Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland At 6am 20160226

Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland At 6am 20160226

seen since saturday. well they quickly realized they were dealing with much more officers got a warrant and rounded up meth making materials, chemicals and a loaded handgun. three men and throw juveniles also male were arrested. >> they had come over and asked us to come over here too and they had told us that they had busted a meth lab and there was a bunch of guns in the house too but they had not found our friend whose still missing. >> still missing so besides the bust police also filed an official missing persons report for that man who has been identified as robert cook. now let's get a check on your weather and track together starting with meteorologist somara theodore. >> good morning northeast ohio we're waking up to a frigid february friday. interesting i didn't even notice i did that there. 26 degrees in cleveland right now, 24 in mentor we're looking at 22 in wooster so it's a very very cold start to your morning. if you were to factor in the feeling more like single digits maybe 9-10 degrees down towards canton so stay warm out there. lake effect snow is lingering so we're waking up to lighter snow showers not heavy but still light to moderate at times. zooming in a little closer some of the heavier bands right now just traversing through 71 crossing over into wooster, parts of akron and then that trouble spot area here in lorain county also seeing lingering lake effect snow. good news is it's out of here as we head throughout the day give it some time, here is a lock at hour by hour forecastment highs struggle 20s. sun will rise though, i'm to rise. it's going to be shining through those clouds as we head through out the morning hours. kristin but it's very icy on the roads right? >> it is those side streets extra slippery. highways okay because odot is doing its job. they tweeted the snow plows are out treating the roads so give them plenty of room. a good reminder this morning might want to head out early as we zoom into the inner belt i'm not seeing back ups here, major highways checking in okay. drive types crocker towner belt 90 eastbound at 13 minutes 65 miles per hour. going a little slower than that because some of the highways could be slippery heading outside to our cameras right now taking that quick look at 71 and snow and traffic certainly starting to build. jackie? kristin right now, parents panicked in two west side cities after four children were am abducted in one day. in one case a man reportedly crawled into a girls bedroom window just a few feet from a school and sarah finey is live in lorain where three of the attempts happened and now the fbi is involved with this? >> reporter: jackie the fbi, along with local agencies are on the case. i just spoke with the lorain police department and they tell me no arrests were made overnight. meanwhile, lorain schools are telling parents and students that the district is on high alert classes start in just a few hours, following a lockdown yesterday. i want to show you footage of the house in elyria where this investigators say a girl woke up to a man pulling on her leg and she was able to break free and run for help. the suspect being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. incident lorain police reported a man with a similar description punched one girl, exposed himself to another and grabbed a third. the girls are okay but fellow students are shaken. >> it makes me scared where i want to go to school because sometimes i have to walk and it makes me like scared where i don't want to go to school no more. >> lorain schools are urging parents to walk their students to school or to the bus stop and for students to walk in groups. again the suspect is being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. live in lorain, news chain 5. sarah thank you. news chain 5 we're always investigating here so we wanted to know about the number of sex is what we found. 13 registered sex offenders live within a half mile radius of those incidents in lorain. three of them matched their description the girls gave of their attacker. we're still unsure who that suspect is and it might not be someone on that registry. police want you to call them if you have any information that could help them find that man. 6:05 now. not guilty on all charges. that's what a jury decided in the case of timothy wolf. he hit and child two bicyclists last september. he was acquitted of aggravatedvehicular homicide. he was driving when he made a left turn into a group of cyclists and eight last september. two died and three were seriously injured . the group by cleveland says they're stunned and disappointed with the decision. >> this could have happened to anybody. i would expect anybody that it happens to even if it's myself to be held accountable. >> we understand the families of the two victims, matthew billings and james lambert do against that driver. ohio's shaw shank fugitive frank freshwater is officially wins his freedom. a convicted killer spent 56 caught last year. a parole board just voted to april. he disappear interested a prison camp in 1959 while serving time for killing a man in akron with his car. ohio schools getting a report card from the state department of education and it's not good. results show a decrease in scores statewide. and now several educators are blaming a more rigourous testing system and say they do not accurately portray their schools performance . the number of schools receiving an a dropped out of 609 districts only six earned nearly perfect scores for performance on state test down from 37 districts last year and here is how some of the larger school districts in our area did. cleveland, akron and lorain got a d, parma and mentor a c, and remember ohio is transitioning through the next school year. only on 5 this morning millions of dollars in property taxes going uncollected in cuyahoga county so 5 on your side investigators were looking for answers. cleveland veteran michael johnson is on that list and he owes $4000 and is being prosecuted. we showed him the list of the property tomorrow dodgers and those businesses on list owe more than $29 million and johnson, now facing foreclosure. >> my god. look how much money they owe. they aren't being asked to pay this up. they are getting this. >> the county treasurer says it's not easy to get everyone the county tries more than 2000 tax cases a year. some of the top 12 have either gone bankrupt, constantly asked for reassessment or made tiny minimum payments to slowdown canton airport. the $240,000,000.20 year plan includes cosmetic improvements experience. they are also upgrading parking and the baggage system, getting to and from the airport will also be different for you. a complete redesign of that entrance road is in the works. well tgif everybody out there. time is 6:08. we are happy it's friday. i'm jackie fernandez. >> i'm terrence lee. here is what's coming up an alert for salad eaters why lettuce packaged in ohio is lead together throw more illnesses. plus the gop heating it up on stage whose ganging up on trump and whose asking others to gang up on him. welcome back. 6:11 on your friday and the fiery gop debate is on a lot of folks minds this morning. marco rubio and ted cruz with a battery of attacks against to turn the table on the front run turpitude before super tuesday. >> i don't want a supreme court justice that you cut a deal with harry reed to under mine religious liberty because that same justice will also erase the second amendment. >> when you say crazy are you talking about you, crazy? >> give me a break. >> meantime, governor kasich and ben carson virtually absent during this de became at one point carson even asked someone attack me. >> you will have a response but i promise governor he could respond. >> can somebody attack me please? >> [laughter] >> wow. wow. >> well governor didn't get the chance to speak on an issue until 30 minutes into that debate, afterwards though he said he felt he showed his leadership skills and was happy overall. meanwhile trump latest supporter raising a few eye brows. david duke a former kkk grand wizard is calling for listeners of his radio show to support campaign. he claims he's not formerly endorsing trump but told listeners a vote against him is treason. a new report finds ohio is one of 10 states where millenials could sway the election. probably asking why but that's because a large group of colleges are here, 385 to be exact. we also have the highest ratio of young people with kids here meaning issues that matter to young voter in ohio maybe more diverse compared to other states. well breaking overnight from the live desk four people dead in kansas including the gunman just identified here as 38 year old cedric ford. police say he opened fire at his workplace, 14 are hurt besides the dead. according to police the shooting started while the suspect was going to excel industries a plant that makes lawn mower products. he apparently shot two people right from his car and then one person in the factories parking lot before opening fire inside the building. he was killed in an exchange of gunfire with an officer officials say ford has a long battery, burg already it and fleeing police. jackie? we are also learning new details about the uber driver accused of going on a shooting rampage in michigan. less believe jason dalton shot six people. the married father of two now in jail serving six murder charges and his attorney is saying dalton switched cars at his parents house after the first shooting but his family is wondering why he did this in the first place. >> he was acting different in the last couple days and his wife asked him and he said he was tied. just his demeanor he seemed to be depressed and down which was not his normal character. >> his attorney is denying reports he was having financial troubles. well a major clean up going on after severe storm hit part of our country. look at this video. people in virginia picking up the pieces after an ef3 tornado left all this damage behind. this is the town of waiverly, more than 100 home damaged and the twister was on the ground hour. four people were killed. and you know it's a bad snowstorm when the snow plow gets stuck. yeah that happened here indianapolis cars covered in snow, firefighters having to be called out to local people who may still be stranded on the roads. we want you to be extra careful because those roads are icy here. >> taking a look at the temperatures no wonder it's icy. on wednesday we had a good amount of rain and thursday wet snow so right now as we enter that deep freeze temperatures dropping into the lower and mid 20s. that allows for some icy conditions so be careful out there. 