Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20161023 : compa

Transcripts For WEWS Good Morning Cleveland 20161023

good morning, our leader is not picking up any moisture. there's an area of low pressure that will sit on top of us. i will show you the timing of when more local rain will move in for the overnight hours. have driven down clifton boulevard lately? this is all that is left of the old 5th church the coming down to make way for stores and townhouses. a high-end grocery store, chipotle and a sushi restaurant are expected to be built. people who live and work in the area hope it will improve it. >> we didn't have a real functioning economy. it was broken. we lost jobs and our anchor store in of the puzzles are coming back together. will also include a time capsule opening. it was sealed back in 1927 -- 1927 . there will be rolling roadblocks along i 90 w. over the innerbelt bridge until 11 am this morning. tomorrow is a big day for commuters. all eastbound lanes across the innerbelt bridge will be reopened. it is the first time traffic at i 90 will flow freely into downtown and 5 long years. odot calls this the largest project in ohio history . the east and west bridge -- bridges cost about a half $1 million . as we head to break will give you look at the winning lottery numbers. look. one person instead and 3 injured. police are investigating. this is pretty uncommon in the country. crime is low and there are no known groups waging violence against the state. are getting a closer look at the fight against the islamic state in iraq. revealed where we are expected they spent time in bed that saturday getting update from top military. the us is prepared to provide more support if commanders wanted. we're following more news out of iraq this morning. in a surprise move the parliament has passed a law forbidding the import, production and selling of --. alcohol. islam is basically against drinking. in the report shows opium popping is up. there is a 10 percent increase in a 91 percent increase of getting rid of it across -- decrease of getting rid of it across the country . this is a deal that could really shake up the media landscape. $85 billion. time warner owns warner brother movie studios as well as hbo and cnn. the deal has to be looked at by regulators and that can take more than a year. on saturday, donald trump is out to kill it if elected because he says too much power would be in the hands of too few . as we head into the final days of election season, you're probably getting tired of all of the trash talk candidates. the team has a way for people to focus on the issues that matter to them. lauren wilson explains. 16-year-old nick major is not your typical high school student. >> the heart of a teacher is smiling when you see a teacher doing what nick is doing. he is juggling school and his own business with one goal in mind, being your own boss and starting your own company. >> when mit was looking for young entrepreneurs to create their own startup, you jumped >> this really helps to ignite my interest in entrepreneurship. >> while in the program he created -- created a new spin on crown funding . is a new way for everyday ohioans to get their force heard -- voice heard . >> everyday people don't have that power. >> here's how it works, go to the website and find a piece of legislation on the tablor propose one that you care about. put however much you want toward it than the campaign is able to get the funding it needs to hire a lobbyist to push the legislation forward. >> his teacher and mentor tells me, his startup is unique and so is the experience. >> i think that make has taken it to the next level tranix nick has taken it to the next level the next level. these are wonderful experiences that i don't think your typical 16 or 17-year-old student is getting to go through. >> reporter: he says he hopes his startup will motivate the younger generation to get informed and involved. >> i see a lot of people being really comfortable sharing their opinions on social media, but often young people fail to campaign, donate, or vote for the issues that most matter to them. this will be a way to get a lot more young people involved. >> he plans to roll out a rough draft of the site in hopes pull little fund will be in full swing by the end of this year.-- politifund will be in full swing by the end of this year. satellite images show these honeycomb like cloud patterns. this forms when cold dry air create updrafts and down drafts which could explain the unusual activity. >> i'm a cloud watcher. i love formations of clouds. >> i like to guess what animals they look like. >> that is a good point. >> today we're not going to do that? know, this is greater cleveland. if you look to the west we're starting to see the clouds split apart to the east. let's show you our weather computer. county, where you need to be. there is not a cloud in the sky this morning. it will get completely better throughout your afternoon because there is a little bit of heat behind that sunshine this afternoon. right now we are off to a crisp start, 47 degrees. there's the wind coming out of the west at 10 to 50 miles-per-hour bringing our dewpoint 239. checking out our temperatures checking out our dewpoints this morning. 