Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20161029 : compa

Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20161029

you can see the cloud coverage will filter in, west to east. filters sunshine. whatever you have planned hour by hour, this is a toasty day. >> we say at all time we want to be one run better. that is about as true to form as you can get. >> indians hanging on by a needle. tribe only scoring one run on phones. guess what? they is all they would need josh tomlins. bringing his a game and then some. throwing four and two thirds, shut out baseball. he pitched the game of his life with his paralyzed father watching from the stands. he said after the game, having his dad there meant everything. more emotional starts i have had in my entire life, career, any situation, in baseball related ever. it was very fortunate enough world series game, obviously my first world series start, was -- it meant everything. >> unbelievable emotion there for tomlin and his family. more on his gutty performance. >> reporter: good morning from chicago, it was one of the most nerve wracking games of the post season. some how, some way the indians find a way to shut down the hostile crowd at wrigley field an line up. indians are the first team in mlb history to have five shut outs in most season. >> you get home tonight you are probably going to fall back to sleep. it is pretty draining but this is why you play. you want to play in games like this where it is emotional, you are on the edge of your seat the whole game. >> we have a good pitching staff. we find a way to win. there is a lot to it. if there is low scoring games, we can win. if there is high scoring games ways. it is a great team to be a part of. everybody saying it is special and a blast to be out here. >> they are relaxed and making pitches no matter what happens, if the umpire misses the call they are coming right back. they have done a tremendous job for us. we feel if our starters can get the ball to them where they can finish the game we are in a pretty good spot. >> i wish our offence would pick it up our jobs a little easier. they are the reason we are here. they are outstanding. >> it was a good baseball game a lot of things were going on and crazy situationit was fun to be a part of, fun to be on the right side. >> what does it say about this team not only do you have five shut out wins in the post season, which is a record. you continue to find a way. >> that is us we will do anything to find a way. we obviously lean on our pitchers to keep us in there and give us a chance to score as many as we need. you know, it is a great group, we all work off each other and just fun. >> game 4 later tonight. corey takes the ball and mike telling me there is no other guy he would want to have on the mound in game 4. he already shut down the cubs in game 1 perhaps a repeat performance saturday night. also developing this morning a north royalton police officer fighting for his life after he was stabbed the man who carried out the attack shot by another officers. this is video from that chaotic scene. meg shaw is live. meg the obvious question is how is this officer doing this morning? >> reporter: well, nick we haven't been given an update from police this morning. i can tell you they say the officers injuries are serious to live. now this all unfolded last night around 7:00 p.m. on independence place here in north royalton. two officers were responding to the home to serve a pro bait order on the suspect. he became upset, pulled out a knife and stabbed an officer in the face and leg. that knife getting stuck in the officers leg when the officers partner fired his gun and shot the suspect. that man was transported to hospital for his injuri are not sure how serious they were. we still don't have names of the officers involved or that suspect but i have a call into the detective handling this case. i will keep you updated if anything new happens this morning. a lot of questions remaining as this investigation finishes. moving to politics yet another big day of campaigning in northeast ohio for some of the heavy hitters. just over a week to go until is scheduled to be at an early voting event at cleveland state. stopping for hillary clinton he is scheduled to speak at 11:00 a.m. jay z is putting on a free concert in support of hillary clinton get your hands on vouchers today. they are given out 8:00 a.m. on corner of east 30th and euclid next to first united methodist church. tickets were given out yester the lines to get those vouchers this stretched down euclid and around the corner across from the cuyahoga county board of elections. we know the show is friday but the venue has not been announced and no guarantee of a seat if the venue reached capacity. coming up this morning new information as fbi investigates hillary clinton's e-mails. she speaks out for the first time. >> raise your glass how help you lose weight. pretty interesting. your local weather of course. >> daytime highs back in the 70s but in my seven-day forecast, even though we are stepping into november, we have unseasonable temperatures. i will show you all that coming good morning. 6:10 a.m. do i have a treat for you for your saturday. look at our temperatures right now 56 degrees. start, talkers throughout your afternoon will be our winds. they will start to crank up 15 to 20 miles per hour sustained wind speed that means constant throughout your afternoon. allowing temperatures to be off the chart, look at daytime highs on the board. norwalk to rich land county, 74 degrees, the lake. feel like temperatures upper 60s to near 70. hello parma, 73 degrees by the 2:00 p.m. hour. inland locations summit county for october 29th you can't beat this. this is halloween weekend we are still talking about the 70s. >> definitely have to do a double take to see those temperatures. >> mystery in lakewood after a last seen october 16th her ex- husband, 26-year-old sayid told police she dropped off their 3- year-old child at his apartment then got into an suv with someone else. she has not been seen since. because she had a protection order he wasn't supposed to be with their child and was arrested for violating the protection order. >> as we head to break a look at last night's winning lottery 6:15 a.m. new information on the political bomb shell the fbi dropped yesterday. the agency is reviewing new e males related to hillary -- e- mails related to hillary clinton's time as secretary of state. they were discovered during an fbi investigation of anthony weiner accused of sexting the electronic devices of his and his wife were seized clinton's e-mails were found on one device. clinton spoke about the investigation and last night she demanded answers. >> it is imperative that the bureau explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay. >> well, the news unified republicans as you can imagine. gop nominee donald trump and >> supreme court agreed to hear a case over trans gendered bathrooms in schools a student in virginia is fighting to use the boys bathroom he was born female and transitioned to male. sit the first time the court has taken up the trans gendered bathroom issue. 