22 degrees to start in wooster good morning cleveland at 26, ashtabula waking up stepping outside it's 23 degrees there. so here is a look at what we've got. we have this snow moving in and it's going to continue through about the end of morning rush hour. it's lake effect snow as we zoom in you can see pretty much light to flurries and then where we have a little bit of the darker purple that's where right now picking up a little bit down on 71 there, that's getting ready to pass through parts of ash land and richland county. all is well as wooster seeing snow, lorain county about to get another in flex of that lake effect snow as well. here is how the day is panning out. temperatures they will rise into the upper 20s, the clouds break way giving way to sun and hour by hour we're dry overnight. this is why we're seeing what we're seeing. this little bit of energy leaving with that storm system that we saw over the past couple of days is taking with it our chans for lake effect snow. high pressure this big h will sit to the south of us and will start to see a warmer influx of air coming in from the southwest and that is why your weekend. looking at your futurecast you can see as i said earlier the snow moves out giving way to a good amount of sunshine clouds clear out for your friday, temperatures struggling but then we head into saturday and improvements under way. highs reaching the lower to mid 40s for your saturday and even better on your sunday. power of 5 seven day forecast showing that sunshine for saturday and sunday highs are going to be monitoring wet weather next week. kristin? >> just side streets so slippery be careful when you back out of your driveway. four live looks at 71 can't make that out on the highways odot is outtrotting those hopefully a lot better than the side streets let me know if you come across a problem spot traffic starting to build in those areas. as we look at our maps i'll zoom out and show you back up building on 71 into the city just starting to see that a tad here and this on 71 and not as bad as what i'm seeing into the inner belt where we tip inkly see that slowdown. over to you. kristin thank you. 6:17 now. we have to get to a 5 on your side investigation. a bed ford woman cashes in on her boyfriends death now she's facing felony food stamp fraud. the state department of job and family services says cases are reviewed and matched up with a national deceased persons database every six months but in the case of kathy wilson the benefits continue to flow for nine months paid for by your tax dollars. benefit card just a pin number. >> is this a unique case? >> well i think any time you find somebody using a deceased persons benefits is unique. >> wilson could now face prison time and will likely have to pay all of that money back. in consumer news this morning new information on that salad recall. three more people including two in ohio have gotten sick from listeria linked to bagged salads made at the dole plant in springfield ohio. those new cases diagnosed just a few weeks ago. since last july 18 people and nine states have fallen ill. well right now, u.s. lawmakers accusing the takata company of faking test results to cover up the exploding airbag issue. a report shows company officials argue data on inflater quality and testing was manipulated to hide those problems. the recall of those defective airbags now involves 14 vehicle manufactures and millions of us cars, suvs and trucks. you want to relax on friday? we know you do. well beer could be the answer but we aren't talking about drinking it. the lit its hotspot to open out west. and penguins on the work out plan? we'll tell you why scientists are watching these little guys here walk it out. you're watching good morning cleveland on news channel 5. good morning to you, 6:21 it is deadline day for apple. the tech giant must decide to either help law enforcement unlock a suspected terrorists iphone or formerly challenge a court order. apple is accusing the fbi of trying to acquire "dangerous power" and says washington cannot legally force them to wright brand new computer code to break into their own system. also happening today, thousands of folks are making their way into town for the wizard world event. >> this is a big deal. the comic con cleveland event celebrating the best of comic books and movies at the convention center and thor will be there tomorrow. he's signing autographs, taking a session. so get those questions together. we have ticket information for you on our newsnet 5 app. sometimes when i think about it i feel like i've lived my whole life up here. >> looking ahead scott kelly just days from returning to in space. space station on tuesday and kelly says from a hygiene perspective he feels like he's been camping in the woods for a year but from a physical perspective, he feels pretty good. toughest part has been being isolated from his family so he says he cannot wait to jump in his pool and eat at ariel table with family and friends. and with real food too. >> he wants a steak i heard. >> somara over to you. >> let's get a check of the forecast. you're waking up stepping outside the door. this is what you've got today. temperatures will be in the upper 20s. it's cold and will be cold this afternoon. we are going to see the snowfalling out your window for some of us stop just before lunch time after morning rush hour so in that time frame there, we are looking forward to a windy start as well so be careful out on the roads, high profile vehicles as well as blowing snow you have to look out for that and we are seeing icy road conditions. here is the good news i have hope for you to hang on to. the weekend rising to the 50s by sunday. kristin? >> i'm really locking forward to that thanks so much somara. starting to see slowdowns on 71 to stark weather this morning a car is going slow because as they approach that inner belt those lanes are pinched off. the plows are out. i know a lot of people say we don't see them. they are out and troating the roads and they say be sure to give them plenty of room to work. head out early. heading outside the looks of 71 bottom left is 71 and clark this morning and it is starting to build that's that spot where we see those lane reductions. over to you terrence and jackie? thank you kristin. let's get to health headlines your sleep troubles may have less to do with you and more to do with what your mom drank while she was pregnant with you. >> new research sunkets exposure to alcohol in the womb might make it harder to sink into that deep sleep. it also makes hyperactivity and memory problems more likely. researchers say just one alcohol binge is enough to do damage: a cold brew to relax. now you can take a bath in it. americas first beer spa just opened in oregon and the owner says bathing in a blend of beer and barly will not get you drunk but it will help with your aches and pains even insomnia and anxiety. after just a week in business the beer spa already planning on expanding. you have to see this video here. going to make you think you're tripping out this morning. yes those are penguins on a treadmill and this is actually a scientific study measuring how far fat penguins waddle. researchers are trying to figure out if their body weight influences how they walk, avoid penguins do have an advantage in surviving during breeding. >> a little bit more meat on those. if you think that story is wild you won't believe this one. residents in california couldn't believe their eyes when they thought they spotted a tiny uni- corn roaming around >> well of course this was just a white pony dressed up for a kids birthday party, and lead police on a chase they will not forget, but it's a fairy tail ending. the horse was caught but people in la, i guess they will believe anything and i can say that because i'm from there. >> come on. oh, my goodness. also trending in the animal kingdom today a new program in missouri using reading to help both kids and pets. it's called the shelter buddies program. >> it lets kids practice their reading skills in front of a non-judgment all audience and shy shelter dogs at the missouri humane society so not only do the kids improve their skills but the dogs they learn how to socialize so it's a win- win. welcoming up on good morning cleveland, jc penney living up to its name. which items will soon cost just $0.01: plus police in akron stumble upon a meth lab. what lead them to that discovery overnight. and a cold start on their friday. you're locking at odot cams it kristin will give you an update your dreams evolve, and with committed support, they thrive. now at 6:30 breaking news from overnight. tense moments for cleveland police officers after one of their own slams his cruiser into a tree. >> that officer trapped for nearly an hour while a frantic rescue took place. nick foley is leave at metrohealth medical center where that officer is being treated. we are at the live desk getting information on an overnight live in lorain county where parents are on edge and taking extra precautions after several attempted abductions. but first we want to get you ready to head out the door on this friday with weather and traffic together, and somara theodore. >> whether you're standing at the bus stop if you work outdoors stay warm because it is a very cold start and we're leading know a very cold finish for your day. so temperatures are starting off in the low to mid 20s but you factor in that wind chill and it's feeling more like single digits walking outside. now it's not the only battle we're facing we have lake effect snow left over. good news is it's very light, moderate falling down flurries in most spots but still, winds are picking up so it's going to feel colder and snow is also going to blow around. here is a look at some of the wind speeds these are sustained remember sustained is kind of the wind just constantly blowing 14 miles per hour in cleveland but then you get those