51 degrees canton. good morning. the cooler air is in place. hour winds were coming out of the north yesterday . it is a southwesterly flow that we're seeing this afternoon. that will offer the gradual warm-up. it won't be as bad as we have been seeing. the winds will start to die down . as you saw from the live shot, the clearing is west with a high serious clouds -- serous clouds -- cirrus clouds coming in. we're still in the 40s. we will see the surge of warm air take over the southern states and even across northeast ohio this afternoon. today you don't want to miss of a lot of sunshine, a few clouds for dinner plans. tonight you will get 64 degrees. we do have an area of low pressure that is making it's way in. it will give us a little bit more rain around 11:00 our tool the overnight our. i will show you -- hour. i will show you the timing. at 9:00 we start to notice the clouds forming once again across the lake to the elyria area. the moisture rely gmc tomorrow will check a little bit of rain from huron county and cuyahoga county. unfortunately lake affect rain is still dominating for ashtabula county. by the noon hour most of us will sit in more dry conditions and a little bit of sunshine for your monday. today, enjoy it. 65 degrees. that is unreal for degrees above normal. tonight we will be at 48 degrees. this was our high yesterday. you need to enjoy this warm air that is moving back in. i will show you reality though, it comes back monday afternoon 54. we will check the next storm system wednesday and thursday with more rain in the forecast. ohio state fans are in mourning right now. dreams of an undefeated season dashed last night when the buckeyes fell to the ranked penn state was supposed to be a pretty easy win for the number 2 team in the country, but a blocked field go offense and some tough defense led to a major upset here this is the first victory for penn state against osu since 2011. thousands took to the streets to celebrate. police had to break up the clouds -- crowds . the browns the bengals. they are still looking for their first win of the season . the bengals are 2 - for right now -- 4 right now. did you know, 2 of the 8 high- scoring games in the nfl have been between these 2 teams. game time is 1 pm. obviously, the browns are not favorite to win this division, but they are huge a rates in another poll. the number one draft pick. cleveland has a 65.5 percent chance to be exact. the next him on the list is the chicago bears with a 10 percent chance. a georgia teenager is waking up from a coma finding he has learned a new language while he was unconscious. last month he was in a pretty bad soccer accident. another player kicked him in the head. he was in a coma for several days. when he woke up he spoke only really strange because he was never fluent in the language before this accident. now his coach wants to make helmets mandatory for all soccer goalies . >> if everyone is waiting to the big thing to happen before they start wearing the mask, we should try to prevent these things from happening earlier. >> rubin is not back at school yet because he is recovering. he does hope to play soccer again. there are a lot of times when parents ask themselves how much now the top pediatrician group made have answers about screen -- may have answers about screen time . tvs, computers, and touchscreens are kind of a new playground for kids and toddlers but many worry that with constant exposure it might come with negative consequences . today's babies are a giant lab experience about screen time. to answer the growing concerns about this new wave of devices american academy of pediatrics has now come out with a set of guidelines. here the recommendations: parents should eliminate exposure to electronic media for kids under 18 months. for kids 18 to 24 months, and introduction is okay what they owed -- urge parents to participate . for kids between the ages of 2 and 5 limit screen time to one hour or less per day and stop screen time uson keeping bed use and mealtime screen free. >> this can be a great way to educate and entertain a child. creating him plug time in the home leaves the time for the family to download some bonding and create a happier future. if you have trouble fitting the gym into your day, you might be able to ditch it in favor of being active -- more active for the rest of the day . new research shows staying actually better than short burst of high intensity exercise. the cdc look at the total daily activity and found those who love to more steps during the day less likely to develop diabetes than those who are still most of the time. and then they would really push it bother at the gym. coming up: donald trump stomps in cleveland, but it is what he said before he got here that is making headlines this morning. a judges forcing a maple heights park what they did to receive the punishment. you're watching we start this half-hour with a live look outside. there is pretty beautiful. welcome to the sunday edition of good morning cleveland. we have several developing stories including series opponent is set. we will play the cubs. expect ticket prices and excitement levels to rise. meg is here to explain it off, but first let's get a check on our weather. >> we are off to a fantastic start for your sunday. you