62-year-old woman getting $70 million from johnson and johnson she used the powder for years then develo ingredient to ovarian cancer the third lawsuit, johnson and johnson has lost the company plans to appeal. all right, raise your glass, scientists at washington state university say drinking wine before bed could keep us from againing weight it goes back to a chemical called resrotrol mice fed a high fat diet but given that chemical obesity than mice that were not. >> i am not drinking enough. >> moderation will always be the key focus on this one but maybe one glass of wine not so bad. also has the effect of making you sleepy too. a look at weather, something to keep an eye on, right? >> definitely. >> okay that forecast another reason you will love this forecast. >> today 70s i mean unreal for northeast ohio. we should be fall,. >> crazy. >> and the warm air is really in place this morning we are already in the 50s. i want to take a look we have a big game tonight in chicago. temperatures right now, 66 degrees for game time, they are not going to be budging too much. on the dry side, 67 but the breeze for them picking up. even this morning out of the southwest, 15 to 20 miles per afternoon across northern ohio. want to show you this frontal boundary we are seeing bringing in the warmer air. greater cleveland, 56 degrees, good morning lake county, upper 50s, already you can see the cool air though, tracking in, as the front continues to push south and east. you will warm up dover, new philly, coshocton 47 degrees. the talker, let's hold on to your hat this afternoon, 15 to 20 miles per hour. locagu to 30. you can see from our 5 live radar, the cloud coverage is in place. any sunshine we see throughout your afternoon will be filtered across the area. we are not the only ones seeing that warm air pumping in, you can see from the central plains to chicago, warmer air allowing -- tracking in from west to east, and that will be the theme throughout your saturday afternoon before the front crosses over. cooling us off by tomorrow. people are going to, this weekend. and you are going to be pretty toasty, throughout your evening by 8, we are still in the upper 60s want to show you the exact break down here, so you can plan for your kids throughout your saturday afternoon. dry side later on tonight that is when we track in just a few showers for northern cuyahoga county the brunt of this moisture will be falling for ke it will be on the light side throughout your overnight and becomes widespread throughout your sunday. browns tomorrow morning, if you are headed to the muni lot we are tracking in a little rainfall activity for trick-or- treaters possibly tomorrow night if you are taking the kids out to festivities looks like we will be dry once again. today 73 degrees it is the talker. we will say mainly cloudy overnight lows, still on the warm side, should have been 59 degrees instead of the lower 40s. for your sunday, we will track in a few showers here, by monday and tuesday afternoon, you can see things are drying out but state, highs 70s. >> mild temperatures for those trick-or-treaters. cavs welcome the magic to town. last night they were north of the border taking on toronto in a rematch of the eastern conference fin close with less than a minute less, he had 26 points cavs hung on to win 94-91 to start the year 2 and 0. >> as we all know, indians now just two wins away from winning their first world series since 1948. there is just one surviving member of that championship been wonderful winning it all. these cleveland ball players celebrated that feeling they won the last championship 1948. boys of summer took it into the fall. long retired living in texas, first baseman, eddie robinson remembers with a smile his indians team of 48. >> it was a very memorable year, so many things happened during that year, that we were up, we w prevailed and we had good leadership, they were our seniors on the team. >> reporter: a nod to the older veteran players. eddie robinson has long had senior status himself at 96 he is the last surviving member of the 48 indians that was the owner, that they bussed in fans if they would buy tickets. wonderful guy, he was a great promo tore. >> reporter: in a one game american league playoff to break the tie for first place, the indians beat the red sox moving on to tangle with the boston braves in the series. in 6 games the indians claimed it all. winning in boston, so the clevelanders train ride home was a raucous party on the rails. >> we had the club car and the diner, and the celebration was great, champaign was dripping >> reporter: when the train pulled into union terminal the railroad station, all of cleveland turned out to welcome home the 1948 world series champs, cleveland indians, a few days later they had a big parade. ball players road in convertible cars. all of cleveland said thanks for bringing us the world series history indians said we were glad to do it. cleveland the center of the baseball universe 1948. indians did, win it all. eddie robinson is rooting for the indians. hope is for another championship in cleveland. we know the way, we've done it before, back in 48. yeah. that's the way we were. >> we have done it before thank you leon. a lot has changed since eddie robinson and the indians won 1948 including a trip to the ballpark. prices of the ticket to see a world series game you have seen astronomical. this year they did start at a few hundred bucks went up from there in 1948 you paid between 2 and $8 equal to 10 to $70. coke cost you 18? then wouldn't that be nice, $4.50 now and indians fans were watching the games in a different stadium back then of course. at the time it was built it was the largest professional municipal than any other in the country. >> game 5, 48 series set a record attendance at 86,000 people progressive sells out at 35,000, one thing that has not changed indians uniforms. >> another thing that hasn't changed is emily's devotion to the tripe tribe she is 104 h -- to the tribe she is 104 and watched them win the world series in 1948. she is hoping to see again this year. >> reporter: meet emily. >> long as i had a chance i watched them. >> reporter: some might say she is a bit of an indians fan. >> i followed them so far, and so long. >> reporter: she is by all accounts the oldest tribe fan alive. born in 1912, william taft was president, titanic sank, women couldn't vote. emily's passion for her team. >> every year i thought oh, this is the year. this is the year. but it never came. >> reporter: see she waited patiently 68 years in fact, since the indians last won the world series. she watched them win from the stands in 1948. >> i remember sitting on that bench, long bench, i me going in my -- >> let's be honest they owe it to her if they don't i don't want to see the wrath of this woman coming down on those players. >> reporter: emily has lived through a lot what keeps her going is hopes of seeing another series win. >> last year at 103 she fell and broke her hip, arm in four placeshoulder and throughout that rehab process, what she kept saying was i am not going to make it and i am not going to see my indians in the world throughout the first pitch on her hundredth birthday. >> zach mcklister who still says that ball was smoking when it came in. >> she has seen every game except a world series win. a huge heart and larger heart for a game that kept her alive more than a century. >> win one before i die what i want. i told them that, i think they know it now. >> imagine all the indians baseball team that is women has seen she knows her -- woman has seen she has some tip fors this year's team. hit the conners steal some bases -- corners steal some bases like they used to and we will be just fine. these fans love their indians you may be surprised by police for months important clue he left behind that helped break open the investigation. all that as we wake up to a beautiful saturday morning. another check of that forecast it's 6:29 a.m. welcome back to this half hour of good morning cleveland. a live look at the cleveland shining bright. you are waking up to another indians victory. just two away. i am nick foley. >> first roll tribe. >> that was was close a ball game as you are going to find. we found a way to manage to win that game. >> indians with a big win in enemy territory the tribe veteran who provided the huge hit to give