gusts in. that's what's making it whistle outside your window this morning. kristin, please let us know about the traffic because it's pretty icy out there. >> it is so you've got the wind more concerning that the highways because odothad had is outtrotting those. we're seeing back up on 71 a little farther than before pearl into the city too but look at the 71-480 split we're all green no problems as we zoom on out, no major accidents as of yet heading outside want to show you what the odot cameras look like this is 71 and west 25th we are starting to build. terrence? we is have to get back to the breaking news. a cleveland police officer injured after slamming into a tree. >> that officer was stuck in his cruiser for near a an hour so let's go to nick foley live at metrohealth medical center where the officer is recovering. >> reporter: the officer was brought here officer involved in the crash taken here after the accident. i was there when he was remove interested his own car and he was in obvious pain, had injuries but he was alert and he was talkingment we want to show you video from the scene snapless were already there trying to get to that officer car. side of the car so bad the officer trapped inside and fire crews had to use the jaws of life to take the door off, pry it off and get to that officer. now he was not responding to a call but simply driving on east 71st vote that but that whole area was extremely icy. in fact so icy that an officer at the scene just simply walking slipped and injured his leg as well. now the commanding officer on the scene told me this patrolman had about 20 years experience and is also a member of mayor frank jackson's detail as well. again just to reiterate he was brought here with lower leg or body injuries, the extent of those injuries not known at this time. reporting from clevelands west side back to you. >> nick we certainly wish him the best in his recovery. now to news breaking overnight. a welfare check leads police right to a meth lab. this is at an apartment in akron and now six people are in custody including three minors. police initially responding to seen by a co-worker since saturday. well they quickly rollized they were dealing with much more officers got a warrant and rounded up meth making materials, chemicals, even a load handgun. three men and three juveniles also male were arrested. >> they come over and asked us to come here too and they told us that they had busted a meth lab and there was a bunch of guns in the house too but they had not found our friend whose still missing. >> still missing so besides the bust police also filed an official missing persons report for that man who has since been identified as robert cook. terrence? two cities on high alert in lorain county. parents being asked to walk their children to school after four attempted abductions in just one day. sarah is live in lorain this morning and all of the victims are describing the same suspect. >> reporter: terrence that suspect is being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. dangerous. i want to show you footage of where the first attempted abduction happened in elyria and investigators say someone used a ladder to climb into a 10 year olds window and tried to take her. a few hours later lorain police say a girl reported that a man with a similar description punched her. another says he exposed himself and the third says he tried to grab her from behind. all of this happening blocks apart. lorain city schools placed on lockdown while police search for the suspect. the mom and dad of that 10 year old calling it their worst nightmare here is their advice other parents. >> nighttime morning time any time all windows completely locked, double check everything. you never know someone walking by, make sure your kids are aware that there's danger out there. >> again lorain schools telling parents to walk their kids to school or be with them at the bus stop. we're seeing that happening here at the elementary school were being dropped off to get on the bus. again that suspect is being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. back to you. thank you sarah. a cleveland of ther fired for sexting crime victims might soon be back out on the streets. he was let go three years ago and he's been fighting to get his job back ever since. last february, an arbitrator ordered the city to rehire him and even after he admitted to that sexting. the city o peeled but the court of appeals upheld that decision to give him his job back. the police union wants him reinstated immediately and he was never criminally charged. new video on a story we broke yesterday on good morning cleveland. this is surveillance video here of the hit and run accident involving two akron policeofficers on their way to a call with their lights on when that happened. a minivan slams right into their cruiser. the driver of the minivan ran on foot. police found a cell phone in the van and are looking for him. to a 5 on your side investigation. our team uncovering loopholes in an ohio law that puts domestic violence victims in harps way. >> they found cases where abusers were able to get guns. after reviewing court records we found at least 31 abusers were able to get their guns even though protection orders banned them and listen what happened to this one victim. >> he threw the protection order he had had a copy of towards me on the bed and then he turned around and shot me in the leg. >> well you can see our full investigation on the app and also on our website. coming up next-- >> but you have many different plans, you'll have competition and so many different plans. >> now he's repeating himself. >> no no no. >> a tag team on trump two republican rivals work together to pick apart the front runner, the januaries you do not want to miss. plus another first for the hospital is making history yet again. but first let's check in with somara. >> it's a cold start out there what you need to know is to be safe on the roads where we could see icing possible but here is good news your weekend shaping up nicely seeing temperatures reaching the upper 50s by sunday, a good amount of sunshine for your saturday. that's a lock at your power of 5 forecast keep watching good welcome back and happy friday everyone. packages to your doorstep faster. they are looking into same day delivery. it's investing into the delivery company to live which works with macy's kohl's and other retailers to deliver online orders the same day. the same day delivery is becoming the new standard. speaking of kohl's it is closing 18 stores by june. >> the company says they just aren't performing well enough and next month we should find out if any stores in north east ohio will close. and jc penney wants you back in their stores and they think selling items for a penny will do it. starting sunday certain items only cost you one cent and the company says they will do this throughout the year at random times to help with struggling sales. well get ready for our netflix binge this weekend. fuller house the long awaited sequal to full house released overnight. it revolves around the girls returning to their childhood house to say goodbye before danny tanner sells it and moves to los angeles. positive, fans on social media saying it's a nice throwback, just as campy as the original. i'll let you listen to the new theme song, carlie ray jeep son redid it and will work on your lyrics. >> i never know the words to the song. just to the beat. next on the morning sprint the fugitive winning his freedom when he will be back out on the streets. then a brown out at the oscars eva longoria kicking off a new campaign on the red carpet. we are also gearing up for our show you can catch it on facebook starting around 7:30. we love to hear from you. so join us then. but good morning cleveland is welcome to the morning sprint our team getting new information on several breaking stories, sarah is live in lorain where kids are heading back-to-school after several attempted abductions. nick foley where a cleveland police officer is recovering after a violent crash but first, we are at the live desk. breaking overnight a welfare check leads police right to a meth lab this is at an apartment in akron and now police initially responding to check on a man who hadn't been seen by a co worker since saturday quickly realized they were dealing with much more. officer the got a warrant and rounded up meth making materials chemicals and a loaded handgun. the man is still missing. now let's head out to nick foley with more news out of cleveland. >> reporter: we are here at metrohealth medical center where that cleveland police officer was brought after a violent single vehicle accident. we are told the officer of the patrolman was injured but good news as he was alert and talking when removed from his own car. we want to show you video from this accident that happened before 3:00 this morning when we arrived less and crews trying to get that officer out of the car. fire crews used the jaws of life to take the door off and pry that officer out who appeared to be in obvious pain. the officer was not responding to a call but simply driving on east 71st street when he lost control in icy conditions. now a commanding officer on scene told me the officers a on the force and is a member of mayor frank jackson's detail. that's just to reiterate that patrolman did suffer lower body injuries and the extent not known at this time this morning. reporting from clevelands west side nick foley, news channel 5 now to lorain and sarah. >> reporter: thank you, nick. i'm in lorain where parents here and in elyria are on edge this morning after four attempted abductions. investigators searching for a suspect the. that man is being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. i'll show you footage of where the first attempted abduction took place and investigators say a girl woke up to a man pulling on her leg she was able to break free and run for help. a few hours later lorain police report a man grabbed two girls and exposed himself to another all of the victims are okay. school officials though urging parents to walk with their kids to school or to the bus stop and we are at admiral king elementary where school begins seeing quite a bit of police presence here. back to you. >> sarah thank you. todays weather could make for a tricky ride this morning. >> that's right. somara wind and ice could create click spots. >> let's get a look at the temperatures. so remember when we had the rain wednesday? and then we had some of that wet snow yesterday? temperatures are now no longer on that fine line but rather in that deep froze zone so that's why we are seeing icy spots out there, please be careful. 