will love me today. all of the sunshine will be intact throughout your day, please enjoy it. we do have an area of low pressure that will slide in late tonight throughout your fantastic way to end the weekend after a war -- rough start . as you are headed to church services or brunch this morning, please do not leave without a coat. that crisp air is in place. greater cleveland is 45 degrees . if you need some warm air it goes to lake county as the winner this morning. good morning ashtabula currently at 45 degrees. as you can see there is a big difference from just 12 hours ago when we were tracking that lake affect rain. high pressure is building across the ohio valley allowing for all of the sunshine. you have seen a little bit of quiet weather here out to the west. there is a lot more sunshine this morning with clouds in place for eastern locations. we're off to a cool start, but we are going to start to see we will see daytime highs back in the 60s. we will see that peak around 5:00. we will be at 65 degrees. it is not okay pull whether, but still a nice walk outside -- pool weather, but a nice walk outside his find. donald trump swung through cleveland last night giving a speech along with his running mate governor mike pence. donald trump stuck to his major talking po northeast ohio is getting a lot of attention. laid out his agenda for his first 100 days in office but it was overshadowed by his about to sue all the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct. >> everywoman abide when they came forward -- lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign. it is total fabrication. the all of these liars will be soon after the election. >> donald trump suggested hillary clinton's campaign was behind the women's allegations. when asked about the comments on the trail, clinton says she will remain focused on her plan for the country. hurt campaign -- her campaign is sending star power to our area. goldblum will tour ohio encouraging people to vote for her. toledo area. he will spend the afternoon in euclid hosting an early voting event. the lights are out for the h2o lounge. a judge ruled the business should be permanently closed after a series of crimes including a deadly shooting down just last weekend. port documents also reveal they do not have a valid -- court documents also reveal they did not have a valid liquor ice -- license since the beginning of the month. swerved into oncoming traffic on state route 13 hitting a van . he was pronounced dead at the scene. 3 people in the van had to be taken to the hospital including a little girl that is 2 years old. we were told she was not in the car seat or wearing a seatbelt. i want you to take a close look at these pictures. police are hoping you will recognize this man. he is a suspect in a theft case from earlier this month recognize him, give police a call. a consistent call home is a struggle for dozens of teenagers every year. right now social service agencies are ramping up their efforts to put an end to use homelessness. it is all a part -- youth homelessness. it is all a part to keep kids off the streets for 100 days. which we haven't had for this time. >> the 100 day challenges made possible by money from the department of housing and urban development. local landlords are helping out by offering housing for the teenagers. this is an extreme makeover school edition. dozens of volunteers are working hard to give new life to once -- to a once vacant cleveland school. when kids return a 15 by 15 foot mural designed by local artist. this is one of the charter schools that serves children in central cleveland. one for the ages, that is what 2016 world series can be called. we now know the cleveland indians will now take on the chicago cubs. we're live at progressive field this morning. this is now a battle for history. >> reporter: it definitely is. their course -- curse, and their drought by the end of the series. we know that for sure. some are calling it the most exciting fall classic ever and we haven't even played a single game. the cubs secured their spot in the world series just before 11:00 last night beating the la dodgers 5 - zero in game 6 of the series. fans in cleveland and chicago can argue either way for their team saying one is more deserving than the othe good quote that said choosing one team over another is like choosing an abuse path for an animal shelter. we all know lebron and the cavaliers have been rattling -- rallying for the indians. last night he tweeted with dwayne wade that they would place a bet. are both wind. game -- fine. game one will be played right here. game 2 will follow on wednesday before the tribes had to chicago for games 3, 4, and 5 if necessary, but less focus on game one and getting the world series started here in cleveland. the new lebron james banner isin a look at the finished product. it took crews all day yesterday to put it up. it really looks a lot like the one it replaced, but if you look closer you can seatac at the back of his trophy -- josie -- jersey .