them a we will hear from him straight ahead. >> a night of horror here in north royalton a man shot after stabbing police, latest information i am learning about that man just ahead. we will have more on those stories in just a bit first a check on that beautiful forecast with meteorologist, janessa. >> good morning everybody. october 29th i am going to talk about temperature that is are in the 70s this afternoon. we are going to continue to see thickening up a-- though, thickening up across the area. tracking west to east, any sunshine we see will be on the filtered side. don't plan on that, but we will see dry conditions for most of your day. let's talk about our temperatures right now, good morning greater cleveland, 56 degrees, you can see the cool air is in place, lower 50s to upper 40s right now, for wayne county. take a look at the wider view i want to show you winds will stir up this afternoon. that bubble of warm in st. louis, inned app police, going to trap -- indianapolis going to track into the area. priceless weather across the board by the 1:00 p.m. hour we will sit in the 70s. we will not stay completely dry. i will show you hour by hour when a little bit of rain tracks back in. no matter if you get the big hit or lay the bunt down you want to do something that fortunately enough for me today, it was the hit. >> the hit. they spoil the game at wrigley field. the tribe back in the drivers seat. two victories stand between the indians and their first world series title since 48. standing room only as expect, airtight game, scoreless until the 7th when crisp stepping up, pinch hitting how much pressure was that he was facing the former indian comes up big knocking in the run with the base hit. >> the support for the cubs is worldwide, and you know what you are doing coming into the game and our fans do a great job of supporting us as well. coming in here getting the victory tonight is big for us. from wrigley just after 8. corey back on the mound for cleveland. win was big for these fans who watched in the windy city they may now live in chicago but have not forgotten their roots. look at these tribe fans at vons pub in chicago. they are believing we can take this home they say when we do it all, it annapolis >> it will be 100% we don't know where he lives but it will be a party. >> yeah, we are crashing his house for sure. 150 workers and guests saw the team win at wrigley last night the tribe gave all the tool time employees tickets. 150 employees saw them win with a significant other that they brought along with them and another 150 and a guest will fly over there tonight let's results. more serious news, a night of terror unfolding in north royalton where we find meg shaw. you are now just learning the name of the suspect. >> reporter: i just spoke with the suspect's sister moments ago she came down here to the police department a little bit ago she tells me her brother, 45-year-old has died she said the one shot to the abdomen killed him terrifying scene happening at her house 7:00 p.m. last night on independence place. north royalton police tell us two officers were at the home to serve a probate order his sister tells me he became upset, stabbed that officer in the face and lig. he was taken to hospital for his injury -- leg, he was taken to the hospital for his crews were on the scene late last night this is an officer involved shooting. his sister says she has not been allowed back into her house just yet this morning we also know that officer stabbed he was also taken to the hospital for his injuries, we are told he is expected to live. but again we don't know the officers name or again, the officers name who shot the man but as anything new develops i will keep you guys updated. >> the investigation will continue thank you for that update. >> cleveland heights man who admitted to killing a 15-year- old boy in a mr. hero restaurant will spend the rest of his life in prison. perry was sentenced for the shooting death, the teen was shot two weeks ago during a robbery. only on 5 this morning flood in a latex -- blood and a latex glove may have helped and grabs. this is surveillance of more than a dozen break-ins detectives believe the stolen frames have been sold on the streets or online. >> every time that we are able to utilize dna and get suspect information back, it always helps our cases. >> those pieces of dna linked him to both cases police are now looking for him they he may have taken more than a million dollars worth of designer eyeglass frames. coming up next, this plane bursting into flames on the runway. the mayhem inside as passengers rush to escape. >> are you dedicated enough that you would have this done to your hair? one cleveland bar bar is shaving tributes. forecast 70s today but nick this is just day 1 i will show you i have two days with 70s, as we step into november. breaking news just in, police telling us there is a huge water main break-in euclid, lake shore boulevard now closed between east 204th and east 208th street. take side streets to avoid the area for sure. seeing a good swath of warm air tracking back into northern ohio. our daytime highs today in the lower 70s good morning elyria, right now you are currently at 56 degrees, can still see cool air from wayne county, stark county mid-40s right now but just give the weather little bit of time throughout your afternoon whatever you have planned. we are on the dry side, highs back in the 70s by dinner, you didn't notice, a change here cloud coverage really thickening up by your hours, we will see lows 60s tracking just a few scattered showers. now we are going to try and go ahead to grab that wind by tomorrow if you are headed to the muni lot to support the browns we will track a few showers for the game here. breeze is picking up and cooling temperatures northwest, 10 to 20 miles per hour. definitely take advantage of these temperatures. well, we know the cleveland sports fans can be some of the most dedicated fans in the world, but are you big enough shaved into the back of your head? that is a good question, what some fans are doing taking indians wear to a whole new level. news 5s. tara is bringing us the hottest hair cuts in town. >> reporter: now you may have seen photos of this cleveland area barbers world series work online or maybe even the back of a friend's head. sunny's hair cuts are blowing up. and you are about to see hair cuts, they are works of art. >> art work you know, it is really hard to do. >> definitely art. >> reporter: and his hair portraits are not for the shy >> i like different designs and people looking at me. >> reporter: or impatient it takes sunny around 3 hours to do cuts like these but he can do a basic design in 15. >> to me any hair cut is art what they have. >> reporter: the hottest new thing for fans who are diehard train. >> show the spirit of indians. >> reporter: and aren't afraid to stand out in the cloud. >> i don't let anyone else touch my hair but him. >> reporter: sunny was outside progressive at one point doing logos on the back of people's heads for free. unfortunately he will not be back during the watch parties this weekend but told me he will find time to watch the games between in cleveland, new 50s. -- news 5. >> he may not have much time with three hours of hair cuts. those look great. >> scientists think they may have found the fountain of youth why you may want to eat more of these veggies. >> a seat at the bar will cost you for the world series. that's true. outrageous cover charge to eight people hurt after that ball of fire erupts at chicago o'hare. american airlines flight aborting take off in the nick of time. investigators pointing to an engine issue in this explosion. watch as everybody scrambles to the exits. >> i can't go. >> go. >> please [ screaming ] safety slides, screaming the entire way down. only to stand up and see that fireball behind them. no time wasted in getting far away from this the crew estimates everybody got off the flight in under a minute. passengers waiting to board planes at fort lauderdale airport watched a fireball rise from the fedex cargo plane the landing gear collapsed and caught fire. thankfully no one was injured in that explosion as well. your mom told you to eat your broccoli and hopefully you listened. researchers found an enzyme could actually keep you young they tested the compound on mice and found it had. >> announcer: tie aging effect when added to drinking water results are so promising they are now starting studies on the pill form of that enzyme hoping if you don't like broccoli it can found in cucumbers, edameme and cabbage. >> i am eating that. >> on the way home i am heading to the grocery store. >> lots of broccoli. >> put a little seasoning on it. >> janessa with another look at weather. again, hard to believe you walked out today, really bitter cold days not bitter cold i know you and i argue about that, but chilly start this week this morning. not so >> 50s across the board. we are seeing a front sagging here in the clouds, they are in place across northern ohio. you are not going to enjoy too much sunshine as the front continues to make its way across the area. as nick said we are off to a very mild start. you just might need that light coat handy we are dealing with a breeze that is picking up. good morning lake county 57 east of us, to dover, new philly, upper 40s. winds will be gusting today, to 30 miles per hour, constant wind speed 15 to 20. that will allow for the gradual warm up you see throughout the afternoon. five live radars, clouds in place, any moisture we are currently seeing as well to the north, stark summit county you are seeing a little bit of clear bug clouds will continue to filter in here. you can see we are not temperatures across the board here from central plains to dallas all that warm, goodness will make its way across northern ohio throughout your afternoon whatever you have planned, i know many people thinking about halloween parties tonight. should be toasty. 6:00 p.m., 71 degrees. not just in the clear just yet. i do think we will start to cast, the clouds they continue to track in for lake shore communities throughout your afternoon, early morning, we are on the dry side but look at this by 3:30 p.m., all of us, except ashtabula, you are getting close. upper 60s most of us in the 70s across the board. i do thing around 8 we will see a little bit of isolated activity the brunt of this moisture really is not going to track in until overnight lot tomorrow morning and for the browns game we will be on the wet side. heading for trick-or-treating, should be in and out of here. 73 degrees i am going partly cloudy skies, the gusts will continue to pick up, so our temperatures just well above normal. around for awhile. thank you indians on the road in chicago tonight for game 4 of the world series but sit a home game for at least one indian. here is news 5 anchor, rob powers with the story. >> reporter: it is 20 miles from the batting cage at wrigley field to the spaing campus of glen brook north high school but you will find jason at both his picture hangs on the backstop of the high school baseball field this was his field these are a hot temper growing up even in high school, when we were playing, he was passionate. >> we had a running joke with his dad he would be throwing a helmet and his dad would give me a check to cover the cost. >> reporter: passion of a football player which he was, a good one too. holds a tonne of school receiving records >> he knew the game, picked it up quickly he was a competitor usually wanted to be part of unless we were giving him the ball. >> coach rue pert watched him become a man justin has been on team s with jason since they were 9. good times, great friends watching all of this from here >> i don't have words for it. it is so hard to describe that he is actually living his dream. as a friend as a brother it is cool. sounds so simple but it is really cool >> they helped me turn into the player i am today these guys kept me on the straight path as i tried to veer off numerous times and i owe them many thanks hopefully i can return the favor by beating their teams because most of them are cubs team fans. >> what is that feeling like? >> hopefully something we can laugh at later. >> that was rob powers reporting. you want the root for your buddy but you are in chicago since a world series game has been played at wrigley you won't believe how much it costs to sit at a bar. last night in chicago to watch the game some bars charging over $300 to get in. that is again, just to watch the game on television. ticket price gets you one food item, open bar, and party favors i guess it is not all bad. up next on good morning cleveland saturday, as the boys get ready for game 4, to their other halfs. what the wives are saying about >> welcome back. winning the world series is a team effort in more ways than one. we sat down with two indians players wives. >> we have been together since we were 17 so to see him do this, it is just amazing. >> kristin shaw brought husband brian playing on baseball's biggest stage. >> the idea he will be coming out in a jersey with a world series patch on the sleeve, and his name on the back, i mean it is unbelievable. >> brian has come a long way since the couple met on the first day of college but somethings stayed the same >> brian was sitting on his twin extra long bed playing call of due diif you have met brian in 11 years that is pretty much the same set up. >> he lived in my best friend's basement and i asked him out on my birthday. >> getting the start for the indians in game 1 against the cubs. >> he has worked so hard and -- >> like the other players wives they have a key role in their husband's success whether words of wisdom. >> at the end of the day you still got to work hard, stay focused. >> or stepping up when there is no one to practice with. corey. >> yes, amanda has been there to catch for corey. >> nice and easy, which the first time i did it, it caught me off guard i was like that is not easy you be careful with me. >> while she supported her hard working husband she said there is another component >> couldn't do it without the fans and we love being in cleveland. >> both amanda and kristin say their guys are good to go. calm and focused ready to section, ground is shaking because people are cheering so loud i think how on earth are they doing this. it is just wild >> ready to enjoy a wild world series ride. >> just talking about it, so much fun. i don't even know how to process it. it is one of those things he waited forever nor. and we are going the need another big performance tonight on the mound for sure. janessa, weather. >> love that story. 73 degrees, clouds are in place, we track rain, should be in and out of here, but for your halloween, 60s. >> janessa, part of the team doing her part giving you that forecast. news continues next on good morning america we will see you good morning, america. new overnight, hillary clinton reacting to the fbi's shocking announcement that they found new e-mails that may be pertinent to the investigation into her private server. >> the american people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately. >> the huma abedin and the sexting scandal with her husband anthony weiner. donald trump pounces. >> this is bigger than watergate. >> could this turn the tide of the election? our political team weighs in, plus, the latest abc news tracking poll. on fire, an airplane bursts into flames during takeoff. panicked passengers rushing for the exits. >> fire.