24 degrees in cleveland, 22 in wooster, 25 in millersburg and a cold start and cold finish. temperatures today not really rising that much. here is a look at the snow we're talking about as you can see, it's really continuing to move in from that northwest flow but the good news is as we head throughout the day, we will see it taper off so here is a look at what we're dealing with on a more localized level. some of the heavier spots in purple really showing up headed towards mansfield getting ready to crossover 71 as well as parts of akron and then the thing is it's a light snow but we are seeing blowing snow. here is a look at sustained wind speeds 13 miles per hour in elyria, but the gusts are reaching upwards of 30 miles per hour. this is why we're seeing what we're seeing. this is a little bit of energy that sparked off lick effect snow overnight and what we're seeing this morning as it continues to push out of here this high pressure will settle into the south that effects us because it's going to form a nice flow from the southwest and we know things come from the south pretty warm, that is good news. temperatures today though really struggling to break out of the upper 20s an it's tomorrow that we see the improvement. more sunshine, highs reaching the 40s, by your sunday, even better. here is a look at the power of five seven day forecast lining it out we are seeing highs in the 50s by sunday, monitoring some rain next week. kristin? >> that looks great but this morning a tricky commute considering we are still icy on those side streets and i'm already seeing big back ups on 71 north from before pearl past 490 you'll see car in orange and look at this our 3d city zoom 480 eastbound that stretch from 707 to 271 clocking in at eight minutes that ride 58 miles per hour you might want to go slower than that. let's head outside taking a live look at 480 and warrenville center road a busy time. over to you. kristin thank you. breaking from the live desk ford just announcing it is investing $145 million to upgrade its clever land engine plant which you're seeing right here. it makes engines that power the 2016 ford f150, explorer, expedition, transit flex and taurus. this expected to creator retain 150 jobs locally. the company saying it's all part of $9 billion in total investments at ford facilities all across the country in response to high demand for it's ecoboost engine. not guilty on all charges that's what a jury decided in the case of timothy wolf who hit and child two bicyclists and acquitted of aggravated and was driving his truck when he made a left turn into a group of cyclists last september. the families of the two victims that passed away matthew billings and james lambert do money to file a civil suit against the driver. ohio shaw shank fugitive frank freshwater is officially a free man. the convicted killer spent 56 year on the run before getting caught last year and a parole board just voted to release him. he disappeared from a prison camp in 1959 and he was serving time for hitting and killing a man with his car. a texas grand jury is now looking at the case against johnny manziel. the dallas police want the district attorney to pursue a misdemeanor assault charge. that carries a maximum of one year in jail and $4000 in fines. his ex girlfriend says he hit her and threatened to kill her during a night out last month. she has a protective order against him. in health news this morning cleveland clinic making history, yet again. this week surgeons performed the first uterus transplant in the united states. 26-year-old woman using organs from a deceased donor. cleveland clinic says this surgery will be used to help women born without a uterus or with abnormalities that block pregnancy. downtown clevelands newest hotel ready to hire hundreds of workers . today you have a chance to get information about the openings at the hilton hotel, they are holding a company preview at noon and 6:00 tonight. you can learn about each job managers. if you're in the market for our new ride get ready to kick tires today the cleveland auto show opens to the public. the show kicks off at 5 tonight and runs until march 6. you can find more information about ticket prices on our newsnet5 app. happening today thousands of people will be heading downtown for the wizard world convention. this comic con style event runs convention center. >> someone you may have heard of before will be there actor chris hemsworth will be there. you can hear somara's excitement there and you can well. that for all of my dr. who fans i can't wait to see you guys there. let's go ahead and take a lock at the hour by hour forecast. so today, temperatures are really going to struggle as i've been saying we get out of the 20s a cold start a cold finish. the only good side is the snow will taper off giving way to sunshine this morning. here is a look for that wizard world convention shaping up to be nice. temperatures in the 40s saturday, mid 50s by sunday. we're going to be seeing sunshine settle in as well. that's a lock at the power of 5 forecast. stick around the morning sprint time now 6:53 and breaking from the live desk at least 97 school children in the hospital this morning after getting sick now, free meals are mandatory at all government schools there, back in 2013 more than 20 children actually died from toxic lunches at their school. in eastern india. also breaking overnight, four people dead in kansas including the gunman identified as this man, 38 year old cedric ford. police say there were four crime scenes ending when he opened fire at his workplace. 14 are hurt. officials say ford has a long criminal history including battery burg already it and fleeing police. well no punches being held by republican candidate as we head into super tuesday. >> during last nights debate the remaining five presidential hopefuls battled it out and at times things got really heated. >> this guy is a choke artist and this guy is a liar. >> trump's two main rivals ted cruz and marco rubio went on the offensive again the billionaire turning a five man debate into a three man argue am. this was the final debate before almost 600 delegates go and one gop presidential candidate is acused of holding up a bill to help flint ted cruz put the brakes on a plan to fast track a bill that would help replace load tainted water pipes there would give states hack said to $100 emergencies. cruz's office is reviewing the today is deadline day for apple the tech giant must decide to help law enforcement unlock a suspected terrorists iphone or formerly challenge a court order demanding that the company do so. apple is accusing the fbi of troying to acquire "dangerous power." they also say washington cannot legally force them to wright brand new computer code to break into their own systems. to an update on the supreme court. nevada go none brian sandoval says he does not want to be considered for the seat left empty by justice antonin scalia. he let the white house no where he stands at this time reports broke earlier this week he was being vetted for the role. he however did call the notion humbling. well many new justice trip when he suddenly passed away. we are learn the group he was hunting is a secret society with the international order. the hunting group was found in austria in the early 1600s. developing this morning police officers in virginia could be getting more protection a bill in the virginia senate would keep the names of officers and fire marshals secret even if they are involved in a shooting. to get around disclosure laws officers names would be classified as personal records. mark zuckerberg getting heated after employees crossed out the phrase black lives matter on dry erase boards around their campus. they replaced the phrase with all lives matter. in a memo he called that move deeply hurtful. facebook has a longstanding tradition of letting employees wright on walls add boards like they would on the virtual wall on facebook. in his nearly three years at the head of the catholic church pope francis made no secret of his affection for children and now he's offering his first children's book dear pope francis the book made up and kids from around the world keep an eye out for stars wearing a brown rib or at the oscars sunday. there's a lot of controversy over the look of black actors nominated but actress eva longoria wants everyone to know it's not just a black and white issue. she's calling attention to the look of latino representation and film urging supporters to tweet the hash tag brown ribbon campaign and hollywood brown out. let's get a check of weather, very cold start temperatures in the low 20s. wind chills making it feel like single digits for some of us so stay warm remember this means any rain you saw is freezing over on the roads. speaking of precipitation seeing snow lightly falling outside with that lake effect snow it will be tapering off today. >> those side streets so slippery this morning really icy, some neighborhoods even looking like ice skating rinks, but you're locking at 71 the bottom left is 71 in west 25th so bottom right is 71 and clark and traffic starting to build in those typical slow spots. talking all things oscars they are this sunday on news can el 5. >> see you on facebook at 7:30. >> have a great friday tgif! good morning, america. deadly shooting. >> the gun was strapped to him. he was ready to go. >> the chase to stop the rampage. four killed. more than a dozen injured. what we're learning this morning the hero cop who brought him down. fireworks at the gop debate. >> this guy's a choke trump targeted from all sides. >> if he builds the wall the way he belt trump tower he'll be using ill immigrant labor to do e looking to make it a two-man race overnight. is it too little too late with super tuesdays away? this morning. a bombshell in court. the shocking video that erin andrews never wanted anyone to see played in court for the jury.stars"

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Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland At 6am 20160226 :

Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland At 6am 20160226

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seen since saturday. well they quickly realized they were dealing with much more officers got a warrant and rounded up meth making materials, chemicals and a loaded handgun. three men and throw juveniles also male were arrested. >> they had come over and asked us to come over here too and they had told us that they had busted a meth lab and there was a bunch of guns in the house too but they had not found our friend whose still missing. >> still missing so besides the bust police also filed an official missing persons report for that man who has been identified as robert cook. now let's get a check on your weather and track together starting with meteorologist somara theodore. >> good morning northeast ohio we're waking up to a frigid february friday. interesting i didn't even notice i did that there. 26 degrees in cleveland right now, 24 in mentor we're looking at 22 in wooster so it's a very very cold start to your morning. if you were to factor in the feeling more like single digits maybe 9-10 degrees down towards canton so stay warm out there. lake effect snow is lingering so we're waking up to lighter snow showers not heavy but still light to moderate at times. zooming in a little closer some of the heavier bands right now just traversing through 71 crossing over into wooster, parts of akron and then that trouble spot area here in lorain county also seeing lingering lake effect snow. good news is it's out of here as we head throughout the day give it some time, here is a lock at hour by hour forecastment highs struggle 20s. sun will rise though, i'm to rise. it's going to be shining through those clouds as we head through out the morning hours. kristin but it's very icy on the roads right? >> it is those side streets extra slippery. highways okay because odot is doing its job. they tweeted the snow plows are out treating the roads so give them plenty of room. a good reminder this morning might want to head out early as we zoom into the inner belt i'm not seeing back ups here, major highways checking in okay. drive types crocker towner belt 90 eastbound at 13 minutes 65 miles per hour. going a little slower than that because some of the highways could be slippery heading outside to our cameras right now taking that quick look at 71 and snow and traffic certainly starting to build. jackie? kristin right now, parents panicked in two west side cities after four children were am abducted in one day. in one case a man reportedly crawled into a girls bedroom window just a few feet from a school and sarah finey is live in lorain where three of the attempts happened and now the fbi is involved with this? >> reporter: jackie the fbi, along with local agencies are on the case. i just spoke with the lorain police department and they tell me no arrests were made overnight. meanwhile, lorain schools are telling parents and students that the district is on high alert classes start in just a few hours, following a lockdown yesterday. i want to show you footage of the house in elyria where this investigators say a girl woke up to a man pulling on her leg and she was able to break free and run for help. the suspect being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. incident lorain police reported a man with a similar description punched one girl, exposed himself to another and grabbed a third. the girls are okay but fellow students are shaken. >> it makes me scared where i want to go to school because sometimes i have to walk and it makes me like scared where i don't want to go to school no more. >> lorain schools are urging parents to walk their students to school or to the bus stop and for students to walk in groups. again the suspect is being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. live in lorain, news chain 5. sarah thank you. news chain 5 we're always investigating here so we wanted to know about the number of sex is what we found. 13 registered sex offenders live within a half mile radius of those incidents in lorain. three of them matched their description the girls gave of their attacker. we're still unsure who that suspect is and it might not be someone on that registry. police want you to call them if you have any information that could help them find that man. 6:05 now. not guilty on all charges. that's what a jury decided in the case of timothy wolf. he hit and child two bicyclists last september. he was acquitted of aggravatedvehicular homicide. he was driving when he made a left turn into a group of cyclists and eight last september. two died and three were seriously injured . the group by cleveland says they're stunned and disappointed with the decision. >> this could have happened to anybody. i would expect anybody that it happens to even if it's myself to be held accountable. >> we understand the families of the two victims, matthew billings and james lambert do against that driver. ohio's shaw shank fugitive frank freshwater is officially wins his freedom. a convicted killer spent 56 caught last year. a parole board just voted to april. he disappear interested a prison camp in 1959 while serving time for killing a man in akron with his car. ohio schools getting a report card from the state department of education and it's not good. results show a decrease in scores statewide. and now several educators are blaming a more rigourous testing system and say they do not accurately portray their schools performance . the number of schools receiving an a dropped out of 609 districts only six earned nearly perfect scores for performance on state test down from 37 districts last year and here is how some of the larger school districts in our area did. cleveland, akron and lorain got a d, parma and mentor a c, and remember ohio is transitioning through the next school year. only on 5 this morning millions of dollars in property taxes going uncollected in cuyahoga county so 5 on your side investigators were looking for answers. cleveland veteran michael johnson is on that list and he owes $4000 and is being prosecuted. we showed him the list of the property tomorrow dodgers and those businesses on list owe more than $29 million and johnson, now facing foreclosure. >> my god. look how much money they owe. they aren't being asked to pay this up. they are getting this. >> the county treasurer says it's not easy to get everyone the county tries more than 2000 tax cases a year. some of the top 12 have either gone bankrupt, constantly asked for reassessment or made tiny minimum payments to slowdown canton airport. the $240,000,000.20 year plan includes cosmetic improvements experience. they are also upgrading parking and the baggage system, getting to and from the airport will also be different for you. a complete redesign of that entrance road is in the works. well tgif everybody out there. time is 6:08. we are happy it's friday. i'm jackie fernandez. >> i'm terrence lee. here is what's coming up an alert for salad eaters why lettuce packaged in ohio is lead together throw more illnesses. plus the gop heating it up on stage whose ganging up on trump and whose asking others to gang up on him. welcome back. 6:11 on your friday and the fiery gop debate is on a lot of folks minds this morning. marco rubio and ted cruz with a battery of attacks against to turn the table on the front run turpitude before super tuesday. >> i don't want a supreme court justice that you cut a deal with harry reed to under mine religious liberty because that same justice will also erase the second amendment. >> when you say crazy are you talking about you, crazy? >> give me a break. >> meantime, governor kasich and ben carson virtually absent during this de became at one point carson even asked someone attack me. >> you will have a response but i promise governor he could respond. >> can somebody attack me please? >> [laughter] >> wow. wow. >> well governor didn't get the chance to speak on an issue until 30 minutes into that debate, afterwards though he said he felt he showed his leadership skills and was happy overall. meanwhile trump latest supporter raising a few eye brows. david duke a former kkk grand wizard is calling for listeners of his radio show to support campaign. he claims he's not formerly endorsing trump but told listeners a vote against him is treason. a new report finds ohio is one of 10 states where millenials could sway the election. probably asking why but that's because a large group of colleges are here, 385 to be exact. we also have the highest ratio of young people with kids here meaning issues that matter to young voter in ohio maybe more diverse compared to other states. well breaking overnight from the live desk four people dead in kansas including the gunman just identified here as 38 year old cedric ford. police say he opened fire at his workplace, 14 are hurt besides the dead. according to police the shooting started while the suspect was going to excel industries a plant that makes lawn mower products. he apparently shot two people right from his car and then one person in the factories parking lot before opening fire inside the building. he was killed in an exchange of gunfire with an officer officials say ford has a long battery, burg already it and fleeing police. jackie? we are also learning new details about the uber driver accused of going on a shooting rampage in michigan. less believe jason dalton shot six people. the married father of two now in jail serving six murder charges and his attorney is saying dalton switched cars at his parents house after the first shooting but his family is wondering why he did this in the first place. >> he was acting different in the last couple days and his wife asked him and he said he was tied. just his demeanor he seemed to be depressed and down which was not his normal character. >> his attorney is denying reports he was having financial troubles. well a major clean up going on after severe storm hit part of our country. look at this video. people in virginia picking up the pieces after an ef3 tornado left all this damage behind. this is the town of waiverly, more than 100 home damaged and the twister was on the ground hour. four people were killed. and you know it's a bad snowstorm when the snow plow gets stuck. yeah that happened here indianapolis cars covered in snow, firefighters having to be called out to local people who may still be stranded on the roads. we want you to be extra careful because those roads are icy here. >> taking a look at the temperatures no wonder it's icy. on wednesday we had a good amount of rain and thursday wet snow so right now as we enter that deep freeze temperatures dropping into the lower and mid 20s. that allows for some icy conditions so be careful out there. 