-- you can see at the back of his jersey there is there is lots going on across the area today. i will give you a lot of sunshine to enjoy it in, but there is a time frame. i will show you when rain will good morning everyone, it is not about how you start the weekend. it is all about the finish. we will finish on the winning side across northeast ohio pier unashamed to the west. we have high-pressure that is for the west. just give it a little bit of time this afternoon. a lot of us will sit in a ton of sunshine. the big talker is our daytime highs. they are perfect for some apple picking, maybe pumpkin picking this afternoon. will see the peak of our highs hitting the ground -- around the 5:00 our . we are about 10 degrees above normal for this time of year. difficult time and their lives is now a little easier. offices of work residents to collect donations for providence house. the nursery provide services for nearly 400 boys and girls every year. saturday, officers along with the community held a baby shower dropping off much-needed diapers, formula and medicines. >> the children who come stay at providence house are back and they live here for 2 touch up 3 months at a time. >> it is exactly what qvc -- community policing is all about , to help those in need. >> isn't that great. this is the 16th year 2nd district officers have organized a baby shower for providence house. recent comments from donald trump has everyone wondering, if he loses will be concede? we are looking into what happens when a candidate 16 days and counting until we know who will be the next president of the united states. is donald trump -- donald trump has talked of a rigged election. >> reporter: good sunday morning northeast ohio. today may be about the battle of northeast ohio, browns versus the bengals, but the reality is ohio likely has to do with that on open envelope on the table over there. it may include the absentee ballot you requested. polls show that clinton may be leaning in the race but here in ohio it is really neck and neck. they both want to reach voters. you especially for the ones who haven't yet filled out a ballot . so where do we stand, 200,000 have asked for an early of registered voters. the survey found more of the same in bellwood and link county . they had 23 point -- lake county. they had 23.3 percent with an almost identical percentage in madonna -- medina county. in summit 18.3 voters have requested early better -- ballots. you can look at a high number or but the reality is when you have a lot of people who want a wait-and-see how the final couple of weeks will play out especially with all of this talk of a rigged election. in donald trump's comments of a rigged election there has been no ambiguity. his latest target the voting dead. >> more than 1.8 million every couple of years. >> this was due to a mismatch of information that a voter gave to the bureau of motor vehicle compared to our database. >> they also monitor department of health records to remove those who have died. even if you do decide to pull a ballot for your recently departed uncle george, you would need to know his social secu of his current drivers license or id or you can be fined or imprisoned for a vote that will amount to .0 amount to .00 amount to .000 percent of the vote. >> on twitter someone caused a stir by saying they worked in a columbus post office and were ripping up as the -- absentee ballots . the postal service this year voters contract their ballots online. you will know at all times where your ballot is. governor john kasich talking with cbs and as you can imagine -- to say that elections are rigged and all of these votes are stolen, that is like saying we have never landed on the moon. that is how silly it is. i don't think that is good for our country, our democracy, and i believe we have any fraud. one of my great friends is the head of the board of elections. we don't have that, that is just a silly argument. the problem is, it does create doubt in people's mind -- mines. i worry about the americans who may say the election was stolen. that is a big fat joke. because of the level of passion involved in my have some voters that one of take a picture of there ballot and share it with the social media shouldn't ask so fast. >> for many clevelanders, voting is a thing of pride. >> who they voted or, that they voted early, people are excited about coming out to vote early. >> if you want to post a souvenir photo of your ballot, think again. >> it is illegal. >> plenty of people across the country are already doing it and the laws vary from state to state. in ohio -- taking a picture of your ballot in any manner is illegal. >> illegal because law because -- before the social media age that was made to stop people from taking pictures of their ballots and collecting bribes in return -- bribes in return. now director pat mcdonald tells me in cuyahoga county blank ballots are fair game. voters can bring their phones to the polls and election judges will not pull out the handcuffs when they noticed a suspicious selfie , but they will monitor social >> i will track down that individual, call them, tell them about the law, and asked them to remove it. >> voters that failed to comply will be reported to the prosecutors office. while so much has been focused on the top of the ticket, there is a new -- and never to raise going on between rob portman in ted strickland. they have a final the plate -- debate taking place here in looking to define their opponent . >> he has voted to keep us from