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Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States , Glen Brook , Massachusetts , Wayne County , Texas , Elyria , Wrigley Field , Illinois , Cleveland , Boston , Lake Shore , Virginia , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Cleveland Heights , Champaign , United Methodist Church , Annapolis , Dover , Lake County , Dallas , Jersey , Chicago , North Royalton , America , American , Kristin Shaw , Meg Shaw , Nick Foley , Huma Abedin , William Taft , Anthony Weiner , Eddie Robinson , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20161029 :

Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20161029

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you can see the cloud coverage will filter in, west to east. filters sunshine. whatever you have planned hour by hour, this is a toasty day. >> we say at all time we want to be one run better. that is about as true to form as you can get. >> indians hanging on by a needle. tribe only scoring one run on phones. guess what? they is all they would need josh tomlins. bringing his a game and then some. throwing four and two thirds, shut out baseball. he pitched the game of his life with his paralyzed father watching from the stands. he said after the game, having his dad there meant everything. more emotional starts i have had in my entire life, career, any situation, in baseball related ever. it was very fortunate enough world series game, obviously my first world series start, was -- it meant everything. >> unbelievable emotion there for tomlin and his family. more on his gutty performance. >> reporter: good morning from chicago, it was one of the most nerve wracking games of the post season. some how, some way the indians find a way to shut down the hostile crowd at wrigley field an line up. indians are the first team in mlb history to have five shut outs in most season. >> you get home tonight you are probably going to fall back to sleep. it is pretty draining but this is why you play. you want to play in games like this where it is emotional, you are on the edge of your seat the whole game. >> we have a good pitching staff. we find a way to win. there is a lot to it. if there is low scoring games, we can win. if there is high scoring games ways. it is a great team to be a part of. everybody saying it is special and a blast to be out here. >> they are relaxed and making pitches no matter what happens, if the umpire misses the call they are coming right back. they have done a tremendous job for us. we feel if our starters can get the ball to them where they can finish the game we are in a pretty good spot. >> i wish our offence would pick it up our jobs a little easier. they are the reason we are here. they are outstanding. >> it was a good baseball game a lot of things were going on and crazy situationit was fun to be a part of, fun to be on the right side. >> what does it say about this team not only do you have five shut out wins in the post season, which is a record. you continue to find a way. >> that is us we will do anything to find a way. we obviously lean on our pitchers to keep us in there and give us a chance to score as many as we need. you know, it is a great group, we all work off each other and just fun. >> game 4 later tonight. corey takes the ball and mike telling me there is no other guy he would want to have on the mound in game 4. he already shut down the cubs in game 1 perhaps a repeat performance saturday night. also developing this morning a north royalton police officer fighting for his life after he was stabbed the man who carried out the attack shot by another officers. this is video from that chaotic scene. meg shaw is live. meg the obvious question is how is this officer doing this morning? >> reporter: well, nick we haven't been given an update from police this morning. i can tell you they say the officers injuries are serious to live. now this all unfolded last night around 7:00 p.m. on independence place here in north royalton. two officers were responding to the home to serve a pro bait order on the suspect. he became upset, pulled out a knife and stabbed an officer in the face and leg. that knife getting stuck in the officers leg when the officers partner fired his gun and shot the suspect. that man was transported to hospital for his injuri are not sure how serious they were. we still don't have names of the officers involved or that suspect but i have a call into the detective handling this case. i will keep you updated if anything new happens this morning. a lot of questions remaining as this investigation finishes. moving to politics yet another big day of campaigning in northeast ohio for some of the heavy hitters. just over a week to go until is scheduled to be at an early voting event at cleveland state. stopping for hillary clinton he is scheduled to speak at 11:00 a.m. jay z is putting on a free concert in support of hillary clinton get your hands on vouchers today. they are given out 8:00 a.m. on corner of east 30th and euclid next to first united methodist church. tickets were given out yester the lines to get those vouchers this stretched down euclid and around the corner across from the cuyahoga county board of elections. we know the show is friday but the venue has not been announced and no guarantee of a seat if the venue reached capacity. coming up this morning new information as fbi investigates hillary clinton's e-mails. she speaks out for the first time. >> raise your glass how help you lose weight. pretty interesting. your local weather of course. >> daytime highs back in the 70s but in my seven-day forecast, even though we are stepping into november, we have unseasonable temperatures. i will show you all that coming good morning. 6:10 a.m. do i have a treat for you for your saturday. look at our temperatures right now 56 degrees. start, talkers throughout your afternoon will be our winds. they will start to crank up 15 to 20 miles per hour sustained wind speed that means constant throughout your afternoon. allowing temperatures to be off the chart, look at daytime highs on the board. norwalk to rich land county, 74 degrees, the lake. feel like temperatures upper 60s to near 70. hello parma, 73 degrees by the 2:00 p.m. hour. inland locations summit county for october 29th you can't beat this. this is halloween weekend we are still talking about the 70s. >> definitely have to do a double take to see those temperatures. >> mystery in lakewood after a last seen october 16th her ex- husband, 26-year-old sayid told police she dropped off their 3- year-old child at his apartment then got into an suv with someone else. she has not been seen since. because she had a protection order he wasn't supposed to be with their child and was arrested for violating the protection order. >> as we head to break a look at last night's winning lottery 6:15 a.m. new information on the political bomb shell the fbi dropped yesterday. the agency is reviewing new e males related to hillary -- e- mails related to hillary clinton's time as secretary of state. they were discovered during an fbi investigation of anthony weiner accused of sexting the electronic devices of his and his wife were seized clinton's e-mails were found on one device. clinton spoke about the investigation and last night she demanded answers. >> it is imperative that the bureau explain this issue in question, whatever it is, without any delay. >> well, the news unified republicans as you can imagine. gop nominee donald trump and >> supreme court agreed to hear a case over trans gendered bathrooms in schools a student in virginia is fighting to use the boys bathroom he was born female and transitioned to male. sit the first time the court has taken up the trans gendered bathroom issue. 