22 degrees to start in wooster good morning cleveland at 26, ashtabula waking up stepping outside it's 23 degrees there. so here is a look at what we've got. we have this snow moving in and it's going to continue through about the end of morning rush hour. it's lake effect snow as we zoom in you can see pretty much light to flurries and then where we have a little bit of the darker purple that's where right now picking up a little bit down on 71 there, that's getting ready to pass through parts of ash land and richland county. all is well as wooster seeing snow, lorain county about to get another in flex of that lake effect snow as well. here is how the day is panning out. temperatures they will rise into the upper 20s, the clouds break way giving way to sun and hour by hour we're dry overnight. this is why we're seeing what we're seeing. this little bit of energy leaving with that storm system that we saw over the past couple of days is taking with it our chans for lake effect snow. high pressure this big h will sit to the south of us and will start to see a warmer influx of air coming in from the southwest and that is why your weekend. looking at your futurecast you can see as i said earlier the snow moves out giving way to a good amount of sunshine clouds clear out for your friday, temperatures struggling but then we head into saturday and improvements under way. highs reaching the lower to mid 40s for your saturday and even better on your sunday. power of 5 seven day forecast showing that sunshine for saturday and sunday highs are going to be monitoring wet weather next week. kristin? >> just side streets so slippery be careful when you back out of your driveway. four live looks at 71 can't make that out on the highways odot is outtrotting those hopefully a lot better than the side streets let me know if you come across a problem spot traffic starting to build in those areas. as we look at our maps i'll zoom out and show you back up building on 71 into the city just starting to see that a tad here and this on 71 and not as bad as what i'm seeing into the inner belt where we tip inkly see that slowdown. over to you. kristin thank you. 6:17 now. we have to get to a 5 on your side investigation. a bed ford woman cashes in on her boyfriends death now she's facing felony food stamp fraud. the state department of job and family services says cases are reviewed and matched up with a national deceased persons database every six months but in the case of kathy wilson the benefits continue to flow for nine months paid for by your tax dollars. benefit card just a pin number. >> is this a unique case? >> well i think any time you find somebody using a deceased persons benefits is unique. >> wilson could now face prison time and will likely have to pay all of that money back. in consumer news this morning new information on that salad recall. three more people including two in ohio have gotten sick from listeria linked to bagged salads made at the dole plant in springfield ohio. those new cases diagnosed just a few weeks ago. since last july 18 people and nine states have fallen ill. well right now, u.s. lawmakers accusing the takata company of faking test results to cover up the exploding airbag issue. a report shows company officials argue data on inflater quality and testing was manipulated to hide those problems. the recall of those defective airbags now involves 14 vehicle manufactures and millions of us cars, suvs and trucks. you want to relax on friday? we know you do. well beer could be the answer but we aren't talking about drinking it. the lit its hotspot to open out west. and penguins on the work out plan? we'll tell you why scientists are watching these little guys here walk it out. you're watching good morning cleveland on news channel 5. good morning to you, 6:21 it is deadline day for apple. the tech giant must decide to either help law enforcement unlock a suspected terrorists iphone or formerly challenge a court order. apple is accusing the fbi of trying to acquire "dangerous power" and says washington cannot legally force them to wright brand new computer code to break into their own system. also happening today, thousands of folks are making their way into town for the wizard world event. >> this is a big deal. the comic con cleveland event celebrating the best of comic books and movies at the convention center and thor will be there tomorrow. he's signing autographs, taking a session. so get those questions together. we have ticket information for you on our newsnet 5 app. sometimes when i think about it i feel like i've lived my whole life up here. >> looking ahead scott kelly just days from returning to in space. space station on tuesday and kelly says from a hygiene perspective he feels like he's been camping in the woods for a year but from a physical perspective, he feels pretty good. toughest part has been being isolated from his family so he says he cannot wait to jump in his pool and eat at ariel table with family and friends. and with real food too. >> he wants a steak i heard. >> somara over to you. >> let's get a check of the forecast. you're waking up stepping outside the door. this is what you've got today. temperatures will be in the upper 20s. it's cold and will be cold this afternoon. we are going to see the snowfalling out your window for some of us stop just before lunch time after morning rush hour so in that time frame there, we are looking forward to a windy start as well so be careful out on the roads, high profile vehicles as well as blowing snow you have to look out for that and we are seeing icy road conditions. here is the good news i have hope for you to hang on to. the weekend rising to the 50s by sunday. kristin? >> i'm really locking forward to that thanks so much somara. starting to see slowdowns on 71 to stark weather this morning a car is going slow because as they approach that inner belt those lanes are pinched off. the plows are out. i know a lot of people say we don't see them. they are out and troating the roads and they say be sure to give them plenty of room to work. head out early. heading outside the looks of 71 bottom left is 71 and clark this morning and it is starting to build that's that spot where we see those lane reductions. over to you terrence and jackie? thank you kristin. let's get to health headlines your sleep troubles may have less to do with you and more to do with what your mom drank while she was pregnant with you. >> new research sunkets exposure to alcohol in the womb might make it harder to sink into that deep sleep. it also makes hyperactivity and memory problems more likely. researchers say just one alcohol binge is enough to do damage: a cold brew to relax. now you can take a bath in it. americas first beer spa just opened in oregon and the owner says bathing in a blend of beer and barly will not get you drunk but it will help with your aches and pains even insomnia and anxiety. after just a week in business the beer spa already planning on expanding. you have to see this video here. going to make you think you're tripping out this morning. yes those are penguins on a treadmill and this is actually a scientific study measuring how far fat penguins waddle. researchers are trying to figure out if their body weight influences how they walk, avoid penguins do have an advantage in surviving during breeding. >> a little bit more meat on those. if you think that story is wild you won't believe this one. residents in california couldn't believe their eyes when they thought they spotted a tiny uni- corn roaming around >> well of course this was just a white pony dressed up for a kids birthday party, and lead police on a chase they will not forget, but it's a fairy tail ending. the horse was caught but people in la, i guess they will believe anything and i can say that because i'm from there. >> come on. oh, my goodness. also trending in the animal kingdom today a new program in missouri using reading to help both kids and pets. it's called the shelter buddies program. >> it lets kids practice their reading skills in front of a non-judgment all audience and shy shelter dogs at the missouri humane society so not only do the kids improve their skills but the dogs they learn how to socialize so it's a win- win. welcoming up on good morning cleveland, jc penney living up to its name. which items will soon cost just $0.01: plus police in akron stumble upon a meth lab. what lead them to that discovery overnight. and a cold start on their friday. you're locking at odot cams it kristin will give you an update your dreams evolve, and with committed support, they thrive. now at 6:30 breaking news from overnight. tense moments for cleveland police officers after one of their own slams his cruiser into a tree. >> that officer trapped for nearly an hour while a frantic rescue took place. nick foley is leave at metrohealth medical center where that officer is being treated. we are at the live desk getting information on an overnight live in lorain county where parents are on edge and taking extra precautions after several attempted abductions. but first we want to get you ready to head out the door on this friday with weather and traffic together, and somara theodore. >> whether you're standing at the bus stop if you work outdoors stay warm because it is a very cold start and we're leading know a very cold finish for your day. so temperatures are starting off in the low to mid 20s but you factor in that wind chill and it's feeling more like single digits walking outside. now it's not the only battle we're facing we have lake effect snow left over. good news is it's very light, moderate falling down flurries in most spots but still, winds are picking up so it's going to feel colder and snow is also going to blow around. here is a look at some of the wind speeds these are sustained remember sustained is kind of the wind just constantly blowing 14 miles per hour in cleveland but