they felt today. guys? >> all right, thank you. i would say that any sports team out for evening practices this week will be adding some layers. >> yes, absolutely. the fall area has arrived. i'm thinking that the end of the warm season has arrived. >> what about indian summer? >> listen, we could warm. that is beginning to fall as we need a world series win. let's clinch tonight and get right to it on the power of five with the good news about your evening plans today. notice them pulling out of here? if there is a sprinkle in your yard it will not last much longer. and then we are done. 68 for cleveland. 63 akron. we've got the lower to middle 60s. again, temps by 10:00 p.m. as they say that you'll need your sweaters. but notice the clearing coming our way. with the showers near detroit. let's zoom on in. we are going to clinch. notice that we're drying out and we are clearing out in detroit as well. so that is good news with the magic number that's one. 60s falling into the 60s, all right? cool and clearing with a lighter breeze coming our way. now once again, we'll show you the front that will behind it with their amounts of sunshine for your tuesday. but the low, it is going to drop in and it will be late tuesday night into wednesday, bringing more rain showers to the area. a dry day tomorrow and more rain showers with a few more sprinkles for wednesday, thursday, maybe lingering into early friday. your hour-by-hour forecast, let's show it to you with the overnight lows in the 40s. tomorrow this is tuesday and you'll be dry and sunny with temps near 70 for their highs. all right? showers will arrive again for wednesday. tomorrow is your day. wednesday, as early as late morning into early afternoon. the rain showers will be moving back in and that is clearing up the skies by 9:00 to 10:00 tonight. 70 tomorrow, mainly sunny, very fall like, mild, low humidity. good news there. akron and canton tonight. how about this? 45 to 47. clearing and chilly, kids will need their sweaters tomorrow mainly sunny and a bit on their breezier side with the southwest winds at 10 to 20 miles per hour. your seven-day forecast. let me show it to you now. wednesday with scattered showers and a few lingering showers on thursday. 65 near 70. and then not bad, 68 on friday. how about sunday, 67 degrees. monday back up to 72 with a 80s. kind of an isolated event over the course of the next few weeks. but this will be a big change. the fall that has arrived. oftentimes dropping into the 40s. i need to make more sauce. your tomatoes will ripen up. a local community in shock after a high player dies. the teenager was injured during the game, but his death remains a mystery. his family is speaking only to news channel 5 about what happened. a man accused of assaulting an off-duty officer is sharing his side of the story. what he says that the cop started the scuffle and how police are responding to that claim. but first a mother against vaccinating her children has a change of heart. the health scare that changed jury selection begins today for the man that confessed to killing nine people last year inside a historic black church in south carolina. dylann roof who is white is charged with dozens of federal offenses including hate crime charges. prosecutors say that he targeted his victims based on their race and religion and even admitted that he wanted to start a race war. roof is facing the death penalty. his trial is expected to an alert for all parents now about vaccinations for your children. and the american academy of pediatrics says that more parents are choosing not to vaccinate their kids. >> abc mama spoke to one mother who was -- marielas campos speaks to the parents. >> reporter: these are kristin romero's children fully vaccinated and happy and that way. >> omara living outside of chicago says that she was a big believer of anti-vaccination research. >> i scoured everything that i could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. and that i became pretty convinced. >> reporter: so she chose not to vaccinate her children. but then her 5-year-old and 3- year-old twins, nay virus. they also got very sick. she was suddenly living with deterrifying consequences of her choice. >> it was awful. it didn't have to happen because i could have had them vaccinated. i felt guilty. they recommend the vaccinations through practically every child, that the number of parents refusing to vaccinate the rise. 87% of those pediatricians surveyed have encountered parents refusing the vaccine, up from 75% in 2006. the most common reasons for refusing to vaccinate? some parents cited they believe that vaccinations were unnecessary. and that they had concerns about autism. a link that has been repeatedly disproven. >> what are you doing? >> reporter: today, her children are fully up to date on their vaccines after an aggressive catch. now she's encouraging others to >> and i am here because i wanted to share my personal story. if it does help someone change their minds, then that's great. >> reporter: now she says that if her children had been babies or had a compromised immune system that they might not have sur -- survived the virus. it is such a hot button topic. it lost her some close friendships. >> that is it for today at player dies just two days after suffering an injury during a game. >> tonight, new questions about why he was released from the hospital. his family is speaking only to news 5 about what happened. >> dramatic video of cleveland police taking down a man with a taser. the man's family wants you to hear their side of the story. news 5 at 6:00 begins a community heartbroken after a high school football player dies. his family devastated and somebody they love. >> reporter: the teenager was injured in a game on friday night. but why he died is still a mystery. >> news 5 is speaking exclusively to andre jackson's family about the moments leading up to his death. >> reporter: kristin volk first told us about this story last night at 11:00. his family said that he had no underlining health conditions? >> reporter: that's right. family say that he was very healthy and that we just got video of the play this is video from friday night of the game against solan. take a look. now that video shows an opponent's foot hitting andre's stomach. what happened next, andre walked off the field,

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