62-year-old woman getting $70 million from johnson and johnson she used the powder for years then develo ingredient to ovarian cancer the third lawsuit, johnson and johnson has lost the company plans to appeal. all right, raise your glass, scientists at washington state university say drinking wine before bed could keep us from againing weight it goes back to a chemical called resrotrol mice fed a high fat diet but given that chemical obesity than mice that were not. >> i am not drinking enough. >> moderation will always be the key focus on this one but maybe one glass of wine not so bad. also has the effect of making you sleepy too. a look at weather, something to keep an eye on, right? >> definitely. >> okay that forecast another reason you will love this forecast. >> today 70s i mean unreal for northeast ohio. we should be fall,. >> crazy. >> and the warm air is really in place this morning we are already in the 50s. i want to take a look we have a big game tonight in chicago. temperatures right now, 66 degrees for game time, they are not going to be budging too much. on the dry side, 67 but the breeze for them picking up. even this morning out of the southwest, 15 to 20 miles per afternoon across northern ohio. want to show you this frontal boundary we are seeing bringing in the warmer air. greater cleveland, 56 degrees, good morning lake county, upper 50s, already you can see the cool air though, tracking in, as the front continues to push south and east. you will warm up dover, new philly, coshocton 47 degrees. the talker, let's hold on to your hat this afternoon, 15 to 20 miles per hour. locagu to 30. you can see from our 5 live radar, the cloud coverage is in place. any sunshine we see throughout your afternoon will be filtered across the area. we are not the only ones seeing that warm air pumping in, you can see from the central plains to chicago, warmer air allowing -- tracking in from west to east, and that will be the theme throughout your saturday afternoon before the front crosses over. cooling us off by tomorrow. people are going to, this weekend. and you are going to be pretty toasty, throughout your evening by 8, we are still in the upper 60s want to show you the exact break down here, so you can plan for your kids throughout your saturday afternoon. dry side later on tonight that is when we track in just a few showers for northern cuyahoga county the brunt of this moisture will be falling for ke it will be on the light side throughout your overnight and becomes widespread throughout your sunday. browns tomorrow morning, if you are headed to the muni lot we are tracking in a little rainfall activity for trick-or- treaters possibly tomorrow night if you are taking the kids out to festivities looks like we will be dry once again. today 73 degrees it is the talker. we will say mainly cloudy overnight lows, still on the warm side, should have been 59 degrees instead of the lower 40s. for your sunday, we will track in a few showers here, by monday and tuesday afternoon, you can see things are drying out but state, highs 70s. >> mild temperatures for those trick-or-treaters. cavs welcome the magic to town. last night they were north of the border taking on toronto in a rematch of the eastern conference fin close with less than a minute less, he had 26 points cavs hung on to win 94-91 to start the year 2 and 0. >> as we all know, indians now just two wins away from winning their first world series since 1948. there is just one surviving member of that championship been wonderful winning it all. these cleveland ball players celebrated that feeling they won the last championship 1948. boys of summer took it into the fall. long retired living in texas, first baseman, eddie robinson remembers with a smile his indians team of 48. >> it was a very memorable year, so many things happened during that year, that we were up, we w prevailed and we had good leadership, they were our seniors on the team. >> reporter: a nod to the older veteran players. eddie robinson has long had senior status himself at 96 he is the last surviving member of the 48 indians that was the owner, that they bussed in fans if they would buy tickets. wonderful guy, he was a great promo tore. >> reporter: in a one game american league playoff to break the tie for first place, the indians beat the red sox moving on to tangle with the boston braves in the series. in 6 games the indians claimed it all. winning in boston, so the clevelanders train ride home was a raucous party on the rails. >> we had the club car and the diner, and the celebration was great, champaign was dripping >> reporter: when the train pulled into union terminal the railroad station, all of cleveland turned out to welcome home the 1948 world series champs, cleveland indians, a few days later they had a big parade. ball players road in convertible cars. all of cleveland said thanks for bringing us the world series history indians said we were glad to do it. cleveland the center of the baseball universe 1948. indians did, win it all. eddie robinson is rooting for the indians. hope is for another championship in cleveland. we know the way, we've done it before, back in 48. yeah. that's the way we were. >> we have done it before thank you leon. a lot has changed since eddie robinson and the indians won 1948 including a trip to the ballpark. prices of the ticket to see a world series game you have seen astronomical. this year they did start at a few hundred bucks went up from there in 1948 you paid between 2 and $8 equal to 10 to $70. coke cost you 18? then wouldn't that be nice, $4.50 now and indians fans were watching the games in a different stadium back then of course. at the time it was built it was the largest professional municipal than any other in the country. >> game 5, 48 series set a record attendance at 86,000 people progressive sells out at 35,000, one thing that has not changed indians uniforms. >> another thing that hasn't changed is emily's devotion to the tripe tribe she is 104 h -- to the tribe she is 104 and watched them win the world series in 1948. she is hoping to see again this year. >> reporter: meet emily. >> long as i had a chance i watched them. >> reporter: some might say she is a bit of an indians fan. >> i followed them so far, and so long. >> reporter: she is by all accounts the oldest tribe fan alive. born in 1912, william taft was president, titanic sank, women couldn't vote. emily's passion for her team. >> every year i thought oh, this is the year. this is the year. but it never came. >> reporter: see she waited patiently 68 years in fact, since the indians last won the world series. she watched them win from the stands in 1948. >> i remember sitting on that bench, long bench, i me going in my -- >> let's be honest they owe it to her if they don't i don't want to see the wrath of this woman coming down on those players. >> reporter: emily has lived through a lot what keeps her going is hopes of seeing another series win. >> last year at 103 she fell and broke her hip, arm in four placeshoulder and throughout that rehab process, what she kept saying was i am not going to make it and i am not going to see my indians in the world throughout the first pitch on her hundredth birthday. >> zach mcklister who still says that ball was smoking when it came in. >> she has seen every game except a world series win. a huge heart and larger heart for a game that kept her alive more than a century. >> win one before i die what i want. i told them that, i think they know it now. >> imagine all the indians baseball team that is women has seen she knows her -- woman has seen she has some tip fors this year's team. hit the conners steal some bases -- corners steal some bases like they used to and we will be just fine. these fans love their indians you may be surprised by police for months important clue he left behind that helped break open the investigation. all that as we wake up to a beautiful saturday morning. another check of that forecast it's 6:29 a.m. welcome back to this half hour of good morning cleveland. a live look at the cleveland shining bright. you are waking up to another indians victory. just two away. i am nick foley. >> first roll tribe. >> that was was close a ball game as you are going to find. we found a way to manage to win that game. >> indians with a big win in enemy territory the tribe veteran who provided the huge hit to give them a we