then you get those gusts in. that's what's making it whistle outside your window this morning. kristin, please let us know about the traffic because it's pretty icy out there. >> it is so you've got the wind more concerning that the highways because odothad had is outtrotting those. we're seeing back up on 71 a little farther than before pearl into the city too but look at the 71-480 split we're all green no problems as we zoom on out, no major accidents as of yet heading outside want to show you what the odot cameras look like this is 71 and west 25th we are starting to build. terrence? we is have to get back to the breaking news. a cleveland police officer injured after slamming into a tree. >> that officer was stuck in his cruiser for near a an hour so let's go to nick foley live at metrohealth medical center where the officer is recovering. >> reporter: the officer was brought here officer involved in the crash taken here after the accident. i was there when he was remove interested his own car and he was in obvious pain, had injuries but he was alert and he was talkingment we want to show you video from the scene snapless were already there trying to get to that officer car. side of the car so bad the officer trapped inside and fire crews had to use the jaws of life to take the door off, pry it off and get to that officer. now he was not responding to a call but simply driving on east 71st vote that but that whole area was extremely icy. in fact so icy that an officer at the scene just simply walking slipped and injured his leg as well. now the commanding officer on the scene told me this patrolman had about 20 years experience and is also a member of mayor frank jackson's detail as well. again just to reiterate he was brought here with lower leg or body injuries, the extent of those injuries not known at this time. reporting from clevelands west side back to you. >> nick we certainly wish him the best in his recovery. now to news breaking overnight. a welfare check leads police right to a meth lab. this is at an apartment in akron and now six people are in custody including three minors. police initially responding to seen by a co-worker since saturday. well they quickly rollized they were dealing with much more officers got a warrant and rounded up meth making materials, chemicals, even a load handgun. three men and three juveniles also male were arrested. >> they come over and asked us to come here too and they told us that they had busted a meth lab and there was a bunch of guns in the house too but they had not found our friend whose still missing. >> still missing so besides the bust police also filed an official missing persons report for that man who has since been identified as robert cook. terrence? two cities on high alert in lorain county. parents being asked to walk their children to school after four attempted abductions in just one day. sarah is live in lorain this morning and all of the victims are describing the same suspect. >> reporter: terrence that suspect is being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. dangerous. i want to show you footage of where the first attempted abduction happened in elyria and investigators say someone used a ladder to climb into a 10 year olds window and tried to take her. a few hours later lorain police say a girl reported that a man with a similar description punched her. another says he exposed himself and the third says he tried to grab her from behind. all of this happening blocks apart. lorain city schools placed on lockdown while police search for the suspect. the mom and dad of that 10 year old calling it their worst nightmare here is their advice other parents. >> nighttime morning time any time all windows completely locked, double check everything. you never know someone walking by, make sure your kids are aware that there's danger out there. >> again lorain schools telling parents to walk their kids to school or be with them at the bus stop. we're seeing that happening here at the elementary school were being dropped off to get on the bus. again that suspect is being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. back to you. thank you sarah. a cleveland of ther fired for sexting crime victims might soon be back out on the streets. he was let go three years ago and he's been fighting to get his job back ever since. last february, an arbitrator ordered the city to rehire him and even after he admitted to that sexting. the city o peeled but the court of appeals upheld that decision to give him his job back. the police union wants him reinstated immediately and he was never criminally charged. new video on a story we broke yesterday on good morning cleveland. this is surveillance video here of the hit and run accident involving two akron policeofficers on their way to a call with their lights on when that happened. a minivan slams right into their cruiser. the driver of the minivan ran on foot. police found a cell phone in the van and are looking for him. to a 5 on your side investigation. our team uncovering loopholes in an ohio law that puts domestic violence victims in harps way. >> they found cases where abusers were able to get guns. after reviewing court records we found at least 31 abusers were able to get their guns even though protection orders banned them and listen what happened to this one victim. >> he threw the protection order he had had a copy of towards me on the bed and then he turned around and shot me in the leg. >> well you can see our full investigation on the app and also on our website. coming up next-- >> but you have many different plans, you'll have competition and so many different plans. >> now he's repeating himself. >> no no no. >> a tag team on trump two republican rivals work together to pick apart the front runner, the januaries you do not want to miss. plus another first for the hospital is making history yet again. but first let's check in with somara. >> it's a cold start out there what you need to know is to be safe on the roads where we could see icing possible but here is good news your weekend shaping up nicely seeing temperatures reaching the upper 50s by sunday, a good amount of sunshine for your saturday. that's a lock at your power of 5 forecast keep watching good welcome back and happy friday everyone. packages to your doorstep faster. they are looking into same day delivery. it's investing into the delivery company to live which works with macy's kohl's and other retailers to deliver online orders the same day. the same day delivery is becoming the new standard. speaking of kohl's it is closing 18 stores by june. >> the company says they just aren't performing well enough and next month we should find out if any stores in north east ohio will close. and jc penney wants you back in their stores and they think selling items for a penny will do it. starting sunday certain items only cost you one cent and the company says they will do this throughout the year at random times to help with struggling sales. well get ready for our netflix binge this weekend. fuller house the long awaited sequal to full house released overnight. it revolves around the girls returning to their childhood house to say goodbye before danny tanner sells it and moves to los angeles. positive, fans on social media saying it's a nice throwback, just as campy as the original. i'll let you listen to the new theme song, carlie ray jeep son redid it and will work on your lyrics. >> i never know the words to the song. just to the beat. next on the morning sprint the fugitive winning his freedom when he will be back out on the streets. then a brown out at the oscars eva longoria kicking off a new campaign on the red carpet. we are also gearing up for our show you can catch it on facebook starting around 7:30. we love to hear from you. so join us then. but good morning cleveland is welcome to the morning sprint our team getting new information on several breaking stories, sarah is live in lorain where kids are heading back-to-school after several attempted abductions. nick foley where a cleveland police officer is recovering after a violent crash but first, we are at the live desk. breaking overnight a welfare check leads police right to a meth lab this is at an apartment in akron and now police initially responding to check on a man who hadn't been seen by a co worker since saturday quickly realized they were dealing with much more. officer the got a warrant and rounded up meth making materials chemicals and a loaded handgun. the man is still missing. now let's head out to nick foley with more news out of cleveland. >> reporter: we are here at metrohealth medical center where that cleveland police officer was brought after a violent single vehicle accident. we are told the officer of the patrolman was injured but good news as he was alert and talking when removed from his own car. we want to show you video from this accident that happened before 3:00 this morning when we arrived less and crews trying to get that officer out of the car. fire crews used the jaws of life to take the door off and pry that officer out who appeared to be in obvious pain. the officer was not responding to a call but simply driving on east 71st street when he lost control in icy conditions. now a commanding officer on scene told me the officers a on the force and is a member of mayor frank jackson's detail. that's just to reiterate that patrolman did suffer lower body injuries and the extent not known at this time this morning. reporting from clevelands west side nick foley, news channel 5 now to lorain and sarah. >> reporter: thank you, nick. i'm in lorain where parents here and in elyria are on edge this morning after four attempted abductions. investigators searching for a suspect the. that man is being described as a white man in his 20s or 30s about six feet tall. i'll show you footage of where the first attempted abduction took place and investigators say a girl woke up to a man pulling on her leg she was able to break free and run for help. a few hours later lorain police report a man grabbed two girls and exposed himself to another all of the victims are okay. school officials though urging parents to walk with their kids to school or to the bus stop and we are at admiral king elementary where school begins seeing quite a bit of police presence here. back to you. >> sarah thank you. todays weather could make for a tricky ride this morning. >> that's right. somara wind and ice could create click spots. >> let's get a look at the temperatures. so remember when we had the rain wednesday? and then we had some of that wet snow yesterday? temperatures are now no longer on that fine line but rather in that deep froze zone so that's why we are seeing icy spots out there, please be careful. 