curving gun violence. >> portman going after ted strickland's record as government. >> jobs were lost, 90,000 jobs were lost right here in cleveland. one voters turned him out of office do know he said about is cleveland. >> it was a substitute -- substantive debate. the senate race, as big as it is, is an under guard this year. it is one that will be impacted by the top of the ticket. >> donald trump is unfit to be pregnant -- president . he has mocked disabled people, he has made fun of prisoners of war and gold start families. he has called women peaks star families . he has called women pigs. >> when hillary clinton called half of donald trump's supporters deplorable, said they were irredeemable, said they were racist, ted strickland didn't stand up and he still hasn't to this day. >> it was one thing they voiced bipartisan support for, your cleveland indians. . we have earned the beautiful weather. we have put in the time and we deserve the sunshine. >> we deserve it but it will be short-lived. we have 12 hours. i will take it back and then we will be back in the 50s. great shot of progressive. our director is going for the tribe in 7. what is your call? >> i'm going to go with him. tribe and 7? come on. we are northeast ohio, th >> if you're headed to that game 50 degrees will be a temperature, mostly clear skies, winds are dying down . it will be cool and crisp here? sure you have your code handy. 49 right now for greater cleveland. that cooler air is in place. winds are starting to pick up right now for medina county . 43 degrees is the feel like temperature. degrees over new philly. we're noticing the cloud cover to the east. millersburg or maple heights you are waking up to a few cumulus clouds. to the west, high pressure is really starting to build in. that will dominate throughout your afternoon. all of us will be soaking up the sunshine. have your sunglasses handy. daytime highs will hit their peak around 4:00. we are looking at 65 cooler for inland and sheltered locations. that includes akron and canton. we will look at about 63 to 64 degrees. i do want to show you our future cast. we have an area of low pressure that will start to slight -- sliced through here . if you have dinner plans you are a-ok. the clouds start to see been around 8 or 9:00 and then the moisture will die down. tonight we will go with mostly cloudy, 48 degrees. we will stuff back into reality tomorrow , 54. the overnight lows will return to the upper 30s. we will track our next front wednesday to thursday. it is not a bad looking forecast as fall continues to be in sunshine to enjoy. get out there, apple pick. >> if you want to do some golfing, do want to tell you the golfing or cast. for your afternoon we're at 54 degrees. the peak will be at 62. get that golfing done. your 7- day forecast, 54 by tomorrow. a little bit of rain by midw enjoyed today. >> enjoyed today, the moral of the story. >> we will be back. have a >> welcome to spotlight 5. we have an amazing new product that will reduce crows feet in storm. i have never seen anything about it. >> tell me about it.>> it specializes in of problem area that most of us have, the under eye bags. we have video that will blow you away. this product, you just rub it into your skin and it goes away. it is that simple, there is no injection, you have to -- you don't have to go to the doctor. look at that. it is completely gone. >> that is dramatic. >> smooths the puffiness out. when you rub them under your i they weaved together and -- eye , they weaved together and create a smooth contour. you will wash your face and wait 10 minute. you one of put on this oil. you put that on and then put your makeup on as normal and you are ready to rock 'n roll fo >> i know you have a special offer today as well for all of our viewers. >> yes we do. it is 40 percent off. it is buy 2 get one free if you call the one 800 number or go to our website and you are off to being a rockstar. this stuff is just amazing. >> i love that there are no injections, no doctors office -- how long does the last ? >> it last asked to 8 hours. most last 2 to 3. by the time >> go on bill i'm -- go online to on "this week with george stephanopoulos" -- against the rope. >> i don't want to think back if only i did one morally i would have won. >> announcer: as his path to victory narrows, donald trump lashing out. >> all of these liars will be sued after the election. >> announcer: and not backing results if i win. >> announcer: hillary clinton playing offense. >> every time donald trump says he wants to jail his opponent, meaning me, i think to myself, you know, we don't do that in america. >> announcer: clinton pulling ahead but can she break away? and can trump make a comeback, or has he slipped too far behind?

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Cuyahoga County , Ohio , United States , Georgia , Maple Heights Park , Millersburg , Elyria , Akron , Cleveland , Medina County , China , Columbus Post Office , Iraq , Lake County , Cleveland School , Illinois , Jersey , Huron County , Chicago , Americans , America , Canton , American , Lauren Wilson , Ted Strickland , John Kasich , Pat Mcdonald , Lebron James , Dwayne Wade , George Stephanopoulos , Hillary Clinton ,

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