will hear from him straight ahead. >> a night of horror here in north royalton a man shot after stabbing police, latest information i am learning about that man just ahead. we will have more on those stories in just a bit first a check on that beautiful forecast with meteorologist, janessa. >> good morning everybody. october 29th i am going to talk about temperature that is are in the 70s this afternoon. we are going to continue to see thickening up a-- though, thickening up across the area. tracking west to east, any sunshine we see will be on the filtered side. don't plan on that, but we will see dry conditions for most of your day. let's talk about our temperatures right now, good morning greater cleveland, 56 degrees, you can see the cool air is in place, lower 50s to upper 40s right now, for wayne county. take a look at the wider view i want to show you winds will stir up this afternoon. that bubble of warm in st. louis, inned app police, going to trap -- indianapolis going to track into the area. priceless weather across the board by the 1:00 p.m. hour we will sit in the 70s. we will not stay completely dry. i will show you hour by hour when a little bit of rain tracks back in. no matter if you get the big hit or lay the bunt down you want to do something that fortunately enough for me today, it was the hit. >> the hit. they spoil the game at wrigley field. the tribe back in the drivers seat. two victories stand between the indians and their first world series title since 48. standing room only as expect, airtight game, scoreless until the 7th when crisp stepping up, pinch hitting how much pressure was that he was facing the former indian comes up big knocking in the run with the base hit. >> the support for the cubs is worldwide, and you know what you are doing coming into the game and our fans do a great job of supporting us as well. coming in here getting the victory tonight is big for us. from wrigley just after 8. corey back on the mound for cleveland. win was big for these fans who watched in the windy city they may now live in chicago but have not forgotten their roots. look at these tribe fans at vons pub in chicago. they are believing we can take this home they say when we do it all, it annapolis >> it will be 100% we don't know where he lives but it will be a party. >> yeah, we are crashing his house for sure. 150 workers and guests saw the team win at wrigley last night the tribe gave all the tool time employees tickets. 150 employees saw them win with a significant other that they brought along with them and another 150 and a guest will fly over there tonight let's results. more serious news, a night of terror unfolding in north royalton where we find meg shaw. you are now just learning the name of the suspect. >> reporter: i just spoke with the suspect's sister moments ago she came down here to the police department a little bit ago she tells me her brother, 45-year-old has died she said the one shot to the abdomen killed him terrifying scene happening at her house 7:00 p.m. last night on independence place. north royalton police tell us two officers were at the home to serve a probate order his sister tells me he became upset, stabbed that officer in the face and lig. he was taken to hospital for his injury -- leg, he was taken to the hospital for his crews were on the scene late last night this is an officer involved shooting. his sister says she has not been allowed back into her house just yet this morning we also know that officer stabbed he was also taken to the hospital for his injuries, we are told he is expected to live. but again we don't know the officers name or again, the officers name who shot the man but as anything new develops i will keep you guys updated. >> the investigation will continue thank you for that update. >> cleveland heights man who admitted to killing a 15-year- old boy in a mr. hero restaurant will spend the rest of his life in prison. perry was sentenced for the shooting death, the teen was shot two weeks ago during a robbery. only on 5 this morning flood in a latex -- blood and a latex glove may have helped and grabs. this is surveillance of more than a dozen break-ins detectives believe the stolen frames have been sold on the streets or online. >> every time that we are able to utilize dna and get suspect information back, it always helps our cases. >> those pieces of dna linked him to both cases police are now looking for him they he may have taken more than a million dollars worth of designer eyeglass frames. coming up next, this plane bursting into flames on the runway. the mayhem inside as passengers rush to escape. >> are you dedicated enough that you would have this done to your hair? one cleveland bar bar is shaving tributes. forecast 70s today but nick this is just day 1 i will show you i have two days with 70s, as we step into november. breaking news just in, police telling us there is a huge water main break-in euclid, lake shore boulevard now closed between east 204th and east 208th street. take side streets to avoid the area for sure. seeing a good swath of warm air tracking back into northern ohio. our daytime highs today in the lower 70s good morning elyria, right now you are currently at 56 degrees, can still see cool air from wayne county, stark county mid-40s right now but just give the weather little bit of time throughout your afternoon whatever you have planned. we are on the dry side, highs back in the 70s by dinner, you didn't notice, a change here cloud coverage really thickening up by your hours, we will see lows 60s tracking just a few scattered showers. now we are going to try and go ahead to grab that wind by tomorrow if you are headed to the muni lot to support the browns we will track a few showers for the game here. breeze is picking up and cooling temperatures northwest, 10 to 20 miles per hour. definitely take advantage of these temperatures. well, we know the cleveland sports fans can be some of the most dedicated fans in the world, but are you big enough shaved into the back of your head? that is a good question, what some fans are doing taking indians wear to a whole new level. news 5s. tara is bringing us the hottest hair cuts in town. >> reporter: now you may have seen photos of this cleveland area barbers world series work online or maybe even the back of a friend's head. sunny's hair cuts are blowing up. and you are about to see hair cuts, they are works of art. >> art work you know, it is really hard to do. >> definitely art. >> reporter: and his hair portraits are not for the shy >> i like different designs and people looking at me. >> reporter: or impatient it takes sunny around 3 hours to do cuts like these but he can do a basic design in 15. >> to me any hair cut is art what they have. >> reporter: the hottest new thing for fans who are diehard train. >> show the spirit of indians. >> reporter: and aren't afraid to stand out in the cloud. >> i don't let anyone else touch my hair but him. >> reporter: sunny was outside progressive at one point doing logos on the back of people's heads for free. unfortunately he will not be back during the watch parties this weekend but told me he will find time to watch the games between in cleveland, new 50s. -- news 5. >> he may not have much time with three hours of hair cuts. those look great. >> scientists think they may have found the fountain of youth why you may want to eat more of these veggies. >> a seat at the bar will cost you for the world series. that's true. outrageous cover charge to eight people hurt after that ball of fire erupts at chicago o'hare. american airlines flight aborting take off in the nick of time. investigators pointing to an engine issue in this explosion. watch as everybody scrambles to the exits. >> i can't go. >> go. >> please [ screaming ] safety slides, screaming the entire way down. only to stand up and see that fireball behind them. no time wasted in getting far away from this the crew estimates everybody got off the flight in under a minute. passengers waiting to board planes at fort lauderdale airport watched a fireball rise from the fedex cargo plane the landing gear collapsed and caught fire. thankfully no one was injured in that explosion as well. your mom told you to eat your broccoli and hopefully you listened. researchers found an enzyme could actually keep you young they tested the compound on mice and found it had. >> announcer: tie aging effect when added to drinking water results are so promising they are now starting studies on the pill form of that enzyme hoping if you don't like broccoli it can found in cucumbers, edameme and cabbage. >> i am eating that. >> on the way home i am heading to the grocery store. >> lots of broccoli. >> put a little seasoning on it. >> janessa with another look at weather. again, hard to believe you walked out today, really bitter cold days not bitter cold i know you and i argue about that, but chilly start this week this morning. not so >> 50s across the board. we are seeing a front sagging here in the clouds, they are in place across northern ohio. you are not going to enjoy too much sunshine as the front continues to make its way across the area. as nick said we are off to a very mild start. you just might need that light coat handy we are dealing with a breeze that is picking up. good morning lake county 57 east of us, to dover, new philly, upper 40s. winds will be gusting today, to 30 miles per hour, constant wind speed 15 to 20. that will allow for the gradual warm up you see throughout the afternoon. five live radars, clouds in place, any moisture we are currently seeing as well to the north, stark summit county you are seeing a little bit of clear bug clouds will continue to filter in here. you can see we are not temperatures across the board here from central plains to dallas all that warm, goodness will make its way across northern ohio throughout your afternoon whatever you have planned, i know many people thinking about halloween parties tonight. should be toasty. 6:00 p.m., 71 degrees. not just in the clear just yet. i do think we will start to cast, the clouds they continue to track in for lake shore communities throughout your afternoon, early morning, we are on the dry side but look at this by 3:30 p.m., all of us, except ashtabula, you are getting close. upper 60s most of us in the 70s across the board. i do thing around 8 we will see a little bit of isolated activity the brunt of this moisture really is not going to track in until overnight lot tomorrow morning and for the browns game we will be on the wet side. heading for trick-or-treating, should be in and out of here. 73 degrees i am going partly cloudy skies, the gusts will continue to pick up, so our temperatures just well above normal. around for awhile. thank you indians on the road in chicago tonight for game 4 of the world series but sit a home game for at least one indian. here is news 5 anchor, rob powers with the story. >> reporter: it is 20 miles from the batting cage at wrigley field to the spaing campus of glen brook north high school but you will find jason at both his picture hangs on the backstop of the high school baseball field this was his field these are a hot temper growing up even in high school, when we were playing, he was passionate. >> we had a running joke with his dad he would be throwing a helmet and his dad would give me a check to cover the cost. >> reporter: passion of a football player which he was, a good one too. holds a tonne of school receiving records >> he knew the game, picked it up quickly he was a competitor usually wanted to be part of unless we were giving him the ball. >> coach rue pert watched him become a man justin has been on team s with jason since they were 9. good times, great friends watching all of this from here >> i don't have words for it. it is so hard to describe that he is actually living his dream. as a friend as a brother it is cool. sounds so simple but it is really cool >> they helped me turn into the player i am today these guys kept me on the straight path as i tried to veer off numerous times and i owe them many thanks hopefully i can return the favor by beating their teams because most of them are cubs team fans. >> what is that feeling like? >> hopefully something we can laugh at later. >> that was rob powers reporting. you want the root for your buddy but you are in chicago since a world series game has been played at wrigley you won't believe how much it costs to sit at a bar. last night in chicago to watch the game some bars charging over $300 to get in. that is again, just to watch the game on television. ticket price gets you one food item, open bar, and party favors i guess it is not all bad. up next on good morning cleveland saturday, as the boys get ready for game 4, to their other halfs. what the wives are saying about >> welcome back. winning the world series is a team effort in more ways than one. we sat down with two indians players wives. >> we have been together since we were 17 so to see him do this, it is just amazing. >> kristin shaw brought husband brian playing on baseball's biggest stage. >> the idea he will be coming out in a jersey with a world series patch on the sleeve, and his name on the back, i mean it is unbelievable. >> brian has come a long way since the couple met on the first day of college but somethings stayed the same >> brian was sitting on his twin extra long bed playing call of due diif you have met brian in 11 years that is pretty much the same set up. >> he lived in my best friend's basement and i asked him out on my birthday. >> getting the start for the indians in game 1 against the cubs. >> he has worked so hard and -- >> like the other players wives they have a key role in their husband's success whether words of wisdom. >> at the end of the day you still got to work hard, stay focused. >> or stepping up when there is no one to practice with. corey. >> yes, amanda has been there to catch for corey. >> nice and easy, which the first time i did it, it caught me off guard i was like that is not easy you be careful with me. >> while she supported her hard working husband she said there is another component >> couldn't do it without the fans and we love being in cleveland. >> both amanda and kristin say their guys are good to go. calm and focused ready to section, ground is shaking because people are cheering so loud i think how on earth are they doing this. it is just wild >> ready to enjoy a wild world series ride. >> just talking about it, so much fun. i don't even know how to process it. it is one of those things he waited forever nor. and we are going the need another big performance tonight on the mound for sure. janessa, weather. >> love that story. 73 degrees, clouds are in place, we track rain, should be in and out of here, but for your halloween, 60s. >> janessa, part of the team doing her part giving you that forecast. news continues next on good morning america we will see you good morning, america. new overnight, hillary clinton reacting to the fbi's shocking announcement that they found new e-mails that may be pertinent to the investigation into her private server. >> the american people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately. >> the huma abedin and the sexting scandal with her husband anthony weiner. donald trump pounces. >> this is bigger than watergate. >> could this turn the tide of the election? our political team weighs in, plus, the latest abc news tracking poll. on fire, an airplane bursts into flames during takeoff. panicked passengers rushing for the exits. >> fire.

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Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States , Glen Brook , Massachusetts , Wayne County , Texas , Elyria , Wrigley Field , Illinois , Cleveland , Boston , Lake Shore , Virginia , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Cleveland Heights , Champaign , United Methodist Church , Annapolis , Dover , Lake County , Dallas , Jersey , Chicago , North Royalton , America , American , Kristin Shaw , Meg Shaw , Nick Foley , Huma Abedin , William Taft , Anthony Weiner , Eddie Robinson , Hillary Clinton ,

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