24 degrees in cleveland, 22 in wooster, 25 in millersburg and a cold start and cold finish. temperatures today not really rising that much. here is a look at the snow we're talking about as you can see, it's really continuing to move in from that northwest flow but the good news is as we head throughout the day, we will see it taper off so here is a look at what we're dealing with on a more localized level. some of the heavier spots in purple really showing up headed towards mansfield getting ready to crossover 71 as well as parts of akron and then the thing is it's a light snow but we are seeing blowing snow. here is a look at sustained wind speeds 13 miles per hour in elyria, but the gusts are reaching upwards of 30 miles per hour. this is why we're seeing what we're seeing. this is a little bit of energy that sparked off lick effect snow overnight and what we're seeing this morning as it continues to push out of here this high pressure will settle into the south that effects us because it's going to form a nice flow from the southwest and we know things come from the south pretty warm, that is good news. temperatures today though really struggling to break out of the upper 20s an it's tomorrow that we see the improvement. more sunshine, highs reaching the 40s, by your sunday, even better. here is a look at the power of five seven day forecast lining it out we are seeing highs in the 50s by sunday, monitoring some rain next week. kristin? >> that looks great but this morning a tricky commute considering we are still icy on those side streets and i'm already seeing big back ups on 71 north from before pearl past 490 you'll see car in orange and look at this our 3d city zoom 480 eastbound that stretch from 707 to 271 clocking in at eight minutes that ride 58 miles per hour you might want to go slower than that. let's head outside taking a live look at 480 and warrenville center road a busy time. over to you. kristin thank you. breaking from the live desk ford just announcing it is investing $145 million to upgrade its clever land engine plant which you're seeing right here. it makes engines that power the 2016 ford f150, explorer, expedition, transit flex and taurus. this expected to creator retain 150 jobs locally. the company saying it's all part of $9 billion in total investments at ford facilities all across the country in response to high demand for it's ecoboost engine. not guilty on all charges that's what a jury decided in the case of timothy wolf who hit and child two bicyclists and acquitted of aggravated and was driving his truck when he made a left turn into a group of cyclists last september. the families of the two victims that passed away matthew billings and james lambert do money to file a civil suit against the driver. ohio shaw shank fugitive frank freshwater is officially a free man. the convicted killer spent 56 year on the run before getting caught last year and a parole board just voted to release him. he disappeared from a prison camp in 1959 and he was serving time for hitting and killing a man with his car. a texas grand jury is now looking at the case against johnny manziel. the dallas police want the district attorney to pursue a misdemeanor assault charge. that carries a maximum of one year in jail and $4000 in fines. his ex girlfriend says he hit her and threatened to kill her during a night out last month. she has a protective order against him. in health news this morning cleveland clinic making history, yet again. this week surgeons performed the first uterus transplant in the united states. 26-year-old woman using organs from a deceased donor. cleveland clinic says this surgery will be used to help women born without a uterus or with abnormalities that block pregnancy. downtown clevelands newest hotel ready to hire hundreds of workers . today you have a chance to get information about the openings at the hilton hotel, they are holding a company preview at noon and 6:00 tonight. you can learn about each job managers. if you're in the market for our new ride get ready to kick tires today the cleveland auto show opens to the public. the show kicks off at 5 tonight and runs until march 6. you can find more information about ticket prices on our newsnet5 app. happening today thousands of people will be heading downtown for the wizard world convention. this comic con style event runs convention center. >> someone you may have heard of before will be there actor chris hemsworth will be there. you can hear somara's excitement there and you can well. that for all of my dr. who fans i can't wait to see you guys there. let's go ahead and take a lock at the hour by hour forecast. so today, temperatures are really going to struggle as i've been saying we get out of the 20s a cold start a cold finish. the only good side is the snow will taper off giving way to sunshine this morning. here is a look for that wizard world convention shaping up to be nice. temperatures in the 40s saturday, mid 50s by sunday. we're going to be seeing sunshine settle in as well. that's a lock at the power of 5 forecast. stick around the morning sprint time now 6:53 and breaking from the live desk at least 97 school children in the hospital this morning after getting sick now, free meals are mandatory at all government schools there, back in 2013 more than 20 children actually died from toxic lunches at their school. in eastern india. also breaking overnight, four people dead in kansas including the gunman identified as this man, 38 year old cedric ford. police say there were four crime scenes ending when he opened fire at his workplace. 14 are hurt. officials say ford has a long criminal history including battery burg already it and fleeing police. well no punches being held by republican candidate as we head into super tuesday. >> during last nights debate the remaining five presidential hopefuls battled it out and at times things got really heated. >> this guy is a choke artist and this guy is a liar. >> trump's two main rivals ted cruz and marco rubio went on the offensive again the billionaire turning a five man debate into a three man argue am. this was the final debate before almost 600 delegates go and one gop presidential candidate is acused of holding up a bill to help flint ted cruz put the brakes on a plan to fast track a bill that would help replace load tainted water pipes there would give states hack said to $100 emergencies. cruz's office is reviewing the today is deadline day for apple the tech giant must decide to help law enforcement unlock a suspected terrorists iphone or formerly challenge a court order demanding that the company do so. apple is accusing the fbi of troying to acquire "dangerous power." they also say washington cannot legally force them to wright brand new computer code to break into their own systems. to an update on the supreme court. nevada go none brian sandoval says he does not want to be considered for the seat left empty by justice antonin scalia. he let the white house no where he stands at this time reports broke earlier this week he was being vetted for the role. he however did call the notion humbling. well many new justice trip when he suddenly passed away. we are learn the group he was hunting is a secret society with the international order. the hunting group was found in austria in the early 1600s. developing this morning police officers in virginia could be getting more protection a bill in the virginia senate would keep the names of officers and fire marshals secret even if they are involved in a shooting. to get around disclosure laws officers names would be classified as personal records. mark zuckerberg getting heated after employees crossed out the phrase black lives matter on dry erase boards around their campus. they replaced the phrase with all lives matter. in a memo he called that move deeply hurtful. facebook has a longstanding tradition of letting employees wright on walls add boards like they would on the virtual wall on facebook. in his nearly three years at the head of the catholic church pope francis made no secret of his affection for children and now he's offering his first children's book dear pope francis the book made up and kids from around the world keep an eye out for stars wearing a brown rib or at the oscars sunday. there's a lot of controversy over the look of black actors nominated but actress eva longoria wants everyone to know it's not just a black and white issue. she's calling attention to the look of latino representation and film urging supporters to tweet the hash tag brown ribbon campaign and hollywood brown out. let's get a check of weather, very cold start temperatures in the low 20s. wind chills making it feel like single digits for some of us so stay warm remember this means any rain you saw is freezing over on the roads. speaking of precipitation seeing snow lightly falling outside with that lake effect snow it will be tapering off today. >> those side streets so slippery this morning really icy, some neighborhoods even looking like ice skating rinks, but you're locking at 71 the bottom left is 71 in west 25th so bottom right is 71 and clark and traffic starting to build in those typical slow spots. talking all things oscars they are this sunday on news can el 5. >> see you on facebook at 7:30. >> have a great friday tgif! good morning, america. deadly shooting. >> the gun was strapped to him. he was ready to go. >> the chase to stop the rampage. four killed. more than a dozen injured. what we're learning this morning the hero cop who brought him down. fireworks at the gop debate. >> this guy's a choke trump targeted from all sides. >> if he builds the wall the way he belt trump tower he'll be using ill immigrant labor to do e looking to make it a two-man race overnight. is it too little too late with super tuesdays away? this morning. a bombshell in court. the shocking video that erin andrews never wanted anyone to